Nathan Hale Research Paper

Nathan Hale


A LONG report I had to write on Nathan Hale

Transcript of Nathan Hale Research Paper

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Nathan Hale

Antonio Doukas

Mr. Wax

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US History 31

Once in a great while, our country produces a great

patriot; one who lives on as an example for others to

follow. From humble beginnings he arose to become one of the

most loyal men in the American Army, from the sickly son of

a farmer, to a strong and brave martyr. In his twenty-one

years of life, he accomplished more than many of us would

only dream to do in our lifetime. He studied with a well-

read reverend, went to Yale, started a secret society,

entered the Connecticut Militia and later the American Army,

became a spy out of necessity, and was immortalized by his

dying words. Few of us even have ambitions that high! Nathan

Hale was a natural born leader, one who’s aspirations and

conviction got to him where he did. Thanks to Hale’s

perseverance and his public speaking abilities, he was able

to recruit very many soldiers. If it wasn’t for him, we may

not have won the war.

Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, CT on June 6, 1755 of

Richard Hale and Elizabeth Strong. He was one of twelve

children, and one of nine boys. His father was a Deacon, and

thus a man who was accustomed to order. “He went to bed with

the swallows and arose with the lark, and if his boys were

not up as early as he, he wanted to know the reason why.”


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(Partridge, 45) Richard Hale was a prosperous farmer whose

political ideals promoted independence for America.

When Nathan was born he was not expected to live long.

He was a sickly child, but instead of killing him, his

disease strengthened him. As he grew, he cultivated a love

for sports such as “running, leaping, wrestling, firing at a

mark, throwing, lifting, playing ball,” (Newton, 124)

fishing, and swimming. Although he had his fair share of

fun, he was also very devoted to his studies. He was a

privileged child to be able to go to school, because unlike

today, school was a privilege back then. His primary studies

included reading, writing, mathematics, and religion.

He put his mind to his studies so much, that his father

encouraged him to study with Reverend Joseph Huntington, and

perhaps join the clergy someday. Nathan readily accepted,

and soon began his secondary education. He quickly gained a

love for the ‘classics’ such as Greek, Latin, Mathematics,

Philosophy, Greek and Roman literature & history, and


In his quest for higher education, Hale applied to Yale

in New Haven, and was accepted in 1769. Even though he was

only fourteen, he didn’t slack off in his studies; instead,

he continued his lessons in the classics. He was a very

popular with both the students and teachers. He was even


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able to arrange a library for his secret society made for

those who loved to read. It was called the Linonia Society.

Patriotism was instilled in Hale early on, because most

discussions at school centered on politics and the break off

of America from Britain. Hale graduated with flying colors

in 1773.

Hale wasted no time in his life; immediately after

Yale, he organized a formal debate discussing whether girls

were neglected as far as their studies. Due to his advanced

linguistics and persuasion, he won the debate easily, making

a small contribution to the fight for women’s rights. Nathan

was not satisfied, as he still wanted school; so he became a


In Oct. 1773, Hale was able to secure a job in East

Haddam up until March of 1774, when he moved to a school in

New London until July 1775. He was adored by his students

and fellow teachers. He would explain the lessons to them in

a way that they would understand. Hale loved his job, and

showed it to his students every day, but all good things

must come to an end.

While Hale was still teaching, the war had begun, so in

July of 1775 he decided to join the Connecticut Militia. He

was in the seventh Connecticut regiment as first Lieutenant

under Colonel Webb. Hale was given the job of recruiting


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soldiers. His captivating speeches won many over. “Let us

march immediately, and never lay down our arms until we have

obtained our independence!” so was the conclusion of one of

Hale’s motivating speeches. Through his linguistic skills,

he was able to convince a large amount of people to be


Hale’s skills and perseverance got him promoted to

Captain before too long. Immediately afterward he and his

regiment were sent to Cambridge, Massachusetts to provide

relief for the troops in Boston. In 1755, Hale’s term in the

militia ended, but his dedication for his country did not.

Without skipping a beat, he enlisted in the nineteenth

regiment of the Continental Army as a Captain in January of


Hale was a faithful servant of his country. During a

battle in New York in mid-May, Nathan was able to intercept

a sloop chock full of much needed supplies. During the

summer of 1776, Washington’s army was outnumbered by twelve-

thousand soldiers. In order to alleviate his soldiers, he

formed a special group called the Connecticut Rangers. Hale

was one out of one-hundred and twenty men to go.

These rangers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas

Knowlton and nicknamed Knowlton’s Rangers, had the

responsibility of cracking British intelligence, discovering


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battle tactics and other information that would benefit

Washington’s soldiers. Washington was dissatisfied, and

wanted more results, so he asked Knowlton for volunteers to

be undercover spies. Being the leader of one of the ranger

companies, Hale eagerly accepted, saying, “I wish to be

useful and every kind of service, necessary to the public

good, becomes honorable by being necessary.”

Hale understood what it would require of him, and the

risks involved, but still whole-heartedly accepted. He was

to go into British territory disguised, and determine the

strength of the troops and determine where they would

attack. Hale, although lacking in the basic techniques and

equipment used by spies then, was headstrong and brave, and

went into British territory with plain clothes and a his

diploma, as if looking for a job as a schoolteacher.

Although Nathan Hale was not the best choice for a spy,

he was able to visit every British camp on Long Island, and

sketch pictures of what the encampments looked like, and

annotated the plans they were discussing. He was to be done

with spying by September fifteenth, but things did not go as

planned. On the twentieth, the whole city was up in flames.

Hale tried to escape, but he was captured and arrested as a

suspect for arson.


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Hale spent the night in prison, and when they searched

him, they found the sketches and notes he took hidden in his

shoes. He was then charged with being a spy, and was to be

hanged the next morning. No trial was given because spies

were considered the scum of the earth; posing themselves as

friends, but then stabbing them in the back. The irony in

his being caught was that his own loyalist cousin was the

one who betrayed him to General William Howe.

Nathan gave in with no fight, and he was still treated

with utmost disrespect, and even denied basic freedoms given

to all prisoners of war. His requests for both a Bible and a

priest were turned down by his supervisor, William

Cunningham. Hale was to wait until morning for his fate to

be sealed. After the noose was fitted around his neck, he

was asked if he had any last words. The words that escaped

his lips afterwards have been immortalized and preserved up

until today: “You are shedding the blood of the innocent; if

I had ten-thousand lives I would lay them down in defense of

my injured.” He concludes with these eternal words, “I only

regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!”

(Rostek, 186) Then, SNAP! His life was over. He was kept

hanging so as to serve as a warning for the Americans, so

even after his death, he was helping his country. When

Washington found out about his death a week later, he asked


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Montressor, who was meeting with General Howe to discuss the

exchange of prisoners, to find out what happened to Nathan.

He was answered thoroughly, as Howe “was [not] willing to

execute Hale” (Partridge, 82), and sympathized for their


We all should sympathize for his loss. A patriot such

as that is rarely seen nowadays. When most people turn

twenty-one, they go to the nearest bar and drink, but Hale

was doing something of actual importance. He went a long way

in his life; a sickly baby, a strong boy, a teenage scholar,

an adolescent teacher, and an adult soldier. We would do

well to follow in his footsteps.


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Works Cited

1. Schmittroth, Linda. Rostek, Mary Kay. American Revolution: Biographies. 1. 2000. (178-186).

2. Partridge, William Ordway. Nathan Hale: The Ideal Patriot. New York City: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1902.

3. Libertson, Jody. Nathan Hale: Hero of the American Revolution. 1. New York City: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2004.

4. Newton, Caroline. Once Upon A Time In Connecticut. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916.(124-139).

5. Johnston, Henry. Nathan Hale 1776: Biography and Memorials. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1914.