My sacral power

Are you waking up and remembering who you are as a spiritual being? Do you want help dealing with the change we see all around us? Are you struggling to make sense of the emotional reactions this triggers? Are you seeking to re-discover your sense of meaning, purpose and empowerment? Are you looking to expand your experience of Love and Joy? Do you wish to bring these same benefits to others as part of your service to our evolving world? What if you could be part of a small like-minded group that provided you the deep support and guidance you need to BE the Shift? What if you can BE the Shift and earn your living doing what you love?


Conscious Evolution Coaching (CEC) is a transformative body/mind practice facilitating graceful and harmonious transition for people who • want help dealing with change and the emotions this triggers • seek to expand their sense of meaning, purpose and empowerment, and their experience of love and joy • wish to bring these same benefits to others as part of their service to our evolving world. Participants contribute to the development of a new world by changing themselves and assisting others who wish to do the same. In this way, all parties achieve an accelerated growth in consciousness. In contrast to other consciousness acceleration programs, Conscious Evolution Coaching provides deep support for both personal transformation and business development. Participants are helped to discover their own authentic purpose and to earn a fulfilling and sustainable income.

Transcript of My sacral power

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Are you waking up and remembering who you are as a spiritual being?

Do you want help dealing with the change we see all around us?

Are you struggling to make sense of the emotional reactions this triggers?

Are you seeking to re-discover your sense of meaning, purpose and empowerment?

Are you looking to expand your experience of Love and Joy?

Do you wish to bring these same benefits to others as part of your service to our evolving world?

What if you could be part of a small like-minded group that provided you the deep

support and guidance you need to BE the Shift?

What if you can BE the Shift and earn your living doing what you love?

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Experience how it feels to

step fully into your own authentic power by aligning your life with your values and your core beliefs

accelerate your own and others’ transformation by shifting from a state of separation, isolation and egoism to an expansive, embodied and unifying evolution of consciousness

acknowledge, accept and embrace what is, whatever it is

transform your deepest fears and pain into Love and Joy

coach others to find their power by coaching others to come into theirs

fulfill your deeper Life Purpose through serving the world in its time of need

give and receive deep mutual coaching and healing support by joining one of our Shift Incubators, a small group of like-minded individuals dedicated to raising their own and the vibrations of the planet.

Learn how to

embody the Shift by engaging your Sacral Power to fully align with the energetic flow of the universe

apply our Shift Essentials, an integrated suite of embodied healing modalities and spiritual practices, enabling you to accelerate the healing of all aspects of your life through deeply fulfilling and powerful relationship and practice

be the Shift, making a graceful transition from a world in crisis to one in renewal and re-birth

be a Shift Leader, helping others to navigate this change

attract abundance and prosperity for yourself and others.

Do you sometimes say to yourself?

I’m still not sure what I have been called to do in this life

Some my thoughts and actions are driven by fear rather than by love

I’d like to be more connected to my intuitive guidance and the energetic flow of the universe

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I feel overwhelmed by the changes that I think are necessary in the world

I’m not up to the task of making the changes.

IMAGINE for a moment that you could learn how to

be totally centred and grounded in your own power

be connected energetically with the world as it is

transform your fear and other negative emotions into the higher vibrations of Love, Joy and Peace

understand, neutralize and evolve the deep unconscious habits and patterns that drive you to keep re-creating painful experiences in your life

use the above to help others and make a profound difference to the world

be fully aligned with your purpose and able to support yourself and others in the process.

The Emergence of New Structures for Sacral Power We live in an increasingly uncertain world and there is a growing sense that the organizations and institutions that have supported our lives are no longer working. They are starting to break down. This gradual collapse is evident throughout the world and across all sectors – including government, finance, commerce, health, education, defense and transport. The survival of these structures depends on the ability to sustain continuous growth. This is putting an intolerable strain on the natural resources of the planet. There are growing doubts that we can solve this problem without the inevitable collapse of the old and the emergence of new structures.

Driven by fear, these structures were created out of the need to control by exercising power over nature (and over each other).

Today’s structures were shaped out of the consciousness of those that created them and are now expressed by the people who live and work within them. When loss of control in this consciousness is threatened, it gives rise to fear and anger. In the consciousness of “power over” there are no other means of resolving the conflicts that could arise other than through force.

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We now have massively powerful weapons of mass destruction. If we wish to avoid the danger of destroying ourselves and life on this planet, clearly we need a different way of harmonizing our relationships with each other and the world. A primary requirement for change therefore is to shift collectively to another level of consciousness from which we can create new structures. This tension can be resolved when we discover a new form of power, namely the ability to exercise power with nature and each other rather than power over. This entails shifting from a consciousness of separation to one of Oneness. In Oneness, we recognize that everything in the universe is energetically interconnected, and that the primary driver is Love. From this consciousness of Love, new structures can be created.

What we are witnessing is the evolutionary emergence of Sacral Power. This is the manifestation of Power With and the basis for relationship within a level of consciousness which is expressed through Love, Joy and Peace. It is “Sacral” because it entails the embodiment of universal energetic interconnectedness and the conscious alignment with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source. This power is also “Sacred” in so far as it enables us to align ourselves with Divine Will.

Conscious Evolution Coaching – A Transformative Body/Mind Practice

Conscious Evolution Coaching (CEC) is a new organizational structure arising out of the consciousness of Oneness and Love. Its purpose is to develop leaders for the New Era. For these new leaders, CEC is a transformative body/mind practice facilitating the graceful and harmonious transition from the Old to the New Era. Participants contribute to the development of a new world by changing themselves and assisting others who wish to do the same. In this way, all parties achieve an accelerated growth in consciousness, shifting from separation to Oneness, from fear to Love.

Conscious Evolution Coaching - The Embodiment of Sacral Power

Michael Wolff, Ellen Kratka, Mike Bell, Morag Paterson and the other co-founders of Conscious Evolution Coaching are world leaders in the development of new organizational structures emerging out of Sacral Power.

They have made it their Life Purpose to pioneer new ways of working together by reclaiming our Sacral Power and re-discovering how through our connection with Source, the planet and each other, we can mutually fulfil our collective evolutionary Purpose.

Through the power of Love, we can restore harmony, abundance and wellbeing into our lives.

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Based on deeply supported mutual coaching and healing, Conscious Evolution Coaching is for those who are ready to step into their Sacral Power. CEC is for new leaders, whose intention is to grow in consciousness in order to shift from a state of separation, limitation and egoism to an expansive, embodied and unifying evolution of consciousness. This is in order to

discover your own authentic voice, purpose and path

heal your past wounds and dysfunctional relationships

be grounded, centered and powerful

evolve old limiting beliefs and patterns

transform your own and another’s negative emotions into Love, Joy and Peace

be guided through increasing intuition and awareness to achieve a positive future for yourself and others.

In addition to providing a mutual support structure for personal transformation, CEC provides the support for participants to earn a sustainable income through fulfilling and rewarding work.

Conscious Evolution Coaching - A Collaborative Enterprise

Conscious Evolution Coaching is a Collaborative Enterprise for Conscious Evolution Coaches. The enterprise is a not-for-profit umbrella organization that supports the development of an interconnected global network of small groups (Shift Incubators), each led by a Program Leader. The Program Leader facilitates the mutual learning, coaching, healing and practice of the participants in the group. This includes the provision of support, acknowledgement, encouragement, inspiration and focus.

Participants learn how to coach and heal each other by using five healing modalities (Shift Essentials). Drawn from traditional and modern energy healing, these include Spiritual Attunement, Conscious Embodiment, Embracing Emotions, Energetic Intuition, and Evolving Belief.

In summary, Conscious Evolution Coaching uniquely provides you with an integrated structure for supporting your daily practice, and enables you to set up, market and lead your own Shift Incubators. Through this, you can

experience profound transformation through mutual coaching and healing

find fulfilment through aligning your life with your values and core beliefs

make a difference by serving others for a common higher purpose; and

experience abundance and prosperity, for yourself and others. Your role as a Shift Leader is to help raise the level of collective consciousness in order to facilitate a graceful and harmonious transition from the Old to the New Era. It is also to help create the new forms and structures that will be needed to support our lives and which will emerge from Sacral Power and the consciousness of Love.

Sacral Power and the New Paradigm of Energism What does it mean to shift from a consciousness of separation to Oneness? It entails a whole new way of looking at the world. We are shifting from seeing ourselves as observing the world as separate entities to one where we are the world, in sacred energetic connection.

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In the new paradigm, separateness is an illusion. There is no objective reality. And we cannot fully understand the world by dissecting it into ever smaller bits. Rather than observing ourselves, we experience ourselves as energy. We are what we experience. This energy is universal. So we can say: I am the universe and the universe is me. Or, I am you and you are me. There is no separation. As we learn to experience ourselves as energetic beings, we experience our energy fields as auras, as chakras and as meridians. We understand how we can clear our energy fields, how we can extend and embrace other and larger energy fields, using our Sacral Power to connect. We understand the dynamics of Darkness and Light. We begin to understand the sacred geometry of energetic flows, how these can heal us and how they can empower us. In the West we call this energy Love. In the East we call it Chi, or Ki.

The Primary Energy Transformer So, how do we engage our Sacral Power? We start by engaging what we call the Primary Energy Transformer. There are four distinct stages in connecting. The first stage is breathing into the lower belly. This has a powerful centering and grounding affect, enabling you to be in the moment and to accept what is without judgment. There is no past or future. You just experience what is.

The second stage is when the energy center at the lower belly, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is further activated through the visualization of energy spiraling horizontally through the center from the back to the front and then folding back on itself in a continuous spiraling loop. This is known as the Torus Flow and is considered as the basic energetic structure of the universe and life itself. We call it a Transformational Dynamo. The third stage is when all seven energy centers (Chakras) are activated in the same way by visualizing the horizontal Torus Flow through the middle of each center.

The third stage is when all seven energy centers (Chakras) are activated in the same way by visualizing the horizontal Torus Flow through the middle of each center.

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Finally, the fourth stage is when all seven energy are activated vertically. This is a more powerful form in which to engage your Sacral Power. At this point you are truly the universe and the universe is you. You are in full energetic alignment.

The Shift Incubator From learning to engage our Sacral Power as an individual, we then learn how to exponentially increase our Sacral Power by participating in a small group called the Shift Incubator. This is where each individual within the group shares the intention to develop their Sacral Power both as an individual and as the group. The Sacral Power is developed through the mutual coaching process and the application of the five healing modalities (the Shift Essentials), which are described in more detail below. Within the Shift Incubator, there are four levels of healing: self-healing, one-to-one healing, group healing, and extended group healing.

The Micro Energy Transformer Using the concept of the Transformational Dynamo, the objective is to raise the level of consciousness of the individuals in the group to the point where the group becomes a single energetic entity. Although still individuals, there is an increasing experience of surrendering one’s individual identity as one merges as one within the group. This creates the possibility for the group, the Shift Incubator, to be transformed into a Micro Energy Transformer. This is not only transformational for the individuals within the group, but also has a more powerful healing effect on the total collective consciousness than if the individual members were on their own.

The longer term goal is for the collaborative enterprise to create a worldwide grid of Micro Energy Transformers, capable of making a significant contribution to the required collective shift. In the Energism paradigm, where everything is connected, one person at a very high level of consciousness can balance a very large number of people at a lower level of consciousness. An intentional group whose members are at a very high level of consciousness is exponentially more effective than the sum of the individuals in the group. If there are high levels of stress as we navigate the transition from the Old to the New Era, low frequency emotions such as fear and anger will be increasingly activated. These need to be balanced by the higher level frequencies of Love, Joy and Peace in order for us to be able to raise the level of collective consciousness sufficiently in order to build the new structures necessary to support life in the New Era.

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A Personal Message from Michael Wolff

Dear Conscious Evolutionaries,

I would love to welcome you into one of our Shift Incubators and support you to connect your Sacral Power with your authentic purpose in life.

I started learning how to connect with Sacral Power 30 years ago when I joined the transformative practice of Aikido, a Japanese martial art.

It was through Aikido that I first learnt about the power of being grounded, centered and connected through harmonising the universal energy of Ki. I also discovered the power of mutually supported practice and the benefits and purpose of being totally in the moment.

Three years ago I had an epiphany when I realised that while practising Aikido I was totally in my Sacral Power. But the moment I stepped off the mat, I reverted back to my state of separation. I realised that this was because I was re-connecting with the default mode of everyone else.

In martial arts, the primary reason for connecting with Sacral Power is to be totally present in the heat of battle - to be calm, totally in the moment, and able to do the right thing without thinking.

We are now faced with the prospect of the demise of our current structures, a transitional period of uncertainty and chaos, and the emergence of new structures. We are moving into totally uncharted territory. So the skills that are taught in martial arts will be essential in this new world. I don’t mean for fighting, but for being grounded and centered, connecting powerfully with what is, and with a highly attuned intuitive sense of what is right in any situation.

From this realisation I asked myself the question: how can I make the transformational teaching of Aikido more universally applicable? How can we increase our resilience in times of stress, not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually?

The question was partly answered when I discovered that anybody could connect with their Sacral Power simply by breathing into their lower belly. This has been the basis of meditative spiritual practice for thousands of years. But is barely understood or appreciated in our modern world. It is actually the natural default mode of human consciousness.

The next question was: how can I get the benefits of meditation without having to commit to years of practice? This question was answered, thanks to Bruce Lipton and others, when I discovered that our mental and emotional conditioning can easily be changed through the application of the techniques and protocols of modern Energy Healing.

I then asked: how can we measure a shift in consciousness? The answer came when I discovered Dr David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. This has provided a valuable framework for measuring where we are both personally and collectively on our transformational path and also where we need to be if we are to gracefully and consciously co-create our next stage of evolution. From the above, I have been guided by three principles enabled through Sacral Power:

I accelerate my own shift when I help others to accelerate theirs

I discover my own Joy and Peace when I help others to discover theirs

I create my own abundance when I help others to create theirs.

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Regarding the last, I have had 45 years of business experience, of which the last 20 were in developing the concept of collaborative enterprise. This is a structure for connecting solo practitioners in a single organizational structure that provides the individual members the benefits of a larger organization, especially when it comes to marketing.

I have been greatly supported by our Founders’ team, and together we have experienced one epiphany after another. This is the most exciting and fulfilling venture of my life and I invite you to join us as part of our team. I look forward to sharing with you our truly powerful transformational practice.

With thanks and love, Michael

The Transformative Practice

The Shift Essentials

When you join one of our Shift Incubators, you receive one-to-one coaching from the Program Leader helping you to identify and clear one or more of your core issues. These are the mostly unconscious emotions, beliefs and patterns and sabotage your life. This is the start of an ongoing process to help you to clear your energy field, to fully awaken to whom you are. What stops us from clearing our energy field, or fully awakening, is resistance. To resolve our resistance, we use a combination of five basic healing modalities known as the Shift Essentials (SCENE).

Spiritual Attunement Do you feel that there are some areas in your life where you still have unfinished business? Perhaps in a relationship with family members, or friends, or from work? Perhaps a feeling of abandonment at the deepest level? Or some anger and resentment towards a political party or different faith? Or some traumatic event in your life where you were harmed, or were the perpetrator of harm?

These issues all create resistance and resonate at lower level vibrational frequencies such as such as shame, guilt, and fear. Spiritual tools have been used by all the major faiths. They are proven and highly effective. They neutralize these lower vibrational frequencies and activate higher vibrational frequencies such as Love, Joy and Peace.

We work especially with Acceptance, Remorse, Forgiveness, Love and Gratitude, promoting inner Joy, Peace, Harmony and Bliss. The process involves shifting from our Lower to our Higher Selves, releasing attachments to past and future, discovering and fulfilling our Life Purpose, and making the transition from self-interest to service.

Conscious Embodiment

Do you sometimes feel ungrounded, uncentered, wobbly, or weak?

Conscious Embodiment is the foundation of our Sacral Power. Through connecting our breathing with our lower belly (our Sacral Chakra) and activating the energetic flows of this vital center, we are connected energetically and consciously as One. We experience the energy as Love (Chi, Ki, Prana). We interconnect powerfully with all things and beings. The main focus includes lower belly breathing and the activation and interconnection of all the energy centers in our bodies through visualization. This is supported by the practices of meditation, transformational body/mind arts such as Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, Aikido, etc., and mindfulness in daily life.

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Through being grounded, centered and connected through our Sacral Power, we are laying the foundations upon which to build the other four Shift Essentials. Being centered, we have created the space to hold and connect. Being in the moment, we experience direction sensation through our bodies and intuition. We accept and acknowledge what is, without judging. We feel safe to be open, allowing, vulnerable and without fear.

Embracing Emotions

How do you deal with feelings that make you feel uncomfortable or in pain? Feelings such as anger, irritation, depression, despair, shame, or guilt? When you are feeling any of these, do you resist and try to push them away, or do you engage with them and really feel them in your body?

Embracing Emotions is the name for the modality where we deal with negative emotions that are either presenting in the moment, or are suppressed or repressed. We see these trapped emotions as low vibrational energy frequencies which are active in our energy field as a form of cellular memory. They are harmful insofar as they attract other low vibrational energy frequencies, i.e. fear attracts more fear. They are also unnecessary baggage as they represent a drain on our available energy.

These emotions condition negative outcomes in our beliefs and outlook on life, and affect our relationships, work, health, and finances. They manifest as resistance, pain, distress, disharmony, imbalance, and disease. They take the form of attachments that are difficult to release, and often prevent the activation of higher frequencies such as Love.

The process for releasing these emotions is amazingly simple and powerful. Starting with spiritual attunement and being centered, the practice is to experience the emotions directly in our body, to feel the feelings. Releasing the mental trigger for these emotions, we visualize the feelings, which may be felt like rivers of molten lava, dissolving or draining into our center.

Having released the power of these emotions over us, we are free from recurring resistance, pain, disease and discomfort. It is easier for us to be centered, grounded and in balance. We feel a deep sense of liberation, security and harmony. We have a greater ability to connect and empathize with others.

We are able to relieve any stress and anxiety and feel calmer and better about ourselves. We are also able to release cravings, attachments and dependencies, and have more energy to do what we really want to do. We are able to raise our vibrational energy frequencies, feel safe and embrace life with joy.

ENergetic Intuion

How connected are you to your intuition? Do you trust your intuition? Do you have an Inner Guide? Can you intuitively experience not only what is right for yourself, but also for others?

When we are connected energetically, Energetic Intuition is how we experience and are aware of the energy, which we have described above as Love (Chi, Ki, Prana). Through this connection we are able to awaken to our deepest dreams and desires.

Through the conscious harmonization of energy flows, we are able to increase our sensitivity to others, to help us better understand or relate to a person; to know how to best support or comfort a person; and how to receive valuable intuitive information that helps another.

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Energetic Intuition is a means for reducing stress, resistance, and increasing overall health. It provides a spark to our creativity and the inspiration for us to fulfil our purpose. It also warns us of impending danger and guides us to safety.

When we activate our Energetic Intuition, we engage our whole consciousness, not just our rational mind. This ability is core, not only to assist us in our healing, but also to provide valuable guidance in situations where we have to act in the moment without the luxury of a map.

Through Energetic Intuition we are able to access the deeper wisdom of the ages. We can access different sources of guidance by connecting with our deepest intention. We can detect incongruence. We can align different levels of our Being, including our Lower and Higher Selves and with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source.

Through Energetic Intuition, we are fully present to, and aligned with, the emergence of the new. This enables us to easily navigate uncertainty and the un-known.

Evolving Beliefs

An underlying principle of Conscious Evolution Coaching is that we cannot change others and the world, but we can change ourselves. In changing ourselves, the world changes.

What most prevent us from changing ourselves are our beliefs about ourselves. We hold perceptions about ourselves which are no longer true. Or if true, we believe that there is nothing we can do. We then attract situations in our lives that reinforce these beliefs. We then feel that our choices are limited and that we have very little free will. Believing this makes us feel safe, but the price we pay for feeling safe is disempowerment and open to manipulation and victimhood.

We have become prisoners of the past. The past is now sabotaging the present. We have become prisoners of beliefs that are self-defeating, self-limiting, and self-harming. They are true at our deepest level of consciousness. They are the result of past conditioning when we needed to find ways to be safe and to manage in difficult situation.

But now these beliefs have become the cause of behaviors that we cannot control. They are active energetic frequencies that continue to attract similar situations in our lives.

Our limiting beliefs prevent us more than anything from raising our level of consciousness. They are mostly unconscious and control some of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They affect the quality of our lives and can seriously diminish our life potential.

But in the Energism Paradigm, there is no past. These beliefs are only energetic imprints in our energy field having power over us now. As energetic imprints, they can easily be neutralized, re-framed and evolved. We do this through the creation of Truth Focus Statements. These are variants of affirmations that always test Strong and congruent with our unconscious beliefs.

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Here’s What You Will Receive

Deep Support for One-to-One and Group Coaching

To achieve an accelerated shift in consciousness, there are three iterative processes:

weekly online group coaching sessions in which we coach and are coached by the participants in our program; from these sessions,

we integrate customised practices into our daily spiritual practice; and from this,

we practice being the Shift in our daily lives.

These are combined with five healing modalities, the Shift Essentials, which we have described above.

The basic process is through the use of a diagnostic tool such as Applied Kinesiology to get to the root of core issues (and to test outcomes), conscious embodiment of feelings that arise, and the practice of working with Truth Focus Statements. Variants of these are used in the coaching, daily and life practices.

The practices combine intentionality with visualization, commitment, perseverance, and endurance. Various traditional and modern energy systems, such as Chi, Meridians and Chakras are also used. All the techniques are easy to teach, easy to learn, and easy to practice. Despite the simplicity, results can be rapid and surprising.

Each lead coach, the Program Leader, can customise these according to the needs of particular participants. The following is an example of an outline protocol of a four step energy-based process with a coach which includes a set-up, the coaching, closure, and the focus of the next practice.


1. Clarity of intention and the addressable issue (defined and measurable) 2. Centring and congruence of body, heart and mind (conscious embodiment) 3. Unconditional surrender to the Source, the healing power of Love 4. Prayer


5. Addressing a core issue and determining its deepest roots 6. Resolving the resistance and pain of separation

a. Acceptance, acknowledgement without judgement of the feelings b. Embodying the feelings and releasing thoughts about the causes of the feelings c. Allowing new feelings to arise without judgement d. Continuing until full resolution of resistance (full acceptance)

7. Compassion (to self and others) 8. Forgiveness (to self and others) 9. Unconditional Love (to self and others) 10. Continuing until permanent and sustainable release


11. Gratitude to and oneness with the Source 12. Measurable and acknowledged resolution of resistance 13. Shift from lower level negative vibrations, now neutralised energetically and ceasing to attract similar

energies 14. Focus on higher level positive vibrations, now charged energetically as the new attractor field, thereby

raising the level of consciousness.

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Outcomes can be measured using Applied Kinesiology or Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS), where the subject estimates the start and end points on a range of 0 – 10.


Following a coaching session, the participant may use a customized Truth Focus Statement to work with on their own during the week in order to further progress shifting consciousness. Practice is an essential element of the program.

The Shift Incubator

The purpose of the program is to help participants to fully engage their Sacral Power to accelerate a shift in consciousness through supported practice. Led by a coach, each Shift Incubator consists of a maximum of 10 participants and is designed to continue indefinitely (but for a minimum of six months).

The principle is similar to joining a MasterMind class. The process starts with a series of four one-to-one coaching sessions. These are to determine the participants’ core issues and then to introduce the Shift Essentials. These sessions are for 60 minutes, once per week, over four weeks. The participant then joins a group.

The group coaching sessions are conducted once a week using a teleseminar format for a minimum of 60 minutes per session. The format for the sessions is mostly interactive healing, not content.

The Program Timeline

You can join a group that has available space at any time, subject to agreement with the Program Leader. You will then receive the following support:

Month 1

Four one-to-one sessions with Program Leader, one per week: 4 hours

Months 2 and onwards

Each month, four one-to-one sessions with a group participant 4 hours

Each month, four weekly group sessions, 60 minutes each 4 hours

Once a quarter you will receive a one-to-one session with the Program Leader to review your progress. In practice, you can discuss this at any time, should you require special attention.

The initial commitment to the program is 4 hours in the first month, growing to 8 hours from month two. Over a six month period the total commitment is for 54 hours.

The programs, once set up, are designed to run indefinitely, although after the initial six month commitment, participants are free to leave at any time.

Deep Support for Business Development and Marketing

Our primary goal is to commit to becoming effective Shift Leaders. However in making this commitment, we also need to be able to support ourselves financially. We also need to be able to focus our efforts on running programs without having to spend huge amounts of our time recruiting new participants and managing business administration.

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Our model therefore is to operate a not-for-profit social enterprise which supports the marketing, administration and operational development on behalf of its coaching members. The revenue generated from participants is shared on a 60:40 basis, where 60% goes to the coach, and 40% is applied to marketing and organisational costs.

Most of the marketing is expected to be over the Web and mostly through Joint Venturing with affiliates.

Costs of Participation

The cost to participate is a monthly subscription of $147, payable monthly in advance over six months. After six months, the subscription can be renewed at the reduced cost of $97.

Because the process is front-end loaded in terms of one-to-one sessions and the payment model is a flat monthly rate in order to make it more affordable for participants, there is a minimum commitment of 6 months. Without this commitment, the coach would be bearing an unacceptably high risk.

Join a Shift Incubator with One of our Experienced Program Leaders

We are inviting you to join one of your Shift Incubators led by one of the Program Leaders below. The next step is to have a free online meeting with one or more of the Leaders as a process of attunement. Let me remind you that what you are contemplating joining is a deeply supported spiritual practice. This is where the primary intention is for you to accelerate your own transformation through supporting others to accelerate theirs. Your intention is service. So you need to consider whether you are able to make the following statements resonate as true: I am committed to

• 8 hours of one-to-one and group coaching per month • daily practice • dealing with my deepest core issues • embracing the Dark to find the Light • being the Shift • co-creating Conscious Evolution Coaching? • leading my own Shift Incubators? • being visible on the Web? • using the appropriate Web tools?

While this is also about earning a living, the primary goal has to be becoming a Leader in the New Era. That requires not only vision, but deep commitment, courage, perseverance and determination.

About Our Program Leaders

Ellen Kratka

Program Leader

Since 1996 I have worked as a Spirit-based life and business success coach and mind-body energy healer, but my real “business” is Unconditional Love. I show people what’s possible in their lives, their creations and their service when they live from their true Divine nature. Those who work with me learn how to shift the parts of themselves that aren’t ready to receive love away from fear and into full connectedness and identification with Spirit.

Join My Shift Incubator

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Morag Paterson

Program Leader

I consciously began my spiritual practice in 1989, and now integrate the essence of many teachings and much experience into my holistic spirit-energy coaching. I find the more I GIVE of what I myself am seeking to experience, the more I am living a harmonious and joyful life. Simply, I remind people – wherever they are, whatever their circumstances – of their true essence, their authentic beauty, their naturalness, their Higher Self – so that they can shine in the moment – emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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Mike Bell Program Leader

I have come to know how we are all spiritual beings having a human experience; that part of the human experience is learning how to remove the blockages that keep us from Spirit. My work as a healer, teacher and guide is helping others identify and resolve what gets in the way of their authentic Self, and how to pass this gift, we are all given, to others.

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Thank You.