National rail road passenger corporation ( amtrak)


Transcript of National rail road passenger corporation ( amtrak)

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Amtrak train travel over 500 destination in 46 stages on 21,000 mile Route system.

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Organizational Structure

• Government Owned corporation that was organized to provide intercity passenger train service in USA.•All of AMTRAK prefered stock owned by U.S Federal Government•Member of the board of director are apointed by the President of United State and are subject to confirmation by U.S Senate•Common Stock was Issued in 1971 to rai l road that contribute capital and equipment, even though these share convey almost no benefit , the holder decl ine a 2002 buyout offer by AMTRAK


• In 2006 Alexander Kunmant was named president and CEO of AMTRAK.•He successful ly oversaw the completion of labor agreement with al l of the union representing amtrak’s employee•In 2008 Alexander kunmant asked to resign because of a dispute about debt restructuring.

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Company MissionCompany Mission

Provide efficient and effective intercity passenger rail mobility consisting of high quality service that is trip – time competitive with other intercity travel option, and provide additional or complementary intercity transportation service to

enssure mobility in times of national disaster or other instances where other travel option are not adequately avalaiable

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Company Vision

Deliver superior service Serve a catalyst for change

Involve into one of a number competitor for passenger rail service and routes, all positioned on equal competitive footing

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Goal and ObjectiveGoal and Objective

Developed of passenger rail coridors, based on federal – state matching program

Increase ridership Increase Revenue through increase ridership and improve revenue management

Obtain cost growth through productivity and efficiency improvement Improve financial transparency

Provide a safe and secure environment for passenger and employee Improve management and human capital

Improve environmental stewardship

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Advertising for AMTRAK is regional. Amtrak primary use its web at

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Using as partner.

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Amtrak had e developed new area of their website, called whistle stop

It is a facillity that traveler can log in and write the traveler holliday experience.

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An alternative consumer travel choice to the automobile, bus and air Additional capacity with o for opportunity for growth and intermodal connection

An important link in rural areas where transportation alternatif are limited A stimulus to economic development and comercial activity

An enviromentally sound, energy eficient, and disabillity friendly alternative to other transportation mode

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Although there is evidence to support these claims, the reality is that amtrak

need to make substantial changes in operation prior to seeing these result. The independent auditor report, KPMG stated. “The company has a history of substantial operating losses and is highly dependent upon substantial federal government subsidies to sustain operations. Without such subsidies, amtrak will not be able to continue to operate in its current form and significant operating changes, restructuring or bankruptcy may occur. Such changes or restructuring would likely result in asset impairment.

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OperationAMTRAK earn revenue from the following business activities, such as:

Ticket and food & Beverage Revenue State Supported Revenue

Commuter Commercial Business

Other transportation Revenue

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Making reservation for passenger with disabillity Travelling with attendant / a companion

Station accesibillity Thruway bus service and accesibillity

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Amtrak has many competitor because they are in business tranportation. A primary competition that amtrak faces is automobile. Automobile provide

consumers with more flexibility and generally are faster form of transportation.The main difference is that consumer have to provide their own transportation.

Beyond the automobile, the main competition comes from Greyhound Bus Line and Airlines.

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Environmental Commitment Has partnered with, allowing passenger to offset the carbond

emission footprint generated by their individual rail travel by making a

Has also commited to reduce it greenhouse gas emissions by 6 percent from 2003 – 2010 as part of its participation in the chicago climate exchange (CCX)

By choosing Amtrak, passenger are already step ahead because the carbon footprint generated by their trip is smaller than that most of other mode transportation –Roy Deitchman- Vice president, environmental health & safety for Amtrak “ because it more energy efficient, traveling by rail contribute less per passenger mile to greenhouse gas emission than either car or airplane.

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Earth friendly travel on the auto train

“Save your car and help the earth everytime you ride”It is no secret, the auto train is one of the easiest way to take your vehicle with you

on your trip without all the hassles that come along with long distance driving. Riding the auto train save it passenger money on gas and time stuck in traffic on

congested road, lending a helping hand to earth along the way

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How great is the auto train?

When you ride the auto train and take your vehicle off the road, you are giving the earth a break by minimizing your impact on the environment

The auto train emits only about half the greenhouse gasses that would be emitted if all the cars transported by auto train were driven on the highway.And with capacity of up to 370 vehicle per train the svaing realy add up

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Amtrak today faces obstacle that include uncertainty of government funding, competition, fuel price, the regulatory environment in which they operate and creating leadership development program. Only time will tell Amtrak’s CEO Joseph Boardman will be able to deliver on his promise to help the company “work through it chalenges and capitalize on the opportunities we have to build safer, greener, healthier Amtrak that connect America coast – to – coast and border to border.” Amtrak need a clear strategic plan for the future