of 25





    x{Jx O&

    EI -XII E.R.C Name:

    1) Vx v& i | E*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- Vx v& i | E*

    Cl& - "O King! Do not kill me. I will do you a favour"

    H - Swan (&)

    i - Nala (x&)

    |RM& -

    This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    These words were siad by swan to Nala in the garden

    J -

    These words were uttered by swan to king Nala who was

    unable to contol the love for Damayanthi in his own mind,he went to a garden. There he saw some swans and

    caught hold of one among them. Being thus caught, the

    bird uttered those words.

    2) + xxnIi + xx*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&Si - {hbi Ih

    C- + xxnIi + xx*

    Cl& - "O Bhaimi, you are indeed graced by youth"

    H - Swan (&)

    i - Dhamayanthi (nxi)

    |RM& -

    This line is taken from x{Jx O&which wasextracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi




    xn& -

    These words were said by the Swan to Damayanthi at


    J -

    The swan alighted in the vicinity of Damayanthi and was

    caught by one of her close friends.It addressed

    Damayanthi and proceeded to extol the qualities of Nala.

    "+ , xxnIi + xx, ii =Si

    E\Si+i h" It urged her to set aside all the

    pranks which were for children and listen to its message


    3) ]& xv& Mhxi*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- ]& xv& Mhxi*

    Cl& - "Relationship becomes lovable only if it exists between

    two meritorious persons"

    H - Swan (&)

    i - Dhamayanthi (nxi)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    These words were said by the Swan to Damayanthi at


    J -

    The swan said that Nala was the embodiment of all virtues

    and was the masterpiece of the creator. " ]& xv&

    Mhxi" "Relationship becomes lovable only if it

    exists between two meritorious persons" So it urged

    Damayanthi to evolve herself so that she could attain the

    prestigious position of becoming his wife.




    4) |{ix Ex+|n{nx{i S& i*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- |{i x Ex+|n{nx{i S& i*

    Cl& - "The father of a girl becomes censured if he does not giveher away when she attain maidenhood"

    H - bheema (&)

    i - Himself ()

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    These words were thought by bheema by himself.

    J -

    Damayanthi had her heart powerfully preoccupied by

    Nala, knowing this king Bheema thought that Damayanthi

    had attained maidenhood it would be appropriate if he

    arranges her marriage by her own choice(Swayamvara)

    5) +i& +t & i&




    the very gem amongst all women. Her marriage by

    self-choice was to take place shortly. So there was

    absence of fighting on earth.

    6) i+E ni& x Ei +*

    Oxl& - iOxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- i +E ni& x Ei +*

    Cl& - "Oh naishada! You are the proper person to help us by

    becoming our messenger"

    H - Indra (




    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    These words were by Nala to Gods on the way of


    J -Nala was in a fix. He explained to Indra that he himself

    had come to vidarbha hoping to marry Damayanthi. As he

    loved her deeply.He pointed out that they could not send

    him as their messenger as he also had the same desire in

    his mind and his purpose for coming there was also


    8) M{ii +xi& { El | & i*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- M {ii +xi& { El |& i*

    Cl& - "How can I enter the harem which is guarded?"

    H - Nala (x&)

    i - Gods (n&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    This question was asked by Nala to Indra on the way of

    Kundina.J -

    The Gods retorted Nala by reminding him of his

    promise.They said that it would not befit him if he went

    back on his words. So that very moment Nala decided

    that he would keep up his words and agreed to act as

    their messenger and asked them "How can I enter the

    harem which is well protected?" "M{ii +xi& { El |& i" Indra said "you will."




    9) { + +k+Mi*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- { + +k+Mi*

    Cl& - "Your very formwhich is noble, indicates your status"H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Nala (x&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    This question was asked by Damayanthi to Nala in harem.

    J -When Nala entered into Damayanthi's harem, Damayanthi

    and her friends got up from their seats to honour him, she

    said that his very form which was noble, indicates his

    status. But her heart was eager to know his real identity

    and asked how it was possible for him to enter that

    guarded place without being observed by anyone.





    assumed the role of an ambassadar of the four Gods,

    Indra, Agni, Yama and Varuna who were craving for her.

    He asked her about her choice among the four.

    11) {i iMxnx +ix iI*

    Oxl& - iOxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- {i iMxnx +ix iI*

    Cl& - "If anything goes on the contrary I will kill myself with

    poison or fire"

    H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Nala (x&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    This was said by Damayanthi to Nala in her harem.

    J -

    Damayanthi replied that she had dedicated her entire

    being to Nala, since the swan spoke to her about

    him.Hence she requested Nala to accept her as his wife

    on refusal of which, she would consume poison.

    12) iij ni + vEiii*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&Si - {hbi Ih

    C- ii j ni +vEiii*

    Cl& - "Therfore, please save me from incurring the displeasure

    of Gods"

    H - Nala (x&)

    i - Damayanthi (nxi)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which wasextracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This line was said by Nala to Damayanthi in her harem.




    J -

    Nala requested Damayanthi to reconsider her choice as

    he was a mere mortal and was no match when compared

    to the Gods. He was also scared of incurring the

    displeasure of the Gods.

    13) ij i zv i h* ii& i n& x i*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- ij i zv i h* ii& i n& x i*

    Cl& - "I will choose you as my husband in the presence of

    Gods. Thus the blame would not fall on you"

    H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Nala (x&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    This plan was said by Damayanthi to Nala in her harem.

    J -

    The wise Damayanthi crafted a plan by which she could

    achieve her end at the same time avert the displeasure of

    Gods. She proposed to choose Nala as her husband in

    the presence of Gods. Thus the blame would not fall on


    14) n S x S Eh +{ x S*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- n S x S Eh +{ x S*

    Cl& - "If it be true that I have not betrayed him in thought, deed

    and action"H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Gods (n&)




    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& -

    This was the prayer done by Damayanthi to Gods in

    swayamvara hall.

    J -So as to distinguish Nala from the divine beings, to

    observe the divine characteristics in the identical forms.

    But it was impossible to detect a slight difference between

    them. "n Cx x& {i& i& n& {i nxi" So

    she sincerely prayed to the love which she had on Nala

    which was pure and she had not betrayed him in thought,

    words and deed.

    15) BE {j BE& {jS




    him a supreme rare garland. They also blessed them with a son, and

    daughter. ["BE {j BE& {jS




    xn& - This was help asked by Kali to Dvapara when they were

    planning to punish Nala and Damayanthi.

    J - kali wanted to enter the body of Nala and make him lose

    both his kingdom and his beautiful wife Damayanthi. this he wished to

    achieve by tempting him to play the game of dice. He requested Dvapara

    to be the dice with which Nala would gamble thus they planned to punish


    18) +xx V +t V*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- +xx V +t V*

    Cl& - "By this i will win today i will win"

    H - Nala (x&)

    i - Pushkara ({E&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was said by Nala to Pushkara when he was playing

    gamble with Pushkara.

    J - Kali assumed the form of an ugli person and approached

    Nala's own brother Pushkara and instigated him to play the game of dice

    with Nala. He tempted him by saying that he would ensure that victory

    would be his. The continuos persuatsion of Pushkara and the nature of

    Nala to care for honour made him play dice with his younger brother


    19) ni+& noI& i M {Vx*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- ni +& noI& i M {Vx*

    Cl& - "May you be kind enough to grant audience t the citizens"H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Nala (x&)




    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was request by Damayanthi to Nala when he was

    playing gamble.

    J - Damayanthi pleaded with Nala to grant audience to the people.

    But he paid no heed to her words, and continued betting, the people returned theirabodes in frustration. In deep anxiety, Damayanthi requested Brhatsena to get

    information about the money that was left in the treasury. This made the ministers

    assume that the king was freed from the terrible grip of gambling.

    20) B x& +xh& i *Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&Si - {hbi Ih

    C- B x& +xh& i *

    Cl& - "Clear yourself from the debt you owe to the king,

    in this way"

    H - Damayanthi (nxi)

    i - Varshneya (h&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which wasextracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was request by Damayanthi to Varshneya when

    he was playing gamble.

    J - Damayanthi's heart could not reconsile to the fact that her

    husband, whose character was without any blemish, "B x& +xx& i " should be overtaken by Vice, She summoned the royal charioteer and

    requested him to safely leave both her children in her father's place. She alsogranted him freedom.

    21) n +j ESix {Vi& v& i*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- n +j ESi x {Vi& v& i*Cl& - "Any person that shows regard to Nala, will be executed

    by me"




    H - Pushkara ({E&)

    i - People (Vx&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - this was the order put forth by Pushkara to his subjects

    when Nala lost everything.

    J - The cruel Pushkara issued a proclamation stating that anyonewho showed mercy on Nala would be prosecuted. Thus the King was deprived of

    not only wealth but also the care and concern of his subjects, praise, adoration

    and reverence gave way for blame, censure and criticism uneared, unfed and

    unknown Nala suffered in his exile.

    22) BiMiuv +lr& *Oxl& - iOxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- BiMiuv +lr&*

    Cl& - "If i catch these, i can achieve my end in two ways"

    H - Nala (x&)

    i - -|RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was thought by Nala in the outskirts of his city.

    J - On his way, he saw some birds with golden plumage. He

    thought his suffering would come to an end if he cought hold of them. He

    thought he could put an end to all his sufferings by capturing them. Thus

    resolving he threw the only garment he had on the birds.

    23) Vx +xi {V iix+Ix*Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- Vx +x i {V iix+Ix*

    Cl& - "Realize that we are the dice which were responsible foryour downfall"

    H - Birds (JM&)




    i - Nala (x&)

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was said by the Birds in the outskirts of his city.

    J - Contrary to Nala's expectations, the birds flew away with

    the garment. They rebucked the King for being foolish. They also revealed

    their identity of being the dice which brought him to the present

    predicament. They wanted to deprive the King even of his cloths, so that

    he would be literally left with nothing.

    24) El




    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was said by Damayanthi in the outskirts of his city.

    J - Nala pointed out Damayanthi's fahter was in a position

    which commanded respect by all. Whereas he was in the most deplarable

    state. Hence it would not be appropriate for him to go to his father-in-law's

    house. Only ahappy man wishes to see his relatives but not one who is in


    26) nh& v& + & *Oxl& - i

    Oxl& - x{Jx O&

    Si - {hbi Ih

    C- nh& v& + &*Cl& - "The acts of Fate in my case are terrible"

    H - Nala (x&)

    i - -

    |RM& - This line is taken from x{Jx O&which was

    extracted from i and written by {hbi Ihi

    xn& - This was said by Nala to himself in the outskirts of his city.

    J - Due to fatigue Damayanthi slept in an empty house in the

    forest. At this point Nala decided to abandon her, as he could not bear to

    see her suffer along with him. He hoped that she would return to her

    father's place and live in peace.


    EI -XII Name:I Part played by the swan.





    The request of the swan: " Vx v&, i | E" the swanpleaded with the king not to harm it. It promised to speak to Damayanthi about

    the greatness of Nala and impress her in such a way the she would never think

    anyoneelse even in the thought level. Nala released the swan and it immediately

    flew to the city of vidarbha king.

    The swan speaks to Damayanthi: The swan alighted in the vicinity ofDamayanthi and was caught by one of her close friends.It addressed Damayanthi

    and proceeded to extol the qualities of Nala. "+ , xxnIi + xx,

    ii =Si E\Si+i h" It urged her to set aside all thepranks which were for children and listen to its message carefully.

    The qualities of Nala: The swan said that Nala was the embodiment of all

    virtues and was the masterpiece of the creator. " ]& xv& M hxi"So it urged Damayanthi to evolve herself so that she could attain the prestigious

    position of becoming his wife.

    Damayanthi's request: Damayanthi requested the bird to convey her deepaffection to nala in such a way that he would take pity on her. she wanted the

    swan to win the heart of Nala for her thoughts by the power of their speech.

    Conclusion: The swans heeded to the request of Damayanthi and conveyed herfeelings to Nala and flew away. thus the swans were instrumental in planting thehearts of Nala and Damayanthi which grew upto be a wonderful tree.

    II Conversation between gods and Nala.





    Ei +" Nala without knowing who they were and what their motive was,agreed to help them.

    God's message to Damayanthi: Indra introduced himself and the other

    Gods and also told the purpose for which they had come. "




    i i Vx +ii IEi +MSUi" The Gods, who were aware of this, assumed

    a form which was identical to Nala. "CSixEx{\S {x+{i" As aresult, there were five persons who had the identical form that is of Nala.

    Damayanthi's prayer to Gods: So as to distinguish Nala from the divine

    beings, to observe the divine characteristics in the identical forms. But it wasimpossible to detect a slight difference between them. "n Cx x&

    {i& i& n& {i nxi" So she sincerely prayed to the love which she had onNala which was pure and she had not betrayed him in thought, words and deed.

    The Gods appearance: The prayers of Damayanthi moved the Gods and theyout of mercy exhibited their divine traits such as unwinking eyes, unsweating

    bodies, feet not touching the ground etc." +{xnx xjh, +nx Mjh,+{ +ROh" Observing these traits, Damayanthi was able to identify Nalaeasily. She saluted the Gods and garlanded Nala.

    Conclusion: Thus Damayanthi through the power of her unsullied love was

    able to win the blessing of the Gods and also marry Nala. "n& ii]& x +]

    xnp&" The Gods pleased with the couple granted them eight boons andreturned to their celestial abode.

    IV Boons granted by the Gods to Nala.





    The eight boons: The extremely pleased Gods granted eight boons to thecouple Indra and the other Gods were pleased and gave Nala eight boons. Among

    them Indra gave him the power of direct preception in a sacrifice, and the swiftest

    movement. With regards Agni gave him the boons of getting fire whenever he

    wanted. Dharmaraja blessed him with skill to make delicious dishes and

    attachment to righteousness. Varuna by his own choice blessed him with the

    power to get water when desired and gave him a supreme rare garland. They also

    blessed them with a son, and daughter. ["BE {j BE& {jS




    Kali's Plan : Kali wanted to enter the body of Nala and make him lose both

    his kingdom and his beautiful wife Damayanthi "+i& + x xi Vinxi& S |" This he wished to achieve by tempting him to play thegame of dice. "ij i+Ix Ei +" He requestedDvapara to be the dice with which Nala would gamble.

    Kali enters the body of Nala : Kali along with Dvapara had to wait in thekingdom for twelve long years to find an appropriate time to enter his body.

    "+l iiunii+vxi&" The cruel hands of destiny lay itshands on Nala when one particular day he began to pray to twilight without

    washing his feet. Seeking the opportunity Kali entered the body of Nala. He also

    asumed the form of an ugly person and approached Nala's own brother Pushkara

    and instigated him to play the game of dice with Nala. He temped him by saying

    that he would ensure that victory would be his. "n i V`j xx*k i

    + V {n"

    Conclusion: Temted by Kali Pushkara persuaded Nala to play the game ofdice. Nala finally agreed to play the fateful game of dice which ended in losing all

    his property and riches.


    III Circumtances that led Nala in exile.





    The impact of Kali : Nala failed to realise that his treasury was dwindling

    just as the span of our lives does every moment everytime he was defeated, "+ti +xM{SE vi " the dominoes in the form of his passion forgambling went on growing.

    The concern of the citizens : Once the citizens became aware of the turnof events, "Vx& Vu Bi +Mx Y xnx" they blocked the palacegates with the view of diverting the king's mind fron the gambling.They sent

    messages to the king about their messages, devoted his attention to gambling

    stacked more and more things.

    Damayanthi's reaction : Damayanthi pleaded with Nala to grant audience

    to the people. "xl ni+& noI& i M {Vx" But he paid noheed to her words, and continued betting, "+xi+{ {+i k" thepeople returned their abodes in frustration. In deep anxiety, Damayanthi requested

    Brhatsena to get information about the money that was left in the treasury.

    "Yi Eivx+i" This made the ministers assume that the king wasfreed from the terrible grip of gambling, huge crowd gathered and sent a sentinel

    to the King.

    A huge disaster : As the king paid no heed to appeals of sentinee, the people

    turned back in absolute dejection. "Vx& xx lMi Mi&" The Kingdom ofvaidarbhi could be likened to a river whose embankment were on the verge of


    Damayanthi's Decesion : Damayanthi's heart could not reconsile to the

    fact that her husband, whose character was without any blemish, "B x&+xx& i " should be overtaken by Vice, She summoned the royal

    charioteer and requested him to safely leave both her children in her father's place.She also granted him freedom.

    Nala's pitiable Plight : Once Nala lost everything in gambling, Pushkara,

    indignantly exhorted him to stake Damayanthi. "&, nxi n* xi i+xivx" sense dawned on Nala and he relieved himself of all ornaments andleft the place silently. Damayanthi followed her husband. Thus the prince was

    reduced to the condition of a pauper and went on an exile.

    Conclusion: The cruel Pushkara issued a proclamation stating that anyone

    who showed mercy on Nala would be prosecuted. "n +j ESi x {Vi&




    v& i" Thus the King was deprived of not only wealth but also the careand concern of his subjects, praise, adoration and reverence gave way for blame,

    censure and criticism uneared, unfed and unknown Nala suffered in his exile.


    IV Damayanthi's condition after Nala left her.





    The company of merchants : Frightened by hr unusual form and

    brilliance some of the merchants tookto their heels. "+i ESx +xni?" Some questioned her if she was a presiding deity or some goddess.Damayanthi replied that, she was Damayanthi the wife of Nala and added that she

    was in misery as she was deserted by her husband. she enquired if they knew the

    where abouts of Nala. When she came to know that they had not heard of him sherequested them to allow her to accompanythem to check country.

    The midnight turmoils : At midnight, a herd of wild elephants taking thescent of country elephants. try to attack them.The country elephants snapped their

    chains and began to run. In this confusion and chaos, many traders to death. Some

    merchants woke up saved themselves by hiding in the hollow of trees or behind

    the bushes. Finally the destructive episode ended.

    Damayanthi Blamed : When all the confusion calmed down, the surviving

    merchants gathered and tried to deciphes the cause for the calamity. "+xxi{+ +xl E i& i" They listed out various reasons as the cause for theturn of events but finally some said that the inclusion of Damayanthi would be

    the main reason for the mishappanings. They wanted to avenge by pelting stones

    at her and killing her on the spot.

    Damayanthi's sad condition : Patnetic misdeed was the condition ofDamayanthi who deserted by her husband was also blamed to be the cause of the

    calamity. In her distress, "|z& i E{h E{ Exi" she prayed to Godsto be pacified and protect her and have mercy on her.

    Conclusion: At sunrise, when the merchants undertook their journey, shefollowed them unnoticed and by sunset they reached the city of Subahu, the chedi

    King. Thus Damayanthi underwent untold miseries after her husband Naladeserted her in the forest.


    V How did Nala acquire the ugly form...





    Introduction: The happy married life of Nala and Damayanthi had to have itsshare of despair and misery. It all began with Nala conceeding to play the fateful

    game of dice where he was tricked by Dvapara becoming the dice and acting

    totally against him. Nala lost everything and he along with Damayanthi went on

    an exile. There due to fatigue Damayanthi slept in an empty house in the forest.

    At this point Nala decided to abandon her, as he could not bear to see her suffer

    along with him. He hoped that she would return to her father's place and live in


    Nala frees Karkotaka : As Nala was roaming in the forest, he heard apitiable cry from the midest a forest encircled by fire. Nala rushes to that spot and

    found a coiled serpant lying there. The serpant introduced itself as Karkotaka the

    serpant King, who was mad immovable due to the curse of Narada whome he had

    insulted. "n i x& lxxxi xi, in I" Narada had predicted thathe would be released from the half of the curse once Nala moved him to anotherplace.

    The serpant requested Nala to move him to another place from the present

    one which was engulfed by fire. It promised to do a good deed to Nala if he did

    this favour to it.

    The snake's good gesture : Nala did accordingly and relieved the snake

    of its curse. The snake kept its words and asked Nala to walk a little distance,"EiSx {nx Mhx"counting his steps. As Nala walked a short distancecovering the tenth step, the serpant bit him. The moment he was bitten, he turned

    into one with short arms and an ugly figure.

    The purpose of the transformation : The serpant cheered Nala who was

    aghast to see his body, "



    King to employ him.

    The King who was intrested in travelling swifty, appreciated

    him and appointed him as the officer in charge of the horses. He aslo made Jivala

    and Varshneya, who were already employed in the depatment, the attendends of


    Conclusion: Thus Nala's life underwent many interesting turn of events whichhe himself never anticipated.He entrusted himself to the job which he had got

    submitting to what providence had in store for him.
