Narrative theories


Transcript of Narrative theories

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WHAT IS NARRATIVE?-Narrative is the way in which a story is told in media texts. It helps the audience make sense of a plot in a film for example.

-Through the years many different theorists have come up with theories in approach to narrative in order to understand it.

- I’m going to look at different theories in detail…

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VLADIMIR PROPP -Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp was born is 1895 in Russia, he was a Soviet folklorist and scholar who analysed the basic plot components of over 100 Russian folk tales to identify their simplest narrative elements.

-He broke up the fairy tales into sections and then defined the tale into a series of sequences.

-His most popular theory was his character theory.

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PROPP’S CHARACTER THEORY Propp noticed that there tended to be a pattern of 8 characters which appeared in all of the works

that he analysed. These are less applicable in today’s media texts but not non-existent. Here are the 8 characters…

1. The villain- struggles against the hero.

2. The dispatcher- the character who sends the hero off on a quest.

3. The (magical) helper- helps the hero in their quest.

4. The princess/prize- the hero deserves this/her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain.

5. The father of the princess.

6. The donor- prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.

7. The hero or victim/seeker hero- reacts to the donor, weds the princess.

8. The false hero- takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess.

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TZVETAN TODOROV Todorov is a Bulgarian- French historian, philosopher, literary critic, sociologist and essayist who was born in 1939.

-He came up with the equilibrium vs. disequilibrium theory in media.

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THEORY - He believed that plot lines must follow a specific pattern to keep the audience engaged.

- He noticed that there are 5 stages of plots.1. Equilibrium- happy start2. Disruption- a problem which disrupts the happiness3. Realisation - everyone realises the problem and it turns to chaos 4. Restored order - characters attempt to repair the damage 5. New equilibrium – this is where the problem is resolved but it’s a different

normality to the start

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ROLAND BARTHES - Roland Barthes was born in 1915, he was a French philosopher, linguist and theorist. - He came up with five codes to help people to make sense of media.

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BARTHES’ CODES1. ACTION: resolution is produced through action eg. A shoot-out2. ENIGMA: teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved- works

to delay the story’s ending pleasurably.3. SYMBOLIC: connotations 4. SEMIC: denotation 5. CULTURAL: the audience can recognise as being part of a culture

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CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS - He was born in Belgium in 1908 - He was anthropologist - He came up with multiple narrative theoires.

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LEVI-STRAUSS BINARY OPPOSITIONS - A conflict between two qualities or terms for example…

Powerful Powerless Male Female Old Young