N3322 E – Cinahl Instruction

N3322E – CINAHL Instruction Sept 23, 2008 Robin Featherstone, Research & Instructional Librarian (Nursing) [email protected] (510) 661-2111 ext: 86383 http://www.lib.uwo.ca/programs/nursing


Instruction given to the Post-RN students at the University of Western Ontario

Transcript of N3322 E – Cinahl Instruction

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N3322E – CINAHL InstructionSept 23, 2008

Robin Featherstone,

Research & Instructional Librarian (Nursing)

[email protected]

(510) 661-2111 ext: 86383


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Just to start...

• How often do you use CINAHL?(a.) ALL the time

(b.) Sometimes

(c.) Rarely

(d.) Never

• How comfortable are you using CINAHL?(a.) Very comfortable

(b.) Somewhat comfortable

(c.) Not very comfortable

(d.) Totally uncomfortable

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Today’s agenda

(1.) Find CINAHL

(2.) Create an account

(3.) Search

(4.) Manage your results

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Not on campus?Don’t forget to log in

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• Find CINAHL from your computers

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Step 2: Sign in to My EBSCOhost

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• Create a user name and password in My EBSCOhost

• If you have one already, sign in

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But, before we start searching...

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Decide on your search terms

• State the search

I am looking for information on improving health education for people getting tattoos.

• Isolate the main concepts

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Searching Activity 1

• Search CINAHL using these concepts:1. Health education

2. Tattoos

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Running the search

• Using keywords vs. CINAHL Headings

• Searching one concept at a time

• Showing the search history

• Combining search sets

• Refining the results using search options

• Saving the search

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Step 4: Manage Your Results

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Managing search results

• Adding items to folder

• Selecting desired citations

• Printing

• E-mailing

• Saving

• Exporting (RefWorks)

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Searching Activity 2

• State the search

I am looking for information about distance education in Post-RN programs

• Isolate the main concepts

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Searching Activity 2

• Search CINAHL using these concepts:1. Distance education

2. Post RN

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Next steps...

• Getting to the full-text

• Evaluating the material

• Managing your citations using RefWorks

• Integrating your ideas into your assignment

• Citing your sources

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• Formulate your own search

• Compare keyword results with CINAHL headings

• View your search history

• Combine your searches

• Save your search

• Add items to the folder

• Save/email/print/send citations

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Robin [email protected]

(510) 661-2111 ext: 86383
