National Supplement on Security

CHENNAI DELHI KOLKATA MUMBAI Sep 3-9, 2012 National Supplement - Security Anti-virus survives the cloud onslaught AVISHEK RAKSHIT Kolkata, August 27 M uch has been hyped about the adoption of cloud both in the public as well as hybrid domain and speculations were on the rise about the security aspect of public data sharing. At one point of time, speculations were rising on the future of anti-virus software (AV) and programs in the changing dynamics of IT, particularly with physical, centralized and network security becoming more prominent. The prediction, was, however ambiguous, primarily because cloud was still left coded and many integrators either failed to understand the concept fully (till now, often a hybid variety of cloud is confused with virtualization) or failed to realize the full potential. The result being, a panic situation in the market as far as the enterprise segment was concerned. The last two fiscals how- ever, have fooled people predicting the doom of anti-virus programs (both in enterprise and SOHO segment), but instead the anti-virus security space has grown; although pri- marily on the SOHO front. “Security-as-a-service gained traction last year due to its advantages in freeing IT from the operational, IT and budget constraints that can keep them from achieving business goals. For example, Symantec’ cloud solutions protect organizations from external threats, help man- age internal risks and pre- vent data loss and support new business objectives by adapting to changing Continued on page 3 AVAST OTHERS AVIRA AVG ESET SYMANTEC MICROSOFT KASPERSKY MCAFEE PANDA TREND DISSECTING GLOBAL ANTI-VIRUS MARKET (FY12) AVAST SOFTWARE 16.26% AVIRA GMBH 11.65% AVG TECHNOLOGIES 10.96% MICROSOFT 10.08% ESET SOFTWARE 10.06% SYMANTEC 9.97% KASPERSKY LABS 7.75% MCAFEE 4.74% PANDA SOFTWARE 3.77% TREND MICRO 2.22% OTHERS 11.54% Based on survey of 353,000 users world- wide in terms of installations Source: OPSWAT vb Meeting the maestro Sachin Tendulkar was never as simple as this. 6LJQ XS WR EH D Kaspersky Lab Enterprise partner EHIRUH $XJ 6HOO D PLQLPXP RI 5000 new B2B licenses of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 Suite** IURP HQUROPHQW XS WR 'HF <RX EHFRPH HOLJLEOH WR DWWHQG D KLJKWHD HYHQW ZLWK 6DFKLQ 7HQGXONDU LQ -DQ)HE DW 0XPEDL 7KH KLJKHVW RUGHU GXULQJ WKLV SHULRG ZLOO DOVR UHFHLYH DQ autographed bat from Sachin GXULQJ WKH HYHQW It’s time to make that masterstroke! 7R NQRZ PRUH UHDFK XV DW [email protected] 7HUPV &RQGLWLRQV $SSO\ 'RHV QRW LQFOXGH UHQHZDOV DQG DGGLWLRQDO OLFHQVHV 7UDYHO DQG RWKHU UHODWHG FRVWV KDYH WR EH ERUQH E\ WKH SDUWQHUV (National Distributor - Enterprise) %LVZDMHHW#VHDLQIRQHWFRP


Unlike the predictions about the doom of anti-virus programs,the antivirus security space has grown

Transcript of National Supplement on Security

Page 1: National Supplement on Security


National Supplement - Security

Anti-virus survives the cloud onslaught

AVISHEK RAKSHITKolkata, August 27

Much has been hyped about the adoption of cloud both in

the public as well as hybrid domain and speculations were on the rise about the security aspect of public data sharing. At one point of t ime, speculations were rising on the future of anti-virus software (AV) and programs in the changing dynamics of IT, particularly with physical, centralized and network security becoming more prominent. The prediction, was, however ambiguous, primarily because cloud was still left coded and many integrators either failed to understand the concept fully (till now, often a hybid variety of cloud is confused with virtualization) or failed to realize the full potential. The result being, a panic situation in the market as far as the enterprise segment was concerned.

The last two fiscals how-ever, have fooled people predicting the doom of anti-virus programs (both in enterprise and SOHO segment), but instead the anti-virus security space has grown; although pri-marily on the SOHO front.


gained traction last year due to its advantages in freeing IT from the operational, IT and budget constraints that can keep them from achieving business goals. For example, Symantec’ cloud solutions protect organizations from external threats, help man-age internal risks and pre-vent data loss and support new business objectives by adapting to changing

Continued on page 3



















MCAFEE 4.74%



OTHERS 11.54%

Based on survey of 353,000 users world-wide in terms of installations Source: OPSWAT


Meeting the maestro Sachin Tendulkar was never as simple as this.

Kaspersky Lab Enterprise partner

5000 new B2B licenses of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 Suite**

autographed bat from Sachin

It’s time to make that masterstroke!

[email protected]

(National Distributor - Enterprise)

Page 2: National Supplement on Security

www.dqweek.comSep 3-9, 2012The DQ Week2 S E C U R I T Y




AVISHEK RAKSHITKolkata, August 30

Talking of security, people generally have the notion of

building their viewpoints in and around the anti-virus programs as the primary measure of preventing unauthor ized access , data theft and securing passwords. However, for the SMB and corporate segments, security is not just about a program to monitor over the security front but spans beyond the tradition of having a software program to prevent other software intrusions.

The concept of network

security evolved thus aim-ing at not just catering to the needs of end-protection but protecting the network and the firewall itself. The concept of network protec-tion and intrusion found its complete definition with the evolution of Unified Threat Management (UTM) which, in theory is the evolution of the traditional firewall into an all-inclu-sive security product able to perform multiple secu-rity functions within one single appliance: network firewalling, network intru-sion prevention and gate-way anti-virus, gateway anti-spam, VPN, content filtering, load balancing,

‘Threat’ turns into an opportunitydata leak prevention and on-appliance reporting.

The current market size of UTM applications is stated to be more than $500 bn globally which is estimated to be growing at a pace of 20%. The market is expected to reach $800 bn by CY’14 opening up a wider array of opportuni-ties in the present scenario and the coming years.

Of this lot, in India, the adoption of UTM started a bit late indeed as programs were thought of as the most viable options for security. However, gateway level threats and the incoming network outbreaks during early 2000 put the CIOs and

the IT divisions into seri-ous questions after which the concept gradually got its hold over the SMB and the corporate space.

As such, network secu-rity and UTM applications is essentially meant for business houses and not the single-point end-user which shrinks its market size and opens up close quarter com-petitive environment. How-ever, not all vendors risked burning their hands into UTM applications resulting in well-defined territories for the vendors.

In the overall Indian market, while Fortinet con-tinues to rule the govern-ment and telecom verticals

The current market size of UTM applications is stated to be more than $500 bn globally which is estimated to be growing at a pace of 20%

having a stable 25% y-o-y growth making it the mar-ket leader, Cyberoam is catching up fast in the over-all market share at 22% (in terms of deployments and points), but revenues and topline still remain lower when compared to Fortinet. Core verticals for Cyberoam have been the SMB and SME segments.

This year, most of the vendors in the UTM space have defined their goals and marked their focus areas clearly and poised to aim for a higher market growth. Hence, CY12 will be witnessing the matured war of having greater mar-ket shares.

Last year has been very encouraging for us. Across sec-tors, we observed an increase in IT investments and Indian businesses are becoming proactive in their

security approach, as indicated in the latest Symantec State of Security Survey 2011. In fact, the survey found that ongoing security efforts have reduced the revenue loss of cyber attacks in India by 40% on an average. How-ever, the threat landscape continues to remain a reason for concern. With the report revealing that nearly 3/4th of Indian businesses have been attacked in the past 12 months, it’s not surprising that 53% of Indian businesses are planning changes to enterprise security this year, the areas of change being risk management, endpoint security and web security.

Further, security-as-a-service gained traction last year due to its advantages in freeing IT from the operational, IT and budget constraints that can keep them from achieving business goals. For example, Symantec cloud solutions protect organizations from external threats, help manage internal risks and prevent data loss and support new busi-ness objectives by adapting to changing needs. Last year, we saw an adoption across sectors—particularly small and medium businesses.

From a consumer point of view, With affordable broad-band and several options to stay connected on the go, Indians are using multiple devices (an average of 2.8) to browse, check emails, shop and connect to their personal data. As the threat landscape expands to the multiple devices and cities from which internet access is high, Nor-ton is committed to ensuring that consumers are protected from cybercrime across all devices. We have revamped and streamlined our business and product strategy for FY’13 in line with Norton’s global focus on India as a key market and to align with consumer’s Internet consumption habits. Our commitment to the Indian market includes a refreshed business strategy, new products in line with changing consumer requirements, and awareness/educa-tion programs.

Symantec’s distribution strategy is to be the partner of choice in India. We are a channel led company and our partners are critical to our success. The channel partners are with Symantec because we differentiate their busi-nesses with innovative solutions and services. Symantec offers a channel-centric business structure, programs, tools and resources that enable partners to achieve con-sistent profitable growth. Symantec’s channel goals are to offer opportunities for predictable, profitable growth for its partners’ businesses; provide partners with relevant market leading solutions to help secure and manage their customer’s information and enable partners to deliver superior customer value.

On the consumer front, we are streamlining the existing distribution channel and exploring new business oppor-tunities, ramping up our sales presence in India; we have nearly doubled our consumer headcount in India and are also increasing customer touchpoints from a reseller per-spective, which has tripled from 50 to 155. The objective is to make the fastest, lightest and strongest security solu-tions available to consumers wherever they are to this end, our strategy is now focused on the top 20 cities in India, ie, the five metros along with locations like Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Pune, Guwahati and Nashik.

Our distribution channels have expanded, with Norton products available with leading e-tailers (Flipkart and Snapdeal) and a strong focus on large-format retail. As part of our commitment to consumers, we are tying up with large organizations to make Norton products available to their employees at special prices.

We are also working towards a dedicated distribution strategy for our mobile security products, especially since

India has such a high mobile subscriber base (900 mn) and smartphones available for as little as `5,000. We are planning to make an announcement to this effect later this week.



Security space surely witnessed some positives yet with some even more sophisticated attackers. Cybercriminals increased their focus in targeting

individuals for financial and personal gains.The reason why criminals still focus their attacks on

stealing personal data is simple. It’s the sheer volume of people working from multiple devices that leaves them vulnerable to attacks. While Trend Micro has been integral in working with authorities to break up a number of cyber-criminal rings over the last year, these cybercriminals have acquired new techniques and tools from collaborat-ing with one another to accelerate their ‘industry.’ The fact is: business is booming for cybercrime and everyone needs to take notice.

Cybercriminals have continued to cast their net widely in large-scale attacks using newer, more lethal methods. Police Trojan Attacks and the Black Hole Exploit Kit continue to target desktop systems while newer platforms such as Android are seeing an unprecedented explosion in malicious apps.

Social media wasn’t exempt as cybercriminals jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon bringing tried-and-true scams to the latest social networking craze. It doesn’t take hackers or anyone a lot of effort to extract personal information from social networking sites. Sometimes, all the informa-tion they are looking for is already out there. No matter how good the security measures sites put up, 22 cyber-criminals still found a way. Instead of targeting the biggest social networking site, for instance, they have set their sights on smaller players like Pinterest. Social networking sites keep adding to their security controls and refining their existing ones. This is a cat-and-mouse game where the privacy and data security of users are at stake.

Across the board though, the goal is the same: to get personal data and financial information. Trend micro has continued growth in the security space in global market. Right now, we have less than 5% marketshare in the country and going forward, our goal is to grab at least 20% marketshare by 2014. We are scouting for 4x growth over the next couple of years.

Our channel ecosystem plays a crucial role in making our products and solutions widely available and we have new channel initiatives which are designed to empower and make them profitable. Our partners work with us to develop profitable, sustainable businesses; we reward them with training, certification, specialization, business planning and marketing tools, as well as very competitive margins. We take regular initiative to further promote and empower our channel partners and simultaneously offer the best of value added services to our existing and prospective resellers with one purchase.

We are looking at expanding the number of new channel partners with a target of more than 5,000 channel partners by the end of the year. On a regular basis we will continue announcing various schemes and promotional activities to help partners earn higher rewards.

We intend to be in the top 3 in the next couple of years. We have initiated channel incentive schemes that provide to promote and encourage our channel partner for outstanding performance.

We at Trend Micro consistently announce various schemes and promotional activities to help the chan-nel partners and the sales people earn higher rewards for every successful transaction. We recently launched a new scheme for its resellers and dealers. The scheme proposes that dealers on their purchase of Trend Micro products worth specific amount or exceeding will get a chance to win a free trip to Bangkok. It is an initiative to

further promote and empower our partners and simultaneously offer the best of value added services.

Under this scheme, Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Secu-rity reseller or dealer gets a chance to fly to Bangkok. . The scheme is valid in the Metro cit-ies for INR 1,25,000 and in rest all the cities for Rs 1,00,000, with a minimum purchase of 25% of TMS product mix. The scheme is valid on the purchase of the product from August 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012. The partner must register before August 30, 2012 for the scheme with the sales persons. Along with offer-ing the best of schemes to our resellers and dealers, we are also trying to keep pace with protect-ing the digital life and enhance and further establish the base for Titanium Security Suite.

We have charted out aggres-sive plans for the channel space and will continue to offer excit-ing schemes and incentive pro-grams for the channel commu-nity on a regular basis.

Page 3: National Supplement on Security

N E W S S E C U R I T Y 3www.dqweek.comSep 3-9, 2012The DQ Week

Continued from page 1

needs. Last year, we saw adoption across sectors – particularly small and medium businesses,” said Ritesh Chopra, country sales manager, India and Saarc, Norton.

Adding his take over the concern with cloud, Jagdish Mahapatra, MD, McAfee India and Saarc, added, “Currently, the most commonly stated security concern by enter-prises for using cloud ser-vices is data security. Cus-tomers question whether their end user data will be shared or leaked in any way breaching privacy laws. The second concern is often around standards for cloud providers. Hence to address these questions, security companies have solutions which address all the needs and ensure enterprise data is security foolproof.

With 12.1 crore internet users, the internet contin-ues to be the primary cyber-attack vector for Indians. According to McAfee, the average spam volume in India from April 2011 to March 2012 stood at an astonishing 60,000,000 and 250,000 new bot send-ers were also discovered in India through this period. So, while India has been quick to adopt the inter-net for activities such as online bill payments, bank transactions, shopping and so on, the lack of user awareness on the dan-gers while on the internet makes them an easy target for cyber crooks. Naive internet users are ‘Phished’ and cyber criminals are rewarded with unauthor-ized access to credit card details, personal informa-tion and various other important data.

Targeted attacks have taken many different forms that are automated, low and slow, leverag-ing device tampering to get access to confidential information for reasons of sabotage or espionage.

These targeted attacks were focused, stealthy and aimed at long term manip-ulation of their targets. The Stuxnet worm and Night Dragon attacks were especially aimed at critical infrastructures, a term that is used to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of society; the disruption of which can cause dire consequences to the economy at large.

According to the pre-dictions by Canalys, a market analyst company, the report states that the anti-virus software market is expecting an annual growth of 8.7% y-o-y worldwide; the fig-ure comparable to India as well. Translating the findings in terms of mon-etary figures, the amount is supposed to touch $ 22.9 bn next year.

The same market analysis also predicted that small-scale vendors (mostly regional) in the anti-virus space will be eliminated from the mar-ket by the dominance of companies like Symantec and McAfee (globally) and the fast growing compa-nies like Kaspersky, AVG, Panda security and ESET. The later block, particu-larly ESET and Kaspersky is poised to contribute to a major share in the anti-virus market.

The ta rge ted and expected users are SMB based networks which include Windows for workgroups, LAN servers and many other prod-ucts which use SMBs for

file sharing. According to Canalys, most of the small business groups are not aware of the need for a protection to the databases as of the larger business. These small business groups are sen-sitive on the fields of the product pricing and con-sumers buying patterns rather than the security threats.

“Symantec has identi-fied the strategic IT trends that are changing the para-digm of enterprise IT today – mobility, consumeriza-tion of IT, cloud and vir-tualization and informa-tion explosion. In a world where the infrastructure is nearly irrelevant – it is people and information that are driving business – our unique focus on protecting information and identities in the con-nected world has helped us provide solutions that allow our customers to navigate these changes with confidence,” com-mented Anand Naik, MD, sales, India and Saarc, Symantec.

In the Indian scenario, so far, ESET has been the most successful in terms of growth with the figure exceeding 188% in terms of revenue. How-ever, the market share for the company is still 4% which has been a concern for most of the newer entrants. Second in the line comes in Kasper-sky whose global market share went from just 2% in 2008 to 3.2% in 2010. One of the primary rea-

sons for the increase has definitely been the price war with big firms.

The global biggies, so far had an average growth in India with Symantec alongwith Nor-ton leading the pack. But considerable market penetration from Kasper-sky, Trend Micro (until last year), ESET and K7 (last year) has resulted in the market leader losing crucial revenues on the SOHO front. In the enter-prise segment, however, Symantec continues to have its hold with the main competitor being Kaspersky followed by ESET.

The alarm over security and the rapid adoption and adjustability of IT security policies at the enterprise level along-with the anguish of the SOHO has resulted in the expansion of most of the market share of most of the prominent anti-virus companies. The channel policies, price war, back-ends and incentives and supportive features have altogether added to the performance of most of the vendors.

Across sectors, Syman-tec observed an increase in IT investments with Indian businesses becom-ing proactive in their security approach, as was indicated in the latest Symantec State of Secu-rity Survey 2011. The survey stated that ongo-ing security efforts have reduced the revenue loss of cyberattacks in India by 40% on average. How-ever, the threat landscape continues to remain a reason for concern.

With the report reveal-ing that nearly 3/4th of Indian businesses have been attacked in the past 12 months, it’s not surpris-ing that 53% of Indian businesses are planning changes to enterprise secu-rity this year, the areas of change being risk manage-ment, endpoint security and web security.

Anti-virus survives the cloud onslaughtTRACKING ANTI-VIRUS GROWTH (2011 VS 2012)

Based on survey of 353,000 users world-wide in terms of installations

Source: OPSWAT


* Actual product specication might vary depending on the model. | **Selected models available

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Perfect for

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Page 4: National Supplement on Security

www.dqweek.comSep 3-9, 2012The DQ Week4 S E C U R I T Y


2011 has been an exciting journey for McAfee espe-cially from the standpoint of the trends we are observing in this space. We are witnessing that

Indian organizations have become bullish about inte-grated security solutions owing to the number of key trends. The most recent has been the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).With the explosion of mobile technology and the trend allowing users to bring their own device into the corporate network, the boundaries of a company’s physical network and data security models are not as clearly defined as in the past. It used to be that a company’s information network ended at its firewall, and its valuable data remained relatively secure within that network. But today, data is no longer contained within the walls of a business and the network ends with the user and the ultimately with the user’s device (mobile phone, laptop, and home computer). In this environment, security is far more complex than in the past and security must go with, and where the data travels. Then is the concept of cloud which is the most commonly stated security concern by enterprises for using cloud services is data security. Customers question whether their end user data will be shared or leaked in any way breaching privacy laws. The second concern is often around standards for cloud providers.

Targeted attacks have taken many different forms that are automated, low and slow, leveraging device tamper-ing to get access to confidential information for reasons of sabotage or espionage. These targeted attacks were focused, stealthy and aimed at long term manipulation of their targets. The Stuxnet worm and Night Dragon attacks were especially aimed at critical infrastructures, a term that is used to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of society; the disruption of which can cause dire consequences to the economy at large. Especially in a country such as India, there are many critical infrastruc-tures which are public sector undertakings and hence are owned by the government. Because of their inherent economic importance, such assets make strong targets for political sabotage, data infiltration and extortion.

In FY 2013, our focus will be on the SMB segment and for this we are enabling our partners with the required training requirements to address this segment of the market. We will continue to work closely with our elite and premier partners to ensure good coverage in both segments. McAfee has been working along with chan-nel partners in India for over 12 years now and has an extremely robust and successful partner program. McAfee is committed to delivering new ways to help our partners be more profitable. In line with this, we’ve introduced McAfee Profitability Stack in 2012, which integrates the company’s richest profitability programs from around the world into one comprehensive global offering.

The profitability stack allows McAfee Security Alliance partners to earn additional front end margin, back end rebates or sales incentives for new or existing business, up-selling and cross selling, as well as for delivering pre-sales business or technical value add activities. The extensive set of programs that were either enhanced or made avail-able includes Deal Registration which is McAfee’s largest investment in partner profitability, offers deal protection as well as up to 25% of additional margin on top of stan-dard channel margin for partners who secure incremental new business and additional margin for suite upgrades. Incumbency Advantage which provides the incumbent partner with additional margin on the first renewal to help them build loyalty through customer retention and



to provide competitive advantage when renewing. Our Teaming Plan gives partners deal protection and addi-tional margin for helping to work and close McAfee-found opportunities. Enhancements include the removal of a Teaming Plan threshold to drive additional growth in the commercial market and a streamlined approval process. There is also Tiered Pricing which recognizes and rewards Elite and Premier Partners’ investment in McAfee and as a result these partners earn pricing advantages based on their McAfee Security Alliance program level. A new automated pricing process allows distributors to make tiered pricing available to authorized resellers. Addition-ally McAfee has introduced discounted (non-standard) tiered pricing worldwide.

Apart from these, there are Rebates where McAfee pays out millions of dollars each year in the form of rebates to its top channel partners. Also, the Accredited Chan-nel Engineer incentive rebate is now available globally – allowing eligible partners to earn a rebate. Also, there is the Rewards plan where partner sales representatives and engineers can earn cash and prizes for selling McAfee. New rewards include; $25,000 in quarterly SMB Endpoint “Top Performer” payouts and $35,000 in Commercial Endpoint “Top Performer” payouts. Current McAfee rewards participants can now earn up to $500 in referral bonuses for referring their sales colleagues to register and start participating in McAfee rewards.

FY’12 set stage for ESET to play bigger role in Indian anti-virus industry. The response from Indian mar-ket was more than what we expected. The market

is growing really fast and ESET marketshare is increasing even faster. Last year we registered a growth of 188% in terms of revenue. In the current fiscal we will surpass even this growth. Moreover we achieved more than 85% renewal, which shows the client’s confidence and satisfac-tion with ESET products. Upto last year, ESET had 4% marketshare in India. This year we will register a much higher marketshare by looking at current numbers and market response.

We sell all our products through channel partners only. We have two business verticals; namely Paper License, where we work on single tier channel strategy; means we sell the licenses to a channel partner, who sells it to end-user. The L1 support is given by our sales partners only. L2 support is given by us. ESET channel policy for this segment is very strong; like price clearance, client locking, POC, demo licenses, tender or feature specifications are provided by ESET India. Apart from this, we provide technical and sales training followed by online exam and certification. To become ESET channel partner to sell business license, its must to have basic product training. The other is retail boxes where we have 3-tier strategy. ESET retail boxes are sold to regional distributor, who sells to volume partner and further it goes to retailers and

system integrators. Currently we have distributors in Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna, Guwahati, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Chen-nai, Bengaluru and Cochin. All these distributors provide ESET retail boxes to regional distributors or volume partners. Now we have volume partners in all major cities and state capitals of India. Further by year end we will have presence in maximum smaller cities (class-C) across the nation.

Such vast channel network will enable ESET to increase its reach to end user and help to achieve our mission: To be in top three brands in India. In all busi-ness models, we took utmost care that every partner gets the best margins. Moreover as ESET enjoys high client loyalty so renewal business is bound to come. We have also increased our channel sales team with area sales manager in place at New Delhi, Kolkata, Benga-luru and Mumbai; who liaison with local partners and enterprises to increase the opportunities and revenues for partners.

ESET plans to have over 200% growth in current fis-cal. And as per current sales, we are sure to get it before Jan 2013. And it’s not only on revenue, but market share, user base, number of channel partners, we are sure of getting such growth in every area.

Currently we are running an aggressive channel scheme—Unseen Thailand with ESET. Also year 2012 is 25th Anniversary of ESET products, so this event is going to be exclusive for ESET and its partners in India.

Kaspersky is among the leaders in the B2C market while slowly and steadily improving our market share in B2B by focusing on our partner strategy

and focused vertical approach.We have built a healthy channel ecosystem with best-

in-class endpoint security for our enterprise custom-ers along with assured, high margins for our channel partners. We expect to continue the growth momentum with the creation of a focus group of committed chan-nel partners, targeting large deals. This group will be specially trained by us and given strong marketing and presales support.

Traditionally, we have been strong in the SMB and education space but gradually we are extending our sphere of influence to larger corporates as well. That Kaspersky business solution is now being preferred by customers with mission-critical information security requirements is testified by the recent closure of a large deal in India for 10,000 licenses of Kaspersky Security for Mail Server (Lotus Domino). Our recently launched Kaspersky Secu-rity for virtualization solution targets BFSI, manufactur-ing, and IT/ITeS verticals.

Recently, Kaspersky Lab was voted one of the ‘top preferred endpoint security vendors’ by a leading Indian IT media targeting CIOs.

Further, for upcountry markets, we will come out with new products targeting identified needs of this market.


This will help us to appoint new partners beyond metros and state capitals.

In the past, we ran successful schemes for education and SMB markets. We are planning to roll out a special incentive scheme for our resellers on new enterprise accounts acquisition.

Recently, we launched ‘Meet the Master’ – a scheme for channel partners, wherein on selling 5,000 new and fresh orders of Kaspersky Lab B2B licenses, the partner gets a chance to meet and greet cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar in January 2013. We are thinking of opening it up to their children as well, which means, the partner will be able to get at least one child with him to meet Tendulkar. We are also working with our distributors in rolling out sales based incentive schemes for the partners and their team members.

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Page 6: National Supplement on Security

www.dqweek.comSep 3-9, 2012The DQ Week6 S E C U R I T Y

The last financial year has been good for us. Fortinet has maintained its #1 position in the UTM vendor space for last 4 years. Since the first quarter of this

year, IDC has also named us the third largest network security player in the country with 23% market share. Fortinet has been growing at an annual rate of about 25% in India.

One stand-out deal in India this year was a win with a government division that provides IT solutions and communication infrastructure to all local government organizations. Numerous Fortinet high-end and mid-range FortiGate appliances were purchased in this UTM deployment. We won the deal due to the performance and breadth of functionality of our FortiGate UTM solution.

In FY’12, we have also built up two strong vertical practices—telco and government—following the adoption of a vertical sales strategy approach, which included the hiring of two senior industry specialists. Digvijaysinh Chudasama was appointed as sales director in charge of the government and defence verticals. Saurabh Chopra was made sales director in charge of the telecom vertical. These two verticals represent strong business opportunity with the increased pressure on regulations on one hand and the advent of 3G and Wimax technologies on the other.

Technology-wise, our strategy is to continue to invest in R&D in solutions that help secure the extended network - from endpoints and mobile devices, to the perimeter and the core, including databases, messaging and Web applications. In parallel, business-wise, we will pursue the efforts initiated last year in expanding our channel ecosystem across India. The objective is to have, by end of this year, 300 partners, established security players in their geographical areas of operations, to represent Fortinet in the various regions of India, and in priority the top five cities.

Fortinet sells through a tier-two channel composed of distributors and resellers. The company has a partner program, called FortiPartner Program, which is based on three tiers, namely gold, silver and bronze. Fortinet is expanding its channel ecosystem in India aggressively. We now have more than 200 partners in the India and Saarc region and are on track to hit 300 partners by end of this year.

We made a conscious effort to appoint partners across India by hand-picking them from cities such as Coim-batore, Nashik, Tirupur, Vadodara, Chandigarh, Jam-

shedpur, Nagpur, Kochi, Rajkot, Indore, Nashik, Surat, Visakhapatnam and Bhubaneswar. With these moves, Fortinet clearly expanded our market reach geographically to ensure a well balanced channel structure. Fortinet also continued rewarding existing partners who performed outstandingly and completed the required technical cer-tification criteria as per the Fortinet Partner Program.

The channel expansion program is a cornerstone of Fortinet’s broader plan to capture a larger share of the fast-growing Indian network security market. Fortinet has also expanded its sales and pre-sales teams across regions to provide adequate support in line with chan-nel expansion. In particular, Fortinet has invested in dedicated skilled resources for Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Kochi.

We recently launched FortiCare Plus services, a new initiative to facilitate the selling and distribution for our channel partners. With this initiative, Fortinet seeks to:

Allow small and medium business customers to benefit from deploying a UTM device which was until now avail-able only to those with in-house use IT skill sets.

Expand its channel to include resellers or distribution partners which are looking to expand their service offering to sell a broader range of advanced professional security services including enterprise migration, IPv6 migration and networking audit; and

Accelerate adoption of FortiGate appliances among untapped market geographies and customer segments





Indian network security market is growing consistently as organizations increasingly realize the importance of securing their data against external and internal

threats. We see that more and more organizations from different sectors like BFSI, government, are investing in security solutions. We foresee no let-down in IT security spending because CIOs understand that without ensuring the security of their vital data, it is not possible to expand business. Data from Frost & Sullivan finds that the market, covering 14 Asia-Pacific countries is expected to register a modest CAGR of 7.5% from 2009 to 2015, to gross revenue of just over Rs 14,696.08 crore by end of 2015.

We also see tremendous potential in solutions that use the IP network as a platform to manage physical security applications like video surveillance, physical access control, and communication and will continue to explore and invest in business models in the domain of public safety and security.

We currently lead the enterprise network security market in India and offer CIOs, security solutions based on Cisco’s Borderless Networks architecture. A Frost & Sullivan report dated June 2012 pegs our market share in the security vertical in India at 34.9% for CY Q1’ 2012. Our solutions are founded on best-in-class wireless network-ing and security solutions and deliver a unified approach to dealing with wired and wireless clients entering the enterprise. While we count most BFSI institutions as our customers; demand for our solutions is also increasing

from traditional enterprises, retail, health and education verticals, representing a huge market opportunity for Cisco and partners.

Our partners are strategic collaborators in the business. They play an important role in helping us deliver our security based offering that are optimized for rapid imple-mentation, superior performance, and maximum RoI. We deliver almost 100% of our products through partners. We have more than 1800 channel partners in India currently and are increasing our partner base rapidly.

To strengthen our partner-led program, we have made significant investments in providing tools, training, and resources to help partners accelerate the adoption of Cisco architectures.

Certified partners can avail additional rebate, we have a sales acceleration program in place along with soft skills enablement plan for the partners. In addition to this, we have introduced several enablement programs like Advan-tage Now and incentive programs like Race to Rio, Grand Slam, F1 OverDrive, Kick Off, Borderless Profithon, etc, over the last year in India for partners.

We see great interest from partners in our architecture training programs as the certifications help them move up the value chain and increase revenue and thus profit-ability. We will work with partners to offer customers, security solutions based on a comprehensive architecture of Borderless Networks. Cisco SecureX and TrustSec are some of the key security solutions in Cisco’s Borderless Networks Architecture portfolio.

Last fiscal has been very profitable for Cyberoam. Our revenues in India have grown by 36% in FY’11 compared to FY’10. India revenues stood at $10.42

mn for its fresh business. Current estimated market share for Cyberoam is around 22-25% in India.

Cyberoam is already market leader in SMB segment for UTM. This year Cyberoam would be focusing on increasing the market share in enterprise segment. Since last 6 months Cyberoam has been aggressively positioning itself as Enterprise Security Solution. Right from launching enterprise offerings like Advanced Web Application Firewall, Outbound Spam Protection, Cloud Management Solution, Central Management Console, Platinum Support Services and many other enterprise related product enhancements, Cyberoam’s innovative solutions are ready to provide threat free solutions to enterprise clients.

Last year has been pretty resounding success for WatchGuard as a brand in India as we grew 24% y-o-y. We have done very well in the enterprise sec-

tor where we have managed to get many new footprints. We are consciously focusing on government and education which has become big for us. WatchGuard Technologies has been a global leader in business security solutions, and WatchGuard as a leading vendor has around 20% marketshare in the integrated security appliance category of $1,500 to $4,999 price band—a prime market segment for small and midsize businesses. This marks the 15th straight consecutive quarter in which WatchGuard has held the top position in this market in India as well.

WatchGuard has always been a channel friendly orga-nization. We have around 100 channel partners who have been aligned with us across in India. We have also tied up with few NSI lately across in India. This is particular to the power sector and the government sector. We also have expanded our team with new sales head count in Cochin, Ahmedabad and Kolkata. We are again targeting over 20% growth this year as well and after the first half we are well on course.

At WatchGuard, it is our continuous endeavor to encourage and reward our channel partners for their contribution by way of running incentive schemes time to time. ‘March Dhamaka’ and ‘Beat the Heat’ are example of such schemes that we brought for the sales team of our channel partners during the year and both the schemes were well received.

Cyberoam has also appointed Vishwa Jha with more than 15 years of experience for focusing on government and defense verticals. Cyberoam has also created a niche vertical like enterprise services headed by a very senior person in the organization. Separate team dedicated to the mentioned enterprise product offerings has been formed and is dedicatedly working on enterprise business. Even we have appointed 4 channel managers in tier-3 cities with high potential which increases our branch number to 12 across India. All these initiatives from Cyberoam would help in better customer experience, increase reach, and deliver enterprise segment requirements in a better way.

We are planning to cross Rs 70 crore revenues for India business by the end of FY’13.

As our channel endeavor, we have always ensured higher margins and best incentives to our channel partners in UTM industry. Cyberoam has recently introduced partner program through which it intends to differen-tiate the partners in 3 categories like Platinum, Gold and Authorized. Platinum and Gold partners are offered attractive benefits through this program. Besides Cyberoam also has been regularly launching channel incentive schemes which could fetch partners foreign trips to gift vouchers.

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403-A, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110065Ph. : 26235576, 26433377, 26435511 Mobile-9811068707

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Branch Office: Chennai: 1st Floor Flat No. Old 10/5, New 25/5, Nathamuni Street, T. Nagar, Chennai-600017 Ph.-044-28156156, 28152156EPSON SPARE STORES: • Chennai - Madras Computech-9840512312 • Bangalore: Mega Systems-9845006893, Peripheral Services-9845044658, • Coimbatore: BIOS Infotech-9364405859 • Kochi: Gloria Business & Service-9895080518 • Madurai: Srimathi Computers-9843053693 • Mysore: Computer Printing Products & Accessories-9845922977 • Secunderabad: Technics-9246509035 • Thrissur: Prime Systems & Services-9747548123 • Vishakapatnam: Global Service Point-9848171486 • New Delhi: JK Printer Point-9350203649 • Indore: Apna Electronics-9302111251 • Jaipur: Lazer Dot Solutions-9828015919 • Kolkata: Galaxy Computech Pvt. Ltd.-9830031170, Hitech Services-9830016105 • Patna: Astric Computer Pvt. Ltd.-9431017773 • Ranchi: Ascent Technology-9933188803 • Lucknow: Ramchandar & Sons- 0522-2287662

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www.dqweek.comSep 3-9, 2012The DQ Week8 S E C U R I T Y

DQW NEWS BUREAUMumbai, August 30

eScan, one of the leading anti-virus and content secur i ty so lu t ion

providers will be rewarding its T2 channel partners with amusing rewards, under i t s n e w l y l a u n c h e d ‘eScan Monsoon Bonanza offer’.

eScan chan-ne l pa r tne r s associated with Savex Comput-ers will have an amazing time en joying the d e s t i n a t i o n s around Dubai and Pattaya.

Savex Com-p u t e r s , w h o is a national distributor of eScan SOHO products, will take forward the entire scheme. However, only T2 partners who will buy eScan Internet Secu-rity - 4 Single User from Savex Computers during July 1 to September 30, 2012 will qualify for the scheme. The winner will be chosen among the partners and will be rewarded with the trip to Dubai and Pat-taya, along with numerous gifts based on the multiple bundles of slabs in the scheme. Partners should register online to be eligible

India, delivering a seamless experience to end custom-ers and is available across the country. This would not have been possible without the contribution of our esteemed partners. Hence, our partners and associates have always been very important for us and this is one way in which we could recipro-cate our gratitude to them. eScan has always kept its associates at the forefront of all initiatives.”

eScan to offer foreign trips to its

T2 partners

Savex Computers, who is a national distributor of eScan SOHO products,

will take forward the entire scheme

for participating in the scheme.

Talking about the exclu-sive offer for eScan chan-nel partners, Anil Gupta, AVP, India sales said, “eScan, today is one of the preferred anti-virus in

Anil Gupta, AVP, India sales, eScan

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