N IGHJ OMlOO NtW S - Chronicling America

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY MAY 13 1906 r 6 N IGHJ OMlOO N S r tW Mrs Canman of Nevada spent Saturday with Mrs J E Froom 01 Maple street She will san from YorK 3hortly with her husband Mr Canman for Badon Germany they will spend some time Mr S Harlan arrived recently Battle Creek Mich to take charge o the art department In the Review am Herald Publishing Company at thl place Mr Everlngton of Osborn county Kansas Is vlsljjng at the homo of Mr and Mrs A Moody on Carroll and Oa avenues Last week Mr Heckman of cJlton Pa visited friends at Takoma Park but has now returned to his home Mr and Mrs Ellery Robinson ar guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W A Spicer on Chestnut street Mr and Mrs Keller formerly of Creek Mich arrived at this place last week with a view of continuing their work In the new publishing house at Takoma Park Elder J 8 Washburn and family have resided in this vicinity the four or five years left Wednesday their new home In Nashville Tenn Tuesday Mr and Mrs W Robinson of Occoquan Va formerly of Barce lona Spain visited at the home of their old friends Mr and Mrs on Butternut street Mr E R Palmer from the Pacific Press Publishing Company Mountain View CAl who recently passed through the earthquake experience addressed a large and Interested company of young people at Takoma Hall last Saturday afternoon Elder K C Russell preached last Sat urday at Takoma Hall to a large au dience L B Smith arrived lust week from Battle Crock Mich to assist In putting up machinery in the Review and Herald publishing house Ht will remain as stock keeper of the book department Mr and Mrs C E Miller of Wash- ington D C visited Takoma Park last Tuesday Mrs Ovorfleld spent some time Satur- day in Takoma Park with friends Prof B G Wilkinson of street left last night for ML Vernon Ohio where ne will deliver ttte com mencement address to the graduating class of the college at that place Elder I H Evans of Buffalo street left last week for Berrien Springs Mich where he will be for a few days on bud ness Mr Ellston and son of Georgetown visited Takoma friends last Sunday aft- ernoon Miss Hyett of Washington Heights was in Takoma last Vodnesday Dell Pickard who has boon attend- ing the Washington Training at Takoma left Thursday for his home near Syracuse N T Next week he leaves for the Thousand Island Park where he will spend the summer Last Wednesday evening Mr Dyrcs welltrained chorus of Takoma Park sang again at the M E Church North at Brightwood Park where E C Pow- ers Is pastor J W Dyre leader of chorus also sang with and trained the double quartet of that church Those from Takoma who took part were First sopranos Meedames Love Movers Aus- tin Nealle Washburn Smith and Misses Russell Gould Zeldler Wheeler Waters Perry second so pranos Mesdames Crittenden Jackson Shear and Misses M P Dyre Hopkins Skinner and Mabel Bailey first altos Mesdames Miller Walters and MIMes Pyre Smith Gilbert and Miller second Mesdames Perry McLaughlin Brainard Gould and Miss Carrie Bai ley first tenors Messrs Shedd McCoy Crittenden second tenors Messrs Mc- Laughlin Drs Heald and Palmer first Dass Messrs Smith Dexter N Jackson Shear Drs Nealle and Beatty second bass Messrs Perry Eastorling Dexter Favorite Walters and Austin Mr Alexander H Taltamus who has been at Takoma for some time left Monday for Alexandria Va where he will farm the coming year Miss Gildea who has been attending the Washington Training College left Friday afternoon for her homo in Fred ericksburg Va Mrs Morris formerly of Hamilton Mich who has been with friends in Takoma Park for some time left last week for Alexandria V Mr of Chenwellt Del is In this place visiting friends Mrs J W Lawhead of Carroll ave- nue is still very ill at her home Last week Mr Muncy visited Takoma friends and has now returned to home in Cheswell Del Mrs EH Rogers who has been very ill at her home on Pine street the past few weeks is now convalescent Miss Lulu Swift of Lincoln Park spent Saturday with friends at this place Mr J R Scott and family of North east Washington made a flying visit to Takoma friends last Tuesday Mrs C E Holmes of Blair road visited frends in Washington last Mon dayMr and Mrs Chaso moved last week from Northeast Washington to the Lamonde flat on Maple street Takoma Park Mr and Mrs Harding of Washing ton spent one day last week at Takoma Park with old friends Last Friday evening tho Takoma Hall tho Hyattsvillo Dramatic Club presented their popular play Just for Fun it was well attended and on joyed by all Mr and Mrs Dexter of Brightwodd visited the formers parents Dr Dox ter and Mrs Dexter on Cedar street last Sunday Dr Galloway spent one day last week at his farm near this place Last Saturday Elder J S Wash burn who has been pastor of the M at Washington its who has boon the guest of Mr and Mrs A G Daniels on Blair road the past week left Tues yt Among the arrivals Thursday from Battle Creek Mich to the workers in the new Review and Herald Publishing Company were Mrs Nich- ols and Mrs HendrIcks to their husbands who preceded them to this place Miss Spear also arrived with the company and make her homo with brother Mr Volney H Lucas of Carroll ave- nue i holding a series of meetings in Park Last Wednesday evening Mr diaries F Fitzgerald gave Vaudeville play at Takoma HalL t VJAlonuillirK Bat- tle College I Seem y hIS at Street Memorial since beginning trc llt n n Nash Mr E R Palmer evening for his homo In Mountain Ca man Wilkin- son Eas- terly altos eav1ng for < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Rev Edgar Carpenter last evening attended the conference of the Ogden party at Hampton as trustee of the St Pauls School of Lawrenceville Va He was the guest of George Peabody of New York at the Hotel Chamberlin Miss Ida Evans and Mrs May Hunt are spending some time at Macon Ga Mrs H F Robertson Miss Cora Coch ran and Miss Cora Smoot last Friday evening served tea at the Golf Club- house Mrs C H Zimmernan is sick at hex home in this city Mrs William N V e of Leesburg is visiting friends in Alexandria Conrad Syme of Vashuigton paid a short visit to Alexandria last week Mrs W H Wllltt arid daughter of Lynchburg are visiting friends in this cityMrs Charles T LJndsey had as her fruests last week Miss Dawn Foweler Lindsoy of Bristol and Miss Allio Davies of Bridgewater Courtland Lukens of Fairfax last week went to Philadelphia to attend the funeral of his sister Mrs Ellen Reff snyder Mrs Mary Cox has bought from A S a lot of ground in the alley bounded by lOng Cameron Fayette and Henry streets R F Lee formerly of this city but now of Richmond paid Alexandria a visit last week Edward Hughes was seriously III at his home in this city last week lleut James Smith is laid up with a carbuncle on his neck John W Neville formerly of this city but now of Louisville Ky paid visit to Alexandria last wj ek after an ab sence of fifty years Miss Mittle Herbert paid a visit to Mrs E M Page at the University of Virginia last week Mrs Ella McGraw and daughter Miss Madge of Fredericksburg have made this city their home Miss Hunter of this city has been spending some time in Norfolk Lieut James Lannon U S N was in Alexandria for a short visit last week The Rev Dr Fisher of the First Bap tist Church last week attended the meeting of the Baptist conven tion at Chattanooga State Senator Machen last week paid- a visit to Lexington where he served on the committee of the Legislature to Investigate the complaint against the management of the V M 1 P H Early had as his guests last week Mr Funkhoueer and Albert Prince of Roanoke Mrs Albert Dreyfus and niece Mist Irene Cinstein sailed lest week for Europe where they will visit relatives in Wurtemburg Germany Mrs A C Weech delivered addroescs on temperance last week in Baltimore county Md David Graham and bride have return- ed from their honeymoon Miss May N Dodson and George P Perry both of Winchester wore mar ried by the Rev C D Bulla at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church South last week Misses Kate and Julia Monroe who have been friends in Now York and Brooklyn have returned home John H Trimyer has accepted a posi tion with the Washburn Crosby Milling Company In North Carolina Wallace Fawcett of New York pairl a visit to his old home last week J E Kidwell of Panama was on a visit to Alexandria his old home last week John A Marshall Is spending a few weeks at Atlantic City Capt K Kemper had as his guest last week Dr G W Carrington grand sec- retary of the Masons of Virginia Major R H Hunter paid to Alexandria last week Mrs W J Morton last week enter- tained the Colonial Dames at her in North Washington street Miss of N C who has been visiting relatives In this city returned home last week ac- companied by Miss Irene Lambert A PRINCE OF SILENCE- Sir Henry Peyton was famous a gen- eration or two ago for his team and his lack oven for an Englishman of small talk It Is related in the Life of the second Earl Granvllle that Sr Henry once honored a pretty English- woman with the on the box of his coach for a sixteenmile drive Halfway he opened his lips for the time Woolly weather for coach horses my lady he remarked On another occasion he fairly outdid himself His health was drunk enthusiastically at an agricultural meet Ing Thanks said he and drank their health in return Sitting down he kicked his neighbor Lord Jersey and muttered- I didnt say too much did I Youths Companion I A Hammer lej a a Islt heir Blll le I sat ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Northeast WASHINGTONT- he last mooting of the season of the Johnny Jones Club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Chadwlck 160S Twelfth street northeast Games were played during the early part of the evening and a vocal and instrumental musical program was given Refreshments were served The dining room was tastefully deco rated for the occasion after which danc- ing was enjoyed The following were present MIsaoe Eva Rice Helen MQr ray Ruby Perkins Bertie Walker L1I lie Callahan Elsie Perkins Minnie Walker Bertha Perkins and Frank Barrows Paul Murray Samuel Jock George Sauter Charles Perkins J Mor rison Charles Souder Rona Frailer El mer Metzgor George Mattlngly Mr and Mrs John Callahan Mr and Mrs Wil- liam H Strobert Mrs Strobert Mrs G N Perkins and Mrs Murray The Misses Viola and Louise Walker who are visiting Mr and Mrs E V Rice of Capitol Hill have returned to their home In Philadelphia Pa The parish hall of St Josephs Roman Catholic Church corner Second and C streets northeast was well filled Friday and Saturday nights when a minstrel performance was given Every number on the program welt ap plauded and the entertainment proved to be such a success It was decided to repeat the performance the following evening Among those present were the Rev Valentine F Schmitt the pastor of the church and Rev Ignatius Fealy the assistant pas- tor The program was under the direc- tion of Matt Horns Lieut John Gaylord Church U S N is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs John P Church on Third street north i east For the past eighteen months Lieutenant Church has been In com- mand of a gunboat on the waters about the west coast of Mindanao PI This is his first return home since he was graduated in IfM Funeral services over the remains of Mrs Annie Ports widow of Gideon Ports whose death occurred at Provi- dence Hospital Friday of last week after a long Illness wore held last Monday morning at S3 oclock from her late residence 511 F street north east The services were attended by the Third Order of St Francis and by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of St John Interment was in Con groaeional Cemetery Mrs Ports lied resided in the north- east section of the city for many years She was prominently connected with St Josephs Church She is survived oy two sons and a daughter A meeting of Unity Council No 2 Independent Order of the of Jon adab was held in Melford Hall corner Eighth And I streets northeast W nesday evening Among the large num ber present were visitors from Hope and Georgetown Councils Worthy Chief James A Clarke presided At the conclusion of the regular business ses- sion a goodoftheorder program was rendered with JJ Kieraan In charge J J Spellman and J J Kiernan en ter tai nod with songs and short ad dresses were made by Past Chief J T Farr B N Wild man j x Taulor Phil Weber F E Reeekte J E Hart man M J Harry Hand J J A Clarke and Grand Chief John C Daley The regular monthly meeting of the Ronroc Club was held in the club rooms last Monday night Excelsior Club Entertained Mrs Chambers entertained the mem bers of the Excelsior Literary Club at her home 1005 D street southeast Tues day night Mrs Willis the president occapted the chair Subject matter for- th clubs year book and arrangement of same was discussed and an early meet- ing of the committee having this in charter recommended An interesting ar ticle was read by Mrs Chambers on Ancient Warfare The hostess also gave a talk on Rome As a aiiitary Power A sketch of the Coliseum was given by Mrs Gordon and Mrs Robin son read a on rPozzull A piano solo was contributed by Mrs Frear Funeral services over the remains of Clarence B Entrikin whose death oc- curred Saturday of last week were held last Monday afternoon from Seventh rtreet northeast Interment was made at Glenwood The young man a nephew of Commander B P Entrikin of the Department of the Potomac G A R Ills death occurred at Comman der Entrlklns home The ninth annual meeting of the Ep worth League Union of Washington city and vicinity was held at Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church South Seventh and A streets northeast Friday afternoon and evening A large number was present and the address of the evening was made by Rev C D Harris of Baltimore Md Lodge No 11 International Order of Good Templars met in Mel ford Hall corner Eighth and I streets northeast Monday evening A large woe present including visi tors from Perseverance and Mlnnehaha lodges The meeting was presided over by Chief Templar Richard W Wal dron The feature of the business sex don was the making of arrangements- for an after meeting and social on the third Monday evening in May At the conclusion of the regular routine ness a social session was held which was followed an election of officers for the ensuing quarter The sitting were reelected with the Lion of treasurer Miss Ida Doyle be- ing elected to that office The goodoftheorder program which was conducted by the chair piano solos by Henry J Jeffries ad- dresses by T L orby grand templar Mrs T L Corby Mrs J R Harrovor Miss Boyd and Messrs Russell FOs- ter Jeffries Waldron and Perry and a reading from a temperance Journal by Mr l r jSr Japanese Tea Given I Under the direction of Miss Virginia Raymond the president of the Y P C E Society of Ninth Street Christian Church a delightful Japanese tea was given by that organization last week The program was as follows Chinese song Junior Christian Endeavorcrs Japanese song Genevieve Stevens In Miss American song Alma Nielson Japanese recitation Miss Jessie Gray Indian song Ruby Raymond Following the entertainment a sale of refreshments anti Japanese Articles was held from which was realized a substan- tial sum which will be placed In the treasury of the society I I Friday night I I I I I OTIS p per 71 Friendship b of- f ccrs vas Sons a Arm- strong its at- tendance busi 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs O R Johnson of Washington has been visiting her daughter Mrs Warner Tallaferro of College Park Miss Hygen of Chrlstlanla Norway Is spending the summer with Mrs R A Bennett Mrs Mae B Walker of Richmond Va who has been the guest of Mrs R A Bennett loft for Washington on Thursday where she will spend some tlmoxit the Driscoll before returning to Richmond A dance will be given by the juniors of the Maryland Agricultural College to the seniors in the college chapel on May 18 Miss Lydia Fuller of Columbia S C has been visiting Miss Jennie Kerr of College Park The family of S P Veltoh has re- turned to College Park after spending the winter in Washington Mrs C W Blrdsall of Maryland avenue Is visiting flrends in Indiana Mrs John C Huston of Washington was visiting friends in Hyattsvllle the first of the week Mrs Sarah Wardell of Boulder CoL who has been spending the winter with her daughter Mrs Grant loft for lion home on Tuesday Robert F Simms and family have moved from Washington into the Elliot property on Maryland avonue Mrs Charles and Miss May Allen of Washington were guests of air and Mrs J R Risdon of Rlvordale last week Mr De Groa of Washington has Adams avenue euny In the future air and Mrs A H HIllls and family of Washington have been the guests of air and Mrs De Witt Corkins of East Rlverdale lt i Ladies Social Session The Ladles Auxiliary of the River dale Citizens Association will hold their monthly social ees on in the Calvert Mansion on Tuesday A liter- ary and musical program will be ren- dered and refreshments served The proceeds of the entertainment giveR by Ruth Chapter No 7 for benefit of the San Francisco sufferers on last Saturday evening amounted to 76 The program was an excellent one The Hyvutsvilfe Dramatic Club re- peated Poor Pillicoddy Little Mies aiarguerite aiders of Rlverdate ren- dered several songs Mrs George N Wells recited and Harold Burnees played a violin solo MISS Evelyn Lewis also sang and was accompanied on the piano by alias A Mae Rogers After the program an impromptu dance was given The Prince George County Medical As- sociation a branch of the Maryland State Medical organization met yester- day at 12 oclock in the chapel of the Maryland Agricultural Department and Dr Buckley of the Maryland experi ment station addressed the convention Dr W 0 Enefiaid of College the president oo the association and Hyattsvlile is represented on its rolls by Drs Perry Latimor and Btrdsall An entertainment and dance was gives at the Calvert Mansion on Friday even- ing last by Miss Conn and the mem- bers of her dancing school The pro gram consisted of a Japanese dance in costume a whistling solo by aiiss Small songs by Miss Meyer piano solos by Mrs and Marguerete Meyer and the Misses Maggie and Helen aieyer Affairs in Town Council A meeting of the town council was held on Wednesday evening aiessrs Long and Darnall were absent Pend ing the Istallatlon of electric lights it was ordered that all and fixtures not in use be that the filling of lamps be dispensed with On motion of Dr Owens mayorelect the council meet on Monday at which elected council will bo sworn in At tie town election on Monday at which Dr elected mayor and four men wore selected the vote by wards was as follows Ward Owens 43 Richardson for 41 John Fainter jr council man for two years 42 C N Darnall councilman for one year 43 Second Ward Owens 68 Richardson OS councilman for two years DevlinS- O Long 9 S Third 57 Richardson 78 councilman for two years aiudd 42 BoRis 37 tS 1 Citizens Association Meeting The Citizens Association of Riverdale met on Monday in the Library of the Presbyterian Sunday school President- S M aicailllan presided and William B Severe was secretary The electric light question was discussed at length It was stated that the Washington Railway and Electric Company had offered to furnish light to Rlverdale citizens at the same price as to Wash- ington patrons A number present sig nified their willingness to take lights and immediate steps will be taken to se cure the required number of patrons A statement was presented by the committee on roads and sidewalks air riundon chairman In reference to the roadway which the City and Suburban Railway wusJ instructed to open along its right of way on aiaryland avenue between Jefferson and Cleveland The company was warned by steps were taken by that company toj extend their right of way to include the roadway condemnation proceedings would be resorted to and the costs charged to the company In reply to this the company stated that they had lost the agreement arid asked that a copy of the one made in 1S01 be fdr warded by the commissioners The sec retary to the ordered- to do this the vaults at the Marlboro Court House the doc- ument could not be found This announcement created a sensation at the meeting papers were lost or stolen has not been ascertained The school board committee made a report through its chairman Mr The receipt of a large quantity from the Agricultural Department and through A P Gorman for distribution by the association was acknowledged urchased a use on whleh he Will the J Park- s Hinkle lamp adjure Owen ne Frt Czar ave- nues the county unless commissioner mid BrIght I gyzvI e ut wits commissioners that ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ John W Brown has been appointed postmaster at Barnesville succeeding W Orme Edna Ward of Washington Grove has be n visiting friends at Galthersburgvund Unity At the organization of the new coun- cil for this town on Wednesday night lust Carey Kingdon was reelected clerk to tho board Peter Duffy a wellknown and high- ly respected citizen of this county died at Providence Hospital Washing- ton city on Wednesday morning last A hoary frost occurred here on Wed- nesday night last and gardeners and fruit growers are very apprehensive that of their produce has beon Injured Mr jid Mrs E U Ward Alexander LeRoy and Miss Lottie Boll of Wash- ington were the guests of Miss Edna Yard of Washington Grove for ten days recently The contest for the Warner 2 in gold prize will take place at Rockville May 19 at 10 a m when the winners in tho districts on Friday will com- pete On Tuesday lust the county commis- sioners appointed Dr 0 aL Llnthlcum physician at the county Jail for term of two years dating from January 1 1906 and R Benjamin Bean janitor at the court house Miss Margaret Baker daughter of air and Mrs Jonathan W Baker aged fortytwo at the home of her parents near Station this county on Sunday last Her remains were Interred in Rockville Cemetery The following constables have been bonded and are qualified to met as such Second district William W Hesse and Wlnfteld Rice third Ran- dolph Luhn eighth Armetus Sullivan ninth Thomas Smell tenth Benjamin Peyton Wnalen eleventh Richard Gray thirteenth Wade Hughes The Montgomery county baseball league composed of six teams has prepared its schedule for the season which will begin on May S when Washington Grove will play Kensing- ton at Kensington Takoma Park and Poolesville at Poolesville and Boyds and Roekrllle at Rockville will close in September Margaret Bowman wife of Augustus Bowman dropped dead in the yard of her residence at Breoke vilie on Saturday afternoon last was in the house at the time and was found lying in the yard by a colored boy who lives with J W Whiteslde in the adjoining house She was in her sixtyfourth year and leaves a husband and three sons The funeral of Mrs Clara V Heeter Creamer who on Wednesday of last week at near Glen this county took niece on Saturday after- noon from Potomac ChapeL Rev Er nest L Woolf the pastor officiated and the interment was made In the cemetery adjoining the church Marl Howe Howe Totten and rotten have in court here against the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Company to recover damages in of fHMXM The bill sets forth that sparks trove the companys engines set fire to leaves that had accumulated through the negligence caus- ing the destruction of a large number of shrubbery f different kinds on the plaintiffs farm at Boyds Attorney Robert B Peter the plaintiffs At the annual meeting of the Farmers Banking and Trust of Mont county on Monday following directors wre elect- ed Samuel L Phillips Edward Wootton Edward C Peter Grlggith WM liam Veins Bottle Williams Hor- ace D Waters John W Walker Joy Edson Deets Welsh W Derby The directors elected the following officers of the bank William Velrs Boulc Edward C Peter first vice Edward Wootton second vice president Philip D secretary William W Welsh John J Higgins assistant treasurer Mrs Prances Creamer former resi- dent of this county died a few days ago at WHHamsport Pa of pneumonia Her remains were brought to tnte county for I terment C Utnden King who lately retired Iron the board of county school commission- ers visited ReckvIHe on Monday Speaking from his experience in board he stated that the increase in the number of members of the board to six would prove a fruitful step In the school system Heretofore the county was divided up among three commis- sioners and none of the was able to do full territory allotted to his management In a cleverly played game the Rock vlUe baseball team defeated the Tech- nical High School team of Washington at the Fair grounds on last Satur day by a score of 6 to 4 The pitching of Ed Taylor the locals was entirely too much for the Washingtonians He out eleven men Reichard for also pitched well having nine strikeouts to his credit J William Wormley colored charged with murderous assault in two cases upon Adair Brooks and Robert Hayes colored was given a hearing on Wednes- day last before justice Brewer in tills town The evidence upon the of the State showed that guilty of an unprovokeXJ outrageous as sault upon air Brooke with a pitchfork and upon Hayes because he stepped In between air Qrooke and Wormley as peacemaker so the justice thought He hold a prisoner in default of ban of in each case The assault was com- mitted on the farm of air Brooke on Saturday Dr Crawford agej seventy three years one of the most widely of this county who home at Laytonsvllle on Fri day last was burled on Monday In Boshen aL T Cemetery in the presence of several hundred persons The two days race meeting to be held at the Fair Grounds at this place on May 15 and 16 promises to t very In teresting There will also be a running race each day The board of county school commis- sioners as enlarged by the recent act of the Legislature met and organized on aionday last The board was called to order 1 y R RIc In nominating Mr Rice as president of the Mr Farquhar complimented him his efforts in behalf of schools of Alan much G a ers die T- heSe N- oon die T Edit Tote Goral rOd tree rope CoIn goer Bar Jon JAm Lid a lat commissioner hero for stuck Par was last know George boar 1s4o CKV1 I IC tton sot presi- dent presi- dent i i 5 after- noon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ roo air and Mrs Farquhar have returned to their Michigan avenue home after months travel through Europe The trip Included a visit to the Holy Land and many other places of interest Next Thursday night will be a meeting at the town the organ- ization of a Brookiand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star It is ex- pectod the chapter wilt start with a membership of at least fifty drawn largely from Brookland and Blooming Ladies Aid Society f the Brook land Baptist Church an making ar- rangements to give a lawn party on Tuesday evening June i- aiiss Houten has been appointed as sibtant principal of the Brookland school the position recently va- cated Lamb At a recent meeting of the Phunnyj Phellows Club the following were elected President Fred F Tame still vice president Edwin aiarean sec- retary Ralph aioteter treasurer Charles Hanna corresponding secretary E A Carpenter Mrs JSldrldgc and Mies Knight of aieunt Pleasant spent Sunday at the home ef Colonel Mr Wanger to Preach Newton Wenger of the First Bteptfet Church of Washington wilt preach at the Brookland Lapttot Church today Last Sunday at the Baptist Church airs a missionary to Japan spoke country and the work be- ing done She was accompanied by a young Japanese girl who has OF ate here- to study kindergarten Miss Jean of Va ta of West Brookland The Brookland baseball team have been rather unsuccessful the past week hut it is when aianager Barnhoit and Captain Colts have tried all their players tiwy will be able to pick a team Mission Circle Tea On Tuesday evening May IS at the Baptist the Ladles Mission Cir- cle will a missionary tea Every country will be represented by curies and people ht muhre dress Doting the evening will be ftre or ten nile Rhee oC Korea Mrs and Mrs Rledel Tea and wafers will be served to all from the tea garden following are mittees Speakers Marean Mrs Lawless Mrs Grant Miss Brown Africa Mrs Mobster Miss Beasts Lynch Mrs Prirom Miss Kurd Miss MISS May Stroman Misses and Miss Stale Lord India Hess Schwier Maxwell Hughes Scrivener K Oaiera Florence Jack- son Merle WWteside H Moister E Lawrence and Messrs Lawrence and Taylor Japan Misses Edith Brown Etz Prlram Lucy MIddle kauff Sherwood Katie Lynch Klnnan De Loach Katherine Lord and aiessrs Paul Mkkllekauff and Herbert Crimm Horns Missions Mrs Etz Mrs Gal bralth Mrs De Loach Anna Lynch Ed- na Louise Sturgis Mrs Ertley Misses Hughes M OMeara- E Bailey aiesers W Lanthan and Eva Enjoyable Surprise As enjoyable surprise was at the home of air and Mrs Charles E Moister last night in honor of the birthday Miss Helen Most of the evening was spent in dancing anti games Among those present were the aiisses- E Jullien Margaret Clark T Henry Katherine Burton Burke Emily HetfieW Ethel and Evelyn Washington Amelia Etz and Greet Tanslll Messrs Milton W- Xiddlekauff Fred Mc Hugh J Noel Walter and Johnafe Gal- lagher J Rodler Paul Jollies and R Nolster At the young peoples meeting of the Baptist church Mrs Winblgier tary of the District for the Baptist convention gave an interesting talk on the mountain school work In stead of the regular contributions they have proposed to collect a small library which they will send to the uneducated mountaineers the air Rice declined t have the board saying he had served his time in that responsi- ble position Upon resuming the chair air Lame expressed his appreciation of the honor and diligent and painstaking discharge of the duties as president of the board Much time was consumed in the choice of a superintendent There were but two formal applications on file namely that of Earl Wood principal of the Rock- ville Gronar School and William Dar ty principal of the Hyattsvllle public school The indorsements of Mr on file were quite voluminous the highest character and Included the recommendations about 81 per cent of the teachers of the county air Darby filed no letters of recom- mendations but the president and other members of the beard called attention to the fact that he had Keen commended by not a few citizens ot the county for the position air Farquhar in a very effective speech placed the Rev S R White In nomination but air White declined to allow his name to go before the board Cn motion of Farquhar the board proceeded to elect a superintendent by ballot and without nominations which resulted In there being cast four for air Wood and two votes Darby air Wood was educated in the public schools of Frederick and aiontgomery spending much of his boyhood In of his aunt Mrs Harry Riggs of Gosh u Ho afterward gradu- ated with honors from the male high school of Frederick City since which he has been teaching In the public schools of Frederick and Montgomery counties While engaged in teaching he has taken several courses under private tutors in correspondence schools and In Institu- tions in Washiigton all of which have tended to make him a liberal educator t I the dale fUnS b TonS Wake Wake r dug ex wag Curb tee te De a In d Jane Irs Hon Pate Lynch Wal- ter Sim- s Jack Par give Sturdy tel DAis ser count pledge rod of Ir vote I unto 4 itt sex out i Riexuler former mnisslenar to ls The Watson Margaret t hIt I o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = The regular monthly meeting of the North Washington Citizens Association was held last Monday night in Haslip a Hall First and V streets northwest A resolution was adopted expressing Commissioner Kacfarland their appre- ciation of his adios in accepting a thin term tcy a member of the Board of Commissioners Upon the request of officiate of the Playground It was te send to the Senate of the ap- peal for a larger appropriation for this work A communIcation from the Capi- tol Heights Citizens Association asking for an indorsement of the bill introduc- ed by Representative HeiOin requiring the establishment of Jim Crow cars was referred to the executive commute The president asked for suggestions concerning the recommendatIons that should be suede by the association ti- the Conuataskmers for the improvement of certain streets and stated that this would be discussed at the next of the association o June 4 The opening ef W and Adams streets from First to North Capitol streets was discussed A committee was appointed to draft reotot10M on this death f H H Fulton a former member of the association The were re- ceived into Nelson E M HaMetback T P Rooaey and J- W Clarey The Ladles Bow Knot Auxiliary of Capitol Circle Ko SO PH C must r 44R street northwest the good of the dub were offered b Secretary Bertfe Kirch r Mrs R Peterson Mrs Bryan Mrs Eva NalJey and Mies Lottie WakeneicU Later those adjourned to dining room where refreshment Those invited to meet the lad s White Miss Veraitlion air Mr Crawford sad Mr Kirchei- R weaDedg e Wedding A pretty wedding took place test Wed- nesday evening at the residence of Mr and Mr Charles D Bowen formerly of Moines Iowa at US Fifth street northwert when their only daughter aitae K Rowen was married to Frederick Dodge of this city Palms and Koses were used profusely in decoration of the parlor ant dining room Lohengrins Wedding March was played as the couple entered ceded by the flower girl Mtas Virginia- Wanner a cousin of the bride She wa dressed la white axed carried n of flowers which contained tTv wedding ring The Rev Richard R of the Maryland Avenue Bapti Church fliciated The bride was gown- ed in a beautiful white silk and a pub lace coat She carried a huge bout of sweet peas and wore orange Woe some in her hair Alter a buffet supper the couple left for a ten days visit Atlantic City The brides traveling gown was of Alice blue silk with hue and stoves to match JiJ U Bloomingdale Lost a Baseball The Btooxatogdale AtWetfe Club jour- neyed down to Alexandria last week and played a game with the Athletic Club of that city in which the Bloom ingdatee lost out by a score of 13 to 10 Carter who lives at 1108 Third was probably fatally injured test week at Second and 0 streets northwest He was unloading a wagon when a telegraph pole weighing perhaps 2OW pounds fell bearing h3 body to the ground His bead was badly injured and he was hurt Patrick Fealey sixtyfive years of ag who resided at 4W Rhode Island avenue northwest died suddenly on test Sun- day morning His death was due Indigestion The funeral took hue residence yesterday morn- ing at 9tt oclock Requiem mass was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church at M oclock The reel estate of Moore Hill has sold house Stet Fiagter street north- west Bioomingdale for Harry Ward man for the sum of LISt This is the last home of a row of twentythree which Mr erected on this street The Le Droits met recently at tho home of the vice precedent Miss Nell Fielding 4tt T street northwest As usual games were played after all the business of the meeting had been trans Refreshments were at a The Rode Island Avenue Methodist Baseball Club which to composed al most entirely of Bloosiiagdale young men crossed bets last week with the Brookland tem on the grounds the Rhode Island winning out by a score of 4 to 2 A competitive drill between crack squads representing Companies E and H of the Second Regiment Boys Bri- gade took place recently in the base- ment of the Assembly Presbyterian Church The contest was won by a small majority of points by the squad from Company H commanded by Capt J F Meacham Mrs Phil May of Charleston W Va is here on a visit to her and parents at the home of the J1 Sixth street northwest Thomas seventy years of age died last his home 172 Flftii street northwest Heart disease was the cause of his death Mr body was not found until a he had As he was in the habit of from home and remaining two or three days at a time his relaties were not alarmed by his absence When a member of his family to the door Of his teens and found was locked- a policeman was summoned The door was broken open and the body found upon the bed A reception was held lent Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs Edward Ermantraut the occasion being the 2Mh anniversary of their wedding During the evening they were the recipients f many handsome pieces from their friends and relatives Lieut John Gaylord Church U S N is visiting his parents air and Church at their home on Third stree northwesx- In a hardhitting gent the Blooming dale Athletic Club last week defeat the U and I Fraternity by a acer of 15 to 5 A pleasant evening was spent recent- ly at the home of Mrs Steers the cnftlou being the birthday of her daugh- ter Minnie Musk games and sot S were the amusements until a late hour when refreshments were served t dee matte tow at Wake P PIt t we- re Nay t h pr petty t Rot t- act plac Wan ate ere toners ser HOer Hovers die gong wet C c sw R s eatly the resence o M Lottie slon remarks fr J505l0 E Abbott Treasurcr present i Des Nee i iedel intern- ally first 4 Mrs 5 > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

Transcript of N IGHJ OMlOO NtW S - Chronicling America

Page 1: N IGHJ OMlOO NtW S - Chronicling America






tWMrs Canman of Nevada spent

Saturday with Mrs J E Froom 01Maple street She will san fromYorK 3hortly with her husband MrCanman for Badon Germanythey will spend some time

Mr S Harlan arrived recentlyBattle Creek Mich to take charge othe art department In the Review amHerald Publishing Company at thlplace

Mr Everlngton of Osborn countyKansas Is vlsljjng at the homo of Mrand Mrs A Moody on Carroll and Oaavenues

Last week Mr Heckman of cJltonPa visited friends at Takoma Parkbut has now returned to his home

Mr and Mrs Ellery Robinson arguests at the home of Mr and MrsW A Spicer on Chestnut street

Mr and Mrs Keller formerly ofCreek Mich arrived at this place

last week with a view of continuingtheir work In the new publishing houseat Takoma Park

Elder J 8 Washburn and familyhave resided in this vicinity thefour or five years left Wednesdaytheir new home In Nashville Tenn

Tuesday Mr and Mrs W Robinsonof Occoquan Va formerly of Barcelona Spain visited at the home oftheir old friends Mr and Mrs

on Butternut streetMr E R Palmer from the Pacific

Press Publishing Company MountainView CAl who recently passed throughthe earthquake experience addressed alarge and Interested company of youngpeople at Takoma Hall last Saturdayafternoon

Elder K C Russell preached last Saturday at Takoma Hall to a large audience

L B Smith arrived lust week fromBattle Crock Mich to assist In puttingup machinery in the Review and Heraldpublishing house Ht will remain asstock keeper of the book department

Mr and Mrs C E Miller of Wash-ington D C visited Takoma Park lastTuesday

Mrs Ovorfleld spent some time Satur-day in Takoma Park with friends

Prof B G Wilkinson ofstreet left last night for ML VernonOhio where ne will deliver ttte commencement address to the graduatingclass of the college at that place

Elder I H Evans of Buffalo streetleft last week for Berrien Springs Michwhere he will be for a few days on budness

Mr Ellston and son of Georgetownvisited Takoma friends last Sunday aft-ernoon

Miss Hyett of Washington Heightswas in Takoma last Vodnesday

Dell Pickard who has boon attend-ing the Washington Training atTakoma left Thursday for his homenear Syracuse N T Next week heleaves for the Thousand Island Parkwhere he will spend the summer

Last Wednesday evening Mr Dyrcswelltrained chorus of Takoma Parksang again at the M E Church Northat Brightwood Park where E C Pow-ers Is pastor J W Dyre leader ofchorus also sang with and trained thedouble quartet of that church Thosefrom Takoma who took part were Firstsopranos Meedames Love Movers Aus-tin Nealle Washburn Smith and

Misses Russell Gould ZeldlerWheeler Waters Perry second sopranos Mesdames Crittenden JacksonShear and Misses M P Dyre HopkinsSkinner and Mabel Bailey first altosMesdames Miller Walters and MIMesPyre Smith Gilbert and Miller second

Mesdames Perry McLaughlinBrainard Gould and Miss Carrie Bailey first tenors Messrs Shedd McCoyCrittenden second tenors Messrs Mc-Laughlin Drs Heald and Palmer firstDass Messrs Smith Dexter N JacksonShear Drs Nealle and Beatty secondbass Messrs Perry Eastorling DexterFavorite Walters and Austin

Mr Alexander H Taltamus who hasbeen at Takoma for some time leftMonday for Alexandria Va where hewill farm the coming year

Miss Gildea who has been attendingthe Washington Training College leftFriday afternoon for her homo in Fredericksburg Va

Mrs Morris formerly of HamiltonMich who has been with friends inTakoma Park for some time left lastweek for Alexandria V

Mr of Chenwellt Del is In thisplace visiting friends

Mrs J W Lawhead of Carroll ave-nue is still very ill at her home

Last week Mr Muncy visited Takomafriends and has now returned tohome in Cheswell Del

Mrs E H Rogers who has been veryill at her home on Pine street the pastfew weeks is now convalescent

Miss Lulu Swift of Lincoln Parkspent Saturday with friends at thisplace

Mr J R Scott and family of Northeast Washington made a flying visitto Takoma friends last Tuesday

Mrs C E Holmes of Blair roadvisited frends in Washington last MondayMr

and Mrs Chaso moved last weekfrom Northeast Washington to theLamonde flat on Maple street TakomaParkMr and Mrs Harding of Washington spent one day last week at TakomaPark with old friendsLast Friday evening tho TakomaHall tho Hyattsvillo Dramatic Clubpresented their popular play Just forFun it was well attended and onjoyed by allMr and Mrs Dexter of Brightwodd

visited the formers parents Dr Doxter and Mrs Dexter on Cedar streetlast SundayDr Galloway spent one day last weekat his farm near this placeLast Saturday Elder J S Washburn who has been pastor of the M

at Washingtonits

who has boon theguest of Mr and Mrs A G Danielson Blair road the past week left TuesytAmong the arrivals Thursdayfrom Battle Creek Mich to theworkers in the new Review and HeraldPublishing Company were Mrs Nich-

ols and Mrs HendrIcks to theirhusbands who preceded them to thisplace Miss Spear also arrived with thecompany and make her homo withbrotherMr Volney H Lucas of Carroll ave-

nue i holding a series of meetings inPark

Last Wednesday evening Mr diariesF Fitzgerald gave Vaudevilleplay at Takoma HalL t





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Street Memorialsince beginning trcllt n

n NashMr E R Palmer

evening for his homo In MountainCaman




eav1ng for























The Rev Edgar Carpenter last eveningattended the conference of the Ogdenparty at Hampton as trustee of theSt Pauls School of Lawrenceville VaHe was the guest of George Peabodyof New York at the Hotel Chamberlin

Miss Ida Evans and Mrs May Huntare spending some time at Macon Ga

Mrs H F Robertson Miss Cora Cochran and Miss Cora Smoot last Fridayevening served tea at the Golf Club-house

Mrs C H Zimmernan is sick at hexhome in this city

Mrs William N V e of Leesburg isvisiting friends in Alexandria

Conrad Syme of Vashuigton paid ashort visit to Alexandria last week

Mrs W H Wllltt arid daughter ofLynchburg are visiting friends in thiscityMrs

Charles T LJndsey had as herfruests last week Miss Dawn FowelerLindsoy of Bristol and Miss AllioDavies of Bridgewater

Courtland Lukens of Fairfax lastweek went to Philadelphia to attend thefuneral of his sister Mrs Ellen Reffsnyder

Mrs Mary Cox has bought fromA S a lot of ground inthe alley bounded by lOng CameronFayette and Henry streets

R F Lee formerly of this city butnow of Richmond paid Alexandria avisit last week

Edward Hughes was seriously III athis home in this city last week

lleut James Smith is laid up with acarbuncle on his neck

John W Neville formerly of this citybut now of Louisville Ky paid visitto Alexandria last wj ek after an absence of fifty years

Miss Mittle Herbert paid a visit toMrs E M Page at the University ofVirginia last week

Mrs Ella McGraw and daughter MissMadge of Fredericksburg have madethis city their home

Miss Hunter of this city has beenspending some time in Norfolk

Lieut James Lannon U S N wasin Alexandria for a short visit last week

The Rev Dr Fisher of the First Baptist Church last week attended themeeting of the Baptist convention at Chattanooga

State Senator Machen last week paid-a visit to Lexington where he servedon the committee of the Legislature toInvestigate the complaint against themanagement of the V M 1

P H Early had as his guests lastweek Mr Funkhoueer and Albert Princeof Roanoke

Mrs Albert Dreyfus and niece MistIrene Cinstein sailed lest week forEurope where they will visit relativesin Wurtemburg Germany

Mrs A C Weech delivered addroescson temperance last week in Baltimorecounty Md

David Graham and bride have return-ed from their honeymoon

Miss May N Dodson and George PPerry both of Winchester wore married by the Rev C D Bulla at theparsonage of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch South last week

Misses Kate and Julia Monroe whohave been friends in Now Yorkand Brooklyn have returned home

John H Trimyer has accepted a position with the Washburn Crosby MillingCompany In North Carolina

Wallace Fawcett of New York pairla visit to his old home last week

J E Kidwell of Panama was on avisit to Alexandria his old home lastweek

John A Marshall Is spending a fewweeks at Atlantic City

Capt K Kemper had as his guest lastweek Dr G W Carrington grand sec-retary of the Masons of Virginia

Major R H Hunter paid toAlexandria last week

Mrs W J Morton last week enter-tained the Colonial Dames at herin North Washington street

Miss of NC who has been visiting relatives Inthis city returned home last week ac-companied by Miss Irene Lambert

A PRINCE OF SILENCE-Sir Henry Peyton was famous a gen-

eration or two ago for his teamand his lack oven for an Englishmanof small talk It Is related in the Lifeof the second Earl Granvllle that SrHenry once honored a pretty English-woman with the on the box of hiscoach for a sixteenmile driveHalfway he opened his lips for the

timeWoolly weather for coach horses my

lady he remarkedOn another occasion he fairly outdid

himself His health was drunkenthusiastically at an agricultural meetIngThanks said he and drank their

health in returnSitting down he kicked his neighbor

Lord Jersey and muttered-I didnt say too much did IYouths Companion


AHammer lej


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he last mooting of the season of theJohnny Jones Club was held Tuesdayevening at the home of Mr and MrsFrank Chadwlck 160S Twelfth streetnortheast Games were played duringthe early part of the evening and avocal and instrumental musical programwas given Refreshments were servedThe dining room was tastefully decorated for the occasion after which danc-ing was enjoyed The following werepresent MIsaoe Eva Rice Helen MQrray Ruby Perkins Bertie Walker L1Ilie Callahan Elsie Perkins MinnieWalker Bertha Perkins and FrankBarrows Paul Murray Samuel JockGeorge Sauter Charles Perkins J Morrison Charles Souder Rona Frailer Elmer Metzgor George Mattlngly Mr andMrs John Callahan Mr and Mrs Wil-liam H Strobert Mrs Strobert MrsG N Perkins and Mrs Murray

The Misses Viola and Louise Walkerwho are visiting Mr and Mrs E VRice of Capitol Hill have returned totheir home In Philadelphia Pa

The parish hall of St JosephsRoman Catholic Church corner Secondand C streets northeast was well filledFriday and Saturday nights when aminstrel performance was given Everynumber on the program welt applauded and the entertainment provedto be such a success Itwas decided to repeat the performancethe following evening Among thosepresent were the Rev Valentine FSchmitt the pastor of the church andRev Ignatius Fealy the assistant pas-tor The program was under the direc-tion of Matt Horns

Lieut John Gaylord Church U S Nis visiting his parents Mr and MrsJohn P Church on Third street north

i east For the past eighteen monthsLieutenant Church has been In com-mand of a gunboat on the waters aboutthe west coast of Mindanao P I Thisis his first return home since he wasgraduated in IfM

Funeral services over the remains ofMrs Annie Ports widow of GideonPorts whose death occurred at Provi-dence Hospital Friday of last weekafter a long Illness wore held lastMonday morning at S3 oclock fromher late residence 511 F street northeast The services were attended bythe Third Order of St Francis and bythe Ladies Auxiliary of the Knightsof St John Interment was in Congroaeional Cemetery

Mrs Ports lied resided in the north-east section of the city for many yearsShe was prominently connected withSt Josephs Church She is survivedoy two sons and a daughter

A meeting of Unity Council No 2Independent Order of the of Jonadab was held in Melford Hall cornerEighth And I streets northeast Wnesday evening Among the large number present were visitors from Hopeand Georgetown Councils WorthyChief James A Clarke presided At theconclusion of the regular business ses-sion a goodoftheorder program wasrendered with J J Kieraan In chargeJ J Spellman and J J Kiernan enter tai nod with songs and short addresses were made by Past Chief J TFarr B N Wild man j x TaulorPhil Weber F E Reeekte J E Hartman M J Harry Hand JJ A Clarke and Grand ChiefJohn C Daley

The regular monthly meeting of theRonroc Club was held in the club roomslast Monday night

Excelsior Club EntertainedMrs Chambers entertained the mem

bers of the Excelsior Literary Club ather home 1005 D street southeast Tuesday night Mrs Willis the presidentoccapted the chair Subject matter for-th clubs year book and arrangement ofsame was discussed and an early meet-ing of the committee having this incharter recommended An interesting article was read by Mrs Chambers onAncient Warfare The hostess also

gave a talk on Rome As a aiiitaryPower A sketch of the Coliseum wasgiven by Mrs Gordon and Mrs Robinson read a on rPozzull A pianosolo was contributed by Mrs Frear

Funeral services over the remains ofClarence B Entrikin whose death oc-curred Saturday of last week were heldlast Monday afternoon from Seventhrtreet northeast Interment was madeat Glenwood The young man anephew of Commander B P Entrikinof the Department of the Potomac GA R Ills death occurred at Commander Entrlklns home

The ninth annual meeting of the Epworth League Union of Washingtoncity and vicinity was held at EpworthMethodist Episcopal Church SouthSeventh and A streets northeast Fridayafternoon and evening A large numberwas present and the address of theevening was made by Rev C D Harrisof Baltimore Md

Lodge No 11 InternationalOrder of Good Templars met in Melford Hall corner Eighth and I streetsnortheast Monday evening A large

woe present including visitors from Perseverance and Mlnnehahalodges The meeting was presided overby Chief Templar Richard W Waldron The feature of the business sexdon was the making of arrangements-for an after meeting and social on thethird Monday evening in May At theconclusion of the regular routineness a social session was held whichwas followed an election of officersfor the ensuing quarter The sitting

were reelected with theLion of treasurer Miss Ida Doyle be-ing elected to that office

The goodoftheorder program whichwas conducted by the chairpiano solos by Henry J Jeffries ad-dresses by T L orby grand templarMrs T L Corby Mrs J R HarrovorMiss Boyd and Messrs Russell FOs-ter Jeffries Waldron and Perry anda reading from a temperance Journalby Mr

l r jSr

Japanese Tea Given I

Under the direction of Miss VirginiaRaymond the president of the Y PC E Society of Ninth Street ChristianChurch a delightful Japanese tea wasgiven by that organization last weekThe program was as follows Chinesesong Junior Christian EndeavorcrsJapanese song Genevieve Stevens In

MissAmerican song Alma Nielson Japaneserecitation Miss Jessie Gray Indiansong Ruby Raymond

Following the entertainment a sale ofrefreshments anti Japanese Articles washeld from which was realized a substan-tial sum which will be placed In thetreasury of the society



Friday night







p per




f ccrs




































Mrs O R Johnson of Washingtonhas been visiting her daughter MrsWarner Tallaferro of College Park

Miss Hygen of Chrlstlanla NorwayIs spending the summer with Mrs RA Bennett

Mrs Mae B Walker of RichmondVa who has been the guest of MrsR A Bennett loft for Washington onThursday where she will spend sometlmoxit the Driscoll before returningto Richmond

A dance will be given by the juniorsof the Maryland Agricultural Collegeto the seniors in the college chapel onMay 18

Miss Lydia Fuller of Columbia SC has been visiting Miss Jennie Kerrof College Park

The family of S P Veltoh has re-turned to College Park after spendingthe winter in Washington

Mrs C W Blrdsall of Marylandavenue Is visiting flrends in Indiana

Mrs John C Huston of Washingtonwas visiting friends in Hyattsvllle thefirst of the week

Mrs Sarah Wardell of Boulder CoLwho has been spending the winter withher daughter Mrs Grant loft for lionhome on Tuesday

Robert F Simms and family havemoved from Washington into the Elliotproperty on Maryland avonue

Mrs Charles and Miss May Allen ofWashington were guests of air andMrs J R Risdon of Rlvordale lastweek

Mr De Groa of Washington hasAdams avenue

euny In the futureair and Mrs A H HIllls and family

of Washington have been the guestsof air and Mrs De Witt Corkins ofEast Rlverdale

lt iLadies Social Session

The Ladles Auxiliary of the Riverdale Citizens Association will holdtheir monthly social ees on in theCalvert Mansion on Tuesday A liter-ary and musical program will be ren-dered and refreshments served

The proceeds of the entertainmentgiveR by Ruth Chapter No 7 forbenefit of the San Francisco suffererson last Saturday evening amounted to76 The program was an excellent

one The Hyvutsvilfe Dramatic Club re-peated Poor Pillicoddy Little Miesaiarguerite aiders of Rlverdate ren-dered several songs Mrs George NWells recited and Harold Burneesplayed a violin solo MISS EvelynLewis also sang and was accompaniedon the piano by alias A Mae RogersAfter the program an impromptu dancewas given

The Prince George County Medical As-sociation a branch of the MarylandState Medical organization met yester-day at 12 oclock in the chapel of theMaryland Agricultural Department andDr Buckley of the Maryland experiment station addressed the conventionDr W 0 Enefiaid of College

the president oo the association andHyattsvlile is represented on its rollsby Drs Perry Latimor and Btrdsall

An entertainment and dance was givesat the Calvert Mansion on Friday even-ing last by Miss Conn and the mem-bers of her dancing school The program consisted of a Japanese dance incostume a whistling solo by aiiss Smallsongs by Miss Meyer piano solos byMrs and Marguerete Meyerand the Misses Maggie andHelen aieyer

Affairs in Town CouncilA meeting of the town council was

held on Wednesday evening aiessrsLong and Darnall were absent Pending the Istallatlon of electric lights itwas ordered that all and fixturesnot in use be that thefilling of lamps be dispensed with Onmotion of Dr Owens mayorelect thecouncil meet on Monday atwhich elected councilwill bo sworn in

At tie town election on Monday atwhich Dr elected mayorand four men wore selectedthe vote by wards was as follows

Ward Owens 43 Richardson for41 John Fainter jr council

man for two years 42 C N Darnallcouncilman for one year 43

Second Ward Owens 68 RichardsonOS councilman for two years DevlinS-O Long 9 S

Third 57 Richardson78 councilman for two years aiudd 42BoRis 37

tS 1

Citizens Association MeetingThe Citizens Association of Riverdale

met on Monday in the Library of thePresbyterian Sunday school President-S M aicailllan presided and WilliamB Severe was secretary The electriclight question was discussed at lengthIt was stated that the WashingtonRailway and Electric Company hadoffered to furnish light to Rlverdalecitizens at the same price as to Wash-ington patrons A number present signified their willingness to take lightsand immediate steps will be taken to secure the required number of patrons

A statement was presented by thecommittee on roads and sidewalks airriundon chairman In reference to theroadway which the City and SuburbanRailway wusJ instructed to open alongits right of way on aiaryland avenuebetween Jefferson and Cleveland

The company was warned by

steps were taken by that company tojextend their right of way to includethe roadway condemnation proceedingswould be resorted to and the costscharged to the company In reply tothis the company stated that they hadlost the agreement arid asked that acopy of the one made in 1S01 be fdrwarded by the commissioners The secretary to the ordered-to do this the vaultsat the Marlboro Court House the doc-ument could not be found

This announcement created asensation at the meetingpapers were lost or stolen has not beenascertained

The school board committee made areport through its chairman MrThe receipt of a large quantityfrom the Agricultural Department andthrough A P Gorman for distributionby the association was acknowledged

urchased a use onwhleh he Will










ave-nuesthe county unless





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commissioners that














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John W Brown has been appointedpostmaster at Barnesville succeeding

W OrmeEdna Ward of Washington

Grove has be n visiting friends atGalthersburgvund Unity

At the organization of the new coun-cil for this town on Wednesday nightlust Carey Kingdon was reelectedclerk to tho board

Peter Duffy a wellknown and high-ly respected citizen of this countydied at Providence Hospital Washing-ton city on Wednesday morning last

A hoary frost occurred here on Wed-nesday night last and gardeners andfruit growers are very apprehensivethat of their produce has beonInjured

Mr jid Mrs E U Ward AlexanderLeRoy and Miss Lottie Boll of Wash-ington were the guests of Miss EdnaYard of Washington Grove for tendays recently

The contest for the Warner 2 ingold prize will take place at RockvilleMay 19 at 10 a m when the winnersin tho districts on Friday will com-pete

On Tuesday lust the county commis-sioners appointed Dr 0 aL Llnthlcumphysician at the county Jail for termof two years dating from January 1

1906 and R Benjamin Bean janitor atthe court house

Miss Margaret Baker daughter ofair and Mrs Jonathan W Baker agedfortytwo at the home ofher parents near Station thiscounty on Sunday last Her remainswere Interred in Rockville Cemetery

The following constables have beenbonded and are qualified to met assuch Second district William WHesse and Wlnfteld Rice third Ran-dolph Luhn eighth Armetus Sullivanninth Thomas Smell tenth BenjaminPeyton Wnalen eleventh RichardGray thirteenth Wade Hughes

The Montgomery county baseballleague composed of six teams hasprepared its schedule for the seasonwhich will begin on May S whenWashington Grove will play Kensing-ton at Kensington Takoma Park andPoolesville at Poolesville and Boydsand Roekrllle at Rockville

will close in SeptemberMargaret Bowman wife of

Augustus Bowman dropped dead inthe yard of her residence at Breokevilie on Saturday afternoon last

was in the house at the time andwas found lying in the yard

by a colored boy who lives with J WWhiteslde in the adjoining house Shewas in her sixtyfourth year andleaves a husband and three sons

The funeral of Mrs Clara V HeeterCreamer who on Wednesday oflast week at near Glen thiscounty took niece on Saturday after-noon from Potomac ChapeL Rev Ernest L Woolf the pastor officiatedand the interment was made In thecemetery adjoining the church

Marl Howe Howe Tottenand rotten havein court here

against the Baltimore and Ohio RailCompany to recover damages in

of fHMXM The bill sets forththat sparks trove the companys enginesset fire to leaves that had accumulatedthrough the negligence caus-ing the destruction of a large numberof shrubbery f different kinds

on the plaintiffs farm atBoyds Attorney Robert B Peter

the plaintiffsAt the annual meeting of the Farmers

Banking and Trust of Montcounty on Mondayfollowing directors wre elect-

ed Samuel L Phillips Edward WoottonEdward C Peter Grlggith WMliam Veins Bottle Williams Hor-ace D Waters John W WalkerJoy Edson DeetsWelsh W Derby Thedirectors elected the following officersof the bank William Velrs Boulc

Edward C Peter first viceEdward Wootton second vice

president Philip D secretaryWilliam W Welsh John JHiggins assistant treasurer

Mrs Prances Creamer former resi-dent of this county died a few days agoat WHHamsport Pa of pneumoniaHer remains were brought to tnte countyfor I terment

C Utnden King who lately retired Ironthe board of county school commission-ers visited ReckvIHe on MondaySpeaking from his experience inboard he stated that the increase inthe number of members of the board tosix would prove a fruitful step In theschool system Heretofore the countywas divided up among three commis-sioners and none of thewas able to do fullterritory allotted to his management

In a cleverly played game the RockvlUe baseball team defeated the Tech-nical High School team of Washingtonat the Fair grounds on last Saturday by a score of 6 to 4 The pitchingof Ed Taylor the locals was entirelytoo much for the Washingtonians He

out eleven men Reichard foralso pitched well having

nine strikeouts to his creditJ William Wormley colored charged

with murderous assault in two casesupon Adair Brooks and Robert Hayescolored was given a hearing on Wednes-day last before justice Brewer in tillstown The evidence upon the ofthe State showed thatguilty of an unprovokeXJ outrageous assault upon air Brooke with a pitchforkand upon Hayes because he stepped Inbetween air Qrooke and Wormley aspeacemaker so the justice thought He

hold a prisoner in default of ban ofin each case The assault was com-

mitted on the farm of air Brooke onSaturday

Dr Crawford agej seventythree years one of the most widely

of this county whohome at Laytonsvllle on Fri

day last was burled on MondayIn Boshen aL T Cemetery in the

presence of several hundred personsThe two days race meeting to be held

at the Fair Grounds at this place onMay 15 and 16 promises to t very Interesting There will also be a runningrace each day

The board of county school commis-sioners as enlarged by the recent actof the Legislature met and organized onaionday last

The board was called to order 1 yR RIc In nominating Mr Rice

as president of theMr Farquhar complimented himhis efforts in behalf of schools of





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rooair and Mrs Farquhar have returned

to their Michigan avenue home aftermonths travel through Europe The tripIncluded a visit to the Holy Land andmany other places of interest

Next Thursday night will be ameeting at the town the organ-ization of a Brookiand chapter of theOrder of the Eastern Star It is ex-pectod the chapter wilt start with amembership of at least fifty drawnlargely from Brookland and Blooming

Ladies Aid Society f the Brookland Baptist Church an making ar-rangements to give a lawn party onTuesday evening June i-

aiiss Houten has been appointed assibtant principal of the Brooklandschool the position recently va-cated Lamb

At a recent meeting of the PhunnyjPhellows Club the followingwere elected President Fred F Tamestill vice president Edwin aiarean sec-retary Ralph aioteter treasurerCharles Hanna corresponding secretaryE A Carpenter

Mrs JSldrldgc and Mies Knight ofaieunt Pleasant spent Sunday at thehome ef Colonel

Mr Wanger to PreachNewton Wenger of the First Bteptfet

Church of Washington wilt preach atthe Brookland Lapttot Church today

Last Sunday at the Baptist Churchairs a missionary to Japanspoke country and the work be-ing done She was accompanied by ayoung Japanese girl who has OF ate here-to study kindergarten

Miss Jean ofVa taof West Brookland

The Brookland baseball team havebeen rather unsuccessful the pastweek hut it is whenaianager Barnhoit and Captain Coltshave tried all their players tiwy willbe able to pick a team

Mission Circle TeaOn Tuesday evening May IS at the

Baptist the Ladles Mission Cir-cle will a missionary tea Everycountry will be represented by curiesand people ht muhre dress Doting theevening will be ftre or ten nile

Rhee oC Korea Mrs

and Mrs Rledel Tea and waferswill be served to all from thetea garden following aremittees

Speakers Marean Mrs LawlessMrs Grant Miss Brown AfricaMrs Mobster Miss Beasts Lynch MrsPrirom Miss Kurd Miss MISSMay Stroman Misses

and Miss Stale Lord IndiaHess Schwier Maxwell Hughes

Scrivener K Oaiera Florence Jack-son Merle WWteside H Moister ELawrence and Messrs Lawrence andTaylor Japan Misses Edith BrownEtz Prlram Lucy MIddlekauff Sherwood KatieLynch Klnnan De Loach KatherineLord and aiessrs Paul

Mkkllekauff and Herbert CrimmHorns Missions Mrs Etz Mrs Galbralth Mrs De Loach Anna Lynch Ed-na Louise Sturgis Mrs Ertley

Misses Hughes M OMeara-E Bailey aiesers W Lanthan and Eva

Enjoyable SurpriseAs enjoyable surprise was

at the home of air and MrsCharles E Moister last nightin honor of the birthday

Miss Helen Most of the eveningwas spent in dancing anti games

Among those present were the aiisses-E Jullien Margaret Clark T HenryKatherine Burton BurkeEmily HetfieW Ethel and EvelynWashington Amelia Etz and GreetTanslll Messrs Milton W-Xiddlekauff Fred McHugh J Noel Walter and Johnafe Gal-lagher J Rodler Paul Jollies and RNolster

At the young peoples meeting of theBaptist church Mrs Winblgiertary of the District for theBaptist convention gave an interestingtalk on the mountain school work Instead of the regular contributions theyhave proposed to collect a small librarywhich they will send to the uneducatedmountaineers

the air Rice declined t havethe board saying

he had served his time in that responsi-ble position

Upon resuming the chair air Lameexpressed his appreciation of the honorand diligent and painstaking

discharge of the duties aspresident of the board

Much time was consumed in the choiceof a superintendent There were but twoformal applications on file namely thatof Earl Wood principal of the Rock-ville Gronar School and William Darty principal of the Hyattsvllle publicschool The indorsements of Mron file were quite voluminousthe highest character and Included therecommendations about 81 per cent ofthe teachers of the county

air Darby filed no letters of recom-mendations but the president and othermembers of the beard called attention tothe fact that he had Keen commended bynot a few citizens ot the county for theposition

air Farquhar in a very effectivespeech placed the Rev S R White Innomination but air White declined toallow his name to go before the board

Cn motion of Farquhar the boardproceeded to elect a superintendent byballot and without nominations whichresulted In there being cast fourfor air Wood and two votesDarby

air Wood was educated in the publicschools of Frederick and aiontgomery

spending much of his boyhoodIn of his aunt Mrs HarryRiggs of Gosh u Ho afterward gradu-ated with honors from the male highschool of Frederick City since which hehas been teaching In the public schoolsof Frederick and Montgomery countiesWhile engaged in teaching he has takenseveral courses under private tutors incorrespondence schools and In Institu-tions in Washiigton all of which havetended to make him a liberal educator






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The regular monthly meeting of theNorth Washington Citizens Associationwas held last Monday night in Haslip aHall First and V streets northwest Aresolution was adopted expressingCommissioner Kacfarland their appre-ciation of his adios in accepting a thinterm tcy a member of the Board ofCommissioners Upon the request ofofficiate of the PlaygroundIt was te send to the Senate

of the ap-peal for a larger appropriation for thiswork A communIcation from the Capi-tol Heights Citizens Association askingfor an indorsement of the bill introduc-ed by Representative HeiOin requiringthe establishment of Jim Crow carswas referred to the executive commuteThe president asked for suggestionsconcerning the recommendatIons thatshould be suede by the association ti-

the Conuataskmers for the improvementof certain streets and stated that this

would be discussed at the nextof the association o June 4

The opening ef W and Adams streetsfrom First to North Capitol streets wasdiscussed A committee was appointedto draft reotot10M on this death f HH Fulton a former member of theassociation The were re-ceived into NelsonE M HaMetback T P Rooaey and J-W Clarey

The Ladles Bow Knot Auxiliary ofCapitol Circle Ko SO P H C must r

44R street northwest

the good of the dub were offered b

Secretary Bertfe Kirch rMrs R Peterson Mrs Bryan Mrs EvaNalJey and Mies Lottie WakeneicULater those adjourned todining room where refreshment

Those invited to meet the lad sWhite Miss Veraitlion air

Mr Crawford sad Mr Kirchei-

R weaDedg e WeddingA pretty wedding took place test Wed-

nesday evening at the residence of Mrand Mr Charles D Bowen formerlyof Moines Iowa at US Fifth streetnorthwert when their only daughteraitae K Rowen was married toFrederick Dodge of this city Palmsand Koses were used profusely indecoration of the parlor ant diningroom Lohengrins Wedding Marchwas played as the couple enteredceded by the flower girl Mtas Virginia-Wanner a cousin of the bride She wa

dressed la white axed carried nof flowers which contained tTv

wedding ring The Rev Richard Rof the Maryland Avenue Bapti

Church fliciated The bride was gown-ed in a beautiful white silk and a publace coat She carried a huge boutof sweet peas and wore orange Woesome in her hair Alter a buffet supperthe couple left for a ten days visitAtlantic City The brides travelinggown was of Alice blue silk with hueand stoves to match


Bloomingdale Lost a BaseballThe Btooxatogdale AtWetfe Club jour-

neyed down to Alexandria last weekand played a game with the AthleticClub of that city in which the Bloomingdatee lost out by a score of 13 to 10

Carter who lives at 1108 Thirdwas probably fatally

injured test week at Second and 0streets northwest He was unloading awagon when a telegraph pole weighingperhaps 2OW pounds fell bearing h3body to the ground His bead wasbadly injured and he was hurt

Patrick Fealey sixtyfive years of agwho resided at 4W Rhode Island avenuenorthwest died suddenly on test Sun-day morning His death was due

Indigestion The funeral tookhue residence yesterday morn-

ing at 9tt oclock Requiem mass wascelebrated at Immaculate ConceptionChurch at M oclock

The reel estate of Moore Hillhas sold house Stet Fiagter street north-west Bioomingdale for Harry Wardman for the sum of LISt This is thelast home of a row of twentythreewhich Mr erected on thisstreet

The Le Droits met recently at thohome of the vice precedent Miss NellFielding 4tt T street northwest Asusual games were played after all thebusiness of the meeting had been trans

Refreshments were at a

The Rode Island Avenue MethodistBaseball Club which to composed almost entirely of Bloosiiagdale youngmen crossed bets last week with theBrookland tem on thegrounds the Rhode Islandwinning out by a score of 4 to 2

A competitive drill between cracksquads representing Companies E andH of the Second Regiment Boys Bri-gade took place recently in the base-ment of the Assembly PresbyterianChurch The contest was won by asmall majority of points by the squadfrom Company H commanded by CaptJ F Meacham

Mrs Phil May of Charleston W Vais here on a visit to her andparents at the home of the J1Sixth street northwest

Thomas seventy years of agedied last his home 172 Flftiistreet northwest Heart disease wasthe cause of his death Mrbody was not found until ahe had As he was in the habit of

from home and remainingtwo or three days at a time his relatieswere not alarmed by his absence Whena member of his family to the doorOf his teens and found was locked-a policeman was summoned The doorwas broken open and the body foundupon the bed

A reception was held lent Wednesdayat the home of Mr and Mrs EdwardErmantraut the occasion being the 2Mhanniversary of their wedding Duringthe evening they were the recipients fmany handsome piecesfrom their friends and relatives

Lieut John Gaylord Church U S Nis visiting his parents air andChurch at their home on Third streenorthwesx-

In a hardhitting gent the Bloomingdale Athletic Club last week defeatthe U and I Fraternity by a acerof 15 to 5

A pleasant evening was spent recent-ly at the home of Mrs Steers thecnftlou being the birthday of her daugh-ter Minnie Musk games and sot Swere the amusements until a late hourwhen refreshments were served





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