Natural England Case Study

There are many ways to travel. There are many ways to do business. But which work best for your business? travel Connecting Carbon Sense with Business Benefits


Your Guide to the sustainable business travel tool TravelHub from SOS.

Transcript of Natural England Case Study

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There are many ways to travel.There are many ways to do business.

But which work best for your business?

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Connecting Carbon Sense with Business Benefits

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Connecting Carbon Sense with Business Benefits

connecting your travellers




to corporate goals

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The challenge of sustainable business travelSales want to go to Frankfurt to promote your company’s product. Marketing have multiple meetings in Birmingham, but none of them are on the same day. Meanwhile, your product development people seem to be spending more time in airports than your office. With numerous individual travellers making numerous individual decisions, business travel can be hard to manage.

Each traveller has their own agenda – which often conflicts with corporate goals. Factor in employee well being and environmental commitments, and things become even more challenging.

Business travel is not just the price of the ticketIt can be impossible to get everyone in the company to comply with travel policy – making ROI difficult to achieve. And when you consider that business travel can cost your company more than just money, it’s vital that you engage your travellers and encourage them to make smarter decisions that benefit them – and maximize ROI.

Productivity, employee well being and, of course, your carbon impact can all be adversely affected by the fact many staff feel they need to travel to build your business. It all adds up – and it can all cost your company money.

But in the fast-moving world of business it’s all too easy for your company’s travellers to go with what they know and carry on travelling the way they always have.

A straightforward solution…You know deep down that there’s a better way of working, but working out the alternatives can seem so daunting that it never gets actioned.

That’s where SOS’s award-winning travelHUB™ tool can help. This easy to use online tool helps you:

Connect corporate strategy with traveller behaviour•

Discover hidden efficiencies in a cost and carbon constrained economy•

Balance profits with carbon considerations•

Maintain traveller behavior to deliver greater ROI•

travelHUB™ gives you the big picture, taking into account the many modes of transport required for each door-to-door journey, and providing you with a unique list of options with detailed information based on a range of criteria chosen by you.

connecting your travellers

planet people


to corporate goals

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travelHUB™ – the next generation of travel tools, connecting traveller decisions with business goals.

Why choose ?travelHUB™ can help you do more than reduce your carbon footprint – it can help you identify more efficient or cost effective travel plans.

travelHUB™ can:Help your business structure its sustainable travel programme to save • money and time due to faster decisions

Enable you to identify the most effective travel options for the journey •

Give you the information you need to save time, money and employee • stress, as well as carbon emissions

Give you a range of travel options that will work for your business, based on • criteria that matter to you

Plan the journey door-to-door – a unique feature that makes planning easier • and every aspect of the journey easy to evaluate against your cost and carbon goals

Let you make the decision that works for you – the results are entirely • impartial, it’s all about information for your business trip, not a moralising guilt trip

Enable you to communicate performance to internal and external • stakeholders in a way that works for you

Educate travellers about different ways to travel – or not•

Make work for youWe know that the road to sustainable travel can seem long and daunting – what works for one company may not work for yours. That’s why we’re continually developing travelHUB™ from our demo version so that it’s always adaptable to the unique needs of your business. You set the parameters that are relevant to your goals and travelHUB™ supplies the information you need to structure a travel policy that works for you.

travelHUB™ enables you to work across all areas of your business (be it a department, a geographic site or area of the business – it’s your journey, it’s up to you). travelHUB™ lets you allocate carbon and carbon budgets that reflect the real world needs of different staff and it lets you select the indicators you want to evaluate for your business travel.

travelHUB™ puts you in charge – it’s about providing information for your travellers to use to your business’s advantage, and helping your company move towards a more sustainable travel culture at a pace that’s right for your business.

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travelHUB™ – the flexibility to create a sustainable travel plan – and maximum ROI – at a speed that works for your business.

At the forefront of your business travel planning

travelHUB™ resides at the front end of your business travel management system, helping achieve maximum behavioural change by showing travellers who are pre-booking their journey the best travel options open to them.

With travelHUB™ you can even factor in often ignored elements – such as personal car use – of your externally managed travel programme.

Structure and Functionality - It’s about what’s right for your business

With travelHUB™ you drive the process. Using a menu wizard, structure the system, decide which impacts you want it to evaluate and set the assessment criteria that are right for your business, and travelHUB™ efficiently assesses a range of door-to-door travel options, rating them against the factors that matter most to you.

Be it carbon or cost, well being or productivity, travelHUB™ enables you to see quickly and easily what the real cost of each journey could be.

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Management Information

Culture/Policy Evaluation Booking Ticketing

CorporateSustainableTravel Policy



OnlineBooking Tool

OfflineBooking Agent

Non Contracted Travel

QA andBooking










London Office






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You decide which impacts to evaluate. You select the criteria that matter to your business.

Travelhub does everything else.

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Dynamic Cost IndicatorOpt for lowest price possible fares or baseline data for a range of door-to-door travel options. travelHUB™ can reflect live cost budgets when it assesses journey options, so cost control is achieved pre-trip, enabling travellers to choose the option that best fits their budget.

Carbon AllocationYou’ve worked out your corporate carbon budget with the help of the SOS Carbon Optimization tool – now you can set the allowances for departments, sites or even individual employees.

Dynamic Carbon IndicatortravelHUB™ will help you work within what’s left of your carbon budget or apply the carbon intensity measure (CO2eg/km) for the whole journey, based on the latest DEFRA carbon-reporting guidelines. travelHUBTM can efficiently simplify the numerous feasible routes, making it easy to select the optimum one.

Personal cars and grey fleet carbontravelHUB™ enables you to apply traveller specific carbon factors for employees who use their own car for business travel.

Productivity indicatorBusiness travel can impact on productivity – travelHUB™ lets you see how travel time or modes of transport can impact on productivity. It even lets you assign staff costs.

Well being indicatorTravel can impact on employee well being – examine the impacts of time spent travelling, transfer time and modes of transport on your workforce.

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travelHUB™ – connecting carbon sense and business benefits to empower travellers to make informed decisions.

Sustainable Journey PlannerUsing Google Maps to help travellers select their start point and destination, the planner shows travellers how car sharing or combining appointments could cut financial and carbon costs. By factoring in the option of more meetings per trip, travelHUB™ shows travellers how better planning could help achieve the best ROI.

Optimum Travel OptionstravelHUB™ provides travellers with journey plans that include the main modes of transport for each door-to-door route option. This can then be balanced against factors such as sustainability, carbon budgets, cost saving or productivity to choose the travel option that works best for your needs.

For organisations that reimburse personal car mileage with different claim rates depending on the feasibility of public transport options, travelHUB™ provides an effective ranking. This enables travel managers to efficiently approve travel expenses.

Our work has identified that savings of 5% on a large organisation’s mileage claims can be achieved.

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travelHUB™ records the estimated traveller productivity savings, showing the accumulations for the relevant business area and the

organistation as a whole.

Sustainable Travel Performance DashboardEnables users to see at a glance how their performance compares to business goals. Facilitates quick and easy benchmarking across the business or across the team.

travelHUB™ benchmarks the sustainable travel index for the business and employees against your chosen indicators. It enables you to see what’s motivating behavior so you can target communications accordingly.

Dynamic gauges for Cost and Carbon let travellers easily monitor their budgets, and quickly compare them across their organization.

travelHUB™ records the estimated traveller productivity savings, showing the accumulations for the relevant business area and the organistation as a whole. travelHUB™ helps you balance business needs with business goals: it can help travellers see the best options – and their benefits – helping them better plan their travel and increase cost and carbon savings. It can give the business an unexpected boost by helping improve productivity.

Whichever way you look at it, travelHUB™ can make great business sense, and help your business find more beneficial ways of working.

travelHUB™ Facilitating carbon trading between your teamsDynamic carbon budgets showing each traveller their total carbon footprint and remaining balance, can help organisations implement carbon trading. Administrators can easily reflect the carbon allowances traded.

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SOS travelHUB™ why not start your sustainable travel journey today?

Contact us for a demonstration and see how travelHUB™ could benefit your business.

Sustainable Opportunity Solutions

[email protected] 0845 475 1275

travelHUB™ - the facts speak for themselvesA world-beating travel tool

In 2009, SOS beat global competition to win the Business Travel Show CSR Innovation Award for the • concept that lead to the creation of travelHUB™.

SOS received the best innovative idea in the Institute of Travel and Meetings’ Enter the Dragons competition • 2009.

SOS MD, Paul Adderley, received the Royal Society of Edinburgh Enterprise Fellowship Award in 2009-10 • for the travelHUB™ concept.

Our Sustainable Travel Clients and Partners include:

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