Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Reform in Massachusetts

1 Center or American Progress |  Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Reorm in Massachusetts Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Re orm in Massachusetts The State Model or the Afordable Care Act Is Working and Broadly Popular Nicole Caarella and Ton y Carrk April 2011 Introduction Te Aordable Care Ac was signed ino law one year ago. I is modeled in large par on he landmark Massachusets healh reorm law enaced our years earlier in 2006. Opponens o he Aordable Care Ac oen atack i by disoring he acs abou he Massachusets experience. Tey selecively alernae beween snapshos o and rends in Massachusets and comparisons beween Massachusets and he Unied Saes. Te mos appropriae way o assess he impac o he Massachusets law is o compare changes over ime in hings li ke healh coverage and premium coss in Massachusets o changes over ime in he Unied Saes as a whole. We use ha approach below o debunk many o he myhs opponens propagae regardin g Massachusets’ s exper ience wih healh care reorm. Massachusetts increased health coverage while coverage declined in the rest o the country. Myth Te Massachusets law ailed o signifcanly reduce he ranks o he uninsured in he sae. 1 Fact Te Massachusets healh reorm law dramaically increased he insurance rae in he sae over a period when he naional healh coverage rae declined. As o he end o 2010, 98.1 percen o he sae’s residens were insured compared o 87.5 percen in 2006 when he law was enaced. Almos all children in he sae were insured in 2010 (99.8 percen). 2 In comparison, a he naional level he healh insurance rae dropped rom 85.2 percen in 2006 o 84.6 percen in 2010. 3

Transcript of Myth vs. Fact: Health Care Reform in Massachusetts

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