Need more inspiration?



Consumer Can Stories by Ball - 1001 Beverage Can Blogs

Transcript of Need more inspiration?

Page 1: Need more inspiration?



1001 beverage Can blogs

Page 2: Need more inspiration?

Wait... Have YoU alreaDY HearD

aboUt tHe Canspirators?

Listen... we are really of the opinion that the beverage can is more than a metal object sitting on a shelf

somewhere... waiting to be purchased... for its contents to be satisfyingly consumed... and ultimately recycled

by its environmentally-friendly purchaser.

We call ourselves canspirators (can+inspiration) – a collective of innovators who share a passionaround the beverage can. Every month our blog invites you to this communal space to share your opinions and ideas, while connecting

with like-minded souls in realizing your higher creative vision.

So, what is your canspiration? Contact us at [email protected] and share!

a canspirator is a Creative who

ShareS his I thoughtS I, art,

and visionaround topic

of beverage cans for inspiring othEr


Page 3: Need more inspiration?

German dosionair dosenpaparazzi/



iF YoU Have Yet to sCan a Qr CoDe, noW is tHe time to trY!

why? because videos simply don’t play in print. our optical codes when scanned are designed to direct you to a series of videos from the coolest “canspirators” around. get to know them, their vision and what they find inspiring...we think they may just win you over.

so have at it...simply unpack your smartphone and follow these step-by-step instructions to unlock a world of imaGination:

step 01download and install a Qr code app on your smartphone if youdon‘t have one yet.

step 02open the Qr code reader app and choose “scan from camera” or “scan Qr code” from the main menu.

step 03center the Qr code in the middle of the sQuare. the Qr code reader automatically scans the code.

sCanQr CoDe

inspireD, UneXpeCteD anD WilDlY

entertainingviDeos Can be FoUnD beHinD eaCH Qr CoDe

Qr CoDes? YoU simplY gotta trY ‘em!

Page 4: Need more inspiration?

enjoY tHe


Dear reaDer

Johanna mercier / manager new mediaball packaging [email protected]

… and as always, to encouraGe those with

innovative ideas to Join in the conversation.

whether an artist, scientist, photoGrapher,

developer, craftsman, proGrammer, writer,

or architect, we want to hear from you re-

GardinG your vision around the beveraGe can

and stand readied with our team of product

developers to help realize your vision. on-

line promotion of your idea and support with

crowdsourcinG proJects provides further

opportunity for us to partner with you.

we keep evolvinG – your products become

more excitinG, colorful and unique. no won-

der, as the world is chock full of inspirati-

on - everywhere, at every moment. forward-

thinkers translate inspiration into action,

sharinG their ideas in an effort to inspi-

re others. the best of us looks to harness

this vision and either re-imaGine it or wholly

create somethinG new and unexpected.

within this book we share the best ideas from

creative bloGGers who have published their

vision for the beveraGe can on canspiration.

com. our authors are passionate individuals -

ranGinG from professional wakeboarders

and part-time travelers to wine lovinG ent-

repreneurs. they share their Great “can sto-

ries” within the cateGories of sport, techno-

loGy, desiGn, music and events, all with one

common Goal: to Galvanize you!

Page 5: Need more inspiration?



10 Wojtek naWrot BaLLs, cans & thE

x gamEs

14 pHilipp sCHrammrun of a LifEtimE

20 sinsHotstaBLE soccEr With

a diffErEncE

24 muSic

26 steFan janssenhighWay to hELL!

32 UnleasH tHe skYof chickEns, sWords &

good dEEds

38 inspiration from facEBook &


40 enviROnmenT

42 tHe beverage Can Has a reallY

gooD environmental balanCe

44 rapHael josWigdonatE your dEposit!

48 deSign

50 pHilipp & jonasduBduB: thE nEcEssity –thE mothEr of invEntion

56 tobias Frenkentouch mE!

60 mY CokehErE‘s to friEndship

64 TechnOlOgy

66 tHe WorlD oF aUgmenteD realitY

68 lUkas, marC & bernHarD

BEyond EnErgy

72 evenTS

74 CHristopH traressound, camEra and


78 brabUs BraBus – anything But


82 bar marlenecan diva à La marLEnE

86 inspiration from instagram

88 celebRiTieS

90 manUela boHneroLLing out thE rEd

carpEt BusinEss styLE

94 stepHan müllerdEEp in thE cELEB


100 Webspiration

104 imprint

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8 9sport

Page 7: Need more inspiration?

woJtek nawrot‘s


balls, cans

& the x Games

name woJtek nawrot

star sign aires


manaGinG director,

crossboccia Gmbh

whereabouts wuppertal

source of inspiration

my family and

the people around me

magic message for the

masses nothinG

like a bit of healthy


The Olympiapark was rocking. The X games were taking place in a german venue for the first time ever and we were there, along with the team from trend sport cross-boccia. We made our home in the shadow of the 508 meter high Olympic Tower, occupying a huge area directly next to the Olympic hall. The magnificent building with a view of the big Air Ramp, on which the bmX and skateboard contestants did the most amazing jumps and stunts, while negotiating a gigantic 7 meter drop, proved to be the ideal backdrop for the crossboccia german Open. We had the best seats in the house, with plenty of canned drinks on hand to keep us fresh and fighting fit. The breathtaking lo-cation also impressed the german crossboccia champion of 2012, Wojtek nawrot. in this blog, Wojtek lets us in on what it felt like to experience the X games on home turf.

Page 8: Need more inspiration?

yours in sport & beyond,

wojtek nawrot


content/ x-Games-2013

scan the qr code to watch germany’s

crossboccia champion wojtek nawrot at the X

games, detailing his vision around the

beverage can.

be sure to check out all photos in our flickr album.

upon my arrival to munich on tuesday (june 25th) for the x games, after a long trip from Wuppertal and primed for the crossboccia german open, i was overwhelmed by the incredible atmosphere that this city, and the venue in particular, was generating.

having built our staging and backdrops, we ran into the hip-hop duo macklemore & ryan Lewis backstage – a true highlight...and as if this wasn’t outrageous enough, we also met up with the superstar of the skateboarding scene – the one and only tony hawk! to our delight, we were able to persuade everyone to join us in a group pho-to. the weekend couldn’t have started off better. We be-gan on saturday with the team event of the tournament program, “equipped” with thousands of cans provided by our partner Ball packaging Europe. the cool can design from the winner of the design contest - which had been expressly organized for the crossboccia german open - left players, spectators and passersby’s wildly impressed. the tournament began on saturday and started quite well for my team. however, as things so often go, others were better and in the end we only managed a sixth place finish.

the most important point of the day for me however, was not my own sporting success. the real delight was in seeing all the players having such a great time together and how the atmosphere was kept so electrified – thanks in part to the level of energy input from the handy can-spiration cans – and all this despite the constant rain that accompanied us throughout the day’s action. sun-day saw the rain clouds disappear, leaving nothing but radiant sunshine and wonderfully blue skies, although in terms of sporting success, this did little in helping me personally. in the singles quarter final, Äxl Winey, the eventual winner of the german crossboccia champion-ship of 2013, forced me out of the tournament with his last throw. however, it was good to see that this year, for the first time, a female player made it to the final. you can see that our community has really put a lot of time into their training because the skill level has risen sig-nificantly compared to last year. despite my own less than stellar placements, it was more than a successful weekend. an ideal location, the wonderful spectators and naturally all the cool, canned refreshments meant we all enjoyed a real summer experience. just what you need after such a long winter.

crossboccia German open 2013

Page 9: Need more inspiration?

searCHing For tHe

oF a liFetime


name pHilipp sCHramm star sign aQUariUs proFession WakeboarDer, stUDent (international eConomiC ForUm For regenerative energies (iWr)) WHereaboUts asCHaFFenbUrg soUrCe oF inspiration »beYonD liQUiD boUnDaries« magiC message For tHe masses Hit tHe


philipp schramm‘s vision

Page 10: Need more inspiration?

it‘sall partof theexperience

Whether dragged by cable, boat or car – the two-time wakeboard junior champion, Philipp Schramm, loves pushing it to the limit. now he wants to experience the wakeboard run of a life-time and is doing everything he can to find it.

last June, he made headlines when he used the floodwaters on Aschaffenburg’s riverside “volksfestplatz” square for a little wakeboarding workout. currently he is working on a not-yet-released wakeboarding documentary, in which he once again makes some real waves. here the young pro casts some light on whether he has found that perfect wakeboard run and what role the beverage can has played in his quest.

Ever since i was nine, my board and i have been virtually inseparable – i cannot imagine life without it. i instantly caught wakeboard fever and ever since i conquered my first wave, i always wanted more and more. Wa-keboarding gives me a special feeling of free-dom. above all, i can enjoy this sport with my best friends – each pushing the other to new limits. it also gives me a great opportunity to travel all over the world. Each sport has its own character, and with wakeboarding, the close link with nature makes it particularly enjoyable for me.

i can already feel the adrenalin rising as the first sunrays hit the mirror-smooth sea in the morning. then, as we get the boat ready and i strap on my wakeboard, the anticipati-on grows. slowly the boat heads out to sea. i keep my eyes firmly fixed on the cable so that i can launch myself at just the right moment. to become one with the water, cruise or jump over the waves and, if i am really lucky, to complete the run of my life – what a feeling! When chris from suburban productions came and offered me the opportunity to push my li-mits in his wakeboard documentary “Beyond Liquid Boundaries”, i had to say yes.

for the last two weeks i – together with a number of other wakeboard professionals and the suburban team – have been in search of “the wakeboard run.” the days spent filming are long and we spend most of our time either on or behind the boat. the constant strapping and unstrapping of the board, jumping into the water and then getting out again - it all makes for a really big thirst. We didn’t have a great deal of time between the stunts, so you often heard a quick “throw me a can” call.

there is not a lot of room on the boat: the crew, wakeboards, camera equipment, it all takes up significant space. Beverage cans are not only ideal for tossing to one another but also for storage. slim, stackable, handy and also quickly chilled. should you fail to catch one as it flies over, the danger of injury is mi-nimal - that’s good, because it is very impor-tant in my sport to keep the feet healthy!

for the last two weeks during filming, we emptied around 200 cans. We still however have a number of months in front of us until we have the film “in the can” (so to speak) and i will be interested to see how many tins we can empty in the meantime! it’s a lot of work but also a huge amount of fun, as you can see from the photos. overall, it’s a time that i would have hated to have missed.

WatEr, WavEs and WakEBoarding –

WakEBoardEr phiLipp schramm

chasEs thE „run of LifE“. scan the qr

code to discovEr if hE finaLLy found it.

Page 11: Need more inspiration?

Then show us – share your passion online with our group of canspirators! Post your most aweso-me sport photo via instagram using the hashtags #Canspiration and #Webspiration.

Once a month all #Webspiration received will be entered into a prize drawing for a chance to win some really cool stuff!

you’ll find all the #Webspiration on instagram under the hashtags #Canspiration & #Webspi-ration, and on under the “webs-piration” category.

are you asports nut?



Page 12: Need more inspiration?

name sinshots

star signs pin / pull / Jet

whereabouts players-4players, itsf, table soccer throuGhout europe

source of inspiration players like frederic colliGnon, Jamal allalou, niclas Grote

battle cry who are we? we are the champions!

passion table soccer

watch how sinshots have a fling by

scanninG the qr code!

TAble SOcceR WiTh

• SinShOTS viSiOn •

A diffeRence

Page 13: Need more inspiration?

iT‘S All in

The WRiST!

the can kicker is somethinG completely different and wouldfit nicely in a pub or bar environment where the emphasis is on fun and lauGhter. partnerthe experience with a Good old apple wine or somethinG similar and what could be better?!!

inspired by the european Soccer cup, a pair of canspirators got together and developed a new kind of table soccer termed “can kicker.” The idea was dreamed up by Sebastian and david, both of whom work for the live marketing agen-cy vOK dAmS. The manufacturing of the can ki-cker was placed in the capable hands of table soccer producer Tecball - considered real hot-shots in this arena! The two inventors handed over the actual trial phase to the professionals: table soccer team SinShots, who put aside se-veral days in their intense schedules to test it out. in this blog, Sebastian and david give us the low-down on their can creation.

to stabilize the can figurines to the point of withstanding every shot was no easy matter for the manufacturer. the specs from the canspirators were naturally pretty exact. the typical soccer figurines were replaced by the beverage cans from BEmBEL-With-carE (apple wine cans), while the table itself had to be stable enough for a proper game. the results expressed by the pros – and the speed with which they were able to use the appa-ratus, will hopefully leave you also amazed. the “test matches” and our video have been live streamed to, among others, the facebook fan page of foosnetworks. the feedback from sinshots was totally positive: a bucket load of fun! the can kicker is something completely different and would fit nicely in a pub or bar environment where the emphasis is on fun and laughter. partner the experience with a good old apple wine or something similar – what could be better?!! as always, you can see how it all came together via the camera lens by checking it out on flickr.

Foosnetworks has also published a great “the making-of” – so why not take a look?

Page 14: Need more inspiration?

02 muSic


24 25music

Page 15: Need more inspiration?

highway to







‘s v



namE steFan janssen

star sign pisCes

profEssion teaCHer

WhErEaBouts jemgUm

sourcE of inspiration aC/DC

magic mEssagE for thE massEs everY seConD spent not listening to aC/DC is a Waste oF liFe!

Page 16: Need more inspiration?




from this came the idea of getting the can to travel the world - accompanied by true ac/dc fans of course. By now, the ac/dc beer can will probably have seen more of the world than i ever will; it has traveled through Europe, aus-tralia and the usa – the can has even been to the antarctic! this project has shown our ability to reach fans throughout the world, bringing us even closer together. ac/dc makes connec-tions for life and beyond.

incidentally, the can already has a place of ho-nor in the ac/dc museum in ternitz, austria. our organizer christian “spurki” alias “spurki the godfather of the can tour” is currently thin-king about publishing an album with photos showing all the can’s stopovers once the pro-ject has come to a close. our next highlight, and the second of its kind, will be the fan camp in may of this year (2013). the program will inclu-de two ac/dc tribute band concerts in the Zoll-haus (Bahnhofsring 4 in Leer). those coming for just the day will be more than welcome!!

We look ForWarD to seeing everY one oF YoU tHere!

kinD regarDs steFan

“We mostlY jUst talkeD aboUt tHe goDs tHat are aC/DC.


The disc “highway to hell“ appeared for Stefan Janssen, teacher, committed Ac/dc fan and canspirator, it was a moment that changed his life. inspired by the album, Stefan took the high-way to bremen to see his first Ac/dc concert. Soon thereafter he organized a bus tour in 1980 - an event that has led him to lifelong friend-ships. The foundation for the Weser-ems Ac/dc fan community had been laid. now we hand the reins over to Stefan in order tell you what has happened since.

the “Back in Black“ tour – that was 1980. We traveled in a double-decker bus with 70 peo-ple on board to Bremen and it was crazy. What the band did on stage was unbelievable. our thoughts were also with Bon scott, of course, the ac/dc singer who had died on february 19th, 1980 (still the one and only king of rock in our opinion).

By the end of this tour, every one of us had be-come die-hard ac/dc fans. many friendships were forged during and since that time that have held to this very day. one of them was with andreas Lind from Leer, who organized an ac/dc tribute band concert “hole full of Love”, held in the de pütt pub in Leer in 2011. ac/dc fans from all over were invited.

many of us stayed overnight at andreas‘ digs and together, we really rocked the place! there, i also got to know frank meyer from Westerste-de and that led to the birth of our facebook group ac/dc fans Weser-Ems.

Back in the late 1970s, my dream was to form an ac/dc fan club because we have so many rock fans here in the Leer region. for one rea-son or another, however, we never really made it. We were still relatively young, and networks such as facebook had yet to come onto the scene. Better late than never! through our facebook group, we organize regular pub vi-sits, tribute concerts and – of course – trips to ac/dc concerts. once an ac/dc fan al-ways an ac/dc fan!

one of the highlights last year (2012) came on may 18th: ac/dc finally got its own official beer can! an-dreas Lind took this to our fan camp in Leer for its premi-ère. a proud moment!




n a




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1 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 4


S w i t z e r l A n D

0 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 3

j e r u S A l e m

i S r A e l

1 2 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 4

h u n g A r y

0 3 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 3

K A r l S B e r g B r e w e r y

g e r m A n y

further photos showing the ac/dc can traveling

around the world and the ac/dc fan club weser-ems can be found on


2 4 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 3

A n t A r c t i c

Page 18: Need more inspiration?

unleash the sky‘s





and Good


name unleash the skyprofession noisy, five-headed beast whereabouts from darmstadt to the staGes of the world source of inspiration people, animals, sensations magic message for the masses take off your black mask – and step into the liGht!

Page 19: Need more inspiration?

1because mother nature lies so close to our hearts, answers such as “who cares, open another can!” or “chuck ‘em in the forest!” are off the table. So we put our instruments to one side and recalled our best (in some cases rather hazy) memories:

2tHe CUlt Festival drinking game has many names and even more variations of the rules. We always play flunkyball with three em-pty beverage cans in the center of the “court.” these cans have to be knocked over with some object or other projectile device (stick, ball, whatever) and allows the team that succeeds to take a swig out of their full beverage cans (yes, these are also essential component to the game!). What? you don’t know flunkyball? ok, here is a brief introductory clip from rock am ring 2012. incidentally, we lost our last game (trebur open air 2012) …

in real liFe completely uncool, but at festivals highly popular: handmade can con-traptions. you need a couple of empty drinks cans (or more, depending on the size of the project), a roll of tape and not much else! Build a guitar and run naked with it across the camping grounds or pull together a full set of armor in an effort to make yourself indestruc-tible in the moshpit – there are no rules! nor-mally your slightly woozy neighbors from the tent next door will surely be glad to help...





what can you

actually do with the

empty cans at a festival

(before they land in the

recycle bin)?




Whether rockers, pop fans, iron-clad metal heads or hip indie nerds: there are few things that make the musical heart beat faster than a summer of festival-going. you feel free, part of a big family, united by muddy clothes, cold ravioli and a stockpile of canned beer. The members of the rock band unleash The Sky have been touring the festivals of the republic since 2011. because every beverage can sooner or later ends up empty, they asked themselves the following question: Patrick demuth, lead singer and canspirator, offers you the band’s top 5 ideas.

learn everythingabout flunkyball by scanninG this

qr code!

Page 20: Need more inspiration?

the festival

summer is a season

in itself – one in

which the world and

everythinG within

it is ok.

3 4


in aDDition to the standard beverage can, you can also get your hands on a 5 liter party keg - a great favorite among festival-goers. once such a container has been emptied, you can switch from quenching your thirst to con-quering your hunger - now is the time for a barbecue. What, no barbecue? no problem: take your empty keg and simply build one! and to keep it real, why not go for a “beer can chicken” to cook on the grill – simple, fast and oh so good! there are plenty of recipes on the web, and there’s a pretty cool set of instruc-tions if you want to keep it simple.

so your best friend has had one can too many. By now he is slumped over his seat and taking a short nap – a wonderful moment which, with a few decorative cans, can be rendered even more aesthetically pleasing. self-made accessories – for example swords or guitars (see point 2) – are very popular. a small tip: a piece of cardboard will ensure the necessa-ry balance - for example, on the knees or on the head. if you fear being the victim - simply drink a little less – a far healthier option on many levels!

joking aside, there is something that we must not forget. in germany, almost every be-verage can comes with a deposit of 25 cents for whom many that is real dough. these days you see can collectors walking around every festival, and they’re usually delighted if you hand them your empties. so – engage brain! there are still people who will thank you for it!

you can also find all the photos in our flickr album.

you want to know more about unleash

the sky? visit the rock band on face-



self-made Grill

(and a menu to


pimp your


every day

a Good deed!

Page 21: Need more inspiration?








& t





great eXample of can design rt: @ballpackagingeu #liptonbrisk goes

into the 50cl #streetart-designed #be-veragecan


_Diet PePSiveriFizierter aCCount_@DietPePSi

robot, pirate or ghost? these are our costume choices for #halloween


_reeSe KingDiet CoKe

ThiS PhOTO iS fROm A lOng Time AgO When my OldeR SiSTeR And bROTheR WeRe

ReAlly liTTle. WOuld Of mAde A gReAT Ad. miT STRATTOn King und Kilby King.


_PePSi™veriFizierter aCCount_@PePSi

JuST chilling. #glAmOuRShOT


_KeoraPetSe PhaSwana_@PrinCeKeo28

@heineken_sa #heineken440friday



upcycling at its best. castle of cans sets a world record in japan.



i’m diving into pepsi’s world!!#awesome #livefornow #eXcitement



mondays are better with chilled canned beer. learn how to chill them

faster here: hTTP://buduRl.cOm/uW87


_helge SChwarzerliPton iCe tea

me (helge SchWARzeR 11Th Of The WORld indOOR chAmPiOnShiPS OveR 60m huRdleS

in 2012) And eRic JOhAnneSen (ROWing OlymPic gOld medAliST in 2012) WiTh An

AfTeR WORKOuT ReWARd! cOme On liPTOn ThAT´S definiTely WORTh A ShiPmenT



_reCyCling anD Diy ProjeCtS

pretty cool, right? that‘s 95% saved energy, so really let‘s recycle alumi-

num cans! #recycling #recycle #aluminumcans #energy #conservation



_nina Say_@ninaSay

i just got the most adorable gift from pepsi! no chocolates for me this valen-

tines day, diet pepsi all the way :)



where’s your heineken taking you?


_arizona iCeD tea

arizona big cans available for .69¢ at cvs this week! get‚ em while you can!


_jane BrooKShireDiet CoKe

my tree is ready!


_DraFtFCB Sa_@DraFtFCBSa

if you‘re battling to find your name on a coke, go to

hTTP://ShAReAcOKe.cO.zA to get a virtual one :)



_FaShion roCKS Qatar

Recycling AT iTS beST!iT dOeS WORK TOO

meTAl + heAT = cuRlKellie X


_gerlie MagnayeCoCa-Cola

coke is magical!


_reBeCCa FragerDiet CoKe

SOmeTimeS A giRl JuST needS SOmeThing cOld

And RefReShing TOmATch heR SOcKS!


Page 22: Need more inspiration?




40 41environment

Page 23: Need more inspiration?


to learn more about why

beverage cans are infinitely great,

scan this qr code

tHe Can is valUable!

the beverage can is the most recycled beve-rage receptacle in the world - not the least of which is its value as a commodity in Europe. the recycling rates of metal packaging bene-fit strongly from a highly efficient recycling infrastructure – much higher than for glass and plastic packaging. Each recycled beve-rage can significantly reduces the environ-mental impact of the next beverage can: up to 95% of the energy typically expelled during production, can be saved when using recycled versus primary source materials. co

2 emis-

sions are then in turn reduced by up to 95%, which means the higher the recycling rate, the lower the co

2 emissions. Beverage can re-

cycling can thus be characterized as making a real contribution to climate protection.

tHe Can is FeatHerWeigHt!

today’s beverage can is about 0.097 mm thick – which means it‘s as thin as a human hair!Beverage cans are one of the lightest beverage packages out there and in some cases lighter than a plastic bottle. today, a 50 cl aluminum can weighs only about 16 grams, while a 50 cl can made of steel, only about 30 grams. this is approximately 50% less than those made in the 1970’s. a single gram less in weight me-ans that in Europe alone, where approximately 50 billion cans are consumed per year, that we are looking at 20,000 tons of aluminum and 30,000 tons of steel being saved on an annu-al basis. Weight reductions in cans decrease both energy consumption during production and co2 emissions during transport - another plus point for the environment. tHe Can is a CHameleon!

all beverage cans, whether made of steel or aluminum, can be completely recycled an unlimited number of times. the recycled metal has the same quality standards as the original product and can therefore - unlike other packaging materials – be repeatedly processed into high-quality products, such as window frames, bikes, or even back to its original state - that of a beverage can.

tHe Can is iCe-ColD enjoYment!

the beverage can cools faster than any other packaging and therefore requires less energy for cooling purposes. as an example, a 47 cl aluminum can needs 16.7 minutes to cool it down from 23 degrees celsius to 4.4 degrees celsius. a 47 cl pet bottle requires 21.3 minu-tes and a 47 cl glass bottle 21.7 minutes.

50 cl aluminum can

+ end = about

16 grams

most recycled beverage

packaging in the world!

the beverage canhas greatenvironmentalbalance

IN 16.7 mINutes


cO2 emissions

Page 24: Need more inspiration?

donateyourdeposit!raphael JoswiG‘s vision

have you ever given a thought to

the idea of deposits?

beveRAge cAn

96 % Recycling RATe in geRmAny

Page 25: Need more inspiration?

60 years ago in germany there was a deposit on milk bottles. in 1969, coca-cola introdu-ced the 1 liter returnable bottle, and in 1991, the regulation on packaging introduced by germany’s federal government of the time, laid the foundation for deposit-levying legislation. Since 2003, germany has had a mandatory de-posit on beverage containers of a certain type, as well as certain one-way forms of packaging - the one-way deposit. This is also known as the “can deposit.” in the case of returnable bott-les, deposit levying remains voluntary.

canspirator Raphael Joswig is involved in the student initiative “enactus braunschweig“ and more specifically as project leader for the “donate your deposit” movement in the city of braunschweig.

i can still remember when the one-way depo-sit was introduced. i seem to remember at the time, people moaning and groaning a great

deal about having to pay a deposit. deposits however are not all bad. as a positive person, i wanted to underline the benefit of these new deposit rules and so asked myself: what can you do with the deposit and what is its real purpose? i came across the project “donate your deposit” and was greatly impressed. so much so that since that time i have become the head of the movement in Braunschweig.

this is how the project works: people who have no desire to take their empty, deposit-bearing cans and bottles home with them, are too lazy to cash them in, or those who are simply interested in doing a bit of good in this world, can throw their containers into spe-cially marked receptacles. these receptacles are then in turn emptied by those who often have little chance of securing steady work. By cashing in the bottles and containers, these individuals are able to add a little more in-come to what they take in each month. the

idea was originally conceived of by a group from regensburg and successfully imple-mented there back in 2011. With their sup-port and help with the preparatory work, we were also able to put the project into practice at Braunschweig university of science and technology. although we managed to get the program up and running quickly, we had to deal with a number of issues. our “depo-sitories” for example, attracted a great deal of garbage. We combated this challenge with the creation of a special cover designed by student sebastian aumer. its shape is an im-mediate signal to those only deposit-carrying containers should be put inside the recep-tacle. all of our collection bins are now being gradually equipped with the newly designed covers. in addition, the shape of the beverage can and bottle can be found on the front of the container, turning boring, would-be garbage bins into real eye-catchers! deposits are not a bad thing. deposits help immensely, as they

ensure that valuable raw materials are retur-ned to the production cycle. Beverage cans, for example, can be recycled an infinite num-ber of times without any loss of quality, while the recycling process saves up to 95% of the energy and co2 emissions typically genera-ted by the production of new metal cans. in germany we have the highest recycling rates of one-way beverage packaging of any coun-try in the world. in the case of cans, recycling is at a fantastic rate of 96%. the deposit sys-tem also ensures that recyclable materials are dutifully separated as they are collected.

our “donate your deposit” project makes clever use of the deposit system in order to create a source of income for people in need. these small cash amounts are channeled to those people to whom it can really make a dif-ference. even if “Donate your Deposit” is seen as just a drop in the ocean, many drops are bound to make a decent-sized puddle.

name raphael JoswiG

star sign libra

profession head of the proJect “donate your

deposit,” enactus braunschweiG

magic message for the masses live

life with eyes wide open!



old building (“altgebäude”)



sports hall beethoven street

campus north


depositories university of science

and technology, braunschweig:

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04 deSign


48 49desiGn

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: neCessitY


e motHer oF inventio





jonaS‘ viSion

Page 28: Need more inspiration?

star siGns philipp hulk, ascendant John travolta jonas batman, ascendant oliver kahn

professions philipp quality manaGer

jonas desiGner

whereabouts philipp lives in berlin, born in pirmasensjonas lives in wiesbaden, born in berlin

maGic messaGe for the masseshe, who reads this, must drink dubdub!

source of inspiration thirst

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They just wanted something quick and han-dy. A cool drink from the kiosk - ideally a wine spritzer – preferably in a can. however making the mix up themselves was not an option. it was a balmy summer evening when Philipp & Jonas came upon their idea: what the world really needed in times such as the-se was a canned wine spritzer - something that easily pops out of the fridge, nice and chilled. how the idea for the product “dub-dub” evolved and why it had to be in a can is explained by the boys in the following blog.

it’s a special moment when you are about to take your first swig – that unmistakable his-sy fizz after tugging back on the ring-pull...the smooth, cold surface of the can as drops of condensation trickle down to its bottom edge...

What’s even more, by putting our product in a can, we get to throw out all the pre-con-ceived notions typically linked to wine. this opens up a whole new range of possibilities

and audiences, putting the focus on the taste experience rather than medals and flowery jargon. With dubdub, wine has now become the base for a delicious drink in its own right, without the pretenses that invariably comes from the mainstream. We find this oppor-tunity extremely liberating and as such, re-flects in the design of our dubdub cans.

the style of the dubdub can has roots in germany’s palatinate region “pfalz.” “dub-dub” stems from the word “dubbe” in the palatinate dialect which means “dimple.” in the pfalz region, a wine spritzer is typically enjoyed in a special “dubbe glass”, which features a series of “dimples” across its surface. the practicality of this resides in prior times, as local butchers often partook in a sip of something while in the midst of their in-house slaughter work. Because the smooth service of the average glass often slipped through their blood-soaked fingers, adding unwanted shards of glass to the traditional pfalz delicacies of “blood soup” and “pig’s stomach”, one brilliant butcher at some time or other had the idea of adding dimples to the glass. yes, even the most beautiful of things can have the most gru-esome of origins...

What ExactLy is dubdub? anti-aging water or a healthy wine-derivative pressed by al-bino ants? no! dubdub has everything that a good wine spritzer needs: good wine com-bined with good mineral water. Both come a) from germany and b) minus nutty marketing lingo. no fooling around! plain and simple, it’s a wine spritzer from a can. there are two kinds: white, fizzy dry – and rosé, fruity sweet. dubdub has an alcoholic content of 6.5% by volume – and with 250 ml per can, you get fully refreshed without falling off your stool…



dubdub stronG roots with a clear head!

philipp und jonas



we have joy, we have fun, we have dubdub

in the sun. learn more about dubdubby scanninG the qr


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Tobias frenken‘svision

namE tobias Frenkenstar sign virgo

profEssion graDUatein eConomiCs anDbUsiness sCienCes


Touch me!

upload yourphoto featuringa haptic can via instagram using

the hashtag #canspiration! we would wel-come hearing

about your“sensuallyintegrated”

beverage can eXperiences!

Page 31: Need more inspiration?

today It’S all about the

poInt of touch

The signal is clear – touch it! Apparently what we’ve got here is a particularly touchy-feely beverage can. The tactile design of this product gives out clear signals to potential consumers – use your sense of touch to enhance the expe-rience. more and more companies are increa-singly adopting “haptics” technology as a new communications medium in creating an unpre-cedented brand enhancement experience - all through the sense of touch.

student and fellow canspirator tobias has taken a closer look at the topic of haptics as part of his course of study: touching a beve-rage can aids the consumer in acquiring va-luable information about the product. this process involves simultaneously experien-cing multiple aspects of perception: the two elements of the haptic system are tactile per-ception (surface sensitivity), involving recep-tors in the skin and kinesthetic perception (3d sensitivity), which takes place with the aid of receptors in the joints and muscles. initially touching the packaging provides information on the texture of the can. unusual shapes and dimensions along with unexpected textures such as embossing or tactile/matte surfaces,


content/ die-haptische-


enhances one’s experience with the can on a subconscious level.

the pressure applied to the can gives the im-pression of “firmness”, while the static con-tact with the container speaks to its thermal conductivity and noted temperature. cooled cans often draw an association to the emoti-onal quality evoked by the word “fresh.” this emotion is often harnessed through marke-ting channels with the aid of thermochromic coatings. through that come beverage cans which, at a certain cooling temperatures, change color. this tool is used, for example, in the case of brands such as perrier water and heineken beer.

the beverage can is particularly suitable for the use of thermochromic coatings, as the cooling process of a can takes place much faster than with any other form of packaging. the reason behind this lies within the actual materials that make up the can. metal has a high level of thermal conductivity, so heat is quickly dissipated. further incentives to buy can be “incorporated” into canned products, through the use of fluorescent surface coa-

point oF sale

Was so YesterDaY.

send us yourthoughts via twitter using


tings, as seen through the 2010 limited edi-tion schweppes cans, which had a range of luminescent products manufactured for sale within clubs, bars and discos.

Because consumers take in the visual appeal of a product before every purchase decision, this kind of experience - designed to tap into the senses – is significant. “haptic integrati-on” is defined by the overall impression provi-ded by the simultaneous cognitive processing and the accumulation of incentives acquired through the various dimensions of perception. the higher the haptic content of the can, the more associations are created in the mind of the consumer.

the potential consumer receives a clear set of signals from the design of a product aligned with haptic criteria. these feelings that deve-lop can contribute to an instantaneous decis-ion to buy, with repeat purchase instigated by the recall of that sensation.

What’s your take on haptics – are sensually enhanced beverage cans your thing? have you ever had one in your hand?

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friEndship is thE most important

thing in LifE! Why? scan the qr code

and find out!

viSiOnS behind




of happiness

magic messagefor the masses

friendship iseverythinG


Page 33: Need more inspiration?

you are my “Summer love.” you are a “Soccer god!” – Just two of the playful messages currently appearing on coca-cola cans throughout germany. for the first time ever, coke is replacing its iconic logo with 148 different names, nicknames and quirky expressions through the use of new printing technology from ball Packaging europe called “dy-namark”. This new process now makes it possible to transform a simple can into a highly coveted, personalized gift. According to a survey conducted by the forsa institute, 61% of all teenagers have someone in their life they call their best friend - a consistent presence, someone who is always there for them. Thanks to this new coca-cola campaign, these “besties” can now literally drink to friendship by way of their very own personalized cans.

you will also find all photos in our

flickr album.



you will find more dates and loca-tions under our events headinG

By embarking on this campaign, coca-cola has put the idea of friendship at center sta-ge. Because best friends are … well … just that...the best! We share a laugh with them, we don’t have to watch our words, we keep no secrets, they stick with us through thick and thin. yet still... we spend far too little time with them. prof. peter Wippermann is a trend researcher and an advisor to the happiness institute of coca-cola. in the video behind the Qr code, he reveals how digital media influ-ences our friendships and how true friends bring real joy to our lives.

gifting your best friend with a small token such as personalized can is an easy and open invitation to join you in sharing a refreshing beverage while toasting to eternal friendship. Based on further statistics from the Forsa in-stitute, 44% of us like to have someone by our side when we try something new or unusual – there is always comfort in numbers.

61 % OfAll TeenAgeRS

hAve Abest friend

44 % Of uS liKeTO hAve SOmeOneAROund OPenTO TRy SOmeThingneW

watch how digitalmedia influences

our friendships and how true friends bring real joy to

our lives by scanninG the qr


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64 65technoloGy

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a stage for stars – for products that’s the shelf. here they must perform for customers at top notch levels because the consumer knows what he likes. in today’s screen culture, interacti-ve staging plays a particularly important role: according to the “point and know” concept, pa-ckaging today should include a third dimensional element. for this reason, the stigroup has de-veloped the interactive can display, a technology which marries the shape of a can with moving imagery. this interactive process is designed to engage the consumer while motivating him to interact with the product. want to learn more?

can there be more in a can than just something to drink? of course! in looking to speak to their target market in a modern and innovative way, mixery marketing manager marc kirch, in collaboration with sony and video game developer naughty dog, developed the idea of bringing famed avatar nathan drake from the game „uncharted 3 drake ‚s deception“ to the beverage can, via augmented reality “to life” technology. mixery has just launched the second version of its augmented reality expe-rience: following the successful scan of the mi-xery beverage can, the hero of the sony play-station games ‚BEyond: two souls‘, appears on the display, allowing users to be featured in their very own photograph with him.

want to give it a try? Follow theSe eaSy inStruCtionS

1. Smartphone and a Mixery beveragecan required.

2. Download the free junaio app in anyapp store.

3. Find and select the Mixery channel.4. Point the camera phone at the Mixery

logo on the can and choose “scan”.5. hero Drake of ‚BeyonD: two Souls‘ is

displayed automatically and posing forhis first cameo.

the insidear is one of the most important augmented reality events worldwide. need inspiration? there you can get it! Brands such as audi, mcdonald’s, mercedes and Ball pa-ckaging Europe show their latest and greatest projects. ikEa was also on hand to showcase how its products can be projected directly into the consumer’s living room and instantaneous-ly ordered following just one click. mcdonald’s now entertains restaurant patrons by using a new ar app and in turn informs them of its commitment to sustainability. audi and merce-des debuted how the engine bay in their cars can reveal technical information by using goog-le glass. augmented reality becomes the user interface of the future!

AugmenTed ReAliTy AT The POS

The lARgeST AugmenTed ReAliTy fAiR WORldWide: The inSideAR

AugmenTed ReAliTy And The beveRAge cAn

the worlDoF augMenteD


scan this qr code and meet claudiarivinius – eXpert

in packagingmarketing – as she eXplains how this


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lukas, marc & bernhard‘s





searchinGfor the

enerGy drink ofthe future

name lukas, marc, bernhard

star signs from Gemini to virGo

what they do hardworkinG students

whereabouts munich

magic message for the masses, insider tip all you need in life is iGnorance and confidence (mark twain). nothinG like the riGht drink to pick you up and briGhten

your day!

source of inspiration our environment; friends, family, sport, music and nature.

Just like ball and dÖhler, we were thirsty for somethinG new. and

that‘s how beyondenerGywas born

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... and with web 2.0-enabled crowdsourcing, new recommendations come in regular intervals. marc, bernhard and lukas of munich university of Science and Technology looked into crowd-sourcing during their studies and have been asked by ball Packaging europe and döhler to look for the energy drink of the future, a question they had asked themselves already while stu-dying hard. how will it taste? Smell? What sort of metal packaging is needed? in this blog, they explain the idea and why they really do need your help and support.

We have always wanted to take a shot at doing our own thing and found the project “beyond-Energy” while studying. as we like to boost our performance on the learning trail with energy

drinks, we know pretty much everything the-re is to know about the beverages currently in the market place. not one of them however has really done the job in establishing itself as our number one “power potion” for studying. just like Ball and döhler, we were thirsty for so-mething new and that’s how “beyondEnergy” came to fruition. our objective is to create a new, delicious drink in packaging that appeals not only to today’s committed energy-boost consu-mers, but also those who tend to shy away from these kind of products. Ball packaging Europe, one of the leading beverage can manufactur-ers in Europe, has joined forces with döhler, a global producer, marketer and provider of tech-nology-based natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the food

and beverage industry to support us in realizing our vision.

to create a new, reinvigorating thirst quencher however, we need your help. We need to hear from you to know the kind of drink you’d like to have-on-hand for life’s various occasions - this means creating solutions through a step-by-step process. the first question is a general one – we need to take a look at a host of situationsin which you will be consuming our new beve-rage, in order to determine what the motivation would be for people to actually drink it.

Building on this, we will then delve into the drink’s taste and functional properties before we start thinking about the suitable specs and appearance of our packaging. the end product will be your new, favorite drink and we can’t wait to see the results! you can submit your thoughts and become a part of the conversation

via germany’s largest crowdsourcing platform, “,“ and via our facebook page using a specially designed app. access and participation could not be simpler, all you need to be is a facebook member. all individual re-commendations will be evaluated based on the number of “likes” and comments received. the most active participants and the ones with the most creative ideas will be rewarded with cans filled with our new product.

naturally we will keep you up to date on how the project is progressing on and through our facebook app. for those of you too impatient to wait for the end results, feel free to take part in our design challenge by sketching out your vision of our “beyondEnergy” can.

the project already ended. Do you want to know which results came out? Contact [email protected]!

we are constantly on the lookout for fresh, new ideas...

1need state

2taste & ingredients

3need state


thermal pack

Page 38: Need more inspiration?

06 evenTS


72 73events

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SounD CaMeraanD aCtion

a looK BehinDthe SCeneS

chRiSTOPh TRAReS‘ viSiOn

namE CHristopH trares profEssion HeaD HonCHo at bembel-WitH-Care WhErEaBouts oDenwalD aPPle Wine estate sourcE of inspiration FrUitY gooDness CanneD tHe Hessen WaY magic mEssagE for thE massEs anYtHing is Doable – YoU’ve jUst got to FinD a WaY!


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even MuniCh‘S CeleBS agreethat the Beverage Can iS PaCKagingwith a Bright Future.

…gave our two canspirators, christoph andmichelle, unique insight into this year’s “Audi director‘s cut“ on June 29th. in the last few years, this regular event, part of the munich film festival, has turned into a “must see” for everyone in the film and Tv industry. Renowned directors, actors and celebs were all on hand at munich’s Prater in-sel (Prater island in the river isar), ready to take part in the interviews, photo opps and steady chit chat, of the celebrated world of stage and screen. A glamorous and exciting evening for our two canspirators, further enriched in their own small way, as they pursued their personal drinks can mission along the way.

it was a great surprise when we won two tickets to the audi director‘s cut 2013 in munich from once we’d finished dancing with delight, we got to work on our plan: how do we get there (by car or train?), where are we going to sleep? can we take our favorite canned apple wine along the way? and, most impor-

tantly: what does one wear to such a glamours occasion?!

for my female companion, the decision had al-ready been made: it had to be a traditional Ba-varian dress with apron – a so-called dirndl! no sooner said than done, mr. schreiter of Bembel-town frankfurt (famous for its apple wine!) was kind enough to make his own special Bembel dirndl available to us – mainly black and appro-priately in-line with the brand’s corporate de-sign. perfect! What my companion didn’t know at the time however, was that she would be the only person wearing a dirndl on the evening in question! When we finally made it to the venue, fashionably dressed to the nines, we approa-ched the red carpet with trembling knees. as soon as our first toe landed, we were blasted from all sides with flashing cameras - comple-tely unaware that the celebrity in this case was not us but the beloved beverage can! still reeling from the excitement, we finally recovered with a



refreshing can of rosé spritzer - our apple wine substitute for the evening. the summery locale of prater insel was perfect – beautifully deco-rated and illuminated to evoke the feel of some other-worldly dreamland. during the round of interviews in the lower level of the space, directors caroline Link, vivian naefe, gregor schnitzler and stephan Wagner presented their latest works and provided initial insights into the films and series currently in the pipeline for the coming year. the party above ground, in the generously appointed atrium, then went into overdrive as people danced to electro-beats

while cocktails, wine and a variety of canned beverages were served to guests. as we mixed with the throngs of people, we put our top secret mission as canspirators into action. We introdu-ced ourselves to the various celebrities in atten-dance as canspirators and ambassadors of the odenwald apple wine estate. We were met with an abundance of enthusiasm and interest in our (smuggled-in) apple wine can. Everyone was keen to open it and give it a try. We chatted about the can design, the apple wine contents and of course sustainability. most were surprised by both the infinite recyclability of the can as well as its compatibility as packaging for wine.

We got to know a lot of nice people and were elated that these munich representatives were all agreed in the fact that the beverage can is packaging with a bright future.

Many thanks to for this unforgettable evening, Christoph and michelle

on a mission in the name of the can atthe audi director’s

cut: what do thevips think? join

christoph trares and michelle

zehnbauer by scanninG the

qr code.

Page 41: Need more inspiration?

you will also find all the photos in our flickr album.




name brabus –

profession automobile tuners with a penchant for perfectionism

and unique stylinG –

whereabouts at home in over 106 countries around the world

–magic message for the masses

customers can have a car painted any color they want, so lonG as it’s black.

(henry ford)

–passion our love of detail

Page 42: Need more inspiration?

feel the difference &

shun the standardOne of the best known car shows is due to take

place from12/09/13 to 22/09/13 in frankfurt am main: the iAA. The tuning specialist brabus has a stand at this renowned auto exhibition. This year its display will include something unique – a beverage can specially designed for brabus – a bonus, sure to spark a bit of excitement and con-versation around the brand.

The challenge: the beverage can needed to reflect the infinite customizability of the vehicles that brabus handles and true to the company’s cre-do: “feel the difference and shun the standard. do what it takes to rise above the masses. Show the world that you are something special.” So how might a beverage can best reflect the souped-up look and feel of a car? The brabus team report in on how it all came together in the following blog:

–it all began with a tour through our plant. it didn’t take long for us to come up with the idea of transferring the uniqueness of our vehicles to a beverage can. in its most basic form, a can tends to be rather inconspicuous – yet still, it does what it is supposed to do well enough. this is also something we have tended to noti-ce with standard production vehicles that come through our gates. We turn them into something special for our customers - managing all the details and harnessing our automotive passion to its fullest extent. We were further inspired af-ter a walk through our model construction/de-sign center, as it was here that we realized that a can – just like a limousine – offers significant surface area on which to be creative. our desig-ners use this to conceptualize an upgraded and individualized program for every vehicle. in the same way, we wanted to utilize the whole area

of the beverage can in order to represent as many customization opportunities as possible.

inside the factory, we had a look at the designs and characteristics of the various vehicles pre-sent to get some ideas. just like a car, a beve-rage can may be smooth, glossy or matte - be given various patterns, shapes and colors as a means to impart a more friendly, luxurious or sporty look. during our inspiration-seeking tour through the Brabus facilities, we couldn’t help but notice the enormous selection of leather hides and colors available in the upholstery shop. there is a color combination to suit eve-ry individual taste and we decided to apply this approach in the make-up of the beverage can. aside from the external form, attention natu-rally has to also be given to the contents. given that our specialty lies in engine construction and maintenance, we soon came to the decision that we needed an energy drink for the young and old alike and designed to keep everyone fit and in top form. a true vitamin turbo-booster under the motto “start your engine.” having assembled all of our impressions and thoughts together, we finally came to design the can. unique, exciting, multi-faceted and anything but standard – just like a customized vehicle crea-ted with the interactive Brabus car configurator. if this adventure of ours has tingled your taste buds and peaked your interest in having your own unique experience up close and personal, why not take part in our prize drawing. you, along with other interested parties, can get the vip treatment at the 2014 iaa in frankfurt am main. experience the latest Brabus models and get to personally know our automotive profes-sionals!

one of the best known

car showsis the iaa

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namE marleneprofEssion Waitress anD barmaiD par eXCellenCeWhErEaBouts DortmUnDsourcE of inspiration nigHtliFe anD tHe CreatUres oF tHe WorlD.sLogan losers Have meetings, Winners Have parties!

bar marlene‘s vision

Page 44: Need more inspiration?

Thomas heiTmann

for more information on the marlene bar,

go to

or facebook.

you will find some great pictures of the opening night

on flickrtime to drink

champaGne and

dance on the


having won a top stakes game 5-0, the team decided to celebrate this emphatic victory on the evening of marlene’s inaugural opening. goalkeeper roman Weidenfeller is not the only one who plans to make frequent stop overs at the venue in the coming future. Whether it’s the friendly bar staff, the emotive street art or ima-ges of important dignitaries gracing the walls that he found so fascinating, he isn’t saying.

canspirator heitmann had the perfect “marlene beverage” specially concocted for the opening: strawberry prosecco. ice cold from the can and fashioned with a straw - the perfect accompa-

niment for the ladies. as the night wore on, this beverage proved to be the preferred drink of the assembled glitterati. if djs olli and ameise had had their way, their sound system would still have been blasting the following day. as it was, the guests kept dancing to the beats of Berlin sound until 6 o’clock in the morning. those re-quiring a break were invited to relax on the com-fy benches and check out the impressive wall of art. marlene is now officially open and we invite everyone in and around dortmund to take time for a visit. what’s more, those introducing them-selves as fellow canspirators are very likely to get a can of Prosecco on the house

Tobias heitmann is a canspirator, exemplary entrepreneur (active among other things in the national executive of the german Association of young entrepreneurs – bJu) and also a recent re-staurant and nightspot owner. Recognizing a gap in the dortmund nightlife scene and the need for a stylish bar with good drinks and a small dance floor, Tobias simply decided to open one himself. naming the bar marlene, the first major step in his project was to commission a neon sign sta-ting: “Wir sind die geilsten hier” - roughly trans-lated to “we’re the coolest in town.” the viPs of pro soccer club borussia dortmund couldn’t re-sist the temptation.


content/ dosendiva-a-la-


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88 89celebrities

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find all photos on our flickr album


name manuela bohnestar sign pisces

profession manaGer of a small family company whereabouts at the Gates of munich

magic message for the masses a little of what you fancy does you Good!source of inspiration my two children


rolling oUt tHe reD Carpet bUsinessstYle

Page 48: Need more inspiration?

“movie meets media” took place on July 1st as part of the 32nd munich film festival. “ce-lebrities collide with business dignitaries, me-dia reps chat up producers and directors rub elbows with casting agents,” - this is how the organizers are apt to describe the inner wor-kings of this stellar event. manuela was the lucky winner, via facebook raffle prize, of two viP tickets to attend. As an official scribe for, manuela offers up an exclu-sive report, as she navigates the tricky waters of the celebrity jungle.

following a week of mixed weather, “movie meets media” took place on july 1st, 2013 in munich’s p1 emporium under summery skies and temperatures of 24 degrees – thank goodness!

the skirts were appropriately short, the blou-ses dutifully unbuttoned and the party atmos-phere in full swing. the perfect evening’s ac-companiment was a welcome drink of cooled, canned prosecco, embossed with the celeb friendly logo - “” the can’s of-ficial debut featured an appropriately stylized pink and white color combo. served with a black straw, our prosecco added real buzz to the chic atmosphere. given the spectacular weather, this was the epitome of the perfect,

refreshing drink and one which we consumed with great relish, as we acclimated ourselves to what was for us, unusually high tempera-tures... the impressive number of celebs in attendance meant there were no complaints in that arena. in particular, we spied chris-tian kohl and – from the popular tv series “traumhotel” [dream hotel] – local munich heartthrob ottfried fischer - every mother’s dream son-in-law.

We also stumbled upon francis fulton-smith, the former gntm (germany’s next top model) juror peyman amin, the former gntm winner - Barbara meier (they neither came nor left together), male model papis Loveday (in a re-ally over-the-top ensemble) and “Let‘s dance” dancer christian polanc. also making their rounds were Wayne carpendale, rufus Beck, Erkan & stefan and many more …

the culinary delights being served also failed to disappoint: to start, we had parma ham, cheese cubes and mozzarella sticks. one of the main sponsors vW, had on hand an unli-mited stock of currywurst (germany sausage chopped and sprinkled with ketchup and cur-ry powder) – always a crowd-pleaser. added to the mix was a thai curry (truly delicious) and for many a munching münchener (that’s people from munich to you or me), the best pizza in town provided by ugo crocamo, prop-rietor of high-end pizzeria “hugo‘s.”

tHanks For a great evening,YoUrs manUela


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deeP inThe


stephan müller‘s vision

namE stepHan müllerstar sign sCorpio

profEssion strUCtUral DesignerWhErEaBouts berlin

magic mEssagE for thE massEs enjoY YoUrselF, it’s later tHan YoU tHink!

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The glamorous media event “movie meets me-dia” attracted a host of A-listers from the world of business, politics, sport, culture and enter-tainment to germany’s capital last friday - in-stantly transforming the “berlinale” – berlin’s international film festival – into a spectacular event.

Stephan, the lucky winner of two viP tickets to attend, rubbed shoulders with prominent guests on behalf of

it all began with a very pleasant and unex-pected cellphone call. i was on my way back from a meeting on friday – the actual evening of the “movie meets media” event – and was sitting in the commuter train, when i received news that i had won tickets to attend. i moved quickly: appointments were cancelled, my suit freshened up and the search began for a date, as my wife happened to be abroad at the time. on friday evening it also began to snow so heavily that i appeared at the impressive ritz

want to see more? go to flickr for photos.

A chAnceTO See

Andbe Seen.



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mAny ThAnKS gOeS TO

cAnSPiRATiOn .cOm fOR ThiS

unfORgeTTAble evening!

be part of “moviemeets media” night and watch stephanmÜller in action by

scanninG the qr code.

carlton hotel in the form of a living snowman. after dusting off and thawing out by bones, i entered into the fray, starting out at the ac-creditation desk. it was there that i also found our personal cameraman waiting to follow us around during the entire evening - and here i can say without a doubt that we indeed had a blast!

But i digress....back to the beginning and our climb up the bejeweled spiral staircase to the photo wall. the paparazzi present were una-ware that we were neither media royalty nor soap celebs and therefore took a few snaps of us - presumably to play it safe.

after the first can of elderberry champagne, we made our way to the impressive buffet in order to line our stomachs before the evening’s fes-

tivities went into full swing. the halls gradually filled and we had amazing fun, stalking about among the throngs of B-list celebs.

We spent a lot of time hanging out next to the beer cooler and quickly made friends with sin-ger martin kesici, who was amassing beer for his entire crew. fiona Erdmann, who appeared rather scrawny in the german reality tv show “jungle camp,” appeared to have gotten her form back, and failed to even manage a glance in the direction of fellow contestant Barbara meier. and yes even aging pop singer roberto Blanco made an appearance!

the most exciting attire of the evening was certainly that, which was worn by jasmin Wagner - so fondly remembered by us child-ren of the eighties as “Blümchen.” Later on, we rocked out on the dance floor with the kids from the soap gZsZ (good times, bad times) and finally emerged in the wee hours of the morning to resume our rather ordinary, hum-drum lives.

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ra tion

seekinGyour inspiration!

tHe CHallenge

DiSCovereD SoMething really Cool? CoMe aCroSS any eXCePtional looKing CanS or CooKeD uP SoMe

FreSh, new DeSignS you’re eager to Show oFF? then Share your #inspirationwith the CanSPiratorS

online! got any QueStionS, iDeaS

or PointeD FeeDBaCK...then hit uP

[email protected] what have you got to


you will FinD all the weBSPirationS on inSta-

graM unDer the haSh-tagS #Canspiration &

#Webspiration, anD alSo on the CanSPiration.CoM weBSite unDer the Cate-

gory weBSPiration

PoSt your inSPiration via inStagraM uSing

the haShtagS #Canspiration anD


eaCh Month, we Drawthe naMe oF one oF our #Webspiration

to reCeive SoMething KinDa Cool.

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ir #





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#design! @DOSIONAIR


_idrawalot #DOSIONAIR

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pUblisHeD bY Ball Europe gmbh

Leutschenbachstrasse 52 / ch-8050 Zurich, switzerlandphone: +41 44 5597 100 /

eXeCUtive eDitor johanna mercier, manager new media


printerY Lieblingsdrucker gmbh,

pHotoscrossBoccia gmbh (p. 10-13), suburban productions (p. 14-23), marco Weber (p. 31),

timm nüchter / / (p. 31), mathias schneider / sideview inn (p. 32-37), karl addison (p. 42-43, 103), greenergrass gmbh (p. 50-55), fischerappelt / relations gmbh (p. 60-61), suburban productions (p. 74-77), / dosionair (p. 86-87),

sören Bauer Events gmbh (p. 90-98), suburban productions (p. 93-96)

coca-cola, coke, dynamic wave and the contour bottle are registered trademarks of the coca-cola company.

hAve yOu gOT A viSiOn fOR The beveRAge cAn?

Then We WAnT TO heAR yOuR cAnSPiRATiOn! becOme A

cAnSPiRATOR – cOnTAcT me WiTh Any QueSTiOnS OR ideAS

yOu [email protected]
