NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal

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  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    The poems, conversations and

    photographs of Ant, The

    GameCat, Smith; a daily journal

    from National Poetry Writing

    Month, April 2013

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal



    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Why not write a daily poem-a-day?

    Suddenly words are so throw away.

    Carve out space where you can sit and wait

    For a clue to what you want to say

    The spirit of this thing's so profound

    Ideas are won more than they're found

    Infernos rage from the slightest spark

    The poet's abyss is never far.

    When words move in abstract sullen moods

    They likely proselytise for to youWhy not write a daily poem-a-day?

    Perhaps because I ain't so vain

    You must be some kind of great maven

    To promise daily poetic ravings

    The Maven

    April 1st

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Tax me walking till I stand still

    Tax me standing till I fall ill

    Tax me laying in my bedroomTax me naked then tax me blue


    Taxed my naked body

    The wearing of my skin

    They've taxed my extra nipple

    And even my foreskin

    They've taxed my lovely cock

    By each engorgeous inch

    And then they went and taxed

    My foolish inane grin

    They've taxed my hide

    They've taxed my pride

    They've even taxed my bare backside

    They've taxed the pennies on my eyes

    Tax me walking till I stand still

    Tax me standing till I fall ill

    Tax me laying in my bedroom

    Tax me naked then tax me blue

    I didn't want to be laid bare

    To owe the man this naked share

    I wasn't born that way, that's a fact

    But they taxed the shirt from off my back

    And I'll be in trouble

    When they tax my laugh

    The bleeding bastard taxing twats

    Tax me naked

    Tax my hide

    But I'll still have my darker side

    For you might tax bodies

    But you can't tax minds

    Naked Tax

    April 2nd

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    You most ov been on benefits

    I saw you buying chips

    You most ov been on benefitsWhen you got those plastic tits

    You most ov been on benefits

    I saw you skip that ship

    You most ov been on benefits

    When you fried those little kids

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit Britain

    Brazen bastards blame bad citizens

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit BritainBrazen bastards blame bad citizens

    You most ov been on benefits

    But I saw you dance and drink

    You most ov been on benefits

    But you went on that picnic

    You most ov been on benefits

    But still you get your kicks

    You most ov been on benefits

    Why won't you shovel shit?

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit Britain

    Brazen bastards blame bad citizens

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit Britain

    Brazen bastards blame bad citizens

    Your right to breed has just been capped

    Because you're on benefits

    Your dignity itself is taxed

    Because you're on benefits

    Your liberty is to be scrapped

    Because you're on benefits

    My face looks like an arse that's slapped

    Because you're on benefits

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit Britain

    Brazen bastards blame bad citizens

    Benefit Britain

    Benefit Britain

    Brazen bastards blame bad citizens

    Because you're on benefits

    Benefit Britain

    April 3rd

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Now spliffs they will come

    in all shapes and sizes

    Some are impressive andSome are surprises

    Some are long and thin like a pencil

    Some are like stubbies,

    packed and eventful

    Sometimes they will droop

    or at the root are quite floppy

    Some they are smooth and

    some they are rocky

    some overhang with an excess of skin

    Easy to light when stood in the wind

    Or to excite with just a pinchSome are like funnels

    Down their length they expand

    They get harder to suck on

    The longer they stand

    Some are so small

    That they can serve just the one

    But a blow back from them

    Is like snogging a god

    Now spliffs they will come

    in all shapes and all sizes

    But it's the one that you got

    that does the best job

    A spliff in the hand

    Is worth two in the bush

    I've never met a spliff

    That I couldn't love

    All Shapes And Sizes

    April 4th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    The cyborg virtuoso girl

    Has rings on her fingers and bells on her toes

    For her hardy rib cageShe wears a xylophone

    She has an ocharina

    Stuck inside her nose

    She will have music

    where ever she will go

    Cyborg virtuoso girl

    I love you more than Tetsuo

    Cyborg virtuoso girl

    I love it when you blow!

    The cyborg virtuoso girl

    April 5th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    It used to be so easy to visit Coventry

    All you really had to do was simply not to speak

    But now it's so much trouble for you to ignore meOn Twitter and on Flicker and even by moby

    By blog post, and by e-mail, and by Face Bukake

    It's okay I get the message that you don't send to me

    There's half a dozen ways to avoid the face to face

    I wonder why the hell I'm simply not erased?

    Thankfully you don't poke me

    Or play those social games

    As for tagging that's a mad thing

    You won't click upon my face

    But I've noticed something weirdSomething sometimes that you do

    I will get an invitation

    Out of the bastard blue -

    An opportunity to pay

    To come and see you play

    That's the measure of a friend

    Inside of cyber space

    You have been invited...

    April 6th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    If I could bleed the blue from out of the sky

    And render life in grey

    The whole wide world would understandHow I feel when you're away

    If I could draw the heat from out of the sun

    To fuel my furious fire

    I feel the world would be undone

    As you consume my pyre

    If I could rip the songs from throats of birds

    to forge a symphony

    I fear the world would be silenced

    As you are deaf to me

    If I could pluck the heads from every flower

    And line them up on spikes

    I believe the world would be outraged

    As you are worth such sights

    If I could strip the surface from the land

    Expose the dirt beneath

    I know the Earth would be ashamed

    As you're beyond belief

    Beyond Belief

    April 7th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I remember you racist campaigning

    Your attacks on our community

    I remember you clearly statingSociety was illusionary

    I remember you devastating

    The markets with bad policy

    I remember your vocal training

    From sodding satchi and sodding satchi

    I remember you we're not for turning

    While you had the power of the police

    I remember your green goddesses burning

    While you lost control of the streets

    I remember you taxing our fuelWhile the miners stood up against you

    I remember you snatching our milk

    When I was still at my school

    You can turn in your grave if you want to

    Return to your Victorian values

    Burke and Hare wouldn't get but two coppers

    For a cadaver as twisted as you

    I'm glad I've seen the last of your handbags

    And that Brixton is planning a rave

    I'm gonna put on my glad rags

    And I'm gonna piss on your grave

    Yes, I'm gonna put on my glad rags

    And I'm gonna piss on your grave


    April 8th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Don't let her go silent

    Into that good night

    Don't lay down your swordsAnd give up the fight

    Don't listen to the counsel

    Not to speak ill of the dead

    Bang on the doors and

    Demand Maggie's head

    Don't tell me she was

    A feminist icon

    Don't claim a respect

    For simple endurance

    Don't cover it upThe ill she has done

    Her cadaver is guilty

    And it should be hung

    Don't honour her strength

    Or give life to that lie

    Don't decide now

    Is the time to comply

    Don't let a compassion

    Let this moment slink by

    Now is the time

    To take an eye for an eye

    Don't let history be rewritten

    Lest we forget

    Don't think of the twins

    For they don't regret

    Don't listen to the counsel

    Not to speak ill of the dead

    Bang on the doors and

    Demand Maggie's head

    Yes, bang on the doors and

    Demand Maggie's head

    Let the world know that

    We're glad that she's dead

    Speaking ill of the dead

    April 9th

    Photo by Jane Taylor

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    Maggie - DeadMaggie - Dead

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    What kind of gruesome thing with tits

    Would take the milk away from kids?

    It churns my stomach when I think

    Of her suckling little twins

    Ah! Of moaning minnies she would sing

    While she taxed every little thing

    And battle ships she liked to sinkWith her lizard sideways blink

    Against minors, gypsies, working folk

    She attacked our homes and our all hopes

    Deployed her armies at our doors

    Her democracy was settling scores

    Thatcher's brutes they brutalised

    Bruised and battered my good wife

    But now she has a battle cry

    Trafalgar's heroes saw you die!

    Then in one final cruel blow

    They're gonna burn her up you know

    The final proof goes up in smoke

    She died about a year ago

    Hold the press, they've got some news

    To bury deep along with you

    Cameron's learned his lessons well

    But still he'll join her down in hell

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    Maggie - Dead

    Maggie - Dead

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie - Dead, dead, dead

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie

    April 10th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Time seems to flow from start to end

    With occasional points we comprehend

    As anchors in a sea of ageOr the turning of a written page

    Congratulations it's a boy

    Happy Christmas, peace and joy

    Eternity plods along a path

    From chance to chance and to mishap

    Depression holds me in the past

    Anxiety's a future trap

    We measure lives in coffee spoons

    And dwell on ghosts within our rooms

    Clocks run down and suns burn out

    And life is lived beneath a cloud

    Where will I be a year from now?

    Laid out pretty in fine white shroud

    Time seems to flow from start to end

    With occasional points we comprehend

    As a moment where we made a choice

    But so few moments to rejoice

    Time seems to flow from start to end

    With occasional points we comprehend

    Time travel can, bring on the bends

    What time breaks, only time can mend

    Time Travel

    April 11th

    Photo by Carl Chamberlain

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I've been shedding my skin

    Like a flower sheds it's petals

    I've been grinding my teethLike a smith forges metals

    I've been biting my nails

    Like bullets bite flesh

    I've been scratching and scratching

    And scratching my head

    I've been spunking up butterflies

    And sneezing out lies

    I've been shitting on rainbows

    And crying for good times

    I've been retching up faeriesAnd sweating out magic

    I've been sick as a dog

    And acting too dramatic

    I've been twitching like I've seen

    The old and the dying

    I've been snatching for breath

    In the boldness of lying

    I've been thinking about

    Both love and of hate

    There have been times when

    I've made mistakes

    I've been wishing for wishes

    And dreaming of dreams

    I've been asking myself

    What does all of this mean?

    I've been kicking my heels

    And painting grass green

    I've been in the shadow

    In the middle of my scene

    I've been to the top of the world

    And the bottom of my heart

    Do not resuscitate

    I can't take a restart

    Do Not Resuscitate

    April 12th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Fragile things are beautiful

    Especially when they're broken

    But beauty has a nasty biteWhen it is awoken

    Dreams have a power to delight

    Especially when they're spoken

    But delight has bad side effects

    That hide behind net curtains

    Between dream and sleep you find belief

    Your cache of secret tokens

    Spend them well and will you be

    Happy in your dreams

    Of delightful beauty that

    Fractures when it grievesFragile things are beautiful

    But beauty is obscene

    Fragile things are beautiful

    April 13th

    Photo by Christine Adams

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I hope your optic nerves are cute behind those cruel cold eyes

    I hope you've got some lovely bones

    Beneath that battered skinI hope that when your tits decay

    You stun me with your tight rib cage

    I hope there is some calm beneath

    Your look of twisted rage

    I hope your opalescent home

    Comes with a family room

    I hope your dear old father would

    Polish your silver spoon

    I hope your lovely kids don't

    Disappear in the darkI hope you never have to

    Cry when others laugh

    I hope your life is charmed

    Like a life was meant to be

    I hope your death is fast

    And goes down in history

    I hope your not denied

    The things you could achieve

    I hope you get to taste

    Everything denied to me


    April 14th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Take away these craggy lines

    And this silver in my hair

    Take away this saggy skinAnd all these long acquired cares

    Take away these aching knees

    And this practical underwear

    Take away this new disease

    And my cold and lonely stare

    Give me back my future

    My springtime and my youth

    Give me back my chances

    To understand the truth

    Give me back my reasonTo embrace a night of dreams

    Give me back my childhood

    And wipe the old slate clean

    Take away the stains I leave

    When I take a pee

    Take away the memories

    Of maudlin misery

    Take away all of the dysfunction

    Of an old and frozen brain

    Take away all the hated years

    And make me young again

    For if I had my time over

    I'd make the same mistakes again

    I'd forge the same old enemies

    And break up with the same old friends

    How ever much I screwed up

    I'd do it all again

    For one lifetime is not enough

    Now that I've found love

    Take away the wasted years

    Before I ever knew

    Take away the flowing tears

    Of a cold and lonely youth

    Take Away

    April 15th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    It's okay to disagree

    For being right is not enough

    The embrace of contradictionsIs the cage of one true love

    Hate can spark a fire

    That lights us on our way

    And I'm burning with desire

    To see the end of days

    Passion is a ghoul that

    Feeds on empathy

    Hatred is a hero that

    Stands up for the weak

    A tempest set in balance

    Does not equal one calmed seaBring on the great calamity

    Boil away the seas

    This is my one true identity

    The carrier of disease

    Bring on the great calamity

    And the end of humanity

    Love and hate coalesces when

    Life finally sets us free

    And life is awful shallow when

    You spend it on your knees

    Needful Hatred

    April 16th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Another new day is dawning

    As is the wont

    Of an eternally burningMass melting pot

    What's done is done

    And what's gone is gone

    The past is consigned

    To the wrath of the gods

    My heart it is yearning

    For a future that's bright

    Some moments are torches

    In the midst of the night

    Another new day is dawning

    And I'm fit for the fightAnother new day is dawning

    Now who's got a light?


    April 17th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Birthdays celebrate the fact that you are still alive

    Another day when you can claim that you have survived

    Well done then my dear friend for having not yet diedI wonder if you ever have ever even tried?

    I'll gift you twelve more months, you are but twenty six

    A year to follow in the steps of Jimi Hendrix

    Burn your candle down at twice the normal rate

    Get yourself measured up for your early grave

    I hear up in heaven they've planned a mighty rave

    Poison your own liver and they will save a place

    Infamy, infamy, I'm sure you will taste fame

    For people will demand that you, play it once again

    Immortality's for old men, I hope you join the club

    I hope this year is worthy of, your last chance at dying young

    The 27 Club

    April 18th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    What the eye can't see the heart can't grieve?

    Don't talk to me about falling trees

    Dry rot and wood lice fill my homeCorruption reaps all that has been sown

    What the man can't hear cannot deceive?

    Yet echoes rebound in perpetuity

    Lies infiltrate even dreams

    I hear them whisper in The Scream

    What the tongue can't speak cannot be believed?

    Yet thought is conquered by cheap speak

    If you want to recognise the truth

    Take a look upon the sole of your boot

    What the hand can't touch cannot be conceived?

    And yet all life's pains are inside me

    The mighty questions can descend

    To a single thing touched, heard, spoken or read

    I feel it in my fingers

    Some gossamer thread

    Everything's connected

    Inside my head

    Somebody else's problem

    April 19th

    Drawing by Christine Adams

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    It can't always all be

    An endless violent rage

    From time to time to time theDarkest storms must break

    In the torrid torrent of

    Desolate driving rains

    I am bleakly broken

    And in a broken daze

    Sodden clumping clay sticks

    To my garden spade -

    It can't always all be

    An endless violent rage


    April 20th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I will not

    Kiss you when my lips drip

    With an acquired diseaseTouch you with soiled fingertips

    However much you plead

    Smear your body with my grease

    To ease your troubled sleep

    I will not

    Bring you such bitter sweet relief

    I will not

    Love you with the open fist

    That slams against the wall

    Wear the mask of utter blissWhen you curl up small

    Use my strength as a defence

    Against your innocence

    I will not

    Seed my love in a life of discontent

    I will not

    Confuse my love

    I will not

    Refuse my love

    I will not

    Abuse my love

    For my love's


    I Will Not

    April 21st

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I wished you were a whore

    Something to be bought

    Handled fondled used abused

    Soiled spoiled and future proofed

    For the slightest glimpse of naked skin

    Has me hooked and reeled in

    And you deprecate yourself at will

    As only private minds can do

    And my most obvious part

    Is but a sign of my beating heart

    And I wish that we were more

    Since first I wished you were a whore

    Id buy that for a dollar

    April 22nd

    Photo by Carl Chamberlain

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    What is this pride I sometimes fake

    When I'm in this accidental place

    Where my father's seed did takeAnd slowly, slowly germinate ?

    Do I really find I feel a pull

    To england's ancient rolling hills?

    Do I feel the sun is warmer still

    Or the buildings any better built?

    Does the rain fall any damper

    Before it pours down the drains?

    Are the people any the finer,

    In this great island state?Do the girls bring me closer

    To that immaculate grace?

    Does the bitterest pill

    Taste suddenly great?

    Do I regret any sooner

    Acting in haste?

    Do I find any greater

    Joy in my hate?

    Is this england my england

    Because I'm a mistake

    Accidentally spawned

    In the heart of this place?

    What is this pride I sometimes fake

    When I'm in this accidental place?


    April 23rd

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    My skin it is a canvass

    And you can write on it

    A haiku on my fingersAnd a sonnet on my dick

    My eyes they are a camera

    That you can operate

    Postcards in my retinas

    And pornos on the brain

    My body it is marble

    You can sculpt with it

    Chisel out a roman nose

    And a disturbing pair of tits

    My essence is an ether

    You can breathe it in

    I'm nothing till you form me

    From your sense of sin

    Express Yourself

    April 24th

    Coffee Table Portrait No. 1

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Have I a right to use my eyes?

    To capture scenes of shock and awe

    To propagate the truth as liesHave I a right then, to record?

    To capture scenes of shock and awe

    To claim them as my property

    Have I a right then, to record?

    For history makes a mockery

    To claim them as my property

    Those fleeting moments that I see

    For history makes a mockery

    Context frozen dubiously

    Those fleeting moments that I see

    Recorded in perpetuity

    Context frozen dubiously

    Hate yourself through the things I see

    It's YOUR moment on stage

    Your creeping old age

    Your hair turning grey

    Your forgotten yesterday

    It's YOUR double chin

    Your lopsided tits

    Your toothless old grin

    Your bloody beheading

    If my eye offends thee

    Then change the things you make me see

    Recorded in perpetuity

    To propagate the truth as lies

    Hate yourself through the things I see

    Have I a right to use my eyes?


    April 25th

    Coffee Table Portrait No. 2

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I'm planting down my feet on

    Bone shattering concrete

    I'm dodging in betweenThe dog shit on the street

    I'm breathing in these city fumes

    Of lead and acid rain

    I wonder if the sun will

    Ever shine again

    I'm passing by the cross bone gate

    Where lay the Winchester Geese

    Space is at a premium

    So the dead don't rest in peace

    Where among the rugged cobblesI spy a single leaf

    For life is bursting through from

    The very earth beneath

    Steel and glass may seem so permanent

    A scratching at the clouds

    And people move like effluent

    As they stream around

    But in every micro meter

    Evidence abounds

    The scab of human nature

    Will never bring me down

    Green Spaces

    April 26th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    Integrity will impregnate

    Those little things you find you do

    Decisions that you find you makeIntegrity will impregnate

    Each little daily bad mistake

    Reflects the nature that is you

    Integrity will impregnate

    Those little things you find you do

    White Lies

    April 27th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    I lack the wit

    To be stupid

    I can't pretendThat I am dense

    I wish I were

    A dim bonehead

    Life is easy

    When you're brain dead

    Need a book to boil an egg

    But think that books are dangerous

    Working hard is for the plebs

    It's my right to be famous

    I got my anal boils on TVI am special look at me

    Teacher said I'd come to nought

    But what's the use of all your thought?

    Geography's a mystery

    Algebra is just all Greek

    Evolution is too hard to spell

    The gays are all condemned to hell

    Stupid is as stupid does

    Stupid people surround us

    Justify their bigotry

    By claiming to be feeble weak

    Deny responsibility

    For the evil that they speak

    Stupid people are too smart

    To be the ones that stand apart


    April 28th

    Drawing by Christine Adams

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    This page is left intentionally blank

    I spent the day on a FURIOUS wank


    April 29th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal


    What if this were to be the end of days?

    The sun, the stars, the winds, the waves all spent

    When hearts as one burst into fiery blaze

    Would history be bright and full of praise

    Would friends and neighbours wish you would


    What if this were to be the end of days?

    Did each kiss bestowed magically amaze?

    Did each punch thrown land with a true intent?

    When hearts as one burst into fiery blaze

    Did your truth, finally, the lies out weigh?Did your deeds ascend to their fullest bent?

    What if this were to be the end of days?

    Did each dream evaporate in a haze?

    Did each day appear as if heaven sent?

    When hearts as one burst into fiery blaze

    Or did your life mutate into a waste

    Of good intentions that you never meant

    What if this were to be the end of days?

    When hearts as one burst into fiery blaze

    End Of Days

    April 30th

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal



    I guess I may be a curmudgeon, but if you've read this far you'll know that. From my April

    1st piece you'll see my first reaction to the whole write a poem a day idea was to slag off

    the arrogance of so called poets treating words so blithely, shitting out sonnets and

    vomiting up villanelles on demand. In reality though, I was just having a pop at the

    anonymous London poetry scene out of the frustration that knowing people always

    inevitably brings.

    But after the first few days of April I found I was doing exactly that, writing a poem a day.

    So just to torture myself I persevered. Than by the 8th, the month got interesting in a

    landmark kind of way. That's when I decided to compile this journal. I'm not claiming the

    work to be beautifully crafted, although it is crafted as beautifully as my brutish hands can

    manage. I do hope that as time passes, because of the events we have lived through, it will

    be an interesting slice of nostalgia.

    I did of course cheat. Somedays writing two poems, somedays writing none. Some photos

    were not taken on the day, and a few we're not taken by me at all. If that stuff bothers you,

    then I'm sorry to have consumed your life. If it doesn't bother you then please join me in

    thanking those who have unwittingly contributed: Calm Carl Chamberlain, Jane Taylor

    and my ever suffering wife Christine Adams without whom I would be unable to unlock

    any of this.

    Ant, The GameCat, Smith

    1st May 2013

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal



  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal



    Thank you for reading.Please do comment: [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 NaPoWriMon 2013 - Poety and Photography Journal



    Photo by Carl Chamberlain