Near real time streaming with apache samza - Antispam use case

Near Real Time Streaming With Apache Samza Antispam Use Case

Transcript of Near real time streaming with apache samza - Antispam use case

Near Real Time Streaming With Apache

SamzaAntispam Use Case

Hello!Michael Sklyar

Team leader, R&D @ Cyren


CYREN Customers

Business Case Antispam

Remember 2002?

VS 2010

Spam is businessMost of the email traffic is spam Spamvertising


Fraud, 419



CYREN Antispam


Inbound and Outbound

Global View




Antispam Main Challenge


Anti Spam Backend

● Known unwanted traffic is blocked in RT

● Unknowns● Backend purpose: Generate

new classifications from “unknown” traffic

Sample classification logic: Bulk new domains

If it smells like spam...

●A link to a domain is seen in a big amount of emails

●Recently registered

●Doesn’t have a good (Cyren) reputation

●Passes defending mechanisms

Bulk New Domains Logic Challenges

●Process Billions of transactions per day

●Count the appearance of domains in “Windows”

●External Services


Before we dig in...Questions about the use case?

Replacing the backendBulk new domain abstraction

Parse Enrich Count ClassifyRawTransactions

Unknown traffic


Replacing the backend Technological stack

Apache Samza Stream Processing Framework


Samza API


1. Streaming: Kafka

2. Execution: YARN

3. Processing: Samza API

Originally By Linkedin

The Obvious:

DistributedHigh availabilityHorizontally scalable

Apache Kafka Streaming

● Topics

● Partitions

● Offsets

● Producers

● Consumers

Distributed, partitioned, replicated publish-subscribe messaging system

Apache Yarn Execution Framework

Global Resource ManagerPer Application Application MasterContainers

Apache Samza Vocabulary & ConceptsStreams And Jobs

Jobs are Decoupled!

Apache Samza Vocabulary & ConceptsPartitions and Tasks

Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 2

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Partition 1 Partition 2

Incoming Stream (Kafka Topic)

Samza Job

Outgoing Stream

Tasks are single-threaded

Apache Samza Vocabulary & ConceptsFault Tolerance - Checkpointing - Committing - At least once processing

Apache Samza Vocabulary & ConceptsState Management with RocksDB

Local State Remote State

InputStream DB

Stateless Samza Tasks



Stateful Samza Tasks




Apache Samza APIpublic class SplitStringIntoWordsTask implements StreamTask {

// Send outgoing messages to a stream called "words" in the "kafka" system. private final SystemStream OUTPUT_STREAM = new SystemStream("kafka", "words");

public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) { String message = (String) envelope.getMessage();

for (String word : message.split(" ")) { // Use the word as the key, and 1 as the value.

// A second task can add the 1's to get the word count. collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(OUTPUT_STREAM, word, 1)); } }}

Apache Samza API/** Implement this if you want a callback when your task

starts up. */public interface InitableTask {

void init(Config config, TaskContext context);


public interface WindowableTask {

void window(MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator

coordinator) throws Exception;


Writing a Samza Job - Include and build SamzaUse your favourite dependency management and build tool to:


●Build a .tz distribution file with your code and dependencies

●“Extract” the samza-shell library (it will contain Samza shell scripts)

runtime(group: 'org.apache.samza', name: 'samza-core_2.10', version: "$SAMZA_VERSION")runtime(group: 'org.apache.samza', name: 'samza-log4j', version: "$SAMZA_VERSION")runtime(group: 'org.apache.samza', name: 'samza-shell', version: "$SAMZA_VERSION")runtime(group: 'org.apache.samza', name: 'samza-yarn_2.10', version: "$SAMZA_VERSION")runtime(group: 'org.apache.samza', name: 'samza-kafka_2.10', version: "$SAMZA_VERSION")runtime(group: 'org.apache.kafka', name: 'kafka_2.10', version: "$KAFKA_VERSION")

Writing a Samza Job - The codepublic class SplitStringIntoWordsTask implements StreamTask {

// Send outgoing messages to a stream called "words" in the "kafka" system. private final SystemStream OUTPUT_STREAM = new SystemStream("kafka", "words");

public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) { String message = (String) envelope.getMessage();

for (String word : message.split(" ")) { // Use the word as the key, and 1 as the value.

// A second task can add the 1's to get the word count. collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(OUTPUT_STREAM, word, 1)); } }}

Writing a Samza Job - Task PropertiesNasty and painful configuration specifying:

●Job properties: Name, artifact location, number of tasks, RAM, CPU

●Kafka Configuration: Systems and streams: incoming, outgoing, bootstrapping, coordination.

●SerDe definitions

Running a Samza Job1.Build the distribution

2.Extract the distribution (to gain access to Samza shell scripts)

3.Upload the distribution to be accessible by YARN cluster (for instance HDFS)

4.Execute and specify you properties file

Bulk new domain detection with Samza

Remember what we were trying to achieve?Recognize bulk new domains.. FAST

Parse Enrich Count ClassifyRawTransactions

Unknown traffic


Bulk new domain detection PerformanceWhat affects performance?

●Kafka and YARN cluster sizes

●Number of Kafka Partitions (Partition=>Samza Task)

●Number of Containers


●Kafka: HDD IO


MetricsSamza Metrics

Application Metrics - Codahale, Netflix servo

Time Series DB - Graphite/InfluxDB

UI - Grafana

Samza ImpressionsThe Good

StableVery easy to write jobsThread Safety is not an issueEasy to add branches to the job graphsHigh ThroughputLow LatencyReplayable streams

Samza Impressions

Could be better

Nasty PropertiesDoesn’t support partitions amount changeNot the most spoiling - no fancy UIsOnly supports at least once processing paradigmNot enough producersNot the most mature

If you don’t already have a YARN cluster…

Samza Getting StartedWriting the code is the easiest partSetting Kafka, Zookeeper,YARNBuilding - packing your code into an artifact, preparing it for extractionUnderstanding Properties

Good News


Thank You,
