Musical(Artwork( Name:(Crystal(Whitehill( Grade ...

Musical Artwork Name: Crystal Whitehill Grade: Kindergarten Date: November 17, 2014 Content Area: Visual Arts Duration: 1 hour Materials needed: Tempera Paint Newspaper Paper Plates Construction Paper Sponges Straws QTips Legos Cookie Cutters Bottle caps Music with Speaker Stickers with Students’ Names Chart Paper (for Teacher) Markers (for Teacher) Pictures of Tools (sponges, straws, QTips, Legos, cookie cutters, bottle caps) Guiding Questions: What kinds of tools can we use to paint with? Can we work together to create a piece of artwork? Enduring understanding: I can use different types of tools to paint with other than a paintbrush. I can create a unique piece of artwork with my friends. What component/s will be the lesson focus? Painting Strategy or skill emphasis Painting with a variety of developmentally appropriate tools Purpose of lesson The purpose of this lesson is to show students that they can paint with many different types of materials/tools other than a paintbrush. Working in table groups, students will create six pieces of artwork using various tools (sponges, straws, Qtips, Legos, cookie cutters, bottle caps). Rotating around their table, each student will be given the opportunity to use all six tools to create their table’s artwork.

Transcript of Musical(Artwork( Name:(Crystal(Whitehill( Grade ...

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Musical  Artwork    Name:  Crystal  Whitehill   Grade:  Kindergarten  

Date:  November  17,  2014   Content  Area:  Visual  Arts  

Duration:  1  hour  

Materials  needed:    • Tempera  Paint  • Newspaper  • Paper  Plates  • Construction  Paper  • Sponges  • Straws  • Q-­‐Tips  • Legos  • Cookie  Cutters  • Bottle  caps  • Music  with  Speaker  • Stickers  with  Students’  Names  • Chart  Paper  (for  Teacher)  • Markers  (for  Teacher)  • Pictures  of  Tools  (sponges,  straws,  Q-­‐Tips,  Legos,  cookie  cutters,  bottle  caps)  

     Guiding  Questions:  What  kinds  of  tools  can  we  use  to  paint  with?    Can  we  work  together  to  create  a  piece  of  artwork?  

Enduring  understanding:    I  can  use  different  types  of  tools  to  paint  with  other  than  a  paintbrush.    I  can  create  a  unique  piece  of  artwork  with  my  friends.  

What  component/s  will  be  the  lesson  focus?    • Painting  

Strategy  or  skill  emphasis  • Painting  with  a  variety  of  

developmentally  appropriate  tools  

Purpose  of  lesson  The  purpose  of  this  lesson  is  to  show  students  that  they  can  paint  with  many  different  types  of  materials/tools  other  than  a  paintbrush.    Working  in  table  groups,  students  will  create  six  pieces  of  artwork  using  various  tools  (sponges,  straws,  Q-­‐tips,  Legos,  cookie  cutters,  bottle  caps).    Rotating  around  their  table,  each  student  will  be  given  the  opportunity  to  use  all  six  tools  to  create  their  table’s  artwork.  

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Language  modalities  to  be  used  in  this  lesson:    Speaking,  Listening  

Critical  Thinking  Skills  ACEI  3.3-­‐Critical  thinking,  problem  solving  and  performance  skills.    

• Understanding  • Applying  • Analyzing  • Evaluating  • Creating  

Student  Engagement  Techniques  and  Grouping  ACEI  3.4-­‐Active  Engagement  in  Learning  

• Small  Groups  • Pair-­‐Share  • Kinesthetic  (Movement)  Activity  


DIFFERENTIATION  PLAN  ACEI  3.2  Adaptation  to  diverse  students.  

Identify  type  of  learner  (ELL,  SPED,  Accelerated  Learners,  

Striving  learners,  504  students,  reading)  

List  type  of  differentiation  (learning  environment,  content,  

process,  product,  performance  task)  

Instructional  approach  (Write  the  instructional  

approach/accommodations  that  will  be  used  for  these  learners)  

Students  who  are  still  developing  their  fine  motor  


Process   • Students  will  be  given  extra  assistance  holding  and  painting  with  tools.  

ELL  &  SPED     Process   • Students  will  be  given  individual  assistance  on  how  they  can  paint  with  the  tools.  

Accelerated  Learners   Product   • Students  will  be  asked  to  create  patterns  with  the  tools.  

Students  with  Behavioral  Problems  

Learning  Environment   • Students  will  be  given  more  guidance  from  the  teacher  in  the  form  of  reminders  to  stay  on  task.  

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1. Standards/Benchmarks/GLOs  ACEI  2.1-­‐2.4  Content  Area  Knowledge.    List  CCSS,  HCPS  III,  HELDS,  GLOs  

HCPS  III  FA.K.1.2:  How  the  Arts  are  Organized  -­‐  Use  developmentally  appropriate  art  media,  tools,  and  processes  (I  can  use  different  types  of  tools  to  paint.)    GLO  #2:  Community  Contributor  (I  can  paint  pieces  of  artwork  with  my  friends.)    GLO  #5:  Effective  Communicator  (I  can  listen  to  and  follow  directions.    I  can  share  my  ideas  with  a  friend  and  listen  to  their  ideas  without  interrupting  him/her.)  

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2. Assessment  Task  (ACEI  4-­‐Informal  and  formal  assessment.  Candidate  plans  appropriate  formative  and  summative  assessments  to  guide  and  assess  student  learning,  including  criteria)  

Working  in  table  groups,  students  will  create  six  pieces  of  artwork  using  various  tools  (sponges,  straws,  Q-­‐tips,  Legos,  cookie  cutters,  bottle  caps).    Rotating  around  their  table,  each  student  will  be  given  the  opportunity  to  use  all  six  tools  to  create  their  table’s  artwork.    During  the  closure,  students  will  pair-­‐share  about  their  favorite  tool  they  used  to  paint  and  justify  their  opinion  with  a  reason.    Anecdotal  notes  will  be  used  as  a  formative  assessment.    A  checklist  including  criteria  for  finished  student  work  samples  and  justifications  for  what  students  liked  about  their  table’s  paintings  will  be  used  as  a  summative  assessment.  

3.  Activities/Instructional  Strategies  (ACEI  3.1:  Knowledge  of  students  and  community;  integration  of  knowledge  for  instruction;  ACEI  3.3:  Critical  thinking,  problem  solving  and  performance  skills;  ACEI  3.4:  Active  engagement  in  learning;  ACEI  3.5:  Communication  to  foster  learning)  

*To  Prepare  Before  the  Lesson  -­‐  Cover  students’  desks  with  newspapers.  -­‐  Place  one  type  of  tool  per  desk  on  newspapers  (Each  desk  will  have  a  different  tool).  -­‐  Pour  an  ample  amount  of  different  colored  paint  on  paper  plates  and  place  one  plate  down  between  two  desks  (2  students  will  share  1  plate  of  paint).  -­‐  Place  one  piece  of  construction  paper  on  each  student’s  desk.  -­‐  Set  up  speakers  in  an  area  where  students  can  hear  music  clearly  during  the  activity.    1. Introduction  (1  minute):  

a. Gather  students’  attention  using  attention  getter.  i. If  you  can  hear  me,  touch  your  body  part  (ex.  head,  nose).    If  you  can  hear  

me,  hold  up  (number  from  1-­‐10)  fingers.    After  stating  three  directions,  the  students  should  have  their  eyes  on  the  teacher  and  they  should  not  be  talking.  

b. Introduce  the  lesson  to  the  students.  i. Today  we  will  be  learning  about  painting  with  different  tools.    Then  you  will  

work  together  with  the  friends  at  your  table  to  paint  a  picture  using  the  different  tools.  

c. Share  “I  Can”  statements  of  what  students  will  learn.  i. I  can  use  different  types  of  tools  to  paint.  (FA.K.1.2:  How  the  Arts  are  

Organized  -­‐  Use  developmentally  appropriate  art  media,  tools,  and  processes.)  

ii. I  can  paint  pieces  of  artwork  with  my  friends.  (GLO  #2:  Community  Contributor)  

iii. I  can  listen  to  and  follow  directions.    I  can  share  my  ideas  with  a  friend  and  listen  to  their  ideas  without  interrupting  him/her.  (GLO  #5:  Effective  Communicator)  

 2. Building  background  (3  minutes):  

a. Ask  students,  what  kinds  of  tools  can  we  use  to  paint  with?  b. Call  on  3-­‐4  students  who  are  sitting  quietly  and  have  their  hands  raised  to  share  

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their  answers.  c. Explain  to  students  that  people  can  use  different  tools  to  paint  and  that  they  will  be  

shown  some  tools  that  they  might  recognize.    3. Focus/Mini  lesson  (I  do)  (10  minutes):    

a. Introduce  and  show  students  the  six  tools  that  they  will  be  using  to  paint  their  pictures.  

i. We  will  be  using  six  tools  to  paint  today.    The  tools  that  we  will  be  using  are  sponges,  straws,  Q-­‐tips,  Legos,  cookie  cutters,  and  bottle  caps.  

b. Model  for  students  the  various  ways  that  each  tool  can  be  used  to  paint.    Demonstrate  each  tool  by  painting  with  each  tool  on  a  piece  of  construction  paper.  

i. Sponges:  The  sponges  can  be  used  to  paint  a  cool  bumpy  pattern  on  your  paper.    To  use  the  sponge,  hold  it  with  your  fingers  and  dip  it  into  the  paint.    Then  you  can  press  it  softly  or  hard  onto  your  paper.    If  you  press  soft,  you  can  see  where  all  the  holes  were  in  the  sponge.    If  you  press  hard,  you  cannot  see  where  any  of  the  holes  were.    

ii. Straws:  The  straws  can  be  used  in  three  different  ways.    You  can  hold  the  straw  like  a  pencil  and  paint  with  it  like  a  paintbrush.    You  can  also  make  circles  by  pressing  the  open  ends  of  the  straw  on  your  paper.    If  you  use  the  side  of  the  straw,  you  can  roll  it  on  your  paper  or  make  long  lines.  

iii. Q-­‐Tips:  If  you  hold  the  Q-­‐Tip  like  a  pencil,  it  can  be  used  like  a  paintbrush  too.    You  can  paint  lines  or  dots  on  your  paper.  

iv. Legos:  You  can  use  any  side  of  the  Lego  to  paint.    You  can  use  the  top  to  make  circles.    You  can  use  the  bottom  to  make  circles  too,  but  these  circles  have  no  paint  inside.    You  can  use  the  sides  to  make  rectangles.  

v. Cookie  Cutters:  You  can  use  the  front  or  the  back  of  the  cookie  cutters  to  make  different  shapes.  

vi. Bottle  caps:  Just  like  the  Legos,  you  can  use  any  side  of  the  bottle  cap  to  paint.    If  you  use  the  top,  you  can  paint  a  circle  on  your  paper.    If  you  use  the  bottom,  you  can  paint  a  circle  with  no  paint  inside.    If  you  use  the  side,  you  can  see  all  the  little  lines  on  your  paper.  

c. Inform  students  that  they  are  only  allowed  to  paint  on  their  paper.    When  painting,  they  are  not  to  touch  their  clothes  or  their  neighbors  because  paint  will  stain  their  clothes.    

d. Ask  students  if  they  have  any  questions.    

4. Guided  practice  (We  do)  (9  minutes):    a. Explain  to  students  that  they  will  be  working  together  with  the  people  at  their  table  

to  paint  six  pictures  using  sponges,  straws,  Q-­‐Tips,  Legos,  cookie  cutters,  and  bottle  caps.  

b. Explain  to  students  that  we  will  make  painting  their  pictures  a  “game”.  c. Inform  students  of  the  directions  for  the  “game”.  

i. For  this  game,  we  need  to  be  good  listeners.    We  will  use  music  to  help  us  during  the  game.    When  you  hear  the  music  playing,  use  the  tool  at  your  desk  

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to  paint.    When  you  hear  the  music  stop,  you  will  put  your  tool  down  on  the  newspaper  that  is  on  your  desk,  stop  talking,  and  listen  to  my  directions.    If  you  are  not  following  directions  or  are  still  talking  when  the  music  stops,  you  will  sit  on  the  side  for  a  minute  and  watch  everyone  else  paint.  

d. Ask  students  to  repeat  directions.  i. What  do  you  do  when  you  hear  the  music  playing?  (Use  the  tool  at  my  desk  

to  paint.)  ii. What  do  you  do  when  the  music  stops?  (Put  my  tool  down  on  the  newspaper,  

stop  talking,  and  listen  to  the  next  directions.)  iii. What  will  happen  if  you  are  not  following  directions  or  are  still  talking  when  

the  music  stops?  (Sit  on  the  side  for  a  minute  and  watch  everyone  else  paint.)  e. Inform  students  that  they  are  going  to  practice  the  game.  f. Ask  students  to  stand  at  their  desk  behind  their  chair  quietly  and  wait  for  

instructions  once  they  are  sent  back  to  their  desk.  g. Send  students  who  are  sitting  quietly  back  to  their  desk.  h. Use  attention  getter  to  gather  students’  attention  if  needed.  i. Explain  to  students  that  they  are  going  to  pick  up  the  tool  at  their  desk  and  pretend  

to  paint  on  their  construction  paper  when  they  hear  the  music  playing.  i.  I  am  going  to  start  the  music.    When  you  hear  the  music  playing,  pick  up  the  

tool  at  your  desk  and  pretend  you  are  painting  on  your  paper.    Don’t  put  the  paint  on  your  tools  yet.    When  the  music  stops  playing,  put  your  tools  down  on  the  newspaper  on  your  desk  and  listen  quietly  for  the  next  directions.  

j. Answer  any  questions  students  may  have.  k. Start  the  music  and  observe  students  pretending  to  paint.    Play  music  for  15  

seconds.      l. Stop  the  music  and  wait  for  students  to  quiet  down.  m. Explain  to  students  that  when  the  music  stops  they  will  move  over  one  desk.  

i. When  the  music  stops,  you  will  change  spots  and  move  over  one  desk.    If  you  don’t  know  which  desk  to  move  to,  raise  your  hand  and  I  will  tell  you.  

n. Ask  students  to  move  one  desk  to  right.    Help  students  who  don’t  know  which  desk  to  move  to.  

o. Inform  students  that  we  are  going  to  practice  again.  i. I  am  going  to  play  the  music  again  and  we  are  going  to  pretend  to  paint  with  

another  tool.    p. Remind  students  of  the  directions  for  what  to  do  when  the  music  stops.  q. Play  music  for  15  seconds  again  and  stop  music.    Wait  for  students  to  put  their  tools  

down  and  quiet  down.    Ask  students  to  move  one  desk  to  the  right.  r. Inform  students  that  we  will  practice  two  more  times.  s. Allow  students  to  practice  two  more  times  with  the  music  playing  for  15  seconds  

each  time.    5. Work  Time    (27  minutes):  6. Collaborative  Group  work    (You  do  it  together)  (27  minutes):  

a. Inform  students  that  they  will  now  be  painting  on  their  own.  

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b. Ask  students  if  they  have  any  questions.  c. Inform  students  that  the  music  will  start  playing.  d. Play  music  for  two  minutes  while  students  paint.  e. Stop  music.    Tell  students  to  put  their  tool  down  and  move  one  desk  to  the  right.  f. Explain  to  students  that  they  will  now  be  using  a  different  tool  to  paint  on  the  paper  

at  their  new  desk.  g. Repeat  this  process  five  more  times  until  students  have  had  the  opportunity  to  use  

all  six  tools  to  paint.  h. Gather  students’  attention  using  attention  getter.  i. Ask  students  to  place  their  tools  in  the  sink  when  they  are  excused  to  wash  their  

hands.  j. Excuse  students  to  wash  their  hands  one  table  at  a  time.  k. Inform  students  that  when  they  are  finished  washing  their  hands,  they  should  sit  

and  quietly  wait  at  their  spots  on  the  carpet.    7. Closure  (10  minutes):    

a. Gather  students’  attention.  b. Show  students  a  chart  with  pictures  of  all  of  the  tools  that  they  used  to  paint  their  

pictures.  c. Inform  students  that  they  will  be  given  a  sticker  with  their  name  on  it.    They  will  

place  their  sticker  in  the  box  indicating  the  tool  that  was  their  favorite.  d. Allow  students  one  at  a  time  to  place  their  stickers  on  the  chart.  e. Ask  students  to  turn  to  one  of  their  neighbors.    This  person  will  be  their  partner.  f. Assign  pairs  if  students  cannot  find  a  partner.  g. Ask  students  to  pair-­‐share  what  their  favorite  tool  to  use  was  and  explain  why  it  was  

their  favorite.    Remind  students  to  really  listen  to  what  their  partner  is  saying  and  not  interrupt  their  partner  when  their  partner  is  speaking.  

h. Ask  3-­‐4  students  to  share  their  answers  with  the  class.  i. Explain  to  students  that  we  learned  about  new  tools  that  we  can  use  to  paint  and  

that  we  can  work  together  to  paint  a  picture.    We  also  learned  to  share  our  ideas  with  one  another.  

j. Tell  students  that  they  will  be  called  to  explain  what  they  liked  about  their  table’s  paintings  at  a  later  time.  

k. Dismiss  students  for  the  next  activity.    *After  the  Lesson:  -­‐  Paste  finished  student  work  on  four  separate  chart  papers  (one  chart  paper  for  each  table).  -­‐  Ask  students  to  look  at  their  table’s  finished  work  samples  and  share  one  thing  that  they  liked  about  their  table’s  paintings.  -­‐  Write  students’  answers  down  on  the  bottom  of  the  chart  paper,  below  the  work  samples.  -­‐  Display  student  work  around  the  classroom.  

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Teacher  Assessment  Tool:  Anecdotal  Notes  (Formative)    



Name:     Name:      

Name:   Name:   Name:   Name:  

Name:   Name:   Name:   Name:  

Name:   Name:   Name:   Name:  

Name:   Name:   Name:   Name:  


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Teacher  Assessment  Tool:  Checklist  (Summative)  Y  =  Yes,  S  =  Sometimes,  N  =  No  *  =  With  teacher  assistance  

    FA.K.1.2:  How  

the  Arts  are  Organized  –  Use  developmentally  appropriate  art  media,  tools  and  processes  

GLO  #2:  Community  Contributor  

GLO  #5:  Effective  Communicator  

Name   Uses  various  tools  appropriately  

Paints  on  all  papers  at  table  

Paints  when  music  is  playing  

Stops  painting  when  music  is  not  playing  

Shares  ideas  with  partner  

Listens  to  partner  without  interrup-­‐ting  

Able  to  explain  and  justify  what  he/she  liked  about  table’s  paintin-­‐gs  



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Pictures  Used  for  Chart  of  Tools ­‐reviews/research-­‐institute/sanitizing-­‐germy-­‐




