NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l...

NATIONAL FIREMAN'S JOURNAL. 205 THE HOSE ! HOSE! ! HOS E ! ! ! NATIO NAL F IR E MAN' S- ,J OURNAL SAMUEL EASTMAN & CO.'S hns lrcndy proved itself a pronounced success, meeting wiLh t he h earty support nnd encouragement of th� Pure Oak Le ather Hose. FIREM EN AND FIR E DEPARTMEN TS IN ALL· SECTIONS. During the present year many unprovcmcius \\"m be made, calculated lo make it AIIEAD OF ALL COlfPE I ITION, U1 1 ivrrsny ac/·11owle & t"1I to he suc1/01· t o n1 1y Hce manu/ a cturctl in A merica. S LL MORE VAL UABLE TO M iT AIMS TO EPRESE T. As summg that the Fire Service is a most honorable calling, and the WORKS AT CO'CORD, N. H. MANAGEME NT AND EXTINGUISHING OF F IRES A SC IENC E, I t will di5cuss ll matters of interest to Firemen f rom thi� st,mdpoint in n dignified manner, havi ng at all times the courage of its opinions upon al l ' topics pertaining to the Fire Service. Hnvi ng no interest whatever, directly or re- motely, in any cl:iss of fire app:1r.ttus or supplies, it will strL\'C to present th e honest chums of al l manuf acturcrS to :i r:li r recognition of �hdr appliances upon their merits. . OUR AMBITION IS TO EX TEND THE FIRE S ERVIC E . as much as possibl e, and to sec every Department thorou�hly equipped with the best apparatus to be obtained. The JounNAL will con tain correspondence from the prmc1pI cities and towns throughout the country, and will mkc a spcch1l ature of p PE.RSONAL INTELLIGENCE ' a 0 0 0 p -of the movements and doings of individual Firemen i n every section. No cort will be spared to mnke the JOUl<NAL THE BEST MEANS OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR THE FIRFMEN AND THEIR FRIENS 0 Special Attention wil l be Given to Reporlzi� S tate and National Com 1 mtto11s. After many Public Trials and Exhibitions with com�eti- WHAT IS S AID OF THE JOURNAL. tors, our Hose has received the Hihcst Awards and fes- timoni ol s, PURE OAl!I LEA'l'HER HOSE, D�uble Riveted wi th Copper-Rivets Turned. at the Lowut Pricu H I pled guilty to a hearty interest in y�ur p�pcr. " SIMO RRENTANO, u Proprldnr nf the grut Neru 1-:mporlmn, Unio n Sqnue, N. )' ," H I h;wc Ion felt the need of such n paper, nnd nm de1i,d1L ed with as appearance. " WM. STOCKELL, u Ct.hi( Englue<r, N: u.hv1lle, Tenn." 11 I t i s wi th pleasure we welcome �nee more a real Fire- man's newspaper. "A. C. HENDRICKS, 14 Chltif Enlneer 1 Ne"· Hn:rcn 1-"Jr Dcp+rtm�ut," • In each number something new is found that cannot be furnished in :r ny other w�y. " THOMAS DOYLE, Chief Enineer, H �lor ,mo1t, f\·I 1c 1.' 1 ' The inrmntion nlready obtained om the JOUHNAL hs more than paid me r the y�ar's subscr�tion. '· LEWIS WARNER, Chiof Enineor, u NoRTJIAllPTON, 1ASS. 1 1 .. If every number is as good as the first, no Fireman wil l complain. It '"·as, in my opinion, ll of intcresting re.d- in, just such as we like. " G. A. AINSLIE, Chief Engineer, u RICHMOND, VA." u I have this dny received the NATIO!lAI. F1RBMAN 1 S JOURNAL. From what li ttle time I have haJ to examine u, I am much pleased with its contents. " 0. L. ANGEVI NE, Fire Marshal, " RocnEST1, N. Y. " u Such a paper should be in the hands of every property ownr and Firemnn throughout the country ; it assists the rmer to discipline ) and the latter to protect his property . " JAMES . tARNEY, Chief Fire Department, II LOGANSPORT, IND." 11:1 read with interest the very practical nrtJcle in the joURNAI on u \Vetting Down," and the vast irnportnnce of the first five minutes t a fire. Such p)nin, common sense articles wi l l attract the attentfon of old practical Firemen. " ELIJAH LOWE, Ex-Chiof Engineer, u ANCon, ht . t t u Send six copies of the Jou1nrAL to my address and send the bil l to the Board of Fi re Commiioners. Hy order of the Board. "·GEO, W. WARSOP, Chiof Eninoer u OSWEGO F'IRK DnrAltTMKNT." u Cannot but meet wi th succcss.11-1Yew York n I t promises to be a very usel and lively periodlCaJ." -United S tata Rw. .. The paper is devoted to the int erets of the Amencan Firemen, and should r eceive a wrm welcome om them." -1,:ur,u:cc Critic. " The fiold is Jaro, and the J ouRNAL bids ir to occupy it in n tnanner creditable to both its proprietorS and to the clnss it represents,"-A/:hury Pnrk {N. J.} J ot1r11rl. 1 1 It l3 the only paper devoted to the interests of Fire Department news published in the United States, and it should have a large circulation."-Eat Orn nr� Gaeitc, •l The NATIOAL F11un,1As's JounNAI. has just appeared in New York. Wo have heard of hot jouals bere, but a prossedly fir e journal must be reniarknble if it goes &.ly. 1 '-Bosto,: A dverti ser. u ·� ·he NATIO�AJ, l•'nMAN's Jouu�AL. of New York, con istent with the very best mntcrial nod workmanship. !ins Just . made Jts nppcarnnce: , and �s full of vahmble Our Hose is made f roin Selected Slaughter Hides, and 1 ; 1rmat1on r Lhe fire boys. -Plzaddjhu:. S1111day I T 11 .11ntd h y tlu Old-Fal zi o,ud Procts s nnd finished in the ' lercury. 1 most approved manner with Nickle-Plated Couplings on u The NATION At. FtnUt�'s Joyn:AL is the title of n I all Hose, which keeps the verdigris from rotting the leather. new w�ckly newspaper. pubhshed Nc York, devoted I Ol r Hos is ncknowleded to be the ta the mtcre�ts of the FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! 1 0 ofthe country."-0,wtg- o (N. Y.) Times. : STANDARD HOSE ·, lo The NATIONAi Fmu1AN 1 5 JounsAL i s the title of a new p.,per jl'st started i Ne\ \· York C\ty in the in terests . and in a long serics of J cn shows a Joss of less than 5 �r ?fthe F1re1:1cn of the Un.1 1 tcri States. lt /s a very hand �o me , cent , in citie5 of har usage ;md ordinary c re-wl u ch Journal of sixteen pages. -wtJrk (N. J .) Suntfay Ca. 1 makes it the C! ttnje . rf and Bat Hot ;11 E.xiJe,:ct. . ·� Co1!tains much inrm: . 1tion that cannot i l to b e O u r f o o is u N o t h ow Cheap, but how Oood." tcresung an<l usel to Firemen, whos e wann ap pro\'al · nnd subst:ut tinl support the new enterprise is cntltlcc1 to · Fire Uepartment5 and the Public, nfter ecars of cxpen- receivc "-f,:sur. -utu C!: ronicle. ence with :ill kinds of Hose, arc now unanimous that our · Leather Hose is the Sfaudard. A VOLUME OF IIIO- • u The field _r a paper such as the Fmru.1As 1 s JoUH NAL I t A I Ê N nn. uim1s1 1uo. mtends to be ts large, and h:is not yet been occupied. The �umbor� ar� won n�ra n 0 ed, and contni n a vast "'ount or Safety Economy and Durability tcrestmg mformatlon. -w Y ork Hotel J1[,ul. 1 1 I 1 "J udgin from the con ton ts of t ho first number, it ARE FOUND IN NO OTHER KIND. pro� i ses to fun1ish a valua�le oran for the intehangc I Our Leather Hose is fat talcing the pla c e of al l other of . vJews _between the yanous departmenu, wh!ch will kinds, hilving roved itself reliable in nil countries and c1htntc Improvements III the methods of combntmg con- r dth )cl d onlv proves too true that flagrations: 11 -/nurance ,llon itor. \ �l:1 :� t f: :l �; 0, :·� ,ga Ii!·; Lf: t1ur' especially r H�se. •' Tho Firemen now hove a rcprcscntntivo p•por, cn- 1 A FU LL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF . F IRE titled tho NATIONAL F1 1mMAN's Jou1<t1AL. It 1s hopod it ' l'RllllNGS. W ntm Fon Pnic&s, ETC, wil l prosper lihe a house on fire. This Journl 5houl<l meet with a warm rocoption om its joualistic brethren."- Awarded the Highest Meda1 at Vienna. .::: :i;; ;� ; ; ;:\r1�T :P�1 �if n� �· :�: :7��. �·1d; 1, E & H T ANTHONY & no field . of JournalisnJ will be to give all important nc�vs . U , , �1atmg to or of m tercst to the members of the Fire I 1 1 1 1 Dopartment in all socuons."-Jli11i 1 1g- Record. I 591 Broadway, New York , " ,ve recommend th e n ew enterprise, the NATIONAL · (Opp. ?tlctropolitan Hotel,) bors of Fire Departmen ts, and zlso of Insurance Officer anutaO Ure rs, mpo era ea . ers 1n l ' I RRM AN 's J OURNAt., ns dorving the support of all mem - 1 M t I rt & D 1 ' and Agents, who, obviously, nro intoroste� la�cl tn F1ro ENGRAVI NGS CH ROMOS Department mntlc.11 -/Vro rl· Er,eu:c �1! ,ul. I u Firemen, genelly, will be not a little surprised to sec · ' 1 how much may be prmted that is now and of special in- AND FRAMES, tcrcst to themselvcs1 and the paper becomes a common I centre of interest as their ' organ ,' in tho host sonso of STEREOSCOPES & V/£ WS, the word,"-Broold;m Uni on-A rg 1u: "T he NATIONAL FIRE:,t AN's JOURN A L has r its ob j e c t Aums, Graphosces, Photograpl ts, the fuishin of nows and general information rerd in And kindred goods-Celebrities, Actresses, fire matters. Notice will be ta.ken. in both its edi torial and etc., etc. news columns 1 of all matters of in terest occurring in any locality I nnd 1t wil l discuss nil topic3 which occupy the attention of the . various Fi re Departmcnts."-Ba/timore U1 1,ltrwriter. '\ The NATIONAL FUH!MAN's JOURNAL is devoted to the whole subject of fire cxtinguishment. A joual of this character fills an important / >lace. This publication takes up its specialty I intelligent y and comprehensively, with completeness of detail, and the ability, needs and demands, the deficiencies and the efficcncies of the average Fire Departments seem to be well undcrstood. 1 '-A 11urict1n Excatl and Revir. .u . Photographic Materials. We nro Headquarters r everythin in the wny of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Boin Manucturers of tho IICRO-SCIEN'l 'I FIC LAN'ERN, TEREO.PANOP'rICON, - ------ UNIVEllSITY STEREOP'ICON, ADVER'r1S ER'S 'l'EllEOPTICON, ARTOP'l'ICON, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : The subscription to the FIREMAN'S JOURNAL is I Six copies to 0110 addro5!, - $2. per annum. Twch•c copies to one address, We are propnrcd to do BOOK AND JOB PRINT ING At short notice and in the · highest tty le of the art. Estimates mnde o� nil classes of work. partmcnts will receive special attention. Address nil communications to the $10.00 1 8 . Orders om Fire De- SCHOOL LANTERN t. FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPL'S LANTERN , Each style being the host of its clns in rhe market. Beautiful Photoraphic Transparencies of Statuary and E 0 �;! JE�s 1e M:��f �lur�rs of Velvet Fmes r Miniatures nnd Con vex Glass Pictures.

Transcript of NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l...

Page 1: NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l 1 r Hose: is ncknowled 0 tTed to be the ofthecountry."-0,wtg-o (N. Y.) Times. :



NATIONAL FIREMAN'S-.. ,JOURNAL SAMUEL EASTMAN & CO.'S hns :ilrcndy proved itself a pronounced success, meeting wiLh the hearty support nnd encouragement of th� Pure Oak Leather Hose. FIREMEN AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS IN ALL· SECTIONS.

During the present year many unprovcmcius \\"m be made, calculated lo make it AIIEAD OF ALL COlfPE I ITION, U11ivr.rsnlly ac/...·11owletl&t"1I to he sujJc1/01· to n11y Hc.te manu/acturctl in A merica. STILL MORE VAL UABLE TO MEN WHOM iT AIMS TO .REPRESEiVT.

Assummg that the Fire Service is a most honorable calling, and the WORKS AT CO'.'ICORD, N. H. MANAGEMENT AND EXTINGUISHING OF FIRES A SCIENCE, It will di5cuss :il l matters of interest to Firemen from thi� st,mdpoint in n dignified manner, having at all times the courage of its opinions upon all 'topics pertaining to the Fire Service. Hnving no interest whatever, directly or re­motely, in any cl:iss of fire app:1r.ttus or supplies, it will strL\'C to present the honest chums of all manufacturcrS to :i r:lir recognition of �hdr appliances upon their merits. . ..;




O U R A M B ITION I S TO EXTE N D T H E FI R E S E R V I C E >, . p, c+-as much as possible, and to sec every Department thorou�hly equipped with the best apparatus to be obtained. The JounNAL will con tain correspondence from the prmc1p.1.I cities and towns throughout the country, and will m:1kc a spcch1l feature of


I> "' p.


.ct .... a 0 1:1 0 0 ... p.

-of the movements and doings of individual Firemen in every section. No clTort will be spared to mnke the � JOUl<NAL (!J THE BEST MEANS OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR THE FIRF.MEN AND THEIR FRIEN (!S 0

Special Attention will be Given to Reporlzi�{[ State and National Com1mtto11s. "'"'After many Public Trials and Exhibitions with com�eti-W H AT I S S A I D O F T H E J O U R N A L.

tors, our Hose has received the Hi1?hcst Awards and fes­timoniols, PURE OAl!I LEA'l'HER HOSE, D�uble Riveted with Copper-Rivets Turned . at the Lowut Pricu H I ple:1d guilty to a hearty interest in y�ur p�pcr. " SIMO:'< RRENTANO, u Proprldnr nf the grut. Neru 1-:mporlmn, Union Sqnue, N. )'," H I h;wc Ion,; felt the need of such n paper, nnd nm de1i,d1Led with as appearance. " WM. STOCKELL, u Ct.hi( Englue<r, N:u.hv1lle, Tenn." 11 I t i s with pleasure we welcome �nee more a real Fire­man's newspaper. " A. C. HENDRICKS, 14 Chltif Eni;lneer1 Ne"· Hn:rcn 1-"Jrri Dcp11rtm�ut," • In each number something new is found that cannot be furnished in :rny other w�y. " THOMAS DOYLE, Chief Eni;ineer, H �lor,mo1t, f\·I 1c1-1.'1 ' The informntion nlready obtained from the JOUHNAL h:is more than paid me for the y�ar's subscr�tion. '· LEWIS WARNER, Chiof Eni;ineor, u NoRTJIAllPTON, !\1ASS.1 1 .. If every number is as good as the first, no Fireman will complain. It '"·as, in my opinion, full ofintcresting re.'\d­ini:-, just such as we like. " G. A. AINSLIE, Chief Engineer, u RICHMOND, VA." u I have this dny received the NATIO!lAI. F1RBMAN1S JOURNAL. From what little time I have haJ to examine u, I am much pleased with its contents. " 0. L. ANGEVINE, Fire Marshal, " RocnEST1rn, N. Y." u Such a paper should be in the hands of every property ownc:r and Firemnn throughout the country ; it assists the former to discipline). and the latter to protect his property . " JAMES F'. t..ARNEY, Chief Fire Department, I I LOGANSPORT, IND." 11:1 read with interest the very practical nrtJcle in the joURNAI .. on u \Vetting Down," and the vast irnportnnce of the first five minutes :it a fire. Such p)nin, common sense articles will attract the attentfon of old practical Firemen. " ELIJAH LOWE, Ex-Chiof Engineer, u IlANCon, l\ht. ttu Send six copies of the Jou1nrAL to my address and send the bill to the Board of Fire Commissioners. Hy order of the Board. " ·GEO, W. WARSOP, Chiof Eni;inoer u OSWEGO F'IRK DnrAltTMKNT." u Cannot but meet with succcss.11-1Yew York E.i-:press. n I t promises to be a very useful and lively periodlCaJ." -United Stata R<ttitw. .. The paper is devoted to the intere"its of the AmencanFiremen, and should receive a w:irm welcome from them." -1,:.rur,u:cc Critic. " The fiold is Jari;o, and the J ouRNAL bids fair to occupyit in n tnanner creditable to both its proprietorS and to the clnss it represents,"-A.r/:hury Pnrk {.N. J .} Jot1r11r..l. 1 1 I t l3 the only paper devoted to the interests of Fire Department news published in the United States, and it should have a large circulation."-Ea.rt Ornnr� Ga:;eitc, •l The NATIO!'i'AL F11un,1As's JounNAI. has just appeared in New York. Wo have heard of hot journals before, but a professedly fire journal must be reniarknble if it goes &.'\fcly.1 '-Bosto,: A dvertiser.

u ·�·he NATIO�AJ, l•'nrnMAN's Jouu�AL. of New York, con.sistent with the very best mntcrial nod workmanship. !ins Just. made Jts nppcarnnce:, and �s full of vahmble Our Hose is made froin Selected Slaughter Hides, and1;1format1on for Lhe fire boys. -Plz.zladdjh.u:. S1111day I T11.11ntd hytlu,ud Proctss nnd finished in the ' lercury. 1 most approved manner with Nickle-Plated Couplings on u The NATION At. FtnU:\t.A�'s Joyn:...AL is the title of n I all Hose, which keeps the verdigris from rotting the leather. new w�ckly newspaper. pubhshed rn Nc'Y York, devoted I Ol r Hose: is ncknowledtTed to be theta the mtcre�ts of the FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! 1 0 of the country."-0,wtg-o (N. Y.) Times. : STANDARD HOSE ·, lo. The NATIONAi .. Fmu:\1AN15 JounsAL is the title of a new p.,per jl'st started ir;i Ne\\· York C\ty in the interests . and in a long serics ofJcnrS shows a Joss of less than 5 ('�r ?fthe F1re1:1cn of the Un.11tcri States. l t/s a very hand�ome , cent, in citie5 of har usage ;md ordinary of sixteen pages. -JVewtJrk (N. J .) Suntfay Call. 1 makes it the C!ttnje.rf and Bat Ho.rt ;11 E.xi.rJe,:ct. . ·� Co1!tains much inform:.1tion that cannot fai l to be Our ft'lotto is u Not how Cheap, but how Oood."rntcresung an<l useful to Firemen, whose wann appro\.'al · nnd subst:uttinl support the new enterprise is cntltlcc.1 to · Fire Uepartment5 and the Public, nfterecars of cxpen-receivc "-f,:sur.-utu C!:ronicle. ence with :ill kinds of Hose, arc now unanimous that our · Leather Hose is the Sfaudard. A VOLUME OF TESTIIIO-• u The field _for a paper such as the Fmru.1As1s JoUHNAL I r-.tAI.S CAN nn. r-uim1s11u.o. mtends to be ts large, and h:is not yet been occupied. The �umbor� ar� won n�ran0ed, and contnin a vast "'!!ount or Safety Economy and Durability rntcrestmg mformatlon. -New York Hotel J1[,ul. 1

1 I 1 " Judgini: from the con ton ts of tho first number, it ARE FOUND IN NO OTHER KIND. pro�ises to fun1ish a valua�le orJ?an for the intep:hangc I Our Leather Hose is talcing the place of all other of .vJews _between the yanous departmenu, wh!ch will kinds, hilving roved itself reliable in nil countries and fac1htntc Improvements III the methods of combntmg con- r dth )cl d onlv proves too true thatflagrations:11-/n.surance ,llonitor. \ �l:�1:�tf: :l �;0,1r.:·�,ga Ii!..·;"\ Lf:t1ur';' especially for H�se. •' Tho Firemen now hove a rcprcscntntivo p•por, cn- 1 A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF . FIRE titled tho NATIONAL F11mMAN's Jou1<t1AL. It 1s hopod it 'l'Rli\l.\llNGS. Wntm Fon Pnic&s, ETC, will prosper lihe a house on fire. This Journ:il 5houl<l meet with a warm rocoption from its journalistic brethren."- Awa.rded the Highest Meda.1 a.t Vienna..

. ::::i;;;�;;;:\r1�J'���T:P�1�i�fn���· :�::7��f,.��·1d; 1, E & H T ANTHONY & no field . of JournalisnJ will be to give all important nc�vs . U ,,�1atmg to or of m tercst to the members of the Fire I 1 1 1 1 Dopartment in all socuons."-Jli11i11g- Record. I 591 Broadway, New York, " ,ve recommend the new enterprise, the NATIONAL · (Opp. ?tlctropolitan Hotel,) bors of Fire Departmen ts, and zlso of Insurance Officer.; a.nuta.O Urers, mpo era ea .ers 1n l'IRRMAN's J OURNAt., ns dosorving the support of all mem- 1 M • t I rt & D 1 ' and Agents, who, obviously, nro intoroste� la�cl>: tn F1ro

ENGRAVINGS CH ROMOS Department mntlcrS.11-/Viero Yorl· Er,e,:u:c �1!,ul. Iu Firemen, generally, will be not a little surprised to sec · ' 1 how much may be prmted that is now and of special in- AND FRAMES, tcrcst to themselvcs1 and the paper becomes a common I centre of interest as their ' organ ,' in tho host sonso of S TEREOSCOPES & V/£ WS, the word,"-Broold;m Union-A rg1u: " The NATIONAL FIRE:,tAN's JOURNAL has for its object Albums, Graphoscopes, Photograplts,the furnishini; of nows and general information rew,ird ini; And kindred goods-Celebrities, Actresses, fire matters. Notice will be ta.ken. in both its editorial and etc., columns1 of all matters of interest occurring in any locality I nnd 1t will discuss nil topic3 which occupy the attention of the .various Fire Departmcnts."-Ba/timore U11,ltrwriter. '\ The NATIONAL FUH!MAN's JOURNAL is devoted to the whole subject of fire cxtinguishment. A journal of this character fills an important />lace. This publication takes up its specialty I intelligent y and comprehensively, with completeness of detail, and the ability, needs and demands, the deficiencies. and the efficcncies of the average FireDepartments seem to be well undcrstood.1'-A 11urict1.n Excltatll[i! and Revir..u.

P h otograp h i c M ate r i al s. We nro Headquarters for everythini; in the wny of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Boini; Manufacturers of tho .\IICRO-SCIEN'l'IFIC LAN'l'ERN, !,!TEREO.PANOP'rICON,

------- UNIVEllSITY STEREOP'l'ICON, ADVER'r1SER'S lel'l'EllEOPTICON, ARTOP'l'ICON, TERMS OF SUBSC R I PT I O N : The subscription to the FIREMAN'S JOURNAL is I Six copies to 0110 addro5!, -$2.00 per annum. Twch•c copies to one address, We are propnrcd to do B O O K A N D J O B P R I N T I N GAt short notice and in the· highest tty le of the art. Estimates mnde o� nil classes of work. partmcnts will receive special attention. Address nil communications to the

$ 10.00 1 8 .00 Orders from Fire De-

SCHOOL LANTERN t. FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLt:.'S LANTERN, Each style being the host of its in rhe market. Beautiful Photoi:raphic Transparencies of Statuary and E{!0�;!�gs JE�s1}1eM:���f.�lur�rs of Velvet Frames for Miniatures nnd Con vex Glass Pictures.

Page 2: NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l 1 r Hose: is ncknowled 0 tTed to be the ofthecountry."-0,wtg-o (N. Y.) Times. :
Page 3: NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l 1 r Hose: is ncknowled 0 tTed to be the ofthecountry."-0,wtg-o (N. Y.) Times. :
Page 4: NATIONAL FIRETHE MAN'S-..,JOURNAL Pure Oak … the mtcre ts of FJrcmen and the Fire Departments ! l 1 r Hose: is ncknowled 0 tTed to be the ofthecountry."-0,wtg-o (N. Y.) Times. :