Natalia M. Alyssa R. Presidential Candidates Lissa...

Presidential Candidates Natalia M. Alyssa R. Denize I. Lissa C. Estefania V.

Transcript of Natalia M. Alyssa R. Presidential Candidates Lissa...

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Presidential Candidates

Natalia M. Alyssa R.

Denize I.

Lissa C.

Estefania V.

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Natalia N.

Hillary Clinton Democratic party

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Natalia● Hillary wants to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.12 to $12 an hour. ● Hillary supports the DREAM act, and wants to keep enforcing President Obama’s

plans regarding immigration. ● Hillary wants to donate $17.5 billion in grants for states. She wants to invest in

higher educations. She also proposes to lower interest rates on current and future loans.

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My website:

Properly cited: Lee, Maxwell Tani and Samantha. "Here's Where Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Stand on the

Issues." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 14 Nov. 2015. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

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The website I used for researching on Hillary Clinton portrays reliable information because it follows all the credibility criteria.The website I used was, The website I used can be seen as a credible source because we know where it was published.It has strong reliabilty. The article appears on the Business Insider website. This company is a fast growing business site that talks about many topics to inform people about finances, media, technology, and other industrial topics. It was started by Henry Blodget, a top-ranked Wall Street analyst. Along with executives Dwight Merriman and Kevin Ryan from Double Click they helped Henry start this large business news website. The company, Business Insider, gets published by Alex Spreingers SE. This publishing company is one of the largest publishing houses in Europe. The information is this website is reliable because, the websites Alex Spriners SE publishes, are professionally analyzed by professional scholars who have experience with writing. They have 5 top editors that get voted into the position of editors depending on how good their writing skills are. One of the member of the editing staff is Dr. Giuseppe Vita and he has doctorate in medicine. So, when an article regarding health needs to be edited, he is the one that edits the article. So, there are professional people editing and reviewing the articles before they are published to make sure they are accurate. We also know quite a lot about the author of this article. The author, Maxwell Tani is a Politics Reporter for Business Insider. He has written also for the Huffington Post.Throughout his writing career he has also worked as an editor for Freelancer. He has a bachelors of arts in journalism, and cinema studios and graduated from the school American University. Maxwell is a certified reporter.He is a political reporter, so he has experience regarding politics. Another key point is that this source is timely. The article got published on November 14 , 2015; however, it got edited on March 3, 2106. It has been edited recently which means the author is keeping the information that gets portrayed in this website up to date. This website was written to inform readers about the issues Hillary will fight for. It states what Hillary would change in America to make it a better country. This website got written intending to inform the general public. I know it’s intended for the general public because this website does not use sophisticated word diction. This website portrays the information straight forward so anyone could understand this passage. This website was designed to gain attention. The 2016 campaign interests many people so this website contains many advertisements. The publishing company use this website to gain profit, they take advantage of the fact that many people care about these topics so they post many advertisement in that website to not only inform people on the campaign details, but also to advertise products. This website must make lots of money because it has many advertisers.These advertisers pay the website to post their advertisement and the whole page is filled with them. From this I can conclude that it is not a biased website. This website was designed to inform people about both issues HIllary and Sanders fight for. The author is not fighting for one side. It is just an informational website to inform the general public about where each candidate stands in the campaign. This article is a secondary source because it is not primary, there are no quotes or videos that come directly from Hillary.After reviewing all these criteria I conclude this website is reliable and credible because it is current, it gets edited and reviewed by professional editors. Also, the author has lost of knowledge about politics, and it is not biased. The article is intended to just inform readers not persuade them.

Natalia N.

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Republican Party

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Abortion:❖ Pro-life

➢ Ted Cruz wants to emphasize insurances’ ability to deny birth control.➢ Ted Cruz opposes public abortion funding.

Immigration:❖ Ted Cruz wants to triple the size of border patrol.

Therefore, aiming to astoundingly increase the budget for that area. Crime:

❖ Ted cruz is for the Death Penalty.❖ He wants to fully monitor sexual predators and bring them

to justice.

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When instructed to conduct research on Ted Cruz, I chose the website

Biography.htm to gather my information on this presidential candidate; yet, the website proved itself as unreliable according to the

CRAAP abbreviations of website credibility because it fell short to a lot of the requirements. The currency of my source classifies

itself as “old news” because the author last updated this article on March 25, 2015. A lot of change may have occurred in these

past twelve months, especially when revolving around the world of politics. This information on the website comes from a political

news website on The only listed writer or editor applies to Tom Murse with no other indication of assistants or

team members collaborating and checking for reliability. Tom Murse, the author, works as a US Politics Expert. He has won several

statewide and national journalism awards for investigative, spot news and enterprise reporting. His articles convey themselves as

unbiased because of the absence of expressing personal opinions in his writing. My source lacks accuracy because the only other

references made in this article link to a different article from the same website and author. Therefore, Tom Murse only uses himself

as a reference in this article. Information provided by the source categorizes itself as very minimally informative and not very

extensive. classifies as a secondary source because it simply recounts event and statistics, instead of developing

them. Murse’s intentions when writing this article were to inform the general public with the gist of Ted Cruz and his run for

president in a way that doesn’t require extensive knowledge on the subject to be understood. According to the CRAAP

abbreviation pertaining website credibility, the website I selected proved itself to be unreliable when examined closely.

Link to Website:


Properly Cited:

"Ted Cruz Biography." News & Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

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Marco Rubio


Lissa Colin

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� Abortion


Definition: Opposed to the murder of unborn babies.

Marco Rubio has been quoted with saying he is pro-life and he has supported numerous pieces of pro-life legislation.

"I believe that Roe v. Wade was not only morally wrong, but it was a poorly decided legal precedent and should be overturned. I have a record of supporting pro-life policies, and will continue to do so in public and private life."

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� Gun-Control

Definition: Regulation of the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, or use of firearms in order to control crime and reduce the harmful effects of violence.

No, Rubio does not generally support gun-control legislations.

“Like the rest of our Constitution, I believe the 2nd Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy. I believe the right to bear arms is a constitutionally protected right. The right of citizens to defend themselves by bearing arms is a fundamental human right that should be protected."

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� Immigration Question: Do you support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?

Yes, although he acknowledged that immigration was a great source of strength and prosperity.

"...I believe illegal immigration threatens the foundation of this system. If I had been in the Senate at the time, I would have opposed the McCain-Kennedy bill. I believe we must fix our immigration system by first securing the border, fixing the visa and entry

process and opposing amnesty in any reform."

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LINK The website I choose to use to give me insight of my candidate, Marco Rubio, was Vote Smart. I have came to believe this website is semi-credible; CRAAP justified the reason why. For currency, it is very hard to confirm the dates of when certain things were published. Looking around throughout the website, you may stumble upon a date, but it is not clearly stated as if it were a new article. All the information seems to be clearly updated, which means it’s credible. Reliability in any situation for research can be a complicated objective to find. This website is a non-profit organization; therefore, a .org website. The publisher is the website, Vote Smart. The authors working for this business are volunteers or paid workers. Although, they are volunteers they are required to be qualified and those who are paid are not paid a very big amount. All information is unsigned, yet there are business contact information available to contact in any questions or issues. Author/s does not show any tone or bias effect, mostly factual tone. The information carried in the website can be validated with other sources. Seeing that there are other websites with the same information usually means that it is factual and/or credible. One great things about this website is that they also state the website or any information gathered in other places. The most commonly used website for Vote Smart Marco Rubio is the Marco Rubio official website. Clearly, the website is a secondary source, yet it gets information from a primary source making it as credible as the primary source maybe more, and it is unbiased due to that. This was made for the general public, but is focused on voters of any age.

"The Voter's Self Defense System." Project Vote Smart. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

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Bernie Sanders Democratic Party

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Bernie SandersDemocratic Party

● He is a strong supporter of immigration reform, but has voted against some of such efforts like the expansion of visas because he thinks it is a way for corporations to keep wages low

● When it comes to gun control, he has voted against bills that would allow bags to be checked before entering Amtrak trains and speeding up the process for guns

● Most people like his new healthcare plan, but seem to find an issue because it will cost over $13.8 trillion dollars in government spending over a decade

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Credible Source LinkThe source proved to be very credible. In the beginning it seemed that it was not such a know website; however, this website held up it’s facts blantly with truth. There was no biased opinions on the agenda. The author was not a single person, but instead a whole editorial staff that checks and details the facts. When it came to the newest facts, it was last updated in December 2015 which shows that it is current for only two months have passed. If the readers feel like they need to ask a question, it is very possible because anyone can contact on twitter or by email. They even posted their actual building address for mail. To add on, they include people at the bottom where they have gathered their political facts. The article is written for anyone that wants to look up any info on the candidates or academic research on these possible leaders. This website, once again proves to be reliable due to many reasons such as being checked, factual, timely, accurate, and has legitimate purpose to its writing.


"Bernie Sanders on the Issues." Bernie Sanders on the Issues. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.

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Donald Trump

Republican Party

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Donald Trump - REPUBLICAN● Wants to cut Department of Education

& Common Core

● Trump says we must stop illegal

immigration and build a wall to keep

Mexicans away (wants Mexico to pay)

● Doesn’t support gay rights, Planned

Parenthood, or Criminal Rights“Donald Trump on the Issues.” Donald Trump on the Issues.Web.03 Mar.2016.

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The website I used for the research record for Donald Trump was The source was published to knowledge those who want to know more about the candidates,who are running for 2016 presidential. It seems to be credible with the right facts, very reliable, and isn’t biased. The website has no publisher meaning there’s was no name of who wrote the source, but they have a reliable staff of editors. Last time anything was post on to the article was in January 2016, so it has been current from two months ago. This website has contact information on the bottom of the page, if someone has a question or get in touch with one of the editors. They didn’t have one editor on the page, but the names where they got the information for Trump’s Issues is at the bottom of the page. The website is secondary source, but have the right stuff to back up their facts. Plus, they have links to other sources where they got the info on and they are very accurate with the facts. In my opinion, I don’t think this website is biased since it’s neutral with bad and/or good facts of Trump. The source was for the audience who have interest in the 2016 Presidential Race for both Republican and Democrat Party. It was intended to general audience, preferably the citizens that are old enough to vote, want to know more about the campaigners that are running for President.