mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0,...

( Vx ' SRT ?eA'i wgjwjggwa?(y?HWwiw miuwswuiwii muusjwiy iii)iiwwwyaww!WgwwiwwwwH'Wiili,V.'i i;lff ' 'jKfffyajfjppf iigBiiiiiuouJiyjiJi i v w P Jpiltt "?5i Vol. XriL No. L9.30. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1838. SO OENTO SUB80RIPTION PER MONTH. v- - i ' ii 1 (: ! :1 1 Mt. sW il I THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed find published tit tho ofllco, Qiiucn direct, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sutidnys excepted). Subscription, 50 cents por Month. Addro all Communications Daily BUt.LKTI.N. Advertisements, tc en3uro insertion, should be handed in before ono o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor IAS G. CLEVIOR Manager Bullotin Stoam Printing Offlco. 'rTcwspapor, Hook nnd Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. Hell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Tclcphoue No. 250 Daily Balletii swot Published twico a Month. An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to 00 columns of reading matter on local top- ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Bubsciipiiou (mailed) 82.50 n year. Commission Merchants. TT HiKOICITjeiD & Co., General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - 1048 BREWER Sz COMPANY, O, (Limited) General Mkkcantile and Commission Agents. ' list of ofvigebb: P. C. Jonks, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Cahtbii Treasurer in Secretary diuectoks: Hon. O. R. Bisuor. S. C Allen, H. WATEBIIOUSK. 338 ly TOHN T. WATEKHOUSE, t) Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle -- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle St COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 Glaus Uprtckcls. Wm. G. Irwin. 1HWIN & COMPANY, WG. Stfgur Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 . Si CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Sal', aud Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM it CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 Culifoinlu street, 1 v San Francisco, Cal. B. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko. EWERS & COOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 G-onsalv- &z 4Do.9 Wholesale Grocera & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of the Now Stores In the Thomas Itloclc, Kins Street, Three doors from Castle & Cookes', Where, ho ,ls prepared to manufacture all kinds of Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.I aiutual Tel. 871. - Hell Tel.'HOS. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Older? taken for Newspapers, Poriodl-cal- s, Books, Music, etc., from any part of the world, having made all arrange- ments therefor whilst iu Sun Francisco. Bed. ItuMicr stumps to Order. 7J T YOU FIND ANYTHING, advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin Professionals. MALCOLM DROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island, of Oahu. Ofllec, Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30 tf JOHN A. Hassingeb, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Honolulu. M. THOMPSON, .A.'ttox'iioy-ftt-H.a.'A- Offlco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. t3f When desired, will glvo tho law in a written opinion, as to tho probable lt of the contention upon tho facts stated. 15831y JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia. ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Quzctto Block), Honolulu, Huwalian Islands 100 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Maqoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon. Ofllco and Residence: 1G0 King street Hutual Telephone 354. Orders left at Hotel Stables will bo received and promptly attended to. 43 3m T H.SOPBR.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 JOHRI HVBAGOORI, Offlco 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly Hi M. BENSON. O. IT. SMITH. BENSON, SMTJH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocricko & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 , Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET, Constantly on hand i largo assortmon of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 053 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared to llll orders at short notice. 1854 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 97. Ii. . Bcliuumn, Proprietor. EST Stand Corner Merchant and Fort Streets. tar TolojllonoH, S1SIB. TEO mcli 0.80-l- HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carriage at all hours, day and night. Saddle Howes, Buggies, Wagonettes and Villago Carts with stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Bccond hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MIIS &, HAVLUY. 1674 ly Beaver L Saloon T Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of uiprs,as?ltL Toliacco Always on Xluiitl. 11. J. KOLTJB, Proprietor. COFFEE SALOON and RESTAURANT, 8H KL(i HTllKI'.T. rpiIOMAS MUI.DOON Will am JL open his Baloon on SATURDAY, March 31 st, nnd will supply his patrons with every deli, cacy procurable. Meals at all hours. 000 lm CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Dealer in Cents', I.iullen A. Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Tho Choicest Brands of mtjgWm Always on Hand. tS"Ordcrs from the otbcf Islands solicited. 70 tf 'RflK & UaillEalD D 73 NUUANU STREET. MRS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread &. Crackers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS AND SALOON BREAD Always on hand. ILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. GSGin PIONEER STEAI CAM FACTOR! AND BA.IC33It3T. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook nnd Baker. 71 notel St. -- IS?" Telephone 74 WM. McCANlMLiKSS, No. G Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef, Veal, Mutton, JKImIi, Ac, Ac Family and Bhipping Orders carefully attended to. Livo stock furnished to vessels nt short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly rfH TXI3B fk ffff Metropolitan flfjMl Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Eotail Butchers ANU NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Pollfiu Anps Stock Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Ilellor Calves from 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. D0WSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70 NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO. to collect for tho Bulletin Houolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 07 THE ONLY LIVE PAPER in 'The Daily Bulletin.' 50 cents per month. IVOW 03PEJTV JbJJO THE! 104 Fort Street, N. S. SACHS, - mwwF UMMER MILLINERY GOOD Popular Millinery Hoy Honolulu. - - Proprietor. EW MILLINERY GOODS ! A Most Complete anil Elegant Stock. if Patten Bonnets anil Hats ! Showing tho New Shades and New Combinations. TULLE BONNETS ! TULLE BONNETS ! Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of Trimmed , axidL . Ontrimmed Hats ! Cannot bo excelled. Wo havo tho Nowcst and Latest Shades, in Black, White and all Colois New Fancy Trimming Ribbons ! Also, an Immense Assortment of Eeatlur Pi-Poh- s, Eirelles, Birfls ml Wiis ! A New Stock of Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets ! "Inspection is Solicitcd.affl gJF"Inspccticn is Solicited. fRf3 BFANCY GOODSi A Large & Unique Assortment Hclcctod by Mr. Dillingham in England and America. Call and examine tlio goods, now being opened by tho Pacific Hardware Co, DForfc Street, Honolulu. A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, SrOi Carriage Building, Painting and KQyKjfi? Trimming. 79 k 81 Kini Street, Did Rese Premises. J&ntim.n.ccs l'vom IOngf and Mei-cluiiif- c StH. o Every description of work in tho nbovo lines performed in a first-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty. Telephone, lC7-- a (mrh Telephone, 107-Tj- HAY HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO, Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets. J! ITT 8 H Stree t to g Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPJfER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. BARE CHANCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTER TUAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED BY THE Equitable Life Assurance Go OF THE UNITED STATES. .... ASSETS OVJBIt $80,000,000. THE protection of Life Insurance combined the Investment Principles of Savings Hank. Eximplcof aiJO.ycnr Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken out nt tho age of 25 years: Annual Total Premiums Premium Paid In 2D yr $407 59,740 . Cah Fund Then due. $18,110 Estimates for different amounts and your family from future want or provide iiiuispuiame, &c., occ. For full particulars, npply to Alexander 1010 ly WALKER & REDWARJJ, Contraetow fc XJulltlerH. Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap GEORGE LUCAS, Mics,,l'FWi and Builder,";? Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited NTERFRI PLANING MILL. Alnken, nenr neen St, Tolopliono 115. .Wr5 HONOLULU IHON "WORKS, Sl.iiiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machiucry of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's-blac- smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 -- rSTJEW- Merchant Tailoring Establishm't The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at tho Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm name of .Habermacher&Co. Begs leavo to solicit tho patroniigo of his friends and public generally. ' CO Om F. HABEEMACHEE. J. C. MARCnANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono. 6'J , lulu. tf A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Vshcs to notify the public that he has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumtmu Street, ear up STAiitH. -- tea 81 2m FERTILIZERS'! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc, Etc. For Wulo by UAXH &. H9IVT1I. WE nro now prepared to recolvo all orders for tlio abovo Fertillrcrof a superior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted ono of tho best articles ot tho kind In tho market. Orders may bo left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Quern street, G. M. SMYTH. Haw. Hotel Stable. 0!) 2iu Tlio Inlor-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal und a general assortment of 415. Bat Iron. HE ONLY PAPER read by nil elBBses "The Daily Bulletin.'1 60 cunts per month. ,f-- j ,.v- - ti te. :4? eIVs t' i , vrlth Equivalent Paid Annuity Up Policy for Life. uu for Life $43,800 $1,310 different ngca cheerfully given Protect for your own old age. Policies Free. f Cartwright, Qcncral Agent, Hawaiian Island!,. FIRE, LIFE, ad MAMNE INSUEANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire nnd Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. Oo Capital $10,000,900 Now York Lifo Insuranco Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marino Insur'ce Agents. AOEHTS FO Tlio Xcw Kneland MUTUAL LIFE INS. COIrlP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Firo Insurance Oo. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union lro and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Gomp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks THE undersigned, having been ap agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildiuc Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. H. PJEMENSOHNEIDEK, 70 ly at Wilder & Co'i. psiace& Robertson, DBAYMJSN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at--t- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. M. R. COIiBURN, 1K.A.YJLA.N. ALL kinds of drayage attended to wJtU tlrmPes8. "White ,nd Block Band delivered In quantities to suit. Also. Black Itock and Coral Bock. Ofllco; With J. F. Colburn, King street, near Maunakca. 73 8m NOTICE. Mil. John Magoon Is authorized to collect for our account, and sign receipts. J. E. BIIOWN & CO. Jan. 10, 16S8, 1635 OB PRINTING of all kinds eze cuted at tho Daily Bdxustth Office , ?i ss :&

Transcript of mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0,...

Page 1: mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0, Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET, Constantly on


Vx '

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v w

P Jpiltt"?5i



v- -


' ii

1 (: ! :11





Is printed find published tit tho ofllco,

Qiiucn direct, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sutidnys excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents por Month.

Addro all Communications DailyBUt.LKTI.N.

Advertisements, tc en3uro insertion,should be handed in before ono o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor


Bullotin Stoam Printing Offlco.'rTcwspapor, Hook nnd Job Printing of

all kinds done on the most favorableterms.Hell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Tclcphoue No. 250

Daily Balletii swotPublished twico a Month.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to 00

columns of reading matter on local top-

ics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand Island News. It is the best paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send to

friends abroad.Bubsciipiiou (mailed) 82.50 n year.

Commission Merchants.

TT HiKOICITjeiD & Co.,

General Commission Agents.

070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -1048


General Mkkcantile andCommission Agents.

' list of ofvigebb:

P. C. Jonks, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cahtbii Treasurer in Secretary

diuectoks:Hon. O. R. Bisuor. S. C Allen,


TOHN T. WATEKHOUSE,t) Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle --J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle

St COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

Glaus Uprtckcls. Wm. G. Irwin.1HWIN & COMPANY,WG.Stfgur Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1


Si CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Taints,Oils, Nails, Sal', aud Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM it CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 Culifoinlu street,1 v San Francisco, Cal.

B. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Cooko.

EWERS & COOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

G-onsalv- &z 4Do.9

Wholesale Grocera & Wine Merchants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of the NowStores In the

Thomas Itloclc, Kins Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookes',

Where, ho ,ls prepared to manufactureall kinds of Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.Iaiutual Tel. 871. - Hell Tel.'HOS.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Older? taken for Newspapers, Poriodl-cal- s,

Books, Music, etc., from any partof the world, having made all arrange-ments therefor whilst iu Sun Francisco.

Bed. ItuMicr stumps to Order.7J

T YOU FIND ANYTHING,advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin



NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island, of Oahu.

Ofllec, Gov't Building, Honolulu.30 tf

JOHN A. Hassingeb,Agent to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Honolulu.

M. THOMPSON,.A.'ttox'iioy-ftt-H.a.'A-

Offlco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H. I.


t3f When desired, will glvo tho law ina written opinion, as to tho probable lt

of the contention upon tho factsstated. 15831y


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotia.ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Quzctto Block), Honolulu,Huwalian Islands 100

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred Maqoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly


A RITCHIE ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon.

Ofllco and Residence: 1G0 King streetHutual Telephone 354. Orders left atHotel Stables will bo received andpromptly attended to. 43 3m


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


Offlco 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricko & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

, Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO.ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers,

NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET,Constantly on hand i largo assortmon

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

053 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto llll orders at short notice.

1854 tf


Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 97.

Ii. . Bcliuumn, Proprietor.EST Stand Corner Merchant and Fort


tar TolojllonoH, S1SIB. TEO

mcli 0.80-l-


CARRIAGE CO.Carriage at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Howes, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillago Carts with stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Bccond

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MIIS &, HAVLUY.1674 ly

Beaver L Saloon


Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

uiprs,as?ltL Toliacco

Always on Xluiitl.11. J. KOLTJB, Proprietor.


8H KL(i HTllKI'.T.


am JL open his Baloon onSATURDAY, March 31 st, nnd

will supply his patrons with every deli,cacy procurable. Meals at all hours.

000 lm

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

Cents', I.iullen A. Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

Tho Choicest Brands of

mtjgWmAlways on Hand.

tS"Ordcrs from the otbcf Islandssolicited. 70 tf

'RflK& UaillEalD D



Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.GSGin


AND BA.IC33It3T.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook nnd Baker.71 notel St. -- IS?" Telephone 74

WM. McCANlMLiKSS,No. G Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef, Veal, Mutton, JKImIi, Ac, Ac

Family and Bhipping Orders carefullyattended to. Livo stock furnished tovessels nt short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

rfH TXI3B fkffff Metropolitan flfjMl

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Eotail Butchers



Pollfiu Anps Stock

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Ilellor Calves from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & collect for tho

BulletinHouolulu Juno 8th, 1887. 07

THE ONLY LIVE PAPER in'The Daily Bulletin.'

50 cents per month.


104 Fort Street,

N. S. SACHS, -



Popular Millinery HoyHonolulu.

- - Proprietor.

EW MILLINERY GOODS !A Most Complete anil Elegant Stock.

if Patten Bonnets anil Hats !

Showing tho New Shades and New Combinations.


Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of

Trimmed , axidL . Ontrimmed Hats !

Cannot bo excelled. Wo havo tho Nowcst and Latest Shades, inBlack, White and all Colois

New Fancy Trimming Ribbons !

Also, an Immense Assortment of

Eeatlur Pi-Poh- s, Eirelles, Birfls ml Wiis !

A New Stock of

Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets !

"Inspection is Solicitcd.affl gJF"Inspccticn is Solicited. fRf3


A Large & Unique AssortmentHclcctod by Mr. Dillingham in England and America.

Call and examine tlio goods, now being opened by thoPacific Hardware Co,

DForfc Street, Honolulu.

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, SrOi Carriage Building,

Painting and KQyKjfi? Trimming.

79 k 81 Kini Street, Did Rese Premises.

J&ntim.n.ccs l'vom IOngf and Mei-cluiiif- c StH.o

Every description of work in tho nbovo lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing: a Specialty.Telephone, lC7-- a (mrh Telephone, 107-Tj-


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO,Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

J! ITT 8 H Street



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,




Equitable Life Assurance GoOF THE UNITED STATES.....ASSETS OVJBIt $80,000,000.

THE protection of Life Insurance combined the Investment Principles ofSavings Hank. Eximplcof aiJO.ycnr Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken

out nt tho age of 25 years:Annual Total PremiumsPremium Paid In 2D yr

$407 59,740 .

Cah FundThen due.$18,110

Estimates for different amounts andyour family from future want or provideiiiuispuiame, &c., occ.

For full particulars, npply to

Alexander1010 ly


Contraetow fc XJulltlerH.Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap

GEORGE LUCAS, Mics,,l'FWiand Builder,";?

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Ksplanade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Unlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alnken, nenr neen St,Tolopliono 115.

.Wr5 HONOLULU IHON "WORKS,Sl.iiiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machiucry of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's-blac- smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

-- rSTJEW-

Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

The undersigned having opened a first-clas- s

Merchant Tailoring Estab-lishment at tho

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

name of

.Habermacher&Co.Begs leavo to solicit tho patroniigo of

his friends and public generally.'


J. C. MARCnANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono.6'J , lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


Vshcs to notify the public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumtmu Street,ear up STAiitH. --tea

81 2m

FERTILIZERS'!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc, Etc.

For Wulo by UAXH &. H9IVT1I.

WE nro now prepared to recolvo allorders for tlio abovo Fertillrcrof

a superior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted ono of tho best articlesot tho kind In tho market. Orders maybo left with

L. P. HANSON, 200 Quern street,G. M. SMYTH. Haw. Hotel Stable.

0!) 2iu

Tlio Inlor-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coalund a general assortment of

415. Bat Iron.HE ONLY PAPER read by nil

elBBses "The Daily Bulletin.'1 60cunts per month.

,f--j,.v- - ti te. :4? eIVs t' i ,


Equivalent Paid AnnuityUp Policy for Life. uu for Life

$43,800 $1,310different ngca cheerfully given Protect

for your own old age. Policies Free.

f Cartwright,Qcncral Agent, Hawaiian Island!,.


MAMNEINSUEANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire nnd Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. Oo

Capital $10,000,900Now York Lifo Insuranco Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'ce Agents.


Tlio Xcw KnelandMUTUAL LIFE INS. COIrlP'Y,

of Boston.

The iEtna Firo Insurance Oo.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union lro andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Gomp'y


Capital 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks

THE undersigned, having been apagent of the above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuildiucFurniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo inHonolulu.

H. PJEMENSOHNEIDEK,70 ly at Wilder & Co'i.

psiace& Robertson,

DBAYMJSN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at--t-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


ALL kinds of drayage attended towJtU tlrmPes8. "White ,nd

Block Band delivered In quantities tosuit. Also. Black Itock and Coral Bock.

Ofllco; With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Maunakca. 73 8m


Mil. John Magoon Is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

receipts. J. E. BIIOWN & CO.Jan. 10, 16S8, 1635

OB PRINTING of all kinds ezecuted at tho Daily Bdxustth Office





Page 2: mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0, Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET, Constantly on

fefr'ciTtsw'vvfflwBY AUTHORITY.


On THURSDAY, May 3, lS8S.nl12 o'clock noon, will bo told atpublic auction at the front enhanceof Aliiolnni Hnlo the Hawaiiansleniner "Knimilon," of 198.83 tonsmeasurement, together with nil hermasts, sails, sail yards, anchors,cables, boats, engines, boilers, tackle,apparel, furnituio and litlings, nsshe now lies in the harbor ofHonolulu.

Anhncntory of the above can beseen upon application at the IntcrioiOffice.

Upset price $2,000.00.LORRIN A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, April 17, 1SSS.

The above sale is postponed untilMONDAY, May 14th, nt the samehour and place.

LORRIN A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Intei ior Office, April 'M, 1SSS.

30 3t

BISHOP & Co., BAXKEBSHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on the

Bank ol Guliiftruia, S. ST.And their ngents in


Messrs. N. 51. Rothschild & Son, LondonThe Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,


The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,Sydney,

The Dank of New Zealand: Auckland,Cliristchurch, and Wellington,

The Hank of British Columbia, Victoria, 13. C, and Portland, Or.

andTransact a General Banking Iluamuw5.

flfii) ly


fjflaiTu f$ it 11 it finPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1888.


Enterprise in business operationsand industrial ventures generallyaim at profit, either directly or in-

directly; and wlieie the prospectsor hopes of profit are wanting, en-

terprise will generally be wantingalso. Sometimes hope in an over-sangui- ne

nature is stronger thanjudgment, and induces its possessorto enterprises which, had soundjudgment predominated, would neverhave been undertaken. Loss anddisappointment are the inevitableresults. Sometimes, too, wheie thejudgment is not at fault, uncon-

trollable circumstances may inter-

vene to produce the same results.Seldom do people in this money-lovin- g

age show enterprise on the linesindicated, purely for the love ofenterprise, or from motives of phil-anthrop-

or public-spiritednes- s.

Will it pay? is the matter-o-f factquestion. If the answer is negative,there the matter rests. This countryhas not been wanting in men- - ofenterprise, some of whom havelearned by experience that theirestimates of profits were based onfalse premises. And the place isnow full of men who profess to be-

lieve in the certain success of enter-prise in some directions which theyspecify, if men of means will enterinto the ventures. One man is con-

fident that a railroad to the Paliwould return good interest on theinvestment, because a railway inanother country to a similar placecoined a fortune! Any quantity ofsuch talk may bo heard at times,from persons who never take thepains to think of what they are talk-

ing about. Enterprises that can becleaHy shown to promise good re-

turns have not long to wait for en-

terprising men to undertako them,even here on these quiet isles.


Bi:ronr. judd, c. j.

Monday, April 80th.Kanaloa (w), et al. vs. J. N.

Quinn et al., ejectment. Jury.waived. April term. Ifcing heard.Recess 12 jr. till 1 v. m.

W. C. Achi for plaintiffs; V. A.Kinney and A. Rosa for defendants.


And high in price. T. J. King atthe Union Feed Co., has a largo lotof bard wood pawed into stovo length.For ualo at very low prices for cash.Call and eoo him about it. 28 3t

Muss Nesting at Mrilnh

Tlie Mongolian Ques-tion Discussed.

The Mooting' Almost TJnanimous for Restriction.

Probably the largest meetingever held in Wailuku assembled atthe Skating Rink on Thursday even-ing last. The only subject dis-cussed wns that of Chinese Immi-gration, and the meeting whichlasted from half past 7 to 10 o'clockwas marked by good order and wasnearly unanimous in adopting theone lesolution of the evening.

Major Cornwcll was with accla-mation voted to the chair, and open-ed the meeting in a few well-chose- n

rcmaiks. He trusted that the sub-ject of Chinese, immigration, beingot paramount importance, would re-

echo the first consideration of themeeting. He had been 25 years inthis his adopted country and wasglad to see bo many in that largebuilding met to consider what wasfor the common good. He viewedwith srravc apprehension the larceinflux of Chinese lately dumped intothe country and reflected upon thefact that the bulk of them w ere nothere for agiicultural labor only, butto come iiito conflict with our ownmechanics, for there is no industryin which they do not gobble upeverything they can lay their handson. Although a planter and believ-ing in the need of a limited numberof Chinese laborers for plantations,yet he was not prepared to sacrificeall moral and social principle forprofit. He opposed unlimited im-

portation of Chinese for plantationor oilier purposes and would favorrestiiction in the interest of mecha-nics and Hawaiian labor, and hopedthe next Legislature would devise aremedy.

Resolved that speakers be limitedto five minutes.

Mr. D, M. Crowley moved thatthe restriction bill introduced by theGovernment be adopted and sup-ported b' the meeting with thisalteration: that in section 5, theline 18 be altered to lead "two" in-

stead of "one" hundred dollarsbond.

The mover held in his hand theoriginal bill introduced by the Gov-

ernment, also the bill flamed by thecommittee and the bill which is law.Mr. Crowley said the rcstiictions inthe first bill met all the honest re-

quirements of employers. The com-pulsory provision to return thelaborers at the end of their term ofservice is similar to that enforcedby the French Government on Ta-

hiti and in South America. Butthat bill was petitioned against bythe Chamber of Commerce with theresult that the whole subject was re-

ferred to a committee. That com-niitte- c

reported a new bill whichconceded much to the Chamber ofCommerce, but that was rejectedalso. In fact it became now evidentto the public that on this vital ques-tion they were sold. The men whoshouldered rifles and went aroundHonolulu with their pockets full ofball cartridge on the 30th June nowrealized that they wcie playing thepait of the cat in the gamo of chest-nuts, the cunning monkeys had thefat kernel of almost unrestrictedChinese immigration, whilst thosewho got hoarse shouting for "re-form" could now ruminate on thefraudulent shadow of a "reform"government sham restriction bill,for such practically is the presentlaw. He drew a picture of theMinistry in abandoning every vitalprinciple of the bill they introducedwhich proved one or all of threetilings : either that they were insin-cere, without back-bon- e, or felt thattheir conscience would be clear whenthey washed their hands of the mat-ter by throwing the responsibilityon the House.

There are questions upon which aMinistry must make a stand, andwhere ictrcat is dishonor, and itmust ever 'remain a cause for re-

gret, that the action of the ministryin this matter was so undignifiedand disappointing.

The Chamber of Commerce wasanalysed as the levering power thatcan control the action of the Minis-try, parliamentry committees, andthe Legislature itself. The last cen-sus was quoted showing the excessof Chinese males over kanakas, andwhy did that dangeious andimproper state of things notclaim the attention of theChamber of Commerce? Simplybecause the members of that Cham-ber are not only plantation agents,but importers as well and they wantthe Chinese to open stores aiid sulltheir goods, and there lies the realseciet of why there is no law inthis country to conlino Chinesecoolies to plantation labor.

The speaker pointed out how onall sides of us, in the United States,Tahiti, South America, and Austin-li- a

special legislation is cnfoiccd topi event themselves being swampedby Chinese. In the States Chinesowill be totally excluded and in Aus-tralia wo see the Government ofNew South Wales asking the Im-perial Government to negotiate atreaty with China that will totallyexclude Chinese.

The speaker knew many good men,Chinese, men who wore deserving ofall the honors of citizenship. Hedid not despise a man simply be-

cause ho was a Chinaman, but couldnot suffor to sco this little countryswamped it is so even now by


swarm of tnongols who como ashuman locusts, to devour and wipoout the subsistence of men andwomen who came here from Kuiopoand America to found homes andplants the seeds of Christian civiliz-ation. Talk of hill sides and de-

serts turned into fruitful fields byChinese labor, granted, but civilizedhands will be found to do the same,(and we have none too much landfor them) and the matron of Chtis-tendo-

will grace and gladden thecottage on the hillside and desert,and the laughter of happy children,who are now retreating before theAvalanche of pagendom will bobeard, and this is what God hasplanted these beautiful emerald gemsfor, that they should contain homesfor a virtuous, happy and contendedpeople.

This subject of Chinese restrictionis going to be the plank inthe political platform of the countryand it challenges immediate atten-tion. Is it possible to meet allhonest requirements of the sugarand rice industries without Hoodingthe country with more Chinese? Yes.Is'ot one in four of the Chinese nowhero arc at work. Closethe door against any more coining.Enforce a vagrant law, or adopt thelegislation passpoit system similarto the law in central Europe, and itwill compel every man in tho islandsto report himself when so ordered,anil give an account of hdw he putsin his time.

(Mr. C. was allowed 40 minutesand was frequently applauded).

Hon. J. W. Kalua seconded themotion.

Ex-Jud- Kahuna rose to addressthe meeting on behalf of the Chinese.He asked those present to considerthat Chinese have a soul as well aswe. If we vote to drive the Chineseont, then it may be someone else'sturn next. The labor of the Chinesehas been of great value to thecountry, it has turned tho descitinto a garden. Before voting on thisimportant question consider all itsbearings and don't be uncharitable.I am lieie to say that I am with theChinese.

Mr. J. W. Kalua said I want it tobe understood that lam against moreChinese coining. It is evident that ifthey keep coming as they have w e willsoon be under Chinese rule. I wantto ask if there is another race on theface of the globe that can live socheaply and crowd themselves into sosmall a space as the Chinese. 1

can't live on ten cents a day, but aChinaman can. "Where they crowdwhat is there left for any other race ;

they pollute the very air with theiropium and other abominations, as noother race does. I don't standhere to say "Kick them," but I amfor restriction. The vagrant lawdocs not reach the Chinese. Be-

tween mv office and Bielcnberg'sstore theieare about 800 of them do-

ing nothing of any practical valueto the country. How do they exist?The most of them lay waiting forcrumbs that come by gambling andopium and whiskey from the Chi-

nese who do work, and nativesand others. It has been stated byKalama that they are industrious.Yes, they have taken the means ofliving fiom the natives. They havedriven ine out of the poi business.The foreicrncrs' stores will soon beabsorbed by them. Their vices arekilling off our native people, andshall we keep on propitiating thisrace by pci milling them to absorbour business, y giving uiem oursisters and our daughters? If theKing's reign should be prolongedfor the same length of lime as hehas leigncd, and Chinese come in attho rate they have for the last tenyears, it is evident that his subjectswould be almost all Chinese. Iwant to live amongst a clean peopleand in a progressive country.

Mr. O. Nawahinc stated thathe had, as one of the represen-tatives of the district, supported thebill intioduced by the Governmentand regretted that it did not becomelaw. He had no ill will towardsChinese but believed we had morohero now than was good for the we-lfare ot the native people and thecountry generally. Therefore, hewould support a measure that wouldshut the door against any morecoming.

The Rev. I. K. Joseph of lianadesired to speak and think charita-bly of the Chinese, but it was evi-

dent they were too rnpidly filling upthe country, and he thought it wastime to close the door.

Cnlls for the lions. W. II. Danielsand John Richardson brought Mr.Daniels forward.

lie spoke in native and gave anaccount of the several btnges whichmarked the abandonment of thoGovernment measure. He votedwith tho Government and will try toget a fair restrictive law passed intliij coining session, but he had lit-

tle hope that tho composition of thepresent Legislature would suppoi t it.

Hon. John Richardson spoke inNative and English: Said that hisposition as n legislator dilfcred a lit-

tle from that of the last two spank-ers, inasmuch as he was returned bya properly qualification (as a Noble)and the votes of tho whole island.But ho was heartily with the peoplein this matter and suppoited theGovernment measure, lie came tothe meeting to hear tho expressionof the people's wish rather than tospeak himself. lie bhould bo ghd tosupport tho decision of so largo andinfluential a meeting as ho now ad-

dressed.Mr Kahuna moved tho meeting

adjourn to Hint night week. Lost.Tho resolution was then twice put

to the meeting, iu Native nud Eng

lish, and carried, only four'dissont- -

i tig.


THE CELEBRATED "l'hlladcl.JL villa Lager Bacr " cun now bo hadon draughty tho Anchor Saloon. 29 It

THE FINEST resort In tlioelty-- JL"Tho Elite Ico Crcnm Parlors'

patronized by tho lending society. Si 3 1w

THERE IS a peculiar delightfulL lltvor about all the C.uidlcs of tho

Now Cundy Factory, which makes iliumfo populni with young and old. 29 lw

XF YOU really want your money'sworth of tho linen Home-Mad- e

French and l'lnln Cnndles, the mostDelicious leu Creams, or Fancy andPlain (.'alto, cnll nt tho Pioneer HtcnmCandy Factory, B ikci v and leu CroamP.uloro, ostnblMiul 1803, Hotel, tippo.situ Bethel street. F. IIoun, PracticalConfectioner. and Orna-monte- r.

1. S. The only place wherutho Genuine Butter Scotch is niiinu.factum! and sold. 1G tf

17MNEST BRANDS OF CALI- -JL forma Poit, Madeira and Mnlagn,for bale in kegs and caei by

GONSAhVES & CO.,Ill Queen street.

CLEAN RAGS and second handwill hu guilefully lecclv-ci- l

fur the uo of the inmates of thaBrunch Hospital for Lepois at Knknako,or nt the Leper Sittlmcnt on Molokai,u leu with .1. r. wnlcrhoiisc, jr., nt HieQueen Street Store. ti:f tf

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'3 Bear of hunts' Mill.i!:i

Lodge Le Progres.

EEGUliAlt Meeting THIS (Monday)at 7:!)0 o'clock sharp.

Third Degree.Members of Ilnwniinn Lodge No 21

and visiting brothers arc cordially in.vited to attend.

By order of the "W.-- . M.E. KISTLEH,

U0 It Sccictary.


eThe Shooting Cillery Premises, on

ion, sweet, will Do openedon May 1st, us a

First Glass Frail Store !

taJ-I-cc House Fruits will be receded

hv cvo v'imnr frnm llin PnncK A

full assortment of Hawaiian Fruits tvil falso bo on sale. 30 8t



A fre'h lot of this ciluhntcri biand ofChampagne, ju-- t landed ex Bri- -

tish bark ''Nntuua,"

For Sale in Q,uart3 and Pints



Stockholm TarAND

o o .a. 3L. tca-dr-,

At California Prices.



Copartnership Notice.

THE following changes lirivo takenin lhu copartnership of V.

H. Daniels & Co., of Wailuku, Muni.W. II. Cummings has this day re.

tired fiom the llrm, the linn nnmi: hasbeen changed to the Hawaiian Fiuit &Turo Co., and A. N. Kcpoikai and J. D.Holt, Jr., have been admitted nspartners. The firm now consists o'f

"V. II. Daniels, residence Wailuku,Maui;

A. N. Kcpoikai, residence Wailuku,Muni;

J. D IInll,Jr,, rcsldoiuo Honolulu,.Onhii.

All the liabilities of tho flun of W. II.Daniels & Co. hno been atsumed bytho Hawaiian Fniit & Tain Company.


Honolulu, March 20, 1848. 28 3t


WISHES n position as Ladles' Nurse,act as Companion to an

invalid huly going to Sun Francisco.Apply to Bui.uniN Ofllce. 2 at

Meeting Notice,

THE i egulor quarterly meeting of thoHaidwate Co,, (Limited),

will bo held at their ofllce, on TIIUIIS.DAY, May 3, 188, nt 10 nVlook a. M.

JAS. G, Sl'ENOEH,28 lw Secretary.


NOTICE is heiehy given that Manholds full power of nttorncy

to act in nil biulno.i UaiuncUons of thofirm of Wing On Wo & On., ami is nu.thoiizcd aUo lo slgu said firm nanio byproctuatiou.

AVINO ON WO & CO,,by O. Chouiig l'lng.

Honolulu, April 16, 1688, 31 2w


Auction Salos by Lewis J. Lovoy.

Assignee's Sale!On TUESDAY, may 1st,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A,. 31.,

By order of W. C. 1'nrltc, Assignee ofthe Bankrupt Estate of ChoyTln,

I will fell nt Public) Auction, atmy Salesroom, comer Fort

and Queen streets,

A luitntity ol New FurnitureConsisting of

Office Writing Desks !

Side Hoards, Hook Oases,Meat Safes, Tables,

1, &E, &C,

ansrcaxs cash.LEWIS J. LEVEY,

24 fit Auctioneer.


Hawa'n Jockey Club.



oFrictAi. vjtouitAjnii:.

MONDAY, Jm 11, 1888.

Races to Commcnco at 10 o'clock Sharp.


KUXXIXU RACE- -4 Mile Dash.Fieo for all.


ItUNXIXG KACE 1 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian bred horses ownedby members of the Jockey Club.Cup to beeomo tho property of theone whining it twice.


TBOTTIXG KAOK For Hawaiianbred horses only to harness MileHeats, best 2 in 3.


KUXXIXG ItACE 14 Mile Dash.Fiee for all.


TROTTING and FACING RACEMilo Heats, best 0 in r. Fiee forall. All hores having a rccoid of2 :80 or hotter to go to wagon.


RUXXING RACE 1 Mile Dash.Open to all old Hawaiianbred horses only.


RUXXIXG RACK 1 Mile Dash.Fiee for all. Winner to beat the le-co- ul

of A," 1:154. To berun for annually.


$100 added.

RUXXIXG RACE- -4 Mile Heats,best 2 in 3. Hawaiian bred horses.Cup to become the property of thewinner two consecutive years.


Swrxi'STAKKS TROTTING andFACING RACE Mile Heats, best2 in 3. Free for all horses thathave not a leeord of 3 minutes orbelter to bo driven In Fra.icr localcai ts by members of tho Club.


RUXXING RACK 1 Milo Dash.For Hawaiian hied horses only.


Open to all ponies 14 -- hands orunder, and old or over.

2-- tf .

IB- -

THE STOCK OF tho undersigned, will bosold nt

Very Low PricesDuring tho month of May, 1S81, and all

parties winking to 6upply them.selves, will do well to call and

examine tho Goods beforobuying elsewhere.

U?lio GOODS juh- - lo woldAnd embrace tho Rest Assortment of

Good Family Articles, that enn bofound in this city.

TEIfcrfcJCR! OASHAt BROWN k CO.'s Store,

No. 14 Merchant Btreet.


Assignees of Ilrown & Co.Honolulu, April 23,,1888. 28 lm

Just ReceivedEx "Thomas Hell," from- - MADEIRA,

A Fmv of TIioho

andsfone Filters,WITH


J'or ut

GONSALVES & CO.'s,22 Queen Street, lw

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Household FurnitureOn WEDNESDAY, May 2nd, '88

AT lO O'CLOCK A. ai.,At tlio icsidcne.o of Mr. V. Stegcmann,ICinau street, adjoining tho residence ofHon. W. R. Cnsilc, I will sell at Public

Auction, (on account of departure),The Entire Househ'd Furniture,


Garden Benches and Chairs,Ferns & Decorated Flower Pots.

Vienna Easy Chairs, Vienna Sora,I Carvod B.W. Marblotop C. Tablo

1 Carpet Plush Talent Rocker,liirgo Velvet Center & Sofa Rugs,

ono uruaiosaiu? piano,(L. Ncufeld, Heilln, mnkurj,

Draw ing room Curtains & Pole,1 Corner Whatnot,

B. Walnut Bookcase & Desk,Combined.

Pondnnt llauiring J. amps, FancyCamp Stools, Engiavings & Pictures,Carved B. W. Marblotop Bedroom Set,

Muttrabes, Mosquito Net, 1 FrenchWalnut Wardrobe, 1 P.lack WalnutWardrobe, I Elegant B. W. Mmble.lop Sidebnanl, 1 tllaek Walnut Ex.tension Tuhle, Dining-roo- Chairs,

CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,1 ltelrigcrntor, 1 Uncle Sam Hange,

Kitchen Utensils.AND AT 12 'O'CLOCK NOON,

1 California Carriage llorso,1 Black Marc, broken to Saddlo & Harness,

1 Top Buggy,Sot of Harness, Saddlo, Etc., Etc., Etc.

OrPrcmlses open for inspection onTU ISS DAY, .May 1st, fiom 0 o'clockA. M. to 3 l si.

JAS. F. MOKGrAN,23 Id Auctioneer.


Attorney at Law.Ofllce, : No. 0 ICaahumnnu street,


U King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10-8-

I CHILLB1&Has just received cx.Australia a very

lutvlsomo assortment of all tho

Latest MfcSjfejy Novelties

In the Millinery JLinc, such as

RlBiis, Mm.Trimmings, Fiowers,

Ornaments, &c, &o.Also, a Most Excellent Assortment of

3P LUME S09 Direct from Unrope. lm

PITTS &SC0TTSCJcuernl Mliipiiins Agency null I'or-elj;- "

I'urcelH tlxprt'HM.

Goods, Parcels, Baggage, Etc, Etc,Forwarded to and frnm all parts of

Iho world.O. O. D. amounts of services collected

in uny country.

anrTurlttH ofitntcH on Apiillcatlon-tt- o

General Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,00 28 Merchant Btreet. tf


THE undersigned give notice thatluivo been appointed Assignees

of Brown & Co., merchants, of Hono-lulu.

All persons having any claims againsttho said firm whether secured by mort-gage or otherwise, aro notified to pre.sent tho sumo to the Assignees, withinthree months from April --'3rd instant.

All pcrsouB indebted to Messrs. Brown& Co nio requested to mako immediatepayment to Urown & Co. or thoAssignees.


Assignees of Urown & Co.Honolulu, April, 21, 1888. 23 lm


NOTICE Is hereby given that I willpay any debts contracted m

my namo without my written order.W. O. AOHI.

Honolulu, April 21, 1888. 2a tf

hh'!, -.


OI Sun JrnTietHoo.Sample pnekoges of the following Menls

may bo hod of Gonsmlves & Co,froo of clmrgo:

Germea, Eye Meal,fi'uiiulitt(Ml Oat Maul,

g Poarlcd Corn Meal," " Buckwhont Flour,' " Breakfast Cako Meal," " Cream Graham flour," " Breakfast Wheat,

Cream Flake Oats,ALSO


Del MjBOilF Hour.

GONSALVES & CO..22 Juceii Street. lw


JgkWltte Bros: Port. Cement,

Blacksmith Coal,Fire Bricks,Firo Clay,

Geal Tar, Stoclolm Tar,Steel Rails,Wire Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,llubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.

FOll SAl,i: MY

H. Hackfeld & Co.00 tf

Anstralian lail Service.

FOlt SAN FRANCISCO,Tho now and flno Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo due nt Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

Rflay 6, 1 888.And will leave for tho above port withuihIIs and passengers on or about thatdale.

l''or fieiirht or nassaire. lmvinr KIT.ncininn T oJL JUllXiyil LCCOMMODATIOKS, applyto

WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents;

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and line Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

ftftay 10, 1883,And will have prompt dicpatch withmails and passengers for the above ports.

For lreight or passage, having BU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afrenta.

New York Line.


An Al vessel will be despatched bythis Lino for Honolulu, to leavo

JNew xoik in all May.

For further information apply to

W. H. CR0SSMAN & BR0.,77 & 79 Broad Street,

New York.on

CASTLE & C00KB,57 8m Honolulu.

Rubbish! Rubbisbl Rubbish!

HPHE undersigned having been in thoJL businc-- s for tho past 15 months,

aud now being appointed by tho Boardof Health ns Rubbish Collector. Ihereby wlhh to thank tho public lortheru patronage, hoping aeon,tinuniice t the same with a more ex.tended list of customers. I slmll asheictoforo have my rubbish carts go oneach street where required thrco timeseach week.cicept in very rainy weatherthen two timed each week. After thismonth each cart will enrry a bell toannounce its appeurauco on the street,that no ono will havo an excuse for notsetting nut their dirt.

BejrPrices as heretoforeIIoubo Rubbish and Yard Sweepings,CO cents, 76 cents nnd 81.00 per month,if containers.

The abovo prices arranged accordingto tho amount of rubbish taken away.

Trco Trimmings nnd Horse Litterwill bo charged extra.

Horses. Bullocks, Hogs and Dogs willbe buried at reasonable rates.


1. S. Anyono knowing of one whoIs required to have their rubbish re.moved, who is not able to pay the tax,if tho party or parties will let ine knowI will do their carting froo of charge.00 lm N. F. J).


. t


Page 3: mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0, Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET, Constantly on


A- - ',


3k; ,

,s,-- f


.' '5


,i- j-



H. V



K'-- '

y$ J



&X3&SXLZZ&Barg'ns in Bmbroid'ed Drosses,


The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.

rv xi aa

jjgjcuTjg j$!tnifinMONDAY, APRIL 30, 1888.

AlililVALS.April 20

Ntuir ICInnii from windward portsStmr Miknlmln from KiumlHUnr Wuiiilenlo from KnualSchrLukafroni Kolm'uSclir Luuhl from Ivohaln


Stmr U Jt Bishop for n circuit of Oahuat 0 a in

Stmr .Ins Jlnkec for Knual at 5 p m

htmr I.lkollkc for Kaliului at 5 p inStmr ICaala for AVaiauao ami Walalua

at 9 a mStmr J A Cummins for Koolnu at On inShip Ivy for au FranciscoSclir Mol Wnlilnu for Hawaii


SUnr Klnau for Illlo ami way ports at1 p m

Stmr Mikaliulu for Knnnl at fi p m

Stmr Walalealo for Kauai at o p inStmr Kilauca lion for Molokal anil Ha- -

makua ato p mStmr I.elnia for llamakua at 5 p inSehr Kauikcaoull for KolinlaSclir Knlllua for Kauai


From Kauai, per stmr Walalcalc,April!!!) Miss A I'rescott, JlLss John-son, M Blndl and 7 deck.

From Kauai, per stmr Mlkalinla,April 29 Rev Alexander Mackintosh,Mous M Cochelet, E W Purvis, Col 'A

S Spalding, C Goodell. W rfordhaucr,Miss K v ilcox, Misses Ibcubcrjr (3),Hon II Waterheusc, Mrs Kaluna, a Chi-nese aud C5 deck.

From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Ki-na- u,

April !!9-- Hls bLi Thurstonand wife, ,T A Buck and wife, Miss It CDimlop, Dr J II Kimball, 0 J Lane, LAseu, Mrs R ICalaukoa, I A Dins, C XSpencer, O B Alakco, O B llofgaard,Miss Albro, Miss L Moore, HKullielani,Miss A K Shaw, Mis-- s K Smith, A Shawand 97 deck.


Stmr Kinau C7C8 bgs sugar, 1 horse,135 hides, !t0 bags spuds and 120pkgs sundries.

Stmr Mikahala 03!) bgs sugar, ICOsheep, CO hides aud 3 cows.

Stmr Waialeale 1S37 bgs sugar.Sclir Lukn 2000 bgs sugar.


The Deiitschland has received threenew sails to replace- those she lost dur-

ing her passage out here.The bktne St. Lucie will sail for San

Francisco next Friday.


At Honolulu, on April 2Sth, to thewife of Dr. Mourltz, a daughter.


A DANcn will bo giveu at thePalace on Wednesday evening.

Pkesh Frozen Oysters can ho hadat tho Beaver Saloon.

Tub sale of tho Kaimiloa has beenpostponed until Monday, May 14th,

Tub northern part of Kauai re-

ceived considerable rain last Friday.

Kilauea. plantation will be throughgrinding for this season, in about tendays.

Tin: ship Ivy, drawing 22 feet 4inches aft, waited for high tide thisafternoon.

Cold drinks from the Tahitiworks at Emma Square con-

cert, this evening.- -

Tiibhb were cries' as though somewoman were being cruelly treated,opposite tho Reformatory School,Saturday night.


Fresh cigaia of all tho most popu-

lar and fuvorito brands will bo re-

ceived by tho Australialor tho Beaver Cigar Divan.

The crew of tho W. B. Godfreyattracted attention by singing or"chaiitying," as tho sailors would bay,while 'heaving at tho capstan thismorning.


The steamer Likoliko's boat, whichwas smashed at Onomca, a wcok orbo ago, was brought hero by theLchua Saturday. Tho boat's stemwas considerably demolished.

Chips of cano for diffusion orallowing the first pioccss of diffusion,from Col. Spaulding'n plantation, utKealia, Kauai, may do scon ai moofllcc of C. Brewer & Co. or atHowott's bookstore.

- ""T

The San Fiancisco fruit depot willopen for business on May 1st, in thopremises formerly used ns a shootinggallory, Fort sheet, All kinds ofCalifornia and domestic fruits will bokopt on hand in their seasons.

Fautivej bo desiring can inspecttho furniture- of Mr. Btcgomann athis residonco The salewill take place on Wednesday andoilers ft raro chance, as the furniture-i-

all now und lias been in uso but ft

abort time.

A hmau. sheaf of wheat, grown atthe residence of Mr. E. C. Hobron,Waikiki, lias rcuched tho Bulletinoffice. Tho stalks aro nearly thrcofeet high. Tho heads aro largo, andtho grain, just ripening, exceptionallylarge.

Any one having a fow momentsleisure could oinploy thorn pleasantlyand profitably by calling t J. J,Williams' art repository, whero therearo on view feonio artibtio Sanioanviews and sketches in black ud

. white, by "Strong."

Bargains in Embroideries,

AtTho Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

COM.KCTINO shells is becoming umania in Honolulu.

A TBi.r.rnoNU lias been put in tholmll of the Jlonoltihi Social andDancing Club.


Co. 1) of tho Honolulu Kifles willhave their bnll at their armory, to-

morrow evening.

rnoToouAi'iis of tho interior ofMis. W. G. Irwin's parlors nio on ex-

hibition in William's window.

Tin: boating parly that wits tohave been given this evening liasbeen postponed until tho next moon.


Meeting of Lo l'rogres Lodge F.& A. M., in tlioirhall King streetat 7:30 o'clock.

Book-keepin- g class in the Y. M.C. A., rooms at 7 o'clock.

Tho flrsC monthly social of theHonolulu Social Club, will bo holdin-th- c club rooms of the societ'.

Harmony Lodge I. 0. 0. in Harmony Hall at 7:30o'clock.

Band concert at Emma Square at7:30 o'clock.


The Royal Hawaiian Band will playthis evening at Emma Square,commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is the programme :

1'AllT I.Overture The Exiles GasncrPolka The Dragoons FahrunchFinale Lohengrin WagnerReminiscences of Verdi Godfrey

Magnolia, Alna Hau me Kokohi.l'AKT II.

Selection Madame Angot LccocqWaltz 1001 Nights StraussQuad.dllc Cox and Box Cootc

Hawaii Pouoi.


The annual meeting of tho 1stDivision of the Liliuokalani Educa-tional Society at the usual place at3 p. m.

Meeting of the Anti-Asiat- ic Unionin the evening.



At his sales room at 10 a. m. byorder of the assignees of Choy Tin,a quantity of new furniture.


The Kilauea Hou on her lastdown trip, on Friday night, wasspoken by the Iwalani in Molokaichannel, and asked to take a letter toher (the Iwalani's) agents in Hono-lulu, notifying them that somethinghad happened to tho boilers, butthat they need feel no apprehensionfor the steamer's safety, nor needthey send any assistance, as thedamage could be repaired, andsteam would probably be got up thonext morning. When seen by theKilauea Hou tho Iwalani was drift-ing about the channel, but refusedany offers of assistance.


On Saturday last the Honoluluand Vandalia teams of baseballtried conclusions at the Makiki re-

creation grounds. A large con-

course of people was there to wit-

ness the game, and it was evidentfrom expressions frequently heardthat the game was unusually inter-esting. . The Hawaiian band enliv-ened the scene by discoursing mu-

sic. At the finish the score stood,Honolulu, 21, Vandalia 17. This isthe fifth game with the men-of-w- ar

teams in which the Honolulu's havecome off victorious.


The entertainment given by theBlue Ribbon League on Saturdaynight was not largely attended,owing no doubt to other attractions.The programmo was given by thecrew of II. B. M. S. Caroline, andthe songs and choruses wero exe-

cuted in excellent spirit. The clos-

ing address was delivered by theRev. II. II. Gowen in his usualpleasing stylo. He complimentedthe crew of tho Caroline for themanner in which they had carried'out their part of the programme,and thanked thorn for tho assistancethey had rendered the League intheir entertainments, during theirstay hero.


The steamer Waialoalo, which ar-

rived yesterday from Kauai, broughtnews of a Portuguese woman havingbeen washed off tho rocks at Kilauea, last Tuesday morning, anddrowned. Tho woman was fishingat the timo and was accompanied byone of her children, a six-ye- ar oldboy. The boy having become tiredwailiiie for his mother, returned totho plantation and said nothing,until nn older brother asked himwlii'io his mother was, Tho childthen said she was hi the witter.Parties went down to the place toook for the woman, but could not

find her. Tho next day a boatcruised about looking for the body,but without finding it. Up to thetime of tho leaving of tho Waialcalotho remains had not been recovered.The womau leaves a husband undsix children,Bl-- J 'l J'JI

rpHE PEST PAPER to MibscrlboJL for is tlin "Daily Bulletin." CO

cents per month,

For Fancy Goods k Trimmings,

Go to

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.



i:xttvor.r.KT society.

The musical and literary enter-

tainment, got up at short notico andwith but littlo timo for rehearsals,in aid of the funds of the BritishBenevolent Society, at tho HawaiianOpera House, last Saturday even-

ing, was attended and enjoyed bynn audience which pretty well filledthe house, excepting upstairs, wherethe attendance was slim.

At the lifting of tho curtain, Mr.T. 11. Walker appeared on the stage,and in a few and happily chosenwords expressed thanks, in the naraoof the British Benevolent Society,for tho cheerful response to tho callof "Sweet Charity," both by thosewho volunteered their services toentertain and tlioso who contributedto be entertained ; at the same timooutlining the evening's programme,which, through an oversight, hadnot been printed for distribution inthe hall.

Dr. Jcssen, of II. I. R. M. S.Razboynik, opened the concert witha couple or three short piano solos.This gentleman appeared a secondtime, later in the evening, in thesame capacity, as piano soloist; andeach time, by his skilful playingwon appreciation, as indicated by ,

noiseless stillness in the audience,followed by hearty applause.

Miss Mablc Rhodes sang a solo,"Marguarite," very sweetly; andMrs. Paty vocalized "Tell me myheart" in that same pure, clear,sympathetic, voicewhich has so many times and for somany years pleased the cars andtouched tho sentiments of Honoluluaudiences. Miss Rhodes and Mrs.Paly were both encored. "TheRomany Lass" was pleasingly sungby Mr. T. May; and "'Tis nottrue," by Mr. F. M. Starkcy, whowas recalled.

A duet, "Sec tho pale moon,"sung by Mrs. Paty and Mr. Starkcy,was unsatisfying, in tho sense thatthe audience wanted more, aud whenthe lady and gentleman retired per-

sistently called for their return.Two part songs, "Since first I

saw j'our face" and "The Bells ofSt. Michaels," were exceedingly ac-

ceptable. Mrs. P. Jones, Miss 5list,Miss Von Holt, Miss M. Rhodes,Mr. T. R. Walker, Mr. T. May, Mr.Starkcy, and Mr. Baird wero thesingers.

Piano accompaniments were playedrespectively by Mr. Myron Jones,Mrs. T. R. Walker, and Miss VonHolt.

The literary part of the entertain-ment consisted of three recitationsby Sir William Wiseman, of II. B.M. S. Caroline. The first, of apathetic nature, and descriptive ofa little girl's faith, whoso father wasa soldier and had gone to the war,was rendered in pure English dictionpleasing to the ear, and in a waywhich evidently touched the audi-tors' hearts. Tho other two wereof a comic nature, and producedconsiderable merriment. In the firstof these, Bret Harto's "Cicilly,"Sir William exhibited some pecu-

liarities of American diction; andin the second, "Zagazias," whichimmediately followed, in reponsc toa recall, English provincialisms werebrought out in strong contrast. Thereciter was enthusiastically applaud-ed at the close of each piece.


Euitou Bulletin: The Anti-Asiat- ic

Union lias for its object theprotection of the representatives ofEuropeans living hero and the na-

tive Hawaiians against the encroach-ments of a nation numbering 400,-000,0- 00

inhabitants a nation soimmense in population that evenpowerful countries like tho UnitedStates and Australia fear the influ-

ence of immigrants, that the teem-ing millions of China will gladlyallow to emigrate to any countrywhere they would bo received evenunder protest.

Tho effort of tho Anti-Asiat- ic

Union hero has been and is to havelaws passed that will not injure thosugar and rice planting intorcsts,and at the samo timo stop the steadystream of Chinese that has beenfor years coming in competitionwith our enlightened white laborers.

It is a well established fact thatthe frugal Chinaman can savo mo-

ney at wages on which an Americanor Englishman would actually starveExample: ten Chinamen rent ahouso in Honolulu 14 x 10 feet, witha garret, for $11 per month, thebuilding being in bad location andout of repair, and tho actual livingexpenses for the ten men is $30.50por month, besides their clothes,tobacco and opium. And you seethat it only costs a Chinaman, whenho is out of work, or trying veryhard to savo money, 81, 75 to live amouth. Ho only pays $5 taxes ayear, and many of them arc underor over tho taxable ago, when thoassessor finds them. While a manwith a family who is accustomed toour more expensive modes of living,has to pay at least tho $4.75 permonth for his meat alone, and can-

not possibly livo for less than $12 jor$15 a month. To talk of a whiteman successfully competing with aChinaman as a mechanic or ordinarylaborer, is 6hcer nonsense.

After a careful bludy of tho prin-cipled of the Anti-Asiat- io Unionevery man in this country will cu--

joimiiOimiuiii'iMjj:New Shades in Dress Goods,


The Aroado-EG- AN &" CO.

dorse them, unless they happen tobo engaged in wholesale business ormoney lending and perhaps thopractice of law: tho wholesale men,because the Chinese merchants canafford to pay them larger profitsthan the European could, and thosamo with the money lender, whiletho lawyers reap a rich harvest fromtheir Chinese friends who seem tolove litigation.

As I understand the Anti-Asiat- ic

Union, it wants no more Chinese ex-

cept under a 3 or 5 years contractto responsible planters, one fourthof their wages to bo paid into thoGovernment treasury, only to begiven their man when he cither re-shi- ps

for a like term or leaves thecountry: All Chinamen hero to beregistered, and unless they can showthat they have some honorable wayof making a living, compel llieni tocither ship or leave: Never renew alicence when it has been proved thatthe merchant is selling goods notallowed to bo sold under his licence:give no return passports.

Under these regulations the plant-ers can get their labor for much lessthan they do now, and as everyChinaman must show his receipt forregistering, a runaway will bo eusiljfound, as lie will have no receiptand therefore must of necessitycither ship or leave.

I for one hope that tho Legislaturethat is soon lo convene will do allthat the Anti-Asiat- ic Union asks inregard to Chinamen ; but as lo theJapanese, I for one, believe fromwhat I have seen of them that theywill assimilate and become good citi-zens, something that a Chinamanwill never do. Mechanic.


Excessively hot calm days andmagnificent moonlight nights havebeen the order of the clay on Mauifor the past week.

The port of Kahului presented alively appearance last Friday, with2 steamers, a barkentine and 2 bigbarks riding at their moorings in thoharbor. Sugar is going out fast andin large quantities.

The Spreckclsvillc mill will pro-bably shut down for the season in acouple of weeks ; they have doneheaps of work this season, turningout an average of over 100 tons perdiem.

Political meetings have been fre-quent of late. Last Thursday weekan acijourncu meeting was ueiu inWilder's warehouse, at Kahului,about bu persons present; nut onlya small amount 01 liuimiiuuu wornwas clone, owing to tue length 01the speeches. A mass meeting ofcitizens took place last Thursdayevening at the Skating Rink in Wai-luk- u,

which was attended by some200 persons of different nationali-ties.

The lovely moonlight eveningshave induced people to come out oftheir wonted andsome highly enjoyable social gather-ings have relieved the dull monot-ony of rural life.

Last Tuesday, the usual monthly"literary" of Makawao was held attho residence of Mr. and Mrs. II.B. Bailey, at Kapalaia, where theelite, beauty and talent of the dis-

trict had a rendezvous, and enjoyeda very pleasant evening.

The succeeding Thursday eveninga surprise party was given to Mr.and Mrs. W. J. Lowrie at GroveRanch, in celebration of their 13thwedding-da- y anniversary, and alarge crowd of guests from naiku,Makawao, Spreckclsvillc, Kahuluiand Wailuku gathered at the book-keeper, Mr. Palmer's house, at 7:30p. m., marched from there in pro-cession to the martial beat of a druminto Mr. Lowrio's house, which wastaken forcible possession of, andsoon tho young people wero step-ping the light fantastic in the approved stylo. Dancing intcrspersod.Willi music, singing nnd refresh-ments, was in order till half-pa- st

twelve, and everybody went homewith tho happy consciousness ofhaving enjoyed themselves. Greatcredit is due lo Mr. aud Mrs.Palmer and Dr. Thompson for thopains thoy had taken in getting uptho party and for the thorough suc-cess it proved.


By H.J. M.'sShip Tsukuba 1

The Frepch annex several islands-Bloo- d

shod on both sides-M- ore

fighting expected.

Following is the French Govern-ment's account of the taking posses-sion of the "leeward islands" aspublished in tho Journal Oillcial desEtablessimcnts Francois do l'Oceaniodated:

Fai'Ei;tk, Tahiti. )

Mar., 25, 1888. JThursday, at 5:30 n. ji, ; The

Cruiser "Decres," commanded byCaptain La Guerre, set sail fromPepeete, having on board AI.

G pernor of the Frenchriobseusioua in Oceania.

Tho Chief of the Colony (Tahiti),tpplc with lim JIr Nayscaudnu,commanding tho troops; CaptainAublet, commanding the marineinfantrj Lioutcnant Toumols, ord- -



rVm Qnvlttrt Gnminnn .lftinltirftvi UUII1J uuuuuoi VUUUIUI5,

Jo to

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

nanco olllcer, and Cadoustcau, in-

terpreter of 1st clnss.A detachment of G2 men of the

marine infantry also took passagoon board the "Decres."

The voyage of tho Governor hadfor its object the execution of thoorders of tho French Government,transmitted by telegram from theMinister of Marine and Colonies,relative to the regulating definitelythe question of the "leeward is-lands."

On tho lGtli March, at 7.20 a. m. :

The "Decres" anchored at Iluahine,and found there the Governmentschooner Aorai, commanded byLieutenant Rcux.

At 0 a. m. the Governor went onshore, having been preceded bymen from the Decres and Aorai, andby a detachment of infantry. Allthese troops wore placed under thocommand of Captain La Queue ofthe Decres, and ranged in squaresaround the flagstaff, on the summitof which floated the colors of Ilua-hine.

Addressing the population aroundand before the Queen's palace, theGovernor, through tho intermediaryof the interpreter Cadoustcau whotranslated his words with the utmostprecision, explained that the con-

vention of June 1847 concluded be-

tween France and England on thesubject of the leeward islands wasabrogated by mutual consent of thetwo contracting governments. ThatFrance had become absolutemistress of her movements in theselatitudes, and that, under theseconditions it becomes the duty oftho Governor, in the name of theRepublic, to accede to the requestformulated by the majority of thepopulation of Iluahine for the an-

nexation of that island to France.Tho Governor added that on thisda, he would forget the troublesrccentlyformcnted by some of ouradversaries, who had momentarilydeposed the old Queen, who was de-

voted to France, to replace her byono of her daughters.

Mr. Lacascade announced a gen-eral pardon covering all faults an-

terior to this time, on condition thatno new act of indiscipline vis-avi- s

to us be committed. Ho thenbriefly explained the advantages,material and moral, which' would re-

sult for Iluahine by her annexationto France, and terminated by de-

claring that, until further orders,the laws and customs of Iluahinewoul(1 1)0 iespcctcd, that the regularautu0rilics would remain unchangednnd that n0 attemnt would be madewith their religious exercises.

(To be continued.)

MISS. P. THIELE,On Bcrctaniu street nonr Plikoi.

(Formerly McGuire's House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French and German taught, audMusic Lessons given.

A safe conveyance will call for and re-

turn children living at a distance.72 Mutual Telephone No. 504. 3m

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,JL ndrcrtisc it in the Daily Bulletin.

Del lite Milling


rollerIlourMiido in America.

Meals Superior to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Mole AgciitN of tho Hawaiian



AROUT eeven acres ot good pasture,or garden lnml, at Kapahiinn,

about a mile and a half from town, witha tvo-8tor- y dwelling house, kitchenstablo and othor out houses.

Terms W50 l'or Blontli.ESTApply to

Wm. McCANDLESS.27 tf


TWO COTTAGESbeautifully


located, within 5 minutes'walk of tho Post Ofllcc. An opportu.nlty seldom offered to secure a comfort,able home wltlilu easy rcuch of tliubusiness part of tho city. For parti-cular- a

inquire at001 tf GULIOK'S AGENCY.


l'ilkoi and Kce.BETWEEN streets, lot runsthrough to Kiniiu street, 100

feet frontage. Good pasturage. Cott,agocontains 5 rooms, rnrrliige liouso anditables for a or 4 homos, llcut if '.!0 permonth. Apply to

J. E. 1JUOWN is CO.,(4 tf 28 Jlerclmut btrccU

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONi. adYerUoo In tlio Dai JJuu-imn- ,


63 & 65-- o-




Grid Oping of

Dry Goods mo


Ileceivcd by lust steamer u t'lioiei' and Well-Selecte- d Stock of NEWGOODS, bought pciponully, to which I most respectfully

invite tho ladies for inspection.

Ail Elegant Line of New Dress Goods at 25 cents per yard,

Ladies will bo pleased to select fiom our Stock the following Goodswhich will be wild at the

IOWDESX J31ju ttLO CJK PRICES.Grout Novelties in

"While IMquo, Itntistc. Sccrxiickcr, JiCoimi .Suiting, Chumbrny,Satinc lliocndcs, Embroidcd Swiss, Fniicy Giulianis, Linen Lawns, Etc.

I'.ittiiciy sow "V5i:imbi:k niuE.Great uttension is called to our Stock of EMBROIDERIES

Oriental Laces, Laces ai Spaiisl Laces,Which wo lcceivcd diiect from Swilerlund and wo aro offering nil Embroi-

deries and Laces at Lower I'lices than can bo bought claowhcrc.

Children's Dresses & Children's Lace CapsIn all the Latest Styles. 100 ROY'S SAILOR SUITS at .?2.C0,worth $1.00. ROY'S KNEE PANTS UNION TWEED at 75

cents per pair. An Elegant Lino of

BOY'S jrEUEt&JET5r STLTITS,"Entirely Now ; just the thing for tho present season. A Largo Assortment of






Received direst from tho East a Large Assortment of

JLudicM', 3JisKK' uiicl Cliildron'HWhich will bo sold at tho Loweht Prices.

S.83 & 65 Fort street.

Irwin & Co.







Arc receiving by every




Ware, Baby

Bird Cages, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Goods !


from San





iidSold on the Plan.


on Iltind and Made to Order.




G. & CO.'S,



lie Latest






Furniture, Glairs, Pianos, Guitars, Pictures,

Crockery Carnages,









incoming steamer

New Goods

Fancy Goods


Canary Birds,

105 Fort Street,




(Warranted Singers.)





Page 4: mwwF P Jpiltt - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-0, Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. ainnnruuturlnc Jewellers, NO. 03 POUT 8TKEET, Constantly on

ft- -




fcv-- s2?


lfea5ttttia!sH3Ssa5!Bsas3S3eBr"iSteam Works, Sunny South,

Tele., Bull ISO, Mutual 5M5.

Depot, 2S Merchant Street,Tele., Boll 172, Mutual :)GO.

OAVAOITV 1.000 HOZi;. iMilt-- o-


The Only English Apparatus mnking lligli Class


irenadiiie, RasDlbe&Tvade,,And VU11E, STKONG EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Orders delivered to any part of the city.

16 tf

Oj --1-

Just Received at Hoiiister & Go.'s, A assortment of


Comprising the well-know- n of







lslnnd solicited.



al tvt jS,essoiialble PrieegrWHOLESALE AND RETABL.


Grcnex-a.-1 AgeutHAccountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Lifo Insurance

Aqonts. Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

and Accounts accurately kept and pioperly adjusted.Colletions will special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. lUcords scaiclicrt mid correct Abstiacts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languapcs in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Tuxes paid and Ptopcrty safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.IFire and Life Insurance in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- o Business'transactcd with accuracy and dispatoh.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on moat favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will particular attention.

5SjT All Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

Having had an extensive business cxpeiicnco for ocr twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elscwheic, we feel competent to attend to all business of anititricato and complicated nature, or requiting met and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. Xlivwsiiimx J3iisi.iie.Sfs Ajjeiicy.ian. 8 ly

Telephone Both Companies 340.

LEWIS & CO 11 1







P. Box 2U7.


FRESH GOODS from California on ICB, by cacli steamer of the O. S. 8. Co.' - A comi'leie lisi: or .





A Very Choice Lot of W. Z. " Taranalci Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats!

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.ISflO


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island oidcrs fob.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Boi-14- Tclcpliouo No. 03. 108 ly


-- o-

11AS JUST RECEIVEDDupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poilc, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Tabic- Fruits, Germen,

Hacking & Franco American Feed Co.'s ANHort'd Souuh,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't ol Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

BST Leave your oulers, or ring up 119. -- a

"Daily Bulletin 'Summary ,'!

Will be issued on May 5th.

CO columns of iuterestiug-uews- .




The best paper to send nbroail


Under the above heading theDoncastcr Reporter of July Clli,

1887, publishes tho following in itseditorial columns

Our readers may recall the cir-

cumstance of a young clcik, namedArthur Uichold, falling insensibleon tho Wcntlcy Lane in this townsome time ago, and being pickedup, as he continued perlectiy help-

less, mid taken in a cab by two

ecntloincn to the olllcc of V. AV.

risher, Esq; the solicitor who em-

ployed him. On restoiing him toconseiouone8s it was ascertainedthat he was aflictcd with whatseemed to be an incurable disease.When he was able to speak ho

said he had been to his dinner and

and Avas on his way back to his

work, when suddenly his head wasin n whirl and ho fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked down.On coming to his senses in the soli

citor's ofllce he thought what thismight mean, and feared ho wasKoinjr to have a fit of illness, whichwe all knowtiling for a poor

is a very dreadfulman with a family

to care for.With this in his mind lie at once

sought the best medical advice,telling the doctors how he had beenattacked. They questioned him,and found that his picsent maladywas exhaustion of tue nervous sys-

tem resulting from general debility,indigestion,' and dyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement to hisdesk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. Tho coming onof this strange disease, as describedby Mr. Riohold, must be of inter-est botli to sick and well. lie hadnoticed for scvcial years picviously,in fact, that his eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; thcicwas a sticky and unpleasant slimeon the gums and teetli in themorning; the tongue coated; andthe bowels so bound and costivethat it induced that most painfuland tioublesome ailment the piles.He says there was some pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughtho liver were enlarging, ' whichproved to be the terrible fact.The secretions fiom the kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Riehold a long time, and after hisfall in the street he clearly perceivedthat the fit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadlyand deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-depsi- a.

His story of how ho wentfrom one physician to another inseal ch of a cure that his wife andlittle ones might not come to want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became loo ill to keep his situa-tion and had to give it up. Thiswas a sad calamity. He was appall-ed to think how he should be able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromthe door. He then went to the sea-

side at Walton-on-the-Naz- e, butneither the change, nor the phy-sicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availho visited London, with a sort ofvague hope that some advantagemight happen to 'him in tho metro-polis. This was in October, 188o.

How wonderful, indeed, arc theways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when we least expect it.

Whilo in London he btated his condition to a fiicnd, who stiongly ad,vised him to tiya medicine which hocalled Mother Sciyel's CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cured when every-thing else had failed. He boughta bottle of a chemist in Pimlieo, andbegan using it accoi ding to the di-

rections. He did this without faithor hope, and the public, may therefore judge of his surprise and pi ca-

sino when after taking a few doseshe felt gieat relief. Ho could catbetter ; his food distressed him less ;

the symptoms we have named abated ;

the dark spots which had floatedbefore his eyes jiko smuts of soot,gradually disappeaied, and hisstrength increased. Before tillstime his knees would knock togelhorwhenever he tried to walk. So en-

couraged .vns he now that he kepton using Mother ticiyel's CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring him.

In fapeaking of his wonderful re-covery Mr. Richold says it madehim think of poor Robinson Crusqo,and his deliverance from captivityon his island in the sea ; and added,"But for Mother Soigel's CurativeSyrup the grass would now begrowing over my grave."

Our readers can lost assured ofof the strict truth of nil the state-ments in this most remorkable ease,as Mr. Bichold (now residing atSwiss Cottage, WtUlon-on-thc-Naz-

belongs to ono of tho oldest andmost respected families in the beau-tiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by so high an authorityas the Bev. C. J. Maityn, rectorof that paiish, besides other excel-lent names. We have deemed thocaso of auph importance to the pub-lic a to jiiBtify us in giving tlijushort account of it in our columns.

January 13, 1888.


Arrivo at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

Australia ....May 1

Zealandia. May 10Austialia. May 21)

Alameda , .Tunc 7Australia. .-

-. , , . . . .June 2G

Mnripon July 5Australia July 21Zenlandia , August 2Australia August 21Alameda August 31

Austialia September 18Mariposa. , September 27Australia October 10Zealandia October 25Australia November l.'lAhuneda , November 22Austialia December 11

Loavo Honolulu tor San Francisco.

Alameda .... , MayAustralia MayMariposa. JunoAustralia. . JunoZealandia JulyAustialia JulyAlameda JulyAustralia July HIMaiiposa August 2G

Australia August 28Zealandia September 1!,5

Australia September 25Alameda October 21Aiihtr.ilia October 23Mnripoti November 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 1G

Australia December 18Alameda . . . .(1SS9) .Tunuary 13

Hell Tel. :iJH.JL O.


JUutunl Tel.Iloxil5.


88 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Busks Agency.


Conveyancing a Specially Records search-ed and abstiacts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing iu alllmigmges in geiural tibe in the King-dom.

Custom Houso brokerage Fire and LifeIusuiance receive pionipt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable piopcitics in andmound ihe city now --for sale on ersyterms.Convenient Collages in desirable healthy

locations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable i .Ucs.

Employment Wanted by scvcial men andboys, who will make themselves use-ful in performing the various officesand chores requlicd by puvate fami-lies.

Fnll paitiuulars given 011 applicationat the agency.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel.O. Bos 4fi'J.

J.E.BBOWN&CQ.,Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.




General Commission Merchants

Goiicinl Agency for llaw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with the Azoies

and Madeira.

Through tickets gi anted from Honoluluto all points East.

Accountant Depurliucnt.Merchandise stored nnil sold on coin,

misbion. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom House Business

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Jjognl Documents prepared.Averages adjusted.l'ropeities leased, rented and sold.Logul documents drawn,

To Lcl No 89 Kinau 'street; pnilor, 3bedrooms, kltphen, servant's loom,stable, carriage houso, garden, etc.Kent very moderate.

Coltago at WaikiUi, oppositeboutlij laruo yard, biuuie.session on 1st April.

Bunnyelc. l'os

IfcjEOJEJX'VJEJOBy the S. S, ''Australia" 8lh February,

--AND NOW ON SALECalifornia Orangos-"nrlm- o sample, Barrels

Saurkraut, Kens Saurkraut, Crates WhiteHeart Cabbago, Celery on Ico,

Crates Cauliflower,



A large consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, dinned Fruits, Jellies,Jame, Fronts, Jtaisins, Chestnuts, Wnlmils, Hurdnuts, AlmondnulP, OanucdTomatoes, Eto., Etc., Etc., Etc., EtcE2TL0W PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES-- n


GO King Htrcct, Honolulu, tf

Notice to the Public of these Islands

Wedding Cakes !

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for tho above arti-cle mo respectfully requested to call at tho Honolulu Pioneer Steam Canfltt li'j a! ni4 n a 1 IJrt IvrtHt 1 OJ?U It A fn m 4 At . 4 a flHtl Mllini(liAHh1uj A'.iuiui aim Aiuitui.y, crwiuuui:u iout, uuiuiu guui iu m,) ulijui uuuau,as my establishment is POSITIVELY tho only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridiculous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where n cake can bo procured to give the greatest satis-faction to tho most refined tastes, and to bo an ornament of exquisiteworkmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but bo a cicdit to the fine art of tho Confectioner, which has not only fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All att-

empts in any oilier establishment nro inferior to minennd not worth theprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over tho world a goodworkman's productions nro always cheaper than a halfmado ono's arc.Having had over half a century's practical experience tho undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of art.

XT'. HOBN,Tho onlj' Practical Confectioner in all branches ; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-

tween Fort and Nuunnu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.07


Made of the celebrated CREAM of the "Woodlawn Daily,sold at the great reduced price of



JEJST.IOJLiJlSjmSJO 1863.B3jr'As some evil disposed persons who are openly boast

ing of the intention of ruminefalsefvinjr mv GOODS and IOE CREAM I will forfeit

100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.



Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones Ifo. 74. Hotel St. bet. Muuanu & Eort St.

frlorse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and with despatch



Cooked Tarn Flour!Tho "New Process to make the Best

of Poi with hardly anytrouble. .

Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Com.TIIE of Wailuku, Haul, nill beprepared to supply the public of Hono-lulu and tho oilier Island, on the 2ndday of Apiil, 388S, with ft new prepara.tion of Tiro Flour culled COOKEDTAKO FLOUH. This aiticlo is farsupctior to tho old law Tnro Flour.This aiticle is already cooked and it re-quires hardly any worlc to make thebest ofPoi and other receipts, by add-ing Cooked Taro Flour to boiling hotwater like preparing com meal yourPoi is made at once. Those desiringbour Poi will h.ivo to let it stand 24hours. If loo thin or Kour add freshp.iste of Cooked Taio Flour. Our

with each bags will give fullIf our diicctions with each

bag aro strictly followed it will notfail to make the cleanest and best ofPoi. This now process of Cooked TaroFlour is mndo by machinery bO therecannot bo any dirtiness or Mildness inthis way of making Poi. All grocerystores will bo furnished with CookedTaro Flour on the above date. Our re-tail price per 5 lb. bag will be 40 centspor Bag in Honolulu. Any ovcr.chargowill bo refunded by notifying W. H.Cnnimings, Hell Telephone No. 323. Alloidcrs from tho other Islands can hefilled by tending your order to

. W. H. DANIELS, Manager,Wailuku, Maui,

W. H. CTJMMINGS, Agent,Honolulu.

BST" The Company is prepared if touestreu lo supply nam i'oi, not inciuu-in- g

lots of water, in ono or more barrelsor bag lots, at lowest possible prices.

W)3 ltn


rpiIE undersigned having received ex- -

jl Ausiraiia a sntnmeut ot uountcrSiphons of an iinniovcd type, are nowpicnaiocito sunny saloons and otherswith Plain Soda, Ginger Ale and TahitiLemonade put un in

70 2m

form, at low ratts.J. E, HROWN & CO.,

1'ioprictors Tahiti Lemonade Works,28 Merchant Street. 00 Ira


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale ISoat, 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Kurt Boats j1 18 feet Surf Uoat; 2 Deoked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 3 feet0 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 21 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

E,R,ltYAN..Uoat Builder and General Jobber, fil tf

'PHE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERX "Tho Dally Bulletin." 60 conts

per month.


my business ana vnianousiy

KLk, Orolk




A Specific for

RHEUMATISMHcrofiiln, Malt Jlhcuin,

Xcurnlgln, King Worm,And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.

It Regulates tho

LIVER AND KIDNEYS,OuiC3 Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising from un enfeebled con.dition of the system.

Dr. Martlnc, of London, tho celebratedspecialist, fays of PARDEE'S REMEDY :

" I have used it for twenty years forBlood Dlsenses, such as Bcrofula, Baitlthcum, Tttcr and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly,"

The Kcv, Dr. Thomas, of Hong Koug,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful mediclno for tho blood. Ihave prescribed It hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in timo It al-

ways cured the patient. I con safely saythat leprosy will never break out on per-sou- s

who tako Pardee's Itcmedy regu.larly, and I advise all persons living incountries where leprosy is provident totake Paideo's Remedy us a preventhe."

For Salo by all Druggists in Honolulu.Ap-- 4 3m

Tonsorial Artists, 88 King St

GENTLEMEN" of Honolulu: PleaseVX tako notleo that a neat BaiberShop has been opened next door to therestaurant down stairs, 88 King street,by two of the best practical Barbers intown. Gentlemen are requested to givous a trial. Wo guoranteo satisfaction.Cliildrens' hair cuttiu" a speciality.




At J. J. Iliw95 tf



Mtiny people bcliovo that Nnlurohas somewhere a remedy for everydisease So ma'nyhnd so terriblearo tho ills of life, and so slight thoplcasuro wo get as timo flics past,that such a belief 19 the least faithwe can show iu a gracious and all-wt- so

Providence. A few remediesbut, alas, how fowl have been

found. Others, so far, Ho hiddenfrom human inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly on tho heels ofthe evil an illustration of the dan-

gerous character of the ailment tobo relieved.

For example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a comparatively neio disease,growing put of tho conditions ofmodern life. It is a joint affectionof the digestive organs and of thonervous system. Thcso two wereformerly treated as separate ail-

ments, and it was loft for tho clear-

sighted thinkers to prove that thobasis of this torrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in tho disordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus : "If wo can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate the oxcretivo organs todrive out of the body the poisonouswnsto matters which remain afterthe life-givin- g elements of the foodhave been absorbed, we shall haveconquered Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Exhaustion." And theywere right. Knowing tho infalliblepower of Sicgel's Syrup in less com-

plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed tho remedy in hundredsof cases which had been pronouncedincurable with perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost becalled a peculiarly English disease;To a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world are there somany insane asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms nro these; frequent or continual headache ; a dull pain at thebase of the brain; bad breath;nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep; disgust with food even when,weak from tho need of it; stickyand slimy matter on the teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeet ; constipation ; dry or roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and oppressive and sadforebodings and fear.

All this terrible group MotherSiegel's Curative Syrup removes byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of tho foodthat build up and strengthen thesystem aro sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes oflife's fire) which, unremoved poisonand kill, aro expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and prostratednerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As tho re-

sult, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thasufferer, who has perhaps abandonedall hopo of ever seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigel's Curative Syrupis for sale by all chemists and medi-cine vendors, and by the proprietors,A. J. White, Limited, 35, Farring-do- n

Road, London.January 13, 1888.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing Forge,Fort St., Xoxt Lucas' Mill.

Shoeing, from $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

IU'Hidence: :il Alnkca Street,j?. o. BOX. dOS.


Yosemite Skating

Skating! Skating! Skating!Corner Queen & Richard Streets,

Will ho open every evening from 7 to0:30 r. m.

MUSIOi Tuesdaysevening for tho Public

Mid SaturdaysIn General,

THOBIA8 13. WJ1X.I1CQ1 Proprietor. ly




'' T xL ?JUfU fc'Q k Jo.., J i.!?W' . : , im: iiASMmmU.-M- -

i. .