MY CAREERS By Antonio Renteria Lawyer My first career choice in life is to be a lawyer. It matched...

MY CAREERS By Antonio Renteria

Transcript of MY CAREERS By Antonio Renteria Lawyer My first career choice in life is to be a lawyer. It matched...


By Antonio Renteria


• My first career choice in life is to be a lawyer.

• It matched my interests on echoices and what I wish my pay to be.

• I think practicing law will be enticing and fulfilling as well as demonstrating the ability to stay in school.

• Being a lawyer gives respect to whoever is one.

• I has negotiable work hours and also has chances for promotion to higher courts.

• It also has very good pay


• Four year university

• Go to Grad school with major in Law(get at least a Master’s).

• Then get your license to practice.

• Check out work places and start doing what you do.

Working Conditions

• Being a Lawyer is not particularly dangerous, but some situations might turn out to be(i.e. killer maniac in courtroom).

• Working hours can range from two in the office or fourteen on a case.

• You can have your own firm or work for a larger firm. It’s not too difficult to start your own firm.


• The average sum of money that Lawyers earned last year in the U.S. was over $98,000.

• Need I say more?

If that doesn’t go…

My second career choice would be an administrator at a university.

That is basically the principal at a college.


• First of all it would always be a learning experience.

• I could always be adding to my mind while helping others realize their dream.


Go to a four year or more university

Receive a Ph.D. as a teacher.

Start out as a Professor.

Work your way up the scale until you get a job offering as the administrator!


The working environment in this line of work can be very peaceful.

You are constantly surrounded by intelligence only found in universities.

Hours are in between 8 to 10 daily.

Also, you are the boss!

Skills Required

• Must be able to keep records.

• Has to be a leader and someone that can take charge.

• You also need to be able to teach lessons if the occasion calls for it.


• The average salary per year amounts to just north of $85,000.

That’s All Folks!

• This presentation was made possible by echoices and the career outlook section which showed me what the jobs were and how much the jobs earned.