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My Posts and ArticlesA.D. 2015 June-July

Transcript of My Posts and Articles


    A.D. 2015 JUNE JULY



    Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Yesterday at 3:01am

    When Syria's Assad refused to renounce his alliance with Iran in 2010, the US and its allies unleashed hell on earth. Fanatical, Salafist jihadists created by Saudi Arabia, trained by the CIA, and aided by Turkey and Jordan, passed into Syria and made refugees of 50 percent of the population. The country is destroyed. RPI advisor Eric Margolis has more on this horrific US war crime: Destroying Syria to Make it Safe for American Values



  • Ron Paul Former U.S. Congressman

    Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul is an American physician, author, and former Republican congressman, two-time Republican presidential candidate, and the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1988 U.S. presidential election. Wikipedia

    1. 2. Born: August 20, 1935 (age 79), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States 3. Height: 1.80 m 4. Children: Rand Paul, Ronnie Paul, Robert Paul, Lori Paul, Joy Paul 5. Education: Duke University School of Medicine (1961), more 6.

    Open Post To The Republican National Committee !

    We, the Rightists from Myanmar (Burma) of Asia, want the strong Republican President this time. Democrats are weak, timid and utopian in their foreign policy making. And their socialist ideas like the British Labor Party had only favored of infiltrating their ideology into other countries, especially into the third world countries. If not, they may use political pressures such as sanctions, trade embargoes etc., we want RNC would think seriously to reconsider the policy toward our country. For that case, we prefer strong conservative Republican leaders should remake the policy toward Burma (Myanmar). All Democrats leaning policy makers and diplomatic staffs should be removed. Political corruptions has been rooted since before the time of G.W.Bush.My blog where I put some posts as critiques to US foreign policies toward us is also given

  • below. My suggestion is please take some advises from Mr. Henry Kissinger who understands Asia more than any other people in your country. And he may know more about Leftist threats and Marxist-Leninist disturbances still existed in poor country like us.

    Leave the Left !

    The PROBLEM is the concept and doctrine the west Europe has held and stood for years. They are still wavering to accept or not to accept Jihadism is a very dangerous ideology for the entire world. The extreme secularism and modern time socialism and communism had pushed them to non-believers of even a simple NATIONALISM. So their blindly acceptance of multiracialism and multiculturalism has made them very weak in defending of their own social system once based upon Christianity. It is all because of Leftist political ideology that has influenced unconsciously and delicately over their societies. TIME will give us a true solution. ( In Burma ( Myanmar ) too, the Leftism has been infiltrating the whole society since before the Second World War. So I had proposed that Military should moved away from them and that ideology once and for all.)

    July 8 at 10:28pm Edited

    When former two enemies can now be promoting their mutual relationship, why was US-Myanmar ( Burma) relationship backward and met with hardship ? I think too much misunderstandings between two parties had been existed, and those could not be solved yet for lacking of diplomatic dealing with mutual understanding of the national interests of both nations. Believing that, an intelligent and farsighted man like Jim Web

  • can do such a business not with the government but with the military. I mean military-to-military engagement policy should be introduced to find the solution. Postponing that policy because Burma remains firmly under military control, so it said in the Admiral Harry Harris' testament. If it is the truth as US policy makers viewed, why not make a deal and cut the deal with the Military? In spite of doing so, the Democrats, party in power, had done (1) postponing that policy (2) allegation of Genocide at Yakhine (Arakan) region (3) exporting communists ( but they said themselves socialists or pro-democracy activists) back into the country to take part in the election or forming civil societies to instigate the peasants, workers and students movements (4) press the existing government to give citizenship to illegal immigrants at Yakhine region etc., Therefore, the relationship had gradually become cold and distant between the two nations.

    The transition from one system to another or system change is not very easy as regime change or government change. Look ! Japan is very smart and brave enough in dealing with the military and doing very practical in economy and business with Myanmar. Japan has had its own experience in reformations twice in the past. First, Meiji Restoration, and second, General McArthur reform of Japan to capitalist democracy. American policy makers must understand about that Japan always deals with the ruling class and with the real men in power. Japan never dealt with weak and hopeless opposition without real power. It is correct way to make helping our country to promote up to prosperous and united country. Sanctions can give only Poverty and Poverty can provide us chaos, instability and disunity. And the leftist will like that situation and our country will never become rich. Military must also reform itself that everyone knows and wants. But by which means? Think seriously!

  • 8-7-2015


    via BBC Burmese

    My Blog


    DO YOU KNOW THIS ! DO YOU KNOW THIS! Burmese (Myanmar) people are fighting each other and being hopeless for their Future. During this messy and confused political situation, without having unity and strong leadership and leading unit, and without having concrete and correct political ideology, not only Jihadists but also US,UK left-wing gang of opportunists have been thinking to insult, interfere and intrude to our Land. I am not an army personal but as a Nationalist and Rightist, let me warn you all to take notice seriously over what I said and discussed here. Democracy is so far for our country. Unless having denounced All the Personality Cults, you shall never gain true democracy in your life. Because you are living in the feudalism so you like to worship someone and are willing to prostrate before someone. You cannot reform yourselves in social behaviors and cultural system, you will be living with another dictatorship with the feudalism in next fifty or hundred years. Always remember that democracy is ever made up with capitalism, if you like or dislike. Now we are facing with foreign intimidation and foreign interference at the same time. Think seriously of what I have said. Reposted : 11-7-2015 - - - first posted on July 9, 2015 on my time line.

  • Article on the Road To Guillotine! (1) All big countries are preparing for war. The most imminent areas for coming armed conflicts among nations will be Middle East and Asia. We need to watch the development of contradictions based upon political, religious beliefs and racial animosities very carefully. Europe, America , Russia and China are thinking about how to avert the war not to happen on their soils, but to wage wars on the third world nations' lands. It is very sorry to see that average of our people has had a lack of knowledge over world outlook and historical view comparing with the world. The so-called political leaders of the day are the same as what the ordinary people are. They cannot lead the nation with correct ideology and principles. But they shall destroy our country sooner or later. They wanted to make the revolution but they have no political ideology and no vanguard. And when asking them what sort of the revolution is , and whether it is system change or regime change, and how to operate to achieve the victory. No clear answer can be given. Despite the clear-cut views, vague and confused talks with blind personality cults are their only political platform in our country. And most of them and majority of them are all Leftists, without having learnt Marxism even in their general reading. So, it is very much concerned to see our near future as hopeless and dangerous situation likely to be into chaos and disunity in the sudden outburst without a vanguard and leading ideology. It will be just a road to guillotine! When we had said and warned long ago to take the lessons from the French Revolution, everyone neglected and

  • ignored. Now again the entire world have faced with the very much terrible economic crisis like in the 1929-30. (2) After the 1988 revolution was failed, the entire opposition was desperate and despaired. Some people could not accept the failure of that spontaneous mass uprising yet. In fact, the word revolution should not be termed, and it did fail because (1 ) there was no revolutionary vanguard (2) there was no clear-cut revolutionary ideology and platform ( to seize the political power ) (3) just only willing to remove the regime not the system to be changed ( it is till now ) (4) political inheritance that the people obtained was Very Big Personality Cult ( can say Media and The British later US policies have had the responsibility but ideologically all was because of Feudal nature of the economic development in the Society ) (5) unity among people with various ethnics and different economic classes was still lost (6) that personality cult is so high and nothing can be done as political negotiations in the right direction (7) the military did not support the pro-democracy movement and vice versa that so-called revolutionary leaders cannot have a good capacity to persuade or to organize the military to be sided with them (8) most and majority who took the leading roles in the uprising and now in the parties are communists and socialists (9) those Leftists plus personality cults can make the movement in sentiments, with hatreds, angers, jealousies, prides, prejudices, impractical and without concrete policies etc. etc. etc. Now again, the military had given the Hluttaw like a Duma of Russia in 1905, very long period after 1990 bullied and deceived election, Reform became the word of celebrity but no one believed it. I mean both sides the government as well as the entire oppositions. And many other political issues are existed unsolved. So, how to go forward! Revolution failed! Reformation nay! Where do we go?

  • Is election the solution? No, it's just a step no more than that. But, if we talk about the election, we must talk about the Constitution too. The topic Constitution Issue is not a legal issue but the political issue. So, it should be solved by means of political diplomacy only. All among armed and unarmed such a diplomatic dealing to talk is very much necessary. Otherwise, there may be tensions and hardships that shall make a gridlock to go forward smoothly. We all should aware the upcoming tsunami because of the economic crisis in our hearts. Reposted: 11-7-2015.


    POPE said that many powerful people dont want peace because they make money off


    POPE said The TRUTH! YOU should please preach about the human value and family value to the world and make UNIFICATION among different religious beliefs with other Spiritual Leaders of the world. To make Peace and to avert Wars as far as you can because most of the world leaders, including some famous Spiritual leaders were being influenced by satanic doctrine. For Buddhists, this is the right time to make REUNIFICATION between Mahayana and Theravada sects based upon Buddhist Philosophy. We all need to defend Buddhism from those who want to destroy or weaken us. We should learn what late Col Olcott

  • had done for that Reunification, and many works for the sake of Buddhism with Madam Blavatsky (H.P.B.). (July 5, 2015)

    July 6 at 12:15 am Edited:

    From THE BUDDHIST CATECHISM BY COL. OLCOTT THE REUNIFICATION OF MAHAYANA AND THERAVADA (The Northern and Southern sections of Buddhism) The following text of the fourteen items of belief which have been accepted as fundamental principles in both the Southern and Northern sections of Buddhism, by authoritative committees to whom they were submitted by me personally, have so much historical importance that they are added to the present edition of THE BUDDHIST CATECHISM as an Appendix. It has very recently been reported to me by H. E. Prince Ouchtomsky, the learned Russian Orientalist, that having had the document translated to them, the Chief Lamas of the great Mongolian Buddhist monasteries declared to him that they accept every one of the propositions as drafted, with the one exception that the date of the Buddha is by them believed to have been some thousands of years earlier than the one given by me. This surprising fact had not hitherto come to my knowledge. Can it be that the Mongolian Sangha confuse the real epoch of Sakya Muni with that of his alleged next predecessor? Be this as it may, it is a most encouraging fact that the whole Buddhistic world may now be said to have united to the extent at least of these Fourteen Propositions. H. S. O. FUNDAMENTAL BUDDHISTIC BELIEFS I Buddhists are taught to show the same tolerance, forbearance, and brotherly love to all men, without distinction; and an unswerving kindness towards the members of the animal kingdom. II The universe was evolved, not created; and its functions according to law, not according to the caprice of any God.

  • III The truths upon which Buddhism is founded are natural. They have, we believe, been taught in successive kalpas, or worldperiods, by certain illuminated beings called BUDDHAS, the name BUDDHA meaning Enlightened. IV The fourth Teacher in the present kalpa was Sakya Muni, or Gautama Buddha, who was born in a Royal family in India about 2,500 years ago. He is an historical personage and his name was Siddhartha Gautama. V Sakya Muni taught that ignorance produces desire, unsatisfied desire is the cause of rebirth, and rebirth, the cause of sorrow. To get rid of sorrow, therefore, it is necessary to escape rebirth; to escape rebirth, it is necessary to extinguish desire; and to extinguish desire, it is necessary to destroy ignorance. VI Ignorance fosters the belief that rebirth is a necessary thing. When ignorance is destroyed the worthlessness of every such rebirth, considered as an end in itself, is perceived, as well as the paramount need of adopting a course of life by which the necessity for such repeated rebirths can be abolished. Ignorance also begets the illusive and illogical idea that there is only one existence for man, and the other illusion that this one life is followed by states of unchangeable pleasure or torment. VII The dispersion of all this ignorance can be attained by the persevering practice of an allembracing altruism in conduct, development of intelligence, wisdom in thought, and destruction of desire for the lower personal pleasures. VIII The desire to live being the cause of rebirth, when that is extinguished rebirths cease and the perfected individual attains by meditation that highest state of peace called Nirvana. IX Sakya Muni taught that ignorance can be dispelled and sorrow removed by the knowledge of the four Noble Truths, viz.: 1. The miseries of existence; 2. The cause productive of misery, which is the desire ever renewed of satisfying oneself without being able ever to secure that end; 3. The destruction of that desire, or the estranging of oneself from it; 4. The means of obtaining this destruction of desire. The means which he pointed out is called the Noble Eightfold Path, viz.: Right Belief; Right Thought; Right Speech; Right

  • Action; Right Means of Livelihood; Right Exertion; Right Remembrance; Right Meditation. X Right Meditation leads to spiritual enlightenment, or the development of that Buddhalike faculty which is latent in every man. XI The essence of Buddhism, as summed up by the Tathagatha (Buddha) himself, as: To cease from all sin, To get virtue, To purify the heart. XII The universe is subject to a natural causation known as Karma. The merits and demerits of a being in past existences determine his condition in the present one. Each man, therefore, has prepared the causes of the effects which he now experiences. XIII The obstacles to the attainment of good karma may be removed by the observance of the following precepts, which are embraced in the moral code of Buddhism, viz.: (1) Kill not; (2) Steal not; (3) Indulge in no forbidden sexual pleasure; (4) Lie not; (5) Take no intoxication or stupefying drug or liquor. Five other precepts which need not be here enumerated should be observed by those who would attain, more quickly than the average layman, the release from misery and rebirth. XIV Buddhism discourages superstitious credulity. Gautama Buddha taught it to be the duty of a parent to have his child educated in science and literature. He also taught that no one should believe what is spoken by any sage, written in any book, or affirmed by tradition, unless it accord with reason. Drafted as a common platform upon which all Buddhists can agree.

    H. S. OLCOTT, P.T.S.


  • COMMUNISM is still ACTIVE and ALIVE!

    Dont Be Hesitant; COMMUNISM is still ACTIVE and ALIVE!

    People are still fighting against communism after US and the West thought communism was nowhere. US had abandoned South Vietnam for opening the door to welcome China to enter international politics. After the fall of Soviet Russia and the Berlin Wall, the West had withdrawn the strategic policy of anti-communism as obsolete doctrine. US had bombed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia like bombing today in Syria, Libya and Iraq. They, US and the West, had declared that they were bombing heavily to attack and defend communism in South East Asia. When they had shaken with China, and Soviet socialist empire was faded out, they had announced that there were no more communists, and Marxism was failed. Is it correct now? See, today's bombing in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan to ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda, and Taliban! Who are the real victims? Like in South East Asia, almost all the real victims were the innocent people. Can Jihadism be disappeared from the world? Can it be wiped out from this earth totally? No! Yet communism or Marxism-Leninism is not disappeared. Even Trotskyism is still living as world socialism. Covert actions are spreading everywhere, including in the US and Europe. Democrats, Liberals, Libertarians, Socialists and social welfare NGOs, Trade Unions, Peasants Unions, Student Unions, Teachers' Unions, etc., are those of covert Leftists organizations in this twenty first century. Nobody has openly announced as Marxists or Communists. However, by tracing their foreign, defense, domestic and financial policies, and the actual view can easily be seen explicitly. I mean political ideology or religious philosophy cannot be eliminated by bombing.

  • Now are the very sad stories in Tibet, in Asia, of self-immolations by Buddhists monks under the despotic ruling of communist China. US and Europe have only consider not to lose their China market and its cheap products, and been meddling with the subject of sexual freedom. Their own religion, Christianity itself has been diminishing and weakening in their lands. They looked Bishops and nuns as ordinary people as they are, and have given no respect to them as in 19th or even 20th century. Their morals, ethics and traditional values were collapsed. Their spiritual standard was lost. Buddhists monks, both Theravada and Mahayana are not like Baptists Bishops, and not like those in Japan or South Korea. Do you all remember the same act occurred in South Vietnam when it was at war with US? The self-immolations of monks as revolutionary strikes against American had happened for its invasion. Tibet should be independent and be a free society as Buddhist State like Vatican. For that case, both sects, Theravada and Mahayana, must first be reunited. Like Sweden, it must be genuine neutral state. Just Spiritual Land with no arms! All World Leaders must think this very seriously!


    Obama is Communist!

    How Obama Matches The FBIs Classification Of Communist From The 1950s


    FBI Special Agent W Cleon Skousen published The Naked Communist back in 1958, outlining the goals of communist leaders for infiltrating, transforming, and ultimately taking over America.

    Given Obamas huge and repeated personal goal of the fundamental transformation of America,Skousens list provides profound insight into what this presidents true goals

  • are for our nation, as he continues to market his efforts as a progression towards a more perfect union.

    Although some of the items are not relevant to today, you put them into context of what is currently happening in todays world, and see a true pattern emerging when it comes to Obamas policies.


    1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

    2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

    3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

    4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

    5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

    6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

    7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

    8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchevs promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

    9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

    10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

    11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as

  • by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

    12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

    13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

    14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

    15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

    16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

    17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

    18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

    19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

    20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

    21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.

  • 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and free press.

    25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

    26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy.

    27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a religious crutch.

    28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of separation of church and state.

    29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

    30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man.

    31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the big picture. Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

    32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the cultureeducation, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

    33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

    34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

    35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

  • 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

    37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

    38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.

    39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

    40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

    41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

    42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems.

    43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

    44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

    45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

    Although some of the items on the list are not relevant to todays political spectrum, you can clearly see that Obamas actions are nothing other than a well-orchestrated march towards transforming us into a communist country.


  • On Personality Cult and Capitalist Democracy! (1) Introduction Democracy is so far for our country, Myanmar (Burma). Unless having denounced All the Personality Cults, you shall never gain true democracy in your life. Because you are living in the feudalism so you like to worship someone and are willing to prostrate before someone. You cannot reform yourselves in social behaviors and cultural system, you will be living with another dictatorship with the feudalism in next fifty or hundred years. Always remember that democracy is ever made up with capitalism, if you like or dislike. And PERSONALITY CULT IS JUST A POISON FOR DEMOCRACY! Think seriously of what I have said! (2) A personality cult or cult of personality is a system in which a leader is able to control a group of people through the sheer force of his or her personality and is often portrayed as a god-like figure. Where the personality cult is about a head of state, criticism of that person is generally prohibited, and state-sponsoredmedia are employed to ensure that the masses are given a consistent picture of the person's perfection. That picture is likely to be a literal picture, and the image of the leader is typically plastered over much of the visual landscape. New surfaces may be produced for no other reason than to present that image, as satirized with the balloon bearing Joseph Stalin's image in an empty field in the 1994 Russian film Burnt by the Sun.[1]

    Personality cults are often found in totalitarian regimes. Although it is very rare to see them in democraticcountries, they do occur from time to time.

  • Ref : ( )

    (3) A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized, heroic, and at times, worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Sociologist Max Weberdeveloped a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as "charismatic authority". A cult of personality is similar to divinization, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda usually by the state, especially in totalitarian states. Purpose Personality cults were first described in relation to totalitarian regimes that sought to alter or transform society according to radical ideas.[4] Often, a single leader became associated with this revolutionary transformation, and came to be treated as a benevolent "guide" for the nation without whom the transformation to a better future could not occur. This has been generally the justification for personality cults that arose in totalitarian societies of the 20th century, such as those of Lenin ,Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Ze Dong, Che Guevara, Ruhollah Khomeini, Kim II Sun. ( In Myanmar (Burma ) , think by yourself who are they ? )

    Ref : ( )

  • (4) personality cult - Oxford Dictionaries Excessive public admiration for or devotion to a famous person, especially a political leader: every pope became the centre of a considerable personality cult. Ref: (5) Some Excerpts from my paper - 'From Feudal Autocracy Toward Capitalist Democracy' (a) Human Labour Wage Labour Time authority propertied class

  • (See, Notes)-(JEAP-YKS)-P39R Demand supply market investment

  • production reinvestment goods service market monopoly (b) serf-vassal In its origin, the feudal grant of land had been seen in terms of a personal bond between lord and vassal, but with time and the transformation of fiefs into hereditary holdings, the nature of the system came to be seen as a form of "politics of land" (an expression used by the historian Marc Bloch).(The "Feudal Revolution" in France

  • Feudalism is a grouping of legal and military customs, prevalent in medieval Europe, which flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, or any similar grouping of legal and military customs. Simply defined, it was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour. (See, Notes)-(JEAP-YKS)-P23R-P39R-P41R Marc Bloch manorialism

  • The phrase "feudal society" as defined by Marc Bloch[9] expands on the definition proposed by Ganshof and includes within the feudal structure not only the warrior aristocracy bound by vassalage, but also thepeasantry bound by manorialism, and the estates of the Church. Thus the entire society from top to bottom is bound by feudalism. (Feudal society (c) Feudal Autocracy - Ref:

  • (d) Ref : (a) (b) and (d) (6) Conclusion Thus, personality cult is just an offshoot of Feudalism or Feudalistic economic development, and directly opposite to the Capitalism and Democracy or Real Freedom. It is only a symbolic political behavior of totalitarianism or Feudal Autocracy. It is a simple trademark of dictatorship either covert or overt system of it.

  • So, when can it be totally cleansed? Yes, it shall be cleansed only after the Feudalism has changed into (or) transformed into Capitalism by means of revolution or reformation. No personality cult can be seen only in the most advanced capitalist development societies like America, Germany and Japan. Though saying so, they are still struggling to rise up from the Remnants of Feudalism existing together with their advanced capitalism. July 19,2015 Yangon,Myanmar.



    IT IS A PROOF that Obama has totally leant toward Islamic countries and OIC. He and his Democrats have always sided with Saudi, now Iran. They are in against with Christians and Buddhists in making many policies, such as foreign, defense and social. Now they had broken the strong allied friendship with Israel. It was very much similar to the broken promises for South East Asia by the Americans. They had abandoned their friends. It was and is the true History. Japan and Germany should seriously think about the easily given and broken promises by Americans. And they are just the disciples of the British. Most of American foreign and defense (international strategic) policies had been British Duplicated Copies, particularly of the entire Middle East and Asia. So, it has nothing to be said on the policy toward Burma (Myanmar). All is made in Britain. I had seen only one or two lines in the foreign policy statement in George W. Bushs time concerning with Burma Myanmar . Only after him, and together with Jim Web, present day policy was harshly appeared into establishment. But, I do believe that

  • Republicans have had no thorough interest over Burma (Myanmar). Their thought over us is just a part of China Card. In such a meantime, the Democrats had been maneuvering Burma (Myanmar) policy with the Republicans, it so said. But it was Mr. Mitch McConnell. The mole of the Democrats, who was wisely handling it by swaying toward the British Model as stick and carrot policy,. The Democrats and traitors of the Republicans were collaborated (1) to push only a single person to achieve power ( but without thinking of the reality of the military and its actual hand-in-power ) (2) to make a mess in Yakhine (Arakan ) Region by using a word " ETHNIC" before the Rohingya (Bengali) Muslim minority ( firstly in Kurt Campbell's testimony ) (3) to push to support civil societies to instigate civil unrests rather than dealing with Military like Japan and Germany from solving issues like Civil war and poverty upto investment and infrastructure building ( by George Soros ) (4) to export Communists, Opportunists and traitors of the revolutions in the name of socialists and pro-democracy activists into the country to take part in the democratization process as their money boys and girls and to enter the election (5) to give pressures only to the start reforming government totally backed by the military rather than using diplomacy ( despite of it, Democrats had cut off the genuine diplomacy with the said government - postponed the military-to-military engagement policy ) etc., Military is just a tool of the System. To transform the system, that tool is important and main key; so, if US have really wanted to change our system, do unlock that key. Don't use any other person or organization as go-between. This Diplomacy must be just between the true decision makers of the both sides. Now US is proposing and pushing just a government change or regime change. It shall be non-sense, and unworkable and impossible for the system change. And we don't need and can't accept communists under the umbrella of the Democracy and Freedom like you don't need and can't accept Nazis and Fascists. And we don't and can't absolutely accept any kind of Jihadist, though we accept no discrimination on race, religion and sex (but not same-sex marriage and sexual freedom like in your country for we are in favor of All Religious Beliefs and Traditional customs).

  • WE NEED TO REBUILD OUR COUNTRY! SO WE ONLY NEED LOYAL NATIONALISTS NOT PUPPET DISLOYALS OF ANY BIG COUNTRIES. Now is the right time to seize the opportunity for the Republicans to reconsider to review the overall foreign and defense policies in those very sensitive regions. America must go ahead with his own policies and leave the British, and set the British a minor allied, and should make strong alliance with Japan in the East and Germany in the West. America must make the policy of power balance between China and Russia. Abandon ISIS and OIC! Upcoming real adversaries are not communists but Jihadists. Reduce or set aside the extreme application and advocating of human rights demands over the third world nations whose development of civilizations and social cultural systems might be basically and totally different with the industrially advanced nations. All equalization cannot be existed. It is naturally unequal due to Karma, living standards, social status, economic status and level of educations and understanding about culture. Before the law and law court, all are born equal motto can be used but it is by political power. It is coercively done by gun power. (July 24, 2015)


  • On Study of Karma !

    Well! Let me share some about Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy. Before going to the subject, please may I remind my comment that it has said for All Religious Beliefs and All Religious philosophies, not only for Buddhism and Buddhist Philosophy. (Quoted my own post: The word marriage means family value between man and woman.) There is no equality of marriage as legal term, it is universal not only for America, and that sort of matter is not to be voted and it is not a constitutional issue. This picture showed the historically recorded criminals (pick them with Obama and democrats) fully responsible to that wrong doing against All Religious Beliefs and Religious Philosophies. It is insulting against Human Race and the Family System. (From world socialist web site news that I had shared to my timeline on June 27, 2015) In fact, as you know, Buddhism is not a religion as most people think. Buddha himself is an atheist. HE never said about GOD, Creator, to worship, pray and believe. To go to the point of discussion here is about human beings coming into life. The teaching of Buddha is not on human beings only, but on Beings, all creatures, as existing in 31 planes. All beings are to be Born, Death and Rebirth according to the actions ( karma ) of each before having attainment to Nibbana ( Nirvana ). There are wholesome and unwholesome actions by body,speech and mind. Those actions will be concomitant with each beings, causing rebirth and shaping the destiny of beings. We can say sin and merit ( kusala and akusala cetana ). ( The Cycle of Life )

  • So, what we are being on this earth is all due to our own karma of the past, maybe through many lives. It is Cause and Effect of own karma. After death, to rebirth that karma is concomitant with each. Being as the rich or the poor, being as male or female or uncertain gender, being as the ruler or the beggar, it is just depending upon its own karma, wholesome and unwholesome, the cause and effect of it. Therefore, one whose existence as heterosexual or homosexual is only because of his or her karma of the past, not only one life but many most lives. And present life to rebirth until one cannot attain Nirvana, his or her own actions, sin or merit will be concomitant. It is the view due to Buddhist Philosophy. We, Buddhists, have no idea to discrimination of sex, or race or religion. We recognize the one's Being as whatever will be. One who is gay or lesbian is just his or her destiny due to his own karma. But, in the terminology of marriage, and equalization of human beings or human classes is another matter. All Buddhists accepted the marriage as between one man and one woman to make a family life. When talking about marriage, so many different concepts and principles, traditional customs, religious rituals are to be considered as important matters due to different social communities. Legal marriage at the court is just to have a binding force for inheritance and not to make easily divorce, intending for the benefits and defense of both partners and their offspring including the adopted. Demanding of equalization of human classes is Marxist approach to society and mankind to set up the classless society. Now, demanding of equalization of human beings is coming to this earth. They are demanding same-sex marriage and said that it is basic human rights, born right.

  • Are we really equal? No, we are not equal that is quite simple and clear. Demanding equality is because of not equal. Due to Buddhist philosophy, we are not equal is because of our own karma. Hindus will accept this. But in the west, Christianity has gradually diminished because majorities are traditional Christians. Catholicism with the state was replaced by secularism. When secularism became into growth in the west and at the same time, after Marx, big countries like Russia and China became communist countries, secularism in those states had favored only materialism and science rather than spiritualism and theology. The west has become the most favorable of advocating basic human rights in this 21st century. Round about 1989, though communists countries turned back to capitalist road (actually or not is another ideological matter), they are not favorable to human rights advocating. Instead, they stand stiff and strong with traditional values, but still grip secularism. Thus, same-sex issue is demanding of equalization of human beings and calling for sexual freedom. Whether it is liberal or anarchist movement is to be questionable as further study. And this demanding and legalization is terrific enough for the fate of family system, seriously neglecting All the religious beliefs. And it is based upon sexual desires and passionate love with the same sex, without intension of nurturing of human generations, except thinking about the property legacy. They can be living together. It's enough. But demanding up to legalization of marriage is not only social matter but political matter. Who are behind this? Which ideology is behind this?


  • Multiculturalism was failed Europe!

    Peter Paradise It is the proof that multiculturalism was failed in Europe. France and Germany must lead with their own Genuine Nationalisms to defend Jihadism soon. After the French Revolution, Europe as well as America had been influenced by the slogan of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Republic instead of Monarchy, Democracy instead of Autocracy and Free Trade and Liberalism instead of Monopolistic Economy were chosen and accepted. After slavery was abandoned in America, Capitalism or Capitalist development in economy was taken to replace Feudalism or Feudalistic economic development. Later, the demand and defend of basic human rights had become into the front line of the social revolutions in those societies. Together with the industrial revolution and scientific revolution, bourgeois and the working class were born, and Marxist ideology had been taken as a political weapon to change the world. Then, the Nationalism was started to be fading out from Europe and USA. Expecting classless society was the ones who like to change the world by means of Marxism-Leninism, the Communists and the Socialists. The socialists had accepted the parliamentary democracy and wanted to fight capitalism in legal bound. The communists wanted to abolish the capitalist system absolutely to set up their own socialist state intending to gain proletariat dictatorship as their ultimate goal. Hoping to achieve fully of the basic human rights in societies was those who like to defend democracy. They have no eyes upon different type of economic developments of the nations. And they don't have ears for diversities of social cultures, traditional customs and civilizations. Moreover, they don't have hearts over dissimilarity in religious beliefs, religious philosophies and religious rituals and performances.

  • All is Equal! Both of above said pro-classless society and pro-human rights advocates are just like two faces of A Coin. Theoretically, both were seemed to be correct but practically fantastic hallucinations. And both doctrines had gradually assassinated the Genuine Nationalism. The idea of defending one's nation had been lost and collapsed. Despite of it, favoring same sex marriage and interfering other nation's internal affairs from education to ethnic issue and immigrant issue.

    Now France and Germany should seriously take their own lessons over immigration problems. Most of them are not only due to the fact of poverty and unemployment but also a problem of indirect means of Islamization. If it is really seemed to be part of Jihadism ? What shall You do?


    Genuine Nationalism !

    It is the beginning of the deterioration of America ! How mighty in military and economy, when spiritually collapsed , such a society or a nation will be collapsed soon. If you don't believe , wait and see. All the rest, especially in the East and Middle East , make serious attempt to defend that collapse, infectious or contagious to those regions . Learn the Revelation of the Bible and study what Nostradamus predicted ! Human race shall be disappeared not because of wars but because of sexual freedom.

  • And this is the Beginning of the End of Family Life and System. The Country and the Constitution are man-made. But, the Infinite Universe and all Religious Beliefs are not man-made. Absolute Secularism and extreme Human Rights advocacy without considering of balancing with the religious beliefs will destroy the human race and the world one day. If you don't believe it, go through. If you believe this, start defend the Global Society and Human Race. ASIA MUST UNITE BASED UPON RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ! Both Europe and America are spiritually collapsed. Hoping Iran to lead the Middle East but the problem is ISIL and Sunni extremists or Jihadists. Communist Russia and China should reconsider their extreme secularism. Both should be flexible with Spiritual sects of the society and should take counsels from the Spiritual leaders. India and Japan must lead the world, if or when Germany and France became to realize How the world should be going with strong and smart Genuine Nationalism in very near future. Reform yourselves ! Take advise from the Vatican ! Don't go so far away from your Church and Religious beliefs. The British and America will be hopeless ! Only one chance for America is forthcoming Republican President who must be completely strong to lead the world, spiritually strong, with good and fair knowledge of Foreign and Defense policies, and understanding of the very dangerous religious conflicts particularly of Jihadism vs all others. Australia is a bit hopeful but need to wait and see, how strong his policy toward anti-Jihadists.

  • If ISIS/ISIL is not Islam,so many most Muslims have said, so why not say a word to fight against them ? Think seriously !

    On Russia and NATO at Press TV!

    Now the time is arrived for Russia to move to defend or attack or to make a perpetual checkmate against NATO. Reduced from the status of Superpower, Russia has been losing both in diplomacy and strategic positions when confronting with his opponent and foe, the US and alliance. It was all because of economic failure in Russia. But it is still dangerous for its nuclear weapons and existing as one of the toughest military mights in the world. NATO, especially US and UK, should realize the reality of logic in making war with Russia. And they should seriously take the lessons from Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler when thinking about the real war with Russia. This time both sides have had nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Russia is still on the road of communism though with Duma and elections, but this time will not be considered as anti-communist war that NATO cannot propagate like in the twentieth century. This time the issue is territorial sovereignty and political fate of the population living in that soil. Ukraine vs Russia issue has been now turning to Russia vs. NATO issue.

  • Russia wanted to get his socialist empire back. The point here to take a lesson for the political economy is the cause of contradiction that can be assumed as Remnants of Feudalism in the Capitalist development. The threats of war have disclosed the desire to possess other nations' land and people, the productive forces, and their means and modes of productions. At least wanted to influence, involve and interfere the policies esp., foreign, defense and trade of the other nations with pacts or treaties. .

    On Capitalism !

    What Milton Friedman said is the reality of the capitalist production and its development. Without looking upon race and religion as first priority, and setting aside the dogmatism and fanaticism on religious beliefs and keeping away of racial pride and prejudice, the genuine Global Capitalism had been generated. But, now, who deal each other and help each other have become hatred one another and want to make war to kill each other rather than peaceful co-existence. This time almost all belligerent aspirations and animosities are based upon and due to the religious beliefs. Not with class antagonism but with religious enmity. Directly saying, this conflict has come out of Jihadist by ISIL and others, challenging over other different religious beliefs. Why?

  • Of course, poverty is the cause. And financial crisis is another cause. Territorial disputes, illegal immigrations, and social unrests have occurred because of poverty and crisis. And so, is Jihadism also an upshot of the economic crisis? Since the beginning of the capitalist development on this Global Society as Global Capitalism, the Great Depression was happened and it had unexpectedly paved the way for despotism and holocausts both in Germany under Hitler and Russia under Stalin. It was in fact feudal despotisms. Restoration of Feudal despotism can be clearly seen on Leninist type of bypass theory of non-capitalist way to socialism. And Remnants of feudalism can be clearly seen, even today, in most of Europe, and in USA, though they are termed as advanced capitalist development in history. Thus, Jihadism is just an outcome of the Global Feudalism either as remnants or as origins. And similarly, anti-Jihadism is also a result of the feudalistic economic development in societies. .

  • On Democracy the term ! I have already said that it will be a long journey to end this Civil War. Because there are three big issues needed to be solved. And those should be solved only by means of political diplomacy. (1) Constitutional Issue ( reform or remaking ) (2) Federalism Issue ( from interpretation of the terminology toward the structure etc., in details ) (3) Democratization Issue (or) Democratic Election Issue ( to form the actual civilian government and only a single armed force for the nation ; civilian control of the military and stop to send army personals into the civilian administration ). They all are political issues and should be talked, negotiated, compromised and found the solutions together with the humble, honest and sincere minds. It was my old post. So when you say democracy, genuine civilian government and civilian control of the military is essential and must be fundamental principle. Now is the time of un-accomplishment in reforming or remaking the Constitution proposed by the military with others armed and unarmed political organizations. So, democratization process is just on the way and yet unfinished too. At this very critical and really complicated situation, the coming election may be just a step, not more than a step. It is not a solution to all of our big issues and small issues. Because the military is still in power that everyone knows very well.

  • How Marxism has taken over America ! Communism hasnt taken over our country over night, but has been occurring over a long period of time. According to Commie hunter, Trevor Loudon from New Zealand, who has been studying many years how communism took over his country, states that it happens by small, communist groups infiltrating politically active institutions like like churches, labor unions and universities and spread their ideology until they have control. Loudon states that communists have been taking over our churches for 100 years. The unions have already been taken over just like the Democratic party. Much of the GOP has become Marxist as well. Around 30% are communists, 30% are followers and 30% are actual Constitutionalists. What is also interesting, according to Loudon, is that the Islamic world has been infiltrated by these communists as well. It suppose to be used to become a battering ram against The West. WND asked Loudon why he, a New Zealander, even cares what happens to America. Loudon, the former vice president of the ACT Party, the New Zealand version of the Libertarian Party, explained, If America goes down, every country goes down. Russia, China and Iran are expanding. America is retreating. If this continues, the bad guys will carve up the planet amongst themselves. There is nowhere to run.

  • Loudons work has exposed Jones, union bosses and former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, but Loudon warns the recipe never begins at the top. Youve got to realize that communists have been infiltrating the Christian Churches in America for 100 years, Loudon said. They have instituted liberation theology Christian Marxism , and they have done the same thing in the Middle East to Islam. Loudon told WND that in the 1970s Yuri Andropov, the head of the Soviet KGB, had a meeting with the Romanian head of the KGB and they made a plan to send 4,000 Marxists to the Islamic world with one purpose: to stir up hatred against the US and Israel. Islam became a battering ram against the West, Loudon continued. Now, that doesnt mean that every Islamic terrorist understands that, just like every union member doesnt understand that unions have been taken over by the Marxists, just like every Democrat doesnt realize that their party has been taken over. The communists, Loudon said, will work with the radical gay movement, theyll work with the feminist movement, the Chicano movement, Buddhists, Hindu, they will infiltrate whatever it takes to get power. The former baker even disclosed the Republican Party is not above reproach in its ties to Marxism: The GOP has been infiltrated to some degree, but because the Marxists have so effectively infiltrated the unions, and the unions are so overwhelmingly Democrat, less Republicans are infected by Marxism today. Dick Lugar, R-Ind., was a hard core, leftist, anti-American. [Jacob] Javitz, the former senator from New York, also had his roots in the Communist Party, for example.

  • Id say in the Republican Party, you have one third progressives, one third go-alongs-to-get-alongs and one third constitutionalists and patriots, Loudon said. The real battle in this country is which faction is going to win If the progressives win, were done. If the real, hardcore conservatives like Ted Cruz, [Trey] Gowdy, [Rand] Paul, [Louie] Gohmert, [Jim] Bridenstein come to ascendance, then this country has a chance of fighting back. Loudon further said anyone else who appreciates their First Amendment rights even liberals, atheists and other groups that might be typically sympathetic to socialist policy had best be warned of the inherent tyranny associated with the communist agenda. Even from a purely secular point of view, this is a battle between good and evil, Loudon said. It really comes down to [the writings of John] Milton [ironically, born on Bread Street in London, England] This comes down to the reason Satan left heaven. To Satan, it was better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. This is the motivation of the communists. They want power. They want to rule. They dont give a d what this earth turns into as long as they are running things. And if freedom falls to communist rule in America, Loudon warned, the rest of the world may fall as well. The only reason communism is still soft in some countries is because you still have [American] freedom left, Loudon asserted. If there was universal communism, you would have North Korea over the entire planet. There would be no checks, no balances, nowhere for people to run, there would be hardcore Leninism, absolute tyranny and the revolution would consume its own. ............ From Tom Baker-HOW MARXISM HAS TAKEN OVER AMERICA( Anti-communism group ) .

  • A Post At Republican National Committee (June 20,2015) We hope that Republican can change the foreign policy of Burma (Myanmar) ! Democrats who based their policy on more to human rights and they only favored Socialists and Communists to be into power politics. What George Soros and Obama including Clinton had done to us was (1) just following the footprints of the British Labor Party and its policy and ideology outlook when approaching us (2) making too much personality cult in their foreign policy manipulating (3) neglecting the view of dealing with the Military ( military-to-military engagement ) to try to have a mutual understanding more (4 ) instead of it, supporting civil societies just to make a chaos , but dreamt to remove the military regime (5) Democrats abandoned the real Rightists and saying the word ( all inclusive ) ; how many Real Rightists can take part in the practical work and talk in this democratization process : there are all Leftists who can only do politics because of the laws blocked the Rightists just to talk and write freely (6) giving money a lots to those who follow their words is just making a political corruption and just cultivating the traitors and opportunists for our society ( also at Media ) (7) what Derek Mitchell has been doing as an Ambassador are based upon Clinton-Obama system of manipulating of the foreign policy outlines ( maybe Republicans had participated in making the policy ), but all is going to the wrong direction by him. He is not a diplomat but a political activist. If US really want our country to become a genuine democratic society, try to understand our people ( with various ethnics and with still unending civil war ) , and our main religious belief and don't favor and support only one person and one party ( it is not democratization but just helping to make another dictatorship ). And our country is not Philippine so here Aquino transition can never be succeeded ; US should just try to make the good relationship with the Military. All are political issues including the ending of civil war and interpretation of the word Federalism and remaking of the Constitution .

  • Ref : Republican National Committee 3 hrs

    Show that you're ready to stop the dishonesty & stop the deception. Take the pledge & be part of the campaign to Stop Hillary:

    Some Posts as Critiques On US Foreign Policy

    Peter Paradise This is a foreign policy issue and making the US to use it as

    the biggest human rights issue tool by OIC and the Western Hemisphere. Arakan is the region becoming a very strategic area both for future economic base ( even nowadays in greater poverty ) and for future military base. China has looked upon it as his sea route. Soon after US has proposed its Asia pivot foreign policy, remembering that, Kurt Campbell as assistance Secretary of State had

  • started using the word ( ethnic ) in his foreign policy statement, before the phrase Rohingya Muslim minority. After that,the media had continuously attacked and pressed the Burmese ( Myanmar) government over accepting them as citizens. Now that attack and pressure is seemed to be our national cause. The fact indeed is not only the interests of such a foreign policy toward Burma(Myanmar) but also for the potential interests of the covert defense policy of the US and its alliances. Though the US always denied the act of containment over China but in reality China has also remarked and warned that it is just a containment act to him. So, China has gone to hand shake with Russia very recently and making more friendly with Germany. Having his gas pipe line from Kyaukphyu in Arakan (Yakhine) region, China has become very seriously worried over the past chaos and complicated situations in that area on such a Bengali affair. Now is the time to prepare for the greater regional war both in Europe and in Asia. Asia pivot policy can be analyzed as triple meanings. (1) to soothe his old and abandoned allies in Asia for the sake of better trading and renewal of the friendship (2) by using that remaking friendly relationship to prepare for regional war in Asia ( Admiral Harry Harris said that potential adversaries ) ; who are they ? North Korea, China or potential alliances of ISIL ? (3) if the greater war would be between Russia and US alliance, US, Japan and China combination would be coming into consideration as practical approach to the policy, and Asia will inevitably and necessarily be the real pivot because of this higher strategic policy. Burma ( Myanmar ) is not an alliance state with US as well as not with China. But it's area becoming strategic point is the fundamental fact on the appearance of this part of US foreign policy as human rights issue to accept those people as citizens. It is nothing but a policy gambit as our traditional proverb says that " asking for bone is in fact just wishing to get the flesh " !

  • This is my old post comment at on FB. Again American foreign policy toward Burma (Myanmar) on Rohingya (Bengali) affair shall only make both countries to become more and more distant and different. It is to be noted that Burma (Myanmar) is a nation-state and it has nationalism. History and civilization of Burma (Myanmar) is too much longer than America. And our culture is Buddhist culture not like Europe nor America as Christian culture. Now ,even in Europe ,the multiculturalism has become into failure and many unsolved problems including illegal mass migration problem has become a burning question. And the main and major migrates are from Islamic countries.They are illegal immigrants not refugees like our country is confronting such a problem with Bangladesh. Our people had been in the struggle for democratic society. They don't really like military ruling and military dictatorship. However,even though our people would like to obtain supporting from the US and the western countries in the past, if this unjustified,prejudice and bias foreign policy shall incessantly be exercised without reconsideration of its incorrect sense,our people will simply go away from you and will seriously fight against with you. We want to hear about this from the Republican policy elites. Because Democrats are Leftists and Republicans are Rightists. Not very soon,the Republicans has proposed military-to-military engagement with our country,but the Democrats,party in power,has introduced civil society activities to gain democracy. The two policies is thought to be a greater difference. The Republicans has looked from above and the Democrats are from below. Here in our country most are Leftists. But they are looking the system as capitalist military bureaucrats. In this case,the Rightist, a very small force, has had a view over the system as feudal autocracy. The ideology is totally different. America is sided with the Leftists. And America is exporting traitors and opportunists as revolutionaries into our country. Is the Republican also a collaborator with Democrats in this case? At present too,proposing illegal immigrants as refugees and asking for citizenship

  • by the US government officials including the President would be very uneasy to understand. Please may we ask if that part of the foreign policy toward Burma ( Myanmar ) sincere and honest enough to be a friendship with our country or not. ( Both comments are my old posts at my timeline ). ( At, Foreign Policy, Sputnik ( My Post Comments ) on Arakan affair ! June 14, 2015 ( Both reposted ). 7DAYSDAILY.COM

    Like Reply Remove Preview 13 mins

    Peter Paradise In Asia, US Asia Pivot policy has two vital focal points. One is at the pacific-rim and another is Arakan ( Yakhine ) coastal strip. Both are very strategic for US alliance, Russia and China. The booming China's economy that US wanted to grip by his military might and maneuvered that strategic pivot policy together with China containment policy unadmittedly. And plotted the Rohingya (Bengali in fact ) project and accusing Genocide there to make a fire burning and pushed Myanmar(Burma) into the corner together with a sanction. That Bengali affair with illegal immigration is just a plotted political gambit and a part of original Asia Pivot Policy. If US would like to remove the military regime, it would not make a dual track policy toward Burma ( Myanmar) that unfavored the system change nor regime change revolutionary policy once they had supported but without concrete policy. US is playing cards with Burma ( Myanmar ) but still not with his own policy tools but by following the footprints of the British,esp., the British Labor Party's. They use personality cult over Burma (Myanmar ) like the British had done to hope to change from military dictatorship to democracy. In fact, personality cult is a poison for democracy. Now, that plotted political gambit has become Myanmar national cause. We want to ask if US and the west really want Burma(Myanmar) to change the system or

  • to change just a government or to push one single person into power with the hope of democracy. And by that means, will or can the true democracy be guaranteed or not ? With this military ( as you said evil ) and with the 2008 Constitution still legalized ? We saw that US policy both the Pivot and Bengali (Ronhigya) plotted one has only single intention that it is not to change the system nor regime but to intimidate the nation and challenge our nationalism. ( Asking US ? On my timeline ! ) At Sputnik ! June 14, 2015. Like Reply 20 mins

    Peter Paradise Whoever the President will be, Russia,Iran and North Korea shall be traditional threats or potential adversaries as said so long time ago. But, what are the differences between Democrats and Republicans cannot be comprehended without approaching into study of how they perform their policies practically. Mostly Democrats has been timid and weak in foreign policy making. They used to say they don't want war but like a fool Democrats had started the war without concrete reasons. But they like talking much more than the Republicans. They are socialist utopians. After her state department years, Hillary had become understand something about the world. It is the world how the Republican policy makers had seen. She became aware of China more than when she was with her husband as the First Lady. She has realized that China will be swaying his policy in foreign and defense, but eventually China can be neutral or slightly sided with the alliance of NATO when the war will be against with Russia,Iran and North Korea. We need to wait and see for the more clear-cut view over ISIL whether they are being used as a device like a wedge to divide between Sunni and Shia or not by the US and UK alliance. Iraq example should be taken as a great historical lesson for all third world states. It is not only for the Muslim countries. AL Qaeda and Taliban were used and sacrificed as pawns for Afghanistan and undeclared police state for themselves. If Iran understood about the wedge, it will reconsider and reshape its defense and foreign policies in very near future. US has better knowledge about war and peace with Russia. In this nuclear age,

  • though Napoleon and Hitler had failed for Russia, if war will happen with Russia, both sides will be hurt and destroyed. So, the possibility is they both will make the wars,not war, outside of their territories. Sell arms,take money, and push the smaller countries into limit regional wars in the name of religious and racial conflicts, and some in the name of pro-democracy and human rights. ( Re: My Post Comment at Sputnik on Hillary ! ) June 14,2015. Like Reply 24 mins

    Peter Paradise It is another proof to the China containment policy by the US as part of Asia Pivot policy.And the powers has started moving and finding new partners and prepared for policy changing with an anticipation of future limited regional wars consciously or unconsciously. India is a Hindu state also acceptable Buddhism as part of it. It has been antagonistic with Islamic religious philosophy since very long time ago though they are similar races with Pakistan. After Independence, India, dreamt to be a socialist one but through parliamentary democracy, had aligned with Soviet Russia, though it had led and taken part in the non-alignment movement. All the time Pakistan had sided with China and made friendship with US. After 9/11 and Taliban, Al Qaeda terrorist acts, US and Pakistan relationship was rift and Pakistan had deviated his route toward Russia. Of that case too, China has become hesitant and suspicious over Russian containment to him with Vietnam,Laos, and maybe Burma(Myanmar) which has also been more leaning with Russia after hardship with US in relationship. Whatever will be, the scene we can view is actually explicit enough to observe the power shifts among the second rate nations.what will be the another scenario ? ( India and US military pact ! ( Power Shifts ) ! ) Like Reply 27 mins

  • Peter Paradise Bush or Clinton, the Republican or the Democrat, whoever will become a President, most of the people think it is for them nothing and no more different. However, the point most of them don't think to be an important one has been coming into vision very clearly, if the Republican President will be elected. There are many many differences between those two parties on political ideology, political philosophy, and national policies especially on foreign and defense policies. The Republicans are conservatives, namely Neo-conservative as basically and has valued over religious beliefs, and they are real pro-capitalists and anti-socialist,anti-communist,anti-Marxist. But, the Democrats are socialists, liberals and anti-capitalists in their ideological sense. They devalue religious beliefs for the sake of human rights advocacy. Therefore, if the Republican President with the majority of both houses of the Congress, the world shall be terribly into danger first but later saved from evil Satanic org.They will never think over the world as the Democrats think. They will favor military act rather than human rights activities. They will actively make political engagements between governments and militaries rather than make political mess among civil societies into opposition with the existing administrations. Why I said the world shall be into danger is because of the certainty of the wars and chaos in many regions of the world and that is very much imminent, perhaps, soon before the Presidential election in USA. The Republicans will decisively enter the world with ISIL and all other Islamic extremists known as Jihadists. This time most of Europe especially Germany and France will become taking the leading role to face with the Jihadists and at the same time they will solve the illegal immigration issue within the concerning boundaries. In the Far East too, the US and Japan alliance with other allies such as South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, now Vietnam with the military

  • pact, shall defeat North Korea while already containing and defending against China. The regional war between US alliance and North Korea is more certain than the war between China and US alliance. Why ? It is because China will cleverly avert its unnecessary war to sustain its economic development and it has at present unprepared for fighting a greater war with US plus alliance and its real enemy is not US but Russia. Moreover, the Sunni majority existence in Asia is a very dangerous situation on this semi-racial semi-religious conflicts that might be suddenly changed into total war in Asia. Thus, China shall enter the war if it is only really inevitable and unavoidable for the advantages of his own national interests. Sooner or later, those major strategic wars will be coming out as foreseeable and predictable. When with wars, nations need friends to face with foes. Utopian and pacific fantasy on foreign policy making will be nothing at that time. Directly speaking, neutrality shall not work. For the country and for the people' sake this pretty maxim will be a food for thought to make a right decision i.e., "Survival of the fittest." ( My Post Comment at Al Jazeera English on FB ( 4-6-2015 ) ) Like Reply 30 mins

  • To End The Civil War

    On Jun 9, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Yks wrote:

    About lying,there are three types. (1) You are lied (2) You lie to others and (3) You lie to yourself. The worst is that you lie to yourself. It is because if you lie to yourself and then you are ready to lie to others and you will certainly be lied again by others too. So,if you don't want to be lied or you don't want to lie to yourself,you must read wider and think deeper upon the concerning subjects. Here,the case is to end the civil war. If you all want to end the civil war,all of the first, you all must and should understand and realize about why this civil war was happened. Without thoroughly and truthfully understand on the matter of the original cause of this civil war, it shall not be ended with justice. For this case, the Political History of Burma (Myanmar) and its civilization and culture should be judged justifiably and fair. With prejudice and bias in the judgement and analysis on Historical facts and values,the consequences will effect the practical works as falsifications and failures. And wishful thinking and personality cults must be discarded. Please noted that the Struggle for Independence, Federalism and the Civil War are the trio of the main causes and they are tripartite grounds to be considered to find the way to end the civil war. They are connected as triplet webs. Beware that Independence was not gained by a single person. There were many political factions,in the past,which had made the struggle for Independence and talked about Federalism. Moreover,our country was in rift and split in political ideology as Leftism and Rightism. Without recognizing the truth and setting aside the Justice as deliberately depriving and suppressing the Rightists, how can the Leftists alone go to the Nation Rebuilding in future. .........

  • (1) Good ! It is seemed to be making the agreement on principle. To end The Civil War is not a military issue but a complete political issue. As I said before, it is quite clear that the Struggle for Independence, Federalism and the Civil War are the trio of the main causes and they are tripartite grounds to be considered to find the way to end the civil war. They are connected as triplet webs. Beware that Independence was not gained by a single person. There were many political factions,in the past,which had made the struggle for Independence and talked about Federalism. Thus, the political issue must be solved politically by means of political diplomacy not with arms and weapons. Gradually going onto the stage of the actual National Reconciliation should be the way among ethnic political organizations both armed and unarmed. The dealing with NLD doesn't mean the National Reconciliation. It is just a negotiation to take part in the election. It was done. The trio cast and given by the historical heritage to be the stakeholders to talk and solve the Civil War issue is the Military, and armed and unarmed ethnic political forces. The fake organizations such as registered political parties including NLD and so and so civil societies shall make the situation worse and mess only. No advantages can gain to use them. Because the country, having no opposition party at present, though there are so many political parties already registered to enter the coming election, should be going onto the table between only two sides. The Military and the ethnics. It may be a long journey on the political resolution to achieve. Upcoming election cannot give the answer that the people need. But just a step to go forward that cannot be denied. Unanimous agreement over the Constitution again and by that constitution, the election with those all armed forces gone to become unarmed political forces in the future will be the answer of the beginning of the National Reconciliation. Maybe this means the ending of the Civil War as first step.


  • (2) 9-6-2014 I have already said that it will be a long journey to end this Civil War. Because there are three big issues to be solved. And those should be solved only by means of political diplomacy. (1) Constitutional Issue ( reform or remaking ) (2) Federalism Issue ( from interpretation of the terminology toward the structure etc., in details ) (3) Democratic Election Issue ( to form the actual civilian government and only a single armed force for the nation ; civilian control of the military and stop to send army personals into the civilian administration ). They all are political issues and should be talked,negotiated, compromised and found the solutions together with the humble,honest and sincere minds. All should beware that if the diplomacy is broken, the war shall soon begin again ! Thus, the terms and the demands should not be impractical and dependable upon wishful thinkings. For example,if the cease-fire agreement can be signed without participating Wa ( which is demanding State status ) and Kokant ( still at war ), that should be signed. Trust is needed ! And all please should see the Forest not the trees ! Thanks for reading this.

    23 June 2015

    Center for Policy Research Studies

    Ye Kyaw Swa

    [email protected]


  • Modern Reformations

    Sometimes the ruled could overwhelm the ruling class and it could itself create the new ruling class. But, in many cases, the ruled in general could not overthrow the old ruling class completely and conclusively so that the new ruling class must be formed by means of sharing power with the old ruling class and the ruled.

    Examples of the classical revolutions in world history ar