My journey - by dr. omar shawky

رسالتكYour Mission By: Omar Shawky عمر شوقى

Transcript of My journey - by dr. omar shawky

Page 1: My journey - by dr. omar shawky


Your Mission

By: Omar Shawky عمر شوقى

Page 2: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

أهم سؤال فى البشريه

Greatest Question in

History of Mankind

By: Omar Shawky عمر شوقى

Page 3: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

لماذا خلق هللا البشر؟

Why God Created Humans?

Page 4: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels,

"Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They

said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein

and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?"

Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

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A: Why God Created “Humans” :

God’s Successive Authority “Khalifa”

:“البشر”لماذا خلق هللا . أ

هللا “ خليفه”رسالتك أن تكون

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هللا“ خليفه”ماذا يجب أن تفعل لتستحق أن تكون

What Should We Do to Deserve to Be

God’s “Khalifa”

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And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed

them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if

you are truthful."

They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what

You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the


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He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had

informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I

know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I

know what you reveal and what you have concealed."

And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before

Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was

arrogant and became of the disbelievers.

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A: Why God Created “Humans” :

God’s Successive Authority “Khalifa”

B: What Should We Do to Deserve to Be

God’s Khalifa:

1. Be Intellectual (Ability to Learn &

Reason )

- Read First Word & Command

- “People who do not reason” 7 times

- “don’t you reason” 14 times

- “so they understand” 8 times

- “people of insight” 16 times

- “bring your proof” 10 times

- “do not you see” 8 times

:“البشر”لماذا خلق هللا . أ

هللا “ خليفه”رسالتك أن تكون

:هللا“ خليفه”ماذا يجب أن تفعل لتستحق أن تكون . ب

أن تكون . (فكرالقدره على التعلم و الت)متعلم و مفكر 1

أول كلمه و أول أمرإقرأ -

مرات 7قوم ال يعقلون -

مره14“ أفال تعقلون”-

جمل 8“ لعلهم يفقهون”-

مره16أصحاب البصيره -

مرات 10“هاتو برهانكم”-

مرات 8“ألم تر”-


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And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and

eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But

do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."

But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from

that [condition] in which they had been. And We said, "Go down,

[all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the

earth a place of settlement and provision for a time."

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Then Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and He

accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of

repentance, the Merciful.

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A: Why God Created “Humans” :

God’s Successive Authority “Khalifa”

B: What Should We Do to Deserve to Be

God’s Khalifa:

1. Be Intellectual (Ability to Learn)

2. Be Moral (Ability to Make Choices)

:“البشر”لماذا خلق هللا . أ

هللا “ خليفه”رسالتك أن تكون

:هللا“ خليفه”ماذا يجب أن تفعل لتستحق أن تكون . ب

أن تكون . (فكرالقدره على التعلم و الت)متعلم و مفكر 1

أن تكون . (القدره إتخاذ قرارات أخالقيه) أخالقى2

Page 13: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

A: Why God Created “Humans” :

God’s Successive Authority “Khalifa”

B: What Should We Do to Deserve to Be

God’s Khalifa:

1. Be Intellectual (Ability to Learn)

2. Be Moral (Ability to Make Choices)

C: How to Fulfill your Mission?

:“البشر”لماذا خلق هللا . أ

هللا “ خليفه”رسالتك أن تكون

:هللا“ خليفه”ماذا يجب أن تفعل لتستحق أن تكون . ب

أن تكون . (فكرالقدره على التعلم و الت)متعلم و مفكر 1

أن تكون . (القدره إتخاذ قرارات أخالقيه) أخالقى2

كيف تؤدى رسالتك ؟ . ت

Page 14: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

كيف تؤدى رسالك

How to Fulfill Your Mission?

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مالمستخلف عليه
















Your Mission

has to be:

1. Balanced

2. Deep

رسالتك يجب أن


متزنه . 1

عميقه . 2

Page 16: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

A: Why God Created “Humans” :

God’s Successive Authority “Khalifa”

B: What Should We Do to Deserve to Be

God’s Khalifa:

1. Be Intellectual (Ability to Learn)

2. Be Moral (Ability to Make Choices)

C: How to Fulfill your Mission?

Serve & Help Your Stakeholders

:“البشر”لماذا خلق هللا . أ

هللا “ خليفه”رسالتك أن تكون

:هللا“ خليفه”ماذا يجب أن تفعل لتستحق أن تكون . ب

أن تكون . (فكرالقدره على التعلم و الت)متعلم و مفكر 1

أن تكون . (القدره إتخاذ قرارات أخالقيه) أخالقى2

كيف تؤدى رسالتك ؟. ت

إخدم و ساعد المستخلف عليهم

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كيف ستعيشها , إنها حياتك

It’s Your Life…

How Do You Want to Life it?

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Planning vs. Reflex









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How to Build A Successful Business

Plan for a Small Business


Omar Shawky

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Why write a Business Plan

1. Because I have to…

– Needed for financing

– Strategic partnering

– Attract key people/investors

– Organize my thoughts

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Why write a Business Plan

2. Because I Need to Understand My Business

– The Plan is the result of a planning process

– People Don’t Plan to Fail; They Fail to Plan

• Who are my customers?

• Why will they buy my product or service?

• What will they pay?

• How will I make and deliver/sell the service/product?

• What resources (people, money, technology) do I need?

• Can I make money / create value?

• Do I have the right team on board?

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The Right Ingredients

• A TEAM with Relevant Experience

• Market Size

• Idea

• Technology

• Competitive Advantage

• Reasonable Projections

• Exit Strategy

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Company Structure







Competitive Edge


Business Plan

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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1. The Idea

• Innovative product or service

• Visualize a market gap – you

can add value

• Imported idea

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1st Objective

2nd Objective

3rd Objective

4th Objective


Where do you want to go at

the end?

What is the road

map and major mile

stones? How will

you reach











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Who are your stakeholders and what is

your mission to each one of them?

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Who are your stakeholders and what is

your mission to each one of them?

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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2. Market Analysis

• Market size

– How big is it NOW?

– Trends – how fast is it or will it grow?

• Market Players – Competitors

– Competitive Advantage

– Estimated market shares

– Existing/planned products in the marketplace

• Is this the RIGHT TIME for my product?

• Is there a GAP that I can fill?

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How you capitalize on them

How you avoid them

How maximize them

How minimize their effects







SWOT Analysis

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation, Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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• Who are my TARGET customers?

• Why would they buy my product?

• How much would they pay?

• What are the special features in my product?

• What is my competitive advantage

It is all about your EDGE

3. Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Plan Process

Marketing Research

Segmenting Positioning Targeting

Defining Target Market Needs, Wants, Demand




Price ListDiscountsAllowancesPaymentsCredit



Sales Force

Public relation

Direct marketing





Push / Pull

Marketing Mix 4 Ps

Page 36: My journey - by dr. omar shawky

Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation , Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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4. Production plan

• Technology

• Equipment

• Raw Material Sourcing

• Operation Plan and Capacity

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation , Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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5. Management Plans

• Getting the RIGHT Team

on board

• Training

• Delegation

• Empowerment

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation , Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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What Investors is looking for in Financial Section:

1. Total Investments

2. Breakdown of Investments (Land, Building, Equipment, People, Working Capital, …etc.)

3. Income Statement Projections

4. Cash Flow Statement Projections

5. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

6. Breakeven Analysis

7. Payback Period

Financial Section

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Financial Plans

• Income Statement Projections – Revenues Assumptions

– Costs/Expenses Assumptions

– Depreciation Assumptions

– Interest Expenses Assumptions

– Taxes

• Cash Flow Projections– Initial investment

– Working Capital (Payables vs Receivables)

– Capital Expenditure (Capex)

– Debt Assumptions

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Business Planning Steps

1. Idea generation

2. Market research and Analysis

3. Marketing strategy

4. Production planning

5. Management and Organization

6. Financial plan

7. Company formulation

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7. The Company

• Name – logo - slogan

• Legal structure

• Location

Mission – Values - Objectives

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Elements of the

Business Plan

1. Executive Summary

2. The opportunity, company, product/service, vision, mission & objectives

3. Market research/analysis / SWOT Analysis

4. Marketing plan

5. Design and development plan

6. Manufacturing and operations plan

7. Management team

8. Financial plan (Capital Required, Projections, Returns)

9. Action Plan

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Finally: No Risk … No Gain

ومن ال يتعلم صعود الجبال” “يعش أبد الدهر بين الحفر

“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing,

we would literally astound ourselves”

Thomas Edison

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Thank You


May God Bless

Omar Shawky