nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11... · ftrv...

ftrv .lillUHaJasosw "W" " 4 k ft rk . TriMm KTTt7 LEOLA; OB TJK MYSTERIOUS RAHBER. T 4TkfUMexiWr. " a t. n" r ' Jfwwft."" dhn ," efeeeei IrABreiB," MA aurrtB xn. m tm awe Mint a MnM--m mm. Th day RUw Away Into !, and thi wMUt&tOMOBth, and I'-f- ll Lewi rwaataed reisecif tt the Hadmiita (Xuttlliai, wttboat bearinf T mws from her captor, or bar fresno. ad loTtr. Etwt week or two som of th men -- roalJ rataia to lb castle with bootr, remela a day, d tbaa co aay ajatn. lljt of ibei sb atrw Ttfttmrtd to atk questions, aha would raUvar timala !n Ignoraaee, thaniubject hertel. Insult or dlsretraxt. ft. Ueeaalule ah wai nnUtl to roam m bo frown- c- bitlful, Kar- elia lay to lb ti(U of tb tittle, In which ah loTtdt walk and Tn aomatlmea wandered to tb tc? of tb mountain, and gut upon the UTonixHax scenery. Onttss occasion two men wire elwayt ber Idtendasta, walking bahlnd her aad Mirlano, nevtrloelagtlA-bto- f them. No: thai Mariano waa aaUaeJ, for ih tu tcml.teJ to go and com r, heath fltated, ll letjR ejinlJerexl that bar devotion to bar 8.ltirt was too great for har toletv bar on any lndacemon And thoa the time nolo on. Leol was think-fa- l that lbs waa fne from the at en' Ions of tb Maat'dU Chief t aid ye. she fa.ll t ltiUy, day by day. Tlere was a c trior In ber heart, which u slowly eatirfi away the tltality of her lie -- tb occcrta'ntr of the fa'e of Juloa Trtvls Pbe wouM bv given wotUa to know that h aid bred at.il waa free. In btr long solitude ah Is! time to examine bur fcoart to recall etch tuomeat of the pAi', wnca tbe wiss la h!i leciety, sharing tU prr.cubn and klneV-Bet- a. Ska bad toanced her heart to lea depth tt depths, and found nothin t there bat l)v. fcarlaao watched bcrdty by day, with tb greatest aolicitod, aheaatv th rjnet faJo from her cheeks, her eye grow Lan;ui), ber face bag gaid. tb tritd ber best devoted ctil "x rally her ijirits, but In rain. Ih Ion,; walks up the maunta'n otry brought a to ber duets, that aoon paaolaway Uktahvt- - bouM Sow er. It w aa cue vetlnR In the mIJ.11 of August, that Leola aat at tb front wlndo of ber apart- ment, taking acroaa the (mill -- alley, wber aoea ebildran ware at play, wben th uw an old tnaa anted on a donkey, suddenly amerga from tb narrow pats which led Into the valley, and take hit w ay toward tb caat. 'It Utlm Grey Monk," ah murmured, turn- ing pa 't'tbanniual.- - "What Is the programme now, 'wonder t b la either at Ibo agent of CaatUUaa, or tie tor some dam jaiile purpose of bla own.' " V nay at liat larar umtthlng from the world wllhoat throujti blm, ' (a!d Mariano, whj ad overheard1 ber remark. " Yea, and however much tin proseno may afflict me, with that bo;, I alull bid him wel- come," ibe replied. The Mockwef not long in reaching the castle, nor did he wait longer than to refrrsh bti stom- ach i'! with torn Vera Oui win, than bu rap was heard at the door. Leola hsde blm en'or. "Bcnltclont daaghter.'" be tIJ, with gravity, as b entered. Leola motlonec- - Mariano to set blm a chair, and remained tested, calmly awaiting even's. "Thty told median stay that you were here, daughter, and I fait V. my duly to com i to M ytn," coi.tli.tiod tlo why Jtsul'tas bo toik tlie offered ttat. "I os Just on the way to Ih cesveLt ot Si. laibil, to soeyt u." "rrm where do joa trartl, ruihcr?'' aaked Iol, half care'uslr. "From Mtlamoraa,"ii!tI :he prtott. "Tben His stogu'tr you thoald have to far leveled out of your oy," alt relUd. '"Sices yon bar pa' sed tbs convent aioro thin thirty mnu." "Iadeed" sill the piLtt, nddonlng with confusion. "Thecooect of S.. Isalwl Is luine ten miles fremCamsrgo, and Ifl rojjon rt'.tly, vie aie notrooie thin ten trtaclvo r.Uc fioin Monte- rey. Vo are a poor niatpiir, fi'lur," sl'e added, nitUaarnos Lets. ' Y'i i.o from tl.a first thai I was hue, for jou wcro II o iLttnt of brlnglnsr.o into tliU mm' poir. are here now for to. .e purest ; t In lr. i.it cliar-acter- s, and conic tote ioiit, Ux j ou mo I am in no condition fvr dsManca." ZUm plain pejb was an a tow shift to the monk that nsvla blm wlme std writhe. Ills brow daiken-wit- h anger fur a moment, but bit discretion gained tho nwittiy, an.l he said I " 1 knot Lot, daughter, bow j on galotd this knowledge, but you nintt bailor tint I bare acted fur j our owngooj. Tbo befmr Caitillias loretjou; be U rich, aul will imkeyou tiUi'o; and surely, the wife of a wealthy captain of tlo army, and tb nJs'ies cf this castle, U Ultir than a life tcent in a convent.'' "Why did jou tot tsy a it (,f the road, iiktead ot a ci.a-- in the rmyi" tit aakad stunt, "Voa knew hi n to be a c.'iiimaa robber, who It Uoonswl for bis titlios to the i church and state, and tun are th collect. or taxes! " "Ilewarr, gbrl 1" b bliscj through bis set Uj a "Beware what jou ta of tibur liUu or u. The curt of the church is terrible." "Then let It curse un'll It gatt grey! It cau-B- tt crush me more than you and ) our runAre) bav done!" ahe replied, dofiautly. Th old man moved uneasily In bU chair; bis bo wu purple, and Us eyes sceinod a blaze, as b strogglel with bit passion. Leola taw it, and, la ber reckless tone, continued t "I can erea tell yoa w bat your busiuoss Is hereto-da- y. You are baulked la jonr tcben.e galcet my property, the Amerlcant having jot. eatlon tf Matsmoras, and you are unable to fiud tay failure papers." "S'death n4 fury, grip He bad rietnto LI betas be uttereil tks words) but spoedily chaUIrff bimsU, bo slowly icumtrt bU se.t and, bxadinarenttonoanla Morufm tuille, b, tuHtdi "'Tit folly for a niliibter of the Holy Chorch to lot bU temper at a girl, who, I tee It 01 and net vout. I'ardon me, daughter j Ictus peak of touielhlnj elae aud forget what bat been tall." "With aU my bca.t," laid Le la, seeing that ah bad gained ber point. "Wl.it is the r.oat abroad In the world llnw gi the war t ' My fi us, tatu," tal 1 the monk, com- - 2lcrTf.Jr'lc i"u"uat U" t" B ytaj loam," "Indetd! ndtaayo.,UUae, tather, what kas tetome of lb young ranKW ,to ,. ,' .' aTsdmyllfe, when my father wumurdrj7, Sb. fixed L piercing yM upon b.u lxVltfd r h antwered. At Ungtb b nid .' "I I0 -- twr your tjaatlloo, If yew Ul Bat MM for B " TlIIlnl, If I can do It," utd Laol. at Miatorey, und aenUno of . .w--. a.' a A Uigkt moan ! Ur Up, aad L chsek IT grt r!i wit t maaUrtd lb motloii, nl laid, la a calm, low ton) "Wol'-goo- nl" 'Ton are awod,fBgller.,, aald Ih priest, who Lad totlesd tbo cftct of bis words. "Ih question 1 wouM ask I tbUt Who U this young man. In whom you take sack aa lntrst?" "II Is a young T tan Hanger, c tiled Jules Vravla," ab repliod, meeting bis acrutUiUIng gsi. "Is that his real name?" htatked. "It li all that I har ever heard." "Ishara'lvof Texas, or tbL'nltIS(st?' "I bar sometime thought neither, ttm fats olive complexion but thla and tb fluency wi'.h which b speak cur languag may b tb wsult of drenmstaacca," ah antwared. Tb answer had no soonr fcrcd ber lips, than A regret-to- d It, for a Strang suspicion flashed across ber mind tin renumbered the etclamatlen which scaped Travis on tb night when, after saving ber from the marauder, the mentioned the name of Cast Ollas In ber narrative. Why bad tbs priest CastQliu'frlond asked llioso ituplclout questions, If there bad bocn no previous acpsla tauc between them? Tttamenk, however, appetred toln sa'USed with ttr answers, and after a few mora word?, took his leave, faying ttat be would so her again In the morning, befor ho left th ctrtle. Hut the grey Monk was gone, on th fol'ow-to- g morning, before Ltola was awake. When she rose, ah wu surprised to find Mariano ab- sent from her room. Unusual aa the inslJeut appeared, sb gar tt little thought, and pro- ceeded to rasV btr toilet. Presently th cook entered, with ber breakfast, and she Inquired for Ur maid. Tbo cook bed not teen ler. Sha next tnqulied for the Monk. II bal gone sometime since. This was strange, and Leola began to fool alarmed. She remombertl that after tba Monk's departure, on th e enlng pre- vious, MsrUno bad been nnnsuilly thoughtful and eetious. What could It all mean t 1 he Cvok bad taken Ler departuro, and Lqola was standing bc'ire the glass, when sb taw tb door open behind ber, and a young Mexican boy iter. She half uttered a scream, at sb turned towaid tbdnUuddr, but paiuol In confusion, a tie boy Mid: "Don't be fitgkltned, nilstrcs', diii't yfni know in?" "Mariana!" Mctalmed Leola, In surprl. "of, nMress," said the diiguljed nisldnn, with a tmtle. "AVIiat is the meaning f this diviitJ'1j?" aileJ lxols, somewhat harshly, "Listen, and I wilt toU you," said tb girt. "Tba rrlest aays that tb brave young Titn I Is In prison, and under sentence of death. Al i though I know him to be a bat bypocrlt and liar, yet thla may be the truth; and 1 began to think If there might not be torn way to sav blm. In passing through th garret, som days ago, I saw this suit of boy's clothes. In my modltatlons, last night, 1 resolved, with jour permission, to pnt them on, cross tb miun- - taint, visit th American camp and learn their Intentions, and tben go to Monterey, to find out all that I could of the prisoners, and, if possible, tee them. This, I thought, would at least nd yournxlety, and might b of service to them I mean Senor Travis and bla friend.' Leola tank down upon th sofa, at It were, overcome with the plan. "Mariano I" th exclaimed, "Von are my guardian angel I Jlty tb Virgin protect th in tky hazardous enterprise I Oo, and I will pry from tba rising to th letting of the tun, that you may return In safety I" In lost than half an hour, Mariano bad break- fasted, kissed her mistress, eluded th watch.aad waa on the mountains, wending her way la the direction of Walnut Sarlrgs. A dreary week passed by j one of alternating hope, doubt, faith, fear, and anxtout prayer, It was to poor Leola. sometime, tho bumod her-ee- lf for ba teg allowed ber faithful maid to de- part on tuch a dangcroui mission. Then tbo wondered at berdo'ay, anl often lay awake at night, conjecturing what bad been ber fcite. On tho tilth night, the bad rat up until a late hour, watihlng from lior window, ye', almoet dead from watching. Ibe bell oa tbo old tower sled tba hour cf midnight. SLe ttartod, and waa stout to rise for tbo purpose of retiring, when ber glatco csugbt tight, as tho thought by the dim for llh, ofniinydatk objects raiv-H- g about at tie mouth of tho mountain pass, across the li'tlo valley. She could not tell, at first, w hat thvy w ere, but Li-- r nerves, ronduled amteby long fuOWInp, wcro tiisveptablo to the least sound ir tbsdow. Cautiously, yet tremb llrgly laLIng ber win lor, tho toon hoard tb rculllirg of bones, and next could boar their tramplirgfi-a- . They dit not ride towards tho catle, bow cm r, but tiled ulong upon OACtt bid ot tbo pifs, around the cuno of I Us valley, to at to be lnl3lb'e to nuy OL apprjathbig from the en tar.rr. Levis trcinlb 1, j e' a strange a aro held her to tlus.xt. Wao wore ttiose strange uidrJgiit hurt cmf n? and why bsl they thus drawn thorn, tehri up at tbo month of the past? She darel not boje that they woitvtliirthau tbo kind 0 banditti. "1 is,,' tho mentally exdatmoil. "TbeAmer-icai- it hs e won Monterey these hd e been pur- sued, and bate drawn tlmmohcs up In that itrioi toini, tun inks a tnanoorstorm upon tUlr puteuers. What terr.bl tconu la about to be n.acledUfote mo? I At that blatant thore came a column of horse- - men eweopln,-- ; through tho pas. It did not not amount to half tho nuu.bsrw 1th w blch Cat-tU- lU had left the castle. At the sains lastant, a loud, tUtlou oico rang oa the midnight air 1 Cairge, Hangar;! cburgo let uot on of them bto quarter!" Uo'a hoarl that voice, and her heart leapt Into ber throat I Sue taw thoso two wlngt of the semi circle close agtlnst the other horseman like a fan she heard the clash of tteel tb re- port of bar brain grew Altty her eyet lott the powor of tbibt, aad ah sank upon the floor, gasping "faod!" 'hen sb returned to consciousness she found herself soatod upon a hor,e, with tb arm of JuleiTavi supportlrg bor, whilo Mariano tat upon another, on the other tide. Around bar was strewed tcorct of dcaJ, tslbl at la noon- day, for tb entire castle and hovels war la on grand conflagration I Tne my t'eriout horsemen were the Toxan Rangvis, who bad been lod by Mariano by a (brcct routo to tho pass, thus cut-- Ui g off tte rttieat of tU (Suerillas.w ho bad ed Ublnd tb iMtcf the ilylug army, to plok ciT, trier tbolr manner, the moat adven- turous cf the rureuer". "Uaft wliat I call a pooty dtcont job, and I tjt for all my long luiprfcociucnt, I rkor," aald Kit Galen, "Tlur arn't none of 'om 'II ever carry off any more nice joung wltuuion." "IfonlyCastillias bad been among them!" tlgbod Tra Is. "I.esv blm to IIet eiil" said Leola, solemnly. "It was never intended fur )ou to toll jour noblo bands In bla baa blood!" cuArrtut xiu. a ai Mir.n isTriiMiw. thk iMinncrnos 1UK IAUKWLLI.. A nw era socmed now to wnupon ournero " J'u 'T ItecUon Wlth to U dissipated fo: over from ber tky. n ero ah jrM permitted to bold frwiuent-alm- ott dally In" twT v"lli Tt,vt' 'Uo twtoiwawS Ur tsTJ2" "to MmU. -- a ir.n4,rith,bbiWt paUlnda, bat tU daepett and devotion. Thmui vara tn.4 v. ... n. Tor none but thot. Ac bar. wrlrUncII It, con n It ftet tt reaming In tb gardes of a tropical dim, with tb. & lk7 "' hd, ind lb perfumes of sweet flowtrt, and tk rattling of orange groves around, la company with a dark eyed daaghter of tb Artec, who has won yonr heart, and answers to It very throb I Such was tb xperUnc of Travis, for more than a month reveling In a golden dream of Ulsc, tipping th d nectar of pethct happiness wben tb ordar wm glvan to march on, Ealtlllo. Xotwlthttandlnt tn soldier wu to well blend- ed m the man, b felt as If this was a cruelty la fate, and b was loath to leav his Uamottta, who had to entofled hit heart. It wu th evening prior to th day of march- ing, tliat b waa roaming la tb beautiful garden which attached bar annt's dwelling, when Leola, after a long pant, aald: "You march to. morrow, I heard, do yoa go with tb army, or remain In gamaon ?" "Alaal forth fortune of warl" aald Travis, with a sigh, "I am ordered to march. It U that, Leola, which make me tad We mutt again part!" tb remained client, and he continued. "Wben I look back over tb past month, and contemplate tb profound, unfathomable happl-ne- sa I bav experienced, It som Ilk dream a thrUlLngvUlon of slumber. And yet la real, for though sad at th tboaght of parting, I feel lli earn happiness now." II pressed ber gently to his heart, while ah remained tilent. 1'reaently th lifted ber bead with asucMon Impulelta motion, and ga:ad up Into tb heaven. "There it a cloud over my star !" th murmur- ed, softly. "When do you etpect torelurn,dcar Jules?" "Soon, I trust. Th winter la coming on, and I do not think the General will trust the Moun- tains during th rainy weatbor; we tball proba- bly not go beyond Salt Mo, and even then many L of us may be Mat lack here, for winter quar ter s." "1 fed a daik presentiment of e IL" the mur- mured, sadly. "My tttr wtms me. We htv been too happy of bit, dear Julea. I knew It could not last. I fear it will be a long, long tinio, ero we shall meet again If ever I" Tit o CtaMniisrf. FOR SALE AND TO LET. , FOR RALE A DEAUTIFI'L FARM IK HockUnd Uonntr, eontlnlns M errm, mooth pii. ur ana new imuainvp, irnic- -. e-- sn. utnrr furm, sll prices, for sue, er trade. W. II. MI- UCK,OIUrodtr. nU'lil OB CTTRES8 niLL CEMETERt" LOTS --m mr Mir, nrncn neisw meir real Vila; eholoe an4 veil select,!; line perriTti annie on theevrmie ernneoB the paths. Apr' toULUUUTC ll.lvr.No. i paaaau aw room , up auira. It'lti SB FOR SALE OR EXCIUNOE-Mi- r.!, t -- i 4we)l!iiihouM'a,wlUitnaarrraorooillaail and exteuilva t. r power. Ho uillri from the I'ltr or Now VurkialMbMaerMwoud laud. J. M. MILLKB. ti Plnort. nOSSac-llt- t. FOB SALE A TLOTOF OROUND COX-tala- lri S3 arrw, within on and a ball mllM of the railroad depot t Paterwrn, New Jaraer, frootlaf and Isrios on the east side of the raaaala river, about 40 rode almvo ViDVinkla'i ItrLltf A. lunulre el St. It. a. aT.lU'llMUM, all lludenn it, eor o( TrorTM. Y, citr. Mr.lIrIiliutOM.UVaaaUaie's OrMn, will show Uia propert. ubt'liS an ajJlVIEOmiA LAND FOR BALE A VERT tt demlraldatTurk, fralt and srala farm, altaated la York Countr, Va,on York Klver, tM mllea from York-tow- containlnf arrea, MO einariMl,aad aia In wood and tlmlen eleared land la a aood etata ofealll-vatla- O.ISW peerh treea, la full txariaa, with tun triws alrearfr planted ttiUfall.thatHilldinricotnfortabU tVame dweUlnir, nenrl new, aU out Hilldlnce oomplrte with a flno et4rait, psw mill Ins ood order. Information hr lr. II. at, (lAKKKTA WUllamauura, V. , p. Jlven Yorktown. Va., vr the nbam'Iber.TUUd. Cl.AKH.nr. Moortea, naw imim vouiiir, seal. p4 U'101 COJ UP TOWN LOTS WITTI A BUILD- - at Inn loan, for sale, well eltnatM en a 100 fret etreet. near firet elaea iinproTementa. Apptr to K. UAirUNtlALa, 1(1 Itraadwa, third ttorr. aJ 1 41 ajjaFOR SAIjCaDESIRABLE FARM OF ETahont 11 aerea ef apertor land, near the flonrtiih- - IDttltjror ktahwar, N. J.t food feoeea. autnfortalile bam.aaaon house, ahad, Ac; prloo tLTUU. ipplv to AVKF.Vflf.i.UMH, biuDar aealar, Ka'.war. all MacUa ffl BU1LDISO LOTS IN JERSET CITT --a- In the Id Ward, i hlorks from the Fenr, water and ras introducer, aultaijia tor dweluafni or mauufiu-wrlei- i TO por tit uur remain oa bood aad mortmaet elnslo IteU er Plots on Katlroad av. Htaul.n- - Moriran and Warren ate, fur aala law or to tone. Ar rlv toO. J. eUlTU, DM Broadaar, or to JOHN CXW. IN, Montsniimr near Washington its, Jarsar Clrr, Ilsae'UU oh FOR SALE OR EXCIIASOE A FAR'I ,PCT ef M eeree, with new dwetllnra, io4 aal and tTkiler,liet. Port Jefferson and Mndford, I I lrie fin). 8. UUDY at iHU hi Liberty at. oUtscll THE CHEAPEST FARM IN MAGKST isnanvs, with eieeuent hnllJIno. poll and tlreiVr, k ntila from rhnrehea. ahnnl. anri rfkliv m.ti atn, iiiimimuuuiH, auM a.ieih .a.l'l'l !. M IJUrt- - at, aeH t4eT TOR SALE A FARM OF 68 ACUK3, nuder aood rtlttlvatlm aood donhla hnamm and out honiwa, aitnatod t milea from HalnAeld dovat. N. .lereeri terras er ValL, Plalufl.ldlKJ.ier hUN, HI and .U Weat WaauLrtoaTliaa" at. orlMacld fjp 20 OSLT 2 AN ACRE JOR EXCKL- - lent 1 Jim er renleu land, near t,a railroad de- pot oil L L, elactlr 4 1 miles from Naw York, aU adeep Ia.vn,aoil soli, level, free from atone and htstltr faiuis of t arrea and uvwanla wl.l he o,d aa verr ear Duma ly the owaar, aVjL lilINt.K, tit Broads aa, room 8. eclH&ac'lwi rA TOR SALE A VERY NEATLT FITrED A op liquor atorc In Ilroadwav, uptown; wist lie old st a areat Urraln fvrraelt Apple i.n the preml-- " 1!.'0.T.!,r!"d'rJ or t0 tr. WA'l BUtS, 1W Urand st. 119 tt lev W Bljth at, N.Y. narioo fa FOR BALE--AN OLD ESTABLISH--jaue- arreorr stand on ooe ef the irlorlpU thoroush-fiire- flttum,rtak, dr Vor psrtlculara, laenlre of Col.t:&WlLiUNd,mw.aUiistQutt,orU HKI1 n. T aA FOR SALE. THE STOCK AND FIT. ajLltare of a neat eandrand vari, tr atora. with .! rooms and ebean renti a III lie sold cheap If applie 1 f ,r iu.niedlatcljr. Inquire at XVi Woat Mlh at. UOlt'lW fk' A 8F0AR STORK FOR SALE IN ONH OF the Uaet thoroughfares tu the clt r, erpoilts the Fulton will tw sild ttirai If applied fw wlthlo. aaaaa. iiMfuu-- in mu sure oa evuia at. ui 9'U aA TO LET THE STORK AND BASE. Hi. ruent, to BUth sve, eppuslta Amltr at, aire of eaih,W7a fti loiulre et K. St. VOOKUKtrt, UI Laun.ua at. fuaaesaiou .Iron Inunedlatelr. ui ."ill ett A WELL ESTABLISHED OYSTFR --ata aaloon for aiilp In one nffha liw.lltl. I. .k. cltr. t. doltia a flr.l elaaaraah biialnaaa, and will be aold low Ifaiij'llid for Immedlatelr. lor inrther partlcti. lara, an.l) to U X. t (74 Uudaou st. lio atsta eeed ui a tea a FOR BALK CHEAP FOR CASn-T- nE aerstor and roffo aaloen dolnt a aood aah laialanaa- - IbUlaararecliaucefor a suisll eapitil aatiafaetorr "SasXaaJataal arlesaa ft9 aijlllia pTaawe aviiiya, ArrlrtJtJ Llbtk a.e, bet 4tu aud Kith st, uo atei.t iHdapplr. nTd'iot fi TO LET-T- HE SECOND AND THIRD floors In kl Weat et. for ol&OM. of CAbBUiyOMA BUJJlOA.liit ttwrTUui. bull" " Wl att FOKSALK-THECnrRCHPE- Or-B. a 1. te, comer efMtdiaoa and Governed' atn aald propt.rtrrouitluaofelshtrrett of (round ec Oar. erueor.tl.yM fort on Ualue st, tosetkarwltke ioikI snbatsnUal brick edtSee thereon, aald ckurah be- ing tboroushlr repaired and painted ,.na rear aao- - or iwniruiar. imjuire ri, j .U.UUUUUrV.I'Vlliiw. er; , auxuir or lireouie es ai rim TO LET OR LEASE wrrn STEAD T Jpowrr, a Boons 60I78 foet, In the pulldioa saw be Insererteduutbaaouthaaatcuruarof Lllu wad Prari aU. foaetwuiton wlllbe tltenaboiit the ajddle of aap- - tember. 1 baa rwnna aaeb bav tfo larre wiadowa, aiid will ha aa Usht aa aur rootua la U.C cltr built for aiaee- - icturtus ,rV0".. Ibaxarawell adapted forprlut-aatoe- r la arlloea. i have : a larse Ur vault for fuu.ro. t nay an Laatud Lr ataara t alaa kava two at, aiu P.. ! . r U.rtna aad particulate, tnaalre of a u nuruax . rear 01 as Ventre St. tuTJi Uallae fa FOB SALE AND EICnANGS REAL eiUtt ef all prleva, and in all parts of the ear and countrr, br rllll h A. 1'tKT. heal Kstare brokar td Aiirtloi.cer, K.K(irault, Wllamabcrt: alas houses oh rvnia a- -i w.uaa awouuia ewuaossa ai o bar esa. avtat-u'l- FOR SALE OR PtCTt Wrtv Vsrrr. - ilMSXi: "J?1 "f h aU th to a. f . a r'i v Tw",r5ii.'.,.""' .ItUuhwt -- I Q.a-- 4 at, "ft" i'TTf l w!n?U5AL?-- A. nOUS AND LOT IN M A DININQ SALOON FOR SALS ES-i- ll taldiahad alt reers and Solas a toad baahsaaa. tba stock and futures win be aold at a OTlAcaYaacouui nauhlthtl ualfUl 4L FOB SALE CnEAP-WT- Ta IltHEUl. 1 LaU p ii si season. Brat rate eToeerr tad ltiaoc atore with stock an tt tares eeeaplate. For further aartu "ui V " nmt tM a- t- . l . FOH ALE AND TO LET; A &Elr.2:si.RABU! en OOTTAOE tnenie, kM.aenble Meean an kath mtrMM. u h. KSssasKra WOW reeatre atteQtWwr. bonas la STOniio, aullea of noli ett FOB BALE. LEASE, OB TO LKT- -J ?&??, b -- ,k1J!? tth! fr-- aattaea. wirh food brWk stable, us a rat rata and pleaaantlooailon la WUIIamebtirsb, abont lflwilaatea walk from aar of the forrlaa. Jlceil noo i $300 or lino eaah down will be taken. Kent ta per rear. Inquire efllUOHU tt UHUeor.ofetaaa4(lran4sta, S fid stAFOR SALE CIIEAr TOE STOCK AND flitnres ef the old patabllahed tof and eandf atom. 1VJ Lewls at, baa a sooa ran ana pars weui rnaaon off dlepoalnf Is on account of sltlnf up the bualneas. d ! f&TOn SALE A GROCERY AND LIQUOR & etf.ro, 1(1 F Iret are. will I sold eheap on ao eount af the oa aer solos to New Orleans, not fi! Ai BOOMS AND BED BOOMS, AT 1 AND UH. 3 per month, at 81 end 3S Jamas st I alas st UO Most at. iQiulra en the premlaaa, uotl Maaflii MTIIK STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A tnd lf(nortorr, and I rooms dolna a road Imalneaa, will be sold ehi ap. tutlefartorr raaaoa Ulna. K.nt (V arwdulu. Iaoulra at SS Kaat lb street, for three dare. DS4'l(daw av. WANTED TO IIIBK- -J GOOD BOOMS ItU. on lat and M floor fore famllr off peraonss par. niant In advanee If renal rod. Addieas C. B, lot NOl Bun ofuee.stalinf rent, aVe. u8 !lo aA FOR SALE-T- HE OLD ESTABLISHED iXunaerr and lienor store, now dolne a aood hue! neeal will be aold cheap, sa the owner has other t ui. ntaa to attend tot rent lowilll Annuo U. nla'.n & FOR SALF A BUTCHERS STORE IN one of theliiadlna svennealn tbeeltv. dolna a food eaah laialneea at prf eenr. aatiefartorr reaeons slven for aeiiinx; In lulls of WM. A. Ulty Wf, No. m Omirthuultet. nl 3184 Jti f3.fC0-F- 0R SALI-- A FINE I'ATINO SaUetore propartr, 471 Ninth av, wert aidet wit la Improve In valnei else for aale ebean, g f ii wua uear reriare nonaea, on ac b st Apti eooo. J. a UATC1I, U7S Ninth av, U'SSMM U SrACIOUS FR(X)MS TO LET WITH tttfttm nnr. I tuluirtl An tlan nrtmlati. 11 TJ -- - -- v.- ". :.r. i : Itroftdwrar, Ut Wtli and 371b lU. aF SALE- -A GROCERY AND LIQUOR vtoru. m food .oration. roDrttilcnt tothn Not ntr tfn Work , rrnt chts.pf4 pr month ths rrkon fur shI1. or th)owDr U Rolnf to Boton. In- quire on tba No. tt44 Kwt Utb at. u WA Jft RAUR CIIAKCE-r- on fi.LK-T- IIE IML coflffl roftt1nRt plr anti feM mllU In fVnn or JfT, and a good ilievr of nrlndln para ail thr eiparoipi, alMi a one atoi-- Imtkllnp with or without ateww power, ta Ut chf an. Iwiuin at KM Third a t. ni 'liT JA TO LFaT-O-M.T 125 PER MONTH FOTt IML the rnnaU I itorf hmiM, 1 U Wfft Itroadwar, with Immediate pgmwatdoa A norua, uear Chatbin. fiuare. t ft tnoblb. APtUJ M UJ MMM U OHK IwO I' .eor UH4aian at. nftal-- - &T0 LOT IN TIIK SUN BUILDINO, of Naaaau and Fulton ata, ft room Yl Itil9 mi tha Mh floor. Antranca bV NftMan an nowi-- r ran ha had If rnqi.irMt i alao ft nic room on tho Hl floor tOilt, Mitranoa laW k'ulton at, tnltabla for an otUoa or Ufixi fcumuiftcwirum purpvaea. UMaira tu ma nua OLTaoe. ti lia IOR SALE CHEA! A FANCT AND A eonfoctlonerr store, paper stand attached, let fteventh are. ncaeoua lor aauiog oioer miaineea iq attend to. JrtFORSALE-A- N OTSTER SAIOON IN A III rood location. Cheap rant. Injure If? UewatT. Ai WANTED-TOni- RE OR TURCUASE IHs small bnaa end a few aerea of aronrHl.or a amatl hmiea alone, or a small farm, located tn the eoimtrr, wlttiln all mlleaof tba lower end of flrooktw. Applr at 41 Cranlierret. llrooklfn, near I niton f.rrv, bw fore P o'clock A. at, or betwean 4 and T e'eloek P. tf oolr, or ,f letter, addreaaed U. V. Ii., boa CluS Poat Onica.NawYoik. ui lwao aA TO LET FROM THE 1ST OF NOV. CILneit, In tke Ron BalMuia, ear Naaaan and Pnltoa tta,anleeroomtoil4,aulUbla for an ontea ar lifht roannfactartnaparpoaeai entrane law eflaltow at. oa Mnoor. Appbr at the Sua ofllee. elitXi dBFOR SALE A NEAT COTTAGE, 8TA-teml- .ls and rsrden, tn a ploaaant and bealthr villas a, TO mllaa from MewYorhj eol tLlMu. S. KliOT A CO, ULlbertjrtb Uaair'li MISCELLANEOUS. HAY CUTIKRS-TI- IE BEST IN nee, fir sale at the fartorr, foot ef Ki.t 4th lid Oh ate. Ilarruttera rtf all klnda ee. palled as good as new. UrihtUe. UUVa.Y.u: Ilao'ltd naaT BARGAINS BARQA1NS rJAB- - SO eleraM naw alaaoa, from (100 to 4fl0, at IWfflroadwar 10 aejeooJ band roaawood nl anoifmmSi'O to 1130. B mah'y pianos for $10, tun, Mil. tf, and .fit) Ureatiat barjiaiua la N. Y. It. -'"" n urwsdw sy, tot Sid st. awaaao ffSi, J. A C. FISCUER-SCTERI-OR. etrnlar. aeala. rtannfortaa. full Iron franuu satrsit dsmpi'ra. une.1iialld for standus to tuue. Vaivrooni KK Heoadway. near 14th st. r 141, 4 . 4I, tteu Jttl Waal aoth tt, uaac IrU eve. eltaaCLet rfJZtt PIAirO FORTES AND MELODE t"'l V ena,rew and td hand, tn prrfeet order, Aar Bale er to let alao Hanoa tanrd and ranatred ar aa. iiutil,! U. II. O A CkJtBlLsUs 4 UO, laa Third aiw lcel 11 th stti.Y. elstiaVul asaa PIANOS' ANDJ MELODEONS TO Vbrt-a- t ta, It UI, $i and f I a eaouth, er for aala a' treat baisalaa, 1 pearl kerod. I octave piano, aheap for caA. alualctaucht on tba piano, aultar. 4o. r ret UUaUUAY. MM Ursjtdst. ax 'x.i cJBmj BUSINESS WA00N3 OF EVERT 5l2T2- - atria euuattatlr ou hand and made to c. Umerou tan lit aood article aad uo delar. Eerv art li'o ant here warr voted to be repriwaslled, Tl7ARTrya raidirvd at, bel WoadirV; aadBthar Yoawitl auadWle ataos aa tamral.la aa aaju.U4it. UI4aaMa FOR SALE- -A BLACK fCiNADIAN nonr. 10 banda hlah. eomlna nun al w.k. rani sound aad klndt alaa watoa and haraeaai all aold toi or aeparate. C'aa be seen for dare. Uf Jrtbcr Dot soli at N). t:tl Teutli ave, aear tdtkit BSflOl tfcz. STALLS FOR SUIITING HORSES ycii. to sll parti ef tke world-Chre- and en the beet plan shlpa, wheala, tables and braaa work for alifpa uaa Alao veeiraU eelled for aralu. with neSWllo HORSES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS AND Uarnee for sale all boraea. 1(10 aleiaha new and seouua nana, enu iuu new earruies, rooki buulea, arooer and buatneaa wacooa. Alao, eeootid hand watou of au klads for sale cheap, IV Nvln. at.. vrouuu. alt-l- l sfa-T- O BE 8ULD CHEAP OR KXCIIANG-JKfi- k ed for one sinsll one Two rouui horaee from tto 6 yasra old, from into II bauds ktf t, ft foretrta, erprees or aur alud of buslueaa warranted smiud ana kind lu all kinds of hirueaa. laiuirt at 41 Ctnalat, N.Y. BtTitt st, FOR SALE-O- NE HNE GBAT t73Jiilioia0faisbIiI,souiulauds.ladi sUoaaell tnatchad team of bap tuwoa, boiluA aud kind Csa be seeu a: ii 1'earl tV, Ull'tuw , STALLS FOR ST1TPPIN0 HORSES tj all parts ef th rertd cheapest end on tba plan, ships, wheels, table, and braaa work for aofnatu A law taaaa ait - aallaj WJ aa.l lafa. AI...1.L T.D " 'W MM wlttri uupwcB, J. t.JU.tUL4a-i,Up(- J ft. aMUu-l- ii 5 EEWARD-IX)- 3T ON BATOR. a. .Lki ai.v a.k - ...,, m , .- - : 7 "e," -- ..vii, a ..lid riTirr a'oa, brlndle, answers to ih name of SPK1MU, both ears tfeeiit, and stand down; wbaever wlU return hlmte 101 Mercer at , wlu rerelvatha atiova reward and tke thauka of the owner. JVUHUUTU.K. uStrllt 4 twxw. BIKDS CHARLES KEIRnK AV RRft. 57aF 1,u reeetred net steamer Borueete, rooAPS',.l!ir.,bw vr,t '" kb-d- s af various kltd. tur thla raU trade, wklcl, ther offer far aale, at whole- - WnVn ' IXJWriUCKS,atthele atorea Nat M- a- OLathan. a. iVlraJOiatttWNAIILB SaBawWet a CHOICE BIRDS I CHOICE BIRDS I net received kr ateaasar Uamtseola. (raas Haawiorsa. aobalatins ef Harta IfannUua Canarlaw, Male birds. Gold fin. hea, Liaueta, riaekaa, Bkr anil Wand Larka, ptack Birds. Burltust, Thxuahea i ftae lot of lelaiaii Lao Bread Cauarlos I alas a Wte aaaoraiient af aatea, aaaJ and Mooktus Bird load, ai mrJKJOVni ITOPFNF.R HAS JUST RECEIT- -' al ser ataanier Tau tocla. uoO of the beat Uar- - or Canary Ulrda, whlfik ha atfara for aala at wbola. alaaalraUUatvacr eiwpoa,ataK store, 41 Pit etroet. U1UmIM mtf JU8T ARS1TED FROM GERMANT tetat with a antattidi i loS af .Ana fl.et. mm.,.). rT.'T1 "" '"." laiaij mVTX .wsaex Bairepeaii star losUrJ. .Ui tarusies, atiLils.jM. ayUuialiai, nvaiuatarxla,andaOLestuak ef Belf lao d aaaaiUa, LSUa3 aUMlsnitAL, U aorth vTlliiua aa. vse saarriai e3C CIUELE B03E, JUST ARRIVED iwen iiermaar, anva a ana lot er luuis stoan-ta- iu Caosrp t'urda to fa. sort4's3 rood slnglna aoleV luoliaa, koliUl tad Braaala, Nlatt'iatslna, LlLneta, J larka, learned Ibdl toobta, ffcariinfa, Blaek UtiC krualtaa.wta. ftlakaa renkarad Arwaa bla aid wlaao. I MorUi vyiilbuast, to No 6, neat door, where belt vliU nanaauaav rrltw pcUaa. Bsaastnber.Mef.N lorU sAaaaaru m& BIRD FANCIERS AND L0YER3 OF , ekalea) blrda are liifemtid that tba wan known KTXS SOBECX, BOWEBT, OOR-- n at, atTars lua aala all kbadaal blrda, a?, sawda. 4c. eaaoanoai and ease ail kw.tlwtakaSMtUsj.4,eeW?GtEln MISCELLANEOUS. - rORtULKTlTEtOirR. CATARACT. Ma MtocMtrrt1ietaire4eHawaarariiVifil la rlf irlnf and aafua Will U awad law. er tnaiad for UOUNTT LANDS, ttRS, itlara,ieebrewMaave eerrea la aav as ue LawainNTsaLennarCanirli. D S. r tot ususe swaset sisirsa, IAIL0B3AND SOLDIERT e AiTUO. U sssVaVatAjtO. aiwsnst. l&REAMEN WHO WEEK TN TITE U. B. Ot sktp roTOaUC. en tb enaat af tuaarra.wtan MB RNINO LINE T0ITEEIS-EILLTb- a steaunboaf ACBORA Iwaveejarati Sonkara. Hajftlnaa. Dobba larT, raatt. Sine Bttta. liaveratrear. Oraaaav 'erphuaaka and fleld wall's. Laavas reedukin iaasssmtteawiirswa waatjaaaar BBIDOKrORT FAR .Tb steamer nRIDOEPOBT evarv Mender, Wedneader and rrtdar, at If oNdoek, noon, ITlna tnsieae aa eonneot with Naoaatuak, Uouaatc and NewHaeau Hvua a raiaat Mtaea. noItVlM EESJ rtnR,SAa IIABDOR-LAN- D- PtSSier'cKeU.INK leavt Oliver e&TlTtVverT Wedneadar and Hatnedav afternoon, at 4 e'eloek, rrelthttaien. QKO. W.OOUUEJS, Atant. uTriaO SHIPPINO. STEAM TO IRELAND DIRECT. ratio Th eteamahlaCTTVnw nar.TT. MOttw tail 1Mb Novwmher. Th ideainahlp VIOO aalla IVeeenitiar d to Cork and Liverpool. Taosa- - In eahtn. 70i id eltaa, M. Paaaaae from t5ork 8 Vlnue).3Q.a Pa en.ers br thla Una avoid tba risk and delar ef ralllne at at Jour a. aa the ataaaMblps proeeed dlreet to Ctork. Kor paeeaae, applr to WIL- LIAM A UI ION, 40 Volton at, or K.J (xiKTIddi A).. ITT troadwar. at saac'lOt ATLANTIO BOTAL MAIL STEAM NTl.rat1oa CotnMnr'i Nnr York and UaJwa7ltntalhanext4MN.nnrammNw Yfirk wLU bi thf aplendld and powarful immabJp JASON, Cant. NkhoUoiiwwhkbMJla an Ihop-da- r, tiuvmntn ilXh, 1I, toahlni at BL Johm. H. T to rnit th roraJ malla. Prlra nf vaaaajra i'lrrt dim, fJO, t76 and h tlilrd. UA Inelndlna frao tlrketa to the orlnHnal m.ra on main rallwap rontaa of Great Britain and Ireland. ciaaemiisi pnerinapiawa,Br,iia( lore, ae4 ana toini Psaiauratogt. Johns tlrst elaaa. (.101 ae aond, IMV. For fretsbt or paeeare aLpIr at tbe Aniarl-ea- n Ksnivaa Onmramr, 11 Hudson straeVjUad at their other adveTtlaed oluona In the Interior. Paaaaae tn the third elaaa ean be aeenrad at anv of the above ofooea to biini persona out from nop of the prlnolpal ettlae en the nifcln line, of ml rear in Oreal Ucltala far (aS, er rxosa sjwa V ,,.r mj. AStaaaaiean r.irarnnwjarsni, S 11101 ALLX. UULUAMU, stansrsr. Jt- -J HOLMES' LINE FOR NEW OR- - 9oXf taant-Parkr- Noeemher-T- he fast sill-l- ot parket ship HIIKPIIKU1I KNAPP, Captain York, povilivelv rails as above. For peaeate In eabin, M eabln and teraae, applr on board, alar It t R , or t TAPSCorr &.. trttfoaUi st no 6101 .fflR FOR IXJNDON-T- HE SrLENDID Utyt shin LONDON salU Not. 19th t aeeond rabia andnnnd. tia A elleper shle for LIvernoaL aalla to. snorrowi fare tLEk. ana launa. raaeenaei broothl ont from Ireland or Knabuid at low rataa. Aoalr ." Tuoa. u. kuciiK, aa swu it, nolVUi JOR FOR LlTERrOOL THE SPLENDID SSaZ Blark Ball Line ellpper ship URRATWEd T EKN aalla on tha 14th of Novambor. For ealirn. Id eabln, er etewrae paeeaae, applr oo board, at Pier VI. foet of lleekroiu rttas rlveri or U JAOonWIU UN, lms tknith sb no find Jgn TAPSCOTTS LINE aM mm. or unuirooL raixcn, .aan The saheertbers eearUtme t Irani esstlniaiesi ef pa. atae te er from lAverpool br their ravortte line ef sno lojlowua saipa, via I (". TAi'ptSrrTj VkikKALn Jji JUnofV PHKI)flALlHil4lllLKfSiV YlCTrtTllY, BKNJ. A1IAMH. ClNHrKI.TfONjNOJlKlYD, jvKurptfixr iwiTzr.HLAMD, nioijE. Ina. toaether with otbera. aabtaaaaa a Baaiaaaa. a WW oawaptTioera ara aieo arenia w ma z umm or lundum PAcxrri, OLABOOW LDUl QT BTBAlCESflL PoraUof whiaktbar araad eartlAoaUa oa liberal araTaaata jutnTTAiTcea to lurfjtiiD, q. V. m Co. alao nontmna to uama drafta, parabfct oa thrwaahont Kaslaod, lraland. Biiillsnl and Walea. Send or rail for ciranlara. Clrenlars with all partleolara mar be hat en applies). Meal U br letter, ancloae poataaa stamp to TAPrKJOTT COjM South tt. New Tork. PtyUJX. Mtmi (JOk Uvaapoei, FOB NEW ORLEANS-TT- IE CLIP- - ' warahlaaira tflRS.nNkrAM will noaltlwelw sail on Tfin radar, Nov. loth. For paaaaaaia rabln.wd ablA, aod etoeraaei, applr oa board aalp, alar iihTb,, orto.lm. Ml.aU'Uk.aiaVMiUst.tvaar Wi at. Bdl'lM FOR LIVERPOOL OLD RLACK Ftar Line The narked ahlaFIK WTrrCLl. I ON, Irlu Pier 14, laut Kivet, aafls 1 ha I011N Ilklt.lIT, Irlos pier W, East River, aala) 1Mb Nor. Ibe ehtra of thla Una aall anneejiallv al tha time advertijHl. Por paaaaae applr ea board, or to MlXLaJsaalUVI0N,4UifuJtoott. ao.4ao1i9 JSft. OLD BLACK STAR LINE Mk anW Ot MCW YUKK AM) UVKltPooX, amaV pACKh-i- a. orirpnatn tb andermantlomid and other flrat ctaae ,n't.!;",, f?m LlvtpwleNwYoOBth.eStii and tsth at each month vrijt ! ,,......t jonN BRiacT i ii CULTIVATOR. ls)lINIVKryK..".";"::ils. Peraons taodlna for their frlenda from tha Old Uauv try mar rnlr upon their balnt bmo.bt out without d lav, si ther bars out tn waif for a letter from Liver- pool, but ean come w heuever ther ahoeec IMioald the parties Bat sous out, tba atOBer trill be ntoruad la ?. "Krletieea' Barteoa Ii tttaehed to each ship. DRAlTht, parable oa ", oa LUuka of Irelaal. akif land and naotland. eMMas'law WlLLLU(3ataUI0I(.araltoaa. DENTISTRY. NEW YORK DESTAL arraair.TaTmawwee lethesert,CtarMt,aad mMtreplet. lu tba United BtaU. Pars jus reuulrlns eaperfor Dantistrr should S.'oeursllwharotlierean rat apm the esportanavd aiiuauouiiernir alilcb uaotal acieaoa oaa prod nee atreootlnuoua run eate of teeth an aold fur diO. of ourpaealns beaufr, are maerheal aa eloaalp la abada aud ntur that ther cauiiiat be d.4acted fruan tha verr of nature, fraduallv reatorlna that anturail-- T to the fvateroa aaaentlallv raaulslte to pwiith and waauiv, ate warraums aMiaraciorr sor maatlaatloa and artlraUtiao, Ur tU seta of rum teeth I ahallons the world to compete with, In polut of arUatie beautr anddurabilitr. aUarllaaalirar.alnotrophvtod with pure aolJ.Hlh.luslatoeh,.lieaminidorlia. Paln-le- tooth sttractorfor reairaitractlna toetb without pain, aatoulshlna the oraMrver, No ebarje for eitraet-ln- t where artlaehU teeth are tnaerted. Wlilte por a. vlao enamel for tlllna deearad teeth, free trota tboae tnjurloua properties In eruinarr atopptacs eorporat-In- a with the outer shell, arraatlnf dooar, oonvartlnt dunvedtaahaouneandpraventlaatoatiiaelia. Prloee tke aame at the oetebuahment aa tola announeeaieut, and all Ikeritletrv warranted as repreaentad. Dr.Hi.LI) J Ni3, fturseon IJa.iUat.U4 gprtnfet.l blooka weat of braado ap. eeil aiao!. OSTEOPLASnO DENTAL OPERA- - Sbmeln ReBOkren He PBavVfriRri I. .aw aliiutUoi ef teeth without the least pala with Prof. Pearson's Artleulal Bone, vbieb la (ntrodueed while sr.ft, flrea no pain, la the same color aa tha tenth and oaa be need la tha mar aat ebell or echini teeth, and will not rome out, gtBe lot rultea at, IkeoairaV im DR. BLAKENET, OFM SLXTHAY- - 3STT3trB would reapeatfullr Inform his friends end patruua, that notwlthatandlof his late areat redue-- nop in pnoea. nacoannaee tolnaart artinalai teeth la Uejnoatartiatleaanaar.iailtatlaatuktuTe te the natural eipresaloa to the face, worn with pcaien aaaa ana aomrurt, cne anaweruu au arsoftbormurb. haalthw maatlaartaw Oo Matina plataa made br uesperiaaoad erautltlaaara. as Vut Bioath luaraataee. TKarniaTnKaJ.TamTtTrnpTJTrAni. aTsrwaas persona rauulsiaa klud aad rarunil aa well aa ekillfiil anauilKliasu PL Cwfl JMfc OSTEOPLASTIO DENTAL OPERA-mU- D Ueau aarfursaed by the dlaooverer, at his rooua, eor Broeawar and (1st at, Thla artlAolal bona turn aW decayed taath, U put In while aurlvlaf nc aad enalJln taeoparatortalHthemareot abafiaec achiaj teeth wluk JAlUufrAII). fi. JBBBB,AnfKRTcAN TF.ETn CO- - Wi BOW. "lHrTT, tnacrt avwrr variety of artllolal tewth aa eakXalrtl.e ilnM t,t arlvata daatLvuk. via I Pall antt& Open evaainas till erl t lbiticlia(weebat. All woe warrant, eettilae' FULL SFTTSOFTEETIIINSEBT- - . 1 flae tM tVVEMSfffi' cell Mec119 I raltua ti, BiooklrB, mm It. B. GRIFFIN, OF M7 FDLTON flJTTT et, Brooklyn, U tnaertlm full setta cf eeetln-aow- a toi teeth, ea aUver.at 111) pat tettjKil aaUl FTLL SETTS AlHTFICIAL TlETn 105 part seta, GO cants par tooth. Alnarl MaTeotl sos twwer, eppoaite mo at. Blast UU ook. EitiVUifcwJeaalaeliliaVlfi aawBBwa INDESTROTABLK AB1TFICIAL IniHalliwi ef asaar. II aaob aaZbit aaul Alllua, 60 canta i attract busrtthaut Tt.aUilna.a-U- d without estreetiii ai a aw nmev. The moat nraleetod taath trenafura twaaaaS aaaaMtS- - ful order. Old aeiss repair d aad .laforniod onaa re adhuted to It Uka aewVoVk.br U, S. tClUA W BLatOS lsroo.nst.bet.ttroa4warndawwrr. Mil DK . a KESNEDT, Rfl BOWEKYt taat bee PrUaaj lAatttlenetlaaaa le laaav. aaaaibir lltw-U- laotb. al raoaaudla low 4 tubaot. erttfsa.aolVoBUIIl'S. LaatailvaarSBalTSUt TkaallMUl Srs raanaLMi at 1A1 tba aama fVieokl aria aa tb natural aaaa, ara lav -r-tTwXalpaaa.eaat ereaa vttbeat ibctatwal JBeeavealaatw. lltAaaai. JMfcOONTIS UOOS GUM TEXTH tTOK DENTISTRY. JMLftALleTiTB LOWEST PKICE9-- 4X JTrJJAJtr Jt, Breadwtr, eor nitoti st, reem jf.Bir.lUlJyAB, WHO WOULD BB WITnOOT A iT?!??!.wreaaraw)n aaas teeth en nJSKsszsst CORPORATION NOTICES. ' nOUNTT CLEM'S OITICK. s Kmw Ynt. TfiiBtmtlfa. m. iZlWbtf&S&niLr1&l& ra tor a Court afOrrf and Taraalni wnel cf M arand brrara t alaa a Banal nf Uo wa rars for a Coeni of Oaawral Haaiiliias. A paaal of petit Mmrt tor a Bnpretna uoan utrenlt, aad Qri Tennlarr. A panel ef 1SH pattt Jarara for a So parlor Cnurt. Two paneU of 104 patlt Jurors each for a Cwart oa n6;-ia- a JOHN CLASCT, Clerk. pOBPORATION NOTICE- -'-' The Committee ea Wharves, Piers and leui the Board af A Mermen, will meet on Frldar s iheralllh, low, u room No. a, citr iiau, at I e ctook f-- All neraona Intereated In tba enanrdetloa ef tha eejn- - trartfortbe rnlarrement ef the Hattarw are herebr nottled te be present al tb tun aud TilOel. W. ADAMS, V. I. A.JbtHiLr, 1IFM1Y Bed 41 41 Coasmlttee ea Wharvea. Piers and Mips. CITY OF NEW OF TtnaUB or nra Itansrvaa or Tiraa Omrarar rat Ba uvea orTsvsa, New Court tloeae-- fl rhamhera etrtet New Yerk.NoTember I, I'M. TU TAX l'AVf.BA Notlee Is herebr flvsn that 1 aer eent UI be added on Uta Iret if Deeeanbar na all Usee ra malpmi unpaid, aleo.thatlparaaut wlllbeaddadoa the lSth dav of Pieraber. Te avoid detention anal a erowd, tax psrers ar to rail earlr thla month. Orliea hoarsfrom a m. to I p m. BdWllS JAMUKJCLLY.BeeetreTafTaiae. PITT INSrECTOB'S DEPARTMENT. Haw York, Oct. ta, 1V$. NOnCl! TO PQIVTRACT0R8. --sealed prepoaale directed lo " Daniel B. llelevan, Cltr Inpnetor,s and Indorsed with the name ef the bidder written tnreon, spitor. No. 1 Centre street, antil the liHh dar af No- - vamber. friO, at II e'eloek. aoon, at which time th tame will ha puUlelr apeacd. for tha rtahl and cf aervioa eontalnod and speclfled In the Aillua in reaolutlmia, adopted bv the Board Of Alder- men, Aurnet 1, lt. br the retard cf VouocUmna, Pp!2,,2lJ,Jd apprv4 hrWkS Marer Uv tember 16, lNrj0,to wit t IfeaoteaclThat tha Citr Inrpertor aa, and a It hera brdlrerted toadrertls for pmpoaal. for tha etelu-elv- e rlsbt for Ave rvara, to remove all the alsht eoll of una cur. ana lor carrrin awar au the eontenu of the sliihssndplvlee,hnQi llqnld and aolld thereof, ie-- the junaoiction ef the ruot Commlwiloners ef tiain without nnhanen, ander tne followus and speclloatlona, to wit 1 he contractor to provide, everr olslit In the rear, veasols al each and evsrr dork set apart for that pnrpoaet the ai irrejrate toonaae cf wbleh veaaals shall not bs leas than fifteen tuadred tons harden, to receive, retain aad transport harbor, all the contents cf the eeaveatra-- s carta. Such vessels te bo uf proper site ta receive said euutrnta at ana aUte cf the tldea, and said veaaela to fetlllt-docke- d and proparlr balk headed, with covered hakhea, which shall be aloced. eioent betw aea the hours ef tea al althl aad taarlsa la tha nmmlna. Tha oootrartor shall not as ear tamwbt eerw er veaeel, nor shall he deposit or permit any of theecn-ten- ts to Slow from said veaeel Into the rivet within the Jurledletion of the Pilot Uommlaalonera, under the penalty, aa wrearrtbed by the laws of the State, cf en hundred dollars for each and everr otTanee. The and his anretlee to become nonnd te hold harm. to be liable te the corporation, and te all pee. Btereeted. tududioa aLavanaera La tha arforaa-- of their work, for anv aanaltr. axoanaa or darn. are which may arise from the neslect or default af aald eout ravtor to furnlah proper and auffidont boats as earn ana every w nan or nera, aa aoovc reunrrca. All propneala or blda racclvad, te be, withcat deUy, tnnanuUdUthaUamUoudlfbraetleathanan. Theeoutraetorwlll be required te lie saanrity, br twe haaaabaldara or fraaholdaraja the City c7NewYork.te the amouul cf tweatr theoaead dollara, for the faithful performance of bis contract. If the contractor shall oealet t or refoaa ta execute hit contract, er te furnish proper and eaf&cleut boats at each and every dock; to b ef the tun nets above mentioned, for aald eel eke, withe In fortr-frir- ht honrs after notion cf the aettoa cf the Common Council relative to th eward cf said contract to blm, it wLU be deemed that said contract has bro ahandonad. la eeeordanca with section IS ef the amended charter of 180T. aad the earae aliall tauae. lately be and dllTerence or lose to toe yorporaiioa so oa ania tor ana reeoverw acslnst the puraoa maklnc defanlt and hta anretiea. llierlsht bains harebv reaarvad to raleat aar aad aft ero.oe.la or bide rise red If dtsmidU the latarasl of tha tlorooratlon. Blank forms oa propoaala end eattmafes eaa be ebtalav wwwa .yffiiMiaoa wwavHr fnapertor. . bELAVAS. BtlU'lM Utr liupector. BOARDINQ. FEW GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN Ibe aeeommodated with board at 111 White at nl 1 A FEW YOUNG MEN CAN BE ACCMMO-- u- Al. Lw" h "? "" r ' J0"0 ladlea. at 40 at. Bear Broad a ay. nD iMi ArURNISITED OR UNFCRNISHED TAtt. to let ta three or four roans gentlemen being acquainted, would wish to room have board lf,rmalred. In a small prints family; also a tklr I tile rtrl utUX la dolus; hon aork. Ajplr 10 Oliver si nr?(14 AT 6 THOMPSON ST-G- BOARD, roonie and slnrle beds for l a week also a room with irate suitable for a maa and bla wla, abio a warm ana well Uahted paxlor. aw Maesd A PLEASANT FRONT BOOM T0 LXtI-YVIt- k board to a gentleman and bis wife i atss I respectable youn men can be soomniodated with full er psrtUI board, wbero oaly I or paraoni arc takna. Inaulre U Orchard si. tell l4aelM A GENTLEMEN AND WIFE. OR TWO Binds rmrtlemaa eaa be eeeommodatad with board where the cotufurtscf a home can be enjoyed, eieohanbw preferred. Apply et oO Hues street tllirlltt "OOAED TWO STEADY YOUNG MEN AJ ean lie aerenunodated with board wherialltha eemforts of a b ana may be eipected. Apply at KM aauiiaii iu uour, irout rvou. tio )i)l BOARD TWO OR TURF.E GENTLEMEN aeromraodated with ho.nl in a prirate f nillv, on reaaonal.le terms. Itrferenra elf tu and re. qulrid. Apply at IM Washluftea Htrivt. uSrlTO BOARIUNG-PLEASA- NT ROOMS, FUR. Itb hoard for se'tlemen and their aiveat ROdd aecoruniodatlcns for single gititlentea with Irtiard out door boarders SSXfcmiiiodated. tt 11 Blvlnatou rt, near Bowery. nSB'lvl B OARD-PLEAS- ANT ROOMS, FURNISn- - dat. I. .J -- . - t ai m av t a a wrteu irtwata. ra um ou.siDetj ur mmrritja mn-- lorta aeotleiuen, at tpnna; alio a fnv ratv pKUhl 7wni UOit. fU lva Weat tUth at, 8to are, nsV4aclW BOARDINO- -J OR 3 MEN CAN HAVE A home where there are no children end enlr a few hoarder, kepi, by applying at lei 1 bird avu, betloth aud Hth sta, Id floor. J al BOARDINO A FEW 8LNGLX gentleman aad wife, eaa be eecomgno-date-d wlthlard. A room to let, fumlsbad or uufur-Blaha- d, with or without board, at 411 UrecnwUi .t Alaa. two bullae eaa be eoraimmndated. aol Maela HOARDING ON THIRD AYE A FEW BE- - a--r specUlile reuna men ean be aeoonuDodatcd with aaeaeana room, and good boaid,at llper waekl day coarubra 160, by tor su are. BOARDING i HEN CAN BE bflkrd. elaaa bad. an arrv raoma. stlTUTUrd ave, second honac froat Htk weakly. Iaqalre la the etove. eMaelka nt OOD BOARD AND PLEASANT BOOMS v lor single isntlamen at II t wseki auglerceraa br stagls tntwn.tn u luaaarst ler- - .r?t a uliveast. elltaMtsT YEAU AND LODGINGS CHEAT-WA- RM iri. single beds lOrta. a nlgbt OeBtlemea aad wife, STcts. full meala, II cent, i eorTee aud cakea, a eeata eoflee aloaa, t cents l at 1 lauirent st, near Canal. The dally papers taken. m- -, 4ealCid TVo OR THREE YOUNQ MEN CAN BE with good board and comfortable rocasa, where they can make thesaaelves at home; terais tnoderatci alee tw respectable voting la'iee. A pply in Uonrce at. Bl Sl7d TO LET CHEAP- -A LARGE, PLEASANT front room, furnished, selttbls for aa cAloe. tlO Grand at. Inquire In Ualtery.HJ door. aiyfis WANTED BY AN ELDERLY WIDOW VV lady cf qntat behits, a furalahed er unfurnUkad room on tho lei or Id Hour) location bet 4th end 14th ate, Broadway and Ith eve. Any plain ordarlr family, may addreaa 0. It. care of tML LAW tf, kl, Metrcaol- - tea P. U , New Bible lloaae. adl'lsu aUWenil FOR SALE ALAKOESTOCI OF BOOT, SHOE AND aaar rM st,kytl.A.AK11Ilfl,Sll.,tg.taor with a general aauHtmaot of Isathet aad shoe aodlort cheap (of F2J SALE THE FIXTURES OF A J EW- - stoie UI be told cheap. Apply at lftd Orsea- - WKUSC bT iTl SALE- -A LOT OF 8UTERI0B OLD .o.,fil."'.k For sale Ly AXDEKW CLAfttK, at fklKW AND SECOND HAND 8KWIN0 MA-- a- enina. tor WUaca'a, a rarer and Baker s. aad otbera. Ua.kl.fa. La L- - a. M vwpeiree. aoorssa. i uta,"SSiviSuMU bScJ WBJ CLWINO MACUIN0FOB SALE CHEAP ? one of No. a, la lead order. A pel v at UJHWsel hi slfsih Beer. Blfc'lM vVfEAlT'ENGINl FOB SALE ONE SEW home power upright engine, with blower and CKWEJO ItACniNEt FOB 8ALS-SE- O- was.' MEDICTNEaL;,. TB-- MOROA iiAif.rrOcro- -. 47 st, alrsa ddvtot fnM. warrao. cares ta cfula, UntHirs, larni aertsodalirssnal Beaiin, l .vtSSr2 POB TJDI 8TTEDT QPB OT aMmFMAV aaUaJiyBSaTBsrTtrryBmw ?, tiMAVtTtir&Fvun ifflSTmLmvlr ItfeaaU. sAjjlujuj HrTpjIa; -s- tosii "POBTITB BLOOD : th okhat M- r- t. J. I.BATUIlit VBtitiUW UUSJK BgmUBk Keraey, fcH 11 Chatkasa tJaf Fllaa. ' wrrm mm r - "-- wm - Cowat ttC?Xtfzz?T' " crr ef retasekin DO Chatham, (TI BrwsdvaXwOraskl st. aejaVjaae FOR THE HLES, BLEEDING OR XXTK. BRODirS tlaotuary aad wpreattary, price II, gnaranteed to cure, er the avmer Advlca gratia. Ofltaa B Bi aede ay, Beat to WeJksaH . m.w.a ww wnk a l70RTn-FTL- 8- A. DS. UPnAlTB TBOBTra rki certain core for wllea (a wvwrwi rurm, .4sesaea'a)aatl sre sa reawis et asgiastel ar I File. Wheaafflld.dwltuettherefta and dangeroas atmstlnns. seocHir puisanaiiy.ak sw a, Mei aa, ar AiuVa from this dlaeaaa, solicited for treatment. De. Uabaaa m in nui i ill hi mi ins tn iii in tin usitetiiiiiiia u this M rears, aad mass gSrSt5.-w- w TMPORTANT TO DOCTOis AND DIUO A HUuufktturrr of aUslnd. tf IdcdWed Candy uJ Leaantes; also PUlr, Ilerla, Beedik, Ac., Bosar Coated. UruaglsU work la (eaeral promptly sl.emted lo. HAVE TOO A COUOn ARK YOD a lathe throat I.ywaf tough dry ana 1. jkr I Then Ua ujj ..-a- t rid efit as soon ss poeaibie, or roo roar, through your ewa ne- glect, be thrown opoa ywnrbed forthelaat lima Witt) fcat dreadful anourreCONnlllrnqH. let aotdalar amomont,eatbefirat svmptonas of a eoagh. hat gel raUaf. Trrevarrtklng r on please caBaatl awaort aat a bottle of llr.lrln'a IUU1S SLaiKSUtinATUat fw "fl eenta, or 8jr SI, and you will Had that had reel aagaa wltii that ft rat yon would bav found alawat Ira mudtata railed. For sale, wholesale and voUfteaoorUllaaaaboxaJk,tadsi(etsIlr7 daws giaarslty. toM V TTTE RECOMMEND ROGERS' OTTBATI If f Uarntwaiitm In lnvt1fn It lai tH - saaaai - at: t bottia U tquai to ihra tfur l mm j tryt etilv GP ensU. Fof ante tfcr nil Arncsfatfa, BTaarnVR lP3g; MEDICAL. A LADIES' FRIEND 1 DR. i XX KrJt, W8 Broadway, Bear Bleeeker et, irtsstwj til female dlaaaaea, and remoree skstiaulliiaa aa4 irregalarttlea by medical aad sorgtakl liiilmsat. Bears te U:J1 till I. Uhargaal aaaoanta. paiiainuall. W AN ACT OF GBATTTUDX -A GEBTLbV maa having been cured of a dlwaae, the recall al early errors, thinks II but chrritable to reader eaah Information to othere airnllarlraitated.ea esarree, Core them te health wlthontespoania. Fall te enr addreas oa the re, ipt ef a stamped dlructed envelope, Addreas rBANX AXON, hC Broads ay Post Office. M Y. B4ino53 DR. TERRT, 68V1IITE STREET, NEAR Broadwsr.mayberonsultedeonadeoilallr. N. B -f- lnla Agent tor lr. Ueval'e celebrated Female Kemcdhia, t BR. COOPER, H DUANK ST, HAT BE. on all dlaeaaaa of a private natar. vara esciusively devoted te the trcatmeat ef eeerct aiaaa.1 anahlaa him La warrant a an re in all mm. mm. aerukaea. tucviotimeci muplaeca I have been mlelad br quack adeertlaeasants, ean can oa I)r.C,wlththecarUlutyof batna euxe. au) 4101 DR. WARD, 483 BROADWAY, PEBFORMS iilv permanent mtltfarterr cere ef private dlaeasea. Beroamher. all sJllcted, that br Dr.WAKU roo will InimedUktaly xparleake that Richard a hlmaebT Care naranteed aaal medklneaprovlilad for II Female diaeaaaa aaeeeasr fuUy treati-il- . Ills Monthly nils, 1 per box, sever fall of effect lutendMa. Try them, ell ladlea la eertala altuatUaa. onlna, dl Biokdwar, Best to Wallaok'a a uwuv up .Murv, penecuy pnvalat arraagea that pa-- tlent. never meet. miisiiens fratla. Attenejaaa sin iu r. as. BdllM "T)R. BRODIE TREATS ALL FEMALB - dlssaaea tneerssfuUr, and gaarantaee to remov ouatrnctlons and Irregularitiea. Ilia Monthly Ptllaar a aafe and to fallible remedy for f.niale deraaearaeat. Price IL Ufaea coil Broadway, next lo WellaBj Theatre. al 1M DR. CORBITT, 138 8PBINQ ST., Iff dally ea private dtaoaaes. B warranbi a cure w itbont merearr or ear ether dangarcsai aaadt la tf or three fcemIA.sCU10P.sir jtriir1 rtR. YANUEESZREN1 IMPKR1AL Lsk- - " aiear Monthly ruia are the only aafa ei. poweriuj remouy R'l" funuU derangusaaabf, W rwooaimena toem klrhlr U married andslasls Ttadlesl Bold only et MS I Broadway, tw Htsikae atrBtd, mati. Brui HEALTH DIFFICULT CHRONIO tli female weakneatos eared br MAhMB K. LICKEY, No. U Weat loth at Patleats eadrtea rootua and board durlog treatuieat, eaa be aeeiirwna-datc-d. Consultations gratia. aa 4111 LADIES' RETREAT Mrs. BYRNES, POTo and Aeronehrr. No. lid Thempaoa stnst, betwefB lluu.t4M) and Blaticser, attenda niiallaniiisatg. Treats all diaeaace of eomea and ellldrea. Ceavsr alent mom. during treetnieaa, VL fc Leeoklnf aaal all alud of hatha. alllj M ADAM MORROW HAB BXMOYXD Prom TS Brnnma at. ta 14 fauUaw aa. kaa Itaaa too. N. IL A. I hare an amaa bat ai artaata eeaa. aenee, mr for rnsemstlsr win be aaal M mdiaaatkkya Bia-v- a, MADAME BESTELL'S FUUUI are the only medicine marrtad ar single bvdlea eaa rrlr neon with aafaty aad taVisah. Pricellsbos. BokietinChamberta. Caw ale a sent by mall, la neat latter form, te ear part ef Ik unitronraaMiBBa ueiaaaaa. i CAUTION AU athara oaraartisa ta ha "fa PUls" are eouaterfclla, aUiat PROSTBATED FACULTIES AND OENER. no longer ha tha baaa ef lifer laaiire relitfte .. ... he touad ... iu.THIKdBttd.T- - , .. Mae. a o..u v.. i. l- - Ita. , ci f peetw. t or sale also by F. 0. WKLI A A OO., lu g rauauu si , n. t. n tw MU T HE GBEEN BAY INDIAN DOOTO-B- urea, at once, rheiamallon, sarofuls. dreawy. esse. ears, tumora, soma, pUea, eta, laaga, Uvatk kiaaa. Heart, au female weakna aea. Irregularities ead ss strnctloES Offioe,! MrwCaaal at, eoner rvTvUaa. Consnltit'ou taua. Biridl OO HEALTH OF AMERICAM 43.43 Tkd rVwawkare fossiiap. Mutattis Ursaiaa Caiausauast Haatrlala aute fcr aU Irvasgajttiet, wasaBBtaa, ami leeal of !?- - Kcr..j5-yBT.- j 1UFJUBUIIA r, DJUIUHaAM mk'?Srr,"?g&?b&rm-- w nc uauaiiaoa le aartatu ra bb 1 env at the rouowing ainistnenei TV ta teia. 1 tin pain ta the Back aad Kldac 2- S- tVld lland aad Sla Ptsarmms Merrciiaiiraa noadMha BaataaaaassBMa Crawling aad Pala la tba Seine aad t srweaa Hal anoa Mere acta awwaaaa Marvao. Twttehima fitarfclna. k Bloated aad Irrertdarl OBHeeaanlPrssnas ISlastat Dr J. r. Innea vaaw tf esasnld pierts bwleriW. af aaeMjuMaaawarla gT,a,rawlaa Aa,MVio, OstM tottrsTlsl.Mllll euMacria fTtnX NEW TORK BUN ATbl.poraJarpapMr,na4r)rawwaratfT1ulllBaB', and Th sealed pixBoaa dally, At aaallad le caaaatraaaV, sartbasataaeaMafartheeaaiytgalaa, al dtwarBBw) Wpww-a-j- -y. to any Bust erbaa U Ike Bute ef aura ark, Ii (MM eHthutaai;nlUdUkaa,a4Mpa(yaia,pa-awa- la rraE WEEKLY SUN UTTsKOIKAMH ann wi 10a Tar 1 wwrm.. ?narai. tUlajU tO r. J J J" VBMaaVMMMMMMVVVVVVVMMMV Tar waa 7LtMwt,iMwtBw.iM. I iTftS AAaSLanaY. I .mmm .. ...... fMM m vwwwvv" v vrrervsttttt ' Footage II aanta a year U tke State, lad M 1 rear out of the swat vaauaea copies I PtiBtTa lettso M ' MOST M. BXAtS, W,HiJi,M8Blnian "COLUMBIAN- - ... . . ... '. .y Boura Bseeaa sereec,e Iweeu Becuodand Third ere mar alwwa I !5..T'i ivm Hi P.,DY1B '"' euanging Orey or Bad llatr ta a Dr. Ivln.' COU&U KtTBUU-NATU- llsrlow'a 6KBIS TOOTH PASTBi LOTION, fce cbapa. a. i.DlA. MONU 0L088, or ,XagaacAafarPiaa.jBQ. tLaartiiairrwdeTlrwWBjvlaaW eaoad, HtopauaiWU'lji tail Coajli, sd avarRjr of aAua?tleV Vasaapawwr 9SiSSStSsSmShkir

Transcript of nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11... · ftrv...

Page 1: nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11... · ftrv .lillUHaJasosw "W" "4 k ft rk . TriMm KTTt7 LEOLA; OB T TJK MYSTERIOUS RAHBER. 4TkfUMexiWr. "

ftrv.lillUHaJasosw "W" "

4 kft rk .

TriMm KTTt7



T 4TkfUMexiWr." a t. n" r '

Jfwwft."" dhn ," efeeeei IrABreiB," MA

aurrtB xn.m tm awe Mint a MnM--m mm.Th day RUw Away Into !, and thi

wMUt&tOMOBth, and I'-f-ll Lewi rwaataed

reisecif tt the Hadmiita (Xuttlliai, wttboatbearinf T mws from her captor, or bar fresno.

ad loTtr. Etwt week or two som of th men--roalJ rataia to lb castle with bootr, remela a

day, d tbaa co aay ajatn. lljt of ibei sb

atrw Ttfttmrtd to atk questions, aha would

raUvar timala !n Ignoraaee, thaniubject hertel.Insult or dlsretraxt.ft.Ueeaalule ah wai nnUtl to roam m

bo frown- c- bitlful, Kar-

elia lay to lb ti(U of tb tittle, In which ah

loTtdt walk and Tn aomatlmea wandered

to tb tc? of tb mountain, and gut upon theUTonixHax scenery.Onttss occasion two men wire elwayt ber

Idtendasta, walking bahlnd her aad Mirlano,nevtrloelagtlA-bto- f them. No: thai Mariano waaaaUaeJ, for ih tu tcml.teJ to go and comr, heath fltated, ll letjR ejinlJerexl that bardevotion to bar 8.ltirt was too great for hartoletv bar on any lndacemon

And thoa the time nolo on. Leol was think-fa- lthat lbs waa fne from the at en' Ions of tb

Maat'dU Chief t aid ye. she fa.ll t ltiUy, dayby day. Tlere was a c trior In ber heart, which

u slowly eatirfi away the tltality of her lie--tb occcrta'ntr of the fa'e of Juloa Trtvls

Pbe wouM bv given wotUa to know that h

aid bred at.il waa free. In btr long solitudeah Is! time to examine bur fcoart torecall etch tuomeat of the pAi', wnca tbe wiss

la h!i leciety, sharing tU prr.cubn and klneV-Bet- a.

Ska bad toanced her heart to lea depth ttdepths, and found nothin t there bat l)v.

fcarlaao watched bcrdty by day, with tbgreatest aolicitod, aheaatv th rjnet faJo fromher cheeks, her eye grow Lan;ui), ber face baggaid. tb tritd ber best devoted ctil "x rallyher ijirits, but In rain. Ih Ion,; walks up themaunta'n otry brought a tober duets, that aoon paaolaway Uktahvt- -bouM Sow er.

It w aa cue vetlnR In the mIJ.11 of August,that Leola aat at tb front wlndo of ber apart-

ment, taking acroaa the (mill --alley, wberaoea ebildran ware at play, wben th uw an old

tnaa anted on a donkey, suddenly amerga from

tb narrow pats which led Into the valley, andtake hit w ay toward tb caat.

'It Utlm Grey Monk," ah murmured, turn-ing pa 't'tbanniual.- - "What Is the programmenow, 'wonder t b la either at Ibo agent ofCaatUUaa, or tie tor some dam jaiile purpose ofbla own.'

" V nay at liat larar umtthlng from theworld wllhoat throujti blm, ' (a!d Mariano, whj

ad overheard1 ber remark." Yea, and however much tin proseno may

afflict me, with that bo;, I alull bid him wel-

come," ibe replied.The Mockwef not long in reaching the castle,

nor did he wait longer than to refrrsh bti stom-

achi'! with torn Vera Oui win, than bu rap washeard at the door. Leola hsde blm en'or.

"Bcnltclont daaghter.'" be tIJ, withgravity, as b entered.

Leola motlonec-- Mariano to set blm a chair, and

remained tested, calmly awaiting even's."Thty told median stay that you were

here, daughter, and I fait V. my duly to com i toM ytn," coi.tli.tiod tlo why Jtsul'tas bo toik

tlie offered ttat. "I os Just on the way toIh cesveLt ot Si. laibil, to soeyt u."

"rrm where do joa trartl, ruihcr?'' aaked

Iol, half care'uslr."From Mtlamoraa,"ii!tI :he prtott."Tben His stogu'tr you thoald have to far

leveled out of your oy," alt relUd. '"Sicesyon bar pa' sed tbs convent aioro thin thirtymnu."

"Iadeed" sill the piLtt, nddonlng withconfusion.

"Thecooect of S.. Isalwl Is luine ten milesfremCamsrgo, and Ifl rojjon rt'.tly, vie aienotrooie thin ten trtaclvo r.Uc fioin Monte-

rey. Vo are a poor niatpiir, fi'lur," sl'eadded, nitUaarnos Lets. ' Y'i i.o from tl.afirst thai I was hue, for jou wcro II o iLttnt ofbrlnglnsr.o into tliU mm' poir. arehere now for to. .e purest ; t In lr. i.it cliar-acter- s,

and conic tote ioiit, Ux j ou mo I amin no condition fvr dsManca."

ZUm plain pejb was an a tow shift to themonk that nsvla blm wlme std writhe. Illsbrow daiken-wit- h anger fur a moment, but bitdiscretion gained tho nwittiy, an.l he said I

" 1 knot Lot, daughter, bow j on galotd thisknowledge, but you nintt bailor tint I bareacted fur j our owngooj. Tbo befmr Caitilliasloretjou; be U rich, aul will imkeyou tiUi'o;and surely, the wife of a wealthy captain of tloarmy, and tb nJs'ies cf this castle, U Ultirthan a life tcent in a convent.''

"Why did jou tot tsy a it (,f theroad, iiktead ot a ci.a-- in the rmyi" titaakad stunt, "Voa knew hi n to be a c.'iiimaarobber, who It Uoonswl for bis titlios to the

i church and state, and tun are th collect. ortaxes! "

"Ilewarr, gbrl 1" b bliscj through bis set Uj a

"Beware what jou ta of tibur liUu or u.The curt of the church is terrible."

"Then let It curse un'll It gatt grey! It cau-B- ttcrush me more than you and ) our runAre)

bav done!" ahe replied, dofiautly.Th old man moved uneasily In bU chair; bis

bo wu purple, and Us eyes sceinod a blaze, asb strogglel with bit passion. Leola taw it,and, la ber reckless tone, continued t

"I can erea tell yoa w bat your busiuoss Ishereto-da- y. You are baulked la jonr tcben.e

galcet my property, the Amerlcant having jot.eatlon tf Matsmoras, and you are unable to fiud

tay failure papers.""S'death n4 fury, grip He bad rietnto

LI betas be uttereil tks words) but spoedilychaUIrff bimsU, bo slowly icumtrt bU se.tand, bxadinarenttonoanla Morufm tuille, b,tuHtdi "'Tit folly for a niliibter of the HolyChorch to lot bU temper at a girl, who, I teeIt 01 and net vout. I'ardon me, daughter j Ictuspeak of touielhlnj elae aud forget what bat

been tall.""With aU my bca.t," laid Le la, seeing that

ah bad gained ber point. "Wl.it is the r.oatabroad In the world llnw gi the war t '

My fi us, tatu," tal 1 the monk, com- -

2lcrTf.Jr'lc i"u"uat U" t"

B ytaj loam,""Indetd! ndtaayo.,UUae, tather, whatkas tetome of lb young ranKW ,to ,. ,' .'

aTsdmyllfe, when my father wumurdrj7,Sb. fixed L piercing yM upon b.u

lxVltfd r h antwered. At Ungtb b nid.' "I I0 --twr your tjaatlloo, If yew Ul

Bat MM for B "TlIIlnl, If I can do It," utd Laol.

at Miatorey, und aenUno of..w--. a.' a

A Uigkt moan ! Ur Up, aad L chsek


grt r!i wit t maaUrtd lb motloii, nllaid, la a calm, low ton)

"Wol'-goo- nl"

'Ton are awod,fBgller.,, aald Ih priest,

who Lad totlesd tbo cftct of bis words. "Ihquestion 1 wouM ask I tbUt Who U this youngman. In whom you take sack aa lntrst?"

"II Is a young T tan Hanger, c tiled JulesVravla," ab repliod, meeting bis acrutUiUIng

gsi."Is that his real name?" htatked."It li all that I har ever heard.""Ishara'lvof Texas, or tbL'nltIS(st?'"I bar sometime thought neither, ttm fats

olive complexion but thla and tb fluency wi'.h

which b speak cur languag may b tb wsultof drenmstaacca," ah antwared. Tb answer

had no soonr fcrcd ber lips, than A regret-to- d

It, for a Strang suspicion flashed across ber

mind tin renumbered the etclamatlen whichscaped Travis on tb night when, after saving

ber from the marauder, the mentioned the nameof Cast Ollas In ber narrative. Why bad tbspriest CastQliu'frlond asked llioso ituplcloutquestions, If there bad bocn no previous acpslatauc between them?

Tttamenk, however, appetred toln sa'USedwith ttr answers, and after a few mora word?,took his leave, faying ttat be would so heragain In the morning, befor ho left th ctrtle.

Hut the grey Monk was gone, on th fol'ow-to- g

morning, before Ltola was awake. Whenshe rose, ah wu surprised to find Mariano ab-

sent from her room. Unusual aa the inslJeutappeared, sb gar tt little thought, and pro-

ceeded to rasV btr toilet. Presently th cookentered, with ber breakfast, and she Inquiredfor Ur maid. Tbo cook bed not teen ler. Shanext tnqulied for the Monk. II bal gonesometime since. This was strange, and Leolabegan to fool alarmed. She remombertl thatafter tba Monk's departure, on th e enlng pre-

vious, MsrUno bad been nnnsuilly thoughtfuland eetious. What could It all mean t

1 he Cvok bad taken Ler departuro, and Lqolawas standing bc'ire the glass, when sb taw tbdoor open behind ber, and a young Mexican boyiter. She half uttered a scream, at sb turned

towaid tbdnUuddr, but paiuol In confusion, atie boy Mid:

"Don't be fitgkltned, nilstrcs', diii't yfniknow in?"

"Mariana!" Mctalmed Leola, In surprl."of, nMress," said the diiguljed nisldnn,

with a tmtle."AVIiat is the meaning f this diviitJ'1j?"

aileJ lxols, somewhat harshly,

"Listen, and I wilt toU you," said tb girt."Tba rrlest aays that tb brave young Titn IIs In prison, and under sentence of death. Al ithough I know him to be a bat bypocrlt andliar, yet thla may be the truth; and 1 began tothink If there might not be torn way to savblm. In passing through th garret, som daysago, I saw this suit of boy's clothes. In mymodltatlons, last night, 1 resolved, with jourpermission, to pnt them on, cross tb miun- -taint, visit th American camp and learn theirIntentions, and tben go to Monterey, to find outall that I could of the prisoners, and, if possible,tee them. This, I thought, would at least ndyournxlety, and might b of service to themI mean Senor Travis and bla friend.'

Leola tank down upon th sofa, at It were,overcome with the plan.

"Mariano I" th exclaimed, "Von are myguardian angel I Jlty tb Virgin protect thin tky hazardous enterprise I Oo, and I willpry from tba rising to th letting of the tun,that you may return In safety I"

In lost than half an hour, Mariano bad break-

fasted, kissed her mistress, eluded th watch.aadwaa on the mountains, wending her way la thedirection of Walnut Sarlrgs.

A dreary week passed by j one of alternatinghope, doubt, faith, fear, and anxtout prayer, Itwas to poor Leola. sometime, tho bumod her-ee- lf

for ba teg allowed ber faithful maid to de-

part on tuch a dangcroui mission. Then tbowondered at berdo'ay, anl often lay awake atnight, conjecturing what bad been ber fcite.

On tho tilth night, the bad rat up until a latehour, watihlng from lior window, ye', almoetdead from watching. Ibe bell oa tbo old tower

sled tba hour cf midnight. SLe ttartod, andwaa stout to rise for tbo purpose of retiring,when ber glatco csugbt tight, as tho thoughtby the dim for llh, ofniinydatk objects raiv-H- g

about at tie mouth of tho mountain pass,across the li'tlo valley. She could not tell, atfirst, w hat thvy w ere, but Li--r nerves, ronduledamteby long fuOWInp, wcro tiisveptablo to theleast sound ir tbsdow. Cautiously, yet trembllrgly laLIng ber win lor, tho toon hoard tbrculllirg of bones, and next could boar theirtramplirgfi-a- . They dit not ride towards thocatle, bow cm r, but tiled ulong upon OACtt bidot tbo pifs, around the cuno of I Us valley, toat to be lnl3lb'e to nuy OL apprjathbig fromthe en tar.rr.

Levis trcinlb 1, j e' a strange a aro held her totlus.xt. Wao wore ttiose strange uidrJgiithurt cmf n ? and why bsl they thus drawn thorn,tehri up at tbo month of the past? She darelnot boje that they woitvtliirthau tbo kind 0banditti.

"1 is,,' tho mentally exdatmoil. "TbeAmer-icai- it

hs e won Monterey these hd e been pur-sued, and bate drawn tlmmohcs up In thatitrioi toini, tun inks a tnanoorstorm upontUlr puteuers. What terr.bl tconu la about tobe n.acledUfote mo?

I At that blatant thore came a column of horse- -men eweopln,-- ; through tho pas. It did notnot amount to half tho nuu.bsrw 1th w blch Cat-tU- lU

had left the castle. At the sains lastant,a loud, tUtlou oico rang oa the midnightair

1 Cairge, Hangar;! cburgo let uot on ofthem bto quarter!"

Uo'a hoarl that voice, and her heart leaptInto ber throat I Sue taw thoso two wlngt ofthe semi circle close agtlnst the other horsemanlike a fan she heard the clash of tteel tb re-

port of bar brain grew Altty hereyet lott the powor of tbibt, aad ah sank uponthe floor, gasping

"faod!"'hen sb returned to consciousness she found

herself soatod upon a hor,e, with tb arm ofJuleiTavi supportlrg bor, whilo Mariano tatupon another, on the other tide. Around barwas strewed tcorct of dcaJ, tslbl at la noon-day, for tb entire castle and hovels war la ongrand conflagration I Tne my t'eriout horsemenwere the Toxan Rangvis, who bad been lod byMariano by a (brcct routo to tho pass, thus cut-- Ui

g off tte rttieat of tU (Suerillas.w ho bad ed

Ublnd tb iMtcf the ilylug army, toplok ciT, trier tbolr manner, the moat adven-turous cf the rureuer".

"Uaft wliat I call a pooty dtcont job, andI tjt for all my long luiprfcociucnt, I rkor,"aald Kit Galen, "Tlur arn't none of 'om 'II evercarry off any more nice joung wltuuion."

"IfonlyCastillias bad been among them!"tlgbod Tra Is.

"I.esv blm to IIet eiil" said Leola, solemnly."It was never intended fur )ou to toll jour

noblo bands In bla baa blood!"

cuArrtut xiu.a ai Mir.n isTriiMiw. thk iMinncrnos

1UK IAUKWLLI..A nw era socmed now to wnupon ournero

"J'u 'T ItecUon Wlth

to U dissipated fo: over from ber tky. n ero ahjrM permitted to bold frwiuent-alm- ott dally In"

twT v"lli Tt,vt' 'Uo twtoiwawS UrtsTJ2" "to MmU. --a

ir.n4,rith,bbiWt paUlnda, bat tUdaepett and devotion.Thmui vara tn.4 v. ...

n. Tor none but thot. Ac bar. wrlrUncII

It, con n It ftet tt reaming In tb gardes

of a tropical dim, with tb. & lk7 "'hd, ind lb perfumes of sweet flowtrt, and tkrattling of orange groves around, la company

with a dark eyed daaghter of tb Artec, who

has won yonr heart, and answers to It verythrob I Such was tb xperUnc of Travis, for

more than a month reveling In a golden dream

of Ulsc, tipping th d nectar of pethcthappiness wben tb ordar wm glvan to marchon, Ealtlllo.

Xotwlthttandlnt tn soldier wu to well blend-ed m the man, b felt as If this was a cruelty lafate, and b was loath to leav his Uamottta,who had to entofled hit heart.

It wu th evening prior to th day of march-

ing, tliat b waa roaming la tb beautiful gardenwhich attached bar annt's dwelling, when Leola,after a long pant, aald:

"You march to. morrow, I heard, do yoa gowith tb army, or remain In gamaon ?"

"Alaal forth fortune of warl" aald Travis,with a sigh, "I am ordered to march. It U that,Leola, which make me tad We muttagain part!"

tb remained client, and he continued."Wben I look back over tb past month, and

contemplate tb profound, unfathomable happl-ne- sa

I bav experienced, It som Ilk dreama thrUlLngvUlon of slumber. And yet la real,for though sad at th tboaght of parting, I feellli earn happiness now."

II pressed ber gently to his heart, while ah

remained tilent. 1'reaently th lifted ber beadwith asucMon Impulelta motion, and ga:ad upInto tb heaven.

"There it a cloud over my star !" th murmur-ed, softly. "When do you etpect torelurn,dcarJules?"

"Soon, I trust. Th winter la coming on, andI do not think the General will trust the Moun-

tains during th rainy weatbor; we tball proba-

bly not go beyond Salt Mo, and even then manyL of us may be Mat lack here, for winter quar

ter s.""1 fed a daik presentiment of e IL" the mur-

mured, sadly. "My tttr wtms me. We htvbeen too happy of bit, dear Julea. I knew Itcould not last. I fear it will be a long, longtinio, ero we shall meet again If ever I"

Tit o CtaMniisrf.


HockUnd Uonntr, eontlnlns M errm, moothpii. ur ana new imuainvp, irnic- -. e-- sn. utnrrfurm, sll prices, for sue, er trade. W. II. MI-

UCK,OIUrodtr. nU'lilOB CTTRES8 niLL CEMETERt" LOTS--m mr Mir, nrncn neisw meir real Vila; eholoe an4veil select,!; line perriTti annie on theevrmieernneoB the paths. Apr' toULUUUTC ll.lvr.No.

i paaaau aw room , up auira. It'ltiSB FOR SALE OR EXCIUNOE-Mi- r.!, t-- i 4we)l!iiihouM'a,wlUitnaarrraorooillaail and

exteuilva t. r power. Ho uillri from the I'ltr or NowVurkialMbMaerMwoud laud. J. M. MILLKB. tiPlnort. nOSSac-llt- t.


S3 arrw, within on and a ball mllM ofthe railroad depot t Paterwrn, New Jaraer, frootlafand Isrios on the east side of the raaaala river, about40 rode almvo ViDVinkla'i ItrLltf A. lunulre el St. It. a.aT.lU'llMUM, all lludenn it, eor o( TrorTM. Y,citr. Mr.lIrIiliutOM.UVaaaUaie's OrMn, willshow Uia propert. ubt'liS an

ajJlVIEOmiA LAND FOR BALE A VERTtt demlraldatTurk, fralt and srala farm, altaated la

York Countr, Va,on York Klver, tM mllea from York-tow-

containlnf arrea, MO einariMl,aad aia Inwood and tlmlen eleared land la a aood etata ofealll-vatla-

O.ISW peerh treea, la full txariaa, with tuntriws alrearfr planted ttiUfall.thatHilldinricotnfortabUtVame dweUlnir, nenrl new, aU out Hilldlnce oomplrtewith a flno et4rait, psw mill Ins ood order. Information

hr lr. II. at, (lAKKKTA WUllamauura, V. , p.Jlven Yorktown. Va., vr the nbam'Iber.TUUd.Cl.AKH.nr. Moortea, naw imim vouiiir, seal.

p4 U'101

COJ UP TOWN LOTS WITTI A BUILD- -at Inn loan, for sale, well eltnatM en a 100 fretetreet. near firet elaea iinproTementa. Apptr to K.UAirUNtlALa, 1(1 Itraadwa, third ttorr. aJ 1 41

ajjaFOR SAIjCaDESIRABLE FARM OFETahont 11 aerea ef apertor land, near the flonrtiih- -

IDttltjror ktahwar, N. J.t food feoeea. autnfortalilebam.aaaon house, ahad, Ac; prloo tLTUU.

ipplv to AVKF.Vflf.i.UMH, biuDar aealar, Ka'.war.all MacUa

ffl BU1LDISO LOTS IN JERSET CITT--a- In the Id Ward, i hlorks from the Fenr,water and ras introducer, aultaijia tor dweluafni ormauufiu-wrlei- i TO por tit uur remain oa bood aadmortmaet elnslo IteU er Plots on Katlroad av. Htaul.n- -Moriran and Warren ate, fur aala law or to tone. Arrlv toO. J. eUlTU, DM Broadaar, or to JOHN CXW.IN, Montsniimr near Washington its, Jarsar Clrr,


oh FOR SALE OR EXCIIASOE A FAR'I,PCT ef M eeree, with new dwetllnra, io4 aal andtTkiler,liet. Port Jefferson and Mndford, I I lriefin). 8. UUDY at iHU hi Liberty at. oUtscll

THE CHEAPEST FARM IN MAGKSTisnanvs, with eieeuent hnllJIno. poll and

tlreiVr, k ntila from rhnrehea. ahnnl. anri rfkliv m.tiatn, iiiimimuuuiH, auM a.ieih .a.l'l'l !.M IJUrt- - at, aeH t4eT

TOR SALE A FARM OF 68 ACUK3,nuder aood rtlttlvatlm aood donhla hnamm and

out honiwa, aitnatod t milea from HalnAeld dovat. N..lereeri terras erValL, Plalufl.ldlKJ.ierhUN, HI and .U Weat WaauLrtoaTliaa" at.orlMacld

fjp 20 OSLT 2 AN ACRE JOR EXCKL- -lent 1 Jim er renleu land, near t,a railroad de-

pot oil L L, elactlr 4 1 miles from Naw York, aU adeepIa.vn,aoil soli, level, free from atone and htstltr

faiuis of t arrea and uvwanla wl.l he o,d aaverr ear Duma ly the owaar, aVjL lilINt.K, titBroads aa, room 8. eclH&ac'lwi

rA TOR SALE A VERY NEATLT FITrEDA op liquor atorc In Ilroadwav, uptown; wist lie

old st a areat Urraln fvrraelt Apple i.n the preml-- "1!.'0.T.!,r!"d'rJ or t0 tr. WA'l BUtS, 1W Urand st.

119 tt lev

W Bljth at, N.Y. narioofa FOR BALE--AN OLD ESTABLISH--jaue-

arreorr stand on ooe ef the irlorlpU thoroush-fiire-flttum,rtak, dr Vor psrtlculara, laenlre of

Col.t:&WlLiUNd,mw.aUiistQutt,orU HKI1 n.T

aA FOR SALE. THE STOCK AND FIT.ajLltare of a neat eandrand vari, tr atora. with .!rooms and ebean renti a III lie sold cheap If applie 1 f ,riu.niedlatcljr. Inquire at XVi Woat Mlh at. UOlt'lW

fk'A 8F0AR STORK FOR SALE IN ONH OFthe Uaet thoroughfares tu the clt r, erpoilts the

Fulton will tw sild ttirai If applied fw wlthlo.aaaaa. iiMfuu-- in mu sure oa evuia at. ui 9'U

aA TO LET THE STORK AND BASE.Hi. ruent, to BUth sve, eppuslta Amltr at, aire ofeaih,W7a fti loiulre et K. St. VOOKUKtrt, UILaun.ua at. fuaaesaiou .Iron Inunedlatelr. ui ."ill

ett A WELL ESTABLISHED OYSTFR--ata aaloon for aiilp In one nffha liw.lltl. I. .k.cltr. t. doltia a flr.l elaaaraah biialnaaa, and will be aoldlow Ifaiij'llid for Immedlatelr. lor inrther partlcti.lara, an.l) to U X. t (74 Uudaou st. lio atsta eeed

ui a teaa FOR BALK CHEAP FOR CASn-T- nEaerstor and roffo aaloen dolnt a aood aah laialanaa- -

IbUlaararecliaucefor a suisll eapitil aatiafaetorr"SasXaaJataal arlesaa ft9 aijllliapTaawe aviiiya, ArrlrtJtJ Llbtk a.e, bet4tu aud Kith st, uo atei.t iHdapplr. nTd'iot

fi TO LET-T- HE SECOND AND THIRDfloors In kl Weat et. for ol&OM.

of CAbBUiyOMA BUJJlOA.liit ttwrTUui. bull"" Wlatt FOKSALK-THECnrRCHPE- Or-B.

a 1. te, comer efMtdiaoa and Governed' atn aaldpropt.rtrrouitluaofelshtrrett of (round ec Oar.erueor.tl.yM fort on Ualue st, tosetkarwltkeioikI snbatsnUal brick edtSee thereon, aald ckurah be-ing tboroushlr repaired and painted ,.na rear aao- -

or iwniruiar. imjuire ri, j .U.UUUUUrV.I'Vlliiw.er; , auxuir or lireouie es ai rim

TO LET OR LEASE wrrn STEAD TJpowrr, a Boons 60I78 foet, In the pulldioa saw be

Insererteduutbaaouthaaatcuruarof Lllu wad PrariaU. foaetwuiton wlllbe tltenaboiit the ajddle of aap- -tember. 1 baa rwnna aaeb bav tfo larre wiadowa, aiidwill ha aa Usht aa aur rootua la U.C cltr built for aiaee- -

icturtus ,rV0".. Ibaxarawell adapted forprlut-aatoe- rla arlloea. i have: a larse Ur vault for

fuu.ro. t nay an Laatud Lr ataara t alaa kava two at, aiuP.. ! . r U.rtna aad particulate, tnaalre of au nuruax . rear 01 as Ventre St. tuTJi Uallae

fa FOB SALE AND EICnANGS REALeiUtt ef all prleva, and in all parts of the ear andcountrr, brrllll h A. 1'tKT. heal Kstare brokar tdAiirtloi.cer, K.K(irault, Wllamabcrt: alas houses

oh rvnia a- -i w.uaa awouuia ewuaossa ai o bar esa.avtat-u'l-

FOR SALE OR PtCTt Wrtv Vsrrr.-ilMSXi: "J?1 "f h aU thto a. f . a r'i v Tw",r5ii.'.,.""'.ItUuhwt -- I Q.a-- 4 at, "ft" i'TTf lw!n?U5AL?-- A. nOUS AND LOT IN

M A DININQ SALOON FOR SALS ES-i- lltaldiahad alt reers and Solas a toad baahsaaa. tbastock and futures win be aold at a OTlAcaYaacouui

nauhlthtl ualfUl

4L FOB SALE CnEAP-WT-Ta IltHEUl.1 LaU p ii si season. Brat rate eToeerr tad ltiaoc atorewith stock an tt tares eeeaplate. For further aartu"ui V " nmt tM a- t- . l .


A &Elr.2:si.RABU! en OOTTAOE

tnenie, kM.aenble Meean an kath mtrMM. u h.KSssasKra WOW

reeatre atteQtWwr.

bonas laSTOniio,aullea of


ett FOB BALE. LEASE, OB TO LKT- -J?&??, b --,k1J!? tth! fr-- aattaea. wirh foodbrWk stable, us a rat rata and pleaaantlooailon laWUIIamebtirsb, abont lflwilaatea walk from aar of theforrlaa. Jlceil noo i $300 or lino eaah down will betaken. Kent ta per rear. Inquire efllUOHU ttUHUeor.ofetaaa4(lran4sta, S fidstAFOR SALE CIIEAr TOE STOCK AND

flitnres ef the old patabllahed tof and eandf atom.1VJ Lewls at, baa a sooa ran ana pars weui rnaaon offdlepoalnf Is on account of sltlnf up the bualneas. d !

f&TOn SALE A GROCERY AND LIQUOR& etf.ro, 1(1 F Iret are. will I sold eheap on ao

eount af the oa aer solos to New Orleans, not fi!Ai BOOMS AND BED BOOMS, AT 1 ANDUH. 3 per month, at 81 end 3S Jamas st I alas st UOMost at. iQiulra en the premlaaa, uotl Maaflii

MTIIK STOCK AND FIXTURES OF Atnd lf(nortorr, and I rooms dolna a

road Imalneaa, will be sold ehi ap. tutlefartorr raaaoaUlna. K.nt (V arwdulu. Iaoulra at SS Kaatlb street, for three dare. DS4'l(daw

av. WANTED TO IIIBK--J GOOD BOOMSItU. on lat and M floor fore famllr off peraonss par.niant In advanee If renal rod. Addieas C. B, lot NOlBun ofuee.stalinf rent, aVe. u8 !lo

aA FOR SALE-T-HE OLD ESTABLISHEDiXunaerr and lienor store, now dolne a aood hue!neeal will be aold cheap, sa the owner has other t ui.ntaa to attend tot rent lowilll Annuo U. nla'.n

& FOR SALF A BUTCHERS STORE INone of theliiadlna svennealn tbeeltv. dolna a

food eaah laialneea at prf eenr. aatiefartorr reaeonsslven for aeiiinx; In lulls of WM. A. Ulty Wf, No. mOmirthuultet. nl 3184

Jti f3.fC0-F- 0R SALI-- A FINE I'ATINOSaUetore propartr, 471 Ninth av, wert aidet witla Improve In valnei else for aale ebean, g f iiwua uear reriare nonaea, on ac b st Aptieooo. J. a UATC1I, U7S Ninth av, U'SSMM

U SrACIOUS FR(X)MS TO LET WITHtttfttm nnr. I tuluirtl An tlan nrtmlati. 11 TJ- - - -- v.-".:.r. i :

Itroftdwrar, Ut Wtli and 371b lU.

aF SALE- -A GROCERY AND LIQUORvtoru. m food .oration. roDrttilcnt tothn Not

ntr tfn Work , rrnt chts.pf4 pr month thsrrkon fur shI1. or th)owDr U Rolnf to Boton. In-quire on tba No. tt44 Kwt Utb at. u WA

Jft RAUR CIIAKCE-r- on fi.LK-T- IIEIML coflffl roftt1nRt plr anti feM mllU In fVnn or JfT,and a good ilievr of nrlndln para ail thr eiparoipi, alMia one atoi-- Imtkllnp with or without ateww power, taUt chfan. Iwiuin at KM Third a t. ni 'liTJA TO LFaT-O-M.T 125 PER MONTH FOTtIML the rnnaU I itorf hmiM, 1 U Wfft Itroadwar, withImmediate pgmwatdoa A norua, uear Chatbin. fiuare.t ft tnoblb. APtUJ M UJ MMM U OHK IwO I' .eor

UH4aian at. nftal-- -

&T0 LOT IN TIIK SUN BUILDINO,of Naaaau and Fulton ata, ft room Yl Itil9

mi tha Mh floor. Antranca bV NftMan an nowi-- r

ran ha had If rnqi.irMt i alao ft nic room on tho Hl floortOilt, Mitranoa laW k'ulton at, tnltabla for an otUoa orUfixi fcumuiftcwirum purpvaea. UMaira tu ma nuaOLTaoe. ti lia

IOR SALE CHEA! A FANCT ANDA eonfoctlonerr store, paper stand attached, letfteventh are. ncaeoua lor aauiog oioer miaineea iqattend to.

JrtFORSALE-A- N OTSTER SAIOON IN AIII rood location. Cheap rant. Injure If? UewatT.

Ai WANTED-TOni- RE OR TURCUASEIHs small bnaa end a few aerea of aronrHl.or a amatlhmiea alone, or a small farm, located tn the eoimtrr,wlttiln all mlleaof tba lower end of flrooktw. Applrat 41 Cranlierret. llrooklfn, near I niton f.rrv, bwfore P o'clock A. at, or betwean 4 and T e'eloek P. tfoolr, or ,f letter, addreaaed U. V. Ii., boa CluS PoatOnica.NawYoik. ui lwao

aA TO LET FROM THE 1ST OF NOV.CILneit, In tke Ron BalMuia, ear Naaaan and Pnltoatta,anleeroomtoil4,aulUbla for an ontea ar lifhtroannfactartnaparpoaeai entrane law eflaltow at. oaMnoor. Appbr at the Sua ofllee. elitXi


and rsrden, tn a ploaaant and bealthr villas a,TO mllaa from MewYorhj eol tLlMu. S. KliOT A CO,ULlbertjrtb Uaair'li

MISCELLANEOUS.HAY CUTIKRS-TI- IE BEST INnee, fir sale at the fartorr, foot ef Ki.t 4th

lid Oh ate. Ilarruttera rtf all klnda ee.palled as good as new. UrihtUe. UUVa.Y.u: Ilao'ltd

naaT BARGAINS BARQA1NS rJAB- -SO eleraM naw alaaoa, from (100 to

4fl0, at IWfflroadwar 10 aejeooJ band roaawood nlanoifmmSi'O to 1130. B mah'y pianos for $10, tun,Mil. tf, and .fit) Ureatiat barjiaiua la N. Y. It.

-'"" n urwsdw sy, tot Sid st. awaaao


etrnlar. aeala. rtannfortaa. full Iron franuusatrsit dsmpi'ra. une.1iialld for standus to tuue.Vaivrooni KK Heoadway. near 14th st. r

141, 4 . 4I, tteu Jttl Waal aoth tt, uaac IrU eve.eltaaCLet

rfJZtt PIAirO FORTES AND MELODEt"'l V ena,rew and td hand, tn prrfeet order,Aar Bale er to let alao Hanoa tanrd and ranatred ar aa.iiutil,! U. II. O A CkJtBlLsUs 4 UO, laa Thirdaiw lcel 11 th stti.Y. elstiaVul

asaa PIANOS' ANDJ MELODEONS TOVbrt-a- t ta, It UI, $i and f I a eaouth, er for

aala a' treat baisalaa, 1 pearl kerod. I octave piano,aheap for caA. alualctaucht on tba piano, aultar. 4o.

r ret UUaUUAY. MM Ursjtdst.ax 'x.icJBmj BUSINESS WA00N3 OF EVERT5l2T2- - atria euuattatlr ou hand and made to c.

Umerou tan lit aood article aad uo delar.Eerv art li'o ant here warr voted to be repriwaslled,Tl7ARTrya raidirvd at, bel WoadirV;

aadBthar Yoawitl auadWle ataos aa tamral.la aaaaju.U4it. UI4aaMa

FOR SALE- -A BLACK fCiNADIANnonr. 10 banda hlah. eomlna nun al w.k.

rani sound aad klndt alaa watoa and haraeaai allaold toi or aeparate. C'aa be seen for dare. UfJrtbcrDot soli at N). t:tl Teutli ave, aear tdtkit


tfcz. STALLS FOR SUIITING HORSESycii. to sll parti ef tke world-Chre- and en thebeet plan shlpa, wheala, tables and braaa work foralifpa uaa Alao veeiraU eelled for aralu. withneSWllo

HORSES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS ANDUarnee for sale all boraea. 1(10 aleiaha new

and seouua nana, enu iuu new earruies, rookibuulea, arooer and buatneaa wacooa. Alao, eeootidhand watou of au klads for sale cheap, IV Nvln. at..vrouuu. alt-l- l

sfa-T- O BE 8ULD CHEAP OR KXCIIANG-JKfi- ked for one sinsll one Two rouui horaee fromtto 6 yasra old, from into II bauds ktf t, ft foretrta,

erprees or aur alud of buslueaa warranted smiud anakind lu all kinds of hirueaa. laiuirt at 41 Ctnalat,N.Y. BtTittst, FOR SALE-O- NE HNE GBAT

t73Jiilioia0faisbIiI,souiulauds.ladi sUoaaelltnatchad team of bap tuwoa, boiluA aud kind Csa beseeu a: ii 1'earl tV, Ull'tuw

, STALLS FOR ST1TPPIN0 HORSEStj all parts ef th rertd cheapest end on tba

plan, ships, wheels, table, and braaa work foraofnatu A law taaaa ait - aallaj WJ aa.l lafa. AI...1.LT.D " 'W MM wlttri uupwcB,J. t.JU.tUL4a-i,Up(-J ft. aMUu-l- ii

5 EEWARD-IX)- 3T ON BATOR.a. .Lki ai.v a.k - ...,, m , .- -: 7 "e," -- ..vii, a ..lid riTirr a'oa,brlndle, answers to ih name of SPK1MU, both ears

tfeeiit, and stand down; wbaever wlU return hlmte101 Mercer at , wlu rerelvatha atiova reward and tkethauka of the owner. JVUHUUTU.K. uStrllt 4

twxw. BIKDS CHARLES KEIRnK AV RRft.57aF 1,u reeetred net steamer Borueete,rooAPS',.l!ir.,bw vr,t '" kb-d-s af various kltd.tur thla raU trade, wklcl, ther offer far aale, at whole- -

WnVn ' IXJWriUCKS,atthele atoreaNat M- a-OLathan. a.iVlraJOiatttWNAIILB


a CHOICE BIRDS I CHOICE BIRDS Inet received kr ateaasar Uamtseola. (raas

Haawiorsa. aobalatins ef Harta IfannUua Canarlaw,Male birds. Gold fin. hea, Liaueta, riaekaa, Bkr anilWand Larka, ptack Birds. Burltust, Thxuahea i ftaelot of lelaiaii Lao Bread Cauarlos I alas a Wteaaaoraiient af aatea, aaaJ and Mooktus Bird load, ai

mrJKJOVni ITOPFNF.R HAS JUST RECEIT- -'al ser ataanier Tau tocla. uoO of the beat Uar--

or Canary Ulrda, whlfik ha atfara for aala at wbola.alaaalraUUatvacr eiwpoa,ataK store, 41 Pit

etroet. U1UmIM

mtf JU8T ARS1TED FROM GERMANTtetat with a antattidi i loS af .Ana fl.et. mm.,.).rT.'T1 "" '"." laiaij mVTX .wsaex Bairepeaii starlosUrJ. .Ui tarusies, atiLils.jM. ayUuialiai,nvaiuatarxla,andaOLestuak ef Belf lao d

aaaaiUa, LSUa3 aUMlsnitAL, U aorth vTlliiuaaa. vse saarriai

e3C CIUELE B03E, JUST ARRIVEDiwen iiermaar, anva a ana lot er luuis stoan-ta- iu

Caosrp t'urda to fa. sort4's3 rood slnglna aoleVluoliaa, koliUl tad Braaala, Nlatt'iatslna, LlLneta,

J larka, learned Ibdl toobta, ffcariinfa, Blaek UtiCkrualtaa.wta. ftlakaa renkarad Arwaa bla aid wlaao. I

MorUi vyiilbuast, to No 6, neat door, where belt vliUnanaauaav rrltw pcUaa. Bsaastnber.Mef.NlorU


m& BIRD FANCIERS AND L0YER3 OF, ekalea) blrda are liifemtid that tba wan known

KTXS SOBECX, BOWEBT, OOR-- nat, atTars lua aala all kbadaal blrda,a?, sawda. 4c. eaaoanoai and ease ail



Ma MtocMtrrt1ietaire4eHawaarariiVifilla rlf irlnf and aafua Will U awad law. er tnaiad for


itlara,ieebrewMaave eerrea la aav as ueLawainNTsaLennarCanirli. D S.

r tot ususe swaset sisirsa,

IAIL0B3AND SOLDIERTeAiTUO. U sssVaVatAjtO. aiwsnst.

l&REAMEN WHO WEEK TN TITE U. B.Ot sktp roTOaUC. en tb enaat af tuaarra.wtan


IwaveejaratiSonkara. Hajftlnaa. Dobba larT,

raatt. Sine Bttta. liaveratrear. Oraaaav'erphuaaka and fleld wall's. Laavas reedukin

iaasssmtteawiirswa waatjaaaar

BBIDOKrORT FAR.Tb steamer nRIDOEPOBTevarv Mender, Wedneaderand rrtdar, at If oNdoek, noon, ITlna tnsieae aa

eonneot with Naoaatuak, Uouaatc and NewHaeauHvua a raiaat Mtaea. noItVlM


PtSSier'cKeU.INK leavt Oliver e&TlTtVverTWedneadar and Hatnedav afternoon, at 4 e'eloek,rrelthttaien. QKO. W.OOUUEJS, Atant. uTriaO


MOttw tail 1Mb Novwmher. Th ideainahlp VIOOaalla IVeeenitiar d to Cork and Liverpool. Taosa- -

In eahtn. 70i id eltaa, M. Paaaaae from t5ork 8Vlnue).3Q.a Pa en.ers br thla Una avoid tba riskand delar ef ralllne at at Jour a. aa the ataaaMblpsproeeed dlreet to Ctork. Kor paeeaae, applr to WIL-LIAM A UI ION, 40 Volton at, or K.J (xiKTIddiA).. ITT troadwar. at saac'lOt

ATLANTIO BOTAL MAIL STEAMNTl.rat1oa CotnMnr'i Nnr York and

UaJwa7ltntalhanext4MN.nnrammNw Yfirk wLUbi thf aplendld and powarful immabJp JASON, Cant.NkhoUoiiwwhkbMJla an Ihop-da- r, tiuvmntn ilXh,1I, toahlni at BL Johm. H. T to rnit th roraJmalla. Prlra nf vaaaajra i'lrrt dim, fJO, t76 and htlilrd. UA Inelndlna frao tlrketa to the orlnHnal m.raon main rallwap rontaa of Great Britain and Ireland.

ciaaemiisi pnerinapiawa,Br,iia( lore, ae4 anatoini Psaiauratogt. Johns tlrst elaaa. (.101 aeaond, IMV. For fretsbt or paeeare aLpIr at tbe Aniarl-ea- n

Ksnivaa Onmramr, 11 Hudson straeVjUad at theirother adveTtlaed oluona In the Interior. Paaaaae tn thethird elaaa ean be aeenrad at anv of the above ofooeato biini persona out from nop of the prlnolpal ettlae enthe nifcln line, of ml rear in Oreal Ucltala far (aS, errxosa sjwa V ,,.r mj.

AStaaaaiean r.irarnnwjarsni,S 11101 ALLX. UULUAMU, stansrsr.

Jt--J HOLMES' LINE FOR NEW OR--9oXf taant-Parkr- Noeemher-T- he fast sill-l- ot

parket ship HIIKPIIKU1I KNAPP, Captain York,povilivelv rails as above. For peaeate In eabin, Meabln and teraae, applr on board, alar It t R , or tTAPSCorr &.. trttfoaUi st no 6101

.fflR FOR IXJNDON-T- HE SrLENDIDUtyt shin LONDON salU Not. 19th t aeeond rabiaandnnnd. tia A elleper shle for LIvernoaL aalla to.snorrowi fare tLEk. ana launa. raaeenaei broothlont from Ireland or Knabuid at low rataa. Aoalr ."Tuoa. u. kuciiK, aa swu it, nolVUi

JOR FOR LlTERrOOL THE SPLENDIDSSaZ Blark Ball Line ellpper ship URRATWEd TEKN aalla on tha 14th of Novambor. For ealirn. Ideabln, er etewrae paeeaae, applr oo board, at Pier VI.foet of lleekroiu rttas rlveri or U JAOonWIU

UN, lms tknith sb no find

Jgn TAPSCOTTS LINE aMmm. or unuirooL raixcn, .aanThe saheertbers eearUtme t Irani esstlniaiesi ef pa.

atae te er from lAverpool br their ravortte line efsno lojlowua saipa, via I(". TAi'ptSrrTj VkikKALn Jji JUnofVPHKI)flALlHil4lllLKfSiV YlCTrtTllY,

BKNJ. A1IAMH. ClNHrKI.TfONjNOJlKlYD,jvKurptfixr iwiTzr.HLAMD, nioijE.

Ina. toaether with otbera. aabtaaaaa a Baaiaaaa.a WW oawaptTioera ara aieo arenia w maz umm or lundum PAcxrri,

OLABOOW LDUl QT BTBAlCESflLPoraUof whiaktbar araad eartlAoaUa oa liberal


jutnTTAiTcea to lurfjtiiD, q.V. m Co. alao nontmna to uama drafta, parabfct oa

thrwaahont Kaslaod, lraland. Biiillsnl andWalea. Send or rail for ciranlara.

Clrenlars with all partleolara mar be hat en applies).Meal U br letter, ancloae poataaa stamp to

TAPrKJOTT COjM South tt. New Tork.PtyUJX. Mtmi (JOk Uvaapoei,

FOB NEW ORLEANS-TT- IE CLIP--' warahlaaira tflRS.nNkrAM will noaltlwelw

sail on Tfin radar, Nov. loth. For paaaaaaia rabln.wdablA, aod etoeraaei, applr oa board aalp, alar iihTb,,

orto.lm. Ml.aU'Uk.aiaVMiUst.tvaar Wi at.Bdl'lM

FOR LIVERPOOL OLD RLACKFtar Line The narked ahlaFIK WTrrCLl.

I ON, Irlu Pier 14, laut Kivet, aafls 1 haI011N Ilklt.lIT, Irlos pier W, East River, aala) 1MbNor. Ibe ehtra of thla Una aall anneejiallv al thatime advertijHl. Por paaaaae applr ea board, or toMlXLaJsaalUVI0N,4UifuJtoott. ao.4ao1i9


orirpnatn tb andermantlomid and other flrat ctaae,n't.!;",, f?m LlvtpwleNwYoOBth.eStiiand tsth ateach month

vrijt ! ,,......t jonN BRiacT i iiCULTIVATOR. ls)lINIVKryK..".";"::ils.

Peraons taodlna for their frlenda from tha Old Uauvtry mar rnlr upon their balnt bmo.bt out without dlav, si ther bars out tn waif for a letter from Liver-pool, but ean come w heuever ther ahoeec IMioald theparties Bat sous out, tba atOBer trill be ntoruad la

?. "Krletieea' Barteoa Ii tttaehed to each ship.DRAlTht, parable oa ", oa LUuka of Irelaal.

akif land and naotland.eMMas'law WlLLLU(3ataUI0I(.araltoaa.



lethesert,CtarMt,aad mMtreplet. lu tba UnitedBtaU. Pars jus reuulrlns eaperfor Dantistrr shouldS.'oeursllwharotlierean rat apm the esportanavdaiiuauouiiernir alilcb uaotal acieaoa oaa prod neeatreootlnuoua run eate of teeth an aold fur diO. ofourpaealns beaufr, are maerheal aa eloaalp la abada audntur that ther cauiiiat be d.4acted fruan tha verr

of nature, fraduallv reatorlna that anturail-- T

to the fvateroa aaaentlallv raaulslte to pwiith andwaauiv, ate warraums aMiaraciorr sor maatlaatloaand artlraUtiao, Ur tU seta of rum teeth I ahallonsthe world to compete with, In polut of arUatie beautranddurabilitr. aUarllaaalirar.alnotrophvtod with pureaolJ.Hlh.luslatoeh,.lieaminidorlia. Paln-le-

tooth sttractorfor reairaitractlna toetb withoutpain, aatoulshlna the oraMrver, No ebarje for eitraet-ln- t

where artlaehU teeth are tnaerted. Wlilte por a.vlao enamel for tlllna deearad teeth, free trota tboaetnjurloua properties In eruinarr atopptacs eorporat-In- a

with the outer shell, arraatlnf dooar, oonvartlntdunvedtaahaouneandpraventlaatoatiiaelia. Prloeetke aame at the oetebuahment aa tola announeeaieut,and all Ikeritletrv warranted as repreaentad.

Dr.Hi.LI) J Ni3, fturseon IJa.iUat.U4 gprtnfet.lblooka weat of braado ap. eeil aiao!.

OSTEOPLASnO DENTAL OPERA--Sbmeln ReBOkren He PBavVfriRri I. .aw

aliiutUoi ef teeth without the least pala withProf. Pearson's Artleulal Bone, vbieb la (ntrodueedwhile sr.ft, flrea no pain, la the same color aa tha tenthand oaa be need la tha mar aat ebell or echini teeth, andwill not rome out, gtBe lot rultea at, IkeoairaV

im DR. BLAKENET, OFM SLXTHAY- -3STT3trB would reapeatfullr Inform his friends

end patruua, that notwlthatandlof his late areat redue--nop in pnoea. nacoannaee tolnaart artinalai teeth laUejnoatartiatleaanaar.iailtatlaatuktuTe tethe natural eipresaloa to the face, worn with

pcaien aaaa ana aomrurt, cne anaweruu auarsoftbormurb. haalthw maatlaartaw OoMatina plataa made br uesperiaaoad erautltlaaara.

as VutBioath luaraataee.

TKarniaTnKaJ.TamTtTrnpTJTrAni. aTsrwaaspersona rauulsiaa klud aad rarunil aa well aa ekillfiilanauilKliasuPLCwfl


Ueau aarfursaed by the dlaooverer, at hisrooua, eor Broeawar and (1st at, Thla artlAolal bonaturn aW decayed taath, U put In while aurlvlafnc aad enalJln taeoparatortalHthemareotabafiaec achiaj teeth wluk JAlUufrAII). fi.

JBBBB,AnfKRTcAN TF.ETn CO- - Wi BOW."lHrTT, tnacrt avwrr variety of artllolal tewth aaeakXalrtl.e ilnM t,t arlvata daatLvuk. via I Pall antt&

Open evaainas till erl tlbiticlia(weebat. All woe warrant, eettilae'FULL SFTTSOFTEETIIINSEBT- -

. 1 flae tM tVVEMSfffi'cell Mec119 I raltua ti, BiooklrB,

mm It. B. GRIFFIN, OF M7 FDLTONflJTTT et, Brooklyn, U tnaertlm full setta cf eeetln-aow- a

toi teeth, ea aUver.at 111) pat tettjKil aaUlFTLL SETTS AlHTFICIAL TlETn

105 part seta, GO cants par tooth. AlnarlMaTeotl sos twwer, eppoaite mo at.Blast UU ook. EitiVUifcwJeaalaeliliaVlfi

aawBBwa INDESTROTABLK AB1TFICIALIniHalliwi ef asaar. II aaob

aaZbit aaul Alllua, 60 canta i attract busrtthautTt.aUilna.a-U- d without estreetiii ai a aw nmev.The moat nraleetod taath trenafura twaaaaS aaaaMtS- -ful order. Old aeiss repair d aad .laforniod onaa readhuted to It Uka aewVoVk.br U, S. tClUA W BLatOSlsroo.nst.bet.ttroa4warndawwrr. Mil

DK . a KESNEDT, Rfl BOWEKYttaat bee PrUaaj lAatttlenetlaaaa le laaav.aaaaibir lltw-U- laotb. al raoaaudla low 4

tubaot. erttfsa.aolVoBUIIl'S.LaatailvaarSBalTSUt TkaallMUl Srs raanaLMi at1A1 tba aama fVieokl aria aa tb natural aaaa, ara lav

-r-tTwXalpaaa.eaat ereaa vttbeat ibctatwalJBeeavealaatw. lltAaaai.JMfcOONTIS UOOS GUM TEXTH tTOK


JMLftALleTiTB LOWEST PKICE9-- 4XJTrJJAJtr Jt, Breadwtr, eor nitoti st, reem

jf.Bir.lUlJyAB,WHO WOULD BB WITnOOT AiT?!??!.wreaaraw)n aaas teeth en



nOUNTT CLEM'S OITICK.s Kmw Ynt. TfiiBtmtlfa. m.

iZlWbtf&S&niLr1&l&ra tor a Court afOrrf and Taraalni

wnel cf M arand brrara t alaa a Banal nf Uo warars for a Coeni of Oaawral Haaiiliias. A paaal ofpetit Mmrt tor a Bnpretna uoan utrenlt, aad QriTennlarr. A panel ef 1SH pattt Jarara for a So parlorCnurt. Two paneU of 104 patlt Jurors each for a Cwartoa

n6;-ia- a JOHN CLASCT, Clerk.

pOBPORATION NOTICE- -'-'The Committee ea Wharves, Piers and leuithe Board af A Mermen, will meet on Frldar s

iheralllh, low, u room No. a, citr iiau, at I e ctookf--

All neraona Intereated In tba enanrdetloa ef tha eejn- -trartfortbe rnlarrement ef the Hattarw are herebrnottled te be present al tb tun aud

TilOel. W. ADAMS,V. I. A.JbtHiLr,1IFM1Y

Bed 41 41 Coasmlttee ea Wharvea. Piers and Mips.

CITY OF NEW OFTtnaUB or nra Itansrvaa or Tiraa

Omrarar rat Ba uvea orTsvsa, New Court tloeae-- fl

rhamhera etrtet New Yerk.NoTember I, I'M. TUTAX l'AVf.BA Notlee Is herebr flvsn that 1 aer eent

UI be added on Uta Iret if Deeeanbar na all Usee ramalpmi unpaid, aleo.thatlparaaut wlllbeaddadoathe lSth dav of Pieraber.

Te avoid detention anal a erowd, tax psrers arto rail earlr thla month.

Orliea hoarsfrom a m. to I p m.BdWllS JAMUKJCLLY.BeeetreTafTaiae.


NOnCl! TO PQIVTRACT0R8. --sealed prepoaaledirected lo " Daniel B. llelevan, Cltr Inpnetor,s andIndorsed with the name ef the bidder written tnreon,

spitor. No. 1 Centre street, antil the liHh dar af No- -vamber. friO, at II e'eloek. aoon, at which time thtame will ha puUlelr apeacd. for tha rtahl and

cf aervioa eontalnod and speclfled In theAillua in reaolutlmia, adopted bv the Board Of Alder-men, Aurnet 1, lt. br the retard cf VouocUmna,Pp!2,,2lJ,Jd apprv4 hrWkS Marer Uvtember 16, lNrj0,to wit t

IfeaoteaclThat tha Citr Inrpertor aa, and a It herabrdlrerted toadrertls for pmpoaal. for tha etelu-elv- e

rlsbt for Ave rvara, to remove all the alsht eoll ofuna cur. ana lor carrrin awar au the eontenu of thesliihssndplvlee,hnQi llqnld and aolld thereof, ie--

the junaoiction ef the ruot Commlwiloners eftiain without nnhanen, ander tne followusand speclloatlona, to wit 1 he contractor to

provide, everr olslit In the rear, veasols al each andevsrr dork set apart for that pnrpoaet the ai irrejratetoonaae cf wbleh veaaals shall not bs leas than fifteentuadred tons harden, to receive, retain aad transport

harbor, all the contents cf the eeaveatra-- s

carta. Such vessels te bo uf proper site ta receive saideuutrnta at ana aUte cf the tldea, and said veaaela tofetlllt-docke- d and proparlr balk headed, with covered

hakhea, which shall be aloced.eioent betw aea the hours ef tea al althl aad taarlsa latha nmmlna.

Tha oootrartor shall not as ear tamwbt eerw erveaeel, nor shall he deposit or permit any of theecn-ten- ts

to Slow from said veaeel Into the rivet within theJurledletion of the Pilot Uommlaalonera, under thepenalty, aa wrearrtbed by the laws of the State, cf enhundred dollars for each and everr otTanee. The

and his anretlee to become nonnd te hold harm.to be liable te the corporation, and te all pee.

Btereeted. tududioa aLavanaera La tha arforaa--of their work, for anv aanaltr. axoanaa or darn.

are which may arise from the neslect or default afaald eout ravtor to furnlah proper and auffidont boatsas earn ana every w nan or nera, aa aoovc reunrrca.

All propneala or blda racclvad, te be, withcat deUy,tnnanuUdUthaUamUoudlfbraetleathanan.Theeoutraetorwlll be required te lie saanrity, br twehaaaabaldara or fraaholdaraja the City c7NewYork.tethe amouul cf tweatr theoaead dollara, for the faithfulperformance of bis contract. If the contractor shalloealet t or refoaa ta execute hit contract, er te furnishproper and eaf&cleut boats at each and every dock; to bef the tun nets above mentioned, for aald eel eke, witheIn fortr-frir- ht honrs after notion cf the aettoa cf theCommon Council relative to th eward cf said contractto blm, it wLU be deemed that said contract has broahandonad. la eeeordanca with section IS ef theamended charter of 180T. aad the earae aliall tauae.lately be and dllTerence or lose

to toe yorporaiioa so oa ania tor ana reeoverwacslnst the puraoa maklnc defanlt and hta anretiea.

llierlsht bains harebv reaarvad to raleat aar aad aftero.oe.la or bide rise red If dtsmidU the latarasl oftha tlorooratlon.

Blank forms oa propoaala end eattmafes eaa be ebtalavwwwa .yffiiMiaoa wwavHr fnapertor.

. bELAVAS.BtlU'lM Utr liupector.


FEW GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CANIbe aeeommodated with board at 111 White at nl 1


Al.Lw" h "? "" r ' J0"0 ladlea. at 40at. Bear Broad a ay. nD iMiArURNISITED OR UNFCRNISHED TAtt.

to let ta three or four roansgentlemen being acquainted, would wish to roomhave board lf,rmalred. In a small printsfamily; also a tklr I tile rtrl utUX la dolus; honaork. Ajplr 10 Oliver si nr?(14

AT 6 THOMPSON ST-G- BOARD,roonie and slnrle beds for l a week alsoa room with irate suitable for a maa and bla wla, abioa warm ana well Uahted paxlor. aw Maesd


board to a gentleman and bis wife i atss Irespectable youn men can be soomniodated with fuller psrtUI board, wbero oaly I or paraoni arc takna.Inaulre U Orchard si. tell l4aelM

A GENTLEMEN AND WIFE. OR TWOBinds rmrtlemaa eaa be eeeommodatad with

board where the cotufurtscf a home can be enjoyed,eieohanbw preferred. Apply et oO Hues streettllirlltt"OOAED TWO STEADY YOUNG MENAJ ean lie aerenunodated with board wheriallthaeemforts of a b ana may be eipected. Apply at KMaauiiaii iu uour, irout rvou. tio )i)lBOARD TWO OR TURF.E GENTLEMEN

aeromraodated with ho.nl in a prirate fnillv, on reaaonal.le terms. Itrferenra elf tu and re.qulrid. Apply at IM Washluftea Htrivt. uSrlTO

BOARIUNG-PLEASA- NT ROOMS, FUR.Itb hoard for se'tlemen and their

aiveat ROdd aecoruniodatlcns for single gititlenteawith Irtiard out door boarders SSXfcmiiiodated. tt 11Blvlnatou rt, near Bowery. nSB'lvl

BOARD-PLEAS- ANT ROOMS, FURNISn- -dat. I. .J -- . - t ai m av t a awrteu irtwata. ra um ou.siDetj ur mmrritja mn--

lorta aeotleiuen, at tpnna; alio a fnv ratvpKUhl 7wni UOit. fU lva Weat tUth at, 8to are,


BOARDINO- -J OR 3 MEN CAN HAVE Ahome where there are no children end

enlr a few hoarder, kepi, by applying at lei 1 bird avu,betloth aud Hth sta, Id floor. J al

BOARDINO A FEW 8LNGLXgentleman aad wife, eaa be eecomgno-date-d

wlthlard. A room to let, fumlsbad or uufur-Blaha-d,

with or without board, at 411 UrecnwUi .tAlaa. two bullae eaa be eoraimmndated. aol Maela

HOARDING ON THIRD AYE A FEW BE--a--r specUlile reuna men ean be aeoonuDodatcd withaaeaeana room, and good boaid,at llper waekl daycoarubra 160, bytor su are.

BOARDING i HEN CAN BEbflkrd. elaaa bad. an arrv raoma.

stlTUTUrd ave, second honac froat Htkweakly. Iaqalre la the etove. eMaelka

ntOOD BOARD AND PLEASANT BOOMSv lor single isntlamen at II t wseki auglerceraabr stagls tntwn.tn u luaaarst ler-- .r?t auliveast. elltaMtsTYEAU AND LODGINGS CHEAT-WA- RM

iri. single beds lOrta. a nlgbt OeBtlemea aad wife,STcts. full meala, II cent, i eorTee aud cakea, a eeataeoflee aloaa, t cents l at 1 lauirent st, near Canal.The dally papers taken. m-

-, 4ealCid

TVo OR THREE YOUNQ MEN CAN BEwith good board and comfortable

rocasa, where they can make thesaaelves at home;terais tnoderatci alee tw respectable voting la'iee.A pply in Uonrce at. Bl Sl7d

TO LET CHEAP- -A LARGE, PLEASANTfront room, furnished, selttbls for aa cAloe. tlO

Grand at. Inquire In Ualtery.HJ door. aiyfisWANTED BY AN ELDERLY WIDOWV V lady cf qntat behits, a furalahed er unfurnUkad

room on tho lei or Id Hour) location bet 4th end 14thate, Broadway and Ith eve. Any plain ordarlr family,may addreaa 0. It. care of tML LAW tf, kl, Metrcaol- -tea P. U , New Bible lloaae. adl'lsu



ALAKOESTOCI OF BOOT, SHOE ANDaaar rMst,kytl.A.AK11Ilfl,Sll.,tg.taor with a general

aauHtmaot of Isathet aad shoe aodlort cheap (of

F2J SALE THE FIXTURES OF A J EW--stoie UI be told cheap. Apply at lftd Orsea- -


.o.,fil."'.k For sale Ly AXDEKW CLAfttK,at

fklKW AND SECOND HAND 8KWIN0 MA--a - enina. tor WUaca'a, a rarer andBaker s. aad otbera. Ua.kl.fa. La L- - a. M

vwpeiree.aoorssa. iuta,"SSiviSuMU bScJ WBJ

CLWINO MACUIN0FOB SALE CHEAP? one of No. a, la lead order. A pel v at

UJHWsel hi slfsih Beer. Blfc'lMvVfEAlT'ENGINl FOB SALE ONE SEW

home power upright engine, with blower and



MEDICTNEaL;,.TB-- MOROA iiAif.rrOcro- -. 47st, alrsa ddvtot fnM. warrao. cares tacfula, UntHirs, larni


l .vtSSr2


aaUaJiyBSaTBsrTtrryBmw ? ,

tiMAVtTtir&Fvun ifflSTmLmvlrItfeaaU. sAjjlujuj HrTpjIa;-s-tosii"POBTITB BLOOD

: th okhat M-r-t. J. I.BATUIlit VBtitiUW UUSJK BgmUBk


fcH 11 Chatkasa tJaf Fllaa. '

wrrm mm r - "-- wm -

Cowat ttC?Xtfzz?T' " crref retasekinDO Chatham, (TI BrwsdvaXwOraskl st. aejaVjaae

FOR THE HLES, BLEEDING OR XXTK.BRODirS tlaotuary aad wpreattary,

price II, gnaranteed to cure, er the avmerAdvlca gratia. Ofltaa B Bi aede ay, Beat to WeJksaH. m.w.a ww wnk a

l70RTn-FTL- 8-A. DS. UPnAlTB TBOBTra rkicertain core for wllea (a wvwrwirurm, .4sesaea'a)aatl

sre sa reawis et asgiastel ar IFile. Wheaafflld.dwltuetthereftaand dangeroas atmstlnns.seocHir puisanaiiy.ak swa, Mei aa, ar AiuVa

from this dlaeaaa, solicited for treatment. De. Uabaaam in nui i ill hi mi ins tn iii in tin usitetiiiiiiia uthis M rears, aad massgSrSt5.-w- w

TMPORTANT TO DOCTOis AND DIUOAHUuufktturrr of aUslnd. tf IdcdWed Candy uJLeaantes; also PUlr, Ilerla, Beedik, Ac., Bosar Coated.UruaglsU work la (eaeral promptly sl.emted lo.

HAVE TOO A COUOn ARK YODa lathe throat I.ywaftough dry ana 1. jkr I Then Ua ujj ..-a-t rid efit as

soon ss poeaibie, or roo roar, through your ewa ne-glect, be thrown opoa ywnrbed forthelaat lima Witt)fcat dreadful anourreCONnlllrnqH. let aotdalaramomont,eatbefirat svmptonas of a eoagh. hat gelraUaf. Trrevarrtklng ron please caBaatlawaort aat a bottle of llr.lrln'a

IUU1S SLaiKSUtinATUatfw "fl eenta, or 8jr SI, and you will Had that had reelaagaa wltii that ft rat yon would bav found alawat Iramudtata railed. For sale, wholesale andvoUfteaoorUllaaaaboxaJk,tadsi(etsIlr7daws giaarslty. toM VTTTE RECOMMEND ROGERS' OTTBATIIf f Uarntwaiitm In lnvt1fn It lai tH - saaaai -at: t bottia U tquai to ihra tfur l mm j tryt

etilv GP ensU. Fof ante tfcr nil Arncsfatfa,BTaarnVR lP3g;


A LADIES' FRIEND 1 DR. iXX KrJt, W8 Broadway, Bear Bleeeker et, irtsstwjtil female dlaaaaea, and remoree skstiaulliiaa aa4irregalarttlea by medical aad sorgtakl liiilmsat.Bears te U:J1 till I. Uhargaal aaaoanta.paiiainuall. WAN ACT OF GBATTTUDX -A GEBTLbV

maa having been cured of a dlwaae, the recall alearly errors, thinks II but chrritable to reader eaahInformation to othere airnllarlraitated.ea esarree,Core them te health wlthontespoania. Fall

te enr addreas oa the re, ipt ef a stampeddlructed envelope, Addreas rBANX AXON, hCBroads ay Post Office. M Y. B4ino53

DR. TERRT, 68V1IITE STREET, NEARBroadwsr.mayberonsultedeonadeoilallr. N.

B -f- lnla Agent tor lr. Ueval'e celebrated FemaleKemcdhia, tBR. COOPER, H DUANK ST, HAT BE.

on all dlaeaaaa of a private natar.vara esciusively devoted te the trcatmeat ef eeerctaiaaa.1 anahlaa him La warrant a an re in all mm. mm.aerukaea. tucviotimeci muplaeca I

have been mlelad br quack adeertlaeasants, ean can oaI)r.C,wlththecarUlutyof batna euxe. au) 4101

DR. WARD, 483 BROADWAY, PEBFORMSiilv permanent mtltfarterr cere ef private

dlaeasea. Beroamher. all sJllcted, that brDr.WAKU roo will InimedUktaly xparleake

that Richard a hlmaebT Care naranteed aaalmedklneaprovlilad for II Female diaeaaaa aaeeeasrfuUy treati-il- . Ills Monthly nils, 1 per box, sever fallof effect lutendMa. Try them, ell ladlea la eertalaaltuatUaa. onlna, dl Biokdwar, Best to Wallaok'aa uwuv up .Murv, penecuy pnvalat arraagea that pa--tlent. never meet. miisiiens fratla. Attenejaaasin iu r. as. BdllM"T)R. BRODIE TREATS ALL FEMALB- dlssaaea tneerssfuUr, and gaarantaee to removouatrnctlons and Irregularitiea. Ilia Monthly Ptllaara aafe and to fallible remedy for f.niale deraaearaeat.Price IL Ufaea coil Broadway, next lo WellaBjTheatre. al 1M

DR. CORBITT, 138 8PBINQ ST., Iffdally ea private dtaoaaes. B warranbia cure w itbont merearr or ear ether dangarcsai aaadt

la tf or threefcemIA.sCU10P.sir jtriir1rtR. YANUEESZREN1 IMPKR1AL Lsk- -" aiear Monthly ruia are the only aafa ei.poweriuj remouy R'l" funuU derangusaaabf, Wrwooaimena toem klrhlr U married andslasls TtadleslBold only et MSI Broadway, tw Htsikae atrBtd,mati. BruiHEALTH DIFFICULT CHRONIO

tli female weakneatos eared br MAhMBK. LICKEY, No. U Weat loth at Patleats eadrtearootua and board durlog treatuieat, eaa be aeeiirwna-datc-d.

Consultations gratia. aa 4111

LADIES' RETREAT Mrs. BYRNES, POToand Aeronehrr. No. lid Thempaoa stnst,

betwefB lluu.t4M) and Blaticser, attenda niiallaniiisatg.Treats all diaeaace of eomea and ellldrea. Ceavsralent mom. during treetnieaa, VL fc Leeoklnf aaalall alud of hatha. alllj

MADAM MORROW HAB BXMOYXDProm TS Brnnma at. ta 14 fauUaw aa. kaa Itaaa

too. N. IL A. I hare an amaa bat ai artaata eeaa.aenee, mr for rnsemstlsr win be aaal Mmdiaaatkkya Bia-v- a,

MADAME BESTELL'S FUUUIare the only medicine marrtad ar

single bvdlea eaa rrlr neon with aafaty aad taVisah.Pricellsbos. BokietinChamberta. Caw ale asent by mall, la neat latter form, te ear part ef IkunitronraaMiBBa ueiaaaaa. i

CAUTION AU athara oaraartisa ta ha "faPUls" are eouaterfclla, aUiat

PROSTBATED FACULTIES AND OENER.no longer ha tha baaa ef lifer

laaiire relitfte.. ... he touad... iu.THIKdBttd.T- -, . . Mae.a o..u v.. i. l- -

Ita. ,

ci f peetw. t or sale also by F. 0. WKLI A A OO., lug rauauu si , n. t. n tw MU

THE GBEEN BAY INDIAN DOOTO-B-urea, at once, rheiamallon, sarofuls. dreawy. esse.

ears, tumora, soma, pUea, eta, laaga, Uvatk kiaaa.Heart, au female weakna aea. Irregularities ead ssstrnctloES Offioe,! MrwCaaal at, eoner rvTvUaa.Consnltit'ou taua. Biridl

OO HEALTH OF AMERICAM 43.43Tkd rVwawkare fossiiap.

Mutattis Ursaiaa CaiausauastHaatrlala aute fcr aU Irvasgajttiet, wasaBBtaa, amileeal of

!?-- Kcr..j5-yBT.- j1UFJUBUIIA r, DJUIUHaAM

mk'?Srr,"?g&?b&rm-- wnc uauaiiaoa le aartatu ra bb 1

env at the rouowing ainistneneiTV ta teia. 1 tin

pain ta the Back aad Kldac 2- S-tVld lland aad Sla

Ptsarmms Merrciiaiiraa noadMha BaataaaaassBMaCrawling aad Pala la tba Seine aad t srweaa Hal

anoa Mere acta awwaaaaMarvao. Twttehima fitarfclna. k

Bloated aad IrrertdarlOBHeeaanlPrssnas ISlastat

Dr J. r. Innea vaaw tf esasnld piertsbwleriW. af aaeMjuMaaawarla gT,a,rawlaaAa,MVio, OstM tottrsTlsl.Mllll


fTtnX NEW TORK BUNATbl.poraJarpapMr,na4r)rawwaratfT1ulllBaB',and Th sealed pixBoaa dally, At aaallad le caaaatraaaV,sartbasataaeaMafartheeaaiytgalaa, al dtwarBBw)

Wpww-a-j- -y.

to any Bust erbaa U Ike Bute ef aura ark, Ii (MM

eHthutaai;nlUdUkaa,a4Mpa(yaia,pa-awa- la

rraE WEEKLY SUN UTTsKOIKAMHann wi 10a Tar 1

wwrm.. ?narai.tUlajU tO r.


Tar waa 7LtMwt,iMwtBw.iM. I

iTftS AAaSLanaY. I .mmm .. ......fMM m vwwwvv" v vrrervsttttt '

Footage II aanta a year U tke State, lad M 1

rear out of the swat vaauaea copies IPtiBtTa lettso M 'MOST M. BXAtS,

W,HiJi,M8Blnian "COLUMBIAN- -... . . ...'. .y Boura Bseeaa sereec,eIweeu Becuodand Third ere mar alwwa I

!5..T'i ivmHi P.,DY1B '"' euanging Orey or Bad llatr ta a


llsrlow'a 6KBIS TOOTH PASTBiLOTION, fce cbapa. a. i.DlA.MONU 0L088, or ,XagaacAafarPiaa.jBQ.

tLaartiiairrwdeTlrwWBjvlaaWeaoad, HtopauaiWU'lji tailCoajli, sd avarRjr of aAua?tleV Vasaapawwr
