My Friend and His Family Romans 8:14-17. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are...

My Friend and His Family Romans 8:14-17

Transcript of My Friend and His Family Romans 8:14-17. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are...

My Friend and His Family

Romans 8:14-17

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."

16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,

17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Rom. 8:14-17

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love.

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love• Does not hold my mistakes against me

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love• Does not hold my mistakes against me• Would do anything for me, even die for me

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love• Does not hold my mistakes against me• Would do anything for me, even die for me

• Today’s lesson—My Friend and His Family

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love• Does not hold my mistakes against me• Would do anything for me, even die for me

• Today’s lesson—My Friend and His Family• His name is Jesus, His family is the church

Let’s Talk About Friends & Family• Friend and friends found over 100 times • Description of a great friend• Sacrificial and giving• Always there to listen to me, gives good advice• Unconditional love• Does not hold my mistakes against me• Would do anything for me, even die for me

• Today’s lesson—My Friend and His Family• His name is Jesus, His family is the church• Hopefully—Your Friend and His Family

Understanding Our Friend’s Life

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming• O.T. message is “Someone is coming”

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming• O.T. message is “Someone is coming”

• God prepared a body for Him

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming• O.T. message is “Someone is coming”

• God prepared a body for Him• He emptied himself and suffered

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming• O.T. message is “Someone is coming”

• God prepared a body for Him• He emptied himself and suffered• He died for “potential” friends—you & me

Understanding Our Friend’s Life• John chapter one and Genesis one• God’s unfolding plan• He is found on “every” page of the O.T.• Promise to Abraham, Isaac Jacob• Hundreds of prophecies about His coming• O.T. message is “Someone is coming”

• God prepared a body for Him• He emptied himself and suffered• He died for “potential” friends—you & me• He fulfilled the plan, paid the price

Understanding Our Friend’s Family

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother• We worship and serve together

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother• We worship and serve together• We accept each other unconditionally

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother• We worship and serve together• We accept each other unconditionally• We spend time with each other

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother• We worship and serve together• We accept each other unconditionally• We spend time with each other• We share a common name together

Understanding Our Friend’s Family• Behold His love—we are family!• We are adopted into the family• We are born of water and Spirit into it• The amazing family—the church• We have a Father and an older brother• We worship and serve together• We accept each other unconditionally• We spend time with each other• We share a common name together• We are headed for a great “homecoming”

Becoming Part of the Family

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

• Repent Luke 13:3

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

• Repent Luke 13:3

• Confess Faith Rom. 10:10

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

• Repent Luke 13:3

• Confess Faith Rom. 10:10

• Be Baptized Acts 22:16

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

• Repent Luke 13:3

• Confess Faith Rom. 10:10

• Be Baptized Acts 22:16

Added to His church, His body, His kingdom

Becoming Part of the Family

• Believe Mark 16:16

• Repent Luke 13:3

• Confess Faith Rom. 10:10

• Be Baptized Acts 22:16

Added to His church, His body, His kingdom

• Be Faithful Rev. 2:10