National disaster management

National Disaster Management


Disaster Management at National Level

Transcript of National disaster management

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National Disaster Management

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• Means catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural or man made causes. Or

• by accident or negligence which results in substantial loss of life or

• human suffering or damage to , and destruction of property or damage to , or

• degradation of environment and of such nature magnitude as to be beyond the coping capacity of the community of the affected area.

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Types of disaster?• The HPC thus constituted five sub-groups to go into details of five major

classifications as decided by the HPC.• SUB GROUP I- WATER AND CLIMATE RELATED HAZARDS• (a) Floods and drainage management• (b) Cyclones, tornadoes, Hurricanes• (c) Hailstorms, cloud bursts, Snow Avalanches, Heat and Clod Waves Thunder &

Lightening• (d) Sea Erosion• (e) Droughts• SUB GROUP-II- GEOLOGICALLY RELATED HAZARDS• (a) Earthquakes• (b) Landslide, Mudflows• (c) Soil Erosion• (d) Dam Bursts and Dam Failures• (e) Mine Fires• SUB GROUP-III CHEMICAL, INDUSTRIAL AND NUCLEAR RELATED DISASTERS• (a) Chemical and Industrial Disasters• (b) Nuclear Disasters

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Continue…• SUB GROUP –IV ACCIDENT RELATED DISASTERS• (a) Road, Rail and other transportation accidents including Waterways.• (b) Mine Flooding• (c) Major Building Collapse• (d) Serial Bomb Blasts• (e) Festival related Disasters• (f) Urban Fires• (g) Oil Spill• (h) Village Fires• (i) Boat Capsizing• (j) Forest Fires• (k) Electrical Disasters and Fires

• SUB GROUP-V BIOLOGICALLY RELATED DISASTERS• (a) Biological Disasters• (b) Food Poisoning• (c) Cattle Epidemics/Pest Attacks

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Disaster Management ?

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• Means continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or expedient for-

i. Prevention for danger or threat of any disasterii. Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its

severity or consequencesiii. Capacity-buildingiv. Preparedness to deal with any disasterv. Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation

or disaster vi. Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any

disastervii. Evacuation , rescue and relief viii. Rehabilitation and reconstruction

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Why we need it?

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58.6 % of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of moderate to high intensity

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40 million hectares (12 % of the total land) is prone to floods and river erosions

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Of the 7516 km long coastline, close to 5700 km is prone to cyclone and tsunamis

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68 % of the cultivable area is vulnerable to drought and hilly areas are at risk from landslides and avalanches

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Who Manage it and how?

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Disaster Management ACT 2005

• 23rd December 2005• National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA)• Chairperson(Prime Minister) and 9 other members nominated

by chairperson. Other supporting staff.• Chairperson can nominate one as vice chairman• National Executive committee which include secretary to the

govt. of india who hold the administrative charge of the disaster management acting as Chairperson along with secretaries of agriculture,atomic energy,defence,water and environment,forest, finance,health,power,rural development,science and technology , space ,telecommunication , urban development and chief of the Integrated Defense staff along with supporting staff.

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Cont….• National Disaster Management Authority may

constitute advisory committee which includes the experts from disaster field.

• Similarly National executive committee can constitute other sub committees for better function .

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Roles of NDMA

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Roles of National Executive Committee

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National Disaster Plan

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State Management Authority(SMA)• Consist of Chief minister as Chairperson ,

Other eight members nominated by him and the chairperson of the State executive committee . Along with supportive staff.

• Chairperson may designate the Vice chairperson , may constitute advisory committee which may include field expertise along with supporting staff.

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State Executive Committee(SEC)• Include Chief secretary as chairperson along

with other four secretaries which State Govt. thinks are important , along with supporting staff.

• SEC may constitute further sub committees if required

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Role of SDMA

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Role of SEC

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State Disaster Plan

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District Disaster Management Authority(DDMA)

• Consist of collector or District Magistrate or Deputy Commissioner who will be chairperson

• the elected representative of the local authority will be co-chairperson

• The chief executive officer of the district authority(additional collector or additional district magistrate or additional deputy comiissioner )

• The Superintendent of police• CMO• And where zila parshid is in place chairperson of

zilaparshid will be co-chairperson along with supporting staff

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Roles of DDMA

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District Plan

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Office / Local level

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National Institute Of Disaster Management( NIDM)

• National Centre for Disaster Management was established in 1995 in the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, the nodal ministry for disaster management in the country at New Delhi.

• The Centre was upgraded as the National Institute of Disaster management (NIDM) on 16th October 2003, following the transfer of the subject of disaster management to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

• Institute has achieved the status of a statutory organization under the National Disaster Management Act 2005. Section 42(8) of the Act has made the Institute responsible for 'planning and promoting training and research in the area of disaster management, documentation and development of national level information base relating to disaster management policies, prevention mechanisms and mitigation measures'.

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specific functions to the Institute:

• develop training modules, undertake research and documentation in disaster management and organise training programmes;

• formulate and implement a comprehensive human resource development plan covering all aspects of disaster management;

• provide assistance in national level policy formulation;• provide required assistance to the training and research institutes for development of training and

research programmes for stakeholders including Government functionaries and undertake training of faculty members of the State level training institutes;

• provide assistance to the State Governments and State training institutes in the formulation of State level policies, strategies, disaster management framework and any other assistance as may be required by the State Governments or State training institutes for capacity-building of stakeholders, Government including its functionaries, civil society members, corporate sector and people's elected representatives;

• develop educational materials for disaster management including academic and professional courses;• promote awareness among stakeholders including college or school teachers and students, technical

personnel and others associated with multi-hazard mitigation, preparedness and response measures;• undertake, organise and facilitate study courses, conferences, lectures, seminars within and outside

the country to promote the aforesaid objects;• undertake and provide for publication of journals, research papers and books and establish and

maintain libraries in furtherance of the aforesaid objects;• do all such other lawful things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects;

and• undertake any other function as may be assigned to it by the Central Government.

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National Disaster Response Force(NDRF) and Civil Defence

• Constituted as per the Act• Superintendence , direction and control shall

be vested and excised by NDMA and the command and supervision of the force by director general of the NDRF

• At present 10 battalions 2 each from BSF, CRPF, ITBP,CISF,SSB and 1149 personnel in each

• Also include Home guard and Fire Cell

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• Specialized response during disasters• Proactive deployment during impending disaster situations• Acquire and continually upgrade its own training and skills• Liaison, Reconnaissance, Rehearsals and Mock Drills• Impart basic and operational level training to State

Response Forces (Police, Civil Defence and Home Guards)• Vis-à-vis Community- All NDRF Bns are actively engaged in

various:• Community Capacity Building Programme• Public Awareness Campaign• Exhibitions : Posters, Pamphlets, literatures

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Administrative Setup

• The following institutions have been established by an administrative order of the Government of India:

• (a) National fire Service College at Nagpur• (b) National Civil Defence college at nagpur

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Finance , Accounts and audit1. National disaster and Response Fund & State Disaster

Response Fund2. Capacity Building for Disaster Response3. Revamping of Fire Services Other Budgetary Provisions:A Plan Schemes:(a) Strengthening of Fire and Emergency Services (b) Revamping of Civil Defence setupB Non Plan Schemes(c) Financial Assistance to Adminstrative Training Institutes

(ATIs) and other training Institutes in States/UTC Externally Aided Schemes

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Finance , Accounts and audit• C Externally Aided Schemes(a) GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme(b) GOI-USAID Disaster Management Support Project(c) National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project• Other Projects which are in pipeline:• National Emergency Communication Plan(PhaseII)• School Safety Programme• National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Project• National Landslide Risk Mitigation Project• National Flood Mitigation Project

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NDRF• National Disaster response Fund (NDRF) an amount which the central Govt. will provide along with any

other amount presented by person or institution for disaster • NDRF will be provided to NEC • National Mitigation Fund provided by central Govt . exercised

by NDMA• State Disaster Response Fund by SDEC• State Mitigation Fund By SDMA• District Disaster Response Fund by DDEC• District Mitigation Fund by DDA• Every Ministry will make provision in its annual budget• List where money can be spent is e-mailed • Offences and Penalties

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National Policy on Disaster Management2009

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