Myths and Legends Echo and Narcissus

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  • 8/13/2019 Myths and Legends Echo and Narcissus


    Echo and Narcissus

    New words

    nymphs - goddesss in the form of a young women living in forest.

    gazed - to look at something for a long time

    Echo and Narcissus

    Echo played in the forests, entertaining other nymphs with her stories and songs. Her voice was never

    silent. One day, the goddess Juno came into the forest looking for her husband, Jupiter. Echo stopped

    the goddess and began telling stories. She wouldnt stop talking. She followed whenever Juno went,

    telling her about all the nymphs in the forest.

    Finally, Juno became so angry with the gossiping nymph that she took away the nymphs voice. You will

    never again have the first word, the goddess said. You will only be able to repeat the last words of

    those who speak to you.

    Echo hid in caves near the mountains she had once loved to climb. She was ashamed to meet her friends

    and not be able to greet them. When the other nymphs called to her, she called back, repeating the last

    words they had said.

    One day, Narcissus, a handsome youth, stopped to rest in the shade of a giant rock. Echo, who was

    hiding in a nearby cave, gazed upon the godlike young man and fell in love with him. But since Juno had

    taken away her first words, she had to wait for him to speak. She left the cave and sat down beside the

    young man.

    Narcissus, who felt he was better than all others, frowned at Echo. Why are you here?he asked.

    Here, repeated Echo.

    I wish you would go away! Narcissus said.

    Away, repeated Echo. She hid behind atree and watched Narcissus.

    Before you readDo you see yourself in mirror everyday?

    Is it good to stare at the mirror for too long?

  • 8/13/2019 Myths and Legends Echo and Narcissus


    Narcissus walked to a nearby pond to get a drink. When he bent down, he saw a beautiful face staring

    back at him. Narcissus smiled, and the face smiled at him. He tried to touch the face, but it disappeared

    under the water. Narcissus waited until the water was calm, and then looked again. The face was there

    once more.

    I can see you care for me just as I care for you, said Narcissus to the face in the water. When I smile,

    you return my smile. Still, you wont let me touch you. I will have to be contentto stay here and gaze at

    your face. My heart is filled with love for you.

    Love for you, Echo repeated sadly, but Narcissus didnt seem to hear her.

    He just gazed at his own reflection in the pond. Narcissus had fallen in love with himself.

    Narcissus was so much in love that he forgot to eat and drink. He grew pale and became ill. Even so, he

    didnt leave the face in the pond. Finally he died, and there, by the pond, a beautiful purple and white

    flower grew. The gods called the flower the narcissus in memory of the youth who loved only himself.

    Echo mourned the handsome Narcissus. She died of grief, unable to tell anyone about her love. Her

    voice is still heard repeating the last words she hears

    Word power

    1. Use what you know about the characters to define these two words that have their origin inthis myth. Check your ideas with a dictionary.


    The words of the song will echo through the halls when the choir sings.echo means __________________________________________________

    b. The psychologist said that the patient suffered from narcissism.narcissism means __________________________________________________

    2. Write down synonym of the following words.mourned ashamed reflection frowned content

  • 8/13/2019 Myths and Legends Echo and Narcissus


    Comprehension check

    1. Answer the following questions.a. Why did the goddess Juno come to the forest?b. Why was she angry with Echo?c. Why was Echo ashamed of meeting her friends?d. Who did Narcissus fall in love with?

    2. Fill in the blanksa. Echos voice was never ..b. Juno became so angry with the ..nymph that she took away the nymphs


    c. Echo hid in ..near the mountains she had once loved to climb.d. Narcissus waited until the water was .., and then looked again.e. He just gazed at his own the pond.

    Talk time

    What are the main characteristic of Echo and Narcissus? What happened as a result of their


    Creative Writing

    Imagine that you lost your voice for a day. What would you do? How would you communicate with

    your friends?