My passion I have a passion for fire brigades. It’s great to be able to help people and to be able...

My passion I have a passion for fire brigades. It’s great to be able to help people and to be able to save lives. When I am 16 years old, I want to volunteer as a firewoman and I shall give the best of myself to be efficient. To be a firewoman it is necessary to be fit, to practise sports regularly, to run, and not to smoke. People who smoke have breathing problems and resist little to efforts. I don’t smoke. I have a healthy lifestyle.

Transcript of My passion I have a passion for fire brigades. It’s great to be able to help people and to be able...

My passion

I have a passion for fire brigades. It’s great to be able to help people and to be able to save lives. When I am 16 years old, I want to volunteer as a firewoman and I shall give the best of myself to be efficient. To be a firewoman it is necessary to be fit, to practise sports regularly, to run, and not to smoke. People who smoke have breathing problems and resist little to efforts. I don’t smoke. I have a healthy lifestyle.

During my free time, I like meeting my friends. I do dancing with them, every Friday, I take dancing lessons. I do various sports with my friends too, football, basketball, tennis… I also sometimes watch football and rugby on TV, but not very often, I prefer to be with my friends and to exert physically to feel fit. Now the media lay the stress more and more on physical exercises to avoid heart diseases or diabetes. I think that’s a good idea because too many young people spend their time playing video games and never do sportsLucie I am the first on the left on the front row.

I am Jonathan. I am 16 years old.During my free time I drive my tractor to help my father who is a farmer.I like it very much. I want to become a farmer too. Sorry, I haven’t got a photo…. Jonathan

I am Fabrice .I am 16 years old, too.During my leisure, I am in charge of working with my father .I like to drive all sorts of agricultural engines, like my tractor, for example.I want to be a farmer when I leave school. This job is very tiring, so, it’s like sport, isn’t it? Fabrice

In my free time I play football in Langogne’s team. I have played since the age of five and I am now very good at it.We play a lot against the local teams and we also travel to farther places. This year the challenge is finished. We came 3rd. People come and watch us play to support us.And you, do you like playing or watching football?From left to right, I am first in the front row. Loïck Tremolière

I am Sandrine. I am 16. I have played tennis for 5 years. I train every Monday evening from 8:00 pm to 9: 00pm.Most of the time I play indoors because we generally have lots of snow in Langogne and the winter is generally also quite cold.I came first last Sunday .It is a tiring sport but I like it very much. I don’t smoke. That’s important because some matches can last for over two hours…On Saturdays and on Sundays I play a lot with my friends, but I don’t always win. But I don’t care …

My name is Clément Rieu During my free time I do archery which takes me quite a lot of my time on Monday evening and Sunday afternoon when there are competitions. I also do sports and do a lot of shooting with guns on Sunday mornings or evenings to practise for competition .I also ride motorcycle after school. Fishing and hunting are also my favourite hobbies. And during the holidays I work in the fields and look after cows.I want to become a farmer.

My passion:I have played the flute for three years.Every week I do rehearsal with my band on Friday evenings and I take lessons on Saturday afternoon. I am not very sporty but I do lot of activities, so at the end of the day I am tired. I live in the country, a lonely house in the middle of the fields. So I often take long walks with my dogs or my sister. Myriam Laroche

My name is Antony and I am fifteen years old. My favourite passion is the cycle; I ride it as soon as I have the time. I have done this activity for a long time. I like because we have many sensations and we feel well on a cycle and it is ecological.

Sorry I haven’t a photo with my hobby

I practise a sport called « full-contact ». It is American kick boxing.I can kick with my feet and also use the fists.There are about ten members and 2 teachers in my club.In the group I am the only girl.The activity takes place twice a week on Wednesdays, Fridays from 7:00 pm till 8:15 pm.It is an activity which requires a good physical condition because the training is very intense.This sport allows me to get rid of stress and especially brings meself-control. It helps me to control my apprehension in front of my opponents. And to finish with I am going to present you my friends.From left to right:Mathieu, Frédéric, Teddy, the coach Christian, Nicolas, little Florence and me in the foreground .