NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide

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Transcript of NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide

  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide


  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide


    Welcome ........................................................................................................................ 3

    General Informa on ....................................................................................................... 4

    Conference Agenda ........................................................................................................ 5

    Learning Tracks and Levels ............................................................................................. 6

    Ge ng Around ............................................................................................................... 7

    Area Map ........................................................................................................................ 8

    Sponsors and Exhibitors ................................................................................................. 9

    NAIS Resources ............................................................................................................... 10

    Giving Back to the Community ....................................................................................... 11

    Monday, November 4 ..................................................................................................... 12

    Tuesday, November 5 ..................................................................................................... 14

    Wednesday, November 6 ............................................................................................... 21


  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide



    Dear Colleague,

    Welcome to Anaheim! On behalf of the en re SSS team, thank you for a ending our second annual Financial AidConference. This years theme, Mission Possible, re ects two core values that you and your colleagues bring to theschools, organiza ons, and families you work with: a deep sense of purpose and an unwavering sense of op mism.Theres no doubt that nancial aid management is challenging and is becoming more so with each passing season. Bysharing our collec ve wisdom, experience, and success, our mission comes alive: we help make access and opportunitya reality for as many talented students as we can. Our mission is not only possible, it is non-nego able.

    That is why weve worked hard to put together a program that educates, informs, and inspires you to make this yearsnancial aid season your best yet. And we could not have done so without the guidance, support, and hard work of the2013 Financial Aid Conference Planning Commi ee. They iden ed speakers, ar culated the most relevant topics for theprogram, brainstormed ideas for community service projects, o ered advice on how to best connect you to your peers,

    and more. These dedicated nancial aid professionals invested more me, passion, and energy than we could havedreamed. We cant thank them enough for their commitment to this communitys professional growth.

    2013 SSS by NAIS Financial Aid Conference Planning Commi ee:Carinne Barker, The Buckley School (CA)Cheryl Boyd, Blake School (MN)Rick England, Lick-Wilmerding High School (CA)Larry Jensen, Christchurch School (VA)Tearon Joseph, Lakeside School (WA)Kim Peckham, The Bishops School (CA)

    Julia Yzaguirre, Marlborough School (CA)

    We hope that you will greet them as you see them throughout the conference. We also hope that, by the me you headhome, youll have found strength in this community of professionals through the connec ons you make, the lessonsyou learn, and the wisdom you share with others.

    Please dont hesitate to reach out to either of us or any member of the SSS by NAIS sta if you have any ques ons orfeedback about the conference. Were here to help you in any way we can. Enjoy the conference!

    All the best,

    Michael Flanagan, Chief Execu ve O cer Mark Mitchell, Vice President

  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide



    Conference AppYes, we have an app for that! Be sure to download the Conference app to set your schedule,

    connect with new and old colleagues, get the latest alerts or informa on about the conference,and view session informa on and materials on the go. To download the app, search for 2013SSS Financial Aid Conference in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (for Android)on your mobile device. Or use your phone or tablet to scan the QR code to the right anddownload the app automa cally.

    Conference BadgeYour badge is your cket to all events, and is required to enter workshops, general sessions, break-out sessions,recep ons, and all meals. Please be sure to bring your name badge with you every day of the conference.

    Dine-Around with ColleaguesWould you like to connect with colleagues for dinner? Dont miss an opportunity to con nue the conversa onoutside the conference. To sign up for dinner, see the sta at the Registra on and Informa on Desk. There willbe a list of restaurants, contact informa on, and pricing. If three or more people have signed up for a par cularrestaurant, we will make reserva ons for you. You can also use the conference app to connect with fellow diners.

    EmergenciesIf you require emergency assistance, become aware of a poten ally dangerous situa on, or no ce suspiciousbehavior or an una ended package, please no fy the nearest SSS or Hilton Anaheim sta person immediately.For any emergency, please dial 22 from any house phone. Security has emergency kits if needed.

    Lost and FoundThe Hilton Anaheim is a public place. Please do not leave any personal items una ended in the common areasor mee ng rooms. SSS by NAIS is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If you nd what appears to be a lostitem, please leave it with an SSS sta member at the Registra on and Informa on desk. In the event you havemisplaced a personal item, please let SSS sta know as soon as possible. If your lost item is not returned to us,the SSS sta can contact a hotel security person for appropriate follow up.

    MealsDuring the conference dates (November 5-6), full conference registrants will receive two breakfasts and twolunches. There will be co ee and hot water for tea available during the morning with dessert, assorted sodas,

    and bo led water served in the a ernoon. Meals will be served in Paci c Ballroom C. For those a ending eithera full or half-day pre-conference workshop on November 4, breakfast is available. Lunch for pre-conferenceworkshops is on-your-own.

    Networking Recep onsBe sure to join the SSS sta , planning commi ee members, and your fellow conference colleagues for a drink ortwo on the Sunset Deck, located on the 5th oor of the Hilton Anaheim on Monday, November 4 at 5:15 pm andTuesday, November 5 at 5:00 pm.

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    Monday, November 4

    6:45 AM 5:00 PM Registra on and Informa on Desk Open

    7:00 AM 8:15 AM Breakfast8:00 AM 12:00 NOON Pre-Conference Workshop: Basic Tax Documents 1040

    8:30 AM 4:30 PM Pre-Conference Workshop: Financial Aid 101

    10:00 AM 10:15 AM Break

    1:00 PM 5:00 PM Pre-Conference Workshop: Beyond 1040 S-Corps and Partnerships

    5:15 PM 6:15 PM Networking Recep on I

    6:15 PM Dine-Around with Colleagues

    7:00 PM 8:30 PM Financial Aid Workshop for Families

    Tuesday, November 56:00 AM 7:00 AM Rise-and-Shine Yoga with Kristen Power

    6:45 AM 5:00 PM Registra on and Informa on Desk Open

    6:45 AM 8:00 AM Breakfast

    8:00 AM 9:00 AM General Session I

    9:15 AM 10:30 AM Breakout Sessions

    10:30 AM 11:00 AM Break

    11:00 AM 12:15 PM Breakout Sessions

    12:15 PM 1:15 PM Lunch

    1:15 PM 2:30 PM Breakout Sessions

    2:30 PM 3:00 PM Break

    3:00 PM 4:15 PM Regional Roundtable Discussions

    5:00 PM 6:00 PM Networking Recep on II

    6:00 PM Dine-Around with Colleagues

    Wednesday, November 6

    6:45 AM 8:00 AM Breakfast

    7:00 AM 12:00 NOON Registra on and Informa on Desk Open

    8:00 AM 9:00 AM General Session II

    9:15 AM 10:30 AM Breakout Sessions

    10:30 AM 10:45 AM Break

    10:45 AM 11:30 AM Speed Innova ng Session

    11:30 AM 12:45 PM Breakout Sessions

    1:00 PM 2:30 PM Lunch and General Session III

    2:30 PM Conference Concludes


  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide



    Customize your agenda with four dis nct content tracks:

    Select sessions based on these learning levels:Level 1Prac oner seeking basic knowledge and skills to make and communicate sound nancial aid decisionsand/or complete the aid season with the budget and policies currently in place.

    Level 2 Prac oner seeking knowledge and skills for exer ng control over the nancial aid process and/oriden fying and improving nancial aid opera ons and policies.

    Level 3 Prac oner seeking knowledge and skills for exercising leadership in big picture issues and/orevalua ng the nancial aid impact on long-term enrollment and scal goals.

    SkillsPrac cal applica ons or skills that focus primarily on the day-to-day objec ves and policiesneeded to complete the nancial aid season.

    Support Best prac ces for e ec vely suppor ng the communica on, counseling, and other needs offamilies as they navigate through the nancial aid process.

    SystemsTips and strategies for e ec vely using SSS nancial aid tools, so ware, and methodology.

    StrategyCrea ng, implemen ng, and evalua ng strategic direc on of nancial aid.

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  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide



  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide



    Gold Sponsors

    With its compe ve interest rates and exible repayment op ons, the prepGATE K-12 Educa on Loan Programhelps make a K-12 private school educa on more a ainable for a wider range of applicants so students canachieve their academic poten al and schools can op mize enrollment. Visit us today at

    For more than 28 years, Tui on Management Systems has been dedicated to helping families a ord educa onand schools prosper. Today more than 700 private K-12 schools, colleges, and universi es use our ProvenPath to get their bills paid by thousands of students and families. Our process ensures a quality experienceand nancial t for students. Visit us today at www.a

    Silver Sponsors

    AdmissionsQuest connects families and private schools via direct inquiry tools, school lists, school searches,blogs, e-books, originally produced videos, and more. We provide a complete look at schools for the hundredsof thousands of families who visit each year.

    SSATBs mission is to provide unparalleled leadership and service in mee ng the admission assessment andenrollment needs of schools, students, and families. In addi on to admission tes ng and an applica onservice, the organiza on provides enrollment managers with a wide range of professional development tools,including seminars, webinars, and data support services. SSATB is commi ed to the advocacy of independent

    school admission and its vital role in school sustainability. For more informa on, visit

  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide


    NAIS is a nonpro t membership associa on that provides services to more than 1,700 schools andassocia ons of schools in the United States and abroad, including 1,400 independent private K-12 schools inthe U.S. Membership o ers a suite of bene ts, including a subscrip on to Independent School magazine anddiscounts on all NAIS conferences, ins tutes, and publica ons.

    NAIS Data and Analysis for School Leadership (DASL)

    Meet NAIS sta members who can help you put StatsOnline and the Demographic Center tools to use. Visitour table to see the latest innova ons in NAIS online tools and get one-on-one assistance with using thesetools for your leadership work. Get a sneak peak at the upcoming reinven on of these tools that will assist youin DASLing your colleagues and stakeholders with cu ng-edge uses of data.

    For more than 40 years, SSS by NAIS has helped connect hundreds of thousands of students with schoolso ering an excep onal educa on. Today nearly 2,100 schools subscribe to SSS for our nancial aidmanagement tools and a full suite of professional development services. As the sole nonpro t in our market,SSS commits any revenue surplus to ongoing development and bene ts for schools rather than distribu ngpro ts to outside shareholders. As a result, our schools are not just customers they are an integral part ofa community commi ed to the study and con nuous improvement of nancial aid administra on. Come byour table in the Paci c Ballroom Foyer. SSS sta members will be on hand to assist you, whether you have aques on, need hands-on assistance with the SSS tool, or just want to meet with your regional representa ve.


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    Our partnership with Project Hope Alliance (PHA) is an amazing opportunity for our community to supportthe educa onal needs of homeless children in the Anaheim area. By working with Project Hope Alliance,SSS a rms that every child ma ers and that no child should be prevented from learning because of theireconomic circumstances.

    Where Should I Take My Dona on?

    Bring your dona on to the Project Hope Alliance table in the Paci c Ballroom Promenade foyer. You will ndbaskets labeled for your convenience. We are excited to have Jennifer Friend, Execu ve Director of PHA, withus to accept your dona ons and share more informa on about PHA.

    I Didnt Bring a Dona on. Can I S ll Par cipate?

    No worries. See Ms. Friend at the PHA table. She can accept monetary dona ons (checks only please); or ifyou would like to add to the supply baskets, here is a list of nearby stores where you can purchase 50 pencils,pens, bookmarks, and/or journals.

    Walgreens - 12002 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (.83 miles)

    CVS - 1676 West Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92802 (1.26 miles)

    Walgreens - 10840 West Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92804 (1.36 miles)

    O ce Depot - 1140 S. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92832 (5.4 miles)

    Staples - 790 N. Brookhurst St., Anaheim, CA 92801 (5.9 miles)

    Walmart Supercenter - 88 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 (5.5 miles)

    SSS and PHA thank you for your support!


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    6:45 AM 5:00 PMRegistra on and Informa on Desk OpenRoom: Paci c Ballroom Foyer

    7:00 AM 8:15 AMBreakfast (for pre-registered a endees only)Room : Paci c Ballroom C

    8:00 AM 12:00 NOONPRC01 Beyond 1040 Basic Tax DocumentsRoom: El Capitan ABPresenter: Mike Szydlowski, Financial Aid Director, Woodberry Forest School (Virginia)

    Whether new to the role of nancial aid o cer or a seasoned veteran, many aid professionals admit to feelingunsure (at best) or terri ed (at worst) about reading any tax document. Conquer that anxiety by focusing onlyon the most important items related to nancial aid when reviewing the three primary documents most of

    your families present each year: the 1040, W2, and Schedule C. Gain hands-on experience iden fying whats consideredallowable for tax purposes but revisable for nancial aid purposes, to arrive at the nal award for the family.

    Explain how and why tax documents gure prominently into the nancial aid review process; Recognize common tax documents, such as Form 1040, W2, and Schedule C, in the nancial aid process; and Locate and use key pieces of tax data for use in the nancial aid review process.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2

    8:30 AM 4:30 PM

    PRC02 Financial Aid 101Room: Avila ABPresenters: Mark J. Mitchell, Vice President, SSS by NAIS

    Melvin Rhoden, School Support Manager, SSS by NAIS Brenda Robbins, Director of Student Accounts and Financial Aid, Minnehaha Academy (Minnesota)

    Where do I start? Thats the ques on many new professionals pose when they sit in the nancial aid seat forthe rst me. In this workshop, new nancial aid professionals with less than two years of experience willgain insight into how to manage the process from the star ng point of the PFS Parents Financial Statement.

    (Where do those darn data come from? How do I read, understand, and manipulate what the parents reported to arriveat an appropriate award?) Well con nue through the process all the way to communica ng your decisions to your headof school, families, and the nancial aid commi ee. Gain the right resources, skills, tools, knowledge, and informa on toget you pumped-up and ready to face the upcoming nancial aid season. You will be able to:

    Recognize the importance of ge ng good informa on from the PFS; Understand how to apply the basic SSS methodology and make revisions using the SSS online tools to

    arrive at the appropriate award for the family; and Defend your nal decision with clarity and con dence to the head of school, families, and your nancial

    aid commi ee.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2


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    1:00 PM 5:00 PMPRC03 Beyond 1040 S-Corpora ons and PartnershipsRoom: El Capitan ABPresenter: Mike Szydlowski, Financial Aid Director, Woodberry Forest School (Virginia)

    Yikes! Have you ever received tax paperwork from a family that resembles the old telephone book extremelylarge? Are you seeing more families applying for nancial aid with taxes beyond the 1040, W2s, and ScheduleC? If yes, this workshop is the perfect place for you. During this half-day workshop, take a walk on the wild side

    and nd out the best way to spend your me when presented with tax documents that include paperwork for S-Corpsand Partnerships. Get ps on how to evaluate these documents, where to start rst, what to change in the SSS onlinetool, and how to quickly determine if the family gets an award. Discuss how to have a conversa on with the family whenan award is not given. When you leave, you will know how to:

    Examine tax documents for Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and S Corpora ons; Apply best prac ce techniques through case studies to make be er nal award decisions using the

    SSS tool; and Manage the conversa on with families about your awarding decision.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 2, 3

    5:15 PM 6:15 PMNetworking Recep on IRoom: Sunset Deck

    7:00 PM 8:30 PMCoun ng the Costs: Financial Aid for a Private School Educa on

    (A Financial Aid Workshop for Families)Room: Paci c Ballroom BPresenter: Mark J. Mitchell, Vice President, SSS by NAIS

    This free 90-minute session is open to local area families seeking insight and informa on on how the nancial aidprocess works in private schools. We will discuss tui on, addi onal costs, types of available aid, parents roles andresponsibili es, and ps for comple ng the applica on accurately and on me. This session will help educate families onwhat to expect as they engage with schools and help them make a ording private educa on a reality.


  • 8/12/2019 NAIS 2013 FAC Program Guide


    6:00 AM 7:00 AMRise-and-Shine Yoga with Kristen PowerRoom: Gym, Fitness Room, Lower Lobby Join energe c cer ed yoga instructor Kristen Power (RYT 200) for a free, invigora ng hour of Vinyasa yoga. Vinyasayoga is a owing style of yoga linking breath with movement. This series of ow focuses on increasing strength andexibility by using a variety of poses along with sun saluta ons. Transform your mind, body, and spirit before divinginto nancial aid! Pre-registra on required and limited to 25 pre-registered par cipants.

    6:45 AM 5:00 PMRegistra on and Informa on Desk OpenRoom: Paci c Ballroom Foyer

    6:45 AM 8:00 AM BreakfastRoom: Paci c Ballroom C

    8:00 AM 9:00 AM General Session I: Facts and Fads in the Future of Independent SchoolsRoom: Paci c Ballroom BPresenter: John E. Chubb, President, Na onal Associa on of Independent Schools

    These are challenging mes for independent schools. Ample reasons for concern include: nancialpressures, changing demographics, online learning opportuni es, new standards and assessments,charter schools, the ever- a ening interna onal landscape, and looming re rements of senior talent.But these are also mes of unparalleled opportunity. All schools public, charter, private aregrappling with the same issues, in di erent ways. No schools are be er posi oned than independent

    schools to meet these challenges with crea ve solu ons. This is a moment when the freedom to chartour own course will be most valuable. What trends deserve our a en on and which can we safelyignore? How can we build on the strengths of independent schools to embrace the future?

    9:15 AM 10:30 AMLearning Comp*Assist Online: An Overview of the SystemPresenters : TUE101 Mark J. Mitchell, Vice President, SSS by NAIS Room: Avila AB TUE102 Melvin Rhoden, School Support Manager, SSS by NAIS Room: San Simeon AB

    Whether you are new to nancial aid or a seasoned prac oner, having Comp*Assist Online at your nger psproves vitally important in the nancial aid o ce. Comp*Assist Online uses sound methodology, provides awarehouse for collec ng parents data, and allows you to make revisions so you can arrive at an appropriate

    award for your family. Gain an overview of how the system works and how it can be con gured and customized to createan e cient, school-speci c, nancial aid process and data-driven award decisions. Learn how to:

    Get familiar with key features to set up the tool for the upcoming nancial aid season; Design con gura on se ngs that will prove most e ec ve for your schools nancial aid policies and processes; and U lize and apply key se ngs and features to quickly arrive at an award.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2, 3


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    9:15 AM 10:30 AM (con nued)Previewing the 2014-15 SSS School PortalPresenters: TUE103 Kristen Power, Na onal Director of Business Development, SSS by NAIS Room: El Capitan AB

    TUE104 Alisa Evans, Regional Director West, Southwest, Northwest, SSS by NAIS Room: Laguna AB

    TUE105 Aaron Wachholz, Na onal Director of Client Success, SSS by NAIS Room: Capistrano AB

    Whether you are new to nancial aid or a seasoned prac oner, you wont want to miss this opportunity to seewhats in store for 2014. Important for all who u lize the current Comp*Assist Online system, youll gain anoverview of how the School Portal works and how it can be con gured and customized to create an e cient,

    school-speci c, nancial aid process and data-driven award decisions.

    Preview enhanced system layout and design; Learn about upgraded features that allow the School Portal to be e cient and easy to use; and See demonstra ons of the enriched func onality.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2, 3

    10:30 AM 11:00 AMBreakRoom: Paci c Ballroom C

    11:00 AM 12:15 PM

    TUE201 A Deeper Dive in Se ng Up Comp*Assist OnlineRoom: Avila ABPresenter: Kristen Power, Na onal Director of Business Development, SSS by NAIS

    Learn how to get your schools speci c pro le, informa on, and preferences in the SSS system for customizedprocessing and results. Focus on how to use all of the features under the Set Up tool. Please bring your laptopsand come ready to ask ques ons. Discover how to:

    Apply the Set Up tool to your 2014-15 applicant pool; Understand how to set required documents, deadline dates, etc.; and Familiarize yourself with the ability to customize your se ngs.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2, 3


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    11:00 AM 12:15 PM (con nued)TUE202 Mind the Gap: Financial Aid Funding in an Era of Income Polariza onRoom: San Simeon ABPresenter: Starr Snead, Founder and Director, Advancement Connec ons

    Over the past three decades, independent schools have been looking like a be er educa onal op on tomiddle-income families in the U.S. During this same me, however, ratche ng tui ons and income stagna onhave increasingly made an odd couple of independent school tui on payments on the one hand, and

    disciplined family budge ng on the other. Managing nancial aid philanthropy can mean trying to squeeze more juicefrom fewer oranges. But you dont have to stretch it quite that ght. Our era demands responding crea vely andasser vely to the challenges of funding nancial aid. The strategies you develop can help re ne and strengthen thecharacter of your school. Examine op ons to bolster and diversify nancial aid fund-raising and compare notes andobserva ons from your own experience. Learn how to:

    Develop strategies for expanding and cul va ng the donor pool;

    Increase the appeal of nancial aid philanthropy without sacri cing exis ng donor priori es; and Increase, track, and report nancial aid funding; take away exemplars, templates, forms.

    Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3

    TUE203 Now What? Legal Issues in the Financial Aid and Admissions O ceRoom: El Capitan ABPresenter: Michael Blacher, Partner, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore

    Legal issues can be daun ng and seem so impersonal compared to the rest of the school experience. Whatdo you need to worry about? What shouldnt you worry about as much? Privacy? Con den ality? Enrollmentagreements? Discrimina on concerns? Join this interac ve session to learn how to:

    Comprehend the key legal issues in the nancial aid and admissions process; Iden fy the lurking legal issues in your o ce; and Eradicate me-consuming concerns that shouldnt trouble you.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 2

    TUE204 Using SSS and NAIS StatsOnline Data to Make Sound Strategic DecisionsRoom: Laguna ABPresenters: Aaron Wachholz, Regional Director, SSS by NAIS

    Martha Lucia Galindo, Senior Sta s cian, NAIS

    With SSS and your NAIS data in StatsOnline and Demographic Center, you have access to some powerfulanaly c tools. Learn how to use this comprehensive data to answer some of your schools biggest strategic

    ques ons. How does your admission funnel compare to that of similar schools in the region of your choice?What do the ve-year projec ons for household income in your target area/popula on mean for your tui on anda ordability? Are your current trends on track to a ract new families and students? Take home key data and reports soyou can con nue strategic discussions with your leadership team at school. Some basic understanding of SSS repor ngand NAIS online tools is helpful but not required for this session. Explore how to:

    Access your data in SSS and the NAIS online tools; Create reports on strategic issues for your school; and Analyze the informa on from your strategic reports.

    Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3


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    11:00 AM 12:15 PM (con nued)TUE205 Financial Aid 201: An Art and a Science

    Room: Capistrano AB Presenter: Jackson Marvel, Director of Financial Aid/Associate Director of Admission, The Hotchkiss School(Connec cut)

    The best nancial aid decisions combine savvy use of the scien c and objec ve tools and data that SSSprovides with the more ar ul exibility and school-speci c context necessary for ne-tuning the end results.Explore the technical aspects of the SSS methodology in a step-by-step fashion using a sample scenario

    and then take a look at where the art of nancial aid plays a key role. Explore the nuances of the SSS methodology(including a look at the e ects of impu ng wages, adding or subtrac ng home equity, or including an adjustment forlocal cost of living) to help you be er understand how and when you should apply the key triggers that can lead to acustomized outcome and explain di erences in awards among schools. Discover how to:

    Develop a more thorough understanding of the SSS methodology;

    De ne and analyze key triggers that can a ect di erences in awards between schools; and Create a dialogue with your o ce regarding your nancial aid policies and changes you wish to make.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2

    TUE206 Comparing the Impact of Income and Assets on the Es mated Family Contribu onRoom: Palos Verdes ABPresenter: Melvin Rhoden, School Support Manager, SSS by NAIS

    Have you ever wondered whether you should focus on income or assets in your review of the ParentsFinancial Statement (PFS)? Is $50,000 of income equal to $50,000 of assets? Are a $50,000 car, $50,000 bankaccount, and $50,000 of home equity equally weighted in the Es mtated Family Contribu on (EFC)? Explore

    the rela ve impact of income and assets on the bo om-line parent contribu on to tui on. Learn which elds make themost di erence in the SSS methodology. In addi on to learning which elds have a direct impact and which go throughsecondary calcula ons and tables, learn the percentage di erence you can expect when making revisions. Explore howto:

    Know the impact of income and assets in the calcula on of the EFC; Recognize rela ve value of di erent types of income and assets used in the SSS methodology; and Apply revisions to the PFS based on understanding of which changes have the greatest impact.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2

    12:15 PM 1:15 PMLunch

    Room: Paci c Ballroom C


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    1:15 PM 2:30 PMTUE301 Using SSS to Create a Model for Net Tui on RevenueRoom: San Simeon ABPresenter: Robin Seiler, Director of Admission, Louisville Collegiate School (Kentucky)

    The downfall in the economy has created a need for independent schools to think crea vely to a ract andmaintain mission appropriate students. When carefully formulated, a net tui on revenue model can be usedto increase enrollment, socioeconomic diversity, and the bo om line. Designed for all levels of nancial aid

    experience, this session will help par cipants learn how to best analyze SSS reports to create a model for net tui onrevenue. The session includes small group discussions and su cient me for Q and A. Learn how to:

    Analyze current enrollment trends at your school; Determine parameters and build the model that ts yours schools needs; and Implement a net tui on revenue model to enable an increased enrollment.Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3

    TUE302 Deep Dive Through the RFCRoom: Avila ABPresenter: Alisa Evans, Regional Director, SSS by NAIS

    Review the Report of Family Contribu on (RFC) line by line and discover where the number comes from and howit impacts the Es mated Family Contribu on (EFC). Looking at the RFC, learn how professional judgment se ngsimpact the EFC and where on the form you would see obvious errors or inconsistencies when reviewing higher-

    income families. Explore how to:

    Review the RFC and know which numbers impact the EFC; Know which professional judgment se ngs will impact the EFC; and Apply skills learned during the session when reviewing higher-income families to recognize obvious errors andinconsistencies.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2

    TUE303 The ABCs of SSS MethdologyRoom: El Capitan ABPresenter: Mark J. Mitchell, Vice President, SSS by NAIS

    Get a detailed review of how the SSS formula for assessing family contribu on works. Explore cri cal and centralconcepts, such as the Income Protec on Allowance, to be er understand the expecta ons of the methodology.Learn how, when, where, and why you should adjust or customize the SSS baseline approaches to meet your

    schools speci c policy or mission-based needs. Gain ps on educa ng parents on what the formula does and does not

    re ect to align their expecta ons accordingly throughout the process. With a greater understanding of the principlesand philosophy driving the baseline methodology, you can improve your decision-making and ability to educate keycons tuents about a core component of the need analysis process. Learn how to:

    Describe the core assump ons and expecta ons built into the philosophy of need analysis; De ne Income Protec on Allowance and what it represents; and Determine your local-level adjustments or se ngs for customizing the SSS family contribu on results.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2


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    1:15 PM 2:30 PM (con nued)TUE304 Lets Talk About Aid: Moving the Conversa on from Budget to StrategyRoom: Laguna ABPresenter: Mariana Williams, Director of Financial Aid, Holton-Arms School (Maryland)

    Whether your schools nancial aid budget is generous or limited, chances are your nancial aid program is notpart of the schools strategic conversa on and planning. Communica on about nancial aid is o en narrowlyinterpreted as counseling and guiding families through the nancial aid process. Examine ways nancial aid

    prac oners can communicate strategically about their schools nancial aid program. Learn how to engage the broadercommunity to ensure that discussion of topics like sustainability, enrollment goals, and the classroom experience includesthe role nancial aid plays in these important benchmarks. Discover how to:

    Ar culate how nancial aid advances your school; Iden fy the stakeholders: who they are, what they value, and how we can engage them in support of our aid

    program; and

    Design a framework of messages that will resonate with each cons tuency.Track: Strategy Learning Level: 2, 3

    TUE305 A Case Study: Working with Divorced FamiliesRoom: Capistrano ABPresenter: Brenda Robbins, Director of Student Accounts and Financial Aid, Minnehaha Academy (Minnesota)

    Explore methods of processing nancial aid applica ons for divorced families and how we can address theirneeds in a fair and empathe c manner, while s ll adhering to nancial aid policy and guiding principles. Usingcase studies and roundtable discussion, delve into the nancial aid applica on of a divorced family to learn how

    to e ec vely process their applica on and deal with the intricacies associated with divorced parents. Through discussion,learn various approaches that can be applied when making aid decisions for these families. Learn how to:

    Develop strategies to determine what divorced families can pay; Apply those strategies using various tools like Comp*Assist Online, the RFC, and tax returns; and Make aid decisions for divorced families based on the strategies employed.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2

    TUE306 Closing the Deal: Funding High-Need Families of ColorRoom: Palos Verdes ABPresenters: Keith Wilkerson, Senior Program Manager, A Be er Chance

    Prasant Nukalapa , Program Manager for the Northwest Region, A Be er Chance

    Explore the reasons why schools o en have a di cult me yielding high-need families of color, even whensigni cant nancial aid o ers have been extended. Learn why families looking for large nancial aid amountswork with a program like A Be er Chance, as opposed to going through the process on their own, and talk about

    the percep ons that a ect the applica on process for those families. Then, examine the intersec on of nancial aidapplicant families and independent schools through real-life examples and an exchange of best prac ces. Return with abe er sense of how to yield a stronger pool of diverse candidates, socioeconomically and otherwise. Discover how to:

    De ne the learning curve for high-need families of color; Analyze the best prac ces and strategies for reaching those who are new to the independent school world; and Communicate more e ec vely with families about their anxie es when applying.Track: Support Learning Level: 1, 2


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    2:30 PM 3:00 PM BreakRoom: Paci c Ballroom C

    3:00 PM 4:15 PMRegional Roundtable DiscussionsRoom: See below for your regions roundtable loca onCome meet your regional nancial aid colleagues and SSS representa ves; get to know what your neighbors are doing tosupport families, advance their missions, and more!

    Boarding and Boarding/Day School Roundtable Room: Capistrano AB This roundtable is for a endees who represent schools with a primarily boarding program.

    East, Mid-Atlan c and New England Regional Roundtable Room: San Simeon AB Connec cut, Maine, Massachuse s, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, District of Columbia,

    Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Rhode Island, Vermont

    Midwest Regional Roundtable Room: El Capitan AB Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,

    West Virginia, Wisconsin

    South Regional Roundtable Room: Laguna AB Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas

    West and Southwest Regional Roundtable Room: Palos Verdes AB Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada,

    Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

    5:00 PM 6:00 PMNetworking Recep on II

    Room: Sunset Deck


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    6:45 AM 8:00 AM BreakfastRoom: Paci c Ballroom C

    7:00 AM 12:00 NOON Registra on and Informa on Desk OpenRoom: Paci c Ballroom Foyer

    8:00 AM 9:00 AM General Session II: A Chance In The WorldRoom: Paci c Ballroom BPresenter: Steve Pemberton, Chief Diversity O cer, Walgreens

    In A Chance In The World: An Orphan Boy, a Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home ,Pemberton chronicles his di cult path through foster care and his determined search for his family. It isan inspira onal story that crosses genera ons and cultures, but especially speaks to those who have hadthe odds stacked against them and those who play a role in giving our young people a chance to succeedregardless of their circumstances. Pembertons relentless journey to overcome his setbacks, nd hisbiological family, and right the wrongs of his parents past is a model for all families to follow. It is a truetestament of faith, for tude, and forgiveness that will underscore the vital role you play in changing lifestrajectories for so many students and families. The rst 100 a endees entering the session will receive afree signed copy of Mr. Pembertons book.

    9:15 AM 10:30 AM

    WED101 Star ng and Sustaining a Local or Regional Financial Aid Group

    Room: San Simeon ABPresenters: Mike Szydlowski, Financial Aid Director, Woodberry Forest School (Virginia)

    Nancy Cleary, Director of Financial Aid/Associate Director of Admission, Loomis Cha ee School(Connec cut)

    Eileen Powers, Director of Financial Aid/Ins tu onal Research and Planning, Campbell Hall (California)

    Convening a local group is a good opportunity to connect with colleagues to discuss, share, and learn bestprac ces from other nancial aid professionals in your area. Join a panel of nancial aid directors familiar

    with star ng or par cipa ng in local or regional nancial aid groups to discuss the advantages of star ng/joining a local

    network of nancial aid professionals and what it takes to keep them viable and valuable. Join us to: Get informa on regarding crea ng, joining, or sustaining a local nancial aid group; Gain ps from those who already a end or coordinate local mee ngs on the value of par cipa ng with

    local colleagues; and Find out what support networks are available.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2, 3


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    9:15 AM 10:30 AM (con nued)

    WED102 The New Financial Aid FamilyRoom: El Capitan ABPresenter: Mark J. Mitchell, Vice President, SSS by NAIS

    What it means to be a nancial aid family has shi ed greatly in the past decade. The recession and the post-recession economy have created an increased demand for nancial aid from higher income families. Tui onsare increasing faster than incomes across nearly all income levels and that has impacted who is willing to ask

    for nancial aid and who can quali y. Schools are seeing increasing likelihood that parents will appeal awards, bargainfor a be er o er, nego ate for merit aid, submit more complicated tax documents, and more. Explore the dynamics andimplica ons that the evolving applicant pool brings to an e ec vely managed nancial aid o ce and discover how toshape or reshape your policies, budgets, and communica ons to meet what todays nancial aid family brings to yourdesk. Discover how to:

    Create or re ne best prac ces and communica on approaches consistent with the evolving nature of applicants;

    Plan tui on se ng and aid budget projec ons within the context of the reali es of your applicant base; and Evaluate the trends and snapshots of your applicant pool.

    Track: Strategy Learning Level: 2, 3

    WED103 Using Comp*Assist Online To Make an AwardRoom: Avila ABPresenter: Melvin Rhoden, School Support Manager, SSS by NAIS

    Before you make a nancial aid award, there are several elds in the SSS system you must review. The FinancialAid page collects and integrates informa on from many di erent sources and your work in nancial aid willul mately converge here. Learn about the sec ons of this screen and understand how se ngs and revisions

    elsewhere populate it. Explore how to ensure that your Financial Aid screen is fully populated so you can make the moste ec ve data-driven decision about student awards. Examine how to best use the analysis provided on this page toarrive at consistent nancial aid awards. Learn how to:

    Get familiar with the di erent sec ons of the Financial Aid screen; Review and make updates to the Financial Aid screen; and Integrate school policies into award decision-making.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2


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    9:15 AM 10:30 AM (con nued)WED104 Providing Support Beyond Tui on Costs Through a Supplemental Aid BudgetRoom : Laguna ABPresenters: Amy DeBorst, Director of Financial Aid, Greenhill School (Texas)

    Angela Woodson, Director of Admission, Greenhill School (Texas)

    Most independent schools do not have all of their non-tui on costs rolled into a set fee as part of tui on,some mes making it challenging for families to know and plan for these extra costs. Study one schoolsapproach to building supplemental budget support to help families with extra costs from books, required

    athle c trips, tutoring, and laptop computers to class rings, gradua on tuxedos, and le er jackets. Gain prac cal ps ondetermining what items are covered or not, communica ng your support policy to families and other cons tuencies oncampus while s ll maintaining con den ality, developing a supplemental handbook for reference, building an adequatebudget, and gaining buy-in from your board and head of school. Explore how to:

    Develop processes to facilitate management of the supplemental support budget;

    Create an outline for a supplemental support policy manual; and Apply prac cal ps on communica ng with key administrators, families, and students.

    Track: Support Learning Level: 2

    WED105 Crea ng an A ordability Brochure To Help Increase Applica onsRoom: Capistrano ABPresenter: Robin Seiler, Director of Admission, Louisville Collegiate School (Kentucky)

    When families think of sending their children to a private school, many simply will not inves gate independentschools due to the fear of high tui on costs. Find out how you and your team can create a communica on planand companion piece that focus on and explain all aspects and programs, from merit scholarships to need-

    based assistance to payment plans. Learn how to: Develop a brochure about a ordability that speaks to all socioeconomic levels; De ne your schools assistance program to educate all cons tuencies about possible op ons; and Implement your marke ng and communica on ini a ves to generate more inquiries and applica ons.

    Track: Support Learning Level: 1

    WED106 The Big Picture: Benchmarking Financial Aid Data and Prac cesRoom: Palos Verdes ABPresenter: Gretchen Reed, Senior Director, Professional Development, Na onal Business O cers Associa on

    Martha Ambros, Director, CAL-ISBOA

    Theres lots of data out there to let you know how you stand compara vely with other schools when it comesto nancial aid. Learn the results of NBOAs 2013 Business O ce Survey, which has focused ques ons abouthow your peers are managing nancial aid. Compare and contrast your school with the responses from 500+

    schools on nancial benchmarks, as well as qualita ve data, such as whether or not schools have a nancial aid policy,trends in tui on remission, internal and external communica on about nancial aid, and other strategies commonlyused to manage nancial aid. Plus, every year Cal-ISBOA surveys 170+ California schools on their nancials, includingnancial aid as a percentage of tui on and of opera ng budgets, tui on remission, and payment plans. Discover how to:

    Locate sta s cs to use to benchmark your nancial aid program; Apply informa on learned on how peer schools manage their nancial aid programs; and Create policies and strategies you can implement to manage nancial aid programs.

    Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3


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    10:30 AM 11:30 AMBreak

    Room: Paci c Ballroom C 10:45 AM 11:30 AMWED107 Speed Innova ng Session: Tips and Tidbits in 15 Minutes

    Room: Paci c Ballroom C Need some good advice in 15 minutes or less? This 45-minute session block o ers you a structured but informalenvironment to help you get the guidance you want with the free me you have. In three 15-minute sessions, sit downwith a small group of your peers and a moderator to discuss ideas on the following topics:

    Topic Moderator

    1-Managing Requests for Financial Aid from High-Income Families Carinne Barker2-Integra ng Tui on Remission in the Financial Aid Framework Brenda Robbins3-The Dos and Donts of O ering Merit Aid Robin Seiler4-Managing Supplemental Aid for Non-Tui on Expenses Kim Peckham5-Tips for Handling Divorced and Separated Parents John Hutchins6-Repor ng your Financial Aid Outcomes Jack Sweeney7-Suppor ng Families Whose Aid is Being Reduced or Who No Longer Qualify Jennifer Arno8-Managing the Needs of Families Receiving Aid for the First Time Lisa Moreira

    11:30 AM 12:45 PMWED201 Using Student Achievement Data to Drive Financial Aid Strategy

    Room: San Simeon ABPresenter: Binney Ca rey, Academic Dean, the Bishops School (California) Kim Peckham, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, The Bishops School (California)

    The partnership between the academic dean and director of admissions/ nancial aid is cri cal to improving thequality of applicants, strategic alloca on of nancial aid awards, and overall student learning outcomes. Theanalysis of a robust longitudinal study of admissions entrance scores, SATs, GPAs, and gradua on deciles led one

    school to examine a ributes of nancial aid students who fall below or outside the admission metric to best determinetheir poten al for success. Long-term tracking also illustrates how the nancial aid budget is invested: in students

    maximizing educa onal opportuni es and contribu ng to the nancial aid program and school community. Join us toexamine hard data and lessons learned from the successes and challenges of incoming students from underperformingschools. Learn how to:

    Iden fy important sta s cal informa on to guide admissions and nancial aid criteria; Analyze trends in student learning otucomes; and Design student support rela ve to individual school ndings.

    Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3


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    11:30 AM 12:45 PM (con nued)

    WED202 Get Your Board On Board: Educa ng Your Trustees About Financial Aid

    Room: El Capitan ABPresenters: Denise Gutches, Consultant/Part- me CFO, The Willows Community School (California) Jeane e Woo-Chitjian, Director of Financial Aid, Marlborough School (California) Julia Yzaguirre, Associate Director of Finance and Business A airs, Marlborough School (California)

    With nancial aid represen ng such a signi cant por on of a schools opera ng budget, informing and educa ngthe board of trustees regarding nancial aid goals, strategies, and outcomes is essen al. Learn best prac ces forpresenta on methods, including using quan ta ve and qualita ve repor ng, to lead your board in a strategic

    discussion on the art and science of administering a successful nancial aid program and its importance in enrollmentmanagement. Explore how to:

    Prepare meaningful board-level nancial aid presenta on materials; U lize nancial aid data to educate the board on trends and other cri cal informa on; and

    E ec vely ar culate the art and science of managing nancial aid and admissions.Track: Strategy Learning Level: 3

    WED203 Learn The SSS Repor ng ToolRoom: Avila ABPresenter: Aaron Wachholz, Na onal Director, Client Success Team, SSS by NAIS

    Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to e ec vely u lize the repor ng tools in the SSS so ware. Returnto your school with speci c instruc ons and examples that will make using reports in the SSS system quick andeasy. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and log on to the tool. You can work directly in your schools

    account and take your work back to school with you! New or seasoned nancial aid professionals, learn how to:

    Locate the repor ng feature in the SSS online tools; Iden fy and run the Standard Reports; and Create and run Customized Reports.

    Track: Systems Learning Level: 1, 2

    WED204 How To Build a Financial Aid Es matorRoom: Laguna ABPresenter: Jackson Marvel, Director of Financial Aid/Associate Director of Admission, The Hotchkiss School

    (Connec cut)

    Last fall our nancial aid team worked with faculty and sta to create a nancial aid es mator for the HotchkissSchool website. Explore the step-by-step process of how we built the es mator, as well as feedback regardinghow many hits the page has received since its launch in January. Discover how to:

    Take the necessary steps to create a nancial aid es mator; Create a plan based on pros and cons of having an es mator on your site; and Implement the plan by partnering with coworkers outside of admission for support.Track: Support Learning Level: 2, 3


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    11:30 AM 12:45 PM (con nued)

    WED205 Wants vs. Needs: Bringing Families Into Understanding Financial Aid Early

    Room: Capistrano ABPresenters: Brian Fisher, Partner, AdmissionsQuest Kristen Power, Na onal Director of Business Development, SSS by NAIS

    Discuss ques ons families ask between March 15 and April 15, when seeking addi onal aid. Explore and sharesome of the nego a on tac cs used by families when asser ng their needs. Examine ways schools mightcommunicate more e ec vely with families about what nancial aid entails and what its limits are. Explore

    how you can bring families into the concept of shared commitment and sacri ce earlier in the aid process. Learn how to:

    Explain what nancial aid is and isnt, iden fying any limita ons early in the process; Communicate e ec vely the shared commitment required of school and families; and Build rela onships so common ground is established and maintained.

    Track: Skills Learning Level: 1, 2

    1:00 PM 1:30 PM

    LunchRoom: Paci c Ballroom Promenade (between Ballrooms B and C)

    1:45 PM 2:30 PMGeneral Session III: Financial Aid in the Cloud: SSSs Product Roadmap for 2014 and BeyondRoom: Paci c Ballroom BPresenter: Michael J. Flanagan, Chief Execu ve O cer, SSS by NAIS

    At our inaugural conference in Bal more last year we talked about how our industry is evolving inresponse to challenges posed by the economy and a changing applicant pool, and about how rapidchanges in consumer technology would in uence the tools we use together to serve families. This year,well show you in detail what this means for the SSS products you use every day during aid season,and what you can expect from us for the future. You will come away with an understanding of how ourtechnology is evolving to be er meet your needs, and have an opportunity to ask ques ons and makesugges ons about the features youd like to see us add in the future. We will:

    Iden fy the major changes happening in enterprise so ware, including cloud compu ng and Pla orm as aService models;

    Link these trends to the concrete changes SSS is making in our next genera on of tools; and Project where our systems will be headed over the next 3-5 years.

    2:30 PMConference Concludes


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    Fall Webinar SeriesNovember 2013Using Comp*Assist Online Data to Make an Award November 13, 2013

    Comp*Assist Online: Reviewing Documents November 19, 2013

    Comp*Assist Online: Uploading Documents November 20, 1013

    December 2013

    What is a Custom Report and Why Do I Want to Build One? December 10, 2013

    Using Professional Judgment: Impu ng Income December 11, 2013

    Using Professional Judgment: Impu ng Assets December 17, 2013

    Using Professional Judgment: Deprecia on December 18, 2013

    2014 Summer Series(All three programs to be held at the InterCon nental Hotel, Chicago, IL)

    Ins tute for New Financial Aid Professionals July 28 29, 2014Advanced Topics In Financial Aid July 30 31, 2014

    SSS Leadership Forum July 31 August 1, 2014

    Future Financial Aid ConferencesHya Regency Miami, Miami, FL November 3 5, 2014

    Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa, San Diego, CA November 2 4, 2015

    For more informa on visit us at


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    2014 SSS Financial Aid ConferenceNovember 3-5, 2014Hya Regency Miami