Page 1: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67



December 2015

Page 2: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Notice Since 1996, this Bulletin has been published by EUROSTAT under contract from ESA. In November 2003, EUROSTAT notified ESA that the European Commission had decided to reorganise EUROSTAT and to re-focus its activities onto its core business, which is the production of Community Statistics within the framework of the European Statistical system. Furthermore, EUROSTAT stated that it would not be able to continue to produce this customised bulletin of price and salary data for ESA beyond the December 2003 issue. The calculations and publication of the document have been contracted out by EUROSTAT and the Contractor since February 2003 has been the company SOGETI Luxembourg. ESA has concluded a contract directly with SOGETI Luxembourg, to ensure the continuation of the publication of this Bulletin using the same methodology and sources of data as previously, including data provided by EUROSTAT.

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CONTENTS page 1. Introduction 4 2. Data by country 5

Austria (Eurozone) 6 Belgium (Eurozone) 10 Czech Republic 14 Denmark 16 Finland (Eurozone) 18 France (Eurozone) 22 Germany (Eurozone) 30 Greece (Eurozone from 01.01.2001) 32 Ireland (Eurozone) 34 Italy (Eurozone) 38 Luxembourg (Eurozone) 40 Netherlands (Eurozone) 44 Norway 48 Portugal (Eurozone) 50 Spain (Eurozone) 54 Sweden 56 Switzerland 58 United Kingdom 60 Canada 62

3. Exchange rates 64 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67 5. Consumer price indices 69 6. Replaced series by country 74 7. Stopped series by country 86


Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania Slovakia and Slovenia are included under point 3 (Exchange rates) and point 5 (Consumer price indices).

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1. Introduction This issue gives data for 2013 and 2014, shown both as the original series and converted into EURO. Data back to1995 remains in the source database and can be consulted upon request. The table of exchange rates gives the value of 1 EURO in national currency for a range of countries, on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Countries which form the "euro-zone" from 1 January 2001 are indicated with ‘Eurozone’ on the top of the tables (please note that Greece became a member two years after the original 11 countries). The Official Journal of the European Communities, L 359, of 31 December 1998, includes the publication of a Council Regulation adopting the fixed conversion rates for the 11 Member States participating in the single European currency. This Council Regulation marked the beginning of the third and final phase of economic and monetary union. The table of consumer price indices gives both national currency based series. There are in addition series on the purchasing power of the ECU/EURO (more details in the notes for section 4). The names of the series are included in the original language and in English. Data marked “p” is provisional and likely to be updated. Data in bold has been revised. It is well possible that in the course of the year certain dataseries are discontinued or replaced. Explanations are given in the section under the relevant tables. Section 5 and Section 6 at the end of the publication summarise the information, separately by country. Any questions concerning the distribution/dissemination of the bulletin can be addressed to: Pieter van Beekhuizen Head of ESA Industrial Auditing Division Keplerlaan 1 P.O Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk ZH Netherlands tel.: +31 (0) 71 565 3005 Fax.: +31 (0) 71 565 4997 e-mail: [email protected]

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2. Data by Country On 1 January 1999, the EURO became the official currency of 11 Member States of the European Union with a fixed conversion rate against their national currencies. The value of the EURO against all other currencies, including those of the Member States staying out of the euro-zone will fluctuate according to market conditions. As from 1st January 1999, the fixed exchange rates between the euro-zone Member States currencies and the EURO are applied. In addition, as of 1 January 1999, the series are converted to EUROs and not ECUs. As of 1 January 2001, Greece also became a member of the euro-zone. Eurostat does not plan to back-calculate series into EUROs. All non-EURO series have been converted on a like for like basis - that means that index series on a national currency basis are converted to index series on a EURO basis, and series in national currency are converted to series in EURO. All converted series retain the same periodicity - quarterly, monthly - as the original series, and annual averages are only included where they exist in the original series. Index series in EURO are shown with the same number of decimal places as the original series, but currency series in EURO have the number of decimal places adjusted to retain the same number of significant figures as the original series. Money series are converted by dividing the values in national currency by the exchange rate for the period in question as given in the table in Part 3. Index series are converted by adjusting the index value by the change in the EURO exchange rate index for that currency between the base period of the particular index and the period in question. The value of the EURO index will remain 100 in the base period. Please note: When index series for euro-zone Member States have been re-based by the national institutions to 1999 or later, they are only published as EURO series on the righthand side of the bulletin (without any conversion). The same is true for money series that are expressed solely in EURO by the national institutions. The type of series is indicated after its title - I for Index or M for Money - together with the base period (the month, quarter or year for which the value of the index = 100) for index series. All data in this bulletin are presented as they appear in the various sources. Hence, differences in the number of decimals within the same table can occur. A few conventions should be noted. The "," is used to indicate thousands and the "." to indicate decimals. The code numbers used for each series uniquely identify the data supplier, the publication and the particular series. A "p" in front of a value means that the data is provisional and changes in subsequent months to these figures are likely. All other series should contain final data, although even final data can be subject to later revision by the data supplier. Where base years or series definitions have changed an appropriate footnote has been added. The French series 12.18.81 (SYNTEC: Indice des bureaux d’étude techniques) has been converted into EURO using the ECU/FF index for January 1995, although the base for the index is January 1961. This means that the value of the index for January 1995 (164.5) is the same for both the original and the converted series, and the converted series correctly reflects the change in the EURO/FF exchange rate since then.

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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20134.10.5394.10.5404.10.5414.10.5424.42.536

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20144.10.5394.10.5404.10.5414.10.5424.42.536


4.10. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Einkommen und Löhne


539 Generalindex (2) I-2006

540 - I Arbeiter: Gewerbe und Handwerk (2) I-2006

541 - I Arbeiter: Industrie (2) I-2006

542 - II Angestellte: Industrie (2) I-2006

4.42. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten / TariflohnindexTariflohnindex 06 - Lohnindizes 2008 nach Monatsgliederung und ausgewählten Kollektivverträgen

536 Angestellte und Arbeiter, Arbeiterinnen: Eisen- metallerzeugende und -verarbeitende Industrie (1) I-2006

(1) Series 4.42.536 is a new serie that replaces 4.42.268 (stopped in December 2007) - change of base year.

(2) Series 4.10.539, 4.10.540, 4.10.541 and 4.10.542 replace series 4.10.31, 4.10.32, 4.10.34 and 4.10.176 - base year changed.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

118.9 119.1 119.1 119.3 119.9 120.0 120.1 120.1 120.1 120.1 120.3 120.3 119.8 4.10.539120.9 120.9 120.9 121.1 122.4 122.4 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.0 4.10.540121.1 121.2 121.3 121.3 122.9 123.0 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 124.6 124.6 122.7 4.10.541120.8 120.8 120.9 121.0 122.6 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.7 122.8 124.1 124.1 122.3 4.10.542123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 123.1 126.2 126.2 123.6 4.42.536

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014121.5 121.7 122.2 122.4 122.8 122.8 122.9 122.9 123.0 123.0 123.2 123.2 122.6 4.10.539124.4 124.4 124.4 124.5 125.5 125.5 125.6 125.6 125.6 125.7 125.7 125.7 125.2 4.10.540124.7 124.7 124.8 124.8 126.0 126.1 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 127.4 127.4 125.9 4.10.541124.2 124.2 124.3 124.3 125.6 125.7 125.7 125.7 125.7 125.7 127.0 127.0 125.4 4.10.542126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 126.2 128.9 128.9 126.7 4.42.536


Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Einkommen und Löhne 4.10.

Contractual wage index

I-2006 - General index (2) 539

I-2006 - I Manual workers: Crafts and manual work (2) 540

I-2006 - I Manual workers: Industry (2) 541

I-2006 - II Employees: Industry (2) 542

Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten / Tariflohnindex 4.42.

Contractual wage index 06 - Wage indexes 2008 according to month and selected collective agreements

I-2006 Employees and Workers: Iron and metallurgic production and manufacturing industry (1) 536

(1) Series 4.42.536 is a new serie that replaces 4.42.268 (stopped in December 2007) - change of base year.

(2) Series 4.10.539, 4.10.540, 4.10.541and 4.10.542 replace series 4.10.31, 4.10.32, 4.10.34 and 4.10.176 - base year changed.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20134.9.6854.9.6864.9.6874.9.6884.9.6894.9.6904.9.6914.9.6924.9.693

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20144.9.6854.9.6864.9.6874.9.6884.9.6894.9.6904.9.6914.9.6924.9.693


4.9. Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten - Statistische Übersichten

4.3 Großhandelpreisindex

685 - 46.43.11 Elektrische Haushaltsgeräte (1) I-2010

686 - 46.43.12 Rundfunk, Fernseh-, Video- und DVD-Geräte (1) I-2010

687 - 46.49.1 Sonstige Gebrauchs- und Verbrauchsgüter (1) I-2010

688 - 46.71.12 Motorenbenzin (inkl. Diesel) (1) I-2010

689 - 46.71.13 Sonstige Mineralölerzeugnisse (1) I-2010

690 - 46.72.13 Eisen und Stahl (1) I-2010

691 - 46.72.14 Nicht-Eisen-Metalle (1) I-2010691 46.72.14 Nicht Eisen Metalle (1) I 2010

692 - 46.73.13 Sanitärkeramik (1) I-2010

693 - 46.74.1 Bauelemente aus Metall u. Installationsbedarf (1) I-2010

(1) Series 4.9.685 to 4.9.693 are new series that replace 4.9.510 to 4.9.518 - change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

101.9 101.9 101.6 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.6 101.9 101.8 101.6 4.9.68589.2 90.9 86.2 85.4 85.3 85.3 87.5 87.5 85.9 85.9 85.1 84.1 86.5 4.9.686

107.4 107.6 107.6 108.4 108.4 108.5 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.3 4.9.687122.3 125.6 121.2 117.9 117.7 118.6 121.0 121.2 122.4 119.0 118.1 117.2 120.2 4.9.688128.3 132.8 126.4 121.7 121.6 122.5 125.7 124.8 128.2 124.2 122.3 120.3 124.9 4.9.689111.3 111.0 110.1 109.6 108.1 105.5 102.5 104.0 106.1 106.5 106.3 105.6 107.2 4.9.690103.9 105.0 104.1 102.1 102.1 101.7 100.0 100.7 100.1 100.0 100.0 98.4 101.5 4.9.691112.6 112.6 112.6 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.3 113.6 113.6 113.2 4.9.692111.8 111.8 111.8 112.4 113.6 113.6 113.6 113.6 113.6 113.6 114.4 114.4 113.2 4.9.693

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014105.1 105.2 106.6 106.6 106.6 106.8 106.9 106.9 106.9 107.1 107.5 107.4 106.6 4.9.68587.4 87.4 85.4 85.4 80.7 78.4 78.5 79.7 82.0 80.9 77.0 77.0 81.7 4.9.686

109.2 109.2 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.8 4.9.687116.3 117.3 115.3 116.9 116.9 117.9 116.8 116.2 116.5 112.2 110.1 99.7 114.3 4.9.688120.7 122.1 119.9 120.0 120.4 121.4 119.8 119.4 119.6 113.8 110.3 97.0 117.0 4.9.689106.1 105.9 104.8 103.8 104.2 103.5 102.6 103.0 104.0 103.3 101.9 100.9 103.7 4.9.69097.4 97.6 96.1 97.0 97.1 97.1 97.8 100.1 100.6 101.2 101.7 101.4 98.8 4.9.691

115.7 115.7 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.4 116.4 116.0 4.9.692114.8 114.8 115.1 116.7 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.8 116.3 4.9.693


Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten - Statistische Übersichten 4.9.

4.3 Wholesale price index

I-2010 - 46.43.11 Electrical household appliances (1) 685I-2010 - 46.43.12 Radio, television, video and DVD equipment (1) 686I 2010 46 49 1 Oth h h ld ti l (1) 687I-2010 - 46.49.1 Other household articles (1) 687I-2010 - 46.71.12 Motor spirit (1) 688I-2010 - 46.71.13 Other liquid and gaseous fuels and related products (1) 689I-2010 - 46.72.13 Iron and steel (1) 690I-2010 - 46.72.14 Non-iron metals (1) 691I-2010 - 46.73.13 Sanitary equipment (1) 692I-2010 - 46.74.1 Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies (1) 693

(1) Series 4.9.685 to 4.9.693 are new series that replace 4.9.510 to 4.9.518 - change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201318.29.34718.29.34818.29.34918.29.35018.29.35118.29.352

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201418.29.34718.29.34818.29.34918.29.35018.29.35118.29.352


18.29. AGORIA / Multisector Federation for the Technology industry

Mercuriale des matériaux

347 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium tôles TP 262 (1) M

348 - Métaux non ferreux: Aluminium brut 99.5% (1) M

349 - Métaux non ferreux: Nickel (1) M

Salaires de référence

350 - Moyenne nationale: Salaire de référence (EUR/h) (1) M

351 - Moyenne nationale: Coût salarial (EUR/h) - Contrats avant le 11/7/1981 (1) M

352 - Moyenne nationale: Coût salarial (EUR/h) - Contrats à partir du 11/7/1981: Réduction des charges -37.916 BEF(1) M

(1) Series 18.29.347 to 18.29.352 are the euro replacements of series 18.29.126 to 18.29.130 and 18.29.192 above.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20132 440.00 2 470.00 2 420.00 2 390.00 2 390.00 2 340.00 2 290.00 2 290.00 2 240.00 2 240.00 2 240.00 2 240.00 2 333.00 18.29.3471 533.97 1 536.71 1 475.70 1 425.30 1 410.08 1 377.23 1 351.51 1 363.72 1 318.98 1 329.17 1 296.47 1 268.80 1 390.64 18.29.348

13 268.81 13 269.67 12 904.15 12 004.68 11 516.53 10 821.36 10 477.90 10 732.43 10 323.93 10 317.85 10 175.60 10 153.51 11 320.11 18.29.349 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 18.29.350 20.42 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.72 20.72 20.72 20.72 20.72 20.72 18.29.351 19.99 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.01 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 18.29.352

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20142 240.00 2 240.00 2 240.00 2 290.00 2 290.00 2 340.00 2 540.00 2 540.00 2 490.00 2 490.00 2 540.00 2 540.00 2 398.33 18.29.3471 268.52 1 240.09 1 232.44 1 310.14 1 273.57 1 349.65 1 437.16 1 524.20 1 543.15 1 529.47 1 646.85 1 551.40 1 408.89 18.29.348

10 344.77 10 392.00 11 329.13 12 577.96 13 990.61 13 664.48 14 070.35 13 944.57 14 001.94 12 445.80 12 593.33 12 896.78 12 687.64 18.29.349 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.55 10.55 10.55 10.55 10.55 10.55 18.29.350 20.76 20.77 20.77 20.77 20.77 20.77 20.88 20.88 20.88 20.88 20.88 20.88 18.29.351 20.32 20.33 20.33 20.33 20.33 20.33 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 18.29.352


AGORIA / Multisector Federation for the Technology industry 18.29.

Market prices for materials

M - Non-ferrous metals: Aluminium sheet TP 262 (1) 347

M - Non-ferrous metals: Unwrought aluminium 99.5% (1) 348

M - Non-ferrous metals: Nickel (1) 349

Reference wages

M - National average: Reference wage (EUR/h) (1) 350

M - National average: Wage cost (EUR/h) - Contracts prior to 11/7/1981 (1) 351

M - National average: Wage cost (EUR/h) - Contracts as of 11/7/1981: Reduction of charges of -37.916 BEF (1) 352

(1) Series 18.29.347 to 18.29.352 are the euro replacements of series 18.29.126 to 18.29.130 and 18.29.192 above.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201319.30.65319.30.65419.30.74519.30.746

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201419.30.65319.30.65419.30.74519.30.746


19.30. Agoria

Indices des prix à la production industrielle, marché global

653 - Fabrications métalliques (25-30) (1) I-2005

745 - Fabrications métalliques (25-30) (2) I-2010

Indices des prix à la production, marché interieur

654 - Ensemble de l'industrie, à l'exclusion de la construction (3) I-2005

746 - Ensemble de l'industrie, à l'exclusion de la construction (4) I-2010

(1) Series 19.30.653 replaces series 19.30.358 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(2) Series 19.30.745 replaces series 19.30.653 - index base year changed.

(3) Series 19.30.654 replaces series 19.30.360 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(4) Series 19.30.746 replaces series 19.30.654 - index base year changed.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

112.10 112.10 19.30.653132.70 132.70 19.30.654106.00 105.70 105.40 105.00 104.40 104.60 104.50 104.50 104.30 104.30 103.90 103.80 104.70 19.30.745114.90 114.90 114.80 113.30 112.80 112.80 113.20 111.70 110.80 110.30 110.30 110.70 112.50 19.30.746

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201419.30.65319.30.654

103.30 103.60 102.80 102.90 103.10 103.20 103.10 103.10 103.20 103.80 103.50 103.40 103.20 19.30.745110.40 110.00 109.30 107.60 107.40 107.70 106.70 106.40 106.50 107.00 106.10 103.20 107.40 19.30.746


Agoria 19.30.

Output price Indices, industrial production, total market

I-2005 - Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (25-30) (1) 653

I-2010 - Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (25-30) (2) 745

Output Price Indices, domestic market

I-2005 - Total industry, excluding construction (3) 654

I-2010 - Total industry, excluding construction (4) 746

(1) Series 19.30.653 replaces series 19.30.358 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(2) Series 19.30.745 replaces series 19.30.653 - index base year changed.

(3) Series 19.30.654 replaces series 19.30.360 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(4) Series 19 30 746 replaces series 19 30 654 index base year changed(4) Series 19.30.746 replaces series 19.30.654 - index base year changed


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201334.61.666 122.70 122.80 122.90 123.00 122.70 123.20 122.90 122.70 122.20 122.40 122.30 122.80 122.70

34.61.667 90.20 89.90 90.30 90.00 90.00 89.50 90.00 89.70 89.60 89.20 91.00 91.70 90.10

34.61.668 83.40 82.30 82.70 81.20 81.40 81.00 81.50 81.40 81.20 80.70 83.40 85.10 82.10

36.63.712 121.80 121.90 122.00 122.20 121.90 122.50 122.10 121.90 121.50 121.70 121.50 122.10 121.90

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201434.61.666 122.90 123.10 123.10 123.10 123.20 123.20 123.50 123.40 123.10 123.30 123.00 122.90 123.20

34.61.667 91.60 91.30 91.10 90.60 90.70 90.80 90.80 91.30 91.20 91.30 91.50 91.50 91.10

34.61.668 84.90 85.00 84.90 85.00 85.20 85.20 84.80 85.70 85.20 85.10 85.20 85.10 85.10

36.63.712 122.20 122.30 122.40 122.40 122.50 122.50 122.80 122.70 122.50 122.60 122.20 122.20 122.40

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

34.61.669 24 073.00 24 876.00 24 692.00 26 288.00 24 986.00

36.63.711 118.90 119.60 120.10 120.80 119.30

36.63.822 94.60 96.20 107.50 104.80 101.10

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201434.61.669 24 895.00 25 434.00 25 073.00 26 761.00 25 546.00

36.63.711 122.30 122.40 123.70 124.10 122.80

36.63.822 96.60 98.30 107.50 108.60 103.10


34.61 Český statistický úřad: Veřejná databáze ČSÚ

Index spotřebitelských cen

666 - Úhrn Průměr roku 2005=100 I-2005

Indexy cen průmyslových výrobců podle Klasifikace produkce

667 - PC,elektron.a opt.přístr. (CPA: CI 26) (průměr roku 2005 = 100) I-2005

668 - Elektron.souč.a desky (CPA: CI 261) (průměr roku 2005 = 100) I-2005

Průměrná hrubá měsíční mzda - na přepočtené počty (Podnikatelská sféra, Nepodnikatelská sféra)

669 - Podnikatelská sféra - nominální mzda v Kč M


Harmonizované indexy spotřebitelských cen

712 - HICP (2005 = 100) I-2005

Index nákladů práce

711 - Náklady na pracovní sílu pro LCI - náhrady zaměstnancům a daní minus dotace - Sezónně očištěné a údaje očištěné od vlivu počtu I-2008

pracovních dnů - Průmysl (s výjimkou stavebnictví) (2008 = 100)

822 - Náklady na pracovní sílu pro LCI - náhrady zaměstnancům a daní minus dotace - Sezónně očištěné a údaje očištěné od vlivu počtu I-2012

pracovních dnů - Průmysl (s výjimkou stavebnictví) (2012 = 100) (1)

(1) Series 36.63.822 replaces series 36.63.711 - Change of base year.


Page 15: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

142.9 143.5 142.6 141.7 141.1 142.4 141.0 141.5 141.1 142.0 135.2 132.9 140.7 34.61.666105.1 105.1 104.8 103.7 103.5 103.5 103.3 103.4 103.4 103.5 100.6 99.2 103.3 34.61.667

97.1 96.2 96.0 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.5 93.9 93.7 93.6 92.2 92.1 94.1 34.61.668141.9 142.5 141.6 140.8 140.2 141.6 140.1 140.6 140.3 141.2 134.3 132.1 139.8 36.63.712

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014133.1 133.6 133.8 133.5 133.7 133.6 133.9 132.1 132.8 133.1 132.4 132.4 133.3 34.61.666

99.2 99.1 99.0 98.3 98.4 98.5 98.5 97.7 98.4 98.5 98.5 98.6 98.5 34.61.66792.0 92.2 92.3 92.2 92.5 92.4 92.0 91.7 91.9 91.8 91.7 91.7 92.1 34.61.668

132.4 132.7 133.0 132.8 132.9 132.9 133.2 131.3 132.2 132.3 131.5 131.6 132.4 36.63.712

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

941.6 963.0 955.1 986.1 961.7 34.61.669116.0 115.5 115.9 113.0 114.6 36.63.711

93.1 93.6 104.6 98.9 97.9 36.63.822

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014907.2 926.7 907.8 968.5 927.7 34.61.669111.2 111.2 111.7 112.0 111.2 36.63.711

88.5 90.1 97.9 98.8 94.2 36.63.822


Czech Statistical Office: CZSO Public database 34.61.Consumer price index

I-2005 - TOTAL (2005 average = 100) 666 Industrial producer price indices

I-2005 - Computer, electronic and optical products (CPA: CI 26) (2005 average = 100) 667I-2005 - Electronic components and boards (CPA: CI 261) (2005 average = 100) 668

Average gross monthly wage - full time equivalent (business, non-business sphere)

M - Business sphere - Nominal wage in CZK 669EUROSTAT 36.63.

Harmonised Consumer Price Index

I-2005 - HICP (2005 = 100) 712Labour Cost Index

I-2008 - Labour cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) - Seasonally adjusted and adjusted data 711 by working days - Industry (except construction)(2008=100)

I-2012 - Labour cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) - Seasonally adjusted and adjusted data 822 by working days - Industry (except construction)(2012=100) (1)

(1) Series 36.63.822 replaces series 36.63.711 - Change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20133.7.558 124.4 125.0 124.2 124.0 123.9 123.9 124.2 124.5 124.1 123.5 122.8 123.2

3.7.798 109.6 110.2 109.5 109.3 109.2 109.2 109.5 109.7 109.4 108.8 108.2 108.6

3.8.557 95.3 95.2 95.0 94.9 94.6 94.4 95.5 95.5 95.3 94.5 94.1 93.2

3.8.795 95.6 95.5 95.3 95.2 94.9 94.7 95.8 95.8 95.6 94.8 94.4 93.5

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20143.7.5583.7.798 108.5 108.9 108.4 108.1 108.2 108.6 108.4 108.0 107.9 107.4 107.4 106.3

3.8.5573.8.795 93.2 93.3 93.0 92.8 92.5 92.6 92.4 92.6 92.4 92.3 92.0 91.9

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013

3.6.556 125.4 126.0 126.5 126.9

3.6.821 125.4 125.9 126.5 126.9

1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 20143.6.556 127.3 127.7 128.1 128.4

3.6.821 127.3 127.6 128.0 128.4


3.6. Danmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistik

Lønindeks for den private sektor efter sæsonkorrigering, branche og tid (sæsonkorrigeret)

556 - Industri, råstofindvinding og forsyningsvirksomhed (1) I-2005

Lønindeks for virksomheder og organisationer (1.kvartal 2005 =100) efter branche og sæsonkorrigering

821 - Industri, råstofindvinding og forsyningsvirksomhed (2) I-2005

3.7. Danmarks Statistik: Statistisk manedsoversigt

Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning efter varegruppe og dansk/importeretPrisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning efter varegruppe og dansk/importeret

558 - Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning I alt (3) I-2005

Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning efter varegruppe og tid

798 - Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning (4) I-2010

3.8. Danmarks Statistik: Prisstatistik

Prisindeks for indenlandsk vareforsyning efter varegruppe

557 - 85 Elektriske maskiner og apparater og dele dertil (3) I-2005

795 - 85 Elektriske maskiner og apparater og dele dertil (5) I-2010

(1) Replaces series 3.6.234, 3.6.251 and 3.6.286 (discontinued - last figures 2nd quarter 2008).

(2) Series 3.6.821 replaces series 3.6.556 (old series discontinued) - Application of new delimitation of the sectors.

(3) Series 3.7.558 replaces 3.7.388 and 3.8.557 replaces 3.8.387 - index base year changed.

(4) Series 3.7.798 replaces 3.7.558 - index base year changed.

(5) Series 3.8.795 replaces 3.8.557 - index base year changed.


Page 17: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

124.2 124.8 124.1 123.9 123.8 123.8 124.1 124.4 124.0 123.4 122.7 123.0 3.7.558109.3 109.9 109.3 109.1 109.0 109.0 109.3 109.5 109.2 108.6 108.0 108.3 3.7.79895.2 95.1 94.9 94.8 94.6 94.3 95.4 95.4 95.2 94.4 94.0 93.1 3.8.55795.4 95.3 95.1 95.0 94.8 94.5 95.6 95.6 95.4 94.6 94.2 93.3 3.8.795

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20143.7.558

108.2 108.6 108.1 107.8 107.9 108.4 108.2 107.8 107.9 107.4 107.4 106.3 3.7.7983.8.557

93.0 93.1 92.7 92.5 92.2 92.4 92.2 92.4 92.4 92.3 92.0 91.9 3.8.795

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

125.3 125.9 126.4 126.8 3.6.556125.3 125.8 126.4 126.8 3.6.821

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014127.1 127.5 128.1 128.6 3.6.556127.1 127.4 128.0 128.6 3.6.821


Danmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistik 3.6.

Indices of average earnings in the private sector by industry and seasonal adjustment (seasonally adjusted)

I-2005 - Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and utility services (1) 556

Indices of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations by seasonal adjustment, industry and time (seasonally adjusted)

I-2005 - Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and utility services (2) 821

Danmarks Statistik: Statistisk manedsoversigt 3.7.

Price index for domestic supply by commodity group and Danish/imported- Price index for domestic supply by commodity group and Danish/imported

I-2005 - Price index for domestic supply, total (3) 558

- Price index for domestic supply by commodity group and time

I-2010 - Price index for domestic supply (4) 798

Danmarks Statistik: Prisstatistik 3.8.

- Price index for domestic supply by commodity group

I-2005 - 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and related parts (3) 557

I-2010 - 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and related parts (5) 795

(1) Replaces series 3.6.234, 3.6.251 and 3.6.286 (discontinued - last figures 2nd quarter 2008).

(2) Series 3.6.821 replaces series 3.6.556 (old series discontinued) - Application of new delimitation of the sectors.

(3) Series 3.7.558 replaces 3.7.388 and 3.8.557 replaces 3.8.387 - index base year changed.

(4) Series 3.7.798 replaces 3.7.558 - index base year changed.

(5) Series 3.8.795 replaces 3.8.557 - index base year changed.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201314.22.64314.22.64414.22.42714.22.64514.22.646

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201414.22.64314.22.64414.22.42714.22.64514.22.646

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201414.38.79114.38.79914.38.647


14.22. Tilastokeskus: Tuottajahintaindeksit

Teollisuuden tuottajahintaindeksij

643 - Kokonaisindeksi (1) I-2005


644 - Tavararyhmät (NACE-TOL 2008): C22 Kumi- ja muovituotteiden valmistus Tillv. av gummi- och plastvaror (1) I-2005


427 - Suomi / Finland I-2000

645 - Suomi / Finland (1) I-2005


646 - Kokonaisindeksi (1) I-2005

14.38. Tilastokeskus: Ansiotasoindeksi

Förtjänstnivåindex enligt näringsgren

791 - Näringsgren: Metallframställning, timavlönade (24) (2) I-2010

799 - Näringsgren: IT- och informationstjänster (62-63) I-2010

Palkansaajien ansiotasoindeksi

647 - Toimiala (TOL 2008): C Teollisuus (3) I-2005

(1) Series 14.22.643 and 14.22.644 replace series 14.22.393 and 14.22.394, series 14.22.645 replaces 14.22.427

and series 14.22.646 replaces 14.22.529 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.

(2) Series 14.38.791 replaces 14.38.480 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.

(3) Series 14.38.647 replaces 14.38.528 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

115.6 116.2 116.5 115.8 115.6 115.5 115.4 115.7 115.4 115.0 114.6 114.5 115.5 14.22.643122.5 122.2 121.9 121.7 123.4 123.1 123.4 123.0 122.3 122.3 123.5 122.7 122.7 14.22.644124.6 125.3 125.9 126.1 126.1 126.0 126.0 125.8 126.2 126.4 126.2 126.7 125.9 14.22.427117.1 117.8 118.3 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.4 118.2 118.7 118.8 118.6 119.1 118.4 14.22.645102.2 102.7 103.0 102.3 102.2 101.9 101.9 101.9 101.2 100.8 100.8 100.7 101.8 14.22.646

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014114.6 114.7 114.1 114.1 114.4 114.8 114.8 114.8 115.0 114.6 114.0 112.4 114.4 14.22.643122.6 122.8 122.6 122.3 123.1 123.3 123.5 123.4 123.3 123.8 124.1 123.9 123.2 14.22.644126.6 126.9 127.2 127.4 127.1 127.2 127.1 127.2 127.9 127.7 127.5 127.3 127.3 14.22.427119.0 119.3 119.6 119.8 119.5 119.5 119.4 119.6 120.2 120.0 119.8 119.6 119.6 14.22.645100.4 100.6 100.4 100.4 100.9 101.2 101.2 101.0 101.4 101.2 100.5 98.9 100.7 14.22.646

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

104.8 103.9 105.0 107.7 105.3 14.38.791108.8 108.4 108.8 109.3 108.6 14.38.799124.9 125.5 126.0 126.8 125.8 14.38.647

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014108.0 108.4 108.2 109.6 108.6 14.38.791109.6 110.1 110.3 110.4 110.1 14.38.799126.6 127.1 127.6 128.2 127.4 14.38.647


Tilastokeskus: Tuottajahintaindeksit 14.22.

Producer price index, home sales

I 2005 T t l i d (1) 643I-2005 - Total index (1) 643

Import price index

I-2005 - Commodity groups (TOL 2008): C22 Manuf. of rubber and plastic products (1) 644

Consumer price index

I-2000 - Finland 427

I-2005 - Finland (1) 645

Export price index

I-2005 - Total index (1) 646

Tilastokeskus: Ansiotasoindeksi 14.38.

Index of wage and salary earnings by industry

I-2010 - Industry: 24 Basic metals hourly paid (2) 791

I-2010 - Industry: 62-63 Computer programming and information 799

Index of wage and salary earnings by sectors

I-2005 - Industry (TOL 2008): Manufacturing (3) 647

(1) Series 14.22.643 and 14.22.644 replace series 14.22.393 and 14.22.394, series 14.22.645 replaces 14.22.427

and series 14.22.646 replaces 14.22.529 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.

(2) Series 14.38.791 replaces 14.38.480 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.

(3) Series 14.38.647 replaces 14.38.528 - New nomenclature (TOL 2008) and change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20139.15.64033.54.50533.54.50633.54.507

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20149.15.64033.54.50533.54.50633.54.507


9.15. Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes

Indices du coût horaire du travail révisé avec effet du CICE (Crédit d'impôt compétitivité emploi )

640 - Industries mécaniques et électriques (2) I-2008/12

33.54 Ministère de la défense : Ixarm

505 - Produits et services PsdA2 (1) I-2004/07

506 - Produits et services PsdG2 (1) I-2004/07

507 - Produits et services PsdD2 (1) I-2004/07

(1) Series 33.54.505 to 33.54.507 have been introduced in 09/2004 and replace series 9.15.59 to 9.15.61.(2) Series 9.15.640 replaces series 9.15.281 - Change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

111.6 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.7 111.8 112.0 112.1 112.2 112.3 112.4 112.5 9.15.640133.1 134.1 133.9 131.4 128.9 128.5 129.8 130.6 130.9 130.6 130.7 131.1 33.54.505128.8 129.5 129.4 127.9 126.1 125.9 126.9 127.5 127.6 127.5 127.5 127.9 33.54.506125.3 125.8 125.8 124.8 123.6 123.6 124.5 124.9 124.9 124.7 124.6 125.1 33.54.507

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014112.6 112.9 113.2 113.4 113.4 113.5 113.7 113.8 113.8 113.9 114.1 114.2 9.15.640130.5 130.3 129.6 129.7 128.8 129.0 128.7 128.2 129.1 129.0 128.0 125.6 33.54.505127.5 127.3 126.8 126.7 125.9 126.2 126.0 125.5 126.3 126.5 125.6 124.3 33.54.506125.0 125.0 124.5 124.6 124.1 124.4 124.5 124.1 124.3 124.3 123.4 122.6 33.54.507


Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes 9.15.

Index of hourly labour costs revised with the effect of 'crédit d'impôt compétitivité emploi (CICE)'

I-2008/12 - Mechanical and electrical engineering (2) 640

Ministry of defence : Ixarm 33.54.

I-2004/07 - Products and services PsdA2 (1) 505

I-2004/07 - Products and services PsdG2 (1) 506

I-2004/07 - Products and services PsdD2 (1) 507

(1) Series 33.54.505 to 33.54.507 have been introduced in 09/2004 and replace series 9.15.59 to 9.15.61.

(2) Series 9.15.640 replaces series 9.15.281 - Change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20139.15.73 884.6 885.4 884.5 882.0 880.5 880.5 880.6 880.9 881.2 881.5 880.5 882.4

9.15.80110.16.55910.16.56010.16.56110.16.56210.16.56310.16.56410.16.74910.16.75010.16.75110.16.75210.16.75310.16.75412.18.79 843.7 845.7 845.0 844.4 842.7 842.4 842.7 846.9 847.0 846.6 846.1 847.1

12.18.82012.18.81 243.7 243.7 243.7 244.4 244.6 245.0 246.0 245.8 245.4 245.4 245.6 244.9

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20149.15.73 883.5 882.0 881.0 881.4 880.8 880.7 881.3 882.9 881.6

9.15.80110.16.55910.16.56010.16.56110.16.56210.16.56310.16.56410.16.74910.16.75010.16.75110.16.75210.16.75310.16.75412.18.79 846.5 846.8 846.9 854.5 854.6 854.2 855.1 855.0 855.8

12.18.82012 18 81 245 7 245 6 245 2 244 7 244 7 244 7 245 2 244 8 244 9 245 1 245 5 246 112.18.81 245.7 245.6 245.2 244.7 244.7 244.7 245.2 244.8 244.9 245.1 245.5 246.1


9.15. Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes

Index nationaux de prix du bâtiment

73 BT01 Tous corps d'état - base 100 en janvier 1974 (id. 000008631) I-1974/01

801 BT01 Tous corps d'état - base 100 en 2010 (id. 001710986) (1) I-2010

10.16. INSEE: Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique

IP de production de l'industrie pour les marchés français

559 Produits chimiques de base (id. 001569738) (2) I-2005

Indice de prix de production de l'industrie française pour le marchés français - Prix de marché - CPF 20.1

749 Produits chimiques de base (id. 001652048) (3) I-2010

IP de l'offre intérieure de produits industriels

560 Produits en aciers inoxydables avec Ni>=2.5% - Référence 100 en 2005 (id. 001559075) (2) I-2005

561 Profilés en aciers non alliés de qualité - Référence 100 en 2005 (id. 001559143) (2) I-2005

562 Tôles quarto en aciers non alliés de qualité - Référence 100 en 2005 (id. 1559204) (2) I-2005

563 Larges bandes laminées à chaud d'épaisseur >=3mm - Référence 100 en 2005 (id. 1559209) (2) I-2005

564 Produits plats laminés à froid non revêtus en aciers non alliés de qualité - Référence 100 en 2005 (id. 1559213) (2) I-2005

Indice de prix de l'offre intérieure de produits industriels - CPF 24.10

750 Produits en aciers inoxydables avec Ni>=2.5% - Base 2010 (id. 001653190) (3) I-2010

751 Profilés en aciers non alliés de qualité - Base 2010 (id. 001653192) (3) I-2010

752 Tôles quarto en aciers non alliés de qualité - Base 2010 (id. 001653195) (3) I-2010

753 Larges bandes laminées à chaud d'épaisseur >=3mm - Base 2010 (id. 001653196) (3) I-2010

754 Produits plats laminés à froid non revêtus en aciers non alliés de qualité - Base 2010 (id. 001653197) (3) I-2010

12.18. L'Usine Nouvelle

Indices et Cotations

79 Prix de Génie Civil: Index ingéniérie I-1973/01

820 Index ingéniérie (4) I-2010

81 Salaires: Indice Syntec I-1961/01

(1) Series 9.15.801 replaces 9.15.73 - Index base year changed.

(2) Series 10.16.559 replaces 10.16.428 and Series 10.16.560 to 10.16.564 replace 10.16.484 to 10.16.488- Methodological changes.

(3) Series 10.16.749 replaces 10.16.559 and Series 10.16.750 to 10.16.754 replace 10.16.560 to 10.16.564 - Index base year changed.

(4) Series 12.18.820 replaces 12.18.79 - Index base year changed.


Page 23: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

761.3 761.9 761.2 759.0 757.7 757.7 757.8 758.1 758.3 758.6 757.7 759.4 9.15.73106.0 105.9 105.9 105.7 105.6 105.2 105.3 105.2 105.1 105.0 105.1 105.2 9.15.801

p 143.7 10.16.559p 143.5 10.16.560p 200.7 10.16.561p 122.5 10.16.562p 124.3 10.16.563p 129.1 10.16.564

121.0 121.1 120.4 119.1 112.1 115.0 113.8 114.7 113.4 110.2 110.3 112.3 10.16.74997.2 96.7 96.9 96.8 96.8 95.6 95.2 93.9 92.8 92.5 94.3 94.7 10.16.750

106.7 108.2 106.9 103.0 102.4 100.2 99.6 100.2 102.5 104.3 106.4 107.0 10.16.751103.1 100.7 100.6 99.0 99.2 98.6 98.5 98.5 96.3 95.7 94.8 96.1 10.16.75297.5 94.2 96.5 100.6 100.8 98.1 97.5 94.9 92.0 91.4 91.0 92.5 10.16.753

101.9 99.8 100.2 101.4 101.0 99.8 100.8 97.8 99.0 99.0 98.2 98.7 10.16.754722.1 723.8 723.2 722.7 721.2 721.0 721.2 724.8 724.9 724.6 724.1 725.0 12.18.79

12.18.820244.2 244.2 244.2 244.9 245.1 245.5 246.5 246.3 245.9 245.9 246.1 245.4 12.18.81

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014760.3 759.0 758.2 758.5 758.0 757.9 758.4 759.8 758.7 9.15.73105.2 105.1 105.0 105.0 105.1 105.1 105.3 105.4 105.2 105.1 104.7 104.5 9.15.801


113.5 111.9 111.3 111.9 112.7 111.6 111.4 111.0 109.1 110.4 107.7 105.1 10.16.74994.3 93.0 94.2 94.7 94.7 94.5 97.2 96.6 98.1 100.6 100.8 100.8 10.16.750

107.6 105.6 102.5 99.6 100.0 97.9 97.4 97.9 98.6 99.8 98.1 97.7 10.16.75195.1 94.7 93.6 94.0 94.8 98.1 97.6 97.4 96.5 96.5 96.8 94.9 10.16.75292.4 92.0 93.0 92.4 90.7 90.3 89.6 89.7 89.0 88.1 88.0 86.9 10.16.75398.8 96.9 97.5 97.9 97.9 98.5 98.6 96.7 96.5 96.3 96.3 96.4 10.16.754

724.5 724.7 724.8 731.3 731.4 731.1 731.8 731.7 732.4 12.18.79107.9 107.8 108.0 108.0 107.8 107.7 12.18.820

246.2 246.1 245.7 245.2 245.2 245.2 245.7 245.3 245.4 245.6 246.0 246.6 12.18.81


Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes 9.15.

National construction price index

I-1974/01 BT01 All trades - Base 100 in January 1974 (id. 000008631) 73

I-2010 BT01 All trades - Base 100 in 2010 (id. 001710986) (1) 801

INSEE: Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique 10.16.

IP of industry Production for French Market

I-2005 Basic chemicals products - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001569738) (2) 559

Production Price index of french industry for the French Market - Market price - CPF 20.1

I-2010 Basic chemicals products - 2010 Base (id. 001652048) (3) 749

IP of industrial products of inside offer

I-2005 Products out of stainless steels with Ni>=2,5% - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559075) (2) 560

I-2005 Profiled out of nonallied steels of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559143) (2) 561

I-2005 Nonallied steel reversing mill plates of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559204) (2) 562

I-2005 Broad band hot-rolled thickness > = nonallied steel 3mm of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559209) (2) 563

I-2005 Sheet products rolled-iron products cold not covered out of nonallied steels of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559213) (2) 564

Price index of industrial products inside offer - CPF 24.10

I-2010 Products out of stainless steels with Ni>=2,5% - 2010 Base (id. 001653190) (3) 750

I-2010 Profiled out of nonallied steels of quality - 2010 Base (id. 001653192) (3) 751

I-2010 Nonallied steel reversing mill plates of quality - 2010 Base (id. 001653195) (3) 752

I-2010 Broad band hot-rolled thickness > = nonallied steel 3mm of quality - 2010 Base (id. 001653196) (3) 753

I-2010 Sheet products rolled-iron products cold not covered out of nonallied steels of quality - 2010 Base (id. 001653197) (3) 754

L'Usine Nouvelle 12.18.

Indices and Quotes

I-1973/01 Civil engineering prices: Engineering index 79

I-2010 Engineering index (4) 820

I-1961/01 Salaries: Syntec index 81

(1) Series 9.15.801 replaces 9.15.73 - Index base year changed.

(2) Series 10.16.559 replaces 10.16.428 and Series 10.16.560 to 10.16.564 replace 10.16.484 to 10.16.488- Methodological changes.

(3) Series 10.16.749 replaces 10.16.559 and Series 10.16.750 to 10.16.754 replace 10.16.560 to 10.16.564 - Index base year changed.

(4) Series 12.18.820 replaces 12.18.79 - Index base year changed.


Page 24: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20131.4.7471.4.748

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20141.4.7471.4.748

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 20141.55.543


1.4. Statistisches Bundesamt: Verdienste und Arbeitskosten Fachserie 16: Reihe 4.3 Index der Tariflöhne und -gehälter

1 Index der tariflichen Stundenverdienste ohne Sonderzahlungen

747 - Luftfahrt (WZ 2008 H 51) (1) I-2010

2 Index der tariflichen Monatsverdienste ohne Sonderzahlungen

748 - Luftfahrt (WZ 2008 H 51) (1) I-2010

1.55. Statistisches Bundesamt (Wiesbaden): Vierteljährliche Verdiensterhebung (VVE)

Bruttostundenverdienst vollzeitbeschäftigter Arbeitnehmer im Luft- und Raumfahrzeugbau in Hessen

543 Bruttostundenverdienst (2) M

(1) Series 1.4.747 and 1.4.748 replace series 1.4.595 and 1.4.596 - Index base year changed.

(2) Series 1.55.543 replaces series 1.2.355 - Change of definition (more aggregated workers' category).


Page 25: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

102.60 103.50 103.60 103.90 103.80 1.4.747102.60 103.60 103.70 103.90 103.80 1.4.748

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014104.20 104.20 104.80 105.10 104.60 1.4.747104.30 104.30 104.90 105.10 104.70 1.4.748

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

25.05 25.27 25.49 25.75 1.55.543

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201425.54 26.17 26.26 26.49 1.55.543


Statistisches Bundesamt: Verdienste und Arbeitskosten Fachserie 16: Reihe 4.3 Index der Tariflöhne und -gehälter 1.4.

1 Index of contractual hourly earnings excluding bonuses

I-2010 - Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51) (1) 747I 2010 Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51) (1)

2 Index of contractual monthly earnings excluding bonuses

I-2010 - Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51) (1) 748

Statistisches Bundesamt (Wiesbaden): Vierteljährliche Verdiensterhebung (VVE) 1.55.

Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Hessen: gross hourly earnings: full-time workers

M - Gross hourly earnings (2) 543

(1) Series 1.4.747 and 1.4.748 replace series 1.4.595 and 1.4.596 - Index base year changed.

(2) Series 1.55.543 replaces series 1.2.355 - Change of definition (more aggregated workers' category).


Page 26: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20131.40.6951.40.6961.40.6971.40.6981.40.6991.40.7001.40.7011.40.7021.40.7031.40.704

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20141.40.6951.40.6961.40.6971.40.6981.40.6991.40.7001.40.7011.40.7021.40.7031.40.704


1.40. Statistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1)

695 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metallindustrie (Nordmetall); hier Entgelttafel 2: Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern M

und Nordwestliches Niedersachsen - Entgeltgruppe E9 Endstufe - Berechnungsgrundlage Westdeutschland (2)

696 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metallindustrie (Nordmetall); hier Entgelttafel 1: Hamburg und Unterweser M

Entgeltgruppe E9 Endstufe (2)

697 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Eisen-, Metall- und Elektroindustrie sowie in Verbindung damit die M

kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie Nordrhein-Westfalen - Entgeltgruppe 13 Endstufe (2)

698 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Eisen-, Metall- und Elektroindustrie Hessen - Entgeltgruppe E11 (2) M

699 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württemberg - Entgeltgruppe E15 (2)(3) M

700 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Bayern - Entgeltgruppe E12 Endstufe (2) M

701 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Berlin und Brandenburg - Entgeltgruppe E12 Hauptstufe (Tarifgebiet I + II)(2) M

702 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metallindustrie (Nordmetall); hier Entgelttafel 2: Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern M

und Nordwestliches Niedersachsen - Entgeltgruppe E9 Endstufe (2)

703 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Sachsen - Entgeltgruppe E11 Endstufe (2) M

704 - Entgelttarifvertrag der Eisen-, Metall-, und Elektroindustrie Thüringen - Entgeltgruppe E 11 Endstufe (2) M

(1) Series 1.40.695 to 1.40.704 have been derived from national sources.

(2) Series 1.40.695 to 1.40.704 are new series that replace series 1.40.361 to 1.40.370 - change of methodology due to the change of

the collective agreements in German metal and electrical engineering industries.

(3) Series 1.40.699 is a new series that replaces series 1.40.365 and 1.40.371 - combination due to change of methodology .


Page 27: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

47.30 47.30 47.30 47.30 47.30 47.30 48.81 48.81 48.81 48.81 48.81 48.81 48.05 1.40.69548.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 50.28 50.28 50.28 50.28 50.28 50.28 49.50 1.40.69649.45 49.45 49.45 49.45 49.45 49.45 51.03 51.03 51.03 51.03 51.03 51.03 50.24 1.40.69751.37 51.37 51.37 51.37 51.37 51.37 53.02 53.02 53.02 53.02 53.02 53.02 52.20 1.40.69851.77 51.77 51.77 51.77 51.77 51.77 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 52.60 1.40.69955.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 55.80 57.43 57.43 57.43 57.43 57.43 57.43 56.62 1.40.70047.34 47.34 47.34 47.34 47.34 47.34 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.72 48.03 1.40.70143.29 43.29 43.29 43.29 43.29 43.29 44.54 44.54 44.54 44.54 44.54 44.54 43.92 1.40.70245.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 45.65 46.97 46.97 46.97 46.97 46.97 46.97 46.31 1.40.70345.58 45.58 45.58 45.58 45.58 45.58 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.90 46.24 1.40.704

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201448.88 48.88 48.88 48.88 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.89 49.56 1.40.69550.35 50.35 50.35 50.35 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.39 51.05 1.40.69651.11 51.11 51.11 51.11 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 52.17 51.81 1.40.69753.10 53.10 53.10 53.10 54.21 54.21 54.21 54.21 54.21 54.21 54.21 54.21 53.84 1.40.69853.51 53.51 53.51 53.51 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.25 1.40.69957.64 57.64 57.64 57.64 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.73 58.37 1.40.70048.87 48.87 48.87 48.87 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.79 49.49 1.40.70144.69 44.69 44.69 44.69 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.53 45.25 1.40.70247.12 47.12 47.12 47.12 48.02 48.02 48.02 48.02 48.02 48.02 48.02 48.02 47.72 1.40.70347.05 47.05 47.05 47.05 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.94 47.64 1.40.704


Statistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR (1) 1.40.

M - Agreement on wages for metal working industry in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 695

and Nordwestliches Niedersachsen - wage group E9 - Calculation base for West Germany (2)

M - Agreement on wages for metal industry in Hamburg and Unterweser 696

- wage group E9 (2)

M - Agreement on wages for ferrous, metal working, electrical and central heating industry as well as 697

plastic manufacturing industry in Nordrhein-Westfalen - wage group 13 (2)

M - Agreement on wages for ferrous, metal, electrical industry in Hessen - wage group 11 (2) 698

M - Agreement on wages for metal and electrical industry in Baden-Württemberg - wage group E15 (2)(3) 699

M - Agreement on wages for metal and electrical industry in Bayern - wage group 12 (2) 700

M - Agreement on wages for metal and electrical industry in Berlin und Brandenburg - wage group 12 (2) 701

M - Agreement on wages for metal and electrical industry in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 702

and Nordwestliches Niedersachsen - wage group 9 - Calculation base for East Germany (2)

M - Agreement on wages for metal and electrical industry in Sachsen - wage group 11 (2) 703

M - Agreement on wages for ferrous, metal and electrical industry in Thüringen - wage group E11 (2) 704

(1) Series 1.40.695 to 1.40.704 have been derived from national sources.

(2) Series 1.40.695 to 1.40.704 are new series that replace series 1.40.361 to 1.40.370 - change of methodology due to the change of

the collective agreements in German metal and electrical engineering industries.

(3) Series 1.40.699 is a new series that replaces series 1.40.365 and 1.40.371 - combination of geographical entities.


Page 28: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20131.39.7131.39.7141.64.7961.64.797

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20141.39.7131.39.7141.64.7961.64.797


1.39. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 7 - Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland

1. Verbraucherpreisindex für Deutschland: 1.1 Gliederung nach dem Verwendungszweck

713 - Verkehrsdienstleistungen (1) I-2010

714 - Verbraucherpreisindex insgesamt (1) I-2010

1.64. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 2 - Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher

Produkte (Inlandsabsatz) nach dem Güterverzeichnis für Produktionsstatistiken, Ausgabe 2009 (GP 2009)

Zusammenfassungen - Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte (Inlandsabsatz)

796 - 7: Energie I-2010

797 - 9: Gewerbliche Erzeugnisse insgesamt ohne Energie I-2010

(1) S i 713 d 714 l 537 d 538 b h d(1) Series 713 and 714 replace 537 and 538 - base year changed.


Page 29: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

109.4 109.6 109.8 110.0 109.8 110.1 111.1 111.2 110.8 110.8 110.0 111.4 110.3 1.39.713104.5 105.1 105.6 105.1 105.5 105.6 106.1 106.1 106.1 105.9 106.1 106.5 105.7 1.39.714114.2 113.6 112.6 112.6 111.5 111.3 111.5 111.2 112.1 111.3 111.2 111.4 112.0 1.64.796105.2 105.2 105.2 105.1 105.1 105.0 104.9 104.8 104.9 104.9 104.8 104.8 105.0 1.64.797

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014111.8 112.2 111.9 113.4 113.0 113.3 115.0 115.1 113.9 114.4 113.1 114.6 113.5 1.39.713105.9 106.4 106.7 106.5 106.4 106.7 107.0 107.0 107.0 106.7 106.7 106.7 106.6 1.39.714110.8 110.6 109.7 109.2 108.6 108.6 107.9 107.7 107.8 107.3 107.8 105.9 108.5 1.64.796104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.8 104.6 104.4 104.9 1.64.797


Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 7 - Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland 1.39.

1. Consumer price index for Germany: 1.1 by purpose

I-2010 - Transport services (1) 713

I-2010 - Overall index (1) 714

Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 2 - Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher 1.64.

Produkte (Inlandsabsatz) nach dem Güterverzeichnis für Produktionsstatistiken, Ausgabe 2009 (GP 2009)

Summary - Index of producer prices of industrial products (domestic sales)

I-2010 - 7: Energy 796

I-2010 - 9: Industrial products in total non-energy 797

(1) Series 537 and 538 are replaced by 713 and 714 - base year changed.


Page 30: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20131.1.5651.1.5661.1.5671.1.5681.1.5691.1.5701.1.5711.1.5721.1.5731.1.5741.1.5751.1.5761.1.5771.1.5781.1.5791.1.5801.1.7591.1.7601.1.7611.1.7621.1.7631.1.7641.1.7651.1.7661.1.7671.1.7681.1.7691.1.7701.1.7711.1.7721.1.7731.1.774

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20141.1.5651.1.5661.1.5671.1.5681.1.5691.1.5701.1.5711.1.5721.1.5731.1.5741.1.5751.1.5761.1.5771.1.5781.1.5791 1 5801.1.5801.1.7591.1.7601.1.7611.1.7621.1.7631.1.7641.1.7651.1.7661.1.7671.1.7681.1.7691.1.7701.1.7711.1.7721.1.7731.1.774


1.1. Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17

Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)

1 Index der Erzeugerpreise gewerblicher Produkte: 1.1 Aktuelle Ergebnisse

565 - (3) Erzeugnisse der Investitionsgüterproduzenten (1)(2) I-2005

566 - (193) Kunststoffe, in Primärformen (2016) (1)(2) I-2005

567 - (237) Feuerfeste keramische Werkstoffe (23 2) (1)(2) I-2005

568 - (291) NE-Metalle und Halbzeug daraus (24 4) (1)(2) I-2005

569 - (293) Aluminium und Halbzeug daraus (24 42) (1)(2) I-2005

570 - (309) Metallerzeugnisse (25) (1)(2) I-2005

571 - (310) Stahl- und Leichtmetallbauerzeugnisse (25 1) (1)(2) I-2005

572 - (461) Sonstige Pumpen und Kompressoren (2813) (1) I-2005

766 - (450) Sonstige Pumpen und Kompressoren (2813) (3) I-2010

573 - (473) Armaturen (2814) (1) I-2005

767 - (463) Armaturen (2814) (3) I-2010

574 - (404) Maschinen (Maschinenbauerzeugnisse) (28) (1)(2) I-2005

575 - (425) Lufttechnische Einzelapparate und Anlagen (28 25 12, 28 25 14, 28 25 20) (1) I-2005

769 - (421) Lufttechnische Einzelapparate und Anlagen (3) I-2010

576 - (336) Elektronische Bauelemente (26 11) (1)(2) I-2005

577 - (337) Dioden; Transistoren u. a. Halbleiterbauelemente; Leuchtdioden;

gefasste oder montierte Piezoelektrische Kristalle (26 11 2) (1)(2) I-2005

578 - (350) Meß-, Kontroll-, u. ä. Instrumente und Vorrichtungen (26 51) (1) I-2005

579 - (362) Optische und fotografische Instrumente u.Geräte (26 7) (1) I-2005

773 - (364) Optische und fotografische Instrumente u.Geräte (26 7) (3) I-2010

580 - (612) Elektrischer Strom, Gas, Fernwärme (35) (1)(2) I-2005

(1) New series 565 replaces 447 and 566 to 575 replace 448 to 457 and series 576 to 580 replace 458 to 462 - base year changed.(2) New series 759 to 765 replace 565 to 571, 768 replaces 574, 770 to 772 replace 576 to 578 and series 774 replaces 580 - base year changed New reference year is 2010 - labels and references in the publication are the same (labels not shown due to space constraints).

(3) New series 766 to 767 replace 572 to 573, 769 replaces 575 and 773 replaces 579 - New reference year is 2010.


Page 31: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

105.3 105.4 105.4 105.5 105.6 105.6 105.6 1.1.565120.9 120.5 120.5 120.4 119.7 119.1 118.8 1.1.566123.7 124.2 124.1 123.8 123.3 123.3 123.4 1.1.567157.3 159.1 156.4 147.7 147.5 145.0 143.5 1.1.568117.7 117.2 116.9 115.8 114.2 114.6 113.5 1.1.569112.5 112.7 112.6 112.6 112.6 112.4 112.3 1.1.570115.6 115.6 115.5 115.7 115.7 115.5 115.3 1.1.571117.3 117.4 117.4 117.7 117.7 117.6 117.7 1.1.572123.6 124.5 124.6 125.5 125.7 125.7 125.8 1.1.573114.3 114.5 114.5 114.7 114.7 114.8 114.9 1.1.574112.5 113.0 113.2 113.0 113.1 112.9 113.2 1.1.575

22.8 22.9 23.2 23.8 24.1 24.2 24.4 1.1.57647.9 47.2 47.1 47.1 47.4 47.2 47.4 1.1.577

107.1 107.1 107.1 107.4 107.5 107.5 107.6 1.1.578109.2 109.1 109.0 109.1 109.0 109.2 109.1 1.1.579138.2 136.9 137.0 137.0 136.1 135.8 135.5 1.1.580102.8 102.8 102.8 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.1 103.1 103.1 103.0 1.1.759112.0 111.7 111.8 111.8 111.2 110.6 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.7 110.5 110.2 111.0 1.1.760107.0 107.3 107.2 107.0 106.7 106.7 106.8 106.6 106.6 107.8 107.9 107.7 107.1 1.1.761107.6 108.4 106.8 101.1 101.0 99.2 98.0 99.5 98.1 97.3 96.7 96.1 100.8 1.1.762103.6 103.0 102.8 102.0 100.6 100.8 100.0 100.1 99.7 99.2 98.6 98.4 100.7 1.1.763103.6 103.6 103.6 103.5 103.5 103.4 103.2 103.1 103.1 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.3 1.1.764105.5 105.4 105.3 105.4 105.4 105.3 105.1 104.8 104.7 104.7 104.9 104.9 105.1 1.1.765105.2 105.3 105.3 105.5 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.8 105.8 105.7 105.8 105.6 1.1.766108.0 108.7 108.8 109.5 109.7 109.7 109.7 109.7 109.7 110.4 110.4 110.2 109.5 1.1.767104.9 105.0 105.1 105.3 105.3 105.4 105.4 105.5 105.5 105.7 105.7 105.7 105.4 1.1.768106.2 106.8 106.9 106.7 106.8 106.6 107.0 107.1 107.1 107.3 107.4 107.2 106.9 1.1.769

60.8 59.8 60.2 61.0 61.5 61.5 61.3 60.7 60.7 60.4 59.5 58.6 60.5 1.1.77060.3 58.5 58.5 58.4 59.1 58.8 58.7 57.9 57.9 57.2 56.0 55.3 58.1 1.1.771

102.9 102.9 102.9 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.4 103.3 103.4 103.2 1.1.772104.6 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.6 104.6 104.1 104.2 104.4 104.4 104.5 104.5 1.1.773112.8 111.5 111.2 111.3 110.2 109.9 109.7 109.3 110.4 109.9 110.1 110.1 110.5 1.1.774

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20141.1.5651.1.5661.1.5671.1.5681.1.5691.1.5701.1.5711.1.5721.1.5731.1.5741.1.5751.1.5761.1.5771.1.5781.1.5791 1 5801.1.580

103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.4 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.6 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.5 1.1.759109.9 110.0 110.0 109.9 110.3 109.9 110.3 110.9 111.0 110.7 110.5 109.9 110.3 1.1.760107.1 106.9 106.8 106.7 106.6 105.2 105.2 105.2 105.2 105.1 105.0 105.3 105.9 1.1.761

96.7 96.5 94.9 94.5 95.6 96.1 98.7 99.3 100.5 101.1 101.4 101.4 98.1 1.1.76298.1 97.1 97.3 97.2 97.4 98.3 100.0 101.6 103.3 104.0 105.7 106.4 100.5 1.1.763

103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.2 103.4 103.4 103.3 103.2 103.2 1.1.764104.8 104.9 105.0 104.9 104.9 105.1 105.1 105.0 105.5 105.4 105.3 105.2 105.1 1.1.765106.6 106.9 107.0 107.3 107.3 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.6 107.6 107.7 107.7 107.4 1.1.766110.7 111.0 111.2 111.6 111.6 111.6 111.7 111.7 111.7 111.8 111.9 112.0 111.5 1.1.767106.2 106.3 106.4 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.6 106.6 106.6 106.7 106.7 106.8 106.5 1.1.768107.3 107.6 107.6 107.4 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 1.1.769

58.9 59.0 58.7 58.6 58.2 58.2 58.0 58.4 58.7 58.9 59.3 59.8 58.7 1.1.77055.7 55.7 55.6 55.5 55.3 55.3 55.4 55.4 55.4 55.2 54.8 54.7 55.3 1.1.771

103.5 103.7 103.8 103.7 103.8 103.9 104.2 104.3 104.1 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.0 1.1.772104.1 104.0 104.0 104.6 104.6 104.5 103.9 103.8 103.8 103.6 103.5 103.5 104.0 1.1.773109.5 109.2 108.5 107.7 107.2 106.9 106.4 106.5 106.8 106.7 107.7 107.4 107.5 1.1.774


Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17 1.1.

Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)

1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figures

I-2005 - (3) Capital goods (1)(2) 565

I-2005 - (193) Plastics, in primary forms (2016) (1)(2) 566

I-2005 - (237) Refractory ceramic products (23 2) (1)(2) 567

I-2005 - (291) Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (24 4) (1)(2) 568

I-2005 - (293) Aluminum production (24 42) (1)(2) 569

I-2005 - (309) Metal products (25) (1)(2) 570

I-2005 - (310) Structural metal products (25 1) (1)(2) 571

I-2005 - (461) Other Pumps and compressors (2813) (1) 572

I-2010 - (450) Sonstige Pumpen und Kompressoren (2813) (3) 766

I-2005 - (473) Taps and valves (2814) (1) 573

I-2010 - (463) Armaturen (2814) (3) 767

I-2005 - (404) Mechanical engineering products (28) (1)(2) 574

I-2005 - (425) Non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment (28 25 12, 2825 14, 2825 20) (1)(2) 575

I-2010 - (421) Lufttechnische Einzelapparate und Anlagen (3) 769

I-2005 - (336) Electronic components (36 11) (1)(2) 576

- (337) Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; 577

I-2005 Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (26 11 2) (1)(2)

I-2005 - (350) Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (26 51) (1)(2) 578

I-2005 - (362) Optical and photographic instruments and apparatus (26 7) (1) 579

I-2010 - (364) Optische und fotografische Instrumente u.Geräte (26 7) (3) 773

I-2005 - (612) Electricity, gas, district heating (35) (1)(2) 580

(1) New series 565 replaces 447 and 566 to 575 replace 448 to 457 and series 576 to 580 replace 458 to 462 - base year changed.(2) New series 759 to 765 replace 565 to 571, 768 replaces 574, 770 to 772 replace 576 to 578 and series 774 replaces 580 - base year changed

New reference year is 2010 - labels and references in the publication are the same (labels not shown due to space constraints).

(3) New series 766 to 767 replace 572 to 573, 769 replaces 575 and 773 replaces 579 - New reference year is 2010.


Page 32: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201330.51.58130.51.80230.51.519

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201430.51.58130.51.80230.51.519

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201430.51.59830.51.59930.51.60030.51.601


30.51 National Statistical Service of Greece

581 - Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non-Domestic) - Intermediate goods (1) I-2005

802 - Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non-Domestic) - Intermediate goods (2) I-2010

519 - Monthly evolution of the overall Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (3) I-2005

598 - Index of wages for the Nace Rev.2 C (Manufacturing) and seasonal correction I-2008

599 - Index of Other Costs for the Nace Rev.2 C (Manufacturing) and seasonal correction I-2008

600 - Index of wages for the Nace Rev.2 M (Professional, scientific and technical activities) and seasonal correction I-2008

601 - Index of Other Costs for the Nace Rev.2 M (Professional, scientific and technical activities) and seasonal correction I-2008

(1) Series 30.51.581 replaces series 30.51.501 - Index base year has changed.

(2) Series 30.51.802 replaces series 30.51.581 - Index base year has changed.

(3) Series 30.51.519 replaces series 30.51.499 - Index base year has changed.


Page 33: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

131.40 131.20 130.70 130.20 130.00 129.50 129.50 129.60 129.50 128.60 128.30 128.30 30.51.581105.40 105.60 104.80 103.80 104.20 104.10 103.90 104.20 103.50 103.10 103.10 103.00 104.10 30.51.802121.69 119.73 122.72 123.29 123.24 123.05 121.04 119.00 121.94 121.74 120.16 121.14 121.56 30.51.519

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014128.00 127.90 127.30 126.90 127.10 127.50 127.50 127.50 127.80 127.80 127.60 127.30 30.51.581102.90 102.80 102.40 102.10 102.20 102.50 102.50 102.60 102.70 102.80 102.60 102.30 102.50 30.51.802119.99 118.70 120.89 121.34 120.61 121.25 120.02 118.72 120.59 119.55 118.70 118.07 119.87 30.51.519

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

87.30 89.40 87.10 90.40 30.51.59885.90 89.10 85.50 87.00 30.51.59990.10 89.90 79.40 77.40 30.51.600

109.70 106.30 92.90 85.20 30.51.601

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201487.50 92.70 91.70 88.70 30.51.59885.30 89.70 85.90 81.90 30.51.59971.40 70.60 72.20 77.80 30.51.60074.00 70.80 71.80 72.60 30.51.601


National Statistical Service of Greece 30.51

I-2005 - Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non domestic) - Intermediate goods (1) 581

I-2010 - Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non domestic) - Intermediate goods (2) 802

I-2005 - Monthly evolution of the overall Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (3) 519

I-2008 - Index of wages for the Nace Rev.2 C (Manufacturing) and seasonal correction 598

I-2008 - Index of Other Costs for the Nace Rev.2 C (Manufacturing) and seasonal correction 599

I-2008 - Index of wages for the Nace Rev.2 M (Professional, scientific and technical activities) and seasonal correction 600

I-2008 - Index of Other Costs for the Nace Rev.2 M (Professional, scientific and technical activities) and seasonal correction 601

(1) Series 30.51.581 replaces series 30.51.501 - Index base year has changed.

(2) Series 30.51.802 replaces series 30.51.581 - Index base year has changed.

(3) Series 30.51.519 replaces series 30.51.499 - Index base year has changed.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201324.35.58224.35.77525.36.35425.36.522

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201424.35.58224.35.77525.36.35425.36.522

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201424.35.58324.35.777


24.35. OECD: Main Economic Indicators

Ireland: Prices

582 - Consumer prices: All items (1) I-2005

775 - Consumer prices: All items (2) I-2010

Ireland: WagesIreland: Wages

583 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (1) I-2005

777 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (2) I-2010

25.36. CSO: Press release

Consumer price index

354 - All items (3) I-2001/12

522 - All items (3) I-2006/12

(1) Series 24.35.582 replaces 24.35.490 and series 24.35.583 replaces 24.35.489 - change of base year.

(2) Series 24.35.775 replaces 24.35.582 and series 24.35.777 replaces 24.35.583 - change of base year.

(3) Series 25.36.522 replaces 25.36.354 published - change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

111.6 112.4 112.9 112.9 112.8 112.9 112.8 112.9 24.35.582103.9 104.7 105.1 105.1 105.0 105.1 105.0 105.1 105.0 104.8 104.6 104.6 104.9 24.35.775124.1 125.0 125.6 125.6 125.5 125.6 125.5 125.5 125.4 125.2 125.0 125.0 125.3 25.36.354105.2 105.9 106.4 106.4 106.3 106.4 106.3 106.3 106.2 106.0 105.9 105.9 106.1 25.36.522

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201424.35.582

104.1 104.6 105.4 105.5 105.5 105.6 105.4 105.6 105.4 105.0 104.7 104.3 105.1 24.35.775124.3 125.0 125.8 125.9 125.9 126.1 125.8 126.1 125.8 125.4 125.1 124.6 125.5 25.36.354105.3 105.9 106.6 106.7 106.7 106.8 106.6 106.8 106.5 106.2 106.0 105.6 106.3 25.36.522

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

118.86 118.73 24.35.58399.58 100.77 101.63 101.48 100.87 24.35.777

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201424.35.583

103.53 102.93 103.14 103.59 103.33 24.35.777


OECD: Main Economic Indicators 24.35.

Ireland: PricesIreland: Prices

I-2005 - Consumer prices: All items (1) 582

I-2010 - Consumer prices: All items (2) 775

Ireland: Wages

I-2005 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (1) 583

I-2010 - Hourly earnings: manufacturing (2) 777

CSO: Press release 25.36.

Consumer price index

I-2001/12 - All items (3) 354

I-2006/12 - All items (3) 522

(1) Series 24.35.582 replaces 24.35.490 and series 24.35.583 replaces 24.35.489 - change of base year.

(2) Series 24.35.775 replaces 24.35.582 and series 24.35.777 replaces 24.35.583 - change of base year.

(3) Series 25.36.522 replaces 25.36.354 published - change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201321.32.72521.32.72621.32.73121.32.72721.32.72821.32.73221.32.72921.32.73021.32.73321.32.734

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201421.32.72521.32.72621.32.73121.32.72721.32.72821.32.73221.32.72921.32.73021.32.73321.32.734


21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica

14-16 Indice della retribuzione contrattuale per contratto

725 - Metalmeccanica: operaio - oraria I-2010

726 I-2010

731 - Metalmeccanica: totale dipendenti al netto dei dirigenti - per dipendente (1) I-2010

- Metalmeccanica: quadro; impiegato - per dipendente (1)

727 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: Operaio - oraria (1) I-2010

728 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: quadro; impiegato - per dipendente (1) I-2010

732 - Elettromeccanica ed elettronica: totale dipendenti al netto dei dirigenti - per dipendente (1) I-2010

729 - Chimiche: operaio - oraria (1) I-2010

730 - Chimiche: quadro; impiegato - per dipendente (1) I-2010

733 - Chimiche: totale dipendenti al netto dei dirigenti - per dipendente (1) I-2010

734 - Meccanica generale: totale dipendenti al netto dei dirigenti - per dipendente (1) I-2010

(1) Series 21.32.725 to 21.32.730 replace 21.32.584 to 21.32.589 and Series 21.32.731 to 21.32.734 replace 21.32.616 to 21.32.619 - index base year changed.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

106.8 106.8 106.8 106.8 106.8 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.3 107.1 21.32.725107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 21.32.726106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.1 21.32.731106.8 106.8 106.8 106.8 106.8 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.2 21.32.727107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 21.32.728107.0 107.0 107.0 107.0 107.0 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.1 21.32.732107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 21.32.729107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 107.9 21.32.730107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8 21.32.733106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 106.9 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.1 21.32.734

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 21.32.725109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 21.32.726109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 21.32.731110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 21.32.727109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 21.32.728109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 21.32.732109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 109.9 21.32.729110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.3 21.32.730110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2 21.32.733109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 109.8 21.32.734


Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.

14-16 Index of wages according to collective labour agreements

I-2010 725

I-2010 726

I-2010 731

I-2010 727

- Metalworking industry - blue collar - hourly (1)

- Metalworking industry - middle management; white collar (1)

- Metalworking industry - all employees excluding executives (1)

- Electrical engineering and electronics - blue collar - hourly (1)

I-2010 728

I-2010 732

I-2010 729

I-2010 730

I-2010 733

I-2010 734

(1) Series 21.32.725 to 21.32.730 replace 21.32.584 to 21.32.589 and Series 21.32.731 to 21.32.734 replace 21.32.616 to 21.32.619

- index base year changed.

- Electrical engineering and electronics - all employees excluding executives (1)

- Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres - blue collar - hourly (1)

- Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres - middle management; white collar (1)

- Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres - all employees excluding executives (1)

- Mechanical industries - all employees excluding executives (1)

- Electrical engineering and electronics - middle management; white collar (1)


Page 38: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201321.32.73521.32.73621.32.73721.32.73821.32.73921.32.74021.32.74121.32.74221.32.74321.32.744

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201421.32.73521.32.73621.32.73721.32.73821.32.73921.32.74021.32.74121.32.74221.32.74321.32.744


21.32. Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica

13-2 Indice dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti industriali

735 0020 -Tot. ind. escl. costruzioni. (B-E) - mercato interno (1) I-2010736 0040 - Beni intermedi - mercato interno (1) I-2010737 25 - Fab. di prod. in metallo (escl. Macchinari e attrezzature) - mercato interno (1) I-2010738 27 - Fab. di appar. elettr. ed appar. per uso domestico non elettriche -mercato interno (1) I-2010739 279- Fab. di altre appar. elettriche - mercato interno (1) I-2010740 263 F b di l t l t i t (1) I 2010740 263 - Fab. di appar. per le telecom. - mercato interno (1) I-2010741 2814 - Fab. altri rubinetti e valvole -mercato interno (1) I-2010742 26 - Fab.di computer e prod. di elettron. e ottica; appar. elettromedic., appar. di misurazione e di orologi - mercato interno (1) I-2010743 0050 - Beni strumentali - mercato interno (1) I-2010744 265 - Fab.di strum.e appar. di misura. prova e navigazione; orologi - mercato interno (1) I-2010

(1) Series 21.32.735 to 21.32.744 replace 21.32.620 to 21.32.708 - index base year changed.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

108.6 108.8 108.8 108.3 108.2 108.6 108.2 108.3 108.3 107.2 107.1 107.0 21.32.735105.4 105.3 105.3 105.1 105.2 104.8 104.7 104.7 104.5 104.4 104.3 104.4 21.32.736102.5 102.5 102.2 102.4 102.4 102.4 102.3 102.4 102.3 102.2 102.2 102.4 21.32.737104.7 104.4 104.2 103.7 104.4 104.0 104.0 104.1 103.1 103.7 103.5 103.6 21.32.738103.8 103.8 103.3 104.3 104.4 105.1 104.7 104.7 104.3 104.2 104.0 103.9 21.32.739100.4 100.6 100.6 99.4 100.0 100.6 100.7 100.7 100.9 101.6 101.6 103.1 21.32.740104.4 104.4 104.4 104.5 108.4 109.4 109.7 110.2 109.3 109.5 109.5 109.5 21.32.741101.1 100.5 100.8 100.0 100.9 101.0 100.4 100.6 100.3 100.5 100.1 101.2 21.32.742102.6 102.7 102.7 102.9 103.0 103.0 102.9 102.8 102.7 102.8 102.7 102.8 21.32.743100.8 100.0 99.9 99.6 101.0 100.8 99.5 100.9 100.2 99.7 98.2 100.7 21.32.744

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014107.0 106.9 106.7 106.5 106.4 106.6 106.1 106.0 106.1 105.6 105.5 104.7 21.32.735104.4 104.4 104.4 104.2 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.1 104.2 104.2 21.32.736102.1 102.1 102.2 102.2 102.2 102.3 102.3 102.5 102.7 102.7 102.6 102.6 21.32.737103.6 103.8 103.5 103.3 102.9 103.0 103.3 103.3 103.6 103.5 103.5 103.7 21.32.738103.7 104.1 104.5 103.7 103.4 103.2 103.5 102.9 103.0 103.2 103.3 103.5 21.32.739102.4 101.0 101.0 102.9 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.4 101.1 101.2 101.2 21.32.740109.2 109.5 109.5 109.4 109.3 109.4 109.6 110.2 109.7 109.7 110.0 110.5 21.32.741

99.9 99.3 99.5 100.1 99.5 99.3 98.9 99.1 98.9 98.9 99.2 99.8 21.32.742102.9 102.9 103.0 103.2 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.7 103.7 21.32.743

99.4 98.4 98.5 98.1 98.7 100.1 98.4 100.0 99.5 98.6 100.2 99.5 21.32.744

Datatype Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica 21.32.

13-2 Indices of producer prices of industrial goods

I-2010 0020 - Total Industry excl. construction (B to E) - domestic market (1) 735

I-2010 0040 - Intermediate goods -domestic market (1) 736

I-2010 25 - Manuf.of fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment - domestic market (1) 737

I-2010 27 - Manuf. of electrical equipment and of non-electric domestic appliances - domestic market (1) 738

I-2010 279 - Manuf. of other electrical equip. - domestic market (1) 739

I-2010 263 - Manuf. of communication equip. - domestic market (1) 740

I-2010 2814 - Manuf. of other taps & valves - domestic market (1) 741

I-2010 26 - Manuf. of computer, electronic and optical products - domestic market (1) 742

I-2010 0050 - Capital goods - domestic market (1) 743

I-2010 265 - Manuf. of instruments & appliances for measuring, testing & navigation; watches and clocks - domestic market (1) 744

(1) Series 21.32.735 to 21.32.744 replace 21.32.620 to 21.32.708 - index base year changed.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201331.53.71531.53.71631.53.71732.52.59332.52.77631.53.520

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201431.53.71531.53.71631.53.71732.52.59332.52.77631.53.520

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201435.62.63035.62.823


31.53. STATEC

Serie A1

520 CPI/HCPI – Serie A1 indice général (1) I-2005

Producer price index – Serie A3

715 Total industrie (2) I-2010

716 – 24.1 à 24.3 : Produits sidérurgiques, tubes et autres produits de 1ère transformation de l'acier (2) I-2010

717 – 24.4 + 24.5 : métaux non ferreux et produits de fonderie (2) I-2010


630 Indice du coût de la main d'œuvre - Rémunérations - Données corrigées des jours ouvrables I-2008

Industries, construction et services marchands (B-S) (3)

823 Indice du coût de la main d'œuvre - Rémunérations - Données corrigées des jours ouvrables I-2012

Industries, construction et services marchands (B-S) (4)

32.52. OECD

593 Gains horaires (manufacturing) (5) I-2005

776 Gains horaires (manufacturing) (6) I-2010

(1) Series 31.53.520 replaces 31.53.493 - (base year changed).

(5) Series 32.52.593 replaces 32.52.498 - (base year changed).

(6) Series 32.52.776 replaces 32.52.593 - Change of base year.

(2) Series 31.53.715 to 31.53.717 replace series 31.53.590 to 31.53.592 - (base year changed).

(3) Series 35.62.630 replaces series 31.53.497 - index base year changed and new classification (NACE Rev.2) is introduced.

(4) Series 35.62.823 replaces series 35.62.630 - Change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

107.89 107.97 107.55 106.65 106.37 106.12 105.60 105.34 105.40 105.23 105.21 104.93 106.19 31.53.715112.94 115.10 113.72 110.73 108.35 104.90 104.53 101.44 100.98 105.48 105.42 106.33 107.49 31.53.716100.64 101.62 103.00 100.22 99.05 98.58 97.53 97.34 96.95 96.68 96.11 94.49 98.52 31.53.717109.10 106.90 108.60 109.20 106.00 103.80 32.52.59397.99 97.25 99.37 98.03 99.13 97.80 96.66 97.55 98.94 98.77 99.44 97.67 98.27 32.52.776

118.16 120.41 120.42 120.53 120.27 120.67 119.28 121.02 121.23 120.98 120.98 121.07 120.42 31.53.520

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014104.52 103.42 102.59 102.38 102.54 102.70 101.96 102.83 103.33 103.75 103.00 103.44 102.92 31.53.715109.06 107.15 103.87 102.48 102.66 103.71 102.57 104.38 103.33 106.10 104.75 106.00 104.36 31.53.71695.56 95.80 94.81 94.70 94.47 95.05 96.83 98.34 101.93 102.80 103.91 106.54 96.39 31.53.717

32.52.59398.68 99.01 96.39 100.36 96.57 100.77 99.35 99.20 97.56 98.79 99.41 101.62 99.10 32.52.776

119.97 121.45 121.43 121.47 121.51 121.70 120.46 121.74 121.63 121.35 121.07 120.33 121.18 31.53.520

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

112.9 116.5 106.4 129.8 116.4 35.62.630100.0 103.2 94.3 115.0 103.1 35.62.823

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014116.8 121.4 109.7 129.9 119.4 35.62.630103.9 108.3 97.6 115.2 106.2 35.62.823


STATEC 31.53.

Series A1

I-2005 CPI/HCPI – Series A1 - General indices (1) 520

Producer price index – Series A3

I-2010 Total Industry (2) 715

I-2010 – 24.1 to 24.3 : Iron and steel products, tubes and others products of first steel transformation (2) 716

I-2010 – 24.4 and 24.5 : non-ferrous metals and products of foundry (2) 717


I-2008 Labour cost index - Wages and Salaries - data adjusted by working days - Industry, construction and services (B-S) (3) 630

I-2012 Labour cost index - Wages and Salaries - data adjusted by working days - Industry, construction and services (B-S) (4) 823

OECD 32.52.

I-2005 Hourly earnings (manufacturing) (5) 593

I-2010 Hourly earnings (manufacturing) (6) 776

(1) Series 31.53.520 replaces 31.53.493 - (base year changed).

(2) Series 31.53.715 to 31.53.717 replace series 31.53.590 to 31.53.592 - (base year changed).

(3) Series 35.62.630 replaces series 31.53.497 - index base year changed and new classification (NACE Rev.2) is introduced.

(4) Series 35.62.823 replaces series 35.62.630 - Change of base year.

(5) Series 32.52.593 replaces 32.52.498 - (base year changed).

(6) Series 32.52.776 replaces 32.52.593 - Change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201317.26.41917.26.42017.26.42117.26.42217.26.42317.26.42417.26.42517.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.44617.26.52517.26.53417.26.80317.26.80417.26.80517.26.80617.26.80717.26.80817.26.80917.26.81017.26.81117.26.81217.26.81317.26.81417.26.81517.26.81617.26.81717.26.818

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201417.26.41917.26.42017.26.42117.26.42217.26.42317.26.42417.26.42517.26.42617.26.44117.26.44217.26.44317.26.44417.26.44517.26.44617.26.52517.26.53417.26.80317.26.80417.26.80517.26.80617.26.80717.26.80817.26.80917.26.81017.26.81117.26.81217.26.81317.26.81417.26.81517.26.81617.26.81717.26.818


17.26. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen

Cao-lonen per uur inclusief bijzondere beloningen

419 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-2000

803 - Economische activiteit: F Bouwnijverheid (2) I-2010

420 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-2000804 - Economische activiteit: J Informatie en communicatie (2) I-2010

421 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-2000

805 - Economische activiteit: I Horeca (2) I-2010

422 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-2000

806 - Economische activiteit: Q Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (2) I-2010

441 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (3) I-2000

811 - Economische activiteit: 24-30, 33 Metalektro (4) I-2010

443 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (3) I-2000

813 - Economische activiteit: 18 Grafische industrie (4) I-2010

444 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (3) I-2000

814 - Economische activiteit: 20-21 Chemie en farmaceutische industrie (4) I-2010

525 - Economische activiteit: 50-74 Commerciële dienstverlening I-2000

817 - Economische activiteit: G-N Commerciële dienstverlening (4) I-2010

Cao-lonen per maand inclusief bijzondere beloningen

423 - Economische activiteit: 45 Bouwnijverheid (1) I-2000

807 - Economische activiteit: F Bouwnijverheid (2) I-2010

424 - Economische activiteit: 60-64 Vervoer en communicatie (1) I-2000

808 - Economische activiteit: J Informatie en communicatie (2) I-2010

425 - Economische activiteit: 55 Horeca (1) I-2000

809 - Economische activiteit: I Horeca (2) I-2010

426 - Economische activiteit: 85 Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (1) I-2000

810 - Economische activiteit: Q Gezondheids- en welzijnszorg (2) I-2010

442 - Economische activiteit: 27-35 Metaal- en elektrotechnische industrie (3) I-2000

812 - Economische activiteit: 24-30, 33 Metalektro (4) I-2010

445 - Economische activiteit: 22 Grafische industrie (3) I-2000

815 - Economische activiteit: 18 Grafische industrie (4) I-2010

446 - Economische activiteit: 24 Chemische industrie (3) I-2000

816 - Economische activiteit: 20-21 Chemie en farmaceutische industrie (4) I-2010

534 - Economische activiteit: 01-05 Landbouw en visserij I-2000

818 - Economische activiteit: A Landbouw, bosbouw en visserij (4) I-2010

(1) Series 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 replace 17.26.256 to 267 except 193-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.(2) Series 17.26.803 to 17.26.810 replace 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 - change of base year and Nomenclature.(3) Series 17.26.441 to 17.26.446 replace 17.26.193-194-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.(4) Series 17.26.811 to 17.26.818 replace 17.26.441 to 17.26.534 - change of base year and Nomenclature.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

134.9 135.3 135.3 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.4 135.3 17.26.419128.8 129.0 129.0 129.1 129.0 129.2 129.5 129.5 129.5 129.6 129.6 129.6 129.3 17.26.420124.2 124.2 124.2 124.4 124.4 124.4 125.4 125.4 125.4 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.9 17.26.421136.2 136.3 136.3 136.4 136.4 136.4 137.4 137.4 137.7 137.8 137.8 137.8 137.0 17.26.422135.7 136.2 136.2 136.2 136.2 136.2 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.2 17.26.423129.5 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.9 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.2 130.2 130.2 129.9 17.26.424124.3 124.3 124.3 124.5 124.5 124.5 125.4 125.4 125.4 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.9 17.26.425133.3 133.5 133.5 133.6 133.6 133.6 134.5 134.5 134.8 135.0 135.0 135.0 134.2 17.26.426133.0 133.4 133.4 133.4 133.4 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.9 133.9 135.7 133.7 17.26.441133.0 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.9 133.9 135.7 133.7 17.26.442127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 17.26.443136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 137.1 137.1 137.1 137.1 137.1 137.1 136.5 17.26.444127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.4 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 17.26.445136.3 136.3 136.3 136.4 136.4 136.4 137.4 137.4 137.4 137.5 137.5 137.5 136.9 17.26.446129.6 129.7 129.7 129.8 129.8 129.9 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.2 130.2 130.2 129.9 17.26.525128.5 128.5 128.8 128.8 128.8 129.0 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.7 129.2 17.26.534103.3 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8 17.26.803102.7 102.7 102.7 103.1 103.1 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.3 17.26.804102.9 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.0 103.0 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.2 104.2 103.5 17.26.805104.3 104.4 104.4 104.5 104.5 104.5 105.2 105.2 105.4 105.6 105.6 105.6 104.9 17.26.806104.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.5 17.26.807102.7 102.7 102.7 103.1 103.1 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.6 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.3 17.26.808102.9 102.9 102.9 103.0 103.0 103.0 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.2 104.2 103.5 17.26.809103.7 103.8 103.8 103.9 103.9 103.9 104.6 104.7 104.9 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.4 17.26.810104.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.4 105.4 106.4 105.2 17.26.811105.2 105.7 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 105.8 106.1 106.1 107.1 105.9 17.26.812104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 17.26.813104.1 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.2 104.2 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1 104.6 17.26.814104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 17.26.815104.3 104.3 104.3 104.4 104.4 104.4 105.2 105.2 105.2 105.3 105.3 105.3 104.8 17.26.816103.7 103.7 103.7 103.8 103.8 103.9 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.2 104.2 103.9 17.26.817103.9 103.9 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.9 104.4 17.26.818

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014p 135.3 p 135.3 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 135.4 p 136.0 p 136.0 17.26.419p 130.8 p 130.8 p 130.8 p 131.4 p 131.4 p 131.4 p 131.7 p 131.7 p 131.7 p 131.9 p 131.9 17.26.420p 125.5 p 125.5 p 125.5 17.26.421p 138.5 p 138.6 p 138.7 p 138.7 p 138.8 p 138.8 p 138.9 p 139.1 p 138.7 p 139.1 p 139.1 17.26.422p 136.3 p 136.3 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 136.4 p 137.0 p 137.0 17.26.423p 131.5 p 131.5 p 131.5 p 132.0 p 132.0 p 132.0 p 132.3 p 132.4 p 132.4 p 132.5 p 132.5 17.26.424p 125.6 p 125.6 p 125.6 17.26.425p 135.5 p 135.5 p 135.7 p 135.7 p 135.7 p 135.7 p 135.8 p 136.0 p 135.6 p 136.0 p 136.0 17.26.426p 135.9 p 135.9 p 135.9 p 135.9 p 136.0 p 136.2 p 136.2 p 137.4 p 137.4 p 137.9 p 138.0 17.26.441p 136.0 p 136.0 p 136.0 p 135.9 p 136.0 p 136.3 p 136.3 p 137.5 p 137.5 p 138.0 p 138.0 17.26.442

17.26.443p 136.5 p 136.5 p 136.5 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 p 137.8 17.26.444

17.26.445p 136.8 p 136.8 p 136.8 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 p 138.1 17.26.446p 130.8 p 130.8 p 130.8 p 131.0 p 131.0 p 131.0 p 131.5 p 131.6 p 131.6 p 131.8 p 131.8 17.26.525p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 p 130.5 17.26.534

103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 104.6 104.6 104.6 104.1 17.26.803103.9 103.9 103.9 104.5 104.5 104.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.1 105.1 105.1 104.6 17.26.804104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.3 17.26.805105.9 105.9 106.3 106.3 106.3 106.3 106.4 106.5 106.3 106.5 106.5 106.7 106.3 17.26.806104.6 104.6 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 105.4 105.4 105.4 104.8 17.26.807104.0 104.0 104.0 104.6 104.6 104.6 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.2 105.2 105.2 104.7 17.26.808104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.4 104.3 17.26.809105.2 105.3 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.7 105.8 105.7 105.9 105.9 106.0 105.7 17.26.810106.6 106.6 106.6 106.6 106.7 106.9 106.9 107.5 107.5 108.3 108.3 108.3 107.3 17.26.811107.4 107.4 107.4 107.3 107.5 107.6 107.6 108.3 108.3 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 17.26.812104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 17.26.813104.3 104.3 104.3 106.5 106.5 106.8 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 106.3 17.26.814104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 17.26.815104.5 104.5 104.5 107.9 107.9 108.3 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 107.5 17.26.816104.5 104.5 104.5 104.6 104.7 104.6 104.9 104.9 104.9 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.8 17.26.817105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 17.26.818


Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Maandstatistiek van de prijzen17.26.

Hourly cao wages including special payments - Total Collective labour agreement (CAO) Sector

I-2000 - Economic activity: 45 Construction (1) 419

I-2010 - Economic activity: F Construction (2) 803

I-2000 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications (1) 420I-2010 - Economic activity: J Information and communication (2) 804

I-2000 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc (1) 421

I-2010 - Economic activity: I Accommodation and food serving (2) 805

I-2000 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work (1) 422

I-2010 - Economic activity: Q Health and Social work activities (2) 806

I-2000 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering (3) 441

I-2010 - Economic activity: 24-30, 33 Metalectro (4) 811

I-2000 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers (3) 443I-2010 - Economic activity: 18 Printing and reproduction (4) 813I-2000 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry (3) 444I-2010 - Economic activity: 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals (4) 814I-2000 - Economic activity: 50-74 Commercial services 525I-2010 - Economic activity: G-N Commercial services (4) 817

Monthly cao wages including special payments - Total Collective labour agreement (CAO) Sector.

I-2000 - Economic activity: 45 Construction (1) 423

I-2010 - Economic activity: F Construction (2) 807

I-2000 - Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications (1) 424

I-2010 - Economic activity: J Information and communication (2) 808

I-2000 - Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc (1) 425

I-2010 - Economic activity: I Accommodation and food serving (2) 809

I-2000 - Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work (1) 426

I-2010 - Economic activity: Q Health and Social work activities (2) 810

I-2000 - Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering (3) 442I-2010 - Economic activity: 24-30, 33 Metalectro (4) 812

I-2000 - Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers (3) 445

I-2010 - Economic activity: 18 Printing and reproduction (4) 815

I-2000 - Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry (3) 446

I-2010 - Economic activity: 20-21 Chemistry and pharmaceuticals (4) 816

I-2000 - Economic activity: 01-05 Agriculture and fisheries 534

I-2010 - Economic activity: A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (4) 818

(1) Series 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 replace 17.26.256 to 267 except 193-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.(2) Series 17.26.803 to 17.26.810 replace 17.26.419 to 17.26.426 - change of base year and Nomenclature.

(3) Series 17.26.441 to 17.26.446 replace 17.26.193-194-258-259-264-265 - change of base year.(4) Series 17.26.811 to 17.26.818 replace 17.26.441 to 17.26.534 - change of base year and Nomenclature.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201317.26.75517.26.75617.26.75717.26.758

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201417.26.75517.26.75617.26.75717.26.758


17.26. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Statline

Producentenprijsindex, afetprijzen naar bedrijfstak SBI 2008, 2010=100, totaal afzetprijzen

755 - 26 Elektrotechnische industrie (1) I-2010

756 - 25 Metaalproductenindustrie (1) I-2010

757 - 1624 Houten verpakkingsmiddelen (1) I-2010

758 - 1721 Gegolfd papier en golfkarton en verpakkingsmateriaal van papier of van karton (1) I-2010

(1) Series 17.26.755 to 17.26.756 replace series 17.26.641 to 17.26.642 and Series 17.26.757 to 17.26.758 replace series 17.26.706 to 17.26.707

- index base year changed.

Producentenprijsindex (PPI), afzetprijzen, invoerprijzen, 2010=100, Totaal


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

101.3 101.2 101.6 101.4 101.4 101.3 101.3 101.1 101.0 100.6 100.7 100.4 101.1 17.26.755102.9 103.0 102.9 102.7 102.5 102.4 102.0 102.1 101.9 102.1 102.3 102.3 102.4 17.26.756102.4 102.4 102.9 103.1 103.0 102.9 104.1 104.1 104.2 104.7 104.8 104.8 103.6 17.26.757110.5 110.7 110.4 111.7 111.3 111.6 111.9 111.9 111.6 112.9 112.6 112.8 111.7 17.26.758

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201499.7 99.6 99.4 99.6 99.7 99.9 99.8 100.0 100.4 100.7 100.9 101.1 100.1 17.26.755

102.6 102.5 102.3 102.3 102.2 102.3 102.4 102.6 102.5 102.7 102.7 102.7 102.5 17.26.756105.3 105.3 105.3 105.7 105.7 105.7 107.4 107.4 107.4 107.4 107.3 107.3 106.4 17.26.757110.9 110.6 111.6 109.3 111.1 110.0 109.7 109.2 109.2 110.1 109.8 109.6 110.1 17.26.758


Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Statline 17.26.

Producer prices index; output prices by economic activity, SBI 2008, 2010=100, total output prices

I-2010 - 26 Manufacture of electronic products (1) 755

I-2010 - 25 Manufacture of metal products (1) 756

Producer prices index (PPI); output and import prices by product, 2010=100, total output prices

I-2010 - 1624 Wooden containers (1) 757

I-2010 - 1721 Corrugated paper and paperboard and containers of paper and paperboard (1) 758

(1) Series 17.26.755 to 17.26.756 replace series 17.26.641 to 17.26.642 and Series 17.26.757 to 17.26.758 replace series 17.26.706 to 17.26.707

index base year changed - index base year changed.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201315.45.328 145.4 145.5 146.2 145.7 144.5 143.9 146.9 147.0 147.4 147.4 147.5 148.4 146.3

15.45.329 129.5 129.2 128.9 128.8 128.4 128.3 128.4 128.8 128.6 129.4 129.7 130.2 129.0

15.45.330 152.6 152.0 151.5 151.0 149.7 149.2 149.3 149.9 150.8 151.3 152.4 152.4 151.0

15.45.331 155.4 156.4 158.0 157.0 156.4 155.8 158.2 159.1 159.3 159.5 159.6 160.7 157.9

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201415.45.328 148.9 148.9 147.5 147.2 147.3 148.3 148.9 148.6 148.3 147.4 147.0 145.8 147.8

15.45.329 130.9 131.2 131.1 131.5 131.2 132.0 132.7 133.0 133.5 134.2 135.2 136.5 132.8

15.45.330 155.7 156.9 157.7 158.1 157.4 158.2 157.4 155.9 156.0 157.7 159.4 163.0 157.8

15.45.331 161.7 161.7 160.9 161.0 161.1 162.0 163.0 163.8 162.9 162.4 161.7 160.2 161.9


15.45. Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte

Prisindeks for førstegangsomsetning innenlands

328 Hjemme - og importmarked, i alt - Varer i alt (1) (2) I-2000

329 Bearbeidde varer gruppert etter materiale - SITC 6 (1) (2) I-2000

330 Jern og stål - SITC 67 (1) I-2000

Produsentprisindeks for olje- og gassutvinning, industri, bergverksdrift og kraftforsyning

331 Industri; I alt (1) I-2000

(1) Series 15.45.328 to 15.45.331 are new series that replace 15.45.319 to 15.45.322 - change of base year.

(2) Series 328 and 329 have been restated by Statistics Norway due to a change in methodology. Data prior to January 2005 can be obtained

upon request.


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MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

159.78 159.01 158.42 156.67 155.08 150.83 151.16 150.22 149.98 147.25 145.82 143.23 152.15 15.45.328142.31 141.19 139.68 138.50 137.80 134.48 132.12 131.62 130.85 129.26 128.23 125.66 134.16 15.45.329167.69 166.11 164.17 162.37 160.66 156.39 153.63 153.18 153.44 151.14 150.67 147.09 157.04 15.45.330170.77 170.92 171.21 168.82 167.85 163.31 162.79 162.58 162.09 159.33 157.79 155.10 164.22 15.45.331

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014143.92 144.55 144.33 144.73 146.59 146.45 144.01 146.08 147.08 143.83 140.44 131.71 143.64 15.45.328126.53 127.37 128.28 129.30 130.57 130.35 128.34 130.74 132.40 130.95 129.17 123.31 129.06 15.45.329150.50 152.32 154.31 155.45 156.65 156.22 152.23 153.26 154.71 153.88 152.29 147.25 153.35 15.45.330156.30 156.98 157.44 158.30 160.33 159.98 157.64 161.02 161.56 158.47 154.48 144.72 157.34 15.45.331


Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte 15.45.

Price index of first-hand domestic sales

I-2000 Domestic and import market, total - all SITC groups (1) (2) 328

I-2000 Manufactured goods classified by material - SITC 6 (1) (2) 329

I-2000 Iron and steel - SITC 67 (1) 330

Producer price index for goods from oil extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity supply

I-2000 Manufacturing; Total (1) 331

(1) Series 15.45.328 to 15.45.331 are new series that replace 15.45.319 to 15.45.322 - change of base year.

(2) Series 328 and 329 have been restated by Statistics Norway due to a change in methodology. Data prior to January 2005 can be obtained

upon request.


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1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 201315.45.648 88.6 88.4 89.8 90.7 89.4

15.45.649 124.1 124.4 125.0 125.7 124.8

15.45.650 143.5 145.1 139.6 143.4

15.45.651 147.1 143.0 145.3 142.6

15.45.652 139.0 136.7 137.0 137.4

1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201415.45.648 91.1 91.5 91.8 92.6 91.8

15.45.649 128.0 127.7 128.9 130.4 128.8

15.45.650 148.3 147.3 144.2 146.8

15.45.651 152.0 149.0 147.9 148.2

15.45.652 141.7 139.4 142.3 143.4


15.45. Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte

08 Priser, prisindekser og konjunkturindikatorer

Engroshandel. Prisindeks

648 Engroshandel med IKT utstyr I-2005

649 Engroshandel med andre maskiner og annet utstyr I-2005

06 Arbeidsliv, yrkesdeltaking og lønn

650 - Industri (1) I-2005

651 - Informasjon og kommunikasjon I-2005

Lønnsindekser (2005=100). Foreløpige tall etter næring, tid og statistikkvariabel

j g j

652 - Faglig, vitenskapelig og teknisk tjenesteyting I-2005

(1) Series 15.45.650 replaces series 15.45.389 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.


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TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

95.5 93.0 90.7 88.2 91.7 15.45.648133.8 130.9 126.2 122.2 128.0 15.45.649154.7 152.7 141.0 139.4 15.45.650158.6 150.5 146.7 138.6 15.45.651149.9 143.8 138.4 133.6 15.45.652

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201487.4 89.3 88.8 86.4 88.0 15.45.648

122.8 124.7 124.8 121.6 123.5 15.45.649142.3 143.8 139.6 136.9 15.45.650145.8 145.4 143.1 138.2 15.45.651136.0 136.1 137.7 133.7 15.45.652


Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte 15.45.

08 Prices, price index for wholesale trade

Wholesale. Price index

I-2005 Wholesale of information and communication equipment 648

I-2005 Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies 649

06 Labour market, wages

Index on average monthly earnings and index on average basic salaries

(2005=100). Preliminary figures by industrial classification, time and contents

I 2005 Manufacture (1) 650I-2005 - Manufacture (1) 650

I-2005 - Information and communication 651

I-2005 - Professional, scientific and technical activities 652

(1) Series 15.45.650 replaces series 15.45.389 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201329.47.61229.47.61329.47.61429.47.79229.47.79329.47.79429.48.718

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201429.47.61229.47.61329.47.61429.47.79229.47.79329.47.79429.48.718

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013


1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201429.60.790


29.47. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial

612 - Índice geral (1) I-2005

792 - Índice geral (2) I-2010

613 - Bens de consumo (1) I-2005

793 - Bens de consumo (2) I-2010

614 - Bens intermédios (1) I-2005

794 - Bens intermédios (2) I-2010

29.48. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor

718 - Índice de preços no consumidor (3) I-2012

29.60. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Custo do Trabalho

790 - Índice de Custo do Trabalho (Índice - corrigido de dias úteis - Base 2008) - Atividades de consultoria, científicas, I-2008

técnicas e similares

(1) Series 29.47.612 to 29.47.614 replace 29.47.384 to 29.47.386 - Change of base year.

(2) Series 29.47.792 to 29.47.794 replace 29.47.612 to 29.47.614 - Change of base year.

(3) Series 29.48.718 replaces 29.48.615 - Change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

124.8 125.0 125.1 124.7 124.4 123.8 124.6 124.5 29.47.612110.2 110.0 109.9 110.1 109.7 109.7 110.0 109.8 29.47.613115.0 115.0 114.7 114.8 114.5 114.1 114.2 113.9 29.47.614109.9 110.2 109.9 109.1 109.0 108.8 109.6 109.6 109.5 108.9 108.1 108.5 29.47.792105.3 104.6 104.4 104.5 104.5 104.4 104.6 104.8 104.7 103.9 103.9 104.0 29.47.793104.8 104.9 104.9 104.5 104.5 104.2 104.2 103.7 103.7 104.4 103.0 102.8 29.47.79499.1 99.0 100.6 100.6 100.8 100.9 100.6 99.9 100.5 100.4 100.2 100.6 29.48.718

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201429.47.61229.47.61329.47.614

108.4 108.5 108.3 108.4 108.3 108.4 108.7 108.6 108.5 107.6 106.8 104.8 29.47.792103.8 103.6 103.7 103.8 104.0 103.8 103.7 103.7 103.2 102.8 103.0 103.1 29.47.793102.7 102.9 102.2 102.4 102.2 102.2 102.4 102.8 102.5 102.5 102.4 101.9 29.47.79499.2 98.9 100.3 100.5 100.4 100.5 99.8 99.5 100.1 100.4 100.2 100.2 29.48.718

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

89.0 98.0 103.2 111.9 100.5 29.60.790

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201491.1 97.4 102.3 104.7 98.9 29.60.790


Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial 29.47.

I-2005 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: General index (1) 612

I-2010 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: General index (2) 792

I-2005 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Consumer goods (1) 613

I-2010 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Consumer goods (2) 793

I-2005 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Intermediate goods (1) 614

I-2010 - Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Intermediate goods (2) 794

Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor 29.48.

I-2012 - Consumer Price Index (3) 718

Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Custo do Trabalho 29.60.

I-2008 - Labour Cost of Work Index (Index - working days adjusted - Base 2008) - Professional, scientific and technical activities 790

(1) Series 29.47.612 to 29.47.614 replace 29.47.384 to 29.47.386 - Change of base year.

(2) Series 29.47.792 to 29.47.794 replace 29.47.612 to 29.47.614 - Change of base year.

(3) Series 29.48.718 replaces 29.48.615 - Change of base year.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 20138.14.7198.14.7208.14.7218.14.7228.14.7238.14.7248.14.7098.14.710

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 20148.14.7198.14.7208.14.7218.14.7228.14.7238.14.7248.14.7098.14.710


8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica

1 Índices de precios de consumo

709 - 1.3 Índices nacionales de grupos especiales: Índice general: Total (1) I-2011

710 - 1.3 Índices nacionales de grupos especiales: Bienes industriales: Total (1) I-2011

2 Índices de precios industriales: 2.1 Indice general y de secciones según la CNAE-09

719 - 2.1 Índice general (2) I-2010

2 Índices de precios industriales: 2.2 Indices de subsecciones y divisiones según la CNAE-09

720 - 24 Metalurgia: Fabricación de productos de hierro, acero y ferroaleaciones (2) I-2010

721 - 25 Fabricación de productos metálicos, excepto maquinaria y equipo (2) I-2010

722 26 Fabricación de productos informáticos electrónicos y ópticos (2) I 2010722 - 26 Fabricación de productos informáticos, electrónicos y ópticos (2) I-2010

723 - 27 Fabricación de material y equipo eléctrico (2) I-2010

724 - 28 Fabricación de maquinaria y equipo n.c.o.p. (2) I-2010

(1) Series 709 and 710 replace 523 and 524 - change of base year.

(2) Series 719 to 724 replace 594 and 602 to 606 - change of base year.


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Eurozone MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

112.60 112.90 111.20 109.90 111.10 111.20 112.20 112.10 112.30 111.70 110.70 112.00 111.70 8.14.719107.70 108.80 107.70 105.40 104.90 102.60 101.70 101.80 101.30 101.20 100.80 100.80 103.70 8.14.720102.70 102.60 102.30 102.10 101.80 101.70 101.70 101.80 102.00 101.60 101.30 101.30 101.90 8.14.72193.40 93.10 93.00 92.40 92.00 91.30 91.20 91.00 90.80 90.50 90.40 89.80 91.60 8.14.722

106.80 106.90 107.40 106.50 106.60 106.60 106.00 105.60 105.60 105.70 105.50 105.40 106.20 8.14.723101.80 102.20 102.40 102.30 102.20 102.20 102.30 102.30 102.30 102.40 102.40 102.30 102.30 8.14.724103.00 103.10 103.50 103.90 104.10 104.20 103.70 104.00 103.80 104.30 104.50 104.60 103.90 8.14.709102.20 102.50 103.10 104.20 104.40 104.20 101.90 102.00 103.00 104.80 105.60 105.40 103.60 8.14.710

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014110.50 109.40 109.50 109.70 110.60 111.50 111.60 110.60 111.30 110.30 109.10 107.90 110.20 8.14.719100.90 100.60 99.80 99.80 100.10 100.90 101.80 101.40 102.60 103.10 102.30 102.10 101.30 8.14.720101.70 101.30 101.20 101.60 101.20 101.20 101.30 101.30 101.40 101.40 101.40 101.50 101.40 8.14.72189.70 89.30 88.60 88.80 88.20 87.50 87.10 87.20 87.00 87.00 87.10 87.10 87.90 8.14.722

105.60 105.50 105.70 105.80 105.80 105.90 105.80 105.70 105.70 105.70 105.80 105.60 105.70 8.14.723102.50 102.90 103.20 103.20 103.20 103.30 103.40 103.50 103.40 103.40 103.30 103.20 103.20 8.14.724103.20 103.10 103.40 104.30 104.30 104.30 103.30 103.50 103.70 104.20 104.10 103.50 103.70 8.14.709102.00 101.70 102.40 104.40 105.00 104.70 101.70 101.50 102.80 104.20 104.30 102.40 103.10 8.14.710


Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 8.14.

1 Consumer price indices

I-2011 - 1.3 National indices for specific groups: general index: total (1) 709

I-2011 - 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total (1) 710

2 Industrial price indices: 2.1 General index according CNAE-09p g

I-2010 - 2.1 General index (2) 719

2 Industrial price indices: 2.2 Group indices according CNAE-09

I-2010 - 24 Metallurgy: Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro alloy products (2) 720

I-2010 - 25 Manufacture of metallic products except machinery and equipment (2) 721

I-2010 - 26 Manufacture of informatic , electronic and optic products (2) 722

I-2010 - 27 Manufacture of electrical material and equipment (2) 723

I-2010 - 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment (2) 724

(1) Series 709 and 710 replace 523 and 524 - change of base year.

(2) Series 719 to 724 replace 594 and 602 to 606 - change of base year.


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1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 20138.14.6078.14.6088.14.6098.14.6108.14.6118.14.8248.14.8258.14.8268.14.8278.14.828

1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 20148.14.6078.14.6088.14.6098.14.6108.14.6118.14.8248.14.8258.14.8268.14.8278.14.828


8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica

6 Costes laborales: 6.1 Encuesta trimestral de costes laborales

607 Coste por trabajador y mes - Total (1) I-2008

608 Coste laboral por hora efectiva -Total (1) I-2008

609 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Salarial total (1) I-2008

610 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Salarial Ordinario (1) I-2008

611 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Otros Costes (1) I-2008

824 Coste por trabajador y mes - Total (2) I-2012

825 Coste laboral por hora efectiva -Total (2) I-2012

826 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Salarial total (2) I-2012

827 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Salarial Ordinario (2) I-2012

828 Coste laboral por hora efectiva - Otros Costes (2) 01-00 I-2012

(1) Series 8.14.607 and 8.14.608 replace series 8.14.477 and 8.14.478 and series 8.14.609 to 8.14.611 replace series 8.14.481 to 8.14.483

(2) Series 8.14.824 to 8.14.828 replace series 8.14.607 to 8.14.611 - base year changed.

- base year changed.


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Eurozone TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

102.00 106.20 101.20 109.10 104.60 8.14.607103.70 105.50 112.70 114.30 109.00 8.14.608102.30 106.50 111.50 116.10 109.10 8.14.609106.20 103.70 116.90 109.10 109.00 8.14.610107.90 102.80 116.20 109.00 109.00 8.14.611

104.40 100.10 8.14.824105.30 100.40 8.14.825106.80 100.30 8.14.826100.10 100.00 8.14.827100.80 100.80 8.14.828

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014101.70 106.10 100.70 108.50 104.30 8.14.607101.80 109.20 112.60 112.90 109.10 8.14.608100.50 110.40 111.80 115.20 109.50 8.14.609104.60 107.40 117.30 108.40 109.40 8.14.610105.80 106.00 115.00 106.60 108.30 8.14.61197.40 101.60 96.50 103.90 99.80 8.14.82493.80 100.60 103.70 104.00 100.50 8.14.82592.40 101.50 102.80 105.90 100.60 8.14.82696.00 98.60 107.60 99.40 100.40 8.14.82797.80 98.00 106.30 98.60 100.20 8.14.828


Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 8.14.

6 Labour cost: 6.1 Quarterly survey on labour cost y y

I-2008 Monthly labour cost - Total (1) 607

I-2008 Hourly Labour cost - Total (1) 608

I-2008 Hourly Labour cost - Total wages (1) 609

I-2008 Hourly Labour cost - Wages ordinary (1) 610

I-2008 Hourly Labour cost- Other costs (1) 611

I-2012 Monthly labour cost - Total (2) 824

I-2012 Hourly Labour cost - Total (2) 825

I-2012 Hourly Labour cost - Total wages (2) 826

I-2012 Hourly Labour cost - Wages ordinary (2) 827

I-2012 Hourly Labour cost- Other costs (2) 828

8.14.609 to 8.14.611 replace series 8.14.481 to 8.14.483 - base year changed.(2) Series 8.14.824 to 8.14.828 replace series 8.14.607 to 8.14.611 - base year changed.

(1) Series 8.14.607 and 8.14.608 replace series 8.14.477 and 8.14.478 and series


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201316.25.684 101.5 101.0 99.9 99.8 100.4 100.9 101.2 100.7 101.4 101.0 101.5 102.6 101.0

16.25.819 100.0 99.6 98.5 98.5 99.1 99.6 99.8 99.4 100.1 99.7 100.2 101.3 99.6

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201416.25.684 102.6 102.0 102.3 102.0 103.3 103.1 103.0 104.0 103.8 104.4 104.4 104.9 103.3

16.25.819 101.2 100.7 101.0 100.7 102.0 101.7 101.6 102.6 102.5 103.1 103.1 103.6 102.0

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013

16.46.655 111.1 111.9 111.5 113.2

16.46.656 110.9 112.5 111.7 113.0

16.46.657 110.6 112.0 110.7 112.6

16.46.658 112.1 113.8 113.5 114.8

16.46.659 112.0 114.5 113.7 114.7

16.46.662 118.5 118.5 118.8 120.5

16.46.663 119.2 120.1 120.1 121.0

16.46.660 116.5 117.2 117.3 118.9

16.46.661 117.1 118.4 118.3 119.3

16.46.664 114.7 115.1 115.4 117.0

16.46.665 115.1 116.3 116.3 117.1

1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 201416.46.655 113.3 114.9 113.5 115.0

16.46.656 113.2 115.1

16.46.657 113.9 115.8

16.46.658 114.9 117.0 115.5 116.8

16.46.659 114.9 117.3

16.46.662 122.4 122.5 123.1 124.1

16.46.663 123.3 123.7

16.46.660 120.6 121.5 121.6 122.7

16 46 661 121 3 122 516.46.661 121.3 122.5

16.46.664 118.3 118.6 119.1 119.9

16.46.665 118.7 119.3


16.25. Statistiska Centralbyrån: Allmän manadsstatistik

J Priser: ITPI Prisindex för inhemsk tillgang

684 - 25-33 verkstadsindustri (1)(2) I-2005

819 - 25-30+33 verkstadsvaror och tjänster (3) I-2005

16.46. Statistiska Centralbyrån: Arbetsmarknad

Labour Cost Index för arbetare, privat sektor (LCI arb) efter näringsgren SNI 2007

655 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (preliminärt)(4) I-2008

656 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (definitivt)(5) I-2008

657 - B-S samtliga branscher exkl. jordbruk, förvärvsarbete i hushåll, internationella organisationer (definitivt)(5) I-2008

Labour Cost Index för arbetare, privat sektor (WAG arb) efter näringsgren SNI 2007

658 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (preliminärt)(5) I-2008

659 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (definitivt)(5) I-2008

Labour Cost Index för tjänstemän, privat sektor (LCI tjm) efter näringsgren SNI 2007

662 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (preliminärt)(5) I-2008

663 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (definitivt)(5) I-2008

660 - B-S samtliga branscher exkl. jordbruk, förvärvsarbete i hushåll, internationella organisationer (preliminärt)(5) I-2008

661 - B-S samtliga branscher exkl. jordbruk, förvärvsarbete i hushåll, internationella organisationer (definitivt)(5) I-2008

Labour Cost Index för tjänstemän, privat sektor (WAG tjm) efter näringsgren SNI 2007

664 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (preliminärt)(5) I-2008

665 - 25-30+33 verkstadsindustri (definitivt)(5) I-2008

(1) Series 16.25.684 is a new series that replaces 16.25.102 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(2) With bulletin 04/15 series 16.25.684 (25-33 verkstadsindustri) was stopped. A corrected series 16.25.819 (25-30+33 verkstadsvaror och

tjänster) was introduced starting with bulletin 05/15.

(3) Series 16.25.819 is a new series with corrected data on 2015-03-26 by SCB. These data have been corrected for the period from 2013.

(4) Series 16.46.655 is a new series that replaces 16.25.101 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(5) Series 16.46.656 and 657 are new series that replace 16.46.312 and 314 - Series 16.46.658 and 659 are new series that replace 16.46.530

and 531 - Series 16.46.662 and 663 are new series that replace 16.46.311 and 508 - Series 16.46.660 and 661 are new series that replace

16.46.313 and 509 and series 16.46.664 to 665 are new series that replace 16.46.533 and 532. Index base year changed and new classification is introduced.


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MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

109.2 110.1 111.0 109.6 108.7 107.8 108.4 107.3 108.4 107.1 106.0 106.2 108.5 16.25.684107.6 108.6 109.5 108.2 107.2 106.4 106.9 106.0 107.0 105.7 104.7 104.9 106.9 16.25.819

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014107.7 106.7 107.0 104.8 106.1 105.2 103.5 105.0 104.8 105.5 104.8 103.5 105.5 16.25.684106.3 105.3 105.7 103.4 104.8 103.8 102.1 103.6 103.4 104.2 103.5 102.2 104.1 16.25.819

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

125.5 125.4 123.3 122.7 16.46.655125.3 126.1 123.6 122.5 16.46.656125.0 125.5 122.5 122.1 16.46.657126.7 127.6 125.5 124.4 16.46.658126.6 128.3 125.8 124.3 16.46.659133.9 132.8 131.4 130.6 16.46.662134.7 134.6 132.8 131.2 16.46.663131.6 131.4 129.8 128.9 16.46.660132.3 132.7 130.9 129.3 16.46.661129.6 129.0 127.6 126.8 16.46.664130.1 130.4 128.6 126.9 16.46.665

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014122.8 121.9 118.4 119.1 16.46.655122.7 122.1 16.46.656123.5 122.8 16.46.657124.6 124.1 120.5 120.9 16.46.658124.6 124.4 16.46.659132.7 129.9 128.4 128.5 16.46.662133.7 131.2 16.46.663130.7 128.9 126.8 127.1 16.46.660131.5 129.9 16.46.661128.2 125.8 124.2 124.2 16.46.664128.7 126.5 16.46.665


Statistiska Centralbyrån: Allmän manadsstatistik 16.25.

J Prices: ITPI Price index for domestic access

I-2005 - 25-33 fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment (1)(2) 684

I-2005 - 25-30+33 engineering goods and services (3) 819

Statistiska Centralbyrån: Arbetsmarknad 16.46.

Labour Cost Index, manual workers , private sector (LCI man) by industrial classification SNI2007

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (preliminary) (4) 655

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (definitely) (5) 656

I-2008 - B-S industry, construction and services (except activities of households as employers and 657

extra-territorial organisations and bodies) (definitely) (5)

Labour Cost Index, manual workers, private sector (WAG man) by industrial classification SNI2007

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (preliminary) (5) 658

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (definitely) (5) 659

Labour Cost Index, non-manual workers, private sector (LCI non-man) by industrial classification SNI2007

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (preliminary) (5) 662

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (definitely) (5) 663

I-2008 - B-S industry, construction and services (except activities of households as employers and 660

I-2008 -B-S industry, construction and services (except activities of households as employers and 661

extra-territorial organisations and bodies) (definitely) (5)

Labour Cost Index , non-manual workers, private sector (WAG non-man) by industrial classification SNI2007

I-2008 - 25-30+33 engineering industry (preliminary) (5) 664

- 25-30+33 engineering industry (definitely) (5) 665

(1) Series 16.25.684 is a new series that replaces 16.25.102 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(2) With bulletin 04/15 series 16.25.684 (25-33 fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment) was stopped. A corrected series 16.25.819

(25-30+33 engineering goods and services) was introduced starting with bulletin 05/15.

(3) Series 16.25.819 is a new series with corrected data on 2015-03-26 by SCB. These data have been corrected for the period from 2013.

(4) Series 16.46.655 is a new series that replaces 16.25.101 - index base year changed and new classification is introduced.

(5) Series 16.46.656 and 657 are new series that replace 16.46.312 and 314 - Series 16.46.658 and 659 are new series that replace 16.46.530

and 531 - Series 16.46.662 and 663 are new series that replace 16.46.311 and 508 - Series 16.46.660 and 661 are new series that replace

16.46.313 and 509 and series 16.46.664 to 665 are new series that replace 16.46.533 and 532. Index base year changed

and new classification is introduced.

extra-territorial organisations and bodies) (preliminary) (5)


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201326.37.694 95.6 95.5 95.5 94.2 94.2 94.5 94.3 94.4 94.7 93.9 94.6 94.7

26.43.705 90.4 90.8 90.1 88.7 88.1 88.3 86.9 87.1 87.4 86.9 87.1 86.8

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201426.37.694 95.1 93.4 92.9 92.9 92.1 93.1 92.9 93.1 93.6 93.6 93.3 92.6

26.43.705 86.9 86.1 85.5 85.3 85.6 86.4 86.6 87.5 87.9 88.0 87.8 87.2

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1er Trimestre 2013 2ème Trimestre 2013 3ème Trimestre 2013 4ème Trimestre 2013 2013

6.12.39 127.28 128.01 128.29 128.16

6.12.253 243.29 244.68 245.22 244.97

1er Trimestre 2014 2ème Trimestre 2014 3ème Trimestre 2014 4ème Trimestre 2014 20146.12.39 128.35 129.25 128.98 128.37

6.12.253 245.34 247.06 246.54 245.38


6.12. Arbeitgeberverband der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie

39 - Wage Index I-1995/Q1

253 - Wage Index I-1980/Q1

26.37. Bundesamt für Statistik

Produzentenpreisindex, detailergebnisse

694 - Total, 24 Metalle und Metallhalbzeug (1) I-2010/12

26.43. Bundesamt für Statistik

Preisindizes des Gesamtangebots

705 - Total, 24 Metalle und Metallhalbzeug (2) I-2010/12

(1) Series 26.37.694 replaces 26.37.417 - base year changed and introduction of new classification.

(2) Series 26.43.705 replaces 26.43.418 - base year changed and introduction of new classification.


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MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

99.7 99.5 99.8 99.0 97.2 98.3 97.7 98.0 98.4 97.7 98.4 99.1 26.37.69494.3 94.6 94.1 93.2 90.9 91.8 90.1 90.5 90.8 90.4 90.6 90.8 26.43.705

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201498.9 98.0 97.8 97.7 96.7 97.9 98.0 98.5 99.3 99.3 99.4 98.7 26.37.69490.4 90.3 90.0 89.7 89.9 90.9 91.3 92.5 93.3 93.4 93.6 92.9 26.43.705

TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

163.66 164.18 164.10 164.65 6.12.39464.25 465.72 465.51 467.07 6.12.253

1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 2014165.67 167.44 168.16 168.33 6.12.39469.96 475.00 477.01 477.53 6.12.253


Arbeitgeberverband der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie 6.12.

I-1995/Q1 - Wage Index 39

I-1980/Q1 - Wage Index 253

Bundesamt für Statistik 26.37.

Producer price index, detailed results

I-2010/12 - 24 Metals and semi-finished metal(1) 694

Bundesamt für Statistik 26.43.

Price index of total market, detailed results

I-2010/12 - Total, 24 Metals and semi-finished metal (2) 705

(1) Series 26.37.694 replaces 26.37.417 - base year changed and introduction of new classification.

(2) Series 26.43.705 replaces 26.43.418 - base year changed and introduction of new classification.


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Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201313.19.672 122.4 123.5 124.3 124.2 124.0 p 123.6 p 124.6

13.19.673 120.8 123.0 133.4 126.6 122.8 p 128.8 p 124.2

13.19.674 126.3 127.2 127.9 128.3 128.5 p 128.5 p 128.5

13.19.675 122.8 124.2 128.3 126.0 124.7 p 126.6 p 125.4

13.19.676 133.7 135.1 136.4 135.9 135.9 p 135.4 p 136.1

13.19.677 120.8 123.0 133.4 126.6 122.8 p 128.8 p 124.2

13.19.678 126.3 127.2 127.9 128.3 128.5 p 128.5 p 128.5

13.19.679 128.1 129.6 133.1 131.2 130.2 p 131.6 p 130.7

13.19.680 118.5 119.6 120.7 120.5 120.2 p 119.6 p 120.8

13.19.681 120.8 123.0 133.4 126.6 122.8 p 128.8 p 124.2

13.19.682 126.3 127.2 127.9 128.3 128.5 p 128.5 p 128.5

13.19.683 120.5 121.9 125.1 123.4 122.4 p 123.5 p 123.1

13.19.778 101.1 101.9 102.6 102.5 102.2 102.0 102.3 102.0 101.8 101.7 101.6 101.3 101.9

13.19.779 104.9 106.8 115.8 109.9 106.7 111.8 108.7 106.3 104.4 106.0 107.7 108.7 108.1

13.19.780 109.6 110.5 111.0 111.4 111.6 111.5 111.5 112.1 112.5 112.5 112.6 113.2 111.7

13.19.781 103.9 105.1 108.6 106.6 105.4 107.0 106.1 105.3 104.6 105.0 105.6 105.9 105.8

13.19.782 106.1 107.1 107.7 107.2 106.7 106.4 106.7 106.5 105.9 105.7 105.5 105.1 106.4

13.19.783 104.9 106.8 115.8 109.9 106.7 111.8 108.7 106.3 104.4 106.0 107.7 108.7 108.1

13.19.784 109.6 110.5 111.0 111.4 111.6 111.5 111.5 112.1 112.5 112.5 112.6 113.2 111.7

13.19.785 106.4 107.6 110.2 108.6 107.5 108.5 108.0 107.4 106.7 106.9 107.2 107.4 107.7

13.19.786 101.1 101.9 102.6 102.5 102.2 102.0 102.3 102.0 101.8 101.7 101.6 101.3 101.9

13.19.787 104.9 106.8 115.8 109.9 106.7 111.8 108.7 106.3 104.4 106.0 107.7 108.7 108.1

13.19.788 109.6 110.5 111.0 111.4 111.6 111.5 111.5 112.1 112.5 112.5 112.6 113.2 111.7

13.19.789 103.1 104.2 106.7 105.4 104.5 105.6 105.0 104.4 103.9 104.2 104.5 104.7 104.7

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201413.19.67213.19.67313.19.67413.19.67513.19.67613.19.67713.19.67813.19.67913.19.68013.19.68113.19.68213.19.68313.19.778 102.1 101.9 102.1 101.8 101.8 102.6 102.4 102.8 102.9 103.1 103.3 103.3 102.5

13.19.779 111.3 111.5 120.3 113.2 110.5 116.0 110.8 107.7 107.9 108.7 109.4 115.0 111.9

13.19.780 112.7 113.5 113.8 114.4 114.6 114.8 114.7 115.2 115.5 115.6 115.4 115.5 114.6

13.19.781 107.1 107.2 110.4 107.9 107.0 109.3 107.4 106.6 106.8 107.2 107.5 109.4 107.8

13.19.782 106.1 106.0 106.1 106.0 105.9 105.8 105.6 105.9 106.2 106.4 106.6 106.5 106.1

13.19.783 111.3 111.5 120.3 113.2 110.5 116.0 110.8 107.7 107.9 108.7 109.4 115.0 111.9

13.19.784 112.7 113.5 113.8 114.4 114.6 114.8 114.7 115.2 115.5 115.6 115.4 115.5 114.6

13.19.785 108.4 108.6 110.7 109.1 108.5 109.7 108.4 107.9 108.2 108.5 108.8 110.0 108.9

13.19.786 102.1 101.9 102.1 101.8 101.8 102.6 102.4 102.8 102.9 103.1 103.3 103.3 102.5

13.19.787 111.3 111.5 120.3 113.2 110.5 116.0 110.8 107.7 107.9 108.7 109.4 115.0 111.9

13.19.788 112.7 113.5 113.8 114.4 114.6 114.8 114.7 115.2 115.5 115.6 115.4 115.5 114.6

13.19.789 105.7 105.7 107.9 106.0 105.5 107.3 106.0 105.6 105.8 106.1 106.4 107.6 106.3


13.19. Office for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices

Manufacture of measuring, testing & navigating equipment; watches & clocks - SIC 2007

672 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2005

673 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) I-2005

674 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) I-2005

675 - 5002651000 - Combined costs (1) I-2005

3530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft

676 - 6113750000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2005

677 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) I-2005

678 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) I-2005

679 - 5003030000 - Combined costs (1) I-2005

3210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other electronic components

680 - 6113540000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (1) I-2005

681 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) I-2005

682 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) I-2005

683 - 5002611000 - Combined costs (1) I-2005

Table 3 Manufacture of measuring, testing & navigating equipment; watches & clocks - SIC 2007

778 - 6107226000 Purchases of materials and fuels (2) I-2010

779 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) I-2010

780 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) I-2010

781 - 5002651000 - Combined costs (2) I-2010

Table 4 Cost indices for the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery - SIC 2007

782 - 6107330300 - Purchases of materials and fuels (2) I-2010

783 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) I-2010

784 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) I-2010

785 - 5003030000 - Combined costs (2) I-2010Table 2 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic components and boards - SIC 2007

786 - 6107226000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (2) I-2010787 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) I-2010788 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) I-2010789 - 5002611000 - Combined costs (2) I-2010

(1) Series 13.19.672 to 13.19.683 are new series that replace 13.19.544 to 13.19.555 - new classification is introduced.(2) Series 13.19.778 to 13.19.789 are new series that replace 13.19.672 to 13.19.683 - change of base year.


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MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

100.5 97.9 98.8 99.8 99.8 p 99.2 p 98.8 13.19.67299.2 97.5 106.0 101.7 98.9 p 103.4 p 98.5 13.19.673

103.7 100.8 101.7 103.1 103.4 p 103.1 p 101.9 13.19.674100.8 98.4 102.0 101.2 100.4 p 101.6 p 99.5 13.19.675109.8 107.1 108.4 109.2 109.4 p 108.6 p 107.9 13.19.676

99.2 97.5 106.0 101.7 98.9 p 103.4 p 98.5 13.19.677103.7 100.8 101.7 103.1 103.4 p 103.1 p 101.9 13.19.678105.2 102.7 105.8 105.4 104.8 p 105.6 p 103.7 13.19.679

97.3 94.8 95.9 96.8 96.8 p 96.0 p 95.8 13.19.68099.2 97.5 106.0 101.7 98.9 p 103.4 p 98.5 13.19.681

103.7 100.8 101.7 103.1 103.4 p 103.1 p 101.9 13.19.68298.9 96.6 99.4 99.2 98.5 p 99.1 p 97.6 13.19.683

104.1 101.3 102.3 103.3 103.2 102.7 101.8 101.8 103.7 103.0 104.0 103.9 103.0 13.19.778108.0 106.2 115.5 110.8 107.8 112.6 108.2 106.1 106.4 107.3 110.3 111.5 109.2 13.19.779112.9 109.9 110.7 112.3 112.7 112.3 110.9 111.9 114.6 113.9 115.3 116.1 112.9 13.19.780107.0 104.5 108.3 107.5 106.5 107.7 105.6 105.1 106.6 106.3 108.1 108.6 106.9 13.19.781109.3 106.5 107.4 108.1 107.8 107.1 106.2 106.3 107.9 107.0 108.0 107.8 107.5 13.19.782108.0 106.2 115.5 110.8 107.8 112.6 108.2 106.1 106.4 107.3 110.3 111.5 109.2 13.19.783112.9 109.9 110.7 112.3 112.7 112.3 110.9 111.9 114.6 113.9 115.3 116.1 112.9 13.19.784109.6 107.0 109.9 109.5 108.6 109.2 107.5 107.2 108.7 108.2 109.7 110.1 108.8 13.19.785104.1 101.3 102.3 103.3 103.2 102.7 101.8 101.8 103.7 103.0 104.0 103.9 103.0 13.19.786108.0 106.2 115.5 110.8 107.8 112.6 108.2 106.1 106.4 107.3 110.3 111.5 109.2 13.19.787112.9 109.9 110.7 112.3 112.7 112.3 110.9 111.9 114.6 113.9 115.3 116.1 112.9 13.19.788106.2 103.6 106.4 106.3 105.5 106.3 104.5 104.2 105.9 105.5 107.0 107.4 105.8 13.19.789

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201413.19.67213.19.67313.19.67413.19.67513.19.67613.19.67713.19.67813.19.67913.19.68013.19.68113.19.68213.19.683

105.9 105.9 105.3 105.8 107.1 109.4 110.7 110.6 111.6 112.1 112.1 112.4 109.1 13.19.778115.5 115.9 124.1 117.7 116.2 123.7 119.8 115.9 117.0 118.2 118.7 125.1 119.1 13.19.779116.9 118.0 117.4 118.9 120.5 122.4 124.0 123.9 125.2 125.7 125.2 125.7 122.0 13.19.780111.1 111.4 113.8 112.1 112.6 116.6 116.1 114.7 115.8 116.6 116.6 119.0 114.8 13.19.781110.1 110.2 109.4 110.2 111.4 112.8 114.2 113.9 115.1 115.7 115.7 115.9 112.9 13.19.782115 5 115 9 124 1 117 7 116 2 123 7 119 8 115 9 117 0 118 2 118 7 125 1 119 1 13 19 783115.5 115.9 124.1 117.7 116.2 123.7 119.8 115.9 117.0 118.2 118.7 125.1 119.1 13.19.783116.9 118.0 117.4 118.9 120.5 122.4 124.0 123.9 125.2 125.7 125.2 125.7 122.0 13.19.784112.5 112.9 114.2 113.4 114.1 117.0 117.2 116.1 117.3 118.0 118.0 119.7 115.9 13.19.785105.9 105.9 105.3 105.8 107.1 109.4 110.7 110.6 111.6 112.1 112.1 112.4 109.1 13.19.786115.5 115.9 124.1 117.7 116.2 123.7 119.8 115.9 117.0 118.2 118.7 125.1 119.1 13.19.787116.9 118.0 117.4 118.9 120.5 122.4 124.0 123.9 125.2 125.7 125.2 125.7 122.0 13.19.788109.7 109.9 111.3 110.2 111.0 114.4 114.6 113.6 114.7 115.4 115.4 117.1 113.2 13.19.789


Office for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices 13.19.

Manufacture of measuring, testing & navigating equipment; watches & clocks - SIC 2007

I-2005 - 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 672

I-2005 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) 673

I-2005 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) 674

I-2005 - 5002651000 - Combined costs (1) 675

3530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft

I-2005 - 6113750000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 676

I-2005 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) 677

I-2005 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) 678

I-2005 - 5003030000 - Combined costs (1) 679

3210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other electronic components

I-2005 - 6113540000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (1) 680

I-2005 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (1) 681

I-2005 - 5000000300 - General expenses (1) 682

I-2005 - 5002611000 - Combined costs (1) 683

Table 3 Manufacture of measuring, testing & navigating equipment; watches & clocks - SIC 2007

I-2010 - 6107226000 Purchases of materials and fuels (2) 778

I-2010 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) 779

I-2010 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) 780

I-2010 - 5002651000 - Combined costs (2) 781

Table 4 Cost indices for the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery - SIC 2007

I-2010 - 6107330300 - Purchases of materials and fuels (2) 782

I-2010 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) 783

I-2010 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) 784

I-2010 - 5003030000 - Combined costs (2) 785

Table 2 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic components and boards - SIC 2007

I-2010 - 6107226000 - Purchases of materials and fuels (2) 786

I-2010 - 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings (2) 787

I-2010 - 5000000300 - General expenses (2) 788

I-2010 - 5002611000 - Combined costs (2) 789

(1) Series 13.19.672 to 13.19.683 are new series that replace 13.19.544 to 13.19.555 - new classification is introduced.

(2) Series 13.19.778 to 13.19.789 are new series that replace 13.19.672 to 13.19.683 - change of base year.


Page 62: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67


Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 201328.44.373 1 195.25 1 216.81 1 191.72 1 202.11 1 212.94 1 218.42 1 213.83 1 212.79 1 198.00 1 194.42 1 209.29 1 226.15

28.44.374 645.93 645.22 649.36 651.03 658.08 655.79 656.31 660.51 658.19 670.91 668.87 664.14

28.44.375 1 349.10 1 362.80 1 330.81 1 370.43 1 322.67 1 281.13 1 314.52 1 327.59 1 311.05 1 317.48 1 346.60 1 307.49

28.44.376 1 244.41 1 230.92 1 168.75 1 256.64 1 167.96 1 290.30 1 240.00 1 319.08 1 253.83 1 256.94 1 249.46 1 364.91

28.44.377 1 178.59 1 190.33 1 123.06 1 162.66 1 183.14 1 172.63 1 189.61 1 171.31 1 192.95 1 185.86 1 199.40 1 217.18

28.44.378 1 182.88 1 266.27 1 651.11 1 426.12 1 633.49 1 623.62 1 562.51 1 625.85 1 849.95

28.44.379 1 190.61 1 219.86 1 139.82 1 324.73 1 264.95 1 157.13 1 245.13 1 316.26 1 374.70 1 530.36

28.44.380 1 145.47 1 158.48 1 074.39 1 042.90 1 157.74 1 106.97 1 135.69 1 136.43 1 132.67

28.44.381 575.37 573.56 575.49 573.99 584.58 583.90 585.77 584.93 583.05 593.66 598.04 600.48

28.49.535 121.30 122.70 122.90 122.70 123.00 123.00 123.10 123.10 123.30 123.00 123.00 122.70

28.49.670 123.50 123.50 123.60 123.50 123.60 123.70 123.60 123.60 123.60 123.60

28.49.671 114.00 116.00 116.00 115.20 115.40 115.80 116.10 116.40 116.30 115.70

28.50.800 102.10 104.00 105.50 105.00 105.00 106.10 107.00 107.10 106.60 106.90 108.10 109.50

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 201428.44.373 1 233.20 1 237.78 1 241.25 1 249.68 1 262.13 1 255.71 1 265.21 1 264.74 1 245.82 1 253.72 1 253.71 1 262.72

28.44.374 651.46 657.79 655.91 659.83 665.30 674.41 679.09 673.09 678.21 684.68 679.53 682.92

28.44.375 1 349.69 1 367.02 1 348.59 1 410.28 1 442.17 1 414.65 1 373.64 1 398.93 1 415.18 1 461.02 1 446.01 1 474.04

28.44.376 1 293.34 1 194.02 1 301.19 1 278.34 1 232.02 1 304.19 1 347.49 1 295.68 1 286.21 1 397.94 1 275.10 1 349.05

28.44.377 1 225.90 1 212.62 1 236.20 1 172.64 1 163.15 1 196.71 1 170.03 1 207.48 1 202.41 1 193.50 1 229.85 1 316.24

28.44.378 1 404.84 1 445.99 1 383.82 1 152.68 1 359.42 1 040.21 1 260.82 1 341.47 1 243.91 1 316.15 1 344.65

28.44.379 1 335.79 1 301.21 1 275.94 1 124.96 1 279.75 1 095.50 1 055.95 1 098.66 1 230.10 1 200.44 1 250.42 1 284.69

28.44.380 1 088.32 1 136.01 1 084.63 1 164.95 1 153.69 1 139.51 1 102.70 1 109.21 1 037.25

28.44.381 591.73 590.07 586.21 592.67 593.71 595.96 606.17 593.82 593.60 605.40 596.02 611.59

28.49.535 123.10 124.10 124.80 125.20 125.80 125.90 125.70 125.70 125.80 125.90 125.40 124.50

28.49.67028.49.67128.50.800 112.80 113.90 114.50 113.40 112.60 112.10 111.50 113.30 114.20 116.00 117.00 119.00



28.44 Statistique Canada: Emploi, rémunération et heures de travail

Rémunération hebdomadaire moyenne (I'EERH), variations non désaisonnalisées

373 Employés à salaire fixe; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Ensemble des industries excluant non classifier M

374 Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Ensemble des industries excluant non classifier M

375 Employés à salaire fixe; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques [54] M

376 Ensemble; Incluant temps supplémentaire; Fabrication de produits informatiques et électroniques [334] M

377 Ensemble; Excl. tps supp.; Services de conseils en gestion et de conseils scientifiques et techniques [5416] M

378 Employés à salaire fixe; Incluant temps supplémentaire; Fabrication de matériel électrique [3353] M

379 Employés à salaire fixe; Incl. tps supp.; Fab. d'autres types de matériel et de composants électriques [3359] M

380 Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excl. tps supp.; Fab. de produits aérospatiaux et de leurs pièces [3364] M

381 Salariés rémunérés à l'heure; Excluant temps supplémentaire; Branche productrice de services M

28.49 Statistique Canada: Indice des prix à la consommation

535 Ensemble (1) I-2002

28.50 Statistique Canada: Indices des prix de l'industrie

IPI, appareils électriques/télécommunication/minéraux non-métalliques/pétrole/charbon

670 Matériel électrique industriel (2)(3) I-2002

Indices des prix de l'industrie, selon le SCIAN (Système de Classification des Industries de l'Amérique du Nord)

671 Fabrication des industries non alimentaires (sauf la fabrication des industries de base)(2)(3) I-2002

Indices des prix des produits industriels, selon le SCIAN (Système de Classification des Industries de l'Amérique du Nord)

800 Fabrication de produits aérospatiaux et de leurs pièces I-2010

(1) Series 28.49.535 replaces 28.49.372 - change of base year.(2) Series 28.50.670 and 28.50.671 are new series that replace Series 28.50.382 and 28.50.383 - change of base year.(3) Series 28.50.670 and 28.50.671 have been stopped - Last figure published refers to October 2013.


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MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

906.25 902.88 897.04 906.02 914.94 896.16 891.28 875.47 867.05 845.43 854.92 840.98 28.44.373 489.75 478.76 488.79 490.68 496.40 482.34 481.91 476.80 476.36 474.88 472.87 455.51 28.44.374

1 022.90 1 011.20 1 001.74 1 032.88 997.71 942.28 965.21 958.34 948.87 932.53 952.00 896.77 28.44.375 943.52 913.35 879.75 947.12 881.01 949.03 910.49 952.20 907.45 889.68 883.32 936.15 28.44.376 893.62 883.23 845.36 876.29 892.46 862.48 873.49 845.53 863.39 839.37 847.93 834.83 28.44.377 896.87 939.58 1 244.43 1 075.75 1 199.42 1 175.09 1 105.97 1 149.42 1 268.83 28.44.378 902.73 905.14 857.98 998.44 954.18 851.08 914.26 952.64 973.03 1 081.91 28.44.379 868.50 873.14 810.43 767.06 850.09 801.17 803.86 803.41 776.87 28.44.380 436.25 425.58 433.19 432.61 440.96 429.46 430.11 422.24 421.98 420.20 422.79 411.85 28.44.381 136.39 135.02 137.20 137.15 137.60 134.17 134.05 131.78 132.34 129.11 128.96 124.81 28.49.535 138.87 135.90 137.98 138.04 138.27 134.93 134.59 132.32 132.66 129.74 28.49.670 128.19 127.65 129.49 128.76 129.09 126.31 126.43 124.61 124.83 121.45 28.49.671 105.65 105.32 108.38 108.01 108.10 106.50 107.23 105.51 105.30 103.27 104.30 102.50 28.50.800

Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014 828.54 820.05 808.53 823.19 844.18 852.60 871.12 869.36 877.59 882.03 886.89 888.24 28.44.373 437.69 435.80 427.25 434.64 444.99 457.91 467.56 462.67 477.75 481.69 480.71 480.39 28.44.374 906.81 905.67 878.45 928.98 964.60 960.52 945.77 961.60 996.89 1 027.87 1 022.93 1 036.89 28.44.375 868.95 791.06 847.57 842.07 824.04 885.52 927.77 890.62 906.04 983.50 902.02 948.97 28.44.376 823.64 803.38 805.24 772.44 777.97 812.54 805.58 830.00 847.01 839.67 870.01 925.89 28.44.377 943.86 957.99 901.39 759.29 909.25 716.20 866.66 944.96 875.13 931.06 945.87 28.44.378 897.47 862.07 831.12 741.03 855.96 743.82 727.04 755.20 866.51 844.55 884.56 903.69 28.44.379 731.20 752.62 706.51 767.37 771.65 773.70 759.23 784.67 729.64 28.44.380 397.56 390.93 381.85 390.40 397.10 404.64 417.36 408.18 418.15 425.92 421.63 430.21 28.44.381 122.66 121.93 120.56 122.31 124.78 126.77 128.35 128.14 131.42 131.36 131.56 129.88 28.49.535


103.43 102.99 101.79 101.95 102.79 103.88 104.77 106.29 109.79 111.38 112.96 114.24 28.50.800



Statistics Canada: Employment, Earnings and Hours 28.44

Average weekly earnings (SEPH), unadjusted for seasonal variation

M Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Excluding overtime; Industrial aggregate excluding unclassified 373

M Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Industrial aggregate excluding unclassified 374

M Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Excluding overtime; Professional, scientific and technical services [54] 375

M All employees; Including overtime; Computer and electronic product manufacturing [334] 376

M All employees; Excluding overtime; Management, scientific and technical consulting services [5416] 377

M Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Including overtime; Electrical equipment manufacturing [3353] 378

M Salaried employees paid a fixed salary; Including overtime; Other electrical equipment and component manufacturing [3359] 379

M Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Aerospace product and parts manufacturing [3364] 380

M Employees paid by the hour; Excluding overtime; Service producing industries 381

Statistics Canada: Consumer Price Index 28.49

I-2002 All items (1) 535

Statistics Canada: Industry Price Indexes 28.50

IPI, electrical/communication/non-metallic mineral/petroleum/coal products

I-2002 Industrial electrical equipment (2)(3) 670

Industry price indexes, by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)

I-2002 Non-food manufacturing (excluding basic manufacturing industries)(2)(3) 671

Industrial product price indexes,s, by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)

I-2010 Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 800

(1) Series 28.49.535 replaces 28.49.372 - change of base year.(2) Series 28.50.670 and 28.50.671 are new series that replace Series 28.50.382 and 28.50.383 - change of base year.

(3) Series 28.50.670 and 28.50.671 have been stopped - Last figure published refers to October 2013.


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3. Exchange rates / Taux de change The exchange rates for the EURO against the national currencies of the Member States of the European Union and other major currencies are shown as annual, quarterly and monthly averages. These are based on theoretical daily exchange rates calculated by the European Commission from the market rates of the individual currencies that make up the EURO, and may not be the same as market rates quoted for the EURO. For further explanation concerning the introduction of the EURO please refer to the notes in the introduction and the extract of the Council Regulation from 31st December 1998 and from 19th June 2000 (provided on pages 4 and 5). Les taux de change de l’EURO dans les monnaies nationales des États membres de l’Union Européenne et dans les autres monnaies importantes sont présentés en moyennes annuelles, trimestrielles et mensuelles. Ceux-ci sont fondés sur les taux de change théoriques au jour le jour calculés par la Commission européenne à partir des taux sur les marchés des monnaies nationales qui constituaient l'EURO; il se peut qu'ils diffèrent des taux du marché établit pour l'EURO. Pour de plus amples informations concernant l'introduction de l'EURO veuillez vous référer aux notes dans l'introduction et aux extraits du règlement du Conseil du 31 décembre 1998 et du 19 juin 2000 se trouvant aux pages 4 et 5.

Page 65: NATIONAL PRICE AND SALARY STATISTICS - EXPRESSED IN · 2015-12-09 · 4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology 67

TAUX DE CHANGE1 EURO =MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013

CZK 25.5630 25.4750 25.6590 25.8410 25.8880 25.7590 25.9440 25.8180 25.7890 25.6620 26.9270 27.5210 25.9800

DKK 7.4614 7.4598 7.4553 7.4553 7.4536 7.4576 7.4579 7.4580 7.4579 7.4592 7.4587 7.4602 7.4579

SEK 8.6217 8.5083 8.3470 8.4449 8.5725 8.6836 8.6609 8.7034 8.6758 8.7479 8.8802 8.9597 8.6515

GBP 0.8327 0.8625 0.8600 0.8508 0.8491 0.8519 0.8619 0.8590 0.8417 0.8472 0.8378 0.8364 0.8493

CHF 1.2288 1.2298 1.2266 1.2199 1.2418 1.2322 1.2366 1.2338 1.2338 1.2316 1.2316 1.2245 1.2311

NOK 7.3821 7.4232 7.4863 7.5444 7.5589 7.7394 7.8837 7.9386 7.9725 8.1208 8.2055 8.4053 7.8067

USD 1.3288 1.3359 1.2964 1.3026 1.2982 1.3189 1.3080 1.3310 1.3348 1.3635 1.3493 1.3704 1.3281

JPY 118.3400 124.4000 122.9900 127.5400 131.1300 128.3900 130.3900 130.3400 132.4100 133.3200 134.9700 141.6800 129.6600

CAD 1.3189 1.3477 1.3285 1.3268 1.3257 1.3596 1.3619 1.3853 1.3817 1.4128 1.4145 1.4580 1.3684

AUD 1.2658 1.2951 1.2537 1.2539 1.3133 1.3978 1.4279 1.4742 1.4379 1.4328 1.4473 1.5243 1.3777

PLN 4.1424 4.1700 4.1565 4.1359 4.1799 4.2839 4.2745 4.2299 4.2371 4.1902 4.1887 4.1760 4.1975

RON 4.3835 4.3839 4.3923 4.3780 4.3360 4.4803 4.4244 4.4371 4.4633 4.4444 4.4452 4.4635 4.4190

HUF 294.0100 292.7300 303.0100 298.6700 292.3800 295.7000 294.9000 299.4600 299.7500 294.7600 297.6800 300.2400 296.8700

BGN 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558

HRK 7.5746 7.5868 7.5909 7.6076 7.5684 7.4901 7.5061 7.5372 7.5985 7.6193 7.6326 7.6365 7.5786

1 EURO =MENSUEL - MONTHLYJan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 2014

CZK 27.4850 27.4440 27.3950 27.4500 27.4370 27.4500 27.4580 27.8160 27.5990 27.5880 27.6670 27.6400 27.5360

DKK 7.4614 7.4622 7.4638 7.4656 7.4641 7.4588 7.4564 7.4551 7.4449 7.4448 7.4415 7.4402 7.4548

SEK 8.8339 8.8721 8.8666 9.0329 9.0298 9.0914 9.2327 9.1878 9.1929 9.1797 9.2384 9.4043 9.0985

GBP 0.8267 0.8251 0.8317 0.8252 0.8154 0.8041 0.7931 0.7973 0.7911 0.7886 0.7905 0.7883 0.8061

CHF 1.2317 1.2212 1.2177 1.2189 1.2204 1.2181 1.2150 1.2118 1.2076 1.2078 1.2027 1.2026 1.2146

NOK 8.3927 8.3562 8.2906 8.2506 8.1513 8.2149 8.3880 8.2522 8.1798 8.3136 8.4912 8.9802 8.3544

USD 1.3610 1.3658 1.3823 1.3812 1.3732 1.3592 1.3539 1.3316 1.2901 1.2673 1.2472 1.2331 1.3285

JPY 141.4700 139.3500 141.4800 141.6200 139.7400 138.7200 137.7200 137.1100 138.3900 136.8500 145.0300 147.0600 140.3100

CAD 1.4884 1.5094 1.5352 1.5181 1.4951 1.4728 1.4524 1.4548 1.4196 1.4214 1.4136 1.4216 1.4661

AUD 1.5377 1.5222 1.5217 1.4831 1.4755 1.4517 1.4420 1.4306 1.4246 1.4436 1.4432 1.4928 1.4719

PLN 4.1799 4.1741 4.1987 4.1853 4.1800 4.1352 4.1444 4.1919 4.1899 4.2066 4.2121 4.2155 4.1843

RON 4.5205 4.4918 4.4933 4.4620 4.4237 4.3930 4.4098 4.4252 4.4095 4.4153 4.4287 4.4583 4.4437

HUF 302.4800 310.2000 311.4900 307.3700 304.5800 305.8700 309.8100 313.9100 313.2000 307.8500 306.8900 310.8300 308.7100

BGN 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558

HRK 7.6353 7.6574 7.6576 7.6267 7.5952 7.5770 7.6146 7.6326 7.6236 7.6573 7.6700 7.6682 7.6344






















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TRIMESTRIEL - QUARTERLY1st Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter 2013 3rd Quarter 2013 4th Quarter 2013 2013

25.5650 25.8310 25.8530 26.6580 25.9800 CZK7.4589 7.4555 7.4580 7.4593 7.4579 DKK8.4965 8.5652 8.6798 8.8575 8.6515 SEK0.8511 0.8506 0.8545 0.8407 0.8493 GBP1.2284 1.2315 1.2348 1.2294 1.2311 CHF7.4290 7.6114 7.9303 8.2375 7.8067 NOK1.3206 1.3062 1.3242 1.3610 1.3281 USD

121.8000 129.0700 131.0200 136.4800 129.6600 JPY1.3313 1.3368 1.3760 1.4275 1.3684 CAD1.2714 1.3203 1.4465 1.4662 1.3777 AUD4.1558 4.1982 4.2477 4.1853 4.1975 PLN4.3865 4.3958 4.4410 4.4506 4.4190 RON

296.5000 295.5300 297.9600 297.4300 296.8700 HUF1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 BGN7.5838 7.5566 7.5459 7.6290 7.5786 HRK


1st Quarter 2014 2nd Quarter 2014 3rd Quarter 2014 4th Quarter 2014 201427.4420 27.4460 27.6190 27.6300 27.5360 CZK7.4625 7.4628 7.4522 7.4423 7.4548 DKK8.8569 9.0517 9.2052 9.2718 9.0985 SEK0.8279 0.8147 0.7938 0.7891 0.8061 GBP1.2237 1.2192 1.2115 1.2045 1.2146 CHF8.3471 8.2049 8.2754 8.5878 8.3544 NOK1.3696 1.3711 1.3256 1.2498 1.3285 USD

140.8000 140.0000 137.7500 142.7500 140.3100 JPY1.5107 1.4950 1.4422 1.4190 1.4661 CAD1.5275 1.4699 1.4326 1.4596 1.4719 AUD4.1843 4.1665 4.1747 4.2112 4.1843 PLN4.5023 4.4256 4.4146 4.4336 4.4437 RON

307.9300 305.9100 312.2400 308.5300 308.7100 HUF1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 1.9558 BGN7 6498 7 5992 7 6233 7 6649 7 6344 HRK


7.6498 7.5992 7.6233 7.6649 7.6344 HRK





















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4. Euro Indices – Conversion Methodology For clarity, the mechanism by which the Euro indices are calculated based on the National Authority published indices of each member state, is outlined below. The conversion is applied to all series from non-Eurozone countries or to series of a Euro based country where the index base is prior to the year 2000. It requires the following elements, all available through EMITS:

o Administrative Documents National Price and (Wage) Salary Statistics

In Euros (monthly updated bulletin) Annual Publications

1. The National currency value of a given index series for a month or a quarter

2. The value of the exchange rate (xr) in the corresponding month or quarter.

This value is extracted from Eurostat’s reference database (NewCronos). The name of the ta ble is Euro.ECU exchange rates. There are tables for annual, quarterly and monthly data. T he unit is the national currency (including ‘euro fixed’ series for euro area countries).

3. The value of the exchange rate index (xri) for the corresponding month or quarter

The index for one month is calculated with:

o The value of an index of the pr evious month * the exchange rate of the

previous month / the exchange rate of the current month.

4. The base value of the exchange rate index (bxri), which is the value of the index corresponding to the series base year.

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For the conversion National Currency > Euro, two formulas are used. In the majority of cases the series refer to an index and the formula is as follows:

The value of the index series * value of the xri / value of the bxri. Example for UK MM19 series 13.19.544 (monthly series) of January 2010 appearing in the bulletin of December 2010. This series is Base 2005 and the value of the exchange rate index base was 121.2 for UK in 2005.

UK MM19 * January10 xri / Year 2005 bxri = Euro MM19

112.9 * 93.82296 / 121.2 = 87.4 If the series does not refer to an index, but a monetary value e.g. Average Weekly Earnings, the formula is as follows:

The value of the series / value of the exchange rate Example for Canadian series 28.44.381 (monthly series) of March 2010 in the bulletin of December 2010.

Value of the series / value of the exchange rate =

527.05 / 1.3889 = 379.47

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5. Consumer price indices in national currency The consumer price indices in the national currency of each country measure changes in the purchasing power of one unit of national currency spent in the country concerned. Two composite indices are calculated, covering all the Member States of the European Union before the latest enlargements (EU-15) and the Member States with currencies participating in monetary union (EURO). These indices are calculated as weighted arithmetic means (chain indices) of the national indices, the weight for each Member State being its relative share in the final consumption of households of the group of countries in question (EU-15 or EURO), expressed in purchasing power standards, at current prices and purchasing power parities.

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EU-28 EU-27 EA(1) AT BE BG HR CZ DK FI FR DE GR2002 93.58 93.58 93.86 94.83 94.32 86.80 92.83 96.10 95.60 97.82 93.86 95.40 90.67

2003 95.59 95.59 95.81 96.06 95.75 88.84 95.06 96.00 97.50 99.10 95.89 96.40 93.79

2004 97.77 97.77 97.86 97.94 97.53 94.30 97.09 98.40 98.30 99.24 98.14 98.10 96.63

2005 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2006 102.31 102.31 102.18 101.69 102.33 107.42 103.29 102.10 101.80 101.28 101.91 101.80 103.31

2007 104.73 104.73 104.36 103.93 104.19 115.55 106.04 105.10 103.50 102.88 103.55 104.10 106.40

2008 108.56 108.56 107.78 107.28 108.87 129.36 112.19 111.70 107.30 106.91 106.82 107.00 110.90

2009 109.63 109.63 108.09 107.71 108.86 132.56 114.68 112.40 108.40 108.66 106.93 107.20 112.40

2010 111.91 111.91 109.84 109.53 111.40 136.58 115.93 113.70 110.80 110.49 108.79 108.40 117.68

2011 115.38 115.38 112.83 113.42 115.27 141.21 118.49 116.20 113.80 114.16 111.28 111.10 121.35

2012 118.43 118.43 115.64 116.34 118.16 144.58 122.46 120.30 116.50 117.77 113.75 113.50 122.61

2013 120.21 120.21 117.20 118.80 119.57 145.14 125.31 121.90 117.00 120.38 114.88 115.30 121.56

2014 120.88 120.88 117.71 120.54 120.22 142.81 125.59 122.40 117.40 121.84 115.58 116.20 119.87

2009 01 108.24 108.24 106.98 106.81 107.06 131.81 113.24 112.60 106.90 107.42 106.05 106.50 111.02

2009 02 108.81 108.81 107.42 107.33 109.53 132.33 113.86 112.70 108.00 108.14 106.49 107.20 109.77

2009 03 109.19 109.19 107.82 107.52 108.92 131.88 114.19 112.90 108.40 108.54 106.71 107.00 111.98

2009 04 109.56 109.56 108.21 107.71 109.24 132.58 115.13 112.80 108.30 108.78 106.87 107.10 112.48

2009 05 109.76 109.76 108.27 107.79 109.12 132.58 115.36 112.90 108.70 108.71 107.03 107.00 112.76

2009 06 109.99 109.99 108.48 107.68 109.00 132.74 115.77 112.90 108.90 109.17 107.18 107.40 112.68

2009 07 109.48 109.48 107.77 107.24 107.23 132.55 115.26 112.50 108.30 108.41 106.64 107.30 111.84

2009 08 109.79 109.79 108.14 107.69 109.49 132.72 115.21 112.30 108.60 108.87 107.23 107.60 110.90

2009 09 109.83 109.83 108.16 107.90 109.04 132.48 114.39 111.80 108.80 109.22 106.99 107.10 112.99

2009 10 110.05 110.05 108.41 108.02 109.02 132.70 114.54 111.50 108.80 108.68 107.11 107.20 113.59

2009 11 110.23 110.23 108.54 108.24 109.23 132.94 114.97 111.60 108.80 108.88 107.28 107.00 114.31

2009 12 110.58 110.58 108.88 108.57 109.46 133.37 114.25 111.70 108.60 109.05 107.60 108.00 114.47

2010 01 110.05 110.04 107.99 108.12 107.90 134.15 114.75 113.00 108.90 109.13 107.34 107.30 113.59

2010 02 110.40 110.39 108.33 108.34 110.42 134.54 114.92 113.10 109.90 109.53 107.99 107.70 112.91

2010 03 111.41 111.40 109.53 109.46 110.98 135.04 115.49 113.30 110.70 110.19 108.57 108.30 116.37

2010 04 111.89 111.88 109.98 109.69 111.48 136.60 116.06 113.80 110.90 110.50 108.89 108.20 117.82

2010 05 112.05 112.05 110.10 109.63 111.88 136.62 116.37 114.00 110.80 110.28 109.04 108.30 118.73

2010 06 112.10 112.09 110.10 109.63 111.89 136.03 116.50 114.00 110.70 110.54 109.04 108.30 118.53

2010 07 111.78 111.78 109.63 109.07 109.85 136.74 116.30 114.30 110.60 109.85 108.68 108.60 118.02

2010 08 112.00 111.99 109.85 109.36 112.10 136.96 116.12 114.00 111.10 110.28 108.95 108.70 117.15

2010 09 112.30 112.30 110.19 109.78 112.24 137.25 115.94 113.80 111.50 110.77 108.91 108.50 119.38

2010 10 112.63 112.63 110.52 110.18 112.39 137.50 116.10 113.50 111.40 111.23 109.07 108.60 119.54

2010 11 112.81 112.81 110.62 110.18 112.52 138.24 116.34 113.70 111.50 111.48 109.22 108.70 119.78

2010 12 113.53 113.53 111.29 110.93 113.16 139.30 116.23 114.30 111.60 112.07 109.75 110.00 120.37

2011 01 113.06 113.06 110.49 110.86 111.84 139.94 116.83 115.20 111.70 112.51 109.44 109.40 119.19

2011 02 113.59 113.59 110.96 111.75 114.33 140.71 117.40 115.20 112.80 113.36 109.97 110.10 117.60

2011 03 114.83 114.83 112.46 113.11 114.82 141.27 118.41 115.40 113.50 114.02 110.93 110.80 121.37

2011 04 115.53 115.53 113.09 113.78 115.20 141.14 118.76 115.60 114.00 114.23 111.33 111.10 122.17

2011 05 115.62 115.63 113.09 113.68 115.40 141.29 119.23 116.30 114.20 114.06 111.41 110.90 122.44

2011 06 115.56 115.56 113.08 113.64 115.74 140.85 118.83 116.20 113.90 114.35 111.50 110.90 122.19

2011 07 115.06 115.07 112.44 113.23 114.19 141.36 118.53 116.50 113.90 113.86 110.95 111.40 120.51

2011 08 115 30 115 30 112 65 113 42 115 94 141 17 118 51 116 40 113 80 114 10 111 58 111 40 118 80

(1) The Euro area (EA) data refers to the respective country compositions at a specific point in time. New Member States are integrated into the aggregates using a chain index formula.


2011 08 115.30 115.30 112.65 113.42 115.94 141.17 118.51 116.40 113.80 114.10 111.58 111.40 118.80

2011 09 116.03 116.04 113.47 114.10 116.03 141.20 118.42 116.20 114.20 114.60 111.55 111.60 122.83

2011 10 116.39 116.40 113.87 114.35 116.24 141.66 119.03 116.50 114.40 114.80 111.85 111.70 122.96

2011 11 116.57 116.58 113.97 114.43 116.66 141.78 119.20 117.00 114.30 115.04 112.19 111.70 123.19

2011 12 116.97 116.98 114.35 114.70 116.79 142.15 118.71 117.50 114.30 114.99 112.69 112.50 122.98

2012 01 116.31 116.32 113.42 114.07 115.48 142.65 118.50 119.60 114.80 115.93 112.24 111.90 121.64

2012 02 116.91 116.92 113.99 114.68 118.16 143.50 119.24 119.80 115.90 116.80 112.77 112.90 119.56

2012 03 118.12 118.13 115.46 116.10 118.38 143.70 120.84 120.20 116.60 117.37 113.82 113.40 123.02

2012 04 118.68 118.69 116.00 116.43 118.51 144.03 121.86 120.20 116.60 117.64 114.02 113.50 124.03

2012 05 118.58 118.58 115.84 116.19 118.42 143.87 123.41 120.40 116.60 117.58 113.96 113.30 123.60

2012 06 118.44 118.44 115.75 116.18 118.24 143.13 123.12 120.60 116.40 117.71 114.02 113.10 123.36

2012 07 118.00 117.99 115.15 115.59 116.47 144.77 122.60 120.40 116.30 117.40 113.43 113.50 121.60

2012 08 118.42 118.42 115.59 116.01 118.96 145.57 123.40 120.40 116.80 117.82 114.24 113.90 120.17

2012 09 119.15 119.15 116.43 117.32 119.03 146.07 124.06 120.30 117.10 118.52 113.95 113.90 123.18

2012 10 119.48 119.48 116.71 117.68 119.09 145.98 124.48 120.70 117.00 118.81 114.19 114.00 124.09

2012 11 119.32 119.32 116.47 117.76 118.99 145.65 124.09 120.30 116.80 118.70 113.99 113.80 123.70

2012 12 119.72 119.72 116.89 118.05 119.20 146.08 123.93 120.30 116.50 118.96 114.41 114.80 123.38

2013 01 118.78 118.77 115.67 117.29 117.02 146.40 124.00 121.80 115.90 118.96 113.76 114.00 121.69

2013 02 119.25 119.25 116.09 117.70 119.78 146.66 124.52 121.90 117.10 119.67 114.12 114.90 119.73

2013 03 120.34 120.34 117.47 118.84 119.81 146.03 124.98 122.00 117.40 120.28 115.06 115.40 122.72

2013 04 120.33 120.32 117.36 118.85 119.61 145.39 125.62 122.20 117.10 120.50 114.92 114.80 123.29

2013 05 120.45 120.45 117.49 119.00 119.51 145.32 125.62 121.90 117.30 120.49 114.98 115.10 123.24

2013 06 120.51 120.51 117.61 118.79 119.86 144.91 125.83 122.50 117.10 120.42 115.18 115.20 123.05

2013 07 120.03 120.03 116.99 118.04 118.35 144.81 125.88 122.10 116.80 120.38 114.78 115.70 121.04

2013 08 120.19 120.18 117.14 118.31 120.28 144.53 126.32 121.90 116.90 120.23 115.36 115.70 119.00

2013 09 120.68 120.67 117.71 119.45 120.07 144.16 126.12 121.50 117.30 120.70 115.13 115.70 121.94

2013 10 120.59 120.59 117.56 119.44 119.94 144.38 125.43 121.70 117.40 120.86 114.97 115.40 121.74

2013 11 120.50 120.50 117.47 119.48 120.06 144.22 124.91 121.50 117.20 120.81 114.93 115.60 120.16

2013 12 120.90 120.91 117.88 120.39 120.59 144.83 124.50 122.10 117.00 121.26 115.37 116.20 121.14

2014 01 119.84 119.84 116.57 119.09 118.33 144.42 124.52 122.20 116.80 121.19 114.63 115.40 119.99

2014 02 120.22 120.22 116.92 119.44 120.93 143.57 124.32 122.30 117.40 121.53 115.33 116.00 118.70

2014 03 121.08 121.09 118.02 120.56 120.90 143.16 124.89 122.40 117.60 121.84 115.92 116.40 120.89

2014 04 121.30 121.30 118.20 120.71 120.65 143.47 125.53 122.40 117.70 122.01 115.89 116.10 121.34

2014 05 121.19 121.19 118.07 120.83 120.47 142.74 126.09 122.50 117.70 121.65 115.92 115.80 120.61

2014 06 121.31 121.31 118.20 120.81 120.65 142.31 126.40 122.50 117.60 121.71 115.87 116.30 121.25

2014 07 120.69 120.68 117.43 120.02 119.06 143.20 126.57 122.80 117.40 121.53 115.42 116.60 120.02

2014 08 120.81 120.80 117.57 120.04 120.77 143.08 126.66 122.70 117.20 121.73 115.97 116.60 118.72

2014 09 121.19 121.18 118.08 121.13 120.32 142.11 126.36 122.50 117.60 122.50 115.55 116.60 120.59

2014 10 121.16 121.16 118.01 121.14 120.33 142.22 126.06 122.60 117.70 122.29 115.58 116.20 119.55

2014 11 120.92 120.92 117.80 121.31 120.14 141.50 125.25 122.20 117.40 122.11 115.39 116.20 118.70

2014 12 120.80 120.81 117.69 121.36 120.13 141.99 124.38 122.20 117.10 121.93 115.47 116.30 118.07


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HU IE IT LU NL NO PL PT RO ES SE CH GB 86.46 92.00 93.10 91.04 95.05 96.10 93.80 92.51 71.09 91.04 95.94 : 95.40 2002 90.50 95.70 95.70 93.36 97.18 97.90 94.50 95.52 81.94 93.86 98.18 : 96.70 2003 96.63 97.90 97.80 96.37 98.52 98.50 97.90 97.92 91.68 96.73 99.18 : 98.00 2004 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2005 104.03 102.70 102.20 102.96 101.65 102.50 101.30 103.04 106.60 103.56 101.50 101.00 102.30 2006 112.28 105.60 104.30 105.69 103.26 103.20 103.90 105.54 111.84 106.51 103.20 101.80 104.70 2007 119.05 108.90 108.00 110.01 105.54 106.70 108.30 108.34 120.69 110.91 106.65 104.20 108.50 2008 123.85 107.10 108.80 110.02 106.57 109.20 112.60 107.36 127.43 110.64 108.72 103.40 110.80 2009 129.70 105.40 110.60 113.10 107.56 111.80 115.60 108.85 135.17 112.90 110.80 104.10 114.50 2010 134.79 106.60 113.80 117.32 110.23 113.10 120.10 112.72 143.04 116.35 112.31 104.20 119.60 2011 142.42 108.70 117.50 120.72 113.34 113.60 124.50 115.85 147.88 119.18 113.36 103.40 123.00 2012 144.85 109.20 119.00 122.77 116.24 115.80 125.50 116.36 152.61 121.00 113.86 103.50 126.10 2013 144.88 109.60 119.30 123.62 116.61 118.00 125.60 116.18 154.71 120.77 114.10 103.50 128.00 2014 119.84 107.60 106.90 107.26 105.12 107.30 109.80 106.74 125.20 109.44 106.87 102.90 108.70 2009 01 120.78 107.80 107.10 109.15 106.15 108.40 110.70 106.70 126.23 109.46 107.47 102.90 109.60 2009 02 121.39 107.90 108.40 109.00 107.38 108.50 111.60 107.54 126.86 109.64 108.04 102.60 109.80 2009 03 122.46 108.00 109.10 109.53 107.75 108.90 112.30 107.92 127.21 110.73 108.35 103.60 110.10 2009 04 124.34 107.60 109.30 109.86 107.87 109.20 113.00 107.68 127.22 110.68 108.72 103.60 110.70 2009 05 124.40 107.60 109.50 110.61 107.39 109.90 113.20 107.87 127.47 111.23 108.95 103.80 111.00 2009 06 126.18 106.70 108.20 109.63 105.67 109.20 113.50 107.46 127.39 110.31 108.69 103.40 110.90 2009 07 125.51 106.90 108.40 111.07 105.89 108.90 113.10 107.24 127.15 110.76 108.89 103.60 111.40 2009 08 125.20 106.50 109.20 110.91 106.46 110.00 113.10 107.15 127.64 110.48 109.36 103.30 111.50 2009 09 125.00 106.30 109.60 110.71 106.75 109.70 113.30 107.17 128.20 111.26 109.66 104.00 111.70 2009 10 125.65 106.20 109.70 111.33 106.59 110.10 113.60 107.33 129.06 111.87 109.69 103.90 112.00 2009 11 125.40 105.70 109.90 111.21 105.82 110.30 113.60 107.52 129.47 111.84 109.96 103.60 112.60 2009 12 127.25 105.00 108.30 110.49 105.52 110.20 114.10 106.84 131.66 110.20 109.77 103.80 112.40 2010 01 127.54 105.20 108.30 111.66 106.51 111.80 114.50 106.89 131.91 109.94 110.44 103.80 112.90 2010 02 128.36 105.30 109.90 112.46 108.08 112.40 114.80 108.20 132.20 112.58 110.72 104.00 113.50 2010 03 129.47 105.30 110.90 112.94 108.45 112.60 115.30 108.66 132.61 113.36 110.64 104.90 114.20 2010 04 130.38 105.60 111.00 113.26 108.35 112.00 115.60 108.86 132.80 113.40 110.74 104.60 114.40 2010 05 130.61 105.50 111.10 113.18 107.64 111.90 115.90 109.09 133.00 113.53 110.67 104.30 114.60 2010 06 130.66 105.40 110.10 112.76 107.01 111.20 115.70 109.51 136.45 112.26 110.18 103.80 114.30 2010 07 130.04 105.60 110.30 113.85 107.16 110.70 115.30 109.37 136.76 112.51 110.12 103.80 114.90 2010 08 129.86 105.40 111.00 113.84 107.96 111.50 115.90 109.27 137.53 113.54 111.02 103.60 114.90 2010 09 130.37 105.50 111.80 113.97 108.22 111.60 116.30 109.65 138.29 114.05 111.38 104.20 115.20 2010 10 130.64 105.30 111.80 114.13 108.06 111.80 116.50 109.73 139.02 114.41 111.59 104.10 115.60 2010 11 131.18 105.50 112.20 114.67 107.77 113.30 116.90 110.15 139.76 115.04 112.27 104.00 116.80 2010 12 132.35 105.20 110.40 114.27 107.52 112.40 118.10 110.68 140.85 113.54 111.27 103.80 116.90 2011 01 132.87 106.10 110.60 116.02 108.60 113.00 118.30 110.62 141.94 113.65 111.81 104.20 117.80 2011 02 134.25 106.60 113.00 117.00 110.08 113.40 119.40 112.41 142.80 116.33 112.25 105.00 118.10 2011 03 135.21 106.90 114.10 117.42 110.74 114.10 120.00 113.03 143.75 117.35 112.63 105.10 119.30 2011 04 135.46 106.90 114.30 117.56 110.82 113.80 120.60 112.92 144.06 117.21 112.66 104.90 119.50 2011 05

135 15 106 70 114 40 117 48 110 12 113 30 120 20 112 71 143 64 116 99 112 30 104 80 119 40 2011 06


135.15 106.70 114.40 117.48 110.12 113.30 120.20 112.71 143.64 116.99 112.30 104.80 119.40 2011 06 134.76 106.50 112.40 116.40 110.48 112.90 119.90 112.85 143.13 115.62 111.99 104.00 119.40 2011 07 134.60 106.70 112.80 118.02 110.61 112.10 119.90 112.38 142.64 115.58 111.92 103.40 120.10 2011 08 134.66 106.80 115.00 118.19 111.15 113.30 119.90 113.06 142.34 116.97 112.71 103.90 120.90 2011 09 135.37 107.10 116.00 118.28 111.27 113.10 120.70 114.09 143.26 117.46 112.58 103.80 121.00 2011 10 136.21 107.10 115.90 118.65 110.83 113.10 121.60 113.93 143.86 117.72 112.80 103.30 121.20 2011 11 136.55 107.00 116.30 118.58 110.48 113.20 122.20 114.00 144.20 117.75 112.77 103.60 121.70 2011 12 139.77 106.60 114.20 117.95 110.61 112.70 123.00 114.39 144.79 115.79 112.10 102.90 121.10 2012 01 140.56 107.80 114.40 119.82 111.72 114.10 123.50 114.55 145.76 115.83 112.93 103.00 121.80 2012 02 141.68 108.90 117.30 120.38 113.26 114.00 124.10 115.94 146.42 118.38 113.44 103.90 122.20 2012 03 142.81 108.90 118.30 120.91 113.81 114.00 124.80 116.33 146.52 119.67 113.73 103.90 122.90 2012 04 142.71 108.90 118.30 120.71 113.55 114.00 125.00 115.97 146.93 119.42 113.69 103.70 122.80 2012 05 142.71 108.70 118.50 120.51 112.87 113.30 125.30 115.77 146.85 119.13 113.33 103.50 122.30 2012 06 142.47 108.60 116.50 119.52 113.35 112.70 124.70 115.98 147.54 118.11 112.82 103.20 122.50 2012 07 142.64 109.50 116.50 121.36 113.43 112.10 124.40 115.92 148.35 118.72 112.96 102.90 123.10 2012 08 143.28 109.40 118.90 121.99 113.98 113.40 124.50 116.37 150.00 121.01 113.79 103.60 123.50 2012 09 143.52 109.30 119.20 122.06 114.90 114.00 124.80 116.54 150.36 121.56 113.91 103.70 124.20 2012 10 143.42 108.80 118.90 121.85 114.35 114.10 124.90 116.11 150.26 121.28 113.67 103.20 124.40 2012 11 143.47 108.80 119.30 121.53 114.20 114.50 124.90 116.38 150.78 121.28 113.94 103.30 125.00 2012 12 143.70 108.20 116.90 120.48 114.17 114.00 125.00 114.90 152.21 119.07 112.83 102.80 124.40 2013 01 144.60 109.10 116.70 122.75 115.34 114.80 125.00 114.77 152.82 119.19 113.46 103.10 125.20 2013 02 144.99 109.50 119.40 122.82 116.88 115.30 125.40 116.72 152.93 121.40 114.05 103.60 125.60 2013 03 145.38 109.40 119.80 122.97 116.97 116.10 125.80 116.79 152.97 121.49 113.78 103.50 125.90 2013 04 145.22 109.40 119.80 122.40 117.02 116.00 125.60 117.07 153.37 121.61 114.02 103.50 126.10 2013 05 145.57 109.50 120.10 122.93 116.44 115.40 125.60 117.13 153.42 121.74 113.85 103.70 125.90 2013 06 144.95 109.40 117.90 121.65 116.86 115.90 125.80 116.90 152.59 120.36 113.70 103.70 125.80 2013 07 144.87 109.50 117.90 123.40 116.60 115.80 125.50 116.11 152.24 120.66 113.86 103.30 126.40 2013 08 145.54 109.40 120.00 123.88 116.70 116.40 125.60 116.69 151.65 121.59 114.34 103.80 126.80 2013 09 145.09 109.20 120.10 123.33 116.40 116.60 125.70 116.53 152.14 121.62 114.10 103.70 126.90 2013 10 143.98 109.10 119.70 123.21 115.71 116.70 125.50 116.18 152.15 121.63 114.00 103.40 127.00 2013 11 144.33 109.20 120.10 123.39 115.81 116.60 125.60 116.58 152.77 121.65 114.35 103.60 127.50 2013 12 144.87 108.50 117.60 122.24 115.08 116.40 125.70 114.96 154.01 119.40 113.01 103.00 126.70 2014 01 144.99 109.20 117.20 123.71 115.77 117.00 125.90 114.67 154.80 119.25 113.61 102.90 127.40 2014 02 145.30 109.80 119.80 123.76 117.04 117.40 126.10 116.26 154.90 121.14 113.65 103.50 127.70 2014 03 145.15 109.80 120.40 124.04 117.72 117.80 126.20 116.66 155.41 121.90 114.11 103.60 128.10 2014 04 145.24 109.80 120.30 124.15 117.18 117.90 126.00 116.75 155.36 121.87 114.18 103.70 128.00 2014 05 145.39 110.00 120.40 124.38 116.76 117.50 126.00 116.84 154.85 121.80 114.44 103.60 128.30 2014 06 145.63 109.90 117.90 123.16 117.16 118.50 125.80 116.12 154.83 119.93 114.15 103.60 127.80 2014 07 145.29 110.20 117.70 124.27 117.02 118.00 125.40 116.03 154.27 120.04 114.12 103.40 128.30 2014 08 144.78 109.90 119.90 124.25 116.99 118.80 125.30 116.64 154.45 121.27 114.39 103.80 128.40 2014 09 144.66 109.60 120.30 123.86 116.86 118.80 125.30 116.69 154.81 121.35 114.46 103.80 128.50 2014 10 144.10 109.30 120.00 123.40 116.00 119.00 125.10 116.27 154.50 121.07 114.37 103.50 128.20 2014 11 143.11 108.90 120.00 122.24 115.74 118.90 124.80 116.27 154.35 120.27 114.67 103.50 128.20 2014 12


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BG HR CZ DK HU NO PL RO SE CH GB2002 87.09 92.68 92.87 95.84 88.23 102.51 97.79 82.09 97.20 : 103.72

2003 89.15 92.95 89.73 97.74 88.54 97.90 86.41 79.03 99.86 : 95.56

2004 94.42 95.85 91.89 98.44 95.26 94.22 86.91 82.20 100.87 : 98.71

2005 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2006 107.42 104.36 107.26 101.64 97.70 102.01 104.58 108.61 101.72 99.42 102.62

2007 115.55 106.95 112.76 103.55 110.86 103.10 110.42 121.54 103.52 95.93 104.59

2008 129.36 114.94 133.35 107.24 117.37 103.92 124.03 118.05 102.96 101.63 93.17

2009 132.56 115.63 126.63 108.48 109.59 100.21 104.67 109.06 95.03 106.02 85.04

2010 136.58 117.71 133.93 110.87 116.79 111.87 116.42 116.20 107.84 116.77 91.27

2011 141.21 117.88 140.73 113.82 119.68 116.23 117.26 122.18 115.45 130.89 94.23

2012 144.58 120.49 142.46 116.63 122.13 121.72 119.69 120.08 120.89 132.83 103.72

2013 145.14 122.37 139.74 116.90 121.03 118.80 120.28 125.05 122.16 130.17 101.53

2014 142.81 121.75 132.38 117.35 116.41 113.12 120.76 126.06 116.40 131.94 108.58

2009 01 131.81 113.86 123.38 106.82 105.50 93.17 104.30 117.36 92.35 106.63 80.91 2009 02 132.33 113.40 117.89 107.92 99.77 98.76 95.75 116.61 91.34 106.85 84.46

2009 03 131.88 113.54 123.43 108.33 98.26 98.24 97.09 118.91 89.60 105.28 81.60

2009 04 132.58 114.88 125.43 108.26 102.08 99.18 101.83 120.97 92.31 105.85 83.84

2009 05 132.58 116.13 125.74 108.69 108.71 99.37 103.04 120.98 95.23 106.06 85.54 2009 06 132.74 117.44 126.62 108.91 109.33 98.39 100.93 121.21 92.90 106.05 88.55 2009 07 132.55 116.36 129.85 108.30 114.31 97.65 106.23 121.14 93.06 105.27 88.04 2009 08 132.72 116.34 130.36 108.63 114.46 100.63 110.02 120.91 98.75 105.23 88.26 2009 09 132.48 115.81 131.32 108.85 113.43 102.40 109.30 119.64 99.41 105.54 85.49

2009 10 132.70 117.05 128.36 108.83 114.75 105.01 108.06 118.43 98.59 106.32 83.38

2009 11 132.94 116.63 128.72 108.87 114.21 104.71 109.64 119.22 98.40 106.45 85.15

2009 12 133.37 115.98 127.47 108.66 113.04 105.00 110.21 121.36 97.93 106.75 85.53

2010 01 134.15 116.43 128.73 108.95 116.24 107.79 112.73 126.99 99.82 108.80 86.99

2010 02 134.54 116.46 129.61 109.93 115.74 110.49 114.72 127.23 102.88 109.50 88.08

2010 03 135.04 117.70 132.07 110.77 119.19 111.92 118.66 129.30 105.50 111.14 86.04

2010 04 136.60 118.32 133.87 110.95 120.03 113.60 119.47 127.90 106.15 113.24 89.24

2010 05 136.62 118.58 132.25 110.87 115.96 113.59 114.50 126.28 106.22 114.15 91.22

2010 06 136.03 119.38 131.65 110.78 114.19 113.26 113.47 124.67 107.17 117.25 94.63

2010 07 136.74 119.22 134.35 110.51 113.45 110.96 114.01 127.90 107.56 119.35 93.48

2010 08 136.96 118.49 136.82 111.05 113.89 111.68 116.10 128.19 108.34 119.77 95.34

2010 09 137.25 117.74 137.44 111.48 113.34 112.73 117.74 128.91 111.57 122.50 93.50

2010 10 137.50 117.26 137.75 111.24 117.13 110.11 118.44 129.63 111.26 119.88 89.84

2010 11 138.24 116.62 137.42 111.37 116.78 109.83 118.49 128.42 111.03 119.85 92.39 2010 12 139.30 116.38 135.17 111.50 116.32 114.74 117.66 130.57 114.92 125.64 94.12 2011 01 139.94 116.83 140.28 111.61 118.34 115.03 122.13 132.53 115.73 125.71 94.31

2011 02 140.71 117.18 141.27 112.66 120.63 115.63 121.19 134.08 117.93 124.30 95.13

2011 03 141.27 118.56 140.84 113.33 122.00 115.91 119.63 137.60 117.09 126.29 93.15

2011 04 141.14 119.36 141.62 113.83 125.47 116.97 121.60 140.60 116.39 125.34 92.35

2011 05 141.29 119.16 142.01 114.04 124.91 116.18 123.10 140.43 116.59 129.49 93.03 2011 06 140.85 118.74 142.44 113.72 124.67 115.79 121.78 137.37 114.23 134.13 91.95 2011 07 141.36 118.04 142.53 113.75 123.93 116.09 120.71 135.34 113.65 136.80 92.23 2011 08 141.17 117.54 142.77 113.74 121.66 115.19 117.07 134.59 113.19 142.84 93.63 2011 09 141.20 116.95 140.88 114.20 116.30 117.38 111.18 133.26 114.38 133.94 94.79 2011 10 141.66 117.69 139.62 114.43 112.28 116.83 111.56 132.86 114.50 130.66 95.02 2011 11 141.78 117.74 136.79 114.38 108.46 116.23 110.35 132.45 114.41 129.90 96.61 2011 12 142.15 116.93 137.11 114.48 110.51 116.96 109.78 133.62 115.91 130.61 98.54

2012 01 142.65 116.09 139.46 114.97 111.96 117.51 113.06 133.75 117.41 131.53 99.47

2012 02 143.50 116.40 142.42 116.09 119.04 120.90 118.74 134.35 118.69 132.06 99.46

2012 03 143.70 118.68 145.02 116.77 119.34 121.13 120.66 134.48 118.32 133.32 100.08

2012 04 144.03 120.26 144.24 116.71 119.25 120.52 120.14 134.20 118.92 133.74 102.20


2012 04 144.03 120.26 144.24 116.71 119.25 120.52 120.14 134.20 118.92 133.74 102.20

2012 05 143.87 121.16 141.61 116.80 119.63 120.59 117.10 132.68 117.19 133.61 104.43

2012 06 143.13 120.79 140.03 116.61 119.67 120.25 117.28 131.98 118.38 133.36 103.73

2012 07 144.77 120.97 140.86 116.42 122.51 120.93 119.89 129.91 122.38 132.97 106.21

2012 08 145.57 122.01 143.26 116.81 125.89 122.49 122.24 131.70 126.45 132.59 106.65

2012 09 146.07 123.59 144.69 116.98 124.10 122.73 121.12 133.62 124.19 132.63 105.74

2012 10 145.98 122.60 144.09 116.81 125.25 123.16 122.22 132.17 122.57 132.66 105.23

2012 11 145.65 121.78 141.20 116.60 125.08 124.45 121.58 133.11 122.41 132.52 105.76

2012 12 146.08 121.75 142.04 116.28 123.58 124.66 122.66 134.68 122.08 132.22 105.16

2013 01 146.40 121.15 141.85 115.66 120.32 123.58 121.37 139.26 121.31 129.47 102.10

2013 02 146.66 121.47 142.46 116.88 121.60 123.76 120.57 139.81 123.61 129.75 99.21

2013 03 146.03 121.85 141.55 117.26 117.79 123.25 121.35 139.64 126.65 130.71 99.82

2013 04 145.39 122.21 140.79 116.96 119.83 123.15 122.34 140.13 124.89 131.31 101.14

2013 05 145.32 122.84 140.19 117.18 122.27 122.81 120.86 141.86 123.29 128.99 101.49

2013 06 144.91 124.33 141.58 116.92 121.19 119.32 117.93 137.34 121.53 130.25 101.00

2013 07 144.81 124.11 140.11 116.62 121.00 117.65 118.38 138.32 121.69 129.78 99.75

2013 08 144.53 124.03 140.57 116.71 119.09 116.73 119.34 137.61 121.27 129.58 100.56

2013 09 144.16 122.84 140.26 117.11 119.53 116.84 119.23 136.27 122.16 130.20 102.96

2013 10 144.38 121.83 141.19 117.19 121.18 114.90 120.66 137.29 120.90 130.31 102.37

2013 11 144.22 121.12 134.33 117.00 119.07 113.81 120.51 137.27 119.00 129.93 103.60

2013 12 144.83 120.66 132.08 116.78 118.34 111.01 120.98 137.27 118.30 130.94 104.19

2014 01 144.42 120.70 132.36 116.56 117.90 110.99 120.96 136.64 118.58 129.42 104.74

2014 02 143.57 120.15 132.67 117.15 115.06 112.05 121.32 138.22 118.70 130.41 105.53

2014 03 143.16 120.70 133.02 117.32 114.83 113.32 120.80 138.26 118.81 131.54 104.94

2014 04 143.47 121.81 132.75 117.39 116.25 114.26 121.28 139.69 117.10 131.54 106.10

2014 05 142.74 122.86 132.92 117.42 117.39 115.75 121.24 140.85 117.21 131.51 107.29

2014 06 142.31 123.46 132.86 117.40 117.02 114.46 122.56 141.37 116.68 131.63 109.05

2014 07 143.20 123.02 133.15 117.24 115.72 113.06 122.09 140.81 114.60 131.96 110.13

2014 08 143.08 122.81 131.32 117.06 113.94 114.43 120.32 139.82 115.13 132.06 109.98

2014 09 142.11 122.67 132.14 117.62 113.80 116.23 120.29 140.48 115.34 133.03 110.92

2014 10 142.22 121.84 132.30 117.72 115.68 114.36 119.81 140.62 115.58 133.01 111.36

2014 11 141.50 120.85 131.49 117.47 115.59 112.15 119.46 139.91 114.75 133.18 110.83

2014 12 141.99 120.04 131.62 117.19 113.34 105.96 119.08 138.85 113.03 133.19 111.15


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CY (1) EE (1) LV(1) LT (1) MT (1) SK (1) SI (1)


106.39 2007 109.03 108.13 112.28 2008 109.22 110.12 111.43 113.25 2009 112.02 112.37 112.21 115.62 2010 115.93 133.40 115.19 116.79 118.03 2011 119.52 139.02 118.91 121.16 121.35 2012 119.98 143.53 120.07 122.93 123.68 2013 119.66 144.22 148.05 121.00 122.81 124.14 2014 106.78 106.46 111.83 111.19 2009 01 106.75 107.33 111.81 111.87 2009 02 108.21 108.97 111.50 112.77 2009 03 109.18 111.48 111.38 113.02 2009 04 109.97 111.72 111.45 113.74 2009 05 110.06 111.63 111.46 114.34 2009 06 108.48 111.47 111.33 113.42 2009 07 108.68 112.09 111.11 113.48 2009 08 109.56 111.88 111.05 113.37 2009 09 110.60 111.46 111.24 113.51 2009 10 111.42 108.57 111.56 114.37 2009 11 110.96 108.38 111.49 113.88 2009 12 109.40 107.79 111.63 113.24 2010 01 109.71 108.13 111.64 113.61 2010 02 110.74 109.60 111.79 114.78 2010 03 111.94 112.40 112.19 116.05 2010 04 112.00 113.72 112.26 116.52 2010 05 112.39 113.63 112.25 116.76 2010 06 111.44 114.29 112.40 116.08 2010 07 112.42 115.41 112.28 116.23 2010 08 113.55 114.57 112.27 115.71 2010 09 114.19 113.89 112.30 115.88 2010 10 113.35 112.21 112.62 116.22 2010 11 113.12 112.76 112.90 116.39 2010 12 112.72 129.91 111.31 115.23 115.88 2011 01 113.16 130.78 111.01 115.56 115.92 2011 02 114.33 131.84 112.69 116.02 117.51 2011 03 115.91 132.90 115.11 116.57 118.37 2011 04 116.64 133.42 116.57 116.95 119.35 2011 05

117 50 133 22 117 14 116 89 118 58 2011 06

Estonia (EE) introduced the EURO in January 2011.

(1) Data are available since the introduction of the EURO.

Slovenia (SI) introduced the EURO in January 2007.

Latvia (LV) introduced the EURO in January 2014.

Cyprus (CY) introduced the EURO in January 2008.

Lithuania (LT) introduced the EURO in January 2015.

Slovakia (SK) introduced the EURO in January 2009.

Malta (MT) introduced the EURO in January 2008.


117.50 133.22 117.14 116.89 118.58 2011 06 115.32 133.96 117.02 116.69 117.31 2011 07 115.51 134.33 118.30 116.84 117.62 2011 08 116.44 135.08 117.83 117.17 118.33 2011 09 117.82 134.97 116.79 117.43 119.25 2011 10 117.94 135.07 114.08 118.02 119.44 2011 11 117.82 135.26 114.42 118.08 118.84 2011 12 116.20 136.01 113.17 119.90 118.49 2012 01 116.69 136.58 113.90 120.17 119.18 2012 02 118.36 137.99 115.57 120.55 120.38 2012 03 120.10 138.60 119.48 120.84 121.82 2012 04 120.97 138.89 120.92 120.96 122.16 2012 05 120.85 139.09 122.24 121.24 121.4 2012 06 119.67 139.51 121.92 121.18 120.38 2012 07 120.70 139.96 122.12 121.23 121.31 2012 08 120.63 140.56 121.29 121.57 122.71 2012 09 120.88 140.67 120.49 122.06 123.04 2012 10 119.63 140.22 118.23 122.14 122.81 2012 11 119.53 140.18 117.57 122.06 122.52 2012 12 118.54 141.09 115.89 122.91 121.84 2013 01 118.83 142.03 115.93 122.87 122.69 2013 02 119.91 143.22 117.22 122.90 123.05 2013 03 120.18 143.35 120.58 122.94 123.76 2013 04 121.16 143.92 121.93 123.08 124.08 2013 05 121.85 144.73 122.95 123.27 124.13 2013 06 120.49 145.02 123.06 123.17 123.74 2013 07 120.80 144.94 122.92 122.95 124.02 2013 08 120.96 144.21 121.96 122.92 124.51 2013 09 120.25 143.75 121.15 122.93 124.45 2013 10 118.70 143.10 118.53 122.73 124.29 2013 11 118.03 143.05 118.75 122.53 123.62 2013 12 116.68 143.31 147.30 116.94 122.85 122.93 2014 01 117.32 143.64 147.28 117.78 122.73 122.89 2014 02 118.85 144.23 147.73 118.91 122.70 123.81 2014 03 119.71 144.50 148.48 121.19 122.70 124.37 2014 04 121.04 144.83 148.78 122.38 123.03 125.28 2014 05 121.91 145.25 149.36 123.81 123.17 125.36 2014 06 121.57 145.00 149.01 123.75 122.98 124.11 2014 07 121.74 144.68 147.84 123.96 122.73 124.03 2014 08 120.98 144.52 148.39 122.74 122.81 124.39 2014 09 120.59 144.43 148.04 122.00 122.92 124.53 2014 10 118.67 143.12 147.70 119.29 122.71 124.38 2014 11 116.90 143.13 146.71 119.22 122.37 123.54 2014 12


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6. Replaced series by country


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


4.9 Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten - Statistische Übersichten

4.3 Wholesale price index

225 I-1996 332 51.43.1 Electric domestic appliances and electric lamps

226 I-1996 333 51.43.2 Radio and television receivers, video and sound recording

227 I-1996 334 51.47.12 Non-electric domestic appliances

228 I-1996 335 51.51.12 Petrol (incl. diesel)

229 I-1996 336 51.51.13 Other petroleum products

230 I-1996 337 51.52.21 Iron and steel

231 I-1996 338 51.52.22 Non-ferrous metals

232 I-1996 339 51.53.21 Sanitary fixtures

233 I-1996 340 51.54.1 Components of metal and installation equipment

268 I-1986 536 Employees: Total metallurgic and iron industry

332 I-2000 510 Electric domestic appliances and electric lamps

333 I-2000 511 Radio and television receivers, video and sound recording

334 I-2000 512 Non-electric domestic appliances

335 I-2000 513 Petrol (incl. diesel)

336 I-2000 514 Other petroleum products

337 I-2000 515 Iron and steel

338 I-2000 516 Non-ferrous metals

339 I-2000 517 Sanitary fixtures

340 I-2000 518 Components of metal and installation equipment

510 I-2005 685 Electric domestic appliances and electric lamps

511 I-2005 686 Radio and television receivers, video and sound recording

512 I-2005 687 Non-electric domestic appliances

513 I-2005 688 Petrol (incl. diesel)

514 I-2005 689 Other petroleum products

515 I-2005 690 Iron and steel

516 I-2005 691 Non-ferrous metals

517 I-2005 692 Sanitary fixtures

518 I-2005 693 Components of metal and installation equipment

4.10 Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Einkommen und Löhne Tariflohnindex 86

31 I-1986 539 Generalindex

32 I-1986 540 I Arbeiter: Gewerbe

34 I-1986 541 I Arbeiter: Industrie

176 I-1986 542 II Angestellte: Industrie


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


18.29 AGORIA / Multisector Federation for the Technology industry

Market prices for materials126 347 Non-ferrous metals: Aluminium sheet TP 262

127 348 Non-ferrous metals: Unwrought aluminium 99.5%

128 349 Non-ferrous metals: Nickel

Reference wages

129 350 National average: Reference wage

130 351 National average: Contracts prior to 11/7/1981

192 352 National average: Contracts as of 11/7/1981: Maribel 33200/37916 BEF

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BELGIUM (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


19.30 Agoria

Output Price Indices, domestic market

358 I-2000 653 Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (28-35)

360 I-2000 654 Total industry, excluding construction (10-41)

654 I-2005 746 Total industry, excluding construction

Output price Indices, industrial production, total market

653 I-2005 745 Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (25-30)


Old series number

Old base year

New series number



Labour Cost Index

711 I-2008 822 Labour cost for LCI (compensation of employees plus taxes minus subsidies) - Seasonally adjusted and adjusted data by working days - Industry (except construction)(2008=100)


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


3.6 Danmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistik

Indices of average earnings in the private sector by industry and seasonal adjustment (seasonally adjusted)

556 I-2005 821 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and utility services

3.7 Danmarks Statistik: Statistisk manedsoversigt

25 I-1990 388 13 Total wholesale price index

Price index for domestic supply by commodity group and Danish/imported

388 I-2000 558 Price index for domestic supply, total

558 I-2005 798 Price index for domestic supply, total

3.8 Danmarks Statistik: Prisstatistik

4 Wholesale price index with a separate index for imported raw materials

26 I-1990 387 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and components thereof

Price index for domestic supply by commodity group

387 I-2000 557 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and related parts

557 I-2005 795 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and related parts


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


14.22 Tilastokeskus: Tuottajahintaindeksit

Producer price index, home sales

195 I-1995 393 Total index

Import price index

196 I-1995 394 Commodity groups (NACE-SIC): DH Rubber and plastic products

Producer price index, home sales

393 I-2000 643 - Total index

Import price index

394 I-2000 644 Commodity groups (NACE-SIC): DH Rubber and plastic products

Consumer price index

427 I-2000 645 Finland

Export price index

529 I-2000 646 Total index

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FINLAND (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


14.38 Tilastokeskus: Ansiotasoindeksi

Index of wage and salary earnings by employee group

254 I-1995 479 Manufacturing monthly paid employees: Technical employees

Index of wage and salary earnings by sectors

528 I-2000 647 Manufacturing

255 I-1995 480 Manufacturing workers: 27 Manufacture of basic metals

Index of wage and salary earnings by employee group

480 I-2000 791 Manufacturing workers: 27 Manufacture of basic metals


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


9.15 Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes

Materials price indices

59 I-1990/01 505 V Other products and services: Psd A Other products and services A

60 I-1990/01 506 V Other products and services: Psd B Other products and services B

61 I-1990/01 507 V Other products and services: Psd C Other products and services C

62 I-1990/01 484 I Steel products (CECA): Aicf Stainless steel cold-rolled sheet X5 CrNi 18-10

66 I-1990/01 484 I Steel products (CECA): Aicc Hot-rolled stainless steel sheet X5 CrNi 18-9 51

67 I-1990/01 484 I Steel products (CECA): Aidf Cold-rolled stainless steel sheet X2 CrNiMo 17-12-2

68 I-1990/01 486 I Steel products (CECA): Tf Steel plate grade S185

69 I-1990/01 487 I M53Steel products (CECA): Tm a Hot-rolled sheet in steel E 24 -2

70 I-1990/01 488 I Steel products (CECA): Ttm Cold-rolled sheet in steel grade DC

71 I-1990/01 485 I Steel products (CECA): Lma Small sections grade S 235 JR

Index of hourly labour costs of all employees

281 I-1997/10 640 Mechanical and electrical engineering (Sw) National construction price index

73 I-1974/01 801 BT01 All trades - Base 100 in January 1974 (id. 000008631)

10.16 INSEE: Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique

PVN Price indices of industry and business services

327 I-1995 428 24 10 00 Basic chemicals

IP of industry Production for French Market

428 I-2000 559 Basic chemicals products (id. 001569738)

559 I-2005 749 Basic chemicals products - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001569738)

IP of industrial products of inside offer

484 I-2005 560 Products out of stainless steels with Ni>2,5% (id. M00D 2410010005M)485 I-2003 561 Profiled out of nonallied steels of quality (id. 1559143)

486 I-2003 562 Nonallied steel reversing mill plates of quality (id. 1559204)

487 I-2003 563 Broad band hot-rolled thickness > = nonallied steel 3mm of quality (id. 1559209)

488 I-2003 564 Sheet products rolled-iron products cold not covered out of nonallied steels of quality (id. 1559213)

560 I-2005 750 Products out of stainless steels with Ni>=2,5% - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559075)

561 I-2005 751 Profiled out of nonallied steels of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559143)

562 I-2005 752 Nonallied steel reversing mill plates of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559204)

563 I-2005 753 Broad band hot-rolled thickness > = nonallied steel 3mm of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559209)

564 I-2005 754 Sheet products rolled-iron products cold not covered out of nonallied steels of quality - reference 100 in 2005 (id. 001559213)

12.18 L'Usine Nouvelle

Indices and Quotes

79 I-1973/01 820 Civil engineering prices: Engineering index

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Old series number

Old base year

New series number


1.1 Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17

1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figures

287 I-1995 341 5 Capital goods

341 I-1995 447 5 Capital goods

291 I-1995 448 236 Printing and services actives related to printing (222)

292 I-1995 449 290 Plastics, in primary forms (2416)

293 I-1995 450 375 Refractory ceramic products (2626)

294 I-1995 451 433 Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (274)

295 I-1995 452 437 Aluminum production (2742)

296 I-1995 453 456 Metal products (28)

297 I-1995 454 457 Structural metal products (281)

298 I-1995 455 510 Pumps and compressors (2912)

299 I-1995 456 525 Taps and valves (2913)

300 I-1995 457 640 Mechanical engineering products (291-295)

302 I-1995 458 738 Electronic components (321)

303 I-1995 459 742 Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (3210 5)

304 I-1995 460 763 Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (332)

305 I-1995 461 775 Optical and photographic devices (334)

306 I-1995 462 820 Electricity, gas, district heating (40)

447 I-2000 565 (341) Capital goods

448 I-2000 566 (291) Plastics, in primary forms (2416)

449 I-2000 567 (292) Refractory ceramic products (2626)

450 I-2000 568 (293) Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (274)

451 I-2000 569 (294) Aluminum production (2742)

452 I-2000 570 (295) Metal products (28)

453 I-2000 571 (296) Structural metal products (281)

454 I-2000 572 (297) Pumps and compressors (2912)

455 I-2000 573 (298) Taps and valves (2913)

456 I-2000 574 (299) Mechanical engineering products (291-295)

457 I-2000 575 (300) Non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment (2923 12, 2923 14, 2923 20)

458 I-2000 576 (302) Electronic components (321)

459 I-2000 577 (303) Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (3210 5)

460 I-2000 578 (304) Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (332)

461 I-2000 579 (305) Optical and photographic devices (334)

462 I-2000 580 (306) Electricity, gas, district heating (40)

565 I-2005 759 (3) Capital goods

566 I-2005 760 (193) Plastics, in primary forms (2016)

567 I-2005 761 (237) Refractory ceramic products (23 2)

568 I-2005 762 (291) Basic precious and non-ferrous metals production (24 4)

569 I-2005 763 (293) Aluminum production (24 42)

570 I-2005 764 (309) Metal products (25)

571 I-2005 765 (310) Structural metal products (25 1)

572 I-2005 766 (461) Other Pumps and compressors (2813)

573 I-2005 767 (473) Taps and valves (2814)

574 I-2005 768 (404) Mechanical engineering products (28)

575 I-2005 769 (425) Non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment (28 25 12, 2825 14, 2825 20)

576 I-2005 770 (336) Electronic components (36 11)

577 I-2005 771 (337) Diodes; Transistors among other things semiconductor components; Light emitting diodes; calm or installed piezoelectric crystals (26 11 2)

578 I-2005 772 (350) Measuring, control, and testing instruments and devices (26 51)

579 I-2005 773 (362) Optical and photographic instruments and apparatus (26 7)

580 I-2005 774 (612) Electricity, gas, district heating (35)


5 Average gross hour earnings per worker by branch of industry, sex and qualification group

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GERMANY (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


224 355 Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Hessen: total

4 Paid working hours and gross earnings of workers per qualification group

355 543 Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Hessen: total

1.4 Statistisches Bundesamt: Verdienste und Arbeitskosten Fachserie 16: Reihe 4.3 Index der Tariflöhne und -gehälter

2 Index of contractual hourly earnings in manufacturing and in local government

323 I-1995 415 Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total

3 Index of contractual monthly earnings in manufacturing and in local government

324 I-1995 416 Capital goods industry: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft: total

1 Index of contractual hourly earnings in manufacturing and in services

415 I-2000 595 Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51)

595 I-2005 747 Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51)

2 Index of contractual monthly earnings in manufacturing and services

416 I-2000 596 Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51)

596 I-2005 748 Aviation (WZ 2008 H 51)

1.39 Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17: Reihe 7 - Verbraucherpreisindizes für Deutschland

1. Price index of living standards of all private households: 1.1 by purpose

307 I-1995 405 85 Transport services 073l

325 I-1995 406 Overall index

405 I-2000 537 85 Transport services 073l

406 I-2000 538 Overall index

1. Consumer price index for Germany: 1.1 by purpose

537 I-2005 713 Transport services

538 I-2005 714 Overall index

1.40 Statistisches Bundesamt: Schätzungen der Aufwendungen je geleisteter Stunde EUR

361 695 - Agreement on salaries for metal working industry in Hamburg and areas of Schleswig -Holstein and Niedersachsen salary group G8a

362 696 - Agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bremen and areas of Niedersachsen Unterwesergebiet salary group G8a

363 697 - Agreement on salaries for ferrous, metal working, electrical and central heating industry as well as plastic manufacturing industry in Nordrhein-Westfalen salary group KT6a

364 698 - Agreement on salaries for ferrous, metal, electrical industry in Hessen salary group T6b

365 699 - Agreement on salaries for metal industry in Nordwürttemberg-Nordbaden salary group T6b

366 700 - Agreement on salaries for metal industry in Bayern salary group VII b

367 701 - Agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Berlin-Ost and Brandenburg salary group 5b

368 702 - Agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern salary group 8a

369 703 - Agreement on salaries for metal industry in Sachsen salary group VI b

370 704 - Agreement on salaries for metal and electrical industry in Thüringen salary group T6b

371 699 - Agreement on salaries for metal industry in Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern – salary group T6b


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


30.51 National Statistical Service of Greece

499 I-2000 519 Monthly evolution of the overall Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices

501 I-2000 581 Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non domestic) - Intermediate goods

581 I-2005 802 Producer Price Index (PPI) in Industry for the Overall Market (Domestic and Non domestic) - Intermediate goods

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Old series number

Old base year

New series number


24.35 OECD: Main Economic Indicators

Ireland: Prices

169 I-1990 282 Consumer prices: All items

282 I-1995 490 Consumer prices: All items

490 I-2000 582 Consumer prices: All items

582 I-2005 775 Consumer prices: All items

Ireland: Wages

170 I-1990 283 Hourly earnings: manufacturing

283 I-1995 489 Hourly earnings: manufacturing

489 I-2000 583 Hourly earnings: manufacturing

583 I-2005 777 Hourly earnings: manufacturing

25.36 CSO: Press release

Consumer Price Index

183 I-1989/11 354 All Items

189 I-1996/11 354 All items

354 I-2001/12 522 All Items


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


21.32 Instituto Nazionale di statistica: Bollettino mensile di statistica

14-16 Indices of agreed hourly earnings

197 I-1995/12 463 Mechanical engineering: Manual workers

198 I-1995/12 464 Mechanical engineering: Non-manual workers

199 I-1995/12 465 Mechanical engineering: Total employees

200 I-1995/12 466 Electrical engineering and electronics: Manual workers

201 I-1995/12 467 Electrical engineering and electronics: Non-manual workers

202 I-1995/12 468 Electrical engineering and electronics: Total employees

206 I-1995/12 472 Chemical industry: Manual workers

207 I-1995/12 473 Chemical industry: Non-manual workers

208 I-1995/12 474 Chemical industry: Total employees

209 I-1995/12 475 General engineering: Total employees

13-2 Indices of producer prices of industrial goods by end-use: sections, divisions and groups of products

271 I-1995 395 General index

Intermediate goods

272 I-1995 407 Total

273 I-1995 408 For various end-uses and the output of services

274 I-1995 409 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.

275 I-1995 410 Total

276 I-1995 411 - Other electrical equipment n.e.c.

277 I-1995 412 Total

278 I-1995 413 Electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components

Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks

279 I-1995 414 Total

280 I-1995 476 - Instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes

14-16 Indices of agreed hourly earnings

463 I-2000 584 Mechanical engineering: Manual workers

464 I-2000 585 Mechanical engineering: Non-manual workers

466 I-2000 586 Electrical engineering and electronics: Manual workers

467 I-2000 587 Electrical engineering and electronics: Non-manual workers

472 I-2000 588 Chemical industry: Manual workers

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ITALY (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


473 I-2000 589 Chemical industry: Non-manual workers

465 I-2000/12 616 Mechanical engineering: Total employees

468 I-2000/12 617 Electrical engineering and electronics: Total employees

474 I-2000/12 618 Chemical industry: Total employees

475 I-2000/12 619 General engineering: Total employees

584 I-2005 725 Mechanical engineering : Manual workers (coi4j.Z0720)

585 I-2005 726 Mechanical engineering: Non-manual workers (coi4l.Z0720)

616 I-2005 731 Metalworking industry: Manual & Non-manual workers (coi4g.Z0720) (collect.contracts per employee by contract)

586 I-2005 727 Electrical engineering & electronics: Manual workers (coi4j.Z0840)

587 I-2005 728 Electrical engineering & electronics: Non-manual workers (coi4l.Z0840)

617 I-2005 732 Electr.Engin.&electronics : Man.& Non-Manual workers (coi4g.Z0840) (collect. contracts per employee by contract)

588 I-2005 729 Chemical industry: Manual workers (coi4j.Z0540)

589 I-2005 730 Chemical industry: Non manual workers (coi4l.Z0540)

618 I-2005 733 Manuf. of chemicals, chemical prod. & man-made fibres: Manual & non-manual workers (coi4g.Z0450) (collect. contracts per employee by contract)

619 I-2005 734 Mechanical Industry: Manual & Non-manual workers (coi4g.Z0800) (collect. contracts per employee by contract)

13-2 Indices of producer prices of industrial goods

395 I-2000 620 General index

407 I-2000 621 Intermediate goods

408 I-2000 622 28- Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

409 I-2000 623 31- Electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.

410 I-2000 624 316- Other electrical equipment n.e.c

411 I-2000 625 32- Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus

412 I-2000 626 321- Electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components

413 I-2000 627 33- Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks

414 I-2000 628 332- Instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes

476 I-2000 629 Capital goods

628 I-2005 708 CI2651 - Manuf. of instruments & appliances for measuring, testing & navigating

620 I-2005 735 0020-Total Industry excl. construction (B to E)

621 I-2005 736 0040- Intermediate goods

622 I-2005 737 CH25- Manuf.of fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment

623 I-2005 738 CJ27- Manuf. of electrical equipment and of non-electric domestic appliances

624 I-2005 739 CJ279- Manuf. of other electrical equip.

625 I-2005 740 CI263- Manuf. of communication equip.

626 I-2005 741 CK2814 - Manuf. of other taps & valves

627 I-2005 742 CI26 - Manuf. of computer, electronic and optical products

629 I-2005 743 0050 - Capital goods

708 I-2005 744 CI265 - Manuf. of instruments & appliances for measuring, testing & navigation; watches and clocks


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


31.53 STATEC

Series A1

493 I-1996 520 CPI/HCPI – Series A1 - General indices

Series A3

494 I-2000 590 Total Industry

495 I-2000 591 24.1 to 24.3: Iron and steel products, tubes and others products of first steel transformation

496 I-2000 592 24.4 and 24.5: non-ferrous metals and products of foundry

590 I-2005 715 Total Industry

591 I-2005 716 24.1 to 24.3: Iron and steel products, tubes and others products of first steel transformation

592 I-2005 717 24.4 and 24.5: non-ferrous metals and products of foundry

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LUXEMBOURG (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number



497 I-2000 630 Wages and Salaries - Industry and Services

630 I-2008 823 Labour cost index - Wages and Salaries - data adjusted by working days - Industry, construction and services (B-S)

32.52 OECD

498 I-2000 593 Hourly earnings (manufacturing)

593 I-2005 776 Hourly earnings (manufacturing)


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


17.26. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Statline

8.1 Hourly wage rates including bonuses and allowances

193 I-1990 441 Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering

256 I-1990 419 Economic activity: 45 Construction

257 I-1990 420 Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications

258 I-1990 443 Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers

259 I-1990 444 Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry

260 I-1990 421 Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc

261 I-1990 422 Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work

419 I-2000 803 Economic activity: 45 Construction

420 I-2000 804 Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications

421 I-2000 805 Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc

422 I-2000 806 Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work

441 I-2000 811 Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering

443 I-2000 813 Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers

444 I-2000 814 Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry

525 I-2000 817 Economic activity: 50-74 Commercial services

8.2 Monthly wage rates including bonuses and allowances

194 I-1990 442 Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering

262 I-1990 423 Economic activity: 45 Construction

263 I-1990 424 Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications

264 I-1990 445 Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers

265 I-1990 446 Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry

266 I-1990 425 Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc

267 I-1990 426 Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work

423 I-2000 807 Economic activity: 45 Construction

424 I-2000 808 Economic activity: 60 - 64 Transport, storage and communications

425 I-2000 809 Economic activity: 55 Hotels, restaurants, cafés etc

426 I-2000 810 Economic activity: 85 Health and Social work

442 I-2000 812 Economic activity: 27-35 Metalworking and electrical engineering

445 I-2000 815 Economic activity: 22 Graphics industry, publishers

446 I-2000 816 Economic activity: 24 Chemical industry

534 I-2000 818 Economic activity: 01-05 Agriculture and fisheries

3.2.2 Producer price indices for consumption by industry of raw materials and semi-finished products, by class of company

119 I-1990 326 27-35 Manufacture of metal and electrical products: 7 Total

326 I-1995 491 DJA Metal and electrotechnical producers' industry; Total consumption

121 I-1990 404 28 Manufacture of metal products (excluding machinery and means of transport): 7 Total

404 I-1995 492 28 Manufacture of metal products (excluding machinery and means of transport): 7 Total

3.2.2 Producer price indices for consumption by industry of raw materials and semi-finished products, by class of company

492 I-2000 642 28 Manufacture of metal products (excluding machinery and means of transport): 7 Total

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NETHERLANDS (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


Producer prices, SBI 2008, total sales

641 I-2005 755 26 Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products

642 I-2005 756 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products (except machinery and equipment)

Producer prices, ProdCom, sales and consumption, total sales

706 I-2005 757 1624 Wooden containers

707 I-2005 758 1721 Corrugated paper and paperboard and containers of paper and paperboard


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


15.45. Statistisk sentralbyrå: Statistisk Manedshefte

Price index of first-hand domestic transactions

319 I-1981 328 Commodities total

Manufactured goods classified by material

320 I-1981 329 Total

321 I-1981 330 Iron and steel

Producer price index for goods from oil extraction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity supply

322 I-1981 331 Manufacturing; Total

06 Labour market, wages

Index on average monthly earnings in manufacturing, oil and gas extraction and mining,

construction, transport and communication, wholesale and retail trade, real estate and business activities

315 I-1998/Q1 389 Manufacturing

316 I-1998/Q1 390 Transport and communication

317 I-1998/Q1 391 Real estate and business activities

389 I-2000 650 Manufacturing


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


29.47. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial

342 I-1995 384 Industrial Producer Price Index: General index

343 I-1995 385 Industrial Producer Price Index: Consumer goods

344 I-1995 386 Industrial Producer Price Index: Intermediate goods

29.48. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor

345 I-1997 392 Consumer Price Index

29.60. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Custo do Trabalho

521 I-2000 597 Labour Cost of Work Index - Technicians and associate professionals

29.47. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índices de Preços na Produção Industrial

384 I-2000 612 Industrial Producer Price Index: General index

385 I-2000 613 Industrial Producer Price Index: Consumer goods

386 I-2000 614 Industrial Producer Price Index: Intermediate goods

612 I-2005 792 Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: General index

613 I-2005 793 Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Consumer goods

614 I-2005 794 Index of output price of domestic market - non adjusted: Intermediate goods

29.48. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor

392 I-2002 615 Consumer Price Index

615 I-2008 718 Consumer Price Index

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Old series number

Old base year

New series number


8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica

2 Industrial price indices

50 I-1990 398 2.1 General index

2 Industrial price indices: 2.2 Group indices according to CNAE-74

51 I-1990 399 32 Construction of mechanical machinery and equipment

52 I-1990 400 33 Construction of office machinery and computers (incl. installation)

53 I-1990 401 34 Construction of electrical machinery and equipment

54 I-1990 402 35 Manufacture of electronic equipment (excl. computers)

55 I-1990 403 39 Manufacture of optical and other precision instruments

56 I-1992 356 1.1 National general and group indices: general index

57 I-1992 357 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total

356 I-2001 523 1.1 National general and group indices: general index

357 I-2001 524 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total

1 Consumer price indices

523 I-2006 709 1.1 National general and group indices: general index

524 I-2006 710 1.3 National indices for specific groups: industrial goods: total

2 Industrial price indices: 2.1 Group indices according CNAE-09

398 I-2000 594 2.1 General index

594 I-2005 719 2.1 General index

2 Industrial price indices: 2.2 Group indices according to CNAE-09

602 I-2005 720 24 Metallurgy: Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro alloy products

603 I-2005 721 25 Manufacture of metallic products except machinery and equipment

604 I-2005 722 26 Manufacture of informatic , electronic and optic products

605 I-2005 723 27 Manufacture of electrical material and equipment

606 I-2005 724 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment

6 Labour cost: 6.1 Quarterly survey on labour cost

477 I-2000 607 Monthly labour cost- Total

478 I-2000 608 Hourly Labour cost - Total

481 I-2000 609 Hourly Labour cost - Total wages

482 I-2000 610 Hourly Labour cost - Wages ordinary

483 I-2000 611 Hourly Labour cost- Other costs

607 I-2008 824 Monthly labour cost - Total

608 I-2008 825 Hourly Labour cost - Total

609 I-2008 826 Hourly Labour cost - Total wages

610 I-2008 827 Hourly Labour cost - Wages ordinary

611 I-2008 828 Hourly Labour cost- Other costs


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


16.25. Statistiska Centralbyrån: Allmän manadsstatistik

Labour cost index for blue collar workers, preliminary figures

101 I-1994/Q1 655 28-35 Engineering goods

J Prices: ITPI Price index for domestic access

102 I-1990 684 28-35 Engineering goods

16.46. Statistiska Centralbyrån: Arbetsmarknad

Time series for blue collar workers, final figures

312 I-1994/Q1 656 28-35 Engineering goods

314 I-1994/Q1 657 Total

Wage index for blue collar workers (preliminary figures) according to branch activity

530 I-1994/Q1 658 manufacturing NACE 28-35

Wage index for blue collar workers (final figures) according to branch activity

531 I-1994/Q1 659 manufacturing NACE 28-35

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SWEDEN (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


Time series for salaried employees, preliminary figures

311 I-1994/Q1 662 28-35 Engineering goods (provisional)

Time series for white collar workers, private sector, final figures

508 I-1994/Q1 663 28-35 Engineering goods

Time series for salaried employees, preliminary figures

313 I-1994/Q1 660 Total (provisional)

Time series for white collar workers, private sector, final figures

509 I-1994/Q1 661 Total

Wage index for white collar workers, private sector (preliminary figures), according to branch activity

533 I-1994/Q1 664 manufacturing NACE 28-35

Wage index for white collar workers, private sector (final figures), according to branch activity

532 I-1994/Q1 665 manufacturing NACE 28-35


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


26.37. Bundesamt für Statistik

Wholesale Price Index: Selected products

184 I-1993/05 417 10 DJ Metals and metal products

417 I-2003/05 694 10 DJ Metals and metal products

26.43. Bundesamt für Statistik

Prices and consumption

270 I-1993/05 418 Price index for metals and metallurgical products

418 I-2003/05 705 Price index for metals and metallurgical products


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


13.19. Office for National Statistics: MM 19 Aerospace and electronics cost indices

3320 Cost indices for the manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring,

checking, testing, navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipment

237 I-1995 429 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels

238 I-1995 430 5953320200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates

239 I-1995 431 5953320300 Salaries and general expenses

240 I-1995 432 5953320000 Combined costs

429 I-2000 544 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels

430 I-2000 545 5003320200 Earnings and National Insurance

431 I-2000 546 5000000300 General Expenses

432 I-2000 547 5003320000 Combined costs

544 I-2005 672 6113760000 Purchases of materials and fuels

545 I-2005 673 5003320200 Earnings and National Insurance

546 I-2005 674 5000000300 - General expenses

547 I-2005 675 5003320000 Combined costs

3530 Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft

241 I-1995 433 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels

242 I-1995 434 5953530200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates

243 I-1995 435 5953530300 Salaries and general expenses

244 I-1995 436 5953530000 Combined costs

433 I-2000 548 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels

434 I-2000 549 5003530200 Earnings and National Insurance

435 I-2000 550 5000000300 General expenses

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UNITED KINGDOM (continued)

Old series number

Old base year

New series number


436 I-2000 551 5003530000 Combined costs

548 I-2005 676 6113800000 Purchases of materials and fuels

549 I-2005 677 5003530200 Earnings and National Insurance

550 I-2005 678 5000000300 - General expenses

551 I-2005 679 5003530000 Combined costs

3210 Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other components

245 I-1995 437 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels

246 I-1995 438 5953210200 Hourly earnings of employees on adult rates

247 I-1995 439 5953210300 Salaries and general expenses

248 I-1995 440 5953210000 Combined costs

437 I-2000 552 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels

438 I-2000 553 5003210200 Earnings and National Insurance

439 I-2000 554 5000000300 General Expenses

440 I-2000 555 5003210000 Combined costs

552 I-2005 680 6113730000 Purchases of materials and fuels

553 I-2005 681 5003210200 Earnings and National Insurance

554 I-2005 682 5000000300 - General expenses

555 I-2005 683 5003210000 Combined costs

Manufacture of measuring, testing & navigating equipment; watches & clocks - SIC 2007.

672 I-2005 778 6113760000 - Purchases of materials and fuels

673 I-2005 779 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings

674 I-2005 780 5000000300 - General expenses

675 I-2005 781 5002651000 - Combined costs

Cost indices for the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft

676 I-2005 782 6113750000 - Purchases of materials and fuels

677 I-2005 783 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings

678 I-2005 784 5000000300 - General expenses

679 I-2005 785 5003030000 - Combined costs

Cost indices for the manufacture of electronic valves, tubes and other electronic components

680 I-2005 786 6113540000 - Purchases of materials and fuels

681 I-2005 787 5002630000 - Average Weekly Earnings

682 I-2005 788 5000000300 - General expenses

683 I-2005 789 5002611000 - Combined costs


Old series number

Old base year

New series number


28.50. Statistics Canada: Industry Price Indexes

IPI, electrical/communication/non-metallic mineral/petroleum/coal products

382 I-1997 670 Industrial electrical equipment

Industry price indexes, by NAICS

383 I-1997 671 Non-food manufacturing (excluding basic manufacturing industries)

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7. Stopped series by country


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


4.10 Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Lohnindizes

Tariflohnindex 86

33 I-1986 12/2007 II Angestellte: Gewerbe

4.42 Statistik Österreich Bundesanstalt öffentlichen Rechts: Statistische Nachrichten

Contractual wage index 1986 for indices of parts and groups

268 I-1986 12/2007 Employees: Total metallurgic and iron industry


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


19.30 Agoria

Output price Indices, industrial production, total market

358 I-2000 12/2009 Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (28-35)

Output Price Indices, domestic market

360 I-2000 12/2009 Total industry, excluding construction (10-41)


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


3.6 Danmarks Statistik: Løn- og indkomststatistik

Indices of average earnings in the private sector by industry

234 I-1996/2 05/2008 Total

251 I-1996/2 05/2008 Manufacturing

286 I-1996/2 05/2008 Mfr. of basic metals and fbr. metal prod.


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


14.22 Tilastokeskus: Tuottajahintaindeksit

Consumer price index

284 I-1995 01/2005 Finland

Import price index

394 I-2000 01/2009 Commodity groups (NACE-SIC): DH Rubber and plastic products

14.23 Tilastokeskus: Special order

Import price index

353 I-1995 08/2003 3210 Electronic circuits and components

14.38 Tilastokeskus: Ansiotasoindeksi

Index of wage and salary earnings by employee group

479 I-2000 09/2008 Manufacturing monthly paid employees: Technical employees

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Series number

Base year

Year of stop


9.15 Bulletin Officiel: concurrence, consommation, répression des fraudes

Materials price indices

63 I-1990/01 12/2003 II Non-ferrous metals: Alu Aluminium

64 I-1990/01 12/2003 II Non-ferrous metals: Cf Copper wiring

65 I-1990/01 12/2003 I Steel products (CECA): Td Dynamo sheet M600-50A

National construction price index

74 I-1974/01 02/2005 BT38 Sanitary installations (including fixtures)

75 I-1974/01 02/2005 BT43 Aluminium alloy joinery

76 I-1974/01 02/2005 BT46 Paintwork, wall coverings


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


1.1 Statistisches Bundesamt: Preise Fachserie 17 Reihe 2 Preise und Preisindizes für gewerbeliche Produkte (Erzeugerpreise)

1 Output price index for manufactured goods: 1.1 Current figures

301 I-1995 09/2003 717 Other electrical conductors for the telecommunication technology, for a voltage of 80 v or fewer (3130 13 300)

1.2 Statistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 2.1 Arbeiterverdienste in der Industrie

5 Average gross weekly earnings per worker by branch of industry, sex and qualification group

19 10/1999 Aircraft and spacecraft industry: Baden-Württemberg: total

6.2.1 Index of average gross hourly earnings of workers in the manufact. Ind., by branch and gender, Germany (Total)

526 I-2000 12/2006 Aircraft and spacecraft industry (total): craft construction, other craft construction

1.3 Statistisches Bundesamt: Löhne und Gehälter Fachserie 16: Reihe 2.2 Angestelltenverdienste im Prod. Gewerbe

6.1 Index of average gross hourly earnings for employees in the manufact. Ind.; Trade, …, by branch and gender. Germany (total)

527 I-2000 12/2006 Aircraft and spacecraft industry (total): craft construction, other craft construction


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


30.51 National Statistical Service of Greece504 I-2000 2009 - Index of wages for the nace C-K and non seasonally adjusted


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


17.27 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch Bulletin Updated wage costs per hour worked

120 I-1992 2004 Metal industry and electrical engineering

17.26 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: Statistisch Bulletin

3.2.2 Producer price indices for consumption by industry of raw materials and semi-finished products, by class of company

491 I-2000 2008 DJA Metal and electrotechnical producers' industry; Total consumption

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Series number

Base year

Year of stop



06 Labour market, wages

Index on average monthly earnings in manufacturing, oil and gas extraction and mining,

construction, transport and communication, wholesale and retail trade, real estate and business activities

390 I-2000 12/2008 Transport and communication

391 I-2000 12/2008 Real estate and business activities

08 Prices, prices indices and economic trends Wholesale. Price index

318 I-1995 12/2008 Non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap; Total


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


29.48. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Preços no Consumidor346 I-1997 12/2005 Harmonized Consumer Price Index

29.60. Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Índice de Custo do Trabalho597 I-2008 2012 Labour Cost of Work Index - Technicians and associate professionals


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 5 Wages: 5.1 Survey on wages in industry and services

42 I-1995 05/2000 5.1.1 Average earnings per hour worked in a normal day and overtime: total payments: non-manual workers

43 I-1995 05/2000 5.1.1 Average earnings per hour worked in a normal day and overtime: total payments: manual workers

44 I-1995 05/2000 5.1.2 Average earnings per worker and month for a normal day and overtime: total payments: non-manual workers

45 I-1995 05/2000 5.1.2 Average earnings per worker and month for a normal day and overtime: total payments: manual workers

46 05/2000 5.1.3 Average earnings per hour: O All sections: non-manual workers

8.14. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica: Boletín Mensual de Estadistica 5 Wages: 5.1 Survey on wages in industry and services

47 05/2000 5.1.3 Average earnings per hour: O All sections: manual workers

48 05/2000 5.1.4 Average earnings per worker and month: industry excl. construction: non-manual workers

49 05/2000 5.1.4 Average earnings per worker and month: industry excl. construction: manual workers

2 Industrial price indices: 2.2 Group indices according CNAE-93

399 I-2000 2009 - DK Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment industry

400 I-2000 2009 - 30 Manufacture of office machines and IT equipment

401 I-2000 2009 - 31 Manufacture of machinery and electric material

402 I-2000 2009 - 32 Man. electronic material; man. of radio equipment and apparatus,TV and communications

403 I-2000 2009 - 33 Manufacture of medical - surgical team, of precision, optics and watchmaker's

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Series number

Base year

Year of stop


16.25. Statistiska Centralbyrån: Allmän manadsstatistik Labour cost index for white collar workers, private sector, preliminary figures

285 I-1994/Q1 2008 28-35 Engineering goods

J Prices: ITPI Price index for domestic access

684 I-2005 2015 25-33 Fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment


Series number

Base year

Year of stop


28.44. Statistics Canada: Employment, Earnings and Hours

Average weekly earnings (incl. overtime), of salaried employees, firms of all sizes, by industry

308 2000, matrix number 4289, electrical & electronic products

Industrial product price indexes 1992=100 monthly

309 I-1992 2000, matrix number 1876, industrial electrical equipment