NARWHAL NATION NEWS - Downingtown Area School District · comets being dissipated in other solar...

NEWSPAPER CLUB 1 NARWHAL NATION NEWS The Student Dodgeball Game! Our teams are... Dreamteam Lionville liberty Team Ace Power players Dodgers Team umizoomi The artful Dodgers Skillz that Killz All stars Game starters The underdogs/the Bulldogs The other kids Bleeding dodgeballers Dodging devil donkeys Dodgbrawlers "the power The team winners ........... In first place... Skillz that Killz In second place... Narwhal Nation Ninjas and Team Umizoomi Why couldn't Cinderella play football? -Because she had a pumpkin for a coach Why did the football coach go to the bank? -To get his quarterback. Joke column What do you call a bear with no teeth? -A gummy bear CONGRATULATIONS!!

Transcript of NARWHAL NATION NEWS - Downingtown Area School District · comets being dissipated in other solar...

Page 1: NARWHAL NATION NEWS - Downingtown Area School District · comets being dissipated in other solar systems as [their] star evaporates them." Looking for life Hunting for evidence of




NEWSThe Student Dodgeball Game!Our teams are...

Dreamteam Lionville liberty Team Ace Power players Dodgers Team umizoomi The artful Dodgers Skillz that Killz All stars Game starters The underdogs/the Bulldogs The other kids Bleeding dodgeballers Dodging devil donkeys Dodgbrawlers "the power

The team winners........... In first place...

Skillz that Killz

In second place... Narwhal Nation Ninjas

and Team Umizoomi

Why couldn't Cinderella play

football?-Because she had a pumpkin

for a coach

Why did the football coach go

to the bank?-To get his


Joke column

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

-A gummy bear


Page 2: NARWHAL NATION NEWS - Downingtown Area School District · comets being dissipated in other solar systems as [their] star evaporates them." Looking for life Hunting for evidence of



Dear WiseOwl,       My grades are uneven. My core teachers tell me to pay attention to their classes, and less attention on encores. I end up getting really bad grades.  ­Grades need improvement   Dear Grades need improvement,  Don't listen to people when they tell you what to focus on, because you can focus on every class, and not just core classes. Encores help you enjoy your school experience, and teach you valuable skills for later in life. Core classes are also very important, because they teach basic skills you'll use your whole life. Even if you have favorite classes, you need to just concentrate on all of them. For example, I don't really like math. But I still manage to scrape a B because I know how important math will be later in my life. Try to think about how important core classes will be later in your life!   ~WiseOwl     Dear WiseOwl,  I like to write but do not have much of a chance to write creatively in school. All of our assignments are essays. Any suggestions?   Dear Anonymous,   This is so like me! I am the same way about writing. One thing you can do is write stories on your iPad, then email it to all your friends. If you want more of a chance for next year, take Advanced Writing.  ­WiseOwl   Dear WiseOwl,   Help! My mom won't let me wear shorts to school! She says I look sloppy.   What can I do? 

Wise Owl AndCatTails

Dear Readers, I would like to announce that I have a new partner for Advise Column; Cattails! She will be answering some of my letters. But don't worry, I will proof it to make sure that they are perfect for all of you devoted writers. 😄

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Dear (no-name), I understand perfectly what you mean. But sometimes, the answer will come to mind if you listen to strategies from your teachers. Even if they sound pointless, just try it sometime. I promise you, your writing assignments will drastically improve. But if you are really having problems, here are some tips; • Ask a teacher for extra help during free time (Reach, Advisory, etc.) •Make a plan beforehand, so you can have a good idea of what you are writing. (Chart, Web, etc.) • Practice, practice, practice! • Use and online or paper thesaurus, to find detailed words. (Also, no repetition, use synonyms.) Sincerely, CatTails.

The Book Hogs🐽Book Recommendations

Edition 2

Harry Potter

Written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the seven-book Harry Potter series is a fast moving and keeps you hanging on the edge of your seat, and you will find yourself unable to put it

down. It features Harry Potter, and his other wizard friends as they battle the infamous He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who has been wanting to get back at Harry for taking away his

power. Now he has gained his power back, and is thirsting for revenge. Join Harry Potter on his journey to stop the Dark



The Book Hogs🐽

Book Recommendations Edition 1

I think people should read the Hunger Games because it is a very

conflicted book. It kept us reading without stop. If you

like thrilling, dramatic, romantic, horrifying, and

tragic novels, The HungerGames by Suzanne Collins

is for you! Stay tuned for more in edition 2, Harry


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Polina I.

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TRIVIA WHIZ- NNN EDITION!This week's trivia category- Books! (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson Series, Hunger Games, and Divergent series)

1. What were the 3 names of the Deathly Hallows? A. Godric Gryffindor's sword, The lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, the Invisibility Cloak B. The time turner, Slytherin's Locket, the Elder Wand C. The Resurrection Stone, the Elder Wand, The Invisibility Cloak

2. What are the fields at Camp Half-Blood full of? A. Mangos B. Monsters C. Strawberries D. Campers

3. What was Katniss trying to sell as a young child, but with no success? A. Chicken B. Medicine C. Baby Clothes D. Bread

4. What are the Factions in "Divergent"? A. Amity, Gryffindor, Candor, Abnegation, Dauntless B. Ravenclaw, Dauntless, Amity, Candor, Gryffindor C. Candor, Dauntless, Amity, Abnegation, Erudite

5. What house, other than Gryffindor, did the Sorting Hat want to put him in? A. Hufflepuff B. Slytherin C. Ravenclaw D. C and A

6. Which district did Katniss live in? A. District 13 B. District 2 C. District 12 D. District 9

7. What was Frank Zhang's power? A. He was Immune to fire B. He could control water C. He could turn into any animal/creature D. He could summon lightning



Find Answers in the Next Issue!

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Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say.

"I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years," NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan said Tuesday (April 7) during a panel discussion that focused on the space agency's efforts to search for habitable worlds and alien life.

"We know where to look. We know how to look," Stofan added during the event, which was webcast live. "In most cases we have the technology, and we're on a path to implementing it. And so I think we're definitely on the road."

Recent observations by planetary probes and telescopes on the ground and in space have shown that water is common throughout our solar system and the broader Milky Way galaxy. Pin It Recent observations by planetary probes and telescopes on the ground and in space have shown that water is common throughout our solar system and the broader Milky Way galaxy.Credit: NASA

"I think we're one generation away in our solar system, whether it's on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star," Grunsfeld said during Tuesday's event.

Many habitable environmentsRecent discoveries suggest that the solar system and broader Milky Way galaxy teem with environments that could support life as we know it, Grunsfeld said.

For example, oceans of liquid water slosh beneath the icy shells of the Jupiter moons Europa and Ganymede, as well as that of the Saturn satellite Enceladus. Oceans covered much of Mars in the ancient past, and seasonal dark streaks observed on the Red Planet's surface today may be caused by salty flowing water.

Further, NASA's Curiosity rover has found carbon-containing organic molecules and "fixed" nitrogen, basic ingredients necessary for Earth-like life, on the Martian surface.

Farther afield, observations by NASA's Kepler space telescope suggest that nearly every star in the sky hosts planets — and many of these worlds may be habitable. Indeed, Kepler's work has shown that rocky worlds like Earth and Mars are probably more common throughout the galaxy than gas giants such as Saturn and Jupiter.

And just as the solar system is awash in water, so is the greater galaxy, said Paul Hertz, director of NASA's Astrophysics Division.


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The Milky Way is "a soggy place," Hertz said during Tuesday's event. "We can see water in the interstellar clouds from which planetary systems and stellar systems form. We can see water in the disks of debris that are going to become planetary systems around other stars, and we can even see comets being dissipated in other solar systems as [their] star evaporates them."

Looking for lifeHunting for evidence of alien life is a much trickier proposition than identifying potentially habitable environments. But researchers are working steadily toward that more involved and ambitious goal, Stofan and others said.

For example, the agency's next Mars rover, scheduled to launch in 2020, will search for signs of past life and cache samples for a possible return to Earth for analysis. NASA also aims to land astronauts on Mars in the 2030s — a step Stofan regards as key to the search for Mars life.

"I'm a field geologist; I go out and break open rocks and look for fossils," Stofan said. "Those are hard to find. So I have a bias that it's eventually going to take humans on the surface of Mars — field geologists, astrobiologists, chemists — actually out there looking for that good evidence of life that we can bring back to Earth for all the scientists to argue about."

NASA is also planning out a mission to Europa, which may launch as early as 2022. The main goal of this $2.1 billion mission will be to shed light on the icy moon's potential habitability, but it could also search for signs of alien life: Agency officials are considering ways to sample and study the plumes of water vapor that apparently erupt from Europa's south polar region.

In the exoplanet realm, the agency's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an $8.8 billion instrument scheduled to launch in 2018, will scope out the atmospheres of nearby "super-Earth" alien planets, looking for gases that may have been produced by life.

JWST will scan the starlight that passes through the air of super-Earths, which are more massive than our own planet but significantly less so than gaseous worlds such as Uranus and Neptune. This method, called transit spectroscopy, will likely not work for potentially habitable Earth-size worlds, Hertz said.

Searching for biosignature gases on small, rocky exoplanets will instead probably require direct imaging of these worlds, using a "coronagraph" to block out the overwhelming glare of their parent stars, Hertz added.

NASA's potential Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, which may launch in the mid-2020s if given the official go-ahead, would include a coronagraph for exoplanet observations.



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The Ambassador of Burundi

"The Ambassador came to Marsh Creek to talk about his country"

By: Emily L.The Ambassador of Burundi was contacted by Peter Jung while doing a research project for his ELA teacher Doc Singleton. While doing the

project he contacted the Ambassador and made arrangements for the Ambassador to come to Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center. During his speech the ambassador answered questions from the students. Here are a few questions and answers.

(These are not in exact words of speaker they are altered and shortened. Other questions added as well)

Question: How many kids are in a classroom?

Answer: About 50 kids in the morning and then another round of 50 kids in the afternoon all taught by one teacher?

Question: How far do kids walk to get to school?

Answer: About 3 miles.

Question: How many children finish elementary school?

Answer: About 60%.

Question: How many elementary schools are in Burundi?

Answer: Around 60,000.


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Band Concert Are you interested in band? Then this interview with Ms.Kirk is just for you.This article has a few of Ms.Kirk's opinions. She thinks that the band has some cool new songs, and she is excited for the upcoming concert. One thing that has changed, she has her band playing some more modern songs than she is used to. For her, "The best thing about band is hearing the outcome of the entire song, it feels amazing, and some sort of energy is present". The band concert is on May 53,2015. The concert is going to be a beautiful night of music, if you are interested in going, just show up, and enjoy this masterpiece.

Written by Aashka G.


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Rated a four and a half stars

If you have seen the other Hunger Games movies and thought they were amazing like I did, this one is no exception. The information stays similar to the book. If you have read them which if you have not and you have seen the movies I still highly suggest you read them. All though this movie did have some scarier images, so be careful. Not to give a spoiler, but this is the only movie so far where Peeta and Katniss are not in the games. If the games freaked you out, even though Katniss and Peeta are not in them in this movie, the games are just as intense, if not more. I highly suggest you see this movie.


MOCKING JAY Movie Review

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Head of the club: Mrs.Tsakeris and Mrs.Buchholz.

Editors: Kaitlyn, Polina, Jordan, Allison, and Jessica


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