N^^' OiTsALE— OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS !L · August 8, 1895, William Armour Clark, anative of...

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 18951 11 :\u25a0:* -.- STOKAGE STORAGE OFFURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M, PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 ' MARKET— : xi Storage: low rates; telephone South 762. FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- chandlse received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Tost st., 11IRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCES MADE £ 421-423 Market st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*: CHAS. L. TAYLOR. * BIRTHS—MARRIAGES— DEATHS, [Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail willnot be inserted.: They must lie handed in at either of the publication 'offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] \u0084 BORN . HIRSCH-In this city, August 10, 1895," to the wife of ('a.-is Hirsch, a son. MOORE—InOakland, August 10, 1895; to the wife ; of Harry T.Moore, a daughter. :; POWELL— Inthis city, August 9, 1895, to the wife of Hollis Powell of Montpelier, Cal., a daughter. >-.;*.,-.;. MARRIED. BOSSELLE— PREVOST— In Sacramento, August 7, 1895, by the Rev. A. C. HerricK, Louis M. Bosselle and Lillian M. Prevost, both of Sacra- mento. MARKLEIN-SCHMIDT-In this city, August 7, 1895, Oskar R. Markleln and Mary Scnmidt, both of San Francisco. BRANDT— In Sjattle, August 2, 1895, by the Rev. Father McElwain, Robert A. O'Brien - and Musette G. Brandt, both of San Francisco. . DIED. Behrens, Kate Mather, William G. - Carroll, Mary J. Newman. James 'S*pj§«s§ Clark. William A. . Nelson, John E. Dcs Cormiers, Bertha Neu, Alice Dohertv, James T. Power, Mamie E. Duff, Louise . Rielly, Catherine G. Diez, Carmelita Silva, John Goodman. Frank J. Traynor. J. Albert Isaacs. Charles H. Trougard, Henry ; Levinsky, John Wakeman, Mrs. A. V. Moreland, Franfcis E. Zillig, Jacob BEHRENS—Inthiscity, August 10, 1895, Kate, beloved wife of Henry Behrens, and mother of Henry C, Mary and Annie Behrens, a native of Germany, aged 52 years 2 months and 20 days. A member of Eintracht Frauen Verein. JBGS*Friends and acquaintances are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p.' m.. from her late resi- dence, 24 Rutledge street, off Alabama, near Twenty-eighth. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery. .'. EINTRACHT DAMEN VEREIN— The officers and members of the funeral committee of the Eintracht i.amen Verein will please attend the funeral of our deceased member, Katie Behrens, THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from her late residence, 24 Rutledge street, off Ala- bama. HELENERAEBA, >. C. M. Conrad, Rec. Sec. President. CARROLL—In this city, August 10, 1895, Mary J., beloved wife of Lawrence Carroll, a native of the city of Limerick, Ireland, aged 42 years 9 months and 18 days. -'. US-Friends and acquaintances are.respect- fullly invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 8:15 o'clock -a. m.. from the par- lors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth street, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a requiem high mass willbe celebrated for the re- pose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. M. interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CLARK—In Sausallto. August 8, 1895, William Armour Clark, a native of Canada, aged 30 years 2 months and 12 days. DUFF— this city, August 11. 1895, Louise, be- loved wife of the late Thomas Duff, a native of France, aged 69 years and 3 months. - *, jDSTFriends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a.m., from the undertaking parlors, of Godeau & Co., 326 Montgomery avenue, thence to the French Church, where a mass willbe said for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. DES CORMIERS—August 11, 1895, Bertha, be- loved wife of Charles B. des Cormiers, a native of San Francisco, aged 34 years and 11 months. KS~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW 1 (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the funeral parlors of Henry Evers, 865 Washington street, Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. DOHKRTY—Inthis city, August 11, 1895, James T., dearly beloved husband of Annie Doherty, and father of Francis Doherty, a native of County ' Antrim, Ireland, aged 62 years. jB_rFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 1o'clock p. m., from his late resi- dence, 105 Colton street, off Brady. Interment HolyCross Cemetery. DIEZ—In this city, August 10. 1895, Carmelita Diez, a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years. : GOODMAN—In Highland Springs, August 8, 1895, Frank J. Goodman, aged 26 years. ISAACS— Angwin, Cal., August 10, 1895. Charles Heuston Isaacs, son of William Rand Phebe 1". Isaacs, aged 25 years and 6 months. a_J*Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock a. m., at 1428 Post street, and are re- quested to omit flowers. Interment private. LEVINSKY— Stockton, August 8, 1895. John ~ Levinsky;. beloved husband of Mathilda Levin- sky, father of Arthur, Lorence, Henry and Felicita Levinsky, and brother of Louis and Mark Levinsky and Mrs. M. Bruml and -Hanna Cohn, a native of Germany, aged 73 years and 3 months. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited* to attend the - funeral services THIS DAY (Monday), at 10 o'clock a. it., at Masonic Temple, corner Post and Mont- gomery streets, under the auspices of Occidental Lodge No. 122, F. and A.M. * Interment Home of Peace Cemetery by 11:45 o'clock a. m. train from depot at Thirdand Townsend streets. MORELAND—InEast Oakland. August 10, 1895, Francis E. Moreland, a native of Newark, N. .}., aged 40 years 3 months and 1 day. MATHER—In this city. August 11,1895, William G., beloved husband of Maud Mather, a native of Canada, aged 33 years. * NEWMAN—In this city, August 9, 1895, James Newman, a native of New York City, aged 69 years and 10 months.' : US-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock a. it., from. St. Stephen's Churcn, Fulton street, near Webster. . Interment Laurel HillCemetery. NELSON— There will be a requiem mass cele- brated for the repose of the soul of the late John Edward Nelson, THIS DAY (Monday), at 7:30 o'clock a. m., St. Patrick's Church. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. NEU— this city, August 10, 1895, Alice; be- loved wife of Charles Neu, a native of Atlanta, Ga.. aged 35 years. .';> . Friends and acquaintances are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ' (Monday), at "2 o'clocK p. m.. from the par- lors of J. C. O'Connor A Co.. 767 Mission street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. _ POWER— this city, August 11. 1895, Mamie E.. beloved daughter of Rose and the late Thomas ' Power, and sister of Statia, Thomas. Alice, Henry and Katie Power, a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years. Friends and acquaintances * are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. it., from her late residence, 2835 Folsom street, thence to St; Peter's Church, Twenty-fourth and Alabama streets, where a requiem high, mass will be celebrated for the reposeof her soul, commencing ' at 9 o'clock a*. m. Interment HolyCross Ceme- tery. .": .\u25a0'/.*_ -•\u25a0•---'.. RIELLY— Inthiscity. August 10, 1895. Catherine Q.,\ dearly beloved wife of Joseph Rielly, and . mother of John and. Maggie Rielly. and Mrs. Edward Litzius, a native of Clifden, County Galway, Ireland, aged 62 years. [Boston (Mass.) papers please copy. , " AS" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. it., from her late resi- dence, 40 Dore street, between Ninth and Tenth, * Harrison and '• Bryant,. thence to St. Joseph's Church, for services, commencing at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery- SILVA— In San Pablo, August 10. 1895, John Silva, beloved husband of Elizabeth Silva, and father of John, Annie and Kate Silva, a native of Azores Islands, aged 60 _*Fars. \u25a0 - A_TFrlends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), *at 9:30 o'clock it.,from his late residence, thence- to St. Buel's Church, San Pablo, where a solemn reaulem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oak- land.: * : .-- . v ; . '. .'\u25a0'.'.'"'"''"-- " , * TRAYNOR— In Oakland, August 9, 1895, J. Albert Traynor, a native of San Francisco, aged 27 years 8 months and 21 days. TROUGARD—In Tiburon, August 9, 1895. Henry ...Trougard, a native of France, aged .63 years. \u25a0• WAKEMAN—In this city, August 10, 1895, at her residence. 1164 Halght street, Mrs. Anna V. Wakeman, relict of the late Captain A. C. Wake* man, mother of Ernest H. Wakeman, and sister of L.R. Townsend, a native of New York City, aged 66 years. ;, -' jO-The funeral will take place THIS .DAY (Monday), at 3 O'clocK p. it., from Grace Epis- copal Church, corner Stockton and California . streets. Interment private. *.*.*,. '. - -:*. ".;:,.* „''-\u25a0'_.«_' ZILLIG— In this city, August 11, 1895, Jacob, be- loved husband of Victoria Zillig, and father of Victoria Zillig ' and Emilie and Eugene Dentz, a native of Flavil, Switzerland, aged 40 years 4 months and 26days. \u25a0 . \ *'•. t^-~mmm __——«_\u25a0 EBB *\u25a0******"*' 55S5B <mmmm wi mmmm s_ssS3Cs_sss ***? "y^UNITED _ UNDERTAKERS' I - EMBALMING PARLORS. * Everything Requisite for Flrst-claaa Funerals ; \u25a0 v~. ; at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. >\u25a0 27 and 29 Fifth street. ••-'. I McAVOY A CALLACHER, I \ FUNERAL DIRECTORS A EMBALM ERS, < 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoin School. ' Telephone 3080. ; - - \u25a0\u25a0', ~I«EGATOJHERTtH ISRAEL. . PLAT AN_> GRAVE OWNERS INTHENlNE- teenth-street Cemetery are hereby notified that removal - of remains will take 'place during this month, i Interested parties can receive information at the office of the Congregation, northeast corner Post and Taylor streets, daily from 9tolla. m. : -\u25a0•*_:.:'*.->.\u25a0 v •- -\u25a0\u25a0 LOUISBROWN, President. - Alexander L. Badt, Secretary.. . *.' ' CYPRESS tfIWN CEMETERY. IN SANMATEOCOUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN;. X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful,' permanent ' and easy of access; . see it \u25a0 before ' \u25a0 buying » burial place elsewhere. * , City office. 9 City Hall 41 SAM. 7. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. ... OAKLAND BEAL ESTATE. QiA £.r\f\ y8-ROOM' r HOrjSE. bathT^hot tjp'xxjxjxj; and cold water; good barn; 10t45x100 on Tenth St.. near Castro; a bargain. A.H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. _ Oil A flflft 7 4 ACRES ON WEST. SIDE OF «Jp J_U. . Fruitvale aye., \u25a0 near the Hay- wards electric line; this is a bargain. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. USINESS \*:i ''\u25a0-:\u25a0: RESIDENCE PROPERTY^^p RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold ON TERMS to SUIT, ; .-_•• in-- - ALL parts of OAKLAND AND its ,- v SUBURBS. We are enabled on account of a foreclosure of mortgage to sell lots in the Alden Tract i_t ridic- ulouly low prices. We offer upon application several pieces of suburban property at a great sac-' rifice. Don't fail to call. . A. SNYDER <fc CO., \ ._.;>."-, *\u0084; 467 Ninth St., Oakland. A QCA 1000 CASH; WORTH $6500 : 9- 'xoOxJ. room modern hou«e; nice stable: lot xl 50; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway. Oakland. *1 -ACRE BUSINESS LOT; 2 SMALL HOUSES; 1 right onrailroad, Pleasanton; $800: clear. Fruitvale: new modern house; large lot; to be had on payment of $500 cash. > ;- , ;>. . ; 7; ;.'7 - Haywards; 6 acres; very fine; 2 acres in 8-year-* oldfruit; $3000; easy terms. 160 acres; Sonoma County, near Guerneville; house and barn; $600. . Ranches Inevery county in the State. Address C. R. KING,902 Broadway, Oakland. QiAfl (\C\i\ FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY; «>3S_L_».UU U. 3-story building: all rented; will double in value within 5 years; will take one-third In other property. GEORGE B. M. GRAY, -463 Ninth St., Oakland. o*o.l7 fa FINE MODERN 2-STORY HOUSE •(jpOl OxJ. of 7 rooms; laundry and bath; line location; lot 37:6x150: plate glass throughout; furnace, electric appliances, window-shades, etc.; complete: willouild the above and sell to you on easy terms; particulars at my office. GEORGE B. M. GRAY, 463 Ninth s:.. Oakland. ' \u25a0-. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP- £ erty; a beautiful suburban home, 2*V_ miles from Oakland; 25 acres: 15 acres in fruit in bear- ing; spring water; soil good: Improvements mod- ern and first class. J. S. MEYERS, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. * - \u25a0 - QiX,f\f\f\ HANDSOME NEW DOUBLE •JJp_»UUI7. flats; 6 rooms In each flat; Eighth St., near Harrison; a good investment. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. . * . dl;C CASH,$5 PER MONTHBUYS A LARGE •ape) lot, 25x150: all in bearing fruit trees: close to local station, San Leandro: price $200. W. E. BARNARD, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. QlOO!-\fl 6-ROOM, 2-STORY - HOUSE: ALL «3P__/__j*J U. modern improvements: lot 35x108: 2 minutes' walk from electric cars, 7 minutes from local station connecting with San Francisco; price $2250; terms $500 cash, balance $30 per month. For further particulars apply to WHITE BROS., 1128 Twenty-third aye., East Oakland. di. X, A CHICKEN AND HOG RANCH: tipjCtOxJ. stock for sale; horse, harness, wagon, 1 cow, 7 hogs, 116 ducks, 100 chickens, chicken- house, hogpen and tools; 2 acres; 1 acre in bear- ing fruit; house of 3 rooms; rent $5 monthly. FRUITVALELANDCO., Fruitvale station. . ajjQ7XA NEW MODERN HOUSE JUST \u25a0UP _ OxJ. completed with every convenience possible; large lot in center of Oakland; 8 rooms, bath, etc. : all street work done; easy terms. AL- DEN&GARFIELD, builders, office 902 Broadway, Oakland. - I7!OR SALE CHEAP AS DIRT; LOT 100x150; * on Webster st. ; 2-story house 10 rooms; corner, 50x75, or to rent furnished; 2 lots, 25x100, and improvements: Third and Jackson, Oakland; su- burban, Oakland, Fitchburg, 24 lots, $5500, Im- provements: unimproved 24 lots, Buenaventura Tract; 6 lots, 50x150, all adjoining. Particulars, BOWMAN, 826 Jefferson St., Oakland. BADGER'S PARK TRACT— , LOTS; 30 feet front each; at reduced rate: $500 a lot; small cash payment, balance within3 years; best residence location in Oakland fine schools and churches: very convenient; will soon be business property; within 10 minutes' walk of business center of Oakland; 3 minutes' walk to local cars; 30 minutes to San Francisco ; 2 lines of electric cars pass the property every 5 minutes. Apply to owner, T. W. BADGER, on the premises, 953 Sev- enth aye., cor. East Ninth St., Oakland. OR RENT—4, 5, 6 AND 7 ROOMMODERN houses cheap; near Clinton station; fine neigh- borhood: convenient to churches and schools; electric cars pass the property every 5 minutes; 10 minutes' walk to. business center; 30 minutes to San Francisco. Applyto T. W. BADGER, 953 Seventh aye., Oakland. \u25a0 . 9 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGES;GROUND 71 ;6x204 on corner, within two blocks of local train, for $2500 cash. Inquire of C. A. SCOVILLE, 459 Ninth st., Oakland. \u25a0 \u25a0..-.-'- ,- 0* 1 fififl HOUSE, 5 ROOMS.IN BERKELEY: •tIt.J_.OUU. lot 100x100 with creek; 100 varieties flowers, fruits, etc. $250— Half acre hillland : other housea and lots all over Berkeley. CHARLES A.BAILEY, 46 Market st., or Berkeley Station, Berkeley. OR SALE—A WELL-ESTABLISHED WOOD, coal and feed business; at a bargain; centrally located and doing a good business.. C. K. MAR- ALL, 1118 Broad way, Oakland. AT FRUIT VALE—ALOVELY HOME; MOD- A em house and barn: eight acres Inchoice fruit; cost $20,000: willsell for $7500. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. : ' "' ' PROPERTY INALL PARTS OF ALAMEDA County for sale; large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oakland and Berkeley: property at Tem- escal a specialty. W. I. ROBIN SON, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. - \u25a0 . . <S_l A f-x(\ SACRIFICE; COTTAGE 6 ROOMS \u25a0JJp XrtOxJ, and bath; lot 17x100 on Sycamore street, near San Pablo avenue; terms, $350 cash, balance easy terms. , W. P. RYAN, 960 Seventh St., Oakland. - ' : _^ OLDENGATE LOTS; $10 DOWN ; $6 PR. MO. MCCARTHYCO., owners, 646 Market St., S. F. CHOICE RESIDENCE ANDBUBINESS PROP- erty : choice lodging-house for sale: owner leav- ing State. See E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. - •..-.\u25a0 s \u25a0• * <*_-] f\f\f\ TAKES IT; SMALL FRUIT RANCH; J.UUU highly improved; 8 miles from Oak- land; two houses, harness, wagon, implements, one cow, hogs, chickens, turkeys, geese, etc Answer box 22. Call Office, Oakland. \u25a0 \u25a0 EXCHANGE— $3000—SAN JOSE RESIDENCE ll for ditto Oakland. CHAS. WILLIS, Oakland. FJ. WOODWARD, ' . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, 1118 Broadway, Oakland. R25OO— Apretty cottage home in East Oakland (new): lot 35x120; complete In all its appoint- ments; natural wood finish; $250 cash, balance in monthly installments; will take a desirable build- ing lot as first payment. ",:.•.'-• A N ELEGANT. MODERN NEW HOUSE IN J x the best residence part of Oakland; 8 rooms and bath, electric bolls, lighting,etc.; lot 40 feet front ; price only$4500 ; terms can be arranged to suit: must be seen to be appreciated. Call at once, A. H. BREED ACO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. «J_ 1 P_ft -LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIMIN flluu. Fruitvale; electric cars; only$1 down and $1a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY, owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. QiOfl MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; \u25a0ifl, __U. plans free. F. BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. WM.M. DEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 ''Broadway. - - * \u25a0 \u25a0 - -- - ~: ~. STOKE TO LET. G~ WANTED INNORTH OAKLAND; good chance; neighborhood without grocery store at present. Apply to C. E. BOMAN, corner Thirty-fourth and Adeline sts. - .' .' ALAMEDAADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. - ALATUEDA HEAL ESTATE. I *^^^ s?^ -K~^*c>s^3ir^oT^a__: •(JJ-.-I.UU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks from station; $2200. No. 654. - $100 cash, $25 permonth: lot 33:4x150; new 2- story house 6 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion. $2500. * * -- - No. 520. , $100 cash, $30 permonth; 10t 35x150: modern 2- story house 7 rooms and bath with barn, 1 block from station; $3000. No. 669. $200 cash, $30 per month ; lot 37:2x108: elegant new cottage 5 rooms and bath; $3100. No. 670. $500 cash; $40 per month; lot 33 -.4x150 : elegant 5-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1block from sta- tion; $4500.. - -No. 665. $1000 cash; $50 per | month ; lot 40x150; fine 2- story house 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion; $6500. ~ : No. 333. ' H Houses to let in all parts of Alameda. Applyto H. P. MOREAL.1432 Park St., Alameda. \u25a0 V PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR THOSE WISTL Ingmoney at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. <D» Xl f\(X ABEAUTIFUL MODERN 2-STORY <(lp«_»l»UU. house of 7 rooms, laundry and bath; equipped with furnace, cement walks and base- ment*, « electric: : appliances, plate-glass windows, shades, fencing, etc.; all ready for occupancy: lot 33x140: on Central aye.; 1block west from Park st. I will build the above and self on terms to salt. GEO. B. M. GRAY, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. \u25a0* \u25a0' ' _ I TOR - SALE-HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, FINISHED 1 street, $2600, $500 cash; house, 7 rooms, $1800, terms: lot 35x138, < good location, *650. J. H. YOUNO, 1243 Park St., Alameda. :"-- HE J A .LEONARD COMPANY ARE offering \u25a0great inducements to those desiring homes Irl Alameda. They have on hand a number of modern homes in* size \u25a0 and price to suit all comers; easy terms If preferred. Send for their il- lustrated \u25a0 catalogue, "Figures . and Facts," which contains valuable Information for all who intend purchasing. Main office, 1364 Park st, Alameda; branch, 19 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. 1^ •>\u25a0 v ,ALAMEDA HOUSES TO LET. V LEG ANT RESIDENCE; 9 ROOMS; ALCOVE, bath, stable, lawn: stylish location: 2105 Cen- tral aye., two blocks from Willow station; very de- sirable; rent $50. Owner at 912 Grand st. > , '4 CITY REAL. estate.' 7 7*;:-"\u25a0'-' "OiTsALE— HOUSE ANDLOT, 1123 TREAT 'JP aye., bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.sts.: 25x112:6 feet; splendid chance to buy a home. Inquire on premises, v. .- - \u25a0..-"\u25a0'.. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;:::\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0'"\u25a0•" ONLY $1850 COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS AND bath, with barn, etc.; lot 25x114: good chance for teamster, haekman or others: rear 17th - and Sanchez: bargain. MURPHY, 628 Market. - \u25a0 ffl_QftAA "FLATS5 ROOMS EACH AND LOT -U.OOUU. 26:3x120 to rear st.; on N. side Her- mann st., bet. Fillmore and Steiner: the flats front rear street and front of the lot still vacant: both streets in order; electric line on Fillmore: cable- cars onHalght st. THOMAS MAGEE &SONS, 4 Montgomery st.'-' ; "':••' - .*..-.-\u25a0- \u25a0'\u25a0' - \u25a0".-' T~~ 0 EXCHANGE-A DESIRABLE COTTAGE of 5 rooms; bath, closets, pantry, basement; lot 60x170; clear of incumbrances;. price $3800; for ranch. \u25a0 - , __1_1"V A LARGE LOT,WITH 2 COTTAGES; CLOSE AX in; rent well; price $5000; clear of- incum- brance ; for ranch. ..* \u25a0" . - '.' . A LARGE 11-ROOM DWELLING: COMFORT- -c\. able and roomy; ground 150x170; price $10,- -000: for ranch. ' A CENTRALLY LOCATED BUSINESS PROP- erty on San Pablo aye. ; price $12,000; for San Francisco or Los Angeles property. ' . < THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF GOOD properties I can exchange for ranches or acre tracts. H. EDSON, Real Estate Exchange, 60 San Pablo aye. ' ; \u25a0 . : v '"'-"-. '\u25a0"' ' ?.': \u25a0 -'"'- - CORNER; 30x80: 2 HOUSES: tJP'rOU'U'. good order; rent $67 a month. 26 Chesley st., off Harrison, bet. 7th and Bth. , -. .. , *. : SF. CITY LOTS: . $100 UP. TERMS $10 . down, $5mo. THE MCCARTHYCO.. 646 Mkt. A c/\ CASH, «10: CHEAP LOTS ON MISSION «JpOU road at terminus of the car line: go look at them. McEWEN BROS., 118 Montgomery st. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS.PIANOS&SEAL- skins. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grantav. nr. Geary EW COTTAGE, IN RICHMOND, 1BLOCK lx from Geary-st. cars and 25 minutes' ride to Kearny St.; 5 rooms, bath and modern' improve- ments: lot 25x100; beautiful garden: sewer: will be sold very cheap and easy terms; owner com- pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, Call. ON TURK ST.; 25x137: FRONTS ON 2 sts.; bet. Stanvan and Willard sts.; $850. PHILBRICK &METCALF, 2548 Folsom st. X AND 6 ROOMS, FLATS, BUILTFOR $2800; xlcottage, 4 rooms. $800: one-fifth cash, balance easy monthly installments. JAS. McCONAHEY, builder. 1149 Mission st. **\u25a0 <_? 1 '_} AA COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; IN BERKE- JthlOUU. ley: lot 50x125. $450—Rough house; 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10 monthly. $750— Lot 50x100: near station. Other houses and lots all over town. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. 2 LOTS, 52 FEET ON SAN JOSE BOAD. 125 feet deep on Naglee aye., NW. corner; 4-room house; good well and outbuildings; $1400. Apply on premises to JOHN BALL. Qi CAA 2 LOTS, 25x100, ON sth AYE., NEAR <J.OUU. Point Lobos, and on Tenth aye., near California. ApplyOwner, box 27, this office. QiAAA CASH, BALANCESMALLMONTHLY \u25a0tJpttUU installments: cozy cottage 5 rooms; large flower garden; fine view. Inquire A. R. QUINN. 259 Richland aye.; take Mlssion-st. cars. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. BISTAI'.t.IsHKI) 15 YEARS. EST SYSTEMATIZED LANDOFFICE INAMERICA N. D. SICKELS, r ' . [:<;:;':' THE LAND AGENT. Sale and excham-k of Ranch property a strict specialty. By far the largest list. 318 Post Street, bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. HEAP: 20 ACRES AT FOREST VILLE;I.M- J proved. DINWIDDIE, BRAINERD A CO., Petaiuma. \u25a0 ' ' Gil A AAA RANCH TO EXCHANGE FOR •aDIU.UUU improved city property. PHIL- BRICK A METCALF,2548 Folsom st. ACRES IN-HAYWARDS: ALL IN FRUIT, D principally French prunes; good house and stable; will exchange for city property: price $6000. * PHILBRICK A METCALF,2S4B Folsom. HOMESTEADS ON CHOICE GOVERNMENT lands: 850,000 acres. Particulars address or call room 6, 995 Market st., S. F., Cal. MARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO de. NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired: fruit,grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms; town of Novato ; graded school, hotels and stores on the property: send for circular. - Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. -....-. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye.. near Geary it. WANTED— TO RENT, WITH PRIVILEGE x x of buying,2to 5 acres (improved) inFruitvale, convenient to cars. Address F., box 58, Call Office. lit HE NEW ENGLAND OF. CALIFORNIA J. Offers an opportunity for home-making better than ever before offered, and not likelyto be re-; pealed. We court a thorough investigation of our plan, our location, our soli, our transportation facilities. Our lands are exceedingly rich, pro- ducing ingreat abundance every variety, of fruit, grain and vegetable grown in the State of Cali- fornia. Our location is beautiful; our climate healthy. Those who really want a home that is attractive, pleasant and profitable can secure it with us. We own this tract of land; in fact.it has been our home for over thirtyyears, and we have de- cided and are determined to develop a community that will demonstrate the highest possibilities of home-making. We are not selling on commission. We own the lands, and some of us live on them, and will continue to. live on them and make our homes there, that will be called home by our children, and we are .entirely content to farm the entire tract until we can surround ourselves with neighbors who wish at once to have schools and ; churches and reading-rooms in their very midst. * Therefore we propose to see to it that those who make their homes with us have the kindlyadvice and friendly assistance necessary to their success. Call on or address WILSON A REID, .. Room 10, rotunda, Millsbuilding. - OR SALE-RANCH, 5000 ACRES; 2000 sheep. 60 cattle, horses, wagons, etc.; in Men- docino County, . Cai.: price $20,000. Inquire of xv. P. THOMAS. Uriah, CaL . - \u25a0 TXTANTED— RENT. A BEARING FRUIT TT ranch;- Sto 25 acres. E. G. PAINE, 1601 Stevenson St., San Francisco. .["ACRE CHICKEN RANCH: SOLD ON THE 2 10-year credit plan; third year interest now due; Al creek bottom; vegetable soil : Improve- ments cost over $600: willsell for $250 and trans- fer contract. D. 11. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 Fears, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. Qj0.25 HER ACRE:64O ACRES:WELL LOCAT- »E.__- cd. TRAVERSA: LAMB. 512 California st. "T WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE Jzx. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON REAL ESTATE. ENDERSOfTX^IXfiTfER^ Tf^fc^TDTSAN Joaquin, st., Stockton. 800 acres adjoining the city; a choice tract to subdivide. A choice block of 32 lots in good loca- tion: $4800. Several nice cottages from $1000 to $4000: on easy terms. XX few choice lots on the line of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from 5 to 20 acres: well located. 100 acres, six miles from Stockton; fine rich soil; $55 per acre: a fine bargain. 800 tons of choice hay at a bargain. AA. DUDLEY & CO., * ' ..." * REAL ESTATE BROKERS. \u25a0 'J\y,r ,".\u25a0 405 East Main St., Stockton, Cal. Choice residence lots on electric street car line, from $150 up; $10 down, $1 per week; nointerest, no taxes. Send for maps.-,' . Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards on easy terms. Bargains in improved property. Cor-, respondence solicited. \u0084-.•_ . \u25a0. *\u0084- . BERKEEEY; REAL, j ESTATE. | j7can"dist ance~th all when it X comes to bargains. Look at this. House of .7. rooms: lot 80xl34*V_; about 4 blocks from station,' for $1800. House of 5 rooms: lot 60x135: street work all done; not 'A blocks ifrom I station, 1 block from electric railway, for $1750. I Do you want the earth— then start In on this. A 1 few fine lots, perfectly level, on the sunny side of street, opposite a $12,000 residence; each 50x140 and only $400 each. ; *.-. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0' :. Apply to JOS. J. MASON, : Dwight-way Station. *V*OU CANNOT HELP: MAKINGMONEY BY J. buying Berkeley property at. to-day's prices; I make a specialty of choice property and can hold my - own with 1 any real estate man in Alameda County. A specialty for to-day: House of 8 rooms: lot 45x135; near [the university; street work all done; only $3600. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way. station.'/ : ' '..:'\u25a0' .'-'. •\u25a0'\u25a0". ':. : *.'\u25a0\u25a0:..- .'- *.'\u25a0\u25a0' *: GET I MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE _ HARRIS. 16 Grant aye., near Geary st. EXCHANGE FOR BERKELEY PROPERTY. Business property on Park St., Alameda: IOOx 150; to exchange for Berkeley property. - An elegant block* of land on Peralta Heights, East Oakland; positively the j most elegant home- site inEast Oakland : elevation 200 feet above city base; elegant view of Lake Merritt; adjoins the beautiful home of Borax Smith; will trade for town lots in Berkeley or unincumbered ranch property. Beautiful home, entirely furnished ? lot 75x130 ; near station and school; Installment loan of $4000; will trade equity for lot or other property. , M. L. WURTS, Dwight-waystation, Berkeley. * - *\u25a0_ <H_Q AAA MODERN . QUEEN -: ANNE COT- «J. OUUU. tage; new; lot 40x125; five minutes' walk from station. :-'.*>.'..• -\ - ;-. w.- >' *>\u0084• $2900— Brand-new 2-story house of 7 rooms : near Dwight-way station: must be sold: easy payments." M.L. WURTS, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. ':\u25a0 \u25a0ffl;l c: 5-ROOM COTTAGE: 60x135; $1650. F -4P 1.0. BOEGLE, Golden Gate station. : •v; PROPERTY TO 1. EXCHANGE. ; - . eT HAVE" 2 VALUABLE "PIKCEsTioF building property in ' the northern and central part of the city to exchange for a nice home on high I land in Berkeley; Dwight way preferred; property to-be t worth from *8000 to $10,000. Apply to UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery at, .\u25a0,_"-.\u25a0; 'V'.'%,*. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- TRUSTEES' SALES.' ; RUST T SALE.-IN ACCORDANCE WITH the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by GEORGE' ED- WARDS, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT,. Trus- tees, pirties cf the second part, and . the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS " UNION, party of the third part. dated November 4th,'lB9l,rnd recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, in Liber 1484 of Deeds, at pages 70 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 20th day of June, 1895. by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO * SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and theholderof the note (No. 11,254), to secure payment of ; which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default hod been made in the payment of the. principal sum an.l other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and •\u25a0•THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to,sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C.CAMPBELLand THADDEUS B. KENT,Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE &CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, Stateof California, 'we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash ingold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County of Saa Francisco, State of California, described as follows, to wit : Commencing at the corner formed by the inter- section of the southerly line of Twenty-thirdstreet with the easterly line of Capp street, and running thence easterly, along said line of Twenty-third street, seventy (70) feet: thence at right angles southerly forty (40) feet: thence at right angles westerly seventy (70) feet to said easterly line of Capp street: and thence northerly, along the last named line forty (40) feet, to the point of , com- mencement: "- _. - . '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- Being portion of Mission Block number one hundred and fifty-four (154). "'- ,. : ' Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer/balance on de- li very off deed; and ifnot so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed lor search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. . ;-.;\u25a0.. ,.-\u25a0* HENRY C. CAMPBELL,i Tru , tM> . THADDEUS B. KENT, / -*-"-"tees. \u25a0 TRUSTEES' SALE.-IN ACCORDANCE WITH the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed -by OWEN Jlc- BNANEY,party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAM ELL and TH US B. KENT, Trustees, narties of the second part, and the SAN FRAN- CISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated Murch Bth," 1892. and recorded In the office of the County Recorder of the City and County of Sun Francisco, State of California, in Liber 1517 of Deeds, at pages 10 and following: and inpursuance of a resolution passed on the bth day of June, 1895, by the Hoard of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 11,527), to secure .payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sura and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trus- tees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A.D.1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land, situate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Texas street, distant thereon one hundred (100) feet southerly from the southerly line of Twentieth (formerly Napu) street, and running thence south- erly along said line of Texas street twenty-five (26) feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred (100) feet; thence at right angles northerly twenty- five(25) feet, and thence at right angles easterly one hundred (100) feet to the point of commence- ment: '\u25a0' Being portion of New Potrero block number two hundred and sixty-six (266). --•'-* 7 Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE-Cash In gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. , HENRY C. CAMPBELL, 1 -\u0084.._,„. THADDEUS B. KENT. )' trustees. TRUSTEES' SALE.— IN ACCORDANCE WITH - the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duiyexecuted by SOPHRONA AD- KINS (widow),party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trus- tees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of . the third part, dated February 25th, 1893, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the City ana County of San Francisco, State of California, in Liber IBM of Deeds, at pages 61 and following; and inpursuance of a resolution passed on the 18th day of April, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corpora- tion, and the holder of the note (No. 12,308) to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default hud been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust. and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trus- tees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said Indebtedness. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"; * . - We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A. D. 1896, at 12o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction sales- room of F.ASTON, ELDRIDGE <fc CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash ingold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land situate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Parker avenue, distant thereon one hundred' and fifty (150) feet southerly from the southerly line of Point Lobos avenue- (or Geary street)'; and running thence southerly along said line of Parker avenue twenty-five (25) feet: thence at right angles westerly one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet: .thence at right angles northerly twenty-five (25) feet, and thence at right angles easteriy one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to the point of commencement; Being portion of lot Number Three (3) in block Number One (1).as laid down and delineated inthe corrected map of the Johnston Tract on file in the office of the County Recorder of said City and County of San Francisco. _>'\u0084: Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE-«Ca3h in gold coin. of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. / HENRY C. CAMPBELL, l T : natee . * THADDEUS B. KENT, / * rUBleeB * MONEY TO LOAN. WHY PAY COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN ' » get money at 2 per cent per month from loaner direct and without a go-between on your pianos and furniture? any amount from $100 to -f 5000. 418 Kills St.. room 22. A 1 ONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, 2 A 3%. XXX TRAVERS ALAMB, 512 California St. ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party: low interest. 216 Powell st. . ANY AMOUNT; IST, 2D OR8D MORTGAGES: _ _ estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. ' "WHY PAY a NO-COMMISSION LOANER 5 1 " J per cent per month when you can get money at 2 per cent on furniture and pianos I from BECKER, 240 Montgomery St.: . \u25a0::\u25a0'\u25a0;;:. Ml N IcfPAIT LOAN OFFICE, 108 GRANT avenue; private entrance lOiyj. upstairs. N FURNITURE AND PIANOS. WITHOUT removal, and endowment insurance policies. Room 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. WHY PAY HIGHRATE ON SMALL LOANS II when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month Interest on $100? Loan, box 83, Call. LOANS ON - ESTATE, - IST AN 2ND J mortgages, furniture *or •* pianos without ; re-, moval: lowest rates. BECKER. 240 Montgomery. LOANS ON UNDIVIDED SHARES OF CITY real estate; any amount. BECKER, 240 Montg. 51%. CITY, COUNTYAND COLLATERAL 1 SE- •A curities. TRAVERSA,LAMB, 512 California. T ADIES' PRIVATE ROOMS; MONEY. ON JJ everything. I U. S. Loan Office, 777 Market st., near Fourth. *. .. ; , \u25a0'*'*.". ' \u25a0.' \u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0 •.'\u25a0','•*'\u25a0*\u25a0' . '•-.:\u25a0\u25a0- NY.BUM .FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country:Estates. MURPHY, 62B Market A PRIVATE ENTRANCE IN REAR FROM _.'V O'Farrell (street private rooms for ladies and gents; discreet gentlemanly attendants: at UNCLE HARRIS' collateral Association, 15 Grant avenue. ON&Y LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market st.,nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bron7.es, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Oflice, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from.Market st. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*; -*.;., STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. , 850 Market St., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." \u25a0\u0084 \u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0- :"\u25a0:".:-:\u25a0' ' .*' * ' --*\u25a0\u25a0.* -'. - .' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..,' BORROW. MONEY - ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bldg, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential. . ON ANY' SEC URITY.ATLOW RATES; DEAL**" Ing confidential. 4:' Crocker building. .'. FINANCIAL.' ; ; "^^^^iTm^of ~ money" ad v'aSTced^on -ix. your furniture, pianos or ' real estate: : lowest rate: call and state yonr proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. -\u25a0 . r- P ARTIES HAVING ' MONEY TO LOANIN, small amounts of $200 to $2000 can place it through us, I free of | charge, at 8 per cent interest ger annum, payable^emi-annually, secured by first mortgage: on Improved real estate in 'San Fran- cisco, the - titles to which. are guaranteed by the California Title : Insurance ; Company." * We make this liberal' proposition in ' order, to meet the de- mand for \u25a0• small loans.'?. Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit ' the security j for your approval. \u25a0*A. JOHNS *, A CO., financial agents, room 9, 632 Market St.. San Francisco. : . - '> MONEY VFANTED: ANTED^SOOO^FOR ONE YEaTbONHEAL estate yielding monthlyrent, out of which in- terest will be paid monthly. Address P.O. bos I 357, Santa Rosa. * ; ;- f "' '"' '".. :." J trustees' sales. I. RUST^KES^IiALE^^ISrACC^ D^^C^^ the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by JOHN S.HAND, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, and the 'SAN FRAN- CISCO SAVINGS :UNION, .party of the third part, dated February ' 24th, ' j1*92, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, In Liber 1502 of Deeds, at pases 246, and following; and In: pursuance of a resolution passed on the 11th day of April,1895. by the Board of Directors of said SANFRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, a Con-oration, and the holder of the note (No. 11,492) to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was . executed, declar- ing that default bad . been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and direct- ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein, and not reoouveyed, to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL »nd THAD- DEUS B. KENT. Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 3d day of Septem her, A . D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the Auction Sales Room of Easton, Eldridge A Co., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in Gold Coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, described as fol- lows, to wit: First— Commencing at the corner formed by the Intersection of the westerly line of Leavenworth street with the northerly line of Lombard street, and running thence westerly along said line of Lombard street forty (40) feet: thence northerly, parallel withLeavenworth street, one hunired and thirty-seven feet anil six inches (137 aud 6-12 feet) ; thence easterly, parallel with Lombard street, iorty (40) feet, to said westerly line of Leavenworth street: and thence southerly along the last-named line one hundred and thirty-seven feet six inches (137 and 6-12 feet) to the point of commencement; Being portion of fifty-vara lot nuinberseven hun- dred and ninety-lour (794). Second— Commencing at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Bush street with the westerly line of Hyde street, and running thence westerly along said line of Bush street twenty-five (25) feet: thence at right ancles south- erly fifty-seven feet six inches (67 and 6-12 feet); thence at right angles easterly twenty-five (25) feet to said westerly line of Hyde street ; and thence northerly along the last-named line fifty-seven feet six inches (57 and 6-12 feet) to the point of commencement; Being portion of fifty-vara lot number one thou- sand three hundred and twenty-one (1321). Third—Commencing at a point on the south- westerly line of Twenty-third avenue, distant thereon seventy-five (75) feet northwesterly* from the northwesterly line of J street, and run- ning thence northwesterly along said line of Twenty-thirdavenue twenty-six feet seven Inches (26 and 7-12 feet) to a point in the northerly boundary line of the Bay View Tract: thence north seventy degrees (70°) west, along said boundary line three hundred and two feet eleven inches (302 ana 11-12 feet): thence southeasterly, parallel with Twenty-fourth avenue, and distant one hundred . (100) feet northeasterly there- from two hundred and thirty-six feet six inches (236 and 6-12 feet); thence southwesterly, parallel with J street, one hundred (100) feet to the northeasterly line of Twenty- avenue: thence southeasterly along the last-named line seventy-five (75) feet; and thence northeasterly, parallel with J street, two hundred (200) feet to the point of commencement; Being lots numbers two (2) and eight (8) in block number four hundred and fifty-six (456), as laid down and delineated on the original map of the Ray View Homestead Association property, on file iv tbe office of the County Recorder of said City and County of Sun Fraucisco. Fourth— Commencing at a point on the north- easterly line of Twenty-fifth avenue, distant there- on seventy-five (75) "feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of I street, and running thence southeasterly along sqid line of Twenty-fifth ave- nue seventy-five (75) feet; thence northeasterly, parallel with I street, one hundred (100) feet; thence northwesterly, parallel with * Twenty-fifth nvenue, seventy-five (75) feet ; and thence south- westerly, parallel with I street, one hundred (100) feet to the point of commencement ; Being lot number ten (10) in blocK number four hundred nnd sixty-five (465), as laid down and de- lineated on the map last above mentioned. Fifth—Commencing at a point on the southwest- erly line of Twenty-fourth avenue, distant there on two hundred and twenty-five (225) feet south- easterly from the southeasterly line of I street, and running thence southeasterly along said line of Twenty-fourth avenue seventy five (75) feet: thence southwesterly, parallel with I street, two hundred (200) feet to the northeastly line of Twenty - fifth avenue: thence northwesterly along the last-named line seventy-five (75) feet: and thence northeasterly, parallel with I street, two hundred (200) feet to the point of commence- ment; Being lots numbers five (5) and twelve (12) in said block number four hundred and sixty-five (465), as laid down and delineated on the map last above mentioned. Sixth—Commencing at a point on the south- westerly line of Twenty-fifthavenue, distant there- on seventy-five (75) feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line of H street, and running thence northwesterly along said line of Twenty-fifth avenue seventy - five (75) feet; thence south- westerly, parallel with IT street, one hundred (100) feel; thence southeasterly, parallel with Twenty- fifth avenue, seventy-five (76) feet; and thence northeasterly, parallel with Hstreet, one hundred (100) feet to the point of commencement: Being lot number two (2)In block number four hundred and eighty-seven (487), as laid ,iown and delineated on the map last above mentioned. Seventh— Commencing at a point on the south- westerly line of Twenty-fifth avenue, distant thereon seventy-five (75) feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of I street, und running thence southeasterly along said line of Twenty- fifthavenue seventy-five (75) feet; thence south- westerly, parallel with I street, one hundred (100) feet; thence northwesterly, parallel with Twenty- fifth avenue, seventy-five (75) feet, and thence northeasterly, parallel with I street, one hun- dred (100) feet, to the point of commencement; Being lot number seven (7) in block number four hundred and eighty-seven (487), as laid down and delineated on the map last above mentioned. Eighth—Commencing at the corner formed by the intersection of the northeasterly line of Twenty-seventh avenue with the southeasterly line of Hstreet, and running thence southeasterly along said line of Twenty-seventh avenue four hundred (400) feet: thence northeasterly, parallel with H street, two hundred (200) feet to the southwesterly line of Twenty-sixth avenue: thence northwesterly along said line of Twenty-sixth ave- nue four hundred (400) feet to said southeasterly line of H street, and thence southwesterly along the last-named line two hundred (200) feet to the point of commencement: *SBt_Bß \u25a0 Being Jots numbers seven (7). eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) and part of fourteen (14) in block number four hundred and ninety-one (491), as laid down and delineated on the map last above mentioned, withsome adjoining tide lands. Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE-Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten percent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on deliv- ery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, l , \u0084„„ THADDEUS B. KENT, / trustees. TRUSTEES' SALE.-INACCORDANCE WITH the terms aud under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed byEMMAE. CHAPIN and GEORGE W. CHAPIN (her husband), parties of the first part, to HENRY 0. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS R. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, anil the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated March 23d. 1891, und recorded in the office of - the County Recorder of the City and Couuty of San Francisco, State of California, in Liber 1443 of Deeds, at pages 172 and following: and in pursuance of a re_o ution passed on the 9:h day of May, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 10,733), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment or the rrlnclpal sum snd other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS R. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We. HENRY C.CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A.D.1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we willsell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California, described as follows, to wit: . First—Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Sanchez street, distant thereon seventy-six feet six inches (76 and 6-12 feet) souther)*.-! from the southerly line of Hancock street; and running thence southerly, along said line of Sanchez street, twenty-two feet six inches (22 and 6-12 feet); thence at right angles westerly one hundred and five (105) feet: thence at rent angles northerly twenty-two feet six inches (22 and 6-12 feet) : and thence at right angles easterly one hundred and five (105) feet, to the point of commencement . Being portion of Mission Block numberone hun- dred and six (106). - Second— Commencing at a point on the south- erly line of Point Lobos avenue or Geary street, dis- tant thereon fifty-four feet two inches (54 and 2-12 feet) easterly from the easterly line of wood street and running thence easterly, along said line of Point. Lobos avenue or Geary street, twenty-five (25) feet; thence at right angles southerly on? hun- dred and twenty-five (125), feet: thence at right westerly twenty-five (25) feet; and thence at right angles northerly one hundred and twenty- five (125) feet, to ih.p lint of commencement: ••/_.\u25a0- -• Being lot number nineteen (19) in block A of the Junlpero Homestead Tract. Together with tne appurtenances. - x. TERMS OF SALE-Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), . then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, \ Trn ,, Mii THADDEUS B. KENT, -* ru *"tees. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. A~~d 7viciT«REEr dtv^ucF^nd^TrobTte laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, S5O Market.cor.Stockton JO 11 N R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RS. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California, W~W. DAVIDSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ,420 . TT7. California St., rms. 14-16; advice free. r*. - HOUSE FOU SALE. ; OUSE 1 14 * ROOMS ; LARGE LOT; t STABLE and carriage house; Western Addition. Ameri- can Laud and Trust Company" 132 xd&rket st.-. - - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Continued. .-,.•1 MISSION— SUNN V HOUSEKEEPING 000:2 rooms -*r5; large front room and kitchen $10. \u25a0 •-' \u25a0\u25a0- -'.. \u25a0/-•'•-•*" :i *. \u25a0 XCXAA MISSION— 4 CONNECTING COM- XjUXzX pletely furnished rooms, stove; private. 999' MISSION— SUNNY FURNISHED __._____.<:) rooms, withuse of dining-room, kitchen and bath; £16. .""•-\u25a0\u25a0;'-*' " -: '\u25a0 , 9-1 NINETEENTH. NR. HOWARD—FUR- __._LO nished; 3 connecting rooms; yard; water; gig. \u25a0 -\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •_-\u25a0*\u25a0 •..l/. NINETEENTH ST.", 1% BLOCKS EAsT O—X) Castro-st. cars— Neat : sunny room with stove, sink, use of wash trays; large yard rent very reasonable; would exchange partly with re- liable woman for light wash, sewing and general cleaning. Call sto7p. M. dfcQ UNFURNISHED— BUNNTBEDROt >MS, tjpO. large kitchen; also bedroom, kitchen, I pantry, closet, with storage; $7. 48 Oak st. j 9*l 9fk POINT LOBOS AYE.—3 SUNNY FUR- _l__!' shed rooms ior housekeeping, with U3e of bath; $12; no children. GET MONEY ON WATCHES AND PIANOS at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye.. nr.Geary. lfiX SILVER. NKAR FOURTH— 2 SUN JLU«J furnished rooms for housekeeping. 99 SOUTH PARK-NICE SUNNY* HOUSE- _-— keeping rooms: cheap. 1 TO-W X<-CKTON. CORNER OF FILBERTV-* 1 I XJO 2 nicely j furnished rooms ior housekeep- ing: cheap rent. . * OOt I THIRD single and en* suite"; j--i--j XJ light housekeeping; ?sup; brick building; yard. 099 THIRD— FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- O—-J keeping suites, $8, $10, $11; single $1 to fl 50. * "1 Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK-FUR- OXO nished housekeeping rooms. . 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON VAN Ness aye. cheap. Call 1744 Market. - -**_09 WASHINGTON— SI NNY UNI I'RNISH- OXJj-i ed housekeeping rooms; running water. -TO WEST .Mission- NICELY FURNISHED I '* rooms for housekeeping: cheap. '" ROOMS* TO LET. m*7 ui^rsiTEiro^UN7 i furnished. "I 9 EDDY—BIGHT SUNNY FRONT ROOMS: J.-- newly furnished,' and ofiice; cheap. \u25a0* - 7 XA FOLSOM, NEAR THIRD-SUNNYFUR- « o~t nished front room suitable for mau and wife or 2 gentlemen; rent $8. "I ( nO/_»l *' ' ' ' s ' IM— LABGE, NEWLY FUR- \u25a0IvOU* nished back parlor; use of bath; private family: rent 0. - .. - - THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 bunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth •near Market- A.AY.MANNING. <•."»(• FELL— UNFURNISHED FRONT BAY*- *l window room. IAQ FIFTH NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY XxJV front rooms; sincle and double; rent low. . 01» 1 I 3 LARGEROOMS, AND WATER. Oil . 2212 Fillmore st., near Clay. S (* 9 X GOLDEN GATE AYE. WELL-FUR- xJ-LO rushed sunny suite: aso single room; eastern and southern exposure; private family. 7791 HARRISON. NEAR FOURTH—FINE- -1 I __-3 ly furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a w*ie._. 1 1 *_£_ HOWARD—4 NICE UNFURNISHED X LOO rooms. OAO( » HOWARD—SUITE OF FURNISHED —vOw front rooms; no other roomers. RS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE i'-L management of the "Miramar." 703 Geary St.; sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent hoard; elevator; prices moderate, to suit the times. JONES— LARGE AND SMALL SUNNY m JONES-LARGE AND SMALL SUNNY front rooms; well furnished; from $8 to $16 a mouth; private family. ARLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEARNY—PLEAS- XX ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; first'class inevery respect: terms reasonable. *|-|*|0 LEAVENWORTH, NEAR CALIFOR- J--L-LO nia—4 sunny basement rooms: $10, in- cluding water. ii" ! NinaESTER HOUSE, MARKET AND " Third—Most convenient and respectable: 200 single and family rooms: 25c to $150 per night; •*1 50 to $6 per week ; electric lightsin every room; free bus. . *1 X GRANT AYE., NR. GEARY ST., IS UNCLE XO HARRIS', where you can get money. j TO RENT. WITH USE OF PIANO, HAND- i- somelv furnished parlors for day studio; cen- I traL Call 735 Market st. - - "VTOSEMITEiSOUSE; 1045 MARKET, BET. II -I Sixth and Seventh— Single MARKET, per J- Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 36c to $1 ;week, $1 50 to$5; families. QUNNY DELAWARE, 1151 MARKET— ! O gant suites, furnished or unfurnished; sunny sihgle rooms; rent reasonab.e. HE NIGHTINGALE,1802 MARKET— ELE- gant sunny bay-window rooms; reasonable. OX Ql MCALLISTER— I OR 2 LARGE FUR- XJXO2 nished rooms for light housekeeping. L*. IB KENT— TO 1 OR . 2 : GENTLEMEN, £ nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.; private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. 3 7' MINNA NICE SUNNY ROOMS; FUR- -1 attted ;very reasonable. A.AO Mi:-NA-DOUBLE"dR"3INGLEROOMS; x*±j-j cheap; kitchen if desired. AO I.MINNA, NEAR XT NEWLY FUR*-* tUI nished front room; suitable for 2 gents; gas. C [5 MINNA FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 1/ -U housekeeping; large yard. \'(— MINNA, cor. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- UUI nished bay-windowrooms; $1 a week. 'OX Q MISSION— U.R 3 I HE D I NGLE UIO rooms, 15c to 50c per night; $1 to $2 per Week. Ii 'PE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION—NICELY -_ furnished rooms, single or en suite: transients. 0(\~ POST— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT I xj suites: electric-lights, running water; cheap; also single rooms; transient solicited, a specialty. 9*l X, POWELL QUIET, SUNNY, FUR-* -CiX nished room; $8. 59 SECOND-NICE SINGLE AND DOUBLE —J rooms; cheap; friendly,quiet and respectable. I~x vLi.:; it, 55 SECOND-FAMILY HOUSE *. X new* management; respectable: sunny rooms; reasonable: transients solicited. M. DALTON.prop. •)•_> SIXTH THE _ HILLSDALE, SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite: $1 to $1 50 a day. 11 X A SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT: NICE SUN- i-JL-J ny bay-window and single rooms reasonable. ~A SHTON4II2 TAY LOR—SUITE AND KITCH- -ft en. $25 mo.; single, $8, $14 and $20, 60c to $1 per night. X.A '-_ TURK—SUNNY ROOM,WITHFOLDING- O'XO in 2- bed, grate, bath; also single. ]Air TWENTIETH, WEST OF CASTRO— -LUJLtJ Furnished rooms to let very cheap in a private family fine view; healthy location; to see them is to real them. LEASAN_~FURNISHED BOOM, SUITABLE 1 or 2 persons; private family: north of Market; 4 blocks from Kearny: use kitchen if desired; rent reasonable. Address Room, box 32, Call Office. F" Yip, RENT—TOGENTLEMAN, NICELYFUR- r nlsbed sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks fromMarket and Ken my; refer- ences. Address X. Y. Z., box 1. Call Oflice. GENTLEMEN - QUIET,. ROOMS, everything first class. Security, box 116, Call. BOARDING AMD ROOMS. GOR*. - UN N V FBONT^SIDITisr «IN U—U gle rooms: best board ; special rates to gen lemen forbreakfast and dinner; reasonable. Till. ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND Polk sL— Quiet and homelike;, charges moder- ate- board optional ; all cars direct. HOI EL BERTLING, 714 OPENED AS a familyhotel; references given and required ; allmodern conveniences. - _^__ * CHILDREN BOARDED. AD^WXJUUvT.nCirTO^L^ of children to board; best of care taken. 14 Oak street. . '\u25a0' ''; -' .:. -' .'. '\u25a0 GER3IAN LADYWISHES CHILDTOBOARD; good home. 4:.5*-*3 Hayes St. stores to . let. 2T9?T"storeT^'l*i3htH^ JJJ»___U. lished saloon 8 years. 911 Folsom St., near Fifth. . AT «28 AND 630 MARKET ST.— STORE*- room suitable for barber-shop or. for a trunk, shoe or bicycle store: also on ground floor front show- window; offices and deskroom. J.* W. WRIGHT. -'-_':' \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0:•.." '*:'\u25a0,\u25a0;• *1 99 TAYLOR— FINE LARGE STORE, 15x40; 1— suitable for any business, i TORE TO LET; RENT CHEAP. CORNER Hickory and Gough sts. Fine new STORE, 3 LIVING-ROOMS,mod- ern improvements: $17 50. 316 Fillmore st. TORE. 1524 HOWARD ST., CORNER OF Lafayette; cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. . "li-lOR RENT A CORNER STORE; GOOD J; stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. \u25a0 f FOUR-STORY BRICK AND-IRON BUILDING and basement, 608 Sacramento st., containing elevator, power, * etc. : rent $80. « Apply DAVID STERN <_, SONS 20 Montgomery st. .-OFFICES' 10 LET. D~"ijsintoo^r_3*roFi'Tc^^ who willopen mornings. Room 79, 120 Sutter. ART OF OFFICE TO LET; RENT $5. AP- ply 509 Kearny at., ; room B.* . TO LET— LARGE SUNNYSUITE OF OFFICES on: first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1and 2. * 1" ?LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW~SpREC K ELS X__ building, 925 Market: rents low; :;•" no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. 11. I.SEN ACo.. 14 Montg. St. STABLES TO MX. OBENTTSTABLE; 6 STALLS WITHUSE of lot : 1313 Folsom st., bet. Ninth and Tenth. Applyin bakery. 1 .5_55'- SES TO LET. 435 N^^' ? l!T - A3T© mXTH-0 roomß, bath and modern Improvements. 520 !L A:p ~BT.-Td I - ET - PART"OF HOUSE; reasonable; references. . ' 2919 S^FORNIA _ 8 ROOMS. BATH: \u25a0j-jxjxo conservatory; hot-air heaters: modern. $22 S__^°SXil °* c R00M& A - '- D ? l **_-*-*- J ** bath; 2816 Laguna ct. §S' HOUSE, 7 BOOMS, 13 HAMPTON **-> place, off Folsom, bet. Second and Thirdsts. 10 BEAVER, BET. FIFTEENTH AND SIX- x-y nth* half block from Market st.-9 rooms, hath and stable, with fine grounds rent $30. O. F. YON RHEIN &CO., \u25a0 \u25a0"'- -\u25a0- 613 California Bt. TTERY DESIRABLE; SUNNY; NW. CORNER x Gough and Geary sts. : 9 large rooms, bath and conservatory: newly painted and papered through- out; 6 bay-windows: fine range; rent $75; water free. Apply1306 Geary st. ' PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH- Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND bath; with stable or without. 16 Fair Oaks St.. rear Twenty-first; warm part of Mission: rent to suit tenant. 4"ROOM " HOUSE - BARN ' Si '-'\u25a0 APPLY rXcor. Twenty-seventh and Alabama sts. _> SUNNY LIVING-ROOMS, WITH HOT AND 0 cold water, cement wash trays, etc.: rentsiu. 310 Fillmore st., off Halght. ' <JJ»Ta •_ SUNNY HOUSES 3 ROOMS EACH. OIU. 39 Pore st., oft Harrison, near Ninth. YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DATS IN -I- the houses yon rent from BALDWIN *._ HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. SUNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; - 9 rooms: bath: renttSO: wa:e;' "\u25a0 _ FURNISHED HOUSES. U^fNY"Hoi_*Re-^lO3~C ALIFORNIA ST: 9 , rooms and bath; modern improvements; rent reasonable. J7|C El»i>v TORNISHED FLAT,* ROOMS, X X 1 O bath an.l large yard: \u25a0**»\u25a0 FURNISHED FLATS.": :':' \u25a0" \u25a0'•'-'•*. •" ; T^URNISHEITFLATrs " ROOMS; BATH; £ sunny; reasonable. Address A.^jbox 59, Call. 171 A pacif7cave~sunny furnished JL . I _ flat; 4 rooms; piano: lew rent. OR 2 MONTHsTwiioLE OR PARTOF FUR- nishrd fiat. 1123V-J McAllister sL* $-.5. . T-LEGART FURNTmIED FLAT-4 ROOMS. -XX bath, stationary tubs.etc: Nineteenth St., nr. Valencia. SI'B'KA CO.. <-0-' -Market st. "\u25a0'OTTAtTES ,KT - "?TT?**~^iw67ms'7\Vd'bath, WITH STA~- l(). blew large lot. 625 Hermann st. W. NICOL, 534-yii California st. -- - , j Oil COTTAGE 4 ROOMS; YARD; SUN: Jjj _.' Second si., I.***:. I'.r.wma'i and Townsend; also flat 5 rooinSjJ-12. OTTAGE^ 4 ROOMS: LARGE GROUNDS; *L*10: - Twentieth st., corner Dolores, -f 14 * ET MONEY OS YOUR SEALSKIN AT UNCLE HARRIS*, IS (.'rant aye.. near Geary. v-Kat COTTAGE 5 ROOMS: BATH, CELLAR __-> and yard ; rent -'-.".. 1127 Twentieth st. T-iof TAGIf3"ROOMS:|?S.«APPI.Y 38 VICTOR \J st.. bet. Seventh and Eighth, offBryant. m' grove, Sear LYON 3* large 10i<) sunny roomed cottages; 'Golden Gate I'ark. . .__ * ZtOTTAGE 5 ROOMS; BATH. 117 GERMA XJ ni.ist. vJIWNY'i PS OF 4 AND _ 5 ROOMS; 0 bath, hfljseir.ent, yard, stable.' Corner' of Fif- teenth and Dolores sts. 1 "_*-*(_ BfEOADWAY. N'EAIfTOLK ST.— xOJmXJ tage with 5 rooms. ffljQ ANDUP, CLEAN SELECTED COTTAGES '.'-:\u25a0: -i .*.*:'-\u25a0 SPKCK A<;\u25a0>.. 602 Market st. _ ___£___ to LET. UPrKi. BAY-WIN DOW TLA'TS, 5 ROOMS; ____ bath, laundry, stable, with each: rent low. Keys 1105 Al&oama st., bet. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth; with or without stable. QQ"| EDDYST.—3 flats. URNISHED; 001 4 and 5 rooms; reasonable. 1 9AQ-** BUSH - FLAT 3 ROOMS; GAS, -L-__Ut_» ; waterfree; rent $14. Apply 1211b. 9 FLATS 3- ROOMS EACH. 21 GARDEN ST., .*-• bet. Gib and 7th, oft' Harrison; rent $S and $9. 2 FLATS 4 ROOMS *8 ANi' 51ft 205 Day st., near Dolores ; iot 94 feet frontage ; water included. 1 ADELAIDE PL., OKU TAYLOR ST.7 BET. 2 Qea^ry and Tost—4 rooms and basement; rent $15. Apply 611 Post st. \7* DALE PL.. OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., XXJbet. Hyde and Leavenworth— Nice flat 4 rooms 3 MODERN, SUNNY 7 AND" 8 BOOM FLATS, N. cor. Valencia ana 23d. Apply1315 Gnerrero. 9/YTII AND DOLORES- SUNN VTUPPER FLAT JLXJ 5 rooms: bath; rent cheap. J .*\TEW .ELEGANT SUNNY MODERN TOP -Li tint: "Brooms; bath. 933 Golden Gate aye., near LazuiK - ' ' --\u25a0 9*l POINT LOBOS AYE.—SUNNY FLAT; 6 _— 1— rrus.; bath; latest improvements; $16. fl>lA .NEW, MODERN, 3 ROOMS, 2960 FOl7 V--*-M- som st. --**-.*-?.;. £10—5 rooms, 20 Weal Mission st. . XV. NICOL, 534*7*3 California st. GET " MONEY ON DIAMONDS FROM UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., nr.Geary. &Q 3 ROOMS; SIS. 5 BOOMS AND BATH; '„•'. 1028 -Nineteenth st. i*r_\i *4 NICE ROOMS, HALL AND YARD. 1 144 Clementina st.. near Sixth. LARGESUNNY ROOMS: GAS: BATH ;• BAY- window; bigyard. 725 Mission sl :\ UNNY S-ROOM FLAT; BATH; GAR 1692 Page st.. Golden Gate Park. A1 C* HYDE 5tT—UPPEB FLAT i ROOMS; 1.D2 pleasantly situated ; rent .7:2. Apply 418. d_-Q TWO LARGE SUNN*. ROOMS. WASH- O. room, for housekeeping. 25 ElginPark. C 1 A - PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS: BATH; C l'l. a comfortable home. 112 Erie st. OUNNY -_i-Rob_*n-LAT: BATH; MODERN; 0 $18.' 929 Nineteenth, near Castro. C LITTLE *l-RO<J.M FLATS: SUN ALL V^ day. 2623 Harrison. Apply G. H. UMBSEN &CO.' . \u25a0 tTvLAT 6 ROOMS; BATH. 9a SIXTH ST., JT near Market, "VTEW ELEGANT FLAT 8 SUNNY ROOMS; __.> s.E. cor. Sacramento and Walnut sts.: lovely vir-w :.f 35. ._ . «i LAT 5 ROOMS: "BATH: 1219*^ LAGUNA St.: fine cellar and yard. j C.99 All 3638 SIXTEENTH ST., NEAR »^__.-i.<JU. Market—Nice flat of 6 rooms and bath. - Vj 11 SUNN FLAT 8 BOOMS. JESSIE ST., iJpjLJL- near Hermann and Valencia. J" ""LAT OF C ROOMS AND BATH;$25. 706 1 Li.ykir^sL _ J~~ TEaT 5 ROOMS; BATH 20 ALBION AYE., bet. Fifteenth ami Sixteenth, Valencia and Guerrero Mi. C->A TURK—FLAT * ROOMS AND BATH; OjLAJ laundry; rent '50. TO LET— CHEAP; FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND bath: hot and cold water. 27 (Ms Grove aye. TAT' STOCKTON— FLAT 6 BOOMS; ALL IM- -IXJ provemente: marine view; yard. ;-%* O- PHYSICIANS— FLAT 1i4 McA I.LISTER St.. opp. Hall of Records: rent $37 50: 5 rooms and bath. ASHTON* A GARDINER, 411 Mont- gomery St. : Or. "li. CALIFORNIA— S2O, UPPER SUNNY jLOXXJ fiat, 5 rooms, bath; lower flat, 4 rooms, Stationary tubs, hot and cold water. 12 50. TVTE'AR CITY HALL; 3 FLATS: 6,6, 7 ROOMS. IN 10. 143, 713 Grove st. " r DI DUCED TO $18 AND $20: MOST DESIR- XX able* flats: large grounds. 931 Lombard St., one block from Hyde-st. cars. - FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH; RENT cheap. 450 Ha.ght st. \u25a0 Qi 1(i LOWER FLAT; 6 ROOMS ANDBATH. tj.lo. 92 Belcher at., half block from Market and Fourteenth. LEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST.. BELOW Bryant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to $18. *Y*OU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN 1 the flats you rent from BALDWIN A HAM- MOND. \u25a0,*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0. ' * - \u25a0 HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS. /^AcTBUCHA^NrCOI-^^ Sl I r N X V UV/_- furnished rooms complete, stove and gas; , fll. , ..--*. .-*.-.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.'. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0*\u25a0 _ bflCi FIFTH— NEW HOUSE: 2 OR 3 SUNNY OxJO rooms; complete for housekpg: $12 A$15. _19Q1 FIFTH -2 SUNNY ROOMS; WATER rtjLOz 'Inkitchen; perfectly furnished. i*(\o BUCHANAN, ~ WOR. FELL— 2 SUNNY UU__i* rooms complete; stove, gas and bath; $12. O 9 X BUSH—2 OR 3 NICELYFURNISHED xJjLO sunny rooms; stove, gas and bath; reason- able. •• " t-y - *;\-* : 9XOI CALIFORNIA 3 ELEGANT PUTS* jZjOOX nished rooms for housekeeping; $ 18. . 3 HARRIET ST., OFF HOWARD-SUNNY bay-window room, cheap. - :. "JO HO WARD LARGE FURNISHED 1 rtjU. front room for housekeeping. "111Q1 HOWARD .HOUSEKEEPING X.X.XOZ rooms, $10 a month; single rooms, 15 cents aday, or $1 a week. 1 M-ARKET— 2 OR 3 NICE FURNISHED -L"*t>_-i -housekeeping rooms, also other rooms; cheap. . TA^'MIS S ION— NEWLY FURNISHED X.XJOO rooms, single and housekeeping; cheap. "I 91Q MISSION FURNISHED '\u25a0 HOUSE- XJjLV keeping rooms ; bath, gas, range; no chil- dren. ' * \u25a0 ..: "\u25a0- "- . , -\u25a0- 9AQQ MARKET—2 OR 3 WELL-FURNISHED -fcjUt/Osunny front rooms, for housekeeping. : - I -ci MINNA, CORNER FOURTH— HOUSE- V -^Ol keeping; completely furnished; double, sin- e gle; cheap. .*. .-".--.*'- '-."\u25a0\u25a0' .' ". '--\u25a0 - . \u25a0\u0084-'.: XCil MISSION,NEAR SECOND— SUNNY FUR- 0\J X Dished bedroom and kitchen; rent $9. * *

Transcript of N^^' OiTsALE— OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS !L · August 8, 1895, William Armour Clark, anative of...

Page 1: N^^' OiTsALE— OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS !L · August 8, 1895, William Armour Clark, anative of Canada, aged 30years 2 months and 12 days. DUFF— this city,August 11. 1895, Louise,


:\u25a0:* -.- STOKAGE


WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 'MARKET—:xi Storage: low rates; telephone South 762.

FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER-chandlse received onstorage; money advanced

on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Tost st.,

11IRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCESMADE£ 421-423 Market st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*: CHAS. L.TAYLOR.

*BIRTHS—MARRIAGES—DEATHS,[Birth,marriage and death notices sent by mail

willnot be inserted.: They must liehanded in ateither of the publication 'offices and be indorsedwith the name and residence of persons authorizedto have the same published.]


BORN.HIRSCH-In this city, August 10, 1895," to the

wife of ('a.-is Hirsch, a son.MOORE—InOakland, August 10,1895; to the wife;of Harry T.Moore, a daughter. :;POWELL—Inthis city, August 9, 1895, to the

wife of Hollis Powell of Montpelier, Cal., adaughter. >-.;*.,-.;.


7, 1895, by the Rev. A. C. HerricK, Louis M.Bosselle and Lillian M. Prevost, both of Sacra-mento.

MARKLEIN-SCHMIDT-Inthis city, August 7,1895, Oskar R. Markleln and Mary Scnmidt,both of San Francisco.

BRANDT—InSjattle, August 2,1895,by the Rev. Father McElwain, Robert A.O'Brien-and Musette G. Brandt, both of San Francisco. .

DIED.Behrens, Kate Mather, William G.

-Carroll, Mary J. Newman. James 'S*pj§«s§Clark. William A. . Nelson, John E.Dcs Cormiers, Bertha Neu, AliceDohertv, James T. Power, Mamie E.Duff,Louise . Rielly,Catherine G.Diez, Carmelita Silva, JohnGoodman. Frank J. Traynor. J. AlbertIsaacs. Charles H. Trougard, Henry ;Levinsky, John Wakeman, Mrs. A.V.Moreland, Franfcis E. Zillig,Jacob

BEHRENS—Inthiscity, August 10,1895, Kate,beloved wife of Henry Behrens, and mother ofHenry C, Mary and Annie Behrens, anative ofGermany, aged 52 years 2 months and 20 days.A member of Eintracht Frauen Verein.

JBGS*Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Monday), at 2 o'clock p.' m.. from her late resi-dence, 24 Rutledge street, off Alabama, nearTwenty-eighth. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme-tery. .'.

EINTRACHT DAMEN VEREIN—The officersand members of the funeral committee of theEintracht i.amen Verein will please attend thefuneral of our deceased member, Katie Behrens,THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p.M.,fromher late residence, 24 Rutledge street, off Ala-bama. HELENERAEBA, >.

• C. M.Conrad, Rec. Sec. President.CARROLL—Inthis city, August 10, 1895, Mary

J., beloved wife of Lawrence Carroll, anative ofthe cityof Limerick, Ireland, aged 42 years 9months and 18 days. -'.

US-Friends and acquaintances are.respect-fulllyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Monday), at 8:15 o'clock -a. m.. from the par-lors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifthstreet, thence to St. Peter's Church, where arequiem high mass willbe celebrated for the re-pose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. M.interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

CLARK—In Sausallto. August 8, 1895, WilliamArmour Clark, anative of Canada, aged 30 years2 months and 12 days.

DUFF— this city, August 11. 1895, Louise, be-loved wifeof the late Thomas Duff, a native ofFrance, aged 69 years and 3 months.


jDSTFriends are respectfully invited to attendthe funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 10o'clock a.m., from the undertaking parlors, ofGodeau &Co., 326 Montgomery avenue, thenceto the French Church, where a mass willbe saidfor the repose of her soul. Interment MountCalvary Cemetery.

DES CORMIERS—August 11, 1895, Bertha, be-loved wife of Charles B.des Cormiers, a native ofSan Francisco, aged 34 years and 11months.

KS~Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW1

(Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the funeralparlors of Henry Evers, 865 Washington street,Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery.

DOHKRTY—Inthis city, August 11, 1895, JamesT., dearly beloved husband of Annie Doherty,and father of Francis Doherty, a native of County'Antrim,Ireland, aged 62 years.

jB_rFriends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Tuesday), at 1o'clock p. m., from his late resi-dence, 105 Colton street, off Brady. IntermentHolyCross Cemetery.

DIEZ—Inthis city, August 10. 1895, CarmelitaDiez,anative of San Francisco, aged 19 years. :

GOODMAN—InHighland Springs, August8,1895,Frank J. Goodman, aged 26 years.

ISAACS— Angwin, Cal., August 10, 1895.Charles Heuston Isaacs, son of William RandPhebe 1". Isaacs, aged 25 years and 6 months.

a_J*Friends are respectfully invited to attendthe funeral services TO-MORROW (Tuesday),at 11o'clock a. m.,at 1428 Post street, and are re-quested toomit flowers. Interment private.

LEVINSKY— Stockton, August 8, 1895. John~Levinsky;.beloved husband of Mathilda Levin-sky, father of Arthur, Lorence, Henry andFelicita Levinsky, and brother of Louis andMark Levinsky and Mrs. M.Bruml and -HannaCohn, a native of Germany, aged 73 years and 3months.

Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited* to attend the

-funeral services

THIS DAY (Monday), at 10 o'clock a. it.,at Masonic Temple, corner Post and Mont-gomery streets, under the auspices of OccidentalLodge No.122, F.and A.M.* Interment Home ofPeace Cemetery by 11:45 o'clock a. m. trainfrom depot at Thirdand Townsend streets.

MORELAND—InEast Oakland. August 10,1895,Francis E. Moreland, a native of Newark, N..}.,aged 40 years 3months and 1day.

MATHER—Inthis city. August 11,1895, WilliamG.,beloved husband of Maud Mather, a native ofCanada, aged 33 years. *

NEWMAN—In this city, August 9, 1895, JamesNewman, a native of New York City, aged 69years and 10 months.' :

US-Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Monday), at 10:30 o'clock a. it., from. St.Stephen's Churcn, Fulton street, near Webster..Interment Laurel HillCemetery.NELSON— There willbe a requiem mass cele-

brated for the repose of the soul of the late JohnEdward Nelson, THISDAY(Monday), at 7:30o'clock a. m., St. Patrick's Church. Friends andacquaintances are respectfully invited toattend.

NEU— this city, August 10, 1895, Alice; be-loved wifeof Charles Neu, a native of Atlanta,Ga.. aged 35 years. .';> .

Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY'(Monday), at "2 o'clocK p. m.. from the par-lors of J. C. O'Connor A Co.. 767 Mission street.Interment Laurel HillCemetery. _

POWER— this city, August 11. 1895, Mamie E..beloved daughter of Rose and the late Thomas'Power, and sister of Statia, Thomas. Alice,Henryand Katie Power, a native of San Francisco, aged21years.

Friends and acquaintances * are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. it., from her lateresidence, 2835 Folsom street, thence to St;Peter's Church, Twenty-fourth and Alabamastreets, where a requiem high,mass will becelebrated for the reposeof her soul, commencing'at 9 o'clock a*. m. Interment HolyCross Ceme-tery. .": .\u25a0'/.*_ -•\u25a0•---'..

RIELLY—Inthiscity. August 10,1895. CatherineQ.,\ dearly beloved wife of Joseph Rielly, and. mother of John and. Maggie Rielly. and Mrs.Edward Litzius, a native of Clifden, CountyGalway, Ireland, aged 62 years. [Boston (Mass.)papers please copy. , "

AS"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited toattend the funeral TO-MORROW(Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a.it., from her late resi-dence, 40 Dore street, between Ninth and Tenth,

* Harrison and '• Bryant,. thence to St. Joseph'sChurch, for services, commencing at 10:30o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery-

SILVA—InSan Pablo, August 10. 1895, JohnSilva, beloved husband of Elizabeth Silva, andfather ofJohn, Annie andKate Silva, a native ofAzores Islands, aged 60 _*Fars.


- A_TFrlends are respectfully Invited to attendthe funeral THIS DAY (Monday), *at 9:30o'clock it.,from his late residence, thence- toSt. Buel's Church, San Pablo, where a solemnreaulem mass willbe celebrated for the repose ofhis soul. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oak-land.: *: .-- . v ;. '. .'\u25a0'.'.'"'"''"--

"• , *

TRAYNOR— InOakland, August 9,1895, J. AlbertTraynor, anative of San Francisco, aged 27 years8 months and 21days.

TROUGARD—InTiburon, August 9, 1895. Henry...Trougard, a native of France, aged .63 years. \u25a0•

WAKEMAN—In this city, August 10, 1895, ather residence. 1164 Halght street, Mrs.Anna V.Wakeman, relict of the late Captain A.C. Wake*man, mother of Ernest H.Wakeman, and sisterof L.R. Townsend, anative of New York City,aged 66 years. ;,-'

jO-The funeral will take place THIS.DAY(Monday), at 3 O'clocK p. it., from Grace Epis-copal Church, corner Stockton and California

. streets. Interment private. *.*.*,.'.--:*.".;:,.* „''-\u25a0'_.«_'

ZILLIG—Inthis city, August 11, 1895, Jacob, be-loved husband of Victoria Zillig, and fatherof Victoria Zillig' and Emilie and EugeneDentz, anative of Flavil, Switzerland, aged 40years 4months and 26days. \u25a0 . \ *'•.

t^-~mmm __——«_\u25a0EBB *\u25a0******"*'55S5B <mmmmwimmmms_ssS3Cs_sss ***?



Everything Requisite for Flrst-claaa Funerals ;\u25a0

v~. ; at Reasonable Rates.Telephone 3167. >\u25a0 27 and 29 Fifthstreet. ••-'.


80 FifthSt., Opp. LincoinSchool.'Telephone 3080.;

- -\u25a0\u25a0',


teenth-street Cemetery are hereby notified thatremoval

-of remains will take 'place during this

month,iInterested parties can receive informationat the office of the Congregation, northeast cornerPost and Taylor streets, dailyfrom 9tolla. m. :

-\u25a0•*_:.:'*.->.\u25a0 v•-

-\u25a0\u25a0 LOUISBROWN, President. -Alexander L.Badt, Secretary.. . *.'


CYPRESS tfIWN CEMETERY.INSANMATEOCOUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN;.X laidout on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau-tiful,'permanent

'and easy of access; . see it \u25a0before'

\u25a0 buying» burial place elsewhere. *

, City office. 9 City Hall 41SAM.7.


... OAKLAND BEAL ESTATE.QiA£.r\f\y8-ROOM'rHOrjSE. bathT^hottjp'xxjxjxj;and cold water; good barn; 10t45x100onTenth St.. near Castro; a bargain. A.H.BLOW,1010 Broadway, Oakland. _Oil A flflft7 4ACRES ON WEST. SIDE OF«Jp J_U. . Fruitvale aye., \u25a0 near the Hay-wards electric line; this is a bargain. A.H.BLOW,1010 Broadway, Oakland.



; .-_•• in---

ALL parts of OAKLAND AND its,- v SUBURBS.

We are enabled on account of a foreclosure ofmortgage to sell lots in the Alden Tract i_t ridic-ulouly low prices. We offer upon applicationseveral pieces ofsuburban property at a great sac-'rifice. Don't failto call.. A. SNYDER <fc CO., \._.;>."-, *\u0084; 467 NinthSt., Oakland.

AQCA 1000 CASH; WORTH $6500:9-'xoOxJ. room modern hou«e; nice stable: lotxl50; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAMP.

TODD,1008 Broadway. Oakland.*1-ACRE BUSINESS LOT; 2SMALL HOUSES;1rightonrailroad, Pleasanton; $800: clear.

Fruitvale: new modern house; large lot; to behad onpayment of $500 cash. > ;-, ;>. .;7; ;.'7- Haywards; 6 acres; very fine; 2 acres in 8-year-*oldfruit; $3000; easy terms.

160 acres; Sonoma County, near Guerneville;house and barn; $600.

. Ranches Inevery county in the State. AddressC. R.KING,902 Broadway, Oakland.

QiAfl(\C\i\ FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY;«>3S_L_».UU U. 3-story building:all rented; willdouble in value within 5years; will take one-thirdIn other property. GEORGE B. M.GRAY, -463Ninth St., Oakland.

o*o.l7fa FINE MODERN 2-STORY HOUSE•(jpOl OxJ. of 7 rooms; laundry and bath; linelocation; lot 37:6x150: plate glass throughout;furnace, electric appliances, window-shades, etc.;complete: willouild the above and sell to you oneasy terms; particulars at my office. GEORGE B.M. GRAY, 463 Ninth s:.. Oakland.


GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLEHARRIS.15 Grant aye., near Geary st.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITYPROP-£ erty; a beautiful suburban home, 2*V_ milesfrom Oakland; 25 acres: 15 acres in fruit in bear-ing;spring water; soil good: Improvements mod-ern and first class. J. S. MEYERS, 1002 Broad-way,Oakland. * -


-QiX,f\f\f\ HANDSOME NEW DOUBLE•JJp_»UUI7. flats; 6rooms Ineach flat;Eighth St.,near Harrison; a good investment. A.H. BLOW,1010 Broadway, Oakland. . *.dl;C CASH,$5 PER MONTHBUYS A LARGE•ape) lot, 25x150: all in bearing fruit trees: closeto local station, San Leandro: price $200. W. E.BARNARD,458 Ninth St., Oakland.

QlOO!-\fl 6-ROOM, 2-STORY-

HOUSE: ALL«3P__/__j*J U. modern improvements: lot 35x108:2 minutes' walk from electric cars, 7 minutes fromlocal station connecting with San Francisco; price$2250; terms $500 cash, balance $30 per month.For further particulars apply to WHITE BROS.,1128 Twenty-third aye., East Oakland.di. X,A CHICKEN AND HOG RANCH:tipjCtOxJ. stock for sale; horse, harness, wagon, 1cow,7 hogs, 116 ducks, 100 chickens, chicken-house, hogpen and tools; 2acres; 1acre in bear-ing fruit; house of 3 rooms; rent $5 monthly.FRUITVALELANDCO., Fruitvale station. .ajjQ7XA NEW MODERN HOUSE JUST\u25a0UP

_ OxJ. completed with every conveniencepossible; large lotin center of Oakland; 8 rooms,bath, etc.:all street work done; easy terms. AL-DEN&GARFIELD,builders, office 902 Broadway,Oakland. -I7!OR SALE CHEAP AS DIRT; LOT100x150;

* on Webster st. ;2-story house 10 rooms; corner,50x75, or to rent furnished; 2 lots, 25x100, andimprovements: Third and Jackson, Oakland; su-burban, Oakland, Fitchburg, 24 lots, $5500, Im-provements: unimproved 24 lots, BuenaventuraTract; 6 lots, 50x150, all adjoining. Particulars,BOWMAN,826 Jefferson St., Oakland.

BADGER'S PARK TRACT— ,LOTS; 30feet front each; at reduced rate: $500 a lot;

small cash payment, balance within3 years; bestresidence location in Oakland fine schools andchurches: very convenient; will soon be businessproperty; within 10 minutes' walk of businesscenter of Oakland; 3 minutes' walk to local cars;30 minutes to San Francisco ;2 lines of electriccars pass the property every 5 minutes. Apply toowner, T.W.BADGER, on the premises, 953 Sev-enth aye., cor. East NinthSt., Oakland.

OR RENT—4, 5, 6 AND7 ROOMMODERNhouses cheap; near Clinton station; fine neigh-

borhood: convenient to churches and schools;

electric cars pass the property every 5 minutes; 10minutes' walk to. business center; 30 minutes toSan Francisco. Applyto T. W. BADGER, 953Seventh aye., Oakland. \u25a0 .9 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGES;GROUND 71;6x204

on corner, within twoblocks of local train, for$2500 cash. Inquire of C. A. SCOVILLE, 459Ninth st., Oakland. \u25a0 \u25a0..-.-'- ,-

0*1fififl HOUSE, 5ROOMS.INBERKELEY:•tIt.J_.OUU. lot 100x100 with creek; 100 varietiesflowers, fruits,etc.

$250— Half acre hillland:other housea and lotsall over Berkeley. CHARLES A.BAILEY,46Market st., or Berkeley Station, Berkeley.

OR SALE—AWELL-ESTABLISHED WOOD,coal and feed business; at a bargain; centrally

located and doing a good business.. C. K. MAR-ALL,1118 Broad way, Oakland.

ATFRUITVALE—ALOVELY HOME; MOD-A em house andbarn: eight acres Inchoice fruit;cost $20,000: willsell for $7500. E. E. BUNCE,1008 Broadway, Oakland. :'


PROPERTY INALLPARTS OF ALAMEDACounty forsale; large tracts inacres or lots be-

tween Oakland and Berkeley: property at Tem-escal a specialty. W. I.ROBINSON, 459 NinthSt.,Oakland. -

\u25a0 . .<S_l A f-x(\ SACRIFICE; COTTAGE 6 ROOMS

\u25a0JJp XrtOxJ, and bath; lot 17x100 on Sycamorestreet, near San Pablo avenue; terms, $350 cash,balance easy terms.,W.P.RYAN,960 Seventh St.,Oakland.

- ':


OLDENGATE LOTS;$10 DOWN;$6PR. MO.MCCARTHYCO., owners, 646 Market St., S.F.

CHOICE RESIDENCE ANDBUBINESS PROP-erty:choice lodging-house for sale: owner leav-

ing State. See E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway,Oakland. • -

•..-.\u25a0 s \u25a0•*

<*_-] f\f\f\ TAKESIT;SMALLFRUITRANCH;J.UUU highly improved; 8 miles from Oak-

land; twohouses, harness, wagon, implements, onecow, hogs, chickens, turkeys, geese, etc Answerbox 22. Call Office,Oakland. \u25a0


EXCHANGE— $3000—SANJOSE RESIDENCEll for ditto Oakland. CHAS. WILLIS,Oakland.


R25OO— Apretty cottage home in East Oakland(new): lot 35x120; complete Inall its appoint-ments; natural wood finish; $250 cash, balance inmonthly installments; willtake a desirable build-ing lotas firstpayment. ",:.•.'-•

A N ELEGANT. MODERN NEW HOUSE INJ x the best residence part of Oakland; 8 roomsand bath, electric bolls, lighting,etc.; lot 40 feetfront;price only$4500 ;terms can be arranged tosuit: must be seen to be appreciated. Call at once,A.H.BREED ACO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland.«J_ 1 P_ft -LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIMINflluu. Fruitvale; electric cars; only$1 downand $1a week; selling fast; good improvements.H.B.PINNEY,owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland.

QiOflMONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES;\u25a0ifl, __U. plans free. F.BOEGLE,Golden Gate statn.


- - *\u25a0


- -- -~: ~. STOKE TO LET.

G~ WANTED INNORTH OAKLAND;good chance; neighborhood without grocery

store at present. Apply to C. E. BOMAN,cornerThirty-fourth and Adeline sts.

• -.' .'



I*^^^s?^ -K~^*c>s^3ir^oT^a__:

•(JJ-.-I.UU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath;2 blocks fromstation; $2200. No. 654. -

$100 cash, $25 permonth: lot 33:4x150; new 2-story house 6rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta-tion. $2500. * *

-- - No. 520.,$100 cash, $30 permonth; 10t 35x150: modern 2-story house 7 rooms and bath with barn, 1 blockfrom station; $3000. No. 669.$200 cash, $30per month ;lot37:2x108: elegantnew cottage 5 rooms and bath; $3100. No. 670.

$500 cash; $40 per month; lot 33 -.4x150:elegant5-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1block from sta-tion; $4500..


$1000 cash; $50 per |month ;lot 40x150; fine 2-story house 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta-tion; $6500.

~: No. 333. '

HHouses to let in all parts of Alameda. ApplytoH.P. MOREAL.1432 Park St., Alameda. \u25a0 V


<D» Xl f\(X ABEAUTIFULMODERN 2-STORY<(lp«_»l»UU. house of 7 rooms, laundry and bath;equipped with furnace, cement walks and base-ment*, « electric: :appliances, plate-glass windows,shades, fencing, etc.; all ready for occupancy: lot33x140: onCentral aye.; 1block •west from Parkst. Iwillbuild the above and self on terms tosalt.GEO. B.M. GRAY,463 Ninth St., Oakland. \u25a0* \u25a0'



1 street, $2600, $500 cash; house, 7rooms, $1800,terms: lot 35x138, < good location, *650. J. H.YOUNO, 1243 Park St., Alameda. :"--

HE J A.LEONARD COMPANY AREoffering \u25a0great inducements to those desiring

homes IrlAlameda. They have on hand a numberof modern homes in* size \u25a0 and price to suit allcomers; easy terms Ifpreferred. Send for their il-lustrated \u25a0 catalogue, "Figures . and Facts," whichcontains valuable Information for all who intendpurchasing. Main office, 1364 Park st, Alameda;branch, 19 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. 1^ •>\u25a0


LEGANTRESIDENCE; 9 ROOMS; ALCOVE,bath, stable, lawn: stylish location: 2105 Cen-

tral aye., two blocks from Willow station; very de-sirable; rent $50. Owner at 912 Grand st. > ,

'4 CITY REAL. estate.' 7 7*;:-"\u25a0'-'

"OiTsALE—HOUSE ANDLOT,1123 TREAT'JP aye., bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.sts.:25x112:6 feet; splendid chance to buy a home.Inquire on premises, v..-

-\u25a0..-"\u25a0'.. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;:::\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 \u25a0'"\u25a0•"

ONLY $1850 COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS ANDbath, with barn, etc.; lot 25x114: good chance

for teamster, haekman or others: •rear 17th-and

Sanchez: bargain. MURPHY,628 Market.-


ffl_QftAA"FLATS5 ROOMS EACH ANDLOT-U.OOUU. 26:3x120 to rear st.; on N.side Her-

mann st., bet. Fillmore and Steiner: the flats frontrear street and front of the lot still vacant: bothstreets inorder; electric line on Fillmore: cable-cars onHalght st. THOMAS MAGEE &SONS, 4Montgomery st.'-' ; "':••' • -

.*..-.-\u25a0- \u25a0'\u25a0'-


T~~ 0 EXCHANGE-A DESIRABLE COTTAGEof 5rooms; bath, closets, pantry, basement; lot

60x170; clear of incumbrances;. price $3800; forranch. \u25a0

-, __1_1"V

ALARGE LOT,WITH 2 COTTAGES; CLOSEAX in; rent well;price $5000; clear of- incum-brance ;for ranch. ..* \u25a0". - '.' .

A LARGE 11-ROOM DWELLING:COMFORT--c\. able and roomy; ground 150x170; price $10,-

-000: forranch.'

ACENTRALLYLOCATED BUSINESS PROP-erty on San Pablo aye. ;price $12,000; for San

Francisco orLos Angeles property.' . <

THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LISTOF GOODproperties Ican exchange for ranches or acre

tracts. H.EDSON, Real Estate Exchange, 60San Pablo aye.

';\u25a0 . : v '"'-"-. '\u25a0"' '?.': \u25a0

-'"'--CORNER; 30x80: 2 HOUSES:

tJP'rOU'U'. good order; rent $67 a month. 26Chesley st., offHarrison, bet. 7th and Bth. ,-... •,*. :

SF. CITY LOTS: . $100 UP. TERMS $10. down, $5mo. THEMCCARTHYCO.. 646 Mkt.Ac/\ CASH,«10: CHEAP LOTS ON MISSION«JpOU road at terminus of the car line: go look atthem. McEWEN BROS., 118 Montgomery st.


EW COTTAGE, IN RICHMOND, 1BLOCKlx from Geary-st. cars and 25 minutes' ride toKearny St.; 5 rooms, bath and modern' improve-ments: lot 25x100; beautiful garden: sewer: willbe sold very cheap and easy terms; owner com-pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, Call.

ON TURK ST.; 25x137: FRONTS ON 2sts.; bet. Stanvan and Willard sts.; $850.

PHILBRICK &METCALF,2548 Folsom st.

X AND 6 ROOMS, FLATS,BUILTFOR $2800;xlcottage, 4 rooms. $800: one-fifth cash, balanceeasy monthly installments. JAS. McCONAHEY,builder. 1149 Mission st. **\u25a0

<_? 1 '_}AA COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; INBERKE-JthlOUU. ley: lot50x125.

$450—Rough house; 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10monthly.

$750— Lot 50x100: near station.Other houses and lots allover town.

CHAS. A.BAILEY,46 Market St., orBerkeley station, Berkeley.

2 LOTS,52 FEET ON SAN JOSE BOAD. 125feet deep on Naglee aye., NW.corner; 4-room

house; good well and outbuildings; $1400. Applyon premises toJOHN BALL.

QiCAA 2LOTS, 25x100, ON sth AYE., NEAR<J.OUU. Point Lobos, and on Tenth aye., nearCalifornia. ApplyOwner, box 27, this office.

QiAAACASH,BALANCESMALLMONTHLY\u25a0tJpttUU installments: cozy cottage 5 rooms;large flower garden; fine view. Inquire A. R.QUINN.259 Richland aye.; take Mlssion-st. cars.



N.D.SICKELS, r '. [:<;:;':'THE

LAND AGENT.Sale and excham-k of Ranch property astrict

specialty. By far the largest list.318 Post Street, bet. Stockton and Powell, S.F.


Petaiuma. \u25a0

' '

Gil A AAARANCH TO EXCHANGE FOR•aDIU.UUU improved city property. PHIL-BRICK AMETCALF,2548 Folsom st.

ACRES IN-HAYWARDS: ALLINFRUIT,D principally French prunes; good house andstable; will exchange for city property: price$6000. * PHILBRICK AMETCALF,2S4B Folsom.

HOMESTEADS ON CHOICE GOVERNMENTlands: 850,000 acres. Particulars address or

call room 6, 995 Market st., S.F., Cal.


RANCHO de. NOVATO.Tracts of any size desired: fruit,grain and vege-

table land; no irrigation: both rail and watertransportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms;town of Novato;graded school, hotels and storeson the property: send forcircular.-

Dairy for sale with or without cows.SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64

and 65 Chronicle building. -....-.

GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLEHARRIS. 15 Grant aye.. near Geary it.

WANTED—TO RENT, WITH PRIVILEGEx x of buying,2to 5acres (improved) inFruitvale,

convenient to cars. Address F., box 58, Call Office.litHE NEW ENGLAND OF. CALIFORNIAJ. Offers an opportunity for home-making betterthan ever before offered, and not likelyto be re-;pealed. We court a thorough investigation of ourplan, our location, our soli, our transportationfacilities. Our lands are exceedingly rich, pro-ducing ingreat abundance every variety, of fruit,grain and vegetable grown in the State of Cali-fornia. Our location is beautiful; our climatehealthy. Those who really want a home that isattractive, pleasant and profitable can secure itwith us.

We own this tract of land; in fact.it has beenour home for over thirtyyears, and we have de-cided and are determined to develop a communitythat will demonstrate the highest possibilities ofhome-making. We are notselling oncommission.We own the lands, and some of us live on them,and willcontinue to. live on them and make ourhomes there, that will be called home by ourchildren, and we are .entirely content to farm theentire tract until we can surround ourselves withneighbors who wish at once to have schools and;churches and reading-rooms in their very midst. *

Therefore we propose to see to it that those who

make their homes with us have the kindlyadviceand friendlyassistance necessary to their success.Call onor address WILSON A REID,

.. Room 10, rotunda, Millsbuilding.-

OR SALE-RANCH, 5000 ACRES; 2000sheep. 60 cattle, horses, wagons, etc.; in Men-

docino County, .Cai.: price $20,000. Inquire ofxv.P. THOMAS. Uriah, CaL . -


TXTANTED— RENT. A BEARING FRUITTT ranch;- Sto 25 acres. E. G. PAINE, 1601

Stevenson St., San Francisco..["ACRE CHICKEN RANCH: SOLD ON THE2 10-year credit plan; third year interest now

due; Al creek bottom; vegetable soil:Improve-ments cost over $600: willsell for $250 and trans-fer contract. D. 11. TWING,Sonoma City, Cal.

IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZINGpurposes or an orchard already improved, where

onlysmall cash outlay is required, balance payablein6 or7 Fears, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F.Qj0.25 HER ACRE:64O ACRES:WELL LOCAT-

»E.__- —cd. TRAVERSA: LAMB.512 California st.

"T WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THEJzx. WEEKLY CALL,in wrapper, formailing.


ENDERSOfTX^IXfiTfER T̂f^fc^TDTSANJoaquin, st., Stockton.• 800 acres adjoining the city; a choice tract to

subdivide. Achoice block of 32 lots in good loca-tion:$4800. Several nice cottages from $1000 to$4000: on easy terms. XX few choice lots on theline of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from5 to 20 acres: well located. 100 acres, six milesfrom Stockton; finerich soil; $55 per acre: a finebargain. 800 tons of choice hay at a bargain.

AA.DUDLEY & CO.,* ' ..." *

REAL ESTATE BROKERS. \u25a0 'J\y,r,".\u25a0 405 East Main St., Stockton, Cal.

Choice residence lots on electric street car line,from $150 up; $10 down, $1per week; nointerest,no taxes. Send for maps.-,' . •

Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards oneasy terms. Bargains in improved property. Cor-,respondence solicited. \u0084-.•_ . \u25a0. *\u0084-

.BERKEEEY; REAL,jESTATE. |j7can"dist ance~th all when itX comes to bargains. Look at this. House of.7.rooms: lot 80xl34*V_; about 4 blocks from station,'for$1800. House of 5 rooms: lot 60x135: streetwork all done; not 'A blocks ifromIstation, 1blockfrom electric railway, for $1750.I Do you want the earth— then start Inon this. A1few fine lots, perfectly level, on the sunny side ofstreet, opposite a $12,000 residence; each 50x140and only $400 each. ; *.-. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0':. Apply to JOS. J. MASON,:Dwight-way Station.

*V*OUCANNOT HELP:MAKINGMONEY BYJ. buyingBerkeley property at. to-day's prices; I

make a specialty of choice property and can holdmy -own with1any •real estate man in AlamedaCounty. Aspecialty for to-day: House of 8rooms:lot 45x135; near [the university; street work alldone; only $3600. JOS. J.MASON,Dwight-way.station.'/ :

''..:'\u25a0' .'-'. •\u25a0'\u25a0". ':. : *.'\u25a0\u25a0:..- .'- *.'\u25a0\u25a0' *:

GETIMONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE_ HARRIS. 16 Grant aye., near Geary st. •

EXCHANGE FOR BERKELEY PROPERTY.Business property on Park St., Alameda: IOOx

150; to exchange for Berkeley property. -An elegant block* of land on Peralta Heights,

East Oakland; positively the jmost elegant home-site inEast Oakland:elevation 200 feet above citybase; elegant view of Lake Merritt; adjoins thebeautiful home ofBorax Smith; willtrade for townlots inBerkeley orunincumbered ranch property.

Beautiful home, entirely furnished ? lot75x130;near station and school; Installment loan of $4000;willtrade equity for lot or other property. ,M.L.WURTS, Dwight-waystation, Berkeley. * -


<H_Q AAA MODERN .QUEEN -:ANNE COT-«J. OUUU. tage; new;lot 40x125; fiveminutes'walk from station. :-'.*>.'..• -\

- • ;-. w.- • >' *>\u0084•$2900— Brand-new 2-story house of7 rooms:near

Dwight-way station: must be sold: easy payments."M.L.WURTS, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. ':\u25a0

\u25a0ffl;l c: 5-ROOM COTTAGE: 60x135; $1650. F-4P1.0. BOEGLE, Golden Gate station. :•v; PROPERTY TO 1. EXCHANGE. ;

- .eT HAVE" 2 VALUABLE "PIKCEsTioFbuildingproperty in'the northern and central

part of the city to exchange foranice home on highIland inBerkeley; Dwight waypreferred; propertyto-be t worth from *8000 to $10,000. Apply toUMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery at, .\u25a0,_"-.\u25a0;

'V'.'%,*. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.- TRUSTEES' SALES.' ;•

RUST TSALE.-IN ACCORDANCE WITHthe terms and under the authority of a certain

deed of trust, duly executed by GEORGE' ED-WARDS, party of the first part, to HENRY C.CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT,.Trus-tees, pirties cf the second part, and.the SANFRANCISCO SAVINGS "UNION, party of thethird part. dated November 4th,'lB9l,rnd recordedin the office of the County Recorder of the Cityand County of San Francisco, State of California,inLiber 1484 of Deeds, at pages 70 and following:and inpursuance of a resolution passed on the 20thday of June, 1895. by the Board of Directors ofsaid SAN FRANCISCO * SAVINGS UNION, acorporation, and theholderof the note (No.11,254),to secure payment of;which the aforesaid deed oftrust was executed, declaring that default hodbeen made in the payment of the. principal suman.l other sums, due under said note and deed oftrust, and requesting and directing said HENRYC. CAMPBELL and •\u25a0•THADDEUS B. KENT,Trustees, to,sell the real estate described thereinto satisfy said indebtedness.

We, HENRY C.CAMPBELLand THADDEUSB. KENT,Trustees, do hereby givenotice, that onTUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A. D.1895,at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auctionsalesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE &CO., No.638Market street, in the Cityand County ofSan Fran-cisco, Stateof California, 'we will sell at publicauction, to the highest bidder, forcash ingold coinof the United States, all the piece or parcel of landsituate inthe City and County of Saa Francisco,State of California, described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at the corner formed by the inter-section of the southerly line ofTwenty-thirdstreetwiththe easterly line of Capp street, and runningthence easterly, along said line of Twenty-thirdstreet, seventy (70) feet: thence at right anglessoutherly forty (40) feet: thence at right angleswesterly seventy (70) feet to said easterly line ofCapp street: and thence northerly, along the lastnamed line forty (40) feet, to the point of ,com-mencement: "- _.

-.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-Being portion of Mission Block number one

hundred and fifty-four (154). "'-,.:'Together with the appurtenances.TERMS OF SALE—Cash in gold coin of the

United States: ten per cent payable to the under-signed on the fallof the hammer/balance on de-livery off deed; and ifnot so paid, unless for wantof title(ten days being allowed lor search), thensaid ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to bevoid. Actsof sale at purchaser's expense. . ;-.;\u25a0.. ,.-\u25a0*

HENRY C. CAMPBELL,iTru,tM>.THADDEUS B. KENT, / -*-"-"tees. \u25a0

TRUSTEES' SALE.-IN ACCORDANCE WITHthe terms and under the authority of a certain

deed of trust, duly executed -by OWEN Jlc-BNANEY,party of the first part, to HENRY C.CAM ELL and TH USB.KENT,Trustees,narties of the second part, and the SAN FRAN-CISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the thirdpart,dated MurchBth," 1892. and recorded Inthe office ofthe County Recorder of the City and County ofSun Francisco, State of California, in Liber 1517of Deeds, at pages 10 and following:

and inpursuance of a resolution passed on the bthday of June, 1895, by the Hoard of Directors ofsaid SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION,a cor-poration, and the holder of the note (No. 11,527),to secure .payment of which the aforesaid deed oftrust was executed, declaring that default hadbeen made in the payment of the principal suraand other sums, due under said note and deed oftrust, and requesting and directing said HENRYC. CAMPBELLand THADDEUS B.KENT,Trus-tees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat-isfy said indebtedness.

We, HENRYC. CAMPBELLand THADDEUSB.KENT,Trustees, do hereby give notice, that onTUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A.D.1895,at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auctionsalesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE ACO., No.638 Market street, in the Cityand County of SanFrancisco. State of California, we willsell at publicauction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coinof the United States, all the piece or parcel of land,situate inthe City and County of San Francisco,State of California, described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at a point on the westerly line ofTexas street, distant thereon one hundred (100)feet southerly from the southerly line of Twentieth(formerly Napu) street, and running thence south-erly along said line of Texas street twenty-five (26)feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred(100) feet; thence at rightangles northerly twenty-five(25) feet, and thence at right angles easterlyone hundred (100) feet to the point of commence-ment: '\u25a0'

Beingportion of New Potrero block number twohundred and sixty-six (266). --•'-*

7Together with the appurtenances.TERMS OF SALE-Cash In gold coin of the

United States: ten per cent payable to the under-signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on de-liveryof deed; and if not so paid, unless for wantof title (ten days being allowed for search), thensaid ten per cent tobe forfeited and the sale to bevoid. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.

, HENRY C. CAMPBELL,1 -\u0084.._,„.

THADDEUS B. KENT. )' trustees.

TRUSTEES' SALE.—IN ACCORDANCE WITH- the terms and under the authority of a certaindeed of trust, duiyexecuted by SOPHRONA AD-KINS (widow),party of the first part, toHENRYC. CAMPBELLand THADDEUSB. KENT,Trus-tees, parties of the second part, and the SANFRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of. thethirdpart, dated February 25th, 1893, and recordedin the office of the County Recorder of the Cityana County of San Francisco, State of California,inLiber IBMof Deeds, at pages 61 and following;and inpursuance ofa resolution passed on the 18thday of April,1895, by the Board of Directors of saidSAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION,a corpora-tion, and the holder of the note (No. 12,308) tosecure payment of which the aforesaid deed oftrust was executed, declaring that default hud beenmade in the payment of the principal sum andother sums, due under said note and deed of trust.and requesting and directing said HENRY C.CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trus-tees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat-isfy said Indebtedness. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0";


B.KENT,Trustees, dohereby give notice that onTUESDAY,the 3d dayof September, A.D.1896, at12o'clock noon of that day,and at the auction sales-room of F.ASTON, ELDRIDGE <fc CO., No. 638Market street, in the Cityand County of San Fran-cisco, State of California, we will sell at publicauction, to the highest bidder, forcash ingold coinof the United States, allthe piece or parcel of landsituate in the City and County of San Francisco,State of California, described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at a point on the westerly line ofParker avenue, distant thereon one hundred' andfifty (150) feet southerly from the southerly lineof Point Lobos avenue- (or Geary street)'; andrunning thence southerly along said line of Parkeravenue twenty-five (25) feet: thence at rightangles westerly one hundred and twenty-five(125) feet: .thence at right angles northerlytwenty-five (25) feet, and thence at right angleseasteriy one hundred and twenty-five (125) feetto the point of commencement;

Being portion of lot Number Three (3) inblockNumber One (1).as laiddown and delineated inthecorrected map of the • Johnston Tract on filein the office of the County Recorder of said Cityand County of San Francisco. _>'\u0084:

Together with the appurtenances.TERMS OF SALE-«Ca3h in gold coin. of the

United States; ten per cent payable to the under-signed on the fall of the hammer; balance onde-liveryofdeed; and if not so paid,unless for wantof title (ten days being allowed for search), thensaid ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to bevoid. Acts ofsale at purchaser's expense.


* rUBleeB*


WHY PAYCOMMISSION WHEN YOUCAN'» get money at 2per cent per month from loanerdirect and without a go-between on your pianosand furniture? any amount from $100 to -f5000.418 Kills St.. room 22.A1ONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, 2A 3%.XXX TRAVERS ALAMB,512 California St.

ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATEparty: low interest. 216 Powell st. .

ANYAMOUNT;IST,2DOR8D MORTGAGES:_ _ estates, undivided interests, real estate inpro-bate. McCOLGAN,131 Montgomery, room 1. '


J per cent per month when you can get moneyat 2 per cent on furniture and pianos IfromBECKER, 240 Montgomery St.: . \u25a0::\u25a0'\u25a0;;:.

MlNIcfPAITLOAN OFFICE, 108 GRANTavenue; private entrance lOiyj.upstairs.

N FURNITURE AND PIANOS. WITHOUTremoval, and endowment insurance policies.

Room 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. „WHY PAY HIGHRATE ON SMALL LOANSIIwhen you can get from $200 up at 55 cents

per month Interest on $100? Loan, box 83, Call.



IST AN 2NDJ mortgages, furniture *or•*pianos without ;re-,

moval: lowest rates. BECKER. 240 Montgomery.

LOANS ON UNDIVIDEDSHARES OF CITYreal estate; any amount. BECKER, 240 Montg.


•A curities. TRAVERSA,LAMB,512 California.T ADIES' PRIVATE ROOMS; MONEY. ONJJ everything. IU.S. Loan Office, 777 Market st.,near Fourth. *. .. ; , \u25a0'*'*.".

'\u25a0.' \u25a0•

\u25a0\u25a0 •.'\u25a0','•*'\u25a0*\u25a0' . '•-.:\u25a0\u25a0-

NY.BUM.FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGEScity orcountry:Estates. MURPHY,62B Market

APRIVATE ENTRANCE IN REAR FROM_.'V O'Farrell (street private rooms for ladies andgents; discreet gentlemanly attendants: at UNCLEHARRIS' collateral Association, 15 Grant avenue.

ON&Y LOANED ON JEWELRY ANDother valuables at the Security Loan Office,

1106Market st.,nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk.

ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ONwatches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures,

bron7.es, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi-ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Oflice, 9 Grantaye., 3 doors from.Market st. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*; -*.;.,

STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. , 850Market St., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first

floor: established 30 years; always open. "UncleBill." \u25a0\u0084 \u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0- :"\u25a0:".:-:\u25a0'

'.*' * '

--*\u25a0\u25a0.* -'.-.' \u25a0



ON YOUR DIAMONDS,jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal;

lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKELACO.,Mills bldg, sth floor,r 6; strictly confidential. .ON ANY'SEC URITY.ATLOW RATES; DEAL**"

Ing confidential. 4:' Crocker building.



money" adv'aSTced^on-ix. your furniture, pianos or

'real estate: :lowest

rate: call and state yonr proposition or write: openevenings. „J. NOONAN,1021 Mission st. -\u25a0.r-


small amounts of $200 to $2000 can place itthrough us,Ifree of | charge, at 8per cent interestger annum, payable^emi-annually, secured by firstmortgage: on Improved real estate in 'San Fran-cisco, the

-titles to which. are guaranteed by the

California Title:Insurance ;Company." * We makethis liberal' proposition in

'order, to meet the de-

mand for\u25a0• small loans.'?. Advise us of the amountyou wish to loan, and we willsubmit

'the security j

foryour approval. \u25a0*A. JOHNS *, ACO., financialagents, room 9, 632 Market St.. San Francisco. :.-


ANTED^SOOO^FOR ONE YEaTbONHEALestate yielding monthlyrent, out of which in-

terest will be paid monthly. Address P.O. bos I357, Santa Rosa. * ;;-f • "' '"'

'".. :." J

trustees' sales. I.RUST^KES^IiALE^^ISrACC D̂^^C^^the terms and under the authority of a certain

deed of trust, duly executed by JOHN S.HAND,party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELLand THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, parties ofthe second part, and the 'SAN FRAN-CISCO SAVINGS:UNION,.party of thethird part, dated February '24th, ' j1*92,and recorded in the office of the County Recorderof the Cityand County of San Francisco. State ofCalifornia, In Liber 1502 of Deeds, at pases 246,and following; and In:pursuance of a resolutionpassed on the 11th day of April,1895. by theBoard ofDirectors of said SANFRANCISCO SAV-INGS UNION, a Con-oration, and the holder ofthe note (No. 11,492) to secure payment of whichthe aforesaid deed of trust was.executed, declar-ing that default bad .been made in the payment ofthe principal sum and other sums, due under saidnote and deed of trust, and requesting and direct-ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD-DEUS B.KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estatedescribed therein, and not reoouveyed, to satisfysaid indebtedness.

We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL »nd THAD-DEUS B. KENT.Trustees, do hereby givenotice,that on TUESDAY, the 3d dayof Septem her, A.D.1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at theAuction Sales Room of Easton, Eldridge A Co.,No. 638 Market street, in the City and County ofSan Francisco, State of California, we will sell atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, forcash inGold Coin of the United States, all the pieces orparcels of land situate in the City and County ofSan Francisco, State of California, described as fol-lows, to wit:

First— Commencing at the corner formed by theIntersection of the westerly line of Leavenworthstreet with the northerly line of Lombard street,

and running thence westerly along said line ofLombard street forty (40) feet: thence northerly,parallel withLeavenworth street, one hunired andthirty-seven feet anil six inches (137 aud 6-12feet) ; thence easterly, parallel with Lombardstreet, iorty (40) feet, to said westerly line ofLeavenworth street: and thence southerly alongthe last-named line one hundred and thirty-sevenfeet six inches (137 and 6-12 feet) to the pointofcommencement;

Being portion of fifty-vara lot nuinberseven hun-dred and ninety-lour (794).

Second— Commencing at the corner formed bythe intersection of the southerly line of Bush streetwith the westerly line of Hyde street, and runningthence westerly along said line of Bush streettwenty-five (25) feet: thence at right ancles south-erly fifty-seven feet six inches (67 and 6-12 feet);thence at rightangles easterly twenty-five (25) feetto said westerly line of Hyde street ; and thencenortherly along the last-named line fifty-sevenfeet six inches (57 and 6-12 feet) to the point ofcommencement;

Being portion of fifty-vara lot number one thou-sand three hundred and twenty-one (1321).

Third—Commencing at a point on the south-westerly line of Twenty-third avenue, distantthereon seventy-five (75) feet northwesterly*from the northwesterly line of J street, and run-ning thence northwesterly along said line ofTwenty-thirdavenue twenty-six feet seven Inches(26 and 7-12 feet) to a point in the northerlyboundary line of the Bay View Tract: thencenorth seventy degrees (70°) west, along saidboundary line three hundred and two feet eleveninches (302 ana 11-12 feet): thence southeasterly,parallel with Twenty-fourth avenue, and distantone hundred .(100) feet northeasterly there-from two hundred and thirty-six feet sixinches (236 and 6-12 feet); thence southwesterly,parallel with J street, one hundred (100) feet tothe northeasterly line of Twenty- avenue:thence southeasterly along the last-named lineseventy-five (75) feet; and thence northeasterly,parallel with J street, two hundred (200) feet tothe pointofcommencement;

Beinglots numbers two (2)and eight (8) inblocknumber four hundred and fifty-six (456), as laiddown and delineated on the original map of theRay View Homestead Association property, on fileiv tbe office of the County Recorder of said Cityand County of Sun Fraucisco.

Fourth— Commencing at a point on the north-easterly lineof Twenty-fifth avenue, distant there-on seventy-five (75) "feet southeasterly from thesoutheasterly line ofIstreet, and running thencesoutheasterly along sqid line of Twenty-fifth ave-nue seventy-five (75) feet; thence northeasterly,parallel with Istreet, one hundred (100) feet;thence northwesterly, parallel with* Twenty-fifthnvenue, seventy-five (75) feet ;and thence south-westerly, parallel withIstreet, one hundred (100)feet to the point of commencement ;

Being lotnumber ten (10) in blocK number fourhundred nnd sixty-five (465),as laiddown and de-lineated on the map last above mentioned.

Fifth—Commencing at a point on the southwest-erly line of Twenty-fourth avenue, distant thereon two hundred and twenty-five (225) feet south-easterly from the southeasterly line of Istreet,and running thence southeasterly along said lineof Twenty-fourth avenue seventy five (75) feet:thence southwesterly, parallel withIstreet, twohundred (200) feet to the northeastly line ofTwenty

-fifth avenue: thence northwesterly

along the last-named line seventy-five (75) feet:and thence northeasterly, parallel with Istreet,two hundred (200) feet to the point of commence-ment;

Being lots numbers five (5) and twelve (12) insaid block number four hundred and sixty-five(465),as laid down and delineated on the map lastabove mentioned.

Sixth—Commencing at a point on the south-westerly line of Twenty-fifthavenue, distant there-onseventy-five (75) feet northwesterly from thenorthwesterly line of Hstreet, and running thencenorthwesterly along said line of Twenty-fifthavenue seventy

- five (75) feet; thence south-westerly, parallel with ITstreet, one hundred (100)feel; thence southeasterly, parallel with Twenty-fifthavenue, seventy-five (76) feet; and thencenortheasterly, parallel withHstreet, one hundred(100) feet to the point of commencement:

Being lot number two (2)In block number fourhundred and eighty-seven (487), as laid ,iown anddelineated on the map last above mentioned.

Seventh— Commencing at a point on the south-westerly line of Twenty-fifth avenue, • distantthereon seventy-five (75) feet southeasterly fromthe southeasterly line of Istreet, und runningthence southeasterly along said line of Twenty-fifthavenue seventy-five (75) feet; thence south-westerly, parallel withIstreet, one hundred (100)feet; thence northwesterly, parallel with Twenty-fifth avenue, seventy-five (75) feet, and thencenortheasterly, parallel with Istreet, one hun-dred (100) feet, to the point of commencement;

Being lot number seven (7) in block numberfour hundred and eighty-seven (487), as laid downand delineated on the map last above mentioned.

Eighth—Commencing at the corner formed by

the intersection of the northeasterly line ofTwenty-seventh avenue with the southeasterlyline of Hstreet, and running thence southeasterlyalong said line of Twenty-seventh avenue fourhundred (400) feet: thence northeasterly, parallelwith H street, two hundred (200) feet to thesouthwesterly line of Twenty-sixth avenue: thencenorthwesterly along said line of Twenty-sixth ave-nue four hundred (400) feet to said southeasterlyline of Hstreet, and thence southwesterly alongthe last-named line two hundred (200) feet to thepoint of commencement: *SBt_Bß

\u25a0 Being Jots numbers seven (7). eight (8), nine(9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen(13) and part of fourteen (14) in block numberfour hundred and ninety-one (491), as laid downand delineated on the map last above mentioned,withsome adjoining tide lands.

Together withthe appurtenances.TERMS OF SALE-Cash in gold coin of the

United States: ten percent payable to the under-signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on deliv-ery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want oftitle (ten days being allowed forsearch), then saidten per cent tobe forfeited and the sale to be void.Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.

HENRY C. CAMPBELL,l,\u0084„„

THADDEUS B.KENT, / trustees.

TRUSTEES' SALE.-INACCORDANCE WITHthe terms aud under the authority of a certain

deed of trust,duly executed byEMMAE.CHAPINand GEORGE W. CHAPIN (her husband), partiesof the first part, to HENRY 0. CAMPBELL andTHADDEUS R. KENT, Trustees, parties of thesecond part, anil the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGSUNION, party of the third part, dated March23d. 1891, und recorded in the office of - theCounty Recorder of the City and Couuty ofSan Francisco, State of California, in Liber1443 of Deeds, at pages 172 and following:and in pursuance of a re_o ution passed on the 9:hday ofMay, 1895, by the Board of Directors ofsaid SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION,a cor-poration, and the holder of the note (No. 10,733),to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed oftrust was executed, declaring that default hadbeen made in the payment or the rrlnclpal sumsnd other sums, due under said note and deed oftrust, and requesting and directing said HENRYC. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS R. KENT,Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein tosatisfy said indebtedness.

We. HENRY C.CAMPBELL and THADDEUSB.KENT,Trustees, do hereby give notice, that onTUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A.D.1895,at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auctionsalesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO.,No.638 Market street, in the City and County of SanFrancisco, State of California, we willsell at publicauction to the highest bidder, forcash in gold coinof the United States, all the pieces or parcels ofland situate in the Cityand County of San Fran-cisco, State of California, described as follows, to wit:.First—Commencing at a point on the westerlyline of Sanchez street, distant thereon seventy-sixfeet six inches (76 and 6-12 feet) souther)*.-! fromthe southerly line of Hancock street; and runningthence southerly, along said line of Sanchez street,twenty-two feet six inches (22 and 6-12 feet);thence at right angles westerly one hundred andfive (105) feet: thence at rent angles northerlytwenty-two feet six inches (22 and 6-12 feet) :andthence at right angles easterly one hundred andfive (105) feet, to the point of commencement .• Beingportion of Mission Block numberone hun-dred and six (106).

-• Second— Commencing at a point on the south-erly line ofPoint Lobos avenue or Geary street, dis-tant thereon fifty-four feet two inches (54 and 2-12feet) easterly from the easterly line of wood streetand running thence easterly, along said line ofPoint. Lobos avenue or Geary street, twenty-five(25) feet; thence at right angles southerly on? hun-dred and twenty-five (125), feet: thence at right

westerly twenty-five (25) feet; and thenceat rightangles northerly one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet, to ih.p lint of commencement: ••/_.\u25a0--• Being lot number nineteen (19) inblock Aof theJunlpero Homestead Tract.• Together with tne appurtenances. - x.

TERMS OF SALE-Cash in gold coin of theUnited States: ten per cent payable to the under-signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de-livery of deed; and ifnot so paid, unless for wantof title(tendays being allowed for search), .thensaid ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to bevoid. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.



THADDEUS B.KENT, -*ru*"tees.


A~~d7viciT«REEr dtv^ucF^nd^TrobTtelaws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and

Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc.G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, S5O Market.cor.Stockton

JO 11N R. AITKEN,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,RS.16 and 17.402 Montgomery st., cor. California,

W~W. DAVIDSON.ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,420.TT7. California St., rms. 14-16; advice free. r*.-



and carriage house; Western Addition. Ameri-can Laud and Trust Company" 132 xd&rket st.-.

- -


Continued..-,.•1MISSION—SUNN V HOUSEKEEPING000:2 rooms -*r5; large front room and kitchen$10. \u25a0

•-' \u25a0\u25a0- -'.. \u25a0/-•'•-•*" :i *. \u25a0

XCXAA MISSION— 4 CONNECTING COM-XjUXzXpletely furnished rooms, stove; private.

999' MISSION— SUNNY FURNISHED__._____.<:) rooms, withuse of dining-room, kitchenand bath; £16. .""•-\u25a0\u25a0;'-*' "

-: '\u25a0 ,

9-1 NINETEENTH. NR. HOWARD—FUR-__._LO nished; 3connecting rooms; yard; water;gig. \u25a0

-\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •_-\u25a0*\u25a0

•..l/.NINETEENTH ST.",1% BLOCKS EAsTO—X) Castro-st. cars— Neat :sunny • room withstove, sink, use of wash trays; large yard rentvery reasonable; would exchange partly with re-liable woman for light wash, sewing and generalcleaning. Callsto7p. M.

dfcQ UNFURNISHED— BUNNTBEDROt >MS,tjpO. large kitchen; also bedroom, kitchen,

Ipantry, closet, with storage; $7. 48 Oak st.j 9*l9fk POINT LOBOS AYE.—3 SUNNY FUR-_l__!' shed rooms ior housekeeping, with U3eof bath; $12; no children.


lfiXSILVER. NKAR FOURTH—2 SUNJLU«J furnished rooms for housekeeping.

99 SOUTH PARK-NICE SUNNY* HOUSE-_-— keeping rooms: cheap.

1TO-W X<-CKTON. CORNER OF FILBERTV-*1IXJO 2 nicely jfurnished rooms ior housekeep-ing: cheap rent.. *OOt ITHIRD single and en* suite";j--i--jXJ lighthousekeeping; ?sup; brick building;yard.

099 THIRD—FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE-O—-J keeping suites, $8, $10, $11; single $1 tofl50.

*"1Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK-FUR-OXO nished housekeeping rooms. .2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON VAN

Ness aye. cheap. Call 1744 Market.-

-**_09 WASHINGTON— SI NNY UNII'RNISH-OXJj-i ed housekeeping rooms; running water.-TO WEST .Mission- NICELY FURNISHEDI'*

rooms forhousekeeping: cheap.'"


m*7 ui^rsiTEiro^UN7ifurnished.

"I9 EDDY—BIGHT SUNNY FRONT ROOMS:J.-- newlyfurnished,' and ofiice; cheap. \u25a0*

-7 XA FOLSOM, NEAR THIRD-SUNNYFUR-« o~t nished front room suitable for mau and wifeor 2gentlemen; rent $8."I (nO/_»l *''''s'IM—LABGE, NEWLY FUR-\u25a0IvOU* nished back parlor; use of bath; privatefamily: rent 0. - .. - -

THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126bunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished;

strictlyrespectable; central; very moderate prices.28 Eighth •near Market- A.AY.MANNING.


—window room.

IAQFIFTH NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNYXxJV front rooms; sincle and double; rent low. .01»1I 3 LARGEROOMS, AND WATER.Oil. 2212 Fillmore st., near Clay. S(*9 X GOLDEN GATE AYE.


xJ-LO rushed sunny suite: aso single room;eastern and southern exposure; private family.

7791 HARRISON. NEAR FOURTH—FINE--1 I__-3 lyfurnished sunny rooms; bath; closet;

$1 a w*ie._.

11*_£_ HOWARD—4 NICE UNFURNISHEDXLOO rooms.OAO( » HOWARD—SUITE OF FURNISHED—vOw front rooms; no other roomers.

RS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THEi'-L management of the "Miramar." 703 Geary St.;sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent hoard;elevator; prices moderate, to suit the times.

JONES— LARGE ANDSMALL SUNNYm JONES-LARGE AND SMALL SUNNYfront rooms; well furnished; from $8 to $16

a mouth; private family.

ARLINGTON HOUSE, 127KEARNY—PLEAS-XX ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; first'classinevery respect: terms reasonable.*|-|*|0 LEAVENWORTH, NEAR CALIFOR-J--L-LO nia—4 sunny basement rooms: $10, in-cluding water.

ii"!NinaESTER HOUSE, MARKET AND"Third—Most convenient and respectable: 200

single and family rooms: 25c to $150 per night;•*1 50 to $6 per week ;electric lightsinevery room;free bus. .*1 X GRANT AYE.,NR. GEARY ST., ISUNCLEXO HARRIS',where you can get money.

j TO RENT. WITH USE OF PIANO, HAND-i-somelv furnished parlors for day studio; cen-

ItraL Call 735 Market st.- -

"VTOSEMITEiSOUSE; 1045 MARKET, BET.II -ISixth and Seventh— SingleMARKET,

perJ- Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; pernight, 36c to $1;week, $1 50 to$5; families.

QUNNY DELAWARE, 1151 MARKET—!O gant suites, furnished orunfurnished; sunny

sihgle rooms; rent reasonab.e.HE NIGHTINGALE,1802 MARKET—ELE-gant sunny bay-window rooms; reasonable.

OX Ql MCALLISTER—IOR 2 LARGE FUR-XJXO2 nished rooms for lighthousekeeping.

L*.IB KENT—TO 1 OR .2 :GENTLEMEN,£ nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room;all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocksfrom Kearny and Market sts.; private family;references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call.


NICE SUNNY ROOMS; FUR--1 attted ;veryreasonable.

A.AO Mi:-NA-DOUBLE"dR"3INGLEROOMS;x*±j-jcheap; kitchen ifdesired.AOI.MINNA,NEAR XT NEWLY FUR*-*tUInished front room; suitable for 2gents; gas.


FURNISHED ROOMS FOR1/ -U housekeeping; large yard.\'(— MINNA,cor. EIGHTH—NICELYFUR-UUInished bay-windowrooms; $1a week.'OXQ MISSION— U.R 3IHE D INGLEUIO rooms, 15c to 50c per night; $1 to $2 perWeek.

Ii'PE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION—NICELY-_ furnished rooms, single or en suite: transients.


—xj suites: electric-lights, running water; cheap;

also single rooms; transient solicited, a specialty.

9*l X, POWELL—

QUIET, SUNNY, FUR-*-CiX nished room; $8.

59 SECOND-NICE SINGLE AND DOUBLE—J rooms; cheap; friendly,quietand respectable.

I~x vLi.:;it, 55 SECOND-FAMILY HOUSE *.X new* management; respectable: sunny rooms;

reasonable: transients solicited. M.DALTON.prop.•)•_> SIXTH



00 rooms; single and en suite: $1 to$1 50 a day.11 X A SIXTH—THE PIEDMONT: NICE SUN-i-JL-J ny bay-windowand single rooms reasonable.~A SHTON4II2 TAYLOR—SUITEANDKITCH--ft en.$25 mo.; single, $8, $14 and $20, 60c to$1 per night.

X.A '-_ TURK—SUNNYROOM,WITHFOLDING-O'XO in2-bed, grate, bath; also single.

]AirTWENTIETH, WEST OF CASTRO—-LUJLtJ Furnished rooms to let very cheap in aprivate family fine view; healthy location; to seethem is to real them.

LEASAN_~FURNISHED BOOM, SUITABLE1or 2 persons; private family:north of Market;

4 blocks from Kearny: use kitchen ifdesired; rentreasonable. Address Room, box 32, Call Office.

F" Yip,RENT—TOGENTLEMAN,NICELYFUR-r nlsbed sunny front bay-window room, privatefamily; 8 blocks fromMarket and Kenmy; refer-ences. Address X.Y. Z., box1. Call Oflice.


QUIET,.ROOMS,everything first class. Security, box 116,Call.



UNN V FBONT^SIDITisr «INU—Ugle rooms: best board ;special rates to genlemen forbreakfast and dinner; reasonable.

Till. ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY ANDPolk sL—Quiet and homelike;, charges moder-

ate- board optional;all cars direct.

HOIELBERTLING, 714 OPENED ASa familyhotel; references given and required ;

allmodern conveniences.-



AD^WXJUUvT.nCirTO^L^of children to board; best of care taken. 14

Oak street. . '\u25a0' '';-' .:. -' .'. '\u25a0

GER3IANLADYWISHES CHILDTOBOARD;good home. 4:.5*-*3 Hayes St.

stores to .let.

2T9?T"storeT^'l*i3htH^JJJ»___U. lished saloon 8 years. 911 Folsom St.,near Fifth..AT «28 AND 630 MARKET ST.— STORE*-

room suitable forbarber-shop or. for a trunk,shoe or bicycle store: also on ground floor frontshow- window; offices and deskroom. J.* W.WRIGHT. -'-_':' \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0:•.." '*:'\u25a0,\u25a0;•

*199 TAYLOR—FINE LARGESTORE, 15x40;1— suitable for any business, i

TORE TO LET; RENT CHEAP. CORNERHickory and Gough sts.

Fine new STORE, 3 LIVING-ROOMS,mod-ern improvements: $17 50. 316 Fillmore st.

TORE. 1524 HOWARD ST., CORNER OFLafayette; cheap for any business, with fix-

tures. Apply2838 Mission St., M.CURRAN. ."li-lOR RENT

—A CORNER STORE; GOODJ; stand fordrug or grocery business. Apply W.

B.CLUFF, 17 Sixthst. \u25a0 f

FOUR-STORY BRICK AND-IRON BUILDINGand basement, 608 Sacramento st., containing

elevator, power, *etc.:rent $80. « Apply DAVIDSTERN <_, SONS 20 Montgomery st.


D~"ijsintoo^r_3*roFi'Tc^^who willopen mornings. Room 79, 120 Sutter.ART OF OFFICE TO LET; RENT $5. AP-ply509 Kearny at.,;room B.* .

TO LET—LARGE SUNNYSUITE OF OFFICESon:first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery

St.. rooms 1and 2. *

1" ?LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW~SpREC KELSX__ building, 925 Market: rents low;:;•" no extracharge for gas, janitorservices or heating. Applyat buildingor G.11. I.SEN ACo.. 14 Montg. St.

STABLES TO MX.OBENTTSTABLE; 6 STALLS WITHUSEof lot:1313 Folsom st., bet. Ninth and Tenth.

Applyin bakery. 1

.5_55'-SES TO LET.

435 N^^' ?l!T-A3T© mXTH-0roomß, bath and modern Improvements.

520 !LA:p~BT.-TdI-ET - PART"OF HOUSE;reasonable; references. .'

2919 S^FORNIA_

8 ROOMS. BATH:\u25a0j-jxjxo conservatory; hot-airheaters: modern.$22 S__^°SXil °* c R00M& A- '-D?l**_-*-*-J ** bath; 2816 Laguna ct.§S' HOUSE, 7 BOOMS, 13 HAMPTON**-> place, off Folsom, bet. Second and Thirdsts.

10BEAVER, BET. FIFTEENTH AND SIX-x-y nth* half block from Market st.-9 rooms,hath and stable, with fine grounds rent $30.

O. F. YON RHEIN&CO.,\u25a0

\u25a0"'- -\u25a0- 613 California Bt.TTERY DESIRABLE; SUNNY;NW.CORNERx Gough and Geary sts. :9 large rooms, bath andconservatory: newly painted and papered through-out; 6 bay-windows: fine range; rent $75; waterfree. Apply1306 Geary st.



BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS ANDbath; with stable or without. 16Fair Oaks St..

rear Twenty-first; warm part of Mission: rent tosuit tenant.



'Si '-'\u25a0 APPLY

rXcor.Twenty-seventh and Alabama sts._> SUNNY LIVING-ROOMS,WITH HOT AND0 cold water, cement wash trays, etc.: rentsiu.310 Fillmore st., off Halght.


<JJ»Ta •_ SUNNY HOUSES 3 ROOMS EACH.OIU. 39 Pore st., oft Harrison, near Ninth.


MOND,10 Montgomery st.

SUNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY,NEAR LARKIN;- 9 rooms: bath: renttSO: wa:e;' "\u25a0_

FURNISHED HOUSES.U^fNY"Hoi_*Re-^lO3~CALIFORNIA ST: 9,rooms and bath; modern improvements; rent

reasonable.J7|C El»i>v TORNISHED FLAT,*ROOMS,X X 1O bath an.l large yard: \u25a0**»\u25a0 „

FURNISHED FLATS.": :':' \u25a0" \u25a0'•'-'•*.•";


ROOMS; BATH;£ sunny; reasonable. Address A.^jbox 59, Call.

171 A pacif7cave~sunny furnishedJL .I_ flat;4 rooms; piano: lew rent.

OR 2MONTHsTwiioLE OR PARTOF FUR-nishrd fiat. 1123V-J McAllister sL* $-.5. .

T-LEGART FURNTmIED FLAT-4 ROOMS.-XX bath, stationary tubs.etc: Nineteenth St., nr.Valencia. SI'B'KA CO.. <-0-' -Market st.

"\u25a0'OTTAtTES -° ,KT-

"?TT?**~^iw67ms'7\Vd'bath, WITH STA~-l().blew large lot. 625 Hermann st. W.

NICOL,534-yii California st.-- -

,• j

Oil COTTAGE 4 ROOMS; YARD; SUN:Jjj_.' Second si., I.***:.I'.r.wma'i and Townsend;also flat 5 rooinSjJ-12.


-Twentieth st., corner Dolores, -f14*


v-Kat COTTAGE 5 ROOMS: BATH,CELLAR__-> and yard;rent -'-.".. 1127 Twentieth st.

T-iofTAGIf3"ROOMS:|?S.«APPI.Y 38 VICTOR\J st.. bet. Seventh andEighth, offBryant.

m' grove, Sear LYON—

3* large10i<) sunny roomed cottages; 'Golden Gate

I'ark. . .__ *



5 ROOMS;0 bath, hfljseir.ent, yard, stable.' Corner' of Fif-teenth and Dolores sts.

1 "_*-*(_ BfEOADWAY. N'EAIfTOLKST.—xOJmXJ tage with 5 rooms.ffljQANDUP, CLEAN SELECTED COTTAGES'.'-:\u25a0: -i .*.*:'-\u25a0 SPKCK A<;\u25a0>.. 602 Market st._

___£___ to LET.UPrKi. BAY-WINDOW TLA'TS, 5 ROOMS;____ bath, laundry, stable, with each: rent low.

• Keys 1105 Al&oama st., bet. Twenty-third andTwenty-fourth; withor without stable.QQ"| EDDYST.—3 flats. URNISHED;001 4 and 5 rooms; reasonable.


FLAT 3 ROOMS; GAS,-L-__Ut_» ;waterfree; rent $14. Apply1211b.

9 FLATS 3-ROOMS EACH. 21 GARDEN ST.,.*-• bet. Gib and 7th, oft' Harrison; rent $S and $9.

2FLATS 4 ROOMS *8 ANi' 51ft 205-£ Day st., near Dolores ;iot94 feet frontage ;water

included.1 ADELAIDE PL., OKU TAYLORST.7 BET.2 Qea^ry and Tost—4rooms and basement; rent

$15. Apply611 Post st.

\7* DALE PL.. OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE.,XXJbet. Hyde and Leavenworth— Nice flat 4rooms

3 MODERN, SUNNY 7 AND"8 BOOM FLATS,N.cor. Valencia ana 23d. Apply1315 Gnerrero.


J .*\TEW .ELEGANT SUNNY MODERN TOP-Li tint:"Brooms; bath. 933 Golden Gate aye.,near LazuiK

- ' '--\u25a0

9*l POINT LOBOS AYE.—SUNNYFLAT;6_— 1— rrus.; bath; latest improvements; $16.

fl>lA.NEW, MODERN,3 ROOMS, 2960 FOl7V--*-M-som st. --**-.*-?.;.

£10—5 rooms, 20 Weal Mission st.. XV.NICOL,534*7*3 California st.



&Q 3 ROOMS; SIS. 5 BOOMS AND BATH;'„•'.1028 -Nineteenth st.

i*r_\i *4 NICE ROOMS, HALLAND YARD.1 144 Clementina st.. near Sixth.LARGESUNNY ROOMS: GAS:BATH;•BAY-window; bigyard. 725 Mission sl :\

UNNY S-ROOM FLAT; BATH;GAR 1692Page st.. Golden Gate Park.

A1C* HYDE 5tT—UPPEB FLAT iROOMS;*± 1.D2 pleasantly situated ;rent .7:2. Apply418.d_-Q TWO LARGE SUNN*. ROOMS. WASH-

O. room, for housekeeping. 25 ElginPark.


C l'l.a comfortable home. 112 Erie st.

OUNNY -_i-Rob_*n-LAT: BATH;MODERN;0 $18.' 929 Nineteenth, near Castro.

C LITTLE *l-RO<J.M FLATS: SUN ALLV^ day. 2623 Harrison. Apply G.H.UMBSEN&CO.' . \u25a0

tTvLAT 6 ROOMS; BATH. 9a SIXTH ST.,JT near Market, •

"VTEW ELEGANT FLAT 8 SUNNY ROOMS;__.> s.E. cor. Sacramento and Walnut sts.: lovelyvir-w:.f35. ._ . «i

LAT 5 ROOMS: "BATH: 1219*^ LAGUNASt.: fine cellar and yard. j

C.99 All 3638 SIXTEENTH ST., NEAR»^__.-i.<JU. Market—Nice flat of 6 rooms andbath.

-Vj1 1 SUNN FLAT 8 BOOMS. JESSIE ST.,iJpjLJL- near Hermann and Valencia.

J" ""LAT OF C ROOMS AND BATH;$25. 7061Li.ykir^sL _


bet. Fifteenth ami Sixteenth, Valencia andGuerrero Mi.C->A TURK—FLAT * ROOMS AND BATH;OjLAJ laundry;rent '50.

TOLET—CHEAP; FLAT OF 7 ROOMS ANDbath: hot and cold water. 27 (MsGrove aye.

TAT'STOCKTON— FLAT 6 BOOMS; ALLIM--IXJ provemente: marine view;yard. ;-%*

O- PHYSICIANS—FLAT 1i4 McA I.LISTERSt.. opp. Hall of Records: rent $37 50: 5rooms

and bath. ASHTON*AGARDINER, 411 Mont-gomery St.:Or."li.CALIFORNIA—S2O, UPPER SUNNYjLOXXJ fiat, 5 rooms, bath; lower flat, 4 rooms,Stationary tubs, hot and cold water. 12 50.TVTE'ARCITY HALL;3 FLATS: 6,6,7 ROOMS.IN10. 143, 713 Grove st.


r DIDUCED TO $18 AND $20: MOST DESIR-XX able* flats: large grounds. 931 Lombard St.,one block from Hyde-st. cars. • -

FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH; RENTcheap. 450 Ha.ght st. \u25a0

Qi1(i LOWER FLAT;6 ROOMS ANDBATH.tj.lo. 92 Belcher at., half block from Marketand Fourteenth.

LEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST.. BELOWBryant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to $18.

*Y*OUCAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN1the flats you rent from BALDWIN A HAM-MOND. \u25a0,*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0. '* -




UV/_- furnished rooms complete, stove and gas;, fll., ..--*. .-*.-.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.'. • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0*\u25a0 _

bflCiFIFTH—NEW HOUSE: 2 OR 3 SUNNYOxJO rooms; complete forhousekpg: $12 A$15.

_19Q1 FIFTH-2 SUNNY ROOMS; WATERrtjLOz'Inkitchen; perfectly furnished.i*(\o BUCHANAN,


UU__i*rooms complete; stove, gas and bath; $12.

O9 X BUSH—2 OR 3 NICELYFURNISHEDxJjLO sunny rooms; stove, gas and bath; reason-able. •• "




3 ELEGANT PUTS*jZjOOX nished rooms forhousekeeping; $18. .3 HARRIET ST., OFF HOWARD-SUNNYbay-window room, cheap.



LARGE FURNISHED1rtjU.front room forhousekeeping.

"111Q1 HOWARD—

.HOUSEKEEPINGX.X.XOZ rooms, $10 a month; single rooms, 15cents aday, or$1 a week.

1 M-ARKET—2 OR 3 NICE FURNISHED-L"*t>_-i-housekeeping rooms, also other rooms;cheap. .TA^'MISS ION—NEWLY FURNISHEDX.XJOO rooms, single and housekeeping; cheap.


FURNISHED '\u25a0 HOUSE-XJjLV keeping rooms;bath, gas, range; no chil-dren.

'*\u25a0 ..: "\u25a0- "-. , -\u25a0-

9AQQMARKET—2OR 3 WELL-FURNISHED-fcjUt/Osunny front rooms, for housekeeping. :

-I -ci MINNA, CORNER FOURTH—HOUSE-V -^Ol keeping; completely furnished; double, sin-e

gle; cheap. .*. .-".--.*'- '-."\u25a0\u25a0' .' ". '--\u25a0- . \u25a0\u0084-'.:

XCilMISSION,NEAR SECOND— SUNNYFUR-0\JX Dished bedroom and kitchen; rent $9. * *