My Favourite English Historic Caracther

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  • 8/6/2019 My Favourite English Historic Caracther


    My favourite English historic character

    Name: Gutuie Florentin

    Age: 15

    Profesor coordinator: Neacsu Victor

    Childrens Club, Calafat

    When I think about the history of England , the only thing that first came up in my mind is the

    story of William Wallace. I dont know why exactly but I guess because his story resembles

    with many of our historic characters in their journeys for freedom and justice.

    There are many stories about his true identity .I prefer the one that a movie was made on it. And

    I am going to tell you that story:

    It begins in Scotland in the time of King LongFoot was conquering the England and was the

    ruler of Scotland. The poor people of Scotland were killed by the English without a reasonable

    reason of them was the father of William Wallace and his brotherthe last members of

    his family. He is rase by his uncle who send him to schools and teach him the tactics of war. He

    became a true man ..inteligent brave and with the attitude of a leader .

    He return in his natal village and began to rebuilt his house and in a short wile he fall in love

    with Eleanor the doughter of one of his parents friends. The were married in sicret because of the

    barons rights the one that say that after the wedding the broom has to give him his wife for a

    night .and share a beautifully love story . After a wille the English catch his wife and killed her

    when he finds out about the murder he killed every English in the village and with the help of his

    friends start up a rebellion against the king.

    With his army growing he succeed in the fights against the English . He is name Protector of

    Scotland by the nobles who want him to stop the rebellion .He refuse to let the English take their

    country he bag the nobles to join him in the campaign but there was no use the nobles think

    more about their properties and wrights not about the country.

    Against the army of the king ,Wallace thought the nobles will come.but they didnt they

    betrayed him and let the English win and capture him.

    They try to make him begging for mercy while torturate him but he didnt his last words were


    Then the ruler of the barons unite the others and with the help of the remaining army of Wallace

    defeat the army of the king and proclaimed the freedom of Scotland.

    Wallace inspired his men he gave them hope and will and they aceved their goal.


  • 8/6/2019 My Favourite English Historic Caracther


    If I think about him his story is almost the same with our Vlad the Impaler the ruler of Wallachia.

    There are many stories about him for us was a great ruler who fought against the Turks in many

    battles . He made up to the throne in 1456 with the help of the Turks.

    In 1459 Vlad refuse to play tribute to the Turks and a year later he unmasked the plans of Hamzato capture him and devastated the Turks teritoryes from the south of Danube in the winter of


    In the spring of 1462 Mahomed the II-nd enter in Walachia to punishe Vlad but he falles.

    Vlad is betrayed by the nobles and force to hide in Tranylvania. Here he is thrown in prison.

    In 1476 he is freed but soon he is assassinated by the nobles.

    We see the same fate of our hero as William he fight for freedom for the weaklings , for justice .

    Of course there is the story of Dracula.

    It is said that one day Vlad went in a battle against the warring Turks . His wife finds out that he

    was killed in the battlefield and is horrifying by the news . She decide to kill herself and jump

    from the coast in the river Arges.

    On the other hand Vlad wasnt actually dead , he return home and he found out that his wifes

    dead he become mad and decide to revenge her on God . In the church where his wife was lieing

    dead he stabs a crucifix and from that thing become to flow blood .he drinks hat and become

    what we know as Dracula the blood thirsted vampire of Transylvania. In hi reign of terror and

    cruelty everyone was afraid of him and his appetite but years have past and his wife has finallyreturn among the living in another body and another name.

    Vlad find out about this and he was again in love but she was married , and his fianc manage

    somehow to kill the mighty beast.

    His end in anyways is tragic thou he ends up stabbed in the heart by his reincarnated wife

    Minas fianc or decapitated by the Turks he has the same fate . His dark story isnt that

    horrifying if you see it clearly it is like a fairy tale but with some violence in it told to grown up

    sons at the age of fifteen I think so is not that scare.

    I think this is not fair Vlad was a cruel man he tried to intimidate his enemies but he was not amonster . He scared so much the turks that they cut his head off. To William the English cut his

    body apart and they put his body parts on the gates of London so everyone should remember that

    they can-t rebelled against the king. So who were the monsters I think the Turks and English not

    William or Vlad .


  • 8/6/2019 My Favourite English Historic Caracther


    They were true leaders with brave hearts and we have to respect theirs courage cause they are the

    ones who made us warriors , they gave us hope in the dark times and hope but most of all the

    gave us courage and a purpose in life.

    They made us legends amount them and I think this is the most powerful feeling in life when you

    fight for your country knowing that if you die you will not die in vain.

    Read their story and you will see what I am trying to say. You will see how nobbles they were

    how brave and intelligent but most of all you will see their honor revealed by every single deeds

    in their life time.

    I love history and among others characters from our history and universal history their stories

    impressed me the most.

    Every man has his destiny in the world it may be a hard one or a easy one to accomplished

    their was a hard one. They carried on their shoulders the destines of a nation at an impasse in

    history and they choose to change their fates once and for all.
