NCHS Junior School Magazine 2012

Junior Voices 2011- 2012


NCHS Junior School Magazine 2012NCHS Junior School Magazine 2012

Transcript of NCHS Junior School Magazine 2012

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Junior Voices2011-2012

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This year at Church High we have enjoyed celebrating even more exciting events than usual!

We celebrated Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee in a very regal manner, with the Infants thoroughly enjoying performing their Diamond Jubilee Concert to a very appreciative audience. A magnificent drum roll invited all to join in with an enthusiastic chorus of the National Anthem, and, although the Queen sent a personalised letter stating that she was unable to attend, it would appear from the photographs that she did manage to come to our picnic! I would like to thank the Junior School Council for doing such a magnificent job in organising such a lively and fun filled event.

We were very fortunate that an Olympic Torch was brought into school and, in assembly, every girl was given the opportunity of holding it. The torch represents respect, excellence and friendship, three qualities which are held in high esteem at Church High.

Infant and Junior classes also held their Round-the-World days, where they looked at aspects of life from different countries which participated in the Olympic Games. These included learning the New Zealand haka, Greek dances and cheer-leading from the USA and enjoying bread and cheese from France and Spanish tapas, enabling the girls to experience glimpses of varied international culture.

Both the Junior and Infant sports days started with our own Olympic torch parade. The whole school paraded around the field in Houses for the Junior Sports Day and although the Infant Sports Day was held in the sports hall due to the weather, everyone had a great time.

As well as national celebrations we have had many reasons to celebrate within school. For example, our sports teams have enjoyed great success and have proudly represented the school in tournaments, athletics meetings and various sporting matches.

There have also been many personal achievements during the year, including the Roxburgh sisters winning the U9 and U11 chess championships. This meant that they played each other in the final!

In addition, Alice Girdler moves up to the Senior School with an unbroken record of full marks in spelling tests throughout both the Infant and Junior Schools. This is certainly a great achievement!

Our girls have become frequent contributors to local newspapers through their contributions to the Evening Chronicle ‘Chronicle Kids’ section in which they have had paintings, poems, creative writing and book reviews featured.

Our Eco-Council led the way for Junior School to secure the prestigious gold ‘Enviro Award’ from the Environmental team at Newcastle Council and are keen to extend their work into the new academic year.

As always whenever our girls have gone out of school, they have been great ambassadors for Church High, a fact which is often commented upon.

The Samba Band and dancers admirably led the Jesmond Festival Parade, watched by hundreds of onlookers and our girls, as ever, sang most beautifully at their Christmas Carol Service and Infant and Nursery Nativity Play.

And finally, who can forget the calm way in which our girls handled the tremendous floods which swept through the region over the Summer term. Despite torrential rain and flooding, Church High’s site management team worked tirelessly to ensure school was safe and our girls, parents and staff took the situation in their stride proving yet again that the indomitable Church High spirit will see us through!

We hope you enjoy this year’s magazine, giving you all a taste of as many of the fun and exciting events taking place this year that we could fit in, and importantly, we would like to thank all girls, parents and staff for working so well as a team to contribute to such a rewarding school year.

Finally, I would like to say goodbye to our retiring members of staff, Mrs Fairless, Mrs Rollings and Mrs Glover. You will all be greatly missed!

To arrange a visit to our Nursery, Infant or Junior School, or for more information, please contact Mrs Murdoch, Junior School Secretary, on 0191 281 3347 or visit

Tankerville Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 3BA Tel: 0191 281 3347 Join us on Facebook – The Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School Follow us on Twitter – @ChurchHigh

Junior Voices

Miss J Cunningham – Junior School Head

Back cover artwork – Jimena de la Fuente

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Junior Voices


Nursery Kindergarten Transition

Preparatory Junior One Lower Two F

Lower Two R Upper Two A Upper Two B

Lower Three C Lower Three W

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During the build up to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, we planned a host of fun and exciting activities for parents and girls to enjoy.

The Diamond Jubilee celebrations kicked off with a visit from the The Lord Lieutenant, Nigel Sherlock Esq., acting on behalf of the Queen. Mr Sherlock chatted about his role and his experiences meeting the Queen.

We invited both Mr Sherlock and Her Majesty the Queen, to the Diamond Jubilee Infant Concert, but unfortunately they were not able to attend, however we were delighted to receive a personalised letter from The Queen thanking us for our efforts!

This didn’t stop the girls giving a rousing, flag waving, colourful display of their many musical talents to an enthusiastic and appreciative audience of family and friends.

Hot on the heels of the concert was a much anticipated afternoon on the school playing field. A whole school Jubilee Picnic had been organised by the girls on the School Council, complete with cartwheel area, bouncy castle and ice cream van. To top it all we had a visit from our very own ‘Queen Elizabeth ll’!

In addition, Transition and Preparatory girls were very lucky to have had a visit from Mr Geoff Platt, who had been awarded an MBE for his services to the Salvation Army. He brought with him his medal and a DVD of the Awards Ceremony. We were thrilled to get a glimpse inside Buckingham Palace, and to be able to ask Mr Platt lots of questions about the day he met the Queen.

Newcastle Church High School


Events Fit for a Queen!

Transition and Preparatory meet Mr Platt

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Junior Voices


The ‘Queen’ pops along to our Jubilee picnic

Mr Platt’s MBE

Mr Sherlock chats about his work with the Queen

Our personalised letter from the Queen

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Newcastle Church High School


‘The Nativity’ Shortly before Christmas our Infants performed their own, wonderful and heart-warming Nativity in front of proud parents and guests.

After a busy week performing the Infant Nativity to both school and parents, Preparatory girls then went along to Wordsworth House in Jesmond to sing songs from the Nativity to the residents. Even the resident Teddy Bear enjoyed the singing!

“I was one of the shepherds. I had to look

after the sheep and warm my toes by the fire.”

Amélie Whitehead (Tr)

“It was quite scary being a narrator because

there were so many people in the audience and I had lots

of words to learn.” Katie Atkinson (Prep)

“The song round the fire with the shepherds was very gentle and calm.

I liked it.” Jennifer Stagg (Prep)

“My favourite song was the ‘Welcome’ song because it was very jolly

and we clapped.” Elise Mattimoe (Prep)

“I felt very shy when I came in but then I was

happy once I started singing.”

Sophie Atkinson (Tr)

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Junior Voices


Olympic fever swept through Junior School with a host of sporting themed challenges over the Summer term.

The girls took part in an Olympic relay where, after a week of activity, they had collectively travelled the distance of 869 miles by cycling, walking, running, swimming, skipping or scootering, or any other man-powered means.

This total smashed their original target of 247 miles (the distance from Church High to the Olympic Stadium) and meant that the girls travelled almost enough to get them to and from the Olympic stadium twice over!

In other Olympic themed activities, the girls were captivated when Church High parent, Dr Lisa Baker brought in her Olympic torch, after being a torch bearer for the relay in Newcastle and every junior girl was given the chance to hold the torch.

Finally, the girls toured countries of the world with their ‘Olympic Passport’ allowing them to experience different cultures from countries which competed in the Games. Activities included boomerang making in Australia, learning the haka in New Zealand and making Chinese dragons.

Olympic Fever

Dr Lisa Baker brings her Olympic torch to school

Girls get set for their Olympic challenge

Our girls even mastered the New Zealand Haka!

A taste of cheer-leading from the USA

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Newcastle Church High School


Creative Writing The End of the DayThe bell goes for the end of the dayChildren dash out of schoolThey are like a swarm of beesSome are clapping, some are cheeringThree are skippingMost are talkingBags are flyingCoats everywhereFive are runningOne is jumpingThere is a bundle on the floorGrazed knees and sore elbowsPaper aeroplanes in the airDust clouds are risingPeople are running aboutWeaving in and outSome of them are going home and out of sightVery soon there is no one thereThe school gate clangs shutEveryone is goneSilence!

By Rosa Whittingham, L2R

Kilimanjaro ClimbTwo daring dads attempted a Kilimanjaro charity climb.

Paul Taggart and Martyn Cuthbert, two fearless friends, set out on a death defying climb up Mount Kilimanjaro in March 2011.

“I had just turned 40 and fancied a challenge,” quotes Paul. “Then I saw an article about a charity called ‘Children Today’ who needed money to buy things like wheelchairs to help disabled children so I decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro!”

“I was asked to join Paul,” says Martyn. “Of course I said ‘yes’ to the challenge.” They started training by doing extremely long walks. Then they went for medical checks and vaccines. It wasn’t long before they were off to Africa!

When they entered the national park, their journey had begun… The climb was slow and difficult. It didn’t help that the instructor kept shouting, “Slowly, slowly.” They ended up moving like snails! Paul and Martyn both suffered mountain sickness. Nevertheless they kept going. When asked what kept him going Paul said, “I did it for my daughter, Josie.”

Despite all their hard work, they didn’t quite reach the top. However, they would do it again, definitely.

Well done Paul and Martyn!

By Emilia Hardie, U2A

The Scrawny ShadowIt was a frozen November night. Everyone was sleeping; everyone but Natalya. Natalya’s throat was dry so she trooped downstairs into the kitchen. There it was: a colossal, scrawny shadow. She had no idea what it was so she moved closer to investigate. As the space between them became smaller and smaller, Natalya noticed that the creature – whatever it was – hadn’t noticed her. It was rummaging in a cupboard, the meat cupboard. She took one more cautious step towards it, not making a sound. However the thing stopped foraging for food and looked up at her. Then she saw it. Its lanky, pointed teeth (like sharp razors), its long, bony paws (thin as a rat’s) and its gaunt, slender head covered by black fur (like the night sky). The only source of light was the full moon up high. Natalya backed away fumbling for the switch. The light flickered on. She peered round and saw her old tabby cats, Fred and George. They had been standing one behind the other making the colossal, scrawny shadow.

“Oh you naughty boys!” Natalya exclaimed. “You made me panic.”

By Katie Tiesdell, U2A

By Ania Snowden, Kg

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Junior Voices


Polly and the WolfOnce there lived a girl called Polly. Now Polly lived near a wolf who would love to eat Polly but each time he comes Polly is just too clever for him. Now the wolf has been twice and Polly has survived every time. So I think he might come again don’t you?

Now today is Thursday and Polly is on her own once again and she is making a few sticky toffee puddings for she suspects the wolf will come again.

“Ding dong.” I think it’s that dreadful old wolf again thought Polly. She went and opened the door and of course it was the wolf who had come to eat her up. “Come in” said Polly. The wolf came in and took a big sniff and of course he could smell something delicious. He said to Polly “What is that smell my dear Polly?” “It is a few sticky toffee puddings, would you like one?” Polly replied. “Yes please Polly” said the wolf. So Polly took the wolf down to the kitchen as usual. The wolf ate eight big ones. Afterwards Polly was worried and asked him if he would eat her and this is the reply he gave Polly. “No I will not eat you but we could be friends and bake together?” “I would love to be” said Polly. So after all that they became best friends forever!

By Samantha Stokoe, J1S

GerbilsIn our classWe have gerbilsNamed Tom and Jerry.They like digging tunnels.Give them a toilet rollThey run straight to itAnd nibble, nibble, nibbleIt’s gone in two minutes.Thursday’s the best dayWe get to hold the gerbils,As we sit in a circleI patiently wait,For my turn to come.They are soft and furryAnd I tickle their tum.

By Alisha Lamb, L2F

Found PoetryIt’s not big and it’s not cleverShould we stop worrying about the population time bomb? Cats are for life not for dinner Chance Fading to control Global warming Turkish earthquake toll Could rise to 1000 dead Feeling on top of the world All that glitters It’s not big and it’s not clever.

By Eve Cuthbert, U2B

I BelieveI believe … There is no right, That there is no wrong there is only opinion.

I believe … Global warming will get worse, Polar regions will melt, The world will flood.

I believe … The world could be as one, If everyone was happy, If people were fine with what they had.

I believe … People are not different, They are all the same, Colour, speech, looks, It does not matter, We are all humans, We are all good people.

I know That children are crying, In countries foreign to us, they’re crying for water, For happiness, For love, For friendship, For a family that’s dying from the lack of clean water, food and medicine.

And so I hope, That everyone will love, Be happy, Be free, Not be sad, But most of all believe.

By Orla Blackweir, L3C

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Our Infants enjoyed a wide and varied selection of fun and interesting trips throughout the year. From winter fun at Fenwicks window to summer splashing at Beadnell Beach, our girls had a wonderful time!

Infant Explorers

Newcastle Church High School


Kindergarten●Fenwicks Christmas Window Display●Laing Art Gallery●Hall Hill Farm

Kindergarten learnt how to scan books during their visit to Jesmond library.

Transition●George Stephen Railway Museum●Science workshop at Centre for Life●Hatton Gallery●Rising Sun Country Park

“I cuddled a bunny – it was very soft.”

Grace Jobling (Kg)

“I enjoyed choosing a book to bring back to school.”

Ava Humble (Kg)

“I fed the goats

at Hall Hill Farm

and they tickled me.”

Isabelle Nickalls (Kg)

“We all went to look at Fenwick’s window

and met Santa.” Cassia de Bandeira (Kg)

“I am making a collage of a boat on water.”

Triana de la Fuente (Kg)Laing Art Gallery


“I went to the Railway Museum. We designed an engine. I dressed up as a

Victorian girl. I made a puppet and we had a show.”

Erica Savage (Tr)

“I dragged a really heavy branch through the woods to make our den. Kristiana helped

me but she got out of breath and I had to carry it on my own!”

Phoebe Bland (Tr)

“The pond dipping was great. I found a couple of tadpoles and some snails. Some girls dropped their nest in the pond! I didn’t.”

Olivia Harper (Tr)

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Junior Voices


The Infants had a fantastic day’s fun on their trip to Beadnell Beach. As staff supervised (some in coats, hats and gloves!) the girls donned their swimsuits to paddle and jump the waves at the water’s edge. Some serious hole-digging and sandcastle building then followed. The sun came out whilst we enjoyed a well-earned picnic and everyone managed to keep the sand out of their sandwiches!

All too soon it was time to return to school. Many were heard to comment, ‘That was the best trip ever!’

All Infants●Beach trip to Beadnell

Preparatory●Beamish Museum●Centre for Life●West Denton Fire Station

Preparatory have been learning about the Victorians this year and enjoyed a fantastic trip to Beamish. Both the girls and the staff went in costume to get a truly Victorian feel. We travelled on old fashioned buses and trams to visit the sweet shop, dentist, co-op and bank.

Then we visited the school and took part in a Victorian lesson.

Preparatory visited the Centre for Life and took part in a Materials workshop.

“It was fun.”Annabel Forrester (Prep)

“The classroom smelt inky. We had to do Victorian

writing and copy a lighthouse.”

Ava de Bandeira (Prep)

We are all very grateful to Katie (Prep) and Sophie (Tr) Atkinson’s Grandad, Frank Atkinson who thought of

and built Beamish!

Ebony and Aljori tried on some Glasses! Which do you think were made from the

best material?

“We got to go in the front of the fire engine –

it was fun!” Katie Atkinson (Prep)

“We got on an old fashioned bus.”

Maia Broughton (Prep)

“We all tried on the gas mask.”

Maia Broughton (Prep)

“ The teacher was called “Mam”…

We used ink pens.”Anita Kalbasi (Prep)

We carried out an experiment to test the hardness of different


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The Eco-Councillors have been as busy as ever thinking of ways to make Church High an environmentally friendly school. We have reduced our carbon footprint by 60% through establishing a waste recycling system in school and by saving energy around the school building. In fact, we even won an ‘Enviro Gold’ award from Newcastle Council for our efforts recently.

The Eco-Council has planned a ‘Green Week’ for the school in September, which will include activities such as a recycled fashion show, outdoor learning activities during a ‘power off ’ hour and uniform recycling scheme. We are hoping that next year the weather will shine on us and we will be able to spend more time in our school garden.

Hopefully our achievements this year go to show that we are a truly green school!

Eco-CouncilOur Eco-Council meet regularly to discuss all things green!

Newcastle Church High School


School CouncilThe School Council has, once again, been active this year, although most of our progress was ‘behind the scenes.’

The Council this year consisted of Renee Fraser Shepherd (Chair), Tara Broughton (Sec), Holly Benn, Josie Taggart, Madison Roxburgh, Amelia Crowe , Evie Seghal, Martha Jobling-Purser and Scarlett Hardie.

Collectively they decided that a Diamond Jubilee celebration was a good idea. They polled their classes for suggestions for activities and discussed at meetings which ones would be the most fun and easy to organise.

They made important phone calls in order to borrow a bouncy castle from Mr and Mrs Ferguson, and to check with our Bursar that insurance was in place.

On the day itself they set up bunting and equipment and even marked out areas for cartwheeling. Was it successful? Check out our Jubilee page and see for yourself! “We know how

important it is to save energy so this year we have made

an extra special effort to make sure the teachers turn

the lights off.”

“We are really lucky to have such super

outdoor play areas so we work as a team to keep them clean

and tidy.”

The School Council

Members of our Eco-Coucil receive the Enviro Award from Mr Grant of Newcastle Council

Our Junior girls work with the Site Management Team on all environmental projects

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Junior Voices


Musical Maestros

Music at Church High plays a huge part in school life and continues to go from strength to strength. Our annual choral and orchestra days with Newcastle School for Boys are now a permanent fixture in our calendar and give our girls a wonderful opportunity to sing and play as part of a much larger group.

Orchestra has been very well attended this year and the pieces played have become increasingly challenging. It makes an impressive sound and is a fine example of the rewards of teamwork; a skill at which Church High girls certainly excel.

This year has seen some new musical extra-curricular clubs open up to our girls. String Group and Guitar Group have been added to the existing timetable of Hand Chimes, Recorder Groups, Ocarina Club, Orchestra, Fife Club and Samba Band, so there really are opportunities for all.

Infant Choir remains as popular as ever. The two Junior Choirs remain a timetabled part of the week to enable all girls to participate. Our next performance at The Sage, Gateshead is one we are all looking forward to and will prove without doubt that every girl at Church High has a voice.

The Samba Band take to the streets of Jesmond to lead the parade in the

2012 Jesmond Festival.

Lower Three girls entertaining

shoppers in Eldon Square at

Christmas.Ocarina Club

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Newcastle Church High School


Creative Writing

AutumnAutumn speeds Through the shady beachesBlowing sand like a hurricaneAs the waves come tumbling towards himHe walks on without a word.Autumn slides On the slippery pathJumping on piles of leavesDarting in between the treesHe quickly moves on.Autumn dashesDown a steep hillLeaves falling down behind himHe laughs as leaves tickle his backThen he fades into the darkness.

By Maia Welch, U2B

MemoriesI remember… Playing pirates on the climbing frame with my friends.

I remember… Thinking I was so grown up because I was in Junior One.

I remember… Being elected for the School Council for the very first time.

I remember… Lots of great memories but unfortunately I would need lots more paper to write them all down on.

I hope… There will be a lot more good memories in the senior school.

By Olivia Dungait, L3W

MemoriesI remember… walking in not knowing what lay ahead of me

I remember… the trips and adventures and the fears I overcame

I remember… the times I was down but someone was there for me

I remember… starting my second year knowing it would be great

I hope… things will never change because things are perfect the way they are

By Amber Soakell, L3W

MemoriesI remember my first day at Church High and how scared I was.

I remember when Amber rolled Rachel under the bed at Winmarleigh and the fun we had at Edinburgh.

I remember when we composed ‘Castles of Colour’ all by ourselves.

I remember when it was my exam and the support my friends gave me.

I remember when I became obsessed with microbes but I’ve grown out of that now.

I hope in the future that my memories in the Junior School will stay with me forever.

By Minya Kearley, L3W

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Junior Voices


Likes and DislikesI like pizza for my tea, I like swimming happily, I like chocolate and ice cream, But I don’t like fishy old bream.

I like milk and orangeade, I like digging with my spade, I like apples – also pears, But I don’t like falling down the stairs.

I like playing with my ball, I like to sing in the hall, I like the monkeys at the zoo, But I don’t like monsters – well do you?

I like jumping in the air, I like eating juicy pear, I love a piece of mummy’s cake, But I don’t like doing a mistake.

I like my computer games, I like doing jigsaws, I’ve told you of the things I like, And now I’m off to ride my bike!

By Evie Ford, Preparatory

Likes and DislikesI like pizza for my tea, I like eating yummy peas, I like chocolate and ice cream, But I don’t like people being mean.

I like milk and orangeade, I like eating mayonnaise, I like apples – also pears, But I don’t like lumpy chairs.

I like playing with my ball, I like to do handstands on the wall, I like the monkeys at the zoo, But I don’t like playing with goo.

I like jumping in the air, I like flying everywhere, I love a piece of mummy’s cake, But I don’t like screaming cars.

I like my computer games, I like making up some names, I’ve told you of the things I like, And now I’m off to say goodnight!

By Ella Moody and Elise Mattimoe, Preparatory

Likes and DislikesI like pizza for my tea, I like writing poetry, I like chocolate and ice cream, But I don’t like buzzy bees.

I like milk and orangeade, I like swimming 7th grade, I like apples – also pears, But I don’t like grizzly bears.

I like playing with my ball, I like to grow very tall, I like the monkeys at the zoo, But I don’t like Scooby Doo.

I like jumping in the air, I like going to the fair, I love a piece of mummy’s cake, But I don’t like carrot cake.

I like my computer games, I like singing in the rain, I’ve told you of the things I like, And now I’m off to say goodnight!

By Maia Broughton and Isabelle Crowe, Preparatory

Dance of the Autumn LeavesSwishing, twirling, whirling,Wait for the autumn,Curling, swirling, gliding,Let go of the branch,Circling, piling, launching,Gliding delicately in the air,Swooshing, circling, crunching,Falling to the ground huddling up.By Aimee Bell, J1S

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Newcastle Church High School


Juniors on the RoadFrom Durham Cathedral to Woodhorn Colliery; from the Great North Museum to Segedunum, Church High’s Juniors have travelled throughout the region and beyond this year, learning new and exciting things as they travelled. Here are a few of the highlights…

JUNIOR ONE TRIPSHatton GalleryHindu TempleGreat North Museum: Hancock Jesmond DeneNewcastle and Gateshead QuaysideTour of The Sage GatesheadCentre for LifeNewcastle City LibraryWhitley Bay Playhouse to see ‘Aladdin’


LOWER TWO TRIPSSegedunumDurham CathedralBede’s WorldCentre for Life ‘Science workshop’Laing Art Gallery - Sculpture workshopNewburn Outdoor Education DaySikh GurdwaraWhitley Bay Playhouse to see ‘Aladdin’Senior School production of ‘Wizard of Oz’St George’s Church, JesmondCentral Library Craig Bradley Poetry workshopCycling – Safe cycling training


UPPER TWO TRIPSOuseburn WalkChoral DayCity LibraryCentre for LifeAuthor visit - Kate O’HearnWinmarleigh Entertaining Tudors WorkshopBikeability CourseBeach trip


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LOWER THREE TRIPSTyneside CinemaWoodhorn CollieryCentre for LifeEdinburghGreat North Museum: HancockEden CampNorthern Stage to see ‘The Glass Slipper’






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Newcastle Church High School


Juniors on the Road AT THE BEACH




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Junior Voices


Nursery LifeWe have had another busy year in Nursery, celebrating many events from birthdays to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee; a very wet visit to Hall Hill Farm and a much enjoyed theatre trip to Northern Stage at Christmas.

The girls have watched their sunflowers and cress seeds grow, spotted and fed the garden birds and experienced different cultures during our ‘Around the World’ morning.

We joined in with the rest of the girls in the Junior School to walk, bike or scoot to collect enough miles to get us to the Olympic Stadium and back to school, it was amazing to see just how far some of the Nursery girls can walk!

The girls are now all excited at the prospect of putting on their uniform and starting our ‘big school’ in September.

World Book Day

Egg Rolling with the Infants

Sophie Platt blowing out her birthday candles

Diamond Jubilee Tea Party

Elena Baggett making her Christmas starSophie Platt and Anna Stevens painting our Chinese dragon

Nursery Angels in the Nativity with Infant Girls

Isobel Helsby decorating the tree

Anna Stevens Buzz Lightyear on World Book Day

Isabel Barnett Angelina Ballerina on World Book Day

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Newcastle Church High School


Infant Art

‘Aboriginal Art’ Lucy Benn

‘Forest at Ravensworth’ Millie Riley

‘In the Style of Kandinsky’ Lexie Urquhart

‘In the Style of Rennie Mackintosh’ Lara Brown

‘Scene from Ashington Railway’ Imogen Akhurst

‘Shortcut to Haydon Bridge’ Amy Parkinson

‘Deep in the Jungle’ Emily Forrester‘The Deep Blue Sea’ Isabel Barnett

‘Kenyan Sunset’ Olivia Harper

‘Chinese Art’ Rosie Foucault

‘Creepers’ Emma Kelly

‘In the Rizzi style’ Amanpreet Kaur

‘When I was a Baby’ Sophie Platt ‘Doodles’ Amelia Crowe

‘Doodles’ Gemma Lant

‘African Mask’ Kristiana Beasy

‘Grace Darling to the Rescue’ Martha Jobling-Purser

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Junior Voices


‘Vase’ Madelaine McGovern

‘A Winter’s Day’ Alisha Lamb

‘Dancing Penguins’ Evie Ford

‘Far Pavilions’ Imogen Pearson

‘In the Style of Kandinsky’ Rachel Tsang

‘Poppy Field’ Emily Zibe

‘The Owl’ Amélie Whitehead

‘A Regatta’ Lucy McGowan

‘Circles’ Katie Mooney

‘Tudor Portrait’ Rebecca Oakley

‘Wool Print’ Imogen Smith

‘Rover’ Ava de Bandeira ‘Jet’ Katie Atkinson ‘Hedgehog’ Ania Snowden

‘Petals’ Madeline Watt

‘Sand & Glitter’ Imogen Davies

‘Top of the Hill’ Saffron Sims-Brydon

‘The Queen’ Anna Parkinson

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Newcastle Church High School


What to try next?Extra-curricular clubs play a huge part in life at Church HighThere isn’t a lunch time or after school goes by without the opportunity for us to experiment with a new club or sport. From Astronomy to Ocarina, Fencing, Samba Band, Chess and more, we simply can’t decide what new activity to learn next.

Here are a few of this year’s highlights…

Cycling Proficiency and Safe CyclingWe know many of Church High’s girls are keen cyclists, taking the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors over holidays and warm evenings and on fun trips with their families. Therefore, we are aware of how important it is to ensure that they are confident cyclists.

Throughout the year our girls have enjoyed participating in both Safe Cycling and Cycling Proficiency courses at school, ensuring they are aware of road dangers and the need to cycle safely.

It is always an impressive sight to see our Lower Two and Upper Two girls enjoy the training they are given from representatives from Newcastle Council to ensure they are confident and considerate bicycle users.

“Chess is definitely a cunning game. I really like chess it’s like having an

army of your own.”Lily-Grace Roxburgh

Chess ClubMany people might think that a Chess Club would be a tense, silent affair with every move watched with anticipation and caution, well, not at Church High.

Our Chess Club has progressed from strength to strength with a core group of almost 30 girls participating in a buzzing, fun and passionate atmosphere, with every girl developing a host of skills and keen will to win!

The Chess Congress has two sections, separated according to age groups (Under 9 and Under 11), coached under the careful tuition of Mr Smith, known as ‘The Chess Master’, and all games are played in great spirit, exhibiting the right blend of competitiveness and friendliness.

This year the girls were even visited by the British Girls Champion, 19 year-old Lateefah Messam-Sparks. Lateefah (pictured above right) joined the group to give coaching and tips to help the girls increase their skills.

Every year the girls end the Summer term with a Chess Championship and the winner is crowned. This year our Chess Champion is the very talented Lily-Grace Roxburgh who overcame the challenge from her own sister Madison, winner of the Under 9 category, to be victorious in the final.

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Junior Voices


CinderellaLower Three Production

We are Fairy Godmothers. We live on Cloud Number 9.

Oh father, why are my step-sisters to horrible to me?

Your portmanteau is preventing pedestrians from passing!

Was that twelve chimes? Did you hear? Let us try the shoe!

Make way for the delightful Withershin sisters and their mother!The girl whose foot fits this shoe is the girl I will marry.

The cast

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Newcastle Church High School


¡Qué buen dia!Throughout school languages play a huge part in life at Church High. Girls from Nursery upwards have been developing their Spanish skills with lots of different fun events and games.

In Early Years, girls have dressed as Flamenco dancers using Triana de la Fuente’s dresses and watched a real Flamenco dance on You Tube. They have all danced to Flamenco and used castanets and maracas.

Piñatas, made by girls in Lower Three, were whacked until sweets could be collected and enjoyed by all.

They have looked at a paella dish and wine bottle (the traditional sort with the long spout) from Alicia Warren Gallego. They have sampled tapas – rice, tomato, olives and manchego cheese whilst drinking sangria (blackcurrant juice).

Infants have been busy learning new songs and greetings and even writing some simple Spanish sentences. They have really enjoyed playing ¡Zas! too. Listening to Jack and the Beanstalk in Spanish prompted the girls to act out the role of the Giant with the words ¡Um! ¡Nam! Ñam! ¡Huelo la sangre de un ingles! (Fi, Fo, Fum I smell the blood of an Englishman).

Juniors have been very busy making links with a school in Almería in Spain. Concordia Primary School is in the town of Camperhermoso. The girls in Lower Three began by writing letters to their Spanish counterparts, but communication has taken a technological turn and now we are sharing videos each school has made across the internet. We are hoping to develop and extend this link. ¡Ver este espacio!

Fi, Fo, Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman


Flamenco Dancing

Maraca Shaking

Our letter and video from Spain

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Junior Voices


Lower Three Visit Bonny Scotland!The annual Edinburgh trip is eagerly anticipated each year by Lower Three. This year proved to be as exciting and enjoyable as always, due in no little part to the wonderful attitude of our fantastic girls. They made the most of every minute, as you can see from our photographs.

On the Royal Yacht Britannia

In the stocks

Life in Edinburgh Castle Practising the Highland Fling

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Newcastle Church High School


Junior Art

Created by all the girls in L3W

Our Jubilee masterpieces

Aboriginal art

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Junior Voices


Upper Two Opera – Magic!This year’s opera, written, composed and performed by Upper Two, told a magical tale of stolen wands and the mayhem caused by scrambled magic.

The Royal Family The Cast Old Wenzle

Fairy Sunshine, Fairy Moonbeam and their Fairy Sisters‘Oh my! We didn’t expect the fish and chips to be as big as this!’

Gwendolyn the Good, Messenger Bird, Positive Pandora and Wise Owl

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Newcastle Church High School


Fun at WinmarleighYet again girls in Upper Two enjoyed a great visit to Winmarleigh Hall.

The spectacular Victorian estate near Preston in Lancashire, with acres of gardens and woods adjacent to the Forest of Bowland provided the perfect base for a week of fun and challenging adventures.

Our main theme this year was emphasising team work and supporting each other in the activities and in our friendships.

“Working together as a team was

really fun.”Eve Colwell

“At Winmarleigh I felt like I became more mature without my

parents there.”Maia Welch

“I thoroughly enjoyed Winmarleigh, I have

much more confidence in myself.”

Anna O’Donnell“I loved Winmarleigh

because all my friends were there, the people made me

feel at home and when I came back I wanted to do it

all again.”Sophia Greystoke

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Junior Voices


“Winmarleigh not only strengthened lots of my

friendships but also made my list of friends much longer.”

Lola Francis

“My friends were always there, supporting and

comforting me. I felt that the trip to Winmarleigh brought

us closer together.”Katy Evans

“I felt my friendship with Lola strengthen as we pulled the cord on the giant swing and held hands tightly.”

Emilia Hardie “Because we all looked out for each other and

worked together on the team challenge we really enjoyed it.”

Victoria Harman

“Whenever we worked as a team, we would always co-operate and listen to everyone’s ideas. That’s

what made it so good. At the end of every activity we all

came out smiling and happy.”Amanpreet Kaur

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Newcastle Church High School


Church High Junior School - in the Press Church High’s Infant and Junior girls have turned the heads of many more than simply our proud parents and families during a fun filled, busy and entertaining year at Church High.

They have also been in the media spotlight on a number of occasions through their hard work and creativeness at school, their generosity and their charity fundraising efforts.

The girls’ infectious spirit and determination to always be their very best meant that even the local media took note of the countless events that were happening right here at Church High!

This is our chance to look fondly on some of the many occasions when our girls took centre stage…

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Junior Voices


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Newcastle Church High School


Infant and Junior Sports DaysSports Day is always an eagerly awaited day on the school calendar, for girls, staff and parents alike.

We are delighted that Juniors enjoyed a relatively dry afternoon for their event on the school field and all girls participated whole-heartedly to provide a fun packed afternoon.

Unfortunately Infants were not so lucky with the weather but had equally as much fun during their event which took place in the Sports Hall.

Well done to all girls for their passion, efforts and hard work and well done especially to Alnwick House who were declared the overall winner!

There’s still time to smile and wave!

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Junior Voices


Champion Athlete, Maia Welch (centre) with Alina Willis and Heidi JoynsonAlnwick House win the day!Alnwick House Sports captain, Georgia Richardson

Church High’s Torch Relay

Olympic medals for all Nursery and Infants

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Newcastle Church High School


Junior Sports Teams Championship

Singles Rebecca Oakley

Championship Doubles

Rebecca Oakley and Sophie Greystoke

Novice Doubles Georgia Richardson

and Imogen Ackhurst U11 Tennis

U11 Trampolining

U11 Netball

Y5 Netball Y5 Rounders

Y6 Hockey Y6 Netball A Y6 Netball B

Y6 Rounders L2-L3 Swimming

U2-L3 Athletics

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Junior Voices


In March, every girl in J1 and L2 took part in a howlingly hilarious musical based on one of Roald Dahl’s revolting rhymes. As with all of the revolting rhymes, there was a twist in the tale which both surprised and delighted audiences.

Little Red Riding Hood and the WolfJunior One and Lower Two Production

“We are the creatures of the wood. Some of us are bad...”

“...and some of us are good.”

“I think I’ll have a day in bed. I’m sure that’s what the doctor said.”

“Do please note, my lovely, furry wolf skin coat.”

The cast

“It doesn’t matter what you say, I’m going to eat you anyway!”

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Newcastle Church High School


Making a Difference! Throughout the year Church High girls have supported a host of charities and had lots of fun along the way. Here are some of the highlights…

Sign2 sing – World Record Attempt £528On Friday 8th February at 2.45pm all of the Junior School joined in ‘sign2sing’, a national world record breaking attempt for simultaneous signing and singing.

Excitement was tangible as the girls embarked on their world record attempt. The girls had learned their signs and songs at school in the weeks leading up to the event and all girls performed admirably on the day.

In total we raised £528 and helped to break the record of the number of people signing and singing at the same time as there were another 150,000 children taking part across the country at the same time as us!

Jeans for Genes – Non Uniform Day £168Every year Junior School girls supports the ‘Jeans for Genes’ charity to raise money for research into genetic problems.

This year we raised £168 and had lots of fun on our non-uniform day.

Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal Operation Christmas Child

During the build up to Christmas over 200 shoeboxes were donated to the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal.

This is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and sees almost 100,000 shoeboxes filled with gifts and sent to children in hospitals, orphanages and homeless shelters around the globe.

Children North East - Giving Gifts to SantaOn the last day of term before Christmas every girl brought an unwrapped Christmas present to school to give to Santa.

Santa then worked with the charity Children North East to pass these gifts on to children in the region that otherwise would not have received many presents for Christmas.

Mencap Christmas Carol Service £278.39Just before Christmas all Junior girls joined together in the uplifting annual carol service which took place in the URC Church next door to school and, in turn, raised £278.39 for a very worthy cause.

Children in Need £650.62

Pudsey bear is always a favourite character for our girls and the annual Children in Need day is always highly anticipated. This year the theme of our day was to ‘Show your Spots.’

Junior girls had lots of fun trying to cover Mrs Goodwill with spots.

Pudsey bear is always a favourite character to think about. So this year our theme was ‘Show your spots.’ Here girls tried to cover Mrs Goodwill with spots.

Santa collects for the less fortunate

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Cystic Fibrosis Week £733

In April, Sophie Platt in Nursery inspired the girls to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Week.

During a week of activities the girls organised a cake sale, ice lolly sale and own clothes day, where they all dressed in yellow in support of Cystic Fibrosis, as requested by CF sufferer, four-year-old Sophie. Sophie and all the girls had a wonderful time and raised £733 along the way!

Girl India £100Church High Junior School has been supporting ‘Girl India’ for a number of years. The charity is a local charity which aims to open schools for street children (girls) in India. This year our donation will again go towards supporting the campaign.

Blue Peter Challenge – Bake a Difference £650We joined the Blue Peter campaign to ‘Bake a Difference’ and hosted our own bake sale raising a phenomenal £650.

We would like to thank everybody for your support towards all of these events!

Junior Voices


Katie and Beth Toomey collected an impressive £212Lara Brown, Junior 1 and Anna O’Donnell, Eve Cuthbert, Heidi Joynson and Chloe Martin, Upper 2 took on the ‘Blue Peter’ challenge to ‘Bake a Difference’ and sold the cakes they had made. This is always a popular way to raise money.

Infants showing their spotsOur Shoebox Appeal was very successful

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Newcastle Church High School


Thanks for your SupportWe would like to thank every one of our girls and parents for making our ‘Junior Life 2011-12’ magazine possible and such a pleasure to produce.

We are always amazed and delighted at the way in which our girls approach all challenges put before them, with fun, endeavour and determination and we hope that this is represented in the pages here.

There are a host of ways our parents can keep up to date with school life and events taking place at Church High: -

• Visit our website – for regular news stories, information on school events, holidays, the curriculum and more

• Join us on Facebook – The Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School, or follow us on Twitter – @ChurchHigh for up to the minute good news stories and events as they happen

• Sign up for our new monthly E:Newsletter – simply leave your email details with Mrs Murdoch, Junior School Secretary to receive our E:Newsletter or register through our website

We met some furry friends when the Sanctuary Wildlife Centre came to visit

Enjoy-a-Ball Classes

The winner of this year’s Infant Egg Rolling We even had a visit from Herbert the MetroGnome

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Even floods couldn’t dampen our spirits

Clog Dancing Go Team Church High!

World Book Day

Farewell and good luck to Mrs Glover, Mrs Fairless & Mrs Rollings

Princess YogaWorld Book Day

The day the Queen came to visit us

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