Myatery^n Illness THE Jut Far Of ChurcK Diners ...Typhoid Infection of Nine Persons. Mystery...

Selections by National Stars to Be Broad¬ casted Tuesday. TICKET SALE LARGE Serenade to President and Mrs. Harding to Be Given June 3. Acceleration in the Interest at- tending "mnslo week," to open Smnday. has bees occasioned b, th. anno&noement that a Memorial Day program wiH be broadcasted from the Ha-ral Air Stasias at Anacosua Tuesday mslnc. beginning- at llD Include aelce- Viaua by the JL J- Hadsen Company Man* male ch olr of S and ?ul CsithedraL oc Tn dHro^priltK; the JLarSeex Trie, ei Kcw T-m3» CttjH and Robert Uv- nenoe, orgsTrfrwir said durectcrr of WutegnB EMc "Wee*. Sally FjamH ii. grautirtaiyghter of Vice President nUmlm, under the Lin- ootn adratnlaLra Don, will also loo- tribute vooiU ar en inns to the radio program. JtedfaD programb that oava been arranged by LurectAr Lautcuj*, who will be assisted by Com dr. Hooper and Ueut. Comrtr.. liavU. or the Naval Air Station, who will oe In chargo of the bruadoast-^ng *.1 the concert On ttwtti r»Hn n ig-h r Sale of programs and tickets has been most pronounced during the lasx several days The music week aeaeon ticket admits the hofcder to refler^d section* at all music week events and to th* serenade to Pres¬ ident and .Mrs. Hording on Saturday- J una 2. At the Lanonln Memorial. Tickets and program* fur Lhe w-eek are procurable at the fojlrwr- tng places:: I>e Mod aaxd CtrngMtny, laauie and Company.. Harry Grove, tni- , fiiUliniorn:iLl Htinn.l Vt* n t Federal National Bank., Arthur Jor¬ dan Piano Company. Tiptcca and iiyers I'rug Sture. Frrurteentii streetj and Park road; Arcade Market. Sew Willarfl Hotel. Brentano's. E. F- Droop Sane and Company. Van Winkle Piano Comparer. McHncb and Lawgnm. Robtnsonii Music Store. Clfbson Company. Frank frn School, room SMc Hujck "Worch Pi¬ ano Company. Knab- "Wart-rooms. Inc., and .JnTTs Clxncr Storwu 11 tt Fourteenth street mu th west. Prfwtdmr lnlinm Pi evidential indorsement of the project has nerved lend nrasde week naUairaJ jrrrrrmnaine. and the mterwst mairtfe*ctAd hj aTl the cJvIb and -fraternall organ xscti rmn tn the] ctty ha* assured "Warfhtnxrtom .of s nunneeirftfl musical V»eX PymeiuJ day* have hr-en set c*!fle for the "various rdVir organisaiions Hhu2 acr* "W» he preeerrted with fea- tu*r>« pr(«i ams. Thee*- are an fol- ItmrC Monday.. .CTtTy Ohflc *Weftnt*- day. Rotary Quh. Lp. m; | L*tan« Clnh. 1 p. m.- Thurs¬ day. Krwajkij GhAt; Friday, Care-ran C!uh. Hours fie* other orcanva- tiuns have -noil as yett bexTtt arranged. but win bo aurrmnced whe» the oommLtteen m charge hsw^j com- i pleted anantfrr'nl k. r&akT Tlkhi r*T- The NorfVe«t Trio Win be the jrpe- r.ial attrArtltai to neld by the j Warfhtngrtan CounrTi oS J-ermr\*'n "Women. Thureday nlgnc at p. til llhe Xer Mascm'.r Templf, Programs afferaija^ the rrany r5rV and t>i»J.«'j-ua3 arga-n realign *" plans' WID be a 2;Hv.s3*cwd later zjyC rzi-» be fiviitf im "nr»- rajrw tha. «cr»- to >e KfiTrf for «al^ ar »j» a"bir^»» nKn^tlci>»rfl >c»ii-nt-*. ^The male vm^r <-f fv^L P>ce- PtuI Catbedr^L "i Iniaiaapolbt. w'llj attrtg at Hlizrir Man. at 11 *-"c loci. van nm SKndarr njoorntBg. ax St J>arrtrnicf¦ flrurvh. and oa the fol- l^rwtn? Stinrday enTl sins the H!gfi Ma»m al St- Patrlrlr'r. 1 CDRB MART SHOWS RECEDING TREND Leading Stocks Establish Slight Rallies After Mak¬ ing Lower LereL ^KS> TOBK. May 2a,.I>nr1ng the riy trading today the market on t3ae Jfew Ttwk enrh exchange show¬ ed a receding tendency and many st*»cfcs were In supply at that time and sustained substantial losses. The leading stocks, however, while selling st lower levels did not show weakaese and after lower levels were establshed rallies were quick¬ ly in order. The petroleum group oatorally claimed most attention because of the continued activity la the Standard Oil issues, the heav¬ iest dealings being in Standard Oil of Kentucky, which first yielded to S0\ and then rallied to above 92. Standard Oil of Indiana moved in the same way. yielding in the first hour and rallying before mid¬ day. Imperial Oil of Canada rang¬ ed from 114H to 113V4. Salt Creek producers was one of the strong¬ est of the independent stocks, those Issues generally showing a Receding tendency during the greater part of the day. Leonard Oil Develop¬ ment Company announced that the suit brought agaftist J. W. Leonard and others had been settled and dis¬ continued. Notice of the settlement was given in view ct rumors that this suit affected the properties of the Leonard Development Company. Industrial issues generally moved within narrow range showing loss¬ es in the forenoon and rallying after midday. American Drug held firm seling at 2^. The announce¬ ment was made, that important lo¬ cations had been added to the dis¬ tributing facilities of the company. Tobacco shares showed fractional losses, Philip Morris ranging from 2H4 to 20\ and Schulte Stores sold at 37 H to 37. Tobacco products moved up from 8 to 8*4. There was little feature to the trading in the motor group, those stocks generally holding steady, although transactions were on a large scale. A sale of Inland Steel was made at 56. Independence Lead was again the strongest feature in the mining group. Rex Consolidated was in demand with continued ac¬ cumulation following the comple¬ tion of reorganization of the prop¬ erty. Myatery^n Illness Of ChurcK Diners . Health Department Probes Typhoid Infection of Nine Persons. Mystery enshrouds the illness of nine persons who developed ty¬ phoid fever symptoms after a sup- P«r at the Grace Lutheran Church on the night of April 27, according to a statement made by Health Of- fleer W illiam C. Fowler yesterday afternoon. Rev. Gerhardt E. Lenskl, pastor of the church, and several women members who served as waitresses will be questioned by Dr. Fowler today in an effort to find some clue to the mysterious illness. Although health department operatives have been Investigating, no real evidence as to the reason for the outbreak of typhoid has yet been discovered. Hdwever, I>r. Fowler has advanced two theories. ^hat either some one helping to prepare the food might have been carrying typhoid germs or that a container used in serving the food was contaminated. It is also pos- si Die, he said, that the food was im¬ pure. The menu at the supper was cold sausage, cold veal, cold ham, po¬ tato. lettuce and tomato salads, hot tea and loe cream. None of the patients are in a dangerous condition, according to r>r. Fowler, and none of the other persons who partook of the food are expected to fail victims to the nines* GEN-PERSHINGTAYS VISIT TO QUANTICO Inspects Marine Barracks And Renews War Ac¬ quaintances. Renewing acquaintances made on! the battlefields of France during the world war, (ren. John J. Per- *hlz*g yesterday inspect**! the Ma- r'ne Barracks a: ftnantico, Ya. Aran:; the men stationed at the "harraris who parsed in review be- i&rr Gtlt. Pershing are many who Kerved with the Fifth and Sixth Ma- rTto regiment, ©£ the Second Divls- rlrrn. faring the world "car. As these me a, many of them wearing wound stripes. passed before the army chief. he t^eemed opon them a par^ntai mfuir^r. I>arhng the infection of the bar¬ racks "building and the flying field, where a speciai combat air program was executed. G«a. Pershing fre¬ quently Stopped to talk TriLfr mrn Who had oader him during the war. r"Pcrn his ajrtvai at the barracks. Gen. PerahiTtg tim received by Mij. C»en- Lejenne, commandant of tto«*) Marine Corps, and Brijs_ C5^n_ Smed- '*y I\ Butler, commandant of the ^usaitlco Bar-rack*, afu r which h* ^"as entertainers at lnuch by more than sixty officers and their wires lister is the day a reception for all '< the barracks" officer* was held at the Home of Gen. Butler. D.CCAR MERGER LEGISLATION NEXT Senate Committee to Consider Trolley Consolidation With P. E. P. Co. MfTfer of the street car com¬ panies of the I>!?trlct and the Po¬ tomac Electric Povtr Company will b* the nfxt District legislation to r»**ive the attention of the Senate I district Committee. Chairman Hall announced ye*ter»!ay. Xo dale has been set for the meeting at which this matter will be taken up however. Several bills calculated to brinf? about «*onsolidat'.on of the traction companies hare been referred, to the committer, but it war. intimated yesterday t#iai a newly proposes solution . would be considered first. IVtails of the new bill will not b* available until it has been In¬ troduced in the Senate, but it was intimated that its purpose would t»© to remove, with provisions, that sec¬ tion of the public ut'MIti^s act which now prevents a voluntary merger of the corporations Should the traction companies fa.l to merge in the *vent that the r.fll was passed, drastic: legislation is planned to force a consolidation that would in all probability carry none of the benefits to accrue from a voluntary consolidation, it was stated. Mrs. Helen Wright Wins Interlocutory Divorce Mrs. Helen Miriam Wright, nee Bartlett. was awarded an Interlocu¬ tory decree for absolute divorce yes¬ terday by Justice Bailey in Equity Court, dissolving her marriage c'f June 4. 1917. to Ouy Z. Wright. jr former army field clerk in the serv¬ ice at the Canal Zone, Panama The decree directs Wright to pay her 165 a month permanent alimony and also her attorney's fee, and allows her to resume her maiden name. In her petition. Mrs. Wright claimed her husband contracted a bigamous marriage with Gizclla Szaszarosy at Balboa on September 3. 1920. The court was shown a record of the United States District Court at Pan¬ ama which showed that Wright was tried on a charge of bigamy and sen¬ tenced to three months at hard la¬ bor in the Canal Zone penitentiary. Erwin Morse Fights Against Extradition Erwin A. Morse, who is resisting extradition to New York to answer charges for which he and several Others were recently indicted, sued a wr*t of habeas corpus yester- ry»' a hearing before J*dge Fred nn.n T°na- n'h,¦ writ wa« Continued "ntli,JO- Morse being released that day pending hearing on Morse, who is the son of Charles wh°se release from the "^fitlary has been the r controversy recently between ¦.as Ind I,» Caraway, of Arkan¬ sas. and Attorney General Daugherty havfnar<red the ind'ctment with defraud u** the mail" to Architect Is Accused. Charged with embejilement Law- SEf verC,iVal. ^ohnson' 5S year, old, 4825 V street northwest, an archl- tect. was arrested yesterday by Head¬ quarters Detectives Messer and Mul¬ len, on a warrant sworn out by Harrv Copen haven. 3417 Rlttenhouse street. The accusations are alleged to have resulted from a deal made by Johnson to build a house for Co- penhdven. THE WEATHER Forecast for Today aid Tomorrow For the District of Columbia and Maryland, show¬ ers today and probably tomor¬ row; moderate temperature; mod¬ erate westerly winds, becoming variable. For Virginia, unsettled, prob- .-Ibly local # thun- dershowers* today and tomorrow; not much change In temperature; moderate to fresh southwest and west winds, becoming variable. IiOeal Tempera tares. Midnight 63 It noon *0 2 a. m 60 3 p. m 82 4 a. m...... 56 4 p. m 83 6 a. m 68 6 p. m 84 8 a. m 67 8 p. m 78 10 a. m 75 10 p. m 77 Highest, 85 degrees; lowest, 56 degrees. Relative humidity.8 a. m., .?> 2 p. m., 41; 8 p. m., 52. Rainfall (8 p. m. to 8 p. m), 0. Hours of sunshine, 12.1. Per cent of possible sunshine. 82. DepartsPwi from Normal. Accumulated excess of tempera¬ ture sinoo January 1, 1922. 374 de¬ grees. Excess of temperature since May 1, 1922, 100 degrees. Accumulated excess of precipita¬ tion since January 1, 1922. .98 inch. Excess of precipitation since May 1, 1922. .60 Inch. Temperature same date last y©sr .Highest. 76 degrees; lowest, 50 degrees. Tide Conditions. High tide, 7:40 a. m. and 8:12 P. m. T>ow tide, 1:48 a. m. and 2:31 p. m. Sun rises 4:48 a. m., sets 7:22 p. m. Moon rises 4:57 a. m., sets 7:18 p. m. River Condition*. Potomac River slightly muddy and Shenandoah very muddy at Harpers Ferry yesterday afternoon. Forecast of Flying Weather. Washington to Island and Norfolk . Showers and possibly thunderstorms today: moderate southwest to northwest winds up to S.opo feet. Washington to Dayton. Ohio.i Showers and probably thunder¬ storms today; moderate variable winds up to 1,000 feet and mod¬ erate west and southwest at 5,000 feet. Otber Trmpfntlnrf*. Highest Kali#- Yes'day. 8 p.m. fall. Asburv Park. N.J. 72 68 0.00 AsheHlle. *. C... 74 68 0.04 Atlanta. Oa 80 76 0.00 Atlantic City. N. J 68 66 0.00 R»ltlmore. Md. ... 84 76 0.00 RWmarck. N. Dak. 78 76 0.00 Ronton. Mass.. 76 64 0.00 Ruffalo. N. Y 64 60 1.02 Chicago. Ill 72 62 0.46 Clnrinnatl. Ohio.. 82 70 0.64 Cheyenne. Wyo. 76 62 0 02 Cleveland. Ohio.. 82 70 0.1S Davenport. Iowa. 80 6S 0.21 Denver. Colo 78 72 0.00 Des Moines. Iowa. 70 70 0.04 Detroit. Mich.... 74 70 0.24 Dulnth. Minn 70 60 0.00 El Paso Tex 90 88 0 00 Galveston. Tex 84 80 0.00 Helena. Mont 86 82 0.00 Indianapolis, Ind. 78 72 0.04 Jacksonville, Fla. 84 76 0.64 Kansas City Mo.. 70 68 0.44 Uttle Rock. Ark . 82 80 0.00 Ix>s Angeles. Cal. 70 68 0.00 l^ouisville. Ky.... 76 70 0.00 Marquette. Mich.. «! 48 n.noi Mrmphis. Tenn. 86 72 0 38 Miami. Fla 84 80 0.02 Mobile. Ala 84 76 0 :4 New Orleans. La. . 86 80 0.00 New York. N. Y. 76 63 0.04 North Platte. Neb. 78 71 0.00 Omsha. Neb 70 6S 0.18 Philadelphia. Pa. 82 76 o 0.1 Phoenix. Aris.... 100 98 0 00 Pittsburgh. Pa... 78 66 0.80 Portland Me... 70 64 0.02 Portland. Oreg... 60 52 0.:8 Salt Lake City. Ut. 84 82 0.01 St. Louis. Mo 80 74 0 00 St. Paul. Minn... 72 73 0 00 San Antonio. Tex. 92 86 0.«»0 San Diego. Cal... 66 64 ".Ol San Francisco. Cal 58 56 0.07 Seattle. Wash 56 54 0.02 Springfield. 111... 80 74 1 «»0 Tampa. Fla 90 74 0.01 Vicksburg. Miss.. 86 SO 0 00 B IRTHS AND DEATHS REPORTED IN D.C. White. William and Sadie Atwell .girl. Paul T. and Snsi* Davi«. girl. Thomas R. and H*len Wells, boy. Robert T. and Ruth Young. boy. Abert C. and Emily I, Birch, girl. Morris and Cora M. I^erer, girl. William F. and Mabel V. Hurker, boy. Frank and Minnie Ziaha. boy. Thwna* E. and Grace M. Mattingly, boy. Kenneth W. and Jan* Kinney, boy. Maximilian and Maggie M. Bowie, girl. Ralph A. and Grace C. Robs, girl. John J. and Mary K. Allen, boy. Frank H. and Pauline C. Dillon, girl. Egliia A. and Nazarianth Rallan, boy. August T. and VMan M. Hill. boy. Curtis T. and Florence E. DeNeane. girl. Ira M. and Sarah A. Simplch, girl. Colton G. and Anna fl. Wedding, boy. John C. and Mary I.. Curta, boy. Harold O. and Emma Clayton, girl. Colored. John A. and Sophia BHlia, girl. Frank R. and Mary Butcher, girl Thomas L. and Elizabeth B. Washington. boy. Tlubert H. and Margaret ninton. boy. Hunter and Martha Pleasant, girl. John B. and Cora Mitchell, boy. James and N'aotni Thomas, boy. Bols and Edna Davis. girl. Sylvester and Alice Bright, boy. DEATHS. White. Emma A. Law*. 14. Geo. Wash, noapt. Ellen C. Sanderson. 84. 318 A at. »e. Levrett Cologne, 45, Sibley Flospt. Elizabeth P. Landers, 46. 4115 Fessenden at. nw. George W. Neal, 54. 4211 River rd. nw. Fred Ryan. 40. Wash. Asylum Hospt. Fmnklin L. White. 60. 9 Franklin at. ne. Frederick n. West, 66, St. Elix. Hospt. Kate G. Rouse, 77, St. Eliz. Hospt. Colored. Frank Cooper. 3.". Geo. Univ. Hoapt. ^.^Jamtti r\ Fennell, 4fr. 4612 da. are. nw. Elijah C. Washington, 40. 1206 10th at. nw. Margaret Chambers. 67 2425 M at. nw. Sarah Newaome, 67, 1838 14th at. nw. Jnmei Greenfield. 71. 2048 E at. nw. Carrie A. Sewell, 83. 24,17 P at. nw John Kelly, 50, Emergency Hospt. George Cole, 33, Geo. Univ. Hospt. William H. Clark. 49. Tuberruloais Hospt. William R. Lyles, 9 months, 525 4 V* at. aw. Boston Stocks.. Amoskeag Boston a Maine Boston Elevated Cain a Aris .... Calu a Hecla ... Copper Range ... East Butte Eastern 8 8 ... Franklin Int Port Cement Island Creek Island Creek pfd Mass Gaa St. Maryland ... Swift A Co Shoe Mach Tuolumne Ventura Oil Waldorf West End 113 28 82% 82 82 61% .. 289 286 286 44 <4 43»4 43 v; 11% 11% 11% 69 S 69 69% 2% 2% 2*4 36% 113% 112% 112% 95% .. 73 72 73 47 46% 47 103 % 103 103 42 41% 41% 3?% 3i ai 30 29% 29% 50'4 49% 50 GENERAL SELLING MOVEMENT LEADS > TO LOWER RATIOS -. - ! Trend Radically Bearish; Short Covering Brings Brief Rally. . NEW YORK. May 23.The follow- | Ing sbowa the movement* of bread' atuffa at New York today in bushels of grain and barrels of flour: Ryfylpta. Exports. Wheat (MX) Corn 94,roo Oata 130,000 20 OOP Flour 37.000 84.0O» The export clearances from the seven principal porta of the Atlantic seaboard (New York. Boaton, Philadelphia, Bal¬ timore. Newport News, Galveston aud New Orleana) thus far thia we»-k. a* compared with corresponding day of last week, have been as followa: Today. Thlajgk. Last wk Flour 84.000 "IffVOOO 120.000 Wheat 80.1*10 1.4*7."OO l,4M.«*K> Corn 8*7,<100 l, .125.000 Oats 33.000 801.INN) 700.000 Export* of wheat from the four ports (New York. Boston. Philadelphia and Baltimore) were 80,000 bushela; last year, 136,000 bushel*. CHICAGO, May 25..May wheat at the Inside flfrure today showed about 4 4 cents under the close of the previous day and nearly 10 cents under yesterday's top. while the July was off 5 cents from the out¬ side figure of Wednesday. The im¬ pression that the Ion* Interest in May had been satisfied by a deliv¬ ery of the cash grain led to general selling: of May and the deferred de¬ liveries and with stop loss orders' uncovered the decline was easily attained. Sentiment was radically bearish, but in view of the sharp break there was considerable short covering1 on the decline. whicti brought about a fair rally around noon. May advancing about 3 cents from the early low. There has beet, considerable readjustment between May in Chicago and other markets, and the Chicago and Kansas City difference narrowed to around ft 4 cents against 16** cents at the ex¬ treme a short while ago. Liverpool, while failing to follow tne advances in America, likewise not following declines and closed only *4 to Vid lower. Crop reports remain very favorable, especially those from the Northwest, but dry weather would be very beneficial in parts of Sas¬ katchewan. where seeding is still delayed to some extent. Milling de¬ mand continues relatively slow. Coarae (iraina. Corn and oats averaged lower with wheat, but recovered the loss around noon on short covering, oat* getting above yesterday's close. (Furnished by W. B. W heat. Open. High. May 131 1.31 July.. 1.22% 1.224 Kept 1.1**4 1.18*4 Corn. May.. <V»4 «14 July.. .«3 .63% Sept.. .65% .65% Data. May.. 3ft% .87% July.. .3*** .884 Sept.. .394 .40 Pork. May I-ard. May 11.82 1132 July.. 11.42 11.47 Ribs. May Jiiy Hibbt 4 Company.) Yea'day'a I/n* Clowe. Clone 1.274 1.2*4 1 3-4 1.20% 1.21% 1224 1.17 1.174 118% Oft .00% 60% .02% 034 034 .044 .65% .65% 3ft% .304 874 .37% .384 .3" 4 .394 39% .39% 23.23 23 20 11.30 1132 1127 11 40 11.47 1187 18.50 13.50 11.95 1190 LOCAL rw. B. Hlbbs * Co.. Hlbba Bldg.. M bera Washington 8tock Excharre AFTER CALL. Rlgg* Realty (long) ."is. $'.000 at 93%. Potomac EleP gm ft«. $.", 000 at loo Potomac Elec deb ft*. $.'.<NtO at IO04. Potomac Elcc eons 5s. $1,000 st J#;*,, Money, rail loans. 5 and 6 per cent. BONDS. Public Utilities. Amer Tel and Tel 4* 91 914 Amer Tel and Tel 44* 101 103 Amer Tel and Tel ctl tr 5*.... 97% 98 Amer Tel and Tel convl ft*.... 115 lift Anacostia and Potomac 5a. 874 Anacostia and Pot auar 5a 874 C and P Telephone 5a 9ft4 974 C and P Te'ephoce of Ya .">a... 914 Col Gaa and Electric 5a Col (iai and Electric deb 5s Capital Traction R R 5a 98% 99 City and Suburban 5s 82 Georgetown (las 1st 5a 89 Metropolitan R R 5a 97 Potomac Electric cons 5s 96% 97% Potomac Electric deb ft* 100 Potomac Elec Power O-M ft». 994 lftft Pot Elec Pow G-M and Ref 7*.. 107 Wash. Alex and Mt V 5a 23 Wash. Balto and An 5* 83 Washington Gas H* 94 944 Washington Gas 74" 1°4 1054 Wash Ry and Electric 4a 74 Wash Ry and Elec G-M «* 984 994 Miscellaneous. O C Paper Mfg fts Riggs Realty 5a (long) 924 9* Rlgg* Realty 5a (ah^rt) 9S gee Stge and Safe Pep fta W M Cold Storage :>¦ 92 STOCKS. Public Utilities. Amer Tel and Tel 1234 Capital Traction 97 99 Columbia Gas and Electric Eastern Light and Fuel Washington Gas 55 N and W Steamboat IS* Waah Ry and Elec com 4014 414 Wash Ry and Elec pfd *09% 704 Waah. Balto and An com Wash. Balto and An pfd Wash Va Ry com Waah Va Ry pfd Terminal Taxi, com 75 Terminal Taxi, pfd 834 National Banka. American National Bank 155 165 Tapltal National Bank 190 210 Columbia National Hank 220 Commercial National Bank.... 139 150 District National Bank lftft 168 Far and Mech National Bank.. 222 Federal NatP*hal Bank 17.% 185 Liberty National Bank 127 Lincoln National Bank 101 Nat Metropolitan Bank 225 Rlggfe National Bank 480 Second National Bank 145 155 Washington 189 20(7 Trust Companiea. American Sec and Truat 23ft 240 Continental Trust 90 94 4 National Sav and Trust 289 Union Truat 120% Wash Loan and Trust 274 290 Savings Banks. Commerce and Ssving* 160 East Washington Sav Bank 14 Merchants Bank Sec Savings and Com Bank 207 230 Seventh Street Savinga Bank.. 150 Union Savinga .. U S Savings Bank 220 Washington Mechanics 25 Fire Inauranoe. American Fire Inaurance 225 Corcoran Fire Inaurance 100 Firemen's Fire Inaurance 18 Nat Union Fire Inaurance 74 Title Insurance. Columbia Title Inaurance../.. 6 Beal Eatate Title Insurance... 10ft Miscellaneous. Col Graphophone com 4 g Col Graphophone pfd 15 .. D C Paper Mfg Co 75 D C Paper pfd..... Greene Cananea Merch Tran^ and Storage 100 110 Mergenthaler Linotype 153 Old Dutch Market com 3 Old Dutcli Market pfd 7 Lanaton Monotype *75 78 Security Storage 220 Sec Stge and Safe Dep Washington Market 30 .. Yellow Cab 34 .. .Kx-dlv. Far Rcnhs Jut Call Main 3300 And Ask for CLASSIFIED RATES J CENTS A WORD Blxl* ' Insertion Minimum Charf*. WiDtH Wanted Rooms aol Board Wanted Mia<-ellaneoua For Sale Miscellaneous... Table Board For Bent Rooms Loat and Found Charge for 7 or "more insertions 2c per word. OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS Special Notlcea l»c per line Proposals 15c per llna l^jal Nollcea 10c per Una Church Nollcea 10c per Hoe Auction Salea 10c per Itaa Death notices TGc per Insertion PHONE MAIN 3300. Ask for aa Ad Taker. LOST AND FOUND ¦ LOST.RICH A NIT FRATERNITY TIN Thursday. Reward. Mjjn 4619. 471 LOST.CARVED PLATINUM KING WITH a square'Betting. with 1%-carat diamond, two sapphires, one on each side. Was left In ladles' waah room Hotel Willard, K at. entrance, noon 2.%. 1022. Liberal re-| ward. Mra. A. II. VESTAL, Confresa Hall Hotel. 470 HELPWANTED. Male. ASSISTANT baker" ^lome exp required. AUTO mechanic; experienced man. BILLING clerk and ftenof rapher. CLERK for hardware store. COCNTER man; experienced and quick. OUTSIDE man; $*."i mo.. aalary and ««m. SAIJCSMAN; young man; $2'» wk. and com. SODA dispenser; exi»erienced; quick. .STENOGRAPHERS; several positioos open Various other positions open for men. WASHINGTON BUSINESS Bi*R 710 14th- BOYS! SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR white boy« from 12 to 16. Apply Friday. 11 to 5. 93K F st. nw. 472 WA NTED.TWO F1KST-TLAHS CA RPEN ters at 13th and laiwrence sta ne.; two nsontwork. 453 TINNER APPLY CHESAPEAKE STATION after H p. in II. IIARRIE. 4 TO!'MS MAN; STRONG; HELPER AI To shop; fair salary. NAT'L PERSONNEL BUREAU. $05 Bond Bldf.. 14th & N Y are. 456 AI I<» MECllANB ; EXPERIEN4 BD Overland car; top salary. NAT'L PERSON NEL HI REAP. $<»5 Bond Bids 14th A 31. Y- are. 411 BOOKKEEPER: QUICK AND ACCCRATE at figure*; f<H»d openinf. NAT'L PER¬ SONNEL BPREAU. 303 Bond Bldf., 14th A N. Y. are. 411 | BOOK KEEPER-.STENOGRAPHER; GEN eral office work: $23 to $30 per w«*ek NAT'L PERSONNEL IU'REAl'. 3*»". H*uid Bldf.. 14th A N. Y. a^f 411 SALESMAN: AITO ASSOCIATION: GOOD pay. NAT'L PERSONNEL Bl'BEAl'. 305 Bond Bids.. 14th and N Y ave. 3.*.1 BOOKKEEPER .D E> BUILDING AND conatructinn business: exceptional salary. NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'REAI". 3»" Bond Bldf.. 14th N Y a tp 27S STENOGRAPHER; GENERAL OFFICE work; apo<i 20 to 2" rears. Good salary. NAT'L PERSONNEL Bl REAL*. 30.'» Bond I Bldf.. 14th A N*. Y are. 152 Feaik. A BILLING clerk: able to t«ke dictation BOOKKEEPER: expe double entry: $2m wk. [CLERK: capable ><»ung sor.nn. at «»n«-e I COCNTER firl: neat and quirk MARKERS and sorter* for laundry. SALESGIRL- several younf women at on«e STENOGRAPHER, ovrnpetent $25 week TYPIST: brifht: quirk at figures; $75 mo WAITRESSES: several excellent places Various other position* open for women. WASHINGTON BCS1NESS BUR 710 14th. 46I» Woman to Alter Corsets. Julius Garfinkle A Co. require in their workroom. tl»e services of an experienced woman to alter corsets. Only tintee with the he«t of references need apply 467 | STENOGRAPHED; KNOWLKIkJE <»r bookkeeping; food ouonint NAT'L PER SONNEI. BI'REAI', 3"T Bond Bldg 14th A N* Y. aveJ 456 TYPIST EXPERT* REAL ESTATE AND Insurance office; splendid opportunity. NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'REAI*. 3'»5 Bond Bldg 14th A N. Y. are 456 CLERK; YOUVi LADY: OFFICE Inrge laundry; fair wlnry NAT'L PER- SON NEL liTREAC, $115 Bond Bldf. 14th A N. Y. are 456 FIRST-CLASS COOK AND GENERAL house worker wanted (whitei; ani:ill fam¬ ily; i»er month to atart. Apply room 219 National Metropolitan Bank Bldf.. 613 15th at. nw 100 LAUNDRY WOMAN < WHITE»; URGE liote': pood salary and meals. NAT'L PER¬ SONNEL BI'REAI*. .*15 Bond Bldg 14th A N. Y are. 374 PANTRY GIRL; EXPERIENCED; LARGE hotel; food_«t:ilarv nn dmeals. NAT'L PER BONNET. Bl\EAC. $05 Bond Bldf.. 14th Jk N. Y. are. $74 CORSETTER E ONE EXPERIENCED IN measuring, flttin*. etc c«>od pay to expe¬ rienced person NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'¬ REAI'. 30.-, Bond B dg 14th and N". Y are 3! 2 STENOGRAPHER FIRST cf.\SS *2". TO $30 per week NAT'L PERSONNEL BU- REAl*. JHC, R. nd Bldg.. 14th and N. Y are. 312 STENOGRAPHER: GENERAL OFFICE work: large department store; good open- ing NAT'L PERSONNEL RCREAC. 305 Bond Bldg.. 14th and N. Y. are. 312 LEARN TO EARN.Beauty culture taufht In all branches Manicuring. $5. MIRROR REALTY SCHOOL. 92l F at nw 255 SITUATIONS WANTED Male. rxrrniFvrrt" ncrm. rrrRK: has been emn'ored as night clerk Y. M. C A. | EMPLOYMENT DEPT 1736 G st nw 971 Man wants position as book- keeper, either whole or part TIME APPLY Y M C A EMPLOYMENT DEPT.. 1736 tl st. nw. 6$9 APTO iaTCHANTC HELPER: EXPERL enced Y M C A EMPLOYMENT DEPT 1736 G st nw. 969 MTDDT.E AGE MAN OESTRE* r0SIT10N . . watchman Y M C A EMPLOYENT DEPARTENT. 1736 G at. nw. I EXPERIENCED TYPIST A CLERK DE» ¦Ires nositian; $25 week Y. M O A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT 1738 0 at aw SINGLE WHITE AN DESIRES POSITION aa Janitor Y M C. A. EMPLOY- MEXT DEPARTMENT. 1716 O at. aw. 159 BOOKKEEPERS. ACCOCNTANTS. A CDI- tor* at your service; let us know your want* and we wi'l promptly All then. NATL PERSONNEL BUR.. 305 Bond Bldf . 14th and NY are Mala 644 90$ CHAUFFEUR DESIRES POSITION WITH private party oi ttyicab company. Y M C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 173« 6 st. aw 961 FIRST-CLASS .iCTO MECHANIC DESIRES poaltlon Y M C A EMPLOYMENT DB- PABTMENT. 1736 O at. nw. Ml GOOD ENGINEER DESIRES POSITION wltn chance for advancement. Y. M. 0. A EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 1736 G .t. aw. 9m FfRtle. LAUNDRESSES. CLEANERS. SUPPLIED free. Telephone West 208$. FULLER'S EX¬ CHANGE. 1221 25th st. 409 OYER 15ft OP THB LARGEST COMMERC- ial comerna In town use our peraoaaal ..rvice; they have tested it and know ita merits; it Is also at your service. Jnat call aialn «44 NATL. PERSONNEL BUREAU. 90ft Bond Bldf.. 14th 4 N. 1. an. $T$ SPECIAL NOTICES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I. FRANK W1NSTEAD. will not atand responaible for any bills or debts other than thoae con- t meted by myself. my26Je2.9 I.WILL.NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR any debts contracted by anyone other than myaelf. HARRY L. STRANG. 3rd. 2020 1st at. nw. 19-26-June 2. FOR RENT.ROOMS. Fonusked- 7(K> (TH RT. N. W .HrlTABI.r. ONE OR two gentlemen; quiet? eo«*ente0t IWIto"- AVE. SW.TWO-MOHT hon«eke:>ing furnlahed rooms; running water; bath on iame floor. 488 _ 1S27 10TH ST.-*. W..NBAB SCOTT CIB rle: desirable double room adjoining $10 weekly. Single r**»m« for meb. »3 weekly: private reu'denee. *** Tin* PA AVE. NW..OPPOSITE RALEIGH Hotel; clean; refined; hot water «fwy Witli B^artl. 1424 haIi^abd-stT" n. W PLEASAKT room for two yonna ladle*: attractive *nr- roundings; home cooking; une of parlor and phone. PWiiislied or Unfurnished. SEVERAL DBRIRARI.I APARTMENT*: *4" «TS: nnr IRth * Eye Ma. ¦« tniJM'R I. ORAT, 1S1* II at nw. Main 43W. 4r>* i.aRc.E: A.M.!.: ON first FI.OOR; or- fieea or bedroom*; >3»l each weekly. 172tl M ... *M FOR RENT.APARTMENTS. Fnrnished. .Mr. PARK ROAO. APT 1.FI RNISHED not. 3 room a June 1 to September 1 _or '.rtoher 1: $100 month. Columhia 133*. TWO ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND RI M m«-r btth; $'.<>. Phone Franklin 3051. . 4W 1424 "HARVARD ST. N W .PI'RNISHEn apartment for several yonng ladles. Private bath: home cooking. *14 90S IflTH STREET. EXCLCS1YE APARTMENTS. For lease.completely furnished. Apt. No 1. first floor.8-rm., kit., bath. Rent $3V> 00 Apt. No. 2. aecond floor.4-nn., kit., bath Rent $3301*1 Apt No. 8. third floor.4 rm.. kit., bath. Rent $300 00 WILT.1AM K HARTTNO. 110S lS-h »t. nw **Exc1mdve Agenta." IT?_ .«iT!I SI NT MASS. AVE..4 I'MS P modern liou«ek**>ping apt.: nlrely^ fur *".!«hed: jtorrh; per mo. IX)H S 1 "t'OEMAEEB. 1407 N. T ave nw. Main n ^rhington heiohts. nr cox* ate Modcrr. ant. h"«*e ' large. bright. *nt- <. V rm«. trnd b.: H. K. garage: 113 p*r an" I'.oris P SHOEM AKER. 1407 N Y «ve ii" Mats lit. \-t-\V HAMPSHIRE ATE.. ABOVE DCPOKT Circle.C-«ol. cor. ant.: 3 rm«.. bat»> ba'- *iv; imnvd. po«w .: $1«0 r»er mo. I.OCIS T -'hoemaker. 1407 N Y. ave. nw. Main 11S«. Unformed. *>2T> RT cnEVT CHASE . ATTRACTIVE 3 rms. b.: Immed po«* FT. K rat**#-:] *»iod»rate IXM'TH P shoemaker. II <07 N. Y. ave. nw. Main 11W. WANTED.APARTMENTS Unfurai»'»*d. ct.ient wu.i. tat «*> per mo for apt nr 14tli A Col.rd Must hav* 4 rm«. kit A b W K nARTl'NG. 110S l«th st Ms In 372. 241 | WANTED APARTMENT OP 4 B AH Cli¬ ent trill pav from OO to $73.00 per WILLIAM K HARTCNG. 110* ]St Msln 372 2T> HOUSES FOR RENT. Colonial Beach COTTAGE: LARGE ROOMR A PORCHE*: city convenience*. Phono Clar 1"»0 W 2 ?n* FOR RENT.HOUSES Fnrnisbed. ISWi 1STH RT NW .JCNE 1 TO SEPTEM- ber 13: cool attractive corner house over- locking Ro<-k Cr«*«»k Park: 8 r^mi; 2 baths. T'hnne Columbia 3431. 473 HARVARD ST.~NRT 14th MODERN * rms 2b.: immH. p<*».; ?1 V> jw>r mo. '.OTIS P SHOEMAKER. 1407 N. Y av». »w. Main 11VI :'TII RT.. NR. DCPONT CIRCLE- IO RMS.. 2b : Eneli«h ba^m^nt sido ir^rden: ?2O0 »»er mo. LOC1S P shoemaker. 1407 N. live nw Main 11 OS. GI.EN BROOK RD.EDGEMOOR.1-8TOBT bung.ilow fnrn.: flOO per mo 7 r. A b.; len«»» for renr: elcv: ear : 1-2 arre: «pa<*t" for garden W. K HARTCNG. 110S 16th «t nw. Main 372. 171 LEXINGTON PL. N E .TUBNISHE® from June 1st to Oct. 1st: 6 rm*-. A bath; large porchen anfl yard: 1n»t«»r.tanenn* water heater; $12-^.^0 p»r mo WILLIAM K HARTCNG. 110S Iftth st. nw Main 372 170 .!»Tn RT NR DTTOVT CIRCT.E.'TEN rooms: 2 bath: Encli«h basemspt: slrtt garden: $200 per m^nth. I.OT'IR P. SHOE MAKER. 144)7 N. Y. are. nw Main 110R 1W WYOMING AVE NR. 1STH RT.12 rooms anl 3 bsth«- a m.i.: handsomely f''rfji«t-od: MOO n®r month: Inspection by srpointment. I.OT'IR P shoemaker. 14fl« N V. iv» ntr >»!»«« 131 Hoosei r*aot*tt. I COI.LE1T RENT IN ATX sections OF TIIF TITY. 2^ ve«'« rTperienco THOMAS E. PETTY. 2013 14th st. nw. N. 4158 WANTED TO RENT HOCSER OR APTS rnN'ted or i5nfnrni«he<t; «itr or subiirban T.fCIS P. SHOEMAKER. 14«7 N. Y. ave Main 1100 CNFCR TlorSE OR P.l'NG OF ." TO 0 RA b ; «n Chevy Chase or Clevelund Park. Will nar $7" 1*0 p<»r mo. W K. HARTCNG. 110^ 10th st Ma j 372 240 For Rent.Stores and Offices. GEORGIA AVE NEW STORE. AROI'T 20 by 40. with 4 rm* and «.: H K apt. norch; ren«'«nable rental: leave If de«ire<1 a m i. LOCI 5 P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 NY .». nw Main 11'W Y AVE Ml I'TH RT ST1DIO OR , ffW; 1-. per m > IX>C1S P SHOE MAKER. 1407 N Y ave. nw. Main llttS. FI OR IDA A\tT Ml CONN AVE.I.ARG' fr..nt room, first fl-r LOCIS P. SHOE MAKER 1107 N. Y. ave. nw. Main 1106. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. KI.KCTIIIC f'ARPKT WASHING %RSOI TTE SATISFACTION AT TIT 1" lowest vrlrc THE I.I WIN CO . 2>>1S mil .1. ntt N .!... oi«o. CARPET rl,KA>l\(; * WASHI|C. AMERICAN ANI> PERSIAN Rl c. CO 2304 ire. r* We.t 10.t. Rret and arrets .iean.i! * re,vilr.-il. rea mWl. *_ l'APKItil AMilMi AXII PAIXTINC. ROOMS PAPEREP: ffi CP; FIRST CI.AS* painting: work guaranteed. Metropo itan Decorating Co., Glfi E st. nw. Main 110- PHONOC.H A P1I REPAIRIXm. PHONOGRAPH noSPITAL. 331 II ST K B. Line. 7311. All makes repaired by experta: called for and delivered. Piano tuning 110 KEFKlGKtt ATOMS * BOXES. Nelson Refrigerator Co. HIOII C.RAKE HEI UIGKRATORS 610 F St:. N. w. Fr. 2757 SI.I% COVERS AM> RE-l PIIOI.STKR1NG. Sl.IP COVERS CI'T AND MADE: PCTINI- lure upholstered: low. -t |>rlve« In town 615 E >t. nw J. HOI-OBER & CO. M. 5^.69. IVIKUOIV SHADES. Beat quality nt | Corel q n aill « J maqne kill OP"""' 10 ^ j $1.15 your window.. me We call with saeiplei. ph. Ltoc. 18TJ- KLEEBLATT'S ui?8 ANNDE" M NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOCR window almdea. «li|» corera and rewpbolater. ing done. McDKVITT. 1W»3 »tU at Main 3211. 45b %% UtCKi.Nii AND BtlLOl*^ A. R. THOMPSON. WRECKS AND BUILDS. 1337 E. at. ae. Lincoln WW. AUTOMOBILES. Far Sak. NOT A SALE But Just the Usual List of Bet¬ ter Values at Studebakers 1*1* B-« Btnrt.h. k.r 7-pmm. lftis Rptrial RLx Touring r>-paa« 1920 Maxwell 1918 Wfttrotl. 7 p«M Cadillac. 4-paaa.. fcfl.. 1920 Naah, 7 paaa 7ISO 8TSI 290 «I0 898 750 SPECIAL HUDSON 6-40.7-passenger . $300 . CAKH OH TERM* YOU'LL BE PLEASED Watch Studebaker 817 14th 81. E. W. Mala 519. Main 518. 451 REAL BARGAIN'S. $50 CASH, $6 PER WEEK. 11AXWKLL- Touring. $HJU; motor and tires in fine condition. SAXON.Touring, $105; a light alt; la good condition HOLLIES H.Touring. $110; a powerful but economical <*ar; good tir»-a, new battery. MAX WEI*L Touring. $18.'.; new top; new battery; good paint; motor Al. MAXWELL.Touring. $150. an excellent buy for family use. in fine condition. MAXWELL.Touring. $195; new top; Dew battery; ne-r Urea; recently painted. STUDEBAKER.Roadster. $21". ¦ power¬ ful si*; in line running condition. 2 new cord tires. SAXON.Speedster. $225; a sporty car. In excellent condition. CHEVROLET- Sedar $3*0; model 1920; recently painted; MdftMklllf O. K. CASH OK TERMS oil TRADE MR. SLATTERY, 636 G at. nw. Franklin 5V»« 449 M ICK. 1819-4 PASSENGER COUPE. Cord tirea in line a!.ape.freshly re¬ painted; Just 1*-upholstered; a real buy for $H50. EMERSON A ORME. 1620 M st. 399 BIMCK 1828 8-PAWEX«It BOAMTV8 Freshly-painled. <-ord tlre»; perfect top; fine ai ape me- hanically; can be bought for $466. EMERSON A ORME. l«2t M st 400 nrpMoWiLx tm, r.N'. nim Crow-E'k hart touring. new |K">0 Lodge t«»;:rmg. 1820 8«ri Chevrolet F R $4t>' Maxwell touring, win- wheels $32-"i !>odge nud'tT $250 Overland touring $l.~ai Tl>e*e cars are all 'n g>«*l mechanical con dition and can be pur. t.aM-4 on reaaonahl»* i<rms. srmo as low as $5*1 cash, balance <1X1 per month. STERRETT * FLEMING. INC.. .*hamplaiu and Kalorama rd n.w. N-VC0. m$ D( IX.E SEDAN. 182*».UPHOLSTERY FINE Afresh |Niint; mechanically perfect; R<>yal cord tires, equipped with extras; a buy at $:*5o. EMFRSON A ORME. 16i«» M at. 401 miCRAKEK RIG SIX 7-PASSENGEE touring; freahly-palnted; cord tir*-*; top like nt-w; mechanically perfect. with many extras at $1.2»«rt EMERSON A ORME, 1820 M at 402 M1XWBM. TOURIX**: t*t* MODEL JITET repainted; practically new tire*; perfect mechanically and ~l!l hare our guarantee; a genuine bargain; 8M8. $100 cakh; la tnce eaay monthly payoieats H B LEAKY. JR. 1821 14th at. aw llala 4109 V 89* BaTWEI.L ToCRfTO; t*»ia MODEL; RE painted; new top: good tire*; ha« beea through *he ahop and mechaa!cally O K price fo quick «ale. $2^* terms as low a* $100 cash;*balance month'y. B B LEAKY. JR.. 1821 14th at aw Mala 4in$. . 478 MAXWELL TOI-RTNO V. MOPE L.TO P. paint and tire* Id exccp'Jona:iy good shape Has been through o*ir *». .p and is mechan¬ ically P. K A bargain at $4<"0; term*. H B LEAKY. JR 1*21 14th «t nw Main 410V 2>i -TON GIANT TRUCK; exceptional bargain; $500; terms. WITT-WILL CO., INC. 52 N St. n.w. Fr. 4665 106 overland Torm!*b. vnrr «x>_c,oot> top, tire* and nint; mechanically 0. K , and a bargain at 827.V terms H B LEARY. JR 1821 14th st nw Main 4103. THREE AUT<»cTr~ TRrct*; RO¬ TARY HOISTS 8TEFI. LINED BODIES; TRADED IN AND FOR PALE C n F A P COMPLETELY OVERHAULED AND PAINTED; PRICE FOR THREE $3 808; TERMS WITT-WILL CO INC U N ST SE ERA WE UN 4665 m MAT WET T. TOTRINO: 1917 MODET OOOD tire*; me.-hanlcally O. K a h*-gn!n. $1.'«0; term* a* ow a-'$58 cash, ba ance $35 per month. r.. B I.EARY JR.. 132; i4th at nw. Main 477 DODGE TOURING 835B ROBERT ROY MACKEY. 513 l«th st «e Lincoln 23R0 28S Motorcycles and Bicycles. ACE MOTOR TO. Special *a1e of «econd-hand Ace. C'eee- and and Ha-ler Darid«on motorcycle* U»iS J '% 0th «t rw Frank In 27SS 418 GARAGES. GARACE NR. HOUSE OFFICE RI II D1\«. .Tw«<-M«*ry brick; hold* four cars; pr:«-e. 880 WILDMAN Jt CO.. 9th and H ft*. Franklin 64OS. LEA8 ¥(ll' ST.. NR. 14111 SPACE ONE car; 81" |»er m«. I.OUIS P. SHOEMAKER. HO" N. Y are. nw Main 1160. REAR II ST.. NR TTH SP \<E< »"NE C \ R; $15 per mo I.OUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1 *07 N. Y. are nw. Main 118*?. tSTH ST. Ni: TO! .ETARlJ! WILL RE model for go«id tenant. LOUIS P. SHoK MAKER. 1 !<V7 N Y a*e Main 11'. RE\1l P ST.. NR ifvfn.A1*. M T 1 "xO*. 850 por mo LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER V07 N. T. ase. aw. Mela 1108 WANTED.GARAGES. WANTED GARAGE; ABOUT ONE HUN dred-car capacity; rent or aale Renly Box 7S7-D. Herald Q8W 181 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES. VR.*T» HF1.*W4RR AVR A FATAL *T se. . About 8«;.t»00 Fqnare feet, at 40 cstts -ei foct LOCI8 P OlOKMAkKR. 1407 N T . nw Main 1188 ON B a O R R AT BETHrsD~A~ATE near RorkTllle Pike aab ear line.Aboat lHVOnO ftnnare feet sultsMe for lumber »srd or other like purpose. Price. $25,000 L0UI9 SHOEMAKER. 1407 NY aea. ¦». Main 11<. HOTELS. Do you like a good chicken dinner? Do you l:ke good muaic* Can yon eajoy a snappy fox trot? Bert Sauls nan's musicians Home by car or auto In half hour from THE CARROLL COUNTRY CLUB Betheada. 26 M 877 FINANCIAL WE HAVE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE dlsb'ir*ement first trust money secured by D C real estate; applications gnaraatee4 immediat* attention. See Mr READ WM K. HARTUNG. 1108 18th at. aw Main *72 429 INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. PLATE OLA**. ttTB- glary Insurance LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 N * Y art. aw Mala Udft laauira im Mr Elliott. FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS; ONE OAK DIM KG BOOM TABLE AND I < hair*. aaed ane MtU; 7B7 BoWn place aw BENCHER C«*D I" u«.UICATIOS~fl| Nlt'l Wnmmi'i Party Headquartera at. ne. XfW and undamaged. prira e^rh; 1b lota to ault Pbooa Lincoln 1 COLI'MBIA AND TICTOB GRAPHOPHOXS rmiMi. iftr and S3c; piano rolla at 12^. 20 and 25c. .lightly uaed SOI f at *Nr BM MA HOG A XT PEftK. M IXCHBB lAffl St7 M A TO Z BCBIN'EBS BUREAU, 1M40 a mt. aw ioo NMAi.t. bottle* if* tvrnc fop* tain peat, per bottle. If. A TO I BCBl- VERB RTREAP 1S4Q Q at aw FIFTEEN CARD INDEX CAB1MPTB OaK ¦ .at «iae« from IS V* to Sift each 4 TO E BPBINEHE BI BKAT. IMP O at aw OMR WICK EB SETTEE WITH LOOBl nnhkm., $42 96 A TO £ Bl'SINEtt BC- BEAr. mo a at aw Smill aalena^a'a de«Ka. oak each v»ii On* rattumrr, fonr hooka oak. S3 BS 25 (!r»« enamel rafa tahiea each. S7.SS. green rnrnn#1 brentwood chaira. each $5 01 25 caaea writing ink ooa doaea qoarta M caae; per ca»e. SH 50. SO bill or larolr-e r«hln*t«, oak. >88 70. A TO E BTSINRM Bl'BBAU. 1S4Q G at. aw. SO BOTE* CARBON PAPER SIB* BOX A TO Z Rl AINEBB BCBKAC. 1S40 C at nw 18 7>OTEN TTPEWR1TEB RTRBoVs. SS *1 per d>+*-, a TO Z BCSINEBS BCBBaTJ, 1*40 G at. nw 10 LFGaT. BIFE FIT.TNG CABTXBTR. OAK, each S47.0& A TO S BrSINBM BO BEAT 1*40 G at aw 1 WT^-RFR T A RT F 1.A MP IRR-A TO I BPRTNRBB RCREAtl 1S4ft G at mw. Mahogany desk ti inches t.<Wo- S11R A TO Z RPBINBBS RVBBAD 1*40 G -t aw MAHOOAVT BOLL ¥o? DEBK Sft^J 1,K-heB_-8247 A TO Z BPS I NEBS BO- BFAr. 1*40 G at aw 0A_K |)MC *n INCURS LOW TO E BCB1NER* RT'BEAP iS4r*G * VJ 'OFFirr fir. 4^*7U FEET SIS 50 A Tf! 7. BP*rNEBS BTBEAP. 1B40 G at nw OFFICE BPG St12 FEET.S40 00. Fffc BPBTNE«* RT-BFAP ISdO G at rw REVOLXTVG OFFICE PIT AIR OAK * T"*-P arm*.SI7 BO A TO Z BP81NEBB BO RF»P. 1*40 G «t nw OFFICE CHAIR OAK. KO ABM* -S« BS A TO Z BCSINEBS BCBEAC. 1S40 0 at nw r<rttt *rrrt. r.rrrr* rrrr* wttt l^k" prW o' *4* A TO 3 RPBWFSR Rl'RFAP. 1*40 G at nw P* O btffT! RTOR KCf, crPRO a BDR- a?aoo ^11 rh A TO Z BPBINEBS BC PEAT*. 1*4^ G at. nw Foci OAK OFFICE CWATB* WTTW^ arm* Ba'» prir». 97 ea'.^ A TO I «ST\FS« PCPFAP. 1*40 G at f»w irittTF rvAvn Krn.i~"vri ttt trm .n'lnra mattr^aa. plllowa. blanket* aw i f-.rter. S42 nr.. A TO r BPBINEW BT t?F%c i«an r. «t nw ovr GBAS« BPG 1»ri2.>BICE. S* J TO 7 BT'BfVF^a BPBFAP. 1*4«» G at nw I WALL P4PKR. room I/>TP n on CFTT-T?fG WAT-T. I r»order; tile S-V*; oat meal# I*, .nd L-Or MAHORVET'S. P4 Pi are a# im tNVESTMEWT PROPERTIES. INVESTMENT PBOP .2 RTORT A BA«E men* t>r (ood mnA rent. S5ft per m^. OH. e sr. !TW* WILDMAN A CO Sth A TY Frank I tn OftRft. SPABTMENT iom-4 APARTMFVP of d ronmi it hath; aplendldlj hullt; m-4 em rm he turned Into f> apt* ».f S r-^"n A hath Price verr low G P BENNETT Cmt. Trn«t Ride Main ft"-S4 RnomlDf f uae with IT ar ei^el j lent ..K Bti .Ti Near War-hloctoa Clri-le. W -uh he a Tine loreatmeot. Act quicklj- Prlo ]si«.5oa DAVID Z. BABBT. 1<Q7 H at nw Mala 1*01 Sft.OOO; S APT BT.DG Op ft BMS aM hath each; near Sth A H at« o* rente* at *.«l V> a month: tenant* furrl«h heat DAVID E BABBT 1W>7 H at Main l«oi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Piano*. ONE ROHVER PIANO: RT-ACE CA*B S1S5 HI'GO WOBCH. 1110 G at. aw KBAVICH AND R*fR TPRIOHT: C*EI> t:EIGQ WQRi-B 111Q Q at. mm I ONE PftlCE AND TPEPI-E PPBIOH' p!«nc. r.ef; made t^ «ell for S100: cti pr? -e. HT'GQ WOBOH 1110 G at uw ONE MILTON GBAND PIANO BT.IGBTL* -aed S-'.T? HL'oO WOKCH. 1110 0 »l ONE BBTNF rPBIGHT PIANO MA h"r«ny. S2S5 BCGO WOBCB. lllo < .. BOVIFB PPBIcnT BEAPT71TVf] Ca"bB HPGO WORTH mo G «>t tiw T P^l'-TTT PIANO BI.lGlfTl.T CBED: »lS8 l?t*GO WOBCtl. 1110 r. at rw Emerson Upripht Piano G»v»d rew; prlc-a. t&Z HUGO WOBCH lllO O «t nw » -v I ONE BI S1I A LANS rPBlGHT #TA*G o*e4. S2S5: coat. new. SOOU. HU^C w 'R( 11 1110 o « nw Byrne Upripht. Like new pCoe. fine ct*a. HPG< WORCH. 111Q G at nw I-ACTEB PIAVEH. SSIR; TSED^ HPOI WORcn. 111Q r, «t rw PVoMfrapfe. Pot.PMHIA GBaPONOI n BTTVJC F ? ">. ¦>sk ^nlr reei?1*r pr1<*e .onr rrt<*a Sft« WPGO WOBCH mo C. vt rw rO'.T MR'A CPAPOXOf \ BltUi T72 Ptuhr prlre. S17R .-.tir price, f lf»0 HCG< WQRi'H. 111r, «t rw coi.rMHiA gbafonoTabI mti j rerular prl^. S"0; ,,ur prica. S52 HPG4 W RTB. mo r, at nw COII MB' A GB VFOVmT aT BTTLB El prl.-e *«".. #wir price. S7S OTGC WOPCW. I1W G «? rw RTT.VEBBTONE TAtAlv. MACfflNE PaS inet »lae. S'".5 HCGO WOBCH. 111S C .t nw rOI.cvniA .fiRipivoi A. *TTTE O-l refr'''*r prl^c. SIT" wr price In ^ak onlT HPGO WQRCH. 1110 G at rw COVCMRIA GRAFONOl * > 2. RroH p-lre. SUM: our prii*. 9S2 HUGO WOBCH ll-'O G at nw COT .PVR! A GBAFONOI.A. FTTTTF G »» regular pr|ee. *12": our prlca. Si1! WORCH 111« G «t nw rot PMBI r.lAf«OCOLA >TTI r F 2 rerular price. S1V>; our price. S140 »»J*GO WORCH 1110 C. at rw ONE CflENET TALKING M \< MINE RFO- ular pii"*. S100; o«ir price. $115 HPGC WOECH. IIIO G «t nm- ONE CHENEY TALKING MACHINE: BEO- ular prl^e. S190 our price. S125. MUliC WORCH. 1110 G «t rw ONE REGENT TALKING MACHINE. REG i:'«r price. oer 7?ice, S6o. Hl'Gt WQRCH. 1110 G at mw. BILVEBTONB TAIJCINO MACHINE OT'S price. S50: a bluet aiae HI'GO WORCIL 1110 G vt nw MISCELLANEOUS.^WANTED WII.I. PAY HIGIIBBT PRICE FOR MEN S 1.tdi*>a atid childrca * clothing. Call N«»rtl 2100 447 W AN r TO PI RCB v<»: BOMB OBSt » r furniture; al»o nikliofun.T uprifrlit plaao Call franklin. 6144. 4<<7 ALL KlN'Ofl or vcRMPPRE wanted enough to furnish larre hoardlnc Imuae hedroom. dinlnr rx»m. parlor, altc. artt. lea Pleaae caM Fr 7ft. or Fr <»47 SBg Fl K M IT1'ILl* I F1RNIT1RE IIA A E YOU ANY SECOND I hand furniture? AA'e pn» th« hlgbeat c*^l I price. Phone whit y.»n have. SHERMAN'S 1148 7th at aw. North S4S2 SO PERSONAL. [ CLOTH EB WORKING MEN. YOf BBOl'LT attend a "bargain aale.' »<»nip d.iy. but bold on to the caali. aome r°"d talkers to per auade >ou to buy at price* high, caa Ac better here. S««e the new oncalied-for anitt 'at SH up. Can't duplicate auch a«roi«g talue. jrsTH B QUI BTAND sis D 4 .4 BODY MASSAGE FRENCH AMERICAN MASSAGE PARlyORf PnONE FRANKLIN vS33 STB MKOICAL DR. DEI.LA LEDENDBCKER. D C.. WHO umlen>tand« and children dt»-a»a< fr» tu A to Z. 1514 K at. b«. Fr. 707C

Transcript of Myatery^n Illness THE Jut Far Of ChurcK Diners ...Typhoid Infection of Nine Persons. Mystery...

Page 1: Myatery^n Illness THE Jut Far Of ChurcK Diners ...Typhoid Infection of Nine Persons. Mystery enshrouds the illness of nine persons who developed ty¬ phoid fever symptoms after a sup-P«r

Selections by NationalStars to Be Broad¬casted Tuesday.


Serenade to President andMrs. Harding to Be

Given June 3.

Acceleration in the Interest at-

tending "mnslo week," to openSmnday. has bees occasioned b, th.anno&noement that a Memorial Dayprogram wiH be broadcasted fromthe Ha-ral Air Stasias at AnacosuaTuesday mslnc. beginning- at

llD Include aelce-Viaua by the JL J- Hadsen CompanyMan* male cholr of S

and ?ul CsithedraL ocTndHro^priltK; the JLarSeex Trie, eiKcw T-m3» CttjH and Robert Uv-nenoe, orgsTrfrwir said durectcrr of

WutegnB EMc "Wee*. SallyFjamH ii. grautirtaiyghter of VicePresident nUmlm, under the Lin-ootn adratnlaLra Don, will also loo-tribute vooiU ar en inns to the radioprogram.

JtedfaD programb that oava beenarranged by LurectAr Lautcuj*,who will be assisted by Com dr.Hooper and Ueut. Comrtr.. liavU. orthe Naval Air Station, who will oeIn chargo of the bruadoast-^ng *.1 theconcert On ttwtti r»Hn n ig-h r

Sale of programs and tickets hasbeen most pronounced during thelasx several days The music weekaeaeon ticket admits the hofcder to

refler^d section* at all music weekevents and to th* serenade to Pres¬ident and .Mrs. Hording on Saturday-J una 2. At the Lanonln Memorial.Tickets and program* fur Lhe

w-eek are procurable at the fojlrwr-tng places:: I>e Mod aaxd CtrngMtny,laauie and Company.. Harry Grove,tni- , fiiUliniorn:iLl Htinn.l Vt* n t

Federal National Bank., Arthur Jor¬dan Piano Company. Tiptcca andiiyers I'rug Sture. Frrurteentii streetjand Park road; Arcade Market. SewWillarfl Hotel. Brentano's. E. F-Droop Sane and Company. VanWinkle Piano Comparer. McHncband Lawgnm. Robtnsonii MusicStore. Clfbson Company. Frank frnSchool, room SMc Hujck "Worch Pi¬ano Company. Knab- "Wart-rooms.Inc., and .JnTTs Clxncr Storwu 11 ttFourteenth street mu th west.

Prfwtdmr lnlinmPi evidential indorsement of the

project has nerved t© lend nrasdeweek naUairaJ jrrrrrmnaine. and themterwst mairtfe*ctAd hj aTl the cJvIband -fraternall organ xscti rmn tn the]ctty ha* assured "Warfhtnxrtom .of snunneeirftfl musical V»eX

PymeiuJ day* have hr-en set c*!flefor the "various rdVir organisaiionsHhu2 acr* "W» he preeerrted with fea-tu*r>« pr(«i ams. Thee*- are an fol-ItmrC Monday.. .CTtTy Ohflc *Weftnt*-day. Rotary Quh. Lp. m; |L*tan« Clnh. 1 p. m.- Thurs¬day. Krwajkij GhAt; Friday, Care-ranC!uh. Hours fie* other orcanva-tiuns have -noil as yett bexTtt arranged.but win bo aurrmnced whe» theoommLtteen m charge hsw^j com- ipleted anantfrr'nl k.

r&akT Tlkhi r*T-The NorfVe«t Trio Win be the jrpe-

r.ial attrArtltai to b® neld by the jWarfhtngrtan CounrTi oS J-ermr\*'n"Women. Thureday nlgnc atp. til llhe Xer Mascm'.r Templf,Programs afferaija^ the rrany r5rV

and t>i»J.«'j-ua3 arga-n realign *" plans'WID be a 2;Hv.s3*cwd later zjyC rzi-» befiviitfim "nr»- rajrw tha.«cr»- to >e KfiTrf for «al^ ar »j»a"bir^»» nKn^tlci>»rfl >c»ii-nt-*.

^The male vm^r <-f fv^L P>ce-PtuI Catbedr^L "i Iniaiaapolbt. w'lljattrtg at Hlizrir Man. at 11 *-"c loci.van nm SKndarr njoorntBg. ax StJ>arrtrnicf¦ flrurvh. and oa the fol-l^rwtn? Stinrday enTl sins the H!gfiMa»m al St- Patrlrlr'r. 1


Leading Stocks EstablishSlight Rallies After Mak¬

ing Lower LereL

^KS> TOBK. May 2a,.I>nr1ng theriy trading today the market on

t3ae Jfew Ttwk enrh exchange show¬ed a receding tendency and manyst*»cfcs were In supply at that timeand sustained substantial losses.The leading stocks, however, whileselling st lower levels did not showweakaese and after lower levelswere establshed rallies were quick¬ly in order. The petroleum groupoatorally claimed most attentionbecause of the continued activityla the Standard Oil issues, the heav¬iest dealings being in Standard Oilof Kentucky, which first yieldedto S0\ and then rallied to above92. Standard Oil of Indiana movedin the same way. yielding in thefirst hour and rallying before mid¬day. Imperial Oil of Canada rang¬ed from 114H to 113V4. Salt Creekproducers was one of the strong¬est of the independent stocks, thoseIssues generally showing a Recedingtendency during the greater partof the day. Leonard Oil Develop¬ment Company announced that thesuit brought agaftist J. W. Leonardand others had been settled and dis¬continued. Notice of the settlementwas given in view ct rumors thatthis suit affected the properties ofthe Leonard Development Company.

Industrial issues generally movedwithin narrow range showing loss¬es in the forenoon and rallyingafter midday. American Drug heldfirm seling at 2^. The announce¬ment was made, that important lo¬cations had been added to the dis¬tributing facilities of the company.Tobacco shares showed fractionallosses, Philip Morris ranging from2H4 to 20\ and Schulte Storessold at 37 H to 37. Tobacco productsmoved up from 8 to 8*4. Therewas little feature to the tradingin the motor group, those stocksgenerally holding steady, althoughtransactions were on a large scale.A sale of Inland Steel was madeat 56. Independence Lead wasagain the strongest feature in the

mining group. Rex Consolidatedwas in demand with continued ac¬

cumulation following the comple¬tion of reorganization of the prop¬erty.

Myatery^n IllnessOf ChurcK Diners


Health Department ProbesTyphoid Infection of

Nine Persons.

Mystery enshrouds the illness ofnine persons who developed ty¬phoid fever symptoms after a sup-P«r at the Grace Lutheran Churchon the night of April 27, accordingto a statement made by Health Of-fleer W illiam C. Fowler yesterdayafternoon.Rev. Gerhardt E. Lenskl, pastor

of the church, and several womenmembers who served as waitresseswill be questioned by Dr. Fowlertoday in an effort to find some clueto the mysterious illness.Although health department

operatives have been Investigating,no real evidence as to the reasonfor the outbreak of typhoid has yetbeen discovered. Hdwever, I>r.Fowler has advanced two theories.^hat either some one helping toprepare the food might have beencarrying typhoid germs or that a

container used in serving the foodwas contaminated. It is also pos-si Die, he said, that the food was im¬pure.The menu at the supper was cold

sausage, cold veal, cold ham, po¬tato. lettuce and tomato salads, hottea and loe cream.None of the patients are in a

dangerous condition, according tor>r. Fowler, and none of the otherpersons who partook of the foodare expected to fail victims to thenines*


And Renews War Ac¬quaintances.

Renewing acquaintances made on!the battlefields of France duringthe world war, (ren. John J. Per-*hlz*g yesterday inspect**! the Ma-r'ne Barracks a: ftnantico, Ya.Aran:; the men stationed at the

"harraris who parsed in review be-i&rr Gtlt. Pershing are many whoKerved with the Fifth and Sixth Ma-rTto regiment, ©£ the Second Divls-rlrrn. faring the world "car. Asthese mea, many of them wearingwound stripes. passed before thearmy chief. he t^eemed opon them

a par^ntai mfuir^r.I>arhng the infection of the bar¬

racks "building and the flying field,where a speciai combat air programwas executed. G«a. Pershing fre¬quently Stopped to talk TriLfr mrn

Who had oader him duringthe war.

r"Pcrn his ajrtvai at the barracks.Gen. PerahiTtg tim received by Mij.C»en- Lejenne, commandant of tto«*)Marine Corps, and Brijs_ C5^n_ Smed-'*y I\ Butler, commandant of the^usaitlco Bar-rack*, afu r which h*^"as entertainers at lnuch by morethan sixty officers and their wireslister is the day a reception for all'< the barracks" officer* was heldat the Home of Gen. Butler.


Senate Committee to ConsiderTrolley Consolidation With

P. E. P. Co.

MfTfer of the street car com¬

panies of the I>!?trlct and the Po¬tomac Electric Povtr Company willb* the nfxt District legislation tor»**ive the attention of the SenateI district Committee. Chairman Hallannounced ye*ter»!ay.Xo dale has been set for the

meeting at which this matter willbe taken up however.

Several bills calculated to brinf?about «*onsolidat'.on of the tractioncompanies hare been referred, to thecommitter, but it war. intimatedyesterday t#iai a newly proposessolution . would be considered first.

IVtails of the new bill will notb* available until it has been In¬troduced in the Senate, but it wasintimated that its purpose would t»©to remove, with provisions, that sec¬tion of the public ut'MIti^s act whichnow prevents a voluntary merger ofthe corporationsShould the traction companies

fa.l to merge in the *vent that ther.fll was passed, drastic: legislationis planned to force a consolidationthat would in all probability carrynone of the benefits to accrue froma voluntary consolidation, it wasstated.

Mrs. Helen Wright WinsInterlocutory Divorce

Mrs. Helen Miriam Wright, neeBartlett. was awarded an Interlocu¬tory decree for absolute divorce yes¬terday by Justice Bailey in EquityCourt, dissolving her marriage c'fJune 4. 1917. to Ouy Z. Wright. jrformer army field clerk in the serv¬ice at the Canal Zone, Panama Thedecree directs Wright to pay her 165a month permanent alimony and alsoher attorney's fee, and allows herto resume her maiden name.

In her petition. Mrs. Wright claimedher husband contracted a bigamousmarriage with Gizclla Szaszarosy atBalboa on September 3. 1920. Thecourt was shown a record of theUnited States District Court at Pan¬ama which showed that Wright wastried on a charge of bigamy and sen¬tenced to three months at hard la¬bor in the Canal Zone penitentiary.

Erwin Morse FightsAgainst Extradition

Erwin A. Morse, who is resistingextradition to New York to answercharges for which he and severalOthers were recently indicted, sued

a wr*t of habeas corpus yester-ry»' a hearing before J*dge Fred

nn.n T°na- n'h,¦ writ wa« Continued

"ntli,JO- Morse being released

that daypending hearing on

Morse, who is the son of Charleswh°se release from the

"^fitlary has been ther controversy recently between

¦.as Ind I,» Caraway, of Arkan¬

sas. and Attorney General Daughertyhavfnar<red the ind'ctment with

defraud '° u** the mail" to

Architect Is Accused.Charged with embejilement Law-

SEf verC,iVal. ^ohnson' 5S year, old,4825 V street northwest, an archl-tect. was arrested yesterday by Head¬quarters Detectives Messer and Mul¬len, on a warrant sworn out by Harrv

Copenhaven. 3417 Rlttenhousestreet. The accusations are allegedto have resulted from a deal madeby Johnson to build a house for Co-penhdven.

THE WEATHERForecast for Today aid TomorrowFor the District

of Columbia andMaryland, show¬ers today andprobably tomor¬row; moderatetemperature; mod¬erate westerlywinds, becomingvariable.For Virginia,

unsettled, prob-.-Ibly local


dershowers* todayand tomorrow;not much change In temperature;moderate to fresh southwest andwest winds, becoming variable.

IiOeal Temperatares.

Midnight 63 It noon *02 a. m 60 3 p. m 824 a. m...... 56 4 p. m 836 a. m 68 6 p. m 848 a. m 67 8 p. m 78

10 a. m 75 10 p. m 77Highest, 85 degrees; lowest, 56

degrees.Relative humidity.8 a. m., .?>

2 p. m., 41; 8 p. m., 52.Rainfall (8 p. m. to 8 p. m), 0.Hours of sunshine, 12.1.Per cent of possible sunshine. 82.

DepartsPwi from Normal.Accumulated excess of tempera¬

ture sinoo January 1, 1922. 374 de¬grees.Excess of temperature since May

1, 1922, 100 degrees.Accumulated excess of precipita¬

tion since January 1, 1922. .98 inch.Excess of precipitation since May

1, 1922. .60 Inch.Temperature same date last y©sr

.Highest. 76 degrees; lowest, 50degrees.

Tide Conditions.High tide, 7:40 a. m. and 8:12

P. m.T>ow tide, 1:48 a. m. and 2:31 p. m.Sun rises 4:48 a. m., sets 7:22 p. m.Moon rises 4:57 a. m., sets 7:18

p. m.River Condition*.

Potomac River slightly muddyand Shenandoah very muddy atHarpers Ferry yesterday afternoon.

Forecast of Flying Weather.Washington to Island and

Norfolk . Showers and possiblythunderstorms today: moderatesouthwest to northwest winds up

to S.opo feet.Washington to Dayton. Ohio.i

Showers and probably thunder¬storms today; moderate variablewinds up to 1,000 feet and mod¬erate west and southwest at 5,000feet.

Otber Trmpfntlnrf*.Highest Kali#-Yes'day. 8 p.m. fall.

Asburv Park. N.J. 72 68 0.00AsheHlle. *. C... 74 68 0.04Atlanta. Oa 80 76 0.00Atlantic City. N. J 68 66 0.00R»ltlmore. Md. ... 84 76 0.00RWmarck. N. Dak. 78 76 0.00Ronton. Mass.. 76 64 0.00Ruffalo. N. Y 64 60 1.02Chicago. Ill 72 62 0.46Clnrinnatl. Ohio.. 82 70 0.64Cheyenne. Wyo. 76 62 0 02Cleveland. Ohio.. 82 70 0.1SDavenport. Iowa. 80 6S 0.21Denver. Colo 78 72 0.00Des Moines. Iowa. 70 70 0.04Detroit. Mich.... 74 70 0.24Dulnth. Minn 70 60 0.00El Paso Tex 90 88 0 00Galveston. Tex 84 80 0.00Helena. Mont 86 82 0.00Indianapolis, Ind. 78 72 0.04Jacksonville, Fla. 84 76 0.64Kansas City Mo.. 70 68 0.44Uttle Rock. Ark . 82 80 0.00Ix>s Angeles. Cal. 70 68 0.00l^ouisville. Ky.... 76 70 0.00Marquette. Mich.. «! 48 n.noiMrmphis. Tenn. 86 72 0 38Miami. Fla 84 80 0.02Mobile. Ala 84 76 0 :4New Orleans. La. . 86 80 0.00New York. N. Y. 76 63 0.04North Platte. Neb. 78 71 0.00Omsha. Neb 70 6S 0.18Philadelphia. Pa. 82 76 o 0.1Phoenix. Aris.... 100 98 0 00Pittsburgh. Pa... 78 66 0.80Portland Me... 70 64 0.02Portland. Oreg... 60 52 0.:8Salt Lake City. Ut. 84 82 0.01St. Louis. Mo 80 74 0 00St. Paul. Minn... 72 73 0 00San Antonio. Tex. 92 86 0.«»0San Diego. Cal... 66 64 ".OlSan Francisco. Cal 58 56 0.07Seattle. Wash 56 54 0.02Springfield. 111... 80 74 1 «»0Tampa. Fla 90 74 0.01Vicksburg. Miss.. 86 SO 0 00


White.William and Sadie Atwell .girl.Paul T. and Snsi* Davi«. girl.Thomas R. and H*len Wells, boy.Robert T. and Ruth Young. boy.Abert C. and Emily I, Birch, girl.Morris and Cora M. I^erer, girl.William F. and Mabel V. Hurker, boy.Frank and Minnie Ziaha. boy.Thwna* E. and Grace M. Mattingly, boy.Kenneth W. and Jan* Kinney, boy.Maximilian and Maggie M. Bowie, girl.Ralph A. and Grace C. Robs, girl.John J. and Mary K. Allen, boy.Frank H. and Pauline C. Dillon, girl.Egliia A. and Nazarianth Rallan, boy.August T. and VMan M. Hill. boy.Curtis T. and Florence E. DeNeane. girl.Ira M. and Sarah A. Simplch, girl.Colton G. and Anna fl. Wedding, boy.John C. and Mary I.. Curta, boy.Harold O. and Emma Clayton, girl.

Colored.John A. and Sophia BHlia, girl.Frank R. and Mary Butcher, girlThomas L. and Elizabeth B. Washington.

boy.Tlubert H. and Margaret ninton. boy.Hunter and Martha Pleasant, girl.John B. and Cora Mitchell, boy.James and N'aotni Thomas, boy.Bols and Edna Davis. girl.Sylvester and Alice Bright, boy.


Emma A. Law*. 14. Geo. Wash, noapt.Ellen C. Sanderson. 84. 318 A at. »e.Levrett Cologne, 45, Sibley Flospt.Elizabeth P. Landers, 46. 4115 Fessenden

at. nw.George W. Neal, 54. 4211 River rd. nw.Fred Ryan. 40. Wash. Asylum Hospt.Fmnklin L. White. 60. 9 Franklin at. ne.Frederick n. West, 66, St. Elix. Hospt.Kate G. Rouse, 77, St. Eliz. Hospt.

Colored.Frank Cooper. 3.". Geo. Univ. Hoapt.^.^Jamtti r\ Fennell, 4fr. 4612 da. are. nw.Elijah C. Washington, 40. 1206 10th at. nw.Margaret Chambers. 67 2425 M at. nw.Sarah Newaome, 67, 1838 14th at. nw.Jnmei Greenfield. 71. 2048 E at. nw.Carrie A. Sewell, 83. 24,17 P at. nwJohn Kelly, 50, Emergency Hospt.George Cole, 33, Geo. Univ. Hospt.William H. Clark. 49. Tuberruloais Hospt.William R. Lyles, 9 months, 525 4 V* at. aw.

Boston Stocks..AmoskeagBoston a MaineBoston ElevatedCain a Aris ....

Calu a Hecla ...

Copper Range ...

East ButteEastern 8 8 ...

FranklinInt Port CementIsland CreekIsland Creek pfdMass GaaSt. Maryland ...

Swift A CoShoe MachTuolumneVentura OilWaldorfWest End

1132882% 82 8261% ..

289 286 28644 <4 43»4 43 v;11% 11% 11%69S 69 69%2% 2% 2*436%113% 112% 112%95% ..

73 72 7347 46% 47

103% 103 10342 41% 41%

3?% 3i ai30 29% 29%50'4 49% 50


Trend Radically Bearish;Short Covering Brings

Brief Rally..

NEW YORK. May 23.The follow- |Ing sbowa the movement* of bread'atuffa at New York today in bushelsof grain and barrels of flour:

Ryfylpta. Exports.Wheat (MX)Corn 94,rooOata 130,000 20 OOPFlour 37.000 84.0O»The export clearances from the seven

principal porta of the Atlantic seaboard(New York. Boaton, Philadelphia, Bal¬timore. Newport News, Galveston audNew Orleana) thus far thia we»-k. a*compared with corresponding day of lastweek, have been as followa:

Today. Thlajgk. Last wkFlour 84.000 "IffVOOO 120.000Wheat 80.1*10 1.4*7."OO l,4M.«*K>Corn 8*7,<100 l, .125.000Oats 33.000 801.INN) 700.000

Export* of wheat from the four ports(New York. Boston. Philadelphia andBaltimore) were 80,000 bushela; lastyear, 136,000 bushel*.

CHICAGO, May 25..May wheatat the Inside flfrure today showedabout 4 4 cents under the close ofthe previous day and nearly 10 centsunder yesterday's top. while theJuly was off 5 cents from the out¬side figure of Wednesday. The im¬pression that the Ion* Interest inMay had been satisfied by a deliv¬ery of the cash grain led to generalselling: of May and the deferred de¬liveries and with stop loss orders'uncovered the decline was easilyattained. Sentiment was radicallybearish, but in view of the sharpbreak there was considerable shortcovering1 on the decline. whictibrought about a fair rally aroundnoon. May advancing about 3 centsfrom the early low. There has beet,considerable readjustment betweenMay in Chicago and other markets,and the Chicago and Kansas Citydifference narrowed to around ft 4cents against 16** cents at the ex¬treme a short while ago. Liverpool,while failing to follow tne advancesin America, likewise not followingdeclines and closed only *4 to Vidlower. Crop reports remain veryfavorable, especially those from theNorthwest, but dry weather wouldbe very beneficial in parts of Sas¬katchewan. where seeding is stilldelayed to some extent. Milling de¬mand continues relatively slow.

Coarae (iraina.Corn and oats averaged lower

with wheat, but recovered the lossaround noon on short covering, oat*getting above yesterday's close.(Furnished by W. B.W heat.

Open. High.May 131 1.31July.. 1.22% 1.224Kept 1.1**4 1.18*4Corn.

May.. <V»4 «14July.. .«3 .63%Sept.. .65% .65%Data.

May.. 3ft% .87%July.. .3*** .884Sept.. .394 .40Pork.


May 11.82 1132July.. 11.42 11.47Ribs.


Hibbt 4 Company.)Yea'day'a

I/n* Clowe. Clone1.274 1.2*4 1 3-41.20% 1.21% 12241.17 1.174 118%

Oft .00% 60%.02% 034 034.044 .65% .65%

3ft% .304 874.37% .384 .3"4.394 39% .39%

23.23 23 20

11.30 1132 112711 40 11.47 1187

18.50 13.5011.95 1190

LOCALrw. B. Hlbbs * Co.. Hlbba Bldg.. Mbera Washington 8tock Excharre

AFTER CALL.Rlgg* Realty (long) ."is. $'.000 at 93%.Potomac EleP gm ft«. $.", 000 at looPotomac Elec deb ft*. $.'.<NtO at IO04.Potomac Elcc eons 5s. $1,000 st J#;*,,Money, rail loans. 5 and 6 per cent.

BONDS.Public Utilities.

Amer Tel and Tel 4* 91 914Amer Tel and Tel 44* 101 103Amer Tel and Tel ctl tr 5*.... 97% 98Amer Tel and Tel convl ft*.... 115 liftAnacostia and Potomac 5a. 874Anacostia and Pot auar 5a 874C and P Telephone 5a 9ft4 974C and P Te'ephoce of Ya .">a... 914Col Gaa and Electric 5aCol (iai and Electric deb 5sCapital Traction R R 5a 98% 99City and Suburban 5s 82Georgetown (las 1st 5a 89Metropolitan R R 5a 97Potomac Electric cons 5s 96% 97%Potomac Electric deb ft* 100Potomac Elec Power O-M ft». 994 lftftPot Elec Pow G-M and Ref 7*.. 107Wash. Alex and Mt V 5a 23Wash. Balto and An 5* 83Washington Gas H* 94 944Washington Gas 74" 1°4 1054Wash Ry and Electric 4a 74Wash Ry and Elec G-M «* 984 994

Miscellaneous.O C Paper Mfg ftsRiggs Realty 5a (long) 924 9*Rlgg* Realty 5a (ah^rt) 9Sgee Stge and Safe Pep ftaW M Cold Storage :>¦ 92

STOCKS.Public Utilities.

Amer Tel and Tel 1234Capital Traction 9799Columbia Gas and ElectricEastern Light and FuelWashington Gas 55N and W Steamboat IS*Waah Ry and Elec com 4014 414Wash Ry and Elec pfd *09% 704Waah. Balto and An comWash. Balto and An pfdWash Va Ry comWaah Va Ry pfdTerminal Taxi, com 75Terminal Taxi, pfd 834

National Banka.American National Bank 155 165Tapltal National Bank 190 210Columbia National Hank 220Commercial National Bank.... 139 150District National Bank lftft 168Far and Mech National Bank.. 222Federal NatP*hal Bank 17.% 185Liberty National Bank 127Lincoln National Bank 101Nat Metropolitan Bank 225Rlggfe National Bank 480Second National Bank 145 155Washington 189 20(7

Trust Companiea.American Sec and Truat 23ft 240Continental Trust 90 944National Sav and Trust 289Union Truat 120%Wash Loan and Trust 274 290

Savings Banks.Commerce and Ssving* 160East Washington Sav Bank 14Merchants BankSec Savings and Com Bank 207 230Seventh Street Savinga Bank.. 150Union Savinga ..

U S Savings Bank 220Washington Mechanics 25

Fire Inauranoe.American Fire Inaurance 225Corcoran Fire Inaurance 100Firemen's Fire Inaurance 18Nat Union Fire Inaurance 74

Title Insurance.Columbia Title Inaurance../.. 6Beal Eatate Title Insurance... 10ft

Miscellaneous.Col Graphophone com 4 gCol Graphophone pfd 15..D C Paper Mfg Co 75D C Paper pfd.....Greene CananeaMerch Tran^ and Storage 100 110Mergenthaler Linotype 153Old Dutch Market com 3Old Dutcli Market pfd 7Lanaton Monotype *75 78Security Storage 220Sec Stge and Safe DepWashington Market 30 ..

Yellow Cab 34 ..


Far RcnhsJut


And Ask for




Minimum Charf*.WiDtHWanted Rooms aol BoardWanted Mia<-ellaneouaFor Sale Miscellaneous...Table BoardFor Bent RoomsLoat and Found

Charge for 7 or"more insertions2c per word.

OTHER CLASSIFICATIONSSpecial Notlcea l»c per lineProposals 15c per llnal^jal Nollcea 10c per UnaChurch Nollcea 10c per HoeAuction Salea 10c per ItaaDeath notices TGc per Insertion

PHONE MAIN 3300.Ask for aa Ad Taker.


LOST.RICH A NIT FRATERNITY TINThursday. Reward. Mjjn 4619. 471

LOST.CARVED PLATINUM KING WITHa square'Betting. with 1%-carat diamond,

two sapphires, one on each side. Was leftIn ladles' waah room Hotel Willard, K at.entrance, noon 2.%. 1022. Liberal re-|ward. Mra. A. II. VESTAL, Confresa HallHotel. 470


ASSISTANT baker" ^lome exp required.AUTO mechanic; experienced man.BILLING clerk and ftenof rapher.CLERK for hardware store.COCNTER man; experienced and quick.OUTSIDE man; $*."i mo.. aalary and ««m.SAIJCSMAN; young man; $2'» wk. and com.SODA dispenser; exi»erienced; quick..STENOGRAPHERS; several positioos open

Various other positions open for men.WASHINGTON BUSINESS Bi*R 710 14th-BOYS! SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FORwhite boy« from 12 to 16. Apply Friday.

11 to 5. 93K F st. nw. 472WA NTED.TWO F1KST-TLAHS CARPEN

ters at 13th and laiwrence sta ne.; twonsontwork. 453TINNER APPLY CHESAPEAKE STATION

after H p. in II. IIARRIE. 4


BUREAU. $05 Bond Bldf.. 14th & N Yare. 456AI I<» MECllANB ; EXPERIEN4 BDOverland car; top salary. NAT'L PERSON

NEL HI REAP. $<»5 Bond Bids 14th A31. Y- are. 411BOOKKEEPER: QUICK AND ACCCRATE

at figure*; f<H»d openinf. NAT'L PER¬SONNEL BPREAU. 303 Bond Bldf., 14thA N. Y. are. 411 |BOOK KEEPER-.STENOGRAPHER; GEN

eral office work: $23 to $30 per w«*ekNAT'L PERSONNEL IU'REAl'. 3*»". H*uidBldf.. 14th A N. Y. a^f 411SALESMAN: AITO ASSOCIATION: GOOD

pay. NAT'L PERSONNEL Bl'BEAl'. 305Bond Bids.. 14th and N Y ave. 3.*.1BOOKKEEPER .D E> BUILDING AND

conatructinn business: exceptional salary.NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'REAI". 3»" BondBldf.. 14th N Y a tp 27SSTENOGRAPHER; GENERAL OFFICEwork; apo<i 20 to 2" rears. Good salary.

NAT'L PERSONNEL Bl REAL*. 30.'» BondI Bldf.. 14th A N*. Y are. 152

Feaik.A BILLING clerk: able to t«ke dictationBOOKKEEPER: expe double entry: $2m wk.

[CLERK: capable ><»ung sor.nn. at «»n«-eI COCNTER firl: neat and quirkMARKERS and sorter* for laundry.SALESGIRL- several younf women at on«eSTENOGRAPHER, ovrnpetent $25 weekTYPIST: brifht: quirk at figures; $75 moWAITRESSES: several excellent placesVarious other position* open for women.


Woman to Alter Corsets.Julius Garfinkle A Co. require in their

workroom. tl»e services of an experiencedwoman to alter corsets. Only tintee withthe he«t of references need apply 467

| STENOGRAPHED; KNOWLKIkJE <»rbookkeeping; food ouonint NAT'L PER


Insurance office; splendid opportunity.NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'REAI*. 3'»5 BondBldg 14th A N. Y. are 456CLERK; YOUVi LADY: OFFICE 0»

Inrge laundry; fair wlnry NAT'L PER-SONNEL liTREAC, $115 Bond Bldf. 14thA N. Y. are 456FIRST-CLASS COOK AND GENERALhouse worker wanted (whitei; ani:ill fam¬

ily; i»er month to atart. Apply room219 National Metropolitan Bank Bldf.. 61315th at. nw 100LAUNDRY WOMAN <WHITE»; URGE

liote': pood salary and meals. NAT'L PER¬SONNEL BI'REAI*. .*15 Bond Bldg 14th AN. Y are. 374PANTRY GIRL; EXPERIENCED; LARGE

hotel; food_«t:ilarv nn dmeals. NAT'L PERBONNET. Bl\EAC. $05 Bond Bldf.. 14thJk N. Y. are. $74CORSETTERE ONE EXPERIENCED IN

measuring, flttin*. etc c«>od pay to expe¬rienced person NAT'L PERSONNEL BI'¬REAI'. 30.-, Bond B dg 14th and N". Y are


REAl*. JHC, R. nd Bldg.. 14th and N. Y are.312

STENOGRAPHER: GENERAL OFFICEwork: large department store; good open-

ing NAT'L PERSONNEL RCREAC. 305Bond Bldg.. 14th and N. Y. are. 312LEARN TO EARN.Beauty culture taufht

In all branches Manicuring. $5.MIRROR REALTY SCHOOL. 92l F at nw



rxrrniFvrrt" ncrm. rrrRK: hasbeen emn'ored as night clerk Y. M. C A.

| EMPLOYMENT DEPT 1736 G st nw 971Man wants position as book-keeper, either whole or part


DEPT 1736 G st nw. 969MTDDT.E AGE MAN OESTRE* r0SIT10N. . watchman Y M C A EMPLOYENTDEPARTENT. 1736 G at. nw.

I EXPERIENCED TYPIST A CLERK DE»¦Ires nositian; $25 week Y. M O A.

EMPLOYMENT DEPT 1738 0 at aw



tor* at your service; let us know yourwant* and we wi'l promptly All then.NATL PERSONNEL BUR.. 305 Bond Bldf .

14th and N Y are Mala 644 90$CHAUFFEUR DESIRES POSITION WITHprivate party oi ttyicab company. Y M



wltn chance for advancement. Y. M. 0.A EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 1736 G.t. aw. 9m


free. Telephone West 208$. FULLER'S EX¬CHANGE. 1221 25th st. 409OYER 15ft OP THB LARGEST COMMERC-

ial comerna In town use our peraoaaal..rvice; they have tested it and know itamerits; it Is also at your service. Jnat callaialn «44 NATL. PERSONNEL BUREAU.90ft Bond Bldf.. 14th 4 N. 1. an. $T$


any bills or debts other than thoae con-

tmeted by myself.my26Je2.9I.WILL.NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR

any debts contracted by anyone otherthan myaelf. HARRY L. STRANG. 3rd.2020 1st at. nw.

19-26-June 2.


7(K> (TH RT. N. W .HrlTABI.r. ONE ORtwo gentlemen; quiet? eo«*ente0t IWIto"-

AVE. SW.TWO-MOHThon«eke:>ing furnlahed rooms; running

water; bath on iame floor. 488_

1S27 10TH ST.-*. W..NBAB SCOTT CIBrle: desirable double room adjoining

$10 weekly. Single r**»m« for meb. »3weekly: private reu'denee. ***Tin* PA AVE. NW..OPPOSITE RALEIGH

Hotel; clean; refined; hot water «fwyWitli B^artl.

1424 haIi^abd-stT" n. W PLEASAKTroom for two yonna ladle*: attractive *nr-

roundings; home cooking; une of parlor andphone.

PWiiislied or Unfurnished.SEVERAL DBRIRARI.I APARTMENT*:

*4" t« «TS: nnr IRth * Eye Ma. ¦«tniJM'R I. ORAT, 1S1* II at nw. Main43W. 4r>*i.aRc.E: A.M.!.: ON first FI.OOR; or-

fieea or bedroom*; >3»l each weekly. 172tlM ... *M


.Mr. PARK ROAO. APT 1.FI RNISHEDnot. 3 rooma June 1 to September 1 _or'.rtoher 1: $100 month. Columhia 133*.

TWO ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND RI Mm«-r btth; $'.<>. Phone Franklin 3051.

. 4W1424 "HARVARD ST. N W .PI'RNISHEnapartment for several yonng ladles. Private

bath: home cooking. *1490S IflTH STREET.

EXCLCS1YE APARTMENTS.For lease.completely furnished.

Apt. No 1. first floor.8-rm., kit., bath.Rent $3V> 00

Apt. No. 2. aecond floor.4-nn., kit., bathRent $3301*1Apt No. 8. third floor.4 rm.. kit., bath.

Rent $300 00WILT.1AM K HARTTNO.

110S lS-h »t. nw**Exc1mdve Agenta." IT?_

.«iT!I SI NT MASS. AVE..4 I'MS Pmodern liou«ek**>ping apt.: nlrely^ fur

*".!«hed: jtorrh; per mo. IX)H S 1

"t'OEMAEEB. 1407 N. T ave nw. Main

n ^rhington heiohts. nr cox* ateModcrr. ant. h"«*e ' large. bright. *nt-

<. V rm«. trnd b.: H. K. garage: 113 p*r an"I'.oris P SHOEM AKER. 1407 N Y «veii" Mats lit.\-t-\V HAMPSHIRE ATE.. ABOVE DCPOKTCircle.C-«ol. cor. ant.: 3 rm«.. bat»> ba'-*iv; imnvd. po«w .: $1«0 r»er mo. I.OCIS T-'hoemaker. 1407 N Y. ave. nw. Main11S«.


3 rms. b.: Immed po«* FT. K rat**#-:]*»iod»rate IXM'TH P shoemaker.II <07 N. Y. ave. nw. Main 11W.


ct.ient wu.i. tat «*> per mo forapt nr 14tli A Col.rd Must hav* 4 rm«. kit

A b W K nARTl'NG. 110S l«th stMs In 372. 241 |WANTED APARTMENT OP 4 B AH Cli¬

ent trill pav from OO to $73.00 per m«WILLIAM K HARTCNG. 110* ]StMsln 372 2T>

HOUSES FOR RENT.Colonial Beach

COTTAGE: LARGE ROOMR A PORCHE*:city convenience*. Phono Clar 1"»0 W 2



ISWi 1STH RT NW .JCNE 1 TO SEPTEM-ber 13: cool attractive corner house over-

locking Ro<-k Cr«*«»k Park: 8 r^mi; 2 baths.T'hnne Columbia 3431. 473HARVARD ST.~NRT 14th MODERN *rms 2b.: immH. p<*».; ?1 V> jw>r mo.

'.OTIS P SHOEMAKER. 1407 N. Y av».»w. Main 11VI:'TII RT.. NR. DCPONT CIRCLE- IO RMS..2b : Eneli«h ba^m^nt sido ir^rden: ?2O0

»»er mo. LOC1S P shoemaker. 1407 nw Main 11 OS.

GI.EN BROOK RD.EDGEMOOR.1-8TOBTbung.ilow fnrn.: flOO per mo 7 r. A b.;

len«»» for renr: elcv: ear : 1-2 arre: «pa<*t"for garden W. K HARTCNG. 110S 16th «tnw. Main 372. 171LEXINGTON PL. N E .TUBNISHE®

from June 1st to Oct. 1st: 6 rm*-. Abath; large porchen anfl yard: 1n»t«»r.tanenn*water heater; $12-^.^0 p»r mo WILLIAMK HARTCNG. 110S Iftth st. nw Main 372

170.!»Tn RT NR DTTOVT CIRCT.E.'TENrooms: 2 bath: Encli«h basemspt: slrtt

garden: $200 per m^nth. I.OT'IR P. SHOEMAKER. 144)7 N. Y. are. nw Main 110R

1WWYOMING AVE NR. 1STH RT.12rooms anl 3 bsth«- a m.i.: handsomely

f''rfji«t-od: MOO n®r month: Inspection bysrpointment. I.OT'IR P shoemaker. 14fl«N V. iv» ntr >»!»«« 131

Hoosei r*aot*tt.I COI.LE1T RENT IN ATX sections

OF TIIF TITY.2^ ve«'« rTperienco


f» rnN'ted or i5nfnrni«he<t; «itr or subiirbanT.fCIS P. SHOEMAKER. 14«7 N. Y. ave

Main 1100CNFCR TlorSE OR P.l'NG OF ." TO 0 R Ab ; «n Chevy Chase or Clevelund Park. Will

nar $7" 1*0 p<»r mo. W K. HARTCNG. 110^10th st Ma j 372 240

For Rent.Stores and Offices.GEORGIA AVE NEW STORE. AROI'T 20by 40. with 4 rm* and «.: H K apt.

norch; ren«'«nable rental: leave If de«ire<1a m i. LOCI 5 P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 N Y

.». nw Main 11'WY AVE Ml I'TH RT ST1DIO OR

, ffW; 1-. per m > IX>C1S P SHOEMAKER. 1407 N Y ave. nw. Main llttS.FI OR IDA A\tT Ml CONN AVE.I.ARG'

fr..nt room, first fl-r LOCIS P. SHOEMAKER 1107 N. Y. ave. nw. Main 1106.



mil .1. ntt N .!... oi«o.CARPET rl,KA>l\(; * WASHI|C.

AMERICAN ANI> PERSIAN Rl c. CO2304 P» ire. r* We.t 10.t.Rret and arrets .iean.i! * re,vilr.-il. rea


ROOMS PAPEREP: ffi CP; FIRST CI.AS*painting: work guaranteed. Metropo itan

Decorating Co., Glfi E st. nw. Main 110-


PHONOGRAPH noSPITAL. 331 II ST K B.Line. 7311. All makes repaired by experta:

called for and delivered. Piano tuning110



610 F St:. N. w. Fr. 2757SI.I% COVERS AM>RE-l PIIOI.STKR1NG.

Sl.IP COVERS CI'T AND MADE: PCTINI-lure upholstered: low. -t |>rlve« In town

615 E >t. nw J. HOI-OBER & CO. M. 5^.69.IVIKUOIV SHADES.

Beat quality nt | Corel q n aill « Jmaqne kill OP"""' 10

^j $1.15 your window.. meWe call with saeiplei. ph. Ltoc. 18TJ-KLEEBLATT'S ui?8 ANNDE"


NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOCRwindow almdea. «li|» corera and rewpbolater.

ing done. McDKVITT. 1W»3 »tU at Main3211. 45b

%% UtCKi.Nii AND BtlLOl*^

A. R. THOMPSON. WRECKS AND BUILDS.1337 E. at. ae. Lincoln WW.



Just the Usual List of Bet¬ter Values at Studebakers1*1* B-« Btnrt.h. k.r 7-pmm.lftis Rptrial RLx Touring r>-paa«1920 Maxwell1918 Wfttrotl. 7 p«M

Cadillac. 4-paaa.. fcfl..1920 Naah, 7 paaa



HUDSON 6-40.7-passenger. $300.


Watch Studebaker817 14th 81. E. W.

Mala 519. Main 518.451

REAL BARGAIN'S.$50 CASH, $6 PER WEEK.11AXWKLL- Touring. $HJU; motor and

tires in fine condition.SAXON.Touring, $105; a light alt; la

good conditionHOLLIES H.Touring. $110; a powerful

but economical <*ar; good tir»-a, new

battery.MAX WEI*L Touring. $18.'.; new top;

new battery; good paint; motor Al.MAXWELL.Touring. $150. an excellent

buy for family use. in fine condition.MAXWELL.Touring. $195; new top; Dew

battery; ne-r Urea; recently painted.STUDEBAKER.Roadster. $21". ¦ power¬

ful si*; in line running condition. 2 newcord tires.

SAXON.Speedster. $225; a sporty car.In excellent condition.

CHEVROLET- Sedar $3*0; model 1920;recently painted; MdftMklllf O. K.CASH OK TERMS oil TRADEMR. SLATTERY,

636 G at. nw. Franklin 5V»«449

M ICK. 1819-4 PASSENGER COUPE.Cord tirea in line a!.ape.freshly re¬

painted; Just 1*-upholstered; a real buy for$H50.

EMERSON A ORME.1620 M st. 399

BIMCK 1828 8-PAWEX«It BOAMTV8Freshly-painled. <-ord tlre»; perfect top;

fine ai ape me- hanically; can be bought for$466.

EMERSON A ORME.l«2t M st 400

nrpMoWiLx tm, r.N'. nimCrow-E'khart touring. new |K">0Lodge t«»;:rmg. 1820 8«riChevrolet F R $4t>'Maxwell touring, win- wheels $32-"i!>odge nud'tT $250Overland touring $l.~aiTl>e*e cars are all 'n g>«*l mechanical con

dition and can be pur. t.aM-4 on reaaonahl»*i<rms. srmo as low as $5*1 cash, balance<1X1 per month.

STERRETT * FLEMING. INC...*hamplaiu and Kalorama rd n.w. N-VC0.

m$D( IX.E SEDAN. 182*».UPHOLSTERY FINEAfresh |Niint; mechanically perfect; R<>yal

cord tires, equipped with extras; a buy at$:*5o.

EMFRSON A ORME.16i«» M at. 401

miCRAKEK RIG SIX 7-PASSENGEEtouring; freahly-palnted; cord tir*-*; top

like nt-w; mechanically perfect. with manyextras at $1.2»«rt

EMERSON A ORME,1820 M at 402

M1XWBM. TOURIX**: t*t* MODEL JITETrepainted; practically new tire*; perfect

mechanically and ~l!l hare our guarantee;a genuine bargain; 8M8. $100 cakh; latnce eaay monthly payoieats

H B LEAKY. JR.1821 14th at. aw llala 4109

V 89*BaTWEI.L ToCRfTO; t*»ia MODEL; RE

painted; new top: good tire*; ha« beeathrough *he ahop and ?« mechaa!cally O Kprice fo quick «ale. $2^* terms as low a*$100 cash;*balance month'y.

B B LEAKY. JR..1821 14th at aw Mala 4in$.


paint and tire* Id exccp'Jona:iy good shapeHas been through o*ir *». .p and is mechan¬ically P. K A bargain at $4<"0; term*.

H B LEAKY. JR1*21 14th «t nw Main 410V

2>i -TON GIANT TRUCK;exceptional bargain; $500;


52 N St. n.w. Fr. 4665106

overland Torm!*b. vnrr «x>_c,oot>top, tire* and nint; mechanically 0. K ,

and a bargain at 827.V termsH B LEARY. JR

1821 14th st nw Main 4103.THREE AUT<»cTr~ TRrct*; RO¬TARY HOISTS 8TEFI. LINED



tire*; me.-hanlcally O. K a h*-gn!n. $1.'«0;term* a* ow a-'$58 cash, ba ance $35 permonth.

r.. B I.EARY JR..132; i4th at nw. Main


ROBERT ROY MACKEY. 513 l«th st «eLincoln 23R0 28S

Motorcycles and Bicycles.ACE MOTOR TO.

Special *a1e of «econd-hand Ace. C'eee-and and Ha-ler Darid«on motorcycle* U»iS

J '% 0th «t rw Frank In 27SS 418


.Tw«<-M«*ry brick; hold* four cars; pr:«-e.880 WILDMAN Jt CO.. 9th and H ft*.Franklin 64OS.LEA8 ¥(ll' ST.. NR. 14111 SPACE ONE

car; 81" |»er m«. I.OUIS P. SHOEMAKER.HO" N. Y are. nw Main 1160.REAR II ST.. NR TTH SP \<E< »"NE C \ R;$15 per mo I.OUIS P. SHOEMAKER.

1 *07 N. Y. are nw. Main 118*?.tSTH ST. Ni: TO! .ETARlJ! WILL RE

model for go«id tenant. LOUIS P. SHoKMAKER. 1 !<V7 N Y a*e n« Main 11'.

RE\1l P ST.. NR ifvfn.A1*. M T 1 "xO*.850 por mo LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER

V07 N. T. ase. aw. Mela 1108

WANTED.GARAGES.WANTED GARAGE; ABOUT ONE HUNdred-car capacity; rent or aale Renly

Box 7S7-D. Herald Q8W 181


se.. About 8«;.t»00 Fqnare feet, at 40 cstts-ei foct LOCI8 P OlOKMAkKR. 1407 NT . nw Main 1188ON B a O R R AT BETHrsD~A~ATE

near RorkTllle Pike aab ear line.AboatlHVOnO ftnnare feet sultsMe for lumber »srdor other like purpose. Price. $25,000 L0UI9

SHOEMAKER. 1407 N Y aea. ¦».Main 11<.

HOTELS.Do you like a good chicken dinner?Do you l:ke good muaic*Can yon eajoy a snappy fox trot?

Bert Sauls nan's musiciansHome by car or auto In half hour fromTHE CARROLL COUNTRY CLUB

Betheada. 26 M 877


dlsb'ir*ement first trust money secured byD C real estate; applications gnaraatee4immediat* attention. See Mr READ

WM K. HARTUNG.1108 18th at. aw Main *72



1407 N * Y art. aw Mala Udft laauiraim Mr Elliott.


< hair*. aaed ane MtU; |» 7B7 BoWnplace aw

BENCHER C«*D I" u«.UICATIOS~fl|Nlt'l Wnmmi'i Party Headquartera

at. ne. XfW and undamaged. prirae^rh; 1b lota to ault Pbooa Lincoln 1

COLI'MBIA AND TICTOB GRAPHOPHOXSrmiMi. iftr and S3c; piano rolla at 12^.

20 and 25c. .lightly uaed SOI f at *NrBM


1M40 a mt. aw

ioo NMAi.t. bottle* if* tvrnc fop*tain peat, per bottle. If. A TO I BCBl-


FIFTEEN CARD INDEX CAB1MPTB OaK¦.at «iae« from IS V* to Sift each 4



BEAr. mo a at aw

Smill aalena^a'a de«Ka. oak each v»iiOn* rattumrr, fonr hooka oak. S3 BS25 (!r»« enamel rafa tahiea each. S7.SS.

green rnrnn#1 brentwood chaira. each $5 0125 caaea writing ink ooa doaea qoarta Mcaae; per ca»e. SH 50.

SO bill or larolr-e r«hln*t«, oak. >88 70.A TO E BTSINRM Bl'BBAU.

1S4Q G at. aw.


at nw


1*40 G at. nw


BEAT 1*40 G at aw1 WT^-RFR T A RT F 1.A MP IRR-A TO IBPRTNRBB RCREAtl 1S4ft G at mw.

Mahogany desk ti inches t.<Wo-S11R A TO Z RPBINBBS RVBBAD

1*40 G -t aw


BFAr. 1*40 G at aw


'OFFirr fir. 4^*7U FEET SIS 50 A Tf!7. BP*rNEBS BTBEAP. 1B40 G at nw



RF»P. 1*40 G «t nw



r<rttt *rrrt. r.rrrr* rrrr* wtttl^k" prW o' *4* A TO 3

RPBWFSR Rl'RFAP. 1*40 G at nw

P*O btffT! RTOR KCf, crPRO aBDR-a?aoo ^11rh A TO Z BPBINEBS BC

PEAT*. 1*4^ G at. nw

Foci OAK OFFICE CWATB* WTTW^arm* Ba'» prir». 97 ea'.^ A TO I

n» «ST\FS« PCPFAP. 1*40 G at f»w

irittTF rvAvn Krn.i~"vri ttt trm.n'lnra mattr^aa. plllowa. blanket* aw

i f-.rter. S42 nr.. A TO r BPBINEWBT t?F%c i«an r. «t nw

ovr GBAS« BPG 1»ri2.>BICE. S* JTO 7 BT'BfVF^a BPBFAP. 1*4«» G at nw


room I/>TP n on CFTT-T?fG WAT-T. Ir»order; tile S-V*; oat meal# I*,

.nd L-Or MAHORVET'S. P4 Pi are a#


tNVESTMEWT PROPERTIES.INVESTMENT PBOP .2 RTORT A BA«Emen* t>r (ood mnA rent. S5ft per m^.

OH. e sr. !TW* WILDMAN A CO Sth A TYFrank I tn OftRft. B»SPABTMENT iom-4 APARTMFVPof d ronmi it hath; aplendldlj hullt; m-4

em rm he turned Into f> apt* ».f S r-^"nA hath Price verr low G P BENNETT

Cmt. Trn«t Ride Main ft"-S4RnomlDf f uae with IT ar ei^el

j lent ..K Bti .Ti Near War-hloctoa Clri-le. W -uhhe a Tine loreatmeot. Act quicklj- Prlo

]si«.5oaDAVID Z. BABBT.

1<Q7 H at nw Mala 1*01Sft.OOO; S APT BT.DG Op ft BMS aM

hath each; near Sth A H at« o* rente*at *.«l V> a month: tenant* furrl«h heatDAVID E BABBT 1W>7 H at Main l«oi




I ONE PftlCE AND TPEPI-E PPBIOH'p!«nc. r.ef; made t^ «ell for S100: cti

pr? -e. HT'GQ WOBOH 1110 G at uw





T P^l'-TTT PIANO BI.lGlfTl.T CBED: »lS8l?t*GO WOBCtl. 1110 r. at rw

Emerson Upripht PianoG»v»d a« rew; prlc-a. t&Z HUGO WOBCH

lllO O «t nw» -v I

ONE BI S1I A LANS rPBlGHT #TA*Go*e4. S2S5: coat. new. SOOU. HU^C

w 'R( 11 1110 o « nw

Byrne Upripht.Like new pCoe. fine ct*a. HPG<

WORCH. 111Q G at nw


PVoMfrapfe.Pot.PMHIA GBaPONOI n BTTVJC F ? ">.

¦>sk ^nlr reei?1*r pr1<*e .onr rrt<*aSft« WPGO WOBCH mo C. vt rw

rO'.T MR'A CPAPOXOf \ BltUi T72Ptuhr prlre. S17R .-.tir price, f lf»0 HCG<

WQRi'H. 111r, «t rw

coi.rMHiA gbafonoTabI mti r» jrerular prl^. S"0; ,,ur prica. S52 HPG4

W RTB. mo r, at nw

COII MB' A GB VFOVmT aT BTTLB prl.-e *«".. #wir price. S7S OTGC

WOPCW. I1W G «? rw

RTT.VEBBTONE TAtAlv. MACfflNE PaSinet »lae. S'".5 HCGO WOBCH. 111S C

.t nw

rOI.cvniA .fiRipivoi A. *TTTE O-lrefr'''*r prl^c. SIT" wr price In

^ak onlT HPGO WQRCH. 1110 G at rw

COVCMRIA GRAFONOl * > 2. RroHp-lre. SUM: our prii*. 9S2 HUGO WOBCH

ll-'O G at nw

COT.PVR! A GBAFONOI.A. FTTTTF G »»regular pr|ee. *12": our prlca. Si1!

WORCH 111« G «t nw

rot PMBI r.lAf«OCOLA >TTI r F 2rerular price. S1V>; our price. S140

»»J*GO WORCH 1110 C. at rw

ONE CflENET TALKING M \< MINE RFO-ular pii"*. S100; o«ir price. $115 HPGC

WOECH. IIIO G «t nm-

ONE CHENEY TALKING MACHINE: BEO-ular prl^e. S190 our price. S125. MUliC

WORCH. 1110 G «t rw

ONE REGENT TALKING MACHINE. REGi:'«r price. oer 7?ice, S6o. Hl'Gt

WQRCH. 1110 G at mw.


1110 G vt nw


1.tdi*>a atid childrca * clothing. Call N«»rtl2100 447W AN r TO PI RCB v<»: BOMB OBSt » r

furniture; al»o nikliofun.T uprifrlit plaaoCall franklin. 6144. 4<<7ALL KlN'Ofl or vcRMPPRE wantedenough to furnish larre hoardlnc Imuae

hedroom. dinlnr rx»m. parlor, altc. artt. leaPleaae caM Fr 7ft. or Fr <»47 SBg


I F1RNIT1RE IIA A E YOU ANY SECONDI hand furniture? AA'e pn» th« hlgbeat c*^lI price. Phone u« whit y.»n have.

SHERMAN'S1148 7th at aw. North S4S2



attend a "bargain aale.' »<»nip d.iy. but boldon to the caali. aome r°"d talkers to perauade >ou to buy at price* high, caa Acbetter here. S««e the new oncalied-for anitt'at SH up. Can't duplicate auch a«roi«gtalue.

jrsTH B QUI BTAND sis D 4 .4



DR. DEI.LA LEDENDBCKER. D C.. WHOumlen>tand« and children dt»-a»a<

fr» tu A to Z. 1514 K at. b«. Fr. 707C