Nagios Conference 2011 - Michael Medin - NSClient++: Whats New

NSClient++: Whats New? 5 years of vaporware Presentation © Michael Medin


Michael Medin's presentation on NSClient++. The presentation was given during the Nagios World Conference North America held Sept 27-29th, 2011 in Saint Paul, MN. For more information on the conference (including photos and videos), visit:

Transcript of Nagios Conference 2011 - Michael Medin - NSClient++: Whats New

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NSClient++: Whats New?

5 years of vaporware

Presentation © Michael Medin

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These slides represent the work and opinions of the author and do not constitute official positions of any organization sponsoring the author’s work

This material has not been peer reviewed and is presented here as-is with the permission of the author.

The author assumes no liability for any content or opinion expressed in this presentation and or use of content herein.


It is not their fault!

It is not my fault!

It is your fault!

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Developer (not manager)◦ Not working with Nagios

Accidentally ended up in our NOC◦ Hated BB so we migrated to Nagios

2003: The birth of NSClient++◦ NSClient sucked (Broke Exchange)◦ NRPE_NT was to much work

2004: The open source of NSClient++◦ “just for fun”

2007: The rebirth of NSClient++◦ Got a lot of emails and hits on the webpage

2011: The Present◦ 0.3.9 out last may◦ 0.4.0 out as alfa

My Background

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Windows Monitoring and NSClient++◦ Quick Introduction

What’s new in 0.3.9◦ Disk/File/*◦ Scheduled Tasks◦ Aliases◦ Crash Handling

What’s new in 0.4.0◦ New core◦ Unix support◦ New settings subsystem◦ New protocol◦ Python Scripting

The end of NSClient++! Q/A


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Windows Monitoring and NSClient++

Quick Introduction

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What is NSClient?◦ A (pretty old) program

pNSClient A (pretty limited) protocol check_nt

◦ A (pretty incorrect) concept ”Windows monitoring”

What is it not?◦ NSClient++!

NSClient++ was written as a replacement for pNSClient But it has evolved much since then

NSClient: Terminology

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NSClient++◦ Freedom!

Custom scripts Decentralized or centralized Active or Passive Can monitor “anything” (including your application) Can perform “tasks” (fix your problems)

Other options:◦ SNMP

Generally complex to use and limited on “standard” hardware◦ pNSClient/NRPE_NT/OpMonAgent/*

Old, outdated and usually limited functionality◦ “Agentless” WMI

Limited functionality Enforces centralized and active monitoring

But...◦ I am biased, so might not want to take my word for it...

Why should you use NSClient++

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Protocol Method Encryption Auth Payload M. args. M. cmds HTTP

NSClient Active No Yes No Yes No NoNRPE Active No No 1024 Yes No NoNSCA Passive Yes Yes 512 Yes Yes NoNRDP Passive Yes Yes ∞ Yes Yes YesNSCP Active


Yes Yes ∞ Yes Yes Yes

DNSCP MQ No Yes ∞ Yes Yes Nocheck_mk Active ? No ∞ No Yes No

Several Protocols

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Internals:◦ C++◦ Around 75.000 lines of code◦ Actively developed (unfortunately only by me)◦ Modularized design (use what you need)

Runs on:◦ Windows: NT4, w2k, XP, w2k3, Vista, w2k8, X64, X86 …◦ Unix: Linux/Debian (probably many/most others as well)

Current Version:◦ 0.3.9 with 0.4.0 in beta

Most features require NRPE or NSCA (or NSCP) Documentation online (WIKI)


About NSClient++

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Not supported by a commercial entity◦ Donations welcome◦ Sponsoring available (contact me for details)

Used by a lot of people (I think)◦ Impossible to estimate any figures

Please, Help out!◦ Add documentation◦ Report problems◦ Come with ideas, thoughts, etc…

About NSClient++ (cont.)

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Thank you!

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About NSClient++Using NSClient++

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NSClient++ is a command line program!◦ nsclient++ -start (net start nsclientpp)◦ nsclient++ -stop (net stop nsclientpp)◦ nsclient++ -test

Configuration:◦ notepad nsc.ini

Testing:1. Local (nsclient++ -test)2. From CLI (check_nrpe ...)3. From Nagios (add command)

Works with “anything” ◦ Including many non Nagios based systems

Using NSClient++ (0.3.9)

nsclient++ -testIs your friend!

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New command line syntax!◦ nscp --service --start◦ nscp --service –-stop◦ nscp --help

Testing◦ nscp --test

Configuration:◦ nscp --settings-help◦ nscp --settings --migrate-to ini◦ nscp --settings --set …◦ …

Run scripts:◦ nscp --client --module PythonScript --command execute-and-

load-python --script --install

Using NSClient++ (0.4.0)

nscp --testIs your friend!

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9


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Major simplification to the disk/file checker◦ CheckFile (removed)◦ CheckFile2 Deprecated◦ CheckFiles (replaces above)

Volume support (for real this time) Aliases NSCA/NRPE enhancements Scheduled task checks Crash Handling A bunch of new commands Bug fixes and many more things…

0.3.9 What's new: Overview

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We have recruited a new member to the team!

A girl actually… …Still a bit wet behind the ears…

New team member!

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Evelina was born 2010-07-21

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9


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The good:◦ Powerfull interface!◦ Simple to use!◦ out-of-the-box solution!

(on which you can expand) The bad:

◦ Nothing! Really, I mean it! …and then… yesterday…

◦ …in the bar…◦ …all hopes shattered…◦ …aparently it is still to complicated…


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Same as was introduced for eventlog last year

Based on SQL WHERE clauses◦ generated > -2d AND severity = 'error‘◦ size > 5k◦ size > 5k OR size < 1k◦ size > 5k AND written > -2d◦ (size > 5k OR size < 1k ) AND written > -2d◦ …

The new Filters

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Type Descriptionfilename Name of the file

path Path of the file

size Size of the file

accessed When the file was last accessed

written When the file was last written

creation When the file was created

version The exe file version (slow)

line_count Number of lines in the file (slow)

Filter keywords

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Operator Safe Meaning

= eq Equality

!= ne Not equal

> gt Greater then

< lt Less then

=> ge Greater then or equal

=< le Less then or equal

like String similarity (substring matching)

not like Opposit of like

regexp Regular expression matching

Filter operators

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Option Description

path The root path to use

pattern The file pattern to use

filter Define the filter (there can only be one)

warn How many hits constitutes a warning state.warn=>5, warn==5 warn=!=5

crit How many hits constitutes a critical state.

truncate Length of returned data.Since NRPE/NSCA has a limited capacity this is important. (Will be deprecated in 0.4.0)

syntax How to format the return data

master-syntax How to format the “message string”

debug=true Displays a lot more information in the logfile/console

Command Options

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CheckDriveSize … CheckAll=volumes … Other new features

◦ Added a new option to ignore drives which are not readable (like office 2010 q: drive) ignore-unreadable

◦ Added magic modifiers (from check_mk) magic=0.7

Volume support (for real this time)

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9

Scheduled Tasks

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Works the ”same” as CheckEventLog◦ ”filter=exit_code ne 0”

Two modules:◦ CheckTaskSched.dll

Works on Windows NT4 and beyond But cannot check ”new” tasks (from Vista and

beyond)◦ CheckTaskSched2.dll

Works on Windows Vista and beyond Has fewer filter keywords

Scheduled Tasks

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Type Description

title Tasks name

application The application

comment Retrieves the comment for the work item.

parameters Retrieves the command-line parameters of a task.

working_directory Retrieves the working directory of the task.

exit_codeRetrieves the last exit code returned by the executable associated with the work item on its last run.

max_run_time Retrieves the maximum length of time the task can run.


Retrieves the status of the work item. Possible values include: ready, running, not_scheduled, has_not_run, disabled, has_more_runs, no_valid_triggers

most_recent_run_time Retrieves the most recent time the work item began running.

Filter keywords

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CheckTaskSched "filter=exit_code ne 0" "syntax=%title%: %exit_code%" warn=>0

WARNING:test.job (1)

CheckTaskSched "filter=status = 'running' AND most_recent_run_time < -30m"

"syntax=%title% (%most_recent_run_time%)“warn=>0

WARNING:test.job (2011-02-10 23:14:35)

Sample Commands

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9


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System◦ alias_cpu

CPU Load past 5 minutes, 80/90% bounds◦ alias_cpu_ex

CPU Load past 5 minutes, custom bounds◦ alias_mem

Memory utilization (all) 80/90% bounds.◦ alias_mem_ex

Memory utilization (all), custom bounds◦ alias_up

System uptime

Out of the box aliases

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Disk/Drive◦ alias_disk

All fixed drives◦ alias_disk_loose

All fixed drives, ignore any problematic drives◦ alias_volumes

All volumes◦ alias_volumes_loose

All volumes, ignore any problematic drives◦ alias_file_size

Check the size of a given file (filename, size)◦ alias_file_age

Check the age of a given file

Out of the box aliases (continued)

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Eventlog◦ alias_event_log

Check for errors in the event log Schedules Tasks

◦ alias_sched_all No scheduled jobs have failed

◦ alias_sched_long No task has been running for longer then a given time.

◦ alias_sched_task Check if a given task succeeded

Misc◦ alias_updates

Check that updates are applied

Out of the box aliases (continued)

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Processes◦ alias_service

All services in “sensible state”◦ alias_service_ex

All services in “sensible state” (exclude various services)◦ alias_process

A process must be running◦ alias_process_stopped

A process must not be running◦ alias_process_count

A process must not have more then X instances◦ alias_process_hung

A process must not be hung

Out of the box aliases (continued)

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9

Crash Handling

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Using Google break pad ◦ same as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc

Three options (not mutually exclusive)1. Send crash dumps to

Server can be changed if you want to have an internal server or proxy


2. Store crash dumps for analysis Will also be checked with check_nscp

3. Restart service

Crash Handling

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Configuring Crash Handling

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NSClient++What’s new 0.3.9

Miscellaneous Fixes

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NSCA◦ Fixed problems with sending ”many” results back

NRPE◦ Added support for large payloads

Checks◦ Added ”check_nscp” to check health of NSClient++◦ Added new check for running other checks ”with a timeout”◦ Added new negate check (to negate the result of another check)

All filters (read CheckEventLog et al)◦ Many fixes and additions (regular expressions)

Process checks◦ Added support for checking if processes has ”hung”

Performance data◦ Added it to many places where it was intermittently missing before

Other stuff (The highlights)

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RoadmapWhats to come?

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0.3.9• Last


0.4.0• Core switch• Linux

support• Distributed

Monitoring (v1)

0.4.1• Bugfixes

0.4.2• Monitoring

Kits• New windows


• True passive checks

• Distributed Monitoring (v2)

0.4.3• Bugfixes

Roadmap (rough)

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0


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Brand new core based upon libraries◦ Things should *work* not just “work”◦ More modular and extensible

Unix support◦ Both as a client and server

New settings subsystem◦ Registry, improved ini support, http, etc

New protocol◦ NSCP (HTTP(s), MQ, Native)

Distributed monitoring◦ Many new things in this area (including MQ)

Python scripting◦ Primary goal (for me) is to create “unit-test”

Updated installer◦ Wix 3.5, more customizable

What’s new 0.4.0

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“Monitoring Kits”◦ Monitoring solutions for “standard things”

New windows check-subsytem◦ More modern and less arcane (no NT4 support)◦ Remote checking

.Net plugin support◦ Possibly internal VBA scripting support

Metrics cache and aggregation◦ Lightweight version of CEP◦ “crit=cpu > 80% AND transactions_per_sec < 10”

What’s coming 0.4.2

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Filter-like API (in addition to options)◦ “warn=any drive > 90% OR c: > 80%”

Remote updates/upgrades◦ Allow NSCP to upgrade itself

“port” of the “standard plugins”?◦ Run your favorite check_xxx from inside NSClient++

Unix plugins?◦ Run CheckCPU on unix machines?

Client/web Interface?◦ A nice little program (systray)

Let me know what you would like to see!

What might be coming?

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

Brand new core

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The flux capacitor

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This is why it was so long in the making◦ Merging each new version took forever!

New internal protocol◦ Removed all internal “limits” (think buffer sizes)◦ Allows many new features◦ Allows much more advanced internal scripts◦ Allows for “non NRPE based checks”

A lot of new bugs?◦ This is the scary part (for me)

but my testing has show it seems very stable

A completely new core

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

Unix support

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Good question…◦ Since no one seems to like to program on

Windows I brought NSClient++ to “unix”

◦ Because I can With the new core comes portability So, perhaps the better question was:

Why not?

Will NOT be supported for some time though◦ Unless someone wants to help out


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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

New Settings

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Hierarchical settings subsystem◦ [/settings/NRPE/server]◦ allow arguments=false

Instead of ◦ [NRPE Server]◦ allow_arguments=false

Why did I do this?◦ Because it was fun ◦ Number of options has started to explode◦ Simpler to use the registry (as well as xml?)


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Since settings have “url:s”◦ old://${exe-path}/nsc.ini◦ ini://${base-path}/nsclient.ini◦ registry://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/NSClient++◦ http://my.central.server/config/${hostname}.ini

Allows extensions (not via plugins though)◦ Maybe in the future:

lua://${base-path}/config.lua python://${base-path}/

You can mix and match:◦ ini://${base-path}/nsclient.ini

Can “include”: registry://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/NSClient++ Which in turn includes http://conf.server/${hostname}.conf

What’s in it for you?

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Ability to load the same plugin twice. Normal (default alias is python)

◦ [/modules]◦ PytonScript=◦ [/settings/python/scripts]◦

Multiple modules (define two aliases foo and bar)◦ [/modules]◦ foo=PytonScript◦ bar=PythonScript◦ [/settings/foo/scripts]◦◦ [/settings/bar/scripts]◦

Multiple modules and alias

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It depends…◦ If you are “still” using check_nt:

Probably not◦ If you are using NSCA:

Maybe not◦ If you want to use all new features

Yes How do I change?

◦ It is pretty simple… nscp --settings --migrate-to ini

◦ (or) nscp --settings --migrate-to registry

Do I need to change?

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

New protocol

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Windows Computer Nagios Server










Active NRPE

















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Active NSCPFirewall

Windows Computer Nagios Server






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Allows more then one command to be sent Used internally for plugins Support both passive and active checks Supports configuration, management, etc… Extensible

But will also support:◦ Multiple locales (based on utf)◦ Unlimited payloads (soft configurable)◦ Support real performance data (not strings)

New protocol

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

Distributed monitoring

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Submission (evolution)




NSCA Server




Event broker NSCA Agent NSCA Server




Event broker NSCA Agent NSCA Server

XXX Agent

Real time plugin


XXX Server

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Other scenarios


SYSLOG AgentEvent broker SysLog Server

NRPE Server

NSCA Agent



Event broker


NSCA Server


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an extension of the passive checks◦ ”Something” can send notification events◦ ”Something” can receive notification events◦ Agents can forward notification events◦ Replaces NSCAListener module

Supports routing Not a one-to-one mapping.

◦ Multiple consumers◦ multiple producers

Allows◦ Passive plugins (other then the built-in NSCA)◦ Script and rule based routing

Submissions and handlers

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NSClient++What’s new 0.4.0

Python scripting

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Built-in python scripting Has full API support

◦ Can build ”modules” in python◦ Can access settings◦ Can do “anything”

Primarily used by me for unit-testing Requires a working python install

Python Scripting

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The end of NSClient++!

Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!

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0.4.x (ish) will be the last ”Windows” monitoring agent

The idea is to make it more:◦ A platform/client/server for distributed monitoring

Regardless of os/system Regardless of Monitoring solutions

Don’t worry…◦ It will still work just fine as a ”Windows Monitoring

Agent”◦ But in addition to this you will be able to do more.

So whats this all about?

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Michael [email protected]

Information about NSClient++


Slides, and examples

Thank You!