N A T URA L W S R I S D E D O M L E A - Ayni … · Peru, we have forgotten ayni, the law of sacred...


Transcript of N A T URA L W S R I S D E D O M L E A - Ayni … · Peru, we have forgotten ayni, the law of sacred...




SEE THINGS FROM A HIGHER PERSPECTIVEYour vision A change of directionBeing part of the solutionBeing a force of evolutionInspiring and influencing people Living a life beyond the ordinaryUncovering and deepening your talentsDeveloping access to higher consciousnessBeing empowered to fulfil your life’s purposeGiving your best for the good of humanity and the Earth.

Our visionYou become the leader you have been waiting for.

With every moment, every breath and every thought we are co-creating our reality with the universe. We weave our part in the web of life, often unconsciously. We repeat patterns of thought and behaviour, and wonder why the universe responds to us the same old way. For the Kogi people of Columbia, we Westerners are the errant “Little Brothers” who have forgotten their role as caretakers of the planet we inhabit. For the Qero people of Peru, we have forgotten ayni, the law of sacred reciprocity. Nothing ever goes one way.

Natural Wisdom Leaders condenses traditional shamanic and esoteric teaching with leadership training into a one year intensive programme. It comprises thirteen modules designed to wake you up to your own power–the power to weave beauty, harmony and joy in your life and all it touches.

Surpass yourself The shamanic path is as old as human consciousness itself. It has remained a vital practice throughout the eons, constantly adapting itself to the cultural precedent of the moment. It is a living, evolving teaching.

Today the shaman’s role takes many forms: sacred space holder, spiritual coach, healer, master of ceremonies, artist and visionary and more. Tools and pathways are different across indigenous shamanic communities but certain commonalities of expression exist across all wisdom cultures: a deep and symbiotic relationship with the natural world, techniques for experiencing ecstasy, an awareness, understanding and relationship with other realms of existence, and the ability to communicate clearly with these realms in order to seek help.

Becoming adept in these practices develops your ability to lead your community in the ways of Natural Wisdom.

AYNI Foundation’s Natural Wisdom Leaders programme is designed to equip you with the skills and know-how needed to be an effective leader, in service to the Earth and all her relations.You will have the opportunity to develop safe, effective skills and to step up into the role of Natural Wisdom Leader, of service to your your family and community.

BRIDGING WORLDSAyni Foundation is all about bridging worlds between ancient wisdom and indigenous methods, western mind-sets and modern living. You may complete this training and become a practising shaman, or that may not be your path. You may use what you learn to become a leader in your community in some other way more aligned with your truth and mission. As a wise teacher once said “until you serve yourself, you cannot serve another”.

We focus predominantly but not exclusively on shamanic practices as primary methods as they offer a tried and tested comprehensive system for developing self-realisation, in other words enabling individuals to take full responsibility for their lives. Such a person embodies wise discrimination and thereby leads others in authentic, integral service.

The programme reaches beyond instruction in shamanic techniques, integrating Western approaches to personal and transpersonal psychology, mind and dream work, leadership and teamwork. You will learn a simple canon of qi gong forms used throughout the course to build qi, vitality, personal power and sensitivity. We will work with divination, including karmic and esoteric astrology as useful maps to self knowledge.

A Path With HeartThe shamanic path is no easy option. The great shamanic teacher and author Martin Prechtel questions why indeed anyone would want to become a shaman. The shamanic path however promises great reward at all levels of being.

It demands that you undergo a period of purification in order to know the absolute core of who you are. It requires that you open your heart, dig deep and be humbled, vulnerable. It invites you to dance in ecstasy and know bliss. Only when you have run the gamut of human experience and deeply contemplated each aspect will you develop the wisdom to lead and be of service to your community.

The shamanic path lies at the heart of Natural Wisdom Leaders. If it is the path for you, you will hear its call.

Why become a Natural Wisdom Leader?To live a life enriched with natural wisdom is to foster sacred relationships; to build strong community; to realise we are one family; to heal the unhealed; to realise our potential; walk our truth; reconnect to nature; live a symbiotic relationship with all that is; be at peace in love with life; flowing with the dao, building the future we dream of.

Profoundly understanding our interrelatedness and our individuation our life becomes a prayer, part of the cosmic dance. Until we deeply heal ourselves the world cannot heal. Whilst we still believe in separation, and that people do things to us, or there is someone to blame, the world cannot heal. This is why we invite you to embark on this journey – to learn the ways to ‘walk your talk’ in sacred reciprocity with all that is and to share wise guidance in service to your tribe.

Registered nurse, certified counsellor and qualified feng shui practitioner. Q’ero trained master and lineage holder, master practitioner in hypnotism, Time Line Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. My interest in shamanism began when I took the trans-Siberian from Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia in 1992. I started my formal training in 1997 with a 5-year shamanic apprenticeship with Alex Stark (New York). His father was a Peruvian shaman and he also studied under the lineage of Oscar Miro-Quesada, founder of the Thoth foundation, of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition and the wisdom teachings of cross-cultural shamanism.


During 2006 -2010 I undertook further training with an Argentinian shaman, versed in plant medicines of the amazon and trained in a number of different healing modalities. I have supplemented this core apprenticeship working with a number of different indigenous shamans from Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Native America besides studying the indigenous wisdom teachings of Europe. I have taught shamanism at the College of Psychic Studies in London for the past 10 years.

For more about Davina visit http://davinamackail.com.

NIZAMI ELÉBorn in Forest Gate, London with the nickname ‘Oak’, sylvanian links were signalled from the start–though it took a while for the seed to germinate! Elé is a Bwiti initiation name, meaning ‘tree that stands tall.’

I studied AI, psychology and philosophy o mind at Edinburgh and Birmingham, breaking from convention thanks to the writings of Carlos Castaneda. Practising his Magical Passes led me to the Concord Institute in London, where I took journeys in yoga, macrobiotic cooking and transformational group work.

I attended Howard Lawler’s legendary SpiritQuest retreat in Peru in 2007. There I was initiated into Amazonian shamanism by Huitoto maestro Rober Acho Jurama, star of the book Singing to the Plants, and made my first pilgrimage to the 3000BC medicine centre at Chavin de Huantar.

2008-10 I studied shamanism with Pablo Friedlander of the Academia Biosferica, Buenos Aires, attending retreats in England, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia. I returned to Peru in 2010, where I took several dietas with Shipibo maestros Mateo Arevalo and Walter Lopez (Panshim Nima).

In 2011 I received a Kundalini Yoga third eye initiation from Paranjothi Guru Dega in Malaysia, going on to train in Kundalini Yoga with Ketut Asana in Ubud, Bali, where I developed my Spirit13ody shamanic Qi Gong.

Natural Wisdom Leaders is the crystallisation of many wonderful mis/adventures and learnings, many of them with Davina.

PROGRAMME OVERVIEWNatural Wisdom Leaders is designed with as much alignment with traditional teachings as modern living allows. This one-year intensive programme constitutes 9 modules distrubuted evenly over the year, and an 8-day/4 module residential retreat in the summer. Homework is set between modules and supervised via online webinars and coaching.

We are bridging between the worlds of traditional shamanic training and the Western requirement for a structure that fits with modern lifestyle demands. Natural Wisdom Leaders is both the immersive, listen and observe learning model of a traditional apprenticeship, and a modern training course with a rubric and assessment.

Our commitment is that throughout the programme all participants develop a set of safe, effective skills enabling them to become of service to their community. Each participant should: learn to facilitate healing; learn the ability to hold space for others to realise their potential; provide spiritual support and guidance for others; hold safe and effective sacred ceremonies and rituals; be a conduit for spiritual guidance for self and others; be in right relationship with all that is; develop strength of character and inner independence; develop honest, authentic communication; become a clear channel for creative and artistic self expression; become adept in the skills of the seer, the healer and the bard.

2017-18 CalendarThe programme comprises 9 separate weekend modules and an 8-day (4 module) residential retreat, all of which takes place in East Sussex. The 2017-18 Programme begins on Earth Day, April 22.

2017Module 1 22 & 23 AprilModule 2 03 & 04 JuneSummer Retreat 15 – 22 July Modules 3,4,5 & 6 Module 7 16 & 17 SeptemberModule 8 7 & 8 OctoberModule 9 11 & 12 NovemberModule 10 9 & 10 December

2018Module 11 13 & 14 JanuaryModule 12 17 & 18 FebruaryModule 13 17 & 18 March

Monthly webinars are evenings on or close to the New Moons throughout the programme.

Programme modules draw from 7 themes 1 Sacred Space & Ceremony2 Journeying & Divination 3 Healing4 Natural Wisdom5 Energy Work6 Self-Expression7 Leadership.

SACRED SPACE & CEREMONY• Ritual & ceremony design and implementation

• Setting and holding sacred space

• Boundaries

• Creating and activating altars

• Prayer and power invocation.

Sacred space, ritual and ceremony are at the heart of Natural Wisdom Leadership. In ceremony, the infinite mystery of Spirit is made accessible through well-defined limits and parameters.

You will learn how to create and maintain the energetic boundaries between everyday and sacred space. You will encounter and have opportunities to develop the various skills and modes of expression appropriate to sacred space. You will learn how to handle yourself, your assistants and your clients with skill and integrity.

Through practice, you will build your personal relationship to guides, power animals, ancestors and other spiritual sources, learning to invoke their power.

Each student will carry out a ceremony of their own design and calling, as part of the programme assessment.


• Shamanic Journeying – learning to use the drum and rattle as tools of access and focus.

• Power animals and guides

• Divination using a variety of methods

• Dream work, for self and clients

• Vision Quests

The shamanic journey is one of the archetypes that transcends cultures across time and space. You will study the topology of the shamanic landscape, understanding the sacred directions and the import of the classic three worlds.

You will make journeys and readings for yourself and for clients, finding your own particular aptitude and mode of expression. You will undertake a vision quest to recieve guidance on your direction post programme.

HEALING• Working with shadow aspects of self and others

• Energy healing using a variety of techniques

• Tracking of energies soul wounds, past lives, etc

• Extraction of unhelpful energies; chakra work

• Death rites

• Ancestral work; healing the ancestral lines and connecting to ancestral wisdom.

Along with divination, healing is one of the archetypal functions of the shaman. The Western context presents specific challenges to shamanic concepts of healing. Thanks in part to the pharmaceutical industries, psychosomatism–the idea that “it’s all in the mind” or “it’s all energy”–is often met with skepticism. And while a little skepticism is healthy, too much can rob us of our power to heal. After all, we’re co-creating it all.

Studying traditional healing modalities, you will practice working with clients, learning to establish boundaries, sense and influence flows of energy, empower and use sacred objects and implements like khuyas (power stones), incense and feathers.

You will discover your own particular ‘medicine’–be it talking, touch, song or energetic channeling, and gain confidence through feedback from clients.

NATURAL WISDOM• Relationship with Nature

• Natural rhythms & cycles

• Use of sacred herbs and natural medicines

Ayni is the principle of sacred reciprocity on which the universe functions. Central and paramount is ayni between oneself and Nature. Developing harmonious, respectful attitude to all beings with whom we share the Earth, fosters harmonious relations with our own inner Nature, and vice versa.

For Nature, not the Internet, is the Matrix, the weave of symbioses in which the patterns of life are woven. All of Ayni Foundation’s work emphasises respect for Pachamama, Gaia, the Great Cosmic Mother.

Natural Wisdom is the heart and soul of the programme. You will be encouraged to follow your own path to it. Through shamanic and esoteric exercises and modalities you will have the opportunity to begin meaningful relations with specific spirits, and to operate as a human ambassador to the Court of the Plant Kingdom.

Best of all you will understand the master medicine of the plants: love.

ENERGY WORK• Qi Gong for health, vitality and shamanic sensitivity

• Hand chakra development for healing work

• Breath work

• Meditation

• Fasting/dietas

To be a Natural Wisdom Leader you will need excellent command of your energetic resources. You will learn a simple canon of qi gong forms and will be expected to practise them throughout the programme, finding your own route to unlocking the energetic secrets of your body.

You will learn to power up your core, activate your hand chakras, and connect these to your third eye for healing.

You will experience various modes of breathwork and meditation, often in concert with fasting and native herb plant dietas.

All of which builds awareness and strength in the plant body within you, where magic happens.

SELF-EXPRESSION• Creative Self Expression

• Sacred songs and music

• Making and empowering shamanic tools

• Karmic astrology & destiny

Thanks to the New Age moment we hear much about the dissolution of the ego. Learning to encompass others in our world view and consequent behaviour is an important project. An important aspect of that project is the development of a well-rounded self. Tackling your self-limitations head on, you will use the sacred space of the programme to incubate the Natural Wisdom Leader within.

At the level of the soul’s journey through and beyond this lifetime, we will explore our karmic astrology through the sign and house of the moon’s nodes in our astrological hologram, using it as a map to self-understanding, healing and destiny.

LEADERSHIP• Leadership as service

• Leading by example

• Listening & presence

• Giving and receiving guidance

• Knowing your strengths and weaknesses

• Discover and hone your talents

• Influence and inspiration

• Empowering others

• Hold and negotiate difficult conversations

• Working with team energies

• Response and responsibility.

Shamanic work appeals to the imagination. Outside shamanic or tribal society, as we are in the West, it seems exotic, and in that it can sometimes appeal as an escape from the very functions it is attached to in the tribal context.

The tribal shaman makes or facilitates decisions, heals or does not heal members of the tribe. And in that s/he takes on great responsibility.

Šaman is a Siberian word meaning simply ‘awake’. To be awake means first of all to have woken up to ourselves, and thereby to take responsibility for ourselves. It really is up to us.

The Leadership part of the programme fosters self-development, often in quite ordinary contexts, through relationship with your fellow students. We very much want our shamans to leave the teepee and take their skills into the wider world.

READING• Students are expected to read at least two of the books

of the six on the list, and to incorporate ideas and inspirations into their journal work.

• While factual recall of book content is not assessed, students will be expected to demonstrate to pick at least two books and to demonstrate/synthesize their themes and ideas in a short assessed essay.

• We are continually reviewing the list. Let us know if you have any recommendations!

• THE GREAT COSMIC MOTHER Rediscovering the religion of the Earth Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor


• DISPELLING WETIKO Breaking the curse of evil Paul Levy

• JOURNEY TO IXTLAN Carlos Castaneda


• A PATH WITH HEART Jack Kornfield


• LYNN MARGULIS The Symbiotic Planet FILMS


ASSESSMENT The Natural Wisdom Leaders programme is assessed in three channels. You need to pass all three before you can register as a Natural Wisdom Leader with Ayni Foundation.

1. Your Journal• Submitted during Module 12 (and later returned) • Assessed by 30-minute verbal online exam with

Davina or Nizami• As well as documentation of workshops and

homework, your journal will evidence your personal development throughout the programme, including:• self-reflection• idea progression• dream themes• understanding workshops and processes• background reading• taking responsibility for your progress.

2. Continual Assessment• Our assessment criteria cover the breadth of skills and

competencies you will learn in natural wisdom and leadership.

• Your performance is tracked throughout the course, and discussed with you in your 30 minute mentoring session/s with Davina or Nizami, and in your 30-minute verbal exam.

• Your performance is assessed with reference to your personal learning goals, which will be discussed and developed throughout the course.

3. Assessed Ceremony• This is the “practical exam” part of the course, forming

a microcosm that requires you put what you will have learned into practice.

• Assessment is made according to the ceremony criteria you will be provided with during the training.

• The design of your ceremony will include the following elements:• Clear purpose• Modes and methods appropriate to the purpose• Spiritual hygiene and energy management• Setting and holding sacred space• Divination• Healing• Prayer and/or offering• A client (a fellow student)• An assistant (a fellow student)

4. Essay• Students will submit a discussion of the themes/

concepts/wisdom of their two chosen books and how they apply to their own progression of Natural Wisdom.

• Essay question will be set during the course.• Essay submitted during Module 12 (and later


PROGAMME SUMMARYProgramme design • The programme is designed as a series of 9 immersive

weekend modules, from 10AM Saturday to 5PM Sunday. Some modules include all night Saturday.

• Module plans will be sent out at least one week in advance.• Weekends include rest periods but this is an immersive

shamanic programme: be prepared to have routines including sleep disrupted.

• Modules are themed and this information will be sent to you one week in advance of the module.

• You will be expected to provide your own packed lunch for Saturday and Sunday (unless previously informed of a specific plant diet).

• You will help prepare Saturday evening supper (and other meals, where appropriate) as an important part of fostering community and leadership skills.

• Sunday breakfast will also be provided as well as refreshments (tea, coffee, herbal teas etc) throughout the weekend.

• Accommodation is communal, or if you prefer you may book local B&Bs at your own expense.

Intensive Retreat. The remaining 4 Modules form an intensive 8-day residential retreat during the summer. This will include an all-night vision quest.

Teaching methods include demonstrations, practical exercises, group work, individual work, talking circles, meditations, ceremonies and rituals.

There will be regular free webinars for practitioners to discuss progress, difficulties, challenges, insights etc.

You will be added to our secret Facebook group for NWL students, where we post updates and share insights and information relevant to the course.

SpiritMap. Astrology offers a map of energies that give shape to our life. Of particular interest is karmic astrology, which focuses on the two lunar nodes. According to Vedic astrology, we enter this life at the South Node, and exit through the North. These points therefore give us a keen reading on the soul-shaping lessons of this life. All participants will receive a free SpiritMap, as a basis for self-development and coaching throughout the Natural Wisdom Leaders programme (normal price £130).

Course Materials. We are working to produce instructional videos–e.g. setting up altars, smudging, drumming etc–hosted on our website. You will be given free access to these.

Reading List. You will be given a reading list to work through during the programme and will be expected to cover the essential items on it, and be able to participate in discussion of the material, and to involve concepts/arguments/etc into your journal.

AYNI Foundation Pilgrimage to PeruAlthough not a course criteria we also highly recommend you attend at least one shamanic pilgrimage to Peru, which we normally run annually in April. This is NOT included in the course fee and we understand cost can be a factor in this, which is why we are not making it compulsory. However, it deepens and fast tracks your development in ways nothing else can so we encourage you to make this commitment if you can. It is the ultimate in vision quests, a sacred opportunity to take your shamanic understanding and development to a new level. Working with genuine Andean Q’ero masters, holders of the ancient lineage, we are blessed to be able to walk in sacred ayni with our shamanic brothers and sisters from Peru.

Requirements for successTo graduate as an Anyi Foundation Certified Natural Wisdom Leader® you will need to:1. Complete all modules of the course.2. Undertake and complete homework assignments.3. Document your training and personal journey via a journal, which will be, submitted for assessment via a 30 minute Skype call.4. Conduct an assessed one-hour ceremony.5. Adequately fulfil your continued assessment.6. Demonstrate competency across the seven themes.

Please note• Ayni Foundation reserves the right to refuse certification

to anyone they deem has failed to adequately demonstrate competence in the course assessment criteria.

• All final decisions of this nature remain at the sole discretion of Ayni Foundation.

• Any programme involving shamanic practices and working with Spirit can only be a referential programme. The cosmic programme always take precedence.

• That means that, whilst we will do everything in our power to stick to the programme of modules etc, the running order and/or content may be subject to change, of which you will be notified as soon as possible.

Further assistanceIf you require further individual help both Nizami and Davina will be available for personal Skype sessions or face-to-face mentoring sessions. A 20% discount on mentoring sessions will apply to those on the certification course. Normal investment is £100/hr via Skype these can also be booked as 30min sessions for £60. (student prices: £80 or £48 respectively).

And it really is an investment.

The Natural Wisdom Leaders® One Year Intensive Programme is the result of countless hours in shamanic training, retreats, workshops, yoga, tantra, meditation, esoteric classes, transformation groups, leadership programmes.

Places on the programme are strictly limited to 16 students. There is no other programme out there that condenses traditional shamanic training in a modern, self-mastery context. We’ve looked, and we didn’t find.

It is a challenging programme. There will be times when you want to walk away. But evolution doesn’t wait. If you are ready to step up and become an all-singing, all-dancing, influential and inspirational leader with deep roots in Nature this is it. This the programme.



– £4250 –




– £3950 –







And it really is an investment.

The Natural Wisdom Leaders® One Year Intensive Programme is our investment of countless hours in shamanic training, retreats, workshops, yoga, tantra, meditation, esoteric classes, transformation groups, leadership programmes.

Places on the programme are strictly limited to 16 students. There is no other programme out there that condenses traditional shamanic training in a modern, self-mastery context. We’ve looked, and we didn’t find.

It is a challenging programme. There will be times when you want to walk away. But evolution doesn’t wait. If you are ready to step up and become and all-singing, all-dancing, influential and inspirational leader with deep roots in Nature this is it. This the programme.


There are 16 places available. If one them is tugging at your soul then please send the following information by email

To: [email protected], Subject: Natural Wisdom Leaders 2017

• Name• Date, time and place of birth• Address and phone number• Skype address• A short personal statement (no more than 750 words)

as to why you feel called to this path.• Please also document your shamanic background,

and/or any training in other healing modalities and/or any self-development work you have already undertaken. None is presumed.

All information submitted will be treated as confidential and will be deleted after the selection process.

We may invite you to take part in a Skype interview.

If your application is successful and you are offered a place, you will need to make payment in full or your first payment installment to secure your place.



We recommend immediate application to secure your place and to save disappointment.

CancellationOnce you commit to the training you will be responsible for paying the full fee for the training, including all unpaid instalments even if you decide to abandon the programme half way through or are absent for one of the modules. We therefore recommend that you consider taking out insurance in case you have to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. We are required to implement this policy, as we are not able to replace you once the course has begun and we need to ensure the course remains financially viable.

Ayni Foundation reserves the right to terminate the training of any student deemed not fit to continue or unable to deal with the demands of the training. Under these circumstances we will refund the value of any part of the programme not taken. NB this only applies if you have paid in full.

AccommodationCurrently we are able to provide shared communal accommodation for the purposes of this training, which will take place in Robertsbridge, East Sussex.

If you wish to book yourself local accommodation for Saturday night please feel free to do so. Whilst our intention is to provide accommodation and the Robertsbridge location for the duration of the course we cannot guarantee this.

In the unlikely event that the training needs to be relocated accommodation cannot be guaranteed and if necessary students will be responsible for finding their own accommodation at their own expense. We will commit to finding an alternative venue within a similar travel distance from London.

By agreeing to these Notes, Terms and Conditions you understand that all Ayni Foundation workshops and trainings are offered for teaching purposes only and not for the purposes of providing healing or treating any student or participant for any physical or mental condition or illness.

And it really is an investment.

The Natural Wisdom Leaders® One Year Intensive Programme is our investment of countless hours in shamanic training, retreats, workshops, yoga, tantra, meditation, esoteric classes, transformation groups, leadership programmes.

Places on the programme are strictly limited to 16 students. There is no other programme out there that condenses traditional shamanic training in a modern, self-mastery context. We’ve looked, and we didn’t find.

It is a challenging programme. There will be times when you want to walk away. But evolution doesn’t wait. If you are ready to step up and become and all-singing, all-dancing, influential and inspirational leader with deep roots in Nature this is it. This the programme.


A Last Word...

(Stories are an essential part of the Shaman’s toolkit.)

At one point Nizami and I were struggling to decide the structure of the programme. So I took a break and went and sat in the cold, wind and rain underneath my favourite Oak tree in the garden.

Most of the oaks in that garden were masculine presences but this one was undoubtedly a grand dame, the Empress of our forest.

I tuned in and asked her for help and guidance, I felt her comforting presence seep deep into my bones, but not much in the way of inspiration was coming through. All the same I thanked her and made my way back to the house.

On entering my eye was caught by the tray of angel cards and on a whim I decided to choose one. In the process a few fell out in this order:


I picked one other card from the bowl next to the angel cards. It read:

The sign of a spiritual personality is the radiance of contentment on her face and in her actions.

For me these words, and in that order, beautifully sum up what we hope you will achieve by joining the Natural Wisdom Leaders ® programme.