Musical instruments



a ppt on musical instruments would be better if you download it and watch coz there are many animations and sounds related to the instruments....i hope u enjoy...........

Transcript of Musical instruments


2. INTRODUCTIONANY DEVICE WHICHCREATES SOUNDACTS AS A MUSICALINSTRUMENTIT IS THROUGH THEPURPOSE WHICHMAKES IT ANINSTRUMENTS 3. TYPES Woodwinds Brass Strings Percussion 4. WOODWINDS 5. -Made up of wood-Pipe like hollow structure-Have holes in it-Sound is created when air columninside vibrates 6. No ReedSingle ReedDouble ReedPiccolo Flute ClarinetSaxophone OboeBassoon 7. -High sound-Many keys-No reed-Usually made out ofmetal-Played sideways 8. Developed in France in17th centuryDouble reed instrument 9. Saxophone 10. Sometimes called brass wind instruments. Consists of long metal tube with a mouthpieceand a bell-shaped opening Player blows into a mouthpiece to create thetone To produce sound player buzzes his lips into themouthpiece and causes the air inside to vibrate Bell helps to make tone louder and create qualityof tone 11. TRUMPET BRASS FAMILY Highest soundinginstrument of thebrass family cup shapemouthpiece Buzz lips to play 3 keys or valves 12. Shapes are similar but sizes vary from small tolarge pitch low if string is long and heavy pitch high if string is shorter and lighter Tone produced by vibrations or motion of thestrings pulling the bow across or plucking thestrings. 13. GUITARGuitars strings are plucked orstrummed and thus sound iscreatedThe modern form of the guitarwas developed in Spain in late1800sGuitar typically has six strings (E,A, D, G, B, E), but four, seven,eight, ten, eleven, twelve,thirteen and eighteen stringguitars also exist. 14. BASS STRING FAMILY 4th largest Very low sound Stand to play Four strings Use a stick called a bow or Pizzicato (pluck to play) 15. VIOLIN STRING FAMILY Smallest string instrument in the orchestra High sound Four strings Use a stick called a bow or Pizzicato (pluck to play) Place under chin to play 16. Played by either striking, shaking or scraping. Involves the use of sticks Three types of percussion are there 17. SNARE DRUM PERCUSSION FAMILY Played with 2 sticks Snares or coiled wires arestretched across bottom Plays various rhythmicpatterns A drum it is 18. TYMPANI OR KETTLEDRUM A type of the drum Large copper orfiberglass bowl withhead of calf skin orplastic Pedals at bottomloosen or tighten thehead to changepitches 19. CYMBALS Auxiliary 2 circular brass plates ofequal size Can have many size pairsof cymbals May be struck together orhit or brushed with astick 20. XYLOPHONE Mallet Was invented in Indonesia Sound is created by hitting the bars