Need of the Hour: Android Application Development

Need of the Hour: Android Application Development We all know we are in the 21st century, a century which was no less than a fantasy to us a few decades back. It is a century, techno advanced age that has a populace depended on technology for day to day activities. Let, me come to my point, that I wish to discuss here; undoubtedly I will discuss on Technology but let's narrow it down to a more specific term "Android" to make our discussion more specific, focused and crisp. Android is a revolution in the in the field of technology, it is no less than a hot cake which everyone from youths to senior citizens wishes to have and experience. Being an open source platform, Android is an Operating System that offers utmost flexibility to the developers to show their engineering creativity and offer masses user-friendly applications to enjoy and work upon. The prevalence of Android (it's coding adaptability and ease of use) has developed so much that today every 8 out of 10 individuals hangs on Android contraption. Truth be told, they don't leave their homes without their Android phones or tablets. Android, a software has opened up a novel avenue to progress on for the IT industry. Now, the focus of It firms has grown up to Android App Development as well. In a recent past, less than a decade ago software development & their innovate solutions to fix bugs, then testing, programming & documenting was the only source to take home earnings. To sustain in the marketplace was then bit tough, but with the grown popularity of Android & growth of the smartphones has transformed the way IT sector used to work. The way people use to work or entertain themselves has changed, they now browse the internet, book movie tickets online, shop online, watch online videos & do much more things like check their emails online. All these things have brought a transformation in the IT development sector; now a new field Android Applications Development has open up to earn profits and show creativity. Find out HOW??, thousands and thousands of users & huge no. of downloads have made Android Applications

Transcript of Need of the Hour: Android Application Development

Page 1: Need of the Hour: Android Application Development

Need of the Hour: Android Application Development

We all know we are in the 21st century, a century which was no less than a fantasy to us a few decades

back. It is a century, techno advanced age that has a populace depended on technology for day to day

activities. Let, me come to my point, that I wish to discuss here; undoubtedly I will discuss on

Technology but let's narrow it down to a more specific term "Android" to make our discussion more

specific, focused and crisp.

Android is a revolution in the in the field of technology, it is no less than a hot cake which everyone from

youths to senior citizens wishes to have and experience. Being an open source platform, Android is an

Operating System that offers utmost flexibility to the developers to show their engineering creativity

and offer masses user-friendly applications to enjoy and work upon. The prevalence of Android (it's

coding adaptability and ease of use) has developed so much that today every 8 out of 10 individuals

hangs on Android contraption. Truth be told, they don't leave their homes without their Android phones

or tablets.

Android, a software has opened up a novel avenue to progress on for the IT industry. Now, the focus of

It firms has grown up to Android App Development as well. In a recent past, less than a decade ago

software development & their innovate solutions to fix bugs, then testing, programming & documenting

was the only source to take home earnings. To sustain in the marketplace was then bit tough, but with

the grown popularity of Android & growth of the smartphones has transformed the way IT sector used

to work. The way people use to work or entertain themselves has changed, they now browse the

internet, book movie tickets online, shop online, watch online videos & do much more things like check

their emails online. All these things have brought a transformation in the IT development sector; now a

new field Android Applications Development has open up to earn profits and show creativity. Find out

HOW??, thousands and thousands of users & huge no. of downloads have made Android Applications

Page 2: Need of the Hour: Android Application Development

Development a field that is buzzing with activity.Today multitudes are grateful for diverse applications; it

consents to their entertainment, business, convenience and a collection of diverse prerequisites.

At the introductory stage Android Apps Development experts were viewed as maven who gives the

extension to computer software development; in any case, organizations with changing time aced to

execute the selective qualities and uses of Android phones to deliver apps aptly customized for the

smartphone. The result was the development of a variety of Android applications did precisely what

software development (improvement in programming) did, yet which equipped the smartphone


So, people had many browser apps, travel applications, shopping cart apps, social networking apps, and

gaming applications composed especially for Android phones. Various companies dealing in the industry

of Information & Technology use their adroit in software development for PCs, tablets, and laptops, and

have pundit development teams for Android app development. Their dexterous development experts

focused on what can be termed as 'customary smartphone development'. For the expert team, it is the

development of Android apps that are equivalent in size, extension and execution to software

development for PCs or portable workstations.

Yet, now, significantly multitudes are making it a propensity for posing the question, 'Is there any

application for this?' So now, an Android Applications Development master is not confined to making

advanced applications that convey enhanced execution or giving complicated services. For instance,

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there are restaurants that give out their menus in type of Android applications. They don't need any

complicated or intelligent project: all they require is an application they can offer to their clients. So they

get an application composed which records their food products and helps the client track down their

closest outlet operating their Android.

The repute of these sorts of apps has begun another entryway for littler estimated IT organizations that

desire to enter the Android Apps Development vocation. Software development organizations at initial

stage whose key area of skills is the development of personal computers are the ones who stand to get

the most from this prototype.

Big organizations are by and large not occupied in designing & developing small apps as they don't pay

much, and such IT firms craving to go for bigger projects. Be that as it may, for software development

companies trying to get their grip/ their hold on the Android app development industry, making small

apps is an entirely decent decision.

It's not simple for small IT associations to stay focused with their bigger competitors all alone turf: they

find it too complicated to bag big projects without considerably limiting their revenue. However, the

prerequisite of simple and small apps for Android (applications that can be sensibly outlined inside a

week) has given an astounding chance for fledglings & small IT companies to get experience and

benefits by jumping into app development and Android Apps Development field.

EndiveSoftware, a fidus Achates of business professionals with its expertise in IT services aren't just

helping its client to expand his reach in the commercial center but too fetch great profits.

EndiveSoftware's virtuoso team of developers and designers make it singular in its niche and competent

to proffer multifaceted services to its clients such as Web & Mobile App development and E-Commerce

Web development. Acknowledged as a leading Android App development company, it deals in and

Open-source CMS development to offer your business excellent leverage and extension support. In

order to contact the sales team of Endive Software reach them at [email protected] or can

get in touch through Skype at endive-consulting.