
S Self-Perception of Student's Abilities and Barriers for College Readiness Survey Project for Nassau Community College- Autism Spectrum Disorders Project Created by: Linda Courtien

Transcript of NCC-ASD-SurveyProject

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Self-Perception of Student's Abilities and Barriers for

College ReadinessSurvey Project for Nassau Community College-Autism

Spectrum Disorders Project

Created by: Linda Courtien

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Part I: Literature Review

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Developmental disability marked by impairments in

social interaction and communication and the presence of unusual behaviors and interests.

Many people with ASDs also have unusual ways of learning, paying attention, and reacting to different sensations.

Thinking and learning abilities vary from gifted to severely challenged.

Begins before the age of 3 and lasts throughout a person's life

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Prevalence of ASD

According to the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, it is estimated that 1 out of 68 children are identified with ASD in 2014.

The prevalence of ASD has increased approximately 29% since 2008, 64% since 2006, and 123% since 2002.

May 2013: DSM-V was published with new criteria for diagnosing ASD.

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Why is ASD a public health concern?

Individuals with disabilities have yet to be recognized as a health disparity population, which increases the risk of poor health outcomes (Krahn et al., 2015).

Family and societal impact: Poor health outcomes negatively impact the societal burden of

health care costs. Caregivers of children with ASD are less likely to work full-time Individuals with disabilities are also less likely to be living in a

household with an earned income above $50,000 Individuals with disabilities were also less likely to have health

insurance, which is most likely due to the lack of full-time employment of caregivers

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Why is ASD a public health concern?

Lack of support after individual with autism turns 21. No longer receive school services “Aging out”

Young adults with disabilities are more likely to: Be unemployed and live below the poverty line in

comparison to their non-disabled peers. Acquire entry level, unskilled positions and not be

competitively employed following high school graduation

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Part II: Draft Survey

Resources used to create survey

Vocational Skills Program: Student/Parent Survey Special School District of St. Louis County, 2015

Social Skills Questionnaire: Grades 7-12 Gresham et. al, 1990

Self-Efficacy Scale Zajacova et al., 2005

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Unavailable resources

Scale of Independent Behavior

Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS)

Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS)

Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function®–Self-Report Version (BRIEF®-SR)

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Survey Introduction

Self-Perception of Student's Abilities and Barriers for College Readiness

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  The purpose of this survey is to learn more about your current living and working situation, your aspirations and goals, and how you perceive your academic and social barriers to future success.  Please answer openly and honestly. 

The information gathered is confidential and will only be used for purposes involving the NCC-ASD program.

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Survey Breakdown

5- Demographic questions

3- Education questions

2- Housing questions

2- Vocation questions

18- Social skill questions

9- Academic skills questions

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Types of Questions

Text entry

Multiple choice (single answer)

Multiple choice (multiple answer)

Side by side matrix table

Likert scale

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Part III: Codebook Examples

1=Full-time employment 2=Part-time employment 3=Supported employment 4=Sheltered employment 5=Volunteer work 6=Military 7=Other 98=Don't know

1=Not stressful 2=A little stressful 3=Moderately stressful 4=Very stressful 5=Extremely stressful 98=Don't know

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Part IV: Timeline & Budget

Timeline 2015-2016

May 2015 Meeting with Nassau Community College (NCC) and Hofstra

University project coordinators Interviews Literature review

June-July 2015 Development of Nassau Community College-Autism Spectrum

Disorders (NCC-ASD) project pilot survey Initiate Hofstra IRB proposal Staff training

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Timeline 2015-2016

August 2015 Schedule in-person meetings with students to initiate pre-program

assessments and gain consent for participation in program Electronically administer Survey: “Self-Perception of Student's Abilities

and Barriers for College Readiness” via Qualtrics Analyze survey data to create goals for students

September 2015 Program begins

December 2015-May 2016 Administer Survey: “Self-Perception of Student's Abilities and Barriers for

College Readiness” and analyze changes in response from pre-program survey

Survey analysis and report writing

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Budget 2015-2016

Office supplies (printer, ink, paper, binders)

Reliable and standardized measures (mentioned earlier)


Total = $1,690.88

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If I could turn back time…

Student Satisfaction Survey

to measure how the students felt about the program itself and what

we could have done better

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Arky, B. (2012, April 2). Get Informed. Retrieved May 27, 2015, from grow-up-lose-services. 

"American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment Spring 2008

Reference Group Data Report (Abridged): The American College Health Association." Journal of American College Health (2008): 477-88. Print.

 American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed, text rev). Washington: American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., pp. 5–25).Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 

Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. (2015, February 26). Retrieved May 27, 2015, from

Autism Speaks. (2009, December 18). Retrieved May 27, 2015, from

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Buescher, A., Cidav, Z., Knapp, M., & Mandell, D. (2014). “Costs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the United Kingdom and the United States”. JAMA Pediatrics JAMA Pediatr, 210, 721-721. doi:10.1001

 Data & Statistics. (2015, February 26). Retrieved May 26, 2015, from data.html

DSM-IV Diagnostic Classifications | Autism Society. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2015, from http://www.autism-

 Gresham, F., & Elliot, S. (1990). Social Skills Questionnaire: Grades 7-12. Retrieved June 16, 2015, from

Heck, K., & Makuc, D. (2000). Parental employment and health insurance coverage among school-aged children with special health care needs. American Journal of Public Health, 90(12), 1856-1860.

Kaufmann M.D., W. E. (Director) (2012, October 24). DSM - 5: The New Diagnostic Criteria For Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Consortium 2012 Research Symposium. Lecture conducted from Department of Neurology Boston Children’s Hospital, Cambridge.

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Krahn, G., Walker, D., & Correa-De-Araujo, R. (2015). Persons With Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population. American Journal of Public Health, 105(S2), S198-S206.

 Lindstrom, L., Kahn, L., & Lindsey, H. (2012). “Navigating the early career years: Barriers and strategies for young adults with disabilities”. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 39, 1-12.

Saunders, B., Tilford, J., Fussell, J., Schulz, E., Casey, P., & Kuo, D. (2015). Financial and employment impact of intellectual disability on families of children with autism. Families, Systems, & Health, 33(1), 36-45.

 "What Is Autism?" Autism Science Foundation. 2015. Web. 16 June 2015. Vocational Skills Program: Student/Parent Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2015, from 

Young, R., & Rodi, M. (2013). “Redefining Autism Spectrum Disorder Using DSM-5: TheImplications of the Proposed DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders”. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 758-765.

Zajacova, A., Lynch, S., & Espenshade, T. (2005). Self-Efficacy, Stress, and Academic Success in College. Res High Educ Research in Higher Education, 46(6), 677-706.