My film audience profile

My film audience profile By Alexandra Wells

Transcript of My film audience profile

Page 1: My film audience profile

My film audience profile

By Alexandra Wells

Page 2: My film audience profile

The gender of the audience viewing my film could be both male and female. More males would probably see it as there’d be strong language and threat/violence. The age range of my film audience is 16-20 years old as there’ll be some strong language and threat/violence as well as behaviour involved.

The ethnicity of the audience viewing my film is irrelevant as it wouldn’t make a difference whether or not the audience enjoyed the film. Certain ethnic groups may prefer a specific style of thriller films so in that case, they wouldn’t view it.

Certain social classes won’t want to view my film as it may not be suitable to their taste of film. People who enjoy a bit of mystery and suspense would most probably enjoy it. Also, people who are skilled manual workers and semi-skilled manual workers may like my film due to the mystery and challenge within it.

Someone who is an explorer or reformer may possibly enjoy viewing my film as they’d like adventure and the effect that the film has on them.

The audiences characteristics may play a part of whether or not they view my film. People who are thinkers and like to be questioned during a film may like it, whereas people who are achievers may not like it as much.