My ABC Book of U.S History Katie Cole 5 th period May 12,2011.

My ABC Book of U.S History Katie Cole 5 th period May 12,2011

Transcript of My ABC Book of U.S History Katie Cole 5 th period May 12,2011.

My ABC Book of U.S History

Katie Cole 5th period

May 12,2011


Ambush – a surprise attack

Abolitionist – a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery

Abstain – to not take part in some activity , such as voting


Boycott – to refuse to buy items from a certain country.

Barton , Clara – organized the American red cross , and helped nurse soldiers on the battlefield .

Burgesses – elected representatives to an assembly.


Cede – to give up by treaty.

John Calhoun – opposed to antislavery .

Cash Crop – farm crop raised to be sold for money.


Desert – to leave without permission

Dix , Dorothea – helped improve prisons and mentally ill people

Debtor – a person or country that owes money.


Export – to sell goods a broad

Edwards , Jonathan – preacher in the great awakening.

Embargo – an order prohibiting trade with another country.


Famine – an extreme shortage of food .

Ford , Henry – made a gas powered automobile that could be made cheaply.

Frigate – warship


Global warming – a steady increase in average world temperature .

Garrison , William Lloyd - A major abolitionist who made a big impact toward antislavery.

Genocide – the deliberate destruction of a racial , political ,or cultural group .


Horizontal integration – the combining of competing firms into one corporation .

Hamilton , Alexander – helped revise articles of confederation , died in a duel with Arron Burr .

Habeas Corpus – a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned .


Import – to buy goods from foreign markets .

Implied powers – powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution .

Ironclad – armored naval vessel


Judicial branch – the branch of government , including the federal court system , that interprets nations laws .

Jay , John – chief justice of America

Joint occupation – the possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries .


Knox , Henry – secretary of war .

Keller , Helen – overcame the challenges of being born blind and deaf .

Key , Francis Scott – wrote the star spangled banner .


Landslide – an overwhelming victory

Lee , Robert E – was the commander of the confederate army in the civil war

Literacy – the ability to read and write .


Mann , Horace – a lawyer who became the head of education in 1837

Maize – an early form of corn grown by Native Americans .

Majority – more than half .


Nixon , Richard m- lawyer from California who became our 37 president .

Naturalization – to grant full citizenship to a foreigner .

Neutral – taking no side in a conflict .


Owen , Robert – established new harmony , Indiana .

Ordinance – a law or regulation . Offensive – position of attacking or the attack itself .


Parks , Rosa – was arrested because she wouldn’t leave the section of the bus for white people .

Perjury – lying when one has sworn an oath to tell the truth .

Plurality – largest single share .


Quakers – believed everyone was equal in Gods eyes .

Quebec act – was when British attacked the capital of France .

Quechua – Incan language


Revere , Paul – warned Lexington the British were coming .

Radical - extreme Ranchero – Mexican ranch owner .


Sacagawea – was a Indian guide for Louis and Clark .

Secede – to leave or withdraw .

Suffrage – the right to vote .


Taney , Roger B – said Dredd Scott –was still a slave and as a slave Scott wasn’t a citizen .

Tejano – Mexicans who claimed Texas has their home .

Tariff – a tax on imports or exports .


Unalienable right – a right that cant be surrendered

Unconstitutional – not agreeing or consistent with the constitution .

The Ute – Native Americans