Navigating Around Google Docs Presentations For Beginners


Transcript of Navigating Around Google Docs Presentations For Beginners


2. Google SearchImages Maps GmailDocuments MoreDocument PresentationSpreadsheetDrawing TableMoreGoogle has engineered a new way to easilycreate, share, and edit different types of documentsonline. This presentation will give a general overviewof Google Presentations within Google Documents. 3. OPENING GOOGLE DOCUMENTS 1. Navigate to 2. Across the top of thescreen find a link to Image 1Google Documents(Image 1) 3. If required: Log intoGoogle 4. On the left side of thescreen choose CREATE >Presentation(Image 2) 5. A new Presentation will becreated. You will nowbegin to customize yourPresentation. Image 2 4. CUSTOMIZING YOUR PRESENTATION1. Choose a theme for yourPresentation. (Image 1) 2. Here you can change thetitle of the presentation.(Image 2)Image 1 Notes: Clicking the makes thePresentation a favorite inGoogle Documents Clicking theorganizes where thePresentation is kept Image 2 5. NAVIGATING AROUND YOUR PRESENTATION 1. Main toolbar (Reference 1)(Reference 3) (Reference 4) (Reference 5) 2. Add notes to each slide (Reference 2)(Reference 1)3. Presentation toolbar (Reference 3)(Reference 6)4. View Comments (Reference 4)5. Share toolbar (Reference 5)6. Insert New Slide (Reference 6)(Reference 2) 6. GROUP FEATURES With the group features theOwner is now able to: Add members of a group to the Presentation Give others the power to Can Editedit, view, or just comment on the Presentation Send group emails Chat with group members currently editing theCan ViewCan Edit Presentation Owner View the Revision History and go back to previous versionsCanCan ViewComment 7. ADDING PEOPLE TO A PRESENTATION 1. Click on the Share button in the top right corner of the screen. (Image 1)Image 1 2. The Sharing Settings window opens. (Image 2)3. Type the email of the person you want to add toImage 2the group.4. Choose what type of power you want that person to have. (i.e. Can Edit, Can Comment, Can View)5. Click Share & SaveNotes:Google Documents lets you Choose from contacts in your account to quickly add peopleChoose Send a copy to myself to send an email copy to yourself for reference 8. GIVING OTHERS POWER TO EDIT1. Click on the Share button inthe top right corner of thescreen. (Image 1) 2. The Sharing Settings Image 1window opens. (Image 2) 3. Now the added people areshown. Click the dropdownnext to the person to change Image 2their settings. Notes: Is Owner gives the personfull ownership over thePresentation. It is possible tohave more than one owner. Can Edit gives the personthe ability to edit thepresentation. Can Comment gives theperson the ability to onlycomment on thePresentation without editing. Can view only lets theperson view thePresentation without makingcomments or editing. 9. SEND AN EMAIL TO THE GROUP 1. On the Main Toolbar click File > Email Collaborators Image 12. The Send Message window pops up.Type the subject to the email. (Reference 1)Type the message to the recipients. (Reference 2)Choose to send a copy to yourself or not. (Reference 3)Choose the recipientsImage 2from the group. (Reference 1) (Reference 4) (Reference 2)(Reference 4)(Reference 3) 10. CHAT WITH GROUP MEMBERS1. In the top right hand of thescreen you can view theother group members whoare actively editing thePresentation. 2. Click on the arrow to open Image 1the group chat. (Image 1) 3. You can type in the chatbox back and for tocommunicate with othergroup members.(Image 2)Image 2 11. VIEW THE REVISION HISTORY 1. Across the top of the Main Toolbar it shows when the last edit was made and by whom. (Image 1)2. Click on this link to open the Revision History.3. In the Revision HistoryImage 1pop up window you can view the previous edits and return to a previous version by simply clicking on the change. (Image 2)Image 2 12. There are several other features available inGOOGLE Presentations. Now that you know thebasics you can start your own groupPresentations and make managing documentsa lot simpler.