Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French...


Transcript of Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French...

Page 1: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used


Page 2: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used


Natio- people united by birth or birthplace

Political in late 18th Century

2 Assumptions

Humans are naturally divided into Nations

Nation is the most appropriate unit of rule

Bullet 2- People begin to call themselves nationalist. French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals)

Page 3: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal

Has been used to defend the bad

Bullet 2- War, Conquest, Imperialism, Racism, Etc.

Page 4: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Origins and Development

French Revolution

Influenced by Rousseau

Napoleonic Wars have unintended results

Unification across Europe occurs

Bullet 1- People are loyal to country, not Louis XVIBullet 2- Idea of Self RuleBullet 3- Causes nationalism to grow in Europe in resentment fo FranceBullet 4- Italy in 1861, Germany in 1871

Page 5: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Origins and Development

End of 19th Century-Very Popular

Starts Liberal, becomes Conservative

Becomes Chauvinistic and Xenophobic

Nation States emerge after WWI

Spreads out of Europe after WWI

Bullet 1- Flags, Anthems, Patriotic Songs, Literature, Holidays, etcBullet 2- Social CohesionBullet 3- Claims of superiority (everyone else in alien or inferior) Leads to WWIBullet 4- Finland, Hungary, Czech., Poland, Yugoslavia (Result of Treaty of Versailles)Bullet 5- Egypt 1919, Africa after 1945

Page 6: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Core ThemesIs it really an ideology?

Political Doctrine?

Psychological Phenomenon

Schizophrenic Character

Ultimately 4 Themes

Bullet 1a- Not as all encompassing, simply that the nation is the political unitBullet 1b- Loyalty to your country, dislike of othersBullet 1c- All over the political spectrum, excludes anarchy

Page 7: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

1. The Nation

Central Principle

Should groups of people be a nation?

Fit a certain criteria

Bullet 2- The Kurds, Tibetans, etc.Bullet 3- If you fit a certain cultural criteria, you are considered a member, if not you’re an outsider

Page 8: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

The NationLanguage is clearest symbol


Ethnicity/racial unity

History and tradition is becoming more important

Bullet 1-English screws it all upBullet 2- Christianity and Islam screw it upBullet 3- Aryan Race in Nazi GermanyBullet 4- Independence Day, Bastille Day, etc

Page 9: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

The NationUltimately can only be determined by members

Political Ideology Plays a role too

Bullet 1- PURELY Subjective based on Primordial bonds (Emotional Attachment)Bullet 2- See Picture

Page 10: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

2. The Organic Community

We are naturally divided

We are linked by where we live

Forged by struggle

Used also by power groups for their interests

Bullet 1-Separate and Distinct IdentitiesBullet 2- Religion, gender, language, etc are secondaryBullet 3- Revolution, Modernization/IndustrializationBullet 4- Based on invented traditions (Eric Hobsbawn)

Page 11: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Self DeterminationPopular Sovereignty/general will is vital

People deciding what is best for themselves

Page 12: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Self DeterminationLitmus Test for maintaining independence

2 Ways to achieve


Achievement of Independence

Bullet 1- Founding of a Nation StateBullet 2a- Unifying the cultural nation into a political one (Germany under Charlemagne, Germany under Bismark)Bullet 2b- Poland after the Treaty of Versailles

Page 13: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Self Determination

Nation-state is most sought after

Some nations don’t need a state

Expressed through devolution or federalism

Bullet 1-Social Cohesion and UnityBullet 2- Welsh in UK and Basque in FranceBullet 3- Shifting and/or sharing of powers

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Cultural Identity of Political Demands

“Bottom up” aspect

Bullet 1- Regeneration of the culture as distinctiveBullet 2- Focus on Popular rituals, traditions and legends

Page 15: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

CulturalismCulturalism- Culture is the universal self identity

Mixed Views-Ethnicity and Culture overlap)

Generally viewed as hostile or chauvinistic

Bullet 1- Seen in 19th Century Germany (Folk Traditions and Myths and Legends like Brothers Grimm)Bullet 2- Progressive in acceptance, but conservative because you can’t join an ethnic groupBullet 3- Other Cultures, Nations or Minorities

Page 16: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Types of Nationalism Political Nationalism is complex

Liberating and Oppressive; Progressive, and Regressive

Rational and Irrational

4 Types

Bullet 3- Receptive of new ideas, revival of old age hatred

Page 17: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

1. Liberal NationalismOldest Form

Rooted in Popular Sovereignty

Opposes all forms of foreign domination

Nations are equal like people

Bullet 1-French Revolution, Wilson’s 14 Points were based on itBullet 2- Opposite/against autocratic rule

Page 18: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Liberal NationalismNatural harmony applies to nations

Each state can pursue its own interests

Self Restraint may not be enough to balance the world

National Interdependence

International Organizations

Bullet 1- Self determination means stable international orderBullet 2- Even at others expenseBullet 3a- Mutual understanding and cooperation rather than plunderBullet 3b- The UN

Page 19: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Liberal NationalismViewed as naive and romantic-critics

Irrational Bonds/tribalism challenge liberal view

Loyalty to country causes death

Only way to achieve political unity is to deport minorities and ban immigration

Bullet 2a- Even when you don’t agree with the cause or reason of war

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2. Conservative Nationalism

Negative in the beginning

Later seen as way to keep order

Only care about the cohesion aspect

Goal: Maintain loyalty, pride, and unity

Bullet 3- Self Determination is worthlessBullet 4- Especially when faced with Socialism

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Conservative NationalismGaulism and Thatcherism

Appeal to national pride

Sometimes even Anti-American or Anti-Europe

Page 22: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Conservative Nationalism

Appeal to Tradition and History

Distaste for Immigration

Supranational bodies are bad

Could be elite manipulation or bigotry

Bullet 1- Strive for days of glory and triumphBullet 2- Diversity breeds instability and conflictBullet 3- EU and UN bad because they “strip” identityBulelt 4- Leaders use it for own purpose, Nationalism used to discriminate

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3. Expansionist Nationalism

Expansion of Power and nation Elsewhere

Each colonial or land addition view with celebration

Bullet 1- European Scramble for Africa, US Manifest Destiny

Page 24: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Expansionist NationalismWWI was welcomed due to expansionist mindset

Some nations are superior to others

Moral Duty to Colonize

Pan-Nationalism- Unification of different people

Bullet 1- Cities across Europe celebratedBullet 2- EXACT opposite of Liberal; Also, whites of Europe and America are superior to Asians and AfricansBullet 3-Popular in Russia and Germany

Page 25: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Expansionist Nationalism

Integral Nationalism- Lose identity and focus on “all powerful nation”

Military glory is most important

National Chauvinism-in group vs the out group

Bullet 1- Developed by Charles MaurrasBullet 2- Show strength and national greatnessBullet 3- Used to justify racism or bigoted policies.

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4. Anti and Post Colonial Nationalism

Nationalism is worldwide because of imperialism

European Empires collapse after WWII

Sometimes peaceful other times not

Rest of world occur because of economic development

Bullet 2- Peaceful India, Pakistan, and Malaysia, Violent-China, Algeria, and VietnamBullet 3- Angry due to exploitation by colonial powers

Page 27: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Anti and Post Colonial Nationalism

Ghandi in India

Some anti-colonists were drawn to socialism

Socialism caught on because of community and cooperation

Violence seen as only way to overthrow colonial power

Bullet 1- Indian nationalism combined with ethical non-violence. Home spun clothes against European factoriesBullet 2- Vietnam, China

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Anti and Post Colonial Nationalism

Overthrow showed independence and economic change

Socialism gives unifying cause

Religion does play a roll, although minor

Bullet 1- BE PROUD!Bullet 2- Non western voice (Socialism)Bullet 3- Islam, Sikhism, and Judaism

Page 29: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Nationalism in Global Age

Brought about end of Empires

Globalization has been a threat to Nationalization

Ethical Nationalization


Bullet 2a-Priority is with your own nation firstBullet 2b-Has been a direct threat to nationalism/cohesion

Page 30: Nationalism - Weebly · 2019-09-19 · French Priest Augustin Barruel (Anti Jacobin, Against French Radicals) Intro Based on Self Determination and all States Equal Has been used

Nationalism in Global Age

Shift from nationalism to multiculturalism

Nation-states are weakening

Transnational groups are growing

Nationalism is growing as a result of globalization

Bullet 2-UN, EU, WTO, etc. Sometimes this causes issues