


Document about Musiclab, a project of Citilab-Cornella

Transcript of Musiclab

Musiclab is a project promoted by Sergio Ramos and Santi Sánchez and produced by the Social Media Lab at Citilab-Cornella. It offers multidisciplinary and multistylistic online music content that can be used as teaching material in education centers and to promote cultural activity in general. Musiclab tries to explore the possibilities offered by digital tools as vehicles for knowledge. In addition, Musiclab is a virtual space where participation, interaction and innovation take place. It stimulates interactive participation between music schools, it provides online music pedagogy, it hands multimedia tools to the participants, and it's also a place where you can learn about different aspects of the artistic musical creation, management, promotion, among others.


The objective of the Musiclab project is to make available to everyone the knowledge required to promote musical practice by creating a network of centers interested in musical pedagogic content. Thus, it is intended that these online music sessions serve as a complement for the teaching programs of the centers involved, offering new perspectives to help the diversity and dynamism of music formation.


The pedagogic sessions of Musiclab are conducted by renowned arists and are opened to live interaction between the participating centers. Classes are divided in four part. The first part is a lecture coducted by the artist. Then there is a brief pause to let the centers think about what they would like to comment or ask to the musician. The third phase involves a face to face interaction between the different centers and the musician. And finally there is a summary of the most important concepts that have been discussed during the session.

These sessions are based on a live music masterclass broadcast. A coordinator in each one of the four participant centers conducts the session and dynamically guides the questions raised by the students to the musician, who answers live from the studio at Citilab-Cornella.


Musiclab also has Musical Online Community, a site where, in addition to all the pedagogic sessions, you can find other music related content, such as interviewis to musicians, an online TV channel, and participation in musical events.