National Library of Australia ...€¦ · National Library of Australia SUNDAY SERVICES B CHURCH...

National Library of Australia SUNDAY SERVICES B CHURCH OF ENGLAND. SI PETER'S CATHEDRAL. Sexagesima- ?' T.SO a-Jiit Holy Communion. II ul, Sag- Eucharist. Preacher, the Lord S p.m, 'Swi n of the Cross.' 6.40 pjn-. T)tE«n Recital. 7 p.m.. First Evenaong et S. Shtthias. An Uun, 'The Lord i- King' (TrimmeU) Preicher. SET. H. P. FISK1S. 1LA. Monday, S. lb'.thiu, 7 a.m.. Holy Com munion. U fl K B I S T CHURCH 8, Holy Communion; 11, Matins. Archdeacon Joce, M.A. 7, Evmnong. Rev. R. K, Collieon, B-i. HarrCTt thankjgivinf^serviccs u 'TTOLY TRINITY. e.~H.C.~TliriL- 7, Un«f. iLl. ing of Karal Tablot to the memory of the late Marianne Ficber. Rev. R. M. Fulford, ThA. U C J 0 H X'S, HALIFAX-STREET. HARVEST FESTIVAL, 8 a^a. Bolv Commanioa (Corporate of the Mothers' Union). 10.10 ajn. Matins. 11 «Jn.— 6UXG EUCHARIST AND SERMOX. Preacher. Rev. E. A. NORTH ASH. 7 pjn. ?ErenEong. Sermon, and Procession. Preacher. Bev. E. A. NORTH ASA. MONDAY. S. Matthias. A. uld H, 10.30 a.m.. Holy Communion. ? U dt COLUMBA'S. HAWTHORN HARVEST ?3 TBAXKSGmSG B. H.C.; II. M.; 12. H.C.; 8. Childrea's Service. Rer. J. W. Clarke; 7. E^ Bev. A. Depledge Sykes. ALL SAIVTS'. COLOSEL LIGHT CAEDEXS.— HARVEST THASTKSCIVniG. 9.45. Matins, Bev. C. MeUanriup; 7, E.. Ber. G. BadcUff. U ST. BARTHOLOMEWS. NORWOOD. 8 ajn. Holy Communion. II ajn. Matins and Sermon. Hii Worship the Mayor of Korwood, Aldermen, and ConneiUon will attend Divtne Service. 7 -pjn.— Evensong and Sermon. The Bev. E. Lionel Harvie at al] setrfaa. V Ct LUKE'S. Whitmore-square 8 ajn.. H.C.; O 11, 'The Fall;' 7 p.m-, 'The Flooi' The Lord's Sapper. Rer. C W. T. Bogers. SI ? MATTHEWS.'' KESSDfGTOJf.— HARVEST THANKSGTvTSTJ. 8 a.m., H.C.; 11 «.m.. Matins; 7 p.m. Festal Evcsone. Special qnar terty olfertorlM. ? TJ_ ST. AlBAS'S, LARGS— H.O., 8 and 11; Even I song, 7; HAttVEST THAXKSGIVIKG SEB VlCffi. Bev. T. H. E. HopMns. ? U_ QT. GEORGE'S Mass. 8, 9 (K.), 11 -Sanp), kJ E. 7. Sermon. Benediction. Canon Wtae. VI CHRIST CHURCH. Longwood. Even Song-. I.SO (Harvest Festival). Preacher, Bev. «? -yBHams- ? U/_ ! A LL SOULS' OHUOCH, EL Petos. b, H.C.; A 11, Matins; 7, Evensong. Rev. H. H. Oiles, W.A. ? U_ C. PAUL'S CHUKCH. Pnlteney^treet. 8, H.C.; O 11, Hatbu; 7, Evensong. Canon Blcby. Anthem. The Radiant Mom.' U_ SAKDBEWS. WalkerviUe.— HXJ.. 8; 1U 11; ? E, t. Canon HewgUL . D PPJSiK HV'I 'IiIRT AM SOOTS CHDfiOH. BEV. KOaitAK L. D. WEBSrOT, B-A. 11 ajn., AT FUNDERS-STREET. DiDDCTIOX OF ELDEHS. Subject, 'The Manifold Grace.' 7 pjn., AT NORTHTEKRACE. Subject, 'The Secret oT Victorlow Uvinp.' Anthem, morning, 'Xaareth' (Gounod). Solo fct. Mr. Sabie Grfvell. Evening. Solo. 'Grant V Thy Peace.' Miss Wlrra Winton. FBT ADELAIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Services. 11 um~, 7 pjn. Morning— Rev. A. E. Davies (Goodwood). Evening— Rev. A. C. McLean (WoodvCle). Aa them by the Choir. PK'i'if i^ffirA n ii ajn. T CTrAHBBKW'S. CSLEY (HusJ-es-Bt.).— lT, O ?The Simplicity That Is in Christ.' 7, 'Be oT Good Cheer.' Anthem, 'Thy Will, Kot Mine, O Lord.' Bev. w. Floyd Shannon, , O.B.K, BJL ? T ,»»/OODVlLLE. T\ Mrv SI CT Urf^n IW 7— Be*. James Leggatt. Anthem, 'What Are These Holy Comnnmion wfl be observed at Close of Erenina; Service. ? ? T -'?0ODW0OD 11 ajn, Bev James Le^gatt. *T Antbem. *^Iom Awakes' (Abt). 7 pjn.. Ber. C A. Daviea, The Dntomchabte Christ.' Anthem. 'Lead. Kindly Light' (Back). T ROSPBCT WOcoz^venue. Harvest Festival. 1L 'The Increase.' Anthem. Soloist, Mr Tblete. 1, 'Harvest Home.' Anthem, fiose Hale Quartet. Rev. A. Harraon. L.Tn- T TTT GILES PARADE, KORWOOD. \Ol. 11, 'An Old Testament Christian Truth;' 7, The Works and 'Wonders at God.' Bev. A. C Weber. ? . T ST. PERERS. II ajo, Bev. & Martin, M.1T, -God's Management;' 7 pjn. Rev. S. Mar tin. MJU. 'Too Mercgni' ? T tl'KbT CaOTDOS.— O&A. HALL. iW 1J0— Bnnday-school. 7 Ber. J. B. Bankine. T 'IJAWTHORN. II. »ev. David Chapman; 7, ft Jit. titMtof Campbell. T &IKTUODIST PI B I E ? STBEET. HARVEST FESTIVAL. 11, Ber. D. T. REDDIS. Anthem, by the Choir. 7. BEV. J. G. JENKDI. Duet. The King of Love,' by the Misses Sylvia Thomas, L.MusJL, and Elsie Bove. AJMJJL Anthem. 'Ye Shall Dwell in tbe Land' N.B.— Gtfta of Fruit and VegeUblea To-day, before noon. MADGE MEMORIAL. 11 and 7, Bev. C. DOLEY. Anthem. The Fear of the Lord.' W MAUGHAK CHURCH (CENTRAL MKSIOS)', rBANKLIH-STBEET. 11, Ber. a. S. White. C. Z. Choir. So.o. Mia Bessie Smith. tCL. 3. P.8JU, James Anderson (Flwotionlst), Gladyi WooUey (Centnlto), SUnley Tovey, Frank Kimber (Tenon). C HortfleM (VioUn). Blake MarrJaer (Organ). Xottj Calwez (Piano) Kelt Sunday, Scate* Choir, uni Mr. B. V. Scrymgour (pre ' «Uent of Cricket Association). V. T. IHrf.arf.~n T. Wall, and C. W. Walter (of Australian Eleven) will broadcast messages 5CL. 7, Ber. S. Forsyth. Antbem, The Sun Shall Be Ko More.' Solot Hiss Millie Searl« Com wmity alnglng. 4JI0. DBAPEB MEMORIAL (Cilbert-ct.) II. Bu nt Festival. Bev. & Forsyth. Anthem, 'Ye Sbatt DweU.' 7. Harvest Festival, Rev. C K. White Anthem, -Praise the Lord.' Male Quartet. ? W TPXHIBITIOS BTJILDIKG. MErHODlST HOME MISSION DBMONSTRATIOK. THEJtSDAr, FEBRUARY 27. 1930. ' 5 pjn., Pnhlic Tea, 1/. . 6.10 pjJL, COMMUNTTT BISGIKG. Condac 'tar, Mr. Mostarue Finlay. Song Leaders, iliseei Millie Searki and Doroiy Vardon. 7.80 p-ra-. POBUO MEEriKG. Cbainnan. Mr. J. Rank Hobbs; speaker, Kcv. 1. F. WU '''? ££? J*~ Cental Australia Wi»ion. ELOODTIOKAKY BEOTTALS, Mr. James An dnson. AntlMms, Mmbj ban Church Cbolr. Jf^MST^lvfB^^11^ Offering at Public MeeUoe in aid of Hon-e Missions; * ALL WELCOME. W ROSPECT CIRCUIT.— HIGHBUBY-STREET— 11. Ber. C. E. Schafer. Solo MTLTWood. 7. Bev. R. a. Davidson. D.C.M. SoU Mr to ES FIELD HARVEST THANKSOIVING 11 PROSfBCT NORTH HARVEST THAHire. fflVQW.— II Ber. W. T, aS:ey7 AntS' Boblli. Hilda Simcdck. AjKS aw^ 8. Ber. B. Watts Grimmett. Soka. to, iTS IJMtew. UA.B. 'C™^dertheLaS--(Oortoit 'Thaota II* To God- (Dickaon); doec^ku^ Bobby and Jack Cook. *xnmx r Siriep oSS? Tjjtar. aTschafer. Anthems. So^Jti MOSDAT BVEXDJG. 8. Harvest FesttraL Con. *wt pmeafme arranged by Miss Mary ESson? 'DARKsniJS CIRCUIT, HARVEST THASKSGI?. PABESTDE— 11 and 7. HeV. Fred. Hnnmherv Aalhenu, 'Praise the Lord O Jerusalem- (luSi oer), -Ve Shall DweU in the Land' (StatoerT Solo. Mr. Frtd IVtlliamcon. »-'~iuxj, PARKSIDE WEST II, Bev. E. H. Woollarott , ABtoem. 'Vow Thank1 We All Our God.' Daet 'PnaK W.itrth For Thee.' Mia G. HanS «nd W. Carter. 7, Ber. W. G. Clarke. An' them, 'Smell the Antbem.' Soloist, Miss Edit Pearce. Kt'.e Qjartet, -Who GivHh AH.' EASTWOOD— 11, Mr. B. Potter. M.A. An tliem. 7. Rev. E. H. WooHacott. Anthem. GLBXUN'CA 11, Rev. A. D. Bennett. An them, -Thou Crownest the Year.' 'What Shal I Render.' Soloists. M^. V. Thomas. Mr. Coombe jad Mr. Collier. 7. Rev. J. O. Jennison. An them, 'Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem.' * W BBOMPTOS— HAR\-EST THASKSGnTNG. II. Rev. J. C. Jenkin; S. Pleasant Snndar Ai temoon. Musical, Choral, and Elocutionar Items by Muses A. Davies. N. Sudlow. and 'I Johnston, and Messrs. R. W. Bosis'.o, A Steel- G. S. Boaiato. and G. Hooker. 6.45. Rev. I G. NelL Special Singing, morning and eveniu OVUCGHAM— HARVEST THAJiKSttlVIXG^ 11, Ber. E. G. Veil; 8. a Beautiful Cantati Tbe Bonivcr Seasons;' 8.45. Rev. P. T. Re^^jn Special Singing at all Services. CROYDOS.— II. Mr. Osborne; e.15. Mi Webb. The Monthly Choral Service. Anthem 'Daqrhter of Zion.' Soloist. Miss H. Buna 'Cellolst. Mr. E. B. Linn. Recital, Jfis. E ' Webb, and Harmony Hale Quartet. McRrid Hall. 7. Mr. Phelps. ? w VTOBTH ADELAIDE. ARCHER-STREE1 JS HARVEST THAKKSCniNG SERVICES. 11. Bev. GORDOTI HOWE. Anthem. 7, Her. C. J. PERRY. THE CANTATA, 'C Olre Thsnks' ('Jimounetu') . will be son; by tbe Choir and Soloiata. Solo, MISS MURIEL DAY. AJI.P.A. WAUtERVItM:. 11. REV. PRTNCIPAL LADI It A. (Pr«i/p«-.). Coramnnioii. 7. BEvTV. L. B0ONEY. MIiaODRVE-ST. 11. REV. F. L. ROONTTT T. MB. B. CLISBY. WOMEN'S HOSTEL FAIR. ADELAIDE TOWN HALL. Friday. *? To be opened by her EXCELLENC LADY HOBE-BUTHVEW. ' Saturday, -. To be opened by LADY LUCA! W METHODIST \¥TEST HIXDilARSH THAXKSGIVTXG DAY. VT 11, Rev. A. A. Smith. An'-hems, 'I WiU Feed My Flock,' '0 How Amiable;' C.45 Bev. J. Firth. Choral Serri-*. Anihems, 'Gloria' (12th Hase). 'tl-yi So Loved,' '0 Gladsome Light.' Solo. *O Loire Divine,' Miss Mavis Roberts. Duet, 'Twilight.' Miss Gwea Web ber and Mr. J. H. Thomas. FIXDOSf THANKS GIVING DAY 11, Rev. J. Firth. Anthem, -The Lord Reiffneth.' 7. Rev. A. A. Smith. An thems, 'Great and llarve'.loas,' 'Sin? to the Lori of Harvest' (Song Service). WESI CROVD0X 11, Mr. Mugford; 7, Mr. D. Roper. ALLEKBY GARDENS 11. Mr Lindsay; 7, Mr. MaGreg:r, Thanksgiving Mar=h, «. FUSDERS PARK 11. Mr. Arcne; 7. Mr. Of borne. W OLDER MEM0~BIAL, MILE-ESD. HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES 11 Rev. A. W. VeUingtoa. Anihem, 'Great is the Lord' (Sydenham). 3 ^Rev. E. SmUh, P.SJLA. Music and Elocution. 7 Rev. E. M. rnpiiw!1- B A. An£bemE 'The Radiant Mom' (Woodward), 'The Heavens Are Telling' (Hayda). Social Evening, Monday, at 8. BROOKLYN VAHK-— -HARVEST THANKSGIV ING SERWCES. 11 Rev. F. Bullock. 3 Rev. A. V. Wellington Choral Service by Members of Woodville l*reshyterian Church Choir. 7— Rev. A. W. Wellington. Monday, 8 p.m., Soda^ ? W_ MALVESS g'l R C U I r. HAaVEST fESTlVAL SERVICES. 1IALVEKK— II, Rev. J. H. Xield. Anthem, 'To Thee, O l*rd' iLee WillianK). Solo bj Mr. Harold Tideman, 'Trees' (Rabasch). 7, Rev. A. B. Lloyd. Anthems, *'In Splendor Bright,'* 'The Heavens art Telling' (Hajrin). Solo, 'With Verdure Clad' (Haydn). WILUAM JEFFRIES MEMORIAL (Itosfield). 11 Rev. C. J. Perry. Anthem, 'Hard, Hark My Soul.' So'.oists, Miss Wallace and Mrs. Fisher. 7, Rev. J. H. Kield. Anttreai, '0 TaEt? and See' (Goss)a-So1o by Mrs. McDonald. W TTOODVILLE HARVEST THANKSGIVING SER r* VICES. 11 Rev. A. G. Ward. Anthem, The Earth is the Lord's' (Hollins). Soio, 'Gloria' (Buzzi-Peccia), Mrs. Wei:by. 1 B^v. S. Carroll Myers. Anthems, 'Great and Mar vellous- (Bridge), 'O, Give Thanks Unto the Lord' (Jackson). Soloist, Mr. Geo. Herriot. Solo, 'Give Thanks and Sing' (Cuthbert Harris), Miss Marjory Hartley. ELGIN. 11. RevS- 6. Carroll Myers. 7 Mr. Edson. GELLAXD. Harvest Thanksgiving'. 3 pjn. Children's Ser vice. 1 Mr. J. H. Samdere W Norwood wesley'. harvest thanksgiving services. 11 ajn. Rev. L. E. BnuJbnrv. Duet, 'O Lovely Peace' (Judas Maccabeus), Mrs. A. V. Anderson and Miss P Watts. Anthem 'Hearken Unto This' '(Button). 7 pjn. Rev H, W JEW. Solo. 'Come Unto Me,' Mr. H. Campbell, nthem, 'Ho, Every One That Tljirsteth' (Mar STEWSTEAD. 11 a-m. Mr. C H. Hodge 7 p.m. Revs. S. J. Martia and G. H. Paynier.' W OEMAPHORE. II, Mr. T. C. Davey- 7. Rev »J Edgar Arnold. Choral Serrice.' Special Anthems (by request). Soloists. Mrs. Royal (Caltowie). Miss Pimlott (Wasleys) BfRKESTHEAD.— 11. Rev. A. E. Botrrell, L.Th.: 7. Mr. E. C. Davey. LARGS. Harvest Festival. II, Rer Edgar Arnold; 3 and 7. Bev. A. E. Bo:trelL L.Th Harvest Social. Monday. S p.m TAPERQO. 3 pjn.. Mr. W. C. Wallis. W KESS1NGTO.V, EAST PAftAOE. 11, Mr Dickscn; 7, Bev. F. Semmens, Kensington Park. Harvest Tbanisgiving. nt k-.v- j p. Williams, M.A.. of the Federal Inland Mk«To!: , P^A, Programme by Slisses Sylvia Thomas, Ray Titcombe, Kaomi Jam^s, Hesers. H. James. S. Hunkin, SI. Titcombe, and E. Jenkins Elo cutionists. Miscei B'™» and Eiri. 7, Kcv. A. H. Melbourne. Social on Tuesdav. W AYLAKDS.— HARVEST FESTIVAL SER VICES.— 11 ajn.. Rev. A. H. Melbourne; 3 pjn^ Rev. E. W. Cauft; 7 pjn. Rev J C Richmond. Special Anthems at each eervic*' SYDEXHAM-BOAD— II a.m., Mr. J. Jenkinson' 7 pjn. Rev. M. C. Morris. LL.B. TUESDAr,' February 25. at 7.45 p.m.— SOCIAL and SPE CIAL GIFT EVENING for Girls' Hostel. Co*! Programme. ^ pAYSEHAM:BOTD'H±RVEST'THlNKSGnT«1-G X FESTIVAL. 11 aja. Rev. H. A. Gnnter. S pjn.. Rev. A. E. Cowley. 7 pjtu, Bev. B. E. Stanley Special music and singing at all services. Monday Evening. Social Gathering. CAMPBELLTOWN 11 ajn Mr. A. Cren- 7 p-m.. Mr. J. Kibler. ? y E S T T 5' W if. 11 ajn.-^v. W. A. DUNK. Unveiling of Memorial Tablet to the late Mrs Thomas Rhodes. Anthem, '0. Te that Lore the Lord' (Co'.eridge-Taylor) . 12 Noon Holy Communion. 7 p-m. Bev. J. F. WILLIAMS. Mj-. (of Cen tral Australian Mission). atitinnm 'Evening aad Morning' -Oakeley). ? W Y^OUKG PEOPLE»S DEMONSTRATJOX. MOKDAV. 3rd 3LABCH, 7.15 POL nr EXHTBITION BUILDES'G CHAIRMAN HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. SPECTACULAR MISSIONARY PROGRAMME, n which Blackwood, Malvera, Bose Park, and Brighton schools will take part. W53,60 MAOItl * *T ETHODIST. 11 ajn. ^Rev. A. D. UcUutcheon. Subiect, 'Digging Ont Old Wells.' 7 pjn.— Mr.' W. A. Bobjohns. KEWTON.— HARVEST FESTTVAL SERVICES. S p.m. and 7 pjn.. Rev. A. D. McCutcheon. Monday Night, 8 pjn.. Address, Bev. W. IL Cann. ? W_ LESELG dRCUIT. MOSELEY-STREET.— 11 VJT sum., Bev. E. T. Pryor; 7 p.m., Hon. W. F. FinlayEon, Prohibition League. BATH-STREET. 11 ajn., Mr. J. J. Jarman; 7 p.m., Mr. R. W. Bowey. Prohibition League. ST. LEONARDS. II ajn, Mr. A. R. Tuckett CAMDEX. Har- vest Thanksgiving, 3 p.m.. Mr. A. B. Tuckett; V_pjn^ Rev. E. T. Pry Dr. W_ BLACK FOREST Ladies' Guild Anniversary. 11 ajn.. Mrs. C. W. Burrard. State Presi dent of WX.T.U. Solo. Mrs. Morris. Selection by Ladles' Choir. 7 p.m., Mrs. H. C. Herbert. Secretary of W.C.T.U.- Solo, SShs M. Culver. Duet, Misses Culver. Selection by Ladies' Choir. Monday, 8 pjiu. Ladies' Guild Social. W_ MITCHAM II, Mr. J. L. S. Treloar. Anthem, 'Xow Thank We All Our God.' 7. Mr. A. E. Edwards. Anthem, 'Hear Me When I Call.' Tuesday, S pjt, Crand Concert. School HalL WEST MITCHAM 11. Her. Trezise; 7. Kev. J. H. Davies. ? W KESWICK. HARVEST FESTIVAL 11 a.m.. Rfr. P. C. W. Eckersley, B.A. 7 p.m, «ev. P. H. iChenneU. Tuesday, 8 pjn. Lantern Lec ture, 'The Flindere Eange,' by Uei'. A. SL rrengrove. ? W_ P«LAHEXCE PARK. 11. Mr. A. Kennedy. V^ Anthem. 'Praise Te the Father.' 7. Mr. Hedley Thomas. Anthem. 'The King of Love My Shepherd Is.' Solo. Mr. Hutton. W_ GARTRELL MEMORiXAL. ttOSE PARK. 11 a-m. ^Rev. M. C. Morris. LL.B. An them 'Sow Thank We All Out God' (Spinney). 7 p.m. Rev. Edmund Smith. Anthem, 'Haxk, Hark, My Sun!' '(Shelley). W_ US LEY. II sjn-. Rev. p. H. ChennelL An them. 'Come and' Let Cs Return.' 7 p.m., Kev. A. J. Finch. Anthem. 'The Radiant Morn.' ? W HEXLEY. 11. Rev. A. B. Lloydj 7. Dr. B. G. Burnard. GRANGE. 11. Mr. C. C, Crump, LL.B.; 7, Rev. Gordon Rowe. W FORT CENTRAL MISSION. HARVEST THANKSCrVIXG. at 11 and 7. Preacher. Rev. T. P. Willason. Special »n».»™ and Solos. ? W GLASV1LLE MISSION'. H, Mr. E. B. Smtta; 7, Ber. A. G. Ward, Anthe.n. Welrome to alL ? W rpUSMORE. BURKS1UE DISTRICT HALL. J. 11 a-m. Rev. E. M. Ingamells. B-A. 7 p.m. Rev. W. R. Hanton. ? W P~ULSFORD-RD., PROSPECT ^Momintr Mr Wright. Eveniog. Mr. E. E. MitcuelL W/ EAST ADELAIDE— 11 'a-m., fiov. E. E. Stan ley; 7_p.m-, Rev.JW.A. Dann. W T/-DBRALTA PARK— 11 ajn, Mr. S. BBar l\. rett; 7 pjn, Mr. S. Dennis. W /GOODWOOD— 11 a-m, Kev. A. J. Finch; 1 \JC pjn, Mr. & a. Bairett. W CONGREGATIONAL OTOW MEM0RUL CHURCH. O REV. DR. WRIGHT. 11 ajn. 'Man 6 Demand on God.' Anthem, 'Call to Remembrance' (Farrant). 7 pjn. The Man Who Weathered the Storm.' Anthem, 'Blessed Are the Pure in Heart' (Davies). 'Hari. Hark, My Soul' (Shelley). Soloist. Miss Elma Crosby. 7 p m.— HALIFAX-STREET— Mr. Colin Rob Johns. ? ? K_ 'OR0UGHAM-PLACE NORTH ADELAIDE. X- Rev L. C. PARKIN. M-A-. B.D. HARVEST TOAXKSGIVIXG DAY. 11 - ?' Solo, 'My Heart Ever Faithful' (Bach) Miss Hannah Marrett, A.M.U.A. An ^5Tm.^0nrgany?reluale?decffi0Tn)-GrUE.^ Mas. Baci 'Toccata Fugue D Minor' (Badi); 'Prayer and Cradle Song' (Guilmont) ; '1'js- total' (Lemare). , 7 pjn. Subject. 'Droughts and Thanklul ness.' Solo, 'With Verdure Clad' (Haydn) Miss Vera MayfieLd, A.M.U-A. Anthem, 'Feai Not O Land' (Elcar) CHURCH MEETING, WEDNESDAY, 26th Feb roaiy. at 8 p.m. ? K^ /^OLOSEL LIGHT CARDEXS --- HARVEST FESTIVAL 11 ajn.— Tbe Rev JOHN DOUGLAS, L.Th. 7 pjn. CelebraUon of Cn:on between thi Congregational and Presbyterian Churches ai Colonel Light Gardens. Worship conducted bi tie Rev. DAVID CHAPMAN (Hawthorn Presby terian Church). Preacher. Rev. WINIFRED KIEK. M.A., B.D. Special Music K /Tlexelg coxgregatioxal churcu \J 11 ^jn. and 7 p.m., fiev. A. C. Stevens MA. 3 p.m. Pleasant Sunday Afternoon. Minister presiding, ltev. A. C. Stevens, M.A ltmic by Haydn Male Qturtet. Broadcast by SOL. K 'M'ORMAK MEM0ElA'L~CHUB0H7TnLKESNY -W HARVEST THAXKSG:vrKG SEiiVlCiS 11 and 7.ifj nev. \V«. CVA-sS. SPECIAL MLSiC. ALL WfiLCOHE. K ?\TAKDO5) UEUOEIIL; KING'S PABE.— r Rev. Cecil E. Tapp. 11 'SPARK! FBOSI AX OLD TESTAMENT ANVIL. '} Soloirt Mia Dorothy Vardon. 7 'WHO IS A PAH D0XIXG GOD LEE THEE?' Soloist. Hi Lewis Mayes. ? K C' HELtESHAM Clll'UCS 1 1 a.m.— Re\s. C. Gordon Jones and Lydio Cook. 7 p.m. Rev. C. Gordon Joaea Suloist. Mi; Nancy Tait. K TJOEE PARK.— Rev. H. \VatrB Grirameti. MX 11, 'The Fatal Power of Indiff.-renrr :' ; 'Toe Sew Testament inUrimtation of Life.' 1 SUNDAY SERVICES CONGREGATIONAL HEKLEY. THE TEMPLE.— Rev. A. CLIF FORD JOKES, L-Th. 11. 'CrUfe and Prayer;' 7, 'Geharjj.' !Sext Sunday, Hantfit Festival and ''Tha Love Gift.' K_ HCDMARSH COXGRECATIOXAL, CHURCH. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Kev. W. J. Magor. HARVEST THAXKSG1VIXG NEXT SL'XD 4 V. Special Singing and Cantata. K T/'ESSIXGTOX GARDENS. nARVEST IV TUAN'KS-;l\TXG. 11. Rev. H. W. Jew. 7, Rev. L. E. Bradbnrr. K_ AXTHORPE CllUaCH, O.JJIV.— Rev. A. J. Sir vie 11 2.m., &Tiil 7 p-m. Eve ni tip Youns People's Service. Subj»;t, 'A Lucky Felloe.' ? K T-01tT ADELAIDE. Bev. Harrj S. Joyce. 1 1 L ajn, 'An Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles.' 6.45 p.m., 'The Gospel Feast Ue clinni.' Etcu«s esunined. K_ rXLAYTOX.— Rev. E. .). Stacy. 11 a.m., 'The V^ Peril of Security.' 7 p.m., 'The Gospel of :he Eleventh Honr.' March Mth Harvest Thanksgiving. K_ UHB'S-BOAD (PayneiiiTn South).— 13, Bev. ii tVinareJ Kiei, M.A.. B.D.; 7. Ilev. j.,33 Doujrlas. K IEDISDIE CONGREGATIONAL CHL'ltCH. II, Kai'. A. W. A. Rowland. 7, Mr. A. M. Ralph. ;_. K_ (COLLEGE PARK. \J Kev. DAVID MORGAN. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. K /^IROVDOX 11 30, Rer. Wm. Evans; fi.:U-. Kj ltev. L-TUion Ciok. March 2, Young People's Service, Male Choir. K BAPTIST 'PLIXDERS-STREET BAPTIST CHUECII. Rev. DOXOVAN F. MITCHELL, B.A. 11 a.m. 'THE SHADOW OF THE SABBATH.' Anthrax, 'O, Con*e Let Us Worship.' 7 pjn. 'LIFE'S LIXK OF COLD.' Anthem 'Lord God of Heaven and Earth.' Solo, 'Tliou Art Passing Hence/' Mr. Ewart Lock. Z /^?LEX OSMOKD BAPTIST CHURCH. HARVEST FESTIVAL. 11 ajn Rev. J. Weslev Smith. 3 p.m. A. DiLksO3, &q. 7 p.m. Ee--. G. w. Paicc. . SPECIAL SINGING. WEDNESDAY. 2SU FEBRUARY, fi s'.iarp. SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE MEETING. Humorous Adjres by Rev. D. DAVIS. Silver Coin Admission. Supper. TKLEY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH *J HARVEST THANKSGmXG SERVICES REV. D0XALD McNICOfj. 71 a.m.. 'BAIXIXG BREAD.' Children's Talk Thorns.' 'A Song of Thanksgivinjr' vrill l-e rendered by Miss Gwen ColletL Anthem, 'Ye Sha.ll D»ell in the Land.' 7 p.m.. 'Throucrh the Cornfield.' Duet, 'The Golden Sheave* of Harvwt,' by M»asrs. Allan Whittle and E. K. Hunkin. Anthem. 'The Valleys Laurli and Sinj.' Special Thank Offerings for Church Funds trill he received at hoth Services. ? Z_ COUTH W ARK BAPTIST. HAP.VE5T FESTrV'AL SERVICES, 1 a.m., J p.m. z QEMAl'KOEE BAPTIST CHURCH.. iO HAii\EST FESTIVAL SERVICES. OUJi THAXK OFFlilUXG DAY. Morning, 11. HEV. A. H. BELL, U.A., B.D. Anthems. 'FEAR _N0T, O LAXD' (Elgar). 'PfiAlSE THE LOKD, 0 MY MOUL' (Smart). Evening, KEV. CECIL W. JOHNSON'. Subject. 'GIVE THANKS JOR WHAT?' Anthem, 'O BE JOYFUL IX GOD'' (West). Soloist, MIL CHAS. BAGGOTT. ? COilE. ? Z_ JARKSIDE BAPTST CHURCH. JC Eev. BERXARD E. C. TUCK, B.A. 11 ajn., 'In Likeness of Men.' Solo. Mies Gwen Tyler. 7 p-m.. 'A Voice From Heaven.' Anthem, 'Sins Unto God.' Solo, 'How Lovely Are lay Dsrcllinzs.' Miss Dorothy Scott, AX.C.M. Broad' csst 5CL. ? Z_ QT. PETEES (FIRST-AVENUE). O 11 Rev. C W. JOHNSON (of. Semaphore). 7 Hev. A. H. BELL, ILL, B.D. Sermon to Commemorate completion of 7 years' ministry. Subject, 'PREACHERS AND LISTENERS-.' Com munion. Chorch Meeting, Febroarr 26. Har vest Festival, Sunday, March 2. Social, March £ ? z_ TfTEST CROYDOS HARVEST THANKSGIVING W SERVICES. 11 a-m. Mr. R, D. Nicholls, M.P. 7 pjn. Rev. D. J. Morris. Awrtrorpf; Ot the Harvest TUanksgiving Social, Wednesday 26th, 8 P-m- ? Z A LBERTON REV. E. R. THORNE. 11 a.m. TL 'THE HEAVENLY VISION.' 7 p.m. 'WHY BE A CHREHANJ' Anihem, 'Tbe Radiant Mom.' Solo, .Mr. Las. Couey. ALBEBT0N EAST.-^ll «jbl. Sir. G Cox. Solo, Mr. Arthur 'fenny; 7 p.m.. Mr. Holme*. ? Z N'OBWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH, OX* THE PARADE. 11 a.m.. Rev. G. W. PAICE. 7 p.m-. Rev. J. Wesliy Smith; subject, 'WTbv aitychus Slept as Paul Preached.' Commoniiy Sjlging from C.45 p.m. Everyone invited. Z PKOS^CT BAPTIST CHURCH. All— Eev. B. A. fiogers. Anthem 'O, Saviour of the World.' ? 7 Mr. A. Comptou. Anthem. 'Break Forth Into Joy.' ? z BLAClv fOREST. REV. H. K0V HEARD. 11. 'flie Art of Encouragement.' 3 2, 'The Mercy God.' Next Sunday, Harvest Thanksgiving. The Church with a welcome. Z OBIGUTOX BAPTIST CHCrcS! A- 11 and 6.45 p.m. Rct. NORMAN V. HANSES. Evening 'Great Sartnjr of Jesus About Heaven ' Soloist Miss F. Reaill. ? z' FI K S B'U R'Y park. 11 a.m.. Rev. D. J. Morris. 7 p.m., Mr. George Hostins. ? W51X0M E. _. Z_ /^t RAXGE.^Rev. H.' ARDBOX TOWNESD. VF HARVEST THANESGIVIN'G 11 a.m.— 'SEEDS OF YESTERDAY AND TO MORROW.' 7 p.m.— 'GBOWIXC A SOUL.' Z S1NDMABSU. Rev. A. V. Hill. B.A., B.D. 11 a-m., 'Enjoying God.' 6.45 p.m, 'Poles Asunder ' Solo. Mrs. A, C. Hill. An them. 'Hark, Hark, My Soul.' Z colonel light gardens. Kj harvest thanksgiving services; H ajn., Bev. J. H. Sexton. 7 pjn.. Rev. S. A. Paris, t-Th. Z_ MITCHAM ^Morning, Evening. Rev. R. F. Peirce. Coromandel Valley, 3 pjo, Har vest ThankEgiving Service. Z N0ETH ADEIjAIDE, Tynte-itreet ll~a.m.. Dr. F..S. Hone; 7 p.m., sir. C. S. Badjrc-.-. ? Z LOCKLEYS BAPTIST CffURCB. 11 a.m., Mr. E. W. Bowcy; 7 pjn.. R«. P. J. Clark. B.A. ? z 11TAVVILLE— 11. Pastor; T, Mr. A. Will rr saiore, B. and F. Bible Society Depatatijn. ? Z/_ RICHMOND. 11, Mr. A. C. Kichanfa, H.A.; 7, Mr. 6. G. Stribling. Z_ R~~ XIGHTSBRIXHJE. E«-. E. H- Hall. 11. 'Jesus and Prayer;' 7, 'Eussia: Kfilip:i;n and Prophecy.' z /GOODWOOD BAPTIST CHUB.CU. VT 11 a.m. Rev. T. J Clark. B.A. 7 pjn. Mr. W. E. Drewett. Z COUTH PLYMPTOS— 11 a.m., Mr. Vebb; 7 O pjn.. Rev. A. H. Kenner. Z MAGILti. 11 a.m.. Bev. A. Bungey; 7~p.m., Mr. L. T. Cuiley. Z 'ESTBOUHXE PAHK.— 11 a.m., Mr. F L. Sanndeis; 7 Mr- S. R. Jones. Z TTXDEBDALK. u, Bev. A. H. Kenner; 7. U Mr. L. Clarkson. Z/ CHDHCH OP CHRIST G.EOTE-STREET.— 11. Worship; 2.45 Bfjle „„ Sc11001 and Adult Clares; 7, 'THr: CHRISTIAN OX TRIAL.' A theme for thc times. Preaclier. J. WILTSHIRE. Anthem, 'Abide With lie.' Solo WELCOME TO STKAXGEES. WEDNESDAY 8 pjn. PUBLIC SERVICE- Come. HARVEST FESTIIV.AL NEXT SUNDAY. Special Singing Moraicg and Evening. X JUTAYL AXDS! 1^ WELLIXG TOX E0AD. MINISTERS 1ST AXXOERSARY. 11 a.m. Lord's Supper. 7 p.m. Subject, -A fBEACHER'S GLORY.' Antbems 'How Lovely are tlie Jltsoen^ers' (Mendeksohn). 'Te Ueum' (Jackson). Con ductor, Mr. A. I. Ptnrose, A.M.U.A. ? Minirtfr. J. ERNEST ALLAN'. X^ MILE-EXD. 1U a.m.. Int. and Jan. C.E. Socie ties. 31, ??Hok We Invest Our llouev.' 2 45, Bible Sdiool and Young Men's Class. 7, 'Ru:h and Xsomi.' Anthem, 'I'raUe the Lord O Jerusalem.' So2o Miss Ginatt Preac'ier Geo. T. Wa'.utn, M.A. X FULL-^RTOX. 11 a.m , W L. Joins' o-.~3 o'clock, T. Ash; 7 o-clocs, Yl. G. Gra ham. 'Oar LV.ion »::j Cjris:.' Soloist. Mr». Le-lie Ma:hc-»-s, I»A.U. lSj;i:i«mal Sc-rv'cc ? X_ PARKSTHKtT, I'Ni.F.Y.— Harvct K«:ivji Servict-s. II. Communion, 'Tlie Sliracle uf the Harvest.' Anihem. 7 Evange'i^tic Str Wce. 'A Warning from Nature,' H. It. Taylor. Two Anthems. £ T^OBIVOOD, Chaptl-sircc:- 11, Communi « O.1 Sen-ice. 7, Gospel Service, ?'Compuisavy Sah-ation.' All Wf'.«m«. Benevolent Offer icg. 1*. R. Baker, Kvanpi-iiat. X CUOYDOX— Har\wt~faslk5giviog. iT~C-ca: TJiani OBvrim. -J.riO, BM« .-ci-jl. 7, Special Sen-ice-. Anl^e^Ls. Wel.-omt. S~ EJlAPHOtlt t^c^clKr, WILL JtEILKIt. 1\ Communiuc; 7, Evau^elisfic. ''Christ's Attractiveness.' [ X^ COH'ANDILLA. -Always a Wticomo.' 11 James Gordon; 7,' E. J Kilim-r. Har v^dt Festival Sonic*. March a. X_ BEOOKLYK.— 'i Homelikt Church.' 11, C. H. Norman; 7, Jamos Gord;n. llan'esi TliarikKrSving Sen-jrej. March 1. X_ H1XDMARSH. 11 *..m.. Communion. 7 p.m. Gdsp.'l Scn!c». m.-ac:icr. Sir. A. H. Wilson. A'.I Wf-ioom^. X VTAILSWOBTH. 11. I^r.:.^ Ku^jwr; S. UiMe o- School: 7. ruhji-ct. 'If a Man Die Will Ue TjKmESTVJLl.E. 11 a.m.. 'Oa-.hfTins the liar J- vr-st ;** -7 pjn,. **Voinijj P^opi^ Living1 wi'li a Purpose.' Pis'.or A. C. Kankinc 1/ SUNDAIT SERVICES CHURCH OP CHRIST '\UIAVICH. 11, Eendering to Caesar: ?.«. J Bible Schoo:; 7, 'Mocking God.' Preacher, r. T. Tunifr. ? ^__^ ? MO/ ~|UiAYlCH. II, Mr. R. Bums; 2.45. Uible --' Sv-hool; 7, Mr. fi. Hsrl-igess. Bring that ?:end. S/ SALVATION AKMY ^.A. HALL. MAIUOX-ST.. USLET. HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES This Sun ny, led by Adj'jtaat CHI iKriis. Spcsia! M'jslc. Vstal UecoraJions. Monday 7.3fl. Musical rorraaame and Sale of Produce. Come. Ss PROSPECT EAST. Burvood-arcaue ^Harvest TUanksrivjni. Adjutant S. Green. ? To-nicht. 7.4 5, 'The Glorio-Js Rainbow.' To morrow, Sr*.-i3l Chora! Services. Monday, Miss A. B-jrion ani Tartv. Bring vo-jr visitore and friends. S^/ UNITARIAN rTNTTARlAX- CHRISTIAN CHCRCH, U WakeaelJ-slrfCt, close to Virtoria^q-JErt. REV. G. E. HALE, B.A. 1 1 a.m.. -WHAT ARH WE HERE FOR?' Solo, 'My TJsk.'' Miss Winifred Kurness. 7 p.m, PEOPLE'S SERVICE Subject: 'DOUBLE PEBSONALITY' Thoasands -nil! never lw happy until they solve he problem of tl-e devaftatin; internal con ict between the Coheciovk av.d Unconsriois parts f t!i-;r perj^nalitv. The Bible treats the sub set at lenelh. Special Readinrs from Paul and 'Dr. Jei-yU and ir. Hyde.' Doors open, 6.30. Hearty congregational «ng 'S- Everybody always welcome. PENTECOSTAL rin: PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF AUSTH4 LIA. ADELAIDE ASSEMBLY Roeliabitc Chambers, Victorij-square (»-est). SATUUDAY. 3 p.m.. Baptismal Service on Irighton Beach («utli). 7.43 pm , inteTKS jrj- Serv-tce. SUNDAY, 3 p m., Bible Studr and Fellowship, p.m.. HEIGHT GOSPEL SERVICE. Tuesday, 7.15 p.m.. Student Workers* Train ig Class. 'Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, nd To-day, and Forever.' ? A 'POSTOLIC MISSION', in Lcavitt Hall, 37, A- WakefieW-street. back of W.C.T.U. Sun ay, 7 p.m.. Sister Heath speaks on 'They Wen*. ?- Another Village.' Luke 9. S«. Open-air neetin?, Saturday. 6 p.m., in Victoria-place, off 'rote-street. Bib- Study. .Tuesday, S p.m.. at ., Sixth-street Bowden., and Wednesday. S p.m., t 4, HachcsEireet, Mile-End. All -irclconw-. LUTHERAN CYLINDERS-STREET LITHEUAN CHURCH. ideTaide. Coucordia College. Colonel Light Gar JORs., p.m.; Evening (Eng.). T p.m. D r. STEPHEN'S, Waiefleld-street. Harvest -J rrhanksp^vintr. 1 1 a.jn.t G-*nna.o j 2.45 s ;.S.; 7 p.m.. EnglUh. Rev. Basedo.v. 1__ LUTHERAN CHUHCU, Militon-road, Sema phore. Sonice, 7 pjn.; S.S., 2.45 p.m. -ei-i-strc?*. Birkenhead. Service, 11 ajn.; S.S.. 0 a.m. Student Quart. HECTORVILLE.— Reading Senice, 10.30 a.m.; S.S.. 2.30 p.m.: Reading Service. 7 p.m. LUTHERAN MISSION. Temperance Hall, Tynte-street, North Adelaide. 7 p.m., Eng ish, R?v. J. 3. Stolz. SPIRITUAL CHURCH 2JT. JOHN'S SPrRirUAL CHUHCET. Carrington J et.. Adelaide. Sunday, 3 pjn., Lyceum, nd 7 p.m.. Address bv Aeercdit-ea Speaker, the ubject bcin-r 'Spiritualism: What Has It Done or Humanity;' Messages given. CT. JOHN'S SPIRITUAL CHUBCH, Ship-street, O Port Adelaide. Sunday. 2.45. Lyceum, r sharp. Address, Mrs. Ravenscroft, assisted by iev. ilaisie Bom and Mr. Marsden. Messages rivt-n. Thursoay ^Members' Class. _^ _^ rrxrvERSAL church of god, chbjst the U HEAD. Drjids' Hall, FUndere-rt^ S pjn.. iealing Service; 7 p.m.. Adjress and Messages of ielp.— Mii. J. Freer-Watson. / RDEH OF LIGHT THEOMONASTIC CHRIS TIAN CHURCH.— Sunday. V sharp, at Gros rer.or North-terrace. Adelaide. Address and Messages. REV. LILY UNGWOOD SMITH, Ps.V. ' Tuesday Evening, ai Magdalene Hall, WayviUe [earrance Short-street), Flower Sen-ice by Rev. jily Lingwood Smith, PsD. Next Saturday, March 1st, Busy Bees at home. American Tea and Public Circle. Public invited all meetings. / CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ^CIENTISr, ADELAIDE, LIBERAL CLUB HALL, 17S, KORTH-TERBACE. SUXDAY. 7 p.m. Subject, 'Mind.' Sunday chool, 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY. MEETING. 8 p.m.. including restimonia!« of Healins through Christian Science. FREE PUBLIC EEADKGB00U at 5, Gaicler Thambers, Kcrth-terrace. Open Mondays to fridays, inclush'e, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. t :HlV.IMTAFiPT.'PTTTATJ CHRIS TADELPHIAK. In 'The ChrisUdelphiaa Temple.' 105, Halifax-street, on Sunday Evening, 21st Febmarv, at 7 p.m., an Old Student will deliver an Address upon 'CAN WE BELIEVE THE SCRIPTURES TO-DAY!' Seats are Free. No Collection. Bring your Uflile and your friends. Sunday-tchool meats 3 o'clock. Classes for Kindergarteu and all ages. Send your chil dren to receive Scriptural Instruction. THEOSOPHICAL. rHEOSOPHlCAL SOCIETY. S34A, KLug Wil liam-street. Sunday, 7 p.m.. Lecture bv Rev. H. Morton. 'PHILOSOPHY OF MODERNISM.' Revolution The New Fr--dom. Music-, Mr. H. BauerocJise: Public cordisDv invite-:. Monday, 24th February, 8 p.m. Public -jnes- Lion and answer Meeting. Wednesday, 26th February, 7.45 p.m., Mem Lwre' Meeting Subject 'Convention ani the IVork of the Australian Section.' Thursday, 27th February, 8 p.m.. Public Lec ture. 'AUSTRALIA Some Current Problems.' NEW THOUGHT \TEW THONGHT.— Oddfellows' Hall, Franklln X- street- Sunday Service, 1 p.m.. Mr. A. W. Low. Uarling Buildings Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Thursday, 3 p.m.. Healing Meetings. rpHE DIVINE SCIENCE CESTBE, A 13, A.N.A. Building. Fiinders-street. SUNDAY. 7, Service. Tl'ESDAY, 2.5. Members' Consecration Ser vice. 2.45, Healing Meeting. fiijom open rues, to FrL. from 2 till 4. EXETER (Rechabitv Hill, Semaphore-rd.) , Sext Thursday, it 2.30. / MISSIONS XTEW AGE MISSION, rear Djvm, Peel-Ftrcet, J-l Yatala. To-nipht, S Sicial, Son?, lkt-». Sunday evening, 7, Service. Monday evening, b, Bomp Social, Jarz Band Usual weekly service-;. All welcome. jjl-vavs. / 'VfOttWOOD MISSION BAND. 10 o'cloc'-:. Wel -L-i Ington and Hsnroart roaas. e.4 5, S.S. 7 o'clock, Mr. A. Dicksan. Harvest Tuankspiv. ini, Sunday Next. / LATTER-DAY SAINTS. REORGANISED CHUBCH OF JESUS CHRIST. Eastry-streer. Norwood. 7 p.m.. Elder Chas. A. Davies. Subject, 'Restoration of the Gus pel-' / OTHER SERVICES. GOSPEL HALL, GO0BWOOD-H0AD, GOOD WOOD, SUNDAY livening. 7, Gospel llvetinsr. All welcome. M/ CHURCH NOTICES JOANNA SOU1HCOTT, British Prophet**. Her pr,.pliea«s fait fulfilling. Fateful yrars from 19'iO. Her great national box of *^aled v,Titins:s sealed by church minislere. must be opent'd by the bishop to save Britain and her colonies from ruin. Send stamp for list and literalure tj 'Lr'brariar!,' 5. Hunter-st., Sydney. RADIO PROGRAMME SECTION. 5KA, 2.10 METKES. SUNDAY. February Z3. at 6.30 ProsT-J-nme undr-r the direction of the Inter national I'.ilile ?tuu-nis' Association K.oO— I^slr-jmc-rjta! Trio, Chora! Selection, Katie locrgir; violin, 'SlavoRit Danct' ( Dvorak-Kreis- icr) G-.rnli Ho:ly; tenor solo. K. C. Smitl, 1c turer; trio, Healy, tenor. Evelya Slirlcy. piano; trio 4*Homancr*' (Carjipacnoli), Gerald Healy. tenor; Katie Yoerger, violin; trio '*!-ere- r.:.da' (Ambrosia). Cc DOGS, CATS. &c A LSATIANS. Puppies for sale, eictllent pedi ^\- gree. seven weeks. Captain Hipkins. Vin a-iir-street. N'cw Qufenstown. D50.SE5S/ VlSBDALE Jla'.i Purges, ptjigree parents, lattr. Llivd1. Tiaibcr Mills, I'ort Ajelalde. ? V! A L'STUALIAN Terrk-r I'uitpies. bv lion Vuo ^i- Maii A. Holton. Florence-st.. FuHirton. ? D/ A UtTRALIAN Terrier Pur* for Sale, prire ^V stuck. Morris, 21, Vlorence-si., Fuilar tcn. D/ AIISKnALi: Puppies fr-ni ch..mpwn ttock; c-i.-ap. Frw-man. Higl.-strwl. (inns-. l- BLACK Cocker Span lil Pup*. wt-i«. K'.mp ]Viiav, Tlie Lodje, Morriittivillc. ? '_ D/ BLACK. Ta:i Australian 1-uppies pun-, cheap. __=-Bocv:-£, 40, HijT)i)-ur;--sr.. ProgptY;;. D .' TC'OR Sale. Pekiutse Pup^M: priceTreTi^onalil'. J 16. Hiih-yt.. Unlf-y Park. U. 1564. 1) / POINTEit Pup. C months old, ready jo break in, £2 ;/. 'Champion.' thaTofbce. I-,' PUBEBRflI-'Fox'Tcrri»r I'lirpi^s for i-*\-, clieal'. Niira Stud Farm. 'Phono I.. HU.iX. I), ALT- Co'.Uc Pjt.5, pc'.'.zvKd. cheap. S131-.-1 . ?!!? I'arl^-ier.. B.iwi.-n. 1) QtLL. lVd ST.-: UulWoi.-. 4 ju.ns ..Id. ht/ O t\u\cl. cliiap. Apji'iv B. U. iiliir.;, Str-j: : all.yii. ^_J ? 1-^ '\1TELL Bn3~FnVi'S Pur-i, male», IS/.— 113, W l£alifax-6t.. Ciiy. DJ. CHURCH NOTES The Bishop of Adelaide (Right Rev. Dr. Thomas) trill preach, at St. Peter's Cathedral to-morrow morning. On Tuesday evening he ?will conduct a con firmation, service at Christ Church, Kadina. The Archbishop of Adelaide (Most Rev. Dr. Spence) will bless and ODen the new church of St. Finian, Karoonda, to morrow after noon. After Easter he -will visit Rome, reporting to Pope Pius XL on the pro gress of this archdiocese. In 1920 he paid a similar visit to Benedict XV. When received in audience by the Pope, Dr. Spence will en treat a special blessing on the people of his archdiocese. This is the official year for the visits of Australian Bishops to Borne. The chairman of the Congregational Union (Rev. Principal Kiek) will pay an official visit to Keith to-morrow, preaching there and at churches in the district. The 29th annual conference of the Methodist Church will begin in Pirie Street Church on Tuesday, and con tinue for ten days. The Rev. J. H. Allen (incoming president) will be in troduced at tbe opening of the minis terial conference on Tuesday. At the representative conference, which will open on Wednesday, the Rev. W. A Dunn (retiring president) will deliver an address. The Rev. S. Carroll Myers is conference secretary. At St. Peter's Cathedral to-morrow, evensong will be preceded by an organ recital, in which Mr. J. M. Dunn will render items by English composers. These ?will comprise 'Prelude' - John E. West). 'Berceuse' (Lemare), 'Even- ing Song' BBairstow), and the 'Solemn Melody' of Sir Walford Davies, brother to the Elder Conservatorium director (Professor Harold Davies). At Holy Trinity Church, North terrace, to-morrow evening the Rev. R. M. Fulford will unveil a memorial tablet to Marianne Fisher, presented by the Morphett family. Miss Fisher was a daughter of the chairman of the Erst trustees of the church (Sir James Hurtle Fisher), and died in 1927 at the age of 100 years. The Rev. Father Drohan (superiof of the Sacred Heart Fathers, Hind marsh) has left for Sydney to conduct retreats. He -will be away for two or three weeks. At the Brougham-place, North Ade laide Congregational Church to-morrow, larvest festival services will be held. In the evening, Mr. G. T. Griffiths win play organ solos before the ser vice, and the Rev. L. C. Parkin will preach on '-Droughts and Thankful ness.' Elgar's anthem, 'Fear Not O band' will be sung, and Miss V May field will render, 'With Verdure Clad' (Haydn). The church meeting will be held on Wednesday evening. The Methodist Conference younii people's demonstration will be held in the Exhibition Building on March 3. His Excellency the Governor will pro side, Newstead Sunday-school provid ing a guard of honor. Blackwood school will present an Indian village seen0 and choruses in Hindustani win be sung by the Rose Park, Blackwood, and Malvern schools. At the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon in 'MaiiE-tmTi Church, Franklin-street, to-morrow, items will be contributed by Miss Gladys Woolley (contralto), Mr. James Anderson (elocutionist), Mr. Stanley Tovey (tenor), Mr. Frank Kimber (baritone), Miss M. Culver (piano)/ and Mr. Blake Mortimer (organ). The Rev. S. Forsyth will preach at night. At the Draper Memo rial Church. Gilbert-street, harvest festival services win be held tomor row, the Rev. S. Forsyth preaching in the morning, and the Rev. G. N. White at night. The Rev. G. E. Hale will conduct the Unitarian Church services to morrow, preaching in the morning on 'What Are We Here For?' and at night delivering a sermon-lecture on 'Double Personality.' Mr. Hale this week completes his ninth year with the church here, and his 16th in the Uni tarian ministry. He was for five years a Baptist minister in Victoria. At the Flinders-Street Baptist Church to-morrow, the Rev. Donovan Mitchell will preach in the morning on 'The Shadow of the Sabbath.' and at night on 'life's Link of Gold.' At St. John's, Halifax-street, to morrow, harvest festival services will be held, -with a church parade of district Girl Guides in the evening. The Rev E. A. North Ash win be the preacher Monday being St. Matthias Day Holy Communion wUl be celebrated, the day school choir singing. In aid of mis sions, on Tuesday evening the junior council dramatic society win present two farces in the parish hail to be fol lowed by a dance. Salvation Army harvest festival ser vices at Unley to-morrow win be con ducted by Adjutant GUI Inglis. Born in South Australia, he has held the command of the Auckland Citv corps Turning the scale at just over 20 stone he was known there as 'the big man with the big message.' He was at one tune secretary of a New Zealand trade union, and is at present in charge of the Prospect Salvation Army corps An wteresting, forceful speaker he is one of the keenest Bible students of the Army here. At the Pert Adelaide Presbyterian church to-morrow, the Rev E A Davies will preach in the morning' and the Rev. A. C. McLean at night Harvest thanksgiving services will be neld at Norwood Wesley Church to L^wr^K Preachers betoS the Revs. tut^^00!^'01131 annual retreat at Mount Lofty this week was attended by 30 ministers. The book of Hebrewi and 'The Christian Ethic astn Eco Pf-MC Pactor' -J°siah Stamp) were £S2 and discussed. The retreat was Prospect Church of Christ held its half-yearly business meeting on Wet Pe«day evening, with Mr. H. D. Black m the chair. Reports of church activi ties showed progress and the prevalence of a harmonious spirit. Pastor Russell IPnSSg?** fOr a further *nn °' Methodist harvest festivals will a^PnW ? 2* Prospect North and Enfield churches to-morrow. Th° ff\ ^_Watts Grimmett will speak en ^ft-ospect .afternoon service. 'and en Monday evening a concert arrangec gr Miss Mary Edson win be given^A Jinnela the nreachpr.i ?t**-mm-r*.~. ™n W 't fcV- ^rte 'moving) ^ W. T. Shapley (evening). At a meeting of members and ad h.e5EDt? of Clayton Congregationpl Church on Wednesday it was decided mfrtirSTv. V16 resoluU°» °f a form?? meeting that a unanimous call to the pastorate be forwarded to the Rev A. C. Newbury, of Chafcswood, Sydney! Harvest festival services at the' New- ton Methodist Church to-morrow will be conducted by the Rev. A. D Me geTw-H. ^^S^ct^^ ^ Church, and will preach It both ser S^iL?'mrini?w-.m Hls evenil*e sermon ! subject will be 'Russia, Religion, and Jrropnecy. ' Tine Rev. Eric Tresilfjss. who will ar- rive in Adelaide from Erolcen Hill to- day. wm be a speaker st the social service rally to be held in connection with the Methodist Conference. At the Goodwood Presyterian Church to-morrow moraine the service wUl be conducted by the Rev. J Leg?iatt At I the evening service the Rev. E. A. J Davies will preach on 'Ths Untouch able Christ.' Keswick Merhodist Church will hold harvest festival services to-morrow, the preachers being the Revs. P. C. Ecker jsley (morning;* and P. H. Chenneli I ( evening). On Tuesday evening the Rev. A. M. Trengv-ve will lecture on j'The Flinders Range,' \ The Rev. Bernard Tuck will preach in the Parkside Baptist Church to morrow evening' on 'A Voice from Heaven.' Miss X-. Scott will sing. The Rev. W. F. Nash, of the Mitcham Baptist Church, who sailed by the Orvieto on Thursday, has six months' leave of absence.* After attending the Passion Play at Oberammergau, be win tour the XJJSJL The Black Forest Methodist Church will hold anniversary services to morrow. A women's choir win sing. Mrs. C. W. Barnard win conduct the morning service, and Mrs. H. C. Her bert the evening one. On Monday even ing a social will be held. The Rev^A. C. Weber, vrho has been minister of St. Giles', 'Norwood. for seven years, has been appoin ted superinten dent of the Pres byterian Church's suburban group mission, embrac ing Tusmore, Black Forest, Cowandilla, Pen nington, and Oaklands. He win have two *»''»» mission assistants. TteitnqnigViing Jjjs pastorate at St. Giles at the end of March, he will Bev. A. C. Weber be inducted at Scot's Church, Flinders-street, on April B. Mr. Weber is president of the local Council of Churches, and of the South Australian Refuge. At tbe Pirie-street Methodist church to-morrow harvest festival services win be held. The Rev. D. T. Redding win preach in the morning, the Rev. J. G. Jenkin at night The Rev. A. H. Bell will to-morrow ccmplete seven years as pastor of the St. Peters Baptist Church. His sermon subject in the evening win be 'Preachers and Listeners,' and he wfll administer the sacrament of the Lord's Suoper. The quarterly church meeting win1 be held on Wednesday evening. The Methodist Children's Homes committee is working for the 25th birthday garden fete, to be held in the Adelaide Town Hall on April 30 and May 1. Their objective is to raise £2.000 for maintenance and building. Mr. Harold Parsons is arranging a popular concert to be held at the Ade laide Town HaU on March 1, when Pirie-street church choir members win sing, At St. Giles's Presbyterian Church, Norwood, to-morrow, the Rev. A. C. Weber's morning sermon subiect will be 'An Old Testament Christian Truth.' and evening 'The Works and Wonders of God.' A special service will be held, in the Semaphore Methodist Church to morrow night. The soloists will be Mrs. Royal and Miss Pimlott. The service win be conducted by the Bev. Edgar Arnold. * Brigadier Burhop (divisional com mander) win conduct a Salvation Army campaign in the Port Adelaide citadel, beginning to-day and ending on March 3. Brigadier and Mrs. H. Rust wOl re tire early next month. Both have given long and valued service, the brigadier being a soldier of the Port Adelaide corps in 1886. Mrs. Rust was born at Gawler. and entered the Army in 188S. Their public farewell meeting win be Seld in conjunction with that of Bri gadier and Mrs. Ward on March 9. at the Pirie-street Congress HaU. The Methodist Conference foreign mission festival will be held at the Exhibition Building on March 4, a tea and social gathering being followed by a public meeting;. The Australasian president general (Rev. Principal Lade), who has recently returned from an official visit to the Australian man dated territory, wai speak on 'Foreign Missions Are They Necessary?' Methodist harvest festivals wOl be held to-morrow at the Kensington Park, Holder Memorial, ahd Brooklyn Park churches. The Rev. Father CuUinan, hitherto at Kooringa, has been placed in charge of a new Roman Catholic parish com prising Whyalla, Iron Knob and Kimba, in the diocese of Port Augusta. On March 2, at the Maughan Church, Franklin-street pleasant Sunday after noon, Messrs. V. Y. Richardson, T Wall, and C. Walker (members of the Australian cricket team to tour Eng land) wfll be present, and Mr B. V Scrymgour (president, South 'Australian Cricket Association) will give a fare wen message. To conduct a Salvation Army life saving scout campaign, Ensign Dent will arrive in Adelaide on Thursday. Prohibition League field day services to-morrow win be conducted by the Hon. W. F. Fiiuayson, at Peterhead Presbyterian and Glenelg Methodist churches. Mr. R. H. Bowey will be at Lockleys Baptist and Bath-street Glenelg Methodist churches, and Mr. A. Keeling at MUlicent Methodist and Presbyterian, and Hatherleigh Metho dist churches. Saturday early closing of liquor bars committees are being formed at Mount Gambier, Narracoorte, Hindmar&h. Prospect. Clarence Park, Malvern, North Adelaide, and Good wood. The Rev. Harold Morton, general sec retary of the Australian section of the Theosophical Society, will arrive in Adelaide this morning. He wUl speak to-morrow evening at' the Theosophica Hall on 'The Philosophy of Modern Ism,' and on Thursday evening on 'Australia Some Current Problems.' He win leave for Perth on March 3 to visit Western Australian lodges, and to meet Bishop Leadbetter. who ts re turning from India to preside at the annual convention, to be held in Syd ney at Easter. Kappa Sigma Pi and Phi Beta Pi fra ternities in South Australia are pre paring for their annual spiritual rally to be held in Semaphore Baptist Church on March 23. The Rev. Ardron Town end win be the speaker. About 400 wul be present, representing 17 chap ters. At West Hindmarsh Methodist Church to-morrow, the Rev. A, A. smith win conduct morning, and the Rev. J. Firth 'evening service. At Findon, the services win be taken by the Revs. J. Firth (morning), and A A. Smith (evening). Mr. A. Lloyd, of the Victorian Pres byterian Church Home Mission staff arrived in Adelaide yesterday. He win proceed to Iron Knob next week to take temporary charge of the work vacated by Mr. J. Stables, who recently re turned to Scotland. Prospect Presbyterian Church har vest festival will be held to-morrow, the Rev. A. Harrison preaching morning and evening. For some time negotiations have been proceeding with a view to union be tween the Congregational and Presbyte rian churches in Colonel Light Gardens. These negotiations have now reached consummation. The united congrega tions win worship in the Congregational Church, which will be known as 'the Congregational Church with which is incorporated the Presbyterian Church '' The minister (Rev. Winifred Kiek) win exchange at least one service a month with a recognised Presbyterian minis ter, and give facilities for the periodical imitation of Presbyterian famiiins by a minister of that denomination. It win maintain its relationship with the Con gregational Union, and it hopes also to be allowed representation in the courts of the Presbyterian Church. The scheme of union has been largely modelled on that already adopted at Renmark, which has worked successfully. To-morrow evening the first united sen-ice wUl be held, and the Rev. David Chap-nan and the Rev. Winifred Kiek wUl coope rate in the conduct of worship. The foundation-stone of the new buildings at Parkin College will be laid on March 3 by the Rev. Dr. G. H. Wright (president of the Congregational Union of Australia and New Zealand). The occasional address will be delivered by the Rev. Principal Kiek (chairman of the South Australian Congregational Union ) . Six new students will enter the college this session, and another appli cation is under consideration. It seems probable that there will be twelve Con ; ftregational intra-mural students. There j are six extra-mural students. Students of the Baptist and Presbyterian deno minations will also attend the college. It, is hoped to inaugurate the residen I tial system in about six months. Dr. Spence. METHODIST CONFERENCE HOME MISSION DEMONSTRATION The first big public gathering of the Methodist Conference win take place on Thursday, February 27, when the home mission demonstration win be held in the Exhibition Building. The great hall is invariably crowded for this gathering, and this year a feature of special interest will be the presence of the Rev. J. F. Williams, who will oe tne cniei speaker. Mr. Wil liams has had a brilliant Univer sity career, and is an able speaker. He has had a wide ex perienc on the inland mission field, and can speak with first hand knowledge of life and work in Idle far west of Queensland and Northern and Central Australia. The popular elocu tionist, Mr. James Anderson, urin tri-vt? rpr.ita.lK and the Maughan Church Choir, under the leadership of Mr. Montague Fin lay, win contribute anthems. The in coming President of the conference (Rev. J. H. Allen) will introduce the chairman. Mr. J. Harris Hobbs. who is well known in Methodist circles as a most ardent church worker. Large numbers are expected at the public tea, and the community singing, which wUl begin at an early hour, will be conducted by Mr. Finlay, with Misses Searle and Dorothy Vardon as song leaders, and Miss Melva Bartle as pianist. Bev. J. F. Williams LUTHERAN SYNOD CONVENTION AT TANUSDA TannnriPL. Februarv 21. The South Australian district of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Aus tralia is holding its convention this year at Tanunda. The sessions began, on Thursday afternoon, the inaugu ral service, conducted by the Presi dent of Synod (Rev. C. A. Wiebusch. Gawler). having been held during the forenoon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Tanunda. The president presided at aU the sessions. There ?were present 32 ministers and 112 delegates, repre senting the various congregations of Synod in South Australia, as well as visitors from, various congregations, among whom is the Rev. A. Brauer, of Melbourne. The statistical report for the last synodical term -two years in this case), included in the report of the Church Council, as submitted to the conven tion by the secretary of the Synod (Rev. E. Grabner, Birdwood), shows that the Synod now consists of 89 congregations and 25 preaching places, with an aggregate membership of 11,142 souls. Three new church buildings have been erected and dedicated— the chapel at Concordia College, Unley; St. Paul's Church at Tanunda; and Con cordia HaU, at Loxton. New congre gations have been organised at Port Adelaide and Semaphore, as well as at Butler Tanks ^nd Ednlflie, on Eyre Peninsula. tfew preaching stf^pn^ were opened at Sherlock, Birkenhead, Broken Will, Coonalpyn, The Point, Buckleboo, and Cootra. In the 'six parochial schools now es tablished in the Synod, 242 pupils are being taught by seven teachers, and 204 teachers are instructing 1,767 chil dren in the various Sunday-schools. Within the various congregations of the Synod an amount of £6,540 was collected during the last twelve months for synodical purposes, while the amount contributed for use within the congregations is £16,017. The Rev. E. Graebner was re-elected secretary for Synod. Because the large new church of St. Paul's congregation was over crowded yesterday^ also during the business session, the sessions to-day were held in the Tanunda Institute. Again there was a large attendance ot pastors, delegates, and visitors. The whole of the morning session was oc cupied by doctrinal matters, the Bev. W. Janzow (Adelaide), president of the General Synod, reading a further part of his paper on 'The chief duties involving up us in our work, of de veloping and extending the Lutheran Church in Australia.' Keen Interest was shown on Friday afternoon in the report of the president of the General Synod -Rev. W. Janzow, Adelaide). He dwelt especially on the work at Con cordia College, Unley. and on the dif ferent phases of mission work that the Synod is doing: in all the States of the Commonwealth and in New Zealand. More detailed reports were submitted also by the various boards controlling tbe mission fields and by the missiona ries themselves. THE LIBERAL FEDERATION VICTOR HABBOUB WOMEVS BRANCH Victor Harbour, February 21. Under the auspices of the Victor Har bour branch of the Liberal Federation a social was held in the institute hall oa Tuesday afternoon. Miss Emily Good win (president) occupied the chair, and associated with her upon the platform were Sir Lancelot Stirling, Hon. G. R. Laffer, -*nd Mr. H. S. WiirW_ m\*s, and the mayor (Mr. D. H. Griffin). There was a large attendance of members and visitors. The president welcomed all and gave a lucid explanation on the new system of voting. She urged her hearers to take a great interest in the elections, as it was essential for the progress of the district to return the present members. Sir Lancelot Stirling, the veteran statesman, gave a bright address deal ing with the economic conditions pre vailing. Mr. Hudd dealt -with matters of ad ministration of past Governments, giving comparisons of figures in finance. He defended the Butler Government and showed clearly how much tbe finances of the State bad improved under its regime. Mr. Laffer also gave an instructive address. A vote of fripnv-s was passed to the speakers by Mrs. H. J. Meyer, seconded by Mrs. Shaughnessy and supported by Mrs. J. A. Lush. Musical items were contributed by Mrs. Wundersitz and Miss Theodore | Brown. Afternoon tea was served. - DO YOU KNOW? ANSWERS 1. A female infant, the correlative of boy. Thus Shakespeare, in 'The Win ter's Tale,' puts into the mouth of the old shepherd, 'Mercy on us! A bame, a very pretty bame. A boy or a child, I wonder?' 2. A sort of Fascist organisation which terrorised Westphalia in the twelfth and subsequent centuries. Its secret judgments were 'secretly executed. 3. Henrv VTH. Later nronarchs called themselvces 'Sacred majestv.' which ultimately became what it now is, 'Most excellent majesty.' 4. Cato. 5. To 'make the bed tidy.' A similar old English form was to 'make the room' (tidy). 6. Catherine H. of Russia. After Messalina, wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Questions on Page 20. MR. OWEN CONGRATULATED The story published in 'The Adver tiser' of Mr. William Owen (91). of E-idunda, who for 54 years was under the impression that he had no family or relatives living and recently was made aware that he has a family of three in Victoria, has resulted in the old gen titanan receiving many letters of con gratulation. It was Miss Greatwich who first told Mr. Owen that his old home was still inhabited by his family at Bridge North, Shropshire, England. Miss Hudson was the maiden name of Mr. Owen's wife. About thirty Congregational ministers from all parts of the State attended the. annual retreat which was held at Mount Lofty this week. The Book of Hebrews. Century Bible, and 'The Christian Ethic as an Economic Factor' - Josiah Stamp) were the books studied and discussed. NATURE NOUS By JAMES DEVANEY Specially mitten for 'The Advertiser' A Nesting Mystery I had the nest of a pair of brush wattle birds under observation for a week or so. and was scolded noisily by the two birds emery time I came to watch the progress of tbe fluffy dark chicks. The nest was some distance away in a banksia. and circumstances forced me to netrlect it for about a week. When I test visited the spot I fully expected that the birds would be gone with, their brood. There was no sign of them, but a ten-tale line of black ants was to be seen on the tree trunk, going and coming. Inves tigation revealed the fact that one of , the youngsters had died in the nest. There was nothing at an left by the ants but the tiny white skeleton, a perfect thing, with every cotton-like bone in place. However, the contents of the little crop were stfll there— a- tight baU of pretty little green jewel beetles. They had evidently been fed to the chiffc' uncnished, flu *win*Fnp^ thing with birds, and I am inriim^ to think that the infant wattle Wrd died of that common human rnmptoW_ indigestion. Sheoak Insects It is strange how, in the economy of the bush feeding-grounds are so wen regulated, for even every plant species has its own Insects billeted upon it for lodging or food or both. The die oaks art- hosts of a set of parasites all their own, snd these are easy to find. Calyx galls exactly like miim^ pine cones are common upon these trees, each gall containing imrftfJUc coccids; but the tiny itu*«iWf bronze sheoak beetle is even commoner. It lays eggs in tbe branches, and tbe grabs cause regular rounded galls to *''' The dull white legless grabs via al ways be found in the centre of fl»n» gaUs. By the way, are these tree Jww buUoaks, forest oaks, riveroata, or be lahs? Names differ wherever one goes in Australia. One common species **»«; a 'male' and 'female' tee, as~~ia pawpaws; and bnshmen know them as sheoak and bulloak. . Marsupial Mice Australia has many true native mice besides the tiny marsupials caned poached mice. The smallest dt tbe lat ter belong to the genus RihIhUmumJh of which tbe little grey bosh mooeSt a common species. At times 'tl in some places it is as -™-^iii as the Introduced moose. Some at tbeae mar supialE are under three inches tn length, yet they are not oar ™rfUyt j^gg. tralian anirrmi-s We have tine natte mice (rodents) mmitor can, and «™~ pigmy flying phalangexs and pigmy dormouse 'possums also «m»Tftr Tfie same is true of our Uny rftfimTCTlrn S3A&S |K*-ness '^ *'°- Tbe grey pouched mouse Is a fitde smaller than tbe introduced «&y«Jt house mouse, and Etmflar Incolor7bot can be known by the dark tbtg at fur Found the eyes, and tbe lane white feet. It lives in boles «mS£ rocks and eats insects. It has up to ten young ones, which ate et first in the pouch, but later cling to tbe mother's back, and are thus canted about. Bin-steal Baneyeaftas It is often remarked that thehoner eaten ; of Australia ate not songstei* and it is a fact that a «~™££^w large number of them aie hsnshrtf voice. Examples are tbe \**a~*~~£ noisy miner, and wattle bini. But there are some favored n,vt-u.^n This week I have been listenmtto the beautiful regent boneyeateiSlch, like tbe blood-bird -&anginaeoasbnnevw eater) is really a sorter i^Tre mlnded also of tbe really maEfesI Mack-chinned species, tt^sotterbnt justas sweet voice of the black taoneT the little white-naped- the TJ«'-f'1 melodious chatter -of Ttne inan grove honeyeater bH fine vocalists and all finer, in my opinion, than the so-called staging haneyEater. TttOy they have a fan- share of song, «*i*w» gay buds of the flowering gnnjsTwhere ever the forest treetops are family touched with creamylSKSDm^, atfeist a few species af-honeyeato^wm be about. About Sn&Ss There are something like 1500 known kinds of snails, all havtoTa itSS femfly iTspmniance. Snaai are ton! molluscs, but some do not breaUieby means of gills, bavtog insteadTao^ SJ^hiSF ST afr-sac- ira» or wttb out shells, they are found DtaiUfallv the biggest belong to tropical latttodes. Same kinds .are edfljle— If one has a teste that way. The BaBuuZtXma aent tanes loved them aslood. and it wa= they who brought tbTygg; snail to Ensriiuiri ?«»»» «»Sr »Jr^nS isako plenttSi on' «£ Oonttnem, where it is stffl roasted or pickled. It k carefully bred In some Bate of l*ance. and as much as I ouTtong 5 In 1910 thfere was a exeat, ntenu. «r snaus m ceyton, where theyafiaefced young cocoanut trees. Tbe wotWVHp. g^t snail is found fa E^S^ l^te shen.' Its body fcnSbteal the size of pigeons* eggs. ^^ Continued from Page 5. EracuOST ADVERTISEMENTS gTATE OF SOOTH AC8TJUUA. THE ELECTORAL ACT. 1BI9. ELECTORAL BISTSICr OP XTCTOMA. t HEREBY Give NOTICE -that I base thi. day received a WRIT for the EMCIIOS OP TWO MEMBERS of the HOUSE W%u for the abovenamed El«:oral Dktricr, to «erre in the Parliamenr of tbe State of Sooth An« Jrarrf,yOJs3omin*tiO°i Fridllr- tlle ?ewnB- *f «* 2. For ukinir the Toll, in tbe CTent -* the Election beinff contested. Saturday, the «th ixr cf April. 1930. , S. For the return of the Writ, on or before ?J:nday. the Sfth day rf Kay 1BSO ''re Nomination, at any time «fter till* date, nd the day of Nomination. Thp sum of TWENTY-FIVE POCKDS mt be aeposjfced with me a: tie time of the delivery of The Nomination. Darrd this 50:h day of FebrBsrr, 1SS0 L. BURTON MARS. ReranW-OOcer. ' ? District of Victoria. jgTATE OF SOUTH ACBTSAUA. THE ELECTOEAL ACT. 19S9. ' ELECTOBAL DISTRICT OP NEWCASTLE. I hereby pive NOHCE that I ban rhi» dav ! reived j -bkit for tbe ELECTION of TWO I MElim.RS of the HOUSE OF ASSEUBLT for the aliovenamed ElectoTal District, to Knc in rlie JParliamra* of the State vt Eooth Ans tralff, and appointing tne following dates for th? purpose* of the Election: 1- For domination, Friday, th« seventh iij of »L:rrfi. 1H30. 1. For -^kins the Poll, in the event «* toe Election b«ins contested. Saturday, the fifth day of April. 1PS0. 3. Fir the Return of the Writ, no or be- I foro Munday. the «A d«T of Mar. 1»3«. J I also rive NOTICE that NOiOKATIOSB of . CANDIDATES will be receired by me at my r.ffic-. a: LOCAL COURTHOUSE, JERVOIS STREET. PORT ATTGTTSTA. beinp tne place rf urmmainn a! any tim- after this iate. «nd NOT LATER than TWELVE O'CLOCK SOOS on the dav of nomination. Th» sum of TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS VtrST he d^posite.1 wi:h me at the time of the de I 1-,-rv-y cli -he Nomlnaiion. I Dated this 20:n dav of Frlvrnary. ISSO. H. O. A. NF-SWr. 1 Returniiar-')ffi'--T. DL-rrict Keweasue. MISSING FRIENDS ?of 12. Collins-t-tre't. Meiboorne, ai to tbe ntere ,'K-ur« cf h'.a SOS -LIXD3At). or d deeeai^L ix plai-? and date of death. £r.nri THE TK'*TK&=. EXECUTORS. ASD ACESCY CnWPAVY. !.rMITE3. 41', -? -lli:.s sirof-L. Melboaryx. t3.-'0 LCNEXY lien and Women ?aou'd «end tiamt** addressed envelope 10 obtain lUodnted b-juk'.et «i.d coofidestai particular* «t «njr ?atri- mu^lal Corresposdence dub. Jfike aeaBAlntftBeea over AutrraJil.— Mi« Fnndi B. CoA. Ented ( Uai* Chamben. Baymarket. EjOotj. im.Ttaa * OQQ

Transcript of National Library of Australia ...€¦ · National Library of Australia SUNDAY SERVICES B CHURCH...

Page 1: National Library of Australia  ...€¦ · National Library of Australia  SUNDAY SERVICES B CHURCH OF ENGLAND. SI PETER'S CATHEDRAL. — Sexagesima- T.SO a-Jiit Holy ...

National Library of Australia



SI PETER'S CATHEDRAL. — Sexagesima-?' T.SO a-Jiit Holy Communion.

II ul,


Preacher, the Lord

S p.m, 'Swi n of the Cross.'6.40 pjn-. T)tE«n Recital.7 p.m.. First Evenaong et S. Shtthias. An

Uun, 'The Lord i- King' (TrimmeU)Preicher. SET. H. P. FISK1S. 1LA.

Monday, S. lb'.thiu, 7 a.m.. Holy Communion. U


8, Holy Communion; 11, Matins. Archdeacon

Joce, M.A. 7, Evmnong. Rev. R. K, Collieon,B-i. HarrCTt

thankjgivinf^serviccs ? u'TTOLY TRINITY. — e.~H.C.~TliriL- 7, Un«f.iLl. ing of Karal Tablot to the memory of thelate Marianne Ficber. Rev. R. M. Fulford, ThA.



8 a^a. — Bolv Commanioa (Corporate of theMothers' Union).

10.10 ajn. — Matins.11 «Jn.— 6UXG EUCHARIST AND SERMOX.

Preacher. Rev. E. A. NORTH ASH.7 pjn.

?ErenEong. Sermon, and Procession.

Preacher. Bev. E. A. NORTH ASA.

MONDAY. — S. Matthias. A. uld H, 10.30a.m.. Holy Communion.



dt COLUMBA'S. - HAWTHORN — HARVEST?3 TBAXKSGmSG — B. H.C.; II. M.; 12.H.C.; 8. Childrea's Service. Rer. J. W. Clarke;


HARVEST THASTKSCIVniG. 9.45. Matins, Bev.C. MeUanriup; 7, E.. Ber. G. BadcUff. U


8 ajn.—

Holy Communion.II ajn. — Matins and Sermon. Hii Worship

the Mayor of Korwood, Aldermen, and ConneiUon

will attend Divtne Service.

7 -pjn.— Evensongand Sermon.

The Bev. E. Lionel Harvie at al] setrfaa. V

Ct LUKE'S. Whitmore-square—

8 ajn.. H.C.;

O 11, 'The Fall;' 7 p.m-, 'The Flooi'

The Lord's Sapper.Rer. C W. T. Bogers.



THANKSGTvTSTJ. — 8 a.m., H.C.; 11 «.m..

Matins; 7 p.m. Festal Evcsone. Special qnar

terty olfertorlM._ ?


ST.AlBAS'S, LARGS— H.O., 8 and 11; Even



VlCffi. Bev. T. H. E. HopMns.? U_


Mass. 8,9

(K.), 11 -Sanp),kJ E. 7. Sermon. Benediction. Canon

Wtae._ _


CHRISTCHURCH. Longwood. — Even Song-.

I.SO (Harvest Festival). Preacher, Bev.«? -yBHams-

? U/_! A LL SOULS' OHUOCH, EL Petos. — b, H.C.;A 11, Matins; 7, Evensong. Rev. H. H. Oiles,W.A.


C. PAUL'S CHUKCH. Pnlteney^treet.—

8, H.C.;O 11, Hatbu; 7, Evensong. Canon Blcby.Anthem. The Radiant Mom.'

? U_

SAKDBEWS.WalkerviUe.— HXJ.. 8; 1U 11;? E, t. Canon HewgUL . D




Subject, 'The Manifold Grace.'7 pjn., AT NORTHTEKRACE.

Subject, 'The Secret oT Victorlow Uvinp.'Anthem, morning, 'Xaareth' (Gounod). Solo

fct. Mr. Sabie Grfvell. Evening. Solo. 'Grant

V Thy Peace.' Miss Wlrra Winton.?


Services. 11 um~, 7 pjn.Morning— Rev. A. E. Davies (Goodwood).Evening— Rev. A. C. McLean (WoodvCle). Aa

them by the Choir.PK'i'if i^ffirA n —

ii ajn. T

CTrAHBBKW'S. CSLEY (HusJ-es-Bt.).— lT,O ?The Simplicity That Is in Christ.' 7,'Be oT Good Cheer.' Anthem, 'Thy Will, Kot

Mine, O Lord.' Bev. w. Floyd Shannon,, O.B.K, BJL



,»»/OODVlLLE. — T\ Mrv SI CT Urf^n

IW 7— Be*. James Leggatt.Anthem, 'What Are These

Holy Comnnmion wfl be observed at Close of

Erenina; Service.? ?


-'?0ODW0OD — 11 ajn, Bev James Le^gatt.*T Antbem. *^Iom Awakes' (Abt). 7 pjn..Ber. C A. Daviea, The Dntomchabte Christ.'

Anthem. 'Lead. Kindly Light' (Back). T

ROSPBCT — WOcoz^venue. Harvest Festival.

1L 'The Increase.' Anthem. Soloist, MrTblete. 1, 'Harvest Home.' Anthem, fioseHale Quartet. Rev. A. Harraon. L.Tn-





\Ol. 11, 'An Old Testament Christian Truth;'7, The Works and 'Wonders at God.' Bev.

A. C Weber.?

. T

ST.PERERS. — II ajo, Bev. & Martin, M.1T,-God's Management;' 7 pjn. Rev. S. Mar

tin. MJU. 'Too Mercgni'?



iW 1J0— Bnnday-school.7 — Ber. J. B. Bankine. T

'IJAWTHORN. — II. »ev. David Chapman; 7,

ft Jit. titMtof Campbell. T




11, Ber. D. T. REDDIS. Anthem, by theChoir.

7. BEV. J. G. JENKDI. Duet. The Kingof Love,' by the Misses Sylvia Thomas, L.MusJL,and Elsie Bove. AJMJJL Anthem. 'Ye ShallDwell in tbe Land'

N.B.— Gtfta of Fruit and VegeUblea To-day,before noon.

MADGE MEMORIAL. — 11 and 7, Bev. C.DOLEY. Anthem. The Fear of the Lord.' W


rBANKLIH-STBEET.11, Ber. a. S. White. C. Z. Choir. So.o.

Mia Bessie Smith. tCL.

3. P.8JU, James Anderson (Flwotionlst),

Gladyi WooUey (Centnlto), SUnley Tovey, FrankKimber (Tenon). C HortfleM (VioUn). BlakeMarrJaer (Organ). Xottj Calwez (Piano) Kelt

Sunday, Scate* Choir, uni Mr. B. V. Scrymgour (pre'

«Uent of Cricket Association). V. T. IHrf.arf.~n

T. Wall, and C. W. Walter (of Australian Eleven)will broadcast messages 5CL.

7, Ber. S. Forsyth. Antbem, The Sun ShallBe Ko More.' Solot Hiss Millie Searl« Com

wmity alnglng. 4JI0.DBAPEB MEMORIAL (Cilbert-ct.) — II. Bu

nt Festival. Bev. & Forsyth. Anthem, 'Ye

Sbatt DweU.' 7. Harvest Festival, Rev. C K.White Anthem, -Praise the Lord.' Male






THEJtSDAr, FEBRUARY 27. 1930.'

5 pjn., Pnhlic Tea, 1/. . .

6.10 pjJL, COMMUNTTT BISGIKG. Condac'tar, Mr. Mostarue Finlay. Song Leaders, iliseeiMillie Searki and Doroiy Vardon.

7.80 p-ra-. POBUO MEEriKG. Cbainnan.Mr. J. Rank Hobbs; speaker,

Kcv. 1. F. WU

'''? ££? J*~ Cental Australia Wi»ion.ELOODTIOKAKY BEOTTALS, Mr. James An


AntlMms, Mmbj ban Church Cbolr.

Jf^MST^lvfB^^11^Offering at Public MeeUoe in aid of Hon-e




7. Bev. R. a. Davidson. D.C.M. SoU Mr to



fflVQW.— II Ber. W. T, aS:ey7 AntS'Boblli. Hilda Simcdck. AjKS aw^8. Ber. B. Watts Grimmett. Soka. to, iTS

IJMtew. UA.B.'C™^dertheLaS--(Oortoit'Thaota II* To God- (Dickaon); doec^ku^

Bobby and Jack Cook. *xnmx r Siriep oSS?Tjjtar.

aTschafer. Anthems. So^JtiMOSDAT BVEXDJG. 8. Harvest FesttraL Con.

*wt pmeafme arranged by Miss Mary ESson?


PABESTDE— 11 and 7. HeV. Fred. HnnmhervAalhenu, 'Praise the Lord O Jerusalem- (luSioer), -Ve Shall DweU in the Land'

(StatoerTSolo. Mr. Frtd IVtlliamcon.



Bev. E. H.Woollarott

, ABtoem. 'Vow Thank1 We All Our God.' Daet'PnaK W.itrth For Thee.' Mia G. HanS«nd W. Carter. 7, Ber. W. G. Clarke. An'them, 'Smell the Antbem.' Soloist, Miss EditPearce. Kt'.e Qjartet, -Who GivHh AH.'

EASTWOOD— 11, Mr. B.Potter. M.A. An

tliem. 7. Rev. E. H. WooHacott. Anthem.GLBXUN'CA —

11, Rev. A. D. Bennett. Anthem, -Thou Crownest the Year.' 'What ShalI Render.' Soloists. M^. V. Thomas. Mr. Coombe

jad Mr. Collier. 7. Rev. J. O. Jennison. An

them, 'Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem.'*


BBOMPTOS— HAR\-EST THASKSGnTNG.II. Rev. J. C. Jenkin; S. Pleasant Snndar Ai

temoon.Musical, Choral, and Elocutionar

Items by Muses A. Davies. N. Sudlow. and 'I

Johnston, and Messrs. R. W. Bosis'.o, A Steel-G. S. Boaiato. and G. Hooker. 6.45. Rev. IG. NelL Special Singing, morning and eveniu

OVUCGHAM— HARVEST THAJiKSttlVIXG^11, Ber. E. G. Veil; 8. a Beautiful Cantati

Tbe Bonivcr Seasons;' 8.45. Rev. P. T. Re^^jn

Special Singing at all Services.

CROYDOS.— II. Mr. Osborne; e.15. MiWebb. The Monthly Choral

Service. Anthem

'Daqrhter of Zion.' Soloist. Miss H. Buna'Cellolst. Mr. E. B. Linn. Recital, Jfis. E

' Webb, and Harmony Hale Quartet. McRrid

Hall. 7. Mr. Phelps.?



11. Bev. GORDOTI HOWE. Anthem.


Olre Thsnks' ('Jimounetu') .will be son;

by tbe Choir and Soloiata.



It A. (Pr«i/p«-.).Coramnnioii.

7. BEvTV. L. B0ONEY.





Friday. *? To be opened by her EXCELLENC


Saturday, -. To be opened by LADY LUCA!




VT 11, Rev. A. A. Smith. An'-hems, 'I WiUFeed My Flock,' '0 How Amiable;' C.45 Bev.J. Firth. Choral Serri-*. Anihems, 'Gloria'(12th Hase). 'tl-yi So Loved,' '0 GladsomeLight.' Solo. *O Loire Divine,' Miss Mavis

Roberts. Duet, 'Twilight.' Miss Gwea Webber and Mr. J. H. Thomas. FIXDOSf THANKSGIVING DAY — 11, Rev. J. Firth. Anthem, -TheLord Reiffneth.' 7. Rev. A. A. Smith. An

thems, 'Great and llarve'.loas,' 'Sin? to the Loriof Harvest' (Song Service). WESI CROVD0X

11, Mr. Mugford; 7, Mr. D. Roper. ALLEKBYGARDENS — 11. Mr Lindsay; 7,

Mr. MaGreg:r,Thanksgiving Mar=h, «. FUSDERS PARK — 11.

Mr. Arcne; 7. Mr. Of borne. . W


11 — Rev. A. W. VeUingtoa. Anihem, 'Greatis the Lord' (Sydenham). 3 — ^Rev. E. SmUh,P.SJLA. Music and Elocution. 7

Rev. E. M.

rnpiiw!1- B A. An£bemE 'The Radiant Mom'

(Woodward), 'The Heavens Are Telling'(Hayda). Social Evening, Monday, at 8.


Rev. F. Bullock. 3 —

Rev. A. V. Wellington Choral Service byMembers of Woodville l*reshyterian Church Choir.7— Rev. A. W. Wellington. Monday, 8 p.m.,Soda^

? W_

MALVESS g'l R C U I r.


'To Thee, O l*rd' iLee WillianK). Solo bjMr. Harold Tideman, 'Trees' (Rabasch). 7,Rev. A. B. Lloyd. Anthems, *'In Splendor Bright,'*'The Heavens art Telling'

(Hajrin). Solo,'With Verdure Clad' (Haydn).


11 Rev. C. J. Perry. Anthem, 'Hard, Hark

My Soul.' So'.oists, Miss Wallace and Mrs.Fisher. 7, Rev. J. H. Kield. Anttreai, '0 TaEt?and See' (Goss)a-So1o by Mrs. McDonald. W


The Earth is the Lord's' (Hollins). Soio,'Gloria' (Buzzi-Peccia), Mrs. Wei:by. 1 ? B^v.

S. Carroll Myers. Anthems, 'Great and Marvellous- (Bridge), 'O, Give Thanks Unto the

Lord'(Jackson). Soloist, Mr. Geo. Herriot.

Solo, 'Give Thanks and Sing' (Cuthbert Harris),Miss Marjory Hartley. ELGIN. — 11. RevS- 6.Carroll Myers. 7 — Mr. Edson. GELLAXD.


Harvest Thanksgiving'. 3 pjn.—

Children's Service. 1 — Mr. J. H. Samdere



Norwood wesley'.harvest thanksgiving services.

11 ajn.—

Rev. L. E. BnuJbnrv.Duet, 'O

Lovely Peace' (Judas Maccabeus), Mrs. A. V.Anderson and Miss P Watts. Anthem 'HearkenUnto This' '(Button). 7 pjn. — Rev H, WJEW. Solo. 'Come Unto Me,' Mr. H. Campbell,

nthem, 'Ho, Every One That Tljirsteth' (Mar

STEWSTEAD. — 11 a-m. — Mr. C H. Hodge 7p.m.

— Revs. S. J. Martia and G. H. Paynier.' W

OEMAPHORE. — II, Mr. T. C. Davey- 7. Rev»J Edgar Arnold. Choral Serrice.'

SpecialAnthems (by request). Soloists. Mrs. Royal(Caltowie). Miss Pimlott (Wasleys)

BfRKESTHEAD.— 11. Rev. A. E. Botrrell,L.Th.: 7. Mr. E. C. Davey.

LARGS. — Harvest Festival. — II, Rer EdgarArnold; 3 and 7. Bev. A. E. Bo:trelL L.Th

Harvest Social. Monday. S p.mTAPERQO.

3 pjn.. Mr. W. C. Wallis. W


Dickscn; 7, Bev. F. Semmens, KensingtonPark. — Harvest Tbanisgiving. nt k-.v- j p.

Williams, M.A.. of the Federal Inland Mk«To!:, P^A, Programme by Slisses Sylvia Thomas,

Ray Titcombe, Kaomi Jam^s, Hesers. H. James.S. Hunkin, SI. Titcombe, and E. Jenkins Elocutionists. Miscei B'™»

and Eiri. 7, Kcv.A. H. Melbourne. Social on Tuesdav. W

AYLAKDS.— HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES.— 11 ajn.. Rev. A. H. Melbourne;3 pjn^ Rev. E. W. Cauft; 7 pjn. Rev J C

Richmond. Special Anthems at each eervic*'SYDEXHAM-BOAD— II

a.m., Mr. J. Jenkinson'7 pjn. Rev. M. C. Morris. LL.B. TUESDAr,'February 25. at 7.45 p.m.— SOCIAL and SPE

CIAL GIFT EVENING for Girls' Hostel. Co*!Programme. ^


11 aja. Rev. H. A. Gnnter.S pjn.. Rev. A. E. Cowley.7 pjtu, Bev. B. E. StanleySpecial music and singing at all services.Monday Evening. Social Gathering.CAMPBELLTOWN — 11 ajn Mr. A. Cren- 7

p-m.. Mr. J. Kibler.?


E S T T 5' W if.

11 ajn.-^v. W. A. DUNK. Unveilingof Memorial Tablet to the late Mrs ThomasRhodes. Anthem, '0. Te that Lore the Lord'

(Co'.eridge-Taylor) .

12 Noon — Holy Communion.7 p-m.

Bev. J. F. WILLIAMS. Mj-. (of Central Australian Mission).

atitinnm 'Eveningaad Morning' -Oakeley).




MOKDAV. 3rd 3LABCH, 7.15 POLnr



n which Blackwood, Malvera, Bose Park, andBrighton schools will take part. W53,60


11 ajn. — ^Rev. A. D. UcUutcheon. Subiect,'Digging Ont Old Wells.'


S p.m. and 7 pjn.. Rev. A. D. McCutcheon.

Monday Night, 8 pjn.. Address, Bev. W. IL Cann.?


MOSELEY-STREET.— 11VJT sum., Bev. E. T. Pryor; 7 p.m., Hon. W. F.

FinlayEon, Prohibition League. BATH-STREET.—

11 ajn., Mr. J. J. Jarman; 7 p.m., Mr. R. W.

Bowey. Prohibition League. ST. LEONARDS. —II ajn, Mr. A. R. Tuckett CAMDEX. — Har-

vest Thanksgiving, 3 p.m.. Mr. A. B. Tuckett;V_pjn^ Rev. E. T. Pry Dr.

? W_

BLACKFOREST — Ladies' Guild Anniversary.

11 ajn.. Mrs. C. W. Burrard. State President of WX.T.U. Solo. Mrs. Morris. Selection byLadles' Choir. 7 p.m., Mrs. H. C. Herbert.Secretary of W.C.T.U.- Solo, SShs M. Culver.

Duet, Misses Culver. Selection by Ladies' Choir.

Monday, 8 pjiu. Ladies' Guild Social.? W_


II, Mr. J. L. S. Treloar. Anthem,'Xow Thank We All Our God.'


A. E. Edwards. Anthem, 'Hear Me When I

Call.' Tuesday, S pjt, Crand Concert. SchoolHalL


Her.Trezise; 7. Kev.

J. H. Davies.?



11 a.m..

Rfr. P. C. W. Eckersley, B.A. 7 p.m, «ev.

P. H. iChenneU. Tuesday, 8 pjn. Lantern Lecture, 'The Flindere Eange,' by Uei'. A. SL



P«LAHEXCE PARK. — 11. Mr. A. Kennedy.V^ Anthem. 'Praise Te the Father.' 7. Mr.Hedley Thomas. Anthem. 'The King of Love

My Shepherd Is.' Solo. Mr. Hutton.?



11 a-m. — ^Rev. M. C. Morris. LL.B. An

them 'Sow Thank We All Out God' (Spinney).7 p.m.

Rev. Edmund Smith. Anthem, 'Haxk,Hark, My Sun!' '(Shelley). ? W_


II sjn-. Rev. p. H. ChennelL Anthem. 'Come and' Let Cs Return.' 7 p.m.,

Kev. A. J. Finch. Anthem. 'The Radiant Morn.'

? _



11. Rev. A. B. Lloydj 7. Dr. B.G. Burnard.

GRANGE. — 11. Mr. C. C, Crump, LL.B.; 7,Rev. Gordon Rowe.





THANKSCrVIXG. at 11 and 7. Preacher.

Rev. T. P. Willason. Special »n».»™ andSolos.



GLASV1LLEMISSION'. — H, Mr. E. B. Smtta;

7,Ber. A. G. Ward, Anthe.n. Welrome

to alL?



J. 11 a-m. — Rev. E. M. Ingamells. B-A.

7 p.m.— Rev. W. R. Hanton.





Wright. Eveniog. Mr. E. E. MitcuelL W/

EASTADELAIDE— 11 'a-m., fiov. E. E. Stan

ley; 7_p.m-, Rev.JW.A. Dann.?


T/-DBRALTA PARK— 11 ajn, Mr. S. BBarl\. rett;

7pjn, Mr. S. Dennis. W

/GOODWOOD— 11 a-m, Kev. A. J. Finch; 1\JC pjn, Mr. & a. Bairett. W



11 ajn.— 'Man 6 Demand on God.' Anthem,

'Call to Remembrance' (Farrant).7

pjn.— The Man Who Weathered the

Storm.' Anthem, 'Blessed Are the Pure in

Heart' (Davies). 'Hari. Hark, My Soul'

(Shelley).Soloist. Miss Elma Crosby.

7 p m.— HALIFAX-STREET— Mr. Colin Rob


. ?K_


X- Rev L. C. PARKIN. M-A-. B.D.


11 - ?'?

Solo, 'My Heart Ever Faithful'

(Bach) Miss Hannah Marrett, A.M.U.A. An

^5Tm.^0nrgany?reluale?decffi0Tn)-GrUE.^Mas. Baci 'Toccata Fugue D Minor' (Badi);'Prayer and Cradle Song' (Guilmont) ;


total' (Lemare). ,

7 pjn. — Subject. 'Droughts and Thanklulness.' Solo, 'With Verdure Clad' (Haydn)Miss Vera MayfieLd,

A.M.U-A. Anthem, 'Feai

Not O Land' (Elcar)CHURCH MEETING, WEDNESDAY, 26th Feb

roaiy. at 8 p.m.?



11 ajn.— Tbe Rev JOHN DOUGLAS, L.Th.

7 pjn.—

CelebraUon of Cn:on between thi

Congregational and Presbyterian Churches ai

ColonelLight Gardens. Worship conducted bi

tie Rev. DAVID CHAPMAN (Hawthorn Presby

terian Church).Preacher. Rev. WINIFRED KIEK. M.A., B.D.

Special Music K

/Tlexelg coxgregatioxal churcu

\J 11 ^jn. and 7 p.m., fiev. A. C. Stevens


p.m. Pleasant Sunday Afternoon.Minister presiding, ltev. A. C. Stevens, M.A

ltmic by Haydn Male Qturtet.Broadcast by SOL.




11 and 7.ifj nev. \V«. CVA-sS.SPECIAL MLSiC.


?\TAKDO5) UEUOEIIL; KING'S PABE.—r Rev. Cecil E. Tapp. 11 — 'SPARK!

FBOSI AX OLD TESTAMENT ANVIL. '} SoloirtMia Dorothy Vardon. 7 — 'WHO IS A PAHD0XIXG GOD LEE THEE?' Soloist. HiLewis Mayes.




1 1 a.m.— Re\s. C. Gordon Jones and LydioCook.

7 p.m. — Rev. C. Gordon Joaea Suloist. Mi;

Nancy Tait. K

TJOEE PARK.— Rev. H. \VatrB Grirameti.

MX 11, 'The Fatal Power of Indiff.-renrr :' ;

'Toe Sew Testament inUrimtation of Life.' 1




Prayer;' 7, 'Geharjj.'!Sext Sunday, Hantfit Festival and ''Tha

Love Gift.'? K_


11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Kev. W. J. Magor.HARVEST THAXKSG1VIXG NEXT SL'XD 4 V.

Special Singing and Cantata.?



nARVESTIV TUAN'KS-;l\TXG. 11. Rev. H. W. Jew. 7,Rev. L. E. Bradbnrr.



J. Sir vie 11 2.m., &Tiil 7 p-m. Eve ni tip

— Youns People's Service. Subj»;t, 'A LuckyFelloe.'



T-01tT ADELAIDE. — Bev. Harrj S. Joyce. 1 1

Lajn, 'An Introduction to the Acts of the

Apostles.' 6.45 p.m., 'The Gospel Feast Ue

clinni.' Etcu«s esunined.? K_

rXLAYTOX.— Rev. E. .). Stacy. 11 a.m., 'TheV^ Peril of Security.' 7 p.m., 'The Gospelof :he Eleventh Honr.'

March Mth—

Harvest Thanksgiving.? K_'

UHB'S-BOAD (PayneiiiTn South).— 13, Bev.ii tVinareJ Kiei, M.A.. B.D.; 7. Ilev. j.,33

Doujrlas. ? K


II, Kai'. A. W. A. Rowland.

7, Mr. A. M. Ralph.? ;_. ? K_



11 a.m. and 7 p.m.?


/^IROVDOX — 1130, Rer. Wm. Evans; fi.:U-.

Kj ltev. L-TUion Ciok. March 2, YoungPeople's Service, Male Choir. K




11 a.m. — 'THE SHADOW OF THE SABBATH.'Anthrax, 'O, Con*e Let Us Worship.'

7 pjn.— 'LIFE'S LIXK OF COLD.' Anthem

'Lord God of Heaven and Earth.' Solo, 'TliouArt Passing Hence/' Mr. Ewart Lock. Z



11 ajn — Rev. J. Weslev Smith.3


A. DiLksO3, &q.7 p.m. — Ee--. G. w. Paicc.




Silver Coin Admission. Supper.


REV. D0XALD McNICOfj.71 a.m.. 'BAIXIXG BREAD.' Children's Talk

Thorns.' 'A Song of Thanksgivinjr' vrill l-e

rendered by Miss Gwen ColletL Anthem, 'YeSha.ll D»ell in the Land.'

7 p.m.. 'Throucrh the Cornfield.' Duet, 'TheGolden Sheave* of Harvwt,' by M»asrs. AllanWhittle and E. K. Hunkin. Anthem. 'The

Valleys Laurli and Sinj.'

Special Thank Offerings for Church Funds trill

he received at hoth Services.?




1 a.m., J p.m.




Morning, 11. HEV. A. H. BELL, U.A., B.D.Anthems. 'FEAR _N0T, O LAXD' (Elgar).

'PfiAlSE THE LOKD, 0 MY MOUL' (Smart).




COilE.? Z_


11 ajn., 'In Likeness of Men.'Solo. Mies

Gwen Tyler.7

p-m.. 'A Voice From Heaven.' Anthem,'Sins Unto God.' Solo, 'How Lovely Are layDsrcllinzs.' Miss Dorothy Scott, AX.C.M. Broad'csst 5CL.


Rev. C W. JOHNSON (of. Semaphore).7 — Hev. A. H. BELL, ILL, B.D. Sermon to

Commemorate completion of 7 years' ministry.Subject, 'PREACHERS AND LISTENERS-.' Com

munion. Chorch Meeting, Febroarr 26. Harvest Festival, Sunday, March 2. Social, March £


?; ? z_


11 a-m. — Mr. R, D. Nicholls, M.P.7 pjn.

Rev. D. J. Morris. Awrtrorpf; Ot the

Harvest TUanksgiving Social, Wednesday 26th,8 P-m-

?Z .

A LBERTON — REV. E. R. THORNE. 11 a.m.


'WHY BE A CHREHANJ' Anihem, 'TbeRadiant Mom.'

Solo, .Mr. Las. Couey.ALBEBT0N EAST.-^ll «jbl. Sir. G Cox.

Solo, Mr. Arthur 'fenny; 7 p.m.. Mr. Holme*..



OX* THE PARADE.11 a.m.. Rev. G. W. PAICE.7 p.m-. Rev. J. Wesliy Smith; subject, 'WTbv

aitychus Slept as Paul Preached.' CommoniiySjlging from C.45 p.m. Everyone invited. Z

PKOS^CT BAPTIST CHURCH.All— Eev. B. A. fiogers. Anthem 'O, Saviourof the World.' ?


Mr. A. Comptou. Anthem. 'Break ForthInto Joy.'


BLAClv fOREST. — REV. H. K0V HEARD.11. 'flie Art of Encouragement.'3 2, 'The Mercy o£ God.'

Next Sunday, Harvest Thanksgiving.The Church with a welcome. Z

OBIGUTOX BAPTIST CHCrcS!A- 11 and 6.45 p.m.


Evening — 'Great Sartnjr of Jesus About Heaven '

Soloist Miss F. Reaill.?


FI K S B'U R'Y park.11 a.m.. Rev. D. J. Morris.

7 p.m., Mr. George Hostins.


W51X0M E._. ? Z_



7 p.m.— 'GBOWIXC A SOUL.'?


S1NDMABSU.— Rev. A. V. Hill. B.A., B.D.

11 a-m., 'Enjoying God.' 6.45 p.m,'Poles Asunder


Solo. Mrs. A, C. Hill. An

them. 'Hark, Hark, My Soul.' Z

colonel light gardens.Kj harvest thanksgiving services;


Hajn., Bev. J. H. Sexton.

7 pjn.. Rev. S. A. Paris, t-Th.? Z_


^Morning, Evening. Rev. R. F.Peirce. Coromandel Valley,

3pjo, Har

vest ThankEgiving Service. Z


Tynte-itreet— ll~a.m..

Dr. F..S. Hone; 7 p.m., sir. C. S. Badjrc-.-.







11 a.m., Mr. E. W. Bowcy; 7 pjn.. R«.P. J. Clark. B.A.



11TAVVILLE— 11. Pastor; T, Mr. A. Willrr saiore, B. and F. Bible Society Depatatijn.

? ? Z/_


11, Mr. A. C. Kichanfa, H.A.;1

7, Mr. 6. G. Stribling.? Z_

R~~XIGHTSBRIXHJE. ? E«-. E. H- Hall. 11.

'Jesus and Prayer;' 7, 'Eussia: Kfilip:i;n

and Prophecy.'?

z/GOODWOOD BAPTIST CHUB.CU.VT 11 a.m. — Rev. T. J Clark. B.A.

7 pjn. — Mr. W. E. Drewett. Z

COUTH PLYMPTOS— 11 a.m.,Mr. Vebb; 7

Opjn.. Rev. A. H. Kenner.



MAGILti.— 11 a.m.. Bev. A. Bungey; 7~p.m.,

Mr. L. T. Cuiley.?


'ESTBOUHXE PAHK.— 11 a.m., Mr. F L.Sanndeis; 7 Mr- S. R. Jones. Z

TTXDEBDALK. — u, Bev. A. H. Kenner; 7.U Mr. L. Clarkson. Z/


G.EOTE-STREET.—11. Worship; 2.45 Bfjle


Sc11001 and Adult Clares; 7, 'THr:

CHRISTIAN OX TRIAL.' A theme for thctimes. Preaclier. J. WILTSHIRE. Anthem,'Abide With lie.' Solo WELCOME TOSTKAXGEES. WEDNESDAY 8 pjn.


Evening. . X



Lord's Supper.7 p.m. —


Antbems — 'How Lovely are tlie Jltsoen^ers'(Mendeksohn). 'Te Ueum' (Jackson). Conductor, Mr. A. I. Ptnrose, A.M.U.A.


Minirtfr. J. ERNEST ALLAN'.? X^


a.m.. Int. and Jan. C.E. Societies. 31, ??Hok We Invest Our llouev.'

245, Bible Sdiool and Young Men's Class.


7,'Ru:h and Xsomi.' Anthem, 'I'raUe the LordO Jerusalem.' So2o Miss Ginatt Preac'ierGeo. T. Wa'.utn, M.A.






11 a.m ,W L. Joins' o-.~3

o'clock, T. Ash; 7 o-clocs, Yl. G. Gra

ham. 'Oar LV.ion »::j Cjris:.' Soloist. Mr».Le-lie Ma:hc-»-s, I»A.U.



? X_

PARKSTHKtT,I'Ni.F.Y.— Harvct K«:ivji

Servict-s. II. Communion, 'Tlie Sliracle ufthe Harvest.' Anihem. 7 Evange'i^tic StrWce. 'A Warning from Nature,' H. It. Taylor.Two Anthems. £

T^OBIVOOD, Chaptl-sircc:- ? 11, Communi «

O.1 Sen-ice. 7, Gospel Service, ?'CompuisavySah-ation.' All Wf'.«m«. Benevolent Offericg. 1*. R. Baker, Kvanpi-iiat. X

CUOYDOX—Har\wt~faslk5giviog. iT~C-ca:TJiani OBvrim. -J.riO, BM« .-ci-jl.

7, Special Sen-ice-. Anl^e^Ls. Wel.-omt. I


t^c^clKr, WILL JtEILKIt. 1\

Communiuc; 7, Evau^elisfic. ''Christ'sAttractiveness.'

? [? X^

COH'ANDILLA.— -Always a Wticomo.' 11

James Gordon; 7,' E. J Kilim-r. Harv^dt Festival Sonic*. March a.


'i Homelikt Church.' 11, C.

H. Norman; 7, Jamos Gord;n. llan'esiTliarikKrSving Sen-jrej. March 1.

? X_

H1XDMARSH.— 11 *..m.. Communion. 7

p.m.Gdsp.'l Scn!c». m.-ac:icr. Sir. A. H.

Wilson. A'.I Wf-ioom^.?


VTAILSWOBTH. — 11. I^r.:.^ Ku^jwr; S. UiMeo- School: 7. ruhji-ct. 'If a Man Die Will Ue

TjKmESTVJLl.E.— 11 a.m.. 'Oa-.hfTins the liar

J- vr-st ;** -7 pjn,. **Voinijj P^opi^ Living1 wi'lia Purpose.' Pis'.or A. C. Kankinc 1/



'\UIAVICH. —11, Eendering to Caesar: ?.«.

J Bible Schoo:; 7, 'Mocking God.' Preacher,r. T. Tunifr.

? ^__^ ?MO/


II, Mr. R. Bums; 2.45. Uible--'

Sv-hool; 7, Mr. fi. Hsrl-igess. Bring that?:end. S/



HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES — This Sunny, led by Adj'jtaat CHI iKriis. Spcsia! M'jslc.Vstal UecoraJions. Monday 7.3fl. Musicalrorraaame and Sale of Produce. Come. Ss

PROSPECTEAST. Burvood-arcaue—

^HarvestTUanksrivjni. Adjutant S. Green. ?

To-nicht. 7.4 5, 'The Glorio-Js Rainbow.' To

morrow, Sr*.-i3l Chora! Services. Monday,Miss A. B-jrion ani Tartv. Bring vo-jr

visitore and friends.'



rTNTTARlAX- CHRISTIAN CHCRCH,U WakeaelJ-slrfCt, close to Virtoria^q-JErt.

REV. G. E. HALE, B.A.1 1 a.m.. -WHAT ARH WE HERE FOR?' Solo,

'My TJsk.'' Miss Winifred Kurness.7 p.m, PEOPLE'S SERVICE Subject:


Thoasands -nil! never lw happy until theysolve

he problem of tl-e devaftatin; internal con

ict between the Coheciovk av.d Unconsriois partsf t!i-;r perj^nalitv. The Bible treats the subset at lenelh.

Special Readinrs from Paul and 'Dr. Jei-yUand

ir. Hyde.'Doors open, 6.30. Hearty congregational «ng


Everybody always welcome.





Roeliabitc Chambers, Victorij-square (»-est).SATUUDAY. 3 p.m.. Baptismal Service on

Irighton Beach («utli). 7.43 pm , inteTKSjrj- Serv-tce.

SUNDAY, 3 p m., Bible Studr and Fellowship,p.m.. HEIGHT GOSPEL SERVICE.

Tuesday, 7.15 p.m.. Student Workers* Train

ig Class. 'Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday,nd To-day, and Forever.'


A 'POSTOLIC MISSION', in Lcavitt Hall, 37,A- WakefieW-street. back of W.C.T.U. Sunay, 7 p.m.. Sister Heath speaks on 'They Wen*.

?- Another Village.' Luke 9. S«. Open-airneetin?, Saturday. 6 p.m., in Victoria-place, off'rote-street. Bib- Study. .Tuesday, S p.m.. at


Bowden., and Wednesday. S p.m.,t 4, HachcsEireet, Mile-End. All -irclconw-.



ideTaide. Coucordia College.Colonel Light Gar

JORs., p.m.; Evening (Eng.). T p.m.D r. STEPHEN'S, Waiefleld-street. — Harvest-J

rrhanksp^vintr.1 1 a.jn.t G-*nna.o j 2.45 s

;.S.; 7 p.m.. EnglUh. Rev. Basedo.v.? 1__

LUTHERAN CHUHCU, Militon-road, Sema

phore. Sonice, 7pjn.; S.S., 2.45 p.m.

-ei-i-strc?*. Birkenhead. Service, 11 ajn.; S.S..0 a.m. Student Quart.


HECTORVILLE.—Reading Senice, 10.30 a.m.;

S.S.. 2.30 p.m.: Reading Service. 7 p.m.

LUTHERAN. MISSION. — Temperance Hall,

Tynte-street, North Adelaide. 7 p.m., Eng

ish, R?v. J. 3. Stolz.


2JT. JOHN'S SPrRirUAL CHUHCET. CarringtonJ et.. Adelaide. — Sunday, 3 pjn., Lyceum,

nd 7 p.m.. Address bv Aeercdit-ea Speaker, the

ubject bcin-r 'Spiritualism: What Has It Doneor Humanity;' Messages given.


CT. JOHN'S SPIRITUAL CHUBCH, Ship-street,O Port Adelaide. — Sunday. 2.45. Lyceum,r sharp. Address, Mrs. Ravenscroft, assisted byiev. ilaisie Bom and Mr. Marsden. Messagesrivt-n. Thursoay — ^Members' Class.


_^ _^ ^

rrxrvERSAL church of god, chbjst theU HEAD. — Drjids' Hall, FUndere-rt^ S pjn..iealing Service; 7 p.m.. Adjress and Messages of

ielp.— Mii. J. Freer-Watson. /


at Grosrer.or North-terrace. Adelaide. Address and



Tuesday Evening, ai Magdalene Hall, WayviUe[earrance Short-street), Flower Sen-ice by Rev.

jily Lingwood Smith, PsD. Next Saturday,March 1st, Busy Bees at home. American Tea and

Public Circle. Public invited all meetings. /






SUXDAY. 7p.m. Subject, 'Mind.' Sunday

chool, 3 p.m.WEDNESDAY. MEETING. 8 p.m.. including

restimonia!« of Healins through Christian Science.


Thambers, Kcrth-terrace. Open Mondays to

fridays, inclush'e, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


CHRIS TADELPHIAK.In 'The ChrisUdelphiaa Temple.' 105,

Halifax-street, on Sunday Evening, 21st Febmarv,at 7 p.m., an Old Student will deliver an Addressupon


Seats are Free. No Collection. Bring yourUflile and your friends.

Sunday-tchool meats 3 o'clock. Classes forKindergarteu and all ages. Send your children to receive Scriptural Instruction.


rHEOSOPHlCAL SOCIETY. S34A, KLug William-street. — Sunday, 7 p.m.. Lecture bv


Revolution — The New Fr--dom.Music-, Mr. H. BauerocJise: Public cordisDv


Monday, 24th February, 8 p.m. Public -jnes-Lion and answer Meeting.

Wednesday, 26th February, 7.45 p.m., MemLwre' Meeting Subject

— 'Convention ani theIVork of the Australian Section.'

Thursday, 27th February, 8 p.m..Public Lec

ture. 'AUSTRALIA — Some Current Problems.'


\TEW THONGHT.— Oddfellows' Hall, Franklln

X- street- Sunday Service, 1 p.m.. Mr. A.W. Low. Uarling Buildings

— Wednesday, 8 p.m.;Thursday, 3 p.m.. Healing Meetings.



13, A.N.A. Building. Fiinders-street.SUNDAY. 7, Service.

Tl'ESDAY, 2.5. Members' Consecration Service. 2.45, Healing Meeting. fiijom open

rues, to FrL. from 2 till 4.

EXETER (Rechabitv Hill, Semaphore-rd.) ,

SextThursday, it 2.30. /


XTEW AGE MISSION, rear Djvm, Peel-Ftrcet,J-l Yatala.

To-nipht, S — Sicial, Son?, lkt-».

Sunday evening, 7, Service. Monday evening, b,Bomp Social, Jarz Band Usual weekly service-;.

All welcome. jjl-vavs.



'VfOttWOOD MISSION BAND. — 10 o'cloc'-:. Wel-L-i Ington and Hsnroart roaas. e.4 5, S.S.

7 o'clock, Mr. A. Dicksan. Harvest Tuankspiv.ini, Sunday Next. /


REORGANISEDCHUBCH OF JESUS CHRIST.Eastry-streer. Norwood. — 7 p.m.. Elder Chas.

A. Davies. Subject, 'Restoration of the Gus

pel-' /



WOOD, SUNDAYlivening. 7, Gospel

llvetinsr. All welcome. M/


JOANNASOU1HCOTT, British Prophet**. Her

pr,.pliea«s fait fulfilling. Fateful yrarsfrom 19'iO. Her great national box of *^aledv,Titins:s

sealed by church minislere. must beopent'd by the bishop to save Britain and hercolonies from ruin. Send stamp for list andliteralure tj 'Lr'brariar!,' 5. Hunter-st., Sydney.


SUNDAY. February Z3. at 6.30

ProsT-J-nme undr-r the direction of the International I'.ilile ?tuu-nis' Association

K.oO— I^slr-jmc-rjta! Trio, Chora! Selection, Katielocrgir; violin, 'SlavoRit Danct' ( Dvorak-Kreis-

icr) G-.rnli Ho:ly; tenor solo. K. C. Smitl, 1cturer; trio, Healy, tenor. Evelya Slirlcy.piano; trio 4*Homancr*' (Carjipacnoli), GeraldHealy. tenor; Katie Yoerger, violin; trio '*!-ere-

r.:.da' (Ambrosia). Cc


A LSATIANS. Puppies for sale, eictllent pedi^\- gree. seven weeks. — Captain Hipkins.


a-iir-street. N'cw Qufenstown. ? D50.SE5S/

VlSBDALE Jla'.i Purges, ptjigree parents,

lattr. Llivd1. Tiaibcr Mills, I'ort Ajelalde.



A L'STUALIAN Terrk-r I'uitpies. bv lion Vuo^i- Maii — A. Holton. Florence-st.. FuHirton.



A UtTRALIAN Terrier Pur* for Sale, prire^V stuck.

Morris, 21, Vlorence-si., Fuilartcn.


_ ?


AIISKnALi:Puppies fr-ni ch..mpwn ttock;

c-i.-ap.— Frw-man. Higl.-strwl. (inns-.



BLACK Cocker Span lil Pup*.'

wt-i«. —

K'.mp ]Viiav, Tlie Lodje, Morriittivillc.



BLACK.Ta:i Australian 1-uppies pun-, cheap.

__=-Bocv:-£, 40, HijT)i)-ur;--sr.. ProgptY;;.D


TC'OR Sale. Pekiutse Pup^M: priceTreTi^onalil'.J — 16. Hiih-yt.. Unlf-y Park. U. 1564. 1) /

POINTEitPup. C months

old, ready jo break


in, £2 ;/. — 'Champion.' thaTofbce. I-,'

PUBEBRflI-'Fox'Tcrri»rI'lirpi^s for i-*\-, clieal'.


Niira Stud Farm. 'Phono I.. HU.iX. I),

ALT- Co'.Uc Pjt.5, pc'.'.zvKd. cheap.—

S131-.-1 .

?!!? I'arl^-ier.. B.iwi.-n.?



QtLL. lVd ST.-: UulWoi.-. 4 ju.ns ..Id. ht/

O t\u\cl. cliiap. Apji'iv B. U. iiliir.;, Str-j: :

all.yii.? ^_J


'\1TELL Bn3~FnVi'S Pur-i, male», IS/.— 113,W l£alifax-6t.. Ciiy. DJ.

CHURCH NOTESThe Bishop of Adelaide (Right Rev.

Dr. Thomas) trill preach, at St. Peter's

Cathedral to-morrow morning. OnTuesday evening he ?will conduct a con

firmation, service at Christ Church,Kadina.

The Archbishop of Adelaide (MostRev. Dr. Spence) will bless and ODen

the new churchof St. Finian,

Karoonda, tomorrow afternoon. AfterEaster he -will visit

Rome, reportingto Pope PiusXL on the progress of thisarchdiocese. In

1920 he paid a

similar visit toBenedict XV.When receivedin audience bythe Pope, Dr.Spence will entreat a special

blessing on thepeople of hisarchdiocese. Thisis the official

year for the visits of Australian Bishopsto Borne.

The chairman of the CongregationalUnion (Rev. Principal Kiek) will payan official visit to Keith to-morrow,

preaching there and at churches in

the district.

The 29th annual conference of theMethodist Church will begin in PirieStreet Church on Tuesday, and con

tinue for ten days. The Rev. J. H.

Allen (incoming president) will be in

troduced at tbe opening of the ministerial conference on Tuesday. At therepresentative conference, which willopen on Wednesday, the Rev. W. A

Dunn (retiring president) will deliveran address. The Rev. S. Carroll

Myers is conference secretary.

At St. Peter's Cathedral to-morrow,

evensong will be preceded by an organrecital, in which Mr. J. M. Dunn willrender items by English composers.These ?will comprise 'Prelude' - JohnE. West). 'Berceuse' (Lemare), 'Even-

ing Song' BBairstow), and the 'SolemnMelody' of Sir Walford Davies, brotherto the Elder Conservatorium director(Professor Harold Davies).

At Holy Trinity Church, Northterrace, to-morrow evening the Rev.R. M. Fulford will unveil a memorialtablet to Marianne Fisher, presentedby the Morphett family. Miss Fisherwas a daughter of the chairman of theErst trustees of the church (Sir JamesHurtle Fisher), and died in 1927 at theage of 100 years.

The Rev. Father Drohan (superiofof the Sacred Heart Fathers, Hindmarsh) has left for Sydney to conductretreats. He -will be away for two or

three weeks.

At the Brougham-place, North Adelaide Congregational Church to-morrow,larvest festival services will be held.

In the evening, Mr. G. T. Griffithswin play organ solos before the service, and the Rev. L. C. Parkin willpreach on '-Droughts and Thankfulness.' Elgar's anthem, 'Fear Not Oband' will be sung, and Miss V May

field will render, 'With Verdure Clad'(Haydn). The church meeting will beheld on Wednesday evening.

The Methodist Conference youniipeople's demonstration will be held inthe Exhibition Building on March 3.His Excellency the Governor will proside, Newstead Sunday-school providing a guard of honor. Blackwood schoolwill present an Indian village seen0and choruses in Hindustani win besung by the Rose Park, Blackwood,and Malvern schools.

At the Pleasant Sunday Afternoonin 'MaiiE-tmTi Church, Franklin-street,to-morrow, items will be contributed byMiss Gladys Woolley (contralto), Mr.James Anderson (elocutionist), Mr.Stanley Tovey (tenor), Mr. FrankKimber (baritone), Miss M. Culver(piano)/ and Mr. Blake Mortimer

(organ). The Rev. S. Forsyth will

preach at night. At the Draper Memorial Church. Gilbert-street, harvestfestival services win be held tomorrow, the Rev. S. Forsyth preachingin the morning, and the Rev. G. N.White at night.

The Rev. G. E. Hale will conductthe Unitarian Church services tomorrow, preaching in the morning on

'What Are We Here For?' and atnight delivering a sermon-lecture on'Double Personality.' Mr. Hale thisweek completes his ninth year with thechurch here, and his 16th in the Unitarian ministry. He was for five yearsa Baptist minister in Victoria.

At the Flinders-Street BaptistChurch to-morrow, the Rev. DonovanMitchell will preach in the morningon 'The Shadow of the Sabbath.' andat night on 'life's Link of Gold.'

At St. John's, Halifax-street, tomorrow, harvest festival services will be

held, -with a church parade of districtGirl Guides in the evening. The RevE. A. North Ash win be the preacherMonday being St. Matthias Day HolyCommunion wUl be celebrated, the dayschool choir singing. In aid of missions, on Tuesday evening the juniorcouncil dramatic society win presenttwo farces in the parish hail to be followed by a dance.

Salvation Army harvest festival services at Unley to-morrow win be conducted by Adjutant GUI Inglis. Bornin South Australia, he has held thecommand of the Auckland Citv corpsTurning the scale at just over 20 stonehe was known there as 'the big manwith the big message.' He was atone tune secretary of a New Zealandtrade union, and is at present in chargeof the Prospect Salvation Army corpsAn

wteresting, forceful speaker he isone of the keenest Bible students ofthe Army here.

At the Pert Adelaide Presbyterianchurch to-morrow, the Rev E ADavies will preach in the morning' andthe Rev. A. C. McLean at night

Harvest thanksgiving services will beneld at Norwood Wesley Church to

L^wr^K Preachers betoS the Revs.

tut^^00!^'01131 annual retreat atMount Lofty this week was attended by30 ministers. The book of Hebrewiand 'The Christian Ethic astn EcoPf-MC Pactor' -J°siah Stamp) were

£S2and discussed. The retreat was

Prospect Church of Christ held itshalf-yearly business meeting on WetPe«day evening, with Mr. H. D. Blackm the chair. Reports of church activities showed progress and the prevalenceof a harmonious spirit. Pastor Russell

IPnSSg?** fOr a further *nn °'

Methodist harvest festivals will

a^PnW ? 2* Prospect Northand Enfield churches to-morrow. Th°

ff\ ^_Watts Grimmett will speaken ^ft-ospect .afternoon service. 'anden Monday evening a concert arrangec

grMiss Mary Edson win be given^A

Jinnela the nreachpr.i ?t**-mm-r*.~. ™n

W 't fcV- ^rte 'moving) ^W. T. Shapley (evening).

At a meeting of members and ad

h.e5EDt? of Clayton CongregationplChurch on Wednesday it was decided

mfrtirSTv. V16 resoluU°» °f a form??meeting that a unanimous call to thepastorate be forwarded to the Rev A.C. Newbury, of Chafcswood, Sydney!

Harvest festival services at the' New-ton Methodist Church to-morrow willbe conducted by the Rev. A. D Me

geTw-H. ^^S^ct^^ ^

Church, and will preach It both ser

S^iL?'mrini?w-.mHls evenil*e sermon !

subject will be 'Russia, Religion, andJrropnecy.



Tine Rev. Eric Tresilfjss. who will ar- i

i rive in Adelaide from Erolcen Hill to- i


day. wm be a speaker st the socialservice rally to be held in connectionwith the Methodist Conference.

At the Goodwood Presyterian Churchto-morrow moraine the service wUl beconducted by the Rev. J Leg?iatt At


the evening service the Rev. E. A.J

Davies will preach on 'Ths Untouch|

able Christ.'

j Keswick Merhodist Church will hold' harvest festival services to-morrow, the! preachers being the Revs. P. C. Ecker

jsley (morning;* and P. H. ChenneliI

( evening). On Tuesday evening the


Rev. A. M. Trengv-ve will lecture on

j'The Flinders Range,'


The Rev. Bernard Tuck will preachin the Parkside Baptist Church to

morrow evening' on 'A Voice fromHeaven.' Miss X-. Scott will sing.

The Rev. W. F. Nash, of the MitchamBaptist Church, who sailed by theOrvieto on Thursday, has six months'leave of absence.* After attending thePassion Play at Oberammergau, be wintour the XJJSJL

The Black Forest Methodist Churchwill hold anniversary services to

morrow. A women's choir win sing.Mrs. C. W. Barnard win conduct themorning service, and Mrs. H. C. Herbert the evening one. On Monday even

ing a social will be held.

The Rev^A. C. Weber, vrho hasbeen minister of St. Giles', 'Norwood.

for seven years,has been appointed superintendent of the Pres

byterian Church'ssuburban groupmission, embrac

ing Tusmore,Black Forest,

Cowandilla, Pen

nington, and

Oaklands. He winhave two *»''»»

mission assistants.

TteitnqnigViing Jjjs

pastorate at St.Giles at the endof March, he will

Bev. A. C. Weber be inducted at

Scot's Church, Flinders-street, on April

B. Mr. Weber is president of the localCouncil of Churches, and of the SouthAustralian Refuge.

At tbe Pirie-street Methodist church

to-morrow harvest festival services win

be held. The Rev. D. T. Redding win

preach in the morning, the Rev. J. G.

Jenkin at night

The Rev. A. H. Bell will to-morrow

ccmplete seven years as pastor of theSt. Peters Baptist Church. His sermon

subject in the evening win be'Preachers and Listeners,' and he wflladminister the sacrament of the Lord's

Suoper. The quarterly church meetingwin1 be held on Wednesday evening.

The Methodist Children's Homescommittee is working for the 25thbirthday garden fete, to be held in theAdelaide Town Hall on April 30 and

May 1. Their objective is to raise

£2.000 for maintenance and building.

Mr. Harold Parsons is arranging a

popular concert to be held at the Ade

laide Town HaU on March 1, whenPirie-street church choir members winsing,

At St. Giles's Presbyterian Church,

Norwood, to-morrow, the Rev. A. C.Weber's morning sermon subiect will

be 'An Old Testament Christian

Truth.' and evening 'The Works and

Wonders of God.'

A special service will be held, inthe Semaphore Methodist Church tomorrow night. The soloists will be Mrs.

Royal and Miss Pimlott. The servicewin be conducted by the Bev. EdgarArnold. *

Brigadier Burhop (divisional com

mander) win conduct a Salvation Army

campaign in the Port Adelaide citadel,beginning to-day and ending on March3. Brigadier and Mrs. H. Rust wOl retire early next month. Both have givenlong and valued service, the brigadierbeing a soldier of the Port Adelaidecorps in 1886. Mrs. Rust was born at

Gawler. and entered the Army in 188S.Their public farewell meeting win beSeld in conjunction with that of Brigadier and Mrs. Ward on March 9. atthe Pirie-street Congress HaU.

The Methodist Conference foreignmission festival will be held at the

Exhibition Building on March 4, a teaand social gathering being followed bya public meeting;. The Australasianpresident - general (Rev. PrincipalLade), who has recently returned froman official visit to the Australian man

dated territory, wai speak on 'ForeignMissions — Are They Necessary?'

Methodist harvest festivals wOl beheld to-morrow at the KensingtonPark, Holder Memorial, ahd BrooklynPark churches.

The Rev. Father CuUinan, hithertoat Kooringa, has been placed in chargeof a new Roman Catholic parish com

prising Whyalla, Iron Knob and Kimba,in the diocese of Port Augusta.

On March 2, at the Maughan Church,Franklin-street pleasant Sunday afternoon, Messrs. V. Y. Richardson, TWall, and C. Walker (members of theAustralian cricket team to tour England) wfll be present, and Mr B. VScrymgour (president, South 'AustralianCricket Association) will give a farewen message.

To conduct a Salvation Army lifesaving scout campaign, Ensign Dentwill arrive in Adelaide on Thursday.

Prohibition League field day servicesto-morrow win be conducted by theHon. W. F. Fiiuayson, at PeterheadPresbyterian and Glenelg Methodist

churches. Mr. R. H. Bowey will be atLockleys Baptist and Bath-streetGlenelg Methodist churches, and Mr.A. Keeling at MUlicent Methodist andPresbyterian, and Hatherleigh Methodist churches. Saturday early closingof liquor bars committees are beingformed at Mount Gambier, Narracoorte,Hindmar&h. Prospect. Clarence Park,Malvern, North Adelaide, and Goodwood.

The Rev. Harold Morton, general secretary of the Australian section of theTheosophical Society, will arrive inAdelaide this morning. He wUl speakto-morrow evening at' the TheosophicaHall on 'The Philosophy of ModernIsm,' and on Thursday evening on

'Australia — Some Current Problems.'He win leave for Perth on March 3to visit Western Australian lodges, andto meet Bishop Leadbetter. who ts re

turning from India to preside at theannual convention, to be held in Sydney at Easter.

Kappa Sigma Pi and Phi Beta Pi fraternities in South Australia are preparing for their annual spiritual rallyto be held in Semaphore Baptist Churchon March 23. The Rev. Ardron Townend win be the speaker. About 400wul be present, representing 17 chapters.

At West Hindmarsh MethodistChurch to-morrow, the Rev. A, A.smith win conduct morning, and the

Rev. J. Firth 'evening service. AtFindon, the services win be taken bythe Revs. J. Firth (morning), and AA. Smith (evening).

Mr. A. Lloyd, of the Victorian Presbyterian Church Home Mission staffarrived in Adelaide yesterday. He winproceed to Iron Knob next week to taketemporary charge of the work vacated

by Mr. J. Stables, who recently returned to Scotland.

Prospect Presbyterian Church harvest festival will be held to-morrow,the Rev. A. Harrison preaching morningand evening.

For some time negotiations have been

proceeding with a view to union between the Congregational and Presbyterian churches in Colonel Light Gardens.These negotiations have now reachedconsummation. The united congregations win worship in the CongregationalChurch, which will be known as 'theCongregational Church with which isincorporated the Presbyterian Church


The minister (Rev. Winifred Kiek) winexchange at least one service a monthwith a recognised Presbyterian minister, and give facilities for the periodical

imitation of Presbyterian famiiins by aminister of that denomination. It winmaintain its relationship with the Congregational Union, and it hopes also to

be allowed representation in the courtsof the Presbyterian Church. The schemeof union has been largely modelled on

that already adopted at Renmark, whichhas worked successfully. To-morrowevening the first united sen-ice wUl beheld, and the Rev. David Chap-nanand the Rev. Winifred Kiek wUl cooperate in the conduct of worship.

The foundation-stone of the new

buildings at Parkin College will be laid

on March 3 by the Rev. Dr. G. H. Wright(president of the Congregational Union

of Australia and New Zealand). Theoccasional address will be delivered bythe Rev. Principal Kiek (chairman ofthe South Australian CongregationalUnion ) . Six new students will enter thecollege this session, and another application is under consideration. It seems


probable that there will be twelve Con

; ftregational intra-mural students. There


are six extra-mural students. Studentsof the Baptist and Presbyterian deno

minations will also attend the college.It, is hoped to inaugurate the residen

I tial system in about six months.

Dr. Spence.



The first big public gathering of theMethodist Conference win take placeon Thursday, February 27, when the

home mission demonstration win beheld in the Exhibition Building. Thegreat hall is invariably crowded forthis gathering, and this year a feature

of special interest will be the presenceof the Rev. J. F. Williams, who will

oe tne cniei

speaker. Mr. Williams has had a

brilliant University career, and

is an able

speaker. He hashad a wide ex

perienc on theinland missionfield, and can

speak with firsthand knowledgeof life and workin Idle far west

of Queenslandand Northernand CentralAustralia. The

popular elocutionist, Mr.James Anderson,urin tri-vt? rpr.ita.lK

and the Maughan Church Choir, under

the leadership of Mr. Montague Fin

lay, win contribute anthems. The in

coming President of the conference(Rev. J. H. Allen) will introduce thechairman. Mr. J. Harris Hobbs. who is

well known in Methodist circles as a

most ardent church worker. Large

numbers are expected at the publictea, and the community singing, which

wUl begin at an early hour, will be

conducted by Mr. Finlay, with MissesSearle and Dorothy Vardon as song

leaders, and Miss Melva Bartle as


Bev. J. F. Williams



TannnriPL. Februarv 21.

The South Australian district of the

Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Australia is holding its convention this

year at Tanunda. The sessions began,

on Thursday afternoon, the inaugural service, conducted by the Presi

dent of Synod (Rev. C. A. Wiebusch.

Gawler). having been held during the

forenoon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church,

Tanunda. The president presided ataU the sessions. There ?were present

32 ministers and 112 delegates, representing the various congregations of

Synod in South Australia, as well as

visitors from, various congregations,among whom is the Rev. A. Brauer,

of Melbourne.

The statistical report for the last

synodical term -two years in this case),

included in the report of the Church

Council, as submitted to the conven

tion by the secretary of the Synod(Rev. E. Grabner, Birdwood), shows

that the Synod now consists of 89

congregations and 25 preaching places,with an aggregate membership of 11,142

souls. Three new church buildingshave been erected and dedicated— thechapel at Concordia College, Unley; St.Paul's Church at Tanunda; and Concordia HaU, at Loxton. New congre

gations have been organised at Port

Adelaide and Semaphore, as well as

at Butler Tanks ^nd Ednlflie, on EyrePeninsula. tfew preaching stf^pn^were opened at Sherlock, Birkenhead,Broken Will, Coonalpyn, The Point,Buckleboo, and Cootra.

In the 'six parochial schools now es

tablished in the Synod, 242 pupils are

being taught by seven teachers, and204 teachers are instructing 1,767 children in the various Sunday-schools.Within the various congregations of

the Synod an amount of £6,540 was

collected during the last twelve monthsfor synodical purposes, while theamount contributed for use within the

congregations is £16,017.The Rev. E. Graebner was re-elected

secretary for Synod.Because the large new church of

St. Paul's congregation was over

crowded yesterday^ also during thebusiness session, the sessions to-daywere held in the Tanunda Institute.Again there was a large attendance ot

pastors, delegates, and visitors. Thewhole of the morning session was oc

cupied by doctrinal matters, the Bev.W. Janzow (Adelaide), president ofthe General Synod, reading a further

part of his paper on 'The chief dutiesinvolving up us in our work, of de

veloping and extending the LutheranChurch in Australia.' Keen Interestwas shown on Friday afternoon in the

report of the president of the GeneralSynod -Rev. W. Janzow, Adelaide). He

dwelt especially on the work at Concordia College, Unley. and on the different phases of mission work that theSynod is doing: in all the States of theCommonwealth and in New Zealand.More detailed reports were submittedalso by the various boards controllingtbe mission fields and by the missionaries themselves.



Victor Harbour, February 21.Under the auspices of the Victor Har

bour branch of the Liberal Federation a

social was held in the institute hall oaTuesday afternoon. Miss Emily Goodwin (president) occupied the chair, and

associated with her upon the platformwere Sir Lancelot Stirling, Hon. G. R.Laffer, -*nd Mr. H. S. WiirW_ m\*s, and

the mayor (Mr. D. H. Griffin). Therewas a large attendance of members andvisitors.

The president welcomed all and gavea lucid explanation on the new systemof voting. She urged her hearers to

take a great interest in the elections, as

it was essential for the progress of thedistrict to return the present members.

Sir Lancelot Stirling, the veteran

statesman, gave a bright address dealing with the economic conditions pre

vailing.Mr. Hudd dealt -with matters of ad

ministration of past Governments,giving comparisons of figures in finance.

He defended the Butler Government andshowed clearly how much tbe finances

of the State bad improved under its

regime.Mr. Laffer also gave an instructive

address.A vote of fripnv-s was passed to the

speakers by Mrs. H. J. Meyer, seconded

by Mrs. Shaughnessy and supported byMrs. J. A. Lush.

Musical items were contributed byMrs. Wundersitz and Miss Theodore


Brown. Afternoon tea was served. -



1. A female infant, the correlative ofboy. Thus Shakespeare, in 'The Win

ter's Tale,' puts into the mouth of theold shepherd, 'Mercy on us! A bame,

a very pretty bame. A boy or a child,I wonder?'

2. A sort of Fascist organisation whichterrorised Westphalia in the twelfth

and subsequent centuries. Its secret

judgments were 'secretly executed.3. Henrv VTH. Later nronarchs called

themselvces 'Sacred majestv.' which

ultimately became what it now is, 'Mostexcellent majesty.'

4. Cato.

5. To 'make the bed tidy.' A similarold English form was to 'make the

room' (tidy).6. Catherine H. of Russia. After

Messalina, wife of the Roman EmperorClaudius.

Questions on Page 20.


The story published in 'The Adver

tiser' of Mr. William Owen (91). ofE-idunda, who for 54 years was under

the impression that he had no family or

relatives living and recently was made

aware that he has a family of three

in Victoria, has resulted in the old gen

titanan receiving many letters of con

gratulation. It was Miss Greatwichwho first told Mr. Owen that his old

home was still inhabited by his familyat Bridge North, Shropshire, England.

Miss Hudson was the maiden name ofMr. Owen's wife.

About thirty Congregational ministers

from all parts of the State attended the.

annual retreat which was held at Mount

Lofty this week. The Book of Hebrews.

Century Bible, and 'The Christian Ethicas an Economic Factor' - Josiah Stamp)were the books studied and discussed.



Specially mitten for 'The Advertiser'

A Nesting Mystery

I had the nest of a pair of brush

wattle birds under observation for a

week or so. and was scolded noisily by

the two birds emery time I came to

watch the progress of tbe fluffy dark

chicks. The nest was some distance

away in a banksia. and circumstancesforced me to netrlect it for about a

week. When I test visited the spot

I fully expected that the birds would

be gone with, their brood. There was

no sign of them, but a ten-tale line

of black ants was to be seen on the

tree trunk, going and coming. Inves

tigation revealed the fact that one of ,

the youngsters had died in the nest.

There was nothing at an left by the

ants but the tiny white skeleton, a

perfect thing, with every cotton-likebone in place. However, the contentsof the little crop were stfll there— a-

tight baU of pretty little green jewelbeetles. They had evidently been fedto the chiffc' uncnished, flu *win*Fnp^

thing with birds, and I am inriim^to think that the infant wattle Wrddied of that common human rnmptoW_indigestion.

Sheoak Insects

It is strange how, in the economyof the bush feeding-grounds are so wen

regulated, for even every plant specieshas its own Insects billeted upon itfor lodging or food or both. The dieoaks art- hosts of a set of parasitesall their own, snd these are easy tofind. Calyx galls exactly like miim^pine cones are common upon thesetrees, each gall containing imrftfJUccoccids; but the tiny itu*«iWf bronze

sheoak beetle is even commoner. It

lays eggs in tbe branches, and tbe grabscause regular rounded galls to *'''

The dull white legless grabs via always be found in the centre of fl»n»


By the way, are these tree Jww

buUoaks, forest oaks, riveroata, or belahs? Names differ wherever one goesin Australia. One common species **»«;

a 'male' and 'female' tee, as~~iapawpaws; and bnshmen know them assheoak and bulloak.

. Marsupial Mice

Australia has many true native micebesides the tiny marsupials canedpoached mice. The smallest dt tbe latter belong to the genus RihIhUmumJh

of which tbe little grey bosh mooeSta common species. At times 'tl insome places it is as -™-^iii as theIntroduced moose. Some at tbeae marsupialE are under three inches tn length,yet they are not oar ™rfUyt j^gg.tralian anirrmi-s We have tine nattemice (rodents) mmitor can, and «™~

pigmy flying phalangexs and pigmydormouse 'possums also «m»Tftr Tfiesame is true of our Uny rftfimTCTlrn

S3A&S |K*-ness '^ *'°-

Tbe grey pouched mouse Is a fitdesmaller than tbe introduced «&y«Jthouse mouse, and Etmflar Incolor7botcan be known by the dark tbtg atfur Found the eyes, and tbe lanewhite feet. It lives in boles «mS£rocks and eats insects. It has up toten young ones, which ate et firstin the pouch, but later cling to tbemother's back, and are thus cantedabout.

Bin-steal Baneyeaftas

It is often remarked that thehonereaten ; of Australia ate not songstei*and it is a fact that a «~™££^wlarge number of them aie hsnshrtfvoice. Examples are tbe \**a~*~~£noisy miner, and wattle bini. Butthere are some favored n,vt-u.^nThis week I have been listenmttothe beautiful regent boneyeateiSlch,like tbe blood-bird -&anginaeoasbnnevweater) is really a sorter i^Tremlnded also of tbe really maEfesIMack-chinned species, tt^sotterbntjustas sweet voice of the black taoneT

the little white-naped- the TJ«'-f'1melodious chatter -of Ttne inangrove honeyeater — bH fine vocalists -and all finer, in my opinion, than theso-called staging haneyEater. TttOythey have a fan- share of song, «*i*w»gay buds of the flowering gnnjsTwhereever the forest treetops are familytouched with creamylSKSDm^, atfeista few species af-honeyeato^wm beabout.

About Sn&Ss

There are something like 1500 knownkinds of snails, all havtoTa itSSfemfly iTspmniance. Snaai are ton!molluscs, but some do not breaUiebymeans of

gills, bavtog insteadTao^SJ^hiSF ST

afr-sac- ira» or wttbout shells, they are found DtaiUfallv

thebiggest belong to tropical latttodes.

Same kinds .are edfljle— If one has ateste that way. The BaBuuZtXmaaent tanes loved them aslood. andit wa= they who brought tbTygg;snail to Ensriiuiri ?«»»» «»Sr »Jr^nSisako plenttSi on' «£ Oonttnem,where it is stffl roasted or pickled. Itk carefully bred In some Bate ofl*ance. and as much as I ouTtong 5

In 1910 thfere was a exeat, ntenu. «r

snaus m ceyton, where theyafiaefcedyoung cocoanut trees. Tbe wotWVHp.

g^t snail is found fa E^S^l^te shen.' Its body fcnSbtealthe size of pigeons* eggs.


Continued from Page 5.EracuOST ADVERTISEMENTS




t HEREBY Give NOTICE -that I base received a WRIT for the EMCIIOS OP

TWO MEMBERS of the HOUSE W%ufor the abovenamed El«:oral Dktricr, to «errein the Parliamenr of tbe State of Sooth An«

Jrarrf,yOJs3omin*tiO°iFridllr- tlle ?ewnB- *f «*

2. For ukinir theToll, in tbe CTent -* the

Election beinff contested. Saturday, the «th ixr'

cfApril. 1930.


S. For the return of the Writ, on or before?J:nday. the Sfth day rf Kay 1BSO


Nomination, at any time «fter till* date, nd

the day of Nomination.Thp sum of TWENTY-FIVE POCKDS mt be

aeposjfced with me a: tie time of the deliveryof The Nomination.

Darrd this 50:h day of FebrBsrr, 1SS0L. BURTON MARS. ReranW-OOcer.


?District of Victoria.



ELECTOBAL DISTRICT OP NEWCASTLE.I hereby pive NOHCE that I ban rhi» dav !

reived j-bkit for tbe ELECTION of TWO I

MElim.RS of the HOUSE OF ASSEUBLT forthe aliovenamed ElectoTal District, to Knc in

rlie JParliamra* of the State vt Eooth Ans

tralff, and appointing tne following dates forth? purpose* of the Election:

1- For domination, Friday, th« seventh iijof »L:rrfi. 1H30.

1. For -^kins the Poll, in the event «* toeElection b«ins contested. Saturday, the fifth dayof April. 1PS0.

3. Fir the Return of the Writ, no or be- I

foro Munday. the «A d«T of Mar. 1»3«.J

I also rive NOTICE that NOiOKATIOSB of .

CANDIDATES will be receired by me at my

r.ffic-. a: LOCAL COURTHOUSE, JERVOISSTREET. PORT ATTGTTSTA. beinp tne place rfurmmainn a! any tim- after this iate. «nd


on the dav of nomination. -?^^


he d^posite.1 wi:h me at the time of the de

I1-,-rv-y cli -he Nomlnaiion.

I Dated this 20:n dav of Frlvrnary. ISSO.

H. O. A. NF-SWr.1 Returniiar-')ffi'--T. DL-rrict Keweasue.


?of 12. Collins-t-tre't. Meiboorne, ai to tbe ntere

,'K-ur« cf h'.a SOS -LIXD3At). or d deeeai^L

ix plai-? and date of death. £r.nri



41',-? -lli:.s sirof-L. Melboaryx. t3.-'0

LCNEXYlien and Women ?aou'd «end tiamt**

addressed envelope 10 obtain lUodnted

b-juk'.et «i.d coofidestai particular* «t «njr ?atri-

mu^lal Corresposdence dub. Jfike aeaBAlntftBeea

over AutrraJil.— Mi« Fnndi B. CoA. Ented

(Uai* Chamben. Baymarket. EjOotj. im.Ttaa