Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good • live simply • laugh more FREE November 2014 | Chicago | Create the Life You Want Growing Up With Wayne Dyer Practicing Gratitude Naps for Brainpower Beauty Foods POWERFUL YOU!


Chicago's greenest magazine! Bringing you the resources you need to lead a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

Transcript of Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

Page 1: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014



feel good • live simply • laugh more

FREENovember 2014 | Chicago |

Create the Life You WantGrowing Up With Wayne DyerPracticing GratitudeNaps for Brainpower Beauty Foods


Page 2: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

2 Chicago

Become a Certified Health & Wellness Coach15 Week Health and Wellness Coach Training Certificate Program

ith chronic disease accounting for 75% of all healthcare costs in the United States, it’s time to change how we approach health.

Health and Wellness Coaches help clients to establish goals, maintain motivation, remain accountable and focus on their successes as they change and manage their lifestyle to embody health and wellness.

Becoming a Qualified Health and Wellness CoachThe innovative Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate Program from

The Soma Institute provides the hands-on training, practical experience and industry support it takes to pursue a rewarding career helping others.

You’ll learn the fundamentals and ethics of coaching, components of health and wellness, preventing chronic disease and learning the business side of coaching to turn your new health coaching skills into a successful career.

Upon completion of the program you will be a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. As a coach, you will be able to develop health coaching programs for individuals and groups and guide and empower people in changing their lifestyle and behaviors so that health and wellness are put at the forefront of their life.

Best of all, according to human resources consulting firm Hewitt Associates, who surveyed 450 major American corporations, 67% of American Com-panies either have or plan to have coaching or prevention programs to help boost worker health. So career possibilities are endless.

Is a Rewarding Career in Health Coaching Right For You? Get More Information…

If you’re interested in learning more about careers in Health and Wellness Coaching and exploring whether The Soma Institute is right for you, call us to speak to a friendlyAdmissions Representative at 312.878.4636 or visit our website at

Call 312.878.4636 |


Page 3: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

Intuitive Healing &Spiritual Boutique

Visit Intuitive Resources for a large selection of spiritual gifts, healing, readings and services.

* Reiki Healing

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Come in to see us:Monday- Friday 11-8, Saturday & Sunday 10-6

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Page 4: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

4 Chicago

Rash ReliefThis powerful herbal lotion is designed to relieve the pain and itch of eczema. while correcting the cause and repairing the skin. A healthy and natural approach to correcting skin rash without dangerous drugs.

Sinus Infection Sinus Relief offers a nasal spray that is both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial in a convenient spray bottle. Super Neti Juice offers the same antimicrobial power with soothing, subtle peppermint. Powerful tools to combat germs.

Sleep Apnea ReliefHelps ensure deep, steady breathing throughout the night, improving the efficiency of the lungs and relaxing muscles to address sleep apnea.

Injury RepairAnkle sprains, bruises, painful elbows and shoulders all need help during repair. Bruise, Strain & Tear Repair clears the bruising and keeps the healing process going for as long as you apply it. Get a complete repair naturally.

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Page 5: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

5natural awakenings November 2014



929 Ridge Road, Wilmette, IL


Cold Sores Are Never in SeasonNow that cold weather and holiday stressors are here, so are cold sore outbreaks. If you have ever had an infectious, painful cold sore, you know that the socially uncomfortable period that follows seems to last forever. The good news is that the old process of waiting 10 days or more for cold sores to go away is over.

New, simple and pain-free laser techniques are available to stop a cold sore in the “tingle” stage in just two or three days. Some dentists even report no recurrence of cold sores after one to three treatments, with results lasting for up to seven years.

Tips for preventing a cold sore outbreak include maintaining a strong immune system to avoid colds or a fever; learning to cope with stress in a calmer way; fi nding ways to reduce anxiety and deal with it more effectively; being careful about contact with or exposure to a person with an active cold sore; protecting your face and lips from the extreme cold; and getting plenty of rest to avoid fatigue.

To learn more about how you can treat an early onset cold sore, potentially prevent a cold sore from reaching the full eruption phase or even possibly eliminate them entirely through the use of dental laser technology, call our offi ce today.

OFFICE HOURS: Tues: 8am - 5pm Wed: 10am - 8pm Thurs: 8am - 7pm

SERVICES: mercury-free, BPA-free fi llings • bio-compatible materials • cosmetic dental restorations

• partial and full dentures • non-surgical gum therapy • herbal under the gums treatment • personally formulated toothpaste

• microscopic bacterial analysis • implants • extractions • dental homeopathy • clear or removable orthodontics

• structural orthodontics • TMJ therapy • craniosacral therapy • medical-grade supplements • detox/chelation procedures

• fl u defense treatment • adrenal fatigue testing/analysis • VI peel • migraine management • facial rejuvenation

Page 6: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

6 Chicago

26 BRING BACK THE MAGIC Give Kids the True Gifts of the Season by Meredith Montgomery

28 MIDDAY PICK-ME-UP Well-Planned Naps Boost Brainpower by Lane Vail

30 POWERFUL YOU! Six Ways to Create the Life You Want by Judith Fertig

32 GROWING UP WITH WAYNE DYER SerenaDyerReflectson Her Spiritual Upbringing by Lindsay McGinty


34 BEAUTY FOODS Kimberly Snyder Shows How to Eat for Radiant Skin, Eyes and Hair by Judith Fertig

37 CELLULITE SHRINKERS FiveSimpleExercises to Smooth Thighs by E.C. LaMeaux

38 ECO-BEAUTY Homemade Shampoos, Lotions and Perfumes Make Great Gifts by Kathleen Barnes

contentsNatural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

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MALCOLM SMITH, INTERNATIONAL HEALER Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  December 2-4, by appointment

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Edgar Cayce Reading 759-12

847-299-6535 •



Unity Northwest Church259 E. Central Road, Des Plaines

“If the world will ever know its best, it must learn cooperation.”





Page 7: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

7natural awakenings November 2014

departments 10 newsbriefs

20 kudos

21 healthbriefs

26 healthykids

27 ecoalert

28 healingways

32 wisewords

34 consciouseating

37 fitbody

38 greenliving

43 inspiration

44 naturalpet

46 globalbriefs

47 calendar

53 classifieds

54 resourceguide




40 ROOTED IN NATURE Four Tools to Cultivate Personal Empowerment by Andrea Dennis and Tieg Alexander

42 CONNECTING CREATIVE WORK withanAudience by Loreen Niewenhuis

43 PRACTICE GRATITUDE and Change Your Life by April Thompson

44 PLAYFUL PET GIFTS AnimalsLoveInteractive Toys and Games by Sandra Murphy



FOUR TOOLS TO CULTIVATE Personal Empowerment Rooted in Nature

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8 Chicago

November’s transitions are more striking thanmost.Weexchangelighteveningsforbrightermorningsastheclocksfallback.Vixually, we move through the autumn bla

PublishersPeggy Malecki and Jim Irwin

Circulation ManagerJim Irwin

Sales & MarketingJim Irwin, Peggy Malecki

Sondra Brigandi, Heidi Hetzel, Iris Winter

EditorsMartin Miron, Theresa Archer,

Randy Kambic

WritersLinda Sechrist, Megy Karydes,

S. Alison Chabonais, Carrie Jackson

Design & ProductionSuzzanne Siegel, Martin Friedman, Stephen Blancett, Steve Hagewood

contact us

© 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be repro-duced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we respon-sible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptions are available by sending $29

(for 12 issues) to the above address.

Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.


Natural Awakenings Chicago P.O. Box 72, Highland Park, IL 60035

PH: 847-858-3697 FAX: 888-858-3107

[email protected]

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Ourdinnerplatesmovefromthelastofthelocalnightshadedelicacies(peppers,tomatoesandeggplants)toyummysquashandrootcrops. Yes, it’s also time for the semi-annual transition within our homes. It’s the seasontoputonfleeceandsocks,getoutthesweaterandbootsandputawaythesummerclothing.Weliveinasmallbungalow,builtaround1920,beforeanyonesensedaneedforalargecloset.Asaresult,onlyseasonalclothingfitsintotheteenyclosetanddresserdrawers.EverythingelselivesinRubbermaidcontainersinthebasement,andrummagingforwarmergeareventuallyturnsintoaclosetpurgeandswap.PackitupandmaybeI’llwearitnextsummer…somehow,IthinkI’mnotaloneinthisapproach. Thisyear,I’mresolvedtomaketheprocesspartofamoremeaningfulautumntransitionandamoreconsciouschoice.Recently,Ireadapersonalorganizer’sblog post that asked the question, “What makes this item worth the real estate ittakesupinmylimitedphysicalspace?”DoIhangontoitbecauseit’salreadythere,orbecauseIspentmoneyonit,oroncelikedthecolorandperhapshopeitwillbebackinstyle“someday”?Interestingly,theauthorstatesthattheseanswersareneitheradequatenorgoodforourowngrowth.Rather,hangingontoanobjectthatnolongersuitsushonorsneitherourselvesnortheobject.Bystuffingitbackintothecloset,we’reunconsciouslysayingthatwevaluetheobjectmorethanwevalueourownopinionandpersonalgrowth.Hmmmm.ItoccurstomethatIcanset free a lot of stale energy by letting go of stuff I’ve been hanging onto. SothisyearasIunpackwhatIfoldeduplastspring,I’llbeassessingwithfresheyes.RatherthancloggingtheshelfwithsweatersI“know”Iwon’twearagain,it’stimetodonatethemandputtheirenergybackintocirculation,andtocreatesomewell-neededspaceinbothmyclosetandmypersonalspace. This month, we offer you some great ideas to help in your own personal transitions and growth. In our main feature, author Judith Fertig outlines six ways to helpcreatealifeyou’lllove.CarrieJacksoninterviewsChicagolandnativeDianneBischoffJames,whotransformedherselfinmidlifeandisaninspirationtotherestof us. And our friends at Greenheart International offer four tools rooted in nature to help us empower ourselves on a daily basis. As we head into the holidays, we invite you to stop, take a breath and experi-encethemfortheirtruewonderandexcitement.Whileit’seasytogetcaughtupintheholidayhustle,consciouslysetreminderstomakesureyouenjoythedetails,thefriendsandfamilyandthecolorsandaromas,sothatyoucanfondlylookbackandsavortheminyearstocome.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 9: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

9natural awakenings November 2014

advertising & submissions

HoW To AdVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or requestamediakit,pleasecontactusat 847-858-3697or email [email protected]. deadline for ads: the 12thof the month.

EdIToRIAL SUBMISSIoNSEmailarticles,newsitemsandideasto: [email protected]. deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month.

CALENdAR SUBMISSIoNSSubmit online at: Calendar-Listings or email Calendar Events to: [email protected]. Deadlineforcalendar:the10thofthemonth.

REGIoNAL & MULTIPLE MARKETSAdvertiseyourproductsorservicesinmultiple markets! Natural Awakenings PublishingCorp.isagrowingfranchisedfamilyoflocallyownedmagazines servingcommunitiessince1994. Toplaceyouradinothermarkets,call847-858-3697.

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480 Elm Place, Suite 108, Highland Park, 60035 •

NutritionalHealth Solutions

The TummyWrangler and

The Hormone Whisperer want to know. . .

Are you frustrated with your health? Troubled by yourweight, sleep, digestion or hormones? Chasing symptoms and searching for solutions? Not feeling well, even though your tests are normal?No longer buying the myth that it’s “just part of aging”?

You are not alone . End the guesswork about what’s happening with your body, and uncover the root causes. Using evidence-based lab testing and proven protocols, we can help you discover the hiddenreasons for the way you feel, and help you restore healthy hormones, improve digestion and detoxification.

Here’s what our clients say :“The old me is back! My symptoms are gone, I lost fat, and I feel great!”“Now I see my health in a whole new light. Resolving the core problems made the symptoms go away. Priceless!”“This is what I’ve been seeking for years - my doctors look at me like I have three heads! I’m so happy I met you.”

Symptoms:• Excess Weight• Fatigue• Depression • Hormone Imbalance• Cravings• Poor Digestion• Disrupted Sleep• Aches and Pains 

Call today for your free strategy session.

Page 10: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

10 Chicago

newsbriefs – Event sponsored in part by Natural Awakenings Chicago.

– Natural Awakenings Chicago distribution location.


Celebrate with Calm Massage on Fifth Anniversary

Calm Massage Therapy Center, in the Highland Park Ravinia Busi-

nessDistrict,willcelebratefiveyearsin business from 2 to 8 p.m., Novem-ber 6, with free mini-treatments: hand massage,chairmassage,crystalbedtreatments,productdemonstrationsandfree samples. Great food and drinks and violinmusicwilladdtothefestiveat-mosphere,andmassagegiftcertificateswillbesoldata25percentdiscountforattendees(limittwoperperson).


Location: 467 Roger Williams Ave., Highland Park. For more information, call 847-266-4000,

email [email protected] or visit

Manage Stress with the Crossinology Brain Integration Technique


energyworkwhichisadrug-free,non-invasive,restorativeapproachtohealing.Sheusestheacupressuremeridiansystem and applied kinesiology during treatment sessions designed to permanently eliminate Add, AdHd, allergies, anxiety, stress, dyslexia, mental fogginess and PTSd. Crossinologyalsohelpsimprovememory,concentra-tion, attention, math, spelling, reading, writing, vision performance,planning,multitasking,physicalperformance,coordination,emotionalcontrol,stressmanagement,social

interactionabilities,effectsoftraumaandphobias. OtherareastreatedbyKreminincludechronicbackorjointpainweakness,sportsperformanceandinjuries,headtraumaduetoastrokeorcaraccident,weakbladder,candidaclearing,correctionofimbalanceswithhormones,glands,chakrasandneurotransmitters,meridianbalancesandviralandbacterialinfectionclearing.Shepromisesthatpatientswillfeelapositivedifferenceinjustoneses-sion,leavingherofficefeelingrelaxedandstress-free.

Natural Awakenings readers receive a free consultation during November. Location: HealthSmart, 2565 Shermer Rd., Northbrook. For more informa-tion, call 312-342-3077 or visit See ad in the Community

Resource Guide.

Experience an Abhyanga Medicinal Oil Massage at Hamsa

Hamsa Ayurveda & Yoga Center, a luxurious healing oasisintheNorthCenterneighborhoodofChicago,

isofferingseveralspecialsduringthemonthofNovember.Newclientsthatbookaninitialconsultationandlifestyleprogramwillreceiveacomplimentaryabhyangamedicinaloilmassage,a$95value. Duringaninitialconsultation,clientsreceiveatwo-hourayurvedicassessmentanddiagnosis.Theyalsoget

dietary,yogaandherbalprogramsfortheirayurvedictype,withrecipestoen-hancedigestionandimmunity,reducethenegativeimpactofstress,safelydetoxthe body and rejuvenate the nervous system. Hamsaofferstraditionalayurvedictreatmentsinitsholisticspa,coursesandyogainitsworkshopspace,andprivateconsultationswithfounderMonicaYear-wood,atrainedayurvedicpractitioner.Ayurvedicmethodsformind/bodybalancehavebeenpracticedforthousandsofyears,andsafelyremediatetheinabilitytoloseweight,digestiveissues,energydepletionfromchronicstressandtheneedfordetoxification.

Clients that book an abhyanga oil massage receive a complimentary steam ($35 value). Natural Awakenings readers may attend an Introduction to Ayurveda on Nov. 8 at no charge ($25 value). Location: 3807 N. Lincoln

Ave. For more information, call 773-697-3640 or visit See ad in the Community Resource Guide.

Shelby Kremin

Monica Yearwood

Page 11: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

11natural awakenings November 2014

Joint and body pain? Craving for caffeine and sweets? Fatigue? Insomnia? Forgetfulness? Irritability? Excessive appetite? Light headed when meals skipped? These are all symptoms of unbalanced blood sugar; an indication that your liver, pancreas, AND brain may not be functioning as they should.

Left untreated, blood sugar imbalances affect both quality and length of life.

After examination and testing, we create a nutritional and lifestyle plan personalized for you that strengthens your metabolic pathways… and can put your blood sugar back in balance!

Get to the root cause of your health questions; I will develop a holistic plan for you to improve your health and your life!

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Treating all 3 sides of the triangle of health –

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Left untreated, unbalanced blood sugar affects your health

– and your length of life.

“More than your traditional chiropractor.”

6137 N. Elston Avenue ■ Chicago ■ 773-631-5001

Dr. Eunice Deane, DCCall today! 773-631-5001

Awaken Higher Brain Living Center Birthday Party

Awaken Higher Brain Living Center GrantParkiscelebratingitssecond

anniversary from 2 to 5 p.m., Novem-ber8,withdelicioushealthyfood,prizes and wonderful happy people to meetwhoseliveshavebeenchangedby Higher Brain Living as their personal growth and evolution-arypathscon-tinue to unfold. Dr.TracyBrinkman held herfirstlivedemonstra-tion of Higher Brain Living in November 2012,andhassincebecomeanationaltrainerandcontinuestogrow,personallyandprofessionally.MelissaCatral-Decaljoinedtheteamin2013andMonicaNowickijoinedlastmonth.Together,theyprovidethelatesttechniquesfortapping into human potential, serving clientsweekdaysandweekends.

Location: 410 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 414, Chicago. RSVP to

For more information, call 312-881-9591, email [email protected], or visit

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Dr. Tracy Brinkman

Page 12: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

12 Chicago


Tash Fitness Grand Opening in Skokie

TashFitness,aworkoutfacilityforwomen only, is now open and will

celebratewithaGrandOpeningpartyfrom5to8p.m.,November11,at 8816NorthBronx,inSkokie,cateredbyGardenFreshKosherKorner.Therewillberafflesandgiftsallnightlong.Offer-inggroupclasseswitha100percentmoney-backguarantee,theirmottois,“Noscales,onlyfitness.” OwnerSharanTashunderstandswhatit’sliketocarryaroundmorethan300poundsandnotbeacceptedinherprofessionbecauseofthewayshelooks.Today,Tashinspiresaudienceswithherpersonaljourneyandthebattlewithherweight.Tashstates,“It’snotabouttheweight.It’saboutlivingabetterqualityoflife.” UpcomingeventsincludeOrganizeYourKitchentoLoseWeight!from6:30to8:30p.m.,November12;FitnessTaster,from10a.m.tonoon,November16;DevelopaPolishedPresence,from6:30to8:30p.m.,November18;SimpleStepstoOvercomeEmotionalEating,from6:30to8:30p.m.,November19;andManifestingwithEaseorHowtoOvercometheStressoftheHolidays,from6:30to 8:30 p.m., November 20.

RSVP for the Grand Opening before Nov. 5. For more information, call 847-379-5777 or visit See ad on page 15, in the Commu-nity Resource Guide and at

Workshop to Explore How Digestion, Excess Weight and Hormones Leave Us Tired


functionalhormonespecialist,arepresent-ing a transformative workshop at 6:30 p.m., November12,inHighlandPark,tohelppeoplewiththetopfivehealthcomplaints:digestion,depression, weight management, fatigue and hormoneimbalance.Guestswilllearnthetopthree strategies to regaining their ideal energy, sleep,digestionandhormonebalance. Barasch,“TheTummyWhisperer”andowner of Nutritional Health Solutions, is exten-sively trained in digestive issues and offers solutions to resolve symptoms. An-drews,“TheHormoneWhisperer”andownerofFeelGoodAgainHealth,revealshiddenstresswithfunctionallabtestsandhelpspeoplefeelgoodagain.BaraschandAndrewshavejoinedforcestohelppeopleconnectthedotsabouthowdiges-tionaffectshormonesandhelpresolvesymptomsforgood.

Cost is $15. Location: 480 Elm Place, Ste. 108, Highland Park. For reserva-tions (required), call 847-207-2034. For more information, visit and See ads on pages 9

and 19, and in the Community Resource Guide.

Shiatsu and Shamanic Healing Demonstration in Evanston

Lindy Ferrigno, a master shiatsu thera-pistandshamanichealerinpractice

for40years,hasrelocatedtoEvanstonfromCharlottesville,Virginia,specifi-callytoworkwithclientsandstudentsat Evanston’s Zen ShiatsuChicago.In a demonstration from11a.m.to1p.m., November 13,Ferrignowillwork with a volun-teer from among the attendees to receiveacompletetreatment so that everyonecanseewhat her work is like and under-stand what it would be like to work with her. As one of the founding elders oftheshiatsueducationworld,Fer-rigno studied under Shizuto Masunaga and Akinobu Kishi, two of shiatsu’s mostinfluentialteachers.ShehasalsointensivelystudiedandpracticedtheindigenoushealingtraditionsofCeltic,Shinto and Cherokee shamanism. These primaryinfluencesareblendedwithherskillsgainedthroughapprentice-shipswithchiropractors,osteopathsand internal organ therapists from many countriesandcontinents.

Admission is free. Location: 825 Chicago Ave., Evanston. RSVP to [email protected] or

847-864-1130. For more information, visit See ad on back cover, in the Community Resource Guide and at

Reneé Barasch and Amy Andrews

Lindy Ferrigno

Tell them you saw their ad in

Page 13: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

Taf G. Paulson D.D.S., P.C. & Associates

I’ve been going to Dr. Paulson now for the last 15 years and I’m extremely happy. Indeed, I trust her so completely that I still see her even though I moved to London. Every time I’m back in Chicago – twice a year – I make an appointment. Why? Dr. Paulson and her lovely staff do incredible work and give great preventive advice. Dr.Paulson has an engineering background and it shows. Her approach is thorough, meticulous, and long-lasting. And she’s helped me completely turnaround the health of my teeth and gums. As an actor, when it comes to my teeth, I don’t want to mess around… I can’t recommend Dr. Paulson and her staff enough. ~ Jeff Mash

Infinite thanks to my loyal and wonderful patients who have chosen me for their dental care and have trusted our process in leading them to ultimate dental health!

At the same time I’d like to welcome new patients who are looking for a gentle, preventive, and holistic approach in choosing a dental home. To me and my team, listening to your concerns, caring for your oral health, and providing a comfortable experience each and every visit is our highest intention and utmost priority!

I know that choosing a dentist can sometimes bring anxiety and doubts, and we understand your concerns. We are here to guide you towards your most “healthiest mouth” in a conscientious manner. Holistic dentistry is about seeing the whole picture and knowing that oral health is a reflection of whole body wellness. We focus on providing each patient a personalized approach and the gentle conscious care that reflects the intention that brought them to call us in the first place!

Whether your visit is routine, cosmetic or to replace old fillings, we offer a calm, friendly and welcoming environment that helps YOU relax and be at ease so that coming to the dentist can be a new, refreshing, and inspiring experience.

Please visit our website, or call 312-944-7444 to learn more about our approach or to make an appointment.

We look forward to meeting you and sharing smiles soon!

Dr.Taf G. Paulson is an exceptional dentist who has been practicing holistic dentistry in Chicago for over 27 years! Her engineering and chemistry background serve as the foundation for her passion for

dentistry as a form of art and “architecture”.

I always feel like I am in good hands with Dr. Paulson and her team. They are consistently sensitive, collaborative and efficient. Dr. Paulson and team are so gentle that I have often fallen asleep in the dentist’s chair. Who falls asleep at the dentist? ~ Rev. Jacki Belile, CPC

Chicago Holistic Dentistry 233 E. Erie Street, Suite 816, Chicago • Free Indoor Parking

312-944-7444 •

Page 14: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

14 Chicago


Coat Angels to the Rescue this Winter

Make sure that no

childspendsanotherlocalwinter without a coatbyattend-ing the Coat Angels seventh annualbenefit,beginningat10p.m.,November13,atConstellation,inChicago.Therewillbelive jazz from the Pilsen Hot Five, great people,awonderfulcause,andnocovercharge;justachancetogivegen-erouslyandkeepthechildrenwarm. Eachyear,CoatAngelscollectsnamesfromschoolsinneighborhoodsfacingdevastatingpovertyrates.Ithostsfundraisersandcollectcontributionsfromthecommunity.Withthemoneyraised, its all-volunteer team shops sales anddiscountstoresandworkswitharetail partner, then bags and personally deliverscoldweathergeartosomeoftheneediestchildreninChicago. don’t miss the Hot Bites for Warm Kidstastingroom,featuringincredibleediblesbyMolecularGastronomyChefd’Andre Carter, of Feast & Imbibe. one hundredpercentofallfundsraisedwillgodirectlytohelpprovidecoatsforlo-calchildreninneed.

Admission is free, Tickets for the Hot Bites room are $100. Location: 3111 N. Western Ave., Chicago. For more infor-mation, visit

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Page 15: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

15natural awakenings November 2014

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Grand Opening of

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Page 16: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

16 Chicago


If you feel chronic pain and tiredness, or were diagnosed with a chronic illness, you are likely frustrated because you

just can’t seem to get better no matter how many meds you take. Dr. Fatima Vilich, MD, one of only 200 functional medi-

cine practitioners certi� ed by the Institute for Functional Medicine, can help! By treating the whole person and not

just the symptoms, Dr Vilich gets to the root cause of your su� ering and helps get you on the path to wellness.

“I myself su� ered chronic pain, and when conventional medicine couldn’t help, I found a cure through functional medi-

cine. Now I’m excited to help many others regain their vibrant health to feel young, sharp and sexy.” —Dr. Fatima Vilich

Vibrant Health




847-919-8651 2700 PATRIOT BLVD, STE 250, GLENVIEW


Fair Trade Gala Highlights Anti-Sweatshop Ordinance


beer,fairtradecocktailsandwinefrom5:30to9p.m.,November14,attheNationalMuseumofMexicanArttopresentitsannualChangemakerawardtoChicago’s47th Ward Alderman Ameya Pawar and fashion designer/laborrightsactivistJamieHayes.Veteranjour-nalistVicenteSerrano,oftheindependentRadioSinCensura,willserveasemcee. PawarandHayeseachplayedacriticalroleinthesuccessfulChicagoFairTradecampaigntopassananti-sweatshopordinanceinChicago.Thisyear’sgalawillfeaturefairtradestoriesofLatinAmericanproducersfromBolivia,Ecuador,Guatemala,Nicaragua,Peru,Chile,ElSalvador,ArgentinaandMéxico,illustratinghoweverydayproductsfromjewelrytocoffeeandchocolateareimprovingthelivesofworkersincommunitiesabroad. Guestswillalsohaveaccesstothemuseum’sacclaimedDayoftheDeadexhibit from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Tickets are $50 advance/$60 at the door. Location: 1852 W. 19th St., Chicago. For more information, visit See ad on page 17.

Free Women’s Health Workshop in Chicago

dr.NickLeRoy,directoroftheIllinois Center for Progressive

Health,willfacilitateawomen’shealthworkshopfrom11a.m.to1p.m.,November15.HeandguestspeakerRach-elle Meade, Rd, will discussthenaturaltreatment of hormonal imbalancesthatrelateto PMS, menopause and PCoS, thyroid conditions,weightlossand osteoporosis. Participantswillgainabetterunderstanding of how diet and nutri-tioninfluencecommonwomen’shealthconditions,aswellaslearnaboutthelatestresearchinuniquenutraceuticalsthatinfluencetheseconditions.Therewillbeafreeraffleofmorethan$400in women’s health supplements for participants. LeRoy is an authority on the use of breastthermographyandisrecognizedinternationally as an expert in the treat-mentofHPVandcervicaldysplasia.

Admission is free. Location: Illinois Center for Progressive Health, 1002 W. Lake St.,

Chicago. Reserve a seat by calling 312-243-3338. See ad on page 27 and in the Community Resource Guide.

win 2 free tickets to Globalfest

from Natural Awakenings Chicago. Enter our online contest at

Page 17: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

17natural awakenings November 2014

“I look forward to helping you on your path to wellness.”

Lynne C. Belsky, M.D.Board Certified Internal Medicine

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847-418-2030 Medicare and most insurance accepted

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Friday, November 14th from 5:30 to 9:00 PM

National Museum of Mexican Art1852 West 19th Street, Chicago, IL

Purchase tickets at

Heavy appetizers and open bar featuringfair trade cocktails, wine, and craft beer

A fabulous silent auction and ra�e

Arrive before 7:00 and visit the acclaimed Day of the Dead exihibit

For more information, call 312-212-1760or visit

Page 18: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

18 Chicago


New Functional Medicine Practice in Glenview


cine,apediatricanesthesiologistandassociatepro-fessorofanesthesiology,hasopenedanewpracticeat 2700 Patriot Boulevard, Suite 250, in Glenview, specializinginpainmanagement,findingoutwhyapatientshavechronicdiseasesandhelpingthemheal.Sheislookingforclientsthatarecommittedtoregaining their health and willing to make lifestyle changestodoso. Vilichstates,“Imyselfsufferedchronicpain,and

whenconventionalmedicinecouldnothealme,Ifoundacurethroughfunctionalmedicine.NowIamexcitedtobeabletohelpmanyothersregaintheirvibranthealth, feel young, sharp and sexy. I will spend an hour or an hour-and-a-half to makeacustomizedplan.Ilookatpeopleasawhole;Idonotjusttreatsymptoms.Functionalmedicinespecialiststakeacomprehensivehistoryandusesophisticat-edlaboratorytests,applythemostrecentevidence-basedscienceandusenutri-tion,supplementsandconventionalmodalitieswhereindicated.” Vilich’sgoalistooptimizethehealthofherpatientsbyrelievingpain,de-creasinginflammation,stabilizinghormones,improvingenergyandmuchmore.This leads to an improved quality of living, vibrant health and longevity.

For appointments, call 847-919-8651. For more information, email [email protected] or visit See ad on page 16, in the Community Resource Guide and at

New Staff and Service at The Balance Doc


Bobik,DC,DABCA,atBalanceChiropracticandWellness,withsevenyearsofmassageexperience,includingpracticingauniquetechniquecalledPUSH Therapy. Bobik has also begun offering Healthy Transfor-mations,adisease-reductionandweight-losspro-gramthatisprofessionallysupervisedandproducesdramatic,long-lastingresults.Patientscanexpecttolosesignificantamountsoffattissueandaltertheirmedicationdependencewithinonemonthofstart-ingthislifestyle-changeprogram.

Location: 2500 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 420, Hoffman Estates. For more infor-mation, call 847-310-0303 or visit See ad on page 21, in the Community Resource Guide and at

Go Beyond Beauty with Noble Therapies


changethewaywomenthinkaboutpersonalcare.Eachproductishand-craftedinsmallbatchesusingonlyfresh, high-quality essential oils and ex-tracts.Allprod-uctsaremadeandpackagedin the USA. The sustainable packagingisdesigned to in-spireconsumersandbringstheessenceofVedichealingconceptsintomodernpractice. Noble Therapies is the result of founderAmyDharmani’s15-yearob-sessionwithEasternphilosophy,ancienthealing traditions and a realization thatalmostallwomen’spersonalcareproductsneglectthemindandspirittofocusonexternalappearance.Manyoftheseproductsarecontaminatedwithtoxicchemicalslinkedtoailmentsfromneurotoxicitytocancer. NobleTherapiescollaborateswithdynamicleadersinyogaandspiritual-itysuchasAshleyTurner,GabrielleBernstein and dr. Wayne dyer to bring ameditationfeaturetothecompany’swebsiteeverymonth.Thesiteiscur-rently featuring a meditation by the in-ternationallyrenownedauthor,teacherandpioneerofvinyasaandpranaflowyoga, Shiva Rea.

For wellness-focused articles, recipes and more, visit the Noble Therapies blog at, and stay connected on Facebook.

Dr. Fatima Vilich

Kristen Bobik, DC, DABCA

Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.

~Gloria Steinem

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19natural awakenings November 2014

Reach YourTarget MarketSecure this ad spot!

For information about advertising in

Natural Awakenings,please call

847-858-3697 or email info@

Subtle Symptoms:• Poor Sleep• Food Cravings• Allergies• Skin Conditions (Excema, Psoriasis)

Obvious Symptoms:• Gas/Bloating• Heartburn/GERD• Constipation• Diarrhea• Crohn’s• Colitis

Page 20: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

20 Chicago


Enjoy Organic Hair Care at Upstairs Hair Affair Salon

Initsongoingeffortasanenvironmentallyconscioussalon,UpstairsHairAffairhasjoinedGreenCircleSalons(, an organization withamissiontomaketheNorthAmericansalonindus-trysustainableby2020.GreenCirclerecycleshairfrommember salons into mats that absorb oil in oil spills. Theyalsorecycleandrepurposefoils,colortubes,plastics,papersandchemicalsto ensure they are diverted out of waste and water streams. UpstairsHairaffair,inMortonGrove,usesorganicshampoos,conditioners,keratinandcolorsystemswithnoammonia,parabensorthioglycolates.Allprod-uctscontaincertifiedorganicactiveingredients;permscontaincertifiedorganicplantextractsforsuperbcurlretentionandnatural,healthybounce.OwnerLoriGoldsteinsaystheorganiccolorworksaswellasorbetterthanammoniated,chemical-ladenbrands,withsuperiorgraycoverageandhairthatmaintainsagor-geous, shiny luster. “Thesecondfloorsalonisveryprivateandpeaceful,andnooneislookinginthewindowwhenyouhavecolorinyourhair,”saysGoldstein.“Twowallsofwin-dowsletthesuninandyoucanwatchthesunsetwhileenjoyingacomplimentaryglassofwineandgettingyourhairdone.”Inaddition,clientscanenjoyhealthysnacks,craftbeer,coffee,teaandbottledwater. Newsalonofferingsincludespecialoccasionstylesandupdosfortheholi-daysandspecialoccasions.Goldsteinoffersafree,downloadableonlinecon-sumer guide on her website, The 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Salon & How to Avoid Them,whichincludesbeautysecretsandtips.

Location: 5901 Dempster St., Ste. 203, Morton Grove. For appointments, call 847-737-5315 or visit for a new client coupon.

For more information, visit See ad on page 39.


Author and adventurer Loreen Niewenhuis has exploredislandsinallfiveoftheGreat Lakes and

coveredalmost 1,000 miles by boat, kayak, hiking and biking.OnOctober26,sheand30fansandfollowershikedthefinalmilesonMackinacIsland,Michigan. on this, her third adventure in her Great Lakes Adventureseries,NiewenhuisexploredislandsineachofthefiveGreatLakesforanewbook,A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure,tobereleasedin2015. Her previous books are A 1,000-Mile Walk on the Beach and A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk. “This island adventurehasbeenmorechallengingthanthefirsttwo,”saysNiewenhuis.“I’mnotjusthikingthistime.Ihave biked and kayaked part of this adventure and have hadtotakemanyboatridestogettotheseislands.”

For more information, visit

Loreen Niewenhuis


CHI/Contests and sign up today for your chance to


TWO FREE TICKETS Chicago Fair Trade’s Globalfest: Latin AmericaNov 14 National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago















Friday, November 14th from 5:30 to 9:00 PM

National Museum of Mexican Art1852 West 19th Street, Chicago, IL

Purchase tickets at

Heavy appetizers and open bar featuringfair trade cocktails, wine, and craft beer

A fabulous silent auction and ra�e

Arrive before 7:00 and visit the acclaimed Day of the Dead exihibit

For more information, call 312-212-1760or visit

Page 21: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

21natural awakenings November 2014


chiropractic & wellness in Hoffman EstatesDr. Kristen Bobik, D.C., DABCA

Book your appointment today! 847-310-0303 ✦

“…and I still can’t lose weight!”Healthy Transformations®is designed to be the last program you’ll need. But it’s NOT a diet. And it’s NOT a weight loss program.

NO, you won’t be eating “rabbit food” meals AND YES, you can eat chocolate every day! I know what you’re thinking... what type of program is this?! Healthy Transformations is a

lifestyle change program that’s supervised by a physician. It focuses on our body composition – which is much more than a number on a scale. A person with healthy body composition will have an appropriate weight, optimal body fat percentage and lean muscle mass, good cellular hydration, lack of toxicity in the cells, ideal laboratory values, and other bio-markers of health.

Here’s what Healthy Transformations with Dr. Kristen does for you: •Optimizes body weight by causing “fat” loss • Improves cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure• Increases your energy levels •Eliminates “the vicious cookie cycle”•Gives you a long term, easy to implement lifestyle

And here’s how she does it:•Shows you how to combine foods - and you eat 6 mini meals/day •Shows you what to eat – with a meal plan, recipes and convenience items•Gets you the correct nutritional supplements to support body health

“After the first few days, I realized that it wasn’t that hard at all. And I feel the best I have in years. I’ve lost 15 lbs. of fat and 4.5” on my hips in one month.”

– female, age 57

When you’re ready for fast and long term results, your first step is to call our office and schedule an Initial Evaluation with Dr. Kristen at (847)-310-0303.

•Checks your progress regularly to watch the numbers decrease

Organics Boast More Nutrients, Fewer ToxinsConventionallygrownfoodscontain

pesticideresiduesthatarethreetofour times higher than those found in organicfoods(tracesmaybeduetoatmosphericdriftfromotherfieldsorsoils),accordingtoareviewof343re-searchstudiespublishedlastJuneintheBritish Journal of Nutrition. The review, whichincludedstudiesoffoodgrownin different regions and seasons, also determinedthatorganicfoodscontainedhigherlevelsofhealthynutrientssuchasminerals,vitaminsandantioxidants(spe-cificallypolyphenols),comparedtocon-ventionalfoods,whichalsocontainedsignificantlyhigherlevelsofcadmium,aheavy metal toxin. Thestudy’sauthorsfoundevidencethat the higher antioxidant and lower cadmiumconcentrationsarelinkedtospecificorganicgrowingpracticessuchasavoidingmineralnitrogenandphosphorusfertilizers,respectively.Theycommented,“Resultsindicatethatswitchingfromconventionaltoorganiccropconsumptionwouldresultina20to40percentincreaseincrop-basedantioxidant/polyphenolicintakelevels.”

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Page 22: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

22 Chicago


Brushing Like You Really Mean Itby Dr. Andie Pearson, DDS

Brushing our teeth is something that we have been told to do


long and most importantly, whatweareaccom-

plishing by doing it. Just like the daily,

automated, mind-less drive to a

familiardestination,peopletendtocruisethroughtheentirebrushingceremony.Manypeoplespendthattimethinkingabouterrandsorchores.Theprocessshouldbebrokendownintothreezones:the gum tissue, the area where the gums meet the teeth and theteeth.Usingsmall,soft,circularmotions,startonthegumtissue.Thisallowsustodeterminehowmuchpressureis being used, so that we don’t over-brush the gums or teeth andcausewearorbreakdown.Italsohelpstofirmupthegumsandcreatebettercir-culation.Thenextzoneistheareawherethetoothandgummeet.Usethesamecircularmotion,maintainingthesamepressure, and then move to the last zone, the tooth. For the inside, or tongue side, of the teeth, you would just brush the lasttwozones.Theentireprocessshouldtakebetweenfiveand seven minutes. Make sure to always use a super soft toothbrush,concentrateonthetaskofeachbrushstrokeandits goal, and don’t forget to brush the tongue. Gumology, a funny, entertaining and very informative videoaboutbrushing,

Gaiamed Dental, in Wilmette, is a full-service holistic dental practice using the most biocompatible dental options. For more information, call Dr. Andie Pearson, DDS, at 847-977-1655 or visit See ad on page 5, in the Community Resource Guide and at

LoxaSperse Assists in Delivery of Needed Medications

Those suffering from chronic,recurrentor

resistantsinusinfectionsmay want to talk to their doctoraboutacom-poundingpharmacypre-scriptionthatincludesLoxaSperse, an innova-tive powder base used incompoundingnasalnebulizations and irriga-tions. This new pharma-ceuticalbaseallowsformultipleactiveingredi-ents—suchasantibiot-ics,steroids,antihistamines,antifungalsandanesthetics—tobeincorporatedintoasingledosageform,makingiteasiertodeliverthemedicationdirectlytothesiteofinfection,mak-ingitamoreeffectiveformofsinusinfectiontreatment. LoxaSperseimprovestheantimicrobialperformanceofactiveingredients;allowsformulti-drugtherapycombina-tions,givingdoctorsmorepowertocustomizemedicationsandsimplifytherapyregimens;enablesanextendedexpira-tion date and allows the dry powder formulations to not have toberefrigerated;andincreasesactivityagainstbiofilms,aleadingcauseofrecurrentnasalinfections. PotentialusesofLoxaSpersemayinclude,butarenotlimited to, nasal nebulization, irrigations and solutions, inhalation solutions, wound irrigations and wound powders. PrescriptionsthatincludeLoxaSperseareavailablethroughacompoundingpharmacywithadoctor’sprescription.

Save Rite Pharmacy & Compounding, located at 3479 N. Broadway St., in Chicago, works with doctors to provide cus-tomized, compounded pharmaceutical treatments. For more information, call 773-525-0766 or visit See ad on page 25, in the Community Resource Guide and at

Happy Thanksgiving!

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23natural awakenings November 2014

Straight Teeth are Healthier Teethby Dr. Alla Aver, DDS

Properly aligned teethcanhelp

patientsavoidthenegativeeffectsofperiodontal disease with healthier gums, improvedhygieneanddecreasedriskofabnormal wear or trauma to teeth and jaw bone. Teeth that are not properly aligned (suchascrowding,spacing,deepbite,crossbite,excessiveoverjet,edge-to-edgeandopenbite)arecalledmalocclusion,whichifleftuntreatedcanresultintoothlossandsystemicproblemsincreasingtherisk for hardening of the arteries. Crowdedteethmakeitmorediffi-culttoremoveplaqueandbacteriawhenbrushingandflossing,whichallowsthemto build up around and under the gum line, leading to periodontal disease. Stud-iesshowthatsevereperiodontalinfection,whenleftuntreated,mayincreasetheriskofcoronaryheartdiseaseandstroke,com-plicationsofdiabetes,adversepregnancyoutcomesandrespiratorydiseases. Poorlyalignedteethcanalsocreateunnatural stress and pressure on teeth and thejaw.Excessivepressureonteethresultsinchipping,abfractionandtrauma.Thisall leads to premature wear and ultimately poor root support, loose teeth and eventu-ally, tooth loss. Straightteethcanmakeadifferencein having a healthier mouth and keeping teethforlife.Ascomparedtotraditionalbraces,Invisalign’sretainer-likealignersarethelessinvasivechoiceformildtomoderatemalocclusion.Thecustom-madealigners are metal-and BPA-free, making themtheclearalternativetotraditionalbraces.

Dr. Alla Aver’s approach to orthodontics is not just about the aesthetics of a beauti-ful smile, but also properly aligning teeth to improve overall health. To learn more about Invisalign, call 847-998-5100 or visit See ad on page 15, in the Community Resource Guide and at

Common Ground is a center for inquiry, study, and dialogue. Our primary concern is the human quest for understanding and the human pursuit of significance. While our endeavor began with the study of world religions and the commitment to

interfaith dialogue, our range of program offerings has been

greatly expanded over the past several years.

Are you interested in exploring the con-

vergence of the ancient with the modern, of East

with West, of spirituality with planetary reality?

Come join us! 847-940-7870 • • [email protected] Rosemary Terrace, Deerfield, I L 60015




Common Ground is for those who are already deeply grounded in their own traditions and for those who are still searching. It is a place for all who are fas-cinated by the convergence of the ancient with the modern, of East with West, and of spirituality with planetary real-ity. Common Ground brings together a knowledge of the past and a vision of the future for a better understanding of the present.

Today, our primary focus is on the world’s great cultural, religious, philosophical and spiritual traditions and their implica-tions for every dimension of human experience. Our course offerings include a tremendous variety of topics, including, but not limited to: history, literature, art, science, psychology, business, relationship, health, and personal growth. Our programs are shaped to meet the needs of all who are excited by ideas and serious about the quest.

Page 24: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

24 Chicago


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Lead Lurks in Lipsticks and Skin WhitenersRecentresearchhasfoundseveralheavymetalsinnumerouslipsticks



than10,000ppmoflead.OfthosepurchasedintheU.S.,3.3percenthadmercurylevelsgreaterthan1,000ppm. UniversityofCaliforniascientiststested24lipsticksusedfrequentlybyteen-agersandpurchasedatlocalstores.Theyfound75percentcontainedleadandnearlyhalfexceededtheU.S.FoodandDrugAdministration’s(FDA)maximumacceptableconcentrationofleadforcandy(0.1ppm). In2010,theFDAtested400lipsticksandfoundleadineverysampletested—withconcentrationsrangingfrom0.9to3.06ppm.Otherstudieshaveconfirmedsimilarfindings. Theyalsofoundsignificantconcentrationsofchromiumandcadmiumamongsomeofthesamples.TherearecurrentlynoconcreteinternationalorU.S.stan-dardsforsafelevelsoftheseheavymetalsincosmetics.

Algae-Based Cosmetics May Ward Off Inflammation and CancerAlgaeextractsaddedtonaturalcosmeticsmayhelppre-

ventcancer.ArecentreviewofresearchfromTaiwan’sKaohsiungMedicalUniversityfoundmarinealgaeextractshelpprotectskincellsbyreducingoxidativestress,whichhasbeenlinkedtobothinflammationandcancer. Thereviewcoveredthemajoralgaetypesofredalgae,brownalgae(suchaskelp),greenalgaeandblue-greenalgae(suchasspirulina).Ahostofcompoundsintheseextractswerefoundtoprovideprotectionagainstfree-radicaldamage.Inonestudy,phloroglucinol, a phenol derivative from brown algae, inhibitedinflammationamonghumantissuesarcomacells.


o Li







TREADMILL DESKS BOOST JOB PERFORMANCEInadditiontoimprovingfitness,UniversityofMinnesotaresearch-ers found that treadmill walking at thedeskalsoboostsproductivityandmorale. The study tested 40 adults that used treadmills for a year. Self-assessments,combinedwithsupervi-sor assessments, found that treadmill walkingwhileworkingincreasedperformancelevels.Workperfor-manceimprovedbyanaverageof11percentbasedonsupervisorassess-ments,and7percentbased on the employee self-assessments. A study from Rutgers University tested 66 adults while they walked on treadmills set for low intensity versus when they were seated at desks, with two days separating the tests. Mea-surementsofreadingcomprehension,attention span and response speed skillsandperformanceshowthesewere unimpeded by treadmill walk-ingwhencomparedwithsitting.

Hosted by Linda Sechrist,Natural Awakenings Senior Sta� Writer in LIVE on Fridays, 2-3pm CST

Access the library of past shows at:

Page 25: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

25natural awakenings November 2014

Honey and Ginger Beat Antibiotics in Fighting SuperbugsResearchersfromEthiopia’sUniver-

sityofGondarCollegeofMedicinehaverecentlyfoundthattheuseofmixturesofhoneyandgingerextractcantreatdrug-resistantbacteriasuchas Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. They notethatfurtherclinicalevaluationandpharmacologicalstandardizationofthemixturesareneededbeforetheycanbeusedtherapeutically. Thescientistsconductedlaborato-rytestingwithclinicalisolationsoffiveseparatesuperbugs:methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus(MRSA),Staphy-lococcus aureus(non-MRSA),twostrains of Escherichia coli plus Klebsiella pneumoniae.Theinhibitionofallfivetypesofbacteriabythreecommonan-tibiotics—methicillin,amoxicillinandpenicillin—werecomparedwiththeantibacterialeffectsofgingerextract,honeyandacombinationofthetwo. Thegingerextractandhoneycom-bination was found to have the greatest inhibitingeffectonthebacteria;how-ever, even the two applied separately weremoreeffectiveagainstthebacteriathantheantibiotics. Although in vivo studies are needed,theresearchersbelievethatthehoneyandgingerextractcombinationisapromisingsourcefortreatmentofresistantbacterialstrains.

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Our immune system’s strength is influenced by factors including weather, stress, diet, and insufficient rest, so maintaining strong immune health warrants effective nutritional support at specific times. 

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Page 26: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

26 Chicago


family,faithandjoy,theseasoncanbemarredbycommercial-ization. Instead, inspire the whole family to take a “buy less, get more”approachsothateveryonecanexperiencetheessenceofwhatmanyconsiderthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear.

Raise AwarenessTheCampaignforaCommercial-FreeChildhood(CCFC)reports that U.S. companiesnowspendabout$17billionan-nuallymarketingtochildren,upfrom$100millionin1983.Many kids are formulating wish lists year-round, due to the continualbombardmentofalluringcommercials.CCFCAs-sociateDirectorJoshGolinatteststhattheholidayseasonisaperfecttimetostartdiscussingthepowerofadvertisingandthetechniquesused.Teensareespeciallysensitivetotheno-tion of being manipulated by adults. Forchildrenunder8thatcan’tyetcomprehendthepersuasiveintentofcommercials,limitscreentimewithalldevices.Golinadvisesthatthescopeofcommercialismhaschangedradically.“It’snolongerjusttelevisioncommercials,butalsoInternet,cellphonesandvideogames.Plus,chil-dren’smediacharactersareplacedoneverytypeofproductimaginable.Thinkaboutlimitingcommercialisminallforms;youcan’tjustturnofftheTV.”

Manage ExpectationsStart before the holidays. “Talk to kids about how you’ll celebratetheholidaysinyourownhome,notingthatitmightbeunique.Focusonaspectsthataren’tgift-related,”suggestsGolin.Planfood-focusedtraditionssuchasbakingtogetherandspecialgroupmeals.Generateexcitementaround


Give Kids the True Gifts of the Season

by Meredith Montgomery

healthykids spiritualaspectsoftheseasonorvisitsfromout-of-townfamily members. Whenshoppingtogetherforgifts,makeaplanandstickwith it, letting everyone know its purpose beforehand. Resist impulsivepurchasestrumpetedbystorepromotions.

Connect with KidsNewAmericanDream’sSimplify the Holidays guide at asneighborhoodcaroling,buildingagingerbreadhouse,preparing gift boxes for the homeless, taking a nature hike ormakingafeederforbackyardbirds. Explorevolunteerprojectsasafamily,lettingthechil-dren’sinterestslead.Ifkidsareattractedtowater,pickuplitter along a shoreline. In the spirit of the season, donate gentlyusedclothing,booksandtoystoashelter.Foranimallovers,contributetimeormaterialstoalocalanimalrescueorrehabilitationcenter. Attendcommunityeventssuchasmusicalperfor-mances,playsandartexhibits.Seekoutinexpensiveorfreelocalactivities.Kidsareoftenenthralledbyasimpletourofneighborhood Christmas lights.

Gift BuyingMakegiftpurchasesconsistentwiththefamily’svalues.Golin suggests resisting the temptation to buy the season’s “hot”products.“Resistbuyingwhat’sadvertisedthemost.Wehavepowerasparentsandaspartofalargerculturetobelievethere’snosuchthingasamust-havetoyorholidaygift.”Instead,searchfortimeless,high-qualityitemsthatareeco-friendlyandfairtrade.Trywoodentoysforbabiesandtoddlers or a bamboo skateboard for teens. Adscanmakeatoylookappealingbecauseit’sbrand-newandready-to-use,buthomemadegiftscanbeamoremeaningfulalternative.NewAmericanDreamsuggestsconstructingaropeswingorwoodensandboxforlittleones.Givenacomfortabletimeframe,childrencangiftgrownupshomemadegreencleaningproductsorre-pottedherbandhouseplantclippings.Allagescangiveawaythelastbooktheyreadandkickoffayear-roundbookexchange.Foregomoretangibleitemsbygiftingexperienceslikeazoomem-bership,bowlinggiftcardsormovietickets,ormakeachari-tabledonationtoacausethattherecipientsupports. Let friends and family make shopping easier by inviting

UnplugAlwaysplanforquiettime.Itreducesexposuretoholidaymarketing,createsopportunitiesforfamilybondingandfostersindependentchildren.Golinobserves,“Wecanallbebetter about trusting our kids to entertain themselves. When reducingscreentime,wedon’tnecessarilyneedtosuggestactivitiestokids.Givethemthespacetobeboredforamin-uteandbeamazedatwhattheycomeupwithontheirown.”

Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Mobile/Baldwin, AL (

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27natural awakenings November 2014

There is a clear alternative to mammography: Thermography. With almost 20 years of experience, Dr. Nicholas LeRoy is the Midwest’s leading expert in this safe, radiation-free breast cancer screening test.

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Put a Stop to the Sweat ShopThissummer,Chicagopassedasweat-freeordinancesothattaxdollarswillnotsupportsweatshops.Thereisstillmuchwork to be done to ensure that this important legislation has animpactonthelivesofthosethatsewourgarments. Sweatfree Com-munities( our tax dollars are paying for human rights abuses when ourcitiesandstatesbuy uniforms and otherproductsfromexploitativecorporations. This is the human reality of the global apparel indus-try—youngwomenworklonghoursunderharshconditionsfor unfair wages. When this happens, workers’ health, safety andhumanrightsarecompromised. TheRanaPlazafactorycollapseinBangladeshlastyear

was only the latest in a long history of prevent-able worker fatalities and injuries in sweat-shops that are the norm in an industry that thrivesoncuttingcostswithoutconsideringtheconsequences. Sweatfree Commu-

nitiesisaU.S.networkofgrassrootscampaignsthatrecog-nizesthepotentialingovernmentpurchasingforcreatingpositive alternatives to global sweatshops. Federal, state and localgovernmentscombinedbuymorethan$10billioninapparel annually. Sweatfree Communities agree to require vendors to disclosethenamesandphysicaladdressesoftheirproduc-tionfacilitiesandtosharethisinformationwiththeSweatfreePurchasingConsortium,whichmonitorsworkingconditionsandencouragessignificantdemandforproductsmadeunderdecentworkingconditionsbyworkersthatearnalivingwage. WhentheordinancegoesintoeffectonJanuary1,2015,Chicagowilljointheranksofover170schooldis-tricts,counties,statesandcitieslikeLosAngelesandSt.Lou-iswhohavealreadymadetheSweatfreeCommunitycom-mitment.ThepeopleatChicagofairTradebelievethatourtaxdollarsshouldbespentonproductsmadeinahumanemannerandurgecitizenstobecomeinvolvedinmakingsurethatthisordinanceisfullyimplemented.

Learn more and take action at See ad on page 17.


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Sweatshop in Brazil

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28 Chicago

Sleep, along with nutrition and exercise,shapesthebackboneofoverallhealth,yet40percentof

Americansgetaninsufficientamount,accordingtoarecentGallupsurvey,andthepotentialhealthrisksarecon-siderable.“Sleepdeprivationaffectseveryorgansystemanddiseasestate,”andisassociatedwithhigherratesofcardiovasculardisease,diabetes,obe-sity,cancerandmortality,saysMichaelBreus,Ph.D.,aclinicalpsychologistinScottsdale,Arizona, “It’s best to get seven to eight hoursofsleepinonebigblockatnight-time,”counselsBreus.Yetthecircadianrhythmdictatestwopeaksofsleepinessevery 24 hours—one in the middle of thenightandanother12hourslater,saysDr.LawrenceEpstein,directorofthesleepmedicineprogramatBos-ton’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Interactingwiththecircadianrhythmisthehomeostaticrhythm,whichcausesgreater sleepiness the longer we’re awake.Bothcircadianandhomeostaticsleepiness elevate by mid-afternoon, resulting in the familiar 4 p.m. slump. Siestaculturessplitsleep,notesEpstein,slightlyreducingnighttimesleep,butdevoting time midday to nap.


“Napsareadouble-edgedsword,”observes Epstein. While they help relieve short-term sleepiness, poorly plannednapscanperpetuateanun-healthycycleofdaytimesleepinessandnighttime wakefulness. Stepping outside for10minutesofsunlightandfreshaircanstampoutsleepiness,saysBreus,whichismuchhealthierthanreachingforacaffeinejoltorsugarysnack.

Be a Better NapperA study published in the Journal of Sleep Research suggests that merely falling asleep may initiate memory processingandcognitiveconsolidation,helpingexplainwhyGermanscientistsfound even six-minute naps to be reju-venating. If substantial daytime sleep is neededtoovercomeadeficit,strivefor90to110minutes,thelengthoftimeneededtocompleteafullsleepcycle.Hereareotherpracticaltips. Reflectontherationale. “Bore-dom, laziness or avoiding work are the wrongreasonstonap,”saysAmandaChan, managing editor for healthy living at The Huffington Post,whichin-stitutedtwocozynaproomsinitsNewYork headquarters after founder Arianna Huffingtoncollapsedfromexhaustionseveralyearsago.Aquickpick-me-up

to boost mental agility and mood is a reasonableexcusetosnooze. Planaprophylacticnap. Fore-stall late afternoon fatigue by napping between1and3p.m.Waitinguntilearlyeveningtonapcaninterferewithnighttime sleep, advises Epstein. Embrace darkness, coolness and quietude. Melatonin, “the key that startstheengineofsleep,”issuppressedby even the slightest amount of light, so wear eyeshades, suggests Breus. Keep a blanket and earplugs handy. Liedown.Ifabedorcouchisunavailable, try napping on a yoga mat onthefloor.Achairshouldbereclinedtosupportthelowerbackandavoidstrainingtheneckfrom“bobblehead”syndrome, says Breus. Powerdown. Setting an alarm for 10to25minutesallowstimeforonlythefirsttwosleepstages:fallingasleepand light sleep. Breus explains that sleeping longer than 25 minutes triggers deepsleep,fromwhichwakingresultsinsleep inertia, or grogginess, that impairs mood,decision-makingandmotorskills.

Napping at WorkWhile many progressive businesses suchasGoogle,AppleandZappospermitorevenpromoteworkplacenap-ping,mostcompaniesarestillskeptical.“Weliveinaculturethatminimizestheimportanceofsleep,”commentsEpstein.“Weprizeproductivityandthink it shows worker loyalty to put in excessiveamountsoftime.” Ironically,mountingresearchsuggests that napping may boost the brainpowerneededtofunctionatpeakperformance.Arecentstudyfoundthatnightshiftair-trafficcontrollersthatnappedfor19minutesshowedbettervigilanceandreactiontimesthannon-nappers.Otherdocumentedbenefitsincludebetterconcentration,memoryandcreativity. Seekoutasleepsanctuaryatwork,suchasanofficewiththedoorclosedandblindsdrawn,anunusedconfer-enceroomwithacouch,orafirst-aidofficecot,suggestsChan.Anotheroptionistonapinthecar,butBreusin-siststhatnapperstellcolleagueswherethey’regoingasaprecaution.Betteryet,bondwitha“napbuddy”willingto read nearby during snooze time.

Midday Pick-Me-UpWell-Planned Naps Boost Brainpower

by Lane Vail

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No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.

~John Donne

“You’re very vulnerable when you’re asleep,”hesays.“Besafe.” Ifsleepingisnotcurrentlycon-donedintheworkplace,considerapproachingthehumanresourcesdepartment with information on the positiveeffectsofappropriatenappingonworkperformance,saysEpstein.Suggest implementing a sleep wellness program,whichcanoffereducationonsleepdeprivation,techniquestoimprovesleepandindividualscreeningforsleepdisorders.

Lane Vail is a freelance writer and blogger at

“Sleep is never a waste of time if it’s helpful.”

~ Dr. Michael Breus



The Present Moment135 West Church Street, Libertyville, ILTickets: $35

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30 Chicago

Physical Health


Spirituality Finances


Emotional Health

Pulitzer Prize winner Anna Quindlenhadreachedthetopof the New York Times bestseller

listmorethanonce,yetsherelatesinher memoir, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, that she also yearned to be able to do a headstand, but felt she didn’t possessthenecessarysenseofbalance.“That’s just a little story you tell your-self,”advisedherpersonaltrainer. our bodies, Quindlen observes, aremajorappliancesthatdeliverde-cadesoffaithfulservicewithpreciouslittle downtime. She admits, “If the hu-man body had a warranty, mine would haverunoutagesago.”Still,sheclungtoavision:“Iwanttobestrong;strongenough to hike the mountain without getting breathless, strong enough to takeacaseofwinefromthedeliv-erymanandcarryittothekitchen.”Quindlen, who lives in New York City and New England, was also maintain-inganincorrectbelief:Itwasn’thersenseofbalancethatwasholdingherback,itwasfear.

After two years of trying, she was able to do a headstand. Along with a senseofaccomplishment,thisquirkyachievementwasarevelationassheulti-matelyconcluded,“IfIcandoonethinglikethat,perhapsthereareothers.”

Take a StandPersonal empowerment is all about taking a stand—developing the vision, counteringmisguidedbeliefs,havingaplan and then moving forward to be the best version of one’s true self. david Gershon and Gail Straub, of West Hurley, New York, authors of Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It,contendthatem-powerment always starts with a desire for a better life. “We need to learn how todream,howtoboldlyandcoura-geouslyreachforourhighestvisions,”says Straub. “Start with what’s working alreadyandthevisionofwhatlifecanbe.”Shelikensself-empowermentto“spiritualsurfing,ridingthewavewheretheenergy,momentumandpassionare.”

Asworkshopleaders,theyencour-ageparticipantstotransformlimitingbeliefs, determine what is meaningful forthem,constructacompellingvisionfromthatinsightandthenfindwaystomanifest that vision. They address six key areasinwhichtobecomemorepower-ful and realize our personal best: physi-calhealth,emotionalhealth,relation-ships,work,financesandspirituality.

Physical HealthFirst,recognizewhatwe’realreadydoingright—eatingwell,perhaps,orexercis-ing—and then add another healthy activity.CardiologistSuzanneSteinbaum,directorofNewYorkCity’sLenoxHillHospital’s Women and Heart disease, underscoresthatmuchofphysicalhealthiswithinourpersonalcontrol.“Manylife-stylefactorskeepusfrombeingphysical-lyhealthyenoughtoleadafulllife,”shesays,includinghighbloodpressure,highcholesterol,smoking,lackofexercise,poordiet,excessivealcoholconsumptionor drug use, stress and depression. “The goodnewsisthatlifestylefactorsarewithinourpowertochange.” Steinbaumrecommendsstartingsmallbychangingonebadhabitandthen seeing how we feel. “Quit the diet soda or the sugar-sweetened beverages. Getridofpotatochips.Goforawalk.Put down your smartphone and spend somefocusedtimewithyourchild,afriendorevenyourpet.Thenbreathe…andjustlistentohowyoufeel.”

Emotional HealthOuremotionscanbealliesinachievingpersonal empowerment, advises Straub. Forexample,fearcanalertustodanger;joycanremindustobegrateful.How-ever,whenemotionscausepainandthreaten derailment, it’s important to un-derstand why, and then work through it. “Uncomfortableemotionsletus know there is a problem to attend to, a wound to work on, thus allow-ingustoseeourowntruth,”explainsdon Miguel Ruiz, Jr., of San diego, California, author of The Five Levels of Attachment.“Withawareness,wecanobserveouruncomfortableemotions,as they may be showing a belief we are holdingthatisnolongertrueforus.” “To work through our emotions, wehavetobeabletoaccurately

Powerful You!Six Ways to Create the Life You Want

by Judith Fertig

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sense what we are feeling and be able toexpressitinahealthyway,”addsStraub, like expressing anger after a toughcommutebypunchingadesig-natedpilloworshoutingintoacloset.Furthermore,“Weneedtochangethebeliefwe’veidentifiedthat’scausingthepainfulemotionalresponse.”Didtheguythatcutusoffintrafficreallydoitmaliciously?Third,learntoletgoofanegativeemotionthat’sautomaticallytriggered when someone or something pressesour“hotbutton”byimmedi-atelyconsidering,“Hemusthavebeeninabighurry,”or“Shedoesn’trealizehowoffensivethatremarkcouldbe,”realizing it’s their problem, not ours, anddecliningtomakeitours. Achievinggreateremotionalcalmisahugesteptowardpersonalempowerment.

RelationshipsActingonheartfeltemotionscanhelpforge stronger and healthier relation-ships. “Sometimes, we say yes to a false image of ourselves or hide who weareinordertobeaccepted,”coun-sels Ruiz, noting that not presenting ourauthenticselvesinrelationshipswillweakenorreplacetrueintimacywith a sense of loneliness and dis-tance.“Say,‘Iforgive,IacceptandIletgo.’”Thispavesthewaytobeinggenu-ine,whichnaturallyleadstogreaterunconditionalloveandmorefulfillingand honest relationships. Inromanticrelationships,lifecoachMarthaBeck,Ph.D.,authorof Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaiming Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want, suggests ditchingtheimageoftwopeoplelookingsoulfullyintoeachother’seyes.“Realizethatyou’rebothchang-ingallthetime,”shesays.Instead,envision two people walking side-by-sideatthesamepace,andarelation-shipthatwillcontinuetorefreshandmoveforward,insteadofgettingstuckin well-worn patterns.

WorkCapability is one of the new guiding principlesforself-empowermentatwork,says Haydn Shaughnessy, a fellow at the University of California-Irvine’s Center forDigitalTransformationandco-author,

withNicholasVitalari,ofThe Elastic Enterprise. “It’s more about a broad-stroke capability,”heclaims,suchaspublicspeaking, writing or troubleshooting and fixingmachinery.Capabilitymeansastrongskillthatcanbefine-tunedforaspecificcircumstance;atalentedgen-eralist,ratherthananarrowspecialist.Shaughnessyrecommendsthatwerec-ognizeanddevelopourbestcompeten-ciesinordertoequipourselvestobothwithstandeconomicadversityandhelppushourcareersforward.

FinancesFiscalself-empowermentinvolvescultivatingtheconfidencethatwewill be able to obtain more money whenneeded.Beckmaintainsthatanyonecancreateabundancethatlasts. “Where people believe they get abundance,theywill,”shesays,asinfriendshipsorcreativeproblemsolving.It’s the mixed internal messages of, “I needmoremoney,”with,“There’snotenoughtogoaround,”thatcanblocktheflowofabundanceinourlives. Beck,wholivesinSanLuisObispo,California,recommendsthrowinga“neurologicaltoggleswitch”toturnoffthe“lack-and-attack”partofourbrainsand turn on the “everything-is-going-to-be-all-right”area.Thisisrealizedthrough

slowing down, relaxing and meditating. “You have to relax to start dissolving the disbelief in the possibility of having what youwant,”shesays.“Emptyoutthenega-tivethoughtsinordertogaintheconfi-dencethatabundanceisyours.”

SpiritualityFollowingallofthesefirstfivestepsalsohelpsenhanceourspirituality.DennisMerritt Jones, of Simi Valley, Califor-nia, author of the new book, Your (Re)Defining Moments: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be,callsit“beingpulledbyvision,”ratherthanbeingpushedbypain.The motivational speaker believes that ev-eryencounter,eventorcircumstanceisaportaltoaredefiningmoment—achancetoconnectwithourauthenticself. Jonescitessevencharacteristicsoftheauthenticortimelessself:realizingouronenessinlife,reverenceforthatlife,fearlessnessbecauseweknowwe’repartof something bigger, integrity, humil-ity,equanimityandunconditionallove.“Whenthesequalitiesbecomethenormin our daily lives, we’ll know we are liv-ingfromtheauthenticself,”hesays. Jones urges us to live “more verti-cally.”Heexplains,“WeexistonwhatIcallthesurfaceoflife,ahorizontalpathway where we go about our daily routines. We often don’t hear the siren callfromthedepthsofourbeingbecausewearesobusy‘doing’.It’stheauthenticselfthat’seternallycallingustobewhowewereborntobe.” Hedescribesa“sacredintersec-tion”wherewecanturnfromthehorizontal everyday and move in a verti-caldirectiontothedepthsofoursoulsor the heights of our imaginations via mindfulness and self-enquiry. Fortunate-ly, every moment of every day offers this opportunity to expand our being. The keyquestionis,“Willwebeconsciouslypresentenoughtorecognizetheopen-ingandstepthroughthedoor?” Theseexpertsconcurthereisnofin-ish line for self-empowerment or attaining theperfectplacetostay.It’sa“sustainablegrowthprocess,”saysGershon,anidealprojectfortherestofourlives.

Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd from Overland Park, KS.

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SerenaDyerhadauniquechildhoodbeing raised by spiritually progres-siveparents,includingherbestsell-

ingcelebritydad,WayneDyer,Ph.D.,who would write her notes on personal stationery printed with the motto, “Be realistic.Expectmiracles!”It’snotames-sage her peers likely heard at home. Now29,Serenasharesherpointofview in Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You: My Experience Growing Up with Spiritual Parents,co-authoredwithherfather.Thetitlereflectsherparents’keylessonfortheirchildren:Pursuethelifeyou are born to live. Some missteps along the journey tohertruecallingincludedenrollinginlawschooltomaintainherstudentidentity, but her upbringing served as a light guiding her home to herself. She wrote the book after dropping out of lawschool,abigsteptowardherdreamofinspiringotherstoliveauthentically.

What was it like to grow up with Wayne Dyer as your father?Growing up, my seven siblings and I were exposed to a lot of ideas that were

Growing Up with Wayne dyerSerena dyer Reflectson Her Spiritual Upbringing

by Lindsay McGinty

different than what my friends heard. Weweretaughtthatwithineachofusisapurpose,apassionthatwecalldharma, and that dharma is what we areincarnatedheretodo.Weweretaught that the most important thing youcoulddoinyourlifewastofol-low that dharma, and in doing so, you would be serving God. I often joke that mychildhoodwasfilledwithuncon-ditionalloveandsecurity,butalsoalot of weirdness! Not many kids learn transcendentalmeditationattheageof5andcountmonksasfriends.

Were there any downsides to being raised by spiritual parents?I like to think that while there weren’t anyrealdownsides,therewerecertain-lychallenges.Forexample,inamoretraditional household, when someone getstheflu,theirparentsprobablytellthemthatit’sfluseasonandit’sjustgoing around. In my household, when oneofuswouldgettheflu,weweretold that we aligned with it and allowed itin.Inotherwords,partofthechal-lenge of having spiritually progressive

parents is that they make sure you are aware that you are responsible for everything happening in your life.

What is the greatest lesson you learned?Thus far, it is knowing that we are the creatorsofourdestiny—themastersof our fate. I wholeheartedly believe thatwesignupfortheexperienceswehave in this lifetime, as they are part of our soul’s desire to grow and expand. Whenwemakethechoicetoviewlifeas not happening to us, but responding tous,webecomemoreconsciouslyawareofhowmuchourthoughtsaffectourdailyexperience.Iamsogratefulmy parents taught me this at a young agebecauseIhavelearnedtochoosemythoughtscarefully.

What is the greatest gift your parents have given you?It’snotsomethingtheydidforme;itwas how they lived their lives in front of me.Myparentsdidnotencouragemetofollowmydreamsandthensacrificetheirs in order to raise me. My parents followedtheirdreamsandinwatchingthem do so, I felt safe to go after mine, as well. They taught me that there is nohonorinsacrificingyourselforyourdreams for anyone else, and demonstrat-ed that the only time you have to make your life the way you want it is now. I am grateful to them for living their lives thisway,whichhasallowedmetofeelsafe living my life this way, as well.

What advice would you give to people that wish they were raised in a more spiritual manner?I tell people that it doesn’t really matter what kind of parents you had, it matters how you feel about yourself. Everything in life starts with the self. If you don’t haveloveandacceptanceandforgive-ness for yourself, you won’t have these things to give to other people either. I wastaughtthatwecan’tgivewhatwedon’t have. When we learn to love and treasure every part of ourselves, we also have love to give to others.

Contributor Lindsay McGinty lives in Orange County, CA.

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conductsMidlifeRebootworkshopsaroundthecountry.Priortoher38thbirthday,theChicago-basedJamesidentifiedasawife,mother,andbusinessprofessional,andwasfightingdepressioneveryday.AvisitwithgiftedintuitiveandteacherSonia Choquette gave her the insight to a future life that was waiting for her, and James underwent aself-imposedlifetransformation.Herfirstbook,The Real Brass Ring: Change Your Life Course Now,chroniclesherjourneyfromstrugglesandheartachetowell-being.

How did you decide to make such a dramatic life change?IgrewupinatraditionalAmericanfamily,andmy parents were post-depression babies. It was understood thatIhadthreeoptions—beadoctor,alawyeroranengi-neer, and none of those worked for me. I ended up being a “rebel”andpursuedamaster’sdegreefromNorthwesternUniversityinmarketingcommunicationinstead.Ihadthethreekids,themini-mansionacrossfromthelake,Iwaswellprogrammedandsuccessfulinmymarketingconsultingbusi-ness and I was miserable. In a one-hour reading with Sonia, I was told that ev-erythinginmylifewaswrong,includingmycareer,mate,heartfelt interests, and my body was breaking down with ex-cessiveweight.ShenailedmetothewallandtoldmethatifI didn’t grab the brass ring soon, it’s going to be too late, and I would be miserable for the rest of my life. She told me I was meanttobeanactor,author,teacherandsharemystoriestohelpothers.Iwasinshock,andcriedforanhourinthecar.ThenIdecidedtogetmoving.

What were the first steps you took?Igotcleveranddetermined.Iattendedaseven-dayintensiveretreatattheHoffmanInstitute,whichwasessentiallyemo-tionalrehabilitation.WhenIcameback,mydepressionhadlifted and I felt like a new person. I had not been on stage sincehighschool,butdecidedat40toauditionforacom-munitytheaterrole,andIfellinloveandmadeacommit-menttobecomingaprofessionalactor. MyfirstrolewasinaperformanceofOliver, and I wastotallyelated.Wehadtodancefortwomonthsdur-ingrehearsals,andtheextraweightIwascarryingfelloff.Ished50poundsandhavekeptitoffeversince.ItwasthenIbecameawareIhaddevelopedbadpatternswithfood.I

A Midlife Transformation TowardFulfillment

by Carrie Jackson

wassurvivingonsugarandcaffeine.NowIpayattentiontowhat my body really needs and wants, and I don’t let myself munchmindlesslyatnightanymore.Ifigurativelylocktherefrigerator at 7 p.m., and when I wake up in the morning, I’m hungry to have a really great breakfast. Ialsoporedovereverymetaphysicalandself-helpbookIcouldgetmyhandson.

The Brass Ring is a compilation of ideas from everything you read. Which stand out the most?SinceIhavesuchastrongbusinessbackground,Icallitan

executivesummaryofideas—whatwouldbethetakeaway of thousands of self-help books. The approachispragmaticmetaphysics;abeautifulcombinationofEasternandWesternphiloso-phies.It’salittlebithippie,withafocusoncre-ativity,spiritandaconnectiontoMotherEarth,butthere’salsoapracticalsidetostayhonest,activeandengaged.Oneofthemostimportantideas is that anything you think about, talk about, payattentiontoorfocusoniscomingyourway.If you tell yourself, “I’m never going to get that project,”thenyouprobablywon’t.Iyouthink,“Todayisgoingtobeahardday,”thenitwillbe.You have to mind your thoughts, your words and youractions,andwritedownclearlywhatyouwant,becausewritingistheinitialmanifestation


What else is important for someone that wants to lead an authentic life?IhighlighttheShortcutsforHappyLiving,14ofthemostimportantideasinmybook.Theseincludelisteningtoyouremotionalradardetector,speakingyourpeaceandmanag-ingyourcircle.Youremotionalradardetectorletsyouknowifanythingfeelsstrangeoruncomfortable.Payattentiontothat. Move away from things that don’t feel good and move towardsthingsthatliftyouup.Speakingyourpeaceisaboutreally honoring your truth and not saying something just becauseyouthinkit’swhatotherpeoplewanttohear.

Managingyourcirclemeansnotjustworryingaboutevery-body else. Get out of everyone else’s business and let them managethemselves.Also,taketimetofocusontherelation-ships and people that are most important and valuable to you.Weallhave“lighttouch”friends,whoyouknowwon’tbe available when times are tough. Those should not be the peopleinyourinnercircle.NowIchoosetobewithpeoplewho are moving towards empowered transformation, and that’s the kind of energy that builds me up. That’s what I’m attractedto.

For more information, call 312-994-2446, email [email protected] or visit See ad on page 29.

Evanston-based Carrie Jackson contributes regularly to Natural Awakenings Chicago. Contact her at [email protected].

Dianne Bischoff James

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beauty expert Kimberly Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of The Beauty Detox Foods. She aims for optimum healthasthebasisforachievingadesirableoutwardglow. Snydersayssheoncestruggledwithseveralbeautyissues.Inseekingwellnessonthewaytobecominganutri-tionist, she found that her daily energy level improved after she started making shifts in her diet. She then lost weight, herhairgothealthierandherformerlytroubledfacialskinbecameclearandsmooth. Blogging about her gradual transformation and lifestyle philosophiesattractedmediaattentionandacelebrityclien-telebywordofmouth.“Ineverlookedforclients;theyfoundme,”shesays.Today,SnydercountsentertainersFergieandheractor-husbandJoshDuhamel,KerryWashington,ChanningTatumandDrewBarrymoreamongthemanycelebritiesshehashelpedgetintobettercamera-readyshape. Early into her personal transformation, Snyder realized that digestionholdsthekey.“Ineverlinkedmyconstipationissueswithmyacne,”shesays.“It’satremendousamountofworkto


o by


a Er




Beauty FoodsKimberly Snyder Shows How to

Eat for Radiant Skin, Eyes and Hair

by Judith Fertig

For Beautiful SkinYouthfulRed bell peppersCoconut(fresh, milk, oil)AvocadosSpinach

RadiantWatercressFigsSweet potatoesCucumbersAcai


Unlined, wrinkle-freePearsCabbageTurmeric

Clear, blemish-freeFermented vegetables (e.g.,sauerkraut)

ArugulaonionsRaw apple- cidervinegarGarlicLemon

For Beautiful HairPumpkin seedsDulse(atype of seaweed)CarrotsRadishesNutritional yeast

For Beautiful EyesBright eyesPapayaBeetsBlueberriesApples

Eliminating dark circles andpuffinessCeleryCollard greensAsparagusBananas

For a Beautiful BodyFluid body movementBroccoliBrussels sproutsSesame seedsRomainelettuce

Cellulite-freeFreshcilantro and parsleyBuckwheatand oat groats (wholeoats)

Toned bodyKaleHemp seedsQuinoaMilletChia seeds

For an Inner GlowBee pollenSunflowerseedsSproutsSpirulina(dried blue-green algae) orchlorella (highchloro- phyll algae)

Top 50 Beauty Detox Foodsby Kimberly Snyder

Thesefoodsworktoimprovespecificbodyareaswhile promotingwhole-bodywellness.Suchplant-basedfoods also improve digestion and raise energy levels.

digestfood.It’snowonderthateatingafast-foodsandwichwithglutenbread,animalproteinandcheesewithcaseinproducesa mid-afternoon slump. They are hard to digest together and all atonce,taxingbodyenergy,”sheexplains.“Then,whenyoufeeltheinevitabledropinenergy,youmightturntocaffeineorsugarysoda,butthatonlybringsonanotherslump.”

Good AdviceSnyder, who is now a vegan, suggests simplifying meals and starting them with whole, raw, plant-based foods like salads.

Page 35: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

35natural awakenings November 2014

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Sheadvisesherclientstostartthedaywithlemonjuiceinwarmwater.Iftheydon’tfeellikebreakfast,sheadvises,“Don’tforceyourself.Listentoyourbody,itknowsbest.” When hunger hits, Snyder blends a Glowing Green Smoothie—what she calls,“thestarofthewholeBeautyDetoxprogram,”inherbook.Abatchofthreetofourservingsrequiressevencupsofchoppedspinach;sixcupsofchoppedro-mainelettuce;one-and-a-halfcupsofchoppedcelery;onebanana;anappleandapear,bothpeeled,coredandchopped;twotablespoonsoffreshlemonjuiceandtwocupsoffilteredwater.Sheclaimsthatdrinkingthissmoothiecanmakeadifferenceinjustthreedays. Shealsolists50plant-basedfoodsforspecificbodybenefitsbecausetheyarenaturallyalkaline-formingduringdigestionandassimilatemoreeffectivelythanacid-forminganimalprotein,dairy,caffeine,alcoholandsugar.Byimprovingdiges-tion,weendupfeelingmoreenergetic.

Timely EatingCarefullytimedconsumptionisanotherkeyinSnyder’sbeautyregimen.Sherecom-mends starting the day with a light smoothie, eating foods based on whole plants throughout the day, and then eating a raw salad and a vegetarian meal or some animalproteinasanearlierdinner.Eatingfruitbyitselfonanemptystomachhelpsitdigestbetterthanwhencombinedwithotherfoodsthattakelongertoprocess.Onhungrierdays,Snydersuggeststurningtowholegrainssuchasoatsorquinoa,whicharehighinfiberandlowerinfat,orfibrouschiaseeds. Whenenergyislow,sheadvocatessupplementingwithbeepollenorapro-teinsmoothie.Shestresses,“Progress,notperfection,”ashermantra,advisingthatit’sbettertotakesmallstepsandkeepmovingforwardratherthantrytochangeeverythingallatonce.Shebelievesthatexperiencinghigherenergyandbeautybenefitsprovideseffectiveincentivestocontinueinsteadoftryingtosticktoastrict,numbers-basedplanthatdoesn’ttakeintoaccountenergyordigestion.

Ongoing Cleansing“The metaphor I use for healthy digestion is a waterfall versus astagnantpond,”saysSnyder.“Youwantyoursystemtobemoving,dynamic.”Tokeepdigestive“sludge”outofourbody’ssystems,Snyderrecommendsaprovendetoxapproachofdrinking liquid only between meals to help foods digest easier. SheparticularlyrecommendsherownProbiotic&EnzymeSalad,madewithfourcupsofshreddedcabbage;oneinchoffreshginger,cutintostrips;oneteaspoonofcarawayseeds;andcold,filteredwater,alllefttonaturally ferment in a jar atroomtemperatureforaboutfivedays—orrefrigeratedrawsauerkrautfromahealthfoodstore—tohelpflushouttoxins.Shealsoemphasizessupplementingwithprobiotics,suchasher unique formula made from soil-based organisms. Infrared saunatreatmentscanalsohelpleachheavymetalsoutofbodyfatanddecreasecellulite. “Thesetechniqueshavebeenaroundforalongtimebe-causetheywork,”saysSnyder.“AsIalwayssay,outerbeautyisareflectionofinnerhealth.”

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Page 36: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

36 Chicago


riceandwholegrainporridgesbubblingfromunglazedclaypotsforcenturieshavecapturedtheimaginationofchefs,foodiebloggersandhealth-conscioushomecooks. TheEssenergyVitaClaySmartOrganicMulti-Cookerisridingthecrestingwaveofinterestintheseancientculinaryhealingartswithanultramodern,unglazedclaypotcookingsystem.Unglazedclayatopgreenchoicebecauseitisfast,and elegant meals are easy to prepare for one or many. InarecentinterviewwithEssenergy’sMichelleLiu,we learned why it was a banner year for her unique invention.

Why is unglazed clay so important to bring into a ‘green’ kitchen? Unglazedclaypotcookinghasbeentemptingthetastebudsandenhancingthehealthofancientcivilizationsforcentu-ries.WhenIdiscoveredrich,intenseflavorsandunparalleledhealthbenefitsbypreparingfreshfoodinunglazedclaycook-ware,IcreatedtheVitaClaypot.Myintentionwastobringthesuperiorresultsofclaycookingintomykitchenforfastandeasy family meals.

Something special happens to ingredients cooked in clay. Can you tell us why? It’sreallyaboutsynergyandintegration.Healthyfoodsreact

positively together when heated inside unglazedclay.Theancientsknewhowlowheatandclaycreatedadelicateandevenlycookingenvironmentthatoptimizedthenutritionalprofileoftheirmealsandmadethemricher,tastierandhealthier.Thisisbecauseclayneutralizesacidityandunlocksnature’sgiftsinthefood,suchassalts,vitamins,mineralsand natural sugars. Another big plus is thatfatsandmeatjuicesarepreservedwhen steamed at low temperatures and remain nourishing, bioavailable and digestible.Thesmellmoleculesalsore-mainintactwithourspecialseal,wakingup your digestive powers and satisfying your appetite.

How easy is it to use the VitaClay? It’ssosimplebecauseit’satechno-logicalbreakthroughandfullypro-grammed for soups, stews, varietal rice,wholegrainsandlow-temper-atureyogurt.Anyhealthycookre-allydoesbecomeaculinarygenius,becauseallittakesisgood-qualityingredients and pushing a button.

See VitaClay ad on this page.

VitaClay A Nourishing Tradition that

Doctors Recommend


Page 37: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

37natural awakenings November 2014


Unsightlycellulite,whichiscomprisedoffatdepositsjustbeneath the skin, appears as

lumps or dimples, usually near the buttocksandupperthighs,andismostcommoninwomen.Buildingmusclecanmakecellulitehardertonoticeandhelpburnmorecalories.Whilecellulitedepositsmightnotbe eliminated, burning body fat will make them shrink and be less visible. Herearefivetopexercisestoblaststubborncellulite.

Cardiovascular ExerciseAs long as we’re expending more caloriesthanwe’retakingin,wewillbegin burning the body’s fat deposits. Ascardioworkoutsburncalories,theycanreduceoverallbodyfat,whichalsomakescellulitehardertosee.Anyexer-cisesuchaswalking,running,hikingorcyclingcanhelpintheoverallbattletoburncaloriesandblastcellulite.

Stair ClimbingStairclimbingburnsatleast10calo-riesaminute,accordingtothenon-profitNationalWellnessInstitute,thatpromotes healthy lifestyles worldwide. Plus,stairclimbinghastheaddedben-efitofworkingallthemuscleareasthattend to get hit with the greatest amounts ofcellulite.

Leg LiftsJanetWallace,Ph.D.,professorofki-nesiology at Indiana University-Bloom-ington, advises that leg lifts are the best exercisefortoningtheouterthighs.

Lieontheflooronyourside,plac-ing one elbow on the ground and prop your head up with that same hand. Placetheotherhandonthefloorbe-side your waist. With legs straight and toes pointed, lift the top leg up as far asitwillgo,thenslowlyloweritbackdown.Do10to15reps,andthenturnover and work the other leg.

Back KicksAnMSNBChealthsegmentrecommend-ed this fat-busting move to target all the areasthataremostsusceptibletocellu-lite. While kneeling on hands and knees, lift a leg up behind you until it’s pointed upward at a 45-degree angle. Slowly bringthelegbackdownandrepeatthemovement with the other leg. Start with 15repsandworkupfromthere.

SquatsStandcomfortablywithfeetaboutafoot apart. Slowly bend the knees to lower your body until both thighs are paralleltothefloor.Thengraduallystandbackup,squeezingglutealandback-of-the-thighmusclesasyourise. Ifperformedconsistently,thisexer-cisewillincreasemusclestrengthinthethighsandbuttocks,whichalsohelpsburnfat,accordingtotheMayoClinic.Lessfatequalslessnoticeablecellulite.Aswiththeotherexercises,startwith15repetitionspersessionandworkupto more.

E.C. LaMeaux posts a body of work at Gaiam Life (, from which this was adapted.

Cellulite ShrinkersFive Simple Exercises to Smooth Thighs

by E.C. LaMeaux


✔JANUARYhealth & wellness

✔FEBRUARYrethinking heart health

✔MARCHfood & garden

✔APRILgreen living

✔MAYwomen’s wellness

✔JUNEinspired living

✔JULYfood watch

✔AUGUSTtransformative education

✔SEPTEMBERconscious caretaking

✔OCTOBERsustainable communities

✔NOVEMBERpersonal empowerment

DECEMBERawakening humanity

Page 38: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

38 Chicago


Many of us have grown disen-chantedwithexpensive,com-mercialbeautyproductsthat

includetoxicandevencancer-causingingredients. Fortunately, safe, natural andaffordablealternatives—includinghomemadeshampoos,conditioners,moisturizers,bathsalts,bodyscrubsandbutters—arestockedatmanynaturalgrocersandhealthfoodstores. We all want to avoid phthalates, cetylalcohol,triclosan,sodiumlaurethsulfate, parabens and many other poi-sonouschemicalscommonlyfoundinlotions,creams,scrubs,oils,perfumesandmakeupproductsthatmaynotbelisted on labels. “You want to know what’sinyourproduct,”saysJaniceCox, of Medford, oregon, the bestsell-ing author of Natural Beauty at Home and Eco-Beauty. “If you’re making your own,you’reincontrol.” Cox remarks, “Ingredients are absorbed through the skin, our largest organ.It’swhysomemedicineslikebirthcontrol,painreliefandnicotinepatchesareeffectivelyappliedexternal-ly;it’salsowhytoxicingredientsplacedonourskincanbesoharmful.” Herrecommendedsolutionissimple:Thekitchencabinetharborssolutions to the dry and dull skin that plagues many this time of year, sham-poo residues that result in drab hair,

and less-than-glowing skin due to a suboptimal holiday diet. “Manyproductsrequireonlyoneor two ingredients and take minimal timetomake,”saysCox.“Plus,theycostonlypennies.Whowouldn’tchoosethatovera$30-an-ouncemys-teriouschemicalsoup?” Honey is a Cox favorite for several reasons,includingitsantimicrobialef-fects:adabonablemishorinsectbitecanzapitovernight.“Honeyhashighpotassiumcontent,makingitalmostimpossibleforbacteriatosurvivein,”sheexplains.It’salsoagoodsourceofBvitaminsthiamine,niacin,riboflavinandpantothenicacid,plusmineralslikeiron,zincandmanganese.Inthiscase,what’s absorbed through skin is literally nourishing our body’s entire system. Honeyisalsoapowerfulhumec-tant, helping to prevent loss of moisture fromskinandhair.Coxrecommendsdropping a tablespoon or two in a warm bath to soothe rough skin with-outstickiness,aconditioningmixtureofhoneyandoliveoiltoproducesilkyhairandanapple-honeytonertofacili-tate glowing skin. Shealsorecommendsaneasyshampoothatcontainsnothingmorethannaturalsoap(likeDr.Bronner’s),water and a little vegetable oil for dry

Eco-BeautyHomemade Shampoos, Lotions and Perfumes Make Great Gifts

by Kathleen Barnes

hair.“Itdoesn’tfoamuplikecommer-cialshampoos,butitgetshairmuchcleaner,”sheadvises. Homemadebeautyproductsarea natural outlet for anyone that loves to cookorcraft.Makeasmallbatch—ex-periment with an array of essential oils to createapreferredscenttosuitindividualtastes,andaddorsubtracttheamountsaccordingtoskinandhairtypes. “Take it a step further and make prettygiftpackageswithglassbottles,jars or tins embellished with ribbons, personal artwork or anything else that tapsintoyourcreativejuices,”saysCox.“Your friends and family will be espe-ciallyhappytoreceiveandusethem.”

Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous natural health books and publisher at Take Charge Books. Con-nect at [email protected].

Simple Natural Beauty IngredientsHere are a few favorite ingredients for home treatments:

n Honeyisperfectforconditioningdry,damaged hair and rinses out easily.

n Sour creammakesagreatfacialmaskforsofteningandcleansingadullcomplexion.

n Green teaispackedwithantioxi-dants and tones skin with no need to rinse off.

n Oatmealcanbeusedinsteadofsoaptocleanseallskintypes.

n Pineapple juice soothes tired feet and softensroughpatches.

n Baking soda works head to toe as a hairrinse,facialscrubandbathsoak.

n Olive oil in a nail soak keeps nails clean,flexibleandstrong.

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39natural awakenings November 2014

Muscle-Soothing Bath Salts


Thisistheperfectbathtorelaxandre-fresh the whole body. Add a few drops ofessentialoilstothemixtureforscent.

1 cup kosher or sea salt 1 cup baking soda 1 cup Epsom salt

Mix together all ingredients and pour intoaclean,drycontainer.Pouronecupofthemixtureintoawarmtubslowly, allowing the salts to dissolve completely.Soakforatleast20min-utes, but no more than 40 minutes.

Raw Sugar Body Scrub


Raw sugar is well-suited for freshening skin.Usingabodyscrubhelpsridskinofsurfaceimpurities,enablingittore-tain more moisture and look healthier. Italsoboostscirculation,whichener-gizes the whole body.

1 cup raw sugar ½ cup light oil, such as almond or sunflower½ tsp vitamin E oil

Mix together all ingredients and pour intoacleancontainer.Massageatable-spoon or two at a time all over the body to gently exfoliate and moisturize skin.

Body Butter


Thisisarich,butterycreamthatmakes awonderfulall-overbodycream.Itcontainsfourwell-knownskincondi-tioning oils.

¼ cup grated cocoa butter 1 Tbsp coconut oil 2 Tbsp light sesame oil 1 Tbsp almond oil 1 Tbsp grated beeswax

Combine all the ingredients in a heat-re-sistantcontainer.Inthemicrowaveoronthe stovetop using a double boiler, gently heat until the mixture just begins to melt. Remove from heat and stir well until the waxandcocoabutteraremeltedandallingredients are mixed together. Pour into acleancontainerandallowittocoolcompletely.Spreadasmallamountofthe body butter on the skin.

Basic Shampoo


If hair is oily, the optional vegetable oil may be omitted, but if hair is dry ordamaged,includeit.Thisisagreatshampooforallhairtypesbecauseit’sgentle on hair and won’t strip away the natural oils.

½ cup water ½ cup mild natural liquid soap (like Dr. Bronner’s or any Castile soap)½ tsp light vegetable oil (optional)

Gently stir all the ingredients together, beingcarefulnottobeatthemixtureoritwillcreatefoam.Pourtheshampoointoacleanplasticcontainer.Shampooas normal, and then rinse well with coolwater.

Eau de Cologne


Eau de Cologne was originally made by steepingflowersinajarwithalcoholandasmallamountofoil.Thescentedoilwaspouredoffandthealcoholwasmixed with water.

¼ cup vodka or witch hazel ¼ cup water 2-3 drops of a favorite essential oil or a mixture of oils (lavender, sandalwood, bergamot, rose, frangipani, ylang-ylang or jasmine)

Mix all ingredients together. Pour into acleanspraybottleorsplashbottle.Sprayorsplashthescentedcologneonto skin or hair.

Solid Perfume


Solidperfumeandscentshavealwaysbeenpopularbecausetheyarelong-lasting,easytocarryanddiscreet—justrub them on—no need to waste them by spraying the air.

1 Tbsp grated beeswax1 Tbsp almond oil 8 drops essential oil or mixture of oils (peach, orange, sandalwood, vanilla or lavender)

Inaheat-resistantcontainerorsmallsaucepan,gentlyheatthebeeswaxandoiluntilitmelts.Stirinthescentedoil,pourintoaclean,smallcontainerandallowthemixturetocoolcompletely.Rubafingeracrossthesolidperfumeandapplythescenttopulsepointsoranywhere else.

Recipes courtesy of Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home, Natural Beauty for All Seasons, Natural Beauty from the Garden and EcoBeauty.

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Page 40: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

40 Chicago

The polls have spoken, and studies show that most people think the globalenvironmentalcrisiscanbe

resolvedthroughindividualactions;buthowcanwetakethissharedbeliefandcreatetoolstohelpbringaboutsuchatransformation?Herearefourpersonalempowerment tools to do just that:

Seek environmental knowledge: Throughlifelonginquiry,wecancon-nectwithvisionariesandinnovatorsinourcommunitiestoinspireourdailyactions.Knowledgeispower,andthereare rising insights and ideas address-ingourenvironmentalcrisiseveryday.Ongoingeducationhelpsinformtheseekerofcommunities,opportunitiesandresourcesthatinspireandeducateindividualstomakeachange.Take,forexample,themany“playshops”offeredbythelocalChicagogroup

EdibleAlchemy(—it’s not just the elite foodies that canfermentveggies,brewkombuchaorcompostindoors.

Embraceanaffinityfornature:Themore intimate we are with our true selves, the more deeply we are able to listen to our own hearts and develop an intuitiontoloveandnurturethatwhichwe most desire. A still moment in natu-ralsurroundingscanworkwonderstoreconnectuswithourchildlikeaffinityfornature.Whileitmightseemchal-lenging to do this in the third-largest cityinthecountry,evenChicagohasnaturaldestinationsthatcaninspirewonderandawe.VisittheCosmicSpiral on the grounds southeast of the Adler Planetarium or the willow trees in LincolnParkSouthLagoonforadailyZen moment in nature. In winter, the

Rooted in NatureFour Tools to Cultivate

Personal Empowerment by Andrea Dennis and Tieg Alexander

Learn to lead an eco-friendlyurbanor suburban lifestyle while envisioning a world trans-formed. Presentations, demon-strationsandinteractiveexhibitsdesigned to help people gain a well-rounded understanding of the manywayswecancarryoutaneco-friendlylifestyleinChicagowillbefeaturedfrom11a.m.to3:30p.m.,November16,atthePeggyNotebaert Nature Museum. optional networking will be available from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by Greenheart Transforms,presenterswillincludeJamie Hayes, owner and designer ofProductionMode;EmmanuelPratt,directoroftheAquaponicsCenteratChicagoStateUniversity;KenDunn,founderofTheResourceCenterandCityFarm;andEmanuelKuntzelman, founder and president ofGreenheartInternational.LocallymadeorganicveganandvegetarianlunchoptionsfromEdibleAlchemyareincluded.

Get tickets at Location: 2430 N. Cannon Dr., Chicago. For more information, call 312-264-1696 or visit See ad on page 7 and at

GarfieldParkConservatoryandPeggyNotebaert Nature Museum will do the trick.Natureisourteacher—listentowhat it has to tell us.

Act inservicetotheEarth:Inorderto live well, we have to make sure the world around us also lives well. one easytowaytobeginfocusingonthehealthoftheEarthisthroughparticipat-ing in environmental volunteer proj-ects.TherearemanyorganizationsinChicagowithuniqueenvironmentalinitiatives,suchastheCooperationOp-eration(, on the Southside ofChicago.Theyareremediatingsoilataformertoxicwastesiteandconcur-


Page 41: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

41natural awakenings November 2014

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Sleep Organic – Live Healthierrentlyoperatinganorganicurbanfarm.They host open volunteer hours every Saturday. To maximize volunteer time, jointheGreenheartClub( to log volunteer hours and earngrantsforimportantprojects.

Integratethroughadailypractice:Our“Aha!”momentscanbewashedaway in an instant if we are unable to root them in our lives. Let’s integrate seekingknowledge,anaffinityforna-tureandvolunteerserviceintoadailypractice.Makingtheseimprovementsa priority is empowering on a personal level,andwillmostdefinitelyresultinawindfallofcommunity,connectionandinspiration.

Dennis is the outreach director for Greenheart International and board member of Chicago Fair Trade and Social Enterprise Alliance: Chicago chapter. Alexander is the events and program coordinator at Greenheart Transforms, a branch of Greenheart International. For more information, call 312-264-1696 or visit See ad on page 7 and at

Nature, like man, sometimes weeps from gladness.

~Benjamin Disraeli

Page 42: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

42 Chicago

Here are some hard truths for new authors.Noonewillcaremoreabout your work than you. You

arethebestpersontoconnectpeopletoyourwork(yes,evenbetterthanapublicist).YourbookorCDis“new”foronlythecalendaryearinwhichitiscopyrighted;afterthat,it’soldnews.Connectingyourworktoanaudienceis hard work. So it’s essential to have a plan and be intimately involved with connectingthebookswithanaudience.

First, people will need to hear about your work three times before it even enters their radar. This is why newproductsareoftenlaunchedwithTV ads that hit us over the head. The only thing that trumps this is when someone hears about something new

from a trusted friend. We all have people in our life that might suggest a bookornewproductandwe’llrunoutand get it. Word of mouth is the best advertising you’ll ever get, and you can’tbuyit.Itisessentialthatyouareputting out your best work for this to happenorganically.

Second,allowotherstobecomeemotionallyconnectedtoyourwork.Ifyoursisterwantstothrowalaunchparty for your yoga Cd with her yoga group,say“Yesandthankyou,”andbringanicebottleofwine.Ifyou’vedeveloped your book with a writer’s group, throw a thank-you party for themandgivethemallasignedcopyofthe new book.

Connecting Creative Work with an Audience

by Loreen Niewenhuis



sions, or you’ve self-publish an eBook about meditating, or you have found a small



Third,considerdevelopingapre-sentation to go with your work so you cangetspeakinggigs.Retirementcom-munities,libraries,schoolsandcom-munitycentersalwaysneedspeakersandsomeplaceswillevenpaytohostyour presentation. If you do this, make suretocross-promoteallofyourevents,don’t just rely on the venue hosting you topublicizeit.Putoutapressreleasefor free at and then send the link to area media outlets along with a formal email about you and your presentationifthecommunityisinvitedtoattend.Youcanalsoorderpostersinbulk from VistaPrint.comandthencus-tomizethemforeachevent.Sendthemtothevenueweeksaheadsotheycanbe displayed where you’ll be speaking.

Fourth,ifyouarelaunchingabook,considertheimportanceofbookclubs.Theyareagreatwaytogetpeopletobuy,readanddiscussyourbook.Considerholdingacontesttogiveawaybookstoonebookclubandpartner with area independent book-storestopublicizeit.Speakingofgive-aways, GoodReads.comisagreatplacetodothis.GoodReadsisacommunitywebsite of serious readers that will post reviews.

Fifth, develop an e-mail list of people that like your work. Begin with friendsandfamilyandalumniofficesofcolleges/universitiesfromwhichyou’vegraduated and build on that. Allow people to sign up to follow you. Using aservicetomaintainalistandsendout mass emails is free as long as you havefewerthanacertainnumberofaddresses. Use mass emails to update your followers on giveaways, new workscomingoutandawardsyou’vewon, but don’t overdo it.

okay, at this point you may be a bit overwhelmed. It is a lot of hard work. Consider all the time you’ve put into creatingyourwork.Doesn’tthepromo-tional side of your work deserve some energyandplanning,too?Whatgoodisyourcreativityifnooneeverconnectswithit?


Page 43: Natural Awakenings Chicago November 2014

43natural awakenings November 2014

Middlesworth and Pine are among thou-

sands adopting a Grati-tude Challenge to help develop their gratitude reflexandcultivateamore positive outlook onlife.Gratitudecantake many forms, but typicallyparticipantspledgetoreflectupon and express it daily with the help of email prompts from a sponsor-ingorganization.Agratitudepracticecanhelpgrowappreciationforthestrangersthatbetterourlives.Itcanalso deepen our gratefulness for the significantotherswesometimestakefor granted. Approachingamilestonebirthday,retired businessman Walter Green set out on a year-long journey to visit 44 people thathecreditedwithchanginghislifetoinitiateconversationsabouttheirinflu-ence,whichherecountsinthebookThis is the Moment! While the relationships werealreadysolid,accordingtoGreen,

“Inmanycases,itwasthemostsignificantconversa-tionweeverhad.” Gratitude is a small actwithabigpayoff,Green observes. “The personreceivinggratitudeappreciatesknowingtheymadeadifference,butthegiveristhegreatestrecipi-

ent. It feels good to express gratitude, plus you are freed from future regrets that you didn’t express it when you had thechance.” PatriciaBrugioni,aChristianSci-encenursefromChicago,hasbeensharing three things she’s grateful for onsocialmediaonadailybasissincetakingafive-dayonlinechallengeear-lier this year. “I am a grateful person bynature,butnowIamclaimingthegoodthatiscomingtomeandlearn-ingtocherishthingswithoutfeelinglikeIhavetoearnthem,”shesays.

Connect with freelance writer April Thompson at


Practice Gratitudeand Change Your Life

by April Thompson

“I have started a gratitude journal that I write in every day. When you run out of the ‘obvious’blessings,itmakesyoudigdeepandseeallthesmallthings.Icommittodomyverybesttonevertakeanythingoranybody,goodorbad,forgranted.”

~ Lisa Henderson Middlesworth

“Atowncanbesuchablessing.Neighborsalwayspull together when there’s a tragedy or natural disaster.Theboundariesdiminishandyardsbecomeone...weeatineachother’skitchens,superviseeachother’schildren,sharevehiclesandgenerallywatchoutforeachother.IbelieveitisGod’swayofremindingusthatwe’reonefamilyandeachofusprovidesthestrengthandfoundationfortheother.”

~ Colleen Epple Pine

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping

a present and not giving it.”

~ William Arthur Ward

Haveapromotionplaninplacewell before your work is released. Work with your publisher if you have one. Ifyouareself-published, for a glimpseathowapublicistplansforabooklaunch. Becreativewithyourmarketing.You’reacreativeperson,soapplythosetalents here. Have some fun with it. Andtakethelongviewwithyourcre-ative life. Most people know of Barbara Kingsolver’s bestselling book, The Poi-sonwood Bible, but they aren’t aware that this was her eighth published book. Shewasbuildingadedicatedfollow-ing for years before this book “broke through.”

Loreen Niewenhuis is an author, adven-turer and dynamic speaker. Her books, A1000-MileWalkontheBeachand A1,000-MileGreatLakesWalkwere published by Crickhollow Books of Milwaukee. Her novella, Atlanta, was published by MSR of Charlotte. She is currently exploring many of the islands of the Great Lakes for her upcoming book A1,000-MileGreatLakesIslandAdventure, to be published in 2015. Learn more about her work at

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you don’t have,

you will never, ever have enough.

~Oprah Winfrey

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Don’t buy, don’t breed, adopt a bird in need… 

a Refuge for Saving the Wildlife

3149 Dundee Road, Suite# 229Northbrook

(847) [email protected]

We are a not-for-profit, no-kill parrot rescue, rehabilitation, education and adoption shelter.

What’s on the family pet’s wish listthisyear?Familymem-berscanhavefuncreating

interactivetoysandgamesthatareeasyon the holiday budget. AccordingtoarecentAmericanPetAssociationsurvey,threeoutoffourowners buy gifts for their pets dur-ingtheholidayseasontothecollec-tivetuneof$5billion.Dogsandcatsreceivenewsweatersandboots,collarsand leashes, toys and treats. Yet, what theyreallycraveisattention. “Too often, pets are left alone for eight hours a day, leading to anxiety, frustration and unwanted behaviors. It’s importantthatthey’rementallychal-lenged,learnnewcommandsandhave

PLAYFUL PET GIFTSAnimals Love Interactive Toys and Games

by Sandra Murphy



Special Dog TreatsLook for sturdy wooden puz-zles that hide a treat behind doors that pull or slide open. Advancedpuzzlesinvolveamulti-step solution. Follow-ingdogtreatcookbookswillkeepdedicatedbakersinacanine’sgoodgracesthroughouttheyear.

Adopting an animalcan change your life

Heartland Animal Shelter, Northbrook,

no kill . not for profit . 501(c)(3)

Writeanactivity—awalk,triptothedogpark,gameoffetchoradoggie/humandanceparty—onafewindexcards.“Teachthedogtochoosebyrubbingonecardwithasodium-freebouilloncube,”suggestsEileenProctor,apetlifestyleexpertinDen-ver.“Assoonasthedogsniffsthecard,reward with praise and the designated gift.Oncethegameislearned,thereisnoneedtokeepscentingthecards.”Turnupacornerofallthecardsforeasypickup.

Purrfect for CatsCatsmayliketoplayitcool,butbringoutalaserpointerandtheyactlikekit-tensagain.Tomimichuntinginstincts,playhide-and-seekwithkitty’sfood;putholesinaclosedboxwithspecialbitsof dry food inside, then let her paw it out or roll the box. Placeatoo-large-to-swallowjingle bell inside an empty toilet paper roll and tape the ends shut for a charming-soundingtoy.Anorphanedsockfilledwithcrinklycellophaneand

sewn shut makes an intriguing toy todragaround.Improviseafishingpolefromacolorfuldowelrodand heavy twine with a pet- and planet-friendly item tied on the endforapettochase.

Cats love to squeeze themselvesintosmallspacesor

relax in larger ones, so pass along gift boxes.

Pretty-Bird Specials In the wild, birds spend most of their

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Primary Veterinary Care • Acupuncture • Chiropractic • Cold Laser Light Therapy Geriatric & Chronic Care • Massage Therapy • Muscle Conditioning • No-Anesthesia Dentals

Nutrition & Supplement Consultation • Underwater Treadmill Therapy • Veterinary Rehabilitation

Dr Barbara Royal, DVM, CVAAuthor of The Royal Treatment: A Natural Approach to Wildly Healthy Pets (available at


k Bo

yer p



herThe oyal Treatment

Veterinary Center4130 N. Rockwell StreetChicago

Make Your Pet Wildly HealthyCall 773-267-9966 today to schedule a consultation.

email us at: [email protected] •

timeforagingforfood.Mimicawilder-nesssearchbyhidingfoodbeneathanunused,unbleachedcoffeefilteroralargelettuceleaf.Cutfoodinpiecesbigenoughtoholdinaclawtohelphonebalance.Hideseedsinamade-for-birds piñata, available at pet supply stores.Puzzleboxesrangefromreach-in-for-food versions to slide-a-door or pull-a-knobdifficultylevels.

Fun for FishBetta(Siamesefighting)fishlovetorestnearthesurface,soprovidealeafyhammock,available where supplies are sold. Finned friends get ex-erciseastheychasealaserpointer’s red dot through the water. A new plant or ping-pong ball floatingonthesurfaceprovidesaddedentertainment. Mossballsareagoodplacetohidefoodandalsohelpkeepthewaterclean.Aceramiclogletsfishhideinside.

Pet PrecautionsAs with kids, don’t shower all the surprisesonapetatonce.Thechoiceswillbeoverwhelming.In-stead, rotate them while keeping one favorite on hand.

✔ Checkforlooseknobsorsmallpartsontoysandaroundthehouse;any-thingthatcanbreakofffromastrongbite. Favor smooth, rounded edges.

✔ Puzzles and other toys are for supervised play only.

✔ Never point a laser light at a pet’seyes—itcanseverelydamagetheir vision.

✔ Poinsettiascanbepoisonoustopets—keepthemoutofreachoroutof the house.

✔ Becauseadogorcat’stongueisrough,iftheychewontinsel,rib-bon, yarn or other textured wrap-pingsordecorations,it’slikelytogetswallowed,whichcanleadtoamedicalemergency.

Climbing CrabsHermitcrabsaresocialanimals,bothcuriousandamusing.Thegiftofanewshell or two during molting season is appreciated.Flat-toppedrockswithtextured sides, large enough to not tip over, provide a different view. Fibers likethoseusedformacramé,hung

from the lid of the tank almost to thefloormimicropeclimbing.Upside-downterracottaflowerpots, in different sizes and coveredwithnetting,providemoresurfacesandheightstoexplore.

“Time spent together is a gift for both the giver and the recipient,”saysProctor.“It’smorethoughtfulthananythingyoucan


Sandra Murphy is a freelance writer in St. Louis, MO. Connect at [email protected].

Older animals can benefit from new bedding; a mattress that resembles an egg carton is easy on the joints. A warming pad feels good on cold nights.

Placing short steps beside a family bed allows co-sleeping to continue.

A ramp helps senior dogs get into the car.

Tell them you saw their ad in

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Ka-ChingTime Is Money, So Bank ItTime banking is an updated, Web-savvy version of barter that allowsuserstoaccumulatethetimetheyworkandthen“spend”it elsewhere. Unlike traditional bartering, it’s not limited to an individualtransaction.Themediumissofluidthatitcanbeexchangedmanytimesasaformofcurrency. Most people do a variety of tasks that others may not wanttodoorareincapableofdoingthemselves,suchas writing,preparingtaxes,babysitting,housecleaning,plumb-ing or even dentistry. For example, an hour of gardening equalsanhourofchildcare,dentistry,homerepairorteachingsomeonetoplaychess.Theideaisthatpeopletradeforwhatthey need and do what they’re good at. Everyone gets what they need by exchangingtheirexpertise. Timebankingworksforgroups,too.Organizations,agencies,churchesandbusinessescanallbecomemembersofTimeBanksUSA,formedin1995,andcontributetime,energies,skillsandresources.


Tomato LacquerNon-Toxic Can Lining in DevelopmentBecausefreshfoodspoilsquickly,manypackagingandpreservation innovations have helped to extend transportation hardiness and shelf life. Now, a new bioresin made from tomato plantbyproductscouldmakeitsafertoeatubiquitouscannedgoods. Led by the Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Conserve Alimentari (ExperimentalStationfortheFoodPreservingIndustry),inParma,Italy,theBIO-COPAC(,theyhavebeenlinkedtodeleteriouseffectsonthefoodinside.


Saying NoTwo Countries Buck the Mining IndustryThegovernmentsofElSalvadorandCostaRicahavesuccessfullyresisteddemandsbythegoldmining industry, putting long-term environmental protectionaheadofshort-termfinancialgain. El Salvador stopped issuing gold mining permits several years ago, despite high goldpricesandthecontentionbysomethatexportinggoldwasoneofthecoun-try’sfewchancestoboosteconomicgrowth.Themajorityofitscitizensobtainwa-terfromonelargeriversystem,theLempa,andgoldmining,whichusescyanideasaprocessingagent,invariablypollutesnearbyriversandwatersheds. ThegovernmentofCostaRicahassaidnotoopen-pitmining,oneofthemostenvironmentallydestructiveminingmethods.PopularoppositionsurgedinthewakeofamajoraccidentthatledtotheclosureoftheCanadian-ownedBel-lavista open-pit gold mine.

Source: YES! magazine

Shark SnoopingSea-Surfing Robot Tracks Marine LifeAn unmanned, solar-powered Wave Glider robot has been deployed off theU.S.coastnearSanFranciscoaspartofanarsenalofocean-ob-servingtechnologiesrevealinginreal time the mysterious journeys of great white sharks and other marine creatures.Anewnetworkthatalsoincludesdatareceiversonfixedbuoyspicksupsignalsfromacous-tictagsonanimalspassingwithin1,000feetandtransmitsinformationtoaresearchteamonshore,ledbyStanfordUniversityMarineSciencesProfessorBarbaraBlock. ThetechnologyiscentraltoBlock’sBlueSerengetiInitiative,whichbuildsontheTaggingofPacificPredatorsproject,partoftheinternational Census of Marine Life (2000-2010).“Theuseofrevolu-tionarytechnologyincreasesourcapacitytoobserveouroceansandcensuspopulations,improvefisher-ies management models and monitor animalresponsestoclimatechange,”saysBlock. Shark Net is a free IoS app availableattheApplestore,createdbyBlockandhercolleaguestoen-ableadirect,personalconnectionbetweenthepublicandwildmarineanimals, and to raise awareness of theteemingoceanlifejustoffNorthAmerica’sWestCoast.


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Event sponsored by Natural Awakenings Chicago.


Native American Awareness MonthAdopt A Senior Pet MonthPeanut Butter Lovers Month

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos)All Saints Day (Christian)Bring Your Relationship into The Present Mo-ment: A Couples Retreat – Nov 1-8. Engage in pow-erful experiences that will transform relationship, improve communication and increase loving-kind-ness. With Ann Brown, of Mystic Heart Healing and David Klow, owner of Skylight Counseling Center, in Chicago and Skokie. $2,295/couple. The Present Moment Resort and Spa, Troncones Guerra, Mexico. For more info, Brown: 847-858-7576, [email protected]; or Klow at 847-529-8300 x 1, [email protected].

7th Annual Green Living Expo – 10am-3pm. Featuring over 60 eco-friendly vendors. Learn about green products and services and sustainable practices. Also includes Fox River Fish 2,500-gal-lon viewing tank stocked with over 15 varieties of native species; ISU Solar Race Car Team, includ-ing their solar race car; Electric vehicle/hybrid cars and displays. Free. McHenry County College, 8900 US Hwy 14, Crystal Lake. 815-479-7765.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2Daylight Savings Time EndsHindustani Classical, Semi-Classical & Devotional Music Concert – 9:30am-12:30pm. Presented by MA Center Chicago. Pandit Nagraj Rao Havaldar, noted vocalist from the Kirana and Jaipur-Atrauli Gharana is a disciple of Pandit Madhav Gudi and Pandit Panchakshari Swami Mattigatti. Accompanied by Dhananjay Kunte, Tabla & Vikas Falnikar, Har-monium. $50/Preferred seating; Regular seating: $25/adults, $15/age 9-18, free/under Age 8. MA Center Chicago, Satsang Hall, 41W501 Keslinger Rd, El-burn. 630-387-5077. Tickets, Suresh: 847-987-6676; Jayan: 224-210-8062; Kasi: 773-354-4209.

Day of the Dead Sacred Service – 10:30-11:45am. Day of the Dead is holiday observed throughout Latin America, which celebrates the lives of the deceased. We invite you to bring photos or memora-bilia of the special ones in your life who have passed. We will create an altar and hold sacred service to honor their lives and celebrate the eternal nature of Life itself. Free. Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866.

Reiki 1 Class – 12-6pm. Includes the history, applica-tions and current research on this light touch therapy from Japan. Take this class so you can offer first-level Reiki to yourself and others. Includes full attunement, practice time and a light lunch. NCBTMB Approved Provider; 6 CE hours. Reiki Healing Energy, 115 N Marion St, Ste 12, Oak Park. To register, Janice: 708-738-0438.

Restful Yoga Postures and the Sacred Healing Sounds of Crystal Bowls & Voice – 7-8:30pm. 1st Sun. With Marian McNair from Cellular Harmonies. Unwind, relax and restore with gentle yoga postures, the lovely sounds of the crystal bowls and Marian’s angelic voice. It can’t be described, only felt through deep relaxation in your body. $25/pre-registration, $30/walk-in. Samadhi, A Yoga Studio, 1312 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. Please register: 847-730-3677 or

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3Ashura (Islam)

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4Election DayYoga Nidra with Savita Jachim – 7pm. 1st Tues. Deeply restorative guided savasana, or relaxation pose. $10 suggested donation. Inner Balance, 350 Pfingsten, Ste 107, Northbrook. To RSVP join “In-ner Balance Meditation”: More info:

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5Women’s Networking Group – Nov 5 & Dec 3. 11:30am-1pm. Buy own lunch. Location varies around Hoffman Estates. [email protected].

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6Women’s Networking Group – Nov 6 & 20. 11:15am-12:45pm. $16 for lunch. Georgio’s, 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington. [email protected].

Calm Massage’s 5th Anniversary – 2-8pm. In-cludes free mini-treatments: hand massage, chair massage, crystal bed treatments, product demonstra-tions and free samples. Food, drinks and violin mu-sic; massage gift certificates sold at a 25% discount (limit 2). 467 Roger Williams Ave, Highland Park. 847-266-4000. [email protected].

Exploring Bach Flower Remedies – 6:30-9:30pm. Bach flower remedies are extreme dilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach, homeopath, believed to retain the healing properties of that plant’s dew. Intended for emotional and spiritual conditions, including depression, anxiety, insom-nia and stress. Dr. Damon Fazio, ND, RPE, BCPP, RPP, LMT, has over 30 years of private practice with groundbreaking work in polarity and cranial sacral therapy. 3 CEs, NCBTMB. $65. College of Lake County, Southlake Campus R230, 1120 S Milwaukee Ave, Vernon Hills. 847-543-2615.

Zero Balancing Study Group – 7-9pm. Attention Zero Balancing students and practitioners: ZB Study Group with Sheila McCarthy-Daskovsky. Review and keep your practice up to date. $15. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. To reserve a spot: 847-920-9292.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7Speak, Write, Promote: Hay House Contest – Nov 7-9. Do you have a dream to write a book, build a speaking career, appear on TV or host your own radio show? Attend and enter for a chance to win one of three spectacular prizes. With Cheryl Richardson, New York Times bestselling author, Certified Coach and multi-media leader; Reid Tracy, Hay House Presi-dent/CEO. Westin Chicago, River North, Chicago. Register: 800-654-5126 or

Reversing Type II Diabetes – 10:30am. With Dr. Kim Martin, DC, of North Shore Health Solutions, a functional medicine office. North Shore Health Solu-tions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8Introduction to Ayurveda – Event exclusively for Natural Awakenings readers. Free. Hamsa Ayurveda & Yoga Center, 3807 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago. For more info: 773-697-3640 or

Introductory Course on the Bach Flower Rem-edies – Nov 8 & 9. 9:30am-6pm. Bach International Education Program Level 1. Learn how to use flower remedies to reduce stress, alleviate worry, improve self-confidence and well-being during this Bach Centre approved, 2-day seminar. Learn about each Bach flower remedy and how to integrate this simple system into your life and practice. 12.5 NCBTMB CE. $350-$375. Chicago. Pre-registration required:

Edgar Cayce Holistic Fair – 10am-4:30pm. Ex-perience self-growth, free admission and raffles in a community of like-minded people. A variety of free lectures throughout the day. $35/30-min sessions: Akashic Records (Gwen Rubis), Angel Readings (Lin Boffelli), Aura Photography (Di-anne Reddington), Cayce-like Readings (Richard Popp), Chair Massage (Rhona Moore), Clairvoyant Readings/Relationships (Jim Piper), Energy Touch (Maureen Undine), Mediumship (Elizabeth Romo), Numerology (Philip Clark), Oil Paintings (Karen Hautzinger), Past Life Readings/Aura Healing (Rob-ert Schwartz), Tarot/Handwriting Analysis (Barbara Blount). Group Gong Healing with Petra Sliwiak at 10am-1pm, $20/person. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. [email protected].

A Day of Victories – 1-8pm. This year’s theme focuses on building connections. It is a day of in-teraction and engagement. We interact with friends, family, colleagues and strangers every day. How do we continue to expand and enrich our connections to each other? A Day of Victories brings together people who want to explore this question and evolve their relationships. Invite your partners, friends, family and neighbors who wish to spend a day of learn-ing, personal growth and community. Day is open to both men and women. Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox, Chicago. Maureen Ewing: 312-604-5013, [email protected].

Kirtan: Sing & Dance – 2-4:30pm. Dance, sing and celebrate as we say yes to love, life and bless-ings. $10. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

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AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® Center’s Two-Year Anniversary Celebration – 2-5pm. Join us as we celebrate the lives that have changed and our personal growth and evolutionary paths that continue to unfold. Great food, fun and free raffles. Let’s appreciate life and each other. Free. AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® Center Grant Park, 410 S Michigan Ave, Ste 414, Chicago. 312-881-9591. RSVP:

Chicago IANDS Presents: Kathleen Forti, PhD – 2-5pm. Kathleen Forti is a NDEr, clinical psycholo-gist and author. A near death experience in 2003 led her to bringing back information which led to the development of Trinfinti 8, a technology based on mathematical algorithms for healing used by holistic practitioners around the world. Learn how these algorithms are being used for tools of rejuvenation and spiritual change. She will do a 15-min demo at the end of the lecture. $20 suggested donation. Evanston Hospital, Frank Auditorium, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston. 847-251-5758.

Meet Bhashkar Perinchery: Mystic & Spiritual Guide, Initiator of IMU – 7-9pm. This talk can bring you into an experience way beyond the mind. $15. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9Hiking Meditation with Mystic Bhashkar in a State Park – All day. Just walking, breathing, listen-ing, sensing, being present. Nature brings us in deep contact with our natural state of joy and harmony. $65/$75 includes 3 meals. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. Register: 773-262-1468.

Documentary Film: The Phenomenon Bruno Gröening, On the Tracks of the “Miracle Healer” – 1-7pm. (Film in Polish: Nov 16). In 1949 one name dominated the headlines: Bruno Gröning. Extra editions were printed about him. There were radio and newsreel reports. A movie was filmed. Everywhere he appeared people flocked to see him. This documentary shows the dramatic events of that time objectively. Original film and sound documents, archive material, over 50 eye-witness interviews, and large-scale re-enactment scenes. Organized by The Circle for Spiritual Aid to Life, Inc. Free; donations appreciated. The Dance Building, 1330 Webford Ave, Des Plaines. Info & reservation: 773-775-8855,

Gift Certificate Give Away for a Great Cause – 2-3:30pm. Higher Brain Living facilitators in Skokie partner with 10,000 Villages (fair trade store) to support empowerment. Register at the store dur-ing this event to win gift certificates you can use to buy unique holiday gifts. For more info: [email protected].

Introduction to Biomimicry – 2-4pm. Learn how biomimicry is rewriting the sustainability story in this interactive workshop guided by Rachel Hahs, a Certified Biomimicry Professional Candidate with a decade of public and private sector environmental and sustainability experience. Workshop is a coop-erative offering from the Oak Park Conservatory, Green Community Connections and Biomimicry Chicago. $20. Oak Park Conservatory, 615 Garfield St, Oak Park. Register: 773-315-1109 or

Midlife Reboot Workshop: Living the Life You Love – 2-5pm. With Dianne Bischoff James. Reen-ergize and take steps toward reaching your highest potential with a Midlife Reboot led by award-winning author of The Real Brass Ring, Dianne Bischoff James. This workshop will open up a world of possibilities and combine a wealth of information, dynamic exercises and profound, hands-on experi-ences to illuminate pathways for greater personal passion, peace and prosperity. $35. The Present Moment, Libertyville Civic Center, 135 W Church St, Libertyville. Register:

Rev. Darrell Jones Workshop – 3-4pm. Join Rev. Darrell Jones for an afternoon of learning and meditation. Suggested love offering $20. Be Optimal Holistic Health Center, 1249 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. RSVP requested: 847-486-8000.

Restorative Yoga & Sacred Sound – 4-6pm. 2nd Sun. With Marian McNair from Cellular Harmo-nies. Unwind, relax and restore with the vibrational sounds of the crystal bowls and voice, along with restorative yoga, using props for greater support and release. Feel the deep relaxation throughout your body, allowing your mind and spirit to attune with the healing frequencies at a cellular level. It’s a calming peace that you will want to experience again and again. Heaven Meets Earth, 2746 Central St, Evanston. Please register: 847-475-1500 or

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10Extended Gong Bath – 7-9pm. With Richard Rudis. Presented by Infinity Foundation, this extended gong bath is 90 mins of transformational waves of sound that rise and fall as soothing rhythms, tonalities and vibrations tuned to the sound of AUM, the universal cord. $40, $30/10 days advance. Highland Park Community House, 1991 Sheridan Rd, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11Veteran’s DayMeditation Retreat for Inner Silence and Har-mony – Nov 11-16. With Bhashkar Perinchery, Inner Metamorphosis University founder and spiritual guide. Enjoy meditative exercises, walks in nature, presence through breath awareness and individual meetings. Cost varies and includes program, lodging and organic meals. Echo Valley Farm, Ontario, WI. Registration required: 773-262-1468 or

Daily Silent Sitting Meditation with Mystic Bhashkar – Nov 11-17. 6-7:30am. Free. Inner Meta-morphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Postpartum Massage Workshop – 8am-4pm. This workshop is appropriate for massage therapists who want to support women at a critical time in their lives. Learn the Bouncing Back from Baby SM sequence, neuromuscular therapy and myofascial release and pelvic stabilization techniques and measurement-taking procedures. Ellen Winick, MA, LMT, has over 17 years of diverse modality experience, including prenatal/postpartum massage and sports massage. 14 CEs, NCBTMB. $350. Col-lege of Lake County, Southlake Campus V336, 1120 S Milwaukee Ave, Vernon Hills. 847-543-2615.

Grand Opening of Tash Fitness – 5-8pm. Find out about the next generation of women’s only fitness. It is a new, exciting approach to a healthy lifestyle taking one change at a time in an environment of support and inspiration. No scales. No diets. Changes you can live with the rest of your life. 100% money back guarantee. Small group training, personal training, large group exercise, nutrition, child care, massage, accountability, senior and cognitive training. Call today for free consultation and Grand Opening events schedule. 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. 847-379-5777.

Seminar on Low Dose Naltrexone: A New Treat-ment for Life Threatening Diseases – 6pm. Learn how one inexpensive medication has healed many patients worldwide. Successful for people that suffer a wide range of life threatening diseases linked to immune system dysfunction. With Dr. Silvia Panitch, MD, of Lakeview Integrative Medicine and special guest Dr. Mark Mandel, Pharm D, of Mark Drugs Pharmacy & Compounding. Free. 3344 N Ashland Ave, Chicago. RSVP: 773-525-6595. For more info, Dr. Panitch: [email protected]. &

Good Fats, Bad Fats: Surprise It’s Not What You Think! – 7-8pm. Jerry Gore, MD, and Katie Bogaard, ND, will spend this evening discussing the pros and cons of cholesterol, saturated and unsaturated fats. They will discuss how they affect our hormones, create inflammation, facilitate weight gain/weight loss and help with disease prevention. Free. Center for Holistic Medicine, 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/Deerfield. For more info & to RSVP: 847-236-1701.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12Birth of the Baha’u’llah (Bahai’i)Free Golf Fitness Workshop – Nov 12, 19, 26. 5:30-6pm. Lean a quick and efficient warm-up that will help you on and off the golf course. These movements will also help decrease your aches and pains form sitting all day at work. Workshop is for anyone that just wants to move better and feel better. Space limited; 5 spots only. North Shore Na-prapathic Fitness & Wellness 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste S5. Northbrook. To reserve a spot: 847-272-3700.

Digestion Workshop – 6:30pm. Workshop with Reneé Barasch, digestive health specialist, and Amy Andrews, health detective and functional hormone specialist. Learn how how excess weight and hor-mones cause fatigue. $15. 480 Elm Place, Ste 108, Highland Park. Reservations required: 847-207-2034. For more info:,.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Organize Your Kitchen to Lose Weight – 6:30-8:30pm. Join Tash Fitness and Strategies for Orga-nizing to see what you can do to reduce challenges in your kitchen to lose weight. Bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

Qigong for Women’s Breast Health – 7-8:30pm. Join Larry Stoler, PhD, to learn self-healing prac-tices based on Traditional Chinese Medicine ap-proaches to breast health. Learn to identify early warning signs of energy stagnation and internal imbalance and be given tools for prevention and overall wellness. $50, includes practice DVD. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. 847-920-9292.

Healthcare 411: Seeking Solutions for Foot Pain – 7:30-9pm. Dr. Vijay Patel, DC, discusses many of the common reasons for foot pain, including plantar fasciitis, bunions and other issues. Find out which treatments work and can provide pain relief to help you return to your everyday activities. Free. Mount Prospect Public Library, 10 S. Emerson St. Register: 847-253-5675 or

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13Vegan Indian Cook-Off – 6:30-9pm. Watch a few volunteer amateur chefs improvise vegan Indian recipes and help us pick the winner. Arya Bhavan’s Chef Kirti will choose the ingredients and give only 1 suggestion to the contestants; the rest will be up to their creativity and culinary intuition. Attendee price: $22 plus tax (includes vegan buffet and tasting of the cook-off recipes). Participation prize for all contestants & special prizes for the winners, plus all contestants eat for free. Arya Bhavan, 2508 W De-von, Chicago. Reservations required: 773-274-5800. For details & to volunteer as one of the chefs/con-testants: [email protected].

Awaken Your Potential Through the Power of Your Brain – 7-8:30pm. Learn about a revolution-ary method for activating the most evolved part of your brain to create the life of your dreams. $75 but free if register at least 72 hours in advance. 5225 Old Orchard Rd, Ste 36, Skokie. To register: 312-488-9599 or [email protected].

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14Chicago Fair Trade’s Globalfest Latin America – 5:30-9pm. Celebrate and support the growing fair trade movement. Enjoy

food, an open bar, a fabulous silent auction, and visit the Day of the Dead Exhibit. National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W 19th St, Chicago. Tickets: 312-212-1760 or

Music: “Good (And Good For You) Vibrations” – 7:30-9:30pm. With Ron Hounsell. Join us for an experience of music, sound and the other senses, some discussion of recent research about how the brain and music work together, how music can im-pact memory and aging, “good” and “bad” music and more. $25, $20/A.R.E. members. The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. To register: 847-299-6535.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago: Fifth Annual Consumer Conference – 9am-3:15pm. Ex-ploring Epilepsy & Sharing Solutions. Free. Crowne

Plaza Chicago Metro Hotel, 733 W Madison, Chi-cago. Details:

Unlimited Power, Spirit and Success – 9am-4pm. With Sandra Taylor, best-selling author or Quantum Success, and Sharon Anne Klinger best-selling au-thor of Power of Words. Learn creative techniques for boosting the power of consciousness and connecting with Spirit to feel the peace and synchronicity of our unlimited Universe. CEUs available. $100, $85/10 days advance. National Lewis University, 5202 Old Orchard Rd, Skokie. Register: 847-831-8828.

Green up Your Holiday Gift Giving & Wrapping: DIY – 11am-1pm. Learn to green up your holiday gift giving, wrapping and decorating. We’ll have supplies on hand, but bring old items you’d like to transform to something new. Cummings Square, Cook County Forest Preserves, 536 N Harlem, River Forest. For details & to register: 708-771-1373.

Women’s Health Workshop – 11am-1pm. Dr. Nick LeRoy and Rachelle Meade, RD, will discuss the natural treatment of hormonal imbalances that relate to PMS, menopause and PCOS, thyroid condi-tions, weight loss and osteoporosis. Learn how diet and nutrition influence common women’s health conditions, and about the latest research in unique nutraceuticals that influence these conditions. Free. Illinois Center for Progressive Health, 1002 W Lake St, Chicago. Reserve a seat: 312-243-3338.

Divas and Angels – 6:30-7:30pm. What are Guard-ian Angels and how do you converse with your own? Learn more from Vincent, a Pagan Enochian magician. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Fundraiser Kirtan – 7:30pm. With Radha and The Bhakti Caravan. Kirtan is a form of meditation with mantras and engaging rhythms, melodies and chant-ing. No experience necessary. $10/preregistered by Nov 15; $15/at the door. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park. 847-831-8828.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16Fitness Taster – 10am-12pm. Do you know what POUND group exercise is all about? How about PiYo? Want to try 2-3 hrs of group exercise classes presented by some of the most dynamic instructors in the North Shore? Join us at Tash Fitness to expe-rience 15-20-min tasters including your favorites, Zumba, yoga and Pilates. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

Envisioning a World Transformed – 11am-3:30pm. Hosted by Greenheart Transforms. Presentations, demonstra-tions and interactive exhibits to learn of

the many ways we can carry out an eco-friendly lifestyle in Chicago. Learn about local ventures in urban farming, sustainable fashion, DIY prod-ucts, zero waste initiatives, responsible travel, health and well-being and community advocacy. Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 2430 N Cannon Dr, Chicago. 312-264-1696. Tickets:

Sacred Authenticity: Transform the Sacred Mas-culine and Goddess Within – 1-4pm. With Andrew Harvey. This session embraces the new vision of sacred masculinity along with the emancipation of the goddess to create full empowerment, liberation, and radical divine embodiment for men and women. These seemingly opposites are capable of being brought together through goddess/god wisdom. $70, $60/10 days advance. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828.

The Four Goals of a Human Life – 3:30-6pm. With Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya from Amma’s ashram near St. Charles (MA Center Chicago). A discourse on the importance of sounds and vibrations in chant-ing bhajans. 543 Michigan Ave, Evanston. For more info: [email protected].

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17Fall/Winter Detoxification Class – 7-8:30pm. Plan a pre- or post-holiday detox program that works. Join Dr Thor Conner of World Tree Natural Medicine for a jam-packed presentation on creat-ing a manageable, effective fall/winter detoxifi-cation plan. Free. World Tree Natural Medicine, 17W703-F Butterfield Rd, Oakbrook Terrace. 630-359-5522. Please RSVP: [email protected].

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18Keeping Your Balance: Fall Prevention Strate-gies – 1:30-3pm. Stay safe, secure and independent as you grow older by reducing your risk of falling and causing injury. Alex Sison, an occupational therapist at the Abington of Glenview, discusses and demonstrates fall-prevention techniques. Free. Mount Prospect Public Library, 10 S. Emerson St. Register: 847-253-5675 or

Develop a Polished Presence – 6:30-8:30pm. Whether you are being considered for a promotion, adapting to a job change, starting an encore career, attending an event, or starting to date again, present-ing a polished appearance is key to your overall presence. In this fun, informative and interactive program, Susan will highlight the elements of a polish presence and will show you wardrobe capsule groupings and share her list of must-haves. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

3rd Tuesday Meditation – 7pm. Join a community of peace seekers. Open to drop-ins of all levels, this guided 90-min meditation by psychotherapist & yogi Ellen (Radha) Katz and her colleagues. Inner Bal-ance, 350 Pfingsten, Ste 107, Northbrook. To RSVP join “Inner Balance Meditation”: More info:

All About Beavers – 7pm. Beavers play a critical role in wetland ecosystems, including creating habitat for birdlife. USDA wildlife biologist, Craig Bloomquist, will discuss these rodents’ habits, im-portance, colony life and why we should care. Free. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. For more info & complete schedule, Rena Cohen: 847-831-0331.

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savethedateLiving Long and Healthy, Naturally – 7-8:30pm. Dr. Kristen Bobik, DC, presents a three-stage strategy for maintaining or regaining your health naturally by addressing these areas: nutrition, stress, sleep and activity. Free. Schaumburg Library, 130 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. Registration required: 847-985-4000. More info: 847-310-0303.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19Understanding and Recognizing Your Dharma – 9:30-11:30am. With Ellen Katz, psychotherapist and meditation guide. Common Ground, 815 Rosemary Terrace, Deerfield. For details: [email protected]. Register:

Simple Steps to Overcome Emotional Eating – 6:30-8:30pm. Join us for a discussion of the signs, symptoms and possible solutions to overcoming emotional eating. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20World Children’s DayTransgender Day of RemembranceWomen’s Networking Group – 11:15am-12:45pm. $16 for lunch. Georgio’s, 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington. [email protected].

Introduction to Essential Oils – 6:30-7:30pm. Join us for an enlightening talk about therapeutic-grade essential oils where we will explore a brief history as well as numerous uses and health benefits includ-ing, but not limited to: stress reduction, immune support, mental focus, and mood elevation. Free. JBS Wellness, 731 S IL Rte 21, Ste 140, Gurnee. 847-680-9200.

Manifesting with Ease or How to Overcome the Stress of the Holidays – 6:30-8:30pm. Join Oksana Gritsenko, certified life and mind coach, to discover how you can have fun and truly enjoy a pleasant time rather than work hard and stress over this holiday season. Free. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

Free Shiatsu Intro – 7-9pm. Learn fundamental techniques and philosophies of Zen Shiatsu, and chat with current students and instructors. Free. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. 847-864-1130.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21Reversing Type II Diabetes – 10:30am. With Dr. Kim Martin, DC, of North Shore Health Solutions, a functional medicine office. North Shore Health Solu-tions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22Jotowe’gocnah (Return of Big Cold Moon)

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23Thanksgiving Fellowship Feast – 12-1pm. This is the perfect time to celebrate gratitude for life and for our spiritual community. We would like to honor all those who serve in our community on this day. Luciano Pavarotti once said, “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” Free. Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24Amma Visiting Michigan – Nov 24-28. Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) will visit during the Thanksgiving holidays, offering public programs and a retreat. For details:

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26The Grateful Heart: Thanksgiving Eve Service – 7pm. A candlelight ceremony of thanksgiving will be led by Greg Barrette, minister of Unity Northwest Church. Those who attend will have an opportunity to share their gratitude with the congregation as they light a candle. Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-297-0997.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28Buy Nothing Day

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29See for the latest events.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30See for the latest events.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 1Beginning Zen Shiatsu – Dec 1-5. 10am-5pm. Learn how to give a basic 1-hr shiatsu treatment that you can share with friends and family. Course is a stand-alone offering; also the first 30 hrs of our complete shiatsu certification programs. $450 plus books. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. 847-864-1130.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2Malcolm Smith, International Healer – Dec2-4. By appt. 9am-6pm. 30-min private healing sessions for $90. Malcolm is also available for a limited number of remote healings in the evenings. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. To schedule: 847-299-6535 or [email protected].

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3Women’s Networking Group – 11:30am-1pm. Buy own lunch. Location varies around Hoff-man Estates. [email protected].

Hidden Messages of Crystals and Stones – 6:30-8:30pm. Crystals and gems all have certain powers and each one its own hidden gifts that we can use in our daily lives. Learn how to select the stones to wear and use them with awareness, based on your individual needs. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys For Tots. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. To register: 847-379-5777.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4Brain Chemistry: Understanding the Physiol-ogy Behind Mood & Behavior – 6:30-7:30pm. For those suffering with mild to severe anxiety, depression, ADD, OCD, sleep problems, or anger, this seminar is for you. Dr. Jill Balla Shaw, DC, will explore the physiology behind our mood and behaviors, provide a better understanding of what triggers these issues, and natural ways to improve our brain chemistry. Free. JBS Wellness, 731 S IL Rte 21, Ste 140, Gurnee. 847-680-9200.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7Reiki Clinic – 3-5pm. Receive a sample Reiki session (20 mins) from multiple practitioners. Experience deep relaxation, decreased stress and anxiety, greater clarity and improved sleep. Each session is individually customized to your needs and accelerates healing on all levels. $10. Reiki Healing Energy, 115 N Marion St, Ste 12, Oak Park. To schedule time slot, Janice: 708-738-0438.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 8Back to the Heart: A Poetic Odyssey Home – 7-8:30pm. By joining with Paul Kachoris, MD, in the reading and discussion of his “poetry of self-expression,” participants will connect actively to the emotional experiences of their lives: finding the riches that lie within their “light” and most importantly, to recognize and honor the “gifts” within their “shadow,” bringing all into an inner wholeness: a homecoming to the heart. $30. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. 847-920-9292.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21A Once in a Lifetime Celebration with Bar-bara Marx Hubbard – 3-6:30pm. Happy 85th Birthday Barbara! We will enjoy champagne, cake, appetizers and conversation with Barbara. Limited seating. All donations are tax deductible at this fundraiser. $150/adult, $200 with Cham-pagne Toast Photo. Held at a private residence, Burr Ridge. For tickets & more info: 847-660-4454 For more on Barbara Marx Hubbard:

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Daily All Month$49.99 1-Hr Swedish Massage – Thru Nov. The classic form full-body soft tissue massage, relaxes the body, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, enhances range of motion, eases muscle aches and tension, and ultimately calms the nervous sys-tem. 50 minutes. Deep tissue massage is extra $10 charge. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130.

$65 Nail & Tongue Check Up – Thru Nov. Finger nails and tongue are two important markers of physi-cal health, and can be a tool for early diagnostic of health problems. Size, color and shape are able to reveal the condition of 5 major organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney; they also shows malnutri-tion, anemia, heavy metals and digestive issues. Nails are meridian points of the body, and they reflect long-term problems. Tongue reveals immedi-ate conditions. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glen-view Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130.

BG Organic Salon Special – Ladies receive com-plimentary deep conditioning treatment with any hair service. Men receive a complimentary scalp massage that will rejuvenate hair. Good for normal, dry or oily hair. 6704 N Northwest Hwy, Chicago. 773-763-6322.

Earn A Bioregional Herbalism Certificate In 8 Weekends in 2015 From The Resiliency Insti-tute – Linda Conroy, 20-year herbalist and owner of Moonwise Herbs, will teach students how to incorporate herbs into their daily life and develop the skills to use herbs for common ailments and injuries. Plant walks and hands-on projects each weekend. Naperville. Register in 2014 and save:

Free Haircut with an All-Over Color – Get an all-over color for $85 and receive a free haircut valued at $60. Upstairs Hair Affair, 5901 Demp-ster St, Ste 203, Morton Grove. 847-737-5315.

Free Invisalign® Consultation – Thru Nov. A BPA- and metal-free alternative to traditional braces. Dr. Alla Aver, DDS. A Center for Dental Healing, 1300 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. To schedule an appt: 847-998-5100.

Hamsa Ayurveda & Yoga Center Special – Thru Nov. Customers that book an initial consultation and lifestyle program will receive a free abhyanga medicinal oil massage ($95 value). Customers that book an abhyanga oil massage receive a free steam ($35 value). 3807 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago. For more info: 773-697-3640 or

Kundalini Yoga from Science to Faith – Focus of this weekly group is the use of kundalini yoga, yantra yoga, sound, light, breath, forgiveness and advanced yogic to practices to liberate our flow of energy so that we can flow once again with life. Soma Arts, 5215 N Ravenswood, Ste 307, Chicago. 773-236-7662.

Mind, Body Fitness Classes – Pilates, yoga, dance, Aerial Hammock, Reformer and more. $10-$35. Pilates Plus, 654 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. 847-923-1201. More info:

Organic Keratin Smoothing Treatment Special – $100 off on an organic keratin smoothing treatment. Upstairs Hair Affair, 5901 Dempster St, Ste 203, Mor-ton Grove. 847-737-5315.

Silent Sitting – 6am-7:30am. The Silent Sitting Practice is of a neutral nature and can be practiced by everyone irrespective of one’s cultural and reli-gious background. We consciously allow ourselves to be without interfering, just wakefully present to ourselves. Free. Inner Metamorphosis Univer-sity, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Stress Management Free Consultation – Thru Nov. Do you have ADHD, Autism, or other specific learning difficulties? Are you under a lot of emotion-al stress or pain? Schedule a free consultation with Shelby Kremin, Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique practitioner, to start on your path to feel-ing your absolute best. HealthSmart, 2565 Shermer Rd, Northbrook. 312-342-3077.

SundayThe Mike Nowak Show – 9-11am. Weekly local radio program with topics that run the horticultural and environmental gamut: urban farming, plant and animal biodiversity, cleaning up our rivers, protecting our forest preserves, organic lawn care, recycling, energy audits and more. Mike will make you laugh while he makes you think. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPT-FM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). Call-in: 773-763-9278. Feminine Divine Support Group – 10-11:30am. Through study, ritual, we learn the impact of the Divine Feminine and how much her wisdom, healing is needed. Through supporting and sharing our intui-tive wisdom, authentic greatness, healing powers, we manifest beauty, harmony. Join our support group honoring the Sacred Feminine; become the Feminine Divine. Women’s Wisdom, The Dance Building, 1330 Webford, Des Plaines. 847-258-7225.

Abundant Life Spiritual Center Sunday Service – 10:30-11:40am. An uplifting Sunday celebration service with an inspiring spiritual message that directly applies to your life now. Pop/rock/indie music provided by The Grateful Living. Free. Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866.

Out Chicago Radio Program – 11am-1pm. The only local and live LGBT radio show in the Chicago Metro Area. Out Chicago is an outstanding new show about LGBT life, current events and civil rights hosted by Scott Duff, a Chicago-based actor, comedian, theatre educator and activist. A gradu-ate of Northwestern University, he is a founding member of About Face Theatre. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPT-FM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). Call-in: 773-763-WCPT.

Noon Meditations – 12pm. Take time to regenerate yourself. Make time for meditation, quiet reflection and an inspirational message of wisdom from Sri Goswami Kriyananda and the Temple swamis. Do-nation. The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 2414 N Kedzie Blvd, Chicago. 773-342-4600.

Open-Level Hatha Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Char-lotte Hammond. Start your week right with a gift to yourself. Open-level Hatha at a true urban lotus with an experienced teacher. Plenty of parking. Ring buzz-er for access. $10, cash only. Urban Lotus Yoga, 2950 W Chicago Ave, Ste 201, Chicago. 312-547-9247.

Transcendental Meditation: What it is, How it works, Why it works – 3:30pm. Also Wed, 7pm. With Dr. Paul & Carol Morehead. Easy to learn and enjoyable to practice. 20 mins twice a day provides deep, rejuvenating rest to mind and body. The Evan-ston TM Center, 2304 Hartzell St, Evanston. RSVP: 847-563-8437, [email protected].

Community Yoga Nidra – 3:30-5pm. 3rd Sun. With Savita (Laura Jachim). A guided meditation technique that renews the physical body and releases the mind to unconscious obstacles and energetic blocks. Be Optimal, 1249 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. 847-477-3069.

INSIDE’s Sunday Night Music Series – 7-9pm. Do you feel bored and boring on Sunday nights? Come to McHenry and come alive. We have fea-tured artists and improv jams in a salon setting. A great date night. $10 suggested donation. IN-SIDE, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-575-7997.

MondayGentle Yoga – 10-11am. This is a great way to be introduced to yoga, a relaxing, gentle class. First class free; $12. Keep The Beat Wellness, 333 Skokie Blvd, Ste 106, Northbrook. 847-559-1992.

Gluten-Free Monday – 10am-7pm. All gluten-free grocery items 10% off all-day long. Free. Earthly Goods Health Foods, 6951 Grand Ave, Gurnee. 847-855-9677.

Footbath Detox Mondays – 11am-6pm. Slug-gishness, fatigue, low energy and poor sleep? A 30-min ionic footbath stimulates cells to release toxins and rebalance the cellular system that is responsible for overall health. The process continues after the toxins are dislodged during treatment, allowing your entire body to func-tion optimally. Save $10. Nutritional Health Solutions, 480 Elm Pl, Ste 108, Highland Park. 847-207-2034.

Raw Vegan Nights at Arya Bhavan – 6-9pm. En-joy generous platters of raw vegan Indian delights (gluten-free options also available). Signature dishes include: raw vegan Indian pizza, seaweed and vege-tables rolls, raw ravioli, curried mungbean sprouts, and raw coconut macaroons. $20 + tax. Half-price for kids ages 3-9. Arya Bhavan, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. 773-274-5800.

“Let’s Get Healthy Today” Support Group – 6:30-8pm. Are you tired of being tired, confused about what to eat, why your body is sick, how to fix it, and why diets have failed for you? You’re not alone. $10 suggested donation. INSIDE, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-575-7997.

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Yang Style Tai Chi, Qigong & Standing Medita-tion – 7:15-8:15pm. Ancient mind-body-spirit dis-ciplines increase the flow of qi (energy) throughout the body, thereby promoting health and wellbeing. $120/10 wks, $15/drop-in. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Beginning Astrology Level 2 – Begins Nov 3. 7:30-9:30pm. 6-wk class. Learn transits, progres-sions, synastry, composite charts, solar arcs and solar returns from Lin Ewing. Sample charts, student charts and any students wish to investigate are used. Detailed handouts given. $180. Life Force Arts Cen-ter, 1609 W Belmont Ave, Chicago. 773-327-7224. [email protected].

Tuesday$60 Organic Deep Cleansing Facial – Thru Nov. Tues & Thurs only. Customized facial offers deep exfoliation, hydration, and extractions, using all-natural and organic ingredients. Products are specific to each individual’s skin type from sensitive, dry, or dehydrated. It dramatically increases blood flow to detoxify the skin and increases cellular renewal while healing herbal masques clam and soothe your skin. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130.

Qigong Level One – 5:15-6:15pm. Class focuses on the subtle, yet powerful art of qigong: movement with coordinated breathing. And above all, intention in the present moment, on the vital life force that we are. $14/class, $12 each 5 classes, $10 each 10 class-es. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evan-ston. 847-864-1130. [email protected].

Kid’s Yin Yang Yoga and Tai Chi – 5:30pm With Debra LaMantia and Paulie Zink. For kids 8 & up. A combo class of yin yang yoga and tai chi. $12/class, $50/package of 5. Stirling Tai Chi Society, 1123 N Ashland Ave, Chicago. 847-337-9124.

Ongoing Spiritual Journey – 6-8pm. Included group guided meditation and energy share. $20. Jen Z’s Beauty Services, 2665 Waukegan Ave, lower level, Highland Park. Please RSVP: 847-433-8401.

Shiatsu Student Clinic – 7 or 8pm. At our popular Advanced Student Clinic, clients can receive a 45-min session from an advanced Zen Shiatsu student. Sessions are performed in a group setting with instructor observation. Live shakuhachi and singing bowl music is provided by Jia Senghe. $35/45-min or $90/3 treatments. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chi-cago Ave, Evanston. Availability limited; for appts: 847-864-1130.

Community Yoga Nidra – 7-8:30pm. 1st Tues. With Savita (Laura Jachim). A guided medita-tion technique that renews the physical body and releases the mind to unconscious obstacles and energetic blocks. Inner Balance, 350 Pf-ingsten, Ste 107, Northbrook. 847-477-3069.

Yin/Yang Yoga – 7:30-8:30pm. Promotes flexibility and healing, develops the flow of energy in your body and enlivens your innate ability to move with fluidity, power and grace. Master Paulie Zink style. $12-$17. Chicago Yoga Center, 3047 N Lincoln Ave, Unit 320, Chicago. 773-327-3650.

Tai Chi Class – 8:15pm. Also Sat, 9am. Reduce stress; increase flexibility and balance; improve mus-cle strength and definition; increase energy; stamina and agility. Wear flat-soled shoes and loose fitting clothes. $10/class. Whole Health Acupuncture, 50 Turner Ave, Elk Grove Village. 847-357-3929.

WednesdaySoma Yoga Therapy – With Allison Wilmes. Uses the tools of conscious alignment, modified postures, props and the breath to relieve pain, especially the pain we cause ourselves through unconscious habitual ways of moving our body. Libertyville Massage Therapy Clinic, 128 Newberry Ave, Libertyville. For time & cost info: 847-680-0077.

Morning Yoga Class – 9:30am. Also Sat. With Svet-lana Stillman. A great way to start your day. House of Ayurveda, 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste C6, Northbrook. 224-723-5797.

Happy Hour Free Acupuncture – 11am-1pm. Initial evaluation and treatment for instant pain relief or any other health concerns. The most natural medical approach in the universe: no drugs, just your body’s ability to heal itself. Free. Deerfield Community Acupuncture, 405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211, Deerfield. 847-845-4090.

Community Acupuncture at So Well – 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm. Relax, detox, relieve stress, sleep better. What ails you? How can we make you feel So Well? All sessions are 45 min each and done in our tropical cabana ocean side room on anti-gravity chairs while experiencing this ancient heal-ing modality. $25/1 session; $75/5 sessions. RSVP preferred. So Well, 4819 Main St, Skokie. For more info: 847-676-5571.

Total Dancing – 6-7pm. Meditative exercise. Dance is one of the most natural and easy bridges to a state of intensity and receptivity. Being total we feel in joy and in oneness with life. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Become a Hands-On Healer – 7-9pm. Is your every breath alive with possibility? Do you want to inspire peace when you walk into a room? Find your tribe, strengthen your intuition, heal your past. $10 suggested donation. INSIDE, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-575-7997.

ThursdayFree Class on Himalayan Salt – 2nd Thurs. Why your body needs the 84 minerals. So Well, 4819 Main St, Skokie. RSVP: 847-676-5571.

Free 15-Minute Consultation with AcuGraph – 1-7pm. Online schedule every Thursday per ap-pointment only and online schedule only. Bridge to Health Acupuncture Clinic, 4751 W Touhy, Ste 304, Lincolnwood. Info: 847-979-4913. To schedule:

Happy Hour Free Acupuncture – 3-5pm. Initial evaluation and treatment for instant pain relief or any other health concerns. The most natural medical approach in the universe: no drugs, just your body’s ability to heal itself. Free. Deerfield Community Acupuncture, 405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211, Deerfield. 847-845-4090.

Feldenkrais – 5-6pm. Awareness through Move-ment is a guided self-exploration using gentle movements; a means to attain a higher degree of freedom in our lives. $100/10-classes pre-paid, $12/drop-in. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Women Healers Support Group – 6-8pm. When you help others heal, you need people to help you heal. Be understood, be heard, be helped. A Talking Circle-style support group for those of us who care. $10 suggested donation. INSIDE, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-575-7997.

Meditation Introduction – 6:15-7:15pm. Class is an introduction to playful guided meditative exercises for beginners and time for questions. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

INSIDE’s Open Mike – 7-9pm. Tired of playing in your garage? Need some fantastic inspiration? Open Mike at INSIDE is for all those left of center’s who crave or are an audience. $10 suggested donation. INSIDE, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-575-7997.

FridayEmotional Expression Meditation: Navaras – 6-7pm. Mystic Bhashkar Perinchery, initiator of the IMU, has developed meditative exercises, self-inquiring, allowing expression, harmonizing. $70/7-wk series, $12/drop-in. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Gluten-Free, Vegan, Raw Pizza Nights at Arya Bhavan – 6-9pm. Buffet-style choices of gluten-free, vegan and raw pizza. From mild to spicy, each with its own twist. No GMO, no MSG. Dine-in, takeout or delivery. $20 + tax (delivery charges are extra). Price includes all-you-can-eat pizza, 1 “Daily Special” drink and 1 gluten-free, nuts-free, soy-free vegan ice cream. Other menu items available at regular listed price. Arya Bhavan, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. 773-274-5800.

Loving Kindness Meditation – 6:30-7:30pm. Free group guided meditation for peace and relax-ation. We have been providing this free community event in Evanston for over 14 years. Drop-ins wel-come as no registration is required and all of the supplies are provided. 2153 Ashland Ave, Ste 3, Evanston. 847-866-0505.

SaturdayMighty House Radio Program – 8-11am. Funny, friendly experts with answers and ideas to help with all of your home improvement projects. Join Ron Cowgill, Robbie Ehrhardt, Rich Cowgill and the Mighty House team each Saturday morn-ing to get help with all your home improvement and repair issues. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPT-FM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). Call-in: 773-763-WCPT.

Tai Chi Class – 9am. See Tuesday listing. Whole Health Acupuncture, 50 Turner Ave, Elk Grove Vil-lage. 847-357-3929.

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53natural awakenings November 2014

AKASHIC CONSULTATIONAKASHIC RECORD READING – Open the record of your soul’s journey to find information to support you in your life right now, heal your past and help you into your future. Heal. Grow. Inves-tigate. Find direction. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034.

ASTROLOGYASTROLOGY – Understand yourself, your motivations, your feelings. Recognize your talents, strengths, successes. Overcome difficul-ties and confusion. Astrology can help pull it all together. Relationships. Career. Plan the future. Serious astrology for serious seekers. Private, personal consultations. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034.

HIRINGRELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT/SALES – Excellent opportunity for flexible part-time work with great rewards. Natural Awakenings Chicago is seeking a self-motivated professional with strong interpersonal and communication skills to introduce businesses to the benefits of advertis-ing to our community in print and online. Ideal candidate must be self-motivated, organized and creative in sourcing suitable clients and events to target. You must enjoy talking on the phone and hosting face-to-face meetings, as well as enjoy working both from your home and from the road, and have previous ad-sales experience. You’ll need at least 15-20 flexible day-time hours per week to prosper. Occasional weekend and evening time required to attend events and network. Pay is gen-erous commission, plus bonuses. Email your name, a brief description of your experience and your phone number to [email protected].

MISCELLANEOUSDONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND – Free 3-day va-cation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. 800-301-8058.

OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLENAPERVILLE OFFICES – North Naperville, 2 offices for sublease monthly, daily or hourly. 240 sq ft and 156 sq ft. Great parking, windows, new carpet and paint. 630-428-9001.

classifiedsRIVER NORTH WELLNESS FRONT STORE OFFICE – Wednesday/weekends. Three treat-ments rooms, restroom, waiting area, office, washer/dryer, kitchenette. No acupuncturists or chiropractors. 312-399-4919.

SUB-LEASE – We have an opening for a health-care practitioner in our multi-provider modern wellness office! We’re located in the NW suburbs just off of I-90 & Barrington Rd. Please contact us if we’ve reached you at an opportune time. Email [email protected] and we’ll send you details and photos!

PRODUCTSSAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB – Alert for seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4-inch step-in. Wide door. Anti-slip floors. American made. Installation included. Call 800-690-2268 for $750 Off.

REAL ESTATEVEgEtaRian/VEgan REaltoR in WEstERn subuRbs – My company’s motto is “The Standard of Excellence.” My goal is to fulfill that standard with every client with whom I work. I would love to hear from you about what your real estate requirements are or to answer any questions you have with regards to residential real estate. Isabel Wolf, Broker, ABR. Charles Rutenberg Realty, 1733 Park St, Ste 150, Naperville, 60563. 630-728-2490.

SERVICESALL THINGS BASEMENTY! – Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, finishing, structural repairs, humidity and mold control. Free estimates! 800-668-8230.

EXPERiEnCE YouR HigHEst PotEn-tial FoR oPtiMal WEllnEss – With Dr. Weissman’s revolutionary natural healing system, The LifeLine Technique. In-home, Skype, phone. Lisa: 847-373-1733, [email protected].

Core Vinyasa Yoga – 9-10:30am. A deep move-ment flow using Forrest Yoga alignment principles. $110/10-class pass, $15/drop in. Inner Metamorpho-sis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. Year round. Heritage Prairie Farm, 2N308 Brundige Rd, Elburn. 630-443-5989.

Morning Yoga Class – 9:30am. Also Wed. With Svetlana Stillman. A great way to start your day. House of Ayurveda, 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste C6, Northbrook. 224-723-5797.

Yang Style Tai Chi, Qigong & Standing Medita-tion – 10:45-11:45am. These ancient mind-body-spirit disciplines increase the flow of qi (energy) throughout the body, thereby promoting health and wellbeing. $120/10 wks, $15/drop-in. Inner Meta-morphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.

MMH Meditation Open House (3 locations) – 12-4pm. Looking for truth? Looking to eliminate stress? An introductory class offering instruction in the philosophy and practice of MMH medita-tion for enhanced health, well-being and spiritual growth. All are welcome. Free. 1275 Shermer Rd, Ste 1, Northbrook, 847-663-9776. 920 N Loomis St, Naperville, 630-237-4166. 401 S LaSalle St, Ste 900, Chicago, 312-222-8989. 888-979-6286.

Free Chats on Kunlun® System – 3pm. Discover more about a powerful and transformative system of practices to awaken one’s potential and connection with the root. Chats are casual allowing for ques-tion and answer regarding this system. Free. Pure Juice Café, 24 S Evergreen Ave, Arlington Heights.

Vet Talk Radio Program – 6-7pm. Program hosted by U.S. Marine Corps Vet Antonio Correa and Fred Newson of the U.S. Navy. Both men have lived the life of a military man, and now they are working to give a voice to the veterans. Gain a new perspective on the issues facing veterans today. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPT-FM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South).

Inspirational Movies – 8pm. Not held 1st Sat. Movies from around the world. Glimpse into other cultures, lifestyles, and diverse perspectives of lives. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago, Rogers Park. 773-262-1468.


YOU BUY:make the

green choice.

Beauty is whatever gives joy.~EdnaSt.VincentMillay

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54 Chicago

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care & green living in our community.


BRIDGE TO HEALTH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC4751 W Touhy, Ste 304, Lincolnwood 60712 847-979-4913

Relieve stress and pain, address addictions and improve overall health with acupuncture. We combine Eastern and Western approaches to pain relief, and offer a unique AcuGraph (Acupuncture Digital Exam) to provide a readout of your acu-puncture meridians to identify and classify your energy imbalances and improve treatment results. Insurance accepted.

DEERFIELD COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE 405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211 847-845-4090

Quick pain relief, long-lasting re-sults, sliding scale pricing of $20-$40/treatment where you pay what you can afford. Offering acupunc-ture and Oriental Medicine in truly

peaceful and healing environment. Open early/late hours, 7 days a week. For more info, testimonials, or to schedule an appointment, call 847-845-4090 or visit


847-901-1800 •

Open the door to healing and balance through acu-puncture. Mitzi Labant, Andrea Friedman Ishika-wa and Cynthia Funai specialize in pain related problems, infertility, NAET (allergy elimination technique), anxiety, depression and chemo/radia-tion side-effects. They can successfully treat CFS/fibromyalgia, immune system problems, insom-nia, menopausal issues and other ailments in a re-laxed and nurturing environment.

WHOLE HEALTH ACUPUNCTURE50 E Turner Ave, Elk Grove Village 847-357-3929

Offering community acupuncture on a slid-ing scale from $15-$40. Acupuncture is most af-

fective when done consistently and for a full course of treatment. This brings faster relief, so you can get back to work and the things that you enjoy. Pricing lets you afford to have acupuncture simply because it feels good.


LENORE WEISS, AIA, LEED-APLenore Weiss Studios, LLC 847-291-8285

Lenore Weiss Studios, LLC, offers high-quality residential and commercial architec-tural and interior design. It provides “environmen-tal awareness” on every level; from a broader eco-logical scope of sustainable and healthy building solutions, to the careful attention to detail that suc-cessfully shapes clients’ own supportive personal surroundings. For more information, please visit


JEN Z’S BEAUTY SERVICES2665 Waukegan Ave, LL, Highland Park 60035 847-433-8401

Beauty for the mind, body and soul. Services include: facials, waxing, makeup, spray tan, massage, all nail services. Jen Z’s specializes in some of the world’s most advanced neutra-ceuticals and weight management products and services. For your full-body wellness, we also of-fer Reiki, wellness consults, readings and guided meditation.


ROTH STRUCTURAL INTEGRATIONDiane Roth, BCSI Highland Park, 60035 847-831-3213 •

Structural Integration (SI) realigns, rebalances and re-educates the body through man-ual therapy and movement education. Chronic pain, bad posture, tired and achy bodies are signs that the body is out of balance. SI benefits include decreased pain, injury rehabilitation, improved posture, ease in movement, and increased flexibility and stamina.

ZEN SHIATSU CHICAGO825 Chicago Ave, Evanston 60202 847-864-1130

You’ll feel the stress melt away like the snow in spring through our relaxation-focused shiatsu massage practice, which offers the same energiz-ing benefits as acupuncture combined with the restorative power of yoga poses. Dress in cozy threads, shiatsu is performed on fully clothed cli-ents. Professional and student therapists available. See ad on back cover.


ZERO BALANCING WELLNESS CENTERMary H. Murphy, LMT, CZB, CST-D 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette 60091 847-920-9292 •

Zero Balancing (ZB) works with the flow of chi through the skeletal system. Gentle, and energizing, a ZB session leaves the client with a wonderful feeling of body-mind integration and energized relaxation. ZB can help relieve body pain, emotional distress and boost well-being. Re-ceived clothed, ZB addresses the whole person.


MARNY TURVILL, MDEvanston 60201 847-864-9098 [email protected]

Has your life been taken over by PTSD, a concussion or other TBI,

chemical sensitivities, anxiety, or a child with learning or behavior problems? If you are ready to take back control and thrive, contact Dr. Marny now! You can feel better, think better and behave better without medications!


KIDZ N MOMS NATURAL HEALTH CARESamana Jasper, PT, RYT, CBP Evanston 60202 312-256-5662

Help your child through the practice of yoga. Yoga focuses the mind and calms the nervous system. Through yoga children regain balance. Samana Jasper is a licensed physical therapist and certified yoga instructor. Individual yoga sessions are done in Evanston studio or your home. Call for a free phone consultation.


CENTERED COACHINGDr. Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, PCC 847-831-5660

Professional certified life coach and licensed clinical psychologist with over 20 years experience in health and wellness. Specializing in emotional eating issues, non-dieting weight loss, healthy lifestyle coaching, mindfulness medita-tion training, and stress management. Mentored by bestselling author Geneen Roth, as seen on Oprah. Call for a complimentary phone consultation.

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LIVING IN HARMONYSheree Nathanson, ACC, CSC 847-274-8696

Fill your life with joy and harmony using techniques and support from

a certified life coach. Sheree is passionate about helping you to succeed, and provides direction and feedback for your ongoing success, as well as tips in conscious living from her world-class mentors. Call for free phone consultation.

COLON HYDROTHERAPYNORTHSHORE COLONICSLori Hirshman, I-ACT certified 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 113 (behind Northbrook Court), Northbrook 60062 Add’l location:

Colonics in Grayslake, 408 Center St 773-551-5083 •

You don’t need to suffer any more! We offer a re-laxing and private environment where discretion and absolute cleanliness is never taken for granted! Our I-ACT certified practitioners have more than 12 years experience in Colon Hydrotherapy, Guid-ed Programs, Life/Nutritional Coaching, all to help you make better choices for yourself.

COMPOUNDING PHARMACYSAVE-RITE PHARMACY & COMPOUNDINGJim Kolar, Rph 3479 N Broadway, Chicago 60657 773-525-0766

Save-Rite is your locally owned compounding spe-cialist in Lakeview. Besides dispensing traditional medi-

cation, we work closely with your doctor to cus-tomize medications for pediatric care, sports medi-cine, pain management, veterinary needs and a wide range of hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). We also offer a variety of medical equip-ment and daily living supplies so that you’ll always enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Free delivery to Lakev-iew and surrounding areas. See ad on page 25.


NUTRITIONAL HEALTH SOLUTIONSReneé S. Barasch, LDHS 480 Elm Place, Ste 108, Highland Park 60035 847-207-2034 •

Digestive problems? Acid Reflux/GERD, IBS, Crohn’s, colitis? Let us help you naturally achieve nutrition-al balance, feel better and enhance the quality of your life. Improve di-gestion while reducing discomfort

and bloating so you can eat the foods you love again. Certified digestive health specialist/enzyme therapist. See ads on pages 9 & 19.


YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILSKaren Duewel 847-772-0212

Make this holiday season spe-cial with unforgettable gifts

infused with purpose and warmth. Young Living products include essential oils, diffusers & burners, plus natural and delicious specialty treats, natural skincare, home spa products, stocking stuffers and more. Call today and I’ll help you find that perfect gift for every personality. See ad on page 21.


LAURIE PAWLI, CERTIFIED FENG SHUI CONSULTANTThe Feng Shui School of Chicago [email protected]

Learn Feng Shui at the Feng Shui School of Chicago, a Gold Level School recognized by the Interna-tional Feng Shui Guild. As a student of Professor Lin Yun, Laurie Pawli teaches BTB/Front Door Feng Shui including “Feng Shui in A Day”

classes and comprehensive Certified Feng Shui Consultant Training.


ARYA BHAVAN 2508 W Devon, Chicago 60659 773-274-5800

Arya Bhavan offers a menu of authentic vegan, raw, gluten-free and organic Indian dishes, pre-pared with healthy ingredients, no GMO or MSG, and a careful mix of Ayurvedic Indian spices with nutritional properties that benefit both mind and body. We help you “Eat Well, Feel Well, Think Well, Heal Well!” See ad on page 35.


MARIAN MCNAIRCellular Harmonies Sound & Vibrational Healing 847-234-0193

Experience how the soothing, peace-ful tones of Marian’s voice and beautiful crystal bowls infuse vibrational healing of your body, mind, spirit. Contact Marian now for private and group sessions: wellness ceremonies, celebrations and Goddess Gatherings. It’s an extraordinary op-portunity to recapture your sense of well-being in a loving, nurturing atmosphere.


ALLEGRA MAGRISSO, LCSW2500 Ridge Ave, Ste 305, Evanston 60201 847-866-6515

The path to a more satisfying re-lationship begins with awareness that change is necessary for growth. Allegra brings 22 years of a mindfulness-based therapeutic practice supporting clients resolve relationship impasses and cultivate healing interactions. She works with couples, par-ents and children, intergenerational units and co-workers engage in honest communication.


DR. ALLA AVER, DDS1300 Waukegan Rd, Glenview 60025 847-998-5100 •

Stay healthy with a whole-body, pre-ventative care approach. We use non-fluoridated ozonated water, periodontal herbal treatments, and gluten-free herbal paste. Restorative options include: safe amalgam re-moval, BPA-free fillings and seal-

ants, non-metal crowns and bridges, sleep apnea and TMJ appliances, and non-acrylic night guards, partials and dentures. Our conservative approach includes: digital X-rays and intraoral camera, non-surgical gum therapies including laser and ozone, and herbal irrigation. Material reactivity testing, saliva pH and microscopic plaque analysis are available. Our natural approach includes dental ho-meopathy, craniosacral therapy, and nutritional counseling. Dental discount plan available and PPO insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 15.

K. BOEHM, DDS, & ASSOCIATES1585 N Barrington Rd, Ste 106, Hoffman Estates 60069 847-884-1220 1440 Maple Ave, Ste 2A Lisle 60532


State-of-the-art holistic methods of dental care in a relaxed environment. Having extensive knowledge of the correlation between oral and overall health, Dr Boehm offers bio-friendly materials compatible with your body. Services include mercury-free fill-ings and crowns or bridges, safe mercury removal, fluoride-free office, electrodermal screening, ho-meopathy, cranial osteopathy, orthodontics and jaw orthopedics, laser treatment of gum disease and ozone therapy.

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DR. YVETTE COLLINS122 S. Michigan Ave, Ste 1212, Chicago Across from the Art Institute 312-335-1441

Dr. Collins encompasses a holistic philosophy incor-porating innovative approaches to patient care. Spe-cializing in Oxygen/Ozone therapy that can enhance dental treatments, reduce toxicity and eliminate gum infection. Services include: non-invasive periodontal therapy, removal of metal fillings, nonmetal restora-tions, digital X-rays, Bio-Compatibility materials testing and lymph gland relaxation treatments.

HEALTHFUL ALTERNATIVES, P.C.Dr. Marianne W. Schaefer 4801 W Peterson Ave, Chicago 60646 773-777-8300

Your full concentration and partici-pation will achieve the best dental care. Our pa-tients feel their participation adds to their knowl-edge and reduces their stress. Years of experience have taught us that comfort comes first, and it will change the way you think about dentists. Visit Chi-cago’s most interactive dental website. See ad on page 25.

KATHLEEN MINAGHAN, DDS 1133 Westgate St, Oak Park 60301 708-848-4488

A Conscious Choice for Dental Health. Applying her extensive training and research in Holistic Dentistry and giving the best and safest treatments to our patients.

Mercury-safe removal and mercury-free fillings. Bio-compatible testing. Safe alternatives to fluoride treatments and bisphenol A-free sealants. No metal crowns and partials. $100 gift for new patients.

MIDWEST INTEGRATIVE DENTISTRY11952 Oak Creek Pkwy, Huntley 60142 847-659-8500 •

Dr. Sukel is a holistic general den-tist, cosmetically restoring teeth without mercury or fluoride. Our digital X-rays and CT cone beam provide 3-D views for detailed diag-nosis of root canals, laser gum treat-ment, missing teeth, implants and

dentures. Sleep appliances and TMJ treatments for head and neck pain are also available.

TAF G. PAULSON, D.D.S., P.C.233 E Erie St, Ste 816, Chicago 60611 312-944-7444

We offer gentle holistic dentistry that supports vibrant well-being in a caring and peace-ful environment. Our Conscious Care includes mercury-free fillings; non-surgical periodontal therapy; digital X-rays; safe, biocompatible mate-rials; bacterial analysis using a microscope; dental homeopathy and nutritional counseling. We guide you to dental wellness thorough education. Free indoor parking. See ad on page 13.

DR. ANDIE T. PEARSONGaiamed Dental 929 Ridge Rd, Wilmette 847-977-1655

Holistic dentistry involves an aware-ness of care that relates to the entire person. Gaiamed is a full-service practice using the most biocompat-ible dental options. Our services range from non-surgical gum care to mercury-and-PBA-free resto-rations, crowns, bridges, partial and full dentures, children's dentistry, braces, implants, dental home-opathy, and craniosacral therapy. See ad on page 5.

WRIGLEYVILLE DENTALDr. Bernice Teplitsky, D.D.S., P.C. 773-975-6666

Helping you reduce the risk of dis-eases such as diabetes and heart disease by using state-of-the-art technology, biocompatible, custom materials, practicing mercury-safe dentistry, and treating you like a partner in health.


AWAKENING WELLNESS HOLISTIC SERVICESLaura (Savita) Jachim, CMT, CYT, CHT, Amrit Yoga/Yoga Nidra Facilitator 847-477-3069 • North Shore locations

Reshape your life, rebuild health, re-new your attitude. Savita customizes session(s) to meet your personal in-tention and needs; utilizing holistic lifestyle coaching, therapeutic mas-sage, energy work and yogic tech-

nologies to combat the negative effects of stress, to restore balance in body and mind and to awaken vitality from within.

CYNDI DODICK, HHPPure Health Center 474 Central Ave, LL2, Highland Park 60035 847-433-7744

Cyndi Dodick, owner of Pure Health Center, is dedicated to offering alternative options that in-tegrate modern science and ancient healing tradi-tions. The integrated application of these wellness approaches along with the use of excipient-free, pure, highest quality products accelerates heal-ing and promotes optimal health. Call today for a healthier, more vibrant you tomorrow.

FEEL GOOD AGAIN HEALTHAmy Andrews 847-361-6238

Amy is a health detective and hor-mone whisperer who uses evidence-

based lab work to help people who suffer from overweight, fatigue, depression, hormonal and digestive issues. If your tests are “normal” but you don’t feel right, you can uncover the hidden causes, rebuild health and feel good again. See ad on page 9.

DR. JERRY P. GORE, MD Center for Holistic Medicine 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/Deerfield 60015 847-236-1101

Dr. Gore is director, supervisor and staff physician. He obtained his MD from the University of Illinois School of Medicine and his post-graduate work at Northwestern Institute of Psychiatry. He has over 30 years of experience blending nutrition, supple-ments, homeopathy, psychotherapy and collaborat-ing with other practitioners at the center to offer a truly holistic medicine practice. See ad on page 29.

LILIAN HOLM WELLNESSLilian Holm, PT, CWT, CMS, CHC, CEAS 2733 Central St, Ste 1, Evanston 60201 847-208-8063 •

Bring your body and mind back into balance through personalized manual physical therapy and health & wellness coaching, and experience your highest level of health! Physical therapy helps the body’s structure function optimally, and health and wellness coaching empowers you to make benefi-cial choices about all aspects of your lifestyle.

SHELBY KREMIN (HEALTHSMART) Crossinology Brain Integration Technique Practitioner  2565 Shermer Rd, Northbrook 60062 312-342-3077 •

Do you have ADHD, autism, or other specific learning difficulties? Are you under emotional stress or pain? Schedule a free consultation today to start on your path to feeling your absolute best. Shelby is trained in Crossinology® Brain Integration

Technique, a revolutionary form of energy work which is drug-free, non-invasive, and a restorative approach to healing.

STEPHANIE TORBA312-399-6040 [email protected] •

Holistic nutritional therapist, licensed personal trainer and life coach. Solutions for weight loss, cardiovascular and digestive issues, sensitivities, disease prevention and

management, muscular and bone health, sleep and hormone issues, individualized diets: vegetarian/vegan and sports nutrition. Menu planning, cooking lessons and grocery store tours. Also works with children.

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57natural awakenings November 2014


DR. KRISTEN BOBIK, DC2500 W Higgins, Ste 420,  Hoffman Estates 847-310-0303 The

Our wellness clinic averages only a 5-minute wait time before you’re getting natural, safe, and effective treatment with the Doctor. Dr. Kristen specializes in acupuncture, low-force chiro-practic care and food intolerance testing, and uses unique diagnostic tests to uncover the real cause of your health concern. Located at the corner of Hig-gins and Barrington roads. See ad on page 21.

DR. EUNICE DEANE6137 N Elston Ave, Chicago 60646 773-631-5001

Dr. Deane is a premier holistic chi-ropractic physician who offers total body solutions to chronic health and

pain challenges. She treats all three sides of the triangle of health —structure, chemical and emo-tions—to resolve problems at the root cause. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to flip the switch from pain and chronic illness, Dr. Deane can help. Call for appointment. See ad on page 11.

DR. NICK LEROY, DC, MSIL Center for Progressive Medicine 1002 W Lake St, Chicago 60607 312-243-3338 •

Dr. LeRoy has 20 years of experi-ence in collaborating with his pa-tients to determine why they are not well. He specializes in investigative work that includes a detailed discus-sion, examination and laboratory

testing, then creates an integrative treatment plan that often includes diet and nutrition changes, acu-puncture, chiropractic and other lifestyle modifica-tions. Dr. LeRoy is best known for breast thermog-raphy, HPV treatment and GI problems. See ad on page 27.

DR. KIM MARTIN D.C., F.A.S.A., BCIMNorth Shore Health Solutions LTD 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook 60062 847-715-9060

Dr. Kim Martin, DC, FASA, BCIM, CFMP, is a certified gluten-free practitioner in Northbrook. She spe-cializes in “Solving the Mystery of Your Chronic Condition” using Functional Medicine, blood work,

stool samples and saliva. Free November work-shops on Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Nov 7 and 21, 10:30am. Call 847-715-9060 for more details. See ad on page 17.

MIND BODY HEALING CENTER77 W Washington, Ste 1704 Chicago 60602 312-285-5287

We treat both the emotional and physical aspects of your health and specialize in depression, anxiety, di-gestive disorders and pain management. We provide diagnostic testing such as Biomeridian screening and apply natural interventions such as psycho-therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, nutrition, massage and energy work. Insurance ac-cepted. Available evening and weekends.


MONICA YEARWOOD3807 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago 60618 773-697-3640 [email protected]

Monica Yearwood is an ayurvedic practitioner who empowers her clients with ex-periential practices. Her focus is digestive health, detoxification and lifestyle. Monica’s programs integrate diet, herbology and practices that culti-vate awareness such as meditation and yoga. She runs programs out of her ayurvedic center, Hamsa Ayurveda & Yoga, in Chicago.


SARAH WYNN, LCSWMichigan Ave, Chicago   773-580-7282

Why are you still putting off seeing a therapist? Whether you’re struggling

with relationship problems, depression, anxiety, anger, impatience or apathy; if you’re recovering from addiction and your 12 Step Program just isn’t enough, or if you just want to sit down with some-one to see if your thinking is reasonable, you don’t need to put it off anymore.



Chicago’s Progressive Talk is a whole lot more than just a radio station. It is a community of sev-eral hundred thousand people who are sustainably inclined, en-

vironmentally responsible, community conscious and socially engaged. Monday through Friday the program lineup features national show hosts who broadcast from various cities across America. From the very political, to the very serious, to almost-over-the-line edgy, they talk about what matters to you. On the weekends, specialty shows cover home improvement, gardening, Chicago politics, and much more. Listen on the radio or tune in online at See ad on page 63.


MARCO DE LA CRUZ, MDThree locations: Lincoln Park, Roselle, McHenry 773-248-6200

SelfHealthMD is your resource for comprehensive integrative, preventive and restor-ative medical services. Taking a mind, body and spirit approach to your health, we teach you self-health strategies and techniques you can use for optimal health. Services include: comprehensive evaluations, natural medicine treatments, BHRT, nutritional counseling, IV therapy. New patients re-ceive a copy of Balancing Act: A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Optimal Health by Dr. De La Cruz.

LAKEVIEW INTEGRATIVE MEDICINESilvia Panitch, MD, Medical Director 3344 N Ashland Ave, Chicago 60657 773-525-6595

Balance your spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical well-be-ing, and get the tools to heal. We in-tegrate Western medicine methods of functional and internal medicine with modalities including acupunc-

ture, biofeedback, chiropractic, nutrition, enzymes, amino acids, bio-identical hormones, homeopathy and neurotransmitters. Specializing in women’s health, weight control, pain management, gastroin-testinal issues, adrenal fatigue and food allergies.

DR. CHERYL SCHWARTZ, DOCenter for Holistic Medicine 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/Deerfield 60015 847-236-1701

I specialize in Internal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. My goal is to help people in good health maintain their well-being, while as-sisting those with health problems to feel better and move to a more positive path. I manage general in-ternal medicine issues as well as treat appropriate patients with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, a hands-on method of healing. See ad on page 29.

VIBRANT HEALTHDr. Fatima Vilich, MD2700 Patriot Blvd, Ste 250, Glenview [email protected]

Finally get relief for chronic illness, pain and suf-fering, and stop getting treated just for your symp-toms. One of only 200 doctors certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine, Dr. Vilich finds the root cause of disease and starts the healing process—relieving pain, decreasing inflammation, stabilizing hormones, improving energy and much more. See ad on page 16.

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MICHELE HEATHER847-509-8289 [email protected]

Do you feel stuck? Mentally blocked or can’t make a decision? Michele helps you iden-tify and release issues keeping you from full expres-sion of your Essences. Surround yourself by the love of your Guides to release issues for an awe-some, humbling and life-transforming experience. Michele is also psychic and a Reiki Master Teacher.


COMMON GROUND815 Rosemary Ter, Deerfield, 60015 847-940-9870 •

CG is a center for study and dia-logue about human understanding. Our original focus – the world’s great religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions – is still the heart of CG; but to-day our topics include history, politics, art, science, psychology, etc. At the core is the certainty that hu-man culture constantly evolves. See ad on page 23.

INFINITY FOUNDATION 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park 60035 847-831-8828 •

Offering more than 200 Courses for Life in per-sonal, professional and spiritual growth and de-velopment. Daylong workshops with bestselling authors, Sandy Taylor & Sharon Klingler, Unlim-ited Power, Spirit and Success on November 15; Extended Gong Bath with Richard Rudis on No-vember 10. CEUs available. Reasonable practitio-ner and classroom rental. Call or email for a free course guide.


Need something to do near McHenry? Feel like a leaf without a

tree? We’re your fun, peaceful, happy place just around the corner. Get a shiatsu massage, hear original musicians, find your tribe, tap into your inner healer. Plus, reasonable practitioner and classroom/event rental. It’s a whole new world IN-SIDE. See ad on page 19.


WOMEN’S MASSAGE THERAPY OF EVANSTON636 Church St, Ste 505, Evanston 60201 312-607-3194

Women’s Massage Therapy is a small, private practice that focuses entirely on women’s health and well-being. Many services are geared toward new moms, but all women are welcome for mas-sage and Reiki sessions. Also offer birth doula services, placenta services, and infant massage classes for new parents.


DR. ALLA ARUTCHEVA, MD, PHD, NDAssociate Professor, Rush University Med. School Antalee Wellness 1836 Glenview Rd, 2nd Fl,

Glenview 60025 • 847-486-1130

When your body is in an imbalanced state your health is compromised. Dr. Alla Arutcheva’s Full Body Check Up is a non-invasive, highly reli-able test that can provide you with a snapshot of your current state of health. She can also identify which supplements your body needs for optimal healing benefits. See ad on page 14.


WORLD TREE NATURAL MEDICINEWm. Thor Conner, ND, LMT Kristina Conner, ND MSOM 17W703-f Butterfield Rd, Oakbrook Terrace 60181 630-407-4379

Naturopathic medicine uses a wide range of thera-peutic modalities to address nearly any medical concern with the least invasive treatment. With roots in traditional wisdom and branches in modern sci-ence, we use a whole person focus featuring botani-cal, nutritional, homeopathic, physical and Chinese medical approaches which are highly effective and will often find answers that others miss. Call for a 15-minute consult to see how we can help you.


EATING WITH EASECharlotte Hammond, MS, RD, LDN, RYT 150 N Michigan, Ste 800, Chicago, 60601 312-547-9247,

Registered and Licensed Dietitian providing integrative nutritional counseling and Medical Nutrition Therapy for weight management, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, spe-cial needs, bowel disorders, veg-

an/vegetarian diets, dietary transition, mindful eat-ing, detoxification, safe supplementation and more. Also available for grocery store tours, cupboard clean-out, menu management and seminars.


SUSAN ATCHISON, LCPCA Healing Soul, Ltd. NW Suburbs; 847-370-5181 

For gentle yet powerful change, ex-perience a rich resource of breath-work, energy work, hypnotherapy,

Craniosacral Reiki, somatic expression, dream work, Past Life, Soul Retrieval, and compassionate reflections to heal your body, mind, subconscious, energy and spiritual selves. Many people say that they feel lighter and more whole. Call today for your appointment.

BODY BASED PSYCHOTHERAPYEllen Goode, CADC, CBT, ICST, CMT City & Suburbs • 312-504-4106

Want more from life? If you tried some other therapy or self help be-fore and felt some deeper conflict was unseen or unresolved, it proba-bly was. Mind/Body Therapy goes deeper and broader than other ap-

proaches. Helping clients with addictions, relation-al problems, abuse, personal and spiritual growth, etc. since 1988. Free Initial Consultation.

ELLEN KATZ, MS, LMFTClinical Director, Inner Balance Northbrook, Chicago, Palm Springs 847-224-0244

Ellen’s 30 years of experience as a psychothera-pist integrates a conscious approach to healing old patterns through a mix of trauma and mindful-ness-based psychotherapies, HMR, Lifeline, The Work (Byron Katie), energy medicine and somatic awareness. Join “Inner Balance Med-itation” for updates on her events, and visit her at

CHRISTINA SAMYCIA, PSYD77 W Washington, Ste 1704, Chicago 60602 312-285-5287

Dr. Christina seeks to inspire indi-viduals to discover their authentic

selves and lead a more meaningful life. She works with individuals who are interested in personal and spiritual growth and utilizes existential, psychody-namic, spiritual, cognitive-behavioral and mind-body interventions such as neuro-emotional tech-nique (NET) and hypnosis. She is also the author of Discovering Inner Peace.

Nature, like man, sometimes weeps from gladness.

~Benjamin Disraeli

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60 Chicago


JANICE LODATO, MA, RMTReiki Master of Masters 115 N Marion St, Ste 12 Oak Park 60301

Reiki helps you to heal faster, sleep better, and live more calmly. I offer Reiki sessions and classes (1, 2, & Master) to bring balance to your being and help you live your best life. Call or email to schedule a session or class, 708-738-0438, [email protected]. Approved Provider, NCBTMB #451704-11.


JEN HEINEKUNLUN® System Apprentice [email protected]

Connect with the Divine within for self-awakening, self-healing, self-

knowing. Free casual Chats available to learn more about this ancient system of bliss, laughter, deep reflection, healing, emotional release and clarity. Class $50 shares Nei Gung methods of Inner Alchemy.


SOLAR SERVICELisa Albrecht, Renewable Energy Specialist 847-677-0950

Yes, solar works great in Chicago! We are the premier solar design and installation company in the Midwest with over 2,000 solar commercial and residential projects in the Chicago area. Solar is clean, smart and affordable. We spe-cialize in practical solar solutions. Let us help you Harvest the Sun!


THE EDGAR CAYCE HOLISTIC CENTER AND BOOKSTOREAt Unity Northwest Church 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines 60016 847-299-6535 [email protected]

Full-service bookstore, Cayce remedies, spiritual growth study groups, monthly programs, work-shops and holistic fairs, intuitive

skills development training, knowledgeable seekers, intuitives, healers and more. Call for hours. See ad on page 6.


NORTH SHORE BEDDING984 Willow Rd, Ste H, Northbrook 60062 847-291-6770

We offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to conventional mattresses, in a low-pressure, relax-ing sales environment. Full selection of all-natural and organic latex mattresses, pillows and accesso-ries, including Natura, Savvy Rest, Suite Sleep and Sleeptek, plus USA-made Simmons Beautyrest. Locally owned and operated since 1983. See ad on page 41.


SOLAY WELLNESS / SO WELL4819 Main, Skokie 847-676-5571

So Well is your unique destination for wellness in Skokie. Enjoy our Salt Relaxation Room, $15/session; Infrared Salt Sauna, $15/ses-sion or Heated Massage Beds, $15/session. While you’re here, discover over 300+ artisan crafted, organic and fair trade Salt crystal lamps, bath & beauty, healthy gourmet, natural home products and more to continue your wellness journey. To learn more, or order securely, call or visit website.


THE BODY/MIND/SOUL CONNECTIONMarilyn Kortendick, S/D - EFEL Barrington, 847-858-6440

Re-discover your true self. Work with horses in the EFEL program. Horses mirror our emotions. Learn how to use these emotions as informa-tion to help you navigate your world

more clearly. The Spiritual Direction program will guide you to a deeper connection with Source by going within and listening to your inner wisdom/intuition.


DR. LYNNE BELSKY Living Well MD 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 306, Northbrook 60062 847-418-2030

Care for body, mind, and spirit with personalized, integrative medical care. Concierge physician ded-icated to helping you stay healthy, prevent disease, and feel your best. See ad on page 17.

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61natural awakenings November 2014


INTUITIVE RESOURCES650 Meacham, Elk Grove 60007 847-508-5322

Intuitive Resources is a spiritual boutique conveniently located in

the northwest suburbs. Our large selection of ser-vices includes Reiki, chakra therapy (cleansing and balancing), Tarot card and intuitive readings, past life regression, etc. Our shop offers a large variety of spiritual gifts to choose from: candles, crystals, books, jewelry, sage/incense and much more. Open Monday through Friday from 11am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am-6pm. See ad on page 3.


NEW BALANCE NORTH SHORE610 Central Ave, Ste 169, Highland Park 60035 847-266-8323

Fitting you in the correct type of shoe for your activ-ity, and in the proper size and width for your feet, is our number one objective. When shoes fit well and your feet are comfortable, your whole body feels better and you can perform at your optimum level throughout the entire day. Largest selection of New Balance footwear and apparel in the Chicago area, with extensive inventory of sizes and widths from 2A-6E. Friendly staff is experienced in helping to resolve or relieve many common foot ailments such as plantar fasciitis, bunions, morton’s neuroma, hammer toe, and arch pain. Locally owned and op-erated since 1995. See ad on page 15.


LORI STREATOR LCPC, CPT, [email protected]

Improve your emotional, physical and nutritional health. Specializ-ing in Whole Body Wellness, Lori can help you live the happy, healthy life you deserve. Licensed clinical professional counselor, certified personal trainer and nu-trition specialist. For questions and to schedule a free consulta-

tion, email Lori at [email protected]. Services rendered online via phone/Skype.


TASH FITNESS 8816 N Bronx Ave Skokie 60077 847-379-5777

Looking for a safe, inspiring, non-judgmental en-vironment to help you attain a better quality of life? At Tash Fitness “We Get It.” We fight the cravings every day and work on the physical, emo-tional and psychological aspects of our lifestyle changes, one change at a time. Grand Opening on Nov 11, 5-8pm. See ad on page 15.


ABUNDANT LIFE SPIRITUAL CENTERRev. Carol Saunders 375 Elm St, Deerfield 60015 847-337-3866

We are a Unity spiritual commu-nity with practical and inspirational teachings that emphasize you as a divine creation. Our Sun-day services are current, relevant and uplifting. We welcome everyone. Family friendly. Sunday Cel-ebration Service with indie/pop/rock music by The Grateful Living 10:30am at the Patty Turner Center, in Deerfield.


SAT NAM YOGA CHICAGO West Loop: 1304 W Washington Blvd. 312-498-6911

Join our vibrant healthy community. We wel-come all fitness levels and ages to learn the ben-efits of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, including Women’s and Children’s Yoga. Our intention is to provide a safe haven for cultivating your spiritual practice and exploring your higher self in a fun and relaxed environment.

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develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a steptowardachievingsomethingbiggerandbetterthanyourcurrentsituation.


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CEs Available 825 Chicago Ave., Evanston, IL

E-mail [email protected] or call 847-864-1130to sign up today!

Beginning Zen Shiatsu5-day intensive session

December 1-5, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm10 week sessions

January 15 - March 19, Thu 11am-2pmJanuary 15 - March 19, Thu 7-10pm2 weekend intensive session

Feb 20-22 & 27 - Mar 1, Fri 7-10pm, Sat/Sun 9am-4pm

November 20, Thursday 7-9pmDecember 17, Wednesday 7-9pm

To view more class times visit

Free Introductory Workshopsor try one of our

Rooted in universal principles of change and balance, the study of Zen Shiatsu enriches your life while you learn to help others. Learn to relieve aches and pains through acupressure and assisted stretching while also listening to the deeper messages our bodies have to tell us. Try an entry-level class and decide if our program is the one you’ve been looking for.

Approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education