My target Audience

My Target audience Ochuko Ideh

Transcript of My target Audience

Page 1: My target Audience

My Target audience Ochuko Ideh

Page 2: My target Audience


When marketing to a certain target audience there are quite a handful of traits and

interest that I need to research to further carter to my demographic; these traits

could range from anything such as age, gender, sexual orientation to even

hobbies and economical hierarchy; as long as a person shares these particular

traits and interest then they fall into my target audience.

Which that being said it is also equally important to research into the certain

lifestyle of my demographic and as a result create a product that can convey

familiarity and reliability for my audience to enjoy.

Page 3: My target Audience


Age range is very important when targeting a particular demographic especially when you

are about to target a task such as creating a feature length film, although I am not producing

a film but rather a teaser trailer I will still need to understand the importance of targeting a

particular age range in order to properly carter the content of my trailer.

With all that being said I would want the target audience of my film to be

teenagers/young adults between the age range of 15-25; this is purely because during this

stage of their lives teens and young adults would be more subjectable to trying out new

things and exploring the world in order to learn more of themselves and develop their state

of mind. They are keen to blindly rush into life without guidelines and horror films can give

them the thrill and adrenaline needed to satisfy them. In addition the younger audience and

less likely to be negatively influenced or even put off the violence, unnatural imagery and

other motifs of horror films.

Page 4: My target Audience


Males are most likely to be fans of horror movie films, this is due to the violence, gore and

other gully motifs that horror movies feature, in addition to this males are stereotypically

more in touch with their violence and thrill seeker selves that their female counterparts

meaning that it would be easier to carter the narrative and content of the films to my target

audience because their interest are in sync with the pre-existing conventions of horror films.

With all that being said I also do not want to eradicate and prospects of female

movie watchers watching my film and in order to fulfil this I will need to involve particular

motifs and conventions that could attract more females to watching my film, these

conventions could include; having a female protagonist or watering down the violence of the

film which in turn would mean changing the genre of my film altogether; lets say for example

changing a Slasher film to a Psychological horror film.

Page 5: My target Audience


Horror movies no mather what genre or subgenre of horror films overall horror movies are

aimed at the working class and higher, this is because of the cheap price that is anchored

with the thrill and entertainment that comes hand in hand with a horror movie.

In order to attract the working class or above to watch my horror film I would not

have to do much, all that needs to be done really is to make sure that my protagonist is in

the working class or higher this is because of the reliability and empathy that I would like to

evoke onto my audience when watching the film, in addition to this it is also important to

make sure that the movie tickets are appropriated priced for my the working class and

above but that is something I would not need to worry about much since my task is to create

a teaser trailer and not the feature length film.