Da’in ilAllah [callers to Allah] LAJNA IMAILLAH UK NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Dearest Sisters Assalamo Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu I would like to start by wishing you and all your families a very blessed month of Ramadhan. May Allah accept all of our supplications and may this be a time for each one of us to excel in all our spiritual endeavours. Ameen. Ramadhan is a time to immerse ourselves in earnest prayers and I would urge you to also pray for the success of our humble Tabligh efforts. May Allah enlighten the hearts of all those to whom we convey the beautiful message of Islam. Ameen. Alhamdolillah the last few months have been host to many opportunities for Tabligh. In March we had the National Peace Symposium and it was very encouraging to see Lajna bring so many guests. I hope that your guests enjoyed the event and found it to be beneficial. Please do follow up with them and continue to invite them to your local and regional events. March also saw the launch of the ‘Love from Lajna’ Shelters Campaign. Masha’Allah almost 500 ‘Tabligh hampers’ were prepared and donated by Lajna to nearly 100 Women’s Shelters across the UK. I feel truly impressed by the magnificent efforts Lajna have made for this campaign and I am delighted to see the positive responses you have been receiving from Shelters as well as the positive media coverage that has been given to the campaign. Several Lajna were invited by local radio stations to discuss their efforts and to introduce the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. These included interviews with both All FM in Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire. We received so many beautiful pictures of the hampers Lajna prepared that we have decided to showcase a few from each region in this newsletter. I hope you will enjoy looking through these as much as we did! Please do continue to keep in touch with the contacts you made at the Shelters you visited. Sending them a card or a small gift at Eid to let them know you are thinking of them would be a kind gesture. May Allah bless all your efforts. Ameen. The month of May also provided Lajna with many opportunities for Tabligh. It was lovely to see so many Lajna bring guests to the Caliphate event held in London on 23 May. Masha’Allah the event was very well received with several guests expressing a desire to learn more about the Jama’at. Islam Awareness Week was also in May this year and Masha’Allah Lajna across the UK organised exhibitions, school talks and coffee mornings to discuss the true peaceful message of Islam. I want to remind you that Alhamdolillah we now have a good stock of school presentations which we will Insha’Allah be uploading to the Tabligh section of the Lajna website. In the meantime, should you require any material, please do let us know and we will try our best to send you some. Thank you for all your contributions to the newsletter this month. Masha’Allah the length and quality of contents of this newsletter is a testament to all the wonderful Tabligh work you are doing. May Allah enable us all to continue with devotion and dedication to fulfil our Tabligh responsibilities and may He accept our humble efforts. Ameen. I wanted to end by drawing your attention to the following words of the Promised Messiah (as) which remind us, not only of the extent of our Tabligh responsibilities but also the manner in which we should carry them out: “God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You too, therefore should pursue this end but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers” [The Will, p.8-9] Please remember us all, and each other, in your prayers. Wassalam Farzana Yousuf Sectetary Tabligh Lajna UK June 2016 Inside this issue: Message from National Tabligh Secretary 1 13 th National Peace Symposium 2 Love from Lajna Tabligh Shelters Campaign - Regional Reports 4 #LoveFromLajna Social Media Coverage 20 Book Club 21 Manchester Tabligh Efforts 22 Slough Tabligh Efforts 23 Preston Tabligh Efforts 24 Cardiff Tabligh Efforts 25 Kingston Tabligh Efforts 25 Newcastle Tabligh Efforts 26 Baitun Noor Tabligh Efforts 27 Swansea Tabligh Efforts 28 Tabligh Syllabus 29

Transcript of NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Da’in ilAllah · 2017-01-29 · NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Dolor Sit...

Page 1: NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Da’in ilAllah · 2017-01-29 · NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Dolor Sit Amet Dearest Sisters ... Alhamdolillah the last few months have been host to many

Da’in ilAllah [callers to Allah]



Dolor Sit Amet

Dearest Sisters

Assalamo Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu

I would like to start by wishing you and all your families a very blessed month of Ramadhan. May Allah accept all of our supplications and may this be a time for each one of us to excel in all our spiritual endeavours. Ameen. Ramadhan is a time to immerse ourselves in earnest prayers and I would urge you to also pray for the success of our humble Tabligh efforts. May Allah enlighten the hearts of all those to whom we convey the beautiful message of Islam. Ameen.

Alhamdolillah the last few months have been host to many opportunities for Tabligh. In March we had the National Peace Symposium and it was very encouraging to see Lajna bring so many guests. I hope that your guests enjoyed the event and found it to be beneficial. Please do follow up with them and continue to invite them to your local and regional events.

March also saw the launch of the ‘Love from Lajna’ Shelters Campaign. Masha’Allah almost 500 ‘Tabligh hampers’ were prepared and donated by Lajna to nearly 100 Women’s Shelters across the UK. I feel truly impressed by the magnificent efforts Lajna have made for this campaign and I am delighted to see the positive responses you have been receiving from Shelters as well as the positive media coverage that has been given to the campaign. Several Lajna were invited by local radio stations to discuss their efforts and to introduce the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. These included interviews with both All FM in Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire. We received so many beautiful pictures of the hampers Lajna prepared that we have decided to showcase a few from each region in this newsletter. I hope you will enjoy looking through these as much as we did! Please do continue to keep in touch with the contacts you made at the Shelters you visited. Sending them a card or a small gift at Eid to let them know you are thinking of them would be a kind gesture. May Allah bless all your efforts. Ameen.

The month of May also provided Lajna with many opportunities for Tabligh. It was lovely to see so many Lajna bring guests to the Caliphate event held in London on 23 May. Masha’Allah the event was very well received with several guests expressing a desire to learn more about the Jama’at. Islam Awareness Week was also in May this year and Masha’Allah Lajna across the UK organised exhibitions, school talks and coffee mornings to discuss the true peaceful message of Islam. I want to remind you that Alhamdolillah we now have a good stock of school presentations which we will Insha’Allah be uploading to the Tabligh section of the Lajna website. In the meantime, should you require any material, please do let us know and we will try our best to send you some. Thank you for all your contributions to the newsletter this month. Masha’Allah the length and quality of contents of this newsletter is a testament to all the wonderful Tabligh work you are doing. May Allah enable us all to continue with devotion and dedication to fulfil our Tabligh responsibilities and may He accept our humble efforts. Ameen. I wanted to end by drawing your attention to the following words of the Promised Messiah (as) which remind us, not only of the extent of our Tabligh responsibilities but also the manner in which we should carry them out:

“God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You too, therefore should pursue this end but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers” [The Will, p.8-9] Please remember us all, and each other, in your prayers. Wassalam Farzana Yousuf Sectetary Tabligh Lajna UK

June 2016

Inside this issue:

Message from National Tabligh Secretary 1 13th National Peace Symposium 2 Love from Lajna Tabligh Shelters Campaign - Regional Reports 4 #LoveFromLajna Social Media Coverage 20

Book Club 21

Manchester Tabligh Efforts 22 Slough Tabligh Efforts 23 Preston Tabligh Efforts 24 Cardiff Tabligh Efforts 25 Kingston Tabligh Efforts 25 Newcastle Tabligh Efforts 26 Baitun Noor Tabligh Efforts 27 Swansea Tabligh Efforts 28

Tabligh Syllabus 29

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Muslim leader calls for Media Responsibility in fight against Extremism

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba says media should highlight peaceful teachings of Islam practiced by majority of Muslims. Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community says he is in favour of UK remaining part of the European Union.

On 19 March 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba delivered the keynote address at the 13th National Peace Symposium hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK. The event was held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London with an audience of more than 900 people, from 26 countries, including over 500 non-Ahmadi guests comprising Government Ministers, Ambassadors of State, Members of both Houses of Parliament and various other dignitaries and guests.

His Holiness also presented Ms Hadeel Qassim, with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace in recognition of her outstanding efforts to personally alleviate the suffering of thousands of refugee children stranded in dangerous and inhospitable camps in the Middle East. During his address, His Holiness spoke of the fundamental need for justice and equity at all levels of society in order for genuine and long-lasting peace to be established. He called on the media to use its influence “as a force for good and a force for peace” by publicising the positive activities of the majority of Muslims across the world as opposed to the “tiny minority” who were perpetrating mass cruelties falsely in the name of Islam. His Holiness also stated that there was no punishment for apostasy in Islam and that the Holy Quran was the standard-bearer for universal religious freedom. His Holiness reiterated the need to cut the supply lines and funding of all terrorist and extremist groups worldwide.

During a press conference held prior to the Peace Symposium, His Holiness expressed his view that the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Union. He expressed his hope that the ‘Remain’ campaign would prove successful and that there would be no ‘Brexit’ from the European Union. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba began his keynote address by reflecting upon the fact that modern day terrorism and extremism had caused a fear of Islam to spread far and wide. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “This event is taking place at a time when widespread fear of Islam is on the increase due to the horrific and disgraceful acts of terrorist groups such as Daesh. For example, last November, the world watched in horror when the terrorist attacks took place in Paris, and apart from this there have been suicide bombings and attacks in various countries at regular intervals.” Nonetheless, His Holiness made it clear that true Islam was a religion of peace and that the brutal acts being committed by certain so-called Muslim groups were not permitted or justified by Islam in any way.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “In the very first chapter of the Holy Quran, it is stated that Allah the Almighty is the ‘Provider and Sustainer of all the worlds’. He is the Gracious and Ever Merciful. Thus, when Allah the Almighty is the Provider and Sustainer of all people and the Gracious and Merciful – how could it be that He desired for those who believed in Him to mercilessly murder, violently oppose or harm His Creation in any way? Of course the answer is that it is not possible.” Where cruelty and injustice prevailed, His Holiness said that Islam advocated two methods in order to bring about peace and reformation.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “It is far better if peace can be attained through mutual dialogue, negotiations and diplomacy. However, where this is not possible, only then, force may be used in order to stop wrongdoing with the intention of establishing sustainable peace. The philosophy underpinning punishment in Islam is extremely far-sighted and quite unique… Punishment or sanction is permitted not as a means of revenge or retribution but its purpose is to reform, rehabilitate and improve.” Refuting a common allegation levelled at Islam, His Holiness stated that there was no punishment for apostasy in Islam and that universal religious freedom was a core Islamic principle. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “Islam enshrines the principles of universal religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Faith is, and always will be, a matter of the heart and so there should never be any form of compulsion in religion.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba continued: “If a Muslim decides that he wishes to leave Islam then, according to the teachings of the Quran, he or she has the right to do so. No government, group or individual has a right to punish them or sanction them in any way. Thus, the allegation that Islam mandates punishment for apostasy is entirely unjust and without foundation.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba continued: “If a Muslim decides that he wishes to leave Islam then, according to the teachings of the Quran, he or she has the right to do so. No government, group or individual has a right to punish them or sanction them in any way. Thus, the allegation that Islam mandates punishment for apostasy is entirely unjust and without foundation.” Challenging the media to use its influence as a force for good and to act with responsibility, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “There is no doubt that the media plays a huge role in influencing public opinion and so the media should use this power responsibly – as a force for good and as a force for peace. It should show the world what true Islam represents, rather than focusing on the merciless acts of the tiny minority.”

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba stated: “Publicity is the oxygen sustaining most terrorist or extremist groups.” His Holiness said that the media did not waste any time in associating the brutal acts of terror committed by so-called Muslims to the teachings of Islam, whilst they ignored the voices of those who were earnestly striving to spread Islam’s true peaceful teachings. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “At a time of worldwide conflict, we should remember the basic principle that it is better for all forms of evil and cruelty to be suppressed and for all forms of goodness and humanity to be endorsed. In this way, evil will not spread far, whilst virtue and peace will spread far and wide and adorn our society.” Speaking about the ongoing war in Syria, His Holiness said that the West should be “willing to open the channels of communication” with the Syrian Government in order to alleviate the desperate plight of the Syrian people.

His Holiness said that world governments or international organisations should prioritise peace over and beyond a desire for regime change. He said they should learn from the tragic examples of Iraq and Libya, wherein both countries had been mired in conflict and lawlessness ever since their long-standing leaders were forcibly removed. Whilst His Holiness warned that there was a real risk of another world war he also stated that there was still time to avert such a catastrophe – if all parties were willing to act with justice and set aside their vested interests. His Holiness criticised the continuing failure to cut off the financial supply lines of terrorist groups and the fact that certain powerful nations, who claimed to be working for peace, were exporting weapons to the Middle East that in turn were fuelling wars taking place in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. In terms of the oil trade, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “When it comes to acquiring oil, morality goes out of the window. Whilst it is claimed that all possible efforts are being made to eradicate terrorism and extremism, the evidence does not substantiate this claim.”

Concluding, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba said: “I pray that we all play our respective roles in furthering the cause of humanity and I pray that true peace, based upon justice, is established in all parts of the world.”

Prior to the keynote address, various dignitaries spoke about the importance of peace and the critical state of today’s world. Rafiq Hayat, the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK said: “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community focuses on education, humanitarian work and the Jihad of self-Improvement and of spreading peace.”

Siobhain McDonagh, MP and Chair of the ‘All Party Parliamentary Group for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’ said: “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community contributes greatly to this country and your belief in peace and religious tolerance is an example to us all, as you would expect from a community whose motto is ‘love for all, hatred for none’.”

Zac Goldsmith MP and London Mayoral Candidate said: “For over a century the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has taken a stand against hatred but you have faced it down with compassion, love and practical help to bring communities together.”

Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister for Countering Extremism said: “There can be no better example of [countering extremism] than that exemplified by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community under the Divine and inspirational leadership of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba.”

Rt Hon Justine Greening, MP, Secretary of State for International Development said: “I just want to say how proud I am to play a role in representing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as a local MP, but also to say that in my broader role within government, it’s a privilege to work alongside Humanity First and to see the fantastic fundraising the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.”

Both before and after the proceedings, His Holiness met personally with various dignitaries and guests also held a press conference with members of media.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Well done to all regions for their great efforts in celebrating International Women’s

Day by taking part in the

Following is a summary of the marvellous efforts made by Lajna across the UK. (In alphabetic order)

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

This March I received a humble request from my tabligh team to celebrate Women's day in a way I had never celebrated before. That was the best part of the email and after that our journey began in collecting donations and organising hampers full of goodies for women's shelters. We knew they existed but never had we ever been to one for after all they are not places you just walk into on the way back from shopping.

Alhamdolillah the Jama’at provided an opportunity for us to contact them and make friends with the wardens.

I messaged all the tabligh secretaries of my region and they were as eager as me to get started. Every Lajna donated either cash or goods. It was a group effort by Roehampton Vale halqa and we collectively bought the stuff and wrapped it. Our hampers included baby clothes, toiletries, coats and clothes food handbags, baby clothes, baby food and crockery.

Every halqa went to a different place with the hampers. As the shelters within the region were limited some groups went to hospitals and care homes instead. In total we visited 4 shelter homes 2 churches 6 food banks and 3 care homes. The shelters were located in West Hill and Clapham.

We were shown around the shelter to get a gist of what life is like there. Security was very tight but the atmosphere was comfortable and caring. The government has indeed tried to provide a comfort zone for torn families who have fled FGM or abuse after pregnancy or forced marriages. It was heartbreaking to hear what the women have been through and our little donations were very small in comparison to what they deserved

It was however an exciting and new experience. Masha’Allah our Lajna always manage to come up with new ideas for tabligh every year.

“Thank you for this kind effort. I am humbled at your

kindness and wish you all the best.”

“Thank you for all your

donations and for

making our women feel

very Special!”

“Thank you so much for your donations. It's all that we needed.”

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

By the grace of Allah, Baitul Futuh Region had a very successful International Women’s Day ‘Love from Lajna’ hamper campaign. Lajna from all 12 halqa’s donated hundreds of items for vulnerable women and their children, including clothes, food stuffs, beautiful boxes and baskets, books and most importantly, words of comfort and support.

The region donated to Sutton Women’s Aid and Merton Refuge over 3 days. The first drop, on Tuesday 8th March 2016, was done by the local Tabligh secretaries and their assistants from Carshalton, Cheam, and Baitul Futuh halqas to a local school. The representative was from Sutton Women’s Aid and some of the ladies benefitting from the shelter were present. They had an amazing reaction to the gifts received. They were so thankful and touched by the generosity of our Lajna that it brought tears to their eyes.

The second donation drop was done on Thursday 10th March 2016 by Tabligh secretaries and assistants from Baitul Futuh East, Lower Morden, and Morden South halqas, again to a local school. This was also in support of Sutton Women’s Aid and the ladies who received the kind donations were overwhelmed by the gestures of kindness and support shown by our Lajna.

The last delivery of the donations was done on Friday afternoon of 11th March 2016. These packages were made by the following halqa’s for Merton Refuge: Morden Park, Merton Park, Baitul Futuh South, Morden, Deer Park and Raynes Park. The donations were so great in number that they could not fit in one big car! The ladies at the shelter could not believe the amount of stuff and were very appreciative of our Lajna for the donations, which they planned to distribute to the women and children at their refuge during half term activities. In particular, the beautiful decorations and wrappings were much appreciated by the shelters and ladies.

Overall, the event was a huge success. Over 45 hampers of all colours and sizes were donated! And more importantly, our Lajna got out the message of true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, and helped to improve the lives of vulnerable women in their local communities.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Woman Association from Baitun Noor has celebrated Woman's Day 2016 in such a manner that it donated Hampers prepared by each Majalis of Baitun Noor to different allocated Woman Shelter and Care homes. Each donated hamper received a warm welcome from the Shelter home.

The hampers included toiletries, sanitary, toys, dried food and sweets for ladies and babies and some Jama'at Literature. The Majalis have generously donated and have done their very best in decorating these hampers. The staff was really warm and happy to see the huge quantity of donations made by the Lajna.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Alhamdolillah East Region made 133 hampers, and distributed them to 10 shelters. We had coverage from local newspapers and had some amazing feedback.

“The Barking branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women Association joined forces with groups in Redbridge and Walthamstow to hand over the provisions to a pair of local refuges on Thursday. Part of a nationwide Ahmadiyya campaign, From Lajna with Love, group member Siemah Ahmad, 37, hopes the packages will help make a difference to the lives of women forced to leave home.

“We’re a Muslim organisation so it’s really, really important for us to take care of our neighbours, so we try and help those around us who are suffering,” she said. “The women [in the refuges] may have fled their homes and need a lot of help and support, and may not have been able to take any belongings. “It’s only a start but hopefully the hampers can help them out on the road to a new life.”

The group meets every Sunday in Gascoigne Community Hall, in St Ann’s, from 6.30pm and also holds workshops during the week.” [Barking and Dagenham Post published Article, 3rd April 2016]

“Wow that was so beautiful and just what we needed as we were celebrating 4 festivals of Norooz, Purim, Holi and Easter. It made great gifts for women to take home. We really appreciate it. I was in a meeting with another organisation otherwise I would have loved to greet you. Please come and see the centre sometime after Easter break. Will be putting the gifts photos on our Harrow Women Centre's Page. Really nice of all of you ladies. Peace and prayers”. Sania [Harrow Women’s Centre]

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016


Luton Lajna Imaillah celebrated Women's International day at our local Women's Aid Shelter in Luton. We provided refreshments, samosas and cake and offered free of charge Henna and Nail Art to the ladies in the shelter. Two big hampers, which were donated by the Lajna, were presented to the Shelter. A total of £120 was donated for this cause, Alhamdolillah. Lajna came together to prepare the hampers filling them with food, toiletries, gifts, free Tesco vouchers, free beauty treatment vouchers (donated by a Lajna who does beautician work). We also distributed bookmarks with our details to the ladies.

Peterborough Lajna Imaillah managed to donate 4 large hampers to their local Women’s Aid shelter, filled with food & toiletries.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Alhamdolillah the Islamabad regions were able to deliver hampers to 4 shelters during this month. Within this there were a total of 10 hampers that went out. The hampers included necessities that the women's shelters requested, these included: clothes, toiletries, food, cleaning products and Jama’at leaflets. Further to this the secretaries have been able to get in touch with another two shelters and are currently in the process of sending them hampers. All of the hampers were well received and one of the secretaries even got a thank you response from their local MP. Secretaries that were unable to send hampers are in the process of working on this and will Insha’Allah send out hampers this month.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Alhamdolillah Lajna Imaillah London Region have very enthusiastically participated in the National Tabligh Shelter Campaign. Through this campaign our Lajna were able to provide practical support by showing love and care as well as raising awareness of Islam to women in Shelters. Our Tabligh secretaries worked with great spirit and utmost passion from each of the 13 majalis in London Region. By the grace of Allah 70 hampers were prepared, each packed with generous donations of high quality items and very elegantly presented. Contents included items such as dried fruit, tinned food, hygiene products, toiletries, grooming accessories etc. The hampers also included Jama’at leaflets and books such as Life of Mohammad (saw) and Pathway to Peace. Each of the hampers had a card specially designed by Nasirat, which gave our regional Nasirat the opportunity to also be part of this campaign, which also reflected our motto of “Love for All Hatred for None”.

Words cannot describe how much the donations and humanitarian efforts of Lajna were appreciated by the staff at the Shelters. The shelter staff was very welcoming and full of praise for the efforts of Ahmadi Muslim women. London Region contacted four women’s Shelters and the regional Tabligh nigran arranged transport for taking the hampers to the Shelters. Local newspapers were sent pictures and a brief report on the campaign. Alhamdolillah we have had very positive response from the Shelters. This Campaign has opened doors for new Tabligh contacts and has been a great opportunity for Lajna to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat. May Allah Almighty accept our humble efforts. Ameen.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Greenford Jama’at visited the Hillingdon Women’s Centre and donated 4 hampers including toiletries, food & perfumes; for introduction purposes the book ‘Life of Muhammad’ and leaflets to introduce the Jama’at were also inserted into the hampers.

Hayes Jama’at also visited the same Centre donating 2 hampers consisting of toiletries, food and a mixture of Jama’at leaflets.

High Wycombe visited the Women’s Outreach Centre and donated 4 hampers filled with toiletries, food and leaflets. The centre was very delighted by the donations and sent a thank you letter.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

‘From Lajna with Love’ Campaign Marks the International Women’s Day in Midlands

Lajna in Midlands enthusiastically took part in the Shelter Campaign to commemorate the International Women’s Day. Through this Tabligh Activity, Alhamdulillah valuable contacts were made with 13 Shelters and 32 beautifully decorated and embellished hampers and 3 food bags were donated altogether throughout the Midlands. The hampers generally were packed with dried food items, tinned food, Skimmed milk and toiletries; peace leaflets were also added to the hampers. The Secretaries took the opportunity to provide Jama’at literature to the organisers of the Shelters. We hope that this new Campaign will open the door for Tabligh dialogue.

Birmingham North – Donations were made to the women's shelter ‘Roshni’. An introduction to the Community and role of Lajna Imaillah was given. Lajna talked about the campaign ‘From Lajna with Love’ and shared Jama’at Twitter account and website. In addition to the 2 hampers a number of Duvet sets and 20 Peace leaflets were also given. We have been told that they will display the leaflets in their large shelter known as Nishkam. Birmingham South donated 1 hamper to ‘Birmingham Women’s Aid’. Another was donated to ‘Asian women Centre’. Together they also provided 1 Copy of the ‘Life of Muhammad’ and 1 copy of ‘Pathway to Peace’ including 8 Peace leaflets to ‘Birmingham Women’s Aid’ and ‘Asian women Centre’.

Walsall donated 5 hampers and 1 bag to ‘Aven House Shelter.’ The hampers also contained 4 Pathways to Peace, 26 Peace leaflets. The shelter is in desperate need of bedding and crockery; which is being arranged to be donated this month, Insha’Allah. Burton donated 2 hampers to 2 different Shelters named ‘Harvey’s Girls’ and ‘Derby Women’s Centre’.

Masha’Allah 23 Books were given to the staff and the women which included 1 Quran, 1 philosophy of the teachings of Islam, 1 Jesus in India, 10 Life of Mohammed, 10 Pathway to Peace. The charities were very impressed by the efforts and initiatives. They welcomed Lajna warmly.

Leicester took lead in donating 9 hampers containing toiletries, one each to a resident of the shelter named ‘Women’s Aid Leicestershire Ltd’ Masha’Allah. Northampton donated 1 hamper to the local shelter known as ‘Women’s Aid’. The organisers were thrilled and send a Thank you letter to the Northampton Majlis. Coventry donated 1 hamper box to ‘Haven’ women’s shelter. A brief introduction was given of the Jama’at and Peace leaflets were packed within the hamper. A thank you letter has been received by the majlis expressing their gratitude and explaining that the Centre particularly provides help and support to women who face domestic violence and abuse.

Birmingham Central donated 3 hampers and 2 food bags to 3 Shelters. Birmingham West had 2 hampers delivered to 2 Local shelters. While Birmingham East donated 1 hamper to 1 local shelter. Leamington Spa donated 1 hamper and a cheque of £150 and Wolverhampton donated 2 hampers to 1 local Centre.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

By the Grace of God we have six Jama’ats in the North East Region participated in the ‘From Lajna with Love’ campaign. Bradford North Lajna contacted the Barnardo’s team who work with Asian girls and women who have left their homes and are vulnerable. On visiting Barnardo’s, a basket of exotic fruits was given. Hats, scarves and gloves were also given to Syrian refugees to help them keep warm.

Bradford South Lajna sent e-mails to various groups in their area. The Anah Project in Bradford who support black, Asian and minority ethnic women fleeing domestic abuse, were the only ones to reply. Lajna took two hampers which were given to the project, one containing toiletries the other food items.

Hartlepool Lajna contacted ‘Harbour’, the council run organisation that deals with women and their children who have had to leave their homes because of abuse. The Sadr and two lajna took three hampers to the centre and were greeted by Dawn Todd, the Team Manager. A letter of thanks was sent by Dawn on behalf of the families and staff to Hartlepool Lajna.

Keighley Lajna contacted a local refuge and presented two hampers one containing toiletries the other food items. Leeds Lajna took food and fruit hampers to a local refuge, which were gratefully accepted.

Newcastle Lajna contacted two women’s shelters and donated hampers filled with fruit, food and soft toys. They also gave 12 copies of each of the following: Life of Muhammad, 10% Campaign leaflets, Holy Prophet leaflets, Islamic Veil leaflets and FAQ booklets. Chroniclelive (a local newspaper) covered the story. An e-mail was received from the Shelters thanking Lajna for their beautiful gifts. The Lajna have promised to keep in touch with the shelters.

The Regional Sadr Mrs. Razia Amini Sahiba and her Amila were given details and photographs of all the Jama’at efforts and chose Newcastle Jama’at as the winner. May Allah Bless and reward all their efforts. May He bless everyone in our region who took part in ‘From Lajna with Love’.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

We made around 30 hampers. 2 Majalis managed to secure radio interviews and good coverage was given by BBC Radio Lancashire and All FM Radio. This was a great opportunity to promote Lajna Imaillah’s wonderful humanitarian works and the #Love from Lajna campaign. MPs and Councillors in the region were informed about the campaign and newspapers were sent pictures and a brief report on the campaign.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016


Three different women’s shelters were contacted via telephone and a brief introduction about Lajna Imaillah and our “From Lajna with Love’ shelter campaign was explained. Glasgow Lajna generously donated all items for hampers, such as dry food and toiletries and these were presented in a beautifully decorated wooden box each weighing about 10KG. Along with these items, Jama’at books, leaflets and contact details were also included into the hampers. Jama’at books included were; World Crisis and Pathway to Peace’ by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba). Leaflets included were; Peace leaflet, Holy Quran, Holy prophet, FAQ’s etc.

The hampers were handed to two different women’s shelters - Women’s refuge in Drumchapel and Bishopbriggs. They accepted the donation very gratefully and we received comments such as “Thank you for thinking of us. We are very grateful”.


In March 2016 seven Lajna from Dundee Jama’at contributed to these items to the Tabligh Hamper for Women’s Aid Dundee. Jama’at leaflets such as Introduction, Holy Prophet (PBUH), books and a brief introduction of the Jama’at were included into the hamper.


To mark International Women's Day 2016, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association (Lajna Imaillah) from Edinburgh prepared and donated love-filled beautiful hampers to Edinburgh Women's Aid. In total four shelters were contacted, namely Edinburgh Women’s Aid, Fife Women’s Aid, Karma Nirvana and Broken Rainbow. The hampers comprised of dried/tinned food items and amenity kits and were personally delivered to Edinburgh Women’s Aid during their International Women’s Day celebration exhibition, with the message “From Lajna with Love” to show the women that we are thinking of them. As a way to introduce ourselves, some literature was also included in the hampers; including ‘World Crisis – A Pathway to Peace’, and leaflets i.e. Frequently Asked Questions etc. Relevant

websites, and, were provided for further details.

The hampers were received with thanks and Edinburgh Women’s Aid posted our efforts on their Facebook account. Their spokeswoman, Margaret Patrizio, said “On behalf of the women and children who use our service, we would like to thank the Edinburgh Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association for thinking of Edinburgh Women’s Aid and for your generous donation of gift hampers. …I can assure you that the goods will be very beneficial to the women and children that Edinburgh Women’s Aid supports. Your kindness is very much


Furthermore, an article was published by Lajna Edinburgh on 8th Mar 2016 at 'International Women’s Day' website, which gave the introduction of the Lajna. A quote was taken: “The aim of Lajna Imaillah is to raise awareness amongst women of their important status, their rights and responsibilities. We focus on our duties to God and towards mankind and make useful contributions to the society in which we live and raise our future generations.”

In addition, the article also highlighted that Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is part of a peace-loving, international revival movement within Islam, whose motto is ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’. Lajna Imaillah Edinburgh spokeswoman, Dr.Tashfeen Walton, commented: "It is extremely important for us at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association to consistently and continuously live up to our aim and motto through our everyday actions. I hope and pray that we can continue to serve our local community in the best manner possible, and provide sufficient support to women to enable them to live happy, fulfilled and peaceful lives."

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

By the Grace of Allah South Region supported two shelter homes collectively. One was Bromley Women Aid and the second Greenwich DVA Services, Housing for Women.

Lajna from all majalis supported their Tabligh and Khidmat-e-Khalq secretaries with great ambition in making the gift hampers. Lajna from each majlis put their heart into making the hampers using their creativity.

South Region donated 57 hampers, which included books and colouring pencils for children, kitchen utensils, crockery, bed sheets, baby blankets and toiletries.

Tabligh monitor Asfa Javaid Sahiba South Region used this opportunity to introduce Lajna Imaillah South Region and invited the team from the shelter home over to Tahir Mosque in Catford. Regional Sadar Mrs. Kouser Ahmad, presidents of majalis, Tabligh secretaries and Khidmat-e-Khalq secretaries gathered at Tahir mosque and had a nice and valuable discussion over a cup of tea. An introduction about Lajna Imaillah was given to the guests. Regional Sadar Sahiba and her Amla members were also introduced and their roles and responsibilities were explained. Finally the guests were also given a tour of the mosque and the exhibition. Jama’ats introductory leaflet pack was given to them and a card for the shelter home, which said ‘With Love from Lajna South Region’ signed by all Amla members present.

The team was very thankful and amazed to see how creatively the hampers were presented.

Hi Asfa, Viv & I went to collect the donation. The hampers are lovely and full of much needed items for women and children. We had a lovely chat with your fellow members of Ahmadiyya Women's Association Lajna of South Region. Your work is very important as women of faith and we can't thank you enough for supporting your local women's charity. We collected some literature v & leaflets and we exchanged our contact details so I do hope this is the first of many initiatives together. Best wishes from all of us at BWA Marta

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Alhamdolillah, all majalis of Southwest region spread out the message of love and peace within the society by giving out the gift hampers to women in need in different charity organizations. The details are down below:

Bristol - Lajna Bristol went to a women’s charity organisation “Awaaz Uthao” and gave seven big bags of gifts in March.

Cardiff - Lajna Cardiff went to visit “BAWSO” in April and gave Eighteen big bags of gifts.

Newport - Lajna Newport visited “Refuge” by BAWSO at Information Station of Newport council in March to give Thirteen bis gift hampers.

Swansea - Lajna Swansea visited “Women’s Shelter” in March and delivered Seven big gift hampers.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Scunthorpe: Scunthorpe branch presented their local Women's Aid Shelter with 10 gift hampers containing dry and canned food/toiletries/teabags and 5 leaflets. Sheffield: Sheffield's Lajna donated their local shelter coffee, tea bags, sugar hot chocolate and Jama’at literature. Huddersfield North: Huddersfield Women’s Aid (HWA) is a support service for all women and children affected by domestic violence providing support, advice, information and safe temporary accommodation. Following items were donated: Kitchen utensils, tissue, cleaning mop, cleaning agents, biscuits, pasta, tinned food, scourers, shampoo, shower gel, cereal, cakes, tea bags, coffee and hand wash. Thank you Naeema, It was lovely to meet you and your sister. Everyone is so grateful for the donations you brought in, thanks again. I have forwarded your details on to our fundraiser, Ann Hedley as she knows which donations are required and where should the need arise. Please do stay in touch and we look forward to receiving your leaflets. If you need us to send some of our leaflets out to you let me know. Take care and thanks again for your wonderful donations and you very kind offers of help. Kind regards Debbie Spen Valley: North Kirklees Women’s Refuge provides safe accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic violence. Following items were donated, nappies, baby food, toiletries, slippers, dressing gowns and towels. Two copies of 'Pathway to Peace' and 'Life of Mohammad' each were also included as well as a selection of Jama'at leaflets and our contact details. Huddersfield South: The ‘Pennine Domestic Violence Group’ organization caters and cares for the needs of women in difficult circumstances. The items donated were bedding/pillows, wide range of toiletries, pots and pans, cutlery, food items and spices. Hampers included Tabligh leaflets & various literatures.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

The book contains glimpses of how our elders lived a life of truth and preached and practised it, and how they experienced and witnessed the living God in their own persons. The list is endless; nevertheless, Dr. Ayaz has laid before us a feast of truth, love and devotion, with a view to translating our spiritual past and present into our own persons and, “God-willing”, to make our own contribution to the trail these living legends blazed.

1) How many types of Waqf are mentioned in the Quran and what are they? [p. 54-64] 2) What is the literal meaning of ‘Islam’? [p. 66-74] 3) What is the need of Waqf-e-Zindagi in the service of Islam? [p. 100-110] 4) What is the purpose and aim of Madrassa Ahmadiyya according to the Promised Messiah (as)? [p. 148-163]

1) What is the ‘Dawa-tul-Khair’ Fund? And what was the purpose of this fund? [p. 185-196] 2) Discuss the sacrifices of life devotees and their magnificent results. [p. 200-210] 3) What are the requirements for devotion of life? [p. 225 - 240] 4) What is the definition of a missionary? [p. 241-245]

1) What is the objective of Waqf-e-Jadid? [p. 340-350] 2) What are the responsibilities of Waqifeen? [p. 380-391] 3) What are the two important tasks for Waqifeene Arzi? [p. 380 - 387]

1) What is the vow of a ‘da illalah’? [p. 410-414] 2) What is the importance of the Waqf-e-Nau Scheme? [p. 416 - 424] 3) Discuss some faith inspiring incidences of Devotess. [p. 465 -522]

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Manchester West & South Women for Peace Event

2 Lajna from Manchester West and 1 from Manchester South were involved in a fantastic peace building event entitled “Food for Thought-Bringing Communities Together.” Lajna attended a free 15-week course, supported by The Home Office. The aim was to educate women about extremism; how it starts, who gets involved and is there a solution? Lajna were part of a group of approximately 15 ladies who were from a diverse background. The course was very interactive and involved many team-building games. A film about how extremists are recruited, e.g. IRA, Civil war in Bangladesh and The Ku Klux Klan was shown. The course was informative and energising, all those who attended received accredited certificates. The event was held on 10th March and was well attended by women from diverse backgrounds and races. The course enabled women to educate themselves and others about extremists and terrorism. A local journalist gave good newspaper coverage of the event.

Manchester West - All FM Radio Interview A Lajna member was given the opportunity to do a live one-hour radio interview with All FM Radio. Lajna Imaillah was introduced, giving a brief historical perspective and then a summary of how Lajna works tirelessly to serve humanity here in the UK and around the world. The “From Lajna with Love’ shelter campaign was showcased and created much discussion. The project was highly praised and appreciated. The Jama’at motto ‘Love for all and Hatred for none ‘and #Love from Lajna was promoted.

Manchester West - Mosque Tour

70 Children and 6 adults attended a 2 day mosque tour at Darul Aman Mosque from Davyhulme Primary school in Trafford. Children had an introductory talk that explained the features of the mosque and its purpose. A tour was given of the prayer halls and library, which was followed by refreshments and a Q&A session. Teachers were presented with gift packs of books and Jama’at leaflets.

Manchester South - Holi Festival at Gits Bhavan Hindu Temple

6 Lajna members visited the temple and had an opportunity to meet and greet other ladies attending including the Priest’s wife who made everyone feel welcomed. Some ladies tried explaining the significance of Holi and the reason behind the rituals, which were being carried out.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

On 9th April at Darul Aman Mosque, all 6 Manchester Jama’ats combined to hold a Women’s day event called The WOW Event, Women Overcoming Wrongs. Guest speakers were from local groups including Women Against Violence, Women’s Aid and the Nigerian Women’s Group Manchester. Each spoke about how women had come out of difficult situations stronger and motivated to help others. Women’s Aid presented a case study, Mother’s Against Violence (who campaign against gun and knife crime after the loss of a teenage family member) talked about their contribution in working with young people, and the Nigerian Women’s Group did a presentation on the different roles of women in different cultures and showed examples of women who have overcome wrongs.

Lajna showed a video clip introducing the Jama’at and the ‘From Lajna with Love’ shelter campaign was promoted. The Jama’ats ‘Love fore all Hatred for none’ was also discussed. Lajna spoke about Hazrat Khadija (ra’s) achievements and her exemplary role model for Muslim women. A total of 21 non-Ahmadi guests attended the event.

There were a number of stalls including henna, beauty, food and cakes. An exhibition was held on ‘Women in Islam’, ‘The misconceptions of the veil’ and ‘Humanity First’. 5 guests took part in a mosque tour as the event concluded, even during the tour the women entered into lengthy discussions about Ahmadiyyat and persecution as well as women. The event was an eye opening experience for those guests who had not visited a mosque before. We had some excellent feedback from guests, who said they felt very welcome and would like to attend future events. One guest said, “I enjoyed a space for women to come together and speak.”

Interfaith Event

By the Grace of God Almighty, Lajna of Slough Jama’at held their first interfaith event ‘Womens’ contribution to society’ where 9 guests attended. It was an informal event where after an introduction to the Jama’at and the local work Slough Jama’at does, guests were presented with snacks and cake. We also set up an exhibition on ‘Women in Islam’ and all guests were given gift packs (total 6), which included a pen and leaflets (10%, The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, True Loyalty to One’s Nation, Islam’s response to extremism, Islam’s Response to Extremism, The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, The Promised Messiahas)

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

On the 14th April Preston Lajna had an amazing opportunity to take part in a two-hour Radio Show on BBC Radio Lancashire about Preston Lajna’s charitable work. BBC Lancashire Radio has 200 thousand listeners and therefore this was a fantastic Tabligh opportunity to portray the true message of Islam, although the interview presented some challenging questions at times. The show was hosted over a coffee morning and some of the questions asked were about Sharia Law, Polygamy, Faith schools and Radicalization.

The news of this Radio Show was published in Times of Ahmad in April. It was titled: “Preston Muslim women demystify Islam on BBC radio, offer services to victims of domestic violence”. The feature explained how the women’s wing of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community Preston, Lajna Imaillah, arranged for BBC Radio Lancashire to cover their hamper gifts presentation to the Hope Centre, which is a support service for women who have suffered from domestic violence and abuse.

The hamper presentation happened to coincide with a controversial Channel 4 documentary titled 'What British Muslims Really Think '. The documentary outraged many Muslims who believe that it is a further attempt to demonise the British Muslim population. Ahmadi women answered some difficult questions regarding this documentary.

Following on from the controversial Channel 4 documentary a number of Lajna sent complaints to Channel 4 explaining how they felt the survey was unfair and not evidence based. As a result Preston Lajna were contacted by Sally Naden, the host on BBC Radio Lancashire. Allhamdolillah, new opportunities have aroused and in the month of May, 4 separate sessions will be recorded by the Radio to make up a one-hour Documentary about Preston Lajna, Islam and the Jama’at. These activities will involve a Cooking session, a Childrens class, a Bookstall and a Mosque Tour, Insha’Allah. Please pray for the success of this documentary and that true message of Islam can be portrayed. To be aired on the 30th May at 1pm on BBC Radio Lancashire.

Each month Preston Lajna bring tinned/packet food to their monthly meeting. These food donations are given to different food banks throughout Preston each month. The Jama’at is introduced to the group and peace leaflets given. So far donations have been made to Salvation Army, Foxten Centre for homeless men, Foxten Centre for homeless women, the Beautiful Planet for Syrian Refugees.

On the 14th of April Lajna presented their decorated hampers and the items listed below to the local support Centre for women who have suffered from Domestic Violence.

Summary for PRESTON'S hamper for the HOPE CENTRE: 1- stain glass painting of love for all hatred for none, AMWA 2- Basket of toiletries/perfume and jewellery 3- Box of bracelets and handbags 4- Box of food, sweets and chocolates 5- Peace leaflets, Pathway to Peace book and Life of Muhammad book.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Women’s Day by men Connect First On 23rd March 2016, four of or Lajna members attended a women’s day arranged by Women Connect First Cardiff at City Hall Cardiff. Lajna visited all the stalls there. The title of the women day was “Different Not Divided Interfaith Finale Event”. Two new contacts were made and introduction of Jama’at was given to some attendees. A contact from Cardiff University offers us free training of IELTS to at least eight of our lajna members in our own premises.

Human Rights Lecture

On 10th March 2016, a lecture on Human Rights was attended by a lajna member. After the lecture, she had a detailed discussions with four dignitaries on “Islamphobia”, “Role of Women in Islam”, “Introduction to Ahmadiyyat”, “Introduction to Lajna” and “Services of Jama’at in Wales”.

She invited one media representative from BBC to the National Peace Symposium. She also had a one to one discussion with media professional about the aforementioned topics. Two guests from the event attended the Peace Symposium and were very delighted by the Hazoor’s lecture. They also noted the points from the Symposium and tweeted about the event.

Different Not Divided Interfaith Seminar On 11th March 2016, an interfaith seminar, Different not Divided, was conducted by “Women Connect First”. Three Lajna members were invited. Purpose of the event was:

1. Increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK

2. Celebrating their contributions toward society and neighbourhood.

3. To increase understanding between and about faiths and also between those of religions and non-religious believes.

4. Share good practice and look at both the opportunities and challenges of living well together in our diverse society.

5. Strengthening good interfaith/community relations. 6. To highlight the contribution of faith communities to our

shared lives.

Quiz, small group discussions, religious/cultural Q/A session, feedback from group discussion were some main parts of the session.

Book, Henna & Food Stall

On 15th March 2016, an Ethnic Minorities Health Fair was arranged at City Hall, Cardiff. We arranged a stall in that event where we displayed our books, leaflets, and flyers along with a henna & fruit stall. Councillor/Deputy Lord Mayor Cardiff Dilawar Ali was chief guest and visited our stall too. He also gave us his visiting card to seek any kind of help in future, if needed.

On 6th March 2016, 5 Lajna & 12 Nasirat had a visit to Christ Church located in New Malden on Mother’s day along with flower bouquet, chocolate hampers, a book (path way to peace) and a leaflet.

Two Police officers were invited by our local Sadar Sahiba in our monthly meeting in the month of January, Lajna & Nasirat asked various questions and we discussed basic concepts of Islam Ahmadiyya, also I told her about the situation of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. We presented to her the book ‘World Crises and pathway to peace’ & 4 different leaflets as a gift.

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Multicultural Event

Lajna has organised a multicultural event where non-Ahmadi guests were invited. By the grace of Allah, Almighty we had 13 guests at this event. We had guests from Pakistani and Nigerian background. All Lajna members were asked to wear their country or provincial dress and bring their own food.

We started the event with the recitation of Holy Qur’an. Secretary Tabligh delivered a power point presentation on Humanity first and its projects. Two power point presentations were delivered; 1) Culture and traditions of Pakistan. 2) Culture and tradition on Nigeria. After deliverance of presentations Sadar Lajna delivered a short speech and thanked all the participants. Session was concluded with the silent prayers lead by respected Sadar Sahiba. Then food was offered.

On the 5th March 2016 and in line with National Women’s Day Lajna Imaillah Newcastle held a ‘Women in Islam’ Exhibition at Inspiring Women conference at Newcastle University. The Exhibition was a great success and we were honoured with the presence of women from various Organisations, Colleges and Universities visited the Exhibition and appreciated the work immensely. Two of these many guests consisted of the well-known founder of The Centre of Creative Change (C4CC) Penni Blythe and the renowned TV presenter Charlie Webster. Penni Blythe offers a bespoke Coaching and Leadership service at the C4CC and as we all know Charlie Webster is a very passionate and outspoken women’s rights campaigner, specifically targeting sexual and domestic abuse. Both ladies appreciated the presentations made and offered their gratitude for inviting them to this important topic of Women in Islam. During the discussion Shafia Saeed suggested to Charlie Webster to start a campaign where mothers should teach and train their children from a very young age on how they should treat and behave with women. If parents are guided to train their children at in early childhood then we won’t have to face this issue of sexual abuse which is also a reason why Islam has emphasised on the Women’s education. Charlie liked this suggestion and affirmed Shafia that she will discuss and make suggestions on this to David Cameron. Leaflets were taken and contacts were exchanged. Guests were educated about Islam and informed them that Islam was the first religion to give rights to Women 1400 years ago, whilst women in western countries got their rights only a few decades ago. Even until now there are many professions were women get lower pay than men. This is not the teaching of Islam. Ladies were very interested to know that Islam has given the right to divorce, inheritance, getting education, getting in to professions as well as getting a dowry which every man has to pay to his wife after marriage. They were also educated with the bold and pure status of a mother, wife, sister and women in general, in Islam. Teachers from Newcastle College and ladies from Women’s Equality Party also graced us with their presence and were fascinated with the information provided by the Ahmadiyya women and invited Shafia Saeed, to deliver talks about the correct interpretation of Women’s rights in Islam within their organisations too. Contacts were exchanged so that future events can be organised by the Ahmadiyya Mulim Association. The exhibition fulfilled its purpose of clarifying the guest’s misconceptions about Women in Islam and spread the peaceful and righteous teachings of Islam to those that attended. The Women’s auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association are honoured to have been involved in replacing misconceptions with the correct knowledge of Women’s rights in Islam and look forward to their next exhibition of further awareness.

School Talks Tabligh secretary of Lajna, Newcastle approached Atkinson road primary school Headteacher. She mentioned that one of their students has completed her Holy Qur’an so she would like to come and give a talk in relation to International Women's day and Qur’an. Secretary Tabligh was called on 4th March to deliver the presentation at their assembly. There were 400 children and 32 teachers. She started with the introduction of the Holy Qur'an and explained what Ameen ceremony is? Then she told the students what does Islam says about how to treat women. She explained in detail how to treat especially Mothers, sisters and teachers. Tabligh Secretary finished her talk by saying LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE and children repeated it. After the talk, headteacher called Nasira and told other students that she has achieved something good outside the school that she has completed her reading of the Qur'an. At the end the Secretary Tabligh distributed gift bags (including leaflets and Life of Muhammad) to 32 teachers.

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Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Ahmadiyyya Muslim Women’s Association UK organised a Regional Muslim Women’s Seminar on the theme of “Muslim Women in British society” on Saturday 5th March 2016 in Swansea. The seminar was attended by Member of Welsh Assembly Suzy Davies, former Leader of Welsh Green party Pippa Bartolotti, Councillor Yvonne Jardine, Councillor Cheryl Philpott, Professor of Sociology Open University Marie Gillespie besides other guests from Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol, Newport, Devon and Cornwall.

The event was part of the awareness campaign by Ahmadiyya Muslim community to promote peace, understanding, respect and harmony in the society. There were many presentations and productive discussions during the seminar. The Seminar started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab (Ch33 Verse 36) along with its English translation. Uliya Majeed presented a brief introduction of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

Saiha Maaz, Vice president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association southwest region spoke about women being British and Muslim, their roles, responsibilities and challenges faced. She added that the language of communication in our mosques is English and our youth is absolutely out of radicalisation because they are always engaged in constructive and charitable activities in the society. We respect all religions, love the land where we live based on the true teaching of Islam.

In another presentation, Sophia Maham highlighted the key role of ‘Women in Islam’ with examples from the early Islamic history. Proving some key events and facts from history, she highlighted how Islam was pioneer in empowering women by giving them equal rights.

Guest speakers including Suzy Davies Welsh AM, Pippa Bartolotti, Councillor Yvonne Jardine, Councillor Cheryl Philpott and Professor Marie Gillespie commended the efforts of Ahmadiyya Muslim women for their efforts in promoting awareness and mutual respect in the society in various ways including holding such seminars and reaching out to other members of society. Professor Gillespie said that she wished if all the speeches delivered in seminar could be delivered across UK to raise the awareness and called Ahmadiyya Muslim women an inspiration.

To conclude the seminar, Shehla Noman, Regional President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association southwest region expressed her cordial gratitude to all distinguished guests. She also highlighted that how Islam and Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) abolished all inequities and discriminations from society, uplifted the status of women by giving them equal rights as those of men including the right of inheritance 1400 years ago which was only adopted very recently in the modern world. Ahmadiyya community strives to promote those real teachings to promote peace and harmony in the society and these efforts are bearing fruits day by day.

The seminar was concluded with silent prayer followed by lunch.

Page 29: NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Da’in ilAllah · 2017-01-29 · NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Dolor Sit Amet Dearest Sisters ... Alhamdolillah the last few months have been host to many


Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Activities: Organise a library exhibition on the role of a women in society.

Workshop: "Life of female companioins of t h e H o l y Prophetsa "


Invite contacts to Jalsa Salana UK


''Ahmadi Women- exemplary Muslim role models"


O r g a n i s e a n d participate in a minimum of 3 multi-faith, cross-community events


" D i f f e r e n c e between culture and religion"

Activities: Give food to neighbours and friends.


"How we can raise the profile o f A h m a d i women within the society from a T a b l i g h perspective"

Page 30: NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Da’in ilAllah · 2017-01-29 · NATIONAL TABLIGH DEPARTMENT Dolor Sit Amet Dearest Sisters ... Alhamdolillah the last few months have been host to many


Lajna Imaillah UK Tabligh Newsletter June 2016

Voice of Islam Radio is a new Digital DAB 24hr radio station, which offers news, views, discussion and insight on Islam’s Perspectives on the world today.

It is a new channel that will inform, engage and give you a chance to express your views on a range of topics. Broadcasting 24 hours a day the station aims to give everyone a space for discussion, for people of faith, no faith or just those with an interest in social peace and greater justice.

• Wake up to The Breakfast Show to catch up on current affairs

• Get up to the minute news on the hour, every hour with our regular news bulletins

• Have your say at Drive Time with key themes up for debate

• Listen to inspiring accounts and from leading personalities and writers in Book Corner.

• Put religion under the microscope with Faith Matters

Broadcasting from South London, the V oice of Islam is the latest radio station with the freshest ideas.

Send in your with all the & to:

The Da’in ilAllah newsletter will Insha’Allah be issued every three months via email. Regional Monitors please ensure that your National Tabligh Assistant has the correct contact details for the Tabligh Secretaries in your region.

Please remember the Tabligh team in your prayers. May Allah shower His Choicest blessings on all our efforts. Ameen

[This newsletter is created and published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association, Tabligh Department]