nd ;11 tbe YOllr IS Streets. THE · DAILY IOWAN A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa . VOL. 1. IOWA CITY, IOWA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER r6, {901 No. 40 IOWA DEFEATS GRINNELL lOW A 34, GRINNELL I9. Iowa kicked off for 30 yards and Grinnell on third down kick- IN A HARD, CLOSE GAME. ed to Jones on Drinnell's 40 yard line. Burrier went 10 around Grinnell Basketball Team Shows up tackle and Siberts and COlllthard Well as a Team but Iowa's Indvid- lOW A'S 1 BLOCKING GIVES GRINNELL SIX POINTS. gained on Grinnell's left end. On ual Work Proves Superior. Grinnell's IS yard line Scarlet and Black held, The visitors lost, Fisk's Goal Kick and Place Kick Sent over Goal Bar by Hands of Iowa their kick was blocked and Iowa's Blockers- Iowa Fumbles Repeatedly-Gri nnelI Game is End Runs and ball on Grinnell's fifteen yard line Pluckv Throughout- Iowa's Team Work Improved. Burrier made the touchdown. IOWA, 17: GRINNEL, II. ends for gains. Fisk made IS Wilkins made goal, score, Iowa T 7 For so many defeats and so far yards on Iowa's left end. Time Grinnell 11. away victories, Grinnell came to was up' with the baU in Grinnell's Fisk kicked off 50 yards and Iowa City today confident of her hands on the 20 yard Hne. Score, Jones returned 40 yards behind revenge. Seven years have pass- Iowa 6; Grinnell o. perfect interference. The um- ed since Grinnell defeated Iowa The first half showed Iowa pire gave Grinnell the ball 011 in.football but the turn in the af- fairly able to stop Grinnell's end Grinnell's 50 yard line. Macy fairs of men had come. The vic- runs and that no other position took Buckley's place. On third tory that was denied to the all- was pregnable. Grinnell's ends down Fisk kicked 40 yards to tar team of '99 coached by the and tackles were smashed and run Griffith who returned 30 through great "Doc" Harris, was to come for good gains, Wyant, Burrier, the entire Grinnell team. Grif- . to the 'OI team coached by Tratt, Siberts, Hollenbeck, Smith, Wil- fith kicked a 40 yard beauty to Wisconsin's celebrated quarter- kins and Watters making good Grinnell who was downed at back. Wherefore did many pret- gains. BUCkley smashed center once. ty maidens, many ribbon-bearing well. Iowa showed most un for- On third down Grinnell kicked youths come to Iowa City this tun ate tendency to flImble show- to Iowa and time was called morning to the full number of iug that Hollenbeck and others while ball was in the air. Iowa five hundred. They had done need be taught the art of balding secured it on Grinnell's .JS yard in 1899 but had gone home the ball in hand and elbow. line. Final score: Iowa 17; Grin- weeping after a strong contest in Clark kicked 40 yards to Jones, nell r T. which Grinnell had done herself who returned 15. Grinnell took The game showed that Iowa's many honors but had not brought the ball from Sibert's arm on halves are not nf!arly so strong as away victory. NowalJ was to be Iowa's 40 yard lin. Fisk tried a they should be , Practically all lovely. place kick which was blocked by Grinncll's gains were made on Th O"! Hawkeye hearts were anx- Watters and Iowa got the ball 011 end runs in the regular forma- ious. Despite the new importa- her J 5 yard line. Benson i. at tion. Occasionally both ends tion of a hawk for a mascot for Grinnell's right end and Collins would be called back and a smash the team, Iowa had doubts, many rigbt half. 011 center made. doubts. Faith in Manager Mc- Hollenbcck fumbled on Iowa's Fisk, Clark, Boggs and Benson Before a small but enthusiastic audience the scarlet and black of Grinnell was lowered to the old gold of Iowa by a score of 34 to 19. The game was extreme ly fast for this time of tbe year, Grinnell's score was due to her splendid team work, wbile Iowa's sbowing is to be credited to star goal throwing. During the first half Grinnell's team play showed up well and en- abled ber to close the half with a seore of 10 to 10. In the second half the Iowa men improved in team work, played faster, stayed closer to tbeir men, and threw more accur- ately while the Grinnell men were not able to improve over the form shown in the first balf. Ross was easily the star for Iowa while Captain McKeag made the best showing for the visitors. The Line-up. Grinnell. Iowa. Shilling r f Ross. McKeag Capt. I f Farrell. Fillmore c Parsom. Jam es r g Schenk Capt. Harris 1 g Brock. Goal::; by Ross, 6; McKeag, 3; Farrell, 3; Parsons 2; from foul, James. J. Referee, E. A. Rule, umpires, B. A. Wilson, and Geo. Wilson; scorer, Chas. Bailey; timekeeper, Dye. '1'1111e of halves, 20 and '5 minutes. Cutchell's device ' for victory had 30 yard linc to Collins. From were Grinnell' stars . Iowa had almost faded away with the late thc 40 yard line Fisk tried anoth- no!particular stars. Shc played slump in the team. The rooters ;>1' place kick, which went out of with a great improvement in were on hand, as many and as bounds on Iowa's 15 yard line. team work. The Hawkeye inter- noisy as ever, but they were there Burrier madc a ten yard run fence was very good. Iowa used to cheer hath teams and to yell arollUd Grinnell's end.' Hollcn- all her fonnftions for good gains as lustily for the fine plays of the beck, Coulthard and Burrier except that the tandem was not As a curtain rai 'er for the Scarlet aud Black as for those of made good gains to Iowa's 50 as effective as single tackles and Grinnell-Iowa basket ball game Old Gold. yard 1ine, where Wilkins punted guards or both guards culled the ladies' first and second teams Grinnell won the toss and Wil- 25 yards. Grinnell made 20 back, 1'he smashes by Smith kins kicked off to Fisk on the 20 yards through Iowa's line, then and Hollenbeck, Burrier and played an exhibition game. While yard linc. Returns 20 yards. lost and ppnted to Wilkins who Coultharc\. off the tackle were not very close the game was ex- On third down Clark punted 40 fumbled, but Hollenbeck recovcr- verv good. The half backs did ceedingly interesting and showed J that the ladies of iowa know a yards to Wilkins, who on third eel. On thc next play Iowa fum- some good offcusive work. down punted to the center of the bled again. 'l'hen Fisk made r 5 The Grin nell and Iuwa rooting thing or two about basket ball as llelc!. Urinnell attacked Iowa's yards around Iowa's left and Ben- was fine. Iowa rooted all the well as the boys. Miss Lallra tackles and shot short end rllllS son followed with a long rnn out time and cheered the Grinnell Everett was easily the stuI' of the f d 'I'I E' f 1 1 [' 1 l' . d I A game and when throwing for the or 10 r ar s. lcn vans anel 0 JOllI1C S on owa s 5 yare 111C, team Oil thell' goo pays. basket after fouls shc made a far Welker lost on tnd runs and thanks to Wilkins, Fisk thel1l group of 50 Iuwa girlS led by k cl I d 1 . k f 1 ' . d M L . better record than any of the boys. 'IS' punts to 55 yar s to Jones, rna e a p acc klc rom owa s Isses Janrls an J: c aug-hIm Th fi 1 . t' f' who retnrns 30. Iowa smashed 15 yard 1 inc. Score, Iowa 6; rooted in grand style. , e was 11 Grinnell's right end for gains. Grinnell S. 'rhc management of the game \ or 0 e team. At the center of the field, Wil- Wilkins kicked 30 yards to l was very lax in it: management Second Team. kins punted 20 yards. Collins who ret II rn eel 5 yards, I of the side lines. Instead of the I] . cam. punted on third down to Jones on Grinnell advanced 8 yards and 5 persons alIoweu hy the rules E\erett Iowa 's 40 yarc1linc. I Iowa held. there were 100 on thc east side ; I t Sibertslllac1cloynrdsonguarc1s l}wightGriffith is at quarter- line. Jack Watson was particll- ; "",Evelet c Long baek over, Wyant 5, HlII'ricr more. I back and Jones at right half. larlyobvious by his coaChing of r go Lyon. (i-riul1ell helel on her 20 yard linc. 'o llltharc1 macle 10 yards aroulJd I the Chinnell team. Reporters Jalvls 1 g RHnge End plays failed and Clark punl- Ion tackle, thc madc 5 in the same I wcre offered no accommodation eel yards. Hollenbeck gained I place. Buckley made the touch- and s ix person: lI'ith no business 10 yards and fll111 blec1, Mar Rh , dOWII, Wilkins lIlissed gna\. , inside the wires were always in gained 10 yards arou nd Iowa's I Iowll I], lTrinnel1 lhe way of every repo rt er, ri).!'ht and Don lost 5 around Trilll1cll ki 'ked oft' 40 and '\rilk- Thc Lincnp. the left cud. Clark pnnted ins retllrned 10. {.}rinnell t ok Iowa. yards from thc center of tl c field the ball on olrsic1e play on Iowa's Siberts I e Mohr. to Jones, who rehlrned 5. 80 yard line. Grinnell went i Coulthard 1 t ('ood. Iowa gained steaclily with throngh Iowa's tackles to Iowa's Hollenheck I g Dunn. interfcrence. At the etld of 20 5 ya rd linc, then Von Evans went Briggs e Baggs. minutes play Smith madc a touch- 3, then Fisk make the touch- Smith r t: Handel. down and Wilkin . ki.cketl Iyoa\' down aronnd Iowa's ldt cnd to Burrier r t Collius. .:icore, Lowa 6, Grinncll o. ' northcast corner of the field, I Wyanl r e Marsh. Clark kicked oft' on the line. Fisk kickcd out to 'lark and Fisk Wilkins 1 h D. E\'ans. I()wa kicked ()ut from tackle back kicked goal. Score, lirillllcll I I, WatL'rs r h K E\ ans. to center of the field. Grinnell lown II. Huckley f b Clark. Varsity "1" Awarded. Yarsity sweaters and the "I" ha\'e been awarded by the beard of control to the following foot- ball men: BelTY, I:higgs, Bllc1..- ley, Mac)', (';riffith, j<l11eR, Wilk- ins, Smith, Hollenbeck and Weil- and. 'i'he sweater with the letter "1" attached \\'ill be prcsel1 tccl time next week. Watters, Wil- liams, Coulthard, Sibcrts and Burrier werc last year awarded the \ arsit), sweater and .. [" for football achievements. kickcd on third down to Iowa On Fisk's goal was madc hy [owa Jones ' q b Fisk (Capt.) Students at Ann Arbor , 25 yard line. On Grinnell's So blocking the hall and causing it I Reforec, H.alph (,.. Lane, Des playing in class foot hall yard line [owa lOst on 11 fumble, to go barely o\'cr the pole . .His I Moincs. L:lJ1pire, L. L. BlIrk- have w submit to rigitl php,ical [owa was penalized 10 yards fo,. placc kick WIlS Irndc the . tllllC hili'll, ] llinois. L':,'g-lil of hah,t·!;, I!xamination subject to the L"ni- oJTside play. (;rinncll hiu; Iowa's I way. 35 . \' crsity B( unl ur Conlrol. . ..

Transcript of nd THE· DAILY IOWAN



;11 tbe




THE· DAILY IOWAN • A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa .


IOWA DEFEATS GRINNELL lOW A 34, GRINNELL I9. Iowa kicked off for 30 yards and Grinnell on third down kick­

IN A HARD, CLOSE GAME. ed to Jones on Drinnell's 40 yard line. Burrier went 10 around Grinnell Basketball Team Shows up tackle and Siberts and COlllthard Well as a Team but Iowa's Indvid-

lOW A'S 1 BLOCKING GIVES GRINNELL SIX POINTS. gained on Grinnell's left end. On ual Work Proves Superior. Grinnell's IS yard line Scarlet and Black held, The visitors lost,

Fisk's Goal Kick and Place Kick Sent over Goal Bar by Hands of Iowa their kick was blocked and Iowa's Blockers- Iowa Fumbles Repeatedly-GrinnelI Game is End Runs and ball on Grinnell's fifteen yard line

Pluckv Throughout- Iowa's Team Work Improved. Burrier made the touchdown. IOWA, 17: GRINNEL, II. ends for gains. Fisk made IS Wilkins made goal, score, Iowa T 7

For so many defeats and so far yards on Iowa's left end. Time Grinnell 11.

away victories, Grinnell came to was up' with the baU in Grinnell's Fisk kicked off 50 yards and Iowa City today confident of her hands on the 20 yard Hne. Score, Jones returned 40 yards behind revenge. Seven years have pass- Iowa 6; Grinnell o. perfect interference. The um­ed since Grinnell defeated Iowa The first half showed Iowa pire gave Grinnell the ball 011

in.football but the turn in the af- fairly able to stop Grinnell's end Grinnell's 50 yard line. Macy fairs of men had come. The vic- runs and that no other position took Buckley's place. On third tory that was denied to the all- was pregnable. Grinnell's ends down Fisk kicked 40 yards to tar team of '99 coached by the and tackles were smashed and run Griffith who returned 30 through

great "Doc" Harris, was to come for good gains, Wyant, Burrier, the entire Grinnell team. Grif-. to the 'OI team coached by Tratt, Siberts, Hollenbeck, Smith, Wil- fith kicked a 40 yard beauty to Wisconsin's celebrated quarter- kins and Watters making good Grinnell who was downed at back. Wherefore did many pret- gains. BUCkley smashed center once. ty maidens, many ribbon-bearing well. Iowa showed most un for- On third down Grinnell kicked youths come to Iowa City this tun ate tendency to flImble show- to Iowa and time was called morning to the full number of iug that Hollenbeck and others while ball was in the air. Iowa five hundred. They had done need be taught the art of balding secured it on Grinnell's .JS yard th~s in 1899 but had gone home the ball in hand and elbow. line. Final score: Iowa 17; Grin-weeping after a strong contest in Clark kicked 40 yards to Jones, nell r T. which Grinnell had done herself who returned 15. Grinnell took The game showed that Iowa's many honors but had not brought the ball from Sibert's arm on halves are not nf!arly so strong as away victory. NowalJ was to be Iowa's 40 yard lin. Fisk tried a they should be, Practically all lovely. place kick which was blocked by Grinncll's gains were made on

ThO"! Hawkeye hearts were anx- Watters and Iowa got the ball 011 end runs in the regular forma­ious. Despite the new importa- her J 5 yard line. Benson i. at tion. Occasionally both ends tion of a hawk for a mascot for Grinnell's right end and Collins would be called back and a smash the team, Iowa had doubts, many rigbt half. 011 center made. doubts. Faith in Manager Mc- Hollenbcck fumbled on Iowa's Fisk, Clark, Boggs and Benson

Before a small but enthusiastic audience the scarlet and black of Grinnell was lowered to the old gold of Iowa by a score of 34 to 19. The game was extremely fast for this time of tbe year, Grinnell's score was due to her splendid team work, wbile Iowa's sbowing is to be credited to star goal throwing.

During the first half Grinnell's team play showed up well and en­abled ber to close the half with a seore of 10 to 10.

In the second half the Iowa men improved in team work, played faster, stayed closer to tbeir men, and threw more accur­ately while the Grinnell men were not able to improve over the form shown in the first balf.

Ross was easily the star for Iowa while Captain McKeag made the best showing for the visitors.

The Line-up. Grinnell. Iowa. Shilling r f Ross. McKeag Capt. I f Farrell. Fillmore c Parsom. Jam es r g Schenk Capt. Harris 1 g Brock.

Goal::; by Ross, 6; McKeag, 3; Farrell, 3; Parsons 2; from foul, James. J.

Referee, E. A. Rule, umpires, B. A. Wilson, and Geo. Wilson; scorer, Chas. Bailey; timekeeper, Dye. '1'1111e of halves, 20 and '5 minutes.

Cutchell's device ' for victory had 30 yard linc to Collins. From were Grinnell' stars. Iowa had almost faded away with the late thc 40 yard line Fisk tried anoth- no!particular stars. Shc played slump in the team. The rooters ;>1' place kick, which went out of with a great improvement in were on hand, as many and as bounds on Iowa's 15 yard line. team work. The Hawkeye inter­noisy as ever, but they were there Burrier madc a ten yard run fence was very good. Iowa used to cheer hath teams and to yell arollUd Grinnell's end.' Hollcn- all her fonnftions for good gains as lustily for the fine plays of the beck, Coulthard and Burrier except that the tandem was not As a curtain rai 'er for the Scarlet aud Black as for those of made good gains to Iowa's 50 as effective as single tackles and

Grinnell-Iowa basket ball game Old Gold. yard 1ine, where Wilkins punted guards or both guards culled the ladies' first and second teams

Grinnell won the toss and Wil- 25 yards. Grinnell made 20 back, 1'he smashes by Smith kins kicked off to Fisk on the 20 yards through Iowa's line, then and Hollenbeck, Burrier and played an exhibition game. While yard linc. Returns 20 yards. lost and ppnted to Wilkins who Coultharc\. off the tackle were not very close the game was ex­On third down Clark punted 40 fumbled, but Hollenbeck recovcr- verv good. The half backs did ceedingly interesting and showed

J that the ladies of iowa know a yards to Wilkins, who on third eel. On thc next play Iowa fum- some good offcusive work. down punted to the center of the bled again. 'l'hen Fisk made r 5 The Grin nell and Iuwa rooting thing or two about basket ball as llelc!. Urinnell attacked Iowa's yards around Iowa's left and Ben- was fine. Iowa rooted all the well as the boys. Miss Lallra tackles and shot short end rllllS son followed with a long rnn out time and cheered the Grinnell Everett was easily the stuI' of the f d 'I'I E' f 1 1 [' 1 l' . d I A game and when throwing for the or 10 r ar s. lcn vans anel 0 JOllI1C S on owa s 5 yare 111C, team Oil thell' goo pays. basket after fouls shc made a far Welker lost on tnd runs and thanks to Wilkins, Fisk thel1l group of 50 Iuwa girlS led by I"~ k cl I d 1 . k f 1 ' ~ ·1· . d M L . better record than any of the boys. 'IS' punts to 55 yar s to Jones, rna e a p acc klc rom owa s ~v. Isses Janrls an J: c aug-hIm Th fi 1 . t' f' who retnrns 30. Iowa smashed 15 yard 1 inc. Score, Iowa 6; rooted in grand style. , e t~ s~o~e was 11 '~' ~eJlllin~: Grinnell's right end for gains. Grinnell S. 'rhc management of the game \ or 0 ~ e r~t team. At the center of the field, Wil- Wilkins kicked 30 yards to l was very lax in it: management uPF\~as'T Second Team. kins punted 20 yards. (~rinnell Collins who ret II rn eel 5 yards, I of the side lines. Instead of the I] . lr~t cam. punted on third down to Jones on Grinnell advanced 8 yards and 5 persons alIoweu hy the rules ~. E\erett ~. ~ l~~~~~~~ Iowa's 40 yarc1linc. I Iowa held. there were 100 on thc east side ; I lIg~gan. t

Sibertslllac1cloynrdsonguarc1s l}wightGriffith is at quarter- line. Jack Watson was particll- ; "",Evelet c Long baek over, Wyant 5, HlII'ricr more. I back and Jones at right half. larlyobvious by his coaChing of L).n~l.l r go Lyon . (i-riul1ell helel on her 20 yard linc. 'o llltharc1 macle 10 yards aroulJd I the Chinnell team. Reporters Jalvls 1 g RHnge End plays failed and Clark punl- Ion tackle, thc madc 5 in the same I wcre offered no accommodation eel .~o yards. Hollenbeck gained I place. Buckley made the touch- and s ix person: lI'ith no business 10 yards and fll111 blec1, Mar Rh , dOWII, Wilkins lIlissed gna\. , inside the wires were always in gained 10 yards arou nd Iowa's I ~cor(', Iowll I], lTrinnel1 5· lhe way of every reporter, ri).!'ht and Don ~vans lost 5 around Trilll1cll ki 'ked oft' 40 and '\rilk- Thc Lincnp. the left cud. Clark pnnted ,~o ins retllrned 10. {.}rinnell t ok Iowa. (~ril1ncll. yards from thc center of tl c field the ball on olrsic1e play on Iowa's Siberts I e Mohr. to Jones, who rehlrned 5. 80 yard line. Grinnell went i Coulthard 1 t ('ood.

Iowa gained steaclily with ~o()d throngh Iowa's tackles to Iowa's Hollenheck I g Dunn. interfcrence. At the etld of 20 5 yard linc, then Von Evans went Briggs e Baggs. minutes play Smith madc a touch- 3, then Fisk make the touch- Smith r t: Handel. down and Wilkin . ki.cketl Iyoa\' down aronnd Iowa's ldt cnd to Burrier r t Collius. .:icore, Lowa 6, Grinncll o. ' northcast corner of the field, I Wyanl r e Marsh.

Clark kicked oft' on the line. Fisk kickcd out to 'lark and Fisk Wilkins 1 h D. E\'ans. I()wa kicked ()ut from tackle back kicked goal. Score, lirillllcll I I, WatL'rs r h K E\ ans. to center of the field. Grinnell lown II. Huckley f b Clark.

Varsity "1" Awarded. Yarsity sweaters and the "I"

ha\'e been awarded by the beard of control to the following foot­ball men: BelTY, I:higgs, Bllc1..­ley, Mac)', (';riffith, j<l11eR, Wilk­ins, Smith, Hollenbeck and Weil ­and. 'i'he sweater with the letter "1" attached \\'ill be prcsel1 tccl time next week. Watters, Wil­liams, Coulthard, Sibcrts and Burrier werc last year awarded the \ arsit), sweater and .. [" for football achievements.

kickcd on third down to Iowa On Fisk's goal was madc hy [owa Jones ' q b Fisk (Capt.) Students at Ann Arbor, ~Jich., 25 yard line. On Grinnell's So blocking the hall and causing it I Reforec, H.alph (,.. Lane, Des playing in class foot hall }~all1es yard line [owa lOst on 11 fumble, to go barely o\'cr the pole . .His I Moincs. L:lJ1pire, L. L. BlIrk- have w submit to rigitl php,ical [owa was penalized 10 yards fo,. placc kick WIlS Irndc the . tllllC hili'll, ] llinois. L':,'g-lil of hah,t·!;, I!xamination subject to the L"ni-oJTside play. (;rinncll hiu; Iowa's I way. 35 mll::ll~S. . \'crsity B( unl ur Conlrol.



============::=========r===================== ____ _ THE D A J L Y lOW A N I Military Party. FIR T YEAR. No. 40


Thiny-fourth Vear

Tilt: S. U. I. QUILL Eleventh Vear EJlto,-I.-<M,/

FREll C. DRAKE. F.~II,,,,


IC,.,.,,,r. w. L . Baulhn, Jr. J. F. Ku.nz Donald McClain c. A. Dyk.stl'll Mary A. Wilton Leila Kemmerer EUI B. Plnonl Jennie LoiuauJl H. M. Pl'lIrt R. B. Hunt R. M. Andmon L . H. Mitcbell C. A. Ne\\ rruan E. N. Bywmter

R. C. WilliamlOn Dff_ rl ... ", Ed/urI.

W. P. McCulla, Colle Ie of uw. C. \7 . Page, Collece of Homeopathic Medicine.

MANAGERS F. C. Drake H. E. Spangler F. C. McCutchen E. C. Hull

One of the finest military par­ies given here in years was that y Co. I of the Iowa National

Guard at the armory last evening. rhe old armory was admirably

t b

, ecorated with flags and red,

.vhite and blue, and the tasty ar­angement of arms, knapsacks nd canteens elicited much com­

d \

r a ment and served to give the par­y a very pretty military effect. t

The patrons and patronesses who re of Iowa City's best people,

were: Colonel and Mrs. Gil­hrist, Major and Mrs. Harriman,

Major and Mrs. Shrader, Major nd Mrs. Grant, Captain and Mrs.



a Burnett, Captain and Mrs. Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ball, Mr. and irs. Geo. Koontz, Mr. and Mrs. ~

Max Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. \ Yilson, Mr. and Mr. Dr. Hos­ord and Mrs. Geo. B. DeSellem. t

n t


BLOOM & MAYER It pays to be particular about your business

Suit or Overcoat 'l'he smart appearance- the correct style­the perfect fit and the quality of the fabric, all tend to command respect, no matter where you go, We know of no other ready­to-wear clothes that meet all these require­ments as well as the

Stein-Bloch Clothes 'rhey have a national reputation for reo liability; the makers use only tbe finest fabrics and see to it that they are exclusive and in good taste; they employ none but skilled designers and tailors; in fact every precaution is taken to have their clothing absolutely correct in every detail.

Suits $10 to $22.50 Overcoats $10 to $25.00

BLOOM & MAYER Term. of Subtcription

Per term

Very good dance music was fur­ished by pe's orchestra and hose present were unaminous in ronouncing the party a delight-p ul success. Much credit attaches .... __________________ ..................... .a!

f 1.00

Pcr year, if paid ~fore January I :1.00

Per year, if paid after January I . ~·so Per month .40

Single Copy _oS

Office with Milea & Moulton, 1~3 E. Iowa Ave.

THI: DAILY IOWAN will ~ aent to all old sub-scri~n of The Vidette-Reporter and S. U. I. Quill until ord.red stopped and amaraaes paid.

Copiea for tale and IlIbtcriptions tlIken at the A relde Book Store.

Addre. all coummunications to TilE DAILV IOWA

IOWA CITY, IOWA Entered at the post-office at Iowa City, Iowa,

.lS aecond cia mail marter, Oct. II, 19°1 .

t o Messrs G. W. Ball, Dunkel, Beeson, Champion and Warner. omposing the dance committee, or their individual efforts to


f n lake the party the grand i twas.

Special Notices.


For up-to-d~te overcoats see ur Automobile and Kitchners, 7.50 to $22.50. Everything in rst class suits from $5.00 to 22.50. For clean, new, ready­o-wear clothing see Sueppel's. tf

$ fi

I ~ )<'or FilII Dress suits see Slavata.

are in the business of hunting I We can please your fancy in professionals, Minnesota and fan~y shirts, Soc to $2.00. Wisconsin should make public COAST & SON.

For the edification of those who

the method employed as well as Sole agents for the I-loman the results obtained from their Hats - Sueppels. tf recent ill vestigation into the past records of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin football players.

Sole agents for the Homan Hats- Sueppc1s. tf

Every new style that's right Thursday's Minnesota Daily can be found in ollr hat depart-

prints a cartoon representing a ment. Coast & Son. I badger just about to enter a trap W ANTF.O. - Six boarders. Rates

_rlllrllI:tIltl~II ••

Attend Yetter's Big Special •





No;,,~':::" ~~~ Chnton St. _!_ :....::: __ _H __

Only One Dollar Per M~h1 and Your Clothes Will Always Be Cleaned and Well Pressed and Your Shoes Shined.

Clothes promptly delivered by Parcel Delivery. while the gopber watches the $2.75 per week. Excel!tlnt tahle I one about to be ensnared from board gllaranteed. MRS. FISHEl( the other end of the wire cage. 322 North Van Buren. ] SAM TANNER'S Panitorium.

I Below runs the words, "Wiscon- Call on Joseph Siavata, the sin decides not to protest." Jt fashionable tailor_ I .... ~ ___________________ ..... , ____ td


might be interesting to know A man can't look at you with- I

just what caused thi . eemillg out s~ein~ your hat. 'fo be sure Deo1J 'es' case of "cold feet" on the part of that Its TIght come here. , F j t t the Wi consin men. Coast & Son.

Steam Laundry Thp basket hall game this Now is the time to order YOllr Corner Iowa Ave. and Linn St.

morning between Grinnell and Fall suit or trousers at Sla\"ata's] Goods call(d for and deli'1Jer(d. Te/('pholle Numb(1" 85. Iowa showed that ]owa ha ' the Siavata make. up-to-date suits.

material for a very good team. Medium weight un·derwear Soc l While the work this morning was per garment at Coast & Son. , __________________________ _


for the most part made up of ill· I PAR SON S . ." .. --".--..... "' ... -................. ~ dividual plays, yet it is early 10 ~

the season and regular training E d ~ I 6, 8 and 10 South Dubuque Streer. under Director Ruie will doubt- I 00 ngra ve ~ Footballs and Football supplies,

less brin£r out better work by the C 11" C dl ~ Pocket Knives, and a full line of

time the season is weJ1 begun. a Ing ar s Hardware, Bicycles and Sporting Goods.

The team is composed enti~ly of for. . $ I .00 ! Keys filed-can duplicate any key university students, is a univers- i on earth. ity team and deserves a better 4


attendance than that accorded AN Engraved Card is one Ie today. Good enthusiastic sup- of the small things which porters on the side-lines are as indicates refinement and necessary for sllccess in the game good taste. ~ I ofbaskctballasanyotherco))ege ~ile_ & I«oulton l F Th ~~ sport, and Iowa rooters should Printers mId Publishers j oster, ompson 0

:,:~~:i'r:;::d~"e do not lose nut L:.::..::~~:::::~~~., Satisfaction Guaranteed.

The best Dorses, best line of runabouts

hopes il1 t he ci~y.

and stan-


rCAN·DY·i • AT THE • i Palace of Sweets • PALMETTO CHOCOLATES,

:' 50 cents a pound or sold in bulk.

The richest in the land and in reach i of every body's pocket-book. ;

: Manufnl/ured exduJifJely by.

:: i JOHN REICHARDT i ..........................

The Clinton Street Smoke


"Devil" AND

"San Felice" IT

Watch Ollr bulletin board for the results of the

football games.

r We Don't Claim I To grow hair on a biJIiard ball or a bald head hut we will stop its falling out if you will use



regularly. Try it today. It is the TRUE tonic.


Smith & Eperl Lee Whitt nicer

L .. P fir S011: ::.:::::::::::: .. ..

.) ....................... . v • i I New York Cream Che«e . i : Keyser, Brick and Limber,er Cheese :

• • • DomCltic and Imported Sweitzer Ch.- • • and Hand Cheese • · : : Nice Fmh Wafen and Crackera of all • : Kind. . Just the thing for lunches :

• • ! R{ r ~IMJ.E"ART BROS. i ...•.....•.•..... ~ ....... .

Dennis Teefy

LIJ7ERr South Dubuque Street

Good horse£-Stylish turn-cuts.

Prompt , S er'llJi ce.

st. James Hotel R.:ST $2.00 PER DAV HousF.



Mrs. W. P. Schenck, of Bur- I ~---__ ------------------_-, lington, is visiting her son, Schenck, '04.

Henry, Hill and Reid were elected to represent Irving on the Junior class debate.

Furnished room in modern house for rent. Mrs. F. J. Schnei-der, 309 S. Clinton. St40

Coach Stagg is said to have adopted the plan of numbering his football players.

Irving elected to membership last night, Vandersteig, '05, Mor­gan, '05, and Weiland, 'OS .

The Hon. Stafford Little, of 'Frenton, has given to Princeton University 100,000 for a new dormitory.

Dr. George A. Gates, ex-presi­dent of Iowa College has been elected president of Washburn College, Topeka, Kan.

The Iowa Conference of Re­ligious Education opened a two days' session this mornirtg at ten

Do You Want a Pair?

. AVE YOU SEEN 'EM? The swell Shoes

. H · for winter- broad, extension soles, double­

deck extension soles, rope-stitched, extended

, stitched heels, colored edges. Just the shoe

for ladies and gentlemen who wear smart

things. Come in and see the new ideas- Box Calf, Patent

Kid and Enameled Leathers are the stock from which these

new Shoes are made. Every good dresser will want a pair

of these snappy shoes as soon as they see them.


MORGAN & DENTON. o'clock in the auditorium of the "-----______________________ 01

colIege of liberal arts.

Geo. C. Tucker, eX-'03, of the Webster City Freeman-Tribune, is visiting old friends in the t1Oi­versity today, and taking in the Grinnell-Iowa game.

Music for Thanksgiving. Just publtshed: a untque and

beautiful souvenir card for the holiday season. Words and mu­sic by Prof. C. Jay Smith, of Iowa City, adapted for quartette or chorus or may be sung as solo by any male or female voice (Range D to D). A patriotic hymn in ac­cord with the highest American traditions. Price tcn cents, Ar-

.. A __ ..... ___.. ... ....

SPECIAL JUST IN 100 Raglans--56 Inches Long

Loose and half-fitting backs worth from $15.00 to $'2.5.00 at

$10.00, $12.50, $15.00 Each Come early, at

BENNISON BROSo cade book store. 1 I 5 Washingto Street ...J'

Lm~~nnARnnAAaA __ ~ ______ auua ______ u _______ == __ w.. ______

Special Notices. Our stock of Pipes is the best M

in the world, an prices- cheap. H. J. Wieneke. • D. MALONE

For fnII dress suits see Slavata.

Now is the time to order yonr fall suit at SJavata's.

Visiting cards written at Irish's University Business college tf

Thill. Caraon, Pres. Wm . A. Fry, ~ .. hier 1. c. Cochran, V. Pres. Gen. F. Falk, Asst. Cash.

J hn £( n County Savings Bank lowaClty.la. Capital ,115 ,000. Burplu.818,ooo Directors-Thus. C. Carson, Ed. Tudor, M. 1. ~1oon, E. F. Dowman, c. F. Lovelace, f. c. -:OChran, Max Mayer, Sam' l Sharpless, S. k . Mumphreys.

'Tbr CITIZENS SAVINGf; AND 'rRU~1' CO., of Iowa City.

Capital Stock $50,000.00. A. E. SWISHER, Pres. G. W. LOUIS,

Vice Pres. G. W. KOONT't, Sec. and Treas. I 14- South Clinton Street.


(Sltmmer School) CHICAGO. Rrgular gnduadng school of Medicine, Phum-

a,y and Dentlmy. Co-Educational. Hem;an H. Brown, M. D., Pmident.


Makes 1 rousers from'

$3 to $12 Suits and Overcoats trom


$12 to $50 Ladies Tailoring a


C. A. Murphy's Livery Leave Orders .for the 'Ia/tv-hoo

Finest 'Turnouts in iowa City. Horsts Boarded. Open Day and Night. Telephone No. 67, bOl/1 lints.

I I4 fl7a.rhingtoh Street. Session tondnu" throughout the endr. yeH in

M.dicaland Dental Schook. Medical and Den- -~-------------------------Illi COllr&el, • yean, (, monthl Hch. Academic C . . year, • rerma, )a~uary, April, July and October. 0 m pe tl tl 0 n May enter bellnnln, of an)· term. Attend.nce IS Getting upon two terml tnhtln 'tlldt-nt to credit I;,r I I yHr" attendance. Examination, at dOle of each I h!nn. Pharmacy COUrle, ~ yean, 6 month each. Terma arnnded a' abon:. Sftaion, April to October. EiShth annual Snaion, January, 11jO~.

BUT we are prepared to meet it with our entire

o UTi 11' of swell Traps, Runabouts lind Stanhopes.

Dfl., nlld Nigbt. Donovan Brothers' old stand. New College Buildinp. I

AddreaSec'y, WILLARDC. SANFORD, M. D. E D. ~1 U RPHY College, 61 AUldn Ave. I '

Strong NEW

Op 1/



Wanted! --AT o AT-


GR CERYSTORE I 15 East College ~treet

A Few More Good Customer

w. have about .11 we can handle I I pretent, but the we;lth~r i. getting coolu and for the good of hungry humanity w •• re willing to work just a little harder [han evtr befor •. Our indu ement iJ this honorable and courteous tre.tment;:cl .. n and wholClOme vocerie. at a moderate profit; and a prompt delivrry ICrvi e to all partl of the city.

: ........................ ; i Staple 'and ~ancy i ! GrocerIes : : : • • • • i Everything new and i • up-to-date. <K <K <K : ! Prompt attention and ! i good ervice guaranteed 'Jf

• • . ~ $ •

i E. Sangster i • The New Grocery Store on Collece St. • • • B. • •• $ ••••• ~ ••••••••• $.

Special rates to Managers and boarding clubs.

Fraternity leW(lrds of


Groceries nl r," he procured in Ihe city. Ordel1 fill­ed prompt! . nd delivered at on e. . .

HECK & EMMON l:t . Dubuque t . Tdtphone 195

Coe OJ Scrubs o. The oe-Iowa scrubs g~me

which served as a cllrtain rat 'er ended ° to ° after good work by both teams. Iowa 2nd. 'oe. Walk r I e Ball Commack 1 t Bowerson Chesley 1 g Chandler

tong c Early Roth r ~ Currens Clearman r t Spencer Mack r e Sht1neman 1etzner q b Larson

Olinger I h ~teinke. Steck r h Netolicky. Spin den f b Stratford.

Officials: Same as Iowa-Grin­nell game. Time of halves, 15 score of Iowa ( crubs) 0 ; Coe 0.

ALL SOULS' CHURCH.-Duren Ward, Ph. D., minister, Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. ; adtl1t cIa ses at 10; preaching service 10 :45. Rev. Arthur M. Judy, president of the Iowa A 'sociation of Uni­tarian and other independent churches will preach and also ad­dress the Conference on religious education on Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. J. Smith, chorister.

A clas in public speaking bas been organized at Lake Forest. The method used is unique. At every meetmg a president and secretary are elected, thus giving · drills to the membcl's in thc rules of order. - Ex.

Me srs J. W. Mcyer, E. G. Of­fer, and M. E. McCt1l1ock were initiatcd into the Philomathian society, last evening, and Mr. C. C. Miller was elected to mcmber­ship.

'I'. V. Herbcrt, of Adair, rather of thc Hawkeye right end, saw the game today.

Ed McCall, '96, of Ne\'ada, Ia., is in the city to see the gamc and visit university friends .

For up-ta-date ovcrcoats sce om Au tomobile and Kitchners, 1~ 7.50 to 22.50. Evcrything in first-class suits from 5.00 to

I $22·50' For clean, new, rcady­to-wear clothing see Su ppels. tf

Saturday, TOV . 16, A . M. Greer • will have a " Grab Sale" in which

Chinese Laundry 500 articlcs will ?e sO.ld fOT 25c Thr bOil of"ork and mo", «laonabl. prieta I each . Every artIC le wJlI be worth

W · L P 25c and among the articles will Ing ee, rope be I gold-filled watch, 2 silverine

11 1 I .... Avrnut watches, 1 mandol in, J guitar, 2 clocks, I pair glasses, guarantecd to fit, st1gar shaker, jelly dish , one half dozen Iowa pins.

1 2 r Remember r-~-"'~ ~ D ELMON I C O I 1 2 3 ! Re. tan rant and Chop House I The finest assortment of all 1 1·00 M •• I Tlck<1 !.SO Open aU niaM I grades of cigars, from a pen ny Ii I~~~ F. GIlMW~ATH, P10'. h \" . ~~ ___ ~ eac to Soc each at lenekc's


L USCD M BE.I)ub~q~r Sf Our adve rtisers are notificd that Mak .. the mo [ the copy for the change of advcr-

• • tisements must be at onr offic at Artistic Photos 123 Iowa \\'c., before six p. m,

h · L • I k d L • d I thc day prc\'iol1s to the date of n [ e CIty. ..l3mlne I Ie wor an "" convince. h ____________ 1 c angc,

---------------------------Wieneke's Arcade A. STILL 'RAW·, D. O.

Book Store • I\ sai.t.d by Mrs. BeUe Cambell Craig, I O. TWPATH I . P II "Sl CIANS

Headquarters ror Note Books, Fountain Offic ~ and R(Sid~nct , ~~: I S , and Student' Supplies. f.d\\ard ~ I'roJl"fl), Al,o C T FLOWERS always 011 hand. 118 S. l.i,lI'. New Phone ~ 1 4 .


<!Cttp lSakcl1! '()NTRA(" I'()R

and Be I LDTm WHOLRSAL~ t CE Froln th,. ~ 'Vlt . , Walrr.

TE" XORTII CLINTON ~TREET I of Ihr I"". IUvrr .ho .. In\\'A C IT'

row.\ ~'~.~ . J ~':::-.~""::'M'~ lb .! Corah-i11 Varn. I :




AI'e expecting you to call and see them. And 111

tbis store of seasonable clothing there are plenty of

Warm, Comfortable Clothes.

Good serviceable suits as low as $10.00.

Our prices are quick sellers.


crhcre is something 11ew In the

Brush Line to show you. Patr~nage.

We appreciate your

H enry Louis Pharmacist.

Cor, Dubuque and ' Washillgton Streets.


H. A. STRUB €5 co.

New Fall Styles

In fabrics for fall garments show sever:tlllovclties which w ill appeal to men thc Icast bit thotlghtful about their attire. Om entire line is noll'

I ~ ready for yOllr se lcctilms, and we ore ready to meaSlIre, cut, fit and Ir.akc

~\ up suits ar singlc g-arments to your l\ liking.

. J OS. Sla vata, Tailor I \~ South Cllnto~ Strut.

r;---! ------------~~

I W AN·TED I 2 3 I LadY;:T Boarders ~ The Little Bon Ton

~ 26 South Dubuque Street. J ~ilSD~ ... ~ ____ - ......... _l!IU1~

CO D utablish.d I 888

1,1 1-!13 J,I. Av ...