N t L T THE P DCCE SURP1GJ L I Louis Clark I Great...

° r FIUDAV OCTOBEft IB THE P a DCCE BVBHI1TO SURP1GJ ma L t 0 L T N 1 j Louis Clark t October Pith t See Saturday Special Sylph Sale t I 24 lb bag Sylph flour the best torC the market every bag sold guaranteed a 3 packages Q aker Rolled Oats NOH25c new stock k G pounds New York I uckwhrrU Klbnr in bulk 25c for r 12 L 3 bottles t pure MapU7Sap Synip new > i 25c j cakes at Inst white Ivmy Soap 25- cr C- zu for pound l can select white t Asparagus 250 I huckcb ncv Table Syttip per gaKo1 25c yMw y Kancy Concord Grapes > u2Dc n baski t n4q IJf9 t l hates 1 can i pound can grated Pineapple- ptr I LM1 Dc- te a pounds Vermiccla or Soup Noodles 15cf- 5 te or w > MM- Map uada Scdt or Oyster Crackers 15c f5 for 2 packages Red Cross Maccarohi or Spaghetti 15c for f e freshastersI4 4 r 50c f per > 7 M 3Dc PN pcrgnlbu Suear House open keltleMulnsses M 60o 6 D c t Nice per yellow dOlent Oranges M 25 C- r C r 1 1LOCAL LIJfSM I I For Dr Iendley ring 41 C Call Palmer Transfer Co forI itrrlages biggago wagons and nrslI I j class livery rigs Hock fares ancAI 1 trunks strictly cash Best fenrlce In tho city Sign und carriage painting 0I R Sexton both phones 401I Call or phone Gardners druBI J inlhJ tore it you need anything drug line t 1 hale n choice stock of newI pianos ot Baldwin sad other malted t direct from factory to Bell rent orI exchange I will take most any com ¬ A I ° modity tliot has commercial value tth pmdntCMlhnct1erthom and get my prices and torms or I Mltor f tDr ID I Sanders has moved his olIloiMo rwtdenoo 318 S Sixth front J usaY4 over offered I fn copyright looks only 50c at R D I loments Co Tho Red Mon will hold tholrJ J rffiular nnetlng this evening nllllJ install appointive officers A meptlng of tho Paducah Trav f dUnG yfenf Club will bo held tomorI r6w night but they will probably hoI I unnblo to wind up the matters nBeted with their recent carnival as Treasurer Simon Hecht will not ye turn from New York for several days The Kentucky arrived this morn InK from tho Tennessee rlvir nit i It Isavos tbmorrow evening for Water ¬ 0 loo Ala Qrapok 21 Ie a Iwskot salt I 1 bags for IVc patent 1Mto Fawn Iflaur 7oe aoda 3 packages lOc Niibsco JOe paokagu bananas doz 13c large cmi Chunk 1 Pine Apple ICc Upland Hearing aOc doz Lane Tea CDffoe Oo 113 S Second St Pic hame 10o per pcirod t i- TnHIIl J Jnle CnuJhtJht c Tho L C river front trestle at tho w foot of Mndlgon street was burning J at 3 oclock but the lira departments wore rolled out surd immodlati Y ox rlnvirsnod Hie blaze Tho orjgln of iiio flro unknown limeGlPIT 1 nut youelck lrV t ANNOUNCEMENT The R W Walker Co has secured from Mrs nettle W Soule the privilege of making nnd selling SOULES BALM l for the akin 1 and SOU LES LIVER CAPSULES These preparations were orlgi toted and iutrodured by the Nclsm Soole lu 1876 aid lateII continued popularity attests 4merit Doth arc nude in strict accoidmc wt h the formulae and methods of Dr Sovl- eSoutes i i Balm 25c Sores Liver Capsule 25cI RW WALKER CO i lncorpoetd DRUGGISTS nnh end wy Yelp Ppeaest7S I KUKAIC 1IIOKOUY SliTS I Mr Tihn 1orteniiH Finds n Tree in Oak lroo With Kernels 11IIIurjl j jl Mr John Porlcous tho florist has discovered an unusual kind of hick orj nut In Oak Grove cemetery The tree Is nn ordinary hickory nut tree but kernels of the nuts are all red Mr Portcoun says ho never before saw kernels In airy kind of nut the color of these but tho nuts oth t ¬ erwise seems to be like any other I hickory nut Ho cracKed half a doze en or more of thorn and they were all alike He has not ventured yet to eat may of tile l bloodred kernels I hilt Is looking for someone willing I to teat them OPHX tilt TKKATMHXT t irav ItcMillii JSerovory In MIs Sutherlands oHM Clauslo Sutherland tho dauglitor of too aid police commit slonor It It Sutherland beta now nearly recorrcd from an attack of typhoidJ pneumonia Mlf s Sutherland has been living In n t tent in Arcadia on tha Smalloy farm ii nco limo 20th and when she was flrat taken there wulghed but I 9C pounds Title week whoa weighed she tipped he scales at 129 and Js fltlll gaining The potJ11IlsI I treatment Jias u tnlngly proven an on tiro success I IAIMHTI 1XJUUY I liver Penetrates and Mangles KeK ley InuikllnN Ifunir- Kolloy Krnnklln an employe of tho aduonh Cooperage Co while worki i ng 4n the mlJl yesterday nftornoon run a largo silver of wood through iris left hall The elivcr was tint out jy Dr J S Tfoutnmn Tho ace dent was a painful ono the thumb I being badly mangled by the silver Funeral Held Yesterday Tho funeral ot the late Mrs EvaI nOR of 133 Jackson street took place yesterday burial at Morgans cemetery In the county Mrs JIOHS was the cstlinnblo wife of Mr W M Roes and was popular in n largo circle of friends Sho was 49 old nUll born In Georgia but had lived hero for thirty years Several children survive Menu for TlIIllIrlowI I Following Is tho menu of the Mthodist Episcopal 1 Church Aid tomorrow Dinner Soup Roast fleet Cream Potatoes n kcd Ueans Slaw Cream Lemon aft Pumpkin PR Biscuit and Drown Dread Coffee Supper Cold Fried Chicken Veal Loaf Potato Salad Cakes and Coffee Plo and Cake for sale With the Sick Miss Emma Morgan teacheip of t English in tho ecihoolsMJs able io be cut alter a fourweeks illness and expects to resume Jior school work I VondaMr It R Sutherland the fire and IIr commissioner has recovered 1 n two veoks lllnced and was abio to loavo iho hospital today and conic totot1Hls many friends will rcooorrI ¬ day His fever Is now broken 1I0011itSI Ifnvo Bought Poultry E lowers of Paducah and C E Woolfolk of Evansvlllo Ind have i I bought tho Jeans poultry houses in Paducah and Fulton and expect to also havo a house at Mayflold Mr Uowora has been in the poultry bush s4pes l I tanniN lIl4 I Qeulot Claw toIlnve Outing Totnorrow mornins the flirt oullni of tho season for the Senior CJasa of tire Paducah High school will bo held Tho class with tire entire High school faculty will go acrowi the river on tho steamer Bottle Owen ami spend tho lay hunting fishing and nutdng Tho class win return early In the evening tbo boat malting n npoclal trip for itTime pupils expect I to have n grant day In the outing I I ISIHIIISIIIIi < icnuan InvllaUonH are out today to the Gorman < o bo given In honor of the sponsors of the Horse Show on Thurs- day ovoning at the Palmer House I intro XOIIM Cliih- Mlsi Sarah Sanders cntorlnlna tho- Entro Noun club tails afternoon at her bourn In Arcadia The Saris Soiwl drib will also bo Miss Sandftr Sande I Itlsliop Wontlfork coring Bishop Charles E Woodcock of Ix > ulsvllie wlllarrivo tomorrow Oven Ing and will be th3 guest of Rcv and Mrs Dc Wright at the Grace Epis ¬ copal church rectory on Kentucky overrun Ho will remain until Tues- day ¬ Mr and Mrs Louis Hascnjaegor of Cairo are registered at the Hotel 1I1romnlslnlJI I Mr E C Campbell of London England Is registered at the Hotel Lngomaralno Mw William Sehauf ttnil Robert Woolfolk have returned 1llItoI I I Marked l Tree Ark Mrs Henry II Duloy IH vlflJtlng In Lou 5lle her former home Deputy U S Mm vital Goo Saun drrs arrived from Mnyfleld this morning Miss Marjorie Bagby of Paducah la visiting Miss Bruce WenrenCai- re ¬ Bulletin Mr Gas Tate and family hate moved from Madison street to the Emp < ro flala on Broadway Mr John Counts wenit to Gilberts vlllo at noon on business Mr lien Prico formerly oft he cityI wont to Evantfvtllo today of noon to work Ho has been working In lEvI ansvlllo at brick masonry 1J17Ulhltcr E It Kelley and wife I went to Louisville at noon today Captaliii G iorgo 0 liar returned from the south today at room Captain James Lemon of Mnyfleld Is In tho clty Atkins of Clnrksvlllc guest of Iwr slater Mrs on Jefferson street tDrhHslo McNutt of May city today on business Smith an attorney atI I Mnyfleld Is In tho city on legal ness MY J I L Sherrill a tojaccon rof Mayfleld IA In the city Hr T M I MeXellly of Mayfield who Is city clerIc of that city Is In Paducah today on business Mr W H Hester of Mayfield is In the city- Attorney T J Murphy of May field is In Paducah on legal business Attorney W J Webb of Mayfleld Is In tho city Dr Robert Sory VI I Nashville Tenn for Mr anti Mrs Will Gray have t II- moved to the house formerly occupi ¬ ed by Mr Gus Tate on Madison Street between Fifth and Sixth Hon John I L Grnyot of Smith land Is at the Palmsr today Misses Sophie Barnett of Pndn cah and Ella Burnett of Mayfleld returned today from a visit to St LouisMr W II Grlggs who has been visiting In the city returned today to his home In Lowry J Ky Col J IL Lemon editor of tho Mnyfleld Messenger Is In tho city Miss Blanche Shelbourne a nurse at tho city hospital has returned from a visit at Wlckllffo Mrs Baniuel Atwcll and son Mr William Atwell and daughter Mrs Henry Schroeder of Metropolis passed through tin city last night I 8for n visit In Hot Springs Ark HEAT WOULD IX GLXXKIIY XcvCnilser Colorado KMnbllshes New Record With Her Guars INowllort R I Oct laTho re ¬ markable success which n attended the recent target practice of tho new cruiser Colorado was shown In the figures given out today It Is claim ¬ ed the record never has been equal ¬ led by any warship In the world With six Inch breech loading gun at 3COO yards the target being of triangular canvas forty shots wore flredand forty hits wars made Tho percentage of accuracy was 98 Ten shots were fired from each of tho tour eightInch breech loading rlfljs and but throe misses wore recorded WISSOTAPAXKSK TUEATY Will Ho SlKiuil Tomorrow Hy Car 1nlltl lIklUll1I Washington D Oct aThoI ratification of the pence twly be ¬ tween Russia and Japan will take place tomorrow The treaty will be I signed and ratified by tho mINado in Toklo and the czar In St Petersburg simultaneously and notification of r this fact will bo communicated by telegraph to the respective govern- ments ¬ by tho American embassy at ll SI 1 Petersburg and tho French lega- tion ¬ lu TokoI If you enjoy delicious e brown Qancakeertry Mm ris I Great Pacific Specials for Saturday Octfthar 14 JUST is New for Navy lleitut 6 I Hii 25e New for Rice 1 3 lbs- New 4ML25e Rltu Be per pkgMLM New Currants j i Be- N per pVg I per Apples pkR f Be Nt w Kvapoated Peaches 12re perpotti d T 2Deperp Table Salt t 3 sacks- ar tlDe I M 3 8eptr I Illnz Ketctiup l 3 bottles I 25eI for M I IrSo V I S 1 f I I Great Pacific Tea t t- Coffee Co 3J3 Broadwe stny The only Tea and Coffee tore i 111 Paducah J A I NEW OFFICES V1L 1U KSTAHUSHIvO flY Till XKV IUIIAVAY COltrOKAtlOX Hcnilqunrtcrs amid Transfer Slnllon- In Xalini ItuildliiR l Near Illi and Itrondmiy Now that the bid I deal for public properties I Is almost entirely con- summated ¬ the neW owners are lay ¬ I ing J their plans for th future and one of the first things they will do- wllhe to open ono of tlio finest nndI most complete oniccs In the city They have taken a long lease on Hi Max H Nahm building near Fourth and Broadway now occupi ¬ ed by the Kentucky r Glass ana Queonswnre company necessitating the latter soiling out and will have the building fluted 11111 i the most complete style wlh h r inter otfltfe omlhoiU ¬ hoallllnrI Rlll ho n beauty Nothing spared to equip It with everything ceded by the big corporation and tho work will start as soon as the liieensware company can soil out its tock and vacate tho building The transfer station will afford iholtsr for the public which now has to stand on the corner In all kinds 1or weather Sliver Service Committee There Is a moMIng this afternoon of the committee appointed from tho general council to deckle whetfliei tho city has a legal right to appro irtato f 500 for Hi silver sets to be Iran tlio gunboat Paducah Tho ommHtee is composed of the mayor irEdents of the board of aldermen std board of councilmen city eollc tor and Mr Stanley DuDoIa of the fommcfrclal cub The committee wont Into session at 3 p 111I I Hnii nu Iiuiuense Apple Mr E W Wlilttemoro the real es t ate agent has received two immense apples from Vancouver Ilrltleh Col- umbia widen were sent to him by fr Clarence H Locklnaw fho ap ilea each measure 15 Ihohoa In clr iinnfcuonco and it required 40 cents towage to carry them through 1ha ImaN Ml the apples 1u Vancouver very large They are on exhl Iltlon at Mr WhHtomoros real es ato offlco in the Fraternity building Dug Through tilInch Mnll- Loralne 0 Oet13bpnr prln iiers escaped from tho Jail hero oar y this niornlug They cut their way t nrough n ton llIch brick wall LOOK Century to expectations Standard Jastorn Granulated Sugar is ad ranclng again Notwithstanding this we win one more Pino Saturday Oct 14th sot you 20 pounds for 1100 provided your place your gro >r 3irj order with us Our now goods ire arriving and wo wotiM bo pleas od to have you call or phono As ong as tho ftock lasts wo will nlto loll you IIIb frosheoda cracker > 25c Ia I Milk Toast crackers for 25c 2 pkgs Saratoga flakes for 25c ancy TCoxv Sour 1lcklos TVrr gal 25c a I pkgs Graham crackers for 2Gc amjy Hand Pecked Wine Sap 1111 plea pa pk 35c airy Plcnlc Hams per lb lOc sow Pecans per tb IQe We add White Dovo Flour Satur lay only for 7QR I GLBRT AND RY NT 1 MONEY r ALL GONEI I THE STATS IxAS >1 61111 SCHOOL tf r fut Tho Inducah Iutillc Schools Ai Now JJoliiu nUll On lien rowed Capital Today the school board Is flnan clnlly ombarraR9d Tho treasurj has only 300 and Is borrowing t to pay expenses Dr J T < Pitcher secretary of tht atIternoon from a local bank to pay tho teach I ors 1 exports ° s Ho stated that whim tho schools started this year thin there was but 4 CO In tho treasury Usually In October and before thli date the citys prarntn Is paid by tho state lint to date not n cnt has beer received from tho state coriseciuont I ly tho schools are being run on bor- rower capital It tho board Is successful Incol letting the percentage It claims It Is allowed on back taxes and fines and forfeitures the school treasury will have an Increase of about 15 000 or 120000 which will be a big help Dr Pitcher stated that several of tho best lawyers In Paducah had been consulted as to whether this was a legal claim and not a ono had gives an opinion In the negative Ile thoIIJOllrd says there Is no doubt but what the I lion to add the facilities that are re ¬ paired for tho accommodation of the childrenThe expenses of the schools have Increased very materially hereto- fore ¬ the salaries of teachers nmount ¬ ed to about 3300 but this year more teachers havo been employed and the salaries accumulate In the neighborhood of 1500 Tho Me Phnnicsburg school was also bullded und cost 9400 Of cours this sum ins depleted the treasury and caus ¬ cd a strain to meet other expenses The board Is banking on tho per ¬ centage of the back tojws It claims It Is allowed to tide over the lInen ¬ cial strain but If a suit Js necessary against the city and the board loses the schools will have to > bo operated in borrowed capital IN THE COURTS Charged Wllli Fight IIIR Henry Thweatt and Porter forl- orn wore arrested near Oaks this ouuty yestrrdayby Constable Shpl ton Cor engaging In a fight and the trIal Is set for October 21 before Jus tlco Jesse Young Tom HOI 1ilte charged wfth toalng a rajsor iom W D Downs as I this afterivoon tried in police court and told over to county court Licensed to Marry T J Brlgman age 57 of Concord J< y nnd Mary C Hill of the city g6 48 were yesterday afternoon 11 ensed to wed It will make the sec- ond marriage of tho groom and third oC tho bride County Court W B Walters was appointed uardlan for Joe B Cpx age 10 and Edwin A Cox age 5 years MOTIIKU DEAF rind Daughters Screams UK Site turned to Denth Couldnt Be Heard IChlcao ia Oct 13A blind wo ion burned < o death in liar kitchen last wgbt while heir deaf old mother sat placidly rocking anA mending In an adjoining room hearing noth ng of tho dying daughters cries of 3 tony TJie blind victim was Mrs Frances harvey a widow tolll one years odd Tho mother la Mrs W Vlercr eighty ono yiara old With them lived Mrs lavveya ghteenyenrold daughter Cmma who works In a dowiKowa tore and has supported the family of three The daughter roachwd home Just as Mrs Harvey was dying Mrs Harvey had bern blinded from hidhcoJ but sho know tho house bjy IvmK and had boon accustomed to dolng the cooking Her daughter placed things whore ibe couid find them and was at hand lycry naming and night to attend to nay details that haJ escaped the UOtU1 Tire blind woman had placed time t Ijettlo on the tfas stove last night when the sleeve of hoc dress coni ¬ ng Jn contact with tho burning jubecnmo Ignited Situ coed out l IDi pain as the lire spread over her slotting She fought desperately hitching at the calico Mrs Viorcr In her chair sowed I mvt rocked and hummed a itunei ainhly The cries of hoe daughter wire without avail Soon Mrs Harvey toll to the 11 boor Thero she lay when her laughter returned from hw days root low Rates to California From September 15 toOctober 31 thQ Illinois Central Railroad compa ny will sell oneway secondclassI tickets to San Francisco Los Angel es San Diego Cal for 13300 J T DONOVAN Agt Paducah Ky 1 0 C WARFIELD T A Union Dpt I A nowupapej man rarely fald to- l4thIa paper oa the street t > i- fr 1 firHARTGIVS January 31 1908 Either i aI I HARTS STEEL RANGE 0 h Noted for its excellent work and long life8i t OR A = Radiant Home Air Blast The best and most convenient heat- ing ¬ stove offered OR A L GOLD PLATED WATCH Warranted to wear like solid gold for 20 year The printed guarantee goesr r with the watch ti IA 50c CASH Purchase Gets a Ticket u fiE 0 0 HART SONS CO H II ma t r I GRAPES 21c basket Lane Ten Coffee Co 113 S SacandSL- FOR I RENT Storeroom 5th and Jefferson John Dean FOR RENTThreeroom house Old phone 17C41 FOR RENTThree unfurnished rooms Apply 1201 Trimble street yon IEATl1G end stove wood phone 4S7 both phones FOR HEATINGand stove wood phone 437 both phones T Levin GET YOUR HOT tamales and hamburgers at 111 S Third FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms Fifth and Jackson telephone 57a FOR STOVE WOOD and kindling telephone 1950 Geo Bundren FOR SALE Two mules 13 hands harness and handmade cutun del delivery wagons ch rap 410X5 STOVES CLEANED polished and repaired Brock Hatch 802 Wash ¬ ington New phone 1150 WHITTEMORE Real Estate Free price list ins Trance Notary public Fratcrnky bivJdtig Phone 835 NICE FURNISHED room kr rent with bath and nil modern convenien ¬ ces 918 Broadway FOR RENTNow fiveroom cot ¬ tugo10 per month Old phono 17C4 FOR SALE CHEAP ono Garland base burner as good as now Apply 411 N Seventh R Rowlan- dWANTEDA cook man prefer ¬ red Good wages > Dont apply unless you can cook 314 North Cth St- WANTEDTen girls for bottling department Drcyfuss Well t Co 120 N Second St IF YOU want a piano turner ot repalrir call on H W Willett with D H Baldwin Co WANTEDAn experienced house- boy Apply at onto nt 534 Jefferson street FOR SALE OR RENTFoulTroeft- cottage l water In house 1407 South Sixth Address J J B oHIo Clarks vlWc Tenu- mSTOVES OF al kinds repaired coiled for and at up Chimney swooping a specialty Apply Nash yule Stove Repair Co 1030 Barnett FOR RENT Twostory 8roonj brick houso No 802 Broadway Fur nnce and nil conveniences Geo Langstaff residence phone 30S bus ¬ iness phone 2G J E MORGAN blacksmith 401 > S Third Old Phone 457 Rupert wok guaranteed Exclusive agent fcr llor steno aide wlr6 HCs Ute beEt rubber tiro tirade HAVE YOUR FORTUNE told by Mud m laCor11erl fed at Got > IJ Broadway Send date of birth threo questions 25 cents to box tC5Blr mlngham Ala LOST Thursday afternoon on 7 Broadway or N Cth St pair of eye glasses Return to Miss Georgia Sheet it win nt Dreyfuss Well and borei warded STRAYED OR STOLEN = From tho Barber farm near Little Cypress on September 25 1905 a dark bay mare about 15 hands high heavy built in good condltjon and with a stoveup tall Return to WTe Howard R F D No1 Calvert City Ky and receive reward I ifFOR now hoiiRcs in NorthvJow addition near 12th ttreet caT iliac for sale part cash balance small monthly fray moats or for rent also twostory residence on Jefferson street on car lino for rent Apply to W D Grpor 527 Broadway r Goes to Louisville Division Engine No 812 which has boon working between Paducah and Cenr tral City for the pirrpcso of te ts was today sent to tho Louisville dis- trict for time same purpose This Is tho blggrst typo of freight engine on tho system and twentyfive have ben ordered for the Paducah idtotfiot r and are expected to begin arriving J next wek 1 Noticedk Xo ChaiiKe Jim Moss tho negro who was shotM on the steamer Clyde Wednesday Is getting along as well as expected but his condition is still serious Pneu ¬ monia has not sot in Ho is being treated at Riverside hospital J There Wns Xo Debate Stockholm Oct 13Thu govern- ment ¬ bill for the ratification of the KarlstoUt treaty was adopted by both houses today There was no debate i I Dcneen Appoints Peters SprtngfloM ir Odt 134Cov- Deacon hag appalled J D Potors of Carbcndlo labor commtelonor vice Randolph Smith Tescned To Beautify Your In 10 OOs THE N UNEQUALLED A DIN I ComplexionI I FormerlY advcrtiunt and sold as II SATINOLA- No change lu formula or package The SAME only has been changed to avoid confuiljn as we fa mot afford to hne o valnablo preparation contused with any other NADINOLA Is guaranteed and money refunded in every case where it tails to remove frrcVlet nlmples liver spots collar discolors ¬ tion sallowiiSi suntan black heady lI6gariDc eruptions etc The went sees in 20 days Leaves the skin clear aft healthy and restores the beauty of youth Price soc and tr co Sold in each city by all lendtn < drug i ti t or by wall Prepared oilr hy NATIONAL TOILET Cl > Plait TMV i ll1lilllIca kbyiin i itg J u r t > >

Transcript of N t L T THE P DCCE SURP1GJ L I Louis Clark I Great...

Page 1: N t L T THE P DCCE SURP1GJ L I Louis Clark I Great ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3ztv2s/data/0738.pdf · Kancy Concord Grapes > u2Dc n baski t n4q IJf9 t lhates 1 can i pound can grated

° r


0L T

N 1j

Louis Clarkt October Pith


See Saturday Special Sylph Sale

tI 24 lb bag Sylph flour the besttorCthe market

every bag sold guaranteed

a 3 packages Q aker Rolled Oats NOH25cnew stockk G pounds New York I uckwhrrU Klbnr in bulk 25c

for r 12 L3 bottlest pure MapU7Sap Synip new >


j cakesat Inst

white Ivmy Soap 25-




poundl can select whitet Asparagus 250I

huckcbncv Table Syttip per gaKo1 25c

yMw yKancy Concord Grapes > u2Dcn baski t n4q

IJf9t lhates

1 cani pound can grated Pineapple-

ptrI LM1 Dc-

tea pounds Vermiccla or Soup Noodles 15cf-


te or w > MM-

Map uada Scdt or Oyster Crackers 15cf5 for2 packages Red Cross Maccarohi or Spaghetti 15cforf e

freshastersI4 4 r50c

fper >



PN pcrgnlbuSuear House open keltleMulnsses


60o6 D c




25 C-





I For Dr Iendley ring 41 C

Call Palmer Transfer Co forIitrrlages biggago wagons and nrslIIj class livery rigs Hock fares ancAI

1 trunks strictly cash Best fenrlce Intho city

Sign und carriage painting 0IR Sexton both phones 401ICall or phone Gardners druBI

JinlhJtore it you need anythingdrug line t

1 hale n choice stock of newIpianos ot Baldwin sad other malted

t direct from factory to Bell rent orIexchange I will take most any com ¬

A I° modity tliot has commercial valuetth pmdntCMlhnct1erthomand get my prices and torms or IMltorftDr IDI Sanders has moved hisolIloiMo rwtdenoo 318 S Sixth front

JusaY4 over offered I

fn copyright looks only 50c at R D I

loments Co

Tho Red Mon will hold tholrJJ

rffiular nnetlng this evening nllllJinstall appointive officers

A meptlng of tho Paducah Travf dUnG yfenf Club will bo held tomorI

r6w night but they will probablyhoII

unnblo to wind up the mattersnBeted with their recent carnival asTreasurer Simon Hecht will not yeturn from New York for several days

The Kentucky arrived this morn

InK from tho Tennessee rlvir nit i

It Isavos tbmorrow evening for Water ¬

0 loo AlaQrapok 21Ie a Iwskot salt I1

bags for IVc patent 1Mto FawnIflaur 7oe aoda 3 packages lOcNiibsco JOe paokagu bananas doz13c large cmi Chunk 1Pine Apple ICcUpland Hearing aOc doz Lane Tea

CDffoe Oo 113 S Second St Pichame 10o per pcirod




c Tho L C river front trestle at thow foot of Mndlgon street was burningJ at 3 oclock but the lira departments

wore rolled out surd immodlati Y ox

rlnvirsnod Hie blaze Tho orjgln ofiiio flro unknown


nut youelck lrV t


The R W Walker Co hassecured from Mrs nettle WSoule the privilege of makingnnd selling

SOULES BALMlfor the akin


These preparations were orlgi

toted and iutrodured by theNclsm Soole lu 1876 aid lateIIcontinued popularity attests

4merit Doth arc nude in strictaccoidmc wt h the formulae andmethods of Dr Sovl-

eSoutesii Balm 25c

Sores Liver Capsule 25cI

R W WALKER COi lncorpoetd

DRUGGISTSnnh end wy Yelp Ppeaest7S



Mr Tihn 1orteniiH Finds n Tree inOak lroo With

Kernels 11IIIurjljjlMr John Porlcous tho florist has

discovered an unusual kind of hickorj nut In Oak Grove cemetery Thetree Is nn ordinary hickory nut treebut kernels of the nuts are all redMr Portcoun says ho never beforesaw kernels In airy kind of nut thecolor of these but tho nuts otht ¬

erwise seems to be like any other I

hickory nut Ho cracKed half a dozeen or more of thorn and they wereall alike He has not ventured yetto eat may of tile lbloodred kernels I

hilt Is looking for someone willing I

to teat them

OPHX tilt TKKATMHXT tirav ItcMilliiJSerovory

In MIs Sutherlands

oHM Clauslo Sutherland thodauglitor of too aid police commitslonor It It Sutherland beta nownearly recorrcd from an attack oftyphoidJ pneumonia

Mlf s Sutherland has been livingIn n ttent in Arcadia on tha Smalloyfarm ii nco limo 20th and when shewas flrat taken there wulghed but I

9C pounds Title week whoa weighedshe tipped he scales at 129and Js fltlll gaining The potJ11IlsI I

treatment Jias u tnlngly proven anon tiro success




liver Penetrates and Mangles KeKley InuikllnN Ifunir-

Kolloy Krnnklln an employe of thoaduonh Cooperage Co while worki i

ng 4n the mlJl yesterday nftornoonrun a largo silver of wood throughiris left hall The elivcr was tint outjy Dr J S Tfoutnmn Tho acedent was a painful ono the thumbI

being badly mangled by the silver

Funeral Held YesterdayTho funeral ot the late Mrs EvaI

nOR of 133 Jackson street tookplace yesterday burial at Morganscemetery In the county Mrs JIOHSwas the cstlinnblo wife of Mr W M

Roes and was popular in n largocircle of friends Sho was 49old nUll born In Georgia but hadlived hero for thirty years Severalchildren survive

Menu for TlIIllIrlowI I

Following Is tho menu of theMthodist Episcopal1 Church Aidtomorrow

DinnerSoup Roast fleet Cream Potatoes

n kcd Ueans Slaw Cream Lemonaft Pumpkin PR Biscuit and DrownDread Coffee

SupperCold Fried Chicken Veal Loaf

Potato Salad Cakes and CoffeePlo and Cake for sale

With the SickMiss Emma Morgan teacheip oft

English in tho ecihoolsMJs able io becut alter a fourweeks illness andexpects to resume Jior school workI

VondaMrIt R Sutherland the fire and

IIr commissioner has recovered 1

n two veoks lllnced and wasabio to loavo iho hospital today andconic totot1Hls many friends willrcooorrI ¬

day His fever Is now broken

1I0011itSIIfnvo Bought PoultryE lowers of Paducah and C E

Woolfolk of Evansvlllo Ind have i

I bought tho Jeans poultry houses inPaducah and Fulton and expect toalso havo a house at Mayflold MrUowora has been in the poultry bushs4pesl


tanniNlIl4 I

Qeulot Claw toIlnve OutingTotnorrow mornins the flirt oullni

of tho season for the Senior CJasa oftire Paducah High school will boheld Tho class with tire entire Highschool faculty will go acrowi the riveron tho steamer Bottle Owen amispend tho lay hunting fishing andnutdng Tho class win return earlyIn the evening tbo boat malting n

npoclal trip for itTime pupils expectI

to have n grant day In the outing


IISIHIIISIIIIi <icnuanInvllaUonH are out today to the

Gorman < o bo given In honor of thesponsors of the Horse Show on Thurs-day ovoning at the Palmer House

I intro XOIIM Cliih-

Mlsi Sarah Sanders cntorlnlna tho-Entro Noun club tails afternoon ather bourn In Arcadia The SarisSoiwl drib will also bo Miss SandftrSande

I Itlsliop Wontlfork coringBishop Charles E Woodcock of

Ix> ulsvllie wlllarrivo tomorrow OvenIng and will be th3 guest of Rcv andMrs Dc Wright at the Grace Epis ¬

copal church rectory on Kentuckyoverrun Ho will remain until Tues-day


Mr and Mrs Louis Hascnjaegorof Cairo are registered at the Hotel

1I1romnlslnlJI I

Mr E C Campbell of LondonEngland Is registered at the HotelLngomaralno

Mw William Sehauf ttnilRobert Woolfolk have returned 1llItoIIIMarked l Tree Ark

Mrs Henry II Duloy IH vlflJtlngIn Lou 5lle her former home

Deputy U S Mm vital Goo Saundrrs arrived from Mnyfleld thismorning

Miss Marjorie Bagby of Paducahla visiting Miss Bruce WenrenCai-re


BulletinMr Gas Tate and family hate

moved from Madison street to theEmp < ro flala on Broadway

Mr John Counts wenit to Gilbertsvlllo at noon on business

Mr lien Prico formerly oft he cityIwont to Evantfvtllo today of noon towork Ho has been working In lEvIansvlllo at brick masonry

1J17Ulhltcr E It Kelley and wife I

went to Louisville atnoon todayCaptaliii G iorgo 0 liar returned

from the south today at roomCaptain James Lemon of Mnyfleld

Is In tho cltyAtkins of Clnrksvlllc

guest of Iwr slater Mrson Jefferson street

tDrhHslo McNutt of Maycity today on business

Smith an attorney atIIMnyfleld Is In tho city on legalness

MY J IL Sherrill a tojaccon rofMayfleld IA In the city

Hr T MI MeXellly of Mayfieldwho Is city clerIc of that city Is In

Paducah today on businessMr W H Hester of Mayfield is

In the city-

Attorney T J Murphy of Mayfield is In Paducah on legal business

Attorney W J Webb of MayfleldIs In tho city

Dr Robert Sory VII

Nashville Tenn forMr anti Mrs Will Gray have tII-

moved to the house formerly occupi ¬

ed by Mr Gus Tate on MadisonStreet between Fifth and Sixth

Hon John IL Grnyot of Smithland Is at the Palmsr today

Misses Sophie Barnett of Pndncah and Ella Burnett of Mayfleldreturned today from a visit to St

LouisMrW II Grlggs who has been

visiting In the city returned todayto his home In Lowry JKy

Col J IL Lemon editor of thoMnyfleld Messenger Is In tho city

Miss Blanche Shelbourne a nurseat tho city hospital has returnedfrom a visit at Wlckllffo

Mrs Baniuel Atwcll and son MrWilliam Atwell and daughter MrsHenry Schroeder of Metropolispassed through tin city last night I

8for n visit In Hot Springs Ark


XcvCnilser Colorado KMnbllshesNew Record With Her Guars

INowllort R I Oct laTho re ¬

markable success whichn attended therecent target practice of tho newcruiser Colorado was shown In thefigures given out today It Is claim ¬

ed the record never has been equal ¬

led by any warship In the worldWith six Inch breech loading gun

at 3COO yards the target being oftriangular canvas forty shots woreflredand forty hits wars made Thopercentage of accuracy was 98 Tenshots were fired from each of thotour eightInch breech loading rlfljsand but throe misses wore recorded


Will Ho SlKiuil Tomorrow Hy Car1nlltl lIklUll1IWashington D Oct aThoIratification of the pence twly be¬

tween Russia and Japan will takeplace tomorrow The treaty will beI

signed and ratified by tho mINado in

Toklo and the czar In St Petersburgsimultaneously and notification ofrthis fact will bo communicated bytelegraph to the respective govern-


by tho American embassy atllSI1 Petersburg and tho French lega-


lu TokoIIf you enjoy delicious e

brown Qancakeertry Mm ris


Great PacificSpecials for Saturday

Octfthar 14

JUST isNew

forNavy lleitut 6 IHii 25e


Rice1 3 lbs-


Rltu Beper pkgMLMNew Currants ji Be-

Nper pVg I

perApplespkR f Be

Nt w Kvapoated Peaches 12reperpotti d T2DeperpTable Saltt 3 sacks-

ar tlDeIM

3 8eptrI

Illnz Ketctiupl 3 bottles I

25eIfor M IIrSoVI S

1 f


Great Pacific Tea tt-

Coffee Co

3J3 BroadwestnyThe only Tea and Coffee tore i111





Hcnilqunrtcrs amid Transfer Slnllon-In Xalini ItuildliiRl Near

Illi and Itrondmiy

Now that the bidI deal for publicproperties IIs almost entirely con-


the neW owners are lay ¬

IingJ their plans for th future andone of the first things they will do-

wllhe to open ono of tlio finest nndImost complete oniccs In the city

They have taken a long lease onHi Max H Nahm building nearFourth and Broadway now occupi ¬

ed by the Kentucky r Glass anaQueonswnre company necessitatingthe latter soiling out and will havethe building fluted 11111i the mostcomplete style wlh h r inter otfltfe

omlhoiU ¬hoallllnrIRlll ho n beauty Nothingspared to equip It with everythingceded by the big corporation andtho work will start as soon as theliieensware company can soil out itstock and vacate tho building

The transfer station will affordiholtsr for the public which now hasto stand on the corner In all kinds


Sliver Service CommitteeThere Is a moMIng this afternoon

of the committee appointed from thogeneral council to deckle whetflieitho city has a legal right to approirtato f 500 for Hi silver sets to beIran tlio gunboat Paducah Tho

ommHtee is composed of the mayorirEdents of the board of aldermenstd board of councilmen city eollctor and Mr Stanley DuDoIa of thefommcfrclal cub The committee

wont Into session at 3 p 111II

Hnii nu Iiuiuense AppleMr E W Wlilttemoro the real es

t ate agent has received two immenseapples from Vancouver Ilrltleh Col-

umbia widen were sent to him byfr Clarence H Locklnaw fho apilea each measure 15 Ihohoa In clr

iinnfcuonco and it required 40 centstowage to carry them through 1ha

ImaN Ml the apples 1u Vancouververy large They are on exhl

Iltlon at Mr WhHtomoros real esato offlco in the Fraternity building

Dug Through tilInch Mnll-Loralne 0 Oet13bpnr prln

iiers escaped from tho Jail hero oary this niornlug They cut their way

t nrough n ton llIch brick wall


Century to expectations StandardJastorn Granulated Sugar is adranclng again Notwithstanding this

we win one more Pino SaturdayOct 14th sot you 20 pounds for1100 provided your place your gro>r 3irj order with us Our now goodsire arriving and wo wotiM bo pleas

od to have you call or phono Asong as tho ftock lasts wo will nlto

loll you

IIIb frosheoda cracker > 25cIaI Milk Toast crackers for 25c

2 pkgs Saratoga flakes for 25cancy TCoxv Sour 1lcklos TVrr gal 25c

aI pkgs Graham crackers for 2Gcamjy Hand Pecked Wine Sap 1111

plea pa pk 35cairy Plcnlc Hams per lb lOc

sow Pecans per tb IQeWe add White Dovo Flour Satur

lay only for 7QRI



THE STATS IxAS >1 61111SCHOOL tf r fut

Tho Inducah Iutillc Schools AiNow JJoliiu nUll On lien

rowed Capital

Today the school board Is flnanclnlly ombarraR9d Tho treasurjhas only 300 and Is borrowing ttopay expenses

Dr J T < Pitcher secretary of tht

atIternoonfrom a local bank to pay tho teach I

ors 1 exports °s Ho stated that whimtho schools started this year thinthere was but 4 CO In tho treasuryUsually In October and before thlidate the citys prarntn Is paid by thostate lint to date not n cnt has beerreceived from tho state coriseciuontIly tho schools are being run on bor-

rower capitalIt tho board Is successful Incol

letting the percentage It claims ItIs allowed on back taxes and finesand forfeitures the school treasurywill have an Increase of about 15000 or 120000 which will be a bighelp Dr Pitcher stated that severalof tho best lawyers In Paducah hadbeen consulted as to whether thiswas a legal claim and not a ono hadgives an opinion In the negative Ile

thoIIJOllrdsays there Is no doubt but what the


lion to add the facilities that are re¬

paired for tho accommodation of the

childrenThe expenses of the schools haveIncreased very materially hereto-fore


the salaries of teachers nmount¬

ed to about 3300 but this yearmore teachers havo been employedand the salaries accumulate In theneighborhood of 1500 Tho MePhnnicsburg school was also bulldedund cost 9400 Of cours this sumins depleted the treasury and caus ¬

cd a strain to meet other expensesThe board Is banking on tho per ¬

centage of the back tojws It claimsIt Is allowed to tide over the lInen ¬

cial strain but If a suit Js necessaryagainst the city and the board losesthe schools will have to >bo operatedin borrowed capital


Charged Wllli Fight IIIR

Henry Thweatt and Porter forl-orn wore arrested near Oaks thisouuty yestrrdayby Constable Shplton Cor engaging In a fight and thetrIal Is set for October 21 before Justlco Jesse Young

Tom HOI 1ilte charged wfthtoalng a rajsor iom W D Downsas Ithis afterivoon tried in police

court and told over to county court

Licensed to MarryT J Brlgman age 57 of Concord

J<y nnd Mary C Hill of the cityg6 48 were yesterday afternoon 11

ensed to wed It will make the sec-

ond marriage of tho groom and thirdoC tho bride

County CourtW B Walters was appointed

uardlan for Joe B Cpx age 10 andEdwin A Cox age 5 years


rind Daughters Screams UK Siteturned to Denth Couldnt Be


IChlcao ia Oct 13A blind wo

ion burned < o death in liar kitchenlast wgbt while heir deaf old mothersat placidly rocking anA mendingIn an adjoining room hearing nothng of tho dying daughters cries of

3 tonyTJie blind victim was Mrs Frances

harvey a widow tolll one years oddTho mother la Mrs W Vlercr eightyono yiara old With them lived Mrslavveya ghteenyenrold daughterCmma who works In a dowiKowatore and has supported the family

of three The daughter roachwdhome Just as Mrs Harvey was dying

Mrs Harvey had bern blinded fromhidhcoJ but sho know tho house

bjy IvmK and had boon accustomedto dolng the cooking

Her daughter placed things whoreibe couid find them and was at handlycry naming and night to attend

to nay details that haJ escaped theUOtU1

Tire blind woman had placed timet

Ijettlo on the tfas stove last nightwhen the sleeve of hoc dress coni ¬

ng Jn contact with tho burningjubecnmo Ignited Situ coed outlIDi pain as the lire spread over herslotting She fought desperatelyhitching at the calico

Mrs Viorcr In her chair sowedI

mvt rocked and hummed a ituneiainhly The cries of hoe daughterwire without avail

Soon Mrs Harvey toll to the11boor Thero she lay when herlaughter returned from hw daysroot

low Rates to CaliforniaFrom September 15 toOctober 31

thQ Illinois Central Railroad company will sell oneway secondclassI

tickets to San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Cal for 13300J T DONOVAN Agt Paducah Ky1


A nowupapej man rarely fald to-

l4thIa paper oa the street t >




firHARTGIVSJanuary 31 1908

Eitheri aII


Noted for its excellent work and long life8i t

OR A=Radiant Home Air Blast

The best and most convenient heat-


stove offered


GOLD PLATED WATCHWarranted to wear like solid gold for20 year The printed guarantee goesrr

with the watchti

IA 50c CASH Purchase Gets a Ticketu


II mat



GRAPES 21c basket Lane TenCoffee Co 113 S SacandSL-

FORI RENT Storeroom 5th andJefferson John Dean

FOR RENTThreeroom houseOld phone 17C41

FOR RENTThree unfurnishedrooms Apply 1201 Trimble street

yon IEATl1G end stove woodphone 4S7 both phones

FOR HEATINGand stove woodphone 437 both phones T Levin

GET YOUR HOT tamales andhamburgers at 111 S Third

FOR RENTTwo furnished roomsFifth and Jackson telephone 57a

FOR STOVE WOOD and kindlingtelephone 1950 Geo Bundren

FOR SALE Two mules 13

hands harness and handmade cutundel delivery wagons ch rap 410X5

STOVES CLEANED polished andrepaired Brock Hatch 802 Wash ¬

ington New phone 1150

WHITTEMORE Real Estate Freeprice list ins Trance Notary publicFratcrnky bivJdtig Phone 835

NICE FURNISHED room kr rentwith bath and nil modern convenien ¬

ces 918 Broadway

FOR RENTNow fiveroom cot¬

tugo10 per month Old phono17C4

FOR SALE CHEAP ono Garlandbase burner as good as now Apply411 N Seventh R Rowlan-

dWANTEDA cook man prefer ¬

red Good wages > Dont apply unlessyou can cook 314 North Cth St-

WANTEDTen girls for bottlingdepartment Drcyfuss Well t Co

120 N Second St

IF YOU want a piano turner otrepalrir call on H W Willett withD H Baldwin Co

WANTEDAn experienced house-

boy Apply at onto nt 534 Jeffersonstreet

FOR SALE OR RENTFoulTroeft-cottage

lwater In house 1407 South

Sixth Address JJ B oHIo ClarksvlWc Tenu-

mSTOVES OF al kinds repairedcoiled for and at up Chimneyswooping a specialty Apply Nashyule Stove Repair Co 1030 Barnett

FOR RENT Twostory 8roonjbrick houso No 802 Broadway Furnnce and nil conveniences GeoLangstaff residence phone 30S bus ¬

iness phone 2G

J E MORGAN blacksmith 401>

S Third Old Phone 457 Rupertwok guaranteed Exclusive agentfcr llor steno aide wlr6 HCs UtebeEt rubber tiro tirade

HAVE YOUR FORTUNE told byMud m laCor11erl fed atGot>


Broadway Send date of birth threoquestions 25 cents to box tC5Blrmlngham Ala

LOST Thursday afternoon on 7

Broadway or N Cth St pair of eyeglasses Return to Miss Georgia Sheet itwin nt Dreyfuss Well and boreiwarded

STRAYED OR STOLEN=Fromtho Barber farm near Little Cypresson September 25 1905 a dark baymare about 15 hands high heavybuilt in good condltjon and with astoveup tall Return to WTeHoward R F D No1 CalvertCity Ky and receive reward I

ifFORnow hoiiRcs in NorthvJow additionnear 12th ttreet caT iliac for sale partcash balance small monthly fraymoats or for rent also twostoryresidence on Jefferson street on carlino for rent Apply to W D Grpor527 Broadway r

Goes to Louisville DivisionEngine No 812 which has boon

working between Paducah and Cenrtral City for the pirrpcso of te tswas today sent to tho Louisville dis-trict for time same purpose ThisIs tho blggrst typo of freight engineon tho system and twentyfive haveben ordered for the Paducah idtotfiot rand are expected to begin arriving

Jnext wek 1

NoticedkXo ChaiiKeJim Moss tho negro who was shotMon the steamer Clyde Wednesday Is

getting along as well as expected buthis condition is still serious Pneu¬

monia has not sot in Ho is beingtreated at Riverside hospital J

There Wns Xo DebateStockholm Oct 13Thu govern-


bill for the ratification of theKarlstoUt treaty was adopted by bothhouses today There was no debate

i I

Dcneen Appoints PetersSprtngfloM ir Odt 134Cov-

Deacon hag appalled J D Potorsof Carbcndlo labor commtelonorvice Randolph Smith Tescned

To Beautify YourIn 10 OOs



FormerlY advcrtiunt and sold asII SATINOLA-

No change lu formula or package TheSAME only has been changed to avoidconfuiljn as we fa mot afford to hneo valnablo preparation contused with

any other

NADINOLA Is guaranteed and moneyrefunded in every case

where it tails to remove frrcVletnlmples liver spots collar discolors ¬

tion sallowiiSi suntan black headylI6gariDc eruptions etc The wentsees in 20 days Leaves the skin clearaft healthy and restores the beauty ofyouth

Price soc and tr co Sold in each cityby all lendtn < drug i tit or by wall

Prepared oilr hyNATIONAL TOILET Cl> Plait TMV

i ll1lilllIca kbyiini itg J u r t> >