NCAA Initial Eligibility and...

NCAA Initial Eligibility and Recruiting August 14, 2013 Milton High School

Transcript of NCAA Initial Eligibility and...

NCAA Initial Eligibility

and Recruiting

August 14, 2013

Milton High School

Agenda Introduction

NCAA Eligibility Center

Initial Eligibility Requirements


General Recruiting Information


New Initial Eligibility Requirements (After 8.1.16)

Introduction Cindy C. Gillam

Compliance Coordinator Kennesaw State University

Follow us on Twitter @OwlsCompliance

NCAA Eligibility

Center Located in Indianapolis, IN

o Now under the control of the NCAA

Responsible for certifying initial

eligibility for all Division I and

Division II student-athletes in their

first year of enrollment

NCAA Eligibility

Center Must register on-line


o Phone # - 877.262.1492

Register with NCAA EC at beginning of junior year

of high school

$70 for domestic students, $120 for international


Have high school submit official transcript after

junior year of high school

Have your test scores submitted from testing

agency directly to NCAA EC

o Code 9999

Initial Eligibility


Initial Eligibility

Requirements Academic Component


Complete minimum number of core courses

Satisfy the Sliding Scale Index

o Core GPA and Test Score

Amateurism Component

Complete Amateurism Questionnaire

Initial Eligibility

Requirements August 1, 2008

16 Core Courses

4 Years of English

3 Years of Math

2 Years of Natural/Physical Science (1 year of lab if


1 Year of Additional English, Math or Science

2 Years of Social Science

4 Years of Additional Courses

From any Core Course, including foreign language

**You Must Plan for This – Not Just Graduate**

Initial Eligibility

Requirements The NCAA Approves Core Courses, Not High Schools

Each High School has an approved core course list on the NCAA

Eligibility Center web site

If a course is not on this list, the course will not count

toward your 16

If a course title does not match what is on the transcript, the

course will not count toward your 16

Meet with your high school guidance counselor to review your

transcript and planned courses to meet the 16 core course

required breakdown

Initial Eligibility

Requirements Test Scores The NCAA EC uses sum scores to determine minimum

test scores


o Critical Reading (Verbal)

o Math


o English

o Math

o Reading

o Science

Initial Eligibility

Requirements Division I Sliding Scale Index Core GPA Sum SAT Sum ACT

3.55 400 37

3.25 520 46

3.00 620 52

2.75 720 59

2.50 820 68

2.25 920 77

2.00 1010 86

Initial Eligibility

Requirements Amateurism Certification

Prospects Jeopardize Amateur Status by:

Formally declaring into a professional contract or accepting a

salary from professional sports organization

Accepting prize money that exceeds actual expenses

Entering into a verbal or written agreement or accepting

benefits from an agent

Initial Eligibility

Requirements Qualifier Eligible for athletic scholarship, practice and competition

during first year of enrollment

4 years of competition


Not eligible for athletic scholarship, practice or competition

during first year of enrollment

3 years of competition, with ability to regain the 4th year

Initial Eligibility

Requirements Initial Eligibility and the

Admissions Process

Qualifier Status does not guarantee admissions

into the school

Many schools have higher admission standards

Prospects must go through normal admissions


Initial Eligibility Suggestions

Get to know your high school guidance counselor

responsible for NCAA Eligibility Center


Register for and take the SAT/ACT tests as early

as possible so that you may improve your scores,

if needed

Ask questions and gather as much information as


General Recruiting

General Recruiting Official Visits Expense Paid Visit (transportation, lodging, meals)

May take 5 visits during senior year

Only one official visit per school

Permissible beginning first day of your senior year

Must be registered with NCAA EC before you can be

provided an official visit

General Recruiting Unofficial Visits Self-Financed Visits (transportation, lodging, meals)

Number of permissible unofficial visits is unlimited

May occur prior to the first day of your senior year

General Recruiting Written Correspondence/E-Mails May be sent beginning September 1 at beginning of

junior year in high school

o Exceptions – Questionnaires and Camp Brochures may be sent prior to

September 1 at beginning of junior year

Telephone Calls First call may be initiated by college coach on July 1

following completion of junior year in high school

Conclusion NCAA Eligibility Center

Initial Eligibility Requirements


General Recruiting

Conclusion Any Questions?

Thank You For Your Time!

If you have a son or daughter who will be entering

college on or after August 1, 2016, you’re more

than welcome to stay!

New Initial Eligibility

Requirements Adopted by NCAA Division I Board of

Directors in October 2011

Establishes Two Separate Standards

Qualifier (aid, practice and competition)

Academic Redshirt (aid and practice only)

New Initial Eligibility

Requirements Qualifier Graduate from High School

Same 16 core course breakdown

Complete 10 of the required 16 cores course before 7th


7 of the 10 courses must include English, Math and

Natural/Physical Science

New Sliding Scale

2.30 Core Course GPA

New Initial Eligibility

Requirements Qualifier – New Sliding Scale

Core GPA Sum SAT Sum ACT

3.55 400 37

3.25 520 46

3.00 620 52

2.75 720 59

2.50 820 68

2.30 900 75

New Initial Eligibility


Academic Redshirt

Graduate from High School

Same 16 core course breakdown

New Sliding Scale

New Initial Eligibility

Requirements Academic Redshirt – New Sliding Scale

Core GPA Sum SAT Sum ACT

3.55 400 37

3.00 620 52

2.75 720 59

2.50 820 68

2.25 920 77

2.00 1020 86

New Initial Eligibility

Requirements 3 Categories of Certification

Qualifier (aid, practice and competition)

Academic Redshirt (aid and practice only)

Nonqualifier (no aid, practice or


Final Conclusion NCAA Eligibility Center Resource:

Any questions, thoughts or concerns?

Thank you for attending and have a pleasant evening!