My Guide to A Six-figure Income Online

Figure + Step by Step Guide for Your Success My 6 AND: How I Made the Greate Oversight of My Career! By Dave Shirle D $


Webinar Prep, Guide to Six figure incomes. For New People to Protect them from Scams. For Older people looking for retirement options. People with kids People looking for a way to pay bills More income Trust Factor Use my Experience to Help them. Link for them to go to>> Offer them A $1200 bonus free at the end

Transcript of My Guide to A Six-figure Income Online

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Figure +Step by Step

Guide for Your Success



AND: How I Made the GreatestOversight of My Career!

By Dave Shirley


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S Story

I’ve never shared my story this openly before. It’s the story of how I almost lost EVERYTHING.


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Let Me Help You Effectively Bypass 15 Years Of Trial And Error And Virtually Walk Into A Proven 6 Figure Or More

Business Today…


Dear Friend,

Do You want success? Do you want to take years off your learning curve?

On average… people work a minimum of 3-5 years online before they have any success!

Some never do find that success…

But, if you would like to launch yourself to “Center Stage” and be known… as one of the Internet’s

most Influential “Guru’s” FAST… then read on…

I promise, this will be the most exciting message that you will ever read.

This Story Is For People Who Want Success Now…


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My plan was simple,  I just went to Google and typed

in “Make Money”


DreamI had a dream of independence, of making

money for my family that I controlled. Many years ago, through a number of circumstances, I turned to Network Marketing.

If we get the chance to talk in person one day, I’ll share some of THOSE stories with you. What a wild ride. But in the end, it wasn’t the best model for me. However, I still had the itch, to make money and to give others hope that they could too.

So I decided that the only way tobuild a sustainable home business was to turn to the Internet.

My dream of this better lifestyle took on a completely new look and a new mission… to start Internet Marketing.


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I had no PLANI had no FOCUS

I had no CLARITY


No ClaritySo I went to Google and after just a few searches I came up with 10-15 things that would help me take my message of hope to hundreds of thousands of people a day…

It was plan almost too good to be true…

I tried a lot of different systems for lead generation, how to build a business online, and other business ventures including post cards, Amazon E-Books, and Affiliate Marketing.

I even published my own E-book on Amazon…and became a published author!

I thought… that’s got to sell!

However, seems my reality continued to follow me and over the course of the next 3-4 years…

I had done a LOT of things that just didn’t work. But eventually I figured out what I was missing!


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I guess you could say that I had become the world’s #1 expert on what didn’t work!


No Plan, Focus, or Clarity

I’ll get to how I learned what I was missing shortly.

But in the meantime, I had invested all I could borrow… and had ran up a debt of about 200K…

Internet Marketing turned out to be hard!

Full of systems that don’t work and people that don’t tell the truth..

That caused me to jump from opportunity to opportunity…

But at least, I was an expert at something! I totally got sucked in by the hype out there for online marketers…

And that 200k…It had to be paid back and I simply had no clue…what I was doing or what I was going to do!

I was truly at my lowest of lows!


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You won’t stop… And now … looks like you have taken our

future as well.


I can remember it vividly… out of all the struggles I had experienced in trying to make a home business work… this was the darkest time of my life…

I had not only failed at success… I had failed my family!

It could not get any worse or could it?

My wife was frantic!

She had completely lost all confidence in me, and my vision of being a superstar on the Internet…

To her this was serious and her attitude charged with fire!

That was the day that she said… Either stop or I want a divorce, because you have lost all grip with reality…you’re crazy!

Not only have you spent our money…



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That Email Changed My Life!!



I was angry at her… for killing my dream…But she did not do it… it was my fault!

I had to Man up and take responsibility not only for the past… but for the future as well… and if she was going to be a part of that…

I needed help! Professional help! And my time was short! All that changed when… an email came in from a friend in Canada a few nights later.

I was up working late…trying to make sense of all the online madness… thinking something… something has to work…

Other people do it… why not me? Why is this not working? I had no clue… until a got that email from a friend… a 7-figure earning friend!

I Had Hope Again

– No Divorce !


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I remember his words to me, they are somehow etched in stone in my mind…



My 7-Figure earning friend told me about a opportunity to work directly with some top earners in online marketing.

He said… Dave these guys don’t mess around. However, it was not a click and sign-up businessI would have to fill out an application, go through a review process! Provide references…

And even sign a non-disclosure agreement all before I could join this elite team…

That’s if, my application gets accepted!A Big if…

“Dave you have done everything… I think this is your only chance to make money online and save your family”


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He also gave me a very stern warning…

This is only for people that are 100% Serious!These are the big guys…

He said “Dave, do you have any idea… what it will mean to work with 7-figure earners?

To use their business plan?

It’s the closest thing to guaranteed success that you will ever find!

But, it’s up to you to get past the application process and it takes my personal recommendation to get you into the program!”

Now I am thinking… oh shit… this is serious… and time to

man up!


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Believe me it was not easy. I worked several days just to get his approval and the link to the application.

But I believed… no I knew… this has to make it… or it’s all over! I will lose everything!

I managed to get his approval and submitted my application. I was so nervous… I mean my life was hanging in the balance of an application!

How many of those have I filled out and never even got a call back? I was terrified! Scared to talk to them… and terrified of the results if I didn’t!

I had no choice…I must convince these top earners that I am worthy of their program!!

I must get into their business and the success mastermind.

It took a lot of work to convince him to back me with his recommendation…


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ResultsAnd then the results came in…

You have a Interview!

That was the second part of the interview process… and my friend told me that if you get past that… then you’re in…

But they only give you ONE chance!

One! They won’t offer it to you again!

I took this more serious that anything I had ever done in my life… I used all my focus, my energy on this application and approval process…

That’s where I learned the truth… the truth that only the top 2% that have success know… the secret to success is…

The Power of the Mastermind

And based on my success… you must have already concluded…

I got approved!


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I started applying everything I learned from these top earners.

And I am telling you NOW, I felt like the weight of the World was instantly lifted off my shoulders and I can’t even explain how I felt when the commissions started rolling in…

You just received a $1,750 Commission… I said what!!!

Then another… You just received a $1,750 Commission… I said what!!!

And another… You just received a $1,750 Commission… I said what!!!

But before I give you access…

There are some other things you must consider!

I dug into the mastermind and learned

more in 1 month than in 5 years

on my own!!


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Now remember I told you earlier what I was missing that completely changed

my business? It was about getting focus and clarity?

This is why…


TruthHere is the truth! I woke up one morning… and

BOOM! It Just hit me… I realized that this year… We had the distinct possibility of seeing… a Million Dollar Year!

But… it did not happen overnight! And there were times… I thought about just giving up!

Have you ever felt that way..

1. Online marketing is a Joke2. A Scam3. It simply don’t work!

Have you ever thought those negative things?I did! I lived it!


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And Clari




F FactsThe facts about focus and clarity are…You can’t build a business without them.

You can’t build a Team without them.

You can’t build a residual income without them.

You can’t have success without Focus and Clarity!

Everyone knows…

That focus and clarity are the answers to what every business owner and marketer needs to have success online!

They just don’t know how to get it!Focus and Clarity… means success! And success means … More Time, Money and Freedom

I have spent the last 4 years searching online for the success code! The secret!

What I found through the mastermind program was an easy to follow system with sound, proven, strategies that have allowed me to plug into a solid, profitable business plan!D$

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BookRight now…I want you to..

I have found in Online Business… People won’t give you anything. I never wanted to be like that. I want to be known as a giver, and so today I am offering you a chance of a lifetime.

I usually charge upwards of $350 to $400 per hour for Consulting… But since you have read my story I think you should get something… something of extreme value.

So I want to give you one hour of my time for a strategy session.

In that hour, I would like for you to tell/show me your current business, what your currently working on, you successes and struggles.

Let me, use my 20+ years of experience to help lead and guide you.

Book Your FREE Strategy Session…

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Strategy Session

During Your Session We will Talk About YOU!

• I will Evaluate your business• Look at Your Programs• Go Over Your Business Structure/Set-up• Talk about Your Email Follow-ups• Traffic Strategies• We will Identify Areas of Your business to Tweak• I Identify Strengths and Weak areas• I will suggest ways to Improve • We will determine the Top Area that needs Your Focus!• We will lay out Your Action Plan• We will Establish your Business Clarity• We will put into place your Daily Schedule

I will sharpen you with my 20+ Years of Experience!

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Strategy Session

Book your FREE session by clicking the button below!

It’s not only a strategy session…

It’s a Dream Session…

As I show you the plan to make your dreams come true!

Click Button>>

Or Copy and Paste this Link: